Post #120228
February 25, 2018, 07:44:52 PM
1) Why are you running for this position?
As before, this is the game that brought me to Wintreath, and I believe it has a lot of potential to build friendships and serve as a recruitment tool all over NS. If I can direct its growth in any way, I will.
2) What do you aim to accomplish as thane?
I really want to hold a region-wide special event Werewolf this term. Like an Olympics for NS.
3) What qualifications or experience do you have in the area that you are running in?
Again, not nearly as much as Pengu. I can't even claim to have hosted the second most games. I do have a flair for marketing big ideas, though, whether they were my own or someone else's, and have consistently gotten shit done once I've applied myself to it.
4) How do you plan to have the time to fulfill the duties of the position until the next election in June?
As in the previous term, I don't have to do everything myself. I managed to split things up between various parties quite nicely to get the most recent game off the ground, and attract the most players we've had in a while.
Honestly, though, Werewolf would be in excellent hands whether it is me, Pengu, Hydra, North or Tau you decide to elect.