1. Absolutely no communication about this game outside of official game chats will be permitted. Official game chats are: wolf chat, the game thread, your private channels in the discord hub.
2. Excessive AtE is not permitted, mafia is an emotional and inherently unhealthy game in my honest opinion. As such AtE itself will not be heavily moderated if it is within reason. You know what is excessive you are all mature enough.
3. Along the same lines excessive toxicity will be heavily moderated. Getting upset is reasonable, however you all have private channels in the discord hub which will remain private post game. Use them. I will happily listen to you tell me how someone is a little bitch, that's what I'm here for, if you tell someone they are a little bitch in the game thread you will be moderated. Behave.
4. Out of game information is prohibited. I am much less strict on this rule when it's reasonable. If your friends with someone and they are getting pushed for inactivity and you say "hey s/t/he/y are not here because of (work, school, a hot date ect) that's cool. Use your best judgement on if it's a reasonable thing to talk about
5. Angle shooting is strictly prohibited
6. I would normally say the mafia code of conduct and global mafia rule book apply but I have not updated those yet so use your best judgement, you are all aware of what is crossing a line in game or out. Global site rules do apply.
7. This color is the mod color. Do not use it.
8. If you think someone has crossed a line tag the host on your private channel with a link to the message.
Game Information
1. Post cap is 75 lifted 1 hour before EoD. Post minimum is 10. Please post more than 10 posts. Your account will not be locked when you reach 75 posts we don't have that functionality but the mafia UI tracks your posts per day. Please follow it carefully.
2. Victory conditions are parity for mafia or the elimination of all mafia for town.
3. Day vote is decided by majority or plurality. Hammer is enabled starting Day 2. I can not be present at all hours if a hammer is reached please moderate yourselves and stop posting immediately. I will pay attention to this.
4. Mafia has day and night chat. Town does not have night chat.
5. Days are 48 hours nights are 24 hours. All days and nights will start at 5pm central time.
6. No vote is not a valid vote unless the game is in MYLO. Ties will be resolved via random chance.
The set up
6 vanilla town
1 town tracker (odd night)
1 town cop (even night)
1 town Bodyguard
1 mafia roleblocker
1 mafia godfather
N0 Flavor
Princess Abigail descended upon the Wolf's Den arms open wide and smiled.
"I missed you," she said as she unlocked the gate. I missed you well.
Two werewolves from inside came forth into the light and she smiled looking both of them in the eyes and shaking their hands.
"The hunt begins on Thursday. 2 days from now on the dawn of the full moon. Go forth into the city, prepare yourself and meet here then. The others will be waiting."
"What's stopping us from simply feeding on you, you aren't the old master," one of the Wolves asked licking his voice low and heavy.
"Simple really, in my absence I trained. In a fortress of liars. In the pits of hell. In an alternate universe. Even in a mafia Syndicate. I've trained to hunt wolves and should you attack I will strike you down before you ever feed. Should you attack in the city you will die too. I will kill you. So if you want to feed free of threat, prepare for the hunt." Her eyes flashed with dark amusement. The wolves whimpered, backing away and nodded. "Good. The game begins on Thursday, so don't be late."
She waved her hands and walked away humming to herself.
Player List
1. ExLight
2. GloriousBob Killed Night 1 Vanilla Town
3. Caitlin
4. Leesbra
5. Michi > Jamie Died Day 1 Vanilla Town
6. Callahan
7. Luka
8. JJJ
9. GoldenOne > Serif;
10. DarchAngel > IcetFeelsPain
11. Numbers
Werewolf UI Quick Rundown
Many of you are new so I'm gonna give you a quick Rundown of the Werewolf features we do (and don't) have on this site. Images are gonna be compressed a bit cause if I don't do that they are huge on PC for some reason even though the screen i took the pictures on is decidedly not that big.
So when you open up the post editor you will see this check box clicking it will bring a drop down menu with all the players as well as an unvote and no exe option (which still says lynch for some reason oops) remember no exe votes will not count unless it's mylo
The post should appear like this after clicking the vote button. I can't remember if you can type in the command yourself and if it will work if you do. Feel free to try it.
Under the vote tab on the UI things will look like this. It will display an accurate order of properly registered votes. Clicking on any of the buttons in the vote history will directly link you to the vote in thread
Post Cap Tracking
The UI also has a posts tab the tab will show you every players total posts for each phase of the game. You are required to keep track of your own posts and not go above 75 but this makes it pretty simple.
Death Tracking
Under the players tab you will see a list of all the players in the game if a player was killed by any mean it will display their name crossed out and say when they died. Unfortunately clicking this only opens the players profiles however the next feature will allow you to find the exact post where players deaths occurred.
At the bottom of the page you'll see a bookmarks tab clicking it will open up all the bookmarks in the game. I will be creating bookmarks for all important events.
At the bottom of the page you'll see these two icons. These are how you create bookmarks. Technically I don't know if you will have the all option. If you do don't use it but you can establish bookmarks just for yourself by clicking the me option
The final thing is...
We don't have an iso function that works well at all and that is something we are working on. Unfortunately our design team is one person who also runs the place. Things aren't always fast here. If I recall some people found ways to iso using the print option or something... you can also just use find on page for player names but that's gonna be annoying.
I apologize for any inconvenience this causes for you.
Day 1
At the entrance to the Wolfs Den 11 kindred souls awaited. Talking amongst themselves.
"What brought you to the hunt?" Goldenone asked.
Caitlin smiled "well mainly…" her voice trailed off as Abigail walked past strolling gingerly up to the gate of the Den. "Mainly her," Caitlin whispered.
"HI HI!" Abigail cheerfully exclaimed. "Y'all probably know how this works by now. There's 11 of you. 2 of you are gonna try to kill the rest of you. Don't let them. Ezpz." She giggled to herself. She unlocked the gate of the Den and winked as the players entered. As Caitlin walked by she reached her hand out blocking her from entering and giving her a quick kiss. "Don't die babes." She said laughing before moving her arm and letting her in.
After the last of the party had entered Abigail followed too, locking the gate behind her. She handed the key to a shadowy cloaked figure who was waiting outside the gate. No way in. No way out. Not until the game was finished.
The game begins now. Day 1 Ends Saturday November 4th at 5 pm Central Time. Check the discord for the exact time in your area.
Hey everyone
If there's any issues bother me on discord
Please also remember I'm doing this all myself and can't be present at all times be patient with the mod. If a hammer happens stop talking. Police your post count. I believe in you.
Busy elsewhere right now (something something spending time with a super duper cute girl)
But I'll post later-
I'll introduce myself tho cuz I'm new here
I'm Caitlin, 20 y/o and I'm from the Netherlands. Have been playing mafia for 5.5 years now and I was a semi finalist in this year's champs, so that was pretty cool imo! I tend to highpost so Idk how that'll translate to this post cap of 75 (I 1000-posted my champs game semi final skull) but I'm sure it'll be okayyyyy
And I may or may not get upset during the game... But I'll try to control my emotions!!!
Anyway nice to meet everyone~
heya Cait :wave:
please don't tunnel on me again cait, I'm town again
Hey everyone
Please note this start. As you may notice, this becomes more rocky the more and more you think of it. To begin with, every time Caitlin is scum, she says something in the thread as a form of greeting. This is consistent throughout all of her scum games. Meanwhile in a lot of town games she doenst do that, specifically with a night start. Continuing on, she felt the need to specify “everyone”. Let’s analyze this. Everyone can mean multiple things. First of all, all of the people in the room. Second of all, everybody. I believe she meant the first thing, as in, her fellow teammates. Now let’s analyze the first section. “Hey” is a very weird post for town and borderline wifom terriority. H E Y. H = Hello E = Evils Y = I have no clue. But this is a blatant address to the evils and worthy of a vote.
Vote: Caitlinuwu
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
@JaggedJimmyJay oh hey now we'll get to play together this time
I thought jamieisbored would be here :-\
Hope the kid is watching at least
Can confirm he's watching you. Taking notes. I'm even gonna give him an MVP vote post game like the rest of you cause I'm so nice but shh that's a secret.
I thought jamieisbored would be here :-\
Hope the kid is watching at least
Busy elsewhere right now (something something spending time with a super duper cute girl)
But I'll post later-
I'll introduce myself tho cuz I'm new here
I'm Caitlin, 20 y/o and I'm from the Netherlands. Have been playing mafia for 5.5 years now and I was a semi finalist in this year's champs, so that was pretty cool imo! I tend to highpost so Idk how that'll translate to this post cap of 75 (I 1000-posted my champs game semi final skull) but I'm sure it'll be okayyyyy
And I may or may not get upset during the game... But I'll try to control my emotions!!!
Anyway nice to meet everyone~
I’m Luka! Lukeh, Lukey, Worst mafia player alive, all things I’ve been called. I’m from the US and I’ve even been playing mafia for 3 and a half months! Maybe a bit longer. I high post as scum and low post as town. I’m unreadable without meta, or at least it’s very hard to. Pleased to meet you!
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
I only said you don’t start with it in night starts as town. The joke is you die.
hi im exlight and i never played a mafia game before in my life is it like amongus
please be nice to me =uwu=
hi im exlight and i never played a mafia game before in my life is it like amongus
please be nice to me =uwu=
Cait had an awkward start wanna wagon them
hi im exlight and i never played a mafia game before in my life is it like amongus
please be nice to me =uwu=
Cait had an awkward start wanna wagon them
not sure what you're cooking but she seems fine to me so far
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
I do want to test the voting system though and I will
Vote: Michi
to do so
sup buddy been a while
How do you do, fellow people?(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/018/666/fellowkids.jpg)
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
I do want to test the voting system though and I will
Vote: Michi
to do so
sup buddy been a while
I have TMI they’re town don’t
How do you do, fellow people?(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/018/666/fellowkids.jpg)
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
Read List:
Town Lean:
- Ex
- Leesbra
Null but let’s pretend like scum lean:
- Cait
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
Lil Asterisk asked me to come play. I'd point out that we've played here together before but I don't wanna out your experience lies or whatever. >_>
How do you do, fellow people?(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/018/666/fellowkids.jpg)
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
The fucking speed of you is terrifying
How do you do, fellow people?(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/018/666/fellowkids.jpg)
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
The fucking speed of you is terrifying
Can you ask what’s townie about it
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
Lil Asterisk asked me to come play. I'd point out that we've played here together before but I don't wanna out your experience lies or whatever. >_>
It’s fine we know he’s not experienced
We know it’s his -5th game ever
68 posts before I don’t have to play a game
We have an objective
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
Lil Asterisk asked me to come play. I'd point out that we've played here together before but I don't wanna out your experience lies or whatever. >_>
Thank you for playing big bro!! UwU.
Also I still love my nickname xD
How do you do, fellow people?(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/018/666/fellowkids.jpg)
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
The fucking speed of you is terrifying
Can you ask what’s townie about it
I want to, but at the same time it’s like you probably have my address from that post
Leesbra / GoldenOne town
ExLight town lean
Caitlin null
How do you do, fellow people?(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/018/666/fellowkids.jpg)
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
The fucking speed of you is terrifying
Can you ask what’s townie about it
I want to, but at the same time it’s like you probably have my address from that post
Genuinely you’re lock villager from 3 posts congrsts
How do you do, fellow people?(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/018/666/fellowkids.jpg)
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
The fucking speed of you is terrifying
Can you ask what’s townie about it
I want to, but at the same time it’s like you probably have my address from that post
Genuinely you’re lock villager from 3 posts congrsts
This is my point, Luka!
How do you do, fellow people?(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/018/666/fellowkids.jpg)
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
The fucking speed of you is terrifying
Can you ask what’s townie about it
I want to, but at the same time it’s like you probably have my address from that post
Genuinely you’re lock villager from 3 posts congrsts
This is my point, Luka!
My legacy after I get yeeted d1 for tmi: Leesbra town
Ex is town too by the way
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Let’s bandwagon cait
Numbers isn’t mafia with cait by the way
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
Lil Asterisk asked me to come play. I'd point out that we've played here together before but I don't wanna out your experience lies or whatever. >_>
well then don't <_<
Ex is town too by the way
yessir I am the towniest bitch in this game and I hope I can show it by being a tryhard and hopefully finding scum
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Also, pleased to meet you! Look forward to playing with you!!!! <3
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
Lil Asterisk asked me to come play. I'd point out that we've played here together before but I don't wanna out your experience lies or whatever. >_>
well then don't <_<
Ex is town too by the way
yessir I am the towniest bitch in this game and I hope I can show it by being a tryhard and hopefully finding scum
Towniest belongs to Leesbra
take third after me and wear it with pride
At the end of this someone’s getting a restraining order.
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I already have 2 lock town so worth
At the end of this someone’s getting a restraining order.
If you try hard enough you might be able to make it on my comprehensive 20 favorite players list
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I mean, i’m probably gonna just reach post min and leave for the day. I like talking but it’d be better if I don’t.
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I mean, i’m probably gonna just reach post min and leave for the day. I like talking but it’d be better if I don’t.
You cannot look at me and tell me they aren’t lock vil like cmon
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I already have 2 lock town so worth
That also fits the Abbi impression
Stop Being me
Hey i’m back because I still haven’t reached post min. Abigail begged me not to go quiet so here the fuck I am
Hey i’m back because I still haven’t reached post min. Abigail begged me not to go quiet so here the fuck I am
Poor abbi
dont worry though abbi I’ll pick up there slack
Hey i’m back because I still haven’t reached post min. Abigail begged me not to go quiet so here the fuck I am
Poor abbi
dont worry though abbi I’ll pick up there slack
Luka you already have 3 times Abigail’s posts. Do you really need to post even more?
What a Glorious day for a Bob like me.
Hey i’m back because I still haven’t reached post min. Abigail begged me not to go quiet so here the fuck I am
Poor abbi
dont worry though abbi I’ll pick up there slack
Luka you already have 3 times Abigail’s posts. Do you really need to post even more?
Im lowposting
Bob is mafia
Hello! I am JaggedJimmyJay. I am known for hunting mafia harder than your dad, compiling Champs stats, and recording bad karaoke.
If Leesbra is truly in their second game ever, that general reference to early solving being spooky is recognizable and vaguely town. That begs the question: is it truly your second game @Leesbra? I don't really know anyone here, and I note a very low post count, so it seems like a first game on Wintreath at least? Please let me know where you played, thanks. If it was here, lemme know the game.
Hopefully I used the mention correctly.
Also hidy ho neighbor @ExLight. :wave: I thought I recognized your name. Did I host you before? My memory isn't what it used to be.
What does the "B" column mean in the post count tracker?
It'd be super if anyone could provide a quick rundown of who knows who in this game, because that can go a long way in assessing both interactions and the validity of arguments made (e.g., with meta reads).
I don't know anyone well, so on my own I'll be operating purely at face value.
At face value, I like the cut of Luka's jib. I acknowledge this read is a somewhat shallow "vibe check", but whatever it's a starting point. Separating the game immediately into binary groups (town/mafia) as they have started to do is the right management of thread momentum.
If Leesbra is truly in their second game ever, that general reference to early solving being spooky is recognizable and vaguely town. That begs the question: is it truly your second game @Leesbra? I don't really know anyone here, and I note a very low post count, so it seems like a first game on Wintreath at least? Please let me know where you played, thanks. If it was here, lemme know the game.
Hopefully I used the mention correctly.
A: Yes, you used the mention right. B: This is my second werewolf game, my first was Werewolf 30 (AKA Werewolf XXX).
What does the "B" column mean in the post count tracker?
It means essentially before game. Abigail is the only one to really have before game posts.
I don’t remember anybody from this batch of people, but I already am scared of Luka.
Howdy all. You're all ugly but I still love you. Platonically of course.
A: Yes, you used the mention right. B: This is my second werewolf game, my first was Werewolf 30 (AKA Werewolf XXX).?
It means essentially before game. Abigail is the only one to really have before game posts.
Thanks on both counts. I just took a look at that game, and you were a wolf. Cool beans, that should prove useful. FYI: I'd suggest anticipating a considerably higher activity level than that game was -- it ended on page 6. Even at a 75 post cap, that's not happening here.
Critical mission objective: determine how to deactivate PM notifications of every quote and mention. :P
Critical mission objective: determine how to deactivate PM notifications of every quote and mention. :P
Preferred method: Git Gud (scrub).
It'd be super if anyone could provide a quick rundown of who knows who in this game, because that can go a long way in assessing both interactions and the validity of arguments made (e.g., with meta reads).
I don't know anyone well, so on my own I'll be operating purely at face value.
At face value, I like the cut of Luka's jib. I acknowledge this read is a somewhat shallow "vibe check", but whatever it's a starting point. Separating the game immediately into binary groups (town/mafia) as they have started to do is the right management of thread momentum.
Sam(goldenone) Caitlin and calla for me
What does the "B" column mean in the post count tracker?
Pretty sure it's B for Before or N0 basically iirc I didn't look at the UI to check this though
A: Yes, you used the mention right. B: This is my second werewolf game, my first was Werewolf 30 (AKA Werewolf XXX).?
It means essentially before game. Abigail is the only one to really have before game posts.
Thanks on both counts. I just took a look at that game, and you were a wolf. Cool beans, that should prove useful. FYI: I'd suggest anticipating a considerably higher activity level than that game was -- it ended on page 6. Even at a 75 post cap, that's not happening here.
There is also the fact that there wasn’t really a post minimum last game, so… that made it short. Also if you’re thinking i’m good at seeing potential suspects for a wolf, I dunno what to say to you.
There is also the fact that there wasn’t really a post minimum last game, so… that made it short. Also if you’re thinking i’m good at seeing potential suspects for a wolf, I dunno what to say to you.
Nope, I couldn't speak to your perceptual powers -- rather, your previous game being a wolf game sets a useful baseline for assessing you this time.
The quoting interface is super unique here. I've never seen anything like it when it comes to reducing/cutting quote content (and I don't mean for Mafia even, but rather any forum with any purpose). It's genuinely a fun learning curve for a forum nerd like me. :D
heya Cait :wave:
please don't tunnel on me again cait, I'm town again
hi im exlight and i never played a mafia game before in my life is it like amongus
please be nice to me =uwu=
Cait had an awkward start wanna wagon them
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
I only said you don’t start with it in night starts as town. The joke is you die.
I do want to test the voting system though and I will
Vote: Michi
to do so
sup buddy been a while
I have TMI they’re town don’t
68 posts before I don’t have to play a game
We have an objective
Don't rlly get the quoting system here, so using multiquote instead I suppose. Unsure how to put text between the quotes tho so oh well
Due to the lack of posts I'll reply to 5 at once!
It also appears it changed the order somewhat.. How curious
Quote 1: I'll do my best not to- Imo I didn't tunnel you last game tho, I never ended up voting you out and I'd also say that I re-evaluated quite a lot?
Quote 2: Not to be immediately defensive but; what is the point of this?
1. You already admitted to me actually being null
2. When do I not have an awkward start
3. Not understanding at least 1 joke at the start is practically my tradition
4. This is a completely new environment for me
5. Typically, I am someone that reacts bad to pressure no matter my alignment
So how exactly do you wanna use this to help you solve?
Quote 3: See: 2.3
Quote 4: This is more awkward than me, ngl
Quote 5: Post capping super early is extremely anti town. If you do, you better show up the final hour / save some posts or I'll very much encourage voting you out there
The quoting interface is super unique here. I've never seen anything like it when it comes to reducing/cutting quote content (and I don't mean for Mafia even, but rather any forum with any purpose). It's genuinely a fun learning curve for a forum nerd like me. :D
It's quite unpleasant to me
Also I accidently removed the seconds from your quote and I forgot what they were
Hopefully I don't get modkilled over that
Wow the seconds magically revived themselves
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
At the end of this someone’s getting a restraining order.
If you try hard enough you might be able to make it on my comprehensive 20 favorite players list
How do you do, fellow people?(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/018/666/fellowkids.jpg)
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
The fucking speed of you is terrifying
Can you ask what’s townie about it
I want to, but at the same time it’s like you probably have my address from that post
Genuinely you’re lock villager from 3 posts congrsts
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I already have 2 lock town so worth
Leesbra / GoldenOne town
ExLight town lean
Caitlin null
Apologies, I have no idea how to spoiler quotes
... And it once again switched up the quote order
I'm a spoiled princess I need proper technology >.<
Quote 1: Unsure if I should feel honored, or insulted by this attention! If you are implying that I'm already really wolfy, then you should vote me though. And Idk how informative votes on me will rlly be? I tend to attract both town and mafia voting me, usually
Quote 2: Am I on this list uwu?
Quote 3: How can you townread Leesbra over this .-. That's NAI?
Quote 4: If ppl rlly town lock you already then they may be delusional
Quote 5: GoldenOne didn't even post yet
Also sidenote about GoldenOne; me, Luka, Callahan and ExLight all know him as 'Sam' so, me, and maybe the other 3 too, might call him Sam alot
But if I say the name Sam, I mean GoldenOne
I'm getting the hang of this!
... Thats a normal saying right?
Yep, that's a normal saying
Also hey everyone! I'm feeling a tiny bit of burn out but I'm excited to be playing this! I won't be the most active but I can confirm I will be catching all of the mafia so it'll be fine
I'll read this in like 20m
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I mean, i’m probably gonna just reach post min and leave for the day. I like talking but it’d be better if I don’t.
You cannot look at me and tell me they aren’t lock vil like cmon
A: Yes, you used the mention right. B: This is my second werewolf game, my first was Werewolf 30 (AKA Werewolf XXX).?
It means essentially before game. Abigail is the only one to really have before game posts.
Thanks on both counts. I just took a look at that game, and you were a wolf. Cool beans, that should prove useful. FYI: I'd suggest anticipating a considerably higher activity level than that game was -- it ended on page 6. Even at a 75 post cap, that's not happening here.
There is also the fact that there wasn’t really a post minimum last game, so… that made it short. Also if you’re thinking i’m good at seeing potential suspects for a wolf, I dunno what to say to you.
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I mean, i’m probably gonna just reach post min and leave for the day. I like talking but it’d be better if I don’t.
Hello! I am JaggedJimmyJay. I am known for hunting mafia harder than your dad, compiling Champs stats, and recording bad karaoke.
It'd be super if anyone could provide a quick rundown of who knows who in this game, because that can go a long way in assessing both interactions and the validity of arguments made (e.g., with meta reads).
I don't know anyone well, so on my own I'll be operating purely at face value.
At face value, I like the cut of Luka's jib. I acknowledge this read is a somewhat shallow "vibe check", but whatever it's a starting point. Separating the game immediately into binary groups (town/mafia) as they have started to do is the right management of thread momentum.
Quote 1: I sadly also townread that post >.> But lock vil? Omg, no
Quote 2: A game with.. with.. with.. 6 pages of max 15 posts.. I'd lose it. I plan on posting more then that per day phase ;-; (using the final hour, I am well aware of the post cap)
Quote 3: Pls don't go >.< Any posts can help @Leesbra So if you like talking then do so! It also isn't rlly helpful to only post 10 times. How can we solve you? What if you'd have a great insight?
Quote 4: Ohhhh so that's where I recognize you from! I recognized your name, but couldn't place where. That makes you quite the celebrity tho so I feel so honored that I get to play with you
Quote 5: So first point about this quote; it kinda pings me. Idk why. But it does. Probably the final sentence?
Also I know: Sam (he is my best friend), Luka, Callahan (played with both at least 15 times), ExLight, Glorious Bob (played with both at least once), and I know you exist! Other then that, I don't think I know anyone but my memory is likeeee totally bad
Yep, that's a normal saying
Also hey everyone! I'm feeling a tiny bit of burn out but I'm excited to be playing this! I won't be the most active but I can confirm I will be catching all of the mafia so it'll be fine
I'll read this in like 20m
Yay GoldenOne!
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
heya Cait :wave:
please don't tunnel on me again cait, I'm town again
hi im exlight and i never played a mafia game before in my life is it like amongus
please be nice to me =uwu=
Cait had an awkward start wanna wagon them
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
I only said you don’t start with it in night starts as town. The joke is you die.
I do want to test the voting system though and I will
Vote: Michi
to do so
sup buddy been a while
I have TMI they’re town don’t
68 posts before I don’t have to play a game
We have an objective
Don't rlly get the quoting system here, so using multiquote instead I suppose. Unsure how to put text between the quotes tho so oh well
Due to the lack of posts I'll reply to 5 at once!
It also appears it changed the order somewhat.. How curious
Quote 1: I'll do my best not to- Imo I didn't tunnel you last game tho, I never ended up voting you out and I'd also say that I re-evaluated quite a lot?
Quote 2: Not to be immediately defensive but; what is the point of this?
1. You already admitted to me actually being null
2. When do I not have an awkward start
3. Not understanding at least 1 joke at the start is practically my tradition
4. This is a completely new environment for me
5. Typically, I am someone that reacts bad to pressure no matter my alignment
So how exactly do you wanna use this to help you solve?
Quote 3: See: 2.3
Quote 4: This is more awkward than me, ngl
Quote 5: Post capping super early is extremely anti town. If you do, you better show up the final hour / save some posts or I'll very much encourage voting you out there
There's a fancy little icon in the editor that looks like a page it turns the post editor into its actual code so you can put text between the quotes easier I will put a tutorial on discord
I guess? But how would one extract that from that interaction... Luka already pretty much called Leesbra town from the get-go it feels like
I dont think Luka actually got there the way you seem to think Luka did
heya Cait :wave:
please don't tunnel on me again cait, I'm town again
hi im exlight and i never played a mafia game before in my life is it like amongus
please be nice to me =uwu=
Cait had an awkward start wanna wagon them
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
I only said you don’t start with it in night starts as town. The joke is you die.
I do want to test the voting system though and I will
Vote: Michi
to do so
sup buddy been a while
I have TMI they’re town don’t
68 posts before I don’t have to play a game
We have an objective
Don't rlly get the quoting system here, so using multiquote instead I suppose. Unsure how to put text between the quotes tho so oh well
Due to the lack of posts I'll reply to 5 at once!
It also appears it changed the order somewhat.. How curious
Quote 1: I'll do my best not to- Imo I didn't tunnel you last game tho, I never ended up voting you out and I'd also say that I re-evaluated quite a lot?
Quote 2: Not to be immediately defensive but; what is the point of this?
1. You already admitted to me actually being null
2. When do I not have an awkward start
3. Not understanding at least 1 joke at the start is practically my tradition
4. This is a completely new environment for me
5. Typically, I am someone that reacts bad to pressure no matter my alignment
So how exactly do you wanna use this to help you solve?
Quote 3: See: 2.3
Quote 4: This is more awkward than me, ngl
Quote 5: Post capping super early is extremely anti town. If you do, you better show up the final hour / save some posts or I'll very much encourage voting you out there
There's a fancy little icon in the editor that looks like a page it turns the post editor into its actual code so you can put text between the quotes easier I will put a tutorial on discord
Vote: Luka
I cant find it but I did find the vote button!
Oh my gosh I found it! I'm pro!
What a Glorious day for a Bob like me.
...wasn't this someone's alt in a past game?
Quote 5: So first point about this quote; it kinda pings me. Idk why. But it does. Probably the final sentence?
Also I know: Sam (he is my best friend), Luka, Callahan (played with both at least 15 times), ExLight, Glorious Bob (played with both at least once), and I know you exist! Other then that, I don't think I know anyone but my memory is likeeee totally bad
Thanks for the intel about your connections, and it's a pleasure to play with you. :D
I can't really speak to your ping, and perhaps you can expand on your feelings or explore them on your own. I'll expand on what I meant by that though, because I didn't entirely finish the thread of thought in my brain. That sort of binary sorting is something I am intimately familiar with. It's very much in my wheelhouse (or maybe better stated in the wheelhouse of past versions of my town body).
I'm going to take care with that read on Luka, because I don't know them or their tendencies. In the total absence of meta, I "like" it. That's about all I'd say.
I guess? But how would one extract that from that interaction... Luka already pretty much called Leesbra town from the get-go it feels like
I dont think Luka actually got there the way you seem to think Luka did
To be clear, I have no idea what inspired Luka's read. I'm only speaking about my own read.
Quote 5: So first point about this quote; it kinda pings me. Idk why. But it does. Probably the final sentence?
Also I know: Sam (he is my best friend), Luka, Callahan (played with both at least 15 times), ExLight, Glorious Bob (played with both at least once), and I know you exist! Other then that, I don't think I know anyone but my memory is likeeee totally bad
Thanks for the intel about your connections, and it's a pleasure to play with you. :D
I can't really speak to your ping, and perhaps you can expand on your feelings or explore them on your own. I'll expand on what I meant by that though, because I didn't entirely finish the thread of thought in my brain. That sort of binary sorting is something I am intimately familiar with. It's very much in my wheelhouse (or maybe better stated in the wheelhouse of past versions of my town body).
I'm going to take care with that read on Luka, because I don't know them or their tendencies. In the total absence of meta, I "like" it. That's about all I'd say.
Hm okay
I think what I may have been pinged by is your... way of choosing words. But that may just be a personality thing ^^'
And it's a pleasure to play with you too~ Maybe you've seen me on MU? 0Ix is my name there
GoldenOne = Bob
I'm at ummmm
This right now!
Also ughhhh
Those msges I keep getting from quotes are driving me insaneeeeeeeee
I guess? But how would one extract that from that interaction... Luka already pretty much called Leesbra town from the get-go it feels like
I dont think Luka actually got there the way you seem to think Luka did
To be clear, I have no idea what inspired Luka's read. I'm only speaking about my own read.
Sorry for being so interrogating and hostile
My goal is to never agree w ppl in a mafia game!
Jk, but I do tend to have diff opinions than the consensus lol
Also JJJ (can I call you that, that feels easier to type) you better do at least one of those quotes where you colored the half green and the half orange
Otherwise I want my money back for not getting the full experience!!!
I think what I may have been pinged by is your... way of choosing words. But that may just be a personality thing ^^'
And it's a pleasure to play with you too~ Maybe you've seen me on MU? 0Ix is my name there
Truth be told, I get that a lot (e.g., people think I am overly proper or formal or too wordy or something). I am by nature pretty deliberate and careful about my language. I don't like to be misinterpreted. Judge as you may, and do your thing.
I have indeed seen 0Ix! I didn't realize that was you. Cool beans!
Also JJJ (can I call you that, that feels easier to type) you better do at least one of those quotes where you colored the half green and the half orange
Otherwise I want my money back for not getting the full experience!!!
There is essentially a zero percent chance that this doesn't happen eventually. I have to maintain my shtick. 8)
I think what I may have been pinged by is your... way of choosing words. But that may just be a personality thing ^^'
And it's a pleasure to play with you too~ Maybe you've seen me on MU? 0Ix is my name there
Truth be told, I get that a lot (e.g., people think I am overly proper or formal or too wordy or something). I am by nature pretty deliberate and careful about my language. I don't like to be misinterpreted. Judge as you may, and do your thing.
I have indeed seen 0Ix! I didn't realize that was you. Cool beans!
Yeah that's right I'm dating a champs semi finalist I'm so fucking cool.
I'm the worst host ever and post way to much on my own games lol
I think what I may have been pinged by is your... way of choosing words. But that may just be a personality thing ^^'
And it's a pleasure to play with you too~ Maybe you've seen me on MU? 0Ix is my name there
Truth be told, I get that a lot (e.g., people think I am overly proper or formal or too wordy or something). I am by nature pretty deliberate and careful about my language. I don't like to be misinterpreted. Judge as you may, and do your thing.
I have indeed seen 0Ix! I didn't realize that was you. Cool beans!
I suppose I get that, and it makes sense. I'm just the opposite, and since I love to tone read in mafia, it just pings me when someone is formal lol
And yay you have seen me around. Makes sense since you make the stats for the champs games but yea
Shouldve mentioned that I'm the first rep of my community to make semis even tho this was the 4th time we were participating!
GoldenOne = Bob
I'm at ummmm
This right now!
Is there a significant meaning to the full order here, or are there any sorts of tiers in your initial reads? e.g., is Michi better described as "third-most town" or "middle of the pack"?
I think what I may have been pinged by is your... way of choosing words. But that may just be a personality thing ^^'
And it's a pleasure to play with you too~ Maybe you've seen me on MU? 0Ix is my name there
Truth be told, I get that a lot (e.g., people think I am overly proper or formal or too wordy or something). I am by nature pretty deliberate and careful about my language. I don't like to be misinterpreted. Judge as you may, and do your thing.
I have indeed seen 0Ix! I didn't realize that was you. Cool beans!
Yeah that's right I'm dating a champs semi finalist I'm so fucking cool.
I'm the worst host ever and post way to much on my own games lol
Cant wait for you to be the first host who postcaps in her own game
Also yes, forgot to answer: anyone can call me JJJ. The whole name is a handful. Nobody calls me "JaggedJimmyJay" lol
GoldenOne = Bob
I'm at ummmm
This right now!
Is there a significant meaning to the full order here, or are there any sorts of tiers in your initial reads? e.g., is Michi better described as "third-most town" or "middle of the pack"?
I don't rlly do tiers, but if I had to say, Leesbra is TL, Luka is SL. Golden One & Bob are Null. Michi as such would be, middle of the pack
I'd say I'm only rlly pinged by you & Luka anyway, and positively by Leesbra, and I already mentioned why for those
The way I ordered the rest was... Numbers at the bottom cuz the suggestion of solving only based on who is voting me is rlly bad ngl. Sam & Bob have done nothing so them in the mid, only NAI things. Michi tiny bit above them for not dipping after posting, which the other 2 did do. Ppl are gonna call this a bad read but Idc. ExLight above that for having good vibes
Ignore this post I literally just want to see if my new avatar works
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
At the end of this someone’s getting a restraining order.
If you try hard enough you might be able to make it on my comprehensive 20 favorite players list
How do you do, fellow people?(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/018/666/fellowkids.jpg)
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
The fucking speed of you is terrifying
Can you ask what’s townie about it
I want to, but at the same time it’s like you probably have my address from that post
Genuinely you’re lock villager from 3 posts congrsts
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I already have 2 lock town so worth
Leesbra / GoldenOne town
ExLight town lean
Caitlin null
Apologies, I have no idea how to spoiler quotes
... And it once again switched up the quote order
I'm a spoiled princess I need proper technology >.<
Quote 1: Unsure if I should feel honored, or insulted by this attention! If you are implying that I'm already really wolfy, then you should vote me though. And Idk how informative votes on me will rlly be? I tend to attract both town and mafia voting me, usually
Quote 2: Am I on this list uwu?
Quote 3: How can you townread Leesbra over this .-. That's NAI?
Quote 4: If ppl rlly town lock you already then they may be delusional
Quote 5: GoldenOne didn't even post yet
Also sidenote about GoldenOne; me, Luka, Callahan and ExLight all know him as 'Sam' so, me, and maybe the other 3 too, might call him Sam alot
But if I say the name Sam, I mean GoldenOne
1. Honored
2. Number 11
3. No it’s not lol- they seem like a townie who’s genuinely shocked if lock v them that early. The paranoia feels real and wouldn’t come from a new wolf.
4. I’m obv town
5. It’s Sam I always put him at the top
I like the like button. It allows me to say "thank you" to someone for answering a question without having to waste a post.
@Caitlinuwu, would you say there is any meta factor playing into your read on Luka, or is this purely a face value impression? You'd mentioned knowing them earlier.
1. Honored
2. Number 11
3. No it’s not lol- they seem like a townie who’s genuinely shocked if lock v them that early. The paranoia feels real and wouldn’t come from a new wolf.
4. I’m obv town
5. It’s Sam I always put him at the top
1. Idk about that. But I'm a naturally paranoid girl
2. What can I do to enter the top 10?
3. But how did you lock them in in the first place
4. No you're not
5. Normally after he posted I feel like >.>
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I mean, i’m probably gonna just reach post min and leave for the day. I like talking but it’d be better if I don’t.
You cannot look at me and tell me they aren’t lock vil like cmon
A: Yes, you used the mention right. B: This is my second werewolf game, my first was Werewolf 30 (AKA Werewolf XXX).?
It means essentially before game. Abigail is the only one to really have before game posts.
Thanks on both counts. I just took a look at that game, and you were a wolf. Cool beans, that should prove useful. FYI: I'd suggest anticipating a considerably higher activity level than that game was -- it ended on page 6. Even at a 75 post cap, that's not happening here.
There is also the fact that there wasn’t really a post minimum last game, so… that made it short. Also if you’re thinking i’m good at seeing potential suspects for a wolf, I dunno what to say to you.
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I mean, i’m probably gonna just reach post min and leave for the day. I like talking but it’d be better if I don’t.
Hello! I am JaggedJimmyJay. I am known for hunting mafia harder than your dad, compiling Champs stats, and recording bad karaoke.
It'd be super if anyone could provide a quick rundown of who knows who in this game, because that can go a long way in assessing both interactions and the validity of arguments made (e.g., with meta reads).
I don't know anyone well, so on my own I'll be operating purely at face value.
At face value, I like the cut of Luka's jib. I acknowledge this read is a somewhat shallow "vibe check", but whatever it's a starting point. Separating the game immediately into binary groups (town/mafia) as they have started to do is the right management of thread momentum.
Quote 1: I sadly also townread that post >.> But lock vil? Omg, no
Quote 2: A game with.. with.. with.. 6 pages of max 15 posts.. I'd lose it. I plan on posting more then that per day phase ;-; (using the final hour, I am well aware of the post cap)
Quote 3: Pls don't go >.< Any posts can help @Leesbra So if you like talking then do so! It also isn't rlly helpful to only post 10 times. How can we solve you? What if you'd have a great insight?
Quote 4: Ohhhh so that's where I recognize you from! I recognized your name, but couldn't place where. That makes you quite the celebrity tho so I feel so honored that I get to play with you
Quote 5: So first point about this quote; it kinda pings me. Idk why. But it does. Probably the final sentence?
Also I know: Sam (he is my best friend), Luka, Callahan (played with both at least 15 times), ExLight, Glorious Bob (played with both at least once), and I know you exist! Other then that, I don't think I know anyone but my memory is likeeee totally bad
1. Omg yes
2. Me fr
4. Pocketing
5. Townie
Why is cait town telling this is rigged
I like the like button. It allows me to say "thank you" to someone for answering a question without having to waste a post.
@Caitlinuwu, would you say there is any meta factor playing into your read on Luka, or is this purely a face value impression? You'd mentioned knowing them earlier.
No meta yet, just the face value impression
I wouldn't say I can metaread Luka well ngl
I in fact feel like I cant rlly read him that properly anyway but I do tend to be right often? So I must be doing something good. Maybe I just have good intuition
1. Honored
2. Number 11
3. No it’s not lol- they seem like a townie who’s genuinely shocked if lock v them that early. The paranoia feels real and wouldn’t come from a new wolf.
4. I’m obv town
5. It’s Sam I always put him at the top
1. Idk about that. But I'm a naturally paranoid girl
2. What can I do to enter the top 10?
3. But how did you lock them in in the first place
4. No you're not
5. Normally after he posted I feel like >.>
Abbi / Sam are the two slots above you
Dunno, I just did
I like the like button. It allows me to say "thank you" to someone for answering a question without having to waste a post.
@Caitlinuwu, would you say there is any meta factor playing into your read on Luka, or is this purely a face value impression? You'd mentioned knowing them earlier.
No meta yet, just the face value impression
I wouldn't say I can metaread Luka well ngl
I in fact feel like I cant rlly read him that properly anyway but I do tend to be right often? So I must be doing something good. Maybe I just have good intuition
Your read on me =rand
1. Honored
2. Number 11
3. No it’s not lol- they seem like a townie who’s genuinely shocked if lock v them that early. The paranoia feels real and wouldn’t come from a new wolf.
4. I’m obv town
5. It’s Sam I always put him at the top
1. Idk about that. But I'm a naturally paranoid girl
2. What can I do to enter the top 10?
3. But how did you lock them in in the first place
4. No you're not
5. Normally after he posted I feel like >.>
Abbi / Sam are the two slots above you
Dunno, I just did
Well how do I pass them
Or how do we collectively pass the 8th place
I like the like button. It allows me to say "thank you" to someone for answering a question without having to waste a post.
@Caitlinuwu, would you say there is any meta factor playing into your read on Luka, or is this purely a face value impression? You'd mentioned knowing them earlier.
No meta yet, just the face value impression
I wouldn't say I can metaread Luka well ngl
I in fact feel like I cant rlly read him that properly anyway but I do tend to be right often? So I must be doing something good. Maybe I just have good intuition
Your read on me =rand
I'm very sure it's above rand but okay
But meh I don; t need to be in your top 10
It's not like you're in mine either
But meh I don; t need to be in your top 10
It's not like you're in mine either
You just need to beat sam
1. Omg yes
2. Me fr
4. Pocketing
5. Townie
Why is cait town telling this is rigged
3. Well sorry that I want someone that signed up to play the game to play the game?
4. Well sorry that I'm nice unlike you?
1. Honored
2. Number 11
3. No it’s not lol- they seem like a townie who’s genuinely shocked if lock v them that early. The paranoia feels real and wouldn’t come from a new wolf.
4. I’m obv town
5. It’s Sam I always put him at the top
1. Idk about that. But I'm a naturally paranoid girl
2. What can I do to enter the top 10?
3. But how did you lock them in in the first place
4. No you're not
5. Normally after he posted I feel like >.>
Abbi / Sam are the two slots above you
Dunno, I just did
Well how do I pass them
Or how do we collectively pass the 8th place
Uh good luck
You dont know any of the players above except icy
1. Omg yes
2. Me fr
4. Pocketing
5. Townie
Why is cait town telling this is rigged
3. Well sorry that I want someone that signed up to play the game to play the game?
4. Well sorry that I'm nice unlike you?
Wait am I not nice sobbing
And yeah- I jsut wanted to make a comment on it. I do think youre town, which is why I said "why is cait town telling"
1. Omg yes
2. Me fr
4. Pocketing
5. Townie
Why is cait town telling this is rigged
3. Well sorry that I want someone that signed up to play the game to play the game?
4. Well sorry that I'm nice unlike you?
Wait am I not nice sobbing
And yeah- I jsut wanted to make a comment on it. I do think youre town, which is why I said "why is cait town telling"
I suppose you are but you hurt me so then my usual reaction is trying to hurt you back
GoldenOne = Bob
I'm at ummmm
This right now!
We have the exact same reads and im mafia
We should mason this game
1. Omg yes
2. Me fr
4. Pocketing
5. Townie
Why is cait town telling this is rigged
3. Well sorry that I want someone that signed up to play the game to play the game?
4. Well sorry that I'm nice unlike you?
Wait am I not nice sobbing
And yeah- I jsut wanted to make a comment on it. I do think youre town, which is why I said "why is cait town telling"
I suppose you are but you hurt me so then my usual reaction is trying to hurt you back
Oh. Im sorry >.<
How did I hurt you? I do genuinly think youre town- I dont think im being guilt tripped here
Quote 5: So first point about this quote; it kinda pings me. Idk why. But it does. Probably the final sentence?
Also I know: Sam (he is my best friend), Luka, Callahan (played with both at least 15 times), ExLight, Glorious Bob (played with both at least once), and I know you exist! Other then that, I don't think I know anyone but my memory is likeeee totally bad
Thanks for the intel about your connections, and it's a pleasure to play with you. :D
I can't really speak to your ping, and perhaps you can expand on your feelings or explore them on your own. I'll expand on what I meant by that though, because I didn't entirely finish the thread of thought in my brain. That sort of binary sorting is something I am intimately familiar with. It's very much in my wheelhouse (or maybe better stated in the wheelhouse of past versions of my town body).
I'm going to take care with that read on Luka, because I don't know them or their tendencies. In the total absence of meta, I "like" it. That's about all I'd say.
Are you going to be the first person to ever correctly read me without meta?
GoldenOne = Bob
I'm at ummmm
This right now!
We have the exact same reads and im mafia
We should mason this game
I don't mason with people
Why are JJJ and Numbers below the null line for you
Anyway I need to sleep and I'm not in a good mental state right now so I'll go. Also don't wanna burn through my posts
If Leesbra doesn't post more I wanna policy elim them
Quote 5: So first point about this quote; it kinda pings me. Idk why. But it does. Probably the final sentence?
Also I know: Sam (he is my best friend), Luka, Callahan (played with both at least 15 times), ExLight, Glorious Bob (played with both at least once), and I know you exist! Other then that, I don't think I know anyone but my memory is likeeee totally bad
Thanks for the intel about your connections, and it's a pleasure to play with you. :D
I can't really speak to your ping, and perhaps you can expand on your feelings or explore them on your own. I'll expand on what I meant by that though, because I didn't entirely finish the thread of thought in my brain. That sort of binary sorting is something I am intimately familiar with. It's very much in my wheelhouse (or maybe better stated in the wheelhouse of past versions of my town body).
I'm going to take care with that read on Luka, because I don't know them or their tendencies. In the total absence of meta, I "like" it. That's about all I'd say.
Are you going to be the first person to ever correctly read me without meta?
Its almost like I wolfread you in FoL
Its almost like I wolfread you in the game that just ended before I thought you were cleared due to a mistake you made
Did I use meta for those? No, I did not
My vote is fine as it is
heya Cait :wave:
please don't tunnel on me again cait, I'm town again
hi im exlight and i never played a mafia game before in my life is it like amongus
please be nice to me =uwu=
Cait had an awkward start wanna wagon them
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
I only said you don’t start with it in night starts as town. The joke is you die.
I do want to test the voting system though and I will
Vote: Michi
to do so
sup buddy been a while
I have TMI they’re town don’t
68 posts before I don’t have to play a game
We have an objective
Don't rlly get the quoting system here, so using multiquote instead I suppose. Unsure how to put text between the quotes tho so oh well
Due to the lack of posts I'll reply to 5 at once!
It also appears it changed the order somewhat.. How curious
Quote 1: I'll do my best not to- Imo I didn't tunnel you last game tho, I never ended up voting you out and I'd also say that I re-evaluated quite a lot?
Quote 2: Not to be immediately defensive but; what is the point of this?
1. You already admitted to me actually being null
2. When do I not have an awkward start
3. Not understanding at least 1 joke at the start is practically my tradition
4. This is a completely new environment for me
5. Typically, I am someone that reacts bad to pressure no matter my alignment
So how exactly do you wanna use this to help you solve?
Quote 3: See: 2.3
Quote 4: This is more awkward than me, ngl
Quote 5: Post capping super early is extremely anti town. If you do, you better show up the final hour / save some posts or I'll very much encourage voting you out there
2. Its to generate discussion. What else.
3. See 2
4. TMI
5. My wincon as town is to do good enough so i get NKd
Quote 5: So first point about this quote; it kinda pings me. Idk why. But it does. Probably the final sentence?
Also I know: Sam (he is my best friend), Luka, Callahan (played with both at least 15 times), ExLight, Glorious Bob (played with both at least once), and I know you exist! Other then that, I don't think I know anyone but my memory is likeeee totally bad
Thanks for the intel about your connections, and it's a pleasure to play with you. :D
I can't really speak to your ping, and perhaps you can expand on your feelings or explore them on your own. I'll expand on what I meant by that though, because I didn't entirely finish the thread of thought in my brain. That sort of binary sorting is something I am intimately familiar with. It's very much in my wheelhouse (or maybe better stated in the wheelhouse of past versions of my town body).
I'm going to take care with that read on Luka, because I don't know them or their tendencies. In the total absence of meta, I "like" it. That's about all I'd say.
Are you going to be the first person to ever correctly read me without meta?
Its almost like I wolfread you in FoL
Its almost like I wolfread you in the game that just ended before I thought you were cleared due to a mistake you made
Did I use meta for those? No, I did not
Im not counting the FoL game since I NKd you N1. I also think the read was partially rooted in Omgus.
You did not no, you thought I was middle of the pack from what I can recall. You did not correctly read me; also, the original statement was intended as a joke.
I kinda get why youre annoyed at me though; I'm insulting your reads somewhat. I'm an inherintly hard player to read from my point of view, but that doesn't really excuse it. I think you're a stellar player and I look up to you as a model example of a good player. You do what your team needs. This is genuiine no matter my allignment.
GoldenOne = Bob
I'm at ummmm
This right now!
We have the exact same reads and im mafia
We should mason this game
I don't mason with people
Why are JJJ and Numbers below the null line for you
Anyway I need to sleep and I'm not in a good mental state right now so I'll go. Also don't wanna burn through my posts
If Leesbra doesn't post more I wanna policy elim them
I hope youre in a better mental state soon <3
I dont remebmer anything from there slots and they havent town told.
I get the policy kill but Id prefer to not kill a townie
Quote 5: So first point about this quote; it kinda pings me. Idk why. But it does. Probably the final sentence?
Also I know: Sam (he is my best friend), Luka, Callahan (played with both at least 15 times), ExLight, Glorious Bob (played with both at least once), and I know you exist! Other then that, I don't think I know anyone but my memory is likeeee totally bad
Thanks for the intel about your connections, and it's a pleasure to play with you. :D
I can't really speak to your ping, and perhaps you can expand on your feelings or explore them on your own. I'll expand on what I meant by that though, because I didn't entirely finish the thread of thought in my brain. That sort of binary sorting is something I am intimately familiar with. It's very much in my wheelhouse (or maybe better stated in the wheelhouse of past versions of my town body).
I'm going to take care with that read on Luka, because I don't know them or their tendencies. In the total absence of meta, I "like" it. That's about all I'd say.
Are you going to be the first person to ever correctly read me without meta?
Its almost like I wolfread you in FoL
Its almost like I wolfread you in the game that just ended before I thought you were cleared due to a mistake you made
Did I use meta for those? No, I did not
Im not counting the FoL game since I NKd you N1. I also think the read was partially rooted in Omgus.
You did not no, you thought I was middle of the pack from what I can recall. You did not correctly read me; also, the original statement was intended as a joke.
I kinda get why youre annoyed at me though; I'm insulting your reads somewhat. I'm an inherintly hard player to read from my point of view, but that doesn't really excuse it. I think you're a stellar player and I look up to you as a model example of a good player. You do what your team needs. This is genuiine no matter my allignment.
Kindly fuck off
By the way, @Caitlinuwu I made a small lie. It isnt in my favorite players to play with, its my favorite people online. Small distinction
You would be Number 8 if we're only counting mafia players.
Quote 5: So first point about this quote; it kinda pings me. Idk why. But it does. Probably the final sentence?
Also I know: Sam (he is my best friend), Luka, Callahan (played with both at least 15 times), ExLight, Glorious Bob (played with both at least once), and I know you exist! Other then that, I don't think I know anyone but my memory is likeeee totally bad
Thanks for the intel about your connections, and it's a pleasure to play with you. :D
I can't really speak to your ping, and perhaps you can expand on your feelings or explore them on your own. I'll expand on what I meant by that though, because I didn't entirely finish the thread of thought in my brain. That sort of binary sorting is something I am intimately familiar with. It's very much in my wheelhouse (or maybe better stated in the wheelhouse of past versions of my town body).
I'm going to take care with that read on Luka, because I don't know them or their tendencies. In the total absence of meta, I "like" it. That's about all I'd say.
Are you going to be the first person to ever correctly read me without meta?
Its almost like I wolfread you in FoL
Its almost like I wolfread you in the game that just ended before I thought you were cleared due to a mistake you made
Did I use meta for those? No, I did not
Im not counting the FoL game since I NKd you N1. I also think the read was partially rooted in Omgus.
You did not no, you thought I was middle of the pack from what I can recall. You did not correctly read me; also, the original statement was intended as a joke.
I kinda get why youre annoyed at me though; I'm insulting your reads somewhat. I'm an inherintly hard player to read from my point of view, but that doesn't really excuse it. I think you're a stellar player and I look up to you as a model example of a good player. You do what your team needs. This is genuiine no matter my allignment.
Kindly fuck off
Uhm, sorry. I'll leave the thread for now.
My read on you was good and I caught you before you NK'd me
Me being Nk'd N1 doesnt mean I had shit reads?
I also didnt accuse my voters, but did accuse you
Maybe cuz you were obv wolf?
And you were 4th of the bottom on my final D1 readslist, there were 3 mafia. So thats practically a scumlean
If Leesbra doesn't post more I wanna policy elim them
This is my 11th post. The minimum per day is 10. Nice try.
By the way, @Caitlinuwu I made a small lie. It isnt in my favorite players to play with, its my favorite people online. Small distinction
You would be Number 8 if we're only counting mafia players.
Well youre bottom 10 for me
If Leesbra doesn't post more I wanna policy elim them
This is my 11th post. The minimum per day is 10. Nice try.
You're doing nothing
Well, i’m not exactly sure who to suspect. Everyone seems atleast a little bit suspicious…
By the way, @Caitlinuwu I made a small lie. It isnt in my favorite players to play with, its my favorite people online. Small distinction
You would be Number 8 if we're only counting mafia players.
Well youre bottom 10 for me
My read on you was good and I caught you before you NK'd me
Me being Nk'd N1 doesnt mean I had shit reads?
I also didnt accuse my voters, but did accuse you
Maybe cuz you were obv wolf?
And you were 4th of the bottom on my final D1 readslist, there were 3 mafia. So thats practically a scumlean
Your reads were good enough to be night killed :/ I never said you had shit reads
It just feels like the majority of the time its just- random for me. I'm sorry for talking back- I know I shouldnt but-
Please take a break from the thread and use the discord hub to complain to me if you are upset.
Please. I love you all okay bye.
Well sorry for being so rude >.>
I don't think I'm bad at reading you tho
I may not be good at knowing why I have certain reads which is why it might seem random but I feel like my accuracy is most certainly above rand.
And I personally do have you as one of my top 10 players to play with so I got jealous when I wasnt in your top 10 >.>
Well sorry for being so rude >.>
I don't think I'm bad at reading you tho
I may not be good at knowing why I have certain reads which is why it might seem random but I feel like my accuracy is most certainly above rand.
And I personally do have you as one of my top 10 players to play with so I got jealous when I wasnt in your top 10 >.>
This makes me so happy ^^
If we do just have social deduction players you’re easily top 10. I included 2 people in there I shouldn’t have.
as for reading me, I re evaled and I think you’re right. You do mostly correctly read me, hm… I’ll need to work on that…
and I’m sorry for not handling that better as well. Thank you <3
I'm going to bed. I'm drained and depressed. I do not know when I will wake up. I trust this thread won't be on fire when I get up please moderate yourselves I love you all. Your all amazing people.
I'm going to bed. I'm drained and depressed. I do not know when I will wake up. I trust this thread won't be on fire when I get up please moderate yourselves I love you all. Your all amazing people.
Get a good nights rest
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
Hello there as well, bit confused about what's wrong with the post minimum since all you have to do is post 10 times, which you can just make 10 comments on what's happening, or am I missing something?
Also thank you for welcoming me! ^.^
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
The rule is cait kills you if you low post
Quote 1: Unsure if I should feel honored, or insulted by this attention! If you are implying that I'm already really wolfy, then you should vote me though. And Idk how informative votes on me will rlly be? I tend to attract both town and mafia voting me, usually
Neither? Luka's mini-push had put you as a front and center focal point early in the game so seeing how people react to that is what I'll claim my reads are based on but in reality since I don't know meta behind most of the players here I'll probably just be going off vibes today while I get a sense of everybody.
For example, Luka seemed to be intentionally hard town reading people on the fly for nothing as a manner of reading their reactions. The initial read is irrelevant and the true read lies in how they respond to being town read. For me this is town points to Luka because it provides a better read than gauging people off a hard push/suggested wagon (while they also did that it was more jokey/less follow through) which would be aimed at just stirring turmoil.
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
Hello there as well, bit confused about what's wrong with the post minimum since all you have to do is post 10 times, which you can just make 10 comments on what's happening, or am I missing something?
Also thank you for welcoming me! ^.^
The minimum is fine, though apparently that wasn’t the ONLY low posting rule… like I said. So… i’m here. Unsure of who to vote for werewolf and clearly outleagued by 98% of the people here.
It'd be super if anyone could provide a quick rundown of who knows who in this game, because that can go a long way in assessing both interactions and the validity of arguments made (e.g., with meta reads).
I don't know anyone well, so on my own I'll be operating purely at face value.
At face value, I like the cut of Luka's jib. I acknowledge this read is a somewhat shallow "vibe check", but whatever it's a starting point. Separating the game immediately into binary groups (town/mafia) as they have started to do is the right management of thread momentum.
I know Cait, Luka, and Sam.
Do I have any meta-reads on them that can be translated into forums? No.
Am I going to use any meta that I have on them? No. Chat meta doesn't really translate well on forums in my opinion.
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
Hello there as well, bit confused about what's wrong with the post minimum since all you have to do is post 10 times, which you can just make 10 comments on what's happening, or am I missing something?
Also thank you for welcoming me! ^.^
The minimum is fine, though apparently that wasn’t the ONLY low posting rule… like I said. So… i’m here. Unsure of who to vote for werewolf and clearly outleagued by 98% of the people here.
If the low posters out number the high posters we can always turn the tables on them. But also I'm pretty sure Cait is talking more about your content than your number. You did make that whole "gonna hit the minimum and dip on the rest of day" comment.
Also hidy ho neighbor @ExLight. :wave: I thought I recognized your name. Did I host you before? My memory isn't what it used to be.
I subbed in for a vanilla game about bugs and found the last scum (they still mislynched me over some PoE nonsense but I'd prefer to forget that)
you were already dead when I joined it so we never interacted much
I guess that comment was a bit… rude(?). But yeah, there’s been a lot of messages and I haven’t gotten much from them.
uh catching up with the thread and I'm seeing some things got a bit heated
will head to bed now and after I wake up I'll reread it a bit more carefully to make some reads and take a stance on the situation
uh catching up with the thread and I'm seeing some things got a bit heated
will head to bed now and after I wake up I'll reread it a bit more carefully to make some reads and take a stance on the situation
This is true, a lot of the chatting here seemed like very heated arguing about how previous Werewolf games might dictate this one. Seems like this day isn’t gonna have much in store…
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
I feel like some of the stuff people here have said or done feels extreme, to say the least. An example being Luka supposedly locking in me being town after 3 messages. I don’t really get that… so I feel like it might either be that these people are either just spitballing to try and make it seem like they can tell when they might just be wolf… or they really are that smart, and i’m just dumb. Not sure who out of these people to vote, but some of yall act real weird…
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
This is a very uncharitable interpretation of what I had to say.
First of all, reducing a player's effort to explain a thought process clearly to "look at me I'm so townie and progressive" is incredibly unfair. You've taken a post where I had quite a lot to say, and you have twisted it in whatever manner you can to portray it as me saying nothing. Time to color code.
Green: You have referenced a portion of my post where I described why "Leesbra's second game" it is important to me and asked me why I brought up Leesbra's second game. The answer to that question is in the post. Players often fall into particular archetypes when they are brand new to the game, and I described what I have often observed from players who are brand new to the game. That is absolutely relevant to interpreting Leesbra's alignment, and I described precisely why I felt that way.
Suggesting my commentary is "nothing" or "pointless" or "overcompensating" without actually engaging with any of it is disingenuous. I don't like that.
Orange: Absolutely no thanks. I provided the direction earlier in the post (and in the post that preceded it on the same topic): here's why I think there's a valid reason to town read Leesbra. That is a direction. You are quoting a post that expresses that direction. It's right there. And in that third paragraph, I acknowledged that it's not a super confident read, and that I am not certain. That's called being responsible with a take. And yet even still, in the very same third paragraph, I reiterated my viewpoint. I have often seen brand new town players do what Leesbra did.
Red: This extends from the orange bit, really, but it drives home why I don't like this so much. You would have to ignore the words in the post to come to this conclusion about it. Of course I accept that my read can be taken with a grain of salt, and I should. Anyone that doesn't allow for that in a read they've made on someone they've never played with before is being a little ridiculous.
I struggle to believe that you read my post in good faith and came to those conclusions. It looks like you decided what your read on me was and then formulated an argument to justify it.
Vote: callahan
I feel like some of the stuff people here have said or done feels extreme, to say the least. An example being Luka supposedly locking in me being town after 3 messages. I don’t really get that… so I feel like it might either be that these people are either just spitballing to try and make it seem like they can tell when they might just be wolf… or they really are that smart, and i’m just dumb. Not sure who out of these people to vote, but some of yall act real weird…
Welcome to forum Mafia. :D
My personal philosophy is that it is never too early to solve a game (or to make your best effort at doing so). I can understand if you're not sure how to deal with that kind of approach as a brand new player, but truly it might be one of the first steps towards elevating one's town game. I hope that doesn't sound patronizing, because I wasn't doing that kind of thing in my second game either. Ya gotta start somewhere!
We only get so much time, so many cycles, and so many posts to win the game. So we have to make judgment calls when they come and never stop developing them as the game moves. With experience, I suspect you'll find that this isn't just a style, but it's often necessary.
I'd love to hear how you feel about this most recent exchange between callahan and I.
I feel good about Caitlin and Leesbra.
I feel okay about Luka.
I have virtually no impression of anyone else, save callahan who is a slippery character.
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
This is a very uncharitable interpretation of what I had to say.
First of all, reducing a player's effort to explain a thought process clearly to "look at me I'm so townie and progressive" is incredibly unfair. You've taken a post where I had quite a lot to say, and you have twisted it in whatever manner you can to portray it as me saying nothing. Time to color code.
Green: You have referenced a portion of my post where I described why "Leesbra's second game" it is important to me and asked me why I brought up Leesbra's second game. The answer to that question is in the post. Players often fall into particular archetypes when they are brand new to the game, and I described what I have often observed from players who are brand new to the game. That is absolutely relevant to interpreting Leesbra's alignment, and I described precisely why I felt that way.
Suggesting my commentary is "nothing" or "pointless" or "overcompensating" without actually engaging with any of it is disingenuous. I don't like that.
Orange: Absolutely no thanks. I provided the direction earlier in the post (and in the post that preceded it on the same topic): here's why I think there's a valid reason to town read Leesbra. That is a direction. You are quoting a post that expresses that direction. It's right there. And in that third paragraph, I acknowledged that it's not a super confident read, and that I am not certain. That's called being responsible with a take. And yet even still, in the very same third paragraph, I reiterated my viewpoint. I have often seen brand new town players do what Leesbra did.
Red: This extends from the orange bit, really, but it drives home why I don't like this so much. You would have to ignore the words in the post to come to this conclusion about it. Of course I accept that my read can be taken with a grain of salt, and I should. Anyone that doesn't allow for that in a read they've made on someone they've never played with before is being a little ridiculous.
