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AJ for UH (Oh baby a triple!)
Posts: 3 Views: 198

AJ BLarg
  • Former Citizen
  • Lord of the BLargs
  • Cheers, all. This is my third time running for UH. Now you might wonder, hey, is this relevant? Well, maybe, maybe not, who knows. We'll find out in this post.

    I've ran for UH twice before, and been a member once. I did some, but not enough in my opinion, things suddenly spun up in real life. As some may know, I'm a member of the United States Navy, and while I love talking with the community, I'm mostly on Discord, as I'm not super savvy with forums, and that's my preferred way to talk with people. Now what does this all mean for you?

    Well being in both the Navy and this community for going on 4 years (dang, just hit me), and I think I've been a positive influence on it. While I haven't had a hand in the government side much, I hope to maybe be a UH member once again, and perhaps become Jarl of Gaming if I can get it next cycle to better connect the community together with games. But that's for the future, no? This is here and now.

    Why vote me? Well, I have experience with how laws work (military codes are great, I tell ya), I've been in the UH before, so I have a somewhat basic understanding of how things work, and I'll continue to persue to make Wintreath better as a whole than it already is (if that's possible).

    Vote AJ!

    (Here's a great song to listen to as well <3)

    1 person likes this post: Marzipan
    AJ BLarg
    • Lord of the BLargs
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome to the campaign. :)

    As you said mentioned, you were pretty inactive in your last stint in the Underhusen, and you've said before that you might have to go inactive like that depending on your job. What if things suddenly spin up in real life again? Can you commit to at least participating in UH debates and casting votes no matter what happens?
    1 person likes this post: taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
    AJ BLarg
  • Former Citizen
  • Lord of the BLargs
  • I'll try to at least vote on things, even if job becomes hectic, I'm sure I can find a bit of time to do it. I'll try my best to prevent work from washing up again, but it's the military, and results may vary.
    1 person likes this post: taulover
    AJ BLarg
    • Lord of the BLargs
    • Posts: 120
    • Karma: 121
    • Former Citizen
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      Wintreath Nation
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