Repeal "Industrial Pollution Control"Category: Repeal ||
Resolution: #281 ||
Proposed by: Auralia
Affirming the need to reduce pollution to reasonable levels,
Regretting that the flaws present in GAR #281, "Industrial Pollution Control", necessitate its repeal,
Remarking in general that the target resolution's substantial lack of clarity makes it very difficult for member nations to discern their obligations under the resolution,
Noting the target resolution defines "threshold of environmental quality" as "the level of environmental degradation beyond which an area is deemed unsafe for population or unable to sustain natural flora and fauna",
Concerned that this definition does not distinguish between areas that are permanently as opposed to only temporarily unable to sustain native flora or fauna, and excludes areas that are able to sustain an equivalent level of biodiversity through non-native flora or fauna,
Distressed that this definition also fails to take into account the limited relevance of whether or not an area is unsafe for population when no population is actually present in that area, as well as that it is sometimes necessary to permanently make an area unsafe for population in order to safely dispose of dangerous materials, such as nuclear waste,
Perplexed that the target resolution only appears to require that member nations "adapt" (as opposed to "adopt") thresholds of environmental quality,
Further noting that the target resolution defines "pollution" as "chemical and energy contaminants that cause adverse change in the environment or the health of a population",
Dismayed by the lack of clarity as to what exactly constitutes an "energy contaminant" or an "adverse change in the environment or the health of a population", as well as the lack of any distinction between "pollution" and "industrial pollution" even though both terms are used throughout the resolution,
Confused by the target resolution's contradictory mandates with respect to pollution reduction targets, for which implementation is merely "recommended" in clause 3(iv) yet apparently required in clauses 4(i) and 4(ii),
Alarmed by the lack of an appeals process or even any clearly established criteria for the World Assembly Science Program's determination of pollution reduction targets, which - assuming the implementation of pollution targets is actually required - allows the Program to arbitrarily restrict industries in World Assembly member nations without any accountability,
The General Assembly,
Repeals GAR #281, "Industrial Pollution Control".