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(DEFEATED 0-3-0-1) Judicial Offices Omnibus Amendment Act
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Quote
    1. This shall be titled the Judicial Offices Omnibus Amendment Act

    2. The entire Judicial Offices Act is to be amended to read as follows:

    1a. Title
          1.1 This Act shall be cited as the "Judicial Offices Act".
        1b. Purpose
          1.2 The purpose of this Act is to create the offices of the Judiciary
               and outline due process.

        2. The Offices of the Judiciary
          2.1 In accordance with Section 3 (parts 1 and 2) of the Fundamental
               Laws of Wintreath, upon acceptance of a case by the Storting, the
               Monarch will select a Peer from the Overhusen and two Skrifa from
               the Underhusen. The Peer will serve the duration of the trial (or 1
               month) as Chief Justice, and the Skrifa will serve the duration of
               the trial (or 1 month) as Associate Judges.

          2.2 The term of a judicial appointment lasts either the length of a case
               or a duration of 1 month from appointment, whichever comes first.
               At the end of the 1 month period, if the case is still being heard, it
               falls to the Monarch to reappoint members of the Storting to the
               Judiciary, or to the Speaker of the Undehusen and the Chairman of
               the Overhusen in the case of Monarchical absence.

          2.3 A Peer or a Skrifa of the Storting may not hold more than one
               judicial position at any one time if the combined number of
               members from both houses exceeds 14. If the combined number of
               members from both houses is less than 14, a Peer of Skrifa may
               hold two judicial positions at any one time.

        3. Powers of the Judiciary
          3.1 The Plaintiff may call up to three witnesses on a given day to
               provide evidence on a case. A defendant can also request up to 3
               witnesses in their defense on a given day.

          3.2 After all evidence is heard by the Court, the three Judges must
               discuss their verdict privately and inform no-one of the judgement
               until it is publicly announced by the Chief Justice.

          3.3 A Court can return a NOT GUILTY, a GUILTY or a
               RECOMMENDATION verdict.
                 NOT GUILTY - The Court finds the defendant innocent of his/her
                 charge or specific charges, if more than one is brought.
                 GUILTY - The Court finds the defendant guilty of his/her charge
                 or specific charges, if more than one is brought. The punishments
                 for a GUILTY verdict are to be drawn from the Code of Criminal
                 Law Act upon its passage.

                 RECOMMENDATION - The Court finds the defendant either
                 innocent or guilty but recommends special provisions be made
                 that fall outside of the remit of the Code of Criminal Law Act. It is
                 up to the Monarch to decide whether to implement these
                 recommendations. A case can therefore have an INNOCENT -
                 RECOMMENDATION verdict and a GUILTY - RECOMMENDATION

        4. Due Process
          4.1 When a Court is formed and a case brought before it, a topic must
                be created with the title laid out as follows by the Chief Justice:
               ]-[CHIEF JUSTICE]/[DATE]

               The first post must then outline the name and charge of the
               defendant, the name of the Prosecution, the name of the Chief
               Justice and the names of the Associate Judges. This post should
               be updated to list witnesses called and by whom.

          4.2 Only the Court Officials (Chief Justice and the Associate Judges),
               the defendant, the plaintiff and any witness called may post
               within the thread. Uninvolved citizens may observe the proceedings
               but cannot comment.

          4.3 During the first 12 hours of a trial either the defendant or the
               plaintiff may motion to dismiss, with the judges privately voting
               on it and the Chief Justice posting the decision, should the vote be
               successful then the Case shall be dismissed. Otherwise the case
               shall continue as normal.

          4.4 During the proceedings, the plaintiff or defendant, whom ever
               called the  witness, must pose their questions within the same post
               they summon that witness. A witness then has one post to provide
               their responses to the questions put to them. At any time, a Court
               Official, the Plaintiff, or the Defendant may post a question(s)
               for the defendant so long as no other questions for the defendant
               are unanswered and so long as no witness has questions left to

          4.5 Once the Court feels it has enough evidence to reach a verdict,
               the Chief Justice must post to inform the public that the Officials
               are withdrawing to debate their verdict. From this point on, no-one
               is allowed to post in the thread until the next post by the Chief
               Justice announcing a verdict.

          4.6 The Chief Justice will then post the verdict in the thread and lock
               it once he/she has done so. The verdict should go through charge
               by charge and provide guilty/not guilty/recommendations for each
               individual charge the defendant is in court for. Punishments will be
               assigned for each individual charge and enacted upon as soon as
               the verdict is posted.

