Post #133160
November 03, 2018, 05:17:14 AM
This message was sent to all nations in Wintreath:
Z-Day is won! The legacy continues!
For a sixth straight year, Wintreath defeated the zombie masses and provided a refuge for all nations looking for safety from the zombies. We not only placed third on the list of most survivors in regions with no quarantine, but we attracted many nations to the region in the process. Between our open policy and being featured on the first day of the event, we rose above 400 nations for the first time since June 2016! This means that our region has more than doubled in size since January.
But more important than ranks and numbers is that we did it our way...unlike most other regions, we kept our region open to all needing to be cured, and unlike most other 'open' regions we did not reject nations that were overran with dead or zombies. Wintreans gave their time and effort to curing every nation that asked for our help, even those that had no intention of staying, while also being on alert for zombie nations looking to invade the region. We did this because openness, compassion, and generosity are some of our defining qualities as a community, and it's just how we wanted to do it. And thanks to that, we made an impact. I'm told zombie raider groups avoided us because our defenses looked too strong, and many people commented how nice and friendly our community was during the event.
Everyone that researched the cure or helped with curing had a hand in our triumph, but there are some people who took a lot of time out of their day to help coordinate our efforts: French Albania, Pogglind, and Melehan. For long periods of time, they determined which nations needed curing, expelled nations that disregarded instructions, and kept an eye out for nations coming in to make sure they weren't here to spread zombies around all while curing nations as well. Let me tell you, that's a lot of work! As always, Zaphyr Yui was instrumental in scouting our nations for zombie activity, and I'm grateful to Zaphyr's father Wuureath for teaching him all that he knows, including how to detect zombies!
Z-Day may have just been won, but the Cabinet is already talking about how to do even more for next year's event! If you have any ideas or topics about Z-Day that you feel need discussing, please message me back and I'll bring it to the Cabinet for consideration. But until then, thanks to everyone that took part in the event, you're what makes Wintreath a great place to be!
With pride,
-Wintermoot of Wintreath
-Monarch and Founder of Wintreath