Post #93491
February 28, 2017, 05:45:56 PM
Over a long period of time, sometimes government ministries have to change to reflect the realities of their portfolio, the priorities of the region, and the interests of the people in it. It can not be disputed that NationStates R/D has been in decline for the last several years, and that interest in it has particularly waned in our region for a number of reasons, with a resulting detrimental effect on our participation in it. To the best of my knowledge, the Hvitt Riddaral has not participated in an operation since last summer, and I do not foresee this changing in the near-future.
That is not to say that the Hvitt Riddaral is going away...we will still maintain a volunteer force to protect our region, our allies, and our interests. However, I do not believe a ministry is required to conduct these affairs, and to that end the Ministry of Defense is hereby dissolved. For now, the affairs of the Hvitt Riddaral will be conducted directly by the Monarchy while we consider possible alternatives such as promoting an officer or transferring its portfolio to an existing ministry.
I would also like to take a moment to thank Chanku for his service to the the end of the day, he served in a role that nobody else wanted, and had it not been for his service the ministry would have been dissolved long ago. I know that over the years Chanku has been involved in many aspects of this region, and I'm sure that he will continue to make his name known in those areas.