          4.7 If the Chief Justice and his Associate Judges feel more than 3
               witnesses are required per day, they may argue the Monarch to
               raise the limit for the duration of a specific court case.

          4.8 If the two parties has reached a settlement they must announce
               to the court that they have done so, afterwards the justices shall
               discuss and debate whether or not the court will accept the
               settlement, should the court not accept it then the trial shall

          4.9 During the case the Justices may privately meet and dismiss the
               case, if they dismiss the case without prejudice then the
               Prosecution shall be allowed to amend their case and seek retrial,
               otherwise if it is dismissed with prejudice then the case shall never
               be retried unless the monarch invokes a recall.
            4.9.1 With Prejudice shall be allowed only if Proprietorial Misconduct
                    occurs or a Harmful error occurs. Furthermore the acceptance
                    of a settlement by the case shall be Dismissed With Prejudice
            4.9.2 Without Prejudice shall be allowed if there were filling issues,
                    procedural issues, or if the Prosecution wishes to revise their
                    claims by a motion to dismiss.

        5. Recall and Appeal
          5.1 The Monarch has the Right of Recall. If after a one week period
               has passed since a verdict was decided the Monarch wishes for a
               retrial, he/she may summon a new Court to hear the case again.

          5.2 A defendant, if found guilty, may Appeal his/her case after 2 weeks
               have passed since a verdict was decided. To do so, a defendant must speak directly with the Monarch and gain his/her approval.

        6. Compliance with previous and future law
          6.1 Upon passage of the legislation, the Judicial Offices Act will enforce
               Section 3 [clause 1 and 2] of the Fundamental Laws.

          6.2 Upon passage of the legislation, the Underhusen is required to
               present a Code of Criminal Law Act within the next term. At such a
               point, Section 3 Clause 3 of this Act regarding punishments for
               GUILTY verdicts is to be amended.

    Peers may choose to vote Aye, Nay, or may choose to Abstain.
    « Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 03:05:21 AM by Pengu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Wait, what?

    How did this pass the Underhusen? I thought it was tied with one abstention? O_o

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • You know what? I'm voting nay on this without prejudice to the legislation content.

    I feel that there are several irregularities with the passage of this Act through the Underhusen...namely that in this act an abstention was counted neutrally, while an abstention for the Omnibus Judicial Repeal was counted as the ultimate nay vote that killed it. I also note that Pengu's request for clarifaction for abstain votes was essentially ignored by the Underhusen. Additionally, it seems voting was held open past the one-week deadline for Nox's aye vote, in seeming direct violation of the Underhusen's procedural rules.

    With all these irregularities, I cannot vote for this in good conscience as I feel the passage of this Act from the Underhusen is illegal.
    1 person likes this post: Joshua Bluteisen

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • I'm actually going to voice in on this as well.

    As it stands, as Mooty pointed out, this is what I'd consider an illegal amendment on a couple of grounds.

    First off, in the previous Judicial act which was a Repeal made by Reon, there were 3 Aye votes, one Nay, and one Abstain. The abstain in that instance was used as a Nay and the Repeal was failed since it wasn't a supermajority pass.

    In this one, there were 2 AYES, 2 NAYS, and one Abstain, and the Abstain in this instance was used as an AYE and thus the act was brought here.  The inconsistency in what is done with these Abstains is exactly why I have been trying to push for clarification, and have even stated that I'm open to changes in what I've written for it.

    Second, the 2nd Aye vote was a week after the deadline, and was still counted.  If it wasn't for Nox's late AYE, it wouldn't have even been a tie...the act would have failed.  But again, if the SPeaker had done the same thing he did with the repeal, it would have still failed because that abstention would have been treated as a 3rd NAY.  But instead he used it to pass his own act (and used it to fail an act he absolutely disagreed with), which doesn't sit well with me.

    So I'll Nay until I'm blue in the face.
    « Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 02:17:49 AM by Pengu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • I'm with them. 

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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • As Jone hasn't been online (in the forums anyways) for 37 days and counting, I'll go ahead and end the vote with 3 Nays.

    This will remain open until Saturday, March 21st in case Jone pops up to record his vote.
    « Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 04:03:19 AM by Pengu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
    • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • With it being the deadline, I hearby close this thread and consider it officially defeated.
    My Wintreath Resumé
    • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
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