Snoke is a midichlorian. He is, in reality, microscopic in size, hence his use of a massive hologram projector to compensate. Most midichlorians are devoid of intelligence and merely act as a conduit for the Force, but one particular anomaly/mutation occurred, as a result of Palpatine's twisted manipulation of the Force, and a single midichlorian became sentient. Snoke's goal is to end the subjugation of his people by seeking revenge on the Jedi, who he sees as white slavemasters who exploit the midichlorians as involuntary servants. His hatred of the Emperor, for his twisted use of midichlorian-kind, knows no bounds... But his greatest enemy by far is the granddaughter of the Emperor... Rey Palpatine. Snoke's ultimate act of vengeance is to pit the offspring of Palpatine against the offspring of Solo/Skywalker, the usurpers of the Force, and let them destroy each other. It's like poetry, it rhymes. Of course, the only way to truly kill Snoke is to destroy the body of his living host... The one unwitting Force-Sensitive individual who unknowingly houses Snoke... The main plot of Episode IX will be in discovering the identity of Snoke's host... And it is quite a Jarring revelation indeed...
@Crushıta @trađer
Had to dig to find this thread, but I knew we had it somewhere.Anyways, I had to share this video.