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Wintreath Space Expeditions (Backstory Logs Revived!)
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Heres the revived backstory logs thread.
(Note: Backup. Written by Laurentus)

Recording of detective De Vries' interview with Hendrik after the bar fight that got him arrested

De Vries: "Good day, mr. Wolfskemer. I'm detective De Vries. I'm here to ask you a few questions about the night of the incident. I'm told you waited at the bar and even called an ambulance for the deceased, though he died before the ambulance got there. Not many people would have done that."

Hendrik: "I didn't call the ambulance for his sake. I called it for his wife."

De Vries: "I'm... confused. You called it for his wife?"

Hendrik: "I don't want to talk about it. You can ask her all about it."

De Vries: "I've already interviewed the deceased's wife. She claims that you attacked the deceased unprovoked, and then stabbed him in the neck with a broken bottle."

Hendrik: "Then I guess that's what happened. Case closed. Just lock me up and go home."

De Vries: "Mr. Wolfskemer, you're making this worse for yourself. Her story didn't make any sense. She couldn't explain the fresh bruise on her eye, and her testimony of the sequence of events just didn't fit the evidence. The deceased's knife contains your blood, and as far as we can tell, it is what caused that gash down your right shoulder blade. It is obvious that you were attacked by the deceased, despite his wife's claims. What I don't understand is why you want to hide this. We already know the deceased was the son of a local crime lord."

Hendrik: "Your persistence is going to get that woman killed."

De Vries: "Mr. Wolfskemer, we found the wife's fingerprints on the broken bottle piece that killed the deceased. We already know what happened."

Hendrik: "Detective. Please. Don't do this. You know what a scum bag that man was. If I take the fall for this, I can call my father and get transferred into the military as a pilot."

De Vries: "Mr. Wolfskemer, you don't owe this woman anything. You met her that night."

Hendrik: "I'm not doing this just for her sake. I'm doing it for my own. I have an IQ of 147, and all I've managed to do since the age of nineteen was get drunk every night in some new bar, and occasionally get laid in some new city. Me taking the fall for this will save that woman's life. You know you can't protect her in prison, or in witness protection. And I need to get my life back on track. My father is a powerful man."

De Vries: "I know. Your father pulled strings to get me assigned to this case. He wanted to see what type of man you've become. Let me make this very clear: if I "arrange" the evidence to make this look like an accidental killing on your part, your father has made his wishes clear that you will finish your pilot training. Do you understand?"

[Short silence]

Hendrik: "I understand. Do it."
Colonel's Log:


It has been 10 days after the incident... It has slowly been creeping into my mind. Like this, I can't continue. High Command has noticed that my ability is decreasing. I might be able to recover, but I fear I cannot escape the guilt.


Another incident has happened... So much blood has been spilled. This war is pointless! I can not do anything. Its all my fault, all those lives I can't save under my command. My military term is almost up. I will retire after that. I will not participate anymore in this struggle. No more lives shall be lost than can be helped.
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  • Recorded conversation between Dr Curtis Lloyd (Chief Science Officer of the UGC) and Issac Leland(UGC Executive, in charge of Special Projects) 15 years ago.

    DR.CL: Something isn't right, Leland. Its beginning to think for itself.

    IL: Thats impossible. Its a bloody robot, just get it back in line.

    DR.CL: Things are not that simple. Its beginning to go off the reservation. Disappear for periods of time and return saying that it needed "data on its surroundings". Leland, its not supposed to do that. It wasnt even supposed to leave HQ! If people see a 7 foot tall death machine walking around, questions will be asked. If anyone finds out we built an assassin robot...

    IL: No one will find out, your overreacting, man. It has its concealment protocols, it knows hot to blend in, how to pretend to be a service bot. Besides, your acting like its a thinking thing. It has no AI.

    DR.CL: Yes it does. IT CREATED ONE FOR ITSELF. Dont you see? We built such a sophisticated processor, it created its own personality!

    IL: How sure are you?

    DR.CL: I cant find it for sure, but everytime I run diagnostics on 07,  I find little ghosts in the machine. Junk code, missing parameters that reappear the next time I run diagnostics. I honestly think that its thinking for itself now, Leland.

    IL: If you honestly believe that, why the hell did you bring it here?

    DR.CL: What?

    IL: I saw it in the hotel. I thought you brought it. The board had a fun time marveling at it.

    DR.CL: Oh god, we gotta get out of here! If it came here, its going...

    [Conversation becomes inaudible as participants leave the room. 3 minutes later, the Innsmouth Hotel was bombed and leveled, killing over 300 people, including the entire UGC board of directors and Curtis Lloyd. Recording is included with files on the ongoing investigation into the bombing]
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • Videos of Nomination Days, Witchmond

    Announcer: Before we nominate one of our many brave volunteers, lets take a moment to give our appreciation to them!

    *Crowd cheers*

    Announcer: And now! The nominated volunteer shall be...

    *Drum rolls*

    Announcer: FERN HUN!

    *Crowd cheers once again*

    Interviewer: So Fern Hun, how do you feel being nominated to join the USS Wintreath?

    Fern Hun: I'm speechless, not much else to say on that.

    Interviewer: Why did you volunteer to join the USS Wintreath?

    Fern Hun: At the time, I noticed the lack of scientists aboard this expedition. So, I decided to contribute my knowledge and help research about new materials, substances, and lifeforms. Also, unlike the other scientists, I was once of the few with gun training.

    Interviewer: What do you hope to find upon these expeditions?

    Fern Hun: I hope that we can simply find new recourses and possibly other lifeforms, not too much to ask for.

    Interviewer: You and most of the crew are not expected to come back to the Planet of Wintreath, what are your thoughts on that?

    Fern Hun: Although I will definitely miss my wife, there will not be many other downsides to this. Besides, it would be cool to come back, if I ever do, and see how Witchmond has advanced.

    *Shuttle plane arrives*

    Interviewer: Thank you Mr. Hun for letting me interview you. Your first of 10 planes scheduled to take you to the Wintermootery of The Winter Nomad has arrived.

    Fern Hun: You are welcome.

    *Leaves and enters plane*

    Fern Hun: 10 flights? That's going to be longer than I expected it to take.
    T'was the year of Wintreath!
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    Shall we revive these after we finish the current situation? 
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
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    Speaker of the 21st Underhusen: 10 April 2017 - 10 June 2017
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    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
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    Shall we revive these after we finish the current situation?


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