Post #153786
December 08, 2020, 05:32:52 AM
Dark side me: A refined version of mind control where I could push thoughts into people's heads to where they believe deep down that it's their own there's no risk of them fighting back/resisting against what I push them to say or do because they'll believe they're the ones that wanted to say/do it.
Good side me: The ability to heal someone when I touch them, whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, or in any other way they need to be healed.
Selfish non-dark me: The ability to teleport where I want, when I want (both in the sense of being able to do it when I choose to, as well as the sense of being able to teleport to any point in time that I want), instantly and seamlessly regardless of whether or not I've been long as I can imagine it from seeing a video or picture and thinking about being there.