They both stink, but they're fun to talk about. Am I right? Eh? Eh?

Anyways, hello everyone! Pengu here. Once again I've been nominated to be Thane of Werewolf, and once again I've chosen to accept it. Only this time, I've also chosen to actually take the time to campaign and go through the process since I actually have much more time I can actually devote to the position, should I be chosen for it.
For those who know, Werewolf is something that is important in ways to me. Mafia, its offline counterpart, was one of my favorite games I ever played when I took theatre classes both in high school and college. When I learned about the online counterpart after joining 10K Islands, I was hooked. Unlike Mafia, Werewolf allows for so much creativity in both story telling and roles that it just became my ideal game: you could play infinite ways and no one game was ever the same.
When I joined Wintreath, I was baffled that this game hadn't made it to the Wintreath shores (well, to be fair there was a spark of interest in February before I joined, but it never went anywhere). So I took it upon myself to bring it to Wintreath, and it's still been a steady game that still sees a lot of support today. So much so that we're in the midst of elections for a Thane to oversee its operations. And even after all this time, my love and devotion to this game hasn't wavered.
On that note, I'll answer the required questions from the nomination thread:
1) Why are you running for this position?I'm running because I love Werewolf. In a way it's a big part of me because I love the creativity and friendship it can build between the players. Sure, there's tense moments, but that's what makes it almost more than a game...the intensity it can build and just seeing how much people can get lost in the game. Like I said basically, I love Werewolf, and I want to continue to see its success that it's had since the first time it popped into this region.
2) What do you aim to accomplish as thane?I aim to continue to see Werewolf flourish and grow. It's a game that has helped deepen ties with allies, created bonds between players, and I feel has overall just helped the region and its people grow. My goal is to continue helping that trend, continuing to get people interested in either taking part or even taking the reigns themselves, and continuing to see Werewolf be the sort of cultural phenomenon that it has been.
3) What qualifications or experience do you have in the area that you are running in?Well, I think that in sense speaks for itself, but for the reasons of detail, I'll elaborate:
*Was responsible for bringing Werewolf to Wintreath as well as hosting games XIII, XII, X1, X2, VI, V, III, II, and I. Was also responsible for hosting 3 separate Werewolf games in Summersend 2016.
*Created threads such as the Tips and Tricks and Unofficial Rules for newer players, as well as both the Hall of Winners (this one was more because of discussions with other members on such a thing) as well as the Theme and Role ideas threads.
*Was elevated to Count because of contributions in the field of culture, but more specifically because of Werewolf. Was also made Acting Jarl of Culture, and then eventually Jarl of Culture for this same reasoning.
4) How do you plan to have the time to fulfill the duties of the position until the next election in June?Work schedule:
Monday through Friday: 4AM to 12/1PM PST
Saturday and Sunday: Off
Believe me, I'll have at least some time I can devote.

Thank you for stopping by this thread and considering me for the position. I look forward to elections!
*Noted the February spark of interest that fizzled, and changed "more of a game" to "more than a game" since that was my thoughts when I was typing it