Post #118072
January 25, 2018, 07:40:47 AM
I feel like I should, at least, give something a bit more to this effort, to try and fully encapsulate my thoughts on this matter. I will be honest when I say I'm not sure if this is more for Govindia, for posterity, or for myself, however I do feel it is most appropriate to say something a bit more long-form. So here it goes.
"Your relationship with Wintreath and the people within it has become toxic, and it is damaging everyone who is at least peripherally connected to you," this quote is from Point Breeze during the last revocation, and I believe this best describes our situation today. Over two years the relationship between Govindia and Wintreath has degraded further that it was during the revocation. The relationship has become toxic enough that even Wintermoot, one of the most patient people I know, has grown tired of Govindia. Wintermoot's post has lead me to realize this. At this point, the relationship is no longer sustainable, and it is my opinion that the relationship is no longer even salvageable. While I must wonder if anything could have been done differently to have not arrived at this point, I don't think that there is. However I must admit, that as much as I dislike Govindia, as much as I would rather not have him around, my support for a Persona Non Grata declaration is there, but is also with a tinge of regret and sadness. Two years ago, when the Storting revoked his citizenship, many of those in the process hoped that Govindia would change and could return, and I was among them. While I will admit, my hope was layered with skepticism and that I believed that it would come to this, I did have hope that Govindia would change. I will admit that I am, to an extent, disappointed and regretful that it has. I am disappointed at the fact that the hopes of Wintreans in the past were squandered and that the region must, once more, deal with the question of Govindia's status within the community. I am regretful that it seems we must now take the ultimate act and the most extreme censure Wintreath as a community can levy against someone, and that it seems that we must now declare Govindia Persona Non Grata. Honestly with the way things are going, it seems like most people do not have much to say on this. Whether they are indifferent, or just plain tired of this.
I implore everyone, regardless of your stance on this, regardless of the outcome, to use this time as a reflection. We are now about to levy our harshest and most extreme form of punishment on someone, and we have allowed a relationship to become overly toxic and become unsalvageable. I do believe it is our duty to reflect, as a community, and work to try and make sure this doesn't happen again. So that, future generations of Wintrean can avoid the pain that goes with revocation, and perhaps a declaration not dissimilar to this one. Regardless of the outcome, the community should use the past several years as experience in order to move forward and it is our responsibility, both Wintreans old and new, to build upon it, and to allow our region to move forward.