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[FAILED 1-4-0-0] Requirements Exception Amendment Act [Override]
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  • Citizen
  • Quote from: Requirements Exception Amendment Act
    1. This act shall be cited as the Requirements Exception Amendment Act.

    2. A section shall be added to the Citizenship and Demonym Act below section 2.1, numbered 2.2 The section shall read as follows:

    Quote from: Section 2.2
    2.2 The Storting reserves the authority to make any citizen exempt from Section 2.1 of this act, due to an extended leave of absence from NationStates for extraordinary reasons. An exemption may only last for up to one year for an entire exemption. Any citizen with an exception under this section shall be required to return to compliance with Section 2.1 of this act within a week of their return. In order for an exemption to be granted the Citizen must: have an intent to return to Wintreath, be in good standing within the community, and be an outstanding member of the region.

    3. All other sections shall be renumbered accordingly.

    This is a vote to override the veto from the Overhusen, this requires a two-thirds vote in favor to pass.
    @Crushita @Mathyland @Doc @Dawsinian
    « Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 10:51:59 PM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • The Potato Pope
  • Nay. There have been no reasons given on why the arguments given by the Overhusen are invalid and why this bill is worthy of overriding the Overhusen for. With this in mind I see no reason to keep this bill alive. We clearly must propose a new bill.
    2 people like this post: taulover, Laurentus
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  • Before I vote, I wish to make a statement, I am honestly hesitant about overriding the Overhusen, due to the circumstances that we find ourselves in, and due to the fact that the Underhusen has never done so before.

    However, the vagueness was written on purpose in order to give the Storting and the community the ability to grant it on a more case-by-case basis. I also reject granting the monarch this authority, as this is a decision the community should make, not one singular person. While I do believe Wintermoot would use it on the advice of the community, I do not believe that granting the Monarch the power over that is the best course of action, in fact I wish to state the main reasons that Wintermoot has authority over citizenship applications is primarily due to efficiency and tradition. As such, I do not believe that the Overhusen's veto was the best course of action and the best for Wintreath. I have firm faith that overriding in this instance is the best course of action, and as such I hereby vote:



    I've changed my vote to nay based upon the fact that there are errors within this act, and not a change of view on bill itself.
    « Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 10:46:20 PM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • With two votes against, I hereby declare this act failed due to lacking the supermajority required.

    I shall leave it open for @Doc and @Mathyland to vote

    Final Vote
    Aye: 1
    Nay: 2
    Abstain: 0
    Not Voting: 2
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
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  • Nay. OH made good points.
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  • Nay

    Just to have my vote recorded.

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