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Wintreath in Statistics - August 2022
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Wintreath in Statistics
    Statistics for the Month that Was
    August 2022

    Forums: 1170
    Average Posts/Citizen: 40.3 | Median Posts/Citizen: 1
    From July 2022: +237 (+25.4%) | From August 2021: +952 (+436.7%) | Breakdown: View Here

    August saw a boost to forum activity, to the highest levels since February! This was due to activity in the Landsraad, the culture area, and our spam games. Oh yeah, and the Summersend Festival of course, although our growth was so big that we would have still grown without out. Werewolf held steady thanks to the current game. The only part of the forums to decline was Rolspelskra, but even there the Wintreath Regional Sports League had double the post that it did in July.

    Overall, the forums did so well thanks to growing or stable activity in multiple areas, which I feel is the hallmark of a healthy, varied level of activity.

    Top Posters
    1. @Kiddian - 128 posts (July #3)
    2. @Marzipan - 111 posts (July #1-2)
    3. @Wintermoot - 102 posts (July #4)
    4. @TGN - 99 posts (July #5)
    5. @☆ Neon ☆ - 89 posts (July #1-2)
    6. @Aersoldorf - 74 posts (July NA)
    7. @Joslisonoria - 49 posts (July #13)
    8. @taulover - 48 posts (July #9)
    9. @Numbers - 47 posts (July #33-40)
    10. @Svipjoth - 44 posts (July #10)

    Discord: 13369
    Human Posts: 11518 (82.8%) | Bot Posts: 2401 (17.3%)
    Average Posts/Citizen: 152.1 | Median Posts/Citizen: 1
    From July 2022: -550 (-4.0%) | From August 2021: +6089 (+83.6%) | Breakdown: View Here | Daily Breakdown: 2021, 2022

    The Discord was also mostly stable, with only a slight decline of around 500 posts even split between human posts and bot posts. The main wintreath channel was much more active compared to July, but most more niche channels suffered, with the-font-of-knowledge only having 12 posts for the month, for example. Government channels were also more active, with the Cabinet channel having the most activity it's had since January 2021 yet again and the Dungeon Masters channel having its best month yet. Although we saw a slight drop from last month, the Discord is still over twice as active as it was in August last year, showing how far we've come overall since then.

    Top Citizen Posters on Discord
    1. @Marzipan - 1474 posts (July #2)
    2. @Michi - 1449 posts (July #1)
    3. @Wintermoot - 1420 posts (July #3)
    4. @☆ Neon ☆ - 1116 posts (July #7)
    5. @TGN - 1075 posts (July #4)
    6. @Stigya2113 - 621 posts (July #5)
    7. @Chanku - 526 posts (July #8)
    8. @Ruguo - 478 posts (July ??)
    9. @Dawsinian - 454 posts (July #11)
    10. @trader - 364 posts (July #9)

    NationStates RMB: 936
    Average Posts/Poster: 11.7 | Median Posts/Poster: 3
    From July 2022: -1345 (-59.0%) | From August 2021: +54 (+6.1%) | Breakdown: View Here

    As I mentioned in the last edition, I felt that our RMB activity in July was inflated due to spammers who were either banned or left the region towards the end of the month, and our August numbers bear that out. Our RMB activity was cut in half in August, but it was still above what we posted last August, showing that we've had some growth year over year in spite of that. It was also our best August ever on the RMB! I will say on a personal note that I think the quality of the conversations on the RMB are much better, and it's been much more enjoyable for me to keep up with what's going on there. I'm not sure if others feel the same way, but I definitely feel this is a case of quality over quantity.

    Top 10 RMB Posters
    1. Saint Darsin - 154 posts (July #1)
    2. Uniopolis - 73 posts (July #8)
    3. Kiddian States (@Kiddian) - 66 posts (July #14)
    4. The Greenlandic North (@TGN) - 62 posts (July #5)
    5. @Trashkanistan73 - 47 posts (July #12)
    6. Dashiki City (@Waggleton) - 40 posts (July #11)
    7. Dai Chuan (@Icebergia) - 31 posts (July #4)
    8. @Joslisonoria - 30 posts (July #10)
    9. -Dragonland - 27 posts (July #13)
    10. Imperio Tilandes - 26 posts (July #19)

    Median Citizen Age: 24
    From June 2022: 0 | From July 2021: +0.5 | Breakdown: View Here

    With birthdays and departures, our median age went up from 23.5 to 24, which is where it was in May. Overall, our median age has held steady in 2022 so far. At this point, Wintreath is overwhelmingly a community in their 20s, with 8 Citizens in their teens, 22 in their 20s, and 6 in their 30s.
    4 people like this post: TGN, Marzipan, TheBudgetHolyRomans, taulover
    « Last Edit: September 08, 2022, 12:32:20 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Wintreath in Statistics
    Statistics for the Month that Was
    August 2022

    Forums: 1170
    Average Posts/Citizen: 40.3 | Median Posts/Citizen: 1
    From July 2022: +237 (+25.4%) | From August 2021: +952 (+436.7%) | Breakdown: View Here

    August saw a boost to forum activity, to the highest levels since February! This was due to activity in the Landsraad, the culture area, and our spam games. Oh yeah, and the Summersend Festival of course, although our growth was so big that we would have still grown without out. Werewolf held steady thanks to the current game. The only part of the forums to decline was Rolspelskra, but even there the Wintreath Regional Sports League had double the post that it did in July.

    Overall, the forums did so well thanks to growing or stable activity in multiple areas, which I feel is the hallmark of a healthy, varied level of activity.

