Post #58524
January 31, 2016, 07:34:55 AM
Hey, everybody, I'm running for Underhusen again! Much of my platform from the last election is the same.
The first priority of this next UH will be to address the proposals to reform the legislature. I had created 2 proposals:
1. to form a unicameral legislature made up of half elected and half appointed members. I've decided not to pursue this option since it doesn't solve the issue of there not being much to do, so it'd just bring the OH members in on everything.
2. to disband the UH and allow citizens to propose legislation to the OH/Riksrad officer, then a certain number of randomly-selected members from each newly-created social rank (based on stats like amount of time as citizen/number of posts/etc.) debate and vote on the legislation. I've decided not to pursue this option since it's quite complicated -- but mostly because I couldn't think of anything to do with the ranks other than as for jury/legislator pools. Parts of this proposal could perhaps be brought into another proposal, but I don't really think it's the ideal solution we're looking for.
I am staying up-to-date with Wintermoot's open assembly proposal as it seems to be one of the most popular and viable options. Regardless of whether or not this one is chosen, I look forward to working on the proposals to try to find something to go forward with.
Besides my dedication to the UH reforms, I am quite active on the forums, making sure to check in on everything at least a couple times a day, so inactivity will not be a problem.
I'm open to any questions that anybody may have, so ask away. And vote for me!