I struggle to believe that you read my post in good faith and came to those conclusions. It looks like you decided what your read on me was and then formulated an argument to justify it.
Vote: callahan
Yeah, this doesn't make sense. New players has to fall into a certain player archtype? That just seems controlling. Like you must play like this because you are new is all what I'm hearing.
Just because you don't like me saying you are overcompensating doesn't change the fact you are? Like you are literally color coding? I don't understand why you post something but you aren't even confident in it, and even suggest the fact people can take it for a grain of salt? Don't post something if your not confident in it? You're going to waste everybody's time. It just seems like you are blabbering for no reason even more now. You speak about a valid reason to town read Leesbra, but then you are like take it for a grain of salt? LOL? I am in no way ignoring your words at all, I'm left wondering what is the point of your post because I still do not see one. Like I'm looking, I really am. Me struggling to read your post in good faith is such a wack concept, I'm pointing out that you are overcompensating, obviously have no confidence in what you are saying, and just yapping to yap?
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
I feel like some of the stuff people here have said or done feels extreme, to say the least. An example being Luka supposedly locking in me being town after 3 messages. I don’t really get that… so I feel like it might either be that these people are either just spitballing to try and make it seem like they can tell when they might just be wolf… or they really are that smart, and i’m just dumb. Not sure who out of these people to vote, but some of yall act real weird…
I'm pretty sure Luka is just straight trolling.
GloriousBob wishes to remind you all that Mafia is a silly past time shared by a largely lonely and sorrowful bunch who are more like one another than we often care to admit and to remember how it feels when other people say mean words to you before you say them yourself.
Vote 1, GlooooriousBob.
You may be asking yourself, Bob... how is it that you manage to be so darn Glorious all the time?
The answer is quite simple. I make good decisions. For instance I'm making the decision right now to admin to Jay that I'm MacDougall. Because he probably will find that interesting.
Yeah, this doesn't make sense. New players has to fall into a certain player archtype? That just seems controlling. Like you must play like this because you are new is all what I'm hearing.
Just because you don't like me saying you are overcompensating doesn't change the fact you are? Like you are literally color coding? I don't understand why you post something but you aren't even confident in it, and even suggest the fact people can take it for a grain of salt? Don't post something if your not confident in it? You're going to waste everybody's time. It just seems like you are blabbering for no reason even more now. You speak about a valid reason to town read Leesbra, but then you are like take it for a grain of salt? LOL? I am in no way ignoring your words at all, I'm left wondering what is the point of your post because I still do not see one. Like I'm looking, I really am. Me struggling to read your post in good faith is such a wack concept, I'm pointing out that you are overcompensating, obviously have no confidence in what you are saying, and just yapping to yap?
Green: Excuse me, but what? I didn't say anything about "has to fall into an archetype". I cannot understand how that could interpreted as "controlling". I feel like you are just tacking adjectives to your assessment.
Leesbra exhibited a behavior that I have seen before from new players with town roles. That's the read. I will expand, if the missing link is "I have seen this far less if ever from new players who are mafia".
Orange: Color coding is a way to reference posts effectively, and it is even a personal meme that Caitlin requested earlier. You read the game. I don't believe these are real thoughts. You are essentially suggesting that there is no reason a person should express a thought if they don't have total confidence that it is the correct thought. That is nonsense.
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
My glory overwhelms me at times. My bobness too.
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
Yeah, this doesn't make sense. New players has to fall into a certain player archtype? That just seems controlling. Like you must play like this because you are new is all what I'm hearing.
Just because you don't like me saying you are overcompensating doesn't change the fact you are? Like you are literally color coding? I don't understand why you post something but you aren't even confident in it, and even suggest the fact people can take it for a grain of salt? Don't post something if your not confident in it? You're going to waste everybody's time. It just seems like you are blabbering for no reason even more now. You speak about a valid reason to town read Leesbra, but then you are like take it for a grain of salt? LOL? I am in no way ignoring your words at all, I'm left wondering what is the point of your post because I still do not see one. Like I'm looking, I really am. Me struggling to read your post in good faith is such a wack concept, I'm pointing out that you are overcompensating, obviously have no confidence in what you are saying, and just yapping to yap?
Green: Excuse me, but what? I didn't say anything about "has to fall into an archetype". I cannot understand how that could interpreted as "controlling". I feel like you are just tacking adjectives to your assessment.
Leesbra exhibited a behavior that I have seen before from new players with town roles. That's the read. I will expand, if the missing link is "I have seen this far less if ever from new players who are mafia".
Orange: Color coding is a way to reference posts effectively, and it is even a personal meme that Caitlin requested earlier. You read the game. I don't believe these are real thoughts. You are essentially suggesting that there is no reason a person should express a thought if they don't have total confidence that it is the correct thought. That is nonsense.
You're excused ig LOL?? You said this, " Players often fall into particular archetypes when they are brand new to the game, and I described what I have often observed from players who are brand new to the game. " Which feels like you are trying to control how they should play, because this is how players often fall into, like god what is that? You are trying to control their actions so they can play a certain way in your eyes. Okay, I didn't realize it was a personal meme. These are my real thoughts, I guess you are upset because I realized that you are overcompensating. I feel if you don't have confidence in what you are saying, you shouldn't say anything at all, I don't want to read through reads where a person doesn't even actually believe what they are saying, it fucks up the game. It's not nonsense at all, it just anti-progression to the game, if you can't even believe what you are saying.
Why is my text so small this formating is so weird
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
In my earlier adventures through this beautiful whimsical land I overhead an adventurer by the name of Luka I think it was making reads here and there. Quite an unusual fellow. Quick to issue an opinion. Sort of lad that'd get himself into a mischief in a tavern in my experience.
Now... he was saying he'd be accused of having TMI... and I'm not about to say that means anything because it doesn't. But a couple of the people he made townreads on I didn't really share.
It was so long ago and I've had a belly full of ale so you'll need to forgive me but the people that it was were several and the only one I remember was Leesbra.
That's all to say I think Leesbra is a little bit ... perturbing. Non glorious. Not a lot but certainly a little and I suppose one would be forgiven for finding it interesting Luka was spreading the good word about the fellow.
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
I'm an old and wizened man my boy I've seen them all in my travels. In a past life I was a great adventurer they called MacDougall.
I feel if you don't have confidence in what you are saying, you shouldn't say anything at all
Perhaps it's massive culture or strategy clash, but I am not sure I have ever read a sentence in a Mafia thread that I disagree with more than this sentence. And I have been playing the game for 12 years of my life. This is a landmark event.
I am going to leave the rest alone for now so this doesn't turn into an unnecessarily volatile back-and-forth that will make everyone else miserable. I want to know what others think.
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
Now this is a confusing rhetoric my boy. He isn't dragging me in, he's replying to my own shared opinion. You can't be casting declarations of dismay over such things lad.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
Bob commented on our exchange and implied a playing background with me. I replied. I am in the Twilight Zone.
I feel if you don't have confidence in what you are saying, you shouldn't say anything at all
Perhaps it's massive culture or strategy clash, but I am not sure I have ever read a sentence in a Mafia thread that I disagree with more than this sentence. And I have been playing the game for 12 years of my life. This is a landmark event.
I am going to leave the rest alone for now so this doesn't turn into an unnecessarily volatile back-and-forth that will make everyone else miserable. I want to know what others think.
You are the Jagged one. You don't make anything miserable except for the lives of your opponents my boy.
I'm an old and wizened man my boy I've seen them all in my travels. In a past life I was a great adventurer they called MacDougall.
Oh, sweet blessed Mac. I didn't know you were here, and I am pleased.
Folks, I asked about who others know earlier. I didn't think I knew anyone, but apparently I know GloriousBob better than I know nearly anyone else.
I feel if you don't have confidence in what you are saying, you shouldn't say anything at all
Perhaps it's massive culture or strategy clash, but I am not sure I have ever read a sentence in a Mafia thread that I disagree with more than this sentence. And I have been playing the game for 12 years of my life. This is a landmark event.
I am going to leave the rest alone for now so this doesn't turn into an unnecessarily volatile back-and-forth that will make everyone else miserable. I want to know what others think.
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
Now this is a confusing rhetoric my boy. He isn't dragging me in, he's replying to my own shared opinion. You can't be casting declarations of dismay over such things lad.
I'm sorry but having this as the first thing you say to someone, I'm literally flabbergasted, like that is not like I'm just so flabbergasted with what he just said to you
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
Now this is a confusing rhetoric my boy. He isn't dragging me in, he's replying to my own shared opinion. You can't be casting declarations of dismay over such things lad.
I'm sorry but having this as the first thing you say to someone, I'm literally flabbergasted, like that is not like I'm just so flabbergasted with what he just said to you
Why is that my dear lad? I don't share the concern.
I feel if you don't have confidence in what you are saying, you shouldn't say anything at all
Perhaps it's massive culture or strategy clash, but I am not sure I have ever read a sentence in a Mafia thread that I disagree with more than this sentence. And I have been playing the game for 12 years of my life. This is a landmark event.
I am going to leave the rest alone for now so this doesn't turn into an unnecessarily volatile back-and-forth that will make everyone else miserable. I want to know what others think.
I do want you to keep talking to me though, I understand you will leave this alone, but still, please do not just totally abandoned this.
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
Now this is a confusing rhetoric my boy. He isn't dragging me in, he's replying to my own shared opinion. You can't be casting declarations of dismay over such things lad.
I'm sorry but having this as the first thing you say to someone, I'm literally flabbergasted, like that is not like I'm just so flabbergasted with what he just said to you
Why is that my dear lad? I don't share the concern.
Okay, we roleplaying here, but I just don't understand that is the first thing you say to someone and your attempt is to drag them into the argument, and for what purpose? Is it because they can't defend themselves on their own, are they looking for support, or are they calling for their partner to help them out? I just have never personally tried to drag someone into an argument I'm having with someone, especially the first thing I said to a person.
In my years, and they are many, two warriors in the cohort of the God butting heads has occurred ooooh so many times. Too many times to count. And I've gotten quite good at seeing it when I see it.
I think you two have the potential for this hiccup to be instead an origin story of a great alliance
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
Now this is a confusing rhetoric my boy. He isn't dragging me in, he's replying to my own shared opinion. You can't be casting declarations of dismay over such things lad.
I'm sorry but having this as the first thing you say to someone, I'm literally flabbergasted, like that is not like I'm just so flabbergasted with what he just said to you
Why is that my dear lad? I don't share the concern.
Okay, we roleplaying here, but I just don't understand that is the first thing you say to someone and your attempt is to drag them into the argument, and for what purpose? Is it because they can't defend themselves on their own, are they looking for support, or are they calling for their partner to help them out? I just have never personally tried to drag someone into an argument I'm having with someone, especially the first thing I said to a person.
Callahan he didn't drag me into anything, he read my comment and is replying to it. Are you okay lad?
I do want you to keep talking to me though, I understand you will leave this alone, but still, please do not just totally abandoned this.
I certainly won't abandon it. I tend to be very sensitive to thread climate, however, and I know that this kind of argument is often bad for it. Even if you are Mafia, many people will see any hint of annoying conflict and either dismiss all of it off-hand or they'll literally stop looking at the game. That should be avoided. So for the time being, I've said my piece about your grievances with me. I wish to see how others interact with that.
If there's something else you want to discuss with me, by all means. Let's do that. For example: do you have an initial impression of the other active players (e.g., Luka and Caitlin)?
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
Now this is a confusing rhetoric my boy. He isn't dragging me in, he's replying to my own shared opinion. You can't be casting declarations of dismay over such things lad.
I'm sorry but having this as the first thing you say to someone, I'm literally flabbergasted, like that is not like I'm just so flabbergasted with what he just said to you
Why is that my dear lad? I don't share the concern.
Okay, we roleplaying here, but I just don't understand that is the first thing you say to someone and your attempt is to drag them into the argument, and for what purpose? Is it because they can't defend themselves on their own, are they looking for support, or are they calling for their partner to help them out? I just have never personally tried to drag someone into an argument I'm having with someone, especially the first thing I said to a person.
Callahan he didn't drag me into anything, he read my comment and is replying to it. Are you okay lad?
It looked like to me he was trying to drag you into it.
I do want you to keep talking to me though, I understand you will leave this alone, but still, please do not just totally abandoned this.
I certainly won't abandon it. I tend to be very sensitive to thread climate, however, and I know that this kind of argument is often bad for it. Even if you are Mafia, many people will see any hint of annoying conflict and either dismiss all of it off-hand or they'll literally stop looking at the game. That should be avoided. So for the time being, I've said my piece about your grievances with me. I wish to see how others interact with that.
If there's something else you want to discuss with me, by all means. Let's do that. For example: do you have an initial impression of the other active players (e.g., Luka and Caitlin)?
Oh okay, got you, I don't want to make you upset at all. I'm just trying to understand things and give my input on things. I noticed Luka and Cait did argue, and you are right about how people dismissed it...because that is literally what I did when I noticed Luka and Cait started arguing, I was like nope, because I think it was over something silly. When I did read Luka, I felt like it was pretty obvious he was trolling, and I think he still is. Cait just seems NAI to me. I think most people are right now because nothing really caught my attention.
Oh okay, got you, I don't want to make you upset at all. I'm just trying to understand things and give my input on things. I noticed Luka and Cait did argue, and you are right about how people dismissed it...because that is literally what I did when I noticed Luka and Cait started arguing, I was like nope, because I think it was over something silly. When I did read Luka, I felt like it was pretty obvious he was trolling, and I think he still is. Cait just seems NAI to me. I think most people are right now because nothing really caught my attention.
To be clear, I am not upset. You're just playing the game regardless of your alignment, and I will always respect that. I am actually not a terribly emotional person, but I still acknowledge that I am human and subject to human biases.
If I recall, you were one of the people that has played with Cait often?
I have played with Cait quite a bit also as it were.
Oh okay, got you, I don't want to make you upset at all. I'm just trying to understand things and give my input on things. I noticed Luka and Cait did argue, and you are right about how people dismissed it...because that is literally what I did when I noticed Luka and Cait started arguing, I was like nope, because I think it was over something silly. When I did read Luka, I felt like it was pretty obvious he was trolling, and I think he still is. Cait just seems NAI to me. I think most people are right now because nothing really caught my attention.
To be clear, I am not upset. You're just playing the game regardless of your alignment, and I will always respect that. I am actually not a terribly emotional person, but I still acknowledge that I am human and subject to human biases.
If I recall, you were one of the people that has played with Cait often?
Okay good, because like I don't want you to be upset, that's the last thing I want people to feel when I play with them. I would say I have played with Cait around at least 7 games? But, if you're asking for meta, I cannot tell you, never played with her on forums.
I have played with Cait quite a bit also as it were.
My flat read is that I thought Cait seemed authentic in their poking at me earlier for my apparent formality/wording. That's something I recognize from many past first encounters.
Do you have an impression either of Cait in general or of the validity of my viewpoint?
I have played with Cait quite a bit also as it were.
What's her meta?
Looking back at the past 2 pages of posts,
I feel like some of the stuff people here have said or done feels extreme, to say the least. An example being Luka supposedly locking in me being town after 3 messages. I don’t really get that… so I feel like it might either be that these people are either just spitballing to try and make it seem like they can tell when they might just be wolf… or they really are that smart, and i’m just dumb. Not sure who out of these people to vote, but some of yall act real weird…
I'm pretty sure Luka is just straight trolling.
Honestly that doesn't sound too outlandish. Luka might actually be super good at seeing who is what, but I feel like how he did it was just kinda rushed. I'm keeping an eye on them... (I have been, they're very active so it's hard not to)
I have played with Cait quite a bit also as it were.
My flat read is that I thought Cait seemed authentic in their poking at me earlier for my apparent formality/wording. That's something I recognize from many past first encounters.
Do you have an impression either of Cait in general or of the validity of my viewpoint?
I remain uncertain on Lady Caitlin. My experiences with Caitlin are that she is good at Mafia as both alignments, underrated as both alignments and capable of taking advantage of people who make too easy reads as mafia. The only thing that stands out to me as alignment indicative about her in my experience is sincerity of reads reasoning perhaps being something to keep an eye on as well as WIM level.
Vote: Leesbra
Since people ignored it I'll try ask again in a more direct manner.
I thought Bob was a Number's alt, but it seems not. Does anyone remember whose alt it was? Maybe Laurentus'?
Since people ignored it I'll try ask again in a more direct manner.
I thought Bob was a Number's alt, but it seems not. Does anyone remember whose alt it was? Maybe Laurentus'?
He's claimed Mac from MU. I don't know if you have experience there/with him. I've been in a couple hydra games myself (specifically with Mac).
That does not ring a bell, which is weird
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
What's your read on me?
Accurate one and Gun to the head one
That does not ring a bell, which is weird
MacDougall is the full name of that matters for you. Do you feel like you should know them?
Host Announcement
Jamie is Bored has subbed in for Michi
Please do not discuss substitutions
You'll be pinged on discord with this info cause pinging on site is annoying me
heya jamie!
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
I feel like some of the stuff people here have said or done feels extreme, to say the least. An example being Luka supposedly locking in me being town after 3 messages. I don’t really get that… so I feel like it might either be that these people are either just spitballing to try and make it seem like they can tell when they might just be wolf… or they really are that smart, and i’m just dumb. Not sure who out of these people to vote, but some of yall act real weird…
I'm pretty sure Luka is just straight trolling.
I’m 100% serious
My brain isn’t working as quickly
Calla gth town
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
FYI the UI says Michi died because I have to physically kill the player and add the substitutite as a new player in the Werewolf bot on site.
Michi was subbed though. I promise. He was not murdered.
Vote: UnvoteVote: JamieIsBored
grumble why did it not break lines
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
bit of a bold claim considering you have never seen me roll scum
heya jamie!
Vote: UnvoteVote: JamieIsBored
Darn, he voted me before I could vote him. Introduction post’ll come in a minute.
That does not ring a bell, which is weird
MacDougall is the full name of that matters for you. Do you feel like you should know them?
(sorry if I'm supposed to know you bob)
I have met Luka playing as scum before and their current game does not remind me of it, although they might have different styles in forum and discord mafia.
Cait reaction is NAI - if she's town she'd get annoyed at that senseless prodding and if she's scum she'd be annoyed at being pinned this early on.
Vaporeon person seems townie enough. The overreactions seem townie and coherent with them being new. Please avoid editing your posts though. @Leesbra can you link us your first game though?
I have a couple other people in my watchlist but I'll wait until I have a more tangible first impression on most of the cast before explaining why.
Vaporeon person seems townie enough. The overreactions seem townie and coherent with them being new. Please avoid editing your posts though. @Leesbra can you link us your first game though?
I’m not quite sure how to put a link to other posts except quoting, but it was Werewolf XXX (30) in these forums. Also, sorry for the editing earlier, though it’d be better than making 3 different posts in a row.
grumble why did it not break lines
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
bit of a bold claim considering you have never seen me roll scum
General read, not meta based
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
Im not saying town wouldnt have voted; I think its more likely for a town to not vote than a scum to not vote is what im saying
I have met Luka playing as scum before and their current game does not remind me of it, although they might have different styles in forum and discord mafia.
Cait reaction is NAI - if she's town she'd get annoyed at that senseless prodding and if she's scum she'd be annoyed at being pinned this early on.
Vaporeon person seems townie enough. The overreactions seem townie and coherent with them being new. Please avoid editing your posts though. @Leesbra can you link us your first game though?
I have a couple other people in my watchlist but I'll wait until I have a more tangible first impression on most of the cast before explaining why.
I am fully confident on Leesbra town
Forum game
Vote: UnvoteVote: JamieIsBored
Pretty sure this didn't register
But I also don't think you need to unvote to switch votes
grumble it's an RVS vote anyway but thanks for letting me know
Hey everyone, I’m Jamie, looking forward to playing with you.
You might have been able to guess but I’ve played with ExLight before, but I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of playing with anyone else here before.
My current thoughts on everything that’s happened so far in thread is that:
- Luka has looked good to me, actively trying to create discussion and general response to everything is making me town lean them.
- With JJJ and Callahan’s argument I think JJJ looks better to me, I agree with the point that early reads should be taken with a pinch of salt, but eventually you should be having full confidence in your reads.
- Caitlin and Ex look fine to me as of right now
- Leesbra I do not have a confident read on but they have been towny enough so far, their earlier stance on post activity I did not agree with and it felt kinda coasty to me with the “locked” town read from Luka.
- For everyone else I do not yet have an opinion on them.
Vote: Unvote
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
Im not saying town wouldnt have voted; I think its more likely for a town to not vote than a scum to not vote is what im saying
I think the reasoning is decent but a bit fallacious.
If someone had voted Cait to try giving it some momentum then it be seen as a scummy pushing for an early wagon.
But while voting can be scummy, abstaining from it isn't necessarily townie.
I guess it's more of a difference in interpretation cuz you seem certain of your wording.
Dunno, just don't find not-voting to be characteristic of anything. In any case, why point out that you find people not voting to be townie before more reactions has happened?
Hey everyone, I’m Jamie, looking forward to playing with you.
You might have been able to guess but I’ve played with ExLight before, but I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of playing with anyone else here before.
My current thoughts on everything that’s happened so far in thread is that:
- Luka has looked good to me, actively trying to create discussion and general response to everything is making me town lean them.
- With JJJ and Callahan’s argument I think JJJ looks better to me, I agree with the point that early reads should be taken with a pinch of salt, but eventually you should be having full confidence in your reads.
- Caitlin and Ex look fine to me as of right now
- Leesbra I do not have a confident read on but they have been towny enough so far, their earlier stance on post activity I did not agree with and it felt kinda coasty to me with the “locked” town read from Luka.
- For everyone else I do not yet have an opinion on them.
Gun to the head, place a vote on someone
Vote: DarchAngel
Would like to hear some thoughts from you please.
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
Im not saying town wouldnt have voted; I think its more likely for a town to not vote than a scum to not vote is what im saying
I don't see a difference. If you readily see that an experienced wolf isn't going to vote in that situation than your assessment still falls on somebody's experience or their willingness to joke around. On the whole I don't think it's a bad way to get people talking but I don't think I'd ascribe serious reads to the results you get.
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
Im not saying town wouldnt have voted; I think its more likely for a town to not vote than a scum to not vote is what im saying
I don't see a difference. If you readily see that an experienced wolf isn't going to vote in that situation than your assessment still falls on somebody's experience or their willingness to joke around. On the whole I don't think it's a bad way to get people talking but I don't think I'd ascribe serious reads to the results you get.
The read isnt super serious. Its more of an early game read; I dont actually town lock them as I said maybe
I do town lock Leesbra tho
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
What's your read on me?
Accurate one and Gun to the head one
I don't quite have a read on you. You're null, which is why I asked. Their knowledge of you might be helpful to me, since I am not getting an initial impression. Put another way: I don't really take issue with what you have posted, but I also don't have any reason to believe what you've posted is town-indicative. To borrow the local language, you haven't "town-told" in my eyes.
If I had to provide a gun-to-head read without null as an option, I'd say town. That's more a reflection of raw probability than any actual perspective of your posts though.
Vote: DarchAngel
Would like to hear some thoughts from you please.
bit of an easy vote, no?
if they're truly MIA not sure if you'll get much info from them ;)
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
What's your read on me?
Accurate one and Gun to the head one
I don't quite have a read on you. You're null, which is why I asked. Their knowledge of you might be helpful to me, since I am not getting an initial impression. Put another way: I don't really take issue with what you have posted, but I also don't have any reason to believe what you've posted is town-indicative. To borrow the local language, you haven't "town-told" in my eyes.
If I had to provide a gun-to-head read without null as an option, I'd say town. That's more a reflection of raw probability than any actual perspective of your posts though.
Huh, I was expecting you to be setting up undermining their reads as a way to throw shade at me but your reply went on the opposite direction funny enough.
Hey everyone, I’m Jamie, looking forward to playing with you.
You might have been able to guess but I’ve played with ExLight before, but I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of playing with anyone else here before.
My current thoughts on everything that’s happened so far in thread is that:
- Luka has looked good to me, actively trying to create discussion and general response to everything is making me town lean them.
- With JJJ and Callahan’s argument I think JJJ looks better to me, I agree with the point that early reads should be taken with a pinch of salt, but eventually you should be having full confidence in your reads.
- Caitlin and Ex look fine to me as of right now
- Leesbra I do not have a confident read on but they have been towny enough so far, their earlier stance on post activity I did not agree with and it felt kinda coasty to me with the “locked” town read from Luka.
- For everyone else I do not yet have an opinion on them.
Some of this pinged me. Let's talk about it, Jamie.
The first two bullets are a bit lukewarm for lack of a better word. The view about Luka strikes me as defaulted. I'm not sure Luka had to clear much of a barrier to reach this town lean. And I'm not sure the view about me "looking better" is coming from the right stuff in my argument with callahan. I may indeed be right about the idea that early game confidence is allowed to be relaxed, but I'm not sure why that would make me look better (i.e., look more town, assuming that is the intended interpretation). That's a philosophy more than it's a read. I'd appreciate if you could expand on these things.
Huh, I was expecting you to be setting up undermining their reads as a way to throw shade at me but your reply went on the opposite direction funny enough.
On this note, I'd like to provide a little clarity about my process. I get the impression there's a large contingent of chat-based Mafia players here, and that is a very different vibe to what I am used to and to how I usually play the game. I am a sort of strategist in the arena of "town leadership", and I wrote an article about it on MU. One of the most important things to me is to build an environment of teamwork and [within reasonable limitations] democracy. So I will often ask people for their perspectives on things and when I do there is always a reason for it. I am calling upon others that at least might be my teammates to offer their impressions and strengthen my own impressions. And when I share my impressions, I go to considerable lengths to be as clear as I can possibly be (to maximize others' abilities to benefit from my reads). This post is sort of an example!
This post may not be necessary, I'm not sure. But if there has been any culture clash with me, hopefully this resolves some of it.
Host AnnouncementI wanted to do this exactly 24 hours into the phase but I'm not sure I'll be around then
@GoldenOne Both of you are on track to miss post min and be force replaced
Jamie is too but he just subbed in so he isn't getting bothered.
Numbers is below post min but on pace to break it. That's all. Bye.
Vote: DarchAngel
Would like to hear some thoughts from you please.
bit of an easy vote, no?
if they're truly MIA not sure if you'll get much info from them ;)
And if they aren’t it puts pressure on them to speak.
Well, I am online right now for a bit
Once again I apologize for my outburst yesterday, it was unprofessional and I'll try to not make it happen again
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
It isn't a rule, it's just, as I said,
- You signed up so it'd be cool for Abigail if you put time into this game
- If you post, you make yourself more readable to us. If you are town, this lessens your chance of being voted out. Ofcourse, this actually is negative if you're mafia, but hopefully does show you my motive behind wanting you to post
- Maybe you have a rlly good observation. And even if you don't, it's always good to still list any observations you have, they don't even have to be good. All we have in mafia is text really, so use it! This is our tool to find the mafia! Not using the thread in forum mafia is like, not using a pickaxe when looking for diamonds in Minecraft
And to add to this third point; you rlly can't do something wrong :/ Even if you were wrong... Maybe your logic was right, and you can use this to get even more accurate reads in your next game. Heck, even the best players constantly make flaws in their reads. In fact, I expect my reads to suck this game. And yet I still make them. Cuz that is what mafia is, we are trying to find the mafia, and to do that, people discuss anything that might stand out to them
Ofc you're free to not play despite what I say, because, you're right, you did reach your post minimum, and I shouldn't have been so pushy about it. But hopefully this motivates you somewhat
Well, I am online right now for a bit
Once again I apologize for my outburst yesterday, it was unprofessional and I'll try to not make it happen again
You have nothing to be sorry about. I’m sorry for acting the way I did.
Vote: Unvote
There was a big post supposed to come with this but it didn’t save. Anyway, with the player I voted not yet returning I will leave them for now and look elsewhere soon. Big post to respond to JJJ coming whenever I can rewrite it.
Vote: Unvote
There was a big post supposed to come with this but it didn’t save. Anyway, with the player I voted not yet returning I will leave them for now and look elsewhere soon. Big post to respond to JJJ coming whenever I can rewrite it.
I appreciate the effort anyway. If you want to give the cliff notes that's also fine. Do your thing, we have plenty of time.
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
The rule is cait kills you if you low post
Honestly it's not really about low posting, cuz I get being busy, but like; posting 10 times in the first 3 hours and then disappearing is something I don't like. Practically the whole game happens after that! Yea we all have quick TLs from Leesbra from the start, but does a TL from super early game really translate to something we can use later on?
It'd be super if anyone could provide a quick rundown of who knows who in this game, because that can go a long way in assessing both interactions and the validity of arguments made (e.g., with meta reads).
I don't know anyone well, so on my own I'll be operating purely at face value.
At face value, I like the cut of Luka's jib. I acknowledge this read is a somewhat shallow "vibe check", but whatever it's a starting point. Separating the game immediately into binary groups (town/mafia) as they have started to do is the right management of thread momentum.
I know Cait, Luka, and Sam.
Do I have any meta-reads on them that can be translated into forums? No.
Am I going to use any meta that I have on them? No. Chat meta doesn't really translate well on forums in my opinion.
The game I hosted tho on MU featured you, Luka and Sam, do you think you have some forum meta from there on them?
I guess that comment was a bit… rude(?). But yeah, there’s been a lot of messages and I haven’t gotten much from them.
I suppose that's okay but yea pls do try to reply to some things. Seems like just after you posted this, content started to form that things could probably be said about
oh wait I played with callahan too right
wasn't it her with the johnny cage profile and
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
I'm glad that Callahan is seeing the same thing as me here but it's also kinda ironic; it feels like Callahan is kinda doing the same thing here that they accused JJJ of, seemingly. I do think the distinction between the 'LAMIST' and 'overcompensating' is odd because, isn't being LAMIST already a scumtell in itself? I kinda think as I said later that it might mostly be a playstyle, like, especially for the coloring thing you ;re about to accuse JJJ for in diff posts, it's clear JJJ always does that. They even did it in a thread about why they like mafia -> and I also asked them to do it, which, you shouldve come across in this thread?
Now logically, one could assume that this lands on a SL on Callahan but I kinda... townread the effort? And I think I know why Calla is so overanalysing, here
oh wait I played with callahan too right
wasn't it her with the johnny cage profile and
I dont know how Johnny Cage looks but yes, you and Callahan both were in New TTAG game 23
Well, I unfortunately gtg
Might be till tomorrow till I'll post more
Not a great look when I'm inactive myself when I've been trying to get ppl to be active ^^' I just had a rlly important exam today and I only got home recently, so ya, busy day
Also as for 'why I townread ExLight', because I have a distant memory of someone asking that when I read the thread in the train, mostly vibes, rlly. Did not yet form a new read on ExLight based on their new posts
Less than 24 hours remain.
I'm going on a date so behave.
Hey everyone, I’m Jamie, looking forward to playing with you.
You might have been able to guess but I’ve played with ExLight before, but I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of playing with anyone else here before.
My current thoughts on everything that’s happened so far in thread is that:
- Luka has looked good to me, actively trying to create discussion and general response to everything is making me town lean them.
- With JJJ and Callahan’s argument I think JJJ looks better to me, I agree with the point that early reads should be taken with a pinch of salt, but eventually you should be having full confidence in your reads.
- Caitlin and Ex look fine to me as of right now
- Leesbra I do not have a confident read on but they have been towny enough so far, their earlier stance on post activity I did not agree with and it felt kinda coasty to me with the “locked” town read from Luka.
- For everyone else I do not yet have an opinion on them.
Some of this pinged me. Let's talk about it, Jamie.
The first two bullets are a bit lukewarm for lack of a better word. The view about Luka strikes me as defaulted. I'm not sure Luka had to clear much of a barrier to reach this town lean. And I'm not sure the view about me "looking better" is coming from the right stuff in my argument with callahan. I may indeed be right about the idea that early game confidence is allowed to be relaxed, but I'm not sure why that would make me look better (i.e., look more town, assuming that is the intended interpretation). That's a philosophy more than it's a read. I'd appreciate if you could expand on these things.
Alright, sure!
Luka- Initial interactions I felt were good. Getting confident early reads out there is something that I like, quite towny imo. Has less of a barrier to clear to be town leaned because trusting someone is so much easier than not trusting them.
JJJ- Points made in argument were good, points against I did not agree with as much. “Trying too hard” was one I definitely didn’t agree with, explaining potential reasoning on reads to others is greatly appreciated, also just general vibe I am liking a lot.
Hey, sorry for being gone essentially the whole day. After seeing some of the recent posts, i’m gonna try and- what I would say is read but is more of a guesstimate- some people:
I feel like Luka is pretty safe, even if they were very straight to the gun on calling people town or wolf. Even if they had odd speed, they haven’t been very argumentative about such, and really don’t seem like potential mafia. I’m not clearing them from my list yet, but they feel safe.
Triple J
JJJ seems like they may be good for this game, but with how they’ve been in a few arguments through the game, it could seem as if they were trying to push people to stray from the fellow mobs and/or towards townmen. Like Luka, a valuable man if they were a townie, but I have some doubt on that point.
Bobby Pin
Now, Bob has been inactive for several hours now, but their way of talking and interacting seems very… standby. Solo. Standalone. Essentially, I haven’t seem Bob get into a lot of conversations here. It seems odd when the game is about talking with fellow townmen… especially when others have gotten into heated debates.
Literally everyone else
Here I don’t have a lot about everyone else, whether it’d be Caitlin or ExLight, I just haven’t seen enough to consider if they might be town or not. I do wish to interact with others more now that things are active (hell, we reached 17 or so pages here on day 1!) and try and see in coming days whodunnit, but things seem to be starting to wrap up for now.
Young man your concern with me wouldn't be stemming from you being my only suspicion would it?
It's an unusual concern you seem to have calling me what you have. I wouldn't think I'm any more or less guilty of that than half the patronage.
Hi! Sorry been busy! Lemme catch up
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
The rule is cait kills you if you low post
Honestly it's not really about low posting, cuz I get being busy, but like; posting 10 times in the first 3 hours and then disappearing is something I don't like. Practically the whole game happens after that! Yea we all have quick TLs from Leesbra from the start, but does a TL from super early game really translate to something we can use later on?
It'd be super if anyone could provide a quick rundown of who knows who in this game, because that can go a long way in assessing both interactions and the validity of arguments made (e.g., with meta reads).
I don't know anyone well, so on my own I'll be operating purely at face value.
At face value, I like the cut of Luka's jib. I acknowledge this read is a somewhat shallow "vibe check", but whatever it's a starting point. Separating the game immediately into binary groups (town/mafia) as they have started to do is the right management of thread momentum.
I know Cait, Luka, and Sam.
Do I have any meta-reads on them that can be translated into forums? No.
Am I going to use any meta that I have on them? No. Chat meta doesn't really translate well on forums in my opinion.
The game I hosted tho on MU featured you, Luka and Sam, do you think you have some forum meta from there on them?
I guess that comment was a bit… rude(?). But yeah, there’s been a lot of messages and I haven’t gotten much from them.
I suppose that's okay but yea pls do try to reply to some things. Seems like just after you posted this, content started to form that things could probably be said about
No, I don't even remember anything other than Luka trying to use chat room meta on me? I just remember avoiding the game a lot due to my hydra partner...
Young man your concern with me wouldn't be stemming from you being my only suspicion would it?
It's an unusual concern you seem to have calling me what you have. I wouldn't think I'm any more or less guilty of that than half the patronage.
Your acts haven’t solidified my suspicions, just simply made me think on if you could be mafia or not. And while what you said and expressed might be a small point as to why I looked at your posts, it is not what made me suspicious of you. Town can vote town, wolf can vote wolf, it’s happened many times before. You’ve made some questionable acts, but I have not seen you as a full blown wolf through the day.
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
The fact that I haven’t gotten and read enough from you. Simple as that pretty much…
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here (...)
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
The fact that I haven’t gotten and read enough from you. Simple as that pretty much…
What do you look for when deciding when someone is town or scum? If I remember correctly this is your second game, so I just wanna see where you are in processing the game.
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here (...)
Thank u I fien for ppl town reading me
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
When I think back on your posts the only thing that really comes to my mind is your response to JJJ and Bob which seemed a bit much to me. I don't think it's anything I'd scum read you for but it does generate enough pause that I wouldn't confidently town read you right now. Granted I have no experience with you so this is a read on a vacuum but that's where it sits currently.
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
When I think back on your posts the only thing that really comes to my mind is your response to JJJ and Bob which seemed a bit much to me. I don't think it's anything I'd scum read you for but it does generate enough pause that I wouldn't confidently town read you right now. Granted I have no experience with you so this is a read on a vacuum but that's where it sits currently.
Do you mean by "seemed a bit much to me" as I was overdramatic, overreacting, have no idea what I'm talking about, or am plain wrong?
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
When I think back on your posts the only thing that really comes to my mind is your response to JJJ and Bob which seemed a bit much to me. I don't think it's anything I'd scum read you for but it does generate enough pause that I wouldn't confidently town read you right now. Granted I have no experience with you so this is a read on a vacuum but that's where it sits currently.
Do you mean by "seemed a bit much to me" as I was overdramatic, overreacting, have no idea what I'm talking about, or am plain wrong?
Overdramatic would probably be closest. Like the "you are not real" stuff was just over the top. Could be performative, could be just how you are, I don't have a basis to answer that yet.
Young man your concern with me wouldn't be stemming from you being my only suspicion would it?
It's an unusual concern you seem to have calling me what you have. I wouldn't think I'm any more or less guilty of that than half the patronage.
Your acts haven’t solidified my suspicions, just simply made me think on if you could be mafia or not. And while what you said and expressed might be a small point as to why I looked at your posts, it is not what made me suspicious of you. Town can vote town, wolf can vote wolf, it’s happened many times before. You’ve made some questionable acts, but I have not seen you as a full blown wolf through the day.
Questionable acts... such as?
Host Announcement
By popular request the intro post now features a player list
I'm out tonight for social activities. I will see y'all tomorrow.
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
When I think back on your posts the only thing that really comes to my mind is your response to JJJ and Bob which seemed a bit much to me. I don't think it's anything I'd scum read you for but it does generate enough pause that I wouldn't confidently town read you right now. Granted I have no experience with you so this is a read on a vacuum but that's where it sits currently.
Do you mean by "seemed a bit much to me" as I was overdramatic, overreacting, have no idea what I'm talking about, or am plain wrong?
Overdramatic would probably be closest. Like the "you are not real" stuff was just over the top. Could be performative, could be just how you are, I don't have a basis to answer that yet.
I have been described as over the top...Im ngl, but thank u for explaining more.
Can we get a vote count, not sure where everybody is voting
1. ExLight moderate town
3. Caitlin null lean wolf
4. Leesbra lean wolf
5. Michi > Jamie lean wolf
6. Callahan lean town
7. Luka lean town
8. JJJ lean town
9. GoldenOne ?
10. DarchAngel ?
11. Numbers lean town
not optimal
Can we get a vote count, not sure where everybody is voting
If you go to the top of the page the werewolf information section right above the posts has the vote count, player list and post breakdown for quick access.
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
I didn’t like the argument with JJJ, other than that you’ve been alright.
To answer about votes, on the tab at the top, you can see vote count and vote history.
Less than 12 hours left
2 people are in danger of being force replaced
Wont be here for the rest of the day, sorry
Princess Caitlin is here now
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
I feel like some of the stuff people here have said or done feels extreme, to say the least. An example being Luka supposedly locking in me being town after 3 messages. I don’t really get that… so I feel like it might either be that these people are either just spitballing to try and make it seem like they can tell when they might just be wolf… or they really are that smart, and i’m just dumb. Not sure who out of these people to vote, but some of yall act real weird…
I do agree townlocking after 3 messages is odd, so I'm with you on that. I do think that may be enough to already have a thought on what you may be but; townlocking you? Way too quick, yea
That's why all reads I make are just things I'm rlly not that sure on, lol. Unless something is confirmed due to abilities, you rlly can't ever be sure on the alignment of an alive player other than yourself - unless you're mafia ofcourse
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
This is a very uncharitable interpretation of what I had to say.
First of all, reducing a player's effort to explain a thought process clearly to "look at me I'm so townie and progressive" is incredibly unfair. You've taken a post where I had quite a lot to say, and you have twisted it in whatever manner you can to portray it as me saying nothing. Time to color code.
Green: You have referenced a portion of my post where I described why "Leesbra's second game" it is important to me and asked me why I brought up Leesbra's second game. The answer to that question is in the post. Players often fall into particular archetypes when they are brand new to the game, and I described what I have often observed from players who are brand new to the game. That is absolutely relevant to interpreting Leesbra's alignment, and I described precisely why I felt that way.
Suggesting my commentary is "nothing" or "pointless" or "overcompensating" without actually engaging with any of it is disingenuous. I don't like that.
Orange: Absolutely no thanks. I provided the direction earlier in the post (and in the post that preceded it on the same topic): here's why I think there's a valid reason to town read Leesbra. That is a direction. You are quoting a post that expresses that direction. It's right there. And in that third paragraph, I acknowledged that it's not a super confident read, and that I am not certain. That's called being responsible with a take. And yet even still, in the very same third paragraph, I reiterated my viewpoint. I have often seen brand new town players do what Leesbra did.
Red: This extends from the orange bit, really, but it drives home why I don't like this so much. You would have to ignore the words in the post to come to this conclusion about it. Of course I accept that my read can be taken with a grain of salt, and I should. Anyone that doesn't allow for that in a read they've made on someone they've never played with before is being a little ridiculous.
I struggle to believe that you read my post in good faith and came to those conclusions. It looks like you decided what your read on me was and then formulated an argument to justify it.
Vote: callahan
Yeah, this doesn't make sense. New players has to fall into a certain player archtype? That just seems controlling. Like you must play like this because you are new is all what I'm hearing.
Just because you don't like me saying you are overcompensating doesn't change the fact you are? Like you are literally color coding? I don't understand why you post something but you aren't even confident in it, and even suggest the fact people can take it for a grain of salt? Don't post something if your not confident in it? You're going to waste everybody's time. It just seems like you are blabbering for no reason even more now. You speak about a valid reason to town read Leesbra, but then you are like take it for a grain of salt? LOL? I am in no way ignoring your words at all, I'm left wondering what is the point of your post because I still do not see one. Like I'm looking, I really am. Me struggling to read your post in good faith is such a wack concept, I'm pointing out that you are overcompensating, obviously have no confidence in what you are saying, and just yapping to yap?
Pink - It's true tho that new players tend to fall in an archtype :skull: That's not controlling, that's just experience with new players
Blue - JJJ already said they'd do that, so I don't see what's sus about it lol
Purple - Aren't p much all posts here said by ppl that aren't confident in it? If I wasn't allowed to post things I'm not confident in, I'd have 0 posts. Bad thing to accuse JJJ on imo?
Wont be here for the rest of the day, sorry
If you see this can you at the very least pls unvote me ;-;
I get not being here but you still have your RVS vote on me, and I don't wanna be the D1 elim due to that >.>
You may be asking yourself, Bob... how is it that you manage to be so darn Glorious all the time?
The answer is quite simple. I make good decisions. For instance I'm making the decision right now to admin to Jay that I'm MacDougall. Because he probably will find that interesting.
Honestly Mac you are playing very un-Maclike game this game
Why is that?
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
What is this reaction lol?? Bob is literally talking about Jay?
In my earlier adventures through this beautiful whimsical land I overhead an adventurer by the name of Luka I think it was making reads here and there. Quite an unusual fellow. Quick to issue an opinion. Sort of lad that'd get himself into a mischief in a tavern in my experience.
Now... he was saying he'd be accused of having TMI... and I'm not about to say that means anything because it doesn't. But a couple of the people he made townreads on I didn't really share.
It was so long ago and I've had a belly full of ale so you'll need to forgive me but the people that it was were several and the only one I remember was Leesbra.
That's all to say I think Leesbra is a little bit ... perturbing. Non glorious. Not a lot but certainly a little and I suppose one would be forgiven for finding it interesting Luka was spreading the good word about the fellow.
Yes, Luka is sus
But many others, including myself, also townread Leesbra
So why do you specifically come after Luka for this?
In my years, and they are many, two warriors in the cohort of the God butting heads has occurred ooooh so many times. Too many times to count. And I've gotten quite good at seeing it when I see it.
I think you two have the potential for this hiccup to be instead an origin story of a great alliance
I see some genuine Mac thoughts here below the surface, and I also like that Mac doesnt try to pit the two against each other
So Idc that ppl are gonna call this a bad read but Bob gets town points from me for this post
Well I do care so pls don't get mad over my read
I do want you to keep talking to me though, I understand you will leave this alone, but still, please do not just totally abandoned this.
I certainly won't abandon it. I tend to be very sensitive to thread climate, however, and I know that this kind of argument is often bad for it. Even if you are Mafia, many people will see any hint of annoying conflict and either dismiss all of it off-hand or they'll literally stop looking at the game. That should be avoided. So for the time being, I've said my piece about your grievances with me. I wish to see how others interact with that.
If there's something else you want to discuss with me, by all means. Let's do that. For example: do you have an initial impression of the other active players (e.g., Luka and Caitlin)?
Oh okay, got you, I don't want to make you upset at all. I'm just trying to understand things and give my input on things. I noticed Luka and Cait did argue, and you are right about how people dismissed it...because that is literally what I did when I noticed Luka and Cait started arguing, I was like nope, because I think it was over something silly. When I did read Luka, I felt like it was pretty obvious he was trolling, and I think he still is. Cait just seems NAI to me. I think most people are right now because nothing really caught my attention.
I had quite a few content tho at that point :thinking: Surely it can't all have been NAI
Leesbra: 1 (GloriousBob)
Luka: 1 (Caitlinuwu)
JaggedJimmyJay: 1 (callahan)
Caitlinuwu: 1 (Luka)
callahan: 1 (JaggedJimmyJay)
Very spread out VC, annoyingly. But I also don't rlly feel comfy putting a 2nd vote on a wagon, I already am the Luka voter, so I can't vote there, and I'd also feel iffy voting out the main content creator D1, because if Luka is town it'd be quite bad. Luka also said he will be gone, so if he is PR he also would be unable to claim this to prevent being voted out. But despite thinking JJJ was sus early on and Callahan had some - imo - pretty clear flaws in the push there... I also just have this feeling they might be TvT :/ And Leesbra is my only TL. And the 5th wagon is myself >.> So Idrk what to do to break this 5-way tie rn
I have played with Cait quite a bit also as it were.
Yet you already misread me if you're town ;-;
I have played with Cait quite a bit also as it were.
My flat read is that I thought Cait seemed authentic in their poking at me earlier for my apparent formality/wording. That's something I recognize from many past first encounters.
Do you have an impression either of Cait in general or of the validity of my viewpoint?
I remain uncertain on Lady Caitlin. My experiences with Caitlin are that she is good at Mafia as both alignments, underrated as both alignments and capable of taking advantage of people who make too easy reads as mafia. The only thing that stands out to me as alignment indicative about her in my experience is sincerity of reads reasoning perhaps being something to keep an eye on as well as WIM level.
Lady Caitlin feels flattered >.<
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
What's your read on me?
Accurate one and Gun to the head one
Honestly, ExLight's pop-in here is underwhelming. Clearly, they read some of the chat but they only ask about whose alt Bob is (when that was said) and ask this
No reads at all
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
Imo this read is nonsensical
Sure maybe you'd give towncred? But others don't like bandwagoners, and I wouldn't like someone voting me
So Ex's position overall would most likely worsen if they hopped on?
Sorry for the spam everyone, just haven't been here for a while
And like I'd be up to live-interact with ppl but there isn't anyone here so it's just me posting
Thank you for engaging with callahan and I over the "argument" earlier, Cait. One question I have about callahan for those who've experience playing with them. Would it be unusual for them to go after someone in the pointed, direct fashion that they went after me if they are a wolf? For some people this would be ordinary to do, but I acknowledge not everyone would go for that kind of hard in the paint approach. There's a personality to that.
grumble why did it not break lines
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
bit of a bold claim considering you have never seen me roll scum
Don't love this reaction to Luka either
It just feels kinda... out of place? For this, the earlier pop-in and the only basis of trusting ExLight being a vibe read I'll try my chance here (or at Numbers, probably)
Vote: ExLight
Thank you for engaging with callahan and I over the "argument" earlier, Cait. One question I have about callahan for those who've experience playing with them. Would it be unusual for them to go after someone in the pointed, direct fashion that they went after me if they are a wolf? For some people this would be ordinary to do, but I acknowledge not everyone would go for that kind of hard in the paint approach. There's a personality to that.
Oh I think Calla would defs do this, this is kinda her signature move. I will say that usually she ironically seems less confident then she does here when town, but she also has had games like this where she's just super aggressive and attacks like that
She once even made videos accusing me & Luka with funny things in them, due to being that sure...
She's very direct
I have met Luka playing as scum before and their current game does not remind me of it, although they might have different styles in forum and discord mafia.
Cait reaction is NAI - if she's town she'd get annoyed at that senseless prodding and if she's scum she'd be annoyed at being pinned this early on.
Vaporeon person seems townie enough. The overreactions seem townie and coherent with them being new. Please avoid editing your posts though. @Leesbra can you link us your first game though?
I have a couple other people in my watchlist but I'll wait until I have a more tangible first impression on most of the cast before explaining why.
What an odd view of my annoyance
I think it was rather clear that I was upset over being insulted & that Luka stated I wasn't in his top 10 fave players
That doesn't have to do with the prodding?
Host Announcement
Serif; has officially subbed in for GoldenOne
Please do not discuss substitutions!
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
Im not saying town wouldnt have voted; I think its more likely for a town to not vote than a scum to not vote is what im saying
Voting me: More likely town
Not voting: More likely mafia
Curious how you have the opposite view here
Host Announcement
Serif; has officially subbed in for GoldenOne
Please do not discuss substitutions!
Welcome! Your slot had only 1 post so you don't have to worry about replacing into a suspicious slot or a slot that already claimed a role
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
Wont be here for the rest of the day, sorry
If you see this can you at the very least pls unvote me ;-;
I get not being here but you still have your RVS vote on me, and I don't wanna be the D1 elim due to that >.>
Yeah youre obvious town
Vote: Unvote
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
Well that's why I'm sus of ExLight
I'd just expect... more?
Like, Ex is a capable player. There is stuff to reply to. Yet Ex seems to choose to just be there, kinda
Welcome, serif. Do you see how I have welcomed you using a font with serifs? What a clever idea. Wow, me!
Wont be here for the rest of the day, sorry
If you see this can you at the very least pls unvote me ;-;
I get not being here but you still have your RVS vote on me, and I don't wanna be the D1 elim due to that >.>
Yeah youre obvious town
Vote: Unvote
Oh yay you unvoted
I hope whatever is going on is okay
I'd ask why I'm obvious town but I know you can't answer
Welcome, serif. Do you see how I have welcomed you using a font with serifs? What a clever idea. Wow, me!
Also before someone says 'Cait you're nearing postcap' - I'm well aware. My plan is to post to ~72 rn and then I'll go because I got some other things to do. Then I'll post my final 3 posts sometime before the postcap lifts, and then realtime (most of) the entire final hour (others showing up for that would be appreciated, so far this day has been lacking votewise so we rlly need an active final stretch)
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
Well that's why I'm sus of ExLight
I'd just expect... more?
Like, Ex is a capable player. There is stuff to reply to. Yet Ex seems to choose to just be there, kinda
By process of elimination I end up with a similar viewpoint, even if not based on any meta.
How do y'all feel about Michi --> Jamie?
Host Announcement
Serif; has officially subbed in for GoldenOne
Please do not discuss substitutions!
Welcome! Your slot had only 1 post so you don't have to worry about replacing into a suspicious slot or a slot that already claimed a role
Thanks for letting me know haha
I've replaced on quite short notice so apologies but I haven't seen much or any of the game so far. I'll be having a look so I'll see you all shortly
Welcome, serif. Do you see how I have welcomed you using a font with serifs? What a clever idea. Wow, me!
You're not the first and probably not the last :P
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
Well that's why I'm sus of ExLight
I'd just expect... more?
Like, Ex is a capable player. There is stuff to reply to. Yet Ex seems to choose to just be there, kinda
By process of elimination I end up with a similar viewpoint, even if not based on any meta.
Fair enough-
Jamie/Serif/The 0-poster arent good D1 elims, its practically a coinflip and also rude to the first 2 since they just replaced in
I obv dont want me
If I dont want you & Callahan then that leaves me with Luka/Bob/Leesbra/Ex/Numbers
I townread Leesbra & Bob, and I already explained why Luka is not a fine vote to me. So yea Ex or Numbers should be the D1 elim imho
Host Announcement
IcetFeelsPain has officially subbed in for DarchAngel/KhaosTitan
Please don't discuss Subs blah blah you are used to it
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
What's your read on me?
Accurate one and Gun to the head one
Honestly, ExLight's pop-in here is underwhelming. Clearly, they read some of the chat but they only ask about whose alt Bob is (when that was said) and ask this
No reads at all
My reads are mainly townleans and nulls on the inactive people. I'm laying back waiting for some proper action to happen.
The game is very slow and me prodding a player I consider of interest is my way of forming a better read on them, I'm not sure why that's "underwhelming" when it isn't even addressed at you.
I'm not sure why you want me to just vomit fluff instead of trying to gather info the way I consider best. If you want me to update or remind you of them you can always just ask me instead of throwing shade?
How do y'all feel about Michi --> Jamie?
Honestly I... don't have much of an opinion there, yet
Disappointing I know
Would probably be my third preferred vote due to having less reasons to not be voted, and they did replace in a bit ago already
(townleans) and (nulls on inactive people)
I guess it sounded ambiguous, lol
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
Well that's why I'm sus of ExLight
I'd just expect... more?
Like, Ex is a capable player. There is stuff to reply to. Yet Ex seems to choose to just be there, kinda
since when you consider me a capable player? lol
you played one discord game with me and it was definitely far from my best performance
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
well, talk to me then
ask me my opinion on something so I have a lead on what to work with since nothing is really raising a red flag to me
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
What's your read on me?
Accurate one and Gun to the head one
Honestly, ExLight's pop-in here is underwhelming. Clearly, they read some of the chat but they only ask about whose alt Bob is (when that was said) and ask this
No reads at all
My reads are mainly townleans and nulls on the inactive people. I'm laying back waiting for some proper action to happen.
The game is very slow and me prodding a player I consider of interest is my way of forming a better read on them, I'm not sure why that's "underwhelming" when it isn't even addressed at you.
I'm not sure why you want me to just vomit fluff instead of trying to gather info the way I consider best. If you want me to update or remind you of them you can always just ask me instead of throwing shade?
1) Which players do you townlean?
2) Why did you suddenly show up?
You say that's your way of forming reads, yet the read department you have been lacking in it feels like. And why does it have to be addressed at me. I'm not the only player that has to be solved? I already know my own alignment too, after all. And you can make reads that aren't fluff?? Since when is contributing posting fluff. That's just an insult to everyone actually doing stuff. And well I need to find a mafia so I shade you? EoD is in a couple of hours, and it's a 5-way tie. Imo that's late enough to be allowed to shade people?
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
Well that's why I'm sus of ExLight
I'd just expect... more?
Like, Ex is a capable player. There is stuff to reply to. Yet Ex seems to choose to just be there, kinda
since when you consider me a capable player? lol
you played one discord game with me and it was definitely far from my best performance
You seemed pretty capable there to me
And I did host a game with you, so Idk why you're not counting that. It may shock you but I follow games that I host?
Plus, my girlfriend always is rlly positive of you and seems to think of you as Wintreath's best mafia player
Vote: Numbers
Meh maybe I should try voting here instead. Numbers to me also has been underwhelming, and I already stated my dislike of Numbers' early posting. As a great played called Seththeking/Zorvo once said: Need more
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
well, talk to me then
ask me my opinion on something so I have a lead on what to work with since nothing is really raising a red flag to me
I can do that.
Earlier you voted for Jamie and then unvoted after they had made a contribution. First question: was the original vote inspired by actual suspicion? Second question: when you liked my expression of a ping on Jamie after that, what did you mean by that?
I have no memory of Numbers' posts and should remedy that. Is there an ISO button of some sort around these parts?
Whatever it's a small thread. I can find stuff.
Well, I have contributed enough for now imo
@GloriousBob I do ask of you to pls explain the reads in your readslist, because they aren't very explained. And I also don't see how you got to an SL on me
I'll be back later but I'll spend time with my lovely girlfriend now
Can't wait for the content of Icet and Serif
Also JJJ - there is no ISO here
I have no memory of Numbers' posts and should remedy that. Is there an ISO button of some sort around these parts?
There is a way to iso but it's convoluted and I don't remember how to do it.
However most people in this game aren't posting outside this game so you can just open people's profiles and go to recent posts to iso them
OKAY I have two town reads, the numbers are building up. The town core is being created right now.
Here is what I have in why, discuss my reasons, do you like them? Do you agree with them? Are you like wtf is this, like girl? Do you disagree with them? -
Cait, now she's is in my humble opinion, actually pushing for major progress, like she's replies a lot and her questions and opinions are for town's progression. She is not afraid to throw hands, which I think she did with Luka, I'll have to actually read their argument sorry I didn't read it. WE NEED PEOPLE THROWING HANDS, I feel like nobody is like arguing arguing, everybody is just dancing around people. We need people to be like I don't like this post.
JJJ, we tussled a little bit, now I believe my reasons are valid, bc I'm stubborn, but that doesn't mean he can't be town, I've been watching him, and I do like their progression, they are asking for meta and like being hmm about things, is it a playstyle clash between us, probs. I like how he's asking about my playstye to Cait, like yes, is what I'm doing odd? Is there something I'm doing scummy that somebody I have played with can tell him! LIKE YES ASK THOSE QUESTIONS! Do I like how he ran away from the argument, no, but it's for a good reason as it is forums and u don't wanna cloud up the space. Which is a townie thought for forums.
Everybody else, not sure yet, I'll reread and stuff.
Vote: Unvote
hi gamers
why does the website have my IP
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
What's your read on me?
Accurate one and Gun to the head one
Honestly, ExLight's pop-in here is underwhelming. Clearly, they read some of the chat but they only ask about whose alt Bob is (when that was said) and ask this
No reads at all
My reads are mainly townleans and nulls on the inactive people. I'm laying back waiting for some proper action to happen.
The game is very slow and me prodding a player I consider of interest is my way of forming a better read on them, I'm not sure why that's "underwhelming" when it isn't even addressed at you.
I'm not sure why you want me to just vomit fluff instead of trying to gather info the way I consider best. If you want me to update or remind you of them you can always just ask me instead of throwing shade?
1) Which players do you townlean?
2) Why did you suddenly show up?
You say that's your way of forming reads, yet the read department you have been lacking in it feels like. And why does it have to be addressed at me. I'm not the only player that has to be solved? I already know my own alignment too, after all. And you can make reads that aren't fluff?? Since when is contributing posting fluff. That's just an insult to everyone actually doing stuff. And well I need to find a mafia so I shade you? EoD is in a couple of hours, and it's a 5-way tie. Imo that's late enough to be allowed to shade people?
1) You, Luka, Leesbra, JJJ, Callahan
2) My timing is that good. I just came back from taking my mother to the hospital and doing groceries and decided to check the thread, not sure what this has to do with the game?
To each their way of scumhunting, JJJ's reply helped me decide which way to lean him as I explained previously, and that's what matters to me for now.
I don't see why you expect me to put up a show or to try hard to solve the game D1 if it's when we have the least amount of information and the worst readslists and will change drastically depending on how the EoD + Flip goes.
I'm not comfortable taking the role of town leader right now when I don't have a confident case on anybody. I am looking for but haven't caught anyone making farfetched or contradictory pushes, nor any weird behavior that I might consider pocketing (except maybe the Bob thing, but it's hard to tell the line between their proper in-thread play and roleplay).
I am assuming pretty much everyone here is experienced enough to know how that vote dynamic is important in vanilla-ish games. So will be willing to partake in those if the opportunity comes like the wagons growing slightly more well defined.
Speaking of votes, you're upset about the 4/5-way tie but at the same time you're still hesitant to break it and voting elsewhere instead and decided to prod me, who you had as a townlean previously instead of trying to get a better read on one of the voted ones, which really doesn't help solve the issue?
why does the website have my IP
i am in your walls
cute pfp
why does the website have my IP
Every website has your ip this one just displays it for you to see. Nobody else can see it. Probably.
Jk they can't. I don't think i even can and I'm a mod.
OKAY I have two town reads, the numbers are building up. The town core is being created right now.
Here is what I have in why, discuss my reasons, do you like them? Do you agree with them? Are you like wtf is this, like girl? Do you disagree with them? -
Cait, now she's is in my humble opinion, actually pushing for major progress, like she's replies a lot and her questions and opinions are for town's progression. She is not afraid to throw hands, which I think she did with Luka, I'll have to actually read their argument sorry I didn't read it. WE NEED PEOPLE THROWING HANDS, I feel like nobody is like arguing arguing, everybody is just dancing around people. We need people to be like I don't like this post.
JJJ, we tussled a little bit, now I believe my reasons are valid, bc I'm stubborn, but that doesn't mean he can't be town, I've been watching him, and I do like their progression, they are asking for meta and like being hmm about things, is it a playstyle clash between us, probs. I like how he's asking about my playstye to Cait, like yes, is what I'm doing odd? Is there something I'm doing scummy that somebody I have played with can tell him! LIKE YES ASK THOSE QUESTIONS! Do I like how he ran away from the argument, no, but it's for a good reason as it is forums and u don't wanna cloud up the space. Which is a townie thought for forums.
Everybody else, not sure yet, I'll reread and stuff.
Vote: Unvote
I wanna expand on this on the throwing hands part, now I know that Cait can be an aggressive player, like trust me, I be afraid to tussle sometimes LOL. But, I don't think scum right now in this forum will be trying to throw hands with people so early on, because it draws attention to them, I think they will be like meek. Like oh I don't want to get on anybody's bad side because if I say something wrong, I will be sussed out. That's how I'm thinking scum will be playing right now. So, anybody who is meek in my opinion, I will be voting you.
