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Citizens Dscuss: Reon as Paragon
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  • A while back, Laurentus suggested making Reon and Point Breeze Paragons, in addition to Colberius X.

    Thoughts on bestowing the honor on Reon? I did not know him very well, so others would need to provide reasons why.

    Calling all citizens to share their thoughts. The people involved with the writing of this bill know only a portion of Reon's history in the region, so anything that can be added would be greatly appreciated.
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  • What if we gave Reon a Commendation instead? If we elevate 3 people it might degrade the value of being a Paragon.
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  • I tend to agree. Additionally, even though Colby is my housemate and friend, the same might need to happen for him, too. Reon and Colby were great, but I'm finding it difficult to think of direct, concrete accomplishments for them both.
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  • I was actually thinking about this earlier, and came to that same conclusion.

    I greatly appreciate Reon and Colby, and think they definitely deserve an honor, but Paragon status might be a bit much if we can't even think of reasons/evidence as to why they deserve it.
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  • Crossposting here from the Underhusen forum. I'd like to hear any of your thoughts as well.
    So, this act has been voted down in the Overhusen. Let me quote Wintermoot's reasoning for convenience:
    Quote from: Wintermoot

    With all due respect to the Underhusen, what did Reon do or accomplish? What impact did he have on the region and the community? Most of the "achievements" the commendation includes are lists of holding positions really commendable in its own right? What did he do in these positions that's so commendable? As it stands the only actual accomplishment that the commendation lists is that he authored some laws. Is that really why we still think of Reon over a year after his departure: that he held some positions for a long time and wrote a few laws?

    Even if it turns out that the most commendable thing about Reon is the postive impact he had on the community just from being part of it, I feel like that would make for a more worthy commendation of Reon than what we're considering today. I don't necessary have a problem with a commendation listing the positions that they held as well, I just don't feel like they should be the meat of the commendation.
    I'll admit, I did rush this bill a bit. But still, precedence in earlier laws seems to be to focus more on concrete achievements, however small, for Commendations, instead of the true impact that these exceptional citizens have had on the community. (The exception is Pengu's Commendation, but considering that that law was adapted from a rejected Paragon act, I don't think it really counts.)

    Thoughts? Should we try again, with a modified law, or put this matter to rest?
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  • For what it's worth, I apologize that I didn't bring this up before. It looks like it originally came up around the time that I was with my mom in the hospital and not really focused on what was going on here.

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  • We really need to work on our communication with the Overhusen. I'm not criticizing Wintermoot or the OH, but we in the UH really must work on communication with the OH so that we can avoid this back and forth. Again, I'm not bashing anyone, just stating my opinion that we should try and work with the OH more.
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  • Quoting from the Underhusen thread:
    I'd like to point out again that @Wintermoot's main concern was that we only listed positions instead of concerning ourselves with the less tangible, yet more "real" impact of Reon. With some restructuring of what was a rather rushed bill, I think this could work.

    @BraveSirRobin @Laurentus @Sapphiron @Wuufu @Emoticonius and others, would appreciate it if you could share your thoughts in the Citizens' Platform thread.
    A question for Wintermoot as well: Do you think Reon should receive a commendation, or is your issue only with how the bill was written, or both?
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  • "Even if it turns out that the most commendable thing about Reon is the postive impact he had on the community just from being part of it, I feel like that would make for a more worthy commendation of Reon than what we're considering today. I don't necessary have a problem with a commendation listing the positions that they held as well, I just don't feel like they should be the meat of the commendation."

    I feel like Moot sums it up well here. When I think of the ideal Wintrean, I think of someone who's completely honest, but doesn't intentionally cause drama, and in fact tries to influence the lives of those he/she comes in contact with, always in a positive manner. I think I remember Reon's friendship to such an extent that I never even questioned whether he was worthy of the commendation.
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  • I've never really followed government careers here. Completely disregarding his political career, I would say that Reon is deserving of paragon status. He was always a positive part of this community. Not many people in NS place their community above their political and military careers but Reon was one such person. We need more of that in NS and Wintreath was fortunate to have one such person as part of it for as long as it did.
    3 people like this post: Laurentus, taulover, Wintermoot
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  • A question for Wintermoot as well: Do you think Reon should receive a commendation, or is your issue only with how the bill was written, or both?
    I think that the Storting as a whole should determine whether Reon and anyone else should receive a commendation, and I wouldn't want to unduly influence that decision.

    However, if we're going to honour someone with a commendation, I think it should be a quality commendation that is worthy of the person being honoured. It should be something that speaks to the impact the person had on the community and the people in it, and what we treasured about that person, especially someone like Reon who is no longer with us. Whether we intend it to be that way or not, when we honour someone like this, it's a reflection of what we value in people here as well. We're essentially saying they're people that new generations of Wintreans should look up to for the reasons that we list.

    Was the commendation as written honestly worthy of Reon or of this community? Were the reasons written into the commendation what we value in people here? It honestly boggles my mind that nobody questioned the quality of the commendation before it got to the Overhusen and that I had to be the one to do it. Where's the thoughtfulness and the standards that something like this deserves to have behind it?

    I've never really followed government careers here. Completely disregarding his political career, I would say that Reon is deserving of paragon status. He was always a positive part of this community. Not many people in NS place their community above their political and military careers but Reon was one such person. We need more of that in NS and Wintreath was fortunate to have one such person as part of it for as long as it did.
    I feel like Moot sums it up well here. When I think of the ideal Wintrean, I think of someone who's completely honest, but doesn't intentionally cause drama, and in fact tries to influence the lives of those he/she comes in contact with, always in a positive manner. I think I remember Reon's friendship to such an extent that I never even questioned whether he was worthy of the commendation.
    Thoughtfulness like these posts, for example.

    Reon was something of a free spirit...he was all about fun and adventure, and he never took anything too seriously, including himself, which is probably why he both never really did much in his positions and why he so easily made friends with people...that, and the fact that he was just so comfortable with who he was. He wasn't afraid to be himself, even if it meant doing and saying things other people thought was weird, or doing new things or reaching out to people when others would be too shy or self-conscious to...for him it was all part of the adventure and just who he was.

    I don't know that any of that is relevant to a commendation, but he was certainly a unique person, both here and in the world in general. He imparted some of himself into the community while he was a part of it, and in doing so made it more fun, spontaneous, personable, and easy-going...traits that were very much him.
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