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The Amalya Paragon Act
Posts: 3 Views: 396

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Summary
    @Amalya was pivotal to the early development of Wintrean culture, starting one of the first organized regional roleplays, adopting contests such as the Flash Haiku Contest, and putting together Wintreath Radio, an online station for people in the community to listen to. Besides those accomplishments, she was also one of the first openly transgender members of the Wintreath community, and just by being herself helped make Wintreath into an even more open and supportive space for others who followed in her footsteps.

    As Amalya was fighting cancer and it appeared likely that her case would be terminal, the Storting elected to grant her Paragon status in recognition of who she was and her accomplishments in Wintreath. Fortunately, she beat the odds and came back to visit Wintreath several times in the years afterwards, most recently in 2019.

    2015.01.01 - Original passage
    2017.11.10 - Amended by the Statutory Law Punctuation Correction Act

    Current Text
    1. This shall be titled the Amalya Paragon Act.

    Paragon Status and commendations
         The Storting recognizes the efforts that Amalya Meindhert has put into the betterment of Wintreath. Her efforts as the Jarl of Culture, including the establishment and running of the Chasing the American Dream roleplay, Wintreath Radio, and other contests and events have helped push Wintreath along into the beginning stages of prosperity and growth, and her influence is seen in practically every new cultural area that appears within the Region. We further recognize her service to this Storting as Speaker of the Fourth Underhusen.

        Through her time in the region, Amalya has been elevated to Countess because of her continued efforts and interest in the betterment of our region, and was named as Wintreath's first Citizen of the month by the Citizens of the region. However, her greatest impact on our community is through her friendliness, perseverance, loyalty, compassion, and openness that has made her such a friend and role model to so many here and made her an essential pillar of our community.

        And so it is with great enthusiasm that we, the Storting, commend Amalya for her efforts. We commend her for her services, loyalty, quality of work, and embodiment of the very values of Wintreath, and elevate her to the status of a Paragon in recognition.
    « Last Edit: March 06, 2021, 05:18:07 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,400
    • Karma: 9,648
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Original Version

    Time in Effect: April 1st, 2015 (passage of the Act) to November 10th, 2017 (passage of the Statutory Law Punctuation Correction Act)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen | Overhusen

    Version Text
    1. This shall be titled the Amalya Paragon Act

    Paragon Status and commendations
         The Storting recognizes the efforts that Amalya Meindhert has put into the betterment of Wintreath. Her efforts as the Jarl of Culture, including the establishment and running of the Chasing the American Dream roleplay, Wintreath Radio, and other contests and events have helped push Wintreath along into the beginning stages of prosperity and growth, and her influence is seen in practically every new cultural area that appears within the Region. We further recognize her service to this Storting as Speaker of the Fourth Underhusen.

        Through her time in the region, Amalya has been elevated to Countess because of her continued efforts and interest in the betterment of our region, and was named as Wintreath's first Citizen of the month by the Citizens of the region. However, her greatest impact on our community is through her friendliness, perseverance, loyalty, compassion, and openness that has made her such a friend and role model to so many here and made her an essential pillar of our community.

        And so it is with great enthusiasm that we, the Storting, commend Amalya for her efforts. We commend her for her services, loyalty, quality of work, and embodiment of the very values of Wintreath, and elevate her to the status of a Paragon in recognition.
    « Last Edit: March 06, 2021, 05:25:04 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,400
    • Karma: 9,648
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Statutory Law Punctuation Correction Act

    Summary: The Statutory Law Punctuation Correction Act made grammar corrections to a number of laws, including the Amalya Paragon Act.

    Time in Effect: November 10th, 2017 (passage of the amendment) to present

    Amendment Votes: Underhusen | Overhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. This act shall be cited as the Statutory Law Punctuation Correction Act.

    Amendment to the Repeal of The Anti-NPO/NLO Act
    2. Section 1 of the Repeal of the Anti-NPO/NLO Act shall be amended to read:
    1. This act shall be titled as the Repeal of the Anti-NPO/NLO Act.

    Amendment to the Amendment to the Citizenship and Demonym Act
    3. Section 1 of the Amendment to the Citizenship and Demonym Act shall be amended to read:
    1. This bill shall be cited as the Amendment to the Citizenship and Demonym Act.

    Amendment to the Charax Romanov Act
    4. Section 1.1 of the Charax Romanov Act shall be amended to read:
    1.1 This shall be titled the Charax Romanov Act.

    Amendment to the Amalya Paragon Act
    5. Section 1 of the Amalya Paragon Act shall be amended to read:
    1. This shall be titled the Amalya Paragon Act.

    Amendment to the Underhusen Elections Clarification Act
    6. Section 1 of the Underhusen Elections Clarification Act shall be amended to read:
    1. This bill shall be cited as The Underhusen Elections Clarification Act.

    Amendment Effect
    1. This shall be titled the Amalya Paragon Act.

    Paragon Status and commendations
         The Storting recognizes the efforts that Amalya Meindhert has put into the betterment of Wintreath. Her efforts as the Jarl of Culture, including the establishment and running of the Chasing the American Dream roleplay, Wintreath Radio, and other contests and events have helped push Wintreath along into the beginning stages of prosperity and growth, and her influence is seen in practically every new cultural area that appears within the Region. We further recognize her service to this Storting as Speaker of the Fourth Underhusen.

        Through her time in the region, Amalya has been elevated to Countess because of her continued efforts and interest in the betterment of our region, and was named as Wintreath's first Citizen of the month by the Citizens of the region. However, her greatest impact on our community is through her friendliness, perseverance, loyalty, compassion, and openness that has made her such a friend and role model to so many here and made her an essential pillar of our community.

        And so it is with great enthusiasm that we, the Storting, commend Amalya for her efforts. We commend her for her services, loyalty, quality of work, and embodiment of the very values of Wintreath, and elevate her to the status of a Paragon in recognition.
    « Last Edit: March 06, 2021, 05:18:24 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,400
    • Karma: 9,648
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
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