I wanna expand on this on the throwing hands part, now I know that Cait can be an aggressive player, like trust me, I be afraid to tussle sometimes LOL. But, I don't think scum right now in this forum will be trying to throw hands with people so early on, because it draws attention to them, I think they will be like meek. Like oh I don't want to get on anybody's bad side because if I say something wrong, I will be sussed out. That's how I'm thinking scum will be playing right now. So, anybody who is meek in my opinion, I will be voting you.
This is a decent summary of my concern with Jamie (though I know you weren't referring to a specific player).
I wanna expand on this on the throwing hands part, now I know that Cait can be an aggressive player, like trust me, I be afraid to tussle sometimes LOL. But, I don't think scum right now in this forum will be trying to throw hands with people so early on, because it draws attention to them, I think they will be like meek. Like oh I don't want to get on anybody's bad side because if I say something wrong, I will be sussed out. That's how I'm thinking scum will be playing right now. So, anybody who is meek in my opinion, I will be voting you.
This is a decent summary of my concern with Jamie (though I know you weren't referring to a specific player).
Hold on, let me read what you said about them then.
Sure. I didn't quite describe my concern in those terms, but it's a closely related idea. Generous or frivolous town reads without much confidence (on my part) that they are founded on the right things (which could be related to "staying on peoples'good sides").
Hey everyone, I’m Jamie, looking forward to playing with you.
You might have been able to guess but I’ve played with ExLight before, but I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of playing with anyone else here before.
My current thoughts on everything that’s happened so far in thread is that:
- Luka has looked good to me, actively trying to create discussion and general response to everything is making me town lean them.
- With JJJ and Callahan’s argument I think JJJ looks better to me, I agree with the point that early reads should be taken with a pinch of salt, but eventually you should be having full confidence in your reads.
- Caitlin and Ex look fine to me as of right now
- Leesbra I do not have a confident read on but they have been towny enough so far, their earlier stance on post activity I did not agree with and it felt kinda coasty to me with the “locked” town read from Luka.
- For everyone else I do not yet have an opinion on them.
Some of this pinged me. Let's talk about it, Jamie.
The first two bullets are a bit lukewarm for lack of a better word. The view about Luka strikes me as defaulted. I'm not sure Luka had to clear much of a barrier to reach this town lean. And I'm not sure the view about me "looking better" is coming from the right stuff in my argument with callahan. I may indeed be right about the idea that early game confidence is allowed to be relaxed, but I'm not sure why that would make me look better (i.e., look more town, assuming that is the intended interpretation). That's a philosophy more than it's a read. I'd appreciate if you could expand on these things.
Is this what you are referring too?
Is this what you are referring too?
Sure. I didn't quite describe my concern in those terms, but it's a closely related idea. Generous or frivolous town reads without much confidence (on my part) that they are founded on the right things (which could be related to "staying on peoples'good sides").
What do you mean by founded on the right things? Are you agreeing with what they are saying?
Sure. I didn't quite describe my concern in those terms, but it's a closely related idea. Generous or frivolous town reads without much confidence (on my part) that they are founded on the right things (which could be related to "staying on peoples'good sides").
What do you mean by founded on the right things? Are you agreeing with what they are saying?
I agree with some of their conclusions (e.g., townish on Cait). It's the rationale that I question more than the concluding reads. One example was their town read of me, which seemed to be driven by a philosophy I held in the argument between you and I (that posting a read without total confidence is appropriate) rather than something truly alignment-indicative. I'll extend that grievance to the fact that they didn't quite give a perspective about you.
I looked back over Numbers, and my impression is similar as for ExLight. Their posts exist.
I am a bit unclear on their reads, which at times seem sort of "implied" rather than stated clearly. @Numbers, I'd appreciate if you could clarify where you stand on everyone. A reads list or something similar would be super.
Separate note: I somewhat null on GloriousBob, but I also know them very well as a player. I am not bothered by their posts to this point and want to let them flourish a bit in their own way. I probably won't vote there today.
Vote: JamieIsBored
Sure. I didn't quite describe my concern in those terms, but it's a closely related idea. Generous or frivolous town reads without much confidence (on my part) that they are founded on the right things (which could be related to "staying on peoples'good sides").
What do you mean by founded on the right things? Are you agreeing with what they are saying?
I agree with some of their conclusions (e.g., townish on Cait). It's the rationale that I question more than the concluding reads. One example was their town read of me, which seemed to be driven by a philosophy I held in the argument between you and I (that posting a read without total confidence is appropriate) rather than something truly alignment-indicative. I'll extend that grievance to the fact that they didn't quite give a perspective about you.
Do you think they may be avoiding saying something about me?
Please let me know if we're required to unvote before changing to a new vote.
Do you think they may be avoiding saying something about me?
Maybe. @JamieIsBored will have to speak to that and clarify their view of you. I will only flatly assess what I can see: they said I look "better" between the two of us, and that could imply solely good things for me and bad things for you, or it could imply that we're both town reads to varying degrees (or maybe something else). I would feel better if it wasn't left to vague interpretation.
The ways that people interact with loud arguments can sometimes be the most telling, so that's kind of where my attention has gone.
Do you think they may be avoiding saying something about me?
Maybe. @JamieIsBored will have to speak to that and clarify their view of you. I will only flatly assess what I can see: they said I look "better" between the two of us, and that could imply solely good things for me and bad things for you, or it could imply that we're both town reads to varying degrees (or maybe something else). I would feel better if it wasn't left to vague interpretation.
The ways that people interact with loud arguments can sometimes be the most telling, so that's kind of where my attention has gone.
When I read the look "better" I thought they meant that your arguing skills were better or something, that's how I viewed it, but yeah obviously waiting to hear what he has to say to expand on that.
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
well, talk to me then
ask me my opinion on something so I have a lead on what to work with since nothing is really raising a red flag to me
I can do that.
Earlier you voted for Jamie and then unvoted after they had made a contribution. First question: was the original vote inspired by actual suspicion? Second question: when you liked my expression of a ping on Jamie after that, what did you mean by that?
The vote was originally on Michi, which was mainly RVS.
He (Michi) doesn't really have a good history with being active in games, which I despite fairly a bit. I think outta like 5 games I played with them they had under 20 posts or subbed out in literally every game but one. I saw he had made a few fluff posts, so by voting I personally expected a reaction from him to see if he would had changed his inactive behavior and was willing to engage a bit.
Jamie is a friend of mine, since he's been part of the new gen on bulba. Him subbing in for Michi's slot makes him a person of interest because I know he's usually active and was interested in playing in new communities. I felt like this being his first outside game could generate some interesting response, since I'd expect him to try his hardest which could end up giving alignment tells he usually wouldn't give. So voting him ended up being a mix of following up the Michi vote + me having more meta on him than on most people + wanting to see if it would cause any sort of reactions.
I'm a bit surprised he's been this low activity and somewhat shallow with his posts though.
so how do I see the vote count
so how do I see the vote count
On the top of the page, under the thread title
there should be a few options that say "Players (http://javascript:void(0);) · Votes (http://javascript:void(0);) · Posts (http://javascript:void(0);)"
Actually, Cait is Null to me
Like I said I don't think her reaction was AI and I get mixed feelings from the mini beef with Luka and sudden shade at me
Separate note: I somewhat null on GloriousBob, but I also know them very well as a player. I am not bothered by their posts to this point and want to let them flourish a bit in their own way. I probably won't vote there today.
Earlier Cait mentioned that he was playing unlike Mac, who he claimed to be
Do you agree or disagree with her? Can you tell me a bit on what this Mac person is like?
Separate note: I somewhat null on GloriousBob, but I also know them very well as a player. I am not bothered by their posts to this point and want to let them flourish a bit in their own way. I probably won't vote there today.
Earlier Cait mentioned that he was playing unlike Mac, who he claimed to be
Do you agree or disagree with her? Can you tell me a bit on what this Mac person is like?
MacBob has been playing forum Mafia as long as I have, and they come in many forms. This is perhaps a low-key approach for them, but I've seen that before (and frankly this whole game is low-key). I wouldn't reduce their meta to any one description, and I'd broadly recommend against reading them with meta unless there is something specific to poke at (rather than nebulous assessments or vibes). I'm not sure what versions of Mac Cait has seen, though if the champs tournament inspires her view I would understand that. They both played in season 10. Bob isn't playing this game like a champs game, and I am not bothered by that.
I'm content to let them do their thing for the time being.
I wanna expand on this on the throwing hands part, now I know that Cait can be an aggressive player, like trust me, I be afraid to tussle sometimes LOL. But, I don't think scum right now in this forum will be trying to throw hands with people so early on, because it draws attention to them, I think they will be like meek. Like oh I don't want to get on anybody's bad side because if I say something wrong, I will be sussed out. That's how I'm thinking scum will be playing right now. So, anybody who is meek in my opinion, I will be voting you.
This is a decent summary of my concern with Jamie (though I know you weren't referring to a specific player).
Eh, my game usually focuses on hunting for softs so sorry if I’m not seeming aggressive. I prefer to figure out who is town and then go from there to find scum rather than the other way around.
Sure. I didn't quite describe my concern in those terms, but it's a closely related idea. Generous or frivolous town reads without much confidence (on my part) that they are founded on the right things (which could be related to "staying on peoples'good sides").
What do you mean by founded on the right things? Are you agreeing with what they are saying?
I agree with some of their conclusions (e.g., townish on Cait). It's the rationale that I question more than the concluding reads. One example was their town read of me, which seemed to be driven by a philosophy I held in the argument between you and I (that posting a read without total confidence is appropriate) rather than something truly alignment-indicative. I'll extend that grievance to the fact that they didn't quite give a perspective about you.
Do you think they may be avoiding saying something about me?
I have talked about you. I don’t believe you’ve had much of note other than asking why you weren’t a town read and your argument with JJJ.
Do you think they may be avoiding saying something about me?
Maybe. @JamieIsBored will have to speak to that and clarify their view of you. I will only flatly assess what I can see: they said I look "better" between the two of us, and that could imply solely good things for me and bad things for you, or it could imply that we're both town reads to varying degrees (or maybe something else). I would feel better if it wasn't left to vague interpretation.
The ways that people interact with loud arguments can sometimes be the most telling, so that's kind of where my attention has gone.
When I read the look "better" I thought they meant that your arguing skills were better or something, that's how I viewed it, but yeah obviously waiting to hear what he has to say to expand on that.
Looked townier imo. You were null at best.
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
well, talk to me then
ask me my opinion on something so I have a lead on what to work with since nothing is really raising a red flag to me
I can do that.
Earlier you voted for Jamie and then unvoted after they had made a contribution. First question: was the original vote inspired by actual suspicion? Second question: when you liked my expression of a ping on Jamie after that, what did you mean by that?
The vote was originally on Michi, which was mainly RVS.
He (Michi) doesn't really have a good history with being active in games, which I despite fairly a bit. I think outta like 5 games I played with them they had under 20 posts or subbed out in literally every game but one. I saw he had made a few fluff posts, so by voting I personally expected a reaction from him to see if he would had changed his inactive behavior and was willing to engage a bit.
Jamie is a friend of mine, since he's been part of the new gen on bulba. Him subbing in for Michi's slot makes him a person of interest because I know he's usually active and was interested in playing in new communities. I felt like this being his first outside game could generate some interesting response, since I'd expect him to try his hardest which could end up giving alignment tells he usually wouldn't give. So voting him ended up being a mix of following up the Michi vote + me having more meta on him than on most people + wanting to see if it would cause any sort of reactions.
I'm a bit surprised he's been this low activity and somewhat shallow with his posts though.
I have been and will be busy today sorry. This is a different type of game than I’m used to. I’ll spend the night phase finalising thoughts on everyone and bring them to you all on Day 2.
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
well, talk to me then
ask me my opinion on something so I have a lead on what to work with since nothing is really raising a red flag to me
I can do that.
Earlier you voted for Jamie and then unvoted after they had made a contribution. First question: was the original vote inspired by actual suspicion? Second question: when you liked my expression of a ping on Jamie after that, what did you mean by that?
The vote was originally on Michi, which was mainly RVS.
He (Michi) doesn't really have a good history with being active in games, which I despite fairly a bit. I think outta like 5 games I played with them they had under 20 posts or subbed out in literally every game but one. I saw he had made a few fluff posts, so by voting I personally expected a reaction from him to see if he would had changed his inactive behavior and was willing to engage a bit.
Jamie is a friend of mine, since he's been part of the new gen on bulba. Him subbing in for Michi's slot makes him a person of interest because I know he's usually active and was interested in playing in new communities. I felt like this being his first outside game could generate some interesting response, since I'd expect him to try his hardest which could end up giving alignment tells he usually wouldn't give. So voting him ended up being a mix of following up the Michi vote + me having more meta on him than on most people + wanting to see if it would cause any sort of reactions.
I'm a bit surprised he's been this low activity and somewhat shallow with his posts though.
I have been and will be busy today sorry. This is a different type of game than I’m used to. I’ll spend the night phase finalising thoughts on everyone and bring them to you all on Day 2.
I feel like there's certain urgency in getting content from your slot considering you seem to be slipping into the bottom of people's lists.
Ideally I'd prefer if you skimmed the thread and posted a few of your thoughts before phase ends.
Will you be around for EoD?
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
well, talk to me then
ask me my opinion on something so I have a lead on what to work with since nothing is really raising a red flag to me
I can do that.
Earlier you voted for Jamie and then unvoted after they had made a contribution. First question: was the original vote inspired by actual suspicion? Second question: when you liked my expression of a ping on Jamie after that, what did you mean by that?
The vote was originally on Michi, which was mainly RVS.
He (Michi) doesn't really have a good history with being active in games, which I despite fairly a bit. I think outta like 5 games I played with them they had under 20 posts or subbed out in literally every game but one. I saw he had made a few fluff posts, so by voting I personally expected a reaction from him to see if he would had changed his inactive behavior and was willing to engage a bit.
Jamie is a friend of mine, since he's been part of the new gen on bulba. Him subbing in for Michi's slot makes him a person of interest because I know he's usually active and was interested in playing in new communities. I felt like this being his first outside game could generate some interesting response, since I'd expect him to try his hardest which could end up giving alignment tells he usually wouldn't give. So voting him ended up being a mix of following up the Michi vote + me having more meta on him than on most people + wanting to see if it would cause any sort of reactions.
I'm a bit surprised he's been this low activity and somewhat shallow with his posts though.
I have been and will be busy today sorry. This is a different type of game than I’m used to. I’ll spend the night phase finalising thoughts on everyone and bring them to you all on Day 2.
I feel like there's certain urgency in getting content from your slot considering you seem to be slipping into the bottom of people's lists.
Ideally I'd prefer if you skimmed the thread and posted a few of your thoughts before phase ends.
Will you be around for EoD?
I’m unlikely to be, I’ve got about an hour before I’m heading out.
I'll actually do something game related at some point
Please let me know if we're required to unvote before changing to a new vote.
You are not the system will note the change without an unvote
I looked back over Numbers, and my impression is similar as for ExLight. Their posts exist.
I am a bit unclear on their reads, which at times seem sort of "implied" rather than stated clearly. @Numbers, I'd appreciate if you could clarify where you stand on everyone. A reads list or something similar would be super.
Generally I try not to stand on people and probably tend to favor their left side, likely because I'm a righty myself.
I've stated very few reads so your view isn't surprising. But since you asked, here's some rainbow sherbet:
BobbyMac isn't a hard town read but when you're that glorious you get to be green anyway. While this might not be Mac that I know from hydra games I feel like it's in line for Bob's presence in London adventure so I feel like that is NAI Bob persona vs how Mac just normally plays. I talked about why Luka had town points before and Ex just feels like he does whenever I rope him into games and he's half paying attention which I would attribute to lower pressure town!Ex vs scum!Ex. Serif, T, and Jamie are replacement null for now. Callahan I didn't really have issue with in terms of stances, as said before the over the top bit just gives me pause because I don't have meta experience there. On the other side of that coin is JJJ who I feel is performative but I'm paused from orange sherberting here because I feel like it's NAI performance. Like they might just be a theater kid and love the showman aspect. Leesbra gets to be orange because I reviewed their other game and do not feel they were nearly as timid. Could be dichotomy of alignments but could also just be them attempting to course correct since they were caught wolf day 2. Would rather see more out of the slot than see them go over though. Cait gets to be orange because the "why did you suddenly show up?" question just doesn't sit well with me. The only thing it does for a town!Cait is set up the argument that Ex was creeping in thread just waiting for somebody to mention him but that's like a horrible argument from a town perspective but would be an easy thing for a wolf to pounce on. I don't really expect a champs player to go for that low of fruit but also it just sticks out like a sore thumb.
Thanks! Yes it is.
Sorry for my extended absence haha. I'm ready to start playing, I think I understand how the forum works now. Probably.
it is and he's hosting persona 3 mafia on bulbagarden and looking for players so consider hopping there later xoxo
Vote: Caitlinuwu
Correct me if I’m wrong, but earlier you were talking about keeping post count at a level so you could respond if anything wacky happened. But you are now 3 off cap, this struck me as quite odd. Also, you were pointing fingers at my good pal ExLight and I can say he is more at his town meta now than his scum play. The earlier argument also felt a little too defensive and to me feels you are hiding something.
Sorry for my extended absence haha. I'm ready to start playing, I think I understand how the forum works now. Probably.
heya, have you caught up yet? EoD in 3 hours
Sorry for my extended absence haha. I'm ready to start playing, I think I understand how the forum works now. Probably.
heya, have you caught up yet? EoD in 3 hours
There's around ~250 posts right? I should be able to do that. Instead of reading up on the thread I've been trying to figure out how this software works, I have the tech skills of a grandma :P
heya Cait :wave:
please don't tunnel on me again cait, I'm town again
this prob isnt w/w
Quoting on this forum is so hard alongside the sounds
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
I only said you don’t start with it in night starts as town. The joke is you die.
this is daystart?
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Critical mission objective: determine how to deactivate PM notifications of every quote and mention. :P
I want to know as well 😭
I can't be bothered to quote anything but I think jimmy's starting posts are super townie, somewhat cait as well
By the way, @Caitlinuwu I made a small lie. It isnt in my favorite players to play with, its my favorite people online. Small distinction
You would be Number 8 if we're only counting mafia players.
(https://emojipedia.org/loudly-crying-face)where am I
fyi don't think Luka / Cait are w/w or Luka / Jimmy (not entirely sure on Luka / Jimmy)
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
The rule is cait kills you if you low post
skill issue
they low post as town and high post as scum
Quote 1: Unsure if I should feel honored, or insulted by this attention! If you are implying that I'm already really wolfy, then you should vote me though. And Idk how informative votes on me will rlly be? I tend to attract both town and mafia voting me, usually
Neither? Luka's mini-push had put you as a front and center focal point early in the game so seeing how people react to that is what I'll claim my reads are based on but in reality since I don't know meta behind most of the players here I'll probably just be going off vibes today while I get a sense of everybody.
For example, Luka seemed to be intentionally hard town reading people on the fly for nothing as a manner of reading their reactions. The initial read is irrelevant and the true read lies in how they respond to being town read. For me this is town points to Luka because it provides a better read than gauging people off a hard push/suggested wagon (while they also did that it was more jokey/less follow through) which would be aimed at just stirring turmoil.
pretty sure that's what scum Luka does I don't recall town luka reading people that way off the top of my head Vote: Luka think im doing it right?
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
that's why I TR Jimmy
you might be right Jimmy could be Mafia but I'm TRing them for now and I think you're town for making this post lol
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
This is a very uncharitable interpretation of what I had to say.
First of all, reducing a player's effort to explain a thought process clearly to "look at me I'm so townie and progressive" is incredibly unfair. You've taken a post where I had quite a lot to say, and you have twisted it in whatever manner you can to portray it as me saying nothing. Time to color code.
Green: You have referenced a portion of my post where I described why "Leesbra's second game" it is important to me and asked me why I brought up Leesbra's second game. The answer to that question is in the post. Players often fall into particular archetypes when they are brand new to the game, and I described what I have often observed from players who are brand new to the game. That is absolutely relevant to interpreting Leesbra's alignment, and I described precisely why I felt that way.
Suggesting my commentary is "nothing" or "pointless" or "overcompensating" without actually engaging with any of it is disingenuous. I don't like that.
Orange: Absolutely no thanks. I provided the direction earlier in the post (and in the post that preceded it on the same topic): here's why I think there's a valid reason to town read Leesbra. That is a direction. You are quoting a post that expresses that direction. It's right there. And in that third paragraph, I acknowledged that it's not a super confident read, and that I am not certain. That's called being responsible with a take. And yet even still, in the very same third paragraph, I reiterated my viewpoint. I have often seen brand new town players do what Leesbra did.
Red: This extends from the orange bit, really, but it drives home why I don't like this so much. You would have to ignore the words in the post to come to this conclusion about it. Of course I accept that my read can be taken with a grain of salt, and I should. Anyone that doesn't allow for that in a read they've made on someone they've never played with before is being a little ridiculous.
I struggle to believe that you read my post in good faith and came to those conclusions. It looks like you decided what your read on me was and then formulated an argument to justify it.
Vote: callahan
don't know if you guys still suspect each other don't think you are voting each other last time I checked, but I think you 2 are t/t. Luka is the scum here though.
posting this now so y'all know I existed and so this doesn't get too long I read up to page 11
I would probably be interested in seeing a Jamie x Cait leading wagons since they could give interesting reactions
Numbers comments are very reasonable. NAI but very reasonable so I guess I'm mindmelding a bit with him.
Vote: Caitlinuwu
Correct me if I’m wrong, but earlier you were talking about keeping post count at a level so you could respond if anything wacky happened. But you are now 3 off cap, this struck me as quite odd. Also, you were pointing fingers at my good pal ExLight and I can say he is more at his town meta now than his scum play. The earlier argument also felt a little too defensive and to me feels you are hiding something.
Counterpoint me being a bit quiet is NAI if I'm a bit burned out, maybe even leaning to my scum meta.
I find it a bit weird you think is my town meta when in U-choose I was scum and played similarly low-energy on D1. Did me panicking in D&D mafia really make that much of an impression?
Vote: JamieIsBored
I have no idea how to view my post count but atm I have Jimmy and Calla as town and Luka as scum
Cait is also townish
Vote: Caitlinuwu
Correct me if I’m wrong, but earlier you were talking about keeping post count at a level so you could respond if anything wacky happened. But you are now 3 off cap, this struck me as quite odd. Also, you were pointing fingers at my good pal ExLight and I can say he is more at his town meta now than his scum play. The earlier argument also felt a little too defensive and to me feels you are hiding something.
This honestly is a bullshit accusation but okay
Why would I preserve my postcount? So I can reply to things. What did I do when I reached 72 posts? I spent time with my girlfriend next -> so clearly, I wasn't gonna be posting anyway. Now I have like 15 mins, and after that when I return - the postcap will already have been lifted! I preserved posts when I could use them, I now knew I wouldnt be able to use them later, so I used my posts when I was available? But wow so odd of me that I posted when I was online...
The way ppl go around ExLight is honestly quite hilarious. If it's in someone's favor that they know ExLight, then suddenly experience with ExLight becomes invalid. If in this case I don't know Ex's meta, which from what I have seen Ex actually is not in then I'm suddenly mafia for not realizing Ex is in his supposed town meta, even tho, the only two times I saw Ex play, they played nothing like this. And they were town both times
Lmao 'feels you are hiding something' this is mafia, not some cartoon detective show
Vote: JamieIsBored
Vote: Caitlinuwu
Correct me if I’m wrong, but earlier you were talking about keeping post count at a level so you could respond if anything wacky happened. But you are now 3 off cap, this struck me as quite odd. Also, you were pointing fingers at my good pal ExLight and I can say he is more at his town meta now than his scum play. The earlier argument also felt a little too defensive and to me feels you are hiding something.
this post is super townie btw
Why is it bad that I asked Ex why they suddenly showed up? They weren't there. They get accused and they IMMEDIATELY pop up. This, in my eyes, could mean 2 sus things;
- Ex was lurking
- Ex is mafia and their teammate attended them of being accused
So imo asking Ex why they suddenly showed up is a completely normal question. Popping up right away after being accused is either a coincidence, or pretty sus
my vote on Luka is not counted so I'm somehow voting wrong
I'd prefer a Luka wagon here over Jamie and Cait ^^^
Vote: Luka
Hey everyone, I’m Jamie, looking forward to playing with you.
You might have been able to guess but I’ve played with ExLight before, but I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of playing with anyone else here before.
My current thoughts on everything that’s happened so far in thread is that:
- Luka has looked good to me, actively trying to create discussion and general response to everything is making me town lean them.
- With JJJ and Callahan’s argument I think JJJ looks better to me, I agree with the point that early reads should be taken with a pinch of salt, but eventually you should be having full confidence in your reads.
- Caitlin and Ex look fine to me as of right now
- Leesbra I do not have a confident read on but they have been towny enough so far, their earlier stance on post activity I did not agree with and it felt kinda coasty to me with the “locked” town read from Luka.
- For everyone else I do not yet have an opinion on them.
Some of this pinged me. Let's talk about it, Jamie.
The first two bullets are a bit lukewarm for lack of a better word. The view about Luka strikes me as defaulted. I'm not sure Luka had to clear much of a barrier to reach this town lean. And I'm not sure the view about me "looking better" is coming from the right stuff in my argument with callahan. I may indeed be right about the idea that early game confidence is allowed to be relaxed, but I'm not sure why that would make me look better (i.e., look more town, assuming that is the intended interpretation). That's a philosophy more than it's a read. I'd appreciate if you could expand on these things.
Is this what you are referring too?
I do think that Jamie here is indeed being 'lukewarm' so to say. My vote still is fine being in one of Jamie/Ex/Numbers. Jamie > Ex > Numbers is my preference right now
Actually, Cait is Null to me
Like I said I don't think her reaction was AI and I get mixed feelings from the mini beef with Luka and sudden shade at me
So being upset over being insulted is now sus? Lmao, okay. Well sucks that I'm a very sensitive person then huh, being hurt by Luka makes me lock mafia
Also you played with me before
I shaded ppl constantly there as well. So what exactly is sus about this?
Separate note: I somewhat null on GloriousBob, but I also know them very well as a player. I am not bothered by their posts to this point and want to let them flourish a bit in their own way. I probably won't vote there today.
Earlier Cait mentioned that he was playing unlike Mac, who he claimed to be
Do you agree or disagree with her? Can you tell me a bit on what this Mac person is like?
I do think Mac = Bob, this seems to imply that I don't think so? Also I didn't rlly spec the games Mac was in at champs btw, but I did for example play with Mac in a mountainous game and there Mac was very.. intense and involved. We didn't rlly get along. Bob however is chill & goofy, which is... very different
I don't think this is scum indicative fwiw, if anything, blatantly playing diff is probably townie since it might attract some scumreads
my vote on Luka is not counted so I'm somehow voting wrong
I'd prefer a Luka wagon here over Jamie and Cait ^^^
Earlier I maybe would've been up for Luka, but right now not really. Luka is one of the driving forces this game, a bit too demotivated to be mafia I feel like, and also won't be able to claim PR if wagoned incase they happen to be well, PR. So that makes Luka a pretty risky vote, and I also just don't rlly think Luka is a hit anymore
This is post cap
PS: I'll be back in the final hour, but sadly like 15 minutes late probably because something came up
And for ppl expecting me to preserve posts: I literally won't be here till postcap lifts. So for what would I preserve posts for? Tell me
Why is it bad that I asked Ex why they suddenly showed up? They weren't there. They get accused and they IMMEDIATELY pop up. This, in my eyes, could mean 2 sus things;
- Ex was lurking
- Ex is mafia and their teammate attended them of being accused
So imo asking Ex why they suddenly showed up is a completely normal question. Popping up right away after being accused is either a coincidence, or pretty sus
3) Or I just have amazing timing?
Why would I even be bothered by you attacking me if I were scum? I'd just shrug it off and it would die down.
I had just gotten home after some irl stuff and seen the notifs in the server announcing the new subs and went to check the thread to see if there was any progress
I already explained that
Not sure how you expect me to prove that and if your case on me will be you paranoid about me lying over something trivial and non-game related like this idk how we'll be able to interact properly.
To be completely honest I'm having a bit of trouble getting anything useful from this read up. Its early days and I don't know any of you very well yet so I can't really distinguish what is in character or not. I'll pay attention to some specifics for now that aren't as reliant on those factors and I'll let everyone know as things come up. Sorry about that
I forgot to mention Calla is town
Actually, Cait is Null to me
Like I said I don't think her reaction was AI and I get mixed feelings from the mini beef with Luka and sudden shade at me
So being upset over being insulted is now sus? Lmao, okay. Well sucks that I'm a very sensitive person then huh, being hurt by Luka makes me lock mafia
Also you played with me before
I shaded ppl constantly there as well. So what exactly is sus about this?
Separate note: I somewhat null on GloriousBob, but I also know them very well as a player. I am not bothered by their posts to this point and want to let them flourish a bit in their own way. I probably won't vote there today.
Earlier Cait mentioned that he was playing unlike Mac, who he claimed to be
Do you agree or disagree with her? Can you tell me a bit on what this Mac person is like?
I do think Mac = Bob, this seems to imply that I don't think so? Also I didn't rlly spec the games Mac was in at champs btw, but I did for example play with Mac in a mountainous game and there Mac was very.. intense and involved. We didn't rlly get along. Bob however is chill & goofy, which is... very different
I don't think this is scum indicative fwiw, if anything, blatantly playing diff is probably townie since it might attract some scumreads
This is post cap
PS: I'll be back in the final hour, but sadly like 15 minutes late probably because something came up
And for ppl expecting me to preserve posts: I literally won't be here till postcap lifts. So for what would I preserve posts for? Tell me
No, like I said being upset at being insulted is NAI. Literally nowhere in my post I called any of this "sus".
Flipflopping your reads due to getting emotional is usually townie. Putting words in my mouth and pushing for me when you think I lowered my guard is scummy though.
Sum things up you end up in null in my reads.
And I'm not sure how you're interpreting it as you not believing him to be Mac? I'm saying *I* am the own skeptical about/ thrown off by it.
I appreciate the context of the meta on him though.
she's literally tunneling on me again i cant even
Why is it bad that I asked Ex why they suddenly showed up? They weren't there. They get accused and they IMMEDIATELY pop up. This, in my eyes, could mean 2 sus things;
- Ex was lurking
- Ex is mafia and their teammate attended them of being accused
So imo asking Ex why they suddenly showed up is a completely normal question. Popping up right away after being accused is either a coincidence, or pretty sus
Posts like this read to me as pretty townie. It's an overextension, I don't really agree with what's being said (wolfy pop-ins are real it's just I don't see this here) but I think a wolf would avoid making such an accusation if it didn't come from genuine emotion? I'd at least leave this slot alone today
I looked back over Numbers, and my impression is similar as for ExLight. Their posts exist.
I am a bit unclear on their reads, which at times seem sort of "implied" rather than stated clearly. @Numbers, I'd appreciate if you could clarify where you stand on everyone. A reads list or something similar would be super.
Generally I try not to stand on people and probably tend to favor their left side, likely because I'm a righty myself.
I've stated very few reads so your view isn't surprising. But since you asked, here's some rainbow sherbet:
BobbyMac isn't a hard town read but when you're that glorious you get to be green anyway. While this might not be Mac that I know from hydra games I feel like it's in line for Bob's presence in London adventure so I feel like that is NAI Bob persona vs how Mac just normally plays. I talked about why Luka had town points before and Ex just feels like he does whenever I rope him into games and he's half paying attention which I would attribute to lower pressure town!Ex vs scum!Ex. Serif, T, and Jamie are replacement null for now. Callahan I didn't really have issue with in terms of stances, as said before the over the top bit just gives me pause because I don't have meta experience there. On the other side of that coin is JJJ who I feel is performative but I'm paused from orange sherberting here because I feel like it's NAI performance. Like they might just be a theater kid and love the showman aspect. Leesbra gets to be orange because I reviewed their other game and do not feel they were nearly as timid. Could be dichotomy of alignments but could also just be them attempting to course correct since they were caught wolf day 2. Would rather see more out of the slot than see them go over though. Cait gets to be orange because the "why did you suddenly show up?" question just doesn't sit well with me. The only thing it does for a town!Cait is set up the argument that Ex was creeping in thread just waiting for somebody to mention him but that's like a horrible argument from a town perspective but would be an easy thing for a wolf to pounce on. I don't really expect a champs player to go for that low of fruit but also it just sticks out like a sore thumb.
please vote!
While I want wagons on Jamie and Cait I also want some pressure on Bob because his vote on Leesbra feels opportunistic and aiming at a LHF plus they have yet to make an impression on me.
Hey everyone, I’m Jamie, looking forward to playing with you.
You might have been able to guess but I’ve played with ExLight before, but I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of playing with anyone else here before.
My current thoughts on everything that’s happened so far in thread is that:
- Luka has looked good to me, actively trying to create discussion and general response to everything is making me town lean them.
- With JJJ and Callahan’s argument I think JJJ looks better to me, I agree with the point that early reads should be taken with a pinch of salt, but eventually you should be having full confidence in your reads.
- Caitlin and Ex look fine to me as of right now
- Leesbra I do not have a confident read on but they have been towny enough so far, their earlier stance on post activity I did not agree with and it felt kinda coasty to me with the “locked” town read from Luka.
- For everyone else I do not yet have an opinion on them.
Some of this pinged me. Let's talk about it, Jamie.
The first two bullets are a bit lukewarm for lack of a better word. The view about Luka strikes me as defaulted. I'm not sure Luka had to clear much of a barrier to reach this town lean. And I'm not sure the view about me "looking better" is coming from the right stuff in my argument with callahan. I may indeed be right about the idea that early game confidence is allowed to be relaxed, but I'm not sure why that would make me look better (i.e., look more town, assuming that is the intended interpretation). That's a philosophy more than it's a read. I'd appreciate if you could expand on these things.
Is this what you are referring too?
I do think that Jamie here is indeed being 'lukewarm' so to say. My vote still is fine being in one of Jamie/Ex/Numbers. Jamie > Ex > Numbers is my preference right now
Actually, Cait is Null to me
Like I said I don't think her reaction was AI and I get mixed feelings from the mini beef with Luka and sudden shade at me
So being upset over being insulted is now sus? Lmao, okay. Well sucks that I'm a very sensitive person then huh, being hurt by Luka makes me lock mafia
Also you played with me before
I shaded ppl constantly there as well. So what exactly is sus about this?
Separate note: I somewhat null on GloriousBob, but I also know them very well as a player. I am not bothered by their posts to this point and want to let them flourish a bit in their own way. I probably won't vote there today.
Earlier Cait mentioned that he was playing unlike Mac, who he claimed to be
Do you agree or disagree with her? Can you tell me a bit on what this Mac person is like?
I do think Mac = Bob, this seems to imply that I don't think so? Also I didn't rlly spec the games Mac was in at champs btw, but I did for example play with Mac in a mountainous game and there Mac was very.. intense and involved. We didn't rlly get along. Bob however is chill & goofy, which is... very different
I don't think this is scum indicative fwiw, if anything, blatantly playing diff is probably townie since it might attract some scumreads
my vote on Luka is not counted so I'm somehow voting wrong
I'd prefer a Luka wagon here over Jamie and Cait ^^^
Earlier I maybe would've been up for Luka, but right now not really. Luka is one of the driving forces this game, a bit too demotivated to be mafia I feel like, and also won't be able to claim PR if wagoned incase they happen to be well, PR. So that makes Luka a pretty risky vote, and I also just don't rlly think Luka is a hit anymore
This is post cap
PS: I'll be back in the final hour, but sadly like 15 minutes late probably because something came up
And for ppl expecting me to preserve posts: I literally won't be here till postcap lifts. So for what would I preserve posts for? Tell me
from what I'm reading so far I'm not entirely sure what you mean by Luka is a driving force but it could just be because I wasn't here in real time
I can somewhat see what you mean by Luka looks too demotivated, but the way they're giving out town reads really reminds me of their scum game. The last game I had with Luka where they were town they were demotivated asf. They had town reads and gave reasoning for them while I don't really see that here. Could be Luka trying to make a good impression tho I've seen a lot
If Bob is mac, they're really underwhelming. I've had one game with Mac and they made themselves obvs town D1 while being one of the driving forces of the game ~~before being replaced halfway through D1~~ and I don't see that here.
Town Lean
Scum Lean
While I want wagons on Jamie and Cait I also want some pressure on Bob because his vote on Leesbra feels opportunistic and aiming at a LHF plus they have yet to make an impression on me.
I really don't want wagons on Jamie / Cait but I can settle for bob Vote: GloriousBob
Icet, is your concern with Luka primarily meta (like based on activity level) or is there specific content that bugs you?
Vote: GloriousBob
if Numbers is coherent with their list they vote Cait and the wagons become threeway 2 votes tie among the people I have null/scum so that really works out for me
Icet, is your concern with Luka primarily meta (like based on activity level) or is there specific content that bugs you?
both in a sense?
It's kinda a vibe thing. I don't want to encourage them to not participate and etc but
Leesbra / GoldenOne town
ExLight town lean
Caitlin null
idt town luka makes these reads that early on in the game
I've left it alone for a bit to let the thread breathe and develop on its own terms, so I'll update my view of callahan now. I maintain some misgivings about the way they constructed their suspicion of me, but I also acknowledge that they haven't pursued it through the day. That lessens any impression of opportunism. I also note that others who know callahan better than I do generally seem to be either town reading them or at least less bothered by them than I was. I'm willing to listen to that at least for now.
idt town luka makes these reads that early on in the game
Thanks. Here's a more general question to help me engage with this notion, since I don't have any background with Luka. Would you say it's unusual for Luka to make reads in general that early in the game, or is it those specific reads that strike you as off?
Also I note I've been referring to nearly everyone as "they/them". I don't know your preferred pronouns, and if they're not displayed I tend to default to that. Please smack me if I am getting them wrong for anyone, or if you'd prefer something else.
You may be asking yourself, Bob... how is it that you manage to be so darn Glorious all the time?
The answer is quite simple. I make good decisions. For instance I'm making the decision right now to admin to Jay that I'm MacDougall. Because he probably will find that interesting.
Honestly Mac you are playing very un-Maclike game this game
Why is that?
Dear sweet one Mac is a dynamic system of which Bob is the most glorious.
In my earlier adventures through this beautiful whimsical land I overhead an adventurer by the name of Luka I think it was making reads here and there. Quite an unusual fellow. Quick to issue an opinion. Sort of lad that'd get himself into a mischief in a tavern in my experience.
Now... he was saying he'd be accused of having TMI... and I'm not about to say that means anything because it doesn't. But a couple of the people he made townreads on I didn't really share.
It was so long ago and I've had a belly full of ale so you'll need to forgive me but the people that it was were several and the only one I remember was Leesbra.
That's all to say I think Leesbra is a little bit ... perturbing. Non glorious. Not a lot but certainly a little and I suppose one would be forgiven for finding it interesting Luka was spreading the good word about the fellow.
Yes, Luka is sus
But many others, including myself, also townread Leesbra
So why do you specifically come after Luka for this?
Luka's read was the most flippant.
How do y'all feel about Michi --> Jamie?
Reasonably null.
Well, I have contributed enough for now imo
@GloriousBob I do ask of you to pls explain the reads in your readslist, because they aren't very explained. And I also don't see how you got to an SL on me
I'll be back later but I'll spend time with my lovely girlfriend now
Can't wait for the content of Icet and Serif
Also JJJ - there is no ISO here
The reasons are many and few. The reasons fluctuate between valid and invalid. The reason I suspect you I don't remember. Today is a new day. Now today I slightly suspect you for forcing scumreads. This isn't usually a read I'd make but in this spree of posting here you picked Ex Light and Numbers to push and both of them seem fine. Ex Light's reaction had the requisite town entitlement. Ex Light is quite townie. Numbers has also been... observant. Both of them feel like me in that they're still waiting and watching (at this stage, I am mid catch up). Which is fine. It feels like a gamestate in which the mafia might feel the need to start plotting the course for end day, and the moved you are making feel like a wolf doing that to me.
why does the website have my IP
Ah now this... this is a wolfy entrance.
IceT is suspicious of me for meta.
How unfortunate.
And ExLight sheeping.
Ah mafia, o great love o mine.
Where to begin...
IceT having me as their bottom read is perhaps reasonable from the vantage point of someone with one game of meta on me and none of it Bob meta. Yet...
Jay who has hundreds of games of meta on Mac is not suspicious of me on meta.
Cait who has a few games of meta on Mac is tentatively townreading me.
Numbers appears to be the only one here with Bob meta and recognises this just Bob.
So one must ponder whether IceT is simply being opportunistic in voting for a player they can produce a surface level comprehensible reason for suspecting.
Outside of this I have found them to be the more suspicious of the list since entry. They made an archetypally nervous entry commenting on their IP address. Subsequent solving carried the hallmarks of the late entering mafia slot. A giant hodge podgy catch up post quote wall designed to look like a try hard town. Follow up machine gun townreads of varying quality quoting non AI posts loaded with TMI. Topping it off with a vote on the most Glorious.
Now I'm usually not one for OMGUS. Perish that thought indeed, but I was suspicious of IceT before I even read their suspicion of me so I won't accept such accusations.
As for ExLight well...
I think they have had a side eye on me the whole game. Their gaze upon your Glorious has felt earnest in the sense that they are certainly genuinely trying to figure me out. I think their game has been townie and getting townier.
On a separate subject our other recent entrant to the game has felt ... townie but not overwhelmingly so. Just more level and reserved in their take making. Something about this game gives me the impression the town are all relatively findable by looking for the people who are more pensive seeming. While the wolves are among those actually attempting to create a narrative. To fill the silence generated by a waitful town crew.
I think I will retract my vote and suspicion on Leesbra for now.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
I'm reviewing Icet now. I'm mostly ambivalent, but there is one moment that catches my eye. Their reception of the argument between callahan and I was awkward.
Referencing callahan's gripes with me as "why they town read Jay" is hard to understand. And they were a bit quick to dismiss the whole thing as town/town.
that's why I TR Jimmy
you might be right Jimmy could be Mafia but I'm TRing them for now and I think you're town for making this post lol
~~~snipped for length~~~
don't know if you guys still suspect each other don't think you are voting each other last time I checked, but I think you 2 are t/t. Luka is the scum here though.
posting this now so y'all know I existed and so this doesn't get too long I read up to page 11
I'm referring to this bit.
I'm reviewing Icet now. I'm mostly ambivalent, but there is one moment that catches my eye. Their reception of the argument between callahan and I was awkward.
Referencing callahan's gripes with me as "why they town read Jay" is hard to understand. And they were a bit quick to dismiss the whole thing as town/town.
Absolutely hate paging myself, so bringing this back to provide context to the quote I just referenced.
ExLight is perhaps my top town for I do believe they are genuinely trying to solve my alignment and do not have it.
Caitlin ah dear Caitlin. It is a difficult proposition articulating suspicion on you in a way that I am confident won't aggrieve you so I shan't reiterate my prior point. Apologies if I have the wrong of you.
Leesbra, at an earlier point of the game I felt like Leesbra was coming off awkward... "stilted" being the word. But Luka dropped a very flippant townread on them. My thought at the time was, well maybe Luka can be wrong. But as the game has unfolded Caitlin has also come to the defense of Leesbra strongly. I learn over time that this means Leesbra is probably town, particularly when one of the players shielding them is mafia.
Michi > Jamie, during catch up Jamie made a few posts I quite thought were townie. I forget what they said exactly but their reads felt organic.
Callahan I was perhaps wrong on. In that I defended them to Jay. But subsequent to this interaction they have not profiled as the same type of player in further interactions. Their Jay read developed into a quite oddball townread and outside of their flirtation with tunneling KOFM himself their play has been chaotic in a way that doesn't feel townie. Less pursuit of solutions and more pursuit of resolutions if you catch my meaning.
Luka is an enigma. They remind me of one of my versions. It feels like they steamed into the game issuing takes to generate impressions but has had an emotion draining event occur and ergo has been unable to maintain. I leave alone for now. I think lightly townie to blatantly fall off.
JJJ is town but not overwhelmingly so as yet. They seem progressive, which is good. And need continue to be. Heed my words that if at any stage I'm gone and Jay remains alive, his momentum must maintain or improve. Any falling off should be viewed with high scepticism. Any laziness. On merit his play has felt mostly genuine and his solving has been the most coherent and rational to me. And we must reward good behaviour!
Serif's entry was quite nice. I felt some joy. There was no apprehension. A little bit of playfulness. I give them time.
IceT is as described suspicious to me.
Numbers, curious how I'm their top town but I largely believe I'm mind melding with their other solves.
I feel that if Numbers, Jay, ExLight and myself were able to find each other. We may have a good outcome on this day and in this game. It feels like the towncore to me, but I am aware I perhaps haven't earned entry. :))
that's why I TR Jimmy
you might be right Jimmy could be Mafia but I'm TRing them for now and I think you're town for making this post lol
~~~snipped for length~~~
don't know if you guys still suspect each other don't think you are voting each other last time I checked, but I think you 2 are t/t. Luka is the scum here though.
posting this now so y'all know I existed and so this doesn't get too long I read up to page 11
I'm referring to this bit.
Luke is the scum here though is a curious point I'd like them to elaborate on.
I'm fine with serif for the moment. Their posts are rather twee. That's a nice thing for posts to be.
I believe we have about an hour left, so some kind of consolidation will be necessary. The current spread is very light, and it looks like three people haven't voted at all (with an additional two on unvote).
Of the people currently with votes, Jamie is my preference. I could be sold on Icet if needed. What's most important is that we don't sit on a dead tally like this that would be ripe for manipulation by even a two-person mafia team. There's still time for dialogue on anyone else too, but folks are going to need to speak or hold their peace. Time is of the essence.
idt town luka makes these reads that early on in the game
Thanks. Here's a more general question to help me engage with this notion, since I don't have any background with Luka. Would you say it's unusual for Luka to make reads in general that early in the game, or is it those specific reads that strike you as off?
unusual for Luka to make reads in general that early in the game
why does the website have my IP
Ah now this... this is a wolfy entrance.
can you explain why?
IceT is suspicious of me for meta.
How unfortunate.
And ExLight sheeping.
Ah mafia, o great love o mine.
Where to begin...
IceT having me as their bottom read is perhaps reasonable from the vantage point of someone with one game of meta on me and none of it Bob meta. Yet...
Jay who has hundreds of games of meta on Mac is not suspicious of me on meta.
Cait who has a few games of meta on Mac is tentatively townreading me.
Numbers appears to be the only one here with Bob meta and recognises this just Bob.
So one must ponder whether IceT is simply being opportunistic in voting for a player they can produce a surface level comprehensible reason for suspecting.
Outside of this I have found them to be the more suspicious of the list since entry. They made an archetypally nervous entry commenting on their IP address. Subsequent solving carried the hallmarks of the late entering mafia slot. A giant hodge podgy catch up post quote wall designed to look like a try hard town. Follow up machine gun townreads of varying quality quoting non AI posts loaded with TMI. Topping it off with a vote on the most Glorious.
Now I'm usually not one for OMGUS. Perish that thought indeed, but I was suspicious of IceT before I even read their suspicion of me so I won't accept such accusations.
As for ExLight well...
I think they have had a side eye on me the whole game. Their gaze upon your Glorious has felt earnest in the sense that they are certainly genuinely trying to figure me out. I think their game has been townie and getting townier.
On a separate subject our other recent entrant to the game has felt ... townie but not overwhelmingly so. Just more level and reserved in their take making. Something about this game gives me the impression the town are all relatively findable by looking for the people who are more pensive seeming. While the wolves are among those actually attempting to create a narrative. To fill the silence generated by a waitful town crew.
are you SRing me for going against "consensus" that has you as town? I don't recall calling you scum, more that your playstyle is unusual. I actually like your reads on ExLight / Number / JJJ. I haven't read them quite yet but I've liked their posting from what I've seen.
I'm reviewing Icet now. I'm mostly ambivalent, but there is one moment that catches my eye. Their reception of the argument between callahan and I was awkward.
Referencing callahan's gripes with me as "why they town read Jay" is hard to understand. And they were a bit quick to dismiss the whole thing as town/town.
I think you're town BC you're trying hard to solve the game. Calla was calling you scum iirc for "trying too hard in early game", which I thought was townie. I think Calla is town for that BC it's super brave for a wolf to call someone scum "for trying hard".
that's why I TR Jimmy
you might be right Jimmy could be Mafia but I'm TRing them for now and I think you're town for making this post lol
~~~snipped for length~~~
don't know if you guys still suspect each other don't think you are voting each other last time I checked, but I think you 2 are t/t. Luka is the scum here though.
posting this now so y'all know I existed and so this doesn't get too long I read up to page 11
I'm referring to this bit.
Luke is the scum here though is a curious point I'd like them to elaborate on.
Luka is scum for me due to their reads. It's unusual for town luka to making those reads that early on through D1. I just finished a hydra game with Luka where we were wolves together in the same slot and it sounds really familiar. I'm also just waiting for Luka's response to my posts atm
Player list on the first page is updated with the new subs
personally I disagree with TRing Serif atm, pretty sure my POE points to them
less than one hour remaining get schmoving folks
I haven't finished backreading everything yet but again JJJ / Calla are town for me due to the reasons stated.
I haven't really made a read on ExLight / Numbers but I do remember really liking their posts and Bob's towncore sounds good enough for me to sheep it, which also leans Bob as town to me
I remember liking Cait posting but don't remember why
This is ordered FYI
Town Lean
(ExLight and Numbers aren't ordered)
Town Null
Scum Read
POE = Leesbra / Serif
I can be convinced to vote Jamie I think? I remember really liking their 1 post
Vote: Unvote
Ex do you still think Bob is Mafia
I think I will retract my vote and suspicion on Leesbra for now.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
But Leesbra didnt rlly do much more
Back, btw
wait nvm I do remember calling Bob scum I voted them lol I think they're town now
ExLight is perhaps my top town for I do believe they are genuinely trying to solve my alignment and do not have it.
Caitlin ah dear Caitlin. It is a difficult proposition articulating suspicion on you in a way that I am confident won't aggrieve you so I shan't reiterate my prior point. Apologies if I have the wrong of you.
Leesbra, at an earlier point of the game I felt like Leesbra was coming off awkward... "stilted" being the word. But Luka dropped a very flippant townread on them. My thought at the time was, well maybe Luka can be wrong. But as the game has unfolded Caitlin has also come to the defense of Leesbra strongly. I learn over time that this means Leesbra is probably town, particularly when one of the players shielding them is mafia.
Michi > Jamie, during catch up Jamie made a few posts I quite thought were townie. I forget what they said exactly but their reads felt organic.
Callahan I was perhaps wrong on. In that I defended them to Jay. But subsequent to this interaction they have not profiled as the same type of player in further interactions. Their Jay read developed into a quite oddball townread and outside of their flirtation with tunneling KOFM himself their play has been chaotic in a way that doesn't feel townie. Less pursuit of solutions and more pursuit of resolutions if you catch my meaning.
Luka is an enigma. They remind me of one of my versions. It feels like they steamed into the game issuing takes to generate impressions but has had an emotion draining event occur and ergo has been unable to maintain. I leave alone for now. I think lightly townie to blatantly fall off.
JJJ is town but not overwhelmingly so as yet. They seem progressive, which is good. And need continue to be. Heed my words that if at any stage I'm gone and Jay remains alive, his momentum must maintain or improve. Any falling off should be viewed with high scepticism. Any laziness. On merit his play has felt mostly genuine and his solving has been the most coherent and rational to me. And we must reward good behaviour!
Serif's entry was quite nice. I felt some joy. There was no apprehension. A little bit of playfulness. I give them time.
IceT is as described suspicious to me.
Numbers, curious how I'm their top town but I largely believe I'm mind melding with their other solves.
I feel that if Numbers, Jay, ExLight and myself were able to find each other. We may have a good outcome on this day and in this game. It feels like the towncore to me, but I am aware I perhaps haven't earned entry. :))
I really like this post
Bit weird how I dropped to near last on Icet's list but was in the top 3 last time?
IceT that question is quite odd. Firstly I have at length explained to you why I suspect you and all you need to do is read the posts available to you.
Secondly no I'm not suspecting you due to your read on me being anti consensus albeit the fact that it is lends me to think that it is not as reasonable a read as you think it is.
At any rate your response is rather townie.
Jay what is your issue with Jamie?
heya Cait :wave:
please don't tunnel on me again cait, I'm town again
this prob isnt w/w
Quoting on this forum is so hard alongside the sounds
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
I only said you don’t start with it in night starts as town. The joke is you die.
this is daystart?
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Critical mission objective: determine how to deactivate PM notifications of every quote and mention. :P
I want to know as well 😭
I can't be bothered to quote anything but I think jimmy's starting posts are super townie, somewhat cait as well
By the way, @Caitlinuwu I made a small lie. It isnt in my favorite players to play with, its my favorite people online. Small distinction
You would be Number 8 if we're only counting mafia players.
(https://emojipedia.org/loudly-crying-face)where am I
fyi don't think Luka / Cait are w/w or Luka / Jimmy (not entirely sure on Luka / Jimmy)
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
The rule is cait kills you if you low post
skill issue
they low post as town and high post as scum
Quote 1: Unsure if I should feel honored, or insulted by this attention! If you are implying that I'm already really wolfy, then you should vote me though. And Idk how informative votes on me will rlly be? I tend to attract both town and mafia voting me, usually
Neither? Luka's mini-push had put you as a front and center focal point early in the game so seeing how people react to that is what I'll claim my reads are based on but in reality since I don't know meta behind most of the players here I'll probably just be going off vibes today while I get a sense of everybody.
For example, Luka seemed to be intentionally hard town reading people on the fly for nothing as a manner of reading their reactions. The initial read is irrelevant and the true read lies in how they respond to being town read. For me this is town points to Luka because it provides a better read than gauging people off a hard push/suggested wagon (while they also did that it was more jokey/less follow through) which would be aimed at just stirring turmoil.
pretty sure that's what scum Luka does I don't recall town luka reading people that way off the top of my head Vote: Luka think im doing it right?
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
that's why I TR Jimmy
you might be right Jimmy could be Mafia but I'm TRing them for now and I think you're town for making this post lol
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
This is a very uncharitable interpretation of what I had to say.
First of all, reducing a player's effort to explain a thought process clearly to "look at me I'm so townie and progressive" is incredibly unfair. You've taken a post where I had quite a lot to say, and you have twisted it in whatever manner you can to portray it as me saying nothing. Time to color code.
Green: You have referenced a portion of my post where I described why "Leesbra's second game" it is important to me and asked me why I brought up Leesbra's second game. The answer to that question is in the post. Players often fall into particular archetypes when they are brand new to the game, and I described what I have often observed from players who are brand new to the game. That is absolutely relevant to interpreting Leesbra's alignment, and I described precisely why I felt that way.
Suggesting my commentary is "nothing" or "pointless" or "overcompensating" without actually engaging with any of it is disingenuous. I don't like that.
Orange: Absolutely no thanks. I provided the direction earlier in the post (and in the post that preceded it on the same topic): here's why I think there's a valid reason to town read Leesbra. That is a direction. You are quoting a post that expresses that direction. It's right there. And in that third paragraph, I acknowledged that it's not a super confident read, and that I am not certain. That's called being responsible with a take. And yet even still, in the very same third paragraph, I reiterated my viewpoint. I have often seen brand new town players do what Leesbra did.
Red: This extends from the orange bit, really, but it drives home why I don't like this so much. You would have to ignore the words in the post to come to this conclusion about it. Of course I accept that my read can be taken with a grain of salt, and I should. Anyone that doesn't allow for that in a read they've made on someone they've never played with before is being a little ridiculous.
I struggle to believe that you read my post in good faith and came to those conclusions. It looks like you decided what your read on me was and then formulated an argument to justify it.
Vote: callahan
don't know if you guys still suspect each other don't think you are voting each other last time I checked, but I think you 2 are t/t. Luka is the scum here though.
posting this now so y'all know I existed and so this doesn't get too long I read up to page 11
Wim is AI in that I do it more as scum, however I still can have high WIM as town. You know this for a fact and neglecting this is really funny to me
Bit weird how I dropped to near last on Icet's list but was in the top 3 last time?
reevalling go brrr
less than one hour remaining get schmoving folks
By all means do things.
unusual for Luka to make reads in general that early in the game
I'd be interested to know how @Luka feels about this take (or anyone else that knows Luka).
heya Cait :wave:
please don't tunnel on me again cait, I'm town again
this prob isnt w/w
Quoting on this forum is so hard alongside the sounds
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
I only said you don’t start with it in night starts as town. The joke is you die.
this is daystart?
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Critical mission objective: determine how to deactivate PM notifications of every quote and mention. :P
I want to know as well 😭
I can't be bothered to quote anything but I think jimmy's starting posts are super townie, somewhat cait as well
By the way, @Caitlinuwu I made a small lie. It isnt in my favorite players to play with, its my favorite people online. Small distinction
You would be Number 8 if we're only counting mafia players.
(https://emojipedia.org/loudly-crying-face)where am I
fyi don't think Luka / Cait are w/w or Luka / Jimmy (not entirely sure on Luka / Jimmy)
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
The rule is cait kills you if you low post
skill issue
they low post as town and high post as scum
Quote 1: Unsure if I should feel honored, or insulted by this attention! If you are implying that I'm already really wolfy, then you should vote me though. And Idk how informative votes on me will rlly be? I tend to attract both town and mafia voting me, usually
Neither? Luka's mini-push had put you as a front and center focal point early in the game so seeing how people react to that is what I'll claim my reads are based on but in reality since I don't know meta behind most of the players here I'll probably just be going off vibes today while I get a sense of everybody.
For example, Luka seemed to be intentionally hard town reading people on the fly for nothing as a manner of reading their reactions. The initial read is irrelevant and the true read lies in how they respond to being town read. For me this is town points to Luka because it provides a better read than gauging people off a hard push/suggested wagon (while they also did that it was more jokey/less follow through) which would be aimed at just stirring turmoil.
pretty sure that's what scum Luka does I don't recall town luka reading people that way off the top of my head Vote: Luka think im doing it right?
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
that's why I TR Jimmy
you might be right Jimmy could be Mafia but I'm TRing them for now and I think you're town for making this post lol
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
This is a very uncharitable interpretation of what I had to say.
First of all, reducing a player's effort to explain a thought process clearly to "look at me I'm so townie and progressive" is incredibly unfair. You've taken a post where I had quite a lot to say, and you have twisted it in whatever manner you can to portray it as me saying nothing. Time to color code.
Green: You have referenced a portion of my post where I described why "Leesbra's second game" it is important to me and asked me why I brought up Leesbra's second game. The answer to that question is in the post. Players often fall into particular archetypes when they are brand new to the game, and I described what I have often observed from players who are brand new to the game. That is absolutely relevant to interpreting Leesbra's alignment, and I described precisely why I felt that way.
Suggesting my commentary is "nothing" or "pointless" or "overcompensating" without actually engaging with any of it is disingenuous. I don't like that.
Orange: Absolutely no thanks. I provided the direction earlier in the post (and in the post that preceded it on the same topic): here's why I think there's a valid reason to town read Leesbra. That is a direction. You are quoting a post that expresses that direction. It's right there. And in that third paragraph, I acknowledged that it's not a super confident read, and that I am not certain. That's called being responsible with a take. And yet even still, in the very same third paragraph, I reiterated my viewpoint. I have often seen brand new town players do what Leesbra did.
Red: This extends from the orange bit, really, but it drives home why I don't like this so much. You would have to ignore the words in the post to come to this conclusion about it. Of course I accept that my read can be taken with a grain of salt, and I should. Anyone that doesn't allow for that in a read they've made on someone they've never played with before is being a little ridiculous.
I struggle to believe that you read my post in good faith and came to those conclusions. It looks like you decided what your read on me was and then formulated an argument to justify it.
Vote: callahan
don't know if you guys still suspect each other don't think you are voting each other last time I checked, but I think you 2 are t/t. Luka is the scum here though.
posting this now so y'all know I existed and so this doesn't get too long I read up to page 11
Wim is AI in that I do it more as scum, however I still can have high WIM as town. You know this for a fact and neglecting this is really funny to me
hehe actually I've really wanted to see whether you'd pocket me response or accuse me of it
I'm testing something ignore me
I think I will retract my vote and suspicion on Leesbra for now.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
But Leesbra didnt rlly do much more
Back, btw
I have explained my re-evaluation of Leesbra in subsequent posts. It is largely due to your own read so I'm curious why you are taking issue with me developing a townread on your townread?
Dont rlly feel that comfortable to livepost with this system so I'll be pretty silent this EoD after all sorry
Just bothering me that I'm behind and its so annoying that it keeps being like '1 more post' every time I click post
I think I will retract my vote and suspicion on Leesbra for now.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
But Leesbra didnt rlly do much more
Back, btw
I have explained my re-evaluation of Leesbra in subsequent posts. It is largely due to your own read so I'm curious why you are taking issue with me developing a townread on your townread?
Well I thought the progress was weird? I wouldve read more on it but I literally just returned, so I didnt know you wrote more on it.
wait nvm I do remember calling Bob scum I voted them lol I think they're town now
Yes highly curious behaviour.
Jay what is your issue with Jamie?
Jamie is probably the only player for whom I hold some concrete suspicion that cannot, as yet, be challenged by the meta provided by anyone else. They seem floaty, and I have reasons to question the sincerity of some of their town reads.
Was there something in particular you liked from them?
Bit weird how I dropped to near last on Icet's list but was in the top 3 last time?
reevalling go brrr
Not too believable but okay
This is the first other forum where I have ever seen linki. What a blast from the past.
Vote: Caitlinuwu
Correct me if I’m wrong, but earlier you were talking about keeping post count at a level so you could respond if anything wacky happened. But you are now 3 off cap, this struck me as quite odd. Also, you were pointing fingers at my good pal ExLight and I can say he is more at his town meta now than his scum play. The earlier argument also felt a little too defensive and to me feels you are hiding something.
Cait is town
Bit weird how I dropped to near last on Icet's list but was in the top 3 last time?
reevalling go brrr
How are they bottom 3? With all due respect they're obvious town. And if you're that confident on me being scum, didn't you say we're not svs?
I haven't finished backreading everything yet but again JJJ / Calla are town for me due to the reasons stated.
