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Wintreath in Statistics - June 2021
Posts: 1 Views: 492

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • As expected, this was another month of big declines in just about all areas. We're in the middle of a tough summer, and I expect we'll continue like this for at least another month or two until we begin to recover. However, for the particulars for June, read on!

    Forums: 149
    From May 2021: -363 (-70.9%) | From June 2020: -506 (-77.3%) | Breakdown: View Here

    As is usual, without any sort of Werewolf game going on forum activity tanked. Most of the activity that we did have came from the conclusion of Botwolf and the beginning of taulover's Arena game, but where we're at is a far cry from where we were just at the beginning of this year.

    Top Posters June 2021
    1. Wintermoot - 48 posts (May #1)
    2. @taulover - 25 posts (May #12)
    3. @Gerrick - 19 posts (May #8)
    4. @KingofDominaria - 12 posts (May #4)
    5. @Ruguo - 8 posts (May #5)
    6. @Imaginative Kane - 7 posts (May #NA)
    7. @ExLight - 6 posts (May #2/3)
    8/9/10. @Anubhav Ghosh - 4 posts (May #2/3)
    8/9/10. @TGN - 4 posts (May #17)
    8/9/10. @NyghtOwl - 4 posts (May #10)

    Discord: 9469
    From May 2021: -3829 (-28.8%) | From June 2020: -35559 (-79.0%) | Breakdown: View Here | Daily Breakdown: View Here

    After a month of stability in May, Discord activity fell once again in June to levels not seen in 3 years. In fact, June 2021 goes down as the 3rd least active month on Discord since it was regionalized in October 2017, with only February and July 2018 being less active. Hopefully we can bounce back from here, but as I've said before I think this will be the new normal for us for at least the summer. As it is, the brightest spot on the Discord was the Cabinet channel, as the Cabinet begins reorganizing and gearing up. The return of #the-nerdatorium has also been a modest success, although with the recent departure of Qymaen/Potato Bagel, its future going forward is uncertain.

    New to Wintreath in Statistics is a daily breakdown of total Discord posts. At least for June, the weekend was the most active time in our Discord, with the top 3 days on average being Saturday, Friday, and Sunday. For the rest of the week, the further away from the weekend the less active things were it seems. Wednesday was the absolute worst, being only 40% as active as Saturday on average. It'll be interesting to see if this trend holds, as it might inform decisions such as when to host Discord games like Cards Against Humanity.

    Top Citizen Posters on Discord - June 2021
    1. Wintermoot - 1628 posts (May #2)
    2. @Qymaen - 1148 posts (May #1)
    3. @redrevoltaire - 613 posts (May #3)
    4. @Excalibur - 533 posts (May #NA)
    5. @TGN - 449 posts (May #NA)
    6. @Ruguo - 425 posts (May #12)
    7. @Michi - 274 posts (May #5)
    8. @Dawcreeke - 249 posts (May #6)
    9. @Drexyl Nox - 228 posts (May #4)
    10. @NyghtOwl - 223 posts (May #11)

    NationStates RMB: 322
    From May 2021: -235 (-42.2%) | From June 2020: -841 (-72.3%) | Breakdown: View Here

    The RMB has essentially returned to the activity it had before the pandemic, meaning that things are back to normal there. While a little disappointing that the RMB hasn't retained any of the activity it gained through the pandemic, at least it hasn't fallen below normal levels like the other platforms. That speaks to the benefits of the RMB's unique and younger community: it's made up of people that are able to be online even as things return to normal and isn't affected by what's happening on the forums or Discord. I hope that RMB activity will actually rise as @Dawsinian takes over as acting Jarl of Regional Affairs and I take more time to participate in the RMB community myself.

    Median Citizen Age: 24
    From April 2021: 0 (+0%) | From March 2020: N/A | Breakdown: View Here

    The median age held steady, but the average age slightly rose from 25.2 to 25.5, as it has every month since we started recording this stat. While there isn't much data yet to really know, so far it looks like the community has aged slowly over time rather than through a few periods of rapid aging.
    3 people like this post: taulover, Gerrick, Kye

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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