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Do you consider Wintreath to be your online home?
Posts: 4 Views: 458

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • For a few years now, I've wanted to put together a sort of Wintreath journaling group...a group where there would be journal prompts, and the group would take time to answer and then discuss. The prompts would be more personal than the questions you see on the NationStates RMB...nothing too personal mind you, just that they would be geared toward getting to know the people behind the screen and hopefully fostering comradery and friendships beyond being mere regionmates.

    But the time's never seemed right...things were too chaotic in the community, then things were inactive and slow...but now I wonder if the time might be right. This isn't starting the group itself, it's more...gauging what interest there might be in such prompts. So I thought I'd start with this one.

    The seed that spawned ideas that came about later like minimalist governance and rough consensuses came from the thought I had that Wintreath should be ran more like a home of housemates rather than a nation. If we were all living together and discussing issues, how would that happen? I imagined that there might be some system for deciding, but that the process would be more informal and driven more by discussion than by elections or appointments. And I guess whatever ambitions I've ever had for Wintreath in the past, the core one has always been that it'd be like an online home to those who are here regularly.

    So my question you consider Wintreath to be your online home? If so, why? If not, what community do you consider to be your online home (if you feel comfortable sharing) and why is that?
    2 people like this post: U.H.L, taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • For a few years now, I've wanted to put together a sort of Wintreath journaling group...a group where there would be journal prompts, and the group would take time to answer and then discuss. The prompts would be more personal than the questions you see on the NationStates RMB...nothing too personal mind you, just that they would be geared toward getting to know the people behind the screen and hopefully fostering comradery and friendships beyond being mere regionmates.

    But the time's never seemed right...things were too chaotic in the community, then things were inactive and slow...but now I wonder if the time might be right. This isn't starting the group itself, it's more...gauging what interest there might be in such prompts. So I thought I'd start with this one.

    The seed that spawned ideas that came about later like minimalist governance and rough consensuses came from the thought I had that Wintreath should be ran more like a home of housemates rather than a nation. If we were all living together and discussing issues, how would that happen? I imagined that there might be some system for deciding, but that the process would be more informal and driven more by discussion than by elections or appointments. And I guess whatever ambitions I've ever had for Wintreath in the past, the core one has always been that it'd be like an online home to those who are here regularly.

    So my question you consider Wintreath to be your online home? If so, why? If not, what community do you consider to be your online home (if you feel comfortable sharing) and why is that?
    Wintreath is the main online home for me, because I can always come back to here, and not matter what I'll be treated as a human being. Honestly, Wintreath is quite literally the equivalent of roomates in an apartment.
    2 people like this post: taulover, Wintermoot
    Mania Sims
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    • Wintreath Nation
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  • Esteemed Theocratic Diplomat
  • Oh, totally. I feel at home in two places and two places only - in my house and in Wintreath

    I was randomly searching for sim games - online and on Steam - when I found NS. A few minutes later, I was part of Wintreath, although it took a week or so for me to obtain citizenship (due to my somewhat oddly high level of digital security) and join the Discord (because I was scared to for some reason). 

    I can see now that those thoughts were totally wrong. I feel at home in Wintreath, and can't imagine being anywhere else. I log on, almost daily, check the Discord, log on to the MC server and have a great time. I think this is mainly due to how Wintreath is very welcoming (although I will say that it's an unspoken type of welcoming). Wintreath is just a great place, for everyone except complete trolls to come and have fun, whether that be through chatting, gaming or anything really. 

    Semper fi, Wintreath.

    - U.H.L
    2 people like this post: taulover, Wintermoot
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    • Esteemed Theocratic Diplomat
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • It was awesome reading both of your replies! @U.H.L, there's nothing wrong with having high digital security in this day and age, but I'm glad we were able to work through things so you could become a Citizen. =]

    Wintreath has been my online home from the very's the only community that I consistently post in, and the one where I express my thoughts and feelings most freely. In fact, at times it's felt more like home than my actual offline home. It's both a place that I'm proud to be a leader of and a place where I feel that I've grown as a person. It's where I feel like I can most make a difference in a way that touches other people.

    What can I say? It's home.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,494
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