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For Skrifa of the Underhusen
Well fellow Wintreans, here we are again. It's election time and once more I'd like to serve this region. I know to many of you it sounds pointless for me to even have to tell you why I am the best person for the job, but the newer citizens probably don't know why that is. Anyways I've been with Wintreath since the beginning, laid the foundation for the Code of Laws. I've written many of our laws and proposed just as much, if not more. It's not exaggeration to say that nobody knows our laws better than me. I have shared my knowledge and expertise with the other session of the Underhusen, even when I wasn't in it. I don't plan on changing that any time soon.
What do I bring to the table?
- Ideas
- Innovation
- Enthusiasm
- Perspective
- Experience