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The Penguin Did it! (Running for LGBT Thane and Thane of Werewolf)
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Hey everyone, Pengu here running once again for Thane of Werewolf, and this time running for LGBT Thane as well.

      When it comes to Werewolf, there's nothing I'm passionate about more here on Wintreath, or even Nationstates in general for that matter.  It's a game I've played in its Mafia form, helped strengthen in its Werewolf form in 10KI, and have helped grow and prosper here in Wintreath.  It's a limitless game to where the only limits are your own imagination, and it's for that reason it's always a favorite of mine.

    In the matter of LGBT affairs, it's no news to a few on here that I identify as gay.  I came out when I was roughly 21 to my folks, and as I get older I realize how important that part of my identity is to me.  When I see the different types of culture that exist in the LGBT world, I'm almost in awe at what I see, from the well known drag culture and pride parades, to the different subcultures of the L and the G areas alone, to even some of the more unique and less well known letters, such as being gender fluid or pansexual.  I remember growing up even bisexuality seemed like an unusual thing to me, so seeing what the four letters have evolved to in this day in age continues to amaze me.

    1) Why are you running for this position?
    I'm running for Thane of Werewolf simply because I love Werewolf and I want to continue to see it grow and succeed.  I'm running for LGBT Thane because I would like the opportunity to continue to represent the LGBT part of Wintreath in a positive way as previous Thanes have, and get to know and foster friendships with current and new potential LGBT members, helping them feel safe, welcome, and open to share their stories and experiences.

    2) What do you aim to accomplish as thane? As part of this, you must include at least one thing that you promise to do beyond the minimum listed duties of the position during your term. It should be measurable, so that it's black and white whether you fulfilled this mandate at the end of the term if you are elected.
    As Thane of Werewolf, I aim to both introduce games that continue to pave the way for innovation, as well as continue to get others interested in either taking part or even hosting their own games.  My one wish that I want to see at least once is members from each of the major regions taking part, casting aside differences in regional/GP opinions just to take part in a friendly game of Werewolf together.  It's a game that has been known to create and strengthen bonds, and I'd just love to see some of Nationstates biggest players take part together.

    One thing I promise to do as a Thane is to introduce a major game that will innovate the game and continue it on its own path of growth as a series.  It would be a game that would be sent out to the ally regions and maybe even outside of those, one that I would hope would grow a large player base so that we could see what Werewolf could really do.

    As Thane of LGBT, my goals are a bit more simple.  I want to accomplish what others have before me, which is maintaining the area in which members who identify as LGBT or even allies can post without worry of negativity surrounding them.  I want them to feel like they can be themselves without worry of judgment from others.  Most importantly, though, is that I'd want to accomplish keeping the Pride forum active by either continuing to promote topics such as the Drag Queens and Culture area, or posting new topics often to keep interest alive, maybe even thinking of events or even a festival we could do to promote the LGBT culture.  Overall, I want to see the LGBT area continue in its current course when it comes to the type of topics that arise...but I want to see it become a much more vibrant and active area, and maybe even extend that to events outside of the Pride forum.

    3) What qualifications or experience do you have in the area that you are running in?
    For Thane of Werewolf - I was appointed as Acting Jarl of Culture, and then eventually the full title because of my work with Werewolf.  In the current games we've had, 10 (including the current) were hosted by me, as well as hosting the 3 Summersend 2016 "2-3 Night" Werewolf games.  In 10KI, I was responsible for creating the "Werewolf of Past, Present, and Future" topic which keeps a link to all past and current Werewolf games, as well as acts as a place for people to discuss who will host current games.  It was something introduced during my time in 10KI before I joined Wintreath, and is still currently used today.  I've also created the "Unnoficial Rules of Werewolf" for those who don't understand the unwritten rules, the "Tips and Tricks" for players new to Werewolf, and the "Fabled Hall of Winners" based on the suggestion of a few members which tracks points from each Werewolf game win.

    As LGBT Thane, my qualifications are fewer, limited more to me identifying as as LGBT individual with 10 years of experience of being out in the world.  There are definitely those that may run with more qualifying factors, but I wanted to at least give it a shot.

    4) How do you plan to have the time to fulfill the duties of the position until the next election in September?
    Thankfully, I have a 7AM to 4PM Saturday - Wednesday shift, with 5PM being the absolute latest that I'm done with work for the day.  Thankfully, time is easy to juggle, even at my busiest moments.  If elected for either or both of these positions, I promise to cut time from gaming and use it towards my duties, devoting 2 hours a day (and more on Thursday since it's a day off) to fulfilling the needs for either or both positions.

