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Ministry Rule 001: International Alliances
Posts: 2 Views: 1328

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Issuing Ministry: Regional Affairs

    With the rise international alliances in the NationStates region which sometimes came into conflict with each other, there grew a need for better government understanding of how they worked in order to best ensure that these conflicts didn't give way to bad etiquette or to out-of-character rules violations. This rule requires international alliances of 3 or more nations to register their membership and governing documents with the Ministry, and also lays out conduct rules for members interacting with each other on Wintreath platforms.

    Announcement: Here

    2022.01.30 - Original rule

    Current Text
    Ministry of Regional Affairs
    Office of the Jarl of Regional Affairs
    Ministry Rule #001: International Alliances
    1. Definitions
    (a) "International Alliance" shall be defined as any union between three or more nations which exists on a permanent or semi-permanent basis for the purpose of furthering a common military, economic, religious, or international agenda.
    (b) "Governing Document" shall be defined as a constitution, charter, treaty, or similarly titled document which establishes laws, rules, or procedures for the operation of an International Alliance.
    (c) "Officers" shall be defined as any person in an International Alliance who, by power of their Governing Document, may make leadership decisions for said International Alliance.
    (d) “Factbook of Record” shall be defined as an official factbook on NationStates, maintained by the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative, which shall contain the official list of all International Alliances.
    (e) "God-Modding" shall be defined as any in-character instance where a nation takes control of another nation's characters, citizens, military, or otherwise controls another nation's assets when they do not have permission to do so.

    2. Establishment of International Alliances
    (a) When a new International Alliance is formed, the leadership of that International Alliance must, within 48 hours, register the same with the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative.
    (b) Said registration shall, at a minimum, list the name, officers, members, and purpose of the International Alliance. The Governing Document of the International Alliance shall also be made available for inspection by the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative.
    (c) Upon receipt of a new registration, the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative shall post it to the Factbook of Record.

    3. Continued Maintenance of Records
    (a) Any time a nation joins or leaves an International Alliance, notice will be provided by the officers of said International Alliance to the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative.
    (b) Any time an officer is appointed or removed from their post, notice will be provided by the officers of said International Alliance to the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative.
    (c) Any time the Governing Document of an International Alliance is modified, notice will be provided by the officers of said International Alliance to the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative.
    (d) When the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative is provided with notice pursuant to sections a-c above, they will update the Factbook of Record to reflect the changes.
    (e) Officers will have 48 hours after to make notice to the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative for sections a-d above.
    (f) The Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative will have 48 hours after receipt of notice of change to update the Factbook of Record.

    4. Dissolution of International Alliances
    (a) Upon the dissolution of an International Alliance, the former officers of said International Alliance shall notify the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designee.
    (b) When the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative is provided with notice pursuant to section a above, they will update the Factbook of Record to reflect the changes.

    5. Conduct of International Alliances
    (a) Member nations in all International Alliances shall endeavor to maintain the highest levels of etiquette and cordiality in all out-of-character interactions.
    (b) While interacting from an in-character point of view during role-plays, member nations of all International Alliances shall not partake in god-modding.

    6. Penalties
    (a) Nations that fail to abide by the requirements of this Ministry Rule may be subject to penalties, to include RMB post suppression and deletion and other such penalties deemed appropriate by the Jarl of Regional Affairs, which will be administered by the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designee.
    (b) Any nation wishing to appeal their penalty may do so via telegram, first to the Jarl of Regional Affairs, and then to the Monarch if no satisfactory relief is found with the Jarl of Regional Affairs.

    This Ministry Rule is established pursuant to Royal Decree 013 (Regarding A Provisional Legislature and Authorities), Section 3 (Legislative Authorities of the Jarls).

    So ordered,

    Denth Edward Kasten
    Jarl of Regional Affairs
    The Frozen Realm of Wintreath
    « Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 05:51:48 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,495
    • Karma: 9,711
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Original Version

    Time in Effect: January 30th, 2022 to present

    Version Text
    Ministry of Regional Affairs
    Office of the Jarl of Regional Affairs
    Ministry Rule #001: International Alliances
    1. Definitions
    (a) "International Alliance" shall be defined as any union between three or more nations which exists on a permanent or semi-permanent basis for the purpose of furthering a common military, economic, religious, or international agenda.
    (b) "Governing Document" shall be defined as a constitution, charter, treaty, or similarly titled document which establishes laws, rules, or procedures for the operation of an International Alliance.
    (c) "Officers" shall be defined as any person in an International Alliance who, by power of their Governing Document, may make leadership decisions for said International Alliance.
    (d) “Factbook of Record” shall be defined as an official factbook on NationStates, maintained by the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative, which shall contain the official list of all International Alliances.
    (e) "God-Modding" shall be defined as any in-character instance where a nation takes control of another nation's characters, citizens, military, or otherwise controls another nation's assets when they do not have permission to do so.

    2. Establishment of International Alliances
    (a) When a new International Alliance is formed, the leadership of that International Alliance must, within 48 hours, register the same with the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative.
    (b) Said registration shall, at a minimum, list the name, officers, members, and purpose of the International Alliance. The Governing Document of the International Alliance shall also be made available for inspection by the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative.
    (c) Upon receipt of a new registration, the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative shall post it to the Factbook of Record.

    3. Continued Maintenance of Records
    (a) Any time a nation joins or leaves an International Alliance, notice will be provided by the officers of said International Alliance to the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative.
    (b) Any time an officer is appointed or removed from their post, notice will be provided by the officers of said International Alliance to the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative.
    (c) Any time the Governing Document of an International Alliance is modified, notice will be provided by the officers of said International Alliance to the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative.
    (d) When the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative is provided with notice pursuant to sections a-c above, they will update the Factbook of Record to reflect the changes.
    (e) Officers will have 48 hours after to make notice to the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative for sections a-d above.
    (f) The Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative will have 48 hours after receipt of notice of change to update the Factbook of Record.

    4. Dissolution of International Alliances
    (a) Upon the dissolution of an International Alliance, the former officers of said International Alliance shall notify the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designee.
    (b) When the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designated representative is provided with notice pursuant to section a above, they will update the Factbook of Record to reflect the changes.

    5. Conduct of International Alliances
    (a) Member nations in all International Alliances shall endeavor to maintain the highest levels of etiquette and cordiality in all out-of-character interactions.
    (b) While interacting from an in-character point of view during role-plays, member nations of all International Alliances shall not partake in god-modding.

    6. Penalties
    (a) Nations that fail to abide by the requirements of this Ministry Rule may be subject to penalties, to include RMB post suppression and deletion and other such penalties deemed appropriate by the Jarl of Regional Affairs, which will be administered by the Jarl of Regional Affairs or their designee.
    (b) Any nation wishing to appeal their penalty may do so via telegram, first to the Jarl of Regional Affairs, and then to the Monarch if no satisfactory relief is found with the Jarl of Regional Affairs.

    This Ministry Rule is established pursuant to Royal Decree 013 (Regarding A Provisional Legislature and Authorities), Section 3 (Legislative Authorities of the Jarls).

    So ordered,

    Denth Edward Kasten
    Jarl of Regional Affairs
    The Frozen Realm of Wintreath

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,495
    • Karma: 9,711
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
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