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MMO Recommendations
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  • I'm in the mood to play a MMO...preferably something fantasy themed. Does anyone have a recommendation for one to try? I'm looking for something preferably without a monthly subscription and is as close to free as possible. Constraints of the budget and all that. :P

    I've previously played Ultima Online and private World of Warcraft servers, but I've been in the mood to try something completely new to me. :)

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  • Mabinogi is something that comes to mind. 8BitMMO does as well...
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • @Chanku - I've only ever heard of those games but will look at them in a bit. :)

    @tatte - I've tried Star Trek Online twice, and I seem to get bored with it quickly...mostly in that the missions become repetitive battle, ground mission/battle, space battle. It's been about two years since I've last played it though...has there been many changes?

    @Vinaza - I've heard a lot about Guild Wars 2, and being able to get it with the new expansion is nice (although not such a sweet deal for older players I'm sure), but it's out of my price range at the moment. :(

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  • Allods Online is pretty fun. Aside from the standard gameplay (questing, grinding, etc) there are a number of PVP dungeons, faction wars, guild wars and the ship vs. ship combat. The ship combat is pretty cool. You can buy and customize your own ship, travel out into the astral (kinda like the sea) and fight other players as well as unbelievably large and powerful enemies. My PC can't run it THAT well anymore, but I'm trying to get back into it (after I transfer my account since a new company bought it.) I highly recommend it.
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  • Another MMO is Arch Age. It's a rather...interesting MMO.

    Edit: Also Mabinogi has interesting systems, and you have your own life in the game. You can do a lot without questing as well from what I've heard.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • You've never played Mabinogi, Chanku?

    @Emoticonius - Allods Online looks interesting! I'm going to look through it some more and maybe try it out tomorrow. :)

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  • Runes of Magic - A pretty decent free fantasy MMO.

    Atlantica Online -My favorite of the free fantasy MMOs.

    Elder Scrolls Online - The game itself has to be purchased like FFXIV, but there's no monthly subscription required.  There is an optional subscription which gets you all present and future expansion packs (though you can always buy those for keeps if you don't want to subscribe each month for them, and none are required to experience what the game has to offer, they're just nice bonuses).

    Fly For Fun (FlyFF) - A well knownfree  MMO that is generally a hit or miss, but a good Fantasy MMO to start with.

    Fiesta! - Another well known free MMO like Fly For Fun, but it's a tinge more exciting.

    Perfect World - An absolutely well known fantasy MMO made by the people who host Star Trek Online.  It's free, and it's not too bad in the slightest.

    Ether Saga Online - Made by the people responsible for Perfect World, Ether Saga is pretty decent as well as far as free fantasy MMOs go.  They're worth a look.

    Dungeons and Dragons Online - This is a free to play MMO with an optional subscription, I believe...or the ability to use real money to purchase in-game items and whatnot.  HOWEVER, unlike 90% of MMOs that use that as the ONLY option for certain quests/items/content, D&D allows you to grind a bit and earn your way to that content if you decide that you want the cooler stuff, but don't want to spend real money to get it.  So really, it's a free MMO with money options, but you can earn those same options without having to pull out your wallet.
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  • Actually I have played it a bit...just not that much. So I'm not sure how much you can do, I just now that you can apparently do a lot.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Champions Online, Superhero/sci-fi/fantasy MMO made by the same people as STO
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