I haven't really made a read on ExLight / Numbers but I do remember really liking their posts and Bob's towncore sounds good enough for me to sheep it, which also leans Bob as town to me
I remember liking Cait posting but don't remember why
This is ordered FYI
Town Lean
(ExLight and Numbers aren't ordered)
Town Null
Scum Read
POE = Leesbra / Serif
I can be convinced to vote Jamie I think? I remember really liking their 1 post
Why do you have a POE when you have a scum read here? I also think me and Leesbra are very unpaired rn using my own playstyle as you said.
In my earlier adventures through this beautiful whimsical land I overhead an adventurer by the name of Luka I think it was making reads here and there. Quite an unusual fellow. Quick to issue an opinion. Sort of lad that'd get himself into a mischief in a tavern in my experience.
Now... he was saying he'd be accused of having TMI... and I'm not about to say that means anything because it doesn't. But a couple of the people he made townreads on I didn't really share.
It was so long ago and I've had a belly full of ale so you'll need to forgive me but the people that it was were several and the only one I remember was Leesbra.
That's all to say I think Leesbra is a little bit ... perturbing. Non glorious. Not a lot but certainly a little and I suppose one would be forgiven for finding it interesting Luka was spreading the good word about the fellow.
Yes, Luka is sus
But many others, including myself, also townread Leesbra
So why do you specifically come after Luka for this?
Luka's read was the most flippant.
Id stake my life on Leesbra / Cait being town
idt town luka makes these reads that early on in the game
Thanks. Here's a more general question to help me engage with this notion, since I don't have any background with Luka. Would you say it's unusual for Luka to make reads in general that early in the game, or is it those specific reads that strike you as off?
I was in a game that cet was hosting where I made similar reads as town. They're objectively incorrect with this read and I dont think they make it with this timing.
I think I will retract my vote and suspicion on Leesbra for now.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
But Leesbra didnt rlly do much more
Back, btw
I have explained my re-evaluation of Leesbra in subsequent posts. It is largely due to your own read so I'm curious why you are taking issue with me developing a townread on your townread?
Well I thought the progress was weird? I wouldve read more on it but I literally just returned, so I didnt know you wrote more on it.
Fair enough. Essentially one part sheeping others, one part developing a theory of what the mafia would be acting like in this gamestate and them not fitting into it.
IceT that question is quite odd. Firstly I have at length explained to you why I suspect you and all you need to do is read the posts available to you.
Secondly no I'm not suspecting you due to your read on me being anti consensus albeit the fact that it is lends me to think that it is not as reasonable a read as you think it is.
At any rate your response is rather townie.
Jay what is your issue with Jamie?
You said if I was being opportunistic in my voting for going you for past meta BC other people TR you
Then you said my opening is scummy (I really don't see how it is)
Then you said my wallpost is scummy
I don't really understand your push on me BC it seems entirely made up of confirmation bias
heya Cait :wave:
please don't tunnel on me again cait, I'm town again
this prob isnt w/w
Quoting on this forum is so hard alongside the sounds
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
I only said you don’t start with it in night starts as town. The joke is you die.
this is daystart?
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Critical mission objective: determine how to deactivate PM notifications of every quote and mention. :P
I want to know as well 😭
I can't be bothered to quote anything but I think jimmy's starting posts are super townie, somewhat cait as well
By the way, @Caitlinuwu I made a small lie. It isnt in my favorite players to play with, its my favorite people online. Small distinction
You would be Number 8 if we're only counting mafia players.
(https://emojipedia.org/loudly-crying-face)where am I
fyi don't think Luka / Cait are w/w or Luka / Jimmy (not entirely sure on Luka / Jimmy)
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
The rule is cait kills you if you low post
skill issue
they low post as town and high post as scum
Quote 1: Unsure if I should feel honored, or insulted by this attention! If you are implying that I'm already really wolfy, then you should vote me though. And Idk how informative votes on me will rlly be? I tend to attract both town and mafia voting me, usually
Neither? Luka's mini-push had put you as a front and center focal point early in the game so seeing how people react to that is what I'll claim my reads are based on but in reality since I don't know meta behind most of the players here I'll probably just be going off vibes today while I get a sense of everybody.
For example, Luka seemed to be intentionally hard town reading people on the fly for nothing as a manner of reading their reactions. The initial read is irrelevant and the true read lies in how they respond to being town read. For me this is town points to Luka because it provides a better read than gauging people off a hard push/suggested wagon (while they also did that it was more jokey/less follow through) which would be aimed at just stirring turmoil.
pretty sure that's what scum Luka does I don't recall town luka reading people that way off the top of my head Vote: Luka think im doing it right?
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
that's why I TR Jimmy
you might be right Jimmy could be Mafia but I'm TRing them for now and I think you're town for making this post lol
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
This is a very uncharitable interpretation of what I had to say.
First of all, reducing a player's effort to explain a thought process clearly to "look at me I'm so townie and progressive" is incredibly unfair. You've taken a post where I had quite a lot to say, and you have twisted it in whatever manner you can to portray it as me saying nothing. Time to color code.
Green: You have referenced a portion of my post where I described why "Leesbra's second game" it is important to me and asked me why I brought up Leesbra's second game. The answer to that question is in the post. Players often fall into particular archetypes when they are brand new to the game, and I described what I have often observed from players who are brand new to the game. That is absolutely relevant to interpreting Leesbra's alignment, and I described precisely why I felt that way.
Suggesting my commentary is "nothing" or "pointless" or "overcompensating" without actually engaging with any of it is disingenuous. I don't like that.
Orange: Absolutely no thanks. I provided the direction earlier in the post (and in the post that preceded it on the same topic): here's why I think there's a valid reason to town read Leesbra. That is a direction. You are quoting a post that expresses that direction. It's right there. And in that third paragraph, I acknowledged that it's not a super confident read, and that I am not certain. That's called being responsible with a take. And yet even still, in the very same third paragraph, I reiterated my viewpoint. I have often seen brand new town players do what Leesbra did.
Red: This extends from the orange bit, really, but it drives home why I don't like this so much. You would have to ignore the words in the post to come to this conclusion about it. Of course I accept that my read can be taken with a grain of salt, and I should. Anyone that doesn't allow for that in a read they've made on someone they've never played with before is being a little ridiculous.
I struggle to believe that you read my post in good faith and came to those conclusions. It looks like you decided what your read on me was and then formulated an argument to justify it.
Vote: callahan
don't know if you guys still suspect each other don't think you are voting each other last time I checked, but I think you 2 are t/t. Luka is the scum here though.
posting this now so y'all know I existed and so this doesn't get too long I read up to page 11
Wim is AI in that I do it more as scum, however I still can have high WIM as town. You know this for a fact and neglecting this is really funny to me
hehe actually I've really wanted to see whether you'd pocket me response or accuse me of it
I do both as scum so this read is really weird?
This more seems going after somebody who said they were going to be AFK the day and couldnt defend themselves
Jay what is your issue with Jamie?
Jamie is probably the only player for whom I hold some concrete suspicion that cannot, as yet, be challenged by the meta provided by anyone else. They seem floaty, and I have reasons to question the sincerity of some of their town reads.
Was there something in particular you liked from them?
Yes but without the benefit of the ISO feature I don't really think I'll be finding it.
I was in a game that cet was hosting where I made similar reads as town. They're objectively incorrect with this read and I dont think they make it with this timing.
By this do you mean you think Icet is embellishing? I just want to be clear.
I think I will retract my vote and suspicion on Leesbra for now.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
But Leesbra didnt rlly do much more
Back, btw
I have explained my re-evaluation of Leesbra in subsequent posts. It is largely due to your own read so I'm curious why you are taking issue with me developing a townread on your townread?
Well I thought the progress was weird? I wouldve read more on it but I literally just returned, so I didnt know you wrote more on it.
Fair enough. Essentially one part sheeping others, one part developing a theory of what the mafia would be acting like in this gamestate and them not fitting into it.
Sorry I just didnt know you wrote things on it and assumed it was just odd progression-wise
Just like I think its odd I dropped from 3rd to like 2nd to last in Icet's list when I had 0 posts inbetween, and nobody else rlly had any either (abour 30-45 more posts total)
Hey everyone, I’m Jamie, looking forward to playing with you.
You might have been able to guess but I’ve played with ExLight before, but I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of playing with anyone else here before.
My current thoughts on everything that’s happened so far in thread is that:
- Luka has looked good to me, actively trying to create discussion and general response to everything is making me town lean them.
- With JJJ and Callahan’s argument I think JJJ looks better to me, I agree with the point that early reads should be taken with a pinch of salt, but eventually you should be having full confidence in your reads.
- Caitlin and Ex look fine to me as of right now
- Leesbra I do not have a confident read on but they have been towny enough so far, their earlier stance on post activity I did not agree with and it felt kinda coasty to me with the “locked” town read from Luka.
- For everyone else I do not yet have an opinion on them.
Some of this pinged me. Let's talk about it, Jamie.
The first two bullets are a bit lukewarm for lack of a better word. The view about Luka strikes me as defaulted. I'm not sure Luka had to clear much of a barrier to reach this town lean. And I'm not sure the view about me "looking better" is coming from the right stuff in my argument with callahan. I may indeed be right about the idea that early game confidence is allowed to be relaxed, but I'm not sure why that would make me look better (i.e., look more town, assuming that is the intended interpretation). That's a philosophy more than it's a read. I'd appreciate if you could expand on these things.
Is this what you are referring too?
I do think that Jamie here is indeed being 'lukewarm' so to say. My vote still is fine being in one of Jamie/Ex/Numbers. Jamie > Ex > Numbers is my preference right now
Actually, Cait is Null to me
Like I said I don't think her reaction was AI and I get mixed feelings from the mini beef with Luka and sudden shade at me
So being upset over being insulted is now sus? Lmao, okay. Well sucks that I'm a very sensitive person then huh, being hurt by Luka makes me lock mafia
Also you played with me before
I shaded ppl constantly there as well. So what exactly is sus about this?
Separate note: I somewhat null on GloriousBob, but I also know them very well as a player. I am not bothered by their posts to this point and want to let them flourish a bit in their own way. I probably won't vote there today.
Earlier Cait mentioned that he was playing unlike Mac, who he claimed to be
Do you agree or disagree with her? Can you tell me a bit on what this Mac person is like?
I do think Mac = Bob, this seems to imply that I don't think so? Also I didn't rlly spec the games Mac was in at champs btw, but I did for example play with Mac in a mountainous game and there Mac was very.. intense and involved. We didn't rlly get along. Bob however is chill & goofy, which is... very different
I don't think this is scum indicative fwiw, if anything, blatantly playing diff is probably townie since it might attract some scumreads
my vote on Luka is not counted so I'm somehow voting wrong
I'd prefer a Luka wagon here over Jamie and Cait ^^^
Earlier I maybe would've been up for Luka, but right now not really. Luka is one of the driving forces this game, a bit too demotivated to be mafia I feel like, and also won't be able to claim PR if wagoned incase they happen to be well, PR. So that makes Luka a pretty risky vote, and I also just don't rlly think Luka is a hit anymore
This is post cap
PS: I'll be back in the final hour, but sadly like 15 minutes late probably because something came up
And for ppl expecting me to preserve posts: I literally won't be here till postcap lifts. So for what would I preserve posts for? Tell me
Im busy IRL. my motivation has nothing to do with my low posting. This is a really akward forum for me to post on.
GloriousBob: 1 (ExLight)
IcetFeelsPain: 1 (GloriousBob)
JamieIsBored: 2 (Caitlinuwu, JaggedJimmyJay)
Caitlinuwu: 1 (JamieIsBored)
The amount of ppl not voting is honestly rlly odd
I was in a game that cet was hosting where I made similar reads as town. They're objectively incorrect with this read and I dont think they make it with this timing.
By this do you mean you think Icet is embellishing? I just want to be clear.
yeah I think theyre mafia
This is the first other forum where I have ever seen linki. What a blast from the past.
What is Linki lol
GloriousBob: 1 (ExLight)
IcetFeelsPain: 1 (GloriousBob)
JamieIsBored: 2 (Caitlinuwu, JaggedJimmyJay)
Caitlinuwu: 1 (JamieIsBored)
The amount of ppl not voting is honestly rlly odd
Havent you post capped
IceT that question is quite odd. Firstly I have at length explained to you why I suspect you and all you need to do is read the posts available to you.
Secondly no I'm not suspecting you due to your read on me being anti consensus albeit the fact that it is lends me to think that it is not as reasonable a read as you think it is.
At any rate your response is rather townie.
Jay what is your issue with Jamie?
You said if I was being opportunistic in my voting for going you for past meta BC other people TR you
Then you said my opening is scummy (I really don't see how it is)
Then you said my wallpost is scummy
I don't really understand your push on me BC it seems entirely made up of confirmation bias
That may be because you have your own confirmation bias to assist you finding yourself townier than you think you are lol.
Also I saw Ex - I believe, can someone with a good memory verify if it was Ex - say it was odd that I didnt break the tie, when I clearly explained why I didnt. I didnt like the wagons. I specifically stated this. It was the person I was voting, myself and my 3 TRs at the time. So why does Ex think its odd I didnt vote there lmao
This is the first other forum where I have ever seen linki. What a blast from the past.
What is Linki lol
The "post review" thing that pops up if someone else made a post while you are writing your post
GloriousBob: 1 (ExLight)
IcetFeelsPain: 1 (GloriousBob)
JamieIsBored: 2 (Caitlinuwu, JaggedJimmyJay)
Caitlinuwu: 1 (JamieIsBored)
The amount of ppl not voting is honestly rlly odd
Havent you post capped
Postcap lifts 1h before EoD. Its 30 mins before EoD.
GloriousBob: 1 (ExLight)
IcetFeelsPain: 1 (GloriousBob)
JamieIsBored: 2 (Caitlinuwu, JaggedJimmyJay)
Caitlinuwu: 1 (JamieIsBored)
The amount of ppl not voting is honestly rlly odd
Havent you post capped
Post Cap lifted
This is the first other forum where I have ever seen linki. What a blast from the past.
What is Linki lol
The "post review" thing that pops up if someone else made a post while you are writing your post
Oh I have that turned off cause it's annoying lol
It is perturbing that I want ExLight to decide today's chop as I am most comfortable with their alignment and also think they have the best chance of no scoping a wolf yet they remain voting me and aren't doing much this eod.
Failing this I will probably just end up voting alongside Jay.
Leesbr / Bob / Cait +4
Forgot how much evils there were, If its 3 id bet on icet being one of them, however the fact that nobody is siding thme in this pursuit is townie. I was LHF at the time and nobody is defending him; with nearly every slot defending me.
GloriousBob: 1 (ExLight)
IcetFeelsPain: 1 (GloriousBob)
JamieIsBored: 2 (Caitlinuwu, JaggedJimmyJay)
Caitlinuwu: 1 (JamieIsBored)
The amount of ppl not voting is honestly rlly odd
Havent you post capped
Postcap lifts 1h before EoD. Its 30 mins before EoD.
oh got on at a good time then
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
Leesbr / Bob / Cait +4
Forgot how much evils there were, If its 3 id bet on icet being one of them, however the fact that nobody is siding thme in this pursuit is townie. I was LHF at the time and nobody is defending him; with nearly every slot defending me.
Quite an astute observation
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
I have a vibe that the combat between Luka and Icet is not town/town. Difficult to describe.
Also I know I just said I didnt like Icet's progression on me but I think its too bad to come from mafia ngl
And I actually thought Icet's entrance wall was rlly rlly townie
Unless it's me vs Icet (or someone else I TR vs Icet), I dont want Icet voted
I'm not quoting because the quotes are getting way too long lol
> How are they bottom 3? With all due respect they're obvious town. And if you're that confident on me being scum, didn't you say we're not svs?
I'm not confident in you being scum! Cait isn't bottom 3? Bottom 5 very big difference
> Why do you have a POE when you have a scum read here? I also think me and Leesbra are very unpaired rn using my own playstyle as you said.
At which part of the game? I don't remember seeing a single Leesbra post so far. POE was me typing out everyone who wasn't on my list
> I was in a game that cet was hosting where I made similar reads as town. They're objectively incorrect with this read and I dont think they make it with this timing.
Which game, you were scum in all the games I've hosted lol
> I do both as scum so this read is really weird?This more seems going after somebody who said they were going to be AFK the day and couldnt defend themselves
didn't read the part you went AFK, also you KNOW me as a person and me going after someone who said they were going AFK is scummy asf. MA game that just happened, you pocketed me the ENTIRE game. Wanted to see if you would do it again. Every t/t game has ended with me calling you scum, you accusing me back, and then us reconsolidating and calling each other town if you remember. ALSO you know in every wolf game I've hard so far I've been pocketing you the entire time and you also know I am physically incapable of wolfing. I am obvious town to you rn.
@Caitlinuwu do you agree with Icet that it is unusual for Luka to give really early reads (regardless of what kind of reads)?
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
Yeah its Ice +2
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
I have a vibe that the combat between Luka and Icet is not town/town. Difficult to describe.
I'd lean Luka wolf
Also Icet you literally JUST ranked me bottom 3. I was bottom 3 on your list.
@Caitlinuwu do you agree with Icet that it is unusual for Luka to give really early reads (regardless of what kind of reads)?
I do not
I think I will retract my vote and suspicion on Leesbra for now.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
But Leesbra didnt rlly do much more
Back, btw
I have explained my re-evaluation of Leesbra in subsequent posts. It is largely due to your own read so I'm curious why you are taking issue with me developing a townread on your townread?
Well I thought the progress was weird? I wouldve read more on it but I literally just returned, so I didnt know you wrote more on it.
Fair enough. Essentially one part sheeping others, one part developing a theory of what the mafia would be acting like in this gamestate and them not fitting into it.
Sorry I just didnt know you wrote things on it and assumed it was just odd progression-wise
Just like I think its odd I dropped from 3rd to like 2nd to last in Icet's list when I had 0 posts inbetween, and nobody else rlly had any either (abour 30-45 more posts total)
sheeping bob's town core
I think I will retract my vote and suspicion on Leesbra for now.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
But Leesbra didnt rlly do much more
Back, btw
I have explained my re-evaluation of Leesbra in subsequent posts. It is largely due to your own read so I'm curious why you are taking issue with me developing a townread on your townread?
Well I thought the progress was weird? I wouldve read more on it but I literally just returned, so I didnt know you wrote more on it.
Fair enough. Essentially one part sheeping others, one part developing a theory of what the mafia would be acting like in this gamestate and them not fitting into it.
Sorry I just didnt know you wrote things on it and assumed it was just odd progression-wise
Just like I think its odd I dropped from 3rd to like 2nd to last in Icet's list when I had 0 posts inbetween, and nobody else rlly had any either (abour 30-45 more posts total)
sheeping bob's town core
But how does that make me drop SIX spots
There's 2 mafia it's posted like in multiple places
Also you can spoiler quotes with the Sp button in the editor
There's 2 mafia it's posted like in multiple places
Oh I know
But I didnt want others to know that
@Caitlinuwu do you agree with Icet that it is unusual for Luka to give really early reads (regardless of what kind of reads)?
I do not
This seems like a meaningful thing to me, since it's such a blatant (and demonstrable) examination of meta. Do you find it believable that Icet would have that impression of Luka?
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
Yeah its Ice +2
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
there is 2 mafia
I have a vibe that the combat between Luka and Icet is not town/town. Difficult to describe.
I'd lean Luka wolf
Also Icet you literally JUST ranked me bottom 3. I was bottom 3 on your list.
bottom 5 I hate this forum UI so much
Also you can spoiler quotes with the Sp button in the editor
I'm liveposting during EoD
No thanks
Let's please make an effort to avoid dissing the forum, friends. It's not even my forum, but this game is meant to be in part a celebration and return of the Wintreath community.
Let me link a town game where I gave early reads one second
There's 2 mafia it's posted like in multiple places
Okay yeah cait lock vil then
I have a vibe that the combat between Luka and Icet is not town/town. Difficult to describe.
I'd lean Luka wolf
Also Icet you literally JUST ranked me bottom 3. I was bottom 3 on your list.
Gave early reads
@Caitlinuwu do you agree with Icet that it is unusual for Luka to give really early reads (regardless of what kind of reads)?
I do not
This seems like a meaningful thing to me, since it's such a blatant (and demonstrable) examination of meta. Do you find it believable that Icet would have that impression of Luka?
I do think its believable he got that impression yes
Like yea imo its not unusual for either alignment, but its true that Luka - especially early game - does more as mafia
So maybe Icet thought of that?
That was more directed at Ice since he noted quote chains were getting long
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
Yeah its Ice +2
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
there is 2 mafia
Let me link a town game where I gave early reads one second
There's 2 mafia it's posted like in multiple places
Okay yeah cait lock vil then
I have a vibe that the combat between Luka and Icet is not town/town. Difficult to describe.
I'd lean Luka wolf
Also Icet you literally JUST ranked me bottom 3. I was bottom 3 on your list.
Gave early reads
Because Icet had a rlly good entrance & wolf would have better progression
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
Yeah its Ice +2
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
there is 2 mafia
I accept the derpclear from Luka tbh.
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
omg cait town slipped
Let's please make an effort to avoid dissing the forum, friends. It's not even my forum, but this game is meant to be in part a celebration and return of the Wintreath community.
Thanks... keep in mind that this site is literally built designed and maintained by a single person
I get it isn't perfect
It's also my home
@Caitlinuwu do you agree with Icet that it is unusual for Luka to give really early reads (regardless of what kind of reads)?
I do not
This seems like a meaningful thing to me, since it's such a blatant (and demonstrable) examination of meta. Do you find it believable that Icet would have that impression of Luka?
I do think its believable he got that impression yes
Like yea imo its not unusual for either alignment, but its true that Luka - especially early game - does more as mafia
So maybe Icet thought of that?
If im invited to play a game like this I"m going to take it seriously
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
Yeah its Ice +2
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
there is 2 mafia
I accept the derpclear from Luka tbh.
I was unsure, thats why I purposefully left it in the open in the hope someone else would give their stance on it
Let's please make an effort to avoid dissing the forum, friends. It's not even my forum, but this game is meant to be in part a celebration and return of the Wintreath community.
Indeed I find it charming and nostalgic.
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
Yeah its Ice +2
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
there is 2 mafia
I accept the derpclear from Luka tbh.
I hate how this is kinda true
I'm reevaling on Jamie RN I think I gave them way too much cred from that one post then I should've
Let's please make an effort to avoid dissing the forum, friends. It's not even my forum, but this game is meant to be in part a celebration and return of the Wintreath community.
Sorry :/
I'm just in a rlly annoyable mood rn
I'm glad it's being revived and I wanna support Abbi I just am spoiled and want my technology to work
I kind of townread both Ice and Luka honestly.
Lets all come to a consensus and kill ice
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
Yeah its Ice +2
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
there is 2 mafia
I accept the derpclear from Luka tbh.
I hate how this is kinda true
I'm reevaling on Jamie RN I think I gave them way too much cred from that one post then I should've
I fake them easier than water
you know this
stop backpedaling mafia
@Caitlinuwu do you agree with Icet that it is unusual for Luka to give really early reads (regardless of what kind of reads)?
I do not
This seems like a meaningful thing to me, since it's such a blatant (and demonstrable) examination of meta. Do you find it believable that Icet would have that impression of Luka?
I do think its believable he got that impression yes
Like yea imo its not unusual for either alignment, but its true that Luka - especially early game - does more as mafia
So maybe Icet thought of that?
If im invited to play a game like this I"m going to take it seriously
I'm just illustrating that I get where Icet is coming from. This shows that you see it too, then?
I'm not quoting because the quotes are getting way too long lol
> How are they bottom 3? With all due respect they're obvious town. And if you're that confident on me being scum, didn't you say we're not svs?
I'm not confident in you being scum! Cait isn't bottom 3? Bottom 5 very big difference
> Why do you have a POE when you have a scum read here? I also think me and Leesbra are very unpaired rn using my own playstyle as you said.
At which part of the game? I don't remember seeing a single Leesbra post so far. POE was me typing out everyone who wasn't on my list
> I was in a game that cet was hosting where I made similar reads as town. They're objectively incorrect with this read and I dont think they make it with this timing.
Which game, you were scum in all the games I've hosted lol
> I do both as scum so this read is really weird?This more seems going after somebody who said they were going to be AFK the day and couldnt defend themselves
didn't read the part you went AFK, also you KNOW me as a person and me going after someone who said they were going AFK is scummy asf. MA game that just happened, you pocketed me the ENTIRE game. Wanted to see if you would do it again. Every t/t game has ended with me calling you scum, you accusing me back, and then us reconsolidating and calling each other town if you remember. ALSO you know in every wolf game I've hard so far I've been pocketing you the entire time and you also know I am physically incapable of wolfing. I am obvious town to you rn.
hey @Luka mind replying to this?
I kind of townread both Ice and Luka honestly.
See ice you arent bad at being mafia have pride
I kind of townread both Ice and Luka honestly.
Lets vote someone else out then :/
I dont want either as the D1 vote
What is ExLight doing this eod?
Inclined to keep my vote on Jamie
What is ExLight doing this eod?
I'm not quoting because the quotes are getting way too long lol
> How are they bottom 3? With all due respect they're obvious town. And if you're that confident on me being scum, didn't you say we're not svs?
I'm not confident in you being scum! Cait isn't bottom 3? Bottom 5 very big difference
> Why do you have a POE when you have a scum read here? I also think me and Leesbra are very unpaired rn using my own playstyle as you said.
At which part of the game? I don't remember seeing a single Leesbra post so far. POE was me typing out everyone who wasn't on my list
> I was in a game that cet was hosting where I made similar reads as town. They're objectively incorrect with this read and I dont think they make it with this timing.
Which game, you were scum in all the games I've hosted lol
> I do both as scum so this read is really weird?This more seems going after somebody who said they were going to be AFK the day and couldnt defend themselves
didn't read the part you went AFK, also you KNOW me as a person and me going after someone who said they were going AFK is scummy asf. MA game that just happened, you pocketed me the ENTIRE game. Wanted to see if you would do it again. Every t/t game has ended with me calling you scum, you accusing me back, and then us reconsolidating and calling each other town if you remember. ALSO you know in every wolf game I've hard so far I've been pocketing you the entire time and you also know I am physically incapable of wolfing. I am obvious town to you rn.
hey @Luka mind replying to this?
Dont care
fuck youre town
I kind of townread both Ice and Luka honestly.
See ice you arent bad at being mafia have pride
I swear I will send you every single game we were t/t and you can reeval to see if we've had a fight like this in it before
What is ExLight doing this eod?
Throwing darts at a picture of my pfp probably
The constant 'Cait keeps tunneling me' also is like; so blatantly untrue and manipulative. I quite literally did NOT tunnel ExLight in my only previous game with them
Inclined to keep my vote on Jamie
Hm I kinda prefer Ex so I'll move my vote if Ex would gain traction
Sorry fellow Jamie voter
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
then vote me?
I'd rather just get lynched D1 than have to deal with you tunneling me nonstop again
Do you have some sort of personal issue with me? Why do you keep doing this? Last game you also kept getting reasons out of thin air to keep telling people to push for me even though it almost caused our team to lose
I was already vocal that I didn't find Jamie's slot townie as usual and that yours was NAI at best. I now pointed out that I didn't like Bob's vote. How is being content with these three gaining some traction "all over the place"?
You were complaining about no reads and when I take a more vocal stance on some of the slots that are catching my attention in a negative manner you start saying they're scummy? Give a break.
I'm not quoting because the quotes are getting way too long lol
> How are they bottom 3? With all due respect they're obvious town. And if you're that confident on me being scum, didn't you say we're not svs?
I'm not confident in you being scum! Cait isn't bottom 3? Bottom 5 very big difference
> Why do you have a POE when you have a scum read here? I also think me and Leesbra are very unpaired rn using my own playstyle as you said.
At which part of the game? I don't remember seeing a single Leesbra post so far. POE was me typing out everyone who wasn't on my list
> I was in a game that cet was hosting where I made similar reads as town. They're objectively incorrect with this read and I dont think they make it with this timing.
Which game, you were scum in all the games I've hosted lol
> I do both as scum so this read is really weird?This more seems going after somebody who said they were going to be AFK the day and couldnt defend themselves
didn't read the part you went AFK, also you KNOW me as a person and me going after someone who said they were going AFK is scummy asf. MA game that just happened, you pocketed me the ENTIRE game. Wanted to see if you would do it again. Every t/t game has ended with me calling you scum, you accusing me back, and then us reconsolidating and calling each other town if you remember. ALSO you know in every wolf game I've hard so far I've been pocketing you the entire time and you also know I am physically incapable of wolfing. I am obvious town to you rn.
hey @Luka mind replying to this?
Dont care
fuck youre town
you died N2 without any reads and only had me as Mafia because we were both different wolves and had TMI on the other
I didn't even host virtuous either and neither were you town
What is ExLight doing this eod?
apparently writing messages and being notified 28 others were posted in the meanwhile
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
then vote me?
I'd rather just get lynched D1 than have to deal with you tunneling me nonstop again
Do you have some sort of personal issue with me? Why do you keep doing this? Last game you also kept getting reasons out of thin air to keep telling people to push for me even though it almost caused our team to lose
I was already vocal that I didn't find Jamie's slot townie as usual and that yours was NAI at best. I now pointed out that I didn't like Bob's vote. How is being content with these three gaining some traction "all over the place"?
You were complaining about no reads and when I take a more vocal stance on some of the slots that are catching my attention in a negative manner you start saying they're scummy? Give a break.
Let's wagon Ex @Everyone
Ex wants to be voted D1, they say it here themselves
Vote: ExLight
I kind of townread both Ice and Luka honestly.
See ice you arent bad at being mafia have pride
I swear I will send you every single game we were t/t and you can reeval to see if we've had a fight like this in it before
youre town this is so sad gamers
What is ExLight doing this eod?
Throwing darts at a picture of my pfp probably
The constant 'Cait keeps tunneling me' also is like; so blatantly untrue and manipulative. I quite literally did NOT tunnel ExLight in my only previous game with them
Why your PFP is cute Vote: ExLight
I didn't even host virtuous either and neither were you town
Arent you the CO on FoL - the game that just got reracked
Inclined to keep my vote on Jamie
I was contemplating it but it doesn't seem likely to be a hit imo.
Luka has extraordinarily confident reads and has had the whole game. Staking their life on Leesbra and Cait being town and now immediately death tunneling IceT.
Tis weird.
What is ExLight doing this eod?
apparently writing messages and being notified 28 others were posted in the meanwhile
This can be disabled
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Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
omg cait town slipped
Cait or Luka?
Perhaps there's a vibe issue with ExLight and that ATE. Feels awkward thrown into the EOD pace.
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
then vote me?
I'd rather just get lynched D1 than have to deal with you tunneling me nonstop again
Do you have some sort of personal issue with me? Why do you keep doing this? Last game you also kept getting reasons out of thin air to keep telling people to push for me even though it almost caused our team to lose
I was already vocal that I didn't find Jamie's slot townie as usual and that yours was NAI at best. I now pointed out that I didn't like Bob's vote. How is being content with these three gaining some traction "all over the place"?
You were complaining about no reads and when I take a more vocal stance on some of the slots that are catching my attention in a negative manner you start saying they're scummy? Give a break.
theyre twon too
ex + cait + icyt + bob + me town core Vote: Unvote
Inclined to keep my vote on Jamie
I was contemplating it but it doesn't seem likely to be a hit imo.
Luka has extraordinarily confident reads and has had the whole game. Staking their life on Leesbra and Cait being town and now immediately death tunneling IceT.
Tis weird.
Refresh my memory; has Luka cased someone already?
I kind of townread both Ice and Luka honestly.
See ice you arent bad at being mafia have pride
I swear I will send you every single game we were t/t and you can reeval to see if we've had a fight like this in it before
youre town this is so sad gamers
What is ExLight doing this eod?
Throwing darts at a picture of my pfp probably
The constant 'Cait keeps tunneling me' also is like; so blatantly untrue and manipulative. I quite literally did NOT tunnel ExLight in my only previous game with them
Why your PFP is cute Vote: ExLight
I didn't even host virtuous either and neither were you town
Arent you the CO on FoL - the game that just got reracked
game is still ongoing + I didn't read the game at all I was dealing with the game integ breach
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
then vote me?
I'd rather just get lynched D1 than have to deal with you tunneling me nonstop again
Do you have some sort of personal issue with me? Why do you keep doing this? Last game you also kept getting reasons out of thin air to keep telling people to push for me even though it almost caused our team to lose
I was already vocal that I didn't find Jamie's slot townie as usual and that yours was NAI at best. I now pointed out that I didn't like Bob's vote. How is being content with these three gaining some traction "all over the place"?
You were complaining about no reads and when I take a more vocal stance on some of the slots that are catching my attention in a negative manner you start saying they're scummy? Give a break.
What of my vote?
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
omg cait town slipped
Cait or Luka?
I think both
oh nevermind
I see
ICet and Luka finding each other town is kinda sudden, but I'm happy with it
Inclined to keep my vote on Jamie
I was contemplating it but it doesn't seem likely to be a hit imo.
Luka has extraordinarily confident reads and has had the whole game. Staking their life on Leesbra and Cait being town and now immediately death tunneling IceT.
Tis weird.
Refresh my memory; has Luka cased someone already?
Not to my mind. Just overly confident hot takes engine.
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
omg cait town slipped
Cait or Luka?
I think both
No Cait is claiming to have been reaction testing.
Inclined to keep my vote on Jamie
I was contemplating it but it doesn't seem likely to be a hit imo.
Luka has extraordinarily confident reads and has had the whole game. Staking their life on Leesbra and Cait being town and now immediately death tunneling IceT.
Tis weird.
Refresh my memory; has Luka cased someone already?
Not to my mind. Just overly confident hot takes engine.
Well not that sus then imo
>Also sigh I do kinda TR Ex's AtE
Vote: JamieIsBored
ICet and Luka finding each other town is kinda sudden, but I'm happy with it
If icet uses that ate as scum im remembering it for the future
Vote: callahan
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
omg cait town slipped
Cait or Luka?
I think both
No Cait is claiming to have been reaction testing.
I knew it was 2
I have enacted a harsh anti-ATE policy in my reads and will not award town credit for it.
Vote: callahan
I really really dont wanna vote there sorry
Callahan's return just after I left just feels so town!Callahan
I dont rlly know how to describe it but meta-wise I think she's def town
this actually doesn't change the fact how I think Luka is town now but Luka could've 100% faked that slip
I kind of townread both Ice and Luka honestly.
See ice you arent bad at being mafia have pride
I swear I will send you every single game we were t/t and you can reeval to see if we've had a fight like this in it before
youre town this is so sad gamers
What is ExLight doing this eod?
Throwing darts at a picture of my pfp probably
The constant 'Cait keeps tunneling me' also is like; so blatantly untrue and manipulative. I quite literally did NOT tunnel ExLight in my only previous game with them
Why your PFP is cute Vote: ExLight
I didn't even host virtuous either and neither were you town
Arent you the CO on FoL - the game that just got reracked
I'm surprised to see you voting me, why's that?
I have enacted a harsh anti-ATE policy in my reads and will not award town credit for it.
I am miss AtE so you will love playing with me
Fwiw tho it's mostly because I just can't control my emotions
I last checked the topic 20 minutes ago and around 100 posts have been made, jeez. I'll be here for EoD, let me just read up.
I last checked the topic 20 minutes ago and around 100 posts have been made, jeez. I'll be here for EoD, let me just read up.
You have ten minutes I am afraid.
this actually doesn't change the fact how I think Luka is town now but Luka could've 100% faked that slip
Icet being convinced by the slip is so pure & townie
Icet/Callahan/Serif is my towncore
Vote: callahan
I really really dont wanna vote there sorry
Callahan's return just after I left just feels so town!Callahan
I dont rlly know how to describe it but meta-wise I think she's def town
Can you offer a more thorough explanation of it?
I kind of townread both Ice and Luka honestly.
See ice you arent bad at being mafia have pride
I swear I will send you every single game we were t/t and you can reeval to see if we've had a fight like this in it before
youre town this is so sad gamers
What is ExLight doing this eod?
Throwing darts at a picture of my pfp probably
The constant 'Cait keeps tunneling me' also is like; so blatantly untrue and manipulative. I quite literally did NOT tunnel ExLight in my only previous game with them
Why your PFP is cute Vote: ExLight
I didn't even host virtuous either and neither were you town
Arent you the CO on FoL - the game that just got reracked
I'm surprised to see you voting me, why's that?
Dunno who else
you town told tho
I have enacted a harsh anti-ATE policy in my reads and will not award town credit for it.
I am miss AtE so you will love playing with me
Fwiw tho it's mostly because I just can't control my emotions
no youre not - you rarely use ate in my experience
yall need to ise the vote command to vote cuz it aint registering
Vote: JamieIsBored this is the best wagon we have atm unless we can get a CFD
this actually doesn't change the fact how I think Luka is town now but Luka could've 100% faked that slip
Icet being convinced by the slip is so pure & townie
Icet/Callahan/Serif is my towncore
can I be added
why do people TR Laseeb btw
theyre my top CFD wagon atm
this actually doesn't change the fact how I think Luka is town now but Luka could've 100% faked that slip
Icet being convinced by the slip is so pure & townie
Icet/Callahan/Serif is my towncore
That is a nigh unbelievable towncore.
I'm way too lazy to try to verify the vote count pls make sure your votes are counting thanks
I'm surprised to see you voting me, why's that?
kinda wolfy
ICet and Luka finding each other town is kinda sudden, but I'm happy with it
If icet uses that ate as scum im remembering it for the future
ive used 0 ate this game
why do people TR Laseeb btw
Seemed pretty archetypally new player town in most of their posts, and might be "thread spewed" if such a thing exists.
Jamie not here and nobody really speaking up in his defense as a shrugyeet is not a great sign.
youve might have used it tho
Vote: callahan
I really really dont wanna vote there sorry
Callahan's return just after I left just feels so town!Callahan
I dont rlly know how to describe it but meta-wise I think she's def town
Can you offer a more thorough explanation of it?
It's just kinda like... It feels like she really cares about solving the game and looking good, and what I realized now is that she isnt *actually* confident. It feels like she's just playing up her confidence, which to me makes it look more genuine. I'd overall say confident!Callahan is more likely mafia as I said before, with the outtake being the video. But this feels like an up-played confidence also shown by how she takes a step back from just pushing JJJ later, when mafia!her could probs continue doing so; she was winning the battle and JJJ being voted out would be a valuable vote for mafia. If she was mafia I think she'd stick there or just display more actual confidence
Vote: ExLight
I'm surprised to see you voting me, why's that?
kinda wolfy
me or luka?
he avoided interacting with me or giving a read on me all game and suddenly dropped a vote on me after cait's "vote" with less than 10 min remaining
I don't think it's wolfy to find it weird nor ask why
why do people TR Laseeb btw
Seemed pretty archetypally new player town in most of their posts, and might be "thread spewed" if such a thing exists.
the only time ive seen someone use threadspewed before was from caitlin and we were wolf together
I last checked the topic 20 minutes ago and around 100 posts have been made, jeez. I'll be here for EoD, let me just read up.
You have ten minutes I am afraid.
I thought I could read all the posts in that time. At the rate they are being generated? I am.. less certain. I'll skim and then join you all in realtime.
this actually doesn't change the fact how I think Luka is town now but Luka could've 100% faked that slip
Icet being convinced by the slip is so pure & townie
Icet/Callahan/Serif is my towncore
That is a nigh unbelievable towncore.
I don't see why you view that way. I've been defending Callahan earlier and expressed my TR on her various times. I have been defending Icet this EoD. I have not discussed Serif but thats only cause the chat has been going quick and I have not yet had the opportunity
Vote: ExLight
so much for being your top townread huh
Jamie not here and nobody really speaking up in his defense as a shrugyeet is not a great sign.
Thought on Numbers?
Vote: callahan
I really really dont wanna vote there sorry
Callahan's return just after I left just feels so town!Callahan
I dont rlly know how to describe it but meta-wise I think she's def town
Can you offer a more thorough explanation of it?
It's just kinda like... It feels like she really cares about solving the game and looking good, and what I realized now is that she isnt *actually* confident. It feels like she's just playing up her confidence, which to me makes it look more genuine. I'd overall say confident!Callahan is more likely mafia as I said before, with the outtake being the video. But this feels like an up-played confidence also shown by how she takes a step back from just pushing JJJ later, when mafia!her could probs continue doing so; she was winning the battle and JJJ being voted out would be a valuable vote for mafia. If she was mafia I think she'd stick there or just display more actual confidence
Jay was never dying today with the way he played and my read on him. Winning the battle was never on the cards imo.
ICet and Luka finding each other town is kinda sudden, but I'm happy with it
If icet uses that ate as scum im remembering it for the future
ive used 0 ate this game
Okay my town read on you dropped
its scum lean now
I'm surprised to see you voting me, why's that?
kinda wolfy
me or luka?
he avoided interacting with me or giving a read on me all game and suddenly dropped a vote on me after cait's "vote" with less than 10 min remaining
I don't think it's wolfy to find it weird nor ask why
I genuinly town locked you during like the first 7 pages wdym avoided giving a read on you lol
Vote: ExLight
so much for being your top townread huh
Reads change and you haven't engaged me the countless olive branches I've extended.
Vote: callahan
I really really dont wanna vote there sorry
Callahan's return just after I left just feels so town!Callahan
I dont rlly know how to describe it but meta-wise I think she's def town
Can you offer a more thorough explanation of it?
It's just kinda like... It feels like she really cares about solving the game and looking good, and what I realized now is that she isnt *actually* confident. It feels like she's just playing up her confidence, which to me makes it look more genuine. I'd overall say confident!Callahan is more likely mafia as I said before, with the outtake being the video. But this feels like an up-played confidence also shown by how she takes a step back from just pushing JJJ later, when mafia!her could probs continue doing so; she was winning the battle and JJJ being voted out would be a valuable vote for mafia. If she was mafia I think she'd stick there or just display more actual confidence
Jay was never dying today with the way he played and my read on him. Winning the battle was never on the cards imo.
I think Callahan wouldve won it
You also werent playing as hard yet at the time, and I dont think Callahan knows you
I don't really like Ex's reaction rn but I also liked their posts before
Bob if you're super confident on Ex I'll vote with you
Jamie not here and nobody really speaking up in his defense as a shrugyeet is not a great sign.
Thought on Numbers?
I kinda townread them but the options are slim.
I don't really like Ex's reaction rn but I also liked their posts before
Bob if you're super confident on Ex I'll vote with you
Sadly I fear the AtE may be townie >.>
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
ICet and Luka finding each other town is kinda sudden, but I'm happy with it
If icet uses that ate as scum im remembering it for the future
ive used 0 ate this game
Okay my town read on you dropped
its scum lean now
I'm surprised to see you voting me, why's that?
kinda wolfy
me or luka?
he avoided interacting with me or giving a read on me all game and suddenly dropped a vote on me after cait's "vote" with less than 10 min remaining
I don't think it's wolfy to find it weird nor ask why
I genuinly town locked you during like the first 7 pages wdym avoided giving a read on you lol
Jamie not here and nobody really speaking up in his defense as a shrugyeet is not a great sign.
Thought on Numbers?
I kinda townread them but the options are slim.
Inconvenient. Because I do kinda see your paranoia so I'd want to vote Numbers otherwise but if you TR them then yea..
I don't really like Ex's reaction rn but I also liked their posts before
Bob if you're super confident on Ex I'll vote with you
You don't want to vote Jamie?
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
Youre mafia
Town core of Exlight + cait + the person with a vaporeon pfp forgot there name + bob
die mafia
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
I changed my mind
Can we pls not vote Ex
I think he's town now
I'm surprised to see you voting me, why's that?
kinda wolfy
me or luka?
he avoided interacting with me or giving a read on me all game and suddenly dropped a vote on me after cait's "vote" with less than 10 min remaining
I don't think it's wolfy to find it weird nor ask why
You kind of seem to be a few steps behind the pace of the thread, and the "I'm surprised" was kinda weird in tone.
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
Why would you do this you aren't even the vote leader?
Vote a scumread. This is silly.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
Youre mafia
Town core of Exlight + cait + the person with a vaporeon pfp forgot there name + bob
die mafia
Why switch again
I don't really like Ex's reaction rn but I also liked their posts before
Bob if you're super confident on Ex I'll vote with you
I don't like this. Ex has been very productive from what I've seen and killing them this early based on eod whims seems like the risk reward really isnt there. Also the language of this post is very hedgy. Not good.
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
Vote: Numbers
I ask ppl that dont want Jamie to pls vote here instead
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
Youre mafia
Town core of Exlight + cait + the person with a vaporeon pfp forgot there name + bob
die mafia
Why switch again
I only town read him for saying that he wouldnt vote me as scum due to me being afk from thead since it was inda ate
but then I realized he said he didnt see it
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
I changed my mind
Can we pls not vote Ex
I think he's town now
I actually think that self vote is scummy BC there's still a bigger wagon on them so it feels more like a tool for Mafia to use
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
Wdym w the numbers lol
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
Why would you do this you aren't even the vote leader?
Vote a scumread. This is silly.
if the hosts count the improper votes I have four on me (+luka and +cait) with icet wanting to vote me depending on your answer
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
This is the only place I'm comfortable today.
Vote: JamieIsBored
Have to consolidate.
Vote Jamie.
Vote: JamieIsBored
No one is following
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
Wdym w the numbers lol
he's been playing properly but he's been non committal with his reads
I'd really rather you lived D1 ExLight. Just saying
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
Why would you do this you aren't even the vote leader?
Vote a scumread. This is silly.
if the hosts count the improper votes I have four on me (+luka and +cait) with icet wanting to vote me depending on your answer
I was never planning to vote you out I was just trying to generate vote logic.
Day Ends
You all have 5 minutes to tell me if your vote was not counted correctly in the Vote Count with proof preferably
End of Day 1
The sun sets and the darkness swallows the Den whole. You can hardly see a thing at all.
Throughout the day fingers were pointed in all directions. And yet by the end of the day a consensus was reached and so the game master descended into the dark night.
"Hello my lovelies. You have chosen. And so your will is executed," she pulled out a knife stabbing Jamie in the chest as he lay sleeping in a tent nearby. "Guess I can't blame you for that I mean he slept through most of the day. Narcolepsy or whatever."
She giggled with a click the knife was folded in and put in her pocket. She tented her fingers turning and walking away.
"Wait Abbi like you gonna tell us what he was?" ExLight asked
"Oh right. I have to do that." She giggled bouncing back over to the group and smiling kissing Caitlin on the cheek.
"Skill issue," she said. "He was town okay toodles. Sleep well."
JamieIsBored is dead. He was Vanilla Town N1 ends at 5 pm CENTRAL TIME Sunday November 5th.
Vote Count
This should be without anybody who subbed out
ExLight: 1 (ExLight)
JamieIsBored: 4 (GloriousBob, Caitlinuwu, JaggedJimmyJay, IcetFeelsPain)
Unvote: 1 (callahan)
IcetFeelsPain: 2 (Luka, serif;)
Caitlinuwu: 1 (JamieIsBored)
No Vote (Never Voted): Numbers, Leesbra
Day 2 Begins
"Wakey wakey bitches!" Abigail cheerfully bounced into the camp site smashing two pots together as the Adventurers groggily exited their tents save one.
"Where's Bob?" Ice asked rubbing his hands together.
"Oh his glorious gloriousness won't be gracing us with his most glorious presence anymore," Abigail sighed breathing through her nose. "Sad really the most Glorious of Bobs couldn't save himself from the sword that was struck right through his glorious heart."
"You're having way too much fun with this babe," Caitlin said, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Should I be concerned?"
"Oh silly no of course not," Abigail skipped around the fire pit to where Caitlin was and kissed her on the cheek. "It's a most glorious day, this isn't a red flag at all, " she said giggling.
"Please stop," Caitlin sighed.
"Okay okay ruin my fun," Abigail dropped her head for only a single moment then cast a smile back and skipped over to the tent of GloriousBob opening it up. Inside was Bob on his back, a sword cast through his heart.
"So anyways have a…"
"I swear to God if you say glorious," Caitlin whispered.
"...glorious day," Abigail finished.
She ran over to Caitlin, kissed her and then ran to the exit of the Den. "Happy hunting!"
GloriousBob was found stabbed through the heart and your too late he gives love a Glorious name!
GloriousBob was Vanilla Town
Rip Jamie & Bob, but eh, only VT's dead so not bad
my slot now looks dogshit with these flips I will scream
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
Wdym w the numbers lol
he's been playing properly but he's been non committal with his reads
Btw not my brightest moment but despite me pushing Numbers, I thought you were talking about the actual word numbers... Thats why I asked 'wdym w the numbers' :skull: I was being dumb >.<
Also afaik I didnt mess up the votes? Cuz I saw some ppl say that apparantly I did, but my votes show in the vote history. I just changed often
Gtg rn, just wanted to see who died. If no one else does I'll try to find Bob's legacy later, I just remember them sr'ing me and tr'ing Ex atm
Vote: Numbers
I ask ppl that dont want Jamie to pls vote here instead
This was Townie
I don't really like Ex's reaction rn but I also liked their posts before
Bob if you're super confident on Ex I'll vote with you
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
I changed my mind
Can we pls not vote Ex
I think he's town now
I actually think that self vote is scummy BC there's still a bigger wagon on them so it feels more like a tool for Mafia to use
This was awfully scummy
Waking up to see Bob dead was… a surprise. Our numbers are dropping quickly, so it only feels right to observe out fellow townmen closely today.
Waking up to see Bob dead was… a surprise. Our numbers are dropping quickly, so it only feels right to observe out fellow townmen closely today.
Rlly not that quickly
Its still 7v2 of which we have 3 power roles in our town team
This is an imo, townsided setup
Waking up to see Bob dead was… a surprise. Our numbers are dropping quickly, so it only feels right to observe out fellow townmen closely today.
Rlly not that quickly
Its still 7v2 of which we have 3 power roles in our town team
This is an imo, townsided setup
I guess we still have a few more nights… but we still should pay attention to see who might be evil.
Hey folks. I'm going to be away this evening, because Sunday is for football. I have some ideas though about how I might begin to get into some deeper analysis of the game than just vibes, and I will dig into things soon. As low-key as Day 1 was (at least by the standard of what I am accustomed to), there was enough "drama" and interactive content to begin to build a proper game theory. I'll do that.
Hey everyone. Interesting end to day 1 there. I'm exhausted so I'll cover some posts later. Just checking in.
Hey folks. I'm going to be away this evening, because Sunday is for football. I have some ideas though about how I might begin to get into some deeper analysis of the game than just vibes, and I will dig into things soon. As low-key as Day 1 was (at least by the standard of what I am accustomed to), there was enough "drama" and interactive content to begin to build a proper game theory. I'll do that.
Let me know how the game goes! I was going to watch but it looks like I'm missing it again. I keep planning to watch and then completely forgetting until a day after. Maybe next time :P
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
Wdym w the numbers lol
he's been playing properly but he's been non committal with his reads
Btw not my brightest moment but despite me pushing Numbers, I thought you were talking about the actual word numbers... Thats why I asked 'wdym w the numbers' :skull: I was being dumb >.<
Also afaik I didnt mess up the votes? Cuz I saw some ppl say that apparantly I did, but my votes show in the vote history. I just changed often
Gtg rn, just wanted to see who died. If no one else does I'll try to find Bob's legacy later, I just remember them sr'ing me and tr'ing Ex atm
I mean the player Numbers, lmao
is what I meant, not committal. Apparently that means something else.
Bob was townreading me all D1 then they suddenly had a change of heart and voted me out of nowhere when my wagon was gaining speed, which had come off to me as extremely opportunistic. I understand that it might've been a bit of OMGUS since I pushed for them a bit, but it came off as extremely weird to me since they were vocal for a good chunk of the day about me being their top town reading and suddenly they don't mind if I die.
His reaction to me self-voting was somewhat townie, but I don't think this matter much now that he flipped.
I think there's some interaction between Luka and Icet that might be interesting for us to work with here.
For now I will:
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
Waking up to see Bob dead was… a surprise. Our numbers are dropping quickly, so it only feels right to observe out fellow townmen closely today.
that's a bit shallow
you never voted D1, why?
Waking up to see Bob dead was… a surprise. Our numbers are dropping quickly, so it only feels right to observe out fellow townmen closely today.
why do you think it was "a surprise"?
I want to make a really dramatic post but I'll be busy the next 24 hours
Cait Luka locked town Numbers Exlight scum (possibly serif over Exlight)
Vote: Numbers
Tick, tick, tick.
The beautiful town was left undisturbed as moonlight washes over the horizon.
Tick, tick, tick
It was nearly midnight.
A gunshot could be heard.
The sky was a crimson red as blood flowed like river through the streets. Maniacal laughing could be heard over the horizon as Godfather Exlight steps over the now dead body of Luka.
Behind him, footsteps could be heard. The door to Caitlin's house was open as Roleblocker Numbers walks out holding a pistol in his hand... and the lifeless body of GloriousBob.
Then I woke
It was all a dream, and clearly I could've been imagining things. But dreams are prophecies, dreams provide us for insights into the future. While the fall of Wintreath was all in my head, I am certain that the Mafia team is Numbers and Exlight.
Dramatic post actual reasoning will come when I'm free ily all bye <3
that's a bit shallow
you never voted D1, why?
I never had a firm belief in anyone being mafia day 1, and I didn’t want to vote in blind confidence.
why do you think it was "a surprise"?
Because Bob didn’t interact with people a lot? It didn’t seem like someone would want to go after them with how distant they seemed…
I want to make a really dramatic post but I'll be busy the next 24 hours
Cait Luka locked town Numbers Exlight scum (possibly serif over Exlight)
Vote: Numbers
if you thought I was mafia then why did you hesitate lynching me and instead needed to ask for bob's approval at EoD?
that's a bit shallow
you never voted D1, why?
I never had a firm belief in anyone being mafia day 1, and I didn’t want to vote in blind confidence.
That's a very beginner mentality.
Noone has a firm belief D1, but votes are important because they can helps start discussion plus they're a source of information later on. Consider throwing some votes around more next time.
You can always take back your vote if you're unsure, but usually people at least make a RVS (Random Stage Voting) vote.
What are your reads so far?
that's a bit shallow
you never voted D1, why?
I never had a firm belief in anyone being mafia day 1, and I didn’t want to vote in blind confidence.
That's a very beginner mentality.
Noone has a firm belief D1, but votes are important because they can helps start discussion plus they're a source of information later on. Consider throwing some votes around more next time.
You can always take back your vote if you're unsure, but usually people at least make a RVS (Random Stage Voting) vote.
What are your reads so far?
Well, since it isn’t the beginning day anymore I am thinking of putting a vote on someone, but I still have the problem of who.
So far I only have an opinion on Luka, JJJ and IceT. Luka I feel is safer, JJJ leans a bit more on the eviler side to me (though not by much) and IceT being so bold like so hasn’t left me with a lot of good feelings about them.
I’m going to look at other people and try and see what they might be through the day, but starting off this is what I have.
I want to make a really dramatic post but I'll be busy the next 24 hours
Cait Luka locked town Numbers Exlight scum (possibly serif over Exlight)
Vote: Numbers
if you thought I was mafia then why did you hesitate lynching me and instead needed to ask for bob's approval at EoD?
it was a shower thought I had at night
I really thought you were town D1 off the ATE. I also thought Jamie was town, but atp I liked them more than you so I was really only going to pivot to you if Bob was super confident.
After reevaling at night the ATE... I guess got weaker?
ATM I have Cait and Luka as locked Town. I'm willing to sheep Luka on Leesbra since they would stake their life on it.
Leaves me Serif / JJJ / Calla / Numbers / Ex
I said D1 how I think JJJ and Calla was town, and it hasn't changed for me. My POE is left with Serif / Ex / Numbers, and while I can see either Serif / Ex being town, Numbers is locked Mafia in every world.
If you would ask me to thunderdome Numbers I would 100% do it
Pretty sure this game is solved btw
You can ignore this completely if I'm scum but if I'm town, Cait / Luka are almost always town. Again I don't TR Leesbra but I'm willing to trust Luka to put them in my towncore
We only need a towncore of 5.
Even if you don't include myself in it, that's 3 already! Added we also have 3 unclaimed PRs in the setup and a tracker check that potentially half clears someone / is a red check.
the roles are fairly weak and while they can catch scum it's a bit unlikely
they don't clear anyone well either
tracker doesn't claim anyone until there's only one scum left (and if not roleblocked, although I don't know if tracker is warned if they're roleblocked) and cop is only useful to catch the roleblocker
ideally we get all the PRs in the Final 5 and then a massclaim breaks the game
If you would ask me to thunderdome Numbers I would 100% do it
Thunderdome number mafia Vote: IcetFeelsPain
*doesn't clear anyone until (...)
If you would ask me to thunderdome Numbers I would 100% do it
Thunderdome number mafia Vote: IcetFeelsPain
If you would ask me to thunderdome Numbers I would 100% do it
Thunderdome number mafia Vote: IcetFeelsPain
you arent this confident as town
If you would ask me to thunderdome Numbers I would 100% do it
Thunderdome number mafia Vote: IcetFeelsPain
you arent this confident as town
I am and you will follow me
Throwback to the game where I thunderdomed the mason as town
Throwback to the game where I thunderdomed the mason as town
Not sure whether to be baffled or amazed
Tick, tick, tick.
The beautiful town was left undisturbed as moonlight washes over the horizon.
Tick, tick, tick
It was nearly midnight.
A gunshot could be heard.
The sky was a crimson red as blood flowed like river through the streets. Maniacal laughing could be heard over the horizon as Godfather Exlight steps over the now dead body of Luka.
Behind him, footsteps could be heard. The door to Caitlin's house was open as Roleblocker Numbers walks out holding a pistol in his hand... and the lifeless body of GloriousBob.
Then I woke
It was all a dream, and clearly I could've been imagining things. But dreams are prophecies, dreams provide us for insights into the future. While the fall of Wintreath was all in my head, I am certain that the Mafia team is Numbers and Exlight.
Dramatic post actual reasoning will come when I'm free ily all bye <3
I know we are saying that the Tracker should not claim, which I agree on for what it's worth, but if you are the Tracker and tracked Numbers to myself and Bob, then you rlly should claim. Because if that's the case then surely mafia will already know this is a claim, so for full transparancy you should confirm: Are you the Tracker that tracked Numbers to me and Bob? If yes then confirm, if at least one claim there isn't the case, then say it's false
Because if Numbers is redchecked, then it's important we know, lol
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
Wdym w the numbers lol
he's been playing properly but he's been non committal with his reads
Btw not my brightest moment but despite me pushing Numbers, I thought you were talking about the actual word numbers... Thats why I asked 'wdym w the numbers' :skull: I was being dumb >.<
Also afaik I didnt mess up the votes? Cuz I saw some ppl say that apparantly I did, but my votes show in the vote history. I just changed often
Gtg rn, just wanted to see who died. If no one else does I'll try to find Bob's legacy later, I just remember them sr'ing me and tr'ing Ex atm
I mean the player Numbers, lmao
is what I meant, not committal. Apparently that means something else.
Bob was townreading me all D1 then they suddenly had a change of heart and voted me out of nowhere when my wagon was gaining speed, which had come off to me as extremely opportunistic. I understand that it might've been a bit of OMGUS since I pushed for them a bit, but it came off as extremely weird to me since they were vocal for a good chunk of the day about me being their top town reading and suddenly they don't mind if I die.
His reaction to me self-voting was somewhat townie, but I don't think this matter much now that he flipped.
I think there's some interaction between Luka and Icet that might be interesting for us to work with here.
For now I will:
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
Pink -> No offense but, I think you sometimes seem to struggle with really reading the whole thread. Yes, the pink statement happened. However Bob clearly didn't actually suspect you. Bob also stated this near EoD, it was just a test to see what would happen. During the time it seemed real yes, but I assume it's most likely that the mafia acted thinking Bob trusted you? Unless the mafia also missed it, ofcourse. This also for example was the case when I restated why I asked you about appearing; I quite literally stated in the post that it could've been a coincidence, and that's why I asked, yet in your reply you just seemed to ignore that part of it, or you didn't read that part, Idk which of the two
Blue -> Why do you suddenly want us to look in that interaction? I assume you're referring to the D1 one. Why did you not want to look into it on D1?
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
Why would you do this you aren't even the vote leader?
Vote a scumread. This is silly.
if the hosts count the improper votes I have four on me (+luka and +cait) with icet wanting to vote me depending on your answer
I was never planning to vote you out I was just trying to generate vote logic.
Look, Bob said it here. Just above Abbi's final posts. So if mafia truely read all Bob's posts, they would've killed Bob under the assumption that Bob trusted Ex, not sussed Ex
Anyway my availability on mondays, wednesdays, thursdays and fridays is rather limited, sadly, so don't expect much from me today till quite a few hours from now. I hate phoneposting and I'm just not on my laptop much on days that I have uni, since I'm mostly just travelling (commuting moment)
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
Wdym w the numbers lol
he's been playing properly but he's been non committal with his reads
Btw not my brightest moment but despite me pushing Numbers, I thought you were talking about the actual word numbers... Thats why I asked 'wdym w the numbers' :skull: I was being dumb >.<
Also afaik I didnt mess up the votes? Cuz I saw some ppl say that apparantly I did, but my votes show in the vote history. I just changed often
Gtg rn, just wanted to see who died. If no one else does I'll try to find Bob's legacy later, I just remember them sr'ing me and tr'ing Ex atm
I mean the player Numbers, lmao
is what I meant, not committal. Apparently that means something else.
Bob was townreading me all D1 then they suddenly had a change of heart and voted me out of nowhere when my wagon was gaining speed, which had come off to me as extremely opportunistic. I understand that it might've been a bit of OMGUS since I pushed for them a bit, but it came off as extremely weird to me since they were vocal for a good chunk of the day about me being their top town reading and suddenly they don't mind if I die.
His reaction to me self-voting was somewhat townie, but I don't think this matter much now that he flipped.
I think there's some interaction between Luka and Icet that might be interesting for us to work with here.