    5) Are you currently a part of any other NationStates regional or organizational government? If so, please include those regions and positions.
    I'm only involved in Wintreath.

    Thank you for your time!
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, Imaginative Kane
    « Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 02:51:08 AM by Pengu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Hey, Pengu, welcome to the campaign! I have some more questions. :)

    1) As we've recently seen, even our powerhouse events like Werewolf aren't immune to slumps like the summer lull. As Thane of Werewolf, how would you go about making it more resilient in lean times?

    2) We get a lot of new Citizens that come here because they want to be part of our LGBT fact it's one of the reasons I made the Pride forum. What would you do as LGBT thane to make meeting and getting to know the LGBT community easier for these new Citizens?

    3) We'll be having our fourth Summersend Festival in August, and this Cabinet will be instrumental in planning and carrying it out. Do you have any ideas on how you will contribute to the festival in either position?
    1 person likes this post: taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • You know I always appreciate questions.  :D

    1) As we've recently seen, even our powerhouse events like Werewolf aren't immune to slumps like the summer lull. As Thane of Werewolf, how would you go about making it more resilient in lean times?
    I think getting dispatches out is a big thing.  Maybe going above and doing Nationstates TGs even to regions that we're thinking about establishing relations with, or even to regions that we normally wouldn't consider due to lack of forums or interest in GP mechanics...basically putting more of a line out and seeing who outside of our normal circle of embassies would be interested.  For all we know, it could bring potential new friends from places we've never considered into wanting to check us out and take part.

    But this would be a way not to combat just summer lull, but the potential for any kind of lull in general.

    When it comes to foreign affairs, the way we have it set up is fine.  When it comes to regional games, it should be a bit more open unless there's a legitimate fear that the party being sent an invitation will stir up trouble in the region/messageboard.  But I think if we open it up a bit more and get more of a word out, it might even bring potential new citizens into the fold along with new friends.

    2) We get a lot of new Citizens that come here because they want to be part of our LGBT fact it's one of the reasons I made the Pride forum. What would you do as LGBT thane to make meeting and getting to know the LGBT community easier for these new Citizens?

    Promoting topics, creating new ones for people to talk about different experiences in their lives, finding games to create as ice breakers to help make meeting people more comfortable, those are the basic ideas.  Possibly the idea of an LGBT chat in discord, having bi-weekly or monthly gatherings in said chatroom where we can discuss different topics in the LGBT community, promoting regional game nights where those involved play different games with different representations of LGBT characters, and maybe even monthly or bi-weekly movie nights where we watch and discuss different films in the LGBT spectrum (and there's quite a lot).

    Also book discussions by LGBT authors, or about the community itself.  I know there's some favorite books and plays that I'd absolutely love talking about with people, and I'm sure others have their favorites as well.

    When I think of meeting other LGBT people in a casual setting, I think of this place downtown in my area that would have these kinds of things.  One night a week (after the place's normal operating hours when it's open to any and all), different people who identify in different areas would get together at this place once a week and discuss various topics, watch movies, play games, and overall just get to know others in the group and create friendships.  Sometimes an event or a fundraiser might come up, and people in that group or in various groups would get together and take part in helping out.

    I want to help try to instill that feeling of building friendships in a different way, in a different, more digital setting.  When LGBT members join our region, I want them to feel like that they're among friends, among family that care about them and their feelings.  I think some of these ideas would  be a crucial step in helping continue with establishing that feel.

    3) We'll be having our fourth Summersend Festival in August, and this Cabinet will be instrumental in planning and carrying it out. Do you have any ideas on how you will contribute to the festival in either position?

    Actually, I was considering either another round of 2-3 night Werewolf, or trying out 1 Night Werewolf, depending on turnout.  It was successful enough in the 2016 festival to where we were able to hold 3 different games of it, so I'd love to bring it back since it was missing last year.

    As for the LGBT side, I was thinking of bringing the "Places you'll go and People you'll meet" thread into the festival.  Get a feeler out for any potential LGBT members from abroad and possibly even share stories, letting our tourists know that we are an open and supportive region outside of the fun and games that we have.  Maybe even having the regional game night and the regional LGBT game night coincide.
    1 person likes this post: taulover
    « Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 01:07:45 PM by Pengu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Your candidacies for Thanes of Werewolf and LGBT Affairs have been accepted. Good luck!

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