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Quezikstan Citizenship Application
Posts: 2 Views: 152

  • Former Citizen
  • Section I: Basic Information
    1) Please take a moment to introduce yourself to us! What led you here, what your interests are, what you hope to get out of being a part of our community as a Citizen, and anything else you would like us to know. :)
    Well, I received the telegram from this region and I thought it would be a great region to join. I want to roleplay correctly with everyone and have a long stay in this region.
    2) What timezone are you in?
    I am in the Eastern Time Zone

    3) Would you like a mentor to help you learn your way around Wintreath?
    No, thank you. I have read the guidelines to this region.
    4) How did you find out about Wintreath? If you received a telegram, please include the nation that sent it so they can receive credit!
    The Wintrean Monarch of Wintermoot sent me a telegram 1 day ago.

    5) What interested you in becoming a member of the community?
    Well, since I love to roleplay and I love countries I joined this one specifically because it wasn't as big and  I wanted a fresh start.
    Section II: NationStates (You can skip this if you are not involved with NationStates)
    5) What is the name of your Wintreath nation in Wintreath?

    6) Do you have nations in any other regions? If so, where? Also, do you serve in any official roles in any of them? If so, what are they?
    No, but I do have another Ns which is "Aropoclia".

    7) Are you new to NationStates?
    No, I have already made an account which is named "Aropoclia". But I made another due to the fact that I didnt like the name.
    • Posts: 1
    • Karma: 0
    • Former Citizen
    • Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome to Wintreath! Your application is approved. :)

    We have a few flavors of gameplay in the informal nation RP on the region page, a RP area here on the forums with different kinds of RPs, and an unofficial nation RP Discord server. I think you'll be able to find something you like, but if you have any questions or need help just let us know here. I hope you like being part of our community! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,472
    • Karma: 9,689
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Pages: [1]