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April 2015 Appointment of the Overhusen
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  • The role of the Overhusen is to represent the Monarchy, and based on your past actions I do not believe that you could do that in a constructive manner. Members of the Overhusen do not have to agree with the Monarchy of course, but they should have the ability to understand the Monarchy's position in matters and to disagree and present their views in a respectable manner, something which you have proven time and time again that you cannot do.

    While Colberius is a relatively new Citizen, he has been involved with the region and the community for many months now, and I've found him to be a level-headed and thoughtful person. I believe he's capable of looking at all perspectives of an issue, keeping in mind how it may effect the Monarchy he is representing, and respectfully supporting the position he feels is best for the region.

    Had you wanted to be in the legislature, you could have ran for the Underhusen. I've no clue why you would decline to run and then complain when I don't appoint you to a position.
    I have always presented my views in a respectable manner and i don't resort to passive aggressive behaviour when someone disagrees with me.  You however, have and then get emotionally sensitive about it.

    All the people you have appointed seem to be people who will blindly agree with you.

    I am extremely loyal to the region and while I may disagree with you on policies I have not been disrespectful about it.

    I have more than proved my worth to the region and been active, and yes I do feel that Wintermoot needs to treat people better and give people like me better consideration for appointments.   The fact that he didn't consider me at all and just ignores me is very much disappointing and slightly discriminatory :-/

    I'm sorry if people feel offended by my expression of how I feel.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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  • And again Gov, you're just showing why you shouldn't be appointed in the future.

    It's one thing to be upset that you didn't get appointed, but that's when you just suck it up and deal with it, since it's not an extraordinary deal.

    But the moment you make a deal out of it, you're not doing anything but telling Mooty "Hey, so I know you didn't appoint me, and I'm going to be continually bothered by it.  So I'm just letting you know that you shouldn't ever appoint me, because obviously when you choose not to, I'm going to get upset and talk about why I deserved it."

    The more you sit on and talk about why you're the most deserving for a position that he's choosing, you're really giving a long list as to why you're the least deserving.
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  • Colberius X is about the last person who would just agree with Wintermoot and be too afraid to challenge him.
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  • Colberius X is about the last person who would just agree with Wintermoot and be too afraid to challenge him.

    This.  Colberius is a fresh face to Wintreath that has different ideas since he comes from a different region and has different ideals than Wintreath.  I wouldn't be surprised if this was the key factor (aside from him also being active :P) as to why Mooty appointed him.  And everyone knows that the OH, much like the UH, won't survive unless everyone has different viewpoints. 

    To state that "All the people you have appointed seem to be people who will blindly agree with you." is heavily offensive to those who were appointed either this term, or previous terms.

    I can't speak for other past/current peers, but I'm not someone who "blindly agrees" with Wintermoot in everything.  Sure, for the most part I DO agree with him on everything since Wintermoot is a smart, respectful, and honest person in my eyes, and many of his goals and decisions have been very positive for Wintreath.  But he also knows that there are things that I won't necessarily agree with him on, and I'm not afraid to let him know it, just as I'm not afraid to express my disagreements with others on here if they arise.
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  • On the point of blindly agreeing with Wintermoot: I was on the Overhusen for a long while and I think Wintermoot is awful at law. Horrid at it, honestly...
    Sorry Wintermoot, not speaking against you just gotta be with the truth...
    And gov... You say you've always presented your views in a respectable manner... In fact you say it near constantly... All the time... To which I would reply that this is a VERY disrespectful manner. You have a habit of dragging your shit into the limelight and spreading it everywhere and on everyone. Deeply disrespectful.
    Please... You're affirming now every point that is spoken against you. Be better than that. Control your tongue and control your outrage, both are often misplaced.
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  • I'm pretty good at government and law, actually. It's just that you nitpick. :P

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  • Gov, I do hope that my conduct and behavior throughout my upcoming term can show you that Wintermoot did not make a mistake by appointing me.

    As Laurentus mentioned (and he should know), if I disagree with something, I'll make sure that it's known.  I try not to say things that are unnecessary, and tend to keep out of discussions if my input won't constructively add to the conversation, but I will definitely express any concerns that I have.  You can count on me not to blindly follow anyone.

    First Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria - Founded 5.06.2015
    Former Peer of the Overhusen - Served 4.17.2015 until 6.08.2016
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    Lord Inquisitor
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  • You can count on me not to blindly follow anyone.

    That's just what I'd imagine a puppet to say.   :-\

    I'm kidding of course.
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    Joshua Bluteisen
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  • You can count on me not to blindly follow anyone.

    That's just what I'd imagine a puppet to say.   :-\

    I'm kidding of course.

    Two people who are either Imperialist or from Imperialist regions on the Overhusen... Definitely people who agree with Wintermoot on everything. Definitely.
    2 people like this post: Colberius X, Laurentus
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  • You can count on me not to blindly follow anyone.

    That's just what I'd imagine a puppet to say.   :-\

    I'm kidding of course.
    Guess I'll just have to prove myself.  :P

    First Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria - Founded 5.06.2015
    Former Peer of the Overhusen - Served 4.17.2015 until 6.08.2016
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    Lord Inquisitor
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  • And another imperialist in the UH. This is going to be interesting.
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  • Double post, sorry.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • You can count on me not to blindly follow anyone.

    That's just what I'd imagine a puppet to say.   :-\

    I'm kidding of course.
    Guess I'll just have to prove myself.  :P

    You don't have to prove anything, I've posted with you long enough to trust you'll do a good job.  :P
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Two people who are either Imperialist or from Imperialist regions on the Overhusen... Definitely people who agree with Wintermoot on everything. Definitely.
    I actually don't give much thought to R/D alignment when I make choices. I just don't think it's ever been a big issue here. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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