For now I will:
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
Pink -> No offense but, I think you sometimes seem to struggle with really reading the whole thread. Yes, the pink statement happened. However Bob clearly didn't actually suspect you. Bob also stated this near EoD, it was just a test to see what would happen. During the time it seemed real yes, but I assume it's most likely that the mafia acted thinking Bob trusted you? Unless the mafia also missed it, ofcourse. This also for example was the case when I restated why I asked you about appearing; I quite literally stated in the post that it could've been a coincidence, and that's why I asked, yet in your reply you just seemed to ignore that part of it, or you didn't read that part, Idk which of the two
Blue -> Why do you suddenly want us to look in that interaction? I assume you're referring to the D1 one. Why did you not want to look into it on D1?
Blue interaction is fair ngl ngl I dont think its to bad
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
Why would you do this you aren't even the vote leader?
Vote a scumread. This is silly.
if the hosts count the improper votes I have four on me (+luka and +cait) with icet wanting to vote me depending on your answer
I was never planning to vote you out I was just trying to generate vote logic.
Look, Bob said it here. Just above Abbi's final posts. So if mafia truely read all Bob's posts, they would've killed Bob under the assumption that Bob trusted Ex, not sussed Ex
Never look into night kills imo ever - to easy to just kill a person with horrible reads
Ice might just be being silly which is what im worried about
hate the lack of discussion today
step it up >.<
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
Wdym w the numbers lol
he's been playing properly but he's been non committal with his reads
Btw not my brightest moment but despite me pushing Numbers, I thought you were talking about the actual word numbers... Thats why I asked 'wdym w the numbers' :skull: I was being dumb >.<
Also afaik I didnt mess up the votes? Cuz I saw some ppl say that apparantly I did, but my votes show in the vote history. I just changed often
Gtg rn, just wanted to see who died. If no one else does I'll try to find Bob's legacy later, I just remember them sr'ing me and tr'ing Ex atm
I mean the player Numbers, lmao
is what I meant, not committal. Apparently that means something else.
Bob was townreading me all D1 then they suddenly had a change of heart and voted me out of nowhere when my wagon was gaining speed, which had come off to me as extremely opportunistic. I understand that it might've been a bit of OMGUS since I pushed for them a bit, but it came off as extremely weird to me since they were vocal for a good chunk of the day about me being their top town reading and suddenly they don't mind if I die.
His reaction to me self-voting was somewhat townie, but I don't think this matter much now that he flipped.
I think there's some interaction between Luka and Icet that might be interesting for us to work with here.
For now I will:
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
Pink -> No offense but, I think you sometimes seem to struggle with really reading the whole thread. Yes, the pink statement happened. However Bob clearly didn't actually suspect you. Bob also stated this near EoD, it was just a test to see what would happen. During the time it seemed real yes, but I assume it's most likely that the mafia acted thinking Bob trusted you? Unless the mafia also missed it, ofcourse. This also for example was the case when I restated why I asked you about appearing; I quite literally stated in the post that it could've been a coincidence, and that's why I asked, yet in your reply you just seemed to ignore that part of it, or you didn't read that part, Idk which of the two
Blue -> Why do you suddenly want us to look in that interaction? I assume you're referring to the D1 one. Why did you not want to look into it on D1?
Up to Bob's flip it was WIFOM, scum can claim whatever excuse to justify their actions. With his flip now we know he was likely testing reactions like he said later on, but when he placed the vote it just came off as scum openwolfing because it tied (or at least tried to tie, had the votes been counted) my wagon with the leading one.
The part the blue interaction refers to refers mainly to the interactions that happened at EoD, so there wasn't much time for me to talk about it previously. Unless they're doing some major really convincing theater I think it's pretty clear that these two are unlikely to be the same alignment. I was already townleaning Luka, and with Icet wanting an excuse from the now townflipped player to jump into my wagon and mislynch me I saw red flags on that slot. Them bringing up some sort of fiasco (them tunneling a mason in a previous game) as an attempt to justify their confidence on suddenly pushing me ("confidence", if they truly were confident they wouldn't have asked Bob for an excuse to vote me) almost comes off as TMI because it has some minor implications that they're aware I'm town.
Tick, tick, tick.
The beautiful town was left undisturbed as moonlight washes over the horizon.
Tick, tick, tick
It was nearly midnight.
A gunshot could be heard.
The sky was a crimson red as blood flowed like river through the streets. Maniacal laughing could be heard over the horizon as Godfather Exlight steps over the now dead body of Luka.
Behind him, footsteps could be heard. The door to Caitlin's house was open as Roleblocker Numbers walks out holding a pistol in his hand... and the lifeless body of GloriousBob.
Then I woke
It was all a dream, and clearly I could've been imagining things. But dreams are prophecies, dreams provide us for insights into the future. While the fall of Wintreath was all in my head, I am certain that the Mafia team is Numbers and Exlight.
Dramatic post actual reasoning will come when I'm free ily all bye <3
I know we are saying that the Tracker should not claim, which I agree on for what it's worth, but if you are the Tracker and tracked Numbers to myself and Bob, then you rlly should claim. Because if that's the case then surely mafia will already know this is a claim, so for full transparancy you should confirm: Are you the Tracker that tracked Numbers to me and Bob? If yes then confirm, if at least one claim there isn't the case, then say it's false
Because if Numbers is redchecked, then it's important we know, lol
Yeah my bad if I made it too obvious lol
Nightkill discussion isn't worth it, yea.
I don't like Leesbra comment on the kill because it's scum often feels compelled to comment on those. Plus the mention of it being weird still doesn't make sense to me. To me the only reason someone would find it weird is if they thought that slot could've been mislynched or if they were scumreading it. Leesbra doesn't seem to have a reasoning based on either of these, even though the latter would make sense due to OMGUS as Bob was sitting on him for most of the phase. Bob didn't have little interaction imo.
Tick, tick, tick.
The beautiful town was left undisturbed as moonlight washes over the horizon.
Tick, tick, tick
It was nearly midnight.
A gunshot could be heard.
The sky was a crimson red as blood flowed like river through the streets. Maniacal laughing could be heard over the horizon as Godfather Exlight steps over the now dead body of Luka.
Behind him, footsteps could be heard. The door to Caitlin's house was open as Roleblocker Numbers walks out holding a pistol in his hand... and the lifeless body of GloriousBob.
Then I woke
It was all a dream, and clearly I could've been imagining things. But dreams are prophecies, dreams provide us for insights into the future. While the fall of Wintreath was all in my head, I am certain that the Mafia team is Numbers and Exlight.
Dramatic post actual reasoning will come when I'm free ily all bye <3
I know we are saying that the Tracker should not claim, which I agree on for what it's worth, but if you are the Tracker and tracked Numbers to myself and Bob, then you rlly should claim. Because if that's the case then surely mafia will already know this is a claim, so for full transparancy you should confirm: Are you the Tracker that tracked Numbers to me and Bob? If yes then confirm, if at least one claim there isn't the case, then say it's false
Because if Numbers is redchecked, then it's important we know, lol
Yeah my bad if I made it too obvious lol
Is this a serious claim?
don't just vanish after claiming something that messes all my reads
Vote: Unvote
Tick, tick, tick.
The beautiful town was left undisturbed as moonlight washes over the horizon.
Tick, tick, tick
It was nearly midnight.
A gunshot could be heard.
The sky was a crimson red as blood flowed like river through the streets. Maniacal laughing could be heard over the horizon as Godfather Exlight steps over the now dead body of Luka.
Behind him, footsteps could be heard. The door to Caitlin's house was open as Roleblocker Numbers walks out holding a pistol in his hand... and the lifeless body of GloriousBob.
Then I woke
It was all a dream, and clearly I could've been imagining things. But dreams are prophecies, dreams provide us for insights into the future. While the fall of Wintreath was all in my head, I am certain that the Mafia team is Numbers and Exlight.
Dramatic post actual reasoning will come when I'm free ily all bye <3
I know we are saying that the Tracker should not claim, which I agree on for what it's worth, but if you are the Tracker and tracked Numbers to myself and Bob, then you rlly should claim. Because if that's the case then surely mafia will already know this is a claim, so for full transparancy you should confirm: Are you the Tracker that tracked Numbers to me and Bob? If yes then confirm, if at least one claim there isn't the case, then say it's false
Because if Numbers is redchecked, then it's important we know, lol
Yeah my bad if I made it too obvious lol
Is this a serious claim?
Vote: Numbers
I guess that's why you're so confident/ nonchalant
If the roleblocker was caught that means the cop is now useless since everyone appears as town.
We won't be able to use another tracker shot because scum can always shoot you twice in a row to guarantee a kill (once being disrupted by the bodyguard, and once on N3), as such it is not worth bodyguarding your slot unless it's an odd night.
As such, the bodyguard should not NOT try to disrupt the kill toNight. Both the Cop and the Bodyguard act more as Innocent Child(ren) here, and we can guarantee a win if they both make to final 3, as opposed to being a 50/50 if only one PR makes to it (ie. if the bodyguard delays the kill).
Luka feels a bit worse at first glance.
I'll have to ISO Numbers later. I was mindmelding a bit with them but I had them on null-scummy since they were avoiding committing to voting.
I was wondering if there could be some roleblocking scumbud shenanigans, but Cait's CFD attempt D1 pretty much townclears her because scum never suggests that in a setup this small.
H! I AM SO SORRY I DID NOT SEE THE ANNOUNCEMENT, I was like why is this night so long and then I checked. I will read everything when I get home! I’m so sorry!
I looked back over Numbers, and my impression is similar as for ExLight. Their posts exist.
I am a bit unclear on their reads, which at times seem sort of "implied" rather than stated clearly. @Numbers, I'd appreciate if you could clarify where you stand on everyone. A reads list or something similar would be super.
Generally I try not to stand on people and probably tend to favor their left side, likely because I'm a righty myself.
I've stated very few reads so your view isn't surprising. But since you asked, here's some rainbow sherbet:
BobbyMac isn't a hard town read but when you're that glorious you get to be green anyway. While this might not be Mac that I know from hydra games I feel like it's in line for Bob's presence in London adventure so I feel like that is NAI Bob persona vs how Mac just normally plays. I talked about why Luka had town points before and Ex just feels like he does whenever I rope him into games and he's half paying attention which I would attribute to lower pressure town!Ex vs scum!Ex. Serif, T, and Jamie are replacement null for now. Callahan I didn't really have issue with in terms of stances, as said before the over the top bit just gives me pause because I don't have meta experience there. On the other side of that coin is JJJ who I feel is performative but I'm paused from orange sherberting here because I feel like it's NAI performance. Like they might just be a theater kid and love the showman aspect. Leesbra gets to be orange because I reviewed their other game and do not feel they were nearly as timid. Could be dichotomy of alignments but could also just be them attempting to course correct since they were caught wolf day 2. Would rather see more out of the slot than see them go over though. Cait gets to be orange because the "why did you suddenly show up?" question just doesn't sit well with me. The only thing it does for a town!Cait is set up the argument that Ex was creeping in thread just waiting for somebody to mention him but that's like a horrible argument from a town perspective but would be an easy thing for a wolf to pounce on. I don't really expect a champs player to go for that low of fruit but also it just sticks out like a sore thumb.
I don't think Numbers puts Leesbra in the bottom of his reads if they were scumbuds. Also in retrospect there's some hypocrisy about Cait going for a seemingly LHF when they're scumreading Leesbra and I'm annoyed it got over my head.
PoE is now among JJJ, Calla, and Serif. I'll ISO them more carefully later today when I get home. I overlooked these slots a lot.
From the top of my mind:
Serif was around the EoD and tried pushing away from my lynch so I'm a bit more reluctant to push this slot, although all other options being discussed at the time were town, so pushing away from me doesn't matter much if the others were also mislynches - I'm interested in hearing their thoughts at EoD and where their reads are at the moment. JJJ I had the impression they had softed Tracker, but I guess I was wrong - I remember a lot of mafia jargon but I honestly didn't put much effort reading him since I was townleaning him due to what I thought was a soft. Calla I don't remember much remarkable stuff, there was towny tone to some of her posts but that was about it.
Pretty sure GF is just ex / serif here
Cait is confirmed town unless RBer went on GF
I don't make my wagon the leading one with less than 15 minutes remaining as GF
Pretty sure GF is just ex / serif here
Cait is confirmed town unless RBer went on GF
Cait tried making a CFD on Numbers at the end of D1, she's never scum with him
Well, good that we indeed got a redcheck
Also means I don't rlly have to play which is convenient since I just got home and I feel like shitttt and the last thing I wanna do rn is play this
Sorry for being absent, folks. I am getting slaughtered at work. However, I see the red check so super cool beans. I am not sure if this game has hammers off hand and can't really go find out right this moment. If there is a hammer, I ask that we hold off a bit. I would love to assess people's interactions with Numbers to narrow the POE before we end the day. That's kind of my specialty and why I even exist as a Mafia player on the planet Earth. I will have time soon enough. If there is no hammer then great, no matter.
God, sorry, I'm here. Let me have a look.
Oh, nevermind, it looks like wayyy too much happened in my absence for any analysis to be worth anything! That's fun. And entirely my fault. I'll go over the recent occurrences.
Hammer is enabled
I would appreciate if you police yourselves and stop talking if it happens
Hammer is 5
Hello, I am here again, to see what happened today.
I see IceT has revealed their role as the Tracker and has called Numbers out with such, AKA, we seem to have a clear piece of evidence to call them mafia. This makes me feel safer on IceT being town and on Numbers being Mafia, though there might be a counterargument later today to which I feel I should listen to. But if there isn’t, I trust IceT.
Alrighty, I have a little time to go digging. Put on your hard hats, spelunkers.
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
@JaggedJimmyJay oh hey now we'll get to play together this time
I thought jamieisbored would be here :-\
Hope the kid is watching at least
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Let’s bandwagon cait
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
Lil Asterisk asked me to come play. I'd point out that we've played here together before but I don't wanna out your experience lies or whatever. >_>
It’s fine we know he’s not experienced
We know it’s his -5th game ever
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
Lil Asterisk asked me to come play. I'd point out that we've played here together before but I don't wanna out your experience lies or whatever. >_>
Numbers isn’t mafia with cait by the way
GoldenOne = Bob
I'm at ummmm
This right now!
Is there a significant meaning to the full order here, or are there any sorts of tiers in your initial reads? e.g., is Michi better described as "third-most town" or "middle of the pack"?
I don't rlly do tiers, but if I had to say, Leesbra is TL, Luka is SL. Golden One & Bob are Null. Michi as such would be, middle of the pack
I'd say I'm only rlly pinged by you & Luka anyway, and positively by Leesbra, and I already mentioned why for those
The way I ordered the rest was... Numbers at the bottom cuz the suggestion of solving only based on who is voting me is rlly bad ngl. Sam & Bob have done nothing so them in the mid, only NAI things. Michi tiny bit above them for not dipping after posting, which the other 2 did do. Ppl are gonna call this a bad read but Idc. ExLight above that for having good vibes
GoldenOne = Bob
I'm at ummmm
This right now!
We have the exact same reads and im mafia
We should mason this game
I don't mason with people
Why are JJJ and Numbers below the null line for you
Anyway I need to sleep and I'm not in a good mental state right now so I'll go. Also don't wanna burn through my posts
If Leesbra doesn't post more I wanna policy elim them
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
Lil Asterisk asked me to come play. I'd point out that we've played here together before but I don't wanna out your experience lies or whatever. >_>
well then don't <_<
Ex is town too by the way
yessir I am the towniest bitch in this game and I hope I can show it by being a tryhard and hopefully finding scum
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Also, pleased to meet you! Look forward to playing with you!!!! <3
GoldenOne = Bob
I'm at ummmm
This right now!
Quote 1: Unsure if I should feel honored, or insulted by this attention! If you are implying that I'm already really wolfy, then you should vote me though. And Idk how informative votes on me will rlly be? I tend to attract both town and mafia voting me, usually
Neither? Luka's mini-push had put you as a front and center focal point early in the game so seeing how people react to that is what I'll claim my reads are based on but in reality since I don't know meta behind most of the players here I'll probably just be going off vibes today while I get a sense of everybody.
For example, Luka seemed to be intentionally hard town reading people on the fly for nothing as a manner of reading their reactions. The initial read is irrelevant and the true read lies in how they respond to being town read. For me this is town points to Luka because it provides a better read than gauging people off a hard push/suggested wagon (while they also did that it was more jokey/less follow through) which would be aimed at just stirring turmoil.
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
Since people ignored it I'll try ask again in a more direct manner.
I thought Bob was a Number's alt, but it seems not. Does anyone remember whose alt it was? Maybe Laurentus'?
He's claimed Mac from MU. I don't know if you have experience there/with him. I've been in a couple hydra games myself (specifically with Mac).
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
When I think back on your posts the only thing that really comes to my mind is your response to JJJ and Bob which seemed a bit much to me. I don't think it's anything I'd scum read you for but it does generate enough pause that I wouldn't confidently town read you right now. Granted I have no experience with you so this is a read on a vacuum but that's where it sits currently.
Do you mean by "seemed a bit much to me" as I was overdramatic, overreacting, have no idea what I'm talking about, or am plain wrong?
Overdramatic would probably be closest. Like the "you are not real" stuff was just over the top. Could be performative, could be just how you are, I don't have a basis to answer that yet.
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
When I think back on your posts the only thing that really comes to my mind is your response to JJJ and Bob which seemed a bit much to me. I don't think it's anything I'd scum read you for but it does generate enough pause that I wouldn't confidently town read you right now. Granted I have no experience with you so this is a read on a vacuum but that's where it sits currently.
Do you mean by "seemed a bit much to me" as I was overdramatic, overreacting, have no idea what I'm talking about, or am plain wrong?
Overdramatic would probably be closest. Like the "you are not real" stuff was just over the top. Could be performative, could be just how you are, I don't have a basis to answer that yet.
I have been described as over the top...Im ngl, but thank u for explaining more.
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
Im not saying town wouldnt have voted; I think its more likely for a town to not vote than a scum to not vote is what im saying
I don't see a difference. If you readily see that an experienced wolf isn't going to vote in that situation than your assessment still falls on somebody's experience or their willingness to joke around. On the whole I don't think it's a bad way to get people talking but I don't think I'd ascribe serious reads to the results you get.
grumble why did it not break lines
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
bit of a bold claim considering you have never seen me roll scum
Don't love this reaction to Luka either
It just feels kinda... out of place? For this, the earlier pop-in and the only basis of trusting ExLight being a vibe read I'll try my chance here (or at Numbers, probably)
Vote: ExLight
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
Im not saying town wouldnt have voted; I think its more likely for a town to not vote than a scum to not vote is what im saying
Can we get a vote count, not sure where everybody is voting
If you go to the top of the page the werewolf information section right above the posts has the vote count, player list and post breakdown for quick access.
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
Well that's why I'm sus of ExLight
I'd just expect... more?
Like, Ex is a capable player. There is stuff to reply to. Yet Ex seems to choose to just be there, kinda
By process of elimination I end up with a similar viewpoint, even if not based on any meta.
Fair enough-
Jamie/Serif/The 0-poster arent good D1 elims, its practically a coinflip and also rude to the first 2 since they just replaced in
I obv dont want me
If I dont want you & Callahan then that leaves me with Luka/Bob/Leesbra/Ex/Numbers
I townread Leesbra & Bob, and I already explained why Luka is not a fine vote to me. So yea Ex or Numbers should be the D1 elim imho
That does not ring a bell, which is weird
MacDougall is the full name of that matters for you. Do you feel like you should know them?
That does not ring a bell, which is weird
MacDougall is the full name of that matters for you. Do you feel like you should know them?
(sorry if I'm supposed to know you bob)
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
When I think back on your posts the only thing that really comes to my mind is your response to JJJ and Bob which seemed a bit much to me. I don't think it's anything I'd scum read you for but it does generate enough pause that I wouldn't confidently town read you right now. Granted I have no experience with you so this is a read on a vacuum but that's where it sits currently.
Do you mean by "seemed a bit much to me" as I was overdramatic, overreacting, have no idea what I'm talking about, or am plain wrong?
Well, I have contributed enough for now imo
@GloriousBob I do ask of you to pls explain the reads in your readslist, because they aren't very explained. And I also don't see how you got to an SL on me
I'll be back later but I'll spend time with my lovely girlfriend now
Can't wait for the content of Icet and Serif
Also JJJ - there is no ISO here
The reasons are many and few. The reasons fluctuate between valid and invalid. The reason I suspect you I don't remember. Today is a new day. Now today I slightly suspect you for forcing scumreads. This isn't usually a read I'd make but in this spree of posting here you picked Ex Light and Numbers to push and both of them seem fine. Ex Light's reaction had the requisite town entitlement. Ex Light is quite townie. Numbers has also been... observant. Both of them feel like me in that they're still waiting and watching (at this stage, I am mid catch up). Which is fine. It feels like a gamestate in which the mafia might feel the need to start plotting the course for end day, and the moved you are making feel like a wolf doing that to me.
Jamie not here and nobody really speaking up in his defense as a shrugyeet is not a great sign.
Thought on Numbers?
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
Hello there as well, bit confused about what's wrong with the post minimum since all you have to do is post 10 times, which you can just make 10 comments on what's happening, or am I missing something?
Also thank you for welcoming me! ^.^
The minimum is fine, though apparently that wasn’t the ONLY low posting rule… like I said. So… i’m here. Unsure of who to vote for werewolf and clearly outleagued by 98% of the people here.
If the low posters out number the high posters we can always turn the tables on them. But also I'm pretty sure Cait is talking more about your content than your number. You did make that whole "gonna hit the minimum and dip on the rest of day" comment.
Vote: Numbers
I ask ppl that dont want Jamie to pls vote here instead
1. ExLight moderate town
3. Caitlin null lean wolf
4. Leesbra lean wolf
5. Michi > Jamie lean wolf
6. Callahan lean town
7. Luka lean town
8. JJJ lean town
9. GoldenOne ?
10. DarchAngel ?
11. Numbers lean town
not optimal
I looked back over Numbers, and my impression is similar as for ExLight. Their posts exist.
I am a bit unclear on their reads, which at times seem sort of "implied" rather than stated clearly. @Numbers, I'd appreciate if you could clarify where you stand on everyone. A reads list or something similar would be super.
Generally I try not to stand on people and probably tend to favor their left side, likely because I'm a righty myself.
I've stated very few reads so your view isn't surprising. But since you asked, here's some rainbow sherbet:
BobbyMac isn't a hard town read but when you're that glorious you get to be green anyway. While this might not be Mac that I know from hydra games I feel like it's in line for Bob's presence in London adventure so I feel like that is NAI Bob persona vs how Mac just normally plays. I talked about why Luka had town points before and Ex just feels like he does whenever I rope him into games and he's half paying attention which I would attribute to lower pressure town!Ex vs scum!Ex. Serif, T, and Jamie are replacement null for now. Callahan I didn't really have issue with in terms of stances, as said before the over the top bit just gives me pause because I don't have meta experience there. On the other side of that coin is JJJ who I feel is performative but I'm paused from orange sherberting here because I feel like it's NAI performance. Like they might just be a theater kid and love the showman aspect. Leesbra gets to be orange because I reviewed their other game and do not feel they were nearly as timid. Could be dichotomy of alignments but could also just be them attempting to course correct since they were caught wolf day 2. Would rather see more out of the slot than see them go over though. Cait gets to be orange because the "why did you suddenly show up?" question just doesn't sit well with me. The only thing it does for a town!Cait is set up the argument that Ex was creeping in thread just waiting for somebody to mention him but that's like a horrible argument from a town perspective but would be an easy thing for a wolf to pounce on. I don't really expect a champs player to go for that low of fruit but also it just sticks out like a sore thumb.
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
When I think back on your posts the only thing that really comes to my mind is your response to JJJ and Bob which seemed a bit much to me. I don't think it's anything I'd scum read you for but it does generate enough pause that I wouldn't confidently town read you right now. Granted I have no experience with you so this is a read on a vacuum but that's where it sits currently.
I would probably be interested in seeing a Jamie x Cait leading wagons since they could give interesting reactions
Numbers comments are very reasonable. NAI but very reasonable so I guess I'm mindmelding a bit with him.
Vote: Caitlinuwu
Correct me if I’m wrong, but earlier you were talking about keeping post count at a level so you could respond if anything wacky happened. But you are now 3 off cap, this struck me as quite odd. Also, you were pointing fingers at my good pal ExLight and I can say he is more at his town meta now than his scum play. The earlier argument also felt a little too defensive and to me feels you are hiding something.
Counterpoint me being a bit quiet is NAI if I'm a bit burned out, maybe even leaning to my scum meta.
I find it a bit weird you think is my town meta when in U-choose I was scum and played similarly low-energy on D1. Did me panicking in D&D mafia really make that much of an impression?
Vote: JamieIsBored
Vote: Numbers
Meh maybe I should try voting here instead. Numbers to me also has been underwhelming, and I already stated my dislike of Numbers' early posting. As a great played called Seththeking/Zorvo once said: Need more
ExLight is perhaps my top town for I do believe they are genuinely trying to solve my alignment and do not have it.
Caitlin ah dear Caitlin. It is a difficult proposition articulating suspicion on you in a way that I am confident won't aggrieve you so I shan't reiterate my prior point. Apologies if I have the wrong of you.
Leesbra, at an earlier point of the game I felt like Leesbra was coming off awkward... "stilted" being the word. But Luka dropped a very flippant townread on them. My thought at the time was, well maybe Luka can be wrong. But as the game has unfolded Caitlin has also come to the defense of Leesbra strongly. I learn over time that this means Leesbra is probably town, particularly when one of the players shielding them is mafia.
Michi > Jamie, during catch up Jamie made a few posts I quite thought were townie. I forget what they said exactly but their reads felt organic.
Callahan I was perhaps wrong on. In that I defended them to Jay. But subsequent to this interaction they have not profiled as the same type of player in further interactions. Their Jay read developed into a quite oddball townread and outside of their flirtation with tunneling KOFM himself their play has been chaotic in a way that doesn't feel townie. Less pursuit of solutions and more pursuit of resolutions if you catch my meaning.
Luka is an enigma. They remind me of one of my versions. It feels like they steamed into the game issuing takes to generate impressions but has had an emotion draining event occur and ergo has been unable to maintain. I leave alone for now. I think lightly townie to blatantly fall off.
JJJ is town but not overwhelmingly so as yet. They seem progressive, which is good. And need continue to be. Heed my words that if at any stage I'm gone and Jay remains alive, his momentum must maintain or improve. Any falling off should be viewed with high scepticism. Any laziness. On merit his play has felt mostly genuine and his solving has been the most coherent and rational to me. And we must reward good behaviour!
Serif's entry was quite nice. I felt some joy. There was no apprehension. A little bit of playfulness. I give them time.
IceT is as described suspicious to me.
Numbers, curious how I'm their top town but I largely believe I'm mind melding with their other solves.
I feel that if Numbers, Jay, ExLight and myself were able to find each other. We may have a good outcome on this day and in this game. It feels like the towncore to me, but I am aware I perhaps haven't earned entry. :))
Jamie not here and nobody really speaking up in his defense as a shrugyeet is not a great sign.
Thought on Numbers?
I kinda townread them but the options are slim.
Jamie not here and nobody really speaking up in his defense as a shrugyeet is not a great sign.
Thought on Numbers?
I kinda townread them but the options are slim.
Inconvenient. Because I do kinda see your paranoia so I'd want to vote Numbers otherwise but if you TR them then yea..
IceT is suspicious of me for meta.
How unfortunate.
And ExLight sheeping.
Ah mafia, o great love o mine.
Where to begin...
IceT having me as their bottom read is perhaps reasonable from the vantage point of someone with one game of meta on me and none of it Bob meta. Yet...
Jay who has hundreds of games of meta on Mac is not suspicious of me on meta.
Cait who has a few games of meta on Mac is tentatively townreading me.
Numbers appears to be the only one here with Bob meta and recognises this just Bob.
So one must ponder whether IceT is simply being opportunistic in voting for a player they can produce a surface level comprehensible reason for suspecting.
Outside of this I have found them to be the more suspicious of the list since entry. They made an archetypally nervous entry commenting on their IP address. Subsequent solving carried the hallmarks of the late entering mafia slot. A giant hodge podgy catch up post quote wall designed to look like a try hard town. Follow up machine gun townreads of varying quality quoting non AI posts loaded with TMI. Topping it off with a vote on the most Glorious.
Now I'm usually not one for OMGUS. Perish that thought indeed, but I was suspicious of IceT before I even read their suspicion of me so I won't accept such accusations.
As for ExLight well...
I think they have had a side eye on me the whole game. Their gaze upon your Glorious has felt earnest in the sense that they are certainly genuinely trying to figure me out. I think their game has been townie and getting townier.
On a separate subject our other recent entrant to the game has felt ... townie but not overwhelmingly so. Just more level and reserved in their take making. Something about this game gives me the impression the town are all relatively findable by looking for the people who are more pensive seeming. While the wolves are among those actually attempting to create a narrative. To fill the silence generated by a waitful town crew.
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
Wdym w the numbers lol
I looked back over Numbers, and my impression is similar as for ExLight. Their posts exist.
I am a bit unclear on their reads, which at times seem sort of "implied" rather than stated clearly. @Numbers, I'd appreciate if you could clarify where you stand on everyone. A reads list or something similar would be super.
Generally I try not to stand on people and probably tend to favor their left side, likely because I'm a righty myself.
I've stated very few reads so your view isn't surprising. But since you asked, here's some rainbow sherbet:
BobbyMac isn't a hard town read but when you're that glorious you get to be green anyway. While this might not be Mac that I know from hydra games I feel like it's in line for Bob's presence in London adventure so I feel like that is NAI Bob persona vs how Mac just normally plays. I talked about why Luka had town points before and Ex just feels like he does whenever I rope him into games and he's half paying attention which I would attribute to lower pressure town!Ex vs scum!Ex. Serif, T, and Jamie are replacement null for now. Callahan I didn't really have issue with in terms of stances, as said before the over the top bit just gives me pause because I don't have meta experience there. On the other side of that coin is JJJ who I feel is performative but I'm paused from orange sherberting here because I feel like it's NAI performance. Like they might just be a theater kid and love the showman aspect. Leesbra gets to be orange because I reviewed their other game and do not feel they were nearly as timid. Could be dichotomy of alignments but could also just be them attempting to course correct since they were caught wolf day 2. Would rather see more out of the slot than see them go over though. Cait gets to be orange because the "why did you suddenly show up?" question just doesn't sit well with me. The only thing it does for a town!Cait is set up the argument that Ex was creeping in thread just waiting for somebody to mention him but that's like a horrible argument from a town perspective but would be an easy thing for a wolf to pounce on. I don't really expect a champs player to go for that low of fruit but also it just sticks out like a sore thumb.
please vote!
Vote: GloriousBob
if Numbers is coherent with their list they vote Cait and the wagons become threeway 2 votes tie among the people I have null/scum so that really works out for me
DO NOT click this spoiler unless you want to see 40+ quotes.
I am throwing them all together in one place so I can try to use this a replacement for an ISO search. These are all posts by Numbers or about Numbers that will help me to assess relationships. It probably isn't comprehensive, and I doubt I will need all of it. But this will be easier to search than CTRL+Fing each thread page over and over.
Hello, I am here again, to see what happened today.
I see IceT has revealed their role as the Tracker and has called Numbers out with such, AKA, we seem to have a clear piece of evidence to call them mafia. This makes me feel safer on IceT being town and on Numbers being Mafia, though there might be a counterargument later today to which I feel I should listen to. But if there isn’t, I trust IceT.
this is all very redundant
why are you not voting numbers if you trust IceT
Reiterating my request to avoid a hammer until I have gotten through some analysis. Working on it now. Thanks, gang.
Yea I just want the new player to not just CWAC/fluff
I can Unvote for now to keep it farther from a hammer
Vote: Unvote
I'm not sure when I'll have time to do ISO cuz I have a shitton of exams this week so I might be busy
actually up JJJ to yellow with Serif
Leesbra gets to be orange because I reviewed their other game and do not feel they were nearly as timid. Could be dichotomy of alignments but could also just be them attempting to course correct since they were caught wolf day 2. Would rather see more out of the slot than see them go over though. Cait gets to be orange because the "why did you suddenly show up?" question just doesn't sit well with me. The only thing it does for a town!Cait is set up the argument that Ex was creeping in thread just waiting for somebody to mention him but that's like a horrible argument from a town perspective but would be an easy thing for a wolf to pounce on. I don't really expect a champs player to go for that low of fruit but also it just sticks out like a sore thumb.
I pulled this from a larger post so it isn't as massive a quote.
If we assume Icet's claim is true, that means Numbers is mafia and Cait is [quite likely] town. We can use the above paragraph then to get a decent impression of Leesbra. In this commentary, Numbers is describing why they labeled both Cait and Leesbra "orange" on their reads list (which had been the lowest or "most suspicious" color). The bolded portion is purely about Leesbra, I think it looks pretty good for them.
The same post would represent a smear campaign against Cait (again, likely town based on the Icet claim) with material that just looks like totally made up shade. If the same can be said about Numbers' comments on Leesbra, that would be good evidence that Leesbra is the same alignment as Cait. And consider -- Numbers' accusation of Leesbra doesn't actually make any sense. They called Leesbra suspicious for being super different from their last game -- when they were mafia! That is incoherent, and so it appears similarly to be made up smear campaign shading.
Nice look for Leesbra.
I looked back over Numbers, and my impression is similar as for ExLight. Their posts exist.
I am a bit unclear on their reads, which at times seem sort of "implied" rather than stated clearly. @Numbers, I'd appreciate if you could clarify where you stand on everyone. A reads list or something similar would be super.
Callahan I didn't really have issue with in terms of stances, as said before the over the top bit just gives me pause because I don't have meta experience there.
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
When I think back on your posts the only thing that really comes to my mind is your response to JJJ and Bob which seemed a bit much to me. I don't think it's anything I'd scum read you for but it does generate enough pause that I wouldn't confidently town read you right now. Granted I have no experience with you so this is a read on a vacuum but that's where it sits currently.
Do you mean by "seemed a bit much to me" as I was overdramatic, overreacting, have no idea what I'm talking about, or am plain wrong?
Overdramatic would probably be closest. Like the "you are not real" stuff was just over the top. Could be performative, could be just how you are, I don't have a basis to answer that yet.
I have been described as over the top...Im ngl, but thank u for explaining more.
These are the only posts I can find that draw a connection between Numbers and callahan (in backwards order, the second quote pyramid happened first).
The content between them is pretty dry. They had a decent exchange about Numbers' read on callahan being "over the top", but I'm not sure either of them did anything with this. It's just kinda there. Numbers' overall read on callahan seems to be dead null in the end. I don't think callahan can be cleared at least on the basis of interactions with Numbers.
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
Im not saying town wouldnt have voted; I think its more likely for a town to not vote than a scum to not vote is what im saying
I don't see a difference. If you readily see that an experienced wolf isn't going to vote in that situation than your assessment still falls on somebody's experience or their willingness to joke around. On the whole I don't think it's a bad way to get people talking but I don't think I'd ascribe serious reads to the results you get.
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Let’s bandwagon cait
Numbers isn’t mafia with cait by the way
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
Lil Asterisk asked me to come play. I'd point out that we've played here together before but I don't wanna out your experience lies or whatever. >_>
It’s fine we know he’s not experienced
We know it’s his -5th game ever
I looked back over Numbers, and my impression is similar as for ExLight. Their posts exist.
I am a bit unclear on their reads, which at times seem sort of "implied" rather than stated clearly. @Numbers, I'd appreciate if you could clarify where you stand on everyone. A reads list or something similar would be super.
Generally I try not to stand on people and probably tend to favor their left side, likely because I'm a righty myself.
I've stated very few reads so your view isn't surprising. But since you asked, here's some rainbow sherbet:
BobbyMac isn't a hard town read but when you're that glorious you get to be green anyway. While this might not be Mac that I know from hydra games I feel like it's in line for Bob's presence in London adventure so I feel like that is NAI Bob persona vs how Mac just normally plays. I talked about why Luka had town points before and Ex just feels like he does whenever I rope him into games and he's half paying attention which I would attribute to lower pressure town!Ex vs scum!Ex. Serif, T, and Jamie are replacement null for now. Callahan I didn't really have issue with in terms of stances, as said before the over the top bit just gives me pause because I don't have meta experience there. On the other side of that coin is JJJ who I feel is performative but I'm paused from orange sherberting here because I feel like it's NAI performance. Like they might just be a theater kid and love the showman aspect. Leesbra gets to be orange because I reviewed their other game and do not feel they were nearly as timid. Could be dichotomy of alignments but could also just be them attempting to course correct since they were caught wolf day 2. Would rather see more out of the slot than see them go over though. Cait gets to be orange because the "why did you suddenly show up?" question just doesn't sit well with me. The only thing it does for a town!Cait is set up the argument that Ex was creeping in thread just waiting for somebody to mention him but that's like a horrible argument from a town perspective but would be an easy thing for a wolf to pounce on. I don't really expect a champs player to go for that low of fruit but also it just sticks out like a sore thumb.
These posts contain interactions of Numbers and Luka. There are some little moments here that concern me. I have bolded them in dark black text to help you find them in the spoiler.
There's a disconnect between Numbers' commentary about Luka and their read on Luka. The first things I bolded contain more "severe" language that could be interpreted as antagonistic to Luka. They suggested Luka's read process was "massively untrue" and that it's a "bad" way to get people talking. If there any read at all to come from this kind of interaction, I'd expect it to be suspicion.
But then in the reads list, Numbers calls Luka a top 3 town read. The last thing I bolded is their explanation for that read, and it's pretty much nothing. Numbers went to a lot of effort to describe their reads of some other people at length, but that comment about Luka is one throwaway sentence. It feels lacking, and it doesn't align sensibly with their previous interactions.
Luka is a darkhorse candidate to be teamed with Numbers. Some have implied Luka is town on meta, and that still may be accurate. But if this game goes on longer than it should, consider returning to this point.
While we're still active in the day, I'd appreciate if anyone could share their thoughts on any conclusions I draw. If nothing else, it gives us something to talk about. Sometimes red checks can make towns complacent, and that's a recipe for trouble. Let's try to stay engaged! I understand I have been quiet too, so I will try to practice what I preach even as work keeps me busy.
I have to step away for the moment, but note to self: dig deeper into the Numbers/ExLight interaction. I think solving that dynamic might solve the whole game.
Hello, I am here again, to see what happened today.
I see IceT has revealed their role as the Tracker and has called Numbers out with such, AKA, we seem to have a clear piece of evidence to call them mafia. This makes me feel safer on IceT being town and on Numbers being Mafia, though there might be a counterargument later today to which I feel I should listen to. But if there isn’t, I trust IceT.
this is all very redundant
why are you not voting numbers if you trust IceT
While IceT feels very trustable, and I did say i’d vote Numbers if nothing proves Numbers is town, I feel like voting this early with not that much push is a bit like jumping the gun? But now that I see a further push in, it feels like a better time to vote.
For what JJJ posted, it does show them being very weird in their words and their stance, describing Luka as untrustworthy then putting Luka in their top town reads? Why would they put Luka in their top towns if they were suspicious??
While IceT was compelling in their story-like explanation of their role and how it found Numbers, JJJ really shows the proof, which makes me feel confident to vote them.
No personal feelings, Numbers.
Vote: Numbers
Ice, ex, me, Leesbra, cait town. Almost JJJ too but 2/3 of the people they looked into are obv town . Regardless calla chops tmrow. Calla serif b2b is likely a win Vote: Numbers
That does not ring a bell, which is weird
MacDougall is the full name of that matters for you. Do you feel like you should know them?
(sorry if I'm supposed to know you bob)
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
Lil Asterisk asked me to come play. I'd point out that we've played here together before but I don't wanna out your experience lies or whatever. >_>
well then don't <_<
Ex is town too by the way
yessir I am the towniest bitch in this game and I hope I can show it by being a tryhard and hopefully finding scum
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
I looked back over Numbers, and my impression is similar as for ExLight. Their posts exist.
I am a bit unclear on their reads, which at times seem sort of "implied" rather than stated clearly. @Numbers, I'd appreciate if you could clarify where you stand on everyone. A reads list or something similar would be super.
Generally I try not to stand on people and probably tend to favor their left side, likely because I'm a righty myself.
I've stated very few reads so your view isn't surprising. But since you asked, here's some rainbow sherbet:
BobbyMac isn't a hard town read but when you're that glorious you get to be green anyway. While this might not be Mac that I know from hydra games I feel like it's in line for Bob's presence in London adventure so I feel like that is NAI Bob persona vs how Mac just normally plays. I talked about why Luka had town points before and Ex just feels like he does whenever I rope him into games and he's half paying attention which I would attribute to lower pressure town!Ex vs scum!Ex. Serif, T, and Jamie are replacement null for now. Callahan I didn't really have issue with in terms of stances, as said before the over the top bit just gives me pause because I don't have meta experience there. On the other side of that coin is JJJ who I feel is performative but I'm paused from orange sherberting here because I feel like it's NAI performance. Like they might just be a theater kid and love the showman aspect. Leesbra gets to be orange because I reviewed their other game and do not feel they were nearly as timid. Could be dichotomy of alignments but could also just be them attempting to course correct since they were caught wolf day 2. Would rather see more out of the slot than see them go over though. Cait gets to be orange because the "why did you suddenly show up?" question just doesn't sit well with me. The only thing it does for a town!Cait is set up the argument that Ex was creeping in thread just waiting for somebody to mention him but that's like a horrible argument from a town perspective but would be an easy thing for a wolf to pounce on. I don't really expect a champs player to go for that low of fruit but also it just sticks out like a sore thumb.
@Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol
@JaggedJimmyJay oh hey now we'll get to play together this time
I thought jamieisbored would be here :-\
Hope the kid is watching at least
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
Vote: GloriousBob
if Numbers is coherent with their list they vote Cait and the wagons become threeway 2 votes tie among the people I have null/scum so that really works out for me
These are interactions of Numbers and ExLight.
There's a decent amount of content here, but I can't say that much of it makes me feel anything. If I am generous, there was one bit in Numbers' reads list about ExLight that reflects okay on him. I bolded it. The explanation that Numbers gave for town reading ExLight is a very specific meta read that might imply TMI (and if so, that'd mean ExLight is town). So on balance, call this a small tick in the positive direction for ExLight.
Serif, T, and Jamie are replacement null for now.
This is all Numbers had to say about Serif (along with two players that must be town if Numbers is mafia, Icet and Jamie). Perhaps there's a "rule of three" in that. Regardless this is a nothing comment and not worth much. Can't clear Serif on the basis of interactions.
This is about where I'm at. If the bottom two don't end the game and Luka is still around, that's where I'd go next. As always though, remain vigilant and continue to reassess if the game drags.
Sorry that light green color is blinding
While the day continues before the hammer inevitably drops, it'd be great if everyone that hasn't already done so could share the player(s) they think are most likely to be teamed with Numbers.
That reminds me that I wanted to take a look at Bob's parting thoughts too.
ExLight is perhaps my top town for I do believe they are genuinely trying to solve my alignment and do not have it.
Leesbra, at an earlier point of the game I felt like Leesbra was coming off awkward... "stilted" being the word. But Luka dropped a very flippant townread on them. My thought at the time was, well maybe Luka can be wrong. But as the game has unfolded Caitlin has also come to the defense of Leesbra strongly. I learn over time that this means Leesbra is probably town, particularly when one of the players shielding them is mafia.
Callahan I was perhaps wrong on. In that I defended them to Jay. But subsequent to this interaction they have not profiled as the same type of player in further interactions. Their Jay read developed into a quite oddball townread and outside of their flirtation with tunneling KOFM himself their play has been chaotic in a way that doesn't feel townie. Less pursuit of solutions and more pursuit of resolutions if you catch my meaning.
Luka is an enigma. They remind me of one of my versions. It feels like they steamed into the game issuing takes to generate impressions but has had an emotion draining event occur and ergo has been unable to maintain. I leave alone for now. I think lightly townie to blatantly fall off.
JJJ is town but not overwhelmingly so as yet. They seem progressive, which is good. And need continue to be. Heed my words that if at any stage I'm gone and Jay remains alive, his momentum must maintain or improve. Any falling off should be viewed with high scepticism. Any laziness. On merit his play has felt mostly genuine and his solving has been the most coherent and rational to me. And we must reward good behaviour!
Serif's entry was quite nice. I felt some joy. There was no apprehension. A little bit of playfulness. I give them time.
Numbers, curious how I'm their top town but I largely believe I'm mind melding with their other solves.
I feel that if Numbers, Jay, ExLight and myself were able to find each other. We may have a good outcome on this day and in this game. It feels like the towncore to me, but I am aware I perhaps haven't earned entry. :))
I snipped this to shorten the quote by removing the people cleared if Numbers is mafia (Icet and Cait) and Jamie. I acknowledge that analyzing the night kill comes with wifom, but it should still at least be respected -- ignoring it completely is worse than giving it full weight. The standout here is probably callahan, as Bob posted this list of reads pre-EOD and then toyed around with other suspicions during the accelerated EOD posting period -- but callahan was consistently present as a suspect in both. Luka might be another example to a lesser extent.
I'm not sure why a Numbers/Serif team kills Bob with this post in the thread, but who knows.
Necessary caveat: if Bob was killed in hopes of being a power role, that dilutes the value of this logic. Use or don't use this information at your discretion if I end up dead in the nearish future.
I can't lie this entire redcheck thing has been kind of demotivating, I think it's because I didn't really get what was going on until it was sorted.
I'm here, but from the looks of it the game is over and I don't have much to add if it isn't. Sorry about that.
I think it's best just to go forward from here.
Vote: Numbers
This is about where I'm at. If the bottom two don't end the game and Luka is still around, that's where I'd go next. As always though, remain vigilant and continue to reassess if the game drags.
if the bottom two dont end the game we go you, otherwise its good
I can't lie this entire redcheck thing has been kind of demotivating, I think it's because I didn't really get what was going on until it was sorted.
I'm here, but from the looks of it the game is over and I don't have much to add if it isn't. Sorry about that.
I think it's best just to go forward from here.
Vote: Numbers
yeah games over
its calla + numbers
Caitlin used Hammer Attack!
Vote: Numbers
Also the Bodyguard should NOT defend Icet. Ofcourse, the Bodyguard can ignore this advice. But this is why I feel that way;
The Godfather nmw attacks Icet. So if the BG defends Icet tn, the BG dies instead. Yes, we have Icet and the Cop alive on D3, but Icet would die N3, so we wont get their track nmw (they cant track again till N3, and Icet dies N2 or N3 nmw) -> leaving us with only 1 PR on D4, if it gets that far.
If the BG doesn't defend Icet, then we still have 2 PRs D3, but the mafia now doesn't have a confirmed PR to aim for on N3, meaning that it's possible we enter D4 with 2 PR's, opposed to just 1-
All PR's are useless now (BG can save someone, confirming them, but already can confirm self by claiming, so it'd lead from 1 conf to 1 conf) (Cop can only find the Roleblocker) (Icet won't be alive D4) so this is just based on on maximizing amount of PRs alive
Anyway good night. The BG is welcome to ignore my advice if they deem it best to save Icet
Host Announcement
Thats a HAMMER. Nobody is getting proded for post count when the day ended so fast
Unvote: 1 (ExLight)
Numbers: 5 (Caitlinuwu, Leesbra, Luka, serif;, IcetFeelsPain)
No Vote (Never Voted): Numbers, callahan, JaggedJimmyJay
It felt like Abigail had just left when Ice walked out of his tent rubbing his eyes.
"What did I miss?" He asked. "Sorry long night."
"Well Bob is dead," Numbers said turning away his head to avoid looking Ice in the eyes.
"Oh right. You did that." ice said walking away. The others looked at him confused. "Trust."
"Sure why not," Caitlin called Abigail back, her cheeks turning red.
"Oh hey babes that was fast, " Abbi giggled pulling out her knife and flipping it open. She kissed Caitlin and walked over to Numbers. "Sorry friend," she said avoiding his eyes as she stabbed him in the chest. She pulled the knife back out and licked the blood off it before folding it back up and putting it in her pocket.
"Your girlfriend is kinda scary," Leesbra whispered leaning over to Caitlin.
"So anyways. Good job." Abbi smiled skipping away.
Extended night phase. Will end November 8th at 5 PM Central
Numbers is dead he flips Mafia Roleblocker.
Host Announcement
I fucked up and advanced the phase before killing Numbers so he's listed a dying N2 but he died D2
Host Announcement
I didn't write flavor cause I'm sad
Ice T is dead
He was Town Tracker (Odd Cycle)
With 7 alive Hammer is 4
hi I wont be able to do much sry sry
ill be more active in a bit
Hey squad. I kind of provided my analyses in the previous day, so I'd still love to get any kind of feedback on that. We have a lot of time this phase, and we might as well use it to try to sort this game out with finality. The game is well in hand, but any degree of complacency will put it at risk.
By POE, my primary suspects were callahan and Serif. I am open to continuing dialogue about the rest though. I think we should work together as a group to come to some kind of consensus about ExLight too, since they seem like they're the biggest "spark plug", so to speak, on which the game might hinge. I provided a little evidence in Ex's favor by interaction with Numbers, so if anyone disagrees, please talk to me about that. Or share other general suspicions if you have them.
hi i am sandwiched between finals week and some projects i have to submit
if yall want to lynch me to reduce poe that's fine-ish for me
why is it so quiet...........................................
Okay Lukas on now
Vote: callahan
I think we have a Poe of calla \ serif not much to talk about
Vote: callahan
I think we have a Poe of calla \ serif not much to talk about
Both had townie days tho hmmmmm
So I kinda find it very possible that theyre TvT
Is the final 7
Now without me,
Surely there's another suspect in there? Are all of Ex/Leesbra/Luka/JJJ really cleared?
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Well for ppl still unsure of me, this Numbers post is def in my favor lol
Quote 1: Unsure if I should feel honored, or insulted by this attention! If you are implying that I'm already really wolfy, then you should vote me though. And Idk how informative votes on me will rlly be? I tend to attract both town and mafia voting me, usually
Neither? Luka's mini-push had put you as a front and center focal point early in the game so seeing how people react to that is what I'll claim my reads are based on but in reality since I don't know meta behind most of the players here I'll probably just be going off vibes today while I get a sense of everybody.
For example, Luka seemed to be intentionally hard town reading people on the fly for nothing as a manner of reading their reactions. The initial read is irrelevant and the true read lies in how they respond to being town read. For me this is town points to Luka because it provides a better read than gauging people off a hard push/suggested wagon (while they also did that it was more jokey/less follow through) which would be aimed at just stirring turmoil.
Imo, not really a great look on Luka
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
Hello there as well, bit confused about what's wrong with the post minimum since all you have to do is post 10 times, which you can just make 10 comments on what's happening, or am I missing something?
Also thank you for welcoming me! ^.^
The minimum is fine, though apparently that wasn’t the ONLY low posting rule… like I said. So… i’m here. Unsure of who to vote for werewolf and clearly outleagued by 98% of the people here.
If the low posters out number the high posters we can always turn the tables on them. But also I'm pretty sure Cait is talking more about your content than your number. You did make that whole "gonna hit the minimum and dip on the rest of day" comment.
Not rlly that paired with Leesbra & Callahan here
Callahan cuz Numbers know what theyre talking about, and Callahan doesnt
And also a disconnect with Leesbra it feels like
That does not ring a bell, which is weird
MacDougall is the full name of that matters for you. Do you feel like you should know them?
Honestly this convo with Ex does read as awkwardish
But Idk if thats just Numbers being sus, or SvS kinda sus
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
Numbers is shooting down a TR on Ex, which is in Ex's favor
Also partially in Luka's favor..? A bit I guess?
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here - What makes me not a town read to you guys?
When I think back on your posts the only thing that really comes to my mind is your response to JJJ and Bob which seemed a bit much to me. I don't think it's anything I'd scum read you for but it does generate enough pause that I wouldn't confidently town read you right now. Granted I have no experience with you so this is a read on a vacuum but that's where it sits currently.
Do you mean by "seemed a bit much to me" as I was overdramatic, overreacting, have no idea what I'm talking about, or am plain wrong?
Overdramatic would probably be closest. Like the "you are not real" stuff was just over the top. Could be performative, could be just how you are, I don't have a basis to answer that yet.
This interaction to me just doesn't seem SvS
I rlly don't think Callahan is gonna be a hit here
I looked back over Numbers, and my impression is similar as for ExLight. Their posts exist.
I am a bit unclear on their reads, which at times seem sort of "implied" rather than stated clearly. @Numbers, I'd appreciate if you could clarify where you stand on everyone. A reads list or something similar would be super.
Generally I try not to stand on people and probably tend to favor their left side, likely because I'm a righty myself.
I've stated very few reads so your view isn't surprising. But since you asked, here's some rainbow sherbet:
BobbyMac isn't a hard town read but when you're that glorious you get to be green anyway. While this might not be Mac that I know from hydra games I feel like it's in line for Bob's presence in London adventure so I feel like that is NAI Bob persona vs how Mac just normally plays. I talked about why Luka had town points before and Ex just feels like he does whenever I rope him into games and he's half paying attention which I would attribute to lower pressure town!Ex vs scum!Ex. Serif, T, and Jamie are replacement null for now. Callahan I didn't really have issue with in terms of stances, as said before the over the top bit just gives me pause because I don't have meta experience there. On the other side of that coin is JJJ who I feel is performative but I'm paused from orange sherberting here because I feel like it's NAI performance. Like they might just be a theater kid and love the showman aspect. Leesbra gets to be orange because I reviewed their other game and do not feel they were nearly as timid. Could be dichotomy of alignments but could also just be them attempting to course correct since they were caught wolf day 2. Would rather see more out of the slot than see them go over though. Cait gets to be orange because the "why did you suddenly show up?" question just doesn't sit well with me. The only thing it does for a town!Cait is set up the argument that Ex was creeping in thread just waiting for somebody to mention him but that's like a horrible argument from a town perspective but would be an easy thing for a wolf to pounce on. I don't really expect a champs player to go for that low of fruit but also it just sticks out like a sore thumb.
And this is probably gonna be our gold mine
I gtg rn so I'll analyse it later, but I did quickly bold all alive players
Also honestly I think it may be JJJ - Numbers avoided the slot in all their previous posts, only mentioning them here
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
I'll just place a vote here to get ppl to think
I also wanna try to ISO the others later but ye I gtg rn
Oh and can someone walk me through why JJJ, Luka, Ex and Leesbra are all towncleared?
From what I recall, none of them rlly did much to get Numbers out before they got redchecked, and Numbers' iso looks better for Callahan than JJJ & Luka at the very least, yet Callahan seems to be the consensus suspect
@callahan @serif;
If you 2 rlly are town, which I think you are, then some heavy lifting also is gonna come from you, because I can't do all the work alone to keep you two save
Some solving at the very least would be appreciated
I know the game is dead but with a red flip we do have interactions to work with now
Hallo everynyan.
Since yesterday I haven’t really had a firm thought on who might be mafia, with JJJ having been cleared in my eyes. But now I see that Numbers (who was mafia) had been keeping Luka on their good side. This could be proof that Luka is the other mafia in this game, though I also see that ExLight was also being kept as potentially good in Numbers’ eyes? I’m not firm on either of them and i’ll have to review other posts to see their interactions better, but I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them was the other mafia.
Hallo everynyan.
Since yesterday I haven’t really had a firm thought on who might be mafia, with JJJ having been cleared in my eyes. But now I see that Numbers (who was mafia) had been keeping Luka on their good side. This could be proof that Luka is the other mafia in this game, though I also see that ExLight was also being kept as potentially good in Numbers’ eyes? I’m not firm on either of them and i’ll have to review other posts to see their interactions better, but I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them was the other mafia.
Numbers did meanwhile shoot down a TR on Ex, so Idk abt the Ex thing
Why is JJJ cleared in your eyes?
I think I'm at this myself
I want to make a really dramatic post but I'll be busy the next 24 hours
Cait Luka locked town Numbers Exlight scum (possibly serif over Exlight)
Vote: Numbers
if you thought I was mafia then why did you hesitate lynching me and instead needed to ask for bob's approval at EoD?
Also this feels like a rlly chill response to a possible teammate being checked
Ex is just town here I think
If you would ask me to thunderdome Numbers I would 100% do it
Thunderdome number mafia Vote: IcetFeelsPain
Luka meanwhile immediately votes Icet??
I *think* the evil just is in Luka/JJJ
Noteworthy also is that Leesbra doesn't even **respond** to Icet
Maybe I need to drop Leesbra to just above Luka/JJJ
Mightve been mafia that was unsure to reply? Idk
Also lol it's funny in retrospect that ppl were negative abt my reads D1, yet the only one to have caught a mafia there was me
Obv possible that the 2nd also was sussed tho
Host Announcement
Sugar Moon has subbed in for Callahan
Don't discuss Subs blah blah blah
Welcome to the game
Everyone but me susses you, so you're gonna need some pretty active gameplay here to survive, Sugar Moon
But you got this!
Hi all I'm new to this forum but not to mafia. I have not played with any of you before, though I have spectated Caitlyn and JJJ (and Bob, but he's no longer relevant).
Announcements tell me D1 Jamie V N1 Bob V D2 Numbers W N2 DarchAngel/Icet V and that's where we are. Can anyone fill me in on anything else that's happened?
Welcome to the game
Everyone but me susses you, so you're gonna need some pretty active gameplay here to survive, Sugar Moon
But you got this!
Thank you. Am I correct that we are 9 players left, one mafia?
Welcome to the game
Everyone but me susses you, so you're gonna need some pretty active gameplay here to survive, Sugar Moon
But you got this!
Thank you. Am I correct that we are 9 players left, one mafia?
7 left, not 9
One mafia tho, you're correct there
Your dead order also checks out, yes. It's just an 11p game
And cool that you specced me :eyes: Don't recognize your name tho oops sorry
Welcome to the game
Everyone but me susses you, so you're gonna need some pretty active gameplay here to survive, Sugar Moon
But you got this!
Thank you. Am I correct that we are 9 players left, one mafia?
7 left, not 9
One mafia tho, you're correct there
Your dead order also checks out, yes. It's just an 11p game
And cool that you specced me :eyes: Don't recognize your name tho oops sorry
That's the burden of playing Champs :P
Hallo everynyan.
Since yesterday I haven’t really had a firm thought on who might be mafia, with JJJ having been cleared in my eyes. But now I see that Numbers (who was mafia) had been keeping Luka on their good side. This could be proof that Luka is the other mafia in this game, though I also see that ExLight was also being kept as potentially good in Numbers’ eyes? I’m not firm on either of them and i’ll have to review other posts to see their interactions better, but I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them was the other mafia.
Numbers did meanwhile shoot down a TR on Ex, so Idk abt the Ex thing
Why is JJJ cleared in your eyes?
That is true, Ex felt less likely for me to be mafia in this case.
JJJ feels safe due to how they gave a LOT of information against Numbers, which unless it’s a teamkill maneuver to protect themself (Which does happen, was the case in my first game, and also feels a bit odd to do in this case), doesn’t feel like a mafia thing to do.
Although now that i’m thinking of JJJ and his stance, I do wonder why you voted him?
Fine if you suspect me, but I’d appreciate if you could engage with the reviews I posted yesterday about Numbers interactions. That’ll help me to sort the game and perhaps help you to understand where I am at. Voting me is the only vote that doesn’t help me solve anything lol
Ok so I've got about 30 hours till EoD that should be enough. So far I've only read about 200-250 posts I know my early susses were Luka and ExLight but I'm sure that would have changed by this point in the game. I'll try to dig up why if anyone is interested (but remember those would be stale reads by now and I'm going to probably change them as I catch up).
Townreads are Cait, JJJ and Leesbra (I am more confident in these than in the scumreads for obvious reasons).
Hi Sugar Moon. Having been spectated while being unfamiliar myself makes me feel like a celebrity, so that’s fun
Do you recall when/where you saw me play?
Ok so I've got about 30 hours till EoD that should be enough. So far I've only read about 200-250 posts I know my early susses were Luka and ExLight but I'm sure that would have changed by this point in the game. I'll try to dig up why if anyone is interested (but remember those would be stale reads by now and I'm going to probably change them as I catch up).
Townreads are Cait, JJJ and Leesbra (I am more confident in these than in the scumreads for obvious reasons).
We should have another day before EOD
Luka was my tinfoil, and I could be convinced in that direction.
Hi Sugar Moon. Having been spectated while being unfamiliar myself makes me feel like a celebrity, so that’s fun
Do you recall when/where you saw me play?
Yes I spectated two games on the Syndicate about a year ago but I haven't played there. The pace is too high for me and I don't like the way it looks (especially not your quotes they're almost impossible to parse who said who).
Anyway back to reading ping me if you've got questions :wave:
Ok so I've got about 30 hours till EoD that should be enough. So far I've only read about 200-250 posts I know my early susses were Luka and ExLight but I'm sure that would have changed by this point in the game. I'll try to dig up why if anyone is interested (but remember those would be stale reads by now and I'm going to probably change them as I catch up).
Townreads are Cait, JJJ and Leesbra (I am more confident in these than in the scumreads for obvious reasons).
Ive done nothing it wouldnt have changed
Luka was my tinfoil, and I could be convinced in that direction.
I distance as scum
I havent commented on numbers once which, is sus in its own right; but doesnt allgin with my scum meta
Luka was my tinfoil, and I could be convinced in that direction.
I distance as scum
I havent commented on numbers once which, is sus in its own right; but doesnt allgin with my scum meta
Perhaps so, though that isn't exactly a self-endorsement that I am going to take to the bank. To even have a clearly defined "scum meta" means you basically lose the moment you rand scum. There has to be some kind of variation, and I suspect that applies to someone like yourself that at least at times in this game has played with effort and confidence.
Ok so I've got about 30 hours till EoD that should be enough. So far I've only read about 200-250 posts I know my early susses were Luka and ExLight but I'm sure that would have changed by this point in the game. I'll try to dig up why if anyone is interested (but remember those would be stale reads by now and I'm going to probably change them as I catch up).
Townreads are Cait, JJJ and Leesbra (I am more confident in these than in the scumreads for obvious reasons).
I'd appreciate if you could expand on what has led you to any or all of the reads you express here -- particularly the town reads (if I am right to interpret that those are more current).
While I quite like Serif's vibe and would definitely play with them again, I also have to consider that they haven't... given a read. On anyone. At least I don't remember one. I'd verify with an ISO, but I can't be digging around the thread at work.
