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Battle for Wesnoth nights?
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Since the Civ V nights have been decently successful, I thought I would gauge the interest in having another regularly hosted game night around The Battle for Wesnoth.

    About The Battle for Wesnoth
    The Battle for Wesnoth is a free and open-sourced turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme. I've played it on and off for just over ten years, although it's still being updated today, and I will say that success in the game depends on managing your gold, which you gain from controlling villages on the map, and knowing the strengths and weaknesses about your units and others in various circumstances and terrain...which I think is the challenge of the game.

    For example, magi are guaranteed to be 70% successful and attacking enemies in any terrain, but are vulnerable to attack themselves. If you can keep them alive though, they will eventually upgrade to either a red mage which has the potential to do 32 damage per turn, or a white mage which can do 27 damage per turn plus heal all surrounding units by 8 HP. Horsemen (and all units it can upgrade to) have a charge attack, meaning that they deal double damage but receive double damage in turn...this is risky but great for chasing down low-HP units or even one-killing them. You just wouldn't want to use them against undead, since most of them are resistant to the pierce attack of the horseman and the double-damage the horseman would receive in turn would be...painful.

    Things like that. :P

    It may sounds complicated, but the gameplay is actually fast-paced for a turn-based game, with a simple interface where your unit options are usually to move and/or attack until they run out of action points. This game was designed to be played online with others, and with that in mind the interface and interactions are simplified and no micromanagement was built into it at all. Overall, I think that the combination of a simple interface and challenging ruleset strike a great balance and allows for turns to be completed in a minute or two.

    Where to get it
    You can download the game free from the Battle for Wesnoth website if you would like to try out it. It was designed for multiplayer, but it also has a tutorial and fun single-player campaigns. The site also have a wiki with everything from unit information to tips for beginners if you'd like to browse that.

    And if you'd like to have a BoW night, please post here. If there's enough support we'll do it :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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