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FAILED (0-5-0) Prohibition on Citizenship within the New Pacific Order
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    1. This act is to be cited as the Prohibition on Citizenship within the New Pacific Order.

    2. Section 2.1 of the Citizenship and Demonym Act is amended to read as follows:
    Citizens are required to keep the nation with which they gained citizenship within the region unless they inform the person or agency empowered to accept or reject citizenship applications (per relevant law) of any desired change in citizenship nation. Citizens that have made five (5) posts on the Wintreath forums during the previous calendar month, after their second month of citizenship, are exempted from this requirement. Any individual wishing to obtain citizenship must have a nation within the region to qualify for citizenship. No current citizen of the New Pacific Order is eligible for Citizenship within the realm.
    Peers (myself, @Wintermoot, @Aragonn, @Cinciri and @trader) may now vote Aye, Nay, or may Abstain from voting.
    « Last Edit: March 10, 2019, 07:29:23 PM by Wuufu »
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  • Nay.

    In line with what Wintermoot said in the Citizens Platform post about this, I don't feel that Wintreath should get involved with these matters and should try to maintain neutrality. Heck, even trying to enforce this law in the niche scenarios it might matter would be difficult, and I would imagine there are better (or generally more effective) actions we could take in those situations.
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    • Wintreath's Unofficial Official Merchant
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  • Nay, for the reasons I posted in the Citizen's Platform.

    When did this become a thing again? ;-;

    Personally, I think Wintreath should strive for neutrality in this "war". I understand that many of the regions that declared war on the NPO have legitimate causes to, especially the GCRs that the NPO attempted to subvert. But I don't see any reason for us to get involved one way or the other, except perhaps to score brownie points with regions at war with the NPO, which alone should not be a factor in changing our Citizenship policy. There isn't even a practical reason to prohibit Citizenship, as only one person from the NPO has ever applied for Citizenship here, which is what led to the last prohibition being dropped.
    1 person likes this post: Treeguard

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  • Nay. Ignoring purely the basis of neutrality, I believe that this might be a breech on the message of Wintreath as I interpret it, that we are open and accepting to all, provided they behave in their time here. War or not, allow us to remain open, without taking sides.
    1 person likes this post: Laurentus
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  • Nay. I will side with Wintermoot's reasoning on this, and note that should the issues change, the Monarch can decide to take a side through Royal Decree.

    With that, given that there are four votes against, I declare this act has FAILED to pass the Overhusen. I'll leave it open until this evening in case @Aragonn wishes to vote.
    2 people like this post: Laurentus, Treeguard
    « Last Edit: March 07, 2019, 10:52:58 AM by Wuufu »
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  • It's pretty much a half ass stopgap that would be ineffective against anything already in progress anyway. Just for symbolism, I vote Nay.
    Jarl Aragonn
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