Hello all good afternoon. Sorry, I've been very busy but I'm here now.
While I quite like Serif's vibe and would definitely play with them again, I also have to consider that they haven't... given a read. On anyone. At least I don't remember one. I'd verify with an ISO, but I can't be digging around the thread at work.
I've given some reads but it's been quite awkward for me overall. I replaced in day 2, shown up in day 3 for there to be a redcheck, and well, now its day 4. or day 3? My entire mental clock has been thrown off.
I think my only reads, being on icet and Caitlin, have been less than ideal, first game reads and all.
Nice to meet you Sugar Moon.
Does anyone have a list of why the consensus town are consensus? I get the feeling I've fallen behind so it'd be much help.
Does anyone have a list of why the consensus town are consensus? I get the feeling I've fallen behind so it'd be much help.
There seems to be some amount of disagreement about this, so the "consensus" is a bit unclear. I can give you some of my impressions though.
Caitlin is near-confirmed town mechanically.
Leesbra has seemed like a very authentically new town player and seems like a bad fit with Numbers.
ExLight had at least one moment in which they and Numbers didn't seem like a great fit together. I talked about that here: https://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=8129.msg173867#msg173867
I thought that would hyperlink. Here:
clicky (https://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=8129.msg173867#msg173867)
Luka was my tinfoil, and I could be convinced in that direction.
I distance as scum
I havent commented on numbers once which, is sus in its own right; but doesnt allgin with my scum meta
Perhaps so, though that isn't exactly a self-endorsement that I am going to take to the bank. To even have a clearly defined "scum meta" means you basically lose the moment you rand scum. There has to be some kind of variation, and I suspect that applies to someone like yourself that at least at times in this game has played with effort and confidence.
I have a very well defined scum meta
I'll reply to your things tomorrow JJJ, but I'm busy rn
I suppose I'll unvote rn
Vote: Unvote
Ok so I've got about 30 hours till EoD that should be enough. So far I've only read about 200-250 posts I know my early susses were Luka and ExLight but I'm sure that would have changed by this point in the game. I'll try to dig up why if anyone is interested (but remember those would be stale reads by now and I'm going to probably change them as I catch up).
Townreads are Cait, JJJ and Leesbra (I am more confident in these than in the scumreads for obvious reasons).
I'd appreciate if you could expand on what has led you to any or all of the reads you express here -- particularly the town reads (if I am right to interpret that those are more current).
It is my experience that my early townreads are more worth hanging on to because they tend to be more accurate than my early scumreads. I'll be expanding in a separate post for each player because nobody wants to read a huge quote wall (least of all me).
Starting here because I've actually changed my read.
uh catching up with the thread and I'm seeing some things got a bit heated
will head to bed now and after I wake up I'll reread it a bit more carefully to make some reads and take a stance on the situation
This is the post that initially pinged me from ExLight. It says literally nothing of value, and is that typical "I am totally active and reading and will give content I promise" post wolves like to make.
However, there are two unpairing posts that you've missed in your ExLight/Numbers iso:
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
I feel like that's massively untrue of any experienced player. You might get lucky on inexperienced scum, but more likely would just end up throwing suspicion at somebody that just thought you were clowning and rolled with it.
Im not saying town wouldnt have voted; I think its more likely for a town to not vote than a scum to not vote is what im saying
I think the reasoning is decent but a bit fallacious.
If someone had voted Cait to try giving it some momentum then it be seen as a scummy pushing for an early wagon.
But while voting can be scummy, abstaining from it isn't necessarily townie.
Here Numbers is needlessly inserting himself into a conversation between you and Luka to push back against Luka's reason for townreading ExLight. As a wolf, you just let the loltown have their silly D1 townread on your buddy, unless you intend to hard bus.
Note that this is immediately also a reason why my initial scumlean on Luka might be off too. I will come back to this but I'm saving Luka for last.
BobbyMac isn't a hard town read but when you're that glorious you get to be green anyway. While this might not be Mac that I know from hydra games I feel like it's in line for Bob's presence in London adventure so I feel like that is NAI Bob persona vs how Mac just normally plays. I talked about why Luka had town points before and Ex just feels like he does whenever I rope him into games and he's half paying attention which I would attribute to lower pressure town!Ex vs scum!Ex. Serif, T, and Jamie are replacement null for now. Callahan I didn't really have issue with in terms of stances, as said before the over the top bit just gives me pause because I don't have meta experience there. On the other side of that coin is JJJ who I feel is performative but I'm paused from orange sherberting here because I feel like it's NAI performance. Like they might just be a theater kid and love the showman aspect. Leesbra gets to be orange because I reviewed their other game and do not feel they were nearly as timid. Could be dichotomy of alignments but could also just be them attempting to course correct since they were caught wolf day 2. Would rather see more out of the slot than see them go over though. Cait gets to be orange because the "why did you suddenly show up?" question just doesn't sit well with me. The only thing it does for a town!Cait is set up the argument that Ex was creeping in thread just waiting for somebody to mention him but that's like a horrible argument from a town perspective but would be an easy thing for a wolf to pounce on. I don't really expect a champs player to go for that low of fruit but also it just sticks out like a sore thumb.
It's quite clear in hindsight that Cait is someone Numbers wanted dead. Now, it's possible that this is a very blatant chainsaw defense, but much more likely that Numbers is whiteknighting ExLight here. This post also negates the idea of the previous one being a setup to hard bus.
So ExLight is most likely town.
I think my only reads, being on icet and Caitlin, have been less than ideal, first game reads and all.
Nice to meet you Sugar Moon.
These make sense based on D2 but I'm surprised you seem to not consider your D1 reads
Hi Sugar Moon!
to be fair in a setup this small I don't think scum pushes for a bus, so they would likely try to shift attention away from their scumbuds
I'm not going to dig up quotes for this, being roleblocked by flipped scum is plenty clearing. The previous post is too. What I initially townread from Cait was that in the one scum game of hers I spectated her early game posts felt a little forced cheerful whereas the ones in this game did not.
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
The polemic that started with these posts seemed obviously v/v to me. For Callahan (and it's a pity I subbed into a slot I had a reason to townread) it made no sense to attack JJJ strongly and then just let that read sit when he gave such a delightful overly defensive OMGUS response. A wolf should have pounced on that. For JJJ's part I expect a wolf with his experience to handle the situation more tactfully. Throwing a hurtful expression like "you're not reading me in good faith" into someone's face never ends well, especially not when they're town; unless there is some bad blood between the players, town simply has no motive to act with malice, ever. I do not think JJJ is the type of wolf player who purposely makes townies feel bad, more likely is that he is someone who takes great care to communicate clearly and cannot wrap his head around how someone uninformed could still fail to understand what he's trying to say. Which means JJJ had no idea of Callahan's alignment which means he's town.
And as an aside, saying this to a mafia player is hardly less hurtful. Misreading a town's posts to get them eliminated is literally their job in the game, and without players willing to do it our hobby is dead.
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I mean, i’m probably gonna just reach post min and leave for the day. I like talking but it’d be better if I don’t.
Hey i’m back because I still haven’t reached post min. Abigail begged me not to go quiet so here the fuck I am
This may be naive but I usually townread it when a player voluntarily gives up thread control. A slanking wolf will always still give the appearance that they're "trying". Leesbra has a "I don't know why I'm even here" attitude I'm convinced he's just an utterly lost town.
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
Hello there Callahan. Usually I wouldn’t be this active, but with a post minimum and whatever rule Caitlin was talking about, I kinda have to.
Either way welcome on.
Hello there as well, bit confused about what's wrong with the post minimum since all you have to do is post 10 times, which you can just make 10 comments on what's happening, or am I missing something?
Also thank you for welcoming me! ^.^
The minimum is fine, though apparently that wasn’t the ONLY low posting rule… like I said. So… i’m here. Unsure of who to vote for werewolf and clearly outleagued by 98% of the people here.
If the low posters out number the high posters we can always turn the tables on them. But also I'm pretty sure Cait is talking more about your content than your number. You did make that whole "gonna hit the minimum and dip on the rest of day" comment.
This is pocketing.
68 posts before I don’t have to play a game
We have an objective
Contrast this with Leesbra's posts about the posting above. You know who rushes to the postcap with a bunch of solvy posts? Scum.
I do want to test the voting system though and I will
Vote: Michi
to do so
sup buddy been a while
I have TMI they’re town don’t
Haha this is the type of joke I just see from mafia more than from town.
Now for the next part you need to look at a few quotes together:Read List:
Town Lean:
- Ex
- Leesbra
Null but let’s pretend like scum lean:
- Cait
So Luka starts off townleaning Leesbra's opening post (below, notice time stamps). ExLight is also a townlean.
How do you do, fellow people?
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
The fucking speed of you is terrifying
Can you ask what’s townie about it
I want to, but at the same time it’s like you probably have my address from that post
Genuinely you’re lock villager from 3 posts congrsts
(excessively large image spoilered by me btw) The bolded also pinged me because why not just explain instead of asking this? Looks lamist to me.
Leesbra / GoldenOne town
ExLight town lean
Caitlin null
The two paranoia posts from Leesbra have him move up to locktown, leaving ExLight behind.
My legacy after I get yeeted d1 for tmi: Leesbra town
Ex is town too by the way
...and here's my problem: ExLight is suddenly elevated back to equal footing with Leesbra even though he hasn't posted during this interval. That's not a real progression.
So that's why I scumread Luka. However, remember that Numbers undermined his townreading of ExLight (in the ExLight post above). Is Numbers the kind of wolf to see a partner make some dodgy reasoning and then quickly point it out himself? Or is it more likely that I'm wrong? Additionally, this post is nagging me:
Numbers isn’t mafia with cait by the way
Is this tmi or the type of post you don't make so you don't accidentally shut yourself out of being able to push Cait after your buddy dies?
Would like input. Be back in ~12.
[mention]Sugar Moon[/mention]
I'd consider "Numbers isn't mafia with Cait btw" to be essentially a throwaway associative read that a hypothetical mafia Luka wouldn't feel beholden to later in the game. It's standard early game "looking involved" content in that scenario. It's rendered moot now with Cait essentially confirmed though.
As for your other point, about Numbers undermining a Luka town read on ExLight -- this is a moment I seem to read in the opposite direction. The "severity" of that moment, in which Numbers suggested Luka's comments were "massively untrue" seems more compatible with a momentary distancing maneuver when paired with what followed (or what didn't). Number didn't pursue that dialogue to any meaningful extent and then ended up dumping a frivolous town read on Luka when [possibly] thread consensus made it more palatable to do so.
I acknowledge this isn't the only interpretation of events available, but it's one thing I have considered when thinking of Luka as a candidate Numbers teammate.
That "mention" code didn't work at all. I dunno if a split name will let me use the @. Let's have a try.
@Sugar Moon
68 posts before I don’t have to play a game
We have an objective
Contrast this with Leesbra's posts about the posting above. You know who rushes to the postcap with a bunch of solvy posts? Scum.
I do want to test the voting system though and I will
Vote: Michi
to do so
sup buddy been a while
I have TMI they’re town don’t
Haha this is the type of joke I just see from mafia more than from town.
Now for the next part you need to look at a few quotes together:
Read List:
Town Lean:
- Ex
- Leesbra
Null but let’s pretend like scum lean:
- Cait
So Luka starts off townleaning Leesbra's opening post (below, notice time stamps). ExLight is also a townlean.
How do you do, fellow people?
Second game of Werewolf i’ve been in, first was… a bit chaotic to say. Wanting things to go well, though the way SOME people *cough cough* are theorizing about who is Werewolf or not already is a bit concerning.
From Florida, gremlin of a man,
The fucking speed of you is terrifying
Can you ask what’s townie about it
I want to, but at the same time it’s like you probably have my address from that post
Genuinely you’re lock villager from 3 posts congrsts
(excessively large image spoilered by me btw) The bolded also pinged me because why not just explain instead of asking this? Looks lamist to me.
Leesbra / GoldenOne town
ExLight town lean
Caitlin null
The two paranoia posts from Leesbra have him move up to locktown, leaving ExLight behind.
My legacy after I get yeeted d1 for tmi: Leesbra town
Ex is town too by the way
...and here's my problem: ExLight is suddenly elevated back to equal footing with Leesbra even though he hasn't posted during this interval. That's not a real progression.
So that's why I scumread Luka. However, remember that Numbers undermined his townreading of ExLight (in the ExLight post above). Is Numbers the kind of wolf to see a partner make some dodgy reasoning and then quickly point it out himself? Or is it more likely that I'm wrong? Additionally, this post is nagging me:
Numbers isn’t mafia with cait by the way
Is this tmi or the type of post you don't make so you don't accidentally shut yourself out of being able to push Cait after your buddy dies?
Would like input. Be back in ~12.
You know who else? Somebody whos overwhelmed and wants to generate discussion in the most dead game ever
I do agree I see it more from mafia than town :P. Which is why I don't make jokes like those as maifa.
Yeah they're town
Its because I wanted to generate more discussion.
Forgot the context for this too but my reads change all of the time for dumb reasons
I forgot the context to the numbers cait thing so im not going to mention it
I hate dead games
I get accused of LAMIST for just trying to generate discussion
We wouldnt be here w/o me
Vote: serif;
I end up here by POE. I'm still open to discussing Luka. I don't think I want to eliminate Sugar Moon/callahan. They ought to have an opportunity to continue with what they've started today.
EOD is coming tomorrow. I may not be available much, as I will have visitors from afar to show around town. I will try to poke in the best I can.
I'm done with my exams this week woo
might take a nap cuz I barely slelpt this week and when I wake up I'll do the things I had promised
I hate dead games
I get accused of LAMIST for just trying to generate discussion
We wouldnt be here w/o me
are your reads still the same? can you refresh our memory?
Sorry JJJ I dont think I'll get the time/motivation to reply to you
Other things just are kinda.. higher prio for me rn then a dead game :/
I just rlly... have intuition that Serif & Sugar Moon, and Imo Ex is arguably the most spewed there
So I just... feel like it's in you/Luka/Leesbra. I do feel like you might be effort cleared, Luka might be meta cleared, and Leesbra just had the towniest start but I do wonder if thats the weakest reason atp
I think my only reads, being on icet and Caitlin, have been less than ideal, first game reads and all.
Nice to meet you Sugar Moon.
These make sense based on D2 but I'm surprised you seem to not consider your D1 reads
I couldn't think of any other reads. Maybe I'm just blanking though
It seems as if I am below post minimum…
So I took a bit of a look into some older posts, and I feel like some of the older posts might help us find out who the werewolf could be.
First thing I saw was that Exlight and Numbers didn’t seem to be as close as it seemed earlier, while being with Luka on their rankings it seemed like they didn’t interact much. It could either be that Numbers was trying to distance themself from fellow mafia, or that he might’ve seen ExLight’s potential and didn’t want to mess with it. Or some other thing that I might not be seeing…
There’s also the heavy push early on from Luka against Caitlin.
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Let’s bandwagon cait
hi im exlight and i never played a mafia game before in my life is it like amongus
please be nice to me =uwu=
Cait had an awkward start wanna wagon them
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
Read List:
Town Lean:
- Ex
- Leesbra
Null but let’s pretend like scum lean:
- Cait
Note how Luka told Numbers- a confirmed mafia- to follow along.
I feel like this was a troll bandwagon, but at the same time having gone against someone with very little information so harshly is a bit suspicious…
And then we have this post from Luka…
Hey i’m back because I still haven’t reached post min. Abigail begged me not to go quiet so here the fuck I am
Poor abbi
dont worry though abbi I’ll pick up there slack
Luka you already have 3 times Abigail’s posts. Do you really need to post even more?
Im lowposting
Bob is mafia
I know I was a bit harsh to Bob myself later on in the game, but Luka calling Bob a wolf over their message:
What a Glorious day for a Bob like me.
It really feels like Luka was using this type of satire gun-jumping to make it seem townie from the ridiculousness, but was mafia. For now, Luka seems like a likely Mafia, and if I had to choose between them and ExLight (which I really think is the main alternative, but doubt they would be mafia rn), then i’d do Luka.
Vote: Luka
There might be more to this that I haven’t really seen, so I do want to look through more of Luka and ExLight’s messages to see if anything might be of importance. But for what i’ve seen, this feels like a good vote.
And then we have this post from Luka…
Hey i’m back because I still haven’t reached post min. Abigail begged me not to go quiet so here the fuck I am
Poor abbi
dont worry though abbi I’ll pick up there slack
Luka you already have 3 times Abigail’s posts. Do you really need to post even more?
Im lowposting
Bob is mafia
I know I was a bit harsh to Bob myself later on in the game, but Luka calling Bob a wolf over their message:
What a Glorious day for a Bob like me.
It really feels like Luka was using this type of satire gun-jumping to make it seem townie from the ridiculousness, but was mafia. For now, Luka seems like a likely Mafia, and if I had to choose between them and ExLight (which I really think is the main alternative, but doubt they would be mafia rn), then i’d do Luka.
Vote: Luka
How can one be so obvious town yet so obviously wrong at the same time
Leesbra never pushes me as wolf here im 100% confident in that.
There’s also the heavy push early on from Luka against Caitlin.
Also I suppose I should intro since I think Ex is the only one I know here...
I'm JayDreven (JD), Numbers, 15377 (specifically), NoName, Queenie, HangryHangryHippo, BlackDiagonalDragon, Hail_Hydra (1/2), umm....that might be all the names I've played under. I possibly have more years playing mafia than some of you have life experience. I will questionably be the lowest poster here. MU loves it when I do that in the hydra event too. I generally consider myself mediocre at this game.
Also I'll be basing my day 1 reads based strictly on who does and doesn't bandwagon Cait.
Let’s bandwagon cait
hi im exlight and i never played a mafia game before in my life is it like amongus
please be nice to me =uwu=
Cait had an awkward start wanna wagon them
Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat
Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell
Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
Read List:
Town Lean:
- Ex
- Leesbra
Null but let’s pretend like scum lean:
- Cait
Note how Luka told Numbers- a confirmed mafia- to follow along.
I feel like this was a troll bandwagon, but at the same time having gone against someone with very little information so harshly is a bit suspicious…
Notably, I cnat see how that incriminates me. Id argue it makes me more likely to be town, given how absurd that is to do to your scum buddy.
In addition to that, it was to kickstart discussion; I hardly see how thats susp.
I can get wanting to start conversation with the other townspeople, but why in the form of just saying to bangwagon someone who didn’t have much evidence against them?
I can get wanting to start conversation with the other townspeople, but why in the form of just saying to bangwagon someone who didn’t have much evidence against them?
how else
I can get wanting to start conversation with the other townspeople, but why in the form of just saying to bangwagon someone who didn’t have much evidence against them?
how else
How else?? Like we haven’t seen others show how else, but…
You could ask others about their stances on people, maybe try and see possible info that they gathered and discuss it? Luka, I really don’t get this reply…
I think I'm awake now, will start working on ISOing soon
I hate dead games
I get accused of LAMIST for just trying to generate discussion
We wouldnt be here w/o me
are your reads still the same? can you refresh our memory?
Please reply to this, Luka?
How can one be so obvious town yet so obviously wrong at the same time
Leesbra never pushes me as wolf here im 100% confident in that.
Those more often go together than not tbh.
Luka I'm not going to get fully read up today. Can you walk me through the events before I joined from your perspective? I want to get an idea for how you've experienced the game. Who did what, how did that influence your reads...
How can one be so obvious town yet so obviously wrong at the same time
Leesbra never pushes me as wolf here im 100% confident in that.
Those more often go together than not tbh.
Luka I'm not going to get fully read up today. Can you walk me through the events before I joined from your perspective? I want to get an idea for how you've experienced the game. Who did what, how did that influence your reads...
...how would you rate your own play this game and why?
ISO is a butt to do so I'll just reread thread and make comments on quotes that recatch my attention as I go.
Quote 1: Unsure if I should feel honored, or insulted by this attention! If you are implying that I'm already really wolfy, then you should vote me though. And Idk how informative votes on me will rlly be? I tend to attract both town and mafia voting me, usually
Neither? Luka's mini-push had put you as a front and center focal point early in the game so seeing how people react to that is what I'll claim my reads are based on but in reality since I don't know meta behind most of the players here I'll probably just be going off vibes today while I get a sense of everybody.
For example, Luka seemed to be intentionally hard town reading people on the fly for nothing as a manner of reading their reactions. The initial read is irrelevant and the true read lies in how they respond to being town read. For me this is town points to Luka because it provides a better read than gauging people off a hard push/suggested wagon (while they also did that it was more jokey/less follow through) which would be aimed at just stirring turmoil.
This post comes off as Numbers being slightly annoyed by Luka townlocking certain people, but also trying to keep his reads honest in case Luka became a point of discussion. I don't think scum Numbers gets out of his way to townread Luka here.
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I mean, i’m probably gonna just reach post min and leave for the day. I like talking but it’d be better if I don’t.
You cannot look at me and tell me they aren’t lock vil like cmon
A: Yes, you used the mention right. B: This is my second werewolf game, my first was Werewolf 30 (AKA Werewolf XXX).?
It means essentially before game. Abigail is the only one to really have before game posts.
Thanks on both counts. I just took a look at that game, and you were a wolf. Cool beans, that should prove useful. FYI: I'd suggest anticipating a considerably higher activity level than that game was -- it ended on page 6. Even at a 75 post cap, that's not happening here.
There is also the fact that there wasn’t really a post minimum last game, so… that made it short. Also if you’re thinking i’m good at seeing potential suspects for a wolf, I dunno what to say to you.
Luka is doing his best Abbi impression and trying to post cap in 3 hours
I mean, i’m probably gonna just reach post min and leave for the day. I like talking but it’d be better if I don’t.
Hello! I am JaggedJimmyJay. I am known for hunting mafia harder than your dad, compiling Champs stats, and recording bad karaoke.
It'd be super if anyone could provide a quick rundown of who knows who in this game, because that can go a long way in assessing both interactions and the validity of arguments made (e.g., with meta reads).
I don't know anyone well, so on my own I'll be operating purely at face value.
At face value, I like the cut of Luka's jib. I acknowledge this read is a somewhat shallow "vibe check", but whatever it's a starting point. Separating the game immediately into binary groups (town/mafia) as they have started to do is the right management of thread momentum.
Quote 1: I sadly also townread that post >.> But lock vil? Omg, no
Quote 2: A game with.. with.. with.. 6 pages of max 15 posts.. I'd lose it. I plan on posting more then that per day phase ;-; (using the final hour, I am well aware of the post cap)
Quote 3: Pls don't go >.< Any posts can help @Leesbra So if you like talking then do so! It also isn't rlly helpful to only post 10 times. How can we solve you? What if you'd have a great insight?
Quote 4: Ohhhh so that's where I recognize you from! I recognized your name, but couldn't place where. That makes you quite the celebrity tho so I feel so honored that I get to play with you
Quote 5: So first point about this quote; it kinda pings me. Idk why. But it does. Probably the final sentence?
Also I know: Sam (he is my best friend), Luka, Callahan (played with both at least 15 times), ExLight, Glorious Bob (played with both at least once), and I know you exist! Other then that, I don't think I know anyone but my memory is likeeee totally bad
1. Omg yes
2. Me fr
4. Pocketing
5. Townie
Why is cait town telling this is rigged
Just quoted here cuz I found funny (not funny) how you complained about people LAMIST-ing you and you doing it to Cait in the most dry way possible.
What does LAMIST even mean.
If Leesbra is truly in their second game ever, that general reference to early solving being spooky is recognizable and vaguely town. That begs the question: is it truly your second game @Leesbra? I don't really know anyone here, and I note a very low post count, so it seems like a first game on Wintreath at least? Please let me know where you played, thanks. If it was here, lemme know the game.
Hopefully I used the mention correctly.
Townie post, but I thought I had quoted another message (the one where JJJ mentions that a second time player would get hesitant to make reads). I'm curious about the skepticism, why would Leesbra be lying about it?
Hi! Just want to stop in!
I'm Callahan : )
I'll be rereading what I missed, but excited to play with you all! Already at 10 pages so, the game is pretty active, which is good!
That was a townie entry but the game being active part aged like milk, lol. In retrospect most of it was Cait and Luka butting heads ig.
I think the multiquotes get my quotes out of order and I wanna cry
After reading on earlier posts from Exlight, they really don’t tell wolf to me. So I feel like it would still be Luka if we’re going off of the list Numbers gave…
…though, there might be a chance Numbers used it as a throw-off to get more townmen out?
What does LAMIST even mean.
Look At Me I'm So Towny! basically doing a thing a certain way that looks like you're being showy with how towny it is.
So in the example you quoted Luka was saying that Cait's appeal to Leesbra to keep posting was over the top "look at how much I want to solve Leesbra".
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
I feel like some of the stuff people here have said or done feels extreme, to say the least. An example being Luka supposedly locking in me being town after 3 messages. I don’t really get that… so I feel like it might either be that these people are either just spitballing to try and make it seem like they can tell when they might just be wolf… or they really are that smart, and i’m just dumb. Not sure who out of these people to vote, but some of yall act real weird…
This seems genuine. Townie?
I'm slightly annoyed by the lack of pressure on people to explain why they're townreading him instead of just sitting and being "okay! guess you guys are just scary!"
I do think there's some validity to interpreting Leesbra's Steve Buscemi post as towny. I can't speak to Luka's rationale, and they ought to expand on what led them to that viewpoint.
I'll expand on my impression. I am content to believe that this is Leesbra's second game ever. For such a new player, there is often a natural resistance to or fear of the mere concept of someone making reads (let alone confident reads) based on game-entry content. The nerves inherent to a new player, including or especially a new town player, tend to make them more disinclined to make reads like that. They're slow, they're confused, and they're turbulent. It's perfectly okay to be those things, and it would lend itself to a mindset like like one Leesbra expressed: the way some people are already theorizing about who is a werewolf is a bit concerning.
This can be taken with a fair grain of salt since the game is so young, and it's not a thoroughly developed impression. But I have seen this kind of thing before from brand new town players, and they have often responded that way to me for engaging straightaway in a similar manner to Luka's opening to this game.
Okay, after rereading, I think the only thing that actually stood out to me was JJJ. I just feel like they are doing too much. I'm unsure if it's just how they play naturally but there is a fine line between "Look at me! I'm so townie and progressive!" and "I'm overcompensating because I'm scum and I want to be quickly town read." It's the beginning of the game, and they are already thinking too deeply about certain matters such as this post above. The middle paragraph specifically, like I'm reading this and all I'm thinking is what is the point of this? Why are you analyzing if it's this person's second game or not, and what traits they should have? It's just too much for no reason, and I'm unsure if it's playstyle or just you feel the need to overcompensate for something. And then their third paragraph is just completely discrediting themselves? I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this post. What is the intent behind this, because all I see is just a pile of words that actually have no direction behind them, especially after you accept that your post can be taken with a grain of salt?
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
This is a very uncharitable interpretation of what I had to say.
First of all, reducing a player's effort to explain a thought process clearly to "look at me I'm so townie and progressive" is incredibly unfair. You've taken a post where I had quite a lot to say, and you have twisted it in whatever manner you can to portray it as me saying nothing. Time to color code.
Green: You have referenced a portion of my post where I described why "Leesbra's second game" it is important to me and asked me why I brought up Leesbra's second game. The answer to that question is in the post. Players often fall into particular archetypes when they are brand new to the game, and I described what I have often observed from players who are brand new to the game. That is absolutely relevant to interpreting Leesbra's alignment, and I described precisely why I felt that way.
Suggesting my commentary is "nothing" or "pointless" or "overcompensating" without actually engaging with any of it is disingenuous. I don't like that.
Orange: Absolutely no thanks. I provided the direction earlier in the post (and in the post that preceded it on the same topic): here's why I think there's a valid reason to town read Leesbra. That is a direction. You are quoting a post that expresses that direction. It's right there. And in that third paragraph, I acknowledged that it's not a super confident read, and that I am not certain. That's called being responsible with a take. And yet even still, in the very same third paragraph, I reiterated my viewpoint. I have often seen brand new town players do what Leesbra did.
Red: This extends from the orange bit, really, but it drives home why I don't like this so much. You would have to ignore the words in the post to come to this conclusion about it. Of course I accept that my read can be taken with a grain of salt, and I should. Anyone that doesn't allow for that in a read they've made on someone they've never played with before is being a little ridiculous.
I struggle to believe that you read my post in good faith and came to those conclusions. It looks like you decided what your read on me was and then formulated an argument to justify it.
Vote: callahan
Yeah, this doesn't make sense. New players has to fall into a certain player archtype? That just seems controlling. Like you must play like this because you are new is all what I'm hearing.
Just because you don't like me saying you are overcompensating doesn't change the fact you are? Like you are literally color coding? I don't understand why you post something but you aren't even confident in it, and even suggest the fact people can take it for a grain of salt? Don't post something if your not confident in it? You're going to waste everybody's time. It just seems like you are blabbering for no reason even more now. You speak about a valid reason to town read Leesbra, but then you are like take it for a grain of salt? LOL? I am in no way ignoring your words at all, I'm left wondering what is the point of your post because I still do not see one. Like I'm looking, I really am. Me struggling to read your post in good faith is such a wack concept, I'm pointing out that you are overcompensating, obviously have no confidence in what you are saying, and just yapping to yap?
Yeah, this doesn't make sense. New players has to fall into a certain player archtype? That just seems controlling. Like you must play like this because you are new is all what I'm hearing.
Just because you don't like me saying you are overcompensating doesn't change the fact you are? Like you are literally color coding? I don't understand why you post something but you aren't even confident in it, and even suggest the fact people can take it for a grain of salt? Don't post something if your not confident in it? You're going to waste everybody's time. It just seems like you are blabbering for no reason even more now. You speak about a valid reason to town read Leesbra, but then you are like take it for a grain of salt? LOL? I am in no way ignoring your words at all, I'm left wondering what is the point of your post because I still do not see one. Like I'm looking, I really am. Me struggling to read your post in good faith is such a wack concept, I'm pointing out that you are overcompensating, obviously have no confidence in what you are saying, and just yapping to yap?
Green: Excuse me, but what? I didn't say anything about "has to fall into an archetype". I cannot understand how that could interpreted as "controlling". I feel like you are just tacking adjectives to your assessment.
Leesbra exhibited a behavior that I have seen before from new players with town roles. That's the read. I will expand, if the missing link is "I have seen this far less if ever from new players who are mafia".
Orange: Color coding is a way to reference posts effectively, and it is even a personal meme that Caitlin requested earlier. You read the game. I don't believe these are real thoughts. You are essentially suggesting that there is no reason a person should express a thought if they don't have total confidence that it is the correct thought. That is nonsense.
Callahan x JJJ has some interesting interactions I had missed the a few times. Since both are in the PoE I think these are particularly interesting. I can actually see both points of view and it makes me think this is likely TvT. If I had to pick one of these to be scum I'd probably implode because I keep going back and forth on who's slightly more scummy.
I do think JJJ's points on Leesbra are fair and it's a slot that requires more analysis because beginners are usually fairly hard to read. I do wish JJJ had taken a more noticeable stance on the more experienced players though. And I don't think Callahan throws a punch scumreading JJJ outta nowhere if they didn't want to get a convo going. It does feel like that was something that caught their attention.
On the other hand I feel like her arguments on him are weak and somewhat put words in his mouth, which raised a few red flags. JJJ's style of posting here also reminds me a bit of the couple town games I seen him play.
Overall I think these mixed signals both point to these slots being town, which makes it so the only remaining slot that remains a question mark to me to be Serif?
Hey everyone. EOD right?
I can't point to any singular post but Luka hasn't come across well to me once this game. Between myself and the person Luka is voting, I'd much rather vote Luka.
Vote: Luka
I'll hang around for now, hopefully until EoD but I might have to leave before then.
Anyone else here?
Oh good afternoon ExLight
My slot looked like shit D1 lmfao I can see why Cait was underwhelmed by me popping back in
I had no input in the Calla x JJJ at the time
Oh good afternoon ExLight
Hi, good afternoon!
Unfortunately I feel like you're at the bottom of my readslists, care to bounce some ideas off with me?
Oh good afternoon ExLight
Hi, good afternoon!
Unfortunately I feel like you're at the bottom of my readslists, care to bounce some ideas off with me?
Sorry, I really don't have much
I don't see anything redeemable from Luka, but if it isn't Luka I'm stumped.
If there's a deepwolf I'd currently say it's you, your high placement is backed from Numbers' spew but something just irks me about your slot. I couldn't say what
Also, I'm an idiot. I mentioned scum Numbers townreading Luka but it ended up sounding saying the complete opposite of what I meant. "I don't think scum Numbers gets out of his way to townread scum Luka here" is what I meant.
I think Luka looks a bit better because of Numbers kinda jumping to whiteknight that slot. But at the same time the content Luka been posting in-thread has been significantly underwhelming for the past couple Days. I wouldn't mind this slot gone, but I am not confident on it based on the interactions Number had with it such as the post quote previously and the high place in the readslist.
The mini clash with Numbers later on also felt a bit weird and opportunistic of him. I don't think Luka and Numbers make sense as a scumteam unless there's some weird unnecessary theater going on and I'd prefer to lynch elsewhere? Setting up for a bus is often seem as suicidal in a setup this small (although in my experience lynching a scum this early in a game like this is actually really bad cuz having fewer interactions make it really hard to follow up on finding the second one).
While I'm catching up I'll keep my vote on
Vote: serif;
I might change if I spot anything that red flags me a bit more.
Hey everyone. EOD right?
I can't point to any singular post but Luka hasn't come across well to me once this game. Between myself and the person Luka is voting, I'd much rather vote Luka.
Vote: Luka
I'll hang around for now, hopefully until EoD but I might have to leave before then.
Anyone else here?
I'm here I'm hoping Luka will show up and talk to me.
I do apologize for the lack of content from me. I have trouble playing with new people
Hopefully when I see you all again I'll've gotten better in that regard :P
Oh good afternoon ExLight
Hi, good afternoon!
Unfortunately I feel like you're at the bottom of my readslists, care to bounce some ideas off with me?
Sorry, I really don't have much
I don't see anything redeemable from Luka, but if it isn't Luka I'm stumped.
If there's a deepwolf I'd currently say it's you, your high placement is backed from Numbers' spew but something just irks me about your slot. I couldn't say what
Understandable, I too find being overly busy with college scummy!
My game do be shit so far, all the people I scumread turned out to be Townies.
Alright, I'll be right back.
Good luck all!
I do apologize for the lack of content from me. I have trouble playing with new people
Hopefully when I see you all again I'll've gotten better in that regard :P
Hopefully we'll get to meet each other in future games here?? :D
This season gonna have gift cards and Abi really wants to revamp the forum's mafia community so lots of reasons for us to.
Oh good afternoon ExLight
Hi, good afternoon!
Unfortunately I feel like you're at the bottom of my readslists, care to bounce some ideas off with me?
Sorry, I really don't have much
I don't see anything redeemable from Luka, but if it isn't Luka I'm stumped.
If there's a deepwolf I'd currently say it's you, your high placement is backed from Numbers' spew but something just irks me about your slot. I couldn't say what
Understandable, I too find being overly busy with college scummy!
My game do be shit so far, all the people I scumread turned out to be Townies.
I'm sorry, is there a problem? I don't understand the shade in the first statement although maybe I'm just misreading self depreciation
I never said your activity was what made you scummy, nor your reads. I've been less active and probably just as accurate. It's more of a tone thing, I can't pin it exactly though which is why I said "something just irks me".
Hey folks. I am halfway "around", in that I am at a computer for a bit. I can't really hang out here and read a bunch, but I can poke in if there are immediate questions before EOD. Just be sure to tag or direct quote me.
Oh good afternoon ExLight
Hi, good afternoon!
Unfortunately I feel like you're at the bottom of my readslists, care to bounce some ideas off with me?
Sorry, I really don't have much
I don't see anything redeemable from Luka, but if it isn't Luka I'm stumped.
If there's a deepwolf I'd currently say it's you, your high placement is backed from Numbers' spew but something just irks me about your slot. I couldn't say what
Understandable, I too find being overly busy with college scummy!
My game do be shit so far, all the people I scumread turned out to be Townies.
I'm sorry, is there a problem? I don't understand the shade in the first statement although maybe I'm just misreading self depreciation
I never said your activity was what made you scummy, nor your reads. I've been less active and probably just as accurate. It's more of a tone thing, I can't pin it exactly though which is why I said "something just irks me".
It was a bit of a sassy comment but read it more as tongue in cheek. I haven't been able to dedicate myself to the game and it's because of college, regardless of the reason you might have some weird feeling about my slot I can guarantee you it's a direct consequence of it.
You might not want to tone read me because I often come off as abrasive, plus English isn't my first language so it causes a lot of misunderstandings sometimes.
What was your opinion on Bob on D1? You seemed a bit avoiding his slot, despite you two seemingly knowing each other somewhat well.
It really doesn't feel like the tone comes from business, but I don't think I'll have the time to think about that much further. I have to head out now, good luck all
The mini clash with Numbers later on also felt a bit weird and opportunistic of him. I don't think Luka and Numbers make sense as a scumteam unless there's some weird unnecessary theater going on and I'd prefer to lynch elsewhere? Setting up for a bus is often seem as suicidal in a setup this small (although in my experience lynching a scum this early in a game like this is actually really bad cuz having fewer interactions make it really hard to follow up on finding the second one).
While I'm catching up I'll keep my vote on
Vote: serif;
I might change if I spot anything that red flags me a bit more.
If I am understanding you here, this represents a bit of a disconnect with Luka's self-assessment. They'd offered as a defense that they would have distanced with Numbers as mafia:
Luka was my tinfoil, and I could be convinced in that direction.
I distance as scum
I havent commented on numbers once which, is sus in its own right; but doesnt allgin with my scum meta
If this assessment is accurate, that'd suggest any theater was one-sided (from Numbers). Is that what you mean to convey, ExLight? That Numbers was the one propagating a sense of animosity or "theater"? Perhaps if I am generous, I might note that when one wolf gets animated about someone else and that animation is not reciprocated, the engagement is less compatible with "distancing" -- that tends to be more mutual.
This would depend upon Luka's self-report being true. I am unable to dig and verify right now.
What was your opinion on Bob on D1? You seemed a bit avoiding his slot, despite you two seemingly knowing each other somewhat well.
I know Bob very well (albeit in a different username). I didn't have a clear read on them on Day 1, because they were playing low-key and close-to-the-vest. However, I thought I saw the kernels of meaningful solving (and from a uniquely Mac mindset, the other Bob body). I place value in their perspective and in the absence of concrete suspicion wanted to give them the chance to develop their impressions and make waves. I didn't want them voted out, at least not that early.
Also, I'm an idiot. I mentioned scum Numbers townreading Luka but it ended up sounding saying the complete opposite of what I meant. "I don't think scum Numbers gets out of his way to townread scum Luka here" is what I meant.
I think Luka looks a bit better because of Numbers kinda jumping to whiteknight that slot. But at the same time the content Luka been posting in-thread has been significantly underwhelming for the past couple Days. I wouldn't mind this slot gone, but I am not confident on it based on the interactions Number had with it such as the post quote previously and the high place in the readslist.
That… is a fair point. It might be a throw-off that they left when they were taken out. But I don’t have much of a better idea to who could be the last wolf. Luka seems like the best candidate from reviewing older messages with him, Numbers and the rest of us.
The mini clash with Numbers later on also felt a bit weird and opportunistic of him. I don't think Luka and Numbers make sense as a scumteam unless there's some weird unnecessary theater going on and I'd prefer to lynch elsewhere? Setting up for a bus is often seem as suicidal in a setup this small (although in my experience lynching a scum this early in a game like this is actually really bad cuz having fewer interactions make it really hard to follow up on finding the second one).
While I'm catching up I'll keep my vote on
Vote: serif;
I might change if I spot anything that red flags me a bit more.
If I am understanding you here, this represents a bit of a disconnect with Luka's self-assessment. They'd offered as a defense that they would have distanced with Numbers as mafia:
Luka was my tinfoil, and I could be convinced in that direction.
I distance as scum
I havent commented on numbers once which, is sus in its own right; but doesnt allgin with my scum meta
If this assessment is accurate, that'd suggest any theater was one-sided (from Numbers). Is that what you mean to convey, ExLight? That Numbers was the one propagating a sense of animosity or "theater"? Perhaps if I am generous, I might note that when one wolf gets animated about someone else and that animation is not reciprocated, the engagement is less compatible with "distancing" -- that tends to be more mutual.
This would depend upon Luka's self-report being true. I am unable to dig and verify right now.
You use hard words. Number swinged a bit on how he approached Luka, so depends on when you're meaning it.
I'm not comfortable making judgments based on Luka's self-meta because if someone is aware enough to describe their meta as scum then they can easily fake their town meta since they know what to avoid. This would be just WIFOM and I'm uncaring about this comment in particular. Luka's posts are very scummy to me, what is making me townlean them very slightly is how Numbers deals with this slot (at first kinda whiteknighting it, and later on clashing a bit with them probably as an attempt to start a wagon).
My blanket assessment of Luka would be that their posts have gradually declined toward a classical mafia archetype. After a hot start, they have drifted much more out of view (and in alignment with a member of the mafia being mechanically outed, so that's not ideal). At face value, I think they're wolfy.
With respect to Numbers interactions, I can find an argument in either direction if I want to. I think ExLight did well to discuss an interpretation that is favorable for Luka. I covered a contrary view earlier, in which it seemed that Numbers was antagonistic to Luka but also listed them as a town read (i.e., potentially establishing distance but without the threat of an actual bus).
What was your opinion on Bob on D1? You seemed a bit avoiding his slot, despite you two seemingly knowing each other somewhat well.
I know Bob very well (albeit in a different username). I didn't have a clear read on them on Day 1, because they were playing low-key and close-to-the-vest. However, I thought I saw the kernels of meaningful solving (and from a uniquely Mac mindset, the other Bob body). I place value in their perspective and in the absence of concrete suspicion wanted to give them the chance to develop their impressions and make waves. I didn't want them voted out, at least not that early.
IMO him dying that Night makes the lack of interactions between you two fairly underwhelming, are you able to see that?
You use hard words. Number swinged a bit on how he approached Luka, so depends on when you're meaning it.
I'm not comfortable making judgments based on Luka's self-meta because if someone is aware enough to describe their meta as scum then they can easily fake their town meta since they know what to avoid. This would be just WIFOM and I'm uncaring about this comment in particular. Luka's posts are very scummy to me, what is making me townlean them very slightly is how Numbers deals with this slot (at first kinda whiteknighting it, and later on clashing a bit with them probably as an attempt to start a wagon).
To be clearer, I don't mean necessarily that we need to trust (or distrust) Luka's self-meta. Rather, if it is true that Luka had nothing to say about Numbers, that could work against the [potential distancing] theory that could be tacked to Numbers' treatment of Luka. It'd be odd to have totally one-sided distancing.
Leesbra how did you manage to set it so your pronouns show up below your avatar when they don't for other users? Almost everyone has them listed but I have to click their profile to see them.
IMO him dying that Night makes the lack of interactions between you two fairly underwhelming, are you able to see that?
I'm not sure I know exactly what you mean. Them dying as someone that I know might make me look goofy. I can't really speak to the "degree of interaction", as I think Bob and I interacted a decent bit even without necessarily taking hard stances. I don't really fault you for that impression based on those soft stances. MacBob and I go way back and tend to treat each other with care.
Leesbra how did you manage to set it so your pronouns show up below your avatar when they don't for other users? Almost everyone has them listed but I have to click their profile to see them.
Honestly, I do not remember how. And also i’ve seen that it only appears (atleast for me) on PC, which I rarely am on here with.
IMO him dying that Night makes the lack of interactions between you two fairly underwhelming, are you able to see that?
I'm not sure I know exactly what you mean. Them dying as someone that I know might make me look goofy. I can't really speak to the "degree of interaction", as I think Bob and I interacted a decent bit even without necessarily taking hard stances. I don't really fault you for that impression based on those soft stances. MacBob and I go way back and tend to treat each other with care.
Yea, it's why you both have this sorta relationship that the lack of back and forth is a bit underwhelming.
I think you both knowing each other well generates a sense of expectation on you having more solid reads on each other or at least boncing some ideas off each other. Him dying when you've actively decided to give him some time/space to do their own thing creates this sort of distancing from their death, since there's not much for us to work with. It also makes so he doesn't have a strong stance on you to be used as a legacy.
On a completely unrelated note, I'll be running a game in the near future (likely starting in 3-4 days). It will be a large-but-fast game with non-standard mechanics and some weird thematic flourishes (based on the show Severance). You're all invited if you like. The folks in this game have generally been very good vibes, and that's the most important thing to me. No pressure at all, just thought I'd toss out the invite. I can provide a link if folks desire.
Does scum in Wintreath usually have access to chat during the Day Phase? Or is it Night only?
Does scum in Wintreath usually have access to chat during the Day Phase? Or is it Night only?
(I know rules say mafia has day chat but I don't know if it means, like, the thread or the scum chat)
Yea, it's why you both have this sorta relationship that the lack of back and forth is a bit underwhelming.
I think you both knowing each other well generates a sense of expectation on you having more solid reads on each other or at least boncing some ideas off each other. Him dying when you've actively decided to give him some time/space to do their own thing creates this sort of distancing from their death, since there's not much for us to work with. It also makes so he doesn't have a strong stance on you to be used as a legacy.
I don't really have anything to say about Bob dying other than that it's a bummer. It would have been nice to have someone that I know and knows me deeper into the game, especially as the pace has gone stale. Maybe the mafia thought Bob was a power role candidate.
As for developing solid reads -- not in this case. We know each other very well, but that doesn't quite mean we read each other well. Bob in particular takes on many different forms and metas (something I alluded to earlier in the game), and sometimes it takes a little time to get a strong grip what they're up to. To my memory they don't often give a strong read on me either, at least not until deeper in a game. We've both fleeced each other many times over.
What was your opinion on Bob on D1? You seemed a bit avoiding his slot, despite you two seemingly knowing each other somewhat well.
I know Bob very well (albeit in a different username). I didn't have a clear read on them on Day 1, because they were playing low-key and close-to-the-vest. However, I thought I saw the kernels of meaningful solving (and from a uniquely Mac mindset, the other Bob body). I place value in their perspective and in the absence of concrete suspicion wanted to give them the chance to develop their impressions and make waves. I didn't want them voted out, at least not that early.
IMO him dying that Night makes the lack of interactions between you two fairly underwhelming, are you able to see that?
It does make sense that if Bob dies N1 one of the wolves would know him, though once he outed himself anyone could have realised he was a strong player from his MU champs play.
The careful positioning around eachother I find NAI, after all if you've played with someone a great deal and misread them a few times you start being careful not to do so again. And we know Bob was town, if he felt like JJJ should have had a strong read on him I'm sure he would have said so (disclaimer: I don't know whether Bob did or not). Also, if you respect a player and think they're probably town, hard townreading them D1 is more likely to get them killed at night so many players avoid doing so.
Hmm, I still feel like there was missing something there.
If scum has Day chat I believe killing Bob had already been brought up which is why Number had the weird townlock read on Bob despite not echoing his reads. If that's the case I'd expect the second scumbud to maybe be avoidant of that slot, which I believe fits the bill here for a potential JJJ scumbud barely interacting.
Sugar Moon
I think I'm comfortable with this readslist? Leesbra might fall into yellow, it's hard to read newer players.
As to why killing Bob that could be weird. Either scared of his skill as a Player or he had brought something up that raised some urgency. I don't particularly remember Bob doing much other than being a bit insistent on townleaning me? Which I can see being a bit of a headache to Numbers depending on how he perceives my slot?
If they wanted to try pushing for my mislynching, then killing the experienced player advocating for me could be the start of setting it up?
Killing Bob also gets rid of someone that might have more meta information to work with JJJ's slot, which again is a bit ambiguous.
The mini clash with Numbers later on also felt a bit weird and opportunistic of him. I don't think Luka and Numbers make sense as a scumteam unless there's some weird unnecessary theater going on and I'd prefer to lynch elsewhere? Setting up for a bus is often seem as suicidal in a setup this small (although in my experience lynching a scum this early in a game like this is actually really bad cuz having fewer interactions make it really hard to follow up on finding the second one).
While I'm catching up I'll keep my vote on
Vote: serif;
I might change if I spot anything that red flags me a bit more.
If I am understanding you here, this represents a bit of a disconnect with Luka's self-assessment. They'd offered as a defense that they would have distanced with Numbers as mafia:
Luka was my tinfoil, and I could be convinced in that direction.
I distance as scum
I havent commented on numbers once which, is sus in its own right; but doesnt allgin with my scum meta
If this assessment is accurate, that'd suggest any theater was one-sided (from Numbers). Is that what you mean to convey, ExLight? That Numbers was the one propagating a sense of animosity or "theater"? Perhaps if I am generous, I might note that when one wolf gets animated about someone else and that animation is not reciprocated, the engagement is less compatible with "distancing" -- that tends to be more mutual.
This would depend upon Luka's self-report being true. I am unable to dig and verify right now.
You use hard words. Number swinged a bit on how he approached Luka, so depends on when you're meaning it.
I'm not comfortable making judgments based on Luka's self-meta because if someone is aware enough to describe their meta as scum then they can easily fake their town meta since they know what to avoid. This would be just WIFOM and I'm uncaring about this comment in particular. Luka's posts are very scummy to me, what is making me townlean them very slightly is how Numbers deals with this slot (at first kinda whiteknighting it, and later on clashing a bit with them probably as an attempt to start a wagon).
I know what to fake, true. I've done it before. However, I don't believe I'm in my s!meta at all; and cait backed me up iirc
I had to stop my recap around mid D1's EoD to piece these reads, I'll resume my rereading but I don't think there's much more I can say before the current EoD.
My blanket assessment of Luka would be that their posts have gradually declined toward a classical mafia archetype. After a hot start, they have drifted much more out of view (and in alignment with a member of the mafia being mechanically outed, so that's not ideal). At face value, I think they're wolfy.
With respect to Numbers interactions, I can find an argument in either direction if I want to. I think ExLight did well to discuss an interpretation that is favorable for Luka. I covered a contrary view earlier, in which it seemed that Numbers was antagonistic to Luka but also listed them as a town read (i.e., potentially establishing distance but without the threat of an actual bus).
I don't lose motivation if a scum dies, first of all. I've been accused of this more times as town; its mostly because I dislike any day past D1.
In addition, I cant see what about my posts gives you scum pings. No posts, only saying it does without reasoning is what im seeing as to my defense
Hmm, I still feel like there was missing something there.
If scum has Day chat I believe killing Bob had already been brought up which is why Number had the weird townlock read on Bob despite not echoing his reads. If that's the case I'd expect the second scumbud to maybe be avoidant of that slot, which I believe fits the bill here for a potential JJJ scumbud barely interacting.
Sugar Moon
I think I'm comfortable with this readslist? Leesbra might fall into yellow, it's hard to read newer players.
Do you remember your own stance on Bob D1?
On a completely unrelated note, I'll be running a game in the near future (likely starting in 3-4 days). It will be a large-but-fast game with non-standard mechanics and some weird thematic flourishes (based on the show Severance). You're all invited if you like. The folks in this game have generally been very good vibes, and that's the most important thing to me. No pressure at all, just thought I'd toss out the invite. I can provide a link if folks desire.
Aw, how kind! Thank you so much!
Does scum in Wintreath usually have access to chat during the Day Phase? Or is it Night only?
I dont know if you fake dumb tells but this is fairly safely town
My blanket assessment of Luka would be that their posts have gradually declined toward a classical mafia archetype. After a hot start, they have drifted much more out of view (and in alignment with a member of the mafia being mechanically outed, so that's not ideal). At face value, I think they're wolfy.
With respect to Numbers interactions, I can find an argument in either direction if I want to. I think ExLight did well to discuss an interpretation that is favorable for Luka. I covered a contrary view earlier, in which it seemed that Numbers was antagonistic to Luka but also listed them as a town read (i.e., potentially establishing distance but without the threat of an actual bus).
I don't lose motivation if a scum dies, first of all. I've been accused of this more times as town; its mostly because I dislike any day past D1.
In addition, I cant see what about my posts gives you scum pings. No posts, only saying it does without reasoning is what im seeing as to my defense
Is this a general thing when playing or specific to this game? Also why?
Oh good afternoon ExLight
Hi, good afternoon!
Unfortunately I feel like you're at the bottom of my readslists, care to bounce some ideas off with me?
Sorry, I really don't have much
I don't see anything redeemable from Luka, but if it isn't Luka I'm stumped.
If there's a deepwolf I'd currently say it's you, your high placement is backed from Numbers' spew but something just irks me about your slot. I couldn't say what
Its not exlight lolVote: serif;
My blanket assessment of Luka would be that their posts have gradually declined toward a classical mafia archetype. After a hot start, they have drifted much more out of view (and in alignment with a member of the mafia being mechanically outed, so that's not ideal). At face value, I think they're wolfy.
With respect to Numbers interactions, I can find an argument in either direction if I want to. I think ExLight did well to discuss an interpretation that is favorable for Luka. I covered a contrary view earlier, in which it seemed that Numbers was antagonistic to Luka but also listed them as a town read (i.e., potentially establishing distance but without the threat of an actual bus).
I don't lose motivation if a scum dies, first of all. I've been accused of this more times as town; its mostly because I dislike any day past D1.
In addition, I cant see what about my posts gives you scum pings. No posts, only saying it does without reasoning is what im seeing as to my defense
Is this a general thing when playing or specific to this game? Also why?
In general. I tend to find D1s most fun as town.
My blanket assessment of Luka would be that their posts have gradually declined toward a classical mafia archetype. After a hot start, they have drifted much more out of view (and in alignment with a member of the mafia being mechanically outed, so that's not ideal). At face value, I think they're wolfy.
With respect to Numbers interactions, I can find an argument in either direction if I want to. I think ExLight did well to discuss an interpretation that is favorable for Luka. I covered a contrary view earlier, in which it seemed that Numbers was antagonistic to Luka but also listed them as a town read (i.e., potentially establishing distance but without the threat of an actual bus).
I don't lose motivation if a scum dies, first of all. I've been accused of this more times as town; its mostly because I dislike any day past D1.
In addition, I cant see what about my posts gives you scum pings. No posts, only saying it does without reasoning is what im seeing as to my defense
Is this a general thing when playing or specific to this game? Also why?
In general. I tend to find D1s most fun as town.
As for why- Uh, I have alot of baseless confidence d1 in tiny things. As the game continues I get more demotivated and frankly lost as more content comes into the fray.
I can get wanting to start conversation with the other townspeople, but why in the form of just saying to bangwagon someone who didn’t have much evidence against them?
how else
How else?? Like we haven’t seen others show how else, but…
You could ask others about their stances on people, maybe try and see possible info that they gathered and discuss it? Luka, I really don’t get this reply…
Stances on people with no content to give stances on? what?
I think I'm awake now, will start working on ISOing soon
I hate dead games
I get accused of LAMIST for just trying to generate discussion
We wouldnt be here w/o me
are your reads still the same? can you refresh our memory?
Please reply to this, Luka?
I. Don't know what my reads are right now. One second-
I'm comfy with You, Cait, Leesbra, Myself town
POE of Serif JJJ Calla
After reading on earlier posts from Exlight, they really don’t tell wolf to me. So I feel like it would still be Luka if we’re going off of the list Numbers gave…
…though, there might be a chance Numbers used it as a throw-off to get more townmen out?
Why are we following a scum list again lol
Hey everyone. EOD right?
I can't point to any singular post but Luka hasn't come across well to me once this game. Between myself and the person Luka is voting, I'd much rather vote Luka.
Vote: Luka
I'll hang around for now, hopefully until EoD but I might have to leave before then.
Anyone else here?
Im incapable of explaining why but I dont like this slot
how do I see VC
How can one be so obvious town yet so obviously wrong at the same time
Leesbra never pushes me as wolf here im 100% confident in that.
Those more often go together than not tbh.
Luka I'm not going to get fully read up today. Can you walk me through the events before I joined from your perspective? I want to get an idea for how you've experienced the game. Who did what, how did that influence your reads...
D1 was a nothing burger
D2 was a red check
Today is a nothing burger
how do I see VC
serif;: 3 (ExLight, Luka, JaggedJimmyJay)
Unvote: 1 (Caitlinuwu)
Luka: 2 (Leesbra, serif;)
No Vote (Never Voted): callahan, Sugar Moon
How can one be so obvious town yet so obviously wrong at the same time
Leesbra never pushes me as wolf here im 100% confident in that.
Those more often go together than not tbh.
Luka I'm not going to get fully read up today. Can you walk me through the events before I joined from your perspective? I want to get an idea for how you've experienced the game. Who did what, how did that influence your reads...
D1 was a nothing burger
D2 was a red check
Today is a nothing burger
How was D1 a nothing burger lmao
My blanket assessment of Luka would be that their posts have gradually declined toward a classical mafia archetype. After a hot start, they have drifted much more out of view (and in alignment with a member of the mafia being mechanically outed, so that's not ideal). At face value, I think they're wolfy.
With respect to Numbers interactions, I can find an argument in either direction if I want to. I think ExLight did well to discuss an interpretation that is favorable for Luka. I covered a contrary view earlier, in which it seemed that Numbers was antagonistic to Luka but also listed them as a town read (i.e., potentially establishing distance but without the threat of an actual bus).
I don't lose motivation if a scum dies, first of all. I've been accused of this more times as town; its mostly because I dislike any day past D1.
In addition, I cant see what about my posts gives you scum pings. No posts, only saying it does without reasoning is what im seeing as to my defense
Is this a general thing when playing or specific to this game? Also why?
In general. I tend to find D1s most fun as town.
As for why- Uh, I have alot of baseless confidence d1 in tiny things. As the game continues I get more demotivated and frankly lost as more content comes into the fray.
This really doesn't jive with "I spam early reads to get people to talk so there can be more content" if a lot of content makes you enjoy the game less.
Vote: Luka
Hmm, I still feel like there was missing something there.
If scum has Day chat I believe killing Bob had already been brought up which is why Number had the weird townlock read on Bob despite not echoing his reads. If that's the case I'd expect the second scumbud to maybe be avoidant of that slot, which I believe fits the bill here for a potential JJJ scumbud barely interacting.
Sugar Moon
I think I'm comfortable with this readslist? Leesbra might fall into yellow, it's hard to read newer players.
Do you remember your own stance on Bob D1?
I was null on him for most of the Day, but I always found his townlock on me a bit weird. When he voted me around EoD tying me with the leading wagon I saw it as a red flag on him and started scumreading him strongly because it felt like scum being opportunistic.
Tbf tho, this isn't rlly a vote because I think it *has* to be you, but as I stated, I think it's in you/Leesbra/JJJ
So I rather have you out than Serif; a slot that I townread
Sorry if I'm wrong, Luka
Vote: Luka
After reading on earlier posts from Exlight, they really don’t tell wolf to me. So I feel like it would still be Luka if we’re going off of the list Numbers gave…
…though, there might be a chance Numbers used it as a throw-off to get more townmen out?
Why are we following a scum list again lol
I’m looking at the list because it could show who they might’ve been paired with. A wolf would want to keep their only other wolf from being eliminated unless it’d also hurt them, so the list can show a call based on a player’s role.
how do I see VC
top of thread, under title, there should be a button that says "Votes"
How can one be so obvious town yet so obviously wrong at the same time
Leesbra never pushes me as wolf here im 100% confident in that.
Those more often go together than not tbh.
Luka I'm not going to get fully read up today. Can you walk me through the events before I joined from your perspective? I want to get an idea for how you've experienced the game. Who did what, how did that influence your reads...
D1 was a nothing burger
D2 was a red check
Today is a nothing burger
How was D1 a nothing burger lmao
I remember 2 things from it being Leesbra and you made yourself town
(Hammer happened)
Host Announcement
Hey Loves
serif;: 3 (ExLight, Luka, JaggedJimmyJay)
Luka: 4 (Caitlinuwu, Leesbra, serif;, Sugar Moon)
That's your vote count and guess what
Luka is dead imma stab him right in the heart. Just like you did. Monsters.
Anyways Luka is dead. He was Vanilla Town. Night starts now.
Host Announcement
Hi I am dumb and forgot about this game
Day Start
Caitlin be dead. She was Vanilla Town.
Day: 5 Players, we can make so 1 Vanilla dies today.
Night: 2 Power Roles, 1 Vanilla, 1 scum.
Day: 1 Power Role, 1 Vanilla, 1 Scum.
or 2 Power Roles, 1 Scum.
If we lynch a Vanilla today scum goes to a (1/3) chance of losing during the Night.
And even if they hit a Power Role we go into -Lo with a 50/50 chance.
At random, which should probably be worst case scenario unless we suck, Town has a 2/3 (66.67%) chance of winning.
I claim vanilla, and I propose my slot to be a strategic mislynch so we can guarantee we make into the night with two Power Roles.
With this info out it's risky to let me alive during the night since scum can just keep me alive, making me a living WIFOM in -Lo.
Vote: ExLight
People should still discuss who they think is scummy, though. And what each of the flips among the remaining 4 would imply when it comes to other players.
Also, please discuss my suggestion and what it implies carefully. Town can actually guarantee a win in this game if people think about it a bit outside of the box.
Host Announcement
Majority is 3
I think
I claim vanilla, and I propose my slot to be a strategic mislynch so we can guarantee we make into the night with two Power Roles.
With this info out it's risky to let me alive during the night since scum can just keep me alive, making me a living WIFOM in -Lo.
Vote: ExLight
People should still discuss who they think is scummy, though. And what each of the flips among the remaining 4 would imply when it comes to other players.
You are correct in your reasoning for why taking you into the night has a greater chance of the wolf killing one of the PRs. Which is why you shouldn't have. Now we are going to have a dead day without discussion because the elimination has pretty much been decided for us - nobody is going to have such a strong wolfread on anyone that they're willing to risk it.
Your reasoning for tomorrow if both PRs make it is wrong though. Wolf will 100% cc one of the two PRs. They will then cross, and the uncounterclaimed PR will have to choose one - it's not a guaranteed win.
I think
You think correctly!
Your reasoning for tomorrow if both PRs make it is wrong though. Wolf will 100% cc one of the two PRs. They will then cross, and the uncounterclaimed PR will have to choose one - it's not a guaranteed win.
