Post #160251
May 01, 2021, 09:58:36 PM
T-minus one day update:
Final generation is in! At this time, no new data will be collected. Players may continue signing up until Tomorrow at 5pm central. Roles will be distributed at some point between Sunday night and Monday morning.
There will be 3.5 factions in this game. (There were almost five. You monsters)
There will be 20 bot generated rules to follow
The teams followed by this game will be The cult of Burning Town (That's not going to confuse the role writing portion of this at all, nope), Unaffiliated horrors from space, Party wolf villagers (Again with the confusing names), and apparently there needs to be half a team, so... Time. Yes. That's it. You're all playing against some actually half baked faction called Time.
The sentence that will be used to kickstart the flavour writing capacity of the bot is as follows: "This is not an applecart. This is a buffalo. " Observed an agreeable assailant after almost annoying an armed person, nearly causing a coconut accident.
The bot, by popular vote, has been given total, unquestionable authority over the game. Best of luck with that.