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Posts: 2 Views: 368

  • Former Citizen
  • Section I: Basic Information
    1) What is the name of your Wintreath nation? Pixeltupia

    2) What is your World Assembly nation? If you don't have one or are WA mobile, state so. Nope

    3) Do you have nations in any other regions? If so, where? Nope 

    4) Do you serve in any official roles in any other regions or organizations? If so, what are they? N/A

    5) Are you new to NationStates? Im Very New

    6) What timezone are you in? Eastern USA time zone

    7) How did you find out about Wintreath? It was one of the recruitment Telegrams i received after looking through the others i choose Wintreath

    Section II: Interests and Skills

    1) Are there any particular areas of our region you would like to become involved in? Military and a little into politics

    Section II: Introductions and Questions
    Please take a moment to introduce yourself to your future region-mates, or ask us any questions that you may have.

    Hi im Pixel or Pixeltupia, im here to have fun and make friends :D. If you want to talk to talk with me that's cool just msg me. Im looking forward to being a part of this community and i hope to become friend with people.
    ps. I can be really stupid at times and need a lot of help :P
    • Posts: 1
    • Karma: 0
    • Former Citizen
    • Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome to Wintreath! It looks like everything in your application is in order, and your Citizenship is approved. :)

    You mentioned that you would like to get involved in our military, which comes in two flavours: The Hvitt Riddral and the Skydande Vakt. You can read up on the differences between the two and join one of them in our Bulletin Board forum here: You can also join up for other government offices as well if you would like.

    I hope you stick around and make friends as well! Don't worry about needing help...we were all new at one time and needed help. Just let us know what you need help with and we'll try our best to get you set up. :D

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,498
    • Karma: 9,712
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Pages: [1]