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Catare Citizenship application
Posts: 5 Views: 436

  • Former Citizen
  • Section I: Basic Information
    1) The Commonwealth of Catare

    2) Nil

    3) The Empire of Tarona (Kyngathria . . . at least i think thats how you spell it)

    4) nope

    5) nope been hear for a little bit.

    6) Eastern daylight savings time

    7) you sent me a recruitment email when i rejoined my Catare nation

    Section II: Interests and Skills

    1) too new to say really but if you want to know my interests i enjoy RP's and particularly like military RP's but i tend to do those with my Tarona account so i am hear to be a whole new person Meow!

    Section II: Introductions and Questions
    Yo! and Meow! i am Catare home of the Catari people (half cat half elf) and i am hear to have fun! so whats the run down? any clues how to survive? i mean other than the almost unnoticeable layer of fur and almost complete resistance to alcohol.
    « Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 11:52:31 AM by Catare »
    • Posts: 2
    • Karma: 0
    • Former Citizen
    • Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
  • Hello!
    Glad to see you join us!
    We have two ongoing RPs, don't know if they're still open though, but you are free to start up your own! :D
    I would recommend lurking around the forums and jumping onto our chat (under the chat tab :P) and meeting us :)!

    Welcome once again, and citizenship accepted.
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    Alterra - Vidarr - Delta
    President of Wintreath and Spiritus (disputed, aka Government in Exile)

    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

    NS History
    • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    • Posts: 904
    • Karma: 81
    • Lone Flame of Thalba, Stormchaser of Tlaloc, White Rider of Erid
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Meow! thanks and i shall now go lurking and looking for grog or fire wherever they are to be found meow. On that note would there happen to be any fighting RP's round?
    • Posts: 2
    • Karma: 0
    • Former Citizen
    • Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
  • There's a Dungeons and Dragons and Superhero RP. The DnD one has more fighting.
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    Alterra - Vidarr - Delta
    President of Wintreath and Spiritus (disputed, aka Government in Exile)

    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

    NS History
    • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    • Posts: 904
    • Karma: 81
    • Lone Flame of Thalba, Stormchaser of Tlaloc, White Rider of Erid
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • There would be more fighting in the Superhero one if Reon would progress the story faster. :P

    In any case, welcome to Wintreath, Catare! Consider yourself security check'd and masked as a Citizen...just let us know if you have any questions about the region or the game. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,500
    • Karma: 9,713
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Pages: [1]