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The North Pacific
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  • Village Drifter

  • World Assembly Digest - February 2021
    A busy and contentious month in the Assembly

    By Boston Castle

    This month was extremely active in the World Assembly with several resolutions, some quite contentious, passing in both chambers.

    Repeal: “Freedom of Assembly”

    This proposal was proposed by Wymondham to repeal a long-time resolution on the books (GA #27-passed in December 2008!). The North Pacific stood against this repeal effort, largely due to concerns about specific wording in the repeal. Wymondham’s resolution was, however, supported by the community-at-large and passed 58%-42% on February 5. This would not be the first thing that Wymondham worked on this month-an active month from an impressive first-time author.

    Commend King HEM

    On the same day that Repeal: “Freedom of Assembly” passed the General Assembly floor, a proposal passed the Security Council: “Commend King HEM”. The irony here lies in Wymondham’s co-author Maowi getting her month started with passing this proposal. Similar to Repeal: “Freedom of Assembly”, this proposal was quite contentious, with the newly formed Partnership for Sovereignty issuing a statement against it. Despite this, the proposal still passed 77%-23% on February 5.

    Commend Northern Borland

    Initially intended to be something of a joke proposal and a tongue-in-cheek commendation of the nominee by Honeydewistania, this proposal raised trying questions about pure stats commendations and condemnations that are still being discussed in the Security Council. The vote on this proposal went back-and-forth several times between passing and failing during the several days it was on the voting floor, something reflected in the even-split in TNP’s vote. The proposal’s back-and-forth status was largely due to the influence of 10000 Islands Delegate HumanSanity, whose vote changed several times. This vote passed extremely narrowly 51.2%-48.8% on February 10 giving Honeydew his 6th Security Council Resolution authorship.

    Right to Assemble

    The second time that the fundamental right to assembly was discussed in the Security Council and the intended partner to the repeal earlier this month, this was the second time that a proposal by the team of Maowi and Wymondham was discussed in February. This proposal capped off a busy month for both authors. As suggested by the title, this resolution codified a right to assembly.

    However, this proposal was not without controversy as an effort by Greater Cesnica was introduced at the same time and both proposals made the formal queue. While the original proposal was not as controversial as the repeal effort earlier this month, this proposal passed easily 79%-21% on February 13 giving Maowi her 6th General Assembly Resolution authored.

    Commend 1 very fast endotarter

    This resolution dealt with the commendation of a figure well-known to many in The North and abroad, 1 very fast endotarter, also known as r3n. While the exploits of his long and illustrious second stint on the game are well-established elsewhere, it is worth noting that this proposal raised the ire of several in the defender community. Some figures in the defending community were reluctant to support the measure, or even outright opposed it, due to r3n’s association with independent militaries for whom the vast majority of activities are raiding in the NPA and the Europeian Republican Navy. Ultimately though, TNP author Noahs Second Country saw his proposal prevail, with TNP’s backing of course, and earned his 4th Security Council Resolution authored, and first of this month, 78%-22% on Valentine’s Day (February 14).

    Right to Secure Digital Communication

    A new face to many in The North, Greater Cesnica has long been accused of badge-hunting in his exploits in the General Assembly largely due to the large volume of proposals he creates and readily submits. Though some may intentionally vote against his proposals, even ones which deal with such a vital issue as ensuring digital communications are secure, his proposals often pass-such was the case with this one. While mired in questions of what constitutes a badge hunt and even if the term should apply to eager authors who pump out quality proposals, Cesnica saw this proposal passed with an emphatic 85%-15% margin on February 17-giving him his 3rd General Assembly resolution authored.

    Liberate The Embassy

    Perhaps the biggest topic in gameplay, the one which has led the most people to sound off recently has not been the R/D Presidential election-themed tag raids  going on in Lily, Grey Wardens Warden Matthew’s trips to fast-food restaurants after the movies, but rather the invasion of The Embassy and the subsequent closure of over 3,600 embassies. Arousing debate among nearly every force that participated in the invasion, defenders seized on the moment and sprang into action with 10000 Islands Delegate HumanSanity submitting and passing a liberation, stopping raiding forces from holding the region for a potential refound. This proposal passed on February 18 by a 70%-30% margin marking an auspicious Security Council debut from the 10000 Islands Delegate.

    Whistleblower Protection Act

    Yet another proposal that quietly aroused conflicting feelings among many, this proposal dealt with questions of how to protect those exposing illegal activities. Though the proposal itself remained relatively uncontroversial to many, Europe delegate Imperium Anglorum issued a statement announcing that he could not back the legislation due to deficiencies he saw in the legislation. However, the opposition of that region and The East Pacific during the waning days in which Libertanny held the delegacy did not imperil final passage, it made passage by 78%-22% rather than a larger margin. Passage ensured that The North Pacific’s own Boston Castle earned passage of his 2nd General Assembly Resolution.

