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The Opening of Rollspelskra
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  • Former Citizen
  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • As Thane of Roleplay and after many months of drafting, I am so happy to announce the official release of Rollspelskra! 

    In summary, Rollspelskra is a roleplaying guild purposed with the task of revitalizing the roleplaying community in Wintreath; this is accomplished through multiple changes, including a gradual shift towards forum roleplaying, where topics help to organize individual, multiple occuring roleplays, an official authority to teach and enforce roleplay etiquette, and a platform in which members have equal opportunity to create and run their roleplay ideas, whether as a member-created roleplay or a suggestion for the official monthly roleplay topic. Our function will be simple: every month (and with every event, NationStates or otherwise), a roleplay will be hosted by the Grandmaster, hence being called official roleplays, which will be voted upon by a list of suggested roleplaying scenarios by members of the guild. This is our base model as of now, but we hope to expand our guild to other functions as well! Membership to our guild requires Wintreath citizenship, good standing with the Wintreath government and community, and a passing grade of 100% on the roleplay academy exam, which has unlimited retries. If you love roleplay, or simply want a platform to engage with the Wintreath community for, than Rollspelskra is for you!

    To find us, we're under The Roleplayers' Gathering section, titled as Rollspelskra (or use this link here
    4 people like this post: Michi, taulover, Marzipan, Altrio
    • For the Honor and the Glory
    • Posts: 233
    • Karma: 245
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
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