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Wintreath in Statistics - March 2021
Posts: 1 Views: 534

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I'm hoping that this will be a monthly post detailing statistics that I consider important or interesting in Wintreath, how they've changed over time, and a link to a Google Doc breaking that data down over time. It replaces the old monthly activity reports, and will hopefully in time be much more interesting as stats are added and expanded on. This is the first issue for data from last month, March 2021, so let's get started. :)

    Forums: 1486
    From February 2021: -1047 (-53.5%) | From March 2020: +58 (+4.9%) | Breakdown: View Here

    The forums saw a big drop in activity in March, primarily because the record-breaking Werewolf 24 ended and the new Lil' Wolf 1 was a less active game by design. In fact, these days our forum activity is dominated by our Werewolf scene, with the Werewolf games and discussions making up 57% of forum posts so far in 2021. While this share might drop as the Landsraad becomes established and there are community governance discussions and votes, it's safe to say that Werewolf is no longer a side thing, but a main driver of activity. I will be looking to give it the prominence in Wintreath that such a large component of the community deserves.

    Looking back to last year though, there were slightly more forum posts than in March 2020, a month that saw the full effects of the Reconciliation, its own Werewolf game (XXI: The Beginning of the End), and more people online because of the then-new pandemic. Even compared to then, forum activity has become much more Werewolf-centric in the last year, indicating that this is probably a long-term trend that will continue so long as our Werewolf scene remains active.

    Discord: 12772
    From February 2021: -15306 (-52.5%) | From March 2020: -49715 (-79.6%) | Breakdown: View Here

    The Discord saw a major drop in activity, in part because there was less chat about Werewolf (for the same reasons as with the forums) and partially because the full impact of the departure of members such as Chanku, Hapi, and Red Mones are starting to show. It has also been suggested in the Cabinet that it may also reflect life returning to normal and people spending more time offline after a year of being mostly at home. However, this was the least active month on Discord since December 2018, and something that we should be keen on reversing.

    The only Discord area (and the only area in Wintreath at all) that was more active than the month before was the adult community, with activity there nearly doubling due to the entrance of new members and a more casual chat atmosphere. While the new adult community is only a few months old, its atmosphere has become much more reminiscent of the old #wintreath IRC channel than the more explicitly NSFW-driven adult areas of the past. #afterdark in particular has become a general chat for adults where people talk life, themselves, and other general topics in addition to NSFW topics in a more private environment, and I feel this is the primary reason the area has been more active.

    NationStates RMB: 1241
    From February 2021: -1047 (-45.8%) | From March 2020: +848 (+215.8%) | Breakdown: View Here

    The RMB has seen a similar decline as the other areas of Wintreath, impacted by the departure and eventual deletion of Pancanawe Republic, a controversial yet extremely active member, as well as people in general returning to offline life after a year of staying at home. However, RMB activity is still up massively compared to a year ago, showing that the RMB surge that started last summer is continuing even through these other factors. As the RMB community is mostly separate from the other areas of Wintreath, I expect that it will not be as impacted by the goings-on in the forum/Discord community, providing it a sense of relative stability.

    Median Citizen Age: 23
    From February 2021: N/A | From March 2020: N/A | Breakdown: View Here

    This is a new statistic that I've started putting together because of my observation of how the community has aged over time. An informal count as recently as January showed that the median age at the time was 21, and counts earlier in Wintreath's history showed the average age to be around 19 or 20. This stat is based on the birthday listed in Citizen forum profiles, so if you're a Citizen and want yours to be counted make sure you have that filled in! The breakdown does not specify birthdates or link ages to individual Citizens. It's simply shows how many people are a certain age. My hope is to see how the community is aging over time and how it reflects on different aspects of Wintreath.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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