Post #75325
May 31, 2016, 07:53:09 AM
I grew up eating potatoes, lot's of them. That has built me into a man you can trust! So many have merely adopted the potato, I grew up in it, was molded by it. I'm have no shit in front of my mouth, I can still eat potatoes! I'm not batman, I'm batyoungadult! Wait, I mean potatoyoungadult! The superhero of tomorrow.
Fish goes well with potatoes.
I'm not posting any pictures of potatoes, I realize that the perfect potato is a little different to everyone, so imagine that, reach the maximum bliss with minimum effort from my side! Yes! Yes! Now you are sure to vote for me!
In my mind the Underhusen thrives in discussion, debate. That's where we can achieve the most. The few laws that are actually required could be passed by a sack of potatoes, so vote the potato nation! Wait, umm.. well yes. Vote us, the potatoeans!
I want to make the Underhusen as easily approachable as possible, the best way I know how to do that is to make stupid suggestions, ask stupid question and to dance from toes to toes (that takes a lot of practice, they are easy to miss and I'm still a mere amateur). By voting me to a seat, you will be helping me to add weight to my dance! Imagine the screams I could cause! The desperation! The agony!
Yeah, it hasn't really been an election of too serious campaigns, so I'm rolling with this.
Death to carrots!