    Repeal: “Commend Northern Borland”

    As mentioned earlier in our roundup of this month’s action in The World Assembly, stats-based commendations and condemnations are still a hot topic of discussion in the wider world of the Security Council. Commend Northern Borland was always a contentious resolution, having passed by an extremely narrow margin when it first came to the floor, and opponents seized on this. While pointing out flaws in the resolution, including its use of tongue-in-cheek sarcastic or ironic language, this Repeal made the case to repeal the Commend and it was, indeed, repealed. This proposal passed on February 22 by a 59%-41% margin without the North’s support. It gave The North Pacific’s Noahs Second Country a 2nd Security Council resolution passed this month, coming 8 days after the passage of Commend 1 very fast endotarter, and his 5th overall.
    Supporting People With Disabilities

    Occasionally, a proposal will genuinely come to be considered quite “feel good”, this one qualifies under that category. Codifying the rights of the disabled into World Assembly law and “reaffirming the right to not be discriminated against on the grounds of disability”, this proposal passed easily-83%-17%. This proposal, authored by Free Las Pinas marked a promising debut for the author in the General Assembly and his resolution, passing on February 25, received the overwhelming support of the North.

    Condemn Lily

    One of the most infamous independent militaries of the last few years-Lily has no shortage of detractors and admirers. With their rainbow-colored tags on regional WFEs and the sheer number of operations they undertake, it is clear that at some point, regardless of their affiliation, they would be on the receiving end of a condemnation. One such attempt to condemn Lily came to the floor on February 22 and while it showed condemn worthy things, it did not tell the whole story or prove convincing enough for the North, or the wider World Assembly community, to approve it. This proposal failed by a 78%-22% margin on February 26.

    Polaris: Lighting the way to truth
    Publisher: McMasterdonia :: Executive Editor: Veniyerris

    Polaris articles are produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and are distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs externally and the Ministry of Communications internally.

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  • Village Drifter
  • Statement on the Invasion of Genua

    Statement on the Invasion of Genua
    This past Sunday, the North Pacific Army (NPA) participated in a large-scale joint operation alongside forces from The Black Hawks (TBH), the South Pacific Special Forces (SPSF), the East Pacific Sovereign Army (EPSA), the West Pacific Armed Forces (TWPAF), the Legio Pacifica, the Europeian Republican Navy (ERN), The Order of the Grey Wardens (TGW), the Land of Kings and Emperors (LKE), Balder, the League's Defense Forces (LDF), the Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organization (TITO), the MT Army, Lone Wolves United (LWU), Thaempirial Army (THA), the Red Fleet (TRF), the Kingdom of Great Britain (KoGB), the United Kingdom Air Force (UKAF), the Free Nations Defender Army (FNDA), the Joint Systems Alliance (JSA), Korea, the Autumnal Court, Aurrelius, and Wintercrest to rid the world of an up-and-coming Nazi stronghold.
    Following the deletion of its founder nation, Genua was seized by a record-setting one-hundred and fifteen (115) updaters from all across the NationStates world. It is currently being held by over one hundred nations in an ongoing piling effort, where eight of the North?s finest were also in attendance on the jump. Their names are as follows:
    Participating Soldiers:
    General Westinor
    General Rom
    General BluieGamer (Konar)
    Colonel Gorundu
    Major Koopa (Palutenia)
    Captain Knightblood (Goatentah)
    Corporal Cascadian Bioregion
    Private First Class Kastonvia

    It is clear to us that, whilst a few fascists may cling on in their hovels and hideaways, those who espouse such bigoted and prejudiced views will always be defeated by the combined forces of anti-fascism. The site administration has now made it clear that Nazism on NationStates will no longer be acceptable.
    The North Pacific stands firmly in affirmation of the anti-fascist cause. We will not tolerate hatred and we are proud to be a part of the unifying show of force that was displayed from every end of the raiding/defending spectrum. The fifteenth (15th) of May's major update is a perfect exemplification of the sickly remnants of the ideologies that plague our game and how they ought to be dealt with.
    We would like to thank all other participating regions, organizations, and individuals who came together to make this happen.
    Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
    Delegate of The North Pacific

    St George (Madjack)
    Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Westinor (Westinor)
    Minister of Defense

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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I'm glad to see that so many people came together to fight Nazis, and that the mods changed their policies to allow for it. It won't completely get rid of Nazis, but it'll definitely make it harder for them to operate in NS. :)

