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Thane's Reports - Happenings in the World Assembly
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  • Count of Highever
  • Thank you, PB, this was hilarious.

    And yes, I don't really think he should get condemned when it was the stupidity of the GA that led to this nonsense.

    I actually feel like writing a tongue-in-cheek proposal condemning the General Assembly.
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    • Count of Highever
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  • While the condemnation is somewhat absurd, I can undstand the actions against Bitley and feel they were somewhat somewhat justified. Bitley himself refused to listen to advice over and over until everyone realized that he was not going to listen and didn't want to. After that people started getting fed up with his bullshit, with him going as far as to break the rules and then blame the WA Elites, because he failed to read the fucking rules. He also ignored the rules when he wanted to, but if he could use them he would (even using the mods as a weapon in one instance (This can be seen on his IBS proposal)).
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • It would have been easy to argue at the start that  Bitely was naive and ignorant of the rules, but after his ejection from the WA and his other stunts, its getting harder and harder to defend his actions as innocent mistakes.
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  • You tell a good story. :P

    It's just another example of how stamps are making this game worse...without the ability to pay money to get his message to every WA nation, there is a good chance this wouldn't have passed. It's pretty much the same as all the virtually dead regions that are allowed to compete with hardworking and active regions in recruitment because they're willing to spend a few dozen dollars a month on stamps. And since NationStates is making shitloads of money on this don't expect it to change anytime soon. Stamps are slowly killing many aspects of NationStates, and it's disappointing that it extends to the WA.

    While that whole mess is really unfortunate, the group that really deserves condemnation is the NationStates administration for turning NationStates into a pay to win game.

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  • I noticed that exact phenomenon last night while I was recruiting, WM. The same 2 or 3 regions kept popping up, and no, I'm not talking about the feeders. They were totally insignificant regions who were snatching up new nations left and right because of stamps. There's really no other way such small regions could be so successful.
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  • When I joined NS before stamps, I got recruitment telegrams from three regions: Spiritus, Mordor, and I think Right to Life. These were all regions that were active, had functioning governments, and had someone either manually recruiting or had set up their own API script, which means that the regions had the infrastructure to support and integrate new people that came to the regions. But now, any region can recruit and it doesn't matter how active or how much work has gone behind the region...the administration said it would equalize things and make it easier for smaller or newer regions, but what it's done is allowed dead regions to remain competitive because someone is willing to spend the money. Not even counting puppet regions, probably 30 percent of nations in the top 100 have no forum or RMB activity.

    Ultimately, it's a disservice to the regions that work hard to provide a great place for new nations and players, and a disservice to new players that may end up in a dead region without knowing there's better out there. But it's great for the people that rake in the money from this, so don't expect it to change anytime soon.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Didn't you buy stamps for Wintreath initially though?
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I did, until I felt like it wasn't worth spending $30/month for.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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