Tbh we get the same odds if everyone claims today: two clears who can't be cced (because we just kill both), one dies in the night, the other gets to play kingmaker. In both scenarios the wolf gets to choose who has hammer tomorrow.
I claim vanilla, and I propose my slot to be a strategic mislynch so we can guarantee we make into the night with two Power Roles.
With this info out it's risky to let me alive during the night since scum can just keep me alive, making me a living WIFOM in -Lo.
Vote: ExLight
People should still discuss who they think is scummy, though. And what each of the flips among the remaining 4 would imply when it comes to other players.
You are correct in your reasoning for why taking you into the night has a greater chance of the wolf killing one of the PRs. Which is why you shouldn't have. Now we are going to have a dead day without discussion because the elimination has pretty much been decided for us - nobody is going to have such a strong wolfread on anyone that they're willing to risk it.
Your reasoning for tomorrow if both PRs make it is wrong though. Wolf will 100% cc one of the two PRs. They will then cross, and the uncounterclaimed PR will have to choose one - it's not a guaranteed win.
Oh, you're right about scum counterclaiming PRs. I... I'm not sure why it slipped my mind, that's a bit embarrassing.
I'm not very confident if it matter anymore.
Also, I disagree with today not generating discussion. People can still discuss the events from the previous days. In particular EoD1, early D2, and the little we had from D3.
And depending on how people approach my slot and my plan I know of a way we can guarantee a win for Town here.
And depending on how people approach my slot and my plan I know of a way we can guarantee a win for Town here.
I will probably elaborate on this a bit more: Townlock me and ignore my plan to mislynch me.
By simply trusting my slot, and forcing a massclaim, we force scum to claim vanilla here. There will be 2 other vanilla claims aside from my slot, and the scum will be guaranteed to be among those two. If people trust me enough we can use the two Day elims to guarantee getting rid of the last mafia.
I am aware that this is a massive WIFOM, but I hope this gesture of me volunteering to be the mislynch shows itself as a gesture of good faith to improve our odds (even though I overlooked an important detail Sugar Moon mentioned above).
Your reasoning for tomorrow if both PRs make it is wrong though. Wolf will 100% cc one of the two PRs. They will then cross, and the uncounterclaimed PR will have to choose one - it's not a guaranteed win.
Tbh we get the same odds if everyone claims today: two clears who can't be cced (because we just kill both), one dies in the night, the other gets to play kingmaker. In both scenarios the wolf gets to choose who has hammer tomorrow.
Ah, you're right. We wouldn't lynch a Power Role if they claimed today, so we always end with one alive in -Lo.
I... I might be stupid.
Please everyone ignore everything I said, I'm overcomplicating things. Let's... Let's just play normally I guess.
Considering I was already a moron and claimed a Massclaim here would be appreciated toDay.
I wanna shove my head into a hole my play this game has been dogshit and it's embarrassing.
I wanna shove my head into a hole my play this game has been dogshit and it's embarrassing.
Honestly, I feel this has been a rusty game for everyone here… but we must pursue on. We can’t just let mafia win this…
I will probably elaborate on this a bit more: Townlock me and ignore my plan to mislynch me.
By simply trusting my slot, and forcing a massclaim, we force scum to claim vanilla here. There will be 2 other vanilla claims aside from my slot, and the scum will be guaranteed to be among those two. If people trust me enough we can use the two Day elims to guarantee getting rid of the last mafia.
I am aware that this is a massive WIFOM, but I hope this gesture of me volunteering to be the mislynch shows itself as a gesture of good faith to improve our odds (even though I overlooked an important detail Sugar Moon mentioned above).
Exlight, I feel you might be onto something. We know that there has only been one civilian role eliminated (IceT, who helped us get the first mafia), leaving 2 left. So we have 2 vanilla, 2 roled town and 1 mafia. Realistically roled townies wouldn’t claim unless they had already gotten vital information, because a role death would mean mafia are more likely to win.
So I feel like if anyone were to claim as a role without providing proof against a mafia, they themself might be mafia. But then there’s also the fact that this would mean that everyone would claim vanilla town. Problem is with this is that if everyone claims vanilla town, then we can’t prove anyone is vanilla town.
If everyone is safe, no one is safe, and everyone is unsafe.
Leesbra, you're missing an important point, we're on endgame. When we approach an endgame the ideal is for all people to claim their roles, there's no more information to be gained from these roles, so there's no reason for them to w
It's an open setup. We know we have a bodyguard and a cop.
It's an open setup. We know we have a bodyguard and a cop. The current Roled Town are pretty useless at this point and act as innocent child. Cop will get a green result on everyone since the remaining scum is godfather, and bodyguard doesn't care about protecting anyone in particular since we don't have any other mechanically cleared players.
If the Bodyguard and the Cop claim today, then mafia CANNOT counterclaim them today, because otherwise we'll lynch both the conflicting claims.
Because of that, we will have 3 vanilla claims. We can lynch 2 of these claims - one toDay and one in the next Day Phase. So massclaiming right now is the ideal because regardless of what we do we're always at a 50/50 scenario on -Lo, so we might as well already work with a smaller one today so we don't risk lynching a power role, plus have updated readslist and can reread interactions under a new light.
Brief update on the math: 2/3 of lynching town today, and then 1/2 chance of lynching town again next Day means a 1/3 chance total, so in the end my math was still right and we have a 66.67% chance of lynching scum at random if we do this.
*so there's no reason for them to withhold information on who they are.
Mafia killing a Role Death after a mass claim doesn't improve their odds here. Like Sugar Moon mentioned they can always just fake claim to be the remaining roled Death.
Maybe if I break each scenario down:
> If we don't Massclaim:
>> We never lynch a Power Role because I claimed vanilla and can be toDay's Lynch
>>> Scenario 1: I get lynched today and a Power Role dies during the Night: 1 Roled, 1 Vanilla, 1 Mafia. Mafia has to counterclaim one of the two: 50/50.
>>> Scenario 2: I get lynched today and no Power Role dies during the Night: 2 Roled, 1 Mafia. Mafia has to counterclaim one of the two Roled: 50/50.
> If we Massclaim:
>> Scum can't claim Roled or we're guaranteed eliminate them (one toDay, one next Day). They fake claim Vanilla. We lynch any of the Vanillas. Mafia will also know to shoot a Roled person, since shooting a Vanilla would out them as mafia.
>>> Scenario 3: We lynch a Vanilla and a Power Role dies during the Night: 1 Roled, 1 Vanilla, 1 Mafia. Mafia is already pretending to be vanilla: 50/50.
> If we Massclaim:
>> Scum can't claim Roled or we're guaranteed eliminate them (one toDay, one next Day). They fake claim Vanilla. We lynch any of the Vanillas. Mafia will also know to shoot a Roled person, since shooting a Vanilla would out them as mafia.
>>> Scenario 3: We lynch a Vanilla and a Power Role dies during the Night: 1 Roled, 1 Vanilla, 1 Mafia. Mafia is already pretending to be vanilla: 50/50.
So either way it seems we have a 50/50? Also, I was planning on listing an idea with this but felt it was stupid (Let Bodyguard be the night kill, as Cop determines one of the two other remaining people)
I honor your sacrifice to help us win though, ExLight.
I’m starting to see the importance of both Cop and Bodyguard claiming today:
Mafia Claims: Mafia either gets lynched on the 50/50 this day, or dies next day in the 100% guarantee due to their claim
Mafia Doesn’t Claim: 1 Vanilla gets deleted today, Bodyguard can guard Cop to guarantee their own death or the vanilla villagers as Cop investigates one of the remaining supposed vanillas.
If the Vanilla dies, then the Cop and Bodyguard know who is Mafia, because neither of them are.
If the Bodyguard dies, then Cop knows who is or isn’t Mafia.
@ExLight does the math work out here? Because if so, this seems like a town victory.
(I accidentally said tonight instead of today for a part. Whoops.)
The cop has no function anymore beyond being claimable, because the remaining mafioso is immune to the cop (godfather). I think it's important that discussion this phase be predominantly behavioral at least as much as mechanical, because I don't see a claims system that would provide better odds than just proceeding and having a power role claim if they are threatened toward EOD (or near a hammer of 3 votes). I could be mistaken; it has been a long day and it is difficult to think straight.
The cop has no function anymore beyond being claimable, because the remaining mafioso is immune to the cop (godfather). I think it's important that discussion this phase be predominantly behavioral at least as much as mechanical, because I don't see a claims system that would provide better odds than just proceeding and having a power role claim if they are threatened toward EOD (or near a hammer of 3 votes). I could be mistaken; it has been a long day and it is difficult to think straight.
I’m honestly feeling a bit worn out too, but if that is the case (where Cop cannot see Godfather as mafia), then this seems like we’re back to regular guessing…
POE would suggest the answer is Serif. Maybe. I find myself troubled by one thing though: I'm not sure Serif would be likely to kill Caitlin as a wolf.
Caitlin was effectively confirmed town, and perhaps that's all that needs to be said. Still, Caitlin was clearly the most pro-Serif player in this thread. I'm also not sure that Serif has been engaged with the game to such an extent that "make the mechanically appropriate kill" needs to be an assumption even for them as mafia. They seem kind of unaware in general (understandably, no offense intended).
I acknowledge the wifom. I think we're sort of forced to confront wifom at this stage though. I'd like to really go through the game again and fully reassess. I have visitors here though, and it is not easy for me to get into this thread. I think I'll have time tomorrow evening if folks avoid any hammers until then. Before that time, I can still poke in on my phone a bit and at least talk the game over.
The dialogue I had previously with ExLight about GloriousBob being killed makes me want to go back and look at Bob's posts more closely. Bob was killed for some reason, and that should be assessed (while acknowledging possibilities like "power role chasing" or "bodyguard dodging"). I'll make that a priority now while I have a moment.
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
I'm an old and wizened man my boy I've seen them all in my travels. In a past life I was a great adventurer they called MacDougall.
What a Glorious day for a Bob like me.
My glory overwhelms me at times. My bobness too.
GloriousBob wishes to remind you all that Mafia is a silly past time shared by a largely lonely and sorrowful bunch who are more like one another than we often care to admit and to remember how it feels when other people say mean words to you before you say them yourself.
Vote 1, GlooooriousBob.
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
Now this is a confusing rhetoric my boy. He isn't dragging me in, he's replying to my own shared opinion. You can't be casting declarations of dismay over such things lad.
I'm sorry but having this as the first thing you say to someone, I'm literally flabbergasted, like that is not like I'm just so flabbergasted with what he just said to you
Why is that my dear lad? I don't share the concern.
Okay, we roleplaying here, but I just don't understand that is the first thing you say to someone and your attempt is to drag them into the argument, and for what purpose? Is it because they can't defend themselves on their own, are they looking for support, or are they calling for their partner to help them out? I just have never personally tried to drag someone into an argument I'm having with someone, especially the first thing I said to a person.
Callahan he didn't drag me into anything, he read my comment and is replying to it. Are you okay lad?
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
Now this is a confusing rhetoric my boy. He isn't dragging me in, he's replying to my own shared opinion. You can't be casting declarations of dismay over such things lad.
I'm sorry but having this as the first thing you say to someone, I'm literally flabbergasted, like that is not like I'm just so flabbergasted with what he just said to you
Why is that my dear lad? I don't share the concern.
In my years, and they are many, two warriors in the cohort of the God butting heads has occurred ooooh so many times. Too many times to count. And I've gotten quite good at seeing it when I see it.
I think you two have the potential for this hiccup to be instead an origin story of a great alliance
I think I will retract my vote and suspicion on Leesbra for now.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
ExLight is perhaps my top town for I do believe they are genuinely trying to solve my alignment and do not have it.
Caitlin ah dear Caitlin. It is a difficult proposition articulating suspicion on you in a way that I am confident won't aggrieve you so I shan't reiterate my prior point. Apologies if I have the wrong of you.
Leesbra, at an earlier point of the game I felt like Leesbra was coming off awkward... "stilted" being the word. But Luka dropped a very flippant townread on them. My thought at the time was, well maybe Luka can be wrong. But as the game has unfolded Caitlin has also come to the defense of Leesbra strongly. I learn over time that this means Leesbra is probably town, particularly when one of the players shielding them is mafia.
Michi > Jamie, during catch up Jamie made a few posts I quite thought were townie. I forget what they said exactly but their reads felt organic.
Callahan I was perhaps wrong on. In that I defended them to Jay. But subsequent to this interaction they have not profiled as the same type of player in further interactions. Their Jay read developed into a quite oddball townread and outside of their flirtation with tunneling KOFM himself their play has been chaotic in a way that doesn't feel townie. Less pursuit of solutions and more pursuit of resolutions if you catch my meaning.
Luka is an enigma. They remind me of one of my versions. It feels like they steamed into the game issuing takes to generate impressions but has had an emotion draining event occur and ergo has been unable to maintain. I leave alone for now. I think lightly townie to blatantly fall off.
JJJ is town but not overwhelmingly so as yet. They seem progressive, which is good. And need continue to be. Heed my words that if at any stage I'm gone and Jay remains alive, his momentum must maintain or improve. Any falling off should be viewed with high scepticism. Any laziness. On merit his play has felt mostly genuine and his solving has been the most coherent and rational to me. And we must reward good behaviour!
Serif's entry was quite nice. I felt some joy. There was no apprehension. A little bit of playfulness. I give them time.
IceT is as described suspicious to me.
Numbers, curious how I'm their top town but I largely believe I'm mind melding with their other solves.
I feel that if Numbers, Jay, ExLight and myself were able to find each other. We may have a good outcome on this day and in this game. It feels like the towncore to me, but I am aware I perhaps haven't earned entry. :))
I feel if you don't have confidence in what you are saying, you shouldn't say anything at all
Perhaps it's massive culture or strategy clash, but I am not sure I have ever read a sentence in a Mafia thread that I disagree with more than this sentence. And I have been playing the game for 12 years of my life. This is a landmark event.
I am going to leave the rest alone for now so this doesn't turn into an unnecessarily volatile back-and-forth that will make everyone else miserable. I want to know what others think.
You are the Jagged one. You don't make anything miserable except for the lives of your opponents my boy.
Vote: Leesbra
why does the website have my IP
Ah now this... this is a wolfy entrance.
You may be asking yourself, Bob... how is it that you manage to be so darn Glorious all the time?
The answer is quite simple. I make good decisions. For instance I'm making the decision right now to admin to Jay that I'm MacDougall. Because he probably will find that interesting.
Honestly Mac you are playing very un-Maclike game this game
Why is that?
Dear sweet one Mac is a dynamic system of which Bob is the most glorious.
In my earlier adventures through this beautiful whimsical land I overhead an adventurer by the name of Luka I think it was making reads here and there. Quite an unusual fellow. Quick to issue an opinion. Sort of lad that'd get himself into a mischief in a tavern in my experience.
Now... he was saying he'd be accused of having TMI... and I'm not about to say that means anything because it doesn't. But a couple of the people he made townreads on I didn't really share.
It was so long ago and I've had a belly full of ale so you'll need to forgive me but the people that it was were several and the only one I remember was Leesbra.
That's all to say I think Leesbra is a little bit ... perturbing. Non glorious. Not a lot but certainly a little and I suppose one would be forgiven for finding it interesting Luka was spreading the good word about the fellow.
I think I will retract my vote and suspicion on Leesbra for now.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
But Leesbra didnt rlly do much more
Back, btw
I have explained my re-evaluation of Leesbra in subsequent posts. It is largely due to your own read so I'm curious why you are taking issue with me developing a townread on your townread?
Speaking of Jay, he's a great player indeed. I must say he does seem to be townie or at least he passes enough as such but Callahan's read of him is so common and reasonable that Jay erring towards omgus when Jay knows people unfamiliar with him accuses him of such things doesn't sit right with your Gloriousness.
Hi Bob! Have we played together before? I don't recognize your username.
I have seen players accuse me of "Lamist" or whatever, or of "trying too hard". The language of those accusations doesn't tend to feature someone taking a post I made and twisting it into the worst possible interpretation of that post (at least not when the accusation is an honest one). More often the legitimate accusations are that I am stilted or too formal or that kind of thing.
Perhaps I am responding emotionally, but I have also been dealt difficulties in the not-distant past by wolves reading me as wolfy and throwing me off balance.
You are not real YOU ARE NOT REAL WHAT IS THIS?? Why are you trying to drag someone into what we are talking about right now? If you feel like you are responding emotionally, then please take a break from this thread, and come back to me when you have your emotions sorted out.
Now this is a confusing rhetoric my boy. He isn't dragging me in, he's replying to my own shared opinion. You can't be casting declarations of dismay over such things lad.
IceT is suspicious of me for meta.
How unfortunate.
And ExLight sheeping.
Ah mafia, o great love o mine.
Where to begin...
IceT having me as their bottom read is perhaps reasonable from the vantage point of someone with one game of meta on me and none of it Bob meta. Yet...
Jay who has hundreds of games of meta on Mac is not suspicious of me on meta.
Cait who has a few games of meta on Mac is tentatively townreading me.
Numbers appears to be the only one here with Bob meta and recognises this just Bob.
So one must ponder whether IceT is simply being opportunistic in voting for a player they can produce a surface level comprehensible reason for suspecting.
Outside of this I have found them to be the more suspicious of the list since entry. They made an archetypally nervous entry commenting on their IP address. Subsequent solving carried the hallmarks of the late entering mafia slot. A giant hodge podgy catch up post quote wall designed to look like a try hard town. Follow up machine gun townreads of varying quality quoting non AI posts loaded with TMI. Topping it off with a vote on the most Glorious.
Now I'm usually not one for OMGUS. Perish that thought indeed, but I was suspicious of IceT before I even read their suspicion of me so I won't accept such accusations.
As for ExLight well...
I think they have had a side eye on me the whole game. Their gaze upon your Glorious has felt earnest in the sense that they are certainly genuinely trying to figure me out. I think their game has been townie and getting townier.
On a separate subject our other recent entrant to the game has felt ... townie but not overwhelmingly so. Just more level and reserved in their take making. Something about this game gives me the impression the town are all relatively findable by looking for the people who are more pensive seeming. While the wolves are among those actually attempting to create a narrative. To fill the silence generated by a waitful town crew.
I have played with Cait quite a bit also as it were.
Young man your concern with me wouldn't be stemming from you being my only suspicion would it?
It's an unusual concern you seem to have calling me what you have. I wouldn't think I'm any more or less guilty of that than half the patronage.
Your acts haven’t solidified my suspicions, just simply made me think on if you could be mafia or not. And while what you said and expressed might be a small point as to why I looked at your posts, it is not what made me suspicious of you. Town can vote town, wolf can vote wolf, it’s happened many times before. You’ve made some questionable acts, but I have not seen you as a full blown wolf through the day.
Questionable acts... such as?
IceT that question is quite odd. Firstly I have at length explained to you why I suspect you and all you need to do is read the posts available to you.
Secondly no I'm not suspecting you due to your read on me being anti consensus albeit the fact that it is lends me to think that it is not as reasonable a read as you think it is.
At any rate your response is rather townie.
Jay what is your issue with Jamie?
Young man your concern with me wouldn't be stemming from you being my only suspicion would it?
It's an unusual concern you seem to have calling me what you have. I wouldn't think I'm any more or less guilty of that than half the patronage.
that's why I TR Jimmy
you might be right Jimmy could be Mafia but I'm TRing them for now and I think you're town for making this post lol
~~~snipped for length~~~
don't know if you guys still suspect each other don't think you are voting each other last time I checked, but I think you 2 are t/t. Luka is the scum here though.
posting this now so y'all know I existed and so this doesn't get too long I read up to page 11
I'm referring to this bit.
Luke is the scum here though is a curious point I'd like them to elaborate on.
less than one hour remaining get schmoving folks
By all means do things.
IceT that question is quite odd. Firstly I have at length explained to you why I suspect you and all you need to do is read the posts available to you.
Secondly no I'm not suspecting you due to your read on me being anti consensus albeit the fact that it is lends me to think that it is not as reasonable a read as you think it is.
At any rate your response is rather townie.
Jay what is your issue with Jamie?
You said if I was being opportunistic in my voting for going you for past meta BC other people TR you
Then you said my opening is scummy (I really don't see how it is)
Then you said my wallpost is scummy
I don't really understand your push on me BC it seems entirely made up of confirmation bias
That may be because you have your own confirmation bias to assist you finding yourself townier than you think you are lol.
Vote: callahan
What is ExLight doing this eod?
Inclined to keep my vote on Jamie
I was contemplating it but it doesn't seem likely to be a hit imo.
Luka has extraordinarily confident reads and has had the whole game. Staking their life on Leesbra and Cait being town and now immediately death tunneling IceT.
Tis weird.
Refresh my memory; has Luka cased someone already?
Not to my mind. Just overly confident hot takes engine.
Well, I have contributed enough for now imo
@GloriousBob I do ask of you to pls explain the reads in your readslist, because they aren't very explained. And I also don't see how you got to an SL on me
I'll be back later but I'll spend time with my lovely girlfriend now
Can't wait for the content of Icet and Serif
Also JJJ - there is no ISO here
The reasons are many and few. The reasons fluctuate between valid and invalid. The reason I suspect you I don't remember. Today is a new day. Now today I slightly suspect you for forcing scumreads. This isn't usually a read I'd make but in this spree of posting here you picked Ex Light and Numbers to push and both of them seem fine. Ex Light's reaction had the requisite town entitlement. Ex Light is quite townie. Numbers has also been... observant. Both of them feel like me in that they're still waiting and watching (at this stage, I am mid catch up). Which is fine. It feels like a gamestate in which the mafia might feel the need to start plotting the course for end day, and the moved you are making feel like a wolf doing that to me.
Jamie not here and nobody really speaking up in his defense as a shrugyeet is not a great sign.
Thought on Numbers?
I kinda townread them but the options are slim.
Let's please make an effort to avoid dissing the forum, friends. It's not even my forum, but this game is meant to be in part a celebration and return of the Wintreath community.
Indeed I find it charming and nostalgic.
Inclined to keep my vote on Jamie
I was contemplating it but it doesn't seem likely to be a hit imo.
Luka has extraordinarily confident reads and has had the whole game. Staking their life on Leesbra and Cait being town and now immediately death tunneling IceT.
Tis weird.
In my earlier adventures through this beautiful whimsical land I overhead an adventurer by the name of Luka I think it was making reads here and there. Quite an unusual fellow. Quick to issue an opinion. Sort of lad that'd get himself into a mischief in a tavern in my experience.
Now... he was saying he'd be accused of having TMI... and I'm not about to say that means anything because it doesn't. But a couple of the people he made townreads on I didn't really share.
It was so long ago and I've had a belly full of ale so you'll need to forgive me but the people that it was were several and the only one I remember was Leesbra.
That's all to say I think Leesbra is a little bit ... perturbing. Non glorious. Not a lot but certainly a little and I suppose one would be forgiven for finding it interesting Luka was spreading the good word about the fellow.
Yes, Luka is sus
But many others, including myself, also townread Leesbra
So why do you specifically come after Luka for this?
Luka's read was the most flippant.
Vote: callahan
I really really dont wanna vote there sorry
Callahan's return just after I left just feels so town!Callahan
I dont rlly know how to describe it but meta-wise I think she's def town
Can you offer a more thorough explanation of it?
Vote: ExLight
so much for being your top townread huh
Reads change and you haven't engaged me the countless olive branches I've extended.
wait nvm I do remember calling Bob scum I voted them lol I think they're town now
Yes highly curious behaviour.
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
omg cait town slipped
Cait or Luka?
I think both
No Cait is claiming to have been reaction testing.
I think I will retract my vote and suspicion on Leesbra for now.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
But Leesbra didnt rlly do much more
Back, btw
I have explained my re-evaluation of Leesbra in subsequent posts. It is largely due to your own read so I'm curious why you are taking issue with me developing a townread on your townread?
Well I thought the progress was weird? I wouldve read more on it but I literally just returned, so I didnt know you wrote more on it.
Fair enough. Essentially one part sheeping others, one part developing a theory of what the mafia would be acting like in this gamestate and them not fitting into it.
It is perturbing that I want ExLight to decide today's chop as I am most comfortable with their alignment and also think they have the best chance of no scoping a wolf yet they remain voting me and aren't doing much this eod.
Failing this I will probably just end up voting alongside Jay.
You may be asking yourself, Bob... how is it that you manage to be so darn Glorious all the time?
The answer is quite simple. I make good decisions. For instance I'm making the decision right now to admin to Jay that I'm MacDougall. Because he probably will find that interesting.
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
then vote me?
I'd rather just get lynched D1 than have to deal with you tunneling me nonstop again
Do you have some sort of personal issue with me? Why do you keep doing this? Last game you also kept getting reasons out of thin air to keep telling people to push for me even though it almost caused our team to lose
I was already vocal that I didn't find Jamie's slot townie as usual and that yours was NAI at best. I now pointed out that I didn't like Bob's vote. How is being content with these three gaining some traction "all over the place"?
You were complaining about no reads and when I take a more vocal stance on some of the slots that are catching my attention in a negative manner you start saying they're scummy? Give a break.
What of my vote?
this actually doesn't change the fact how I think Luka is town now but Luka could've 100% faked that slip
Icet being convinced by the slip is so pure & townie
Icet/Callahan/Serif is my towncore
That is a nigh unbelievable towncore.
Jay what is your issue with Jamie?
Jamie is probably the only player for whom I hold some concrete suspicion that cannot, as yet, be challenged by the meta provided by anyone else. They seem floaty, and I have reasons to question the sincerity of some of their town reads.
Was there something in particular you liked from them?
Yes but without the benefit of the ISO feature I don't really think I'll be finding it.
I don't really like Ex's reaction rn but I also liked their posts before
Bob if you're super confident on Ex I'll vote with you
You don't want to vote Jamie?
Vote: ExLight
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
Why would you do this you aren't even the vote leader?
Vote a scumread. This is silly.
Vote: callahan
I really really dont wanna vote there sorry
Callahan's return just after I left just feels so town!Callahan
I dont rlly know how to describe it but meta-wise I think she's def town
Can you offer a more thorough explanation of it?
It's just kinda like... It feels like she really cares about solving the game and looking good, and what I realized now is that she isnt *actually* confident. It feels like she's just playing up her confidence, which to me makes it look more genuine. I'd overall say confident!Callahan is more likely mafia as I said before, with the outtake being the video. But this feels like an up-played confidence also shown by how she takes a step back from just pushing JJJ later, when mafia!her could probs continue doing so; she was winning the battle and JJJ being voted out would be a valuable vote for mafia. If she was mafia I think she'd stick there or just display more actual confidence
Jay was never dying today with the way he played and my read on him. Winning the battle was never on the cards imo.
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
Why would you do this you aren't even the vote leader?
Vote a scumread. This is silly.
if the hosts count the improper votes I have four on me (+luka and +cait) with icet wanting to vote me depending on your answer
I was never planning to vote you out I was just trying to generate vote logic.
How do y'all feel about Michi --> Jamie?
Reasonably null.
I kind of townread both Ice and Luka honestly.
Jamie not here and nobody really speaking up in his defense as a shrugyeet is not a great sign.
Ex also bothered me when they just ignored half my posts, pretty consistently
Like for example I was explaining why I asked Ex why they showed up, because various ppl accused me for wondering such a thing. I also stated that it MAY be a coincidence, which is why I asked
Ex however FULLY ignored that I wrote that in the post, and also was acting like I was acting them again over it, when I was just explaining my motivation behind asking it? Was I supposed to just let myself get accused when I asked it with good reason?
I prefer voting Ex above voting Jamie.
To add to this; Ex's reads are over the place. They want me and Jamie wagoned, and next also wagoned Bob.
Also theres 3 mafia @Luka
Yeah its Ice +2
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
there is 2 mafia
I accept the derpclear from Luka tbh.
1. ExLight moderate town
3. Caitlin null lean wolf
4. Leesbra lean wolf
5. Michi > Jamie lean wolf
6. Callahan lean town
7. Luka lean town
8. JJJ lean town
9. GoldenOne ?
10. DarchAngel ?
11. Numbers lean town
not optimal
Leesbr / Bob / Cait +4
Forgot how much evils there were, If its 3 id bet on icet being one of them, however the fact that nobody is siding thme in this pursuit is townie. I was LHF at the time and nobody is defending him; with nearly every slot defending me.
Quite an astute observation
Vote: JamieIsBored
I wanted a GloriousBob ISO, so I made one myself. Don't click the spoiler unless you want every single GloriousBob post on your screen.
I note that Bob voted for all of Leesbra, ExLight, and callahan/Sugar Moon at least once during Day 1 (the latter two near EOD).
So. lol
I'm gonna stare at the details for a while and see if I can squeeze out some new insight.
Note to self: serif replaced GoldenOne
keep forgetting
When I throw a big multi-quote ISO into a pile like that, does it randomize their order? I'm so confused about how that GloriousBob spoiler ended up. Oh well, at least there are timestamps.
I'm trying to track the progressions of Bob's reads on the living players, and that is more difficult when the posts are in a crazy order. But I think this is how it went:
Bob on ExLight -- started decent, became highly positive, and was highly positive for the majority of Day 1. Only at the very end did Bob vote for ExLight briefly when they seemed to think ExLight was sidelining EOD (or something like that). That looks more like a pressure move than something Bob would have wanted me to treat as a hard suspicion from a legacy standpoint. The vast majority of Bob's takes on ExLight were in the town-reads direction. Here's a late-Day 1 example:
ExLight is perhaps my top town for I do believe they are genuinely trying to solve my alignment and do not have it.
Bob on Leesbra -- Bob suspected Leesbra arguably more than anyone else for much of Day 1. While some players were town reading Leesbra early, Bob was expressing misgivings (and responding to Leesbra's mutual suspicion of them with more misgivings). However, Bob ended Day 1 with a different viewpoint:
Leesbra, at an earlier point of the game I felt like Leesbra was coming off awkward... "stilted" being the word. But Luka dropped a very flippant townread on them. My thought at the time was, well maybe Luka can be wrong. But as the game has unfolded Caitlin has also come to the defense of Leesbra strongly. I learn over time that this means Leesbra is probably town, particularly when one of the players shielding them is mafia.
This is important to me, because this is the kind of read that is Bob's bread and butter. Indeed, they wrote a literal article about making this kind of read (click here (https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/40755-33-The-Great-Sheep-Hack-(by-Macdougall)?p=7189731#post7189731)). This tells me that Bob placed a lot of value in this process that arrived at a town read on Leesbra and probably would have stuck to it given time. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean Leesbra would understand that dynamic -- but nonetheless, the final read by Bob on Leesbra was a town read.
Bob on serif -- There's not a whole lot here. That's understandable, there wasn't much to say about the serif slot in general. When they provided the reads list from which I extracted the quotes above, this was the serif note:
Serif's entry was quite nice. I felt some joy. There was no apprehension. A little bit of playfulness. I give them time.
It's at least a little positive. Certainly not negative. I'm not sure there's a clear behavioral reason for serif to want Bob removed.
Bob on callahan/Sugar Moon -- Bob's initial take on callahan was positive. They seemed to interpret the argument between callahan and I as "town/town", and served as a sort of mediator in that moment. Props to Bob for doing that, by the way. Regardless of callahan's alignment, that is a very pro-town thing to do, and others should take note in future games. Very well managed. Anyway, that read trajectory was probably the one that changed the most for the worse. For example:
Callahan I was perhaps wrong on. In that I defended them to Jay. But subsequent to this interaction they have not profiled as the same type of player in further interactions. Their Jay read developed into a quite oddball townread and outside of their flirtation with tunneling KOFM himself their play has been chaotic in a way that doesn't feel townie. Less pursuit of solutions and more pursuit of resolutions if you catch my meaning.
Bob seemed to change their impression of the "town/town" argument based upon callahan's progression after that event, and this isn't accompanied by the same late Day 1 town read nods Bob afforded to the others in this analysis. Bob also voted callahan in the vicinity of EOD, and I don't get the impression it had the same pressure-based function that their vote on ExLight may have had.
Based on all of this, if Bob was killed at least in part due to their reads, my first guess would be callahan/Sugar Moon being a part of that decision. Still, I add two critical caveats:
1) It's possible that Bob was killed for mechanical reasons instead of behavioral reasons. If so, much of this conjecture is rendered moot. We can't really know on this point. I think it is important to survey all of the evidence available to us anyway, and this is something we can certainly discuss today.
2) Unfortunately, this is entirely about GloriousBob and callahan. That leaves Sugar Moon in a rather crappy position. I'm not sure how they are supposed to address any of this, and I acknowledge that that's lame. Replacements be like that. Nonetheless, I very much welcome your input, Sugar Moon, whether about anything I said regarding callahan or especially the other three.
Ranking the most behavioral evidence suggesting a killing motive, most-to-least:
callahan/Sugar Moon
I'm treating GloriousBob as the kill comfortably worth the most from a night kill analysis perspective. Icet and Caitlin dying have much more readily apparent mechanical explanations.
Gonna make a 10th post just in case I get frozen out tomorrow due to my visitors. Unlikely, but whatever I want to ensure the rules are followed.
Plenty to talk about in the meantime, gang.
Actually that was pointless, because I want to say one more thing.
My analyzing the Bob kill should not be confused with my overall reads. That ranked list I provided (Sugar Moon > Leesbra > ExLight > serif) refers solely to a single slice of the evidence pie (Bob being killed). My broader POE had led me to the opposite end with serif as the top suspect, so there's some turbulence here for me. This is not an easy choice. I will think it over for now.
Actually that was pointless, because I want to say one more thing.
My analyzing the Bob kill should not be confused with my overall reads. That ranked list I provided (Sugar Moon > Leesbra > ExLight > serif) refers solely to a single slice of the evidence pie (Bob being killed). My broader POE had led me to the opposite end with serif as the top suspect, so there's some turbulence here for me. This is not an easy choice. I will think it over for now.
I would like to hear your thoughts on the merits of having the PRs claim today.
Leesbra, you're missing an important point, we're on endgame. When we approach an endgame the ideal is for all people to claim their roles, there's no more information to be gained from these roles, so there's no reason for them to w
It's an open setup. We know we have a bodyguard and a cop.
It's an open setup. We know we have a bodyguard and a cop. The current Roled Town are pretty useless at this point and act as innocent child. Cop will get a green result on everyone since the remaining scum is godfather, and bodyguard doesn't care about protecting anyone in particular since we don't have any other mechanically cleared players.
If the Bodyguard and the Cop claim today, then mafia CANNOT counterclaim them today, because otherwise we'll lynch both the conflicting claims.
Because of that, we will have 3 vanilla claims. We can lynch 2 of these claims - one toDay and one in the next Day Phase. So massclaiming right now is the ideal because regardless of what we do we're always at a 50/50 scenario on -Lo, so we might as well already work with a smaller one today so we don't risk lynching a power role, plus have updated readslist and can reread interactions under a new light.
Brief update on the math: 2/3 of lynching town today, and then 1/2 chance of lynching town again next Day means a 1/3 chance total, so in the end my math was still right and we have a 66.67% chance of lynching scum at random if we do this.
Why were you copying and editing your answer to Leesbra?
Exlight, I feel you might be onto something. We know that there has only been one civilian role eliminated (IceT, who helped us get the first mafia), leaving 2 left. So we have 2 vanilla, 2 roled town and 1 mafia. Realistically roled townies wouldn’t claim unless they had already gotten vital information, because a role death would mean mafia are more likely to win.
So I feel like if anyone were to claim as a role without providing proof against a mafia, they themself might be mafia. But then there’s also the fact that this would mean that everyone would claim vanilla town. Problem is with this is that if everyone claims vanilla town, then we can’t prove anyone is vanilla town.
If everyone is safe, no one is safe, and everyone is unsafe.
As ExLight already explained, one of the roles is a bodyguard who doesn't get night results, and the other is a cop whose night results are not useful in finding the last mafia because they are immune to cop checks. However, claiming still proves they are town if nobody counter claims.
Actually that was pointless, because I want to say one more thing.
My analyzing the Bob kill should not be confused with my overall reads. That ranked list I provided (Sugar Moon > Leesbra > ExLight > serif) refers solely to a single slice of the evidence pie (Bob being killed). My broader POE had led me to the opposite end with serif as the top suspect, so there's some turbulence here for me. This is not an easy choice. I will think it over for now.
I would like to hear your thoughts on the merits of having the PRs claim today.
My impression had been that it doesn't provide a mathematical advantage. My brain is not kind to math this evening, so I haven't double-checked. Let me see if I can:
4 vs. 1 today
- If two power roles claim, they are virtually cleared and the mafia is forced to claim vanilla.
- Essentially this becomes 2 + [2 vs. 1], so the chance of a randomized correct answer is .33
- If the answer is wrong (.67 probability), the chance is .50 in final three (2 vs 1 with one clear).
I think this calls for a conjunctive probability:
- Probability of right first time = .33
- Probability of wrong first time and right in final three = .67 x .50 = .33
- Probability of wrong both times = .67 x .50 = .33
If nobody claims at all today, that implies a power role is not threatened (because a town power role about to be voted out mechanically must claim), so it'd still be one mafia among three options -- .33 chance today, and if wrong (.67) followed by .50 in final three when everyone claims.
If one power role claims under threat of elimination, four non-claims remain (so 1 in 4 or .25, but the second power role may then also claim if threatened, returning us to .33).
So it is the same? I am not sure I am doing this correctly. It's 2:00 AM lol.
If there is an advantage to mass claiming, it'd be that it alleviates a danger of prematurely hammering a power role before they claim or having a last minute panic vote on a power role at EOD. I think.
I very much welcome criticism if any of this logic is bad. I'm tired.
Leesbra, you're missing an important point, we're on endgame. When we approach an endgame the ideal is for all people to claim their roles, there's no more information to be gained from these roles, so there's no reason for them to w
It's an open setup. We know we have a bodyguard and a cop.
It's an open setup. We know we have a bodyguard and a cop. The current Roled Town are pretty useless at this point and act as innocent child. Cop will get a green result on everyone since the remaining scum is godfather, and bodyguard doesn't care about protecting anyone in particular since we don't have any other mechanically cleared players.
If the Bodyguard and the Cop claim today, then mafia CANNOT counterclaim them today, because otherwise we'll lynch both the conflicting claims.
Because of that, we will have 3 vanilla claims. We can lynch 2 of these claims - one toDay and one in the next Day Phase. So massclaiming right now is the ideal because regardless of what we do we're always at a 50/50 scenario on -Lo, so we might as well already work with a smaller one today so we don't risk lynching a power role, plus have updated readslist and can reread interactions under a new light.
Brief update on the math: 2/3 of lynching town today, and then 1/2 chance of lynching town again next Day means a 1/3 chance total, so in the end my math was still right and we have a 66.67% chance of lynching scum at random if we do this.
Why were you copying and editing your answer to Leesbra?
Yea, I try to write my post in a manner that it follows a logic progression so it's easier for people to follow since I can be confusing. Apparently I ended up pasting the same thing twice and deleting another one when moving things around.
Power Roles not massclaiming and we lynching outside of me can cause the scenario where all Power roles die (3 vanillas in -Lo, which is a 33.33% chance of hitting scum).
It definitely has to be everyone massclaims today (which can bring new info about past interactions up since we can see who tried pushing for the town power roles), or lynching me to guarantee at least one PR makes to -Lo.
Actually that was pointless, because I want to say one more thing.
My analyzing the Bob kill should not be confused with my overall reads. That ranked list I provided (Sugar Moon > Leesbra > ExLight > serif) refers solely to a single slice of the evidence pie (Bob being killed). My broader POE had led me to the opposite end with serif as the top suspect, so there's some turbulence here for me. This is not an easy choice. I will think it over for now.
I would like to hear your thoughts on the merits of having the PRs claim today.
My impression had been that it doesn't provide a mathematical advantage. My brain is not kind to math this evening, so I haven't double-checked. Let me see if I can:
4 vs. 1 today
- If two power roles claim, they are virtually cleared and the mafia is forced to claim vanilla.
- Essentially this becomes 2 + [2 vs. 1], so the chance of a randomized correct answer is .33
- If the answer is wrong (.67 probability), the chance is .50 in final three (2 vs 1 with one clear).
I think this calls for a conjunctive probability:
- Probability of right first time = .33
- Probability of wrong first time and right in final three = .67 x .50 = .33
- Probability of wrong both times = .67 x .50 = .33
If nobody claims at all today, that implies a power role is not threatened (because a town power role about to be voted out mechanically must claim), so it'd still be one mafia among three options -- .33 chance today, and if wrong (.67) followed by .50 in final three when everyone claims.
If one power role claims under threat of elimination, four non-claims remain (so 1 in 4 or .25, but the second power role may then also claim if threatened, returning us to .33).
So it is the same? I am not sure I am doing this correctly. It's 2:00 AM lol.
If there is an advantage to mass claiming, it'd be that it alleviates a danger of prematurely hammering a power role before they claim or having a last minute panic vote on a power role at EOD. I think.
I very much welcome criticism if any of this logic is bad. I'm tired.
So it's 1v4 with 2 PRs and 2 citizens right?
if we claim today the goon has to claim citizen as otherwise we just execute both claims. We execute a citizen today and tomorrow. One third chance based on random odds today, one half tomorrow as one PR dies and one confirmed PR remains. 66% chance there.
If we don't claim, the odds are a much less forgiving 50/50. We should always claim here
More on that, I'd argue it's better not to kill exlight here? They weren't suspected before today other than my deepwolf whims and while their logic for a self-vote isn't sound I think mafia in a situation like this would avoid so much attention, although I'm not familiar with exlight's meta
If we're decided we should begin as soon as possible.
I’m on board. Claims will really help POE too.
I’m on board. Claims will really help POE too.
Alright, that's 3/5. claiming vanilla.
I'm cop.
I'm cop.
Well, other role claimed, sounds about time for me to. Bodyguard.
I feel slightly better knowing my last readslist had the correct PoE
Ok so the lynch today has to be between me, JJJ, or Serif
I feel slightly better knowing my last readslist had the correct PoE
Ok so the lynch today has to be between me, JJJ, or Serif
Has JJJ claimed? If not, I wouldn't be so hasty as it is technically possible the wolf claimed PR
I think having airtight mech here is very important.
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Actually no nevermind. I misremembered the variant of bodyguard for a moment. Sorry about that
I'm cop.
Well, other role claimed, sounds about time for me to. Bodyguard.
I want you to know that you should feel ok letting me die tonight. You've been here from the start, you have that new player energy, I would love to cheer you on from deadchat tomorrow!
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Scum wouldn't claim a Power Role here if they can get counterclaimed, so they always claim vanilla.
Since both Power Roles claimed, then JJJ is stuck with a vanilla claim, regardless of it being true or not.
Knowing that the current PoE is JJJ, you, and me, what are your current reads on these slots?
I know you mentioned that you're townleaning my slot a bit due to me self-voting, so that means JJJ is your remaining PoE slot, right?
I'd still like if you ISO'ed him, if possible. I think seeing your points on him as well as your arguments will help us gather a more solid read.
I want to propose the following, since we're never going to be stronger than we are today (with two clears and two secret supports vs one wolf):
- Serif pretends that she's left tomorrow with JJJ and one PR. JJJ is therefore definitely a wolf to her, and she goes through the game to make the best wolf case she can
- JJJ does the same for ExLight
- ExLight cases Serif
Leesbra and I will be here to help/feedback/rubber duck. This is less work for each of you than trying to decide between two people. It gives Leesbra and me good content to compare you all. It does hinge on all three of you wanting to do it.
I'm cop.
Well, other role claimed, sounds about time for me to. Bodyguard.
I want you to know that you should feel ok letting me die tonight. You've been here from the start, you have that new player energy, I would love to cheer you on from deadchat tomorrow!
Honestly, that is kinda true. At this point it’s either you as a sort of safer Vanilla (since we cannot get past D5, and Godfather is immune to cop), or me who, yeah, could keep a vanilla from dying, but if the stances favor a role death why would they go after vanilla?
If you end up being targeted, you’ve done a good job getting us through.
If I end up being targeted, I believe you and the rest of the townies here can get us through.
I want to propose the following, since we're never going to be stronger than we are today (with two clears and two secret supports vs one wolf):
- Serif pretends that she's left tomorrow with JJJ and one PR. JJJ is therefore definitely a wolf to her, and she goes through the game to make the best wolf case she can
- JJJ does the same for ExLight
- ExLight cases Serif
Leesbra and I will be here to help/feedback/rubber duck. This is less work for each of you than trying to decide between two people. It gives Leesbra and me good content to compare you all. It does hinge on all three of you wanting to do it.
What does rubber duck mean here lol
I am a bit busy today and will be a bit busy tomorrow, so I'm not sure how elaborate my analysis on serif will be but for now I think I can explain a bit more why Serif on the bottom of my lists.
One thing that caught my attention was them defending my slot D1 when I was leading the wagons, which came off as an attempt to distance from my mislynch. They mentioned me being "very productive", but I'm aware that I wasn't and that my content was very underwhelming - specially after rereading it. There were also no comments on the 1x1s such as Cait-Luka and JJJ-Calla, or any other interaction other than a single stance of Cait-me really. In the end they also voted in a somewhat safe wagon, that was at no risk of getting lynched, which is something that would be somewhat expected from scum - as opposed to JJJ placing a key vote on that day's mislynch (Jamie).
On the following days there was barely any contribution from Serif. Most of their messages are promises of catching up and never doing it, and even being "demotivated" by the red check on Numbers.
The few suspicions they seem to cast on players seem to also ignore their previous reads and be almost random. At a few points they asked people to explain to them who was the overall towncore consensus to kinda sheep it, which felt like a lack of interest in scumhunting and a way of understanding the gamestate better from a scum. This resulted in some weird things, like them suddenly moving me to a scumlean with a weak reasoning such as "tone" or "vibes" despite them hard defending me at EoD - even though I had started gaining traction and being much more productive than I was, or a sudden vote on luka without any comments on the posts of the people that mentioned townreading that slot. Those prompted me prodding them asking for their early reads on other days, which honestly got an unsatisfactory reply.
I am vanilla.
I think that’s an interesting idea, Sugar Moon, and I will look into it as soon as I have a chance. It’s similar to a different exercise called the “distrustfall” used sometimes in Syndicate circles, so I have a good idea how to approach it (while still being fair to ExLight).
Separate note I wanted to express: there seems to be a jarring separation between serif’s reads awareness (pretty low) and their mechanics awareness (quite high if today is an indication). That makes me question the authenticity of their standing as the “aloof tagalong”, if you will. I have been mostly locked in on the game from the start and could barely generate the brainpower to engage mechanics.
I'm pressed for time, but I'd like to at least try to honor Sugar Moon's suggestion. It's a good idea.
To ensure there is total clarity about this post, this is a case that assumes ExLight is mafia and describes how that can work. That should not be interpreted as a concrete read that I am making. This is a hypothetical, and I think it will be valuable for me to put forth the effort to consider it.
I'm going to go more or less post-by-post, and I will allow myself to nitpick. That's the point. *however, I will also mark everything that I feel is nitpicky of me with an ***asterisk***.
heya Cait :wave:
please don't tunnel on me again cait, I'm town again
If there is an established trend for Cait to read ExLight as mafia and tunnel, then opening the game with this places immediate guilty-trippy pleasure in her lap to avoid that repeating itself. The motive for a wolf ExLight is self-evident.
I do want to test the voting system though and I will
Vote: Michi
to do so
sup buddy been a while
This initial vote is for a player who hadn't arrived yet and offers little pressure value. It can be lighthearted, but that's irrelevant to alignment.
Since people ignored it I'll try ask again in a more direct manner.
I thought Bob was a Number's alt, but it seems not. Does anyone remember whose alt it was? Maybe Laurentus'?
That does not ring a bell, which is weird
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the second part, but I'm not sure how Bob could be an alt of a different player in the same game (or why that would have been an initial belief). This was also a reiteration of a previous question, so ExLight showed some consistent interest in the existence of GloriousBob before their Night 1 demise. Maybe there's a reason for that.
I guess it's more of a difference in interpretation cuz you seem certain of your wording.
Dunno, just don't find not-voting to be characteristic of anything. In any case, why point out that you find people not voting to be townie before more reactions has happened?
I'm not sure I understand the last question in context (it seems like quite a specific expectation to have of what Luka should be doing with RVS-period strategy -- could be fudged).
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
What's your read on me?
Accurate one and Gun to the head one
I don't quite have a read on you. You're null, which is why I asked. Their knowledge of you might be helpful to me, since I am not getting an initial impression. Put another way: I don't really take issue with what you have posted, but I also don't have any reason to believe what you've posted is town-indicative. To borrow the local language, you haven't "town-told" in my eyes.
If I had to provide a gun-to-head read without null as an option, I'd say town. That's more a reflection of raw probability than any actual perspective of your posts though.
Huh, I was expecting you to be setting up undermining their reads as a way to throw shade at me but your reply went on the opposite direction funny enough.
Also a very specific expectation for what I might be doing strategically. I wouldn't be surprised to find moments like this to be fake reads/engagement. I basically provided a vague null read and ExLight's questions ended anyway.
Hmm, I wanna create more talking, so I'll just throw myself out here (...)
Kind of an uninspired micro read.
grumble why did it not break lines
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
Scum would’ve voted cait to get early town cred from me
bit of a bold claim considering you have never seen me roll scum
Don't love this reaction to Luka either
It just feels kinda... out of place? For this, the earlier pop-in and the only basis of trusting ExLight being a vibe read I'll try my chance here (or at Numbers, probably)
Vote: ExLight
Caitlin seems like an intuition-driven player and could have just been right in this moment.
Some of the squad here has indicated town reading ExLight. I'd appreciate hearing more about why that is. @Caitlinuwu @Luka I believe each of you apply.
What's your read on me?
Accurate one and Gun to the head one
Honestly, ExLight's pop-in here is underwhelming. Clearly, they read some of the chat but they only ask about whose alt Bob is (when that was said) and ask this
No reads at all
My reads are mainly townleans and nulls on the inactive people. I'm laying back waiting for some proper action to happen.
The game is very slow and me prodding a player I consider of interest is my way of forming a better read on them, I'm not sure why that's "underwhelming" when it isn't even addressed at you.
I'm not sure why you want me to just vomit fluff instead of trying to gather info the way I consider best. If you want me to update or remind you of them you can always just ask me instead of throwing shade?
This one is a little much. Caitlin made a base assessment of ExLight's interaction with me, and there's no reason it has to be "addressed to her" for her to perceive it as "underwhelming".
I have struggled to develop an impression about ExLight. Their posts are just kind of existent. They don't stand out to me or make me feel anything. It's difficult to convey a read like that without it seeming insulting, so I hope it's not interpreted that way. All contributions are appreciated.
well, talk to me then
ask me my opinion on something so I have a lead on what to work with since nothing is really raising a red flag to me
I can do that.
Earlier you voted for Jamie and then unvoted after they had made a contribution. First question: was the original vote inspired by actual suspicion? Second question: when you liked my expression of a ping on Jamie after that, what did you mean by that?
The vote was originally on Michi, which was mainly RVS.
He (Michi) doesn't really have a good history with being active in games, which I despite fairly a bit. I think outta like 5 games I played with them they had under 20 posts or subbed out in literally every game but one. I saw he had made a few fluff posts, so by voting I personally expected a reaction from him to see if he would had changed his inactive behavior and was willing to engage a bit.
Jamie is a friend of mine, since he's been part of the new gen on bulba. Him subbing in for Michi's slot makes him a person of interest because I know he's usually active and was interested in playing in new communities. I felt like this being his first outside game could generate some interesting response, since I'd expect him to try his hardest which could end up giving alignment tells he usually wouldn't give. So voting him ended up being a mix of following up the Michi vote + me having more meta on him than on most people + wanting to see if it would cause any sort of reactions.
I'm a bit surprised he's been this low activity and somewhat shallow with his posts though.
The conclusions drawn in this material may be too null to justify the number of words used to arrive at them. Could be manufactured.
Actually, Cait is Null to me
Like I said I don't think her reaction was AI and I get mixed feelings from the mini beef with Luka and sudden shade at me
Null reading Cait is a little surprising given the depths of their interactions up to this point (and their familiarity with each other). Fence-sitting.
I would probably be interested in seeing a Jamie x Cait leading wagons since they could give interesting reactions
Numbers comments are very reasonable. NAI but very reasonable so I guess I'm mindmelding a bit with him.
Vote: Caitlinuwu
Correct me if I’m wrong, but earlier you were talking about keeping post count at a level so you could respond if anything wacky happened. But you are now 3 off cap, this struck me as quite odd. Also, you were pointing fingers at my good pal ExLight and I can say he is more at his town meta now than his scum play. The earlier argument also felt a little too defensive and to me feels you are hiding something.
Counterpoint me being a bit quiet is NAI if I'm a bit burned out, maybe even leaning to my scum meta.
I find it a bit weird you think is my town meta when in U-choose I was scum and played similarly low-energy on D1. Did me panicking in D&D mafia really make that much of an impression?
Vote: JamieIsBored
Wagoning for "reactions" at this point is pretty meh. Not thrilled with promoting a Cait wagon in general here.
she's literally tunneling on me again i cant even
Given the prior null read and willingness to wagon, this ought not come as a surprise.
Vote: GloriousBob
if Numbers is coherent with their list they vote Cait and the wagons become threeway 2 votes tie among the people I have null/scum so that really works out for me
Probably an important post given the presence of GloriousBob (night 1 kill) and Numbers (mafia). If nothing else, here's concrete evidence that ExLight wanted Bob removed from the game. The bit about Numbers is more ***nitpick***, but celebrating a three-way tie at two votes is not ideal. That's ripe for mafia manipulation.
What is ExLight doing this eod?
What is ExLight doing this eod?
apparently writing messages and being notified 28 others were posted in the meanwhile
Perhaps there's a vibe issue with ExLight and that ATE. Feels awkward thrown into the EOD pace.
I'm surprised to see you voting me, why's that?
kinda wolfy
Vote: ExLight
I'm surprised to see you voting me, why's that?
kinda wolfy
me or luka?
he avoided interacting with me or giving a read on me all game and suddenly dropped a vote on me after cait's "vote" with less than 10 min remaining
I don't think it's wolfy to find it weird nor ask why
Vote: ExLight
so much for being your top townread huh
This is a slice of some relevant moments in the period of EOD1, and I think it might be the worst period of the game for ExLight. I thought he looked off during this period (you see my comments about this in the spoiler as well as GloriousBob's). If I recall, Caitlin was also bugged. ExLight seemed to be disjointed from the flow and vibe of the game here, and that's important when EOD1 was the
most vibey part of the game. In the old days I might have called this "beep boop" -- when someone kinda gets robotic in the midst of a vibe-filled thread climate. "I'm surprised to see you voting me. Why's that?" is an example of something that reads that way to me.
At least so far, this feels the least nitpicky among the points I have made in this review.
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
I said earlier in the game that I refuse to award town credit for appeal-to-emotion moments, and I will reiterate that now. Self-voting, or even volunteering to be self-voted "for the greater good" are wifom plays that do not indicate alignment. They don't make ExLight mafia, but nor are they town indicative. This is less a point against them and just an opportunity for me to re-emphasize the importance of that.
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
The "keep eyes on numbers" is kinda meaningless when stuck underneath a pile of three mafia suspects. Vaguely fourth-most suspicious?
my slot now looks dogshit with these flips I will scream
I'm not actually sure why this would be the case, so perhaps this is a revealing mindset (e.g., wanting to get out in front of "looking bad").
I actually think this is a good place to stop. After this point, the game became highly mechanical and far less behavioral (once Icet outed their action on Day 2). This post is also too big already. I will give some cliff notes impressions in a separate post.
The end of that post got screwed up with the spoilers. Here's the continuation:
Vote: GloriousBob
if Numbers is coherent with their list they vote Cait and the wagons become threeway 2 votes tie among the people I have null/scum so that really works out for me
Probably an important post given the presence of GloriousBob (night 1 kill) and Numbers (mafia). If nothing else, here's concrete evidence that ExLight wanted Bob removed from the game. The bit about Numbers is more ***nitpick***, but celebrating a three-way tie at two votes is not ideal. That's ripe for mafia manipulation.
What is ExLight doing this eod?
What is ExLight doing this eod?
apparently writing messages and being notified 28 others were posted in the meanwhile
Perhaps there's a vibe issue with ExLight and that ATE. Feels awkward thrown into the EOD pace.
I'm surprised to see you voting me, why's that?
kinda wolfy
Vote: ExLight
I'm surprised to see you voting me, why's that?
kinda wolfy
me or luka?
he avoided interacting with me or giving a read on me all game and suddenly dropped a vote on me after cait's "vote" with less than 10 min remaining
I don't think it's wolfy to find it weird nor ask why
Vote: ExLight
so much for being your top townread huh
This is a slice of some relevant moments in the period of EOD1, and I think it might be the worst period of the game for ExLight. I thought he looked off during this period (you see my comments about this in the spoiler as well as GloriousBob's). If I recall, Caitlin was also bugged. ExLight seemed to be disjointed from the flow and vibe of the game here, and that's important when EOD1 was the most vibey part of the game. In the old days I might have called this "beep boop" -- when someone kinda gets robotic in the midst of a vibe-filled thread climate. "I'm surprised to see you voting me. Why's that?" is an example of something that reads that way to me.
At least so far, this feels the least nitpicky among the points I have made in this review.
Vote: ExLight
whatever it's always the same bullshit this is why I hate playing out of bulba/ZD
hope this at least gives you all some decent vote interactions to work with because some are obviously bizarre
I said earlier in the game that I refuse to award town credit for appeal-to-emotion moments, and I will reiterate that now. Self-voting, or even volunteering to be self-voted "for the greater good" are wifom plays that do not indicate alignment. They don't make ExLight mafia, but nor are they town indicative. This is less a point against them and just an opportunity for me to re-emphasize the importance of that.
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
The "keep eyes on numbers" is kinda meaningless when stuck underneath a pile of three mafia suspects. Vaguely fourth-most suspicious?
my slot now looks dogshit with these flips I will scream
I'm not actually sure why this would be the case, so perhaps this is a revealing mindset (e.g., wanting to get out in front of "looking bad").
I actually think this is a good place to stop. After this point, the game became highly mechanical and far less behavioral (once Icet outed their action on Day 2). This post is also too big already. I will give some cliff notes impressions in a separate post.
Cliff notes:
As you can see, I had to nitpick often about ExLight. If they're mafia, that's to their credit.
However, there are a few things that at least had my interest beyond a level of "forcing myself to arrive at a mafia read".
~ ExLight's read on Caitlin seemed pretty uninspired. They had a lot of dealings with each other, and Ex was very slow to move the needle at all. Caitlin is still the game's most active player by post-count, and that was more evident than ever on Day 1. There was ample material to assess.
~ ExLight's EOD1 was off. You can see my discussion of that in my previous post with the paragraph beginning with "This is a slice of some relevant..." --> this period more than any is a valid reason to read ExLight as mafia, I think.
Necessary caveats:
This exercise demanded that I find gripes, so that's what I did. There are probably counterarguments for at least some of what I said, but that wasn't the point here.
The down side of this exercise is that it encourages confirmation-bias. I would greatly value input from @Leesbra and @Sugar Moon about anything I had to say in there.
JaggedJimmyJay: "I'm pressed for time"
Also JaggedJimmyJay: "But let me write a whole dissertation right quick"
JaggedJimmyJay: "I'm pressed for time"
Also JaggedJimmyJay: "But let me write a whole dissertation right quick"
I was just about to say the same :D
Thanks JJJ, I'll now go and read it.
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Scum wouldn't claim a Power Role here if they can get counterclaimed, so they always claim vanilla.
Since both Power Roles claimed, then JJJ is stuck with a vanilla claim, regardless of it being true or not.
Knowing that the current PoE is JJJ, you, and me, what are your current reads on these slots?
I know you mentioned that you're townleaning my slot a bit due to me self-voting, so that means JJJ is your remaining PoE slot, right?
I'd still like if you ISO'ed him, if possible. I think seeing your points on him as well as your arguments will help us gather a more solid read.
Yeah, as I said in the post after that one
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Actually no nevermind. I misremembered the variant of bodyguard for a moment. Sorry about that
I don't really know how you expect me to ISO, there's no ISO function right?
JJJ, however, was not stuck with a vanilla claim, whether it was the correct play or not. People aren't rational. You cannot rely on something happening because it's the right thing to do
I've done things similar to this approach before but never with such a level of detail. I take problem with it because it falls apart when A: players lack familiarity with one another and B: players are not equally as capable
One of those has to be true to come to a conclusion. If players are equally as capable, they are comparable directly. With familiarity, you can normalize that even if they aren't equal and then compare. I've not met any of you before this game and I doubt we have equal capability here, I'm very much an IRL player so this backreading has never been my forte. It falls apart here. Comparing such different players with no point of reference will probably just waste time
With my background, I'm much more inclined towards more compact methods. Endgame casing tends to dilute the alignment of the player through boilerplate and makes it more about what player has the better presentation when ideally you should be analyzing what the player says for information about the player rather than their case target, which can be made more difficult by more content. It's almost paradoxical but keeping it to a player's fundamental ideas on another player is more useful. Anyone can go searching for reasons that someone is wolf. It is harder on the wolf to give the brief most important things because what's most important to the wolf will vary from what's most important from the town.
Sorry for posting my manifesto in response to this, I just don't agree with the concept presented here
I disagree that it comes down to presentation.
I agree that usually the player seen as the one putting more effort usually plays a major role, but it's by resurfacing the posts throughout the game and discussing them that people can reach on a good game-winning conclusion.
I'm more often than not a mess in endgames, and it shows. With pressure my logic starts getting a bit all over the place, I get paranoid, my grammar worsens tenfold, etc - The point is my presentation becomes shit. Yet for some reason my late game town winrate is extremely high, with me almost never being the mislynch (I've been mislynched only twice out of D1).
I don't know exactly why, but I'd assume it's because of being able to bring resonating points, provide engagement with other players, and show effort - which is what a game, specially on -Lo needs. And this is mostly NAI? (It's usually a bit more towny cuz scum hesitates due to being afraid of accidentally framing themselves)
You have two people you need to look into. Even if you don't know how to ISO (which could be done by checking our forum posts since I doubt any of the players has been engaging with the rest of the forums), skimming the thread for their posts shouldn't be too hard. Earlier you mentioned finding something about my tone off, yet you never tried finding the root of it. Why?