    Top Posters
    1. @Kiddian - 128 posts (July #3)
    2. @Marzipan - 111 posts (July #1-2)
    3. @Wintermoot - 102 posts (July #4)
    4. @TGN - 99 posts (July #5)
    5. @☆ Neon ☆ - 89 posts (July #1-2)
    6. @Aersoldorf - 74 posts (July NA)
    7. @Joslisonoria - 49 posts (July #13)
    8. @taulover - 48 posts (July #9)
    9. @Numbers - 47 posts (July #33-40)
    10. @Svipjoth - 44 posts (July #10)

    Discord: 13369
    Human Posts: 11518 (82.8%) | Bot Posts: 2401 (17.3%)
    Average Posts/Citizen: 152.1 | Median Posts/Citizen: 1
    From July 2022: -550 (-4.0%) | From August 2021: +6089 (+83.6%) | Breakdown: View Here | Daily Breakdown: 2021, 2022

    The Discord was also mostly stable, with only a slight decline of around 500 posts even split between human posts and bot posts. The main wintreath channel was much more active compared to July, but most more niche channels suffered, with the-font-of-knowledge only having 12 posts for the month, for example. Government channels were also more active, with the Cabinet channel having the most activity it's had since January 2021 yet again and the Dungeon Masters channel having its best month yet. Although we saw a slight drop from last month, the Discord is still over twice as active as it was in August last year, showing how far we've come overall since then.

    Top Citizen Posters on Discord
    1. @Marzipan - 1474 posts (July #2)
    2. @Michi - 1449 posts (July #1)
    3. @Wintermoot - 1420 posts (July #3)
    4. @☆ Neon ☆ - 1116 posts (July #7)
    5. @TGN - 1075 posts (July #4)
    6. @Stigya2113 - 621 posts (July #5)
    7. @Chanku - 526 posts (July #8)
    8. @Ruguo - 478 posts (July ??)
    9. @Dawsinian - 454 posts (July #11)
    10. @trader - 364 posts (July #9)

    NationStates RMB: 936
    Average Posts/Poster: 11.7 | Median Posts/Poster: 3
    From July 2022: -1345 (-59.0%) | From August 2021: +54 (+6.1%) | Breakdown: View Here

    As I mentioned in the last edition, I felt that our RMB activity in July was inflated due to spammers who were either banned or left the region towards the end of the month, and our August numbers bear that out. Our RMB activity was cut in half in August, but it was still above what we posted last August, showing that we've had some growth year over year in spite of that. It was also our best August ever on the RMB! I will say on a personal note that I think the quality of the conversations on the RMB are much better, and it's been much more enjoyable for me to keep up with what's going on there. I'm not sure if others feel the same way, but I definitely feel this is a case of quality over quantity.

    Top 10 RMB Posters
    1. Saint Darsin - 154 posts (July #1)
    2. Uniopolis - 73 posts (July #8)
    3. Kiddian States (@Kiddian) - 66 posts (July #14)
    4. The Greenlandic North (@TGN) - 62 posts (July #5)
    5. @Trashkanistan73 - 47 posts (July #12)
    6. Dashiki City (@Waggleton) - 40 posts (July #11)
    7. Dai Chuan (@Icebergia) - 31 posts (July #4)
    8. @Joslisonoria - 30 posts (July #10)
    9. -Dragonland - 27 posts (July #13)
    10. Imperio Tilandes - 26 posts (July #19)

    Median Citizen Age: 24
    From June 2022: 0 | From July 2021: +0.5 | Breakdown: View Here

    With birthdays and departures, our median age went up from 23.5 to 24, which is where it was in May. Overall, our median age has held steady in 2022 so far. At this point, Wintreath is overwhelmingly a community in their 20s, with 8 Citizens in their teens, 22 in their 20s, and 6 in their 30s.
    Way to ignore us 50-somethings :D
    1 person likes this post: TheBudgetHolyRomans
    « Last Edit: September 08, 2022, 12:31:59 AM by Wintermoot »
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  • @Aersoldorf: We actually do have a Citizen in their 50s, but I didn't want to single them out. Some people are uncomfortable with the whole aging thing...I'm conflicted about it myself at my age. :P

    We could have more, but the age stats are based on the age on Citizens' forum profiles when they put in their birthdays, so if they choose not to put their birthday in it's not part of the stats.

    Also, sorry for accidentally editing your post. I meant to take a note I'd made out of the OP and ended up doing it on the version you quoted instead v_v

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • I was merely joking. I've been a gamer since I was 7 and don't mind anyone knowing my age. I'm 52. I played Pong when it was released by Atari. I played the original AD&D. I will game until the day I die :D
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  • @Aersoldorf: You wouldn't be the oldest person here, if that's any help. :P

    I'm currently the second-oldest Citizen in Wintreath at 36, and I know @Michi is a few months younger than me. It's not that my age bothers me per say, it's just that I remember when I was like 16 and seeing somebody on the forums I was on who was 25...I thought they were absolutely ancient. I shudder to think how I look now that the tables have turned and we have people here who were born after 2000 (I still can't even believe that!!).

    I feel like I'm young at heart though, for what it's worth. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • We've got a guy in 10KI that's in his 70s, so I'm really in awe of him. Hope I'm still gaming strong at that age.
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  • @Aersoldorf: That's awesome! I just hope I still have my mental and physical health by then...but gaming and going strong would be a nice plus, too. :P

    I guess that there's probably more older people in XKI given that it's an older region. I remember when Wintreath first started the average age was around 18, but now it's in the mid-20s. Not bad for a region that's almost 9 years old, though. :P
    1 person likes this post: TGN

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,400
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      Wintreath Nation
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