    Thanks for the update!
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  • Village Drifter
  • Polaris - July 2021 Judicial Elections

    July 2021 Judicial Elections
    Biggest Elections in Recent History; Close tie for last Justice Spot
    By Owenstacey
    The months of July brought us another Judicial election and this time all three justice positions were up for election. This election was different from previous judicial elections due to the size of the field, with it being the largest in recent history, containing 12 candidates. The citizens that ran in this election were: Comfed, Dar Es Saalam, Dreadton, Greater Ale Permars, Lady Raven Wing, Lord Lore, Pallaith, Peeps, Scottlanda, SCP Foundation, Vivanco, and Yalkan.
    Comfed ran their campaign off the back of successfully defending their client in a case before the Court in recent months. However, apart from this, Comfed offered very little in terms of promises for the term and did not engage with any of the questions put to them by citizens. This meant that Comfed was not elected to any of the justice positions available.

    Dar Es Saalam
    Dar Es Saalam produced no campaign for this election, and so had very little success in the election.

    Dreadton is a candidate that had a lot of experience in the Court having been part of a number of decisions, both as Justice and as a lawyer. This experience is important for Dreadton because it really sets them apart from the other candidates in this large field. As well as playing on their experience, Dreadton proposed a way of looking to the future and increasing the understanding of TNP?s Courts with the creation of a Legal program to allow people to learn about TNPs laws in a more structured way, which would allow people to be in a better position to both work in and run the Courts in the future. Dreadton offered a really strong campaign which resulted in him being the second Justice elected.

    Greater Ale Permars
    Greater Ale Permars (GAP) came into this election running for their first elected office within TNP. Despite being one of the more inexperienced in the race, GAP proposed a large campaign with a number of promises ranging from introducing Officers of the Court to mandatory judicial review of Regional Assembly bills. GAP got a good amount of attention to their campaign and received a number of questions that they answered well. However, this attention did not translate into votes and GAP was not elected this term.

    Lady Raven Wing
    Lady Raven Wing, a former Justice, also sought to return to the Court in this open election. Basing their campaign on past performance, Lady Raven Wing went into this election hoping that their past record was enough to get people to vote them into office. When it came time to vote, Lady Raven Wing was part of the closest result of this election, the third justice position where they lost out to Lord Lore by a single vote, meaning that they were unsuccessful in this election.

    Lord Lore
    Lord Lore, also a former Justice, ran a similar campaign to Lady Raven Wing, basing it on his past experience within the Court as well as this question he answered from citizens. Both Lord Lore and Lady Raven Wing got similar engagement with their campaigns and as a result were split in the voting by the narrowest of margins. However, Lord Lore was ultimately successful and became the third Justice on the Court for this term.

    Pallaith was running for re-election as Justice after having spent the last term in the Court. He was running to continue the work that he had been doing to bring the Court?s issues to the front of citizens' minds and reform the Court in a way to make it more productive for the people, based on the thoughts that he put forward to the Regional Assembly during the last term. Pallaith really engaged with the questions put to him by citizens and got a lot of attention from people. As a result, Pallaith was the first justice to be elected in this cycle.

    Peeps ran a straightforward campaign, he offered no fancy promises and just wanted to focus on maintaining a professional, timely, and focused court. While Peeps did stay on top of any questions asked by citizens, he didn?t get much attention to his campaign and as a result was unsuccessful in this election.

    Scottlanda produced a campaign that did not offer a lot about why they were running for Justice or what they would do if they were elected. Although they did get some attention from citizens, Scottlanda didn?t really offer anything of note and therefore was not elected.

    SCP Foundation
    SCP Foundation also produced no campaign for this election, which meant that they had very little success in voting.

    Vivanco was one of the most experienced candidates in this race because of being a former Justice. Vivanco ran his campaign around remaining active and ensuring that he was able to maintain his role for the entirety of the term. However, Vivanco received little engagement with his campaign and was not able to get the votes to be elected this term.

    Yalkan didn?t propose much of a campaign for this election and just allowed people to ask them questions that they did answer. However, without an actual campaign Yalkan was going to struggle to get much traction, and as a result was not successful in being elected Justice.

    Therefore, after a very competitive election where the last seat on the Court was decided by 1 vote, the three people elected this term were Pallaith, Dreadton, and Lord Lore. Since the result of the election, it has also been announced that Pallaith would be serving as Chief Justice this term.

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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update! It's so unusual to see so much interest in judicial positions in NS...I suppose it's a testament to the strength of TNP's legal institutions and it's democracy. :)
    2 people like this post: taulover, Red Mones

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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