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[DISCUSSION] Contagion Quarantine Authorization Act of 2018
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Quote
    1. This act is to be cited as the Contagion Quarantine Authorization Act of 2018

    Authorizations of Power
    2. The Storting grants the Monarchy authority over creating and maintaing information on potential bacteria, viruses, and fungi that could cause outbreaks and mass panics.
    3. The Storting grants the Monarchy the authority to, during periods of outbreak and infection, declare Martial Law over areas of Wintreath. Such Martial Law will suspend Section 2.1 of the Citizenship and Demonym Act and permits the forceful quarantine or expulsion of any individual that refuses to aid in the containment of such outbreak, or any individual that fails to adhere to procedure to contain the outbreak. A declaration of Martial Law must be presented to the Storting, and the Storting reserves the authority to rescind such a declaration at any time, with or without the permission or assent of the Monarchy. The Monarchy must rescind the declaration after the outbreak has been contained and is no longer a threat.
    4. It is requested that the Monarchy establish proper contingency plans in the event of an outbreak, such that an order of operation may be established to ensure the orderly operation of the Government, and it is additionally requested that the Monarchy share such information with the relevant authorities of the Storting, if not the Storting itself.
    5. It is requested that such an agency include the relevant officers and authorities of the Storting.

    6. Any citizen forcefully quarantined or expelled under Section 3 of this act is to be considered in compliance with Section 2.1 of the Citizenship and Demonym Act for a period of no longer than one month from the rescission of the declaration of Martial Law. The suspension does not effect the requirements to obtain Citizenship initially.

    7. This act expires on the first day of January of the year two-hundred and nineteen of the common era, at one minute past the first hour of that day. Upon expiration any declared Martial Law immediately ends, and all parts of this law are rendered invalid, except for Section 6 of this act, which is to continue in its effect until no citizens are covered under the exception.

    A topic of discussion on this act hasn't been created here, so I took the liberty.

    A couple mistakes:
    Section 2: "maintaing" should be fixed to "maintaining"
    Section 7: "two-hundred and nineteen" should be changed to "two-thousand and nineteen"

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Posting the Discord discussion on #citizens-platform here (as it seems quite significant to this bill):
    [7:55 PM] taulover: Re: the Z Day law, if we just removed the "any individual that refuses to aid in the containment of such outbreak" I think that would ease concerns about giving grounds to "expel" people who don't participate in Z Day while still retaining the flavor (due to the retention of "any individual that fails to adhere to procedure to contain the outbreak")
    [7:56 PM] Birdymoot, the Royal Birb: ^
    [7:56 PM] Birdymoot, the Royal Birb: yes
    [7:56 PM] Chanku: The refusal to aid in containment wouldn't necessarily cover things, IMO.
    [11:43 PM] Doc: i actually view the language in the opposite sense from Tau
    "any individual that refuses to aid in the containment of such outbreak" to me suggests people who actively refuse to follow the regional goal, whereas "any individual that fails to adhere to procedure to contain the outbreak" suggests people who just aren't participating. One is active refusal, the other is passive nonadherence, and so I would suggest removing 'fails to adhere' rather than 'refuses to aid'
    October 19, 2018
    [12:56 AM] taulover: I was fine with the second one because in general the procedure allows people to not participate, just not to join zombies
    [12:57 AM] taulover: But given this point about refuse vs fail to, perhaps we should have the wording "any individual that refuses to adhere to procedure to contain the outbreak" so that both the concerns about aid and fail to are addressed
    [1:03 AM] Doc: oh, yeah, i'm fine with the second one too, that's why i was saying 'i think that should go while the first definitely needs to stay'(edited)
    [1:05 AM] taulover: But I think people did have concerns with the "refuses to aid" part bc it could be read as meaning not wanting to participate
    [1:06 AM] taulover: So I was suggesting a blend of the two that kept out both of those concerns
    [1:06 AM] Doc: what if it became 'works against regional containment' instead
    [1:06 AM] Doc: scrap the 'fails to adhere' or 'refuses to aid' and becomes an outright 'is acting as a malefactor'
    [1:06 AM] taulover: I forget, do we eject people who kill zombies or only ones that join them?
    [1:07 AM] taulover: If the latter I think that wording works for flavor purposes
    [1:07 AM] Doc: i think we eject both if they persistently do it despite us saying 'hey please don't'
    [1:07 AM] Ellbsas 🥝: I believe last year we warned, and then warned with stronger language, and they changed their minds before anything further happened.
    [1:07 AM] Doc: like we sent many, many messages last year on the subject before anyone got ejected
    [1:08 AM] taulover: Because it could be argued that killing the zombies isn't necessary acting as a direct malefactor for containment per se
    [1:08 AM] taulover: So I think the part about compliance with the protocol makes sense to keep on there(edited)
    [1:09 AM] Ellbsas 🥝: Yeah, it is against official policy.
    [1:09 AM] Ellbsas 🥝: And to be honest I really don't want to give certain RMB folk the capacity to rule lawyer stuff.
    [1:09 AM] Doc: 'is in active noncompliance'?
    [1:11 AM] taulover: Not sure if necessary since protocol does allow people to not join (and since this is purely RP and unenforceable as per Fundamental Laws Article VI) but I'd be fine with that wording
    [1:13 AM] Ellbsas 🥝: I say run those by Katie when she gets back online. =D It looks good to me, but I might miss something she picks up on.
    [1:14 AM] Doc: well that's why i say active noncompliance, which is killing/spreading, rather than passive noncompliance, which is nonparticipation(edited)
    [1:15 AM] Ellbsas 🥝: Yah, that's why it looks good to me. =D
    3 people like this post: Gerrick, Doc, Katie
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