This is the sort of behavior that makes your slot look worse than JJJ, not his verbiage and overanalytical posts. How can we compare who has the better points if one of the people refuses to?
Also JJJ was always stuck with vanilla claim unless he decided to throw game.
If he had claimed Bodyguard we could've lynched him and Leesbra. If he had claimed cop we could've lynched him and Sugar Moon. The only claim that allows scum to gain tempo and potentially last longer is if they claim vanilla.
I'll still be busy today, but I think I already made contributed as much as I could. I'd prefer Serif toDay due to the almost no progression that slot had in the game, even as we now are down to 2 players. I also had previously mentioned the lesser points that bothered me about JJJ's slot, and is more of a mixed read. If anyone wants to try discussing them with me I'll be open to it, but I'm not sure I'll be able to give a timely reply.
If people are willing to trust me and townlock me I would recommend Serif first. It's a bit of another WIFOM argument in defense of my slot but if I were scum it would be suicidal to go into final 3 against JJJ instead of Serif, and I hope people realize that.
You’re not obligated to be on board with the strategy that Sugar Moon proposed. There are many ways to approach any situation. Still, if not that: then what?
The only process absolutely guaranteed to result in no correct answer is the absence of a process. As we stand, I’d vote you first on that basis. I don’t quite see how you are managing the situation (or know where you stand) even if on your own terms.
This, right here, is my issue with the proposed method. I'll explain in a moment, I'm getting a coffee
Can everyone start voting?
God sorry I'm here now. Let me continue from where I was
I disagree that it comes down to presentation.
I agree that usually the player seen as the one putting more effort usually plays a major role, but it's by resurfacing the posts throughout the game and discussing them that people can reach on a good game-winning conclusion.
I'm more often than not a mess in endgames, and it shows. With pressure my logic starts getting a bit all over the place, I get paranoid, my grammar worsens tenfold, etc - The point is my presentation becomes shit. Yet for some reason my late game town winrate is extremely high, with me almost never being the mislynch (I've been mislynched only twice out of D1).
Unrelated point -- You are doing none of these things right now. In an endgame. Supposedly as town.
I don't know exactly why, but I'd assume it's because of being able to bring resonating points, provide engagement with other players, and show effort - which is what a game, specially on -Lo needs. And this is mostly NAI? (It's usually a bit more towny cuz scum hesitates due to being afraid of accidentally framing themselves)
What you mention here is presentation.
You have two people you need to look into. Even if you don't know how to ISO (which could be done by checking our forum posts since I doubt any of the players has been engaging with the rest of the forums), skimming the thread for their posts shouldn't be too hard. Earlier you mentioned finding something about my tone off, yet you never tried finding the root of it. Why?
First of all -- for me, it is. I am not good at that as I explained in my post. I am an IRL player first and that makes my backreading very weak.
Second of all, it will always differ from player to play how strong their backreading is. You are able to find or manipulate posts on any player to come to the conclusion that they are wolf. If you're going into it with the bias that they are wolf, as presented in the method, It will almost certainly lead to nothing a majority of the time and cause the players to go in circles.
This is the sort of behavior that makes your slot look worse than JJJ, not his verbiage and overanalytical posts. How can we compare who has the better points if one of the people refuses to?
That's my exact point here! You can't. And I'm making sure you can't, because this is how we lose games. Avoiding talking to each other directly does nothing here. In my prior posts I mention asking smaller questions and having player's talk about their most distinct reads because those are harder to fake.
Also JJJ was always stuck with vanilla claim unless he decided to throw game.
If he had claimed Bodyguard we could've lynched him and Leesbra. If he had claimed cop we could've lynched him and Sugar Moon. The only claim that allows scum to gain tempo and potentially last longer is if they claim vanilla.
This doesn't disagree with what I said, which was in fact responding to this exact point. A bad play doesn't ever mean an impossible one. Players are irrational.
I talked about every single thing you said here. We are going in circles because I've decided to be detailed in my reasoning and this is without backreading. A big issue here is we need a neutral observer (the confirmed PRs) to mediate, and they are currently absent, but the bigger issue is the format itself. I've put my comments in red.
I'll still be busy today, but I think I already made contributed as much as I could. I'd prefer Serif toDay due to the almost no progression that slot had in the game, even as we now are down to 2 players. I also had previously mentioned the lesser points that bothered me about JJJ's slot, and is more of a mixed read. If anyone wants to try discussing them with me I'll be open to it, but I'm not sure I'll be able to give a timely reply.
If people are willing to trust me and townlock me I would recommend Serif first. It's a bit of another WIFOM argument in defense of my slot but if I were scum it would be suicidal to go into final 3 against JJJ instead of Serif, and I hope people realize that.
Can everyone start voting?
The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first.
Also, in the first quote, there's an awkward extension made into townlocking. While I don't like how it's gone for overconfident for wolf as I mentioned earlier to townlocking, it would be quite silly to WIFOM their own play. Not sure how I feel about that.
You’re not obligated to be on board with the strategy that Sugar Moon proposed. There are many ways to approach any situation. Still, if not that: then what?
The only process absolutely guaranteed to result in no correct answer is the absence of a process. As we stand, I’d vote you first on that basis. I don’t quite see how you are managing the situation (or know where you stand) even if on your own terms.
I talk about that and brought it up earlier in this post. We should be conversing directly like this much more, anyways
"The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first."
I'm... I'm literally the only person voting...
I talk about that and brought it up earlier in this post. We should be conversing directly like this much more, anyways
Direct communication is great. It might be difficult since I am at work, but I can at least respond sporadically. My concern is that it's very unclear today, as of Day 4, where you stand. Your most recent post seems to imply suspicion of ExLight, but it's not stated concretely. So first, could you confirm or deny that interpretation? Is ExLight your biggest suspect at present? And regardless of ExLight, what is your impression of me?
"The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first."
I'm... I'm literally the only person voting...
Your vote is still on yourself. I was under the impression you had declined to continue with the whole self-vote mechanics strategy you opened the day with. Am I mistaken?
Hey, i’m reading the messages fyi. I’m just making a big post for what i’ve gathered rn, so i’ve appeared absent for the last 45 or so minutes.
Hey, i’m reading the messages fyi. I’m just making a big post for what i’ve gathered rn, so i’ve appeared absent for the last 45 or so minutes.
All input is appreciated. You and Sugar Moon are critical for the ongoing dialogue.
Hey, i’m reading the messages fyi. I’m just making a big post for what i’ve gathered rn, so i’ve appeared absent for the last 45 or so minutes.
All input is appreciated. You and Sugar Moon are critical for the ongoing dialogue.
I see that clearly. I’ll try and speed up the message I was writing so we can maybe get a baseline?
I see that clearly. I’ll try and speed up the message I was writing so we can maybe get a baseline?
We have about 4 hours I believe, so there's still a little time for you to sort out your thoughts. If you want to start with a summary and then provide the whole shebang, that could work too. Just do your thing.
"The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first."
I'm... I'm literally the only person voting...
Your vote is still on yourself. I was under the impression you had declined to continue with the whole self-vote mechanics strategy you opened the day with. Am I mistaken?
No, I'll stay on myself. If people decide to townlock me then they can simply not vote me, but if people still have doubts about my slot then me making into -Lo is too dangerous and should be dealt with here
I might move my vote to break a tie between you and Serif if it comes down to it though.
How many hours left we have?
Can everyone start voting?
I appreciate your awareness to pushing for victory, but I am gathering the posts rn. Anyways, here’s what I read from you three with Sugar Moon’s function so far:
ExLight —> Serif: The case here seemed to be a bit weirdly formatted, but I can see some points as to why Serif could be mafia. Protecting someone making early and unproven wagons strikes as a red flag for a townie, and asking for who the general townie read is instead of seeing who has what in their books. But it also seemed odd that ExLight used the first point (him pushing for a wagon against someone without much to go off of) that could be seen as a self-mafia against them. There is also the fact that you’ve pushed for quick voting, which could be seen as you trying to oust a townie.
Serif —> JJJ: I… honestly don’t know of when Serif has gotten evidence against JJJ. It’s seen like Serif has been self-defensing against ExLight. And while I can see defending yourself might be important, having an argument as to why the other people could be suspicious is also important.
JJJ —> ExLight: This has been one of the most detailed upon arguments so far, so it might be a bit to break down. It seemed like ExLight had taken offense to something not explicitly pushing for action against him, rather a comment of it. Then there’s the fact that they proposed that there was a 3-way tie when 2 people had been voted out. That means what, 8 players were still in? A bit odd of a time to call so… and also, the tunneling thing with them and Cait? As they said, the evidence for ExLight = Wolf is somewhat self evident. There’s more here that I can list, but I haven’t seen much of a defense.
Side Notes (AKA, List of interesting points from each that aren’t explicitly mafia evidence):
ExLight: What you said about tone and vibes essentially is true, you can’t JUST vibe check someone in Werewolf.
Serif: Even though the supposed loop is Serif —> JJJ, you did make a point of ExLight’s performance post being a bit off. Sure he was showing tiredness earlier in the day, but now he’s performing well.
JJJ: The point that this forms an essentially “Biased Wolf” view is very true, which is why we needed people to be outside of the loop to review and discuss.
I might move my vote to break a tie between you and Serif if it comes down to it though.
How many hours left we have?
3.5 Hours. Deadline is 6 EST, it’s ~2:30 rn.
@Sugar Moon Would be nice to have an interpretation from you to see if there something I missed, need to edit, or have to add evidence onto?
"The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first."
I'm... I'm literally the only person voting...
That vote isn't real. It comes from an idea you supposedly abandoned, have shown no interest in to the point of trying to get yourself locktowned for the vote, and from the start was not mechanically sound as town.
"The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first."
I'm... I'm literally the only person voting...
Your vote is still on yourself. I was under the impression you had declined to continue with the whole self-vote mechanics strategy you opened the day with. Am I mistaken?
No, I'll stay on myself. If people decide to townlock me then they can simply not vote me, but if people still have doubts about my slot then me making into -Lo is too dangerous and should be dealt with here
It's things like these that is why JJJ could've claimed PR. Your play here could result in the only person you supposedly know as town, you, to die. You do not want that. It is in every citizen's best interest here to survive.
Your vote was placed to prevent a PR exec, correct? Then what's the point of it now?
Vote: ExLight
I think it's quite strange you don't fit your endgame selfmeta. You are, for the most part, confident, straightforward, and quite sure of yourself.
I talk about that and brought it up earlier in this post. We should be conversing directly like this much more, anyways
Direct communication is great. It might be difficult since I am at work, but I can at least respond sporadically. My concern is that it's very unclear today, as of Day 4, where you stand. Your most recent post seems to imply suspicion of ExLight, but it's not stated concretely. So first, could you confirm or deny that interpretation? Is ExLight your biggest suspect at present? And regardless of ExLight, what is your impression of me?
That is correct. Your motivation seems to have good intent but I do not have much on you
I literally said it in the post you quoted. I'm not a good player to be around -Lo if there's even the slight hint of suspicion on me since people often get overly paranoid of my slot.
If people trust me then Town is guaranteed to win, but if they don't then I'd rather they still have a 50/50 chance.
Can everyone start voting?
I appreciate your awareness to pushing for victory, but I am gathering the posts rn. Anyways, here’s what I read from you three with Sugar Moon’s function so far:
ExLight —> Serif: The case here seemed to be a bit weirdly formatted, but I can see some points as to why Serif could be mafia. Protecting someone making early and unproven wagons strikes as a red flag for a townie, and asking for who the general townie read is instead of seeing who has what in their books. But it also seemed odd that ExLight used the first point (him pushing for a wagon against someone without much to go off of) that could be seen as a self-mafia against them. There is also the fact that you’ve pushed for quick voting, which could be seen as you trying to oust a townie.
Serif —> JJJ: I… honestly don’t know of when Serif has gotten evidence against JJJ. It’s seen like Serif has been self-defensing against ExLight. And while I can see defending yourself might be important, having an argument as to why the other people could be suspicious is also important.
JJJ —> ExLight: This has been one of the most detailed upon arguments so far, so it might be a bit to break down. It seemed like ExLight had taken offense to something not explicitly pushing for action against him, rather a comment of it. Then there’s the fact that they proposed that there was a 3-way tie when 2 people had been voted out. That means what, 8 players were still in? A bit odd of a time to call so… and also, the tunneling thing with them and Cait? As they said, the evidence for ExLight = Wolf is somewhat self evident. There’s more here that I can list, but I haven’t seen much of a defense.
Side Notes (AKA, List of interesting points from each that aren’t explicitly mafia evidence):
ExLight: What you said about tone and vibes essentially is true, you can’t JUST vibe check someone in Werewolf.
Serif: Even though the supposed loop is Serif —> JJJ, you did make a point of ExLight’s performance post being a bit off. Sure he was showing tiredness earlier in the day, but now he’s performing well.
JJJ: The point that this forms an essentially “Biased Wolf” view is very true, which is why we needed people to be outside of the loop to review and discuss.
I might move my vote to break a tie between you and Serif if it comes down to it though.
How many hours left we have?
3.5 Hours. Deadline is 6 EST, it’s ~2:30 rn.
@Sugar Moon Would be nice to have an interpretation from you to see if there something I missed, need to edit, or have to add evidence onto?
Can you explain to me what was formatted weird? If something was confusing I'm always open to trying to explain a bit better what was going on my mind.
Can everyone start voting?
I appreciate your awareness to pushing for victory, but I am gathering the posts rn. Anyways, here’s what I read from you three with Sugar Moon’s function so far:
ExLight —> Serif: The case here seemed to be a bit weirdly formatted, but I can see some points as to why Serif could be mafia. Protecting someone making early and unproven wagons strikes as a red flag for a townie, and asking for who the general townie read is instead of seeing who has what in their books. But it also seemed odd that ExLight used the first point (him pushing for a wagon against someone without much to go off of) that could be seen as a self-mafia against them. There is also the fact that you’ve pushed for quick voting, which could be seen as you trying to oust a townie.
Serif —> JJJ: I… honestly don’t know of when Serif has gotten evidence against JJJ. It’s seen like Serif has been self-defensing against ExLight. And while I can see defending yourself might be important, having an argument as to why the other people could be suspicious is also important.
JJJ —> ExLight: This has been one of the most detailed upon arguments so far, so it might be a bit to break down. It seemed like ExLight had taken offense to something not explicitly pushing for action against him, rather a comment of it. Then there’s the fact that they proposed that there was a 3-way tie when 2 people had been voted out. That means what, 8 players were still in? A bit odd of a time to call so… and also, the tunneling thing with them and Cait? As they said, the evidence for ExLight = Wolf is somewhat self evident. There’s more here that I can list, but I haven’t seen much of a defense.
Side Notes (AKA, List of interesting points from each that aren’t explicitly mafia evidence):
ExLight: What you said about tone and vibes essentially is true, you can’t JUST vibe check someone in Werewolf.
Serif: Even though the supposed loop is Serif —> JJJ, you did make a point of ExLight’s performance post being a bit off. Sure he was showing tiredness earlier in the day, but now he’s performing well.
JJJ: The point that this forms an essentially “Biased Wolf” view is very true, which is why we needed people to be outside of the loop to review and discuss.
I might move my vote to break a tie between you and Serif if it comes down to it though.
How many hours left we have?
3.5 Hours. Deadline is 6 EST, it’s ~2:30 rn.
@Sugar Moon Would be nice to have an interpretation from you to see if there something I missed, need to edit, or have to add evidence onto?
Can you explain to me what was formatted weird? If something was confusing I'm always open to trying to explain a bit better what was going on my mind.
I guess it was less of a “These words don’t make much sense” type of format and rather more of a “The sequence seemed odd, but still makes sense” type of format. I got your argument against Serif fine.
Though, I will still state that the rush for vote and the willingness to throw yourself in for voting is weird.
Vote: ExLight
I think it's quite strange you don't fit your endgame selfmeta. You are, for the most part, confident, straightforward, and quite sure of yourself.
It fits my meta pretty well? The very fact you're failing to understand the point and seeing it as an opportunity to push my slot is proof of that my reasoning is a bit over the place. (As also backed up by Leesbra)
What exactly is your case on me again? You not understanding how my self meta applies here? Tone?
None of regarding my interactions with other players, nor my current reads on you or JJJ. If you're town you're doing literally nothing but digging your team's own grave since you're never saved over JJJ in -Lo.
Can everyone start voting?
I appreciate your awareness to pushing for victory, but I am gathering the posts rn. Anyways, here’s what I read from you three with Sugar Moon’s function so far:
ExLight —> Serif: The case here seemed to be a bit weirdly formatted, but I can see some points as to why Serif could be mafia. Protecting someone making early and unproven wagons strikes as a red flag for a townie, and asking for who the general townie read is instead of seeing who has what in their books. But it also seemed odd that ExLight used the first point (him pushing for a wagon against someone without much to go off of) that could be seen as a self-mafia against them. There is also the fact that you’ve pushed for quick voting, which could be seen as you trying to oust a townie.
Serif —> JJJ: I… honestly don’t know of when Serif has gotten evidence against JJJ. It’s seen like Serif has been self-defensing against ExLight. And while I can see defending yourself might be important, having an argument as to why the other people could be suspicious is also important.
JJJ —> ExLight: This has been one of the most detailed upon arguments so far, so it might be a bit to break down. It seemed like ExLight had taken offense to something not explicitly pushing for action against him, rather a comment of it. Then there’s the fact that they proposed that there was a 3-way tie when 2 people had been voted out. That means what, 8 players were still in? A bit odd of a time to call so… and also, the tunneling thing with them and Cait? As they said, the evidence for ExLight = Wolf is somewhat self evident. There’s more here that I can list, but I haven’t seen much of a defense.
Side Notes (AKA, List of interesting points from each that aren’t explicitly mafia evidence):
ExLight: What you said about tone and vibes essentially is true, you can’t JUST vibe check someone in Werewolf.
Serif: Even though the supposed loop is Serif —> JJJ, you did make a point of ExLight’s performance post being a bit off. Sure he was showing tiredness earlier in the day, but now he’s performing well.
JJJ: The point that this forms an essentially “Biased Wolf” view is very true, which is why we needed people to be outside of the loop to review and discuss.
I might move my vote to break a tie between you and Serif if it comes down to it though.
How many hours left we have?
3.5 Hours. Deadline is 6 EST, it’s ~2:30 rn.
@Sugar Moon Would be nice to have an interpretation from you to see if there something I missed, need to edit, or have to add evidence onto?
Can you explain to me what was formatted weird? If something was confusing I'm always open to trying to explain a bit better what was going on my mind.
I guess it was less of a “These words don’t make much sense” type of format and rather more of a “The sequence seemed odd, but still makes sense” type of format. I got your argument against Serif fine.
Though, I will still state that the rush for vote and the willingness to throw yourself in for voting is weird.
To be fair I wrote when sleep deprived and english is hard. :v
And yea, it's weird but it's town altruism. Scum doesn't open the day saying "Lynch me, it's better for town". A reminder that if people decided to not massclaim I would've been forced to be the lynch so we could try bringing both power roles into the next day, which is not something a scum would risk. Even now at hammer range I'm standing my ground.
I know you're a bit paranoid of my slot, but I'll ask you to please trust me here Leesbra. I don't gamethrow as scum and if you want I can link games that prove this. I swear I'm town.
I'm going to be teaching at EOD, and I will have to place my vote soon. I am considering the options in front of me, and I will get one in here before I leave.
@Sugar Moon any input before I go would be invaluable. I understand this game isn't your only priority, so just do your best. I might have 15 minutes, so it's not much.
Can everyone start voting?
Votes aren't locked, so feel free. Serif has been quite vocal about why she doesn't want to case JJJ, why don't you want to case her?
If I'm not hammered I'll move my vote into Serif 15 minutes before EoD. I don't believe my scumread pushing a nonsensical speaks for town, and if the rest of the players abstain from taking a stance on whether they trust me or not I'll consider that a yes due to a lack of hammer.
Can everyone start voting?
Votes aren't locked, so feel free. Serif has been quite vocal about why she doesn't want to case JJJ, why don't you want to case her?
Wdym, I already made my case on her? It might've not been the smoothiest but saying I didn't is just mean welp
What is your current stance on the PoE?
Ugh. I am literally posting my vote right now and immediately folks show up. Sorry everyone, but I have to do it now. I am stepping out the door and won't be back.
I want to propose the following, since we're never going to be stronger than we are today (with two clears and two secret supports vs one wolf):
- Serif pretends that she's left tomorrow with JJJ and one PR. JJJ is therefore definitely a wolf to her, and she goes through the game to make the best wolf case she can
- JJJ does the same for ExLight
- ExLight cases Serif
Leesbra and I will be here to help/feedback/rubber duck. This is less work for each of you than trying to decide between two people. It gives Leesbra and me good content to compare you all. It does hinge on all three of you wanting to do it.
What does rubber duck mean here lol
I am a bit busy today and will be a bit busy tomorrow, so I'm not sure how elaborate my analysis on serif will be but for now I think I can explain a bit more why Serif on the bottom of my lists.
One thing that caught my attention was them defending my slot D1 when I was leading the wagons, which came off as an attempt to distance from my mislynch. They mentioned me being "very productive", but I'm aware that I wasn't and that my content was very underwhelming - specially after rereading it. There were also no comments on the 1x1s such as Cait-Luka and JJJ-Calla, or any other interaction other than a single stance of Cait-me really. In the end they also voted in a somewhat safe wagon, that was at no risk of getting lynched, which is something that would be somewhat expected from scum - as opposed to JJJ placing a key vote on that day's mislynch (Jamie).
On the following days there was barely any contribution from Serif. Most of their messages are promises of catching up and never doing it, and even being "demotivated" by the red check on Numbers.
The few suspicions they seem to cast on players seem to also ignore their previous reads and be almost random. At a few points they asked people to explain to them who was the overall towncore consensus to kinda sheep it, which felt like a lack of interest in scumhunting and a way of understanding the gamestate better from a scum. This resulted in some weird things, like them suddenly moving me to a scumlean with a weak reasoning such as "tone" or "vibes" despite them hard defending me at EoD - even though I had started gaining traction and being much more productive than I was, or a sudden vote on luka without any comments on the posts of the people that mentioned townreading that slot. Those prompted me prodding them asking for their early reads on other days, which honestly got an unsatisfactory reply.
^ me explaining why I scumread serif since it seems like you missed it?
Unfortunately I can't wait any longer. I'm a bit in a rock-hard-place spot given the timing here, but that can't be helped.
Here's where I am at:
If there is one thing ExLight is right about, it's that having extreme wifom present in a final three situation is not good. If ExLight is town and makes it to endgame, that might mean we auto-lose. I think this is further evident in that neither confirmed townie has quite endorsed Ex's strategy or that Ex is trustworthy.
I also think there's a legitimate case to be made that ExLight is just mafia, and that the game will end with his elimination. I made that case already, and parts of it (especially ExLight's EOD1) bug me enough that even in a vacuum that might be my vote. Now it's definitely my vote though, because of the aforementioned wifom, Leesbra's commentary, and the present tally with only two votes (both on Ex).
I hope this ends the game and we can be done with it. If not, the wolf is always serif.
Vote: ExLight
That's hammer.
townlocking me would literally win the game but it is what it is
@☆ Princess Abigail ☆ (https://wintreath.com/index.php?part=profile&id=2659)
Good luck town, it's a shame it's gonna be a 50/50
@Sugar Moon any input before I go would be invaluable. I understand this game isn't your only priority, so just do your best. I might have 15 minutes, so it's not much.
Sorry. I lost all the posts I had multiquoted bc my battery died.
I think your rundown is fine. One thing I would add from EoD1 (and I'm not running back to find the quotes again) is how differently ExLight reacted to the various ppl voting him. Surprise at one slot (I believe mine), a tantrum at Cait, exasperation at Bob,... it was weird. I do believe he genuinely thought he might go over (remember some votes weren't counted officially) and then he left this
legacy jamie is probably town
icet/bob/luka has one scum
keep eyes on numbers
and then there was another post where he explained very briefly why Numbers. So I've been asking myself the entire day whether a wolf does this to an afk teammate who they expect to have to carry.
Host Announcement
ExLight has been hammered
They are dead dead dead but what were they?
Vanilla... ice cream of the town variety.
Host Announcement 2
Tomorrow is F3 votes are LOCKED
You only get 1 vote. Pls remember this.
Day Begins at 5 pm tomorrow CST
Night skip is available if everyone agrees
Host Announcement
I'm a failure but Sugar Moon is dead
They were
Town Cop Even Night
Host Announcement
Please remember votes are LOCKED
…So, the final day…
Vote: serif;
well serif is the wolf
Okay, so it's pretty obvious who it is now. JJJ had no reason as town to hammer there. The fact that both confirmed towns had shown up directly prior should be enough. The execution was always between me and ExLight at that point, I was committed to ExLight and ExLight had claimed intent to vote me soon. That intent is very important here. Because I think from wolfpov I am a much better person to take to f3. I have been poe nearly all game after all. Exlight said they had intent, 2 confirmed towns shown up and were discussing things, and JJJ says they have to vote because they are going. I think the motivation is pretty clear there? JJJ had no strong opinion on either of us going up to that. Which is weird, no? Townpov JJJ knew one of us had to be wolf. Wolfpov JJJ just wished to survive.
This is all very tangenty and barely strung together I know, I'm sorry I'm rushing to get this post out before I'm unavaliable. I have a doctors appointment to head to soon, but hopefully I'll be back some point this evening. I'll stick around for a few minutes if anyones here. I'm on my way now. I don't think I'll have time to talk to anyone more than I had to say already.
Good luck all.
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
I can provide the best case that I can manage to show that it's serif and also a case that it's not me.
Leesbra, any misgivings you have, please share them when you can. It's very important to communicate.
Okay, so it's pretty obvious who it is now. JJJ had no reason as town to hammer there. The fact that both confirmed towns had shown up directly prior should be enough. The execution was always between me and ExLight at that point, I was committed to ExLight and ExLight had claimed intent to vote me soon. That intent is very important here. Because I think from wolfpov I am a much better person to take to f3. I have been poe nearly all game after all. Exlight said they had intent, 2 confirmed towns shown up and were discussing things, and JJJ says they have to vote because they are going. I think the motivation is pretty clear there? JJJ had no strong opinion on either of us going up to that. Which is weird, no? Townpov JJJ knew one of us had to be wolf. Wolfpov JJJ just wished to survive.
This is all very tangenty and barely strung together I know, I'm sorry I'm rushing to get this post out before I'm unavaliable. I have a doctors appointment to head to soon, but hopefully I'll be back some point this evening. I'll stick around for a few minutes if anyones here. I'm on my way now. I don't think I'll have time to talk to anyone more than I had to say already.
Good luck all.
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
No, you left me with no choice. I could not wait longer, and it was incredibly frustrating that everyone showed up at the literal second I was leaving. I had to place my vote, and that's what I did. The two votes that preceded me meant that my vote was a hammer. I really wish that whole self-vote thing never existed, but I will talk about that after the game.
You know all that though.
If I didn't vote exactly when I voted, then I don't place a vote at all. It was my last chance yesterday. There was zero possibility of me peeking in even on mobile at EOD. It was incredibly bad timing, and I wish it weren't that way, but I can't help that.
The case on me is that there is no case on me. I've done very little all game and JJJ has. I think. There's really not much to my slot.
Apologies for the self-analysis but my play yesterday doesn't make sense from wolf, no? As wolf I benefit from going with the locktown's plan as that puts me in their favor even if it benefits the wolf. Especially if it benefits the wolf even. Like JJJ did.
I can provide the best case that I can manage to show that it's serif and also a case that it's not me.
Leesbra, any misgivings you have, please share them when you can. It's very important to communicate.
Well, I don’t exactly have proof of you potentially being mafia, though I guess that’s more on the fact we haven’t had much talk around you recently, and nothing was shown early game.
If you have proof against Serif, go ahead. It’s be nice for both of you to defend yourself, considering the stance we’re in…
Okay, so it's pretty obvious who it is now. JJJ had no reason as town to hammer there. The fact that both confirmed towns had shown up directly prior should be enough. The execution was always between me and ExLight at that point, I was committed to ExLight and ExLight had claimed intent to vote me soon. That intent is very important here. Because I think from wolfpov I am a much better person to take to f3. I have been poe nearly all game after all. Exlight said they had intent, 2 confirmed towns shown up and were discussing things, and JJJ says they have to vote because they are going. I think the motivation is pretty clear there? JJJ had no strong opinion on either of us going up to that. Which is weird, no? Townpov JJJ knew one of us had to be wolf. Wolfpov JJJ just wished to survive.
This is all very tangenty and barely strung together I know, I'm sorry I'm rushing to get this post out before I'm unavaliable. I have a doctors appointment to head to soon, but hopefully I'll be back some point this evening. I'll stick around for a few minutes if anyones here. I'm on my way now. I don't think I'll have time to talk to anyone more than I had to say already.
Good luck all.
Vote: JaggedJimmyJay
No, you left me with no choice. I could not wait longer, and it was incredibly frustrating that everyone showed up at the literal second I was leaving. I had to place my vote, and that's what I did. The two votes that preceded me meant that my vote was a hammer. I really wish that whole self-vote thing never existed, but I will talk about that after the game.
You know all that though.
You never needed to vote anyone. You could've left it to the two confirmed towns that just shown up. There is no rule disallowing novoting and novoting was the correct play from town.
Avoid plain accusatory remarks like in the last sentence here. They're inflammatory and aim to derail the conversation from moving forward, so unless you want that please stick to call and response.
The case on me is that there is no case on me. I've done very little all game and JJJ has. I think. There's really not much to my slot.
Apologies for the self-analysis but my play yesterday doesn't make sense from wolf, no? As wolf I benefit from going with the locktown's plan as that puts me in their favor even if it benefits the wolf. Especially if it benefits the wolf even. Like JJJ did.
The problematic thing is about your case being “having no case” is that a wolf can stay quiet to prevent leaking their role. But a townie could also be quiet to not fuck up too…
I get this is on my hands, but please, we don’t need to be so violent.
The case on me is that there is no case on me. I've done very little all game and JJJ has. I think. There's really not much to my slot.
Apologies for the self-analysis but my play yesterday doesn't make sense from wolf, no? As wolf I benefit from going with the locktown's plan as that puts me in their favor even if it benefits the wolf. Especially if it benefits the wolf even. Like JJJ did.
Your play makes plenty of sense from a wolf. You declined to take a concrete stance on anyone until I had to really squeeze it out of you, and it was a lukewarm wolf read on the player that voted for themself. I am a strong believer in teamwork, and Sugar Moon gave us a really good way to work between the vanilla claims and the power roles that I wanted to respect. I wrote an article about leadership and teamwork in Mafia/WW myself because it is that important to me. When someone provides well-intended direction, I will honor their suggestion every time.
It is disingenuous to suggest not trying to engage the exercise at all is somehow town indicative.
Alright, I'm out. I need to make this doctors appointment. I will be back before eod. Do not vote me before I am back as I have more to do here. Bye all
The case on me is that there is no case on me. I've done very little all game and JJJ has. I think. There's really not much to my slot.
Apologies for the self-analysis but my play yesterday doesn't make sense from wolf, no? As wolf I benefit from going with the locktown's plan as that puts me in their favor even if it benefits the wolf. Especially if it benefits the wolf even. Like JJJ did.
The problematic thing is about your case being “having no case” is that a wolf can stay quiet to prevent leaking their role. But a townie could also be quiet to not fuck up too…
I get this is on my hands, but please, we don’t need to be so violent.
Yeah, that's my point. That's the case on me. I am stating it myself because I believe having control over information is important and by opening with it first I establish awareness.
You never needed to vote anyone. You could've left it to the two confirmed towns that just shown up. There is no rule disallowing novoting and novoting was the correct play from town.
Avoid plain accusatory remarks like in the last sentence here. They're inflammatory and aim to derail the conversation from moving forward, so unless you want that please stick to call and response.
The notion that I should just not place at vote at all in a final five situation is very silly. Of course I am going to vote. I am going to allow myself to have a voice in the final decision.
I can provide the best case that I can manage to show that it's serif and also a case that it's not me.
Leesbra, any misgivings you have, please share them when you can. It's very important to communicate.
Well, I don’t exactly have proof of you potentially being mafia, though I guess that’s more on the fact we haven’t had much talk around you recently, and nothing was shown early game.
If you have proof against Serif, go ahead. It’s be nice for both of you to defend yourself, considering the stance we’re in…
I will do both. I might need some time while I work, but I will do both.
I think the best evidence that my hammer vote was not motivated by survival is that my survival wasn't really even threatened. I was one of the "vanilla three", but I think there was more pressure on both ExLight and serif. I probably didn't need to hammer to "survive". I just placed the vote that I thought was best at the last possible moment that I could wait to place it, and unfortunately here we are.
I want to propose the following, since we're never going to be stronger than we are today (with two clears and two secret supports vs one wolf):
- Serif pretends that she's left tomorrow with JJJ and one PR. JJJ is therefore definitely a wolf to her, and she goes through the game to make the best wolf case she can
- JJJ does the same for ExLight
- ExLight cases Serif
Leesbra and I will be here to help/feedback/rubber duck. This is less work for each of you than trying to decide between two people. It gives Leesbra and me good content to compare you all. It does hinge on all three of you wanting to do it.
What does rubber duck mean here lol
I am a bit busy today and will be a bit busy tomorrow, so I'm not sure how elaborate my analysis on serif will be but for now I think I can explain a bit more why Serif on the bottom of my lists.
One thing that caught my attention was them defending my slot D1 when I was leading the wagons, which came off as an attempt to distance from my mislynch. They mentioned me being "very productive", but I'm aware that I wasn't and that my content was very underwhelming - specially after rereading it. There were also no comments on the 1x1s such as Cait-Luka and JJJ-Calla, or any other interaction other than a single stance of Cait-me really. In the end they also voted in a somewhat safe wagon, that was at no risk of getting lynched, which is something that would be somewhat expected from scum - as opposed to JJJ placing a key vote on that day's mislynch (Jamie).
On the following days there was barely any contribution from Serif. Most of their messages are promises of catching up and never doing it, and even being "demotivated" by the red check on Numbers.
The few suspicions they seem to cast on players seem to also ignore their previous reads and be almost random. At a few points they asked people to explain to them who was the overall towncore consensus to kinda sheep it, which felt like a lack of interest in scumhunting and a way of understanding the gamestate better from a scum. This resulted in some weird things, like them suddenly moving me to a scumlean with a weak reasoning such as "tone" or "vibes" despite them hard defending me at EoD - even though I had started gaining traction and being much more productive than I was, or a sudden vote on luka without any comments on the posts of the people that mentioned townreading that slot. Those prompted me prodding them asking for their early reads on other days, which honestly got an unsatisfactory reply.
I am compiling my own case against serif, but I also want to bring back ExLight's. They made good points above, and they should be considered.
That this post is available to us now really displays the value of Sugar Moon's suggestion yesterday. That was an awesome technique that I will borrow in future games.
The spoiler below is just quotes (mostly from serif), but the multiquote function threw them all out of order. I'm just going to put this here for my own reference while I write a case in proper order.
Vote: ExLight
I think it's quite strange you don't fit your endgame selfmeta. You are, for the most part, confident, straightforward, and quite sure of yourself.
I talk about that and brought it up earlier in this post. We should be conversing directly like this much more, anyways
Direct communication is great. It might be difficult since I am at work, but I can at least respond sporadically. My concern is that it's very unclear today, as of Day 4, where you stand. Your most recent post seems to imply suspicion of ExLight, but it's not stated concretely. So first, could you confirm or deny that interpretation? Is ExLight your biggest suspect at present? And regardless of ExLight, what is your impression of me?
That is correct. Your motivation seems to have good intent but I do not have much on you
Host Announcement
Serif; has officially subbed in for GoldenOne
Please do not discuss substitutions!
Welcome! Your slot had only 1 post so you don't have to worry about replacing into a suspicious slot or a slot that already claimed a role
Thanks for letting me know haha
I've replaced on quite short notice so apologies but I haven't seen much or any of the game so far. I'll be having a look so I'll see you all shortly
Welcome, serif. Do you see how I have welcomed you using a font with serifs? What a clever idea. Wow, me!
You're not the first and probably not the last :P
I looked back over Numbers, and my impression is similar as for ExLight. Their posts exist.
I am a bit unclear on their reads, which at times seem sort of "implied" rather than stated clearly. @Numbers, I'd appreciate if you could clarify where you stand on everyone. A reads list or something similar would be super.
Generally I try not to stand on people and probably tend to favor their left side, likely because I'm a righty myself.
I've stated very few reads so your view isn't surprising. But since you asked, here's some rainbow sherbet:
BobbyMac isn't a hard town read but when you're that glorious you get to be green anyway. While this might not be Mac that I know from hydra games I feel like it's in line for Bob's presence in London adventure so I feel like that is NAI Bob persona vs how Mac just normally plays. I talked about why Luka had town points before and Ex just feels like he does whenever I rope him into games and he's half paying attention which I would attribute to lower pressure town!Ex vs scum!Ex. Serif, T, and Jamie are replacement null for now. Callahan I didn't really have issue with in terms of stances, as said before the over the top bit just gives me pause because I don't have meta experience there. On the other side of that coin is JJJ who I feel is performative but I'm paused from orange sherberting here because I feel like it's NAI performance. Like they might just be a theater kid and love the showman aspect. Leesbra gets to be orange because I reviewed their other game and do not feel they were nearly as timid. Could be dichotomy of alignments but could also just be them attempting to course correct since they were caught wolf day 2. Would rather see more out of the slot than see them go over though. Cait gets to be orange because the "why did you suddenly show up?" question just doesn't sit well with me. The only thing it does for a town!Cait is set up the argument that Ex was creeping in thread just waiting for somebody to mention him but that's like a horrible argument from a town perspective but would be an easy thing for a wolf to pounce on. I don't really expect a champs player to go for that low of fruit but also it just sticks out like a sore thumb.
I last checked the topic 20 minutes ago and around 100 posts have been made, jeez. I'll be here for EoD, let me just read up.
Why is it bad that I asked Ex why they suddenly showed up? They weren't there. They get accused and they IMMEDIATELY pop up. This, in my eyes, could mean 2 sus things;
- Ex was lurking
- Ex is mafia and their teammate attended them of being accused
So imo asking Ex why they suddenly showed up is a completely normal question. Popping up right away after being accused is either a coincidence, or pretty sus
Posts like this read to me as pretty townie. It's an overextension, I don't really agree with what's being said (wolfy pop-ins are real it's just I don't see this here) but I think a wolf would avoid making such an accusation if it didn't come from genuine emotion? I'd at least leave this slot alone today
I last checked the topic 20 minutes ago and around 100 posts have been made, jeez. I'll be here for EoD, let me just read up.
You have ten minutes I am afraid.
I thought I could read all the posts in that time. At the rate they are being generated? I am.. less certain. I'll skim and then join you all in realtime.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
This is the only place I'm comfortable today.
I don't really like Ex's reaction rn but I also liked their posts before
Bob if you're super confident on Ex I'll vote with you
I don't like this. Ex has been very productive from what I've seen and killing them this early based on eod whims seems like the risk reward really isnt there. Also the language of this post is very hedgy. Not good.
I'd really rather you lived D1 ExLight. Just saying
Sorry for my extended absence haha. I'm ready to start playing, I think I understand how the forum works now. Probably.
I really thought you were town D1 off the ATE. I also thought Jamie was town, but atp I liked them more than you so I was really only going to pivot to you if Bob was super confident.
After reevaling at night the ATE... I guess got weaker?
ATM I have Cait and Luka as locked Town. I'm willing to sheep Luka on Leesbra since they would stake their life on it.
Leaves me Serif / JJJ / Calla / Numbers / Ex
I said D1 how I think JJJ and Calla was town, and it hasn't changed for me. My POE is left with Serif / Ex / Numbers, and while I can see either Serif / Ex being town, Numbers is locked Mafia in every world.
Does anyone have a list of why the consensus town are consensus? I get the feeling I've fallen behind so it'd be much help.
Sorry for my extended absence haha. I'm ready to start playing, I think I understand how the forum works now. Probably.
heya, have you caught up yet? EoD in 3 hours
There's around ~250 posts right? I should be able to do that. Instead of reading up on the thread I've been trying to figure out how this software works, I have the tech skills of a grandma :P
Hey everyone. Interesting end to day 1 there. I'm exhausted so I'll cover some posts later. Just checking in.
Hey folks. I'm going to be away this evening, because Sunday is for football. I have some ideas though about how I might begin to get into some deeper analysis of the game than just vibes, and I will dig into things soon. As low-key as Day 1 was (at least by the standard of what I am accustomed to), there was enough "drama" and interactive content to begin to build a proper game theory. I'll do that.
Let me know how the game goes! I was going to watch but it looks like I'm missing it again. I keep planning to watch and then completely forgetting until a day after. Maybe next time :P
I think my only reads, being on icet and Caitlin, have been less than ideal, first game reads and all.
Nice to meet you Sugar Moon.
It really doesn't feel like the tone comes from business, but I don't think I'll have the time to think about that much further. I have to head out now, good luck all
Oh good afternoon ExLight
Hi, good afternoon!
Unfortunately I feel like you're at the bottom of my readslists, care to bounce some ideas off with me?
Sorry, I really don't have much
I don't see anything redeemable from Luka, but if it isn't Luka I'm stumped.
If there's a deepwolf I'd currently say it's you, your high placement is backed from Numbers' spew but something just irks me about your slot. I couldn't say what
Understandable, I too find being overly busy with college scummy!
My game do be shit so far, all the people I scumread turned out to be Townies.
I'm sorry, is there a problem? I don't understand the shade in the first statement although maybe I'm just misreading self depreciation
I never said your activity was what made you scummy, nor your reads. I've been less active and probably just as accurate. It's more of a tone thing, I can't pin it exactly though which is why I said "something just irks me".
Oh good afternoon ExLight
I can't lie this entire redcheck thing has been kind of demotivating, I think it's because I didn't really get what was going on until it was sorted.
I'm here, but from the looks of it the game is over and I don't have much to add if it isn't. Sorry about that.
I think it's best just to go forward from here.
Vote: Numbers
I want to make a really dramatic post but I'll be busy the next 24 hours
Cait Luka locked town Numbers Exlight scum (possibly serif over Exlight)
Vote: Numbers
I haven't finished backreading everything yet but again JJJ / Calla are town for me due to the reasons stated.
I haven't really made a read on ExLight / Numbers but I do remember really liking their posts and Bob's towncore sounds good enough for me to sheep it, which also leans Bob as town to me
I remember liking Cait posting but don't remember why
This is ordered FYI
Town Lean
(ExLight and Numbers aren't ordered)
Town Null
Scum Read
POE = Leesbra / Serif
I can be convinced to vote Jamie I think? I remember really liking their 1 post
Hello all good afternoon. Sorry, I've been very busy but I'm here now.
While I quite like Serif's vibe and would definitely play with them again, I also have to consider that they haven't... given a read. On anyone. At least I don't remember one. I'd verify with an ISO, but I can't be digging around the thread at work.
I've given some reads but it's been quite awkward for me overall. I replaced in day 2, shown up in day 3 for there to be a redcheck, and well, now its day 4. or day 3? My entire mental clock has been thrown off.
Oh good afternoon ExLight
Hi, good afternoon!
Unfortunately I feel like you're at the bottom of my readslists, care to bounce some ideas off with me?
Sorry, I really don't have much
I don't see anything redeemable from Luka, but if it isn't Luka I'm stumped.
If there's a deepwolf I'd currently say it's you, your high placement is backed from Numbers' spew but something just irks me about your slot. I couldn't say what
God, sorry, I'm here. Let me have a look.
Hey everyone. EOD right?
I can't point to any singular post but Luka hasn't come across well to me once this game. Between myself and the person Luka is voting, I'd much rather vote Luka.
Vote: Luka
I'll hang around for now, hopefully until EoD but I might have to leave before then.
Anyone else here?
To be completely honest I'm having a bit of trouble getting anything useful from this read up. Its early days and I don't know any of you very well yet so I can't really distinguish what is in character or not. I'll pay attention to some specifics for now that aren't as reliant on those factors and I'll let everyone know as things come up. Sorry about that
I think my only reads, being on icet and Caitlin, have been less than ideal, first game reads and all.
Nice to meet you Sugar Moon.
These make sense based on D2 but I'm surprised you seem to not consider your D1 reads
I couldn't think of any other reads. Maybe I'm just blanking though
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Actually that was pointless, because I want to say one more thing.
My analyzing the Bob kill should not be confused with my overall reads. That ranked list I provided (Sugar Moon > Leesbra > ExLight > serif) refers solely to a single slice of the evidence pie (Bob being killed). My broader POE had led me to the opposite end with serif as the top suspect, so there's some turbulence here for me. This is not an easy choice. I will think it over for now.
I would like to hear your thoughts on the merits of having the PRs claim today.
My impression had been that it doesn't provide a mathematical advantage. My brain is not kind to math this evening, so I haven't double-checked. Let me see if I can:
4 vs. 1 today
- If two power roles claim, they are virtually cleared and the mafia is forced to claim vanilla.
- Essentially this becomes 2 + [2 vs. 1], so the chance of a randomized correct answer is .33
- If the answer is wrong (.67 probability), the chance is .50 in final three (2 vs 1 with one clear).
I think this calls for a conjunctive probability:
- Probability of right first time = .33
- Probability of wrong first time and right in final three = .67 x .50 = .33
- Probability of wrong both times = .67 x .50 = .33
If nobody claims at all today, that implies a power role is not threatened (because a town power role about to be voted out mechanically must claim), so it'd still be one mafia among three options -- .33 chance today, and if wrong (.67) followed by .50 in final three when everyone claims.
If one power role claims under threat of elimination, four non-claims remain (so 1 in 4 or .25, but the second power role may then also claim if threatened, returning us to .33).
So it is the same? I am not sure I am doing this correctly. It's 2:00 AM lol.
If there is an advantage to mass claiming, it'd be that it alleviates a danger of prematurely hammering a power role before they claim or having a last minute panic vote on a power role at EOD. I think.
I very much welcome criticism if any of this logic is bad. I'm tired.
So it's 1v4 with 2 PRs and 2 citizens right?
if we claim today the goon has to claim citizen as otherwise we just execute both claims. We execute a citizen today and tomorrow. One third chance based on random odds today, one half tomorrow as one PR dies and one confirmed PR remains. 66% chance there.
If we don't claim, the odds are a much less forgiving 50/50. We should always claim here
More on that, I'd argue it's better not to kill exlight here? They weren't suspected before today other than my deepwolf whims and while their logic for a self-vote isn't sound I think mafia in a situation like this would avoid so much attention, although I'm not familiar with exlight's meta
If we're decided we should begin as soon as possible.
"The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first."
I'm... I'm literally the only person voting...
That vote isn't real. It comes from an idea you supposedly abandoned, have shown no interest in to the point of trying to get yourself locktowned for the vote, and from the start was not mechanically sound as town.
"The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first."
I'm... I'm literally the only person voting...
Your vote is still on yourself. I was under the impression you had declined to continue with the whole self-vote mechanics strategy you opened the day with. Am I mistaken?
No, I'll stay on myself. If people decide to townlock me then they can simply not vote me, but if people still have doubts about my slot then me making into -Lo is too dangerous and should be dealt with here
It's things like these that is why JJJ could've claimed PR. Your play here could result in the only person you supposedly know as town, you, to die. You do not want that. It is in every citizen's best interest here to survive.
Your vote was placed to prevent a PR exec, correct? Then what's the point of it now?
I’m on board. Claims will really help POE too.
Alright, that's 3/5. claiming vanilla.
Oh, nevermind, it looks like wayyy too much happened in my absence for any analysis to be worth anything! That's fun. And entirely my fault. I'll go over the recent occurrences.
I do apologize for the lack of content from me. I have trouble playing with new people
Hopefully when I see you all again I'll've gotten better in that regard :P
God sorry I'm here now. Let me continue from where I was
I disagree that it comes down to presentation.
I agree that usually the player seen as the one putting more effort usually plays a major role, but it's by resurfacing the posts throughout the game and discussing them that people can reach on a good game-winning conclusion.
I'm more often than not a mess in endgames, and it shows. With pressure my logic starts getting a bit all over the place, I get paranoid, my grammar worsens tenfold, etc - The point is my presentation becomes shit. Yet for some reason my late game town winrate is extremely high, with me almost never being the mislynch (I've been mislynched only twice out of D1).
Unrelated point -- You are doing none of these things right now. In an endgame. Supposedly as town.
I don't know exactly why, but I'd assume it's because of being able to bring resonating points, provide engagement with other players, and show effort - which is what a game, specially on -Lo needs. And this is mostly NAI? (It's usually a bit more towny cuz scum hesitates due to being afraid of accidentally framing themselves)
What you mention here is presentation.
You have two people you need to look into. Even if you don't know how to ISO (which could be done by checking our forum posts since I doubt any of the players has been engaging with the rest of the forums), skimming the thread for their posts shouldn't be too hard. Earlier you mentioned finding something about my tone off, yet you never tried finding the root of it. Why?
First of all -- for me, it is. I am not good at that as I explained in my post. I am an IRL player first and that makes my backreading very weak.
Second of all, it will always differ from player to play how strong their backreading is. You are able to find or manipulate posts on any player to come to the conclusion that they are wolf. If you're going into it with the bias that they are wolf, as presented in the method, It will almost certainly lead to nothing a majority of the time and cause the players to go in circles.
This is the sort of behavior that makes your slot look worse than JJJ, not his verbiage and overanalytical posts. How can we compare who has the better points if one of the people refuses to?
That's my exact point here! You can't. And I'm making sure you can't, because this is how we lose games. Avoiding talking to each other directly does nothing here. In my prior posts I mention asking smaller questions and having player's talk about their most distinct reads because those are harder to fake.
Also JJJ was always stuck with vanilla claim unless he decided to throw game.
If he had claimed Bodyguard we could've lynched him and Leesbra. If he had claimed cop we could've lynched him and Sugar Moon. The only claim that allows scum to gain tempo and potentially last longer is if they claim vanilla.
This doesn't disagree with what I said, which was in fact responding to this exact point. A bad play doesn't ever mean an impossible one. Players are irrational.
I talked about every single thing you said here. We are going in circles because I've decided to be detailed in my reasoning and this is without backreading. A big issue here is we need a neutral observer (the confirmed PRs) to mediate, and they are currently absent, but the bigger issue is the format itself. I've put my comments in red.
I'll still be busy today, but I think I already made contributed as much as I could. I'd prefer Serif toDay due to the almost no progression that slot had in the game, even as we now are down to 2 players. I also had previously mentioned the lesser points that bothered me about JJJ's slot, and is more of a mixed read. If anyone wants to try discussing them with me I'll be open to it, but I'm not sure I'll be able to give a timely reply.
If people are willing to trust me and townlock me I would recommend Serif first. It's a bit of another WIFOM argument in defense of my slot but if I were scum it would be suicidal to go into final 3 against JJJ instead of Serif, and I hope people realize that.
Can everyone start voting?
The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first.
Also, in the first quote, there's an awkward extension made into townlocking. While I don't like how it's gone for overconfident for wolf as I mentioned earlier to townlocking, it would be quite silly to WIFOM their own play. Not sure how I feel about that.
You’re not obligated to be on board with the strategy that Sugar Moon proposed. There are many ways to approach any situation. Still, if not that: then what?
The only process absolutely guaranteed to result in no correct answer is the absence of a process. As we stand, I’d vote you first on that basis. I don’t quite see how you are managing the situation (or know where you stand) even if on your own terms.
I talk about that and brought it up earlier in this post. We should be conversing directly like this much more, anyways
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Scum wouldn't claim a Power Role here if they can get counterclaimed, so they always claim vanilla.
Since both Power Roles claimed, then JJJ is stuck with a vanilla claim, regardless of it being true or not.
Knowing that the current PoE is JJJ, you, and me, what are your current reads on these slots?
I know you mentioned that you're townleaning my slot a bit due to me self-voting, so that means JJJ is your remaining PoE slot, right?
I'd still like if you ISO'ed him, if possible. I think seeing your points on him as well as your arguments will help us gather a more solid read.
Yeah, as I said in the post after that one
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Actually no nevermind. I misremembered the variant of bodyguard for a moment. Sorry about that
I don't really know how you expect me to ISO, there's no ISO function right?
JJJ, however, was not stuck with a vanilla claim, whether it was the correct play or not. People aren't rational. You cannot rely on something happening because it's the right thing to do
I've done things similar to this approach before but never with such a level of detail. I take problem with it because it falls apart when A: players lack familiarity with one another and B: players are not equally as capable
One of those has to be true to come to a conclusion. If players are equally as capable, they are comparable directly. With familiarity, you can normalize that even if they aren't equal and then compare. I've not met any of you before this game and I doubt we have equal capability here, I'm very much an IRL player so this backreading has never been my forte. It falls apart here. Comparing such different players with no point of reference will probably just waste time
With my background, I'm much more inclined towards more compact methods. Endgame casing tends to dilute the alignment of the player through boilerplate and makes it more about what player has the better presentation when ideally you should be analyzing what the player says for information about the player rather than their case target, which can be made more difficult by more content. It's almost paradoxical but keeping it to a player's fundamental ideas on another player is more useful. Anyone can go searching for reasons that someone is wolf. It is harder on the wolf to give the brief most important things because what's most important to the wolf will vary from what's most important from the town.
Sorry for posting my manifesto in response to this, I just don't agree with the concept presented here
I feel slightly better knowing my last readslist had the correct PoE
Ok so the lynch today has to be between me, JJJ, or Serif
Has JJJ claimed? If not, I wouldn't be so hasty as it is technically possible the wolf claimed PR
I think having airtight mech here is very important.
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Actually no nevermind. I misremembered the variant of bodyguard for a moment. Sorry about that
This, right here, is my issue with the proposed method. I'll explain in a moment, I'm getting a coffee
The case against serif:
Sorry for my extended absence haha. I'm ready to start playing, I think I understand how the forum works now. Probably.
Sorry for my extended absence haha. I'm ready to start playing, I think I understand how the forum works now. Probably.
heya, have you caught up yet? EoD in 3 hours
There's around ~250 posts right? I should be able to do that. Instead of reading up on the thread I've been trying to figure out how this software works, I have the tech skills of a grandma :P
To be completely honest I'm having a bit of trouble getting anything useful from this read up. Its early days and I don't know any of you very well yet so I can't really distinguish what is in character or not. I'll pay attention to some specifics for now that aren't as reliant on those factors and I'll let everyone know as things come up. Sorry about that
This was their introductory material, and they were very slow out of the gate. That happens sometimes, but it's very typical for wolves to have this kind of trepidation. Sometimes the hardest part of being a wolf is literally having any clue what to say. I have experienced that many times.
Why is it bad that I asked Ex why they suddenly showed up? They weren't there. They get accused and they IMMEDIATELY pop up. This, in my eyes, could mean 2 sus things;
- Ex was lurking
- Ex is mafia and their teammate attended them of being accused
So imo asking Ex why they suddenly showed up is a completely normal question. Popping up right away after being accused is either a coincidence, or pretty sus
Posts like this read to me as pretty townie. It's an overextension, I don't really agree with what's being said (wolfy pop-ins are real it's just I don't see this here) but I think a wolf would avoid making such an accusation if it didn't come from genuine emotion? I'd at least leave this slot alone today
This single post is the standout exception in serif's early play, where they provided a concrete read. It's a soft read with numerous caveats (to leave wiggle room to change it up later) -- I highlighted the caveats in orange. This was probably about pocketing Caitlin, and it may have been successful. Caitlin is a very vibes-oriented player, and serif might have hit the right note to capture Caitlin's vibe falsely.
I last checked the topic 20 minutes ago and around 100 posts have been made, jeez. I'll be here for EoD, let me just read up.
I last checked the topic 20 minutes ago and around 100 posts have been made, jeez. I'll be here for EoD, let me just read up.
You have ten minutes I am afraid.
I thought I could read all the posts in that time. At the rate they are being generated? I am.. less certain. I'll skim and then join you all in realtime.
I don't really like Ex's reaction rn but I also liked their posts before
Bob if you're super confident on Ex I'll vote with you
I don't like this. Ex has been very productive from what I've seen and killing them this early based on eod whims seems like the risk reward really isnt there. Also the language of this post is very hedgy. Not good.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
This is the only place I'm comfortable today.
This is mostly serif's posts around EOD1. They arrived at the last minute and voted for Icet. It's not visible here, but this came after Icet had already cast suspicion on serif (see below):
personally I disagree with TRing Serif atm, pretty sure my POE points to them
I haven't finished backreading everything yet but again JJJ / Calla are town for me due to the reasons stated.
I haven't really made a read on ExLight / Numbers but I do remember really liking their posts and Bob's towncore sounds good enough for me to sheep it, which also leans Bob as town to me
I remember liking Cait posting but don't remember why
This is ordered FYI
Town Lean
(ExLight and Numbers aren't ordered)
Town Null
Scum Read
POE = Leesbra / Serif
I can be convinced to vote Jamie I think? I remember really liking their 1 post
So serif's vote for Icet was disguised "omgus" really. They accused Icet of something, but it was a nothingburger about them "hedging", which is the easiest accusation in the world for wolves to throw around. Town players are allowed to question themselves or lack confidence.
They spent essentially all of Day 1 avoiding the spotlight and not doing anything that would ruffle feathers or attract questions. Credit to Icet who seemed to have caught on well before the rest of us (really an all-around GOAT game by Icet).
I really thought you were town D1 off the ATE. I also thought Jamie was town, but atp I liked them more than you so I was really only going to pivot to you if Bob was super confident.
After reevaling at night the ATE... I guess got weaker?
ATM I have Cait and Luka as locked Town. I'm willing to sheep Luka on Leesbra since they would stake their life on it.
Leaves me Serif / JJJ / Calla / Numbers / Ex
I said D1 how I think JJJ and Calla was town, and it hasn't changed for me. My POE is left with Serif / Ex / Numbers, and while I can see either Serif / Ex being town, Numbers is locked Mafia in every world.
Pretty sure GF is just ex / serif here
Cait is confirmed town unless RBer went on GF
Good lord, Icet was like three days ahead of all of us.
God, sorry, I'm here. Let me have a look.
Oh, nevermind, it looks like wayyy too much happened in my absence for any analysis to be worth anything! That's fun. And entirely my fault. I'll go over the recent occurrences.
I can't lie this entire redcheck thing has been kind of demotivating, I think it's because I didn't really get what was going on until it was sorted.
I'm here, but from the looks of it the game is over and I don't have much to add if it isn't. Sorry about that.
I think it's best just to go forward from here.
Vote: Numbers
This is the initial Day 2 progression for serif. The last post is certainly on-the-nose for a wolf, but that's what happened lol. I mean, at face value, confirming a member of the wolf team should not be demotivating. That is what put us in a strong position in the first place. That's where additional analysis is most valuable.
Hello all good afternoon. Sorry, I've been very busy but I'm here now.
While I quite like Serif's vibe and would definitely play with them again, I also have to consider that they haven't... given a read. On anyone. At least I don't remember one. I'd verify with an ISO, but I can't be digging around the thread at work.
I've given some reads but it's been quite awkward for me overall. I replaced in day 2, shown up in day 3 for there to be a redcheck, and well, now its day 4. or day 3? My entire mental clock has been thrown off.
I think my only reads, being on icet and Caitlin, have been less than ideal, first game reads and all.
Nice to meet you Sugar Moon.
Does anyone have a list of why the consensus town are consensus? I get the feeling I've fallen behind so it'd be much help.
serif continues to just barely engage the game from the perspective of looking for solutions. Even that last question could theoretically be a good one, but only if there is follow up and some kind of effort to figure out the game with it. I answered them myself to give serif a platform to try to get involved, and they didn't do anything with that ever again as far as I can see.
They also seem to have forgotten some of their own reads (like their defense of ExLight on Day 1), which is understandable when the reads aren't real in the first place.
Hey everyone. EOD right?
I can't point to any singular post but Luka hasn't come across well to me once this game. Between myself and the person Luka is voting, I'd much rather vote Luka.
Vote: Luka
I'll hang around for now, hopefully until EoD but I might have to leave before then.
Anyone else here?
Oh good afternoon ExLight
Hi, good afternoon!
Unfortunately I feel like you're at the bottom of my readslists, care to bounce some ideas off with me?
Sorry, I really don't have much
I don't see anything redeemable from Luka, but if it isn't Luka I'm stumped.
If there's a deepwolf I'd currently say it's you, your high placement is backed from Numbers' spew but something just irks me about your slot. I couldn't say what
Based on the material that came before these posts, I have no idea why serif suspected Luka. This came out of nowhere. ExLight pointed this out too, and it's a good point. Indeed, serif was another person receiving votes if I recall correctly, so this was just self-preservation. Saying "this is a self-preservation vote" is the town approach. Making up a reason to suspect someone when you place the self-preservation vote is the wolf approach.
Hey everyone. EOD right?
I can't point to any singular post but Luka hasn't come across well to me once this game. Between myself and the person Luka is voting, I'd much rather vote Luka.
Vote: Luka
I'll hang around for now, hopefully until EoD but I might have to leave before then.
Anyone else here?
Im incapable of explaining why but I dont like this slot
Luka eventually saw the light too.
Actually that was pointless, because I want to say one more thing.
My analyzing the Bob kill should not be confused with my overall reads. That ranked list I provided (Sugar Moon > Leesbra > ExLight > serif) refers solely to a single slice of the evidence pie (Bob being killed). My broader POE had led me to the opposite end with serif as the top suspect, so there's some turbulence here for me. This is not an easy choice. I will think it over for now.
I would like to hear your thoughts on the merits of having the PRs claim today.
My impression had been that it doesn't provide a mathematical advantage. My brain is not kind to math this evening, so I haven't double-checked. Let me see if I can:
4 vs. 1 today
- If two power roles claim, they are virtually cleared and the mafia is forced to claim vanilla.
- Essentially this becomes 2 + [2 vs. 1], so the chance of a randomized correct answer is .33
- If the answer is wrong (.67 probability), the chance is .50 in final three (2 vs 1 with one clear).
I think this calls for a conjunctive probability:
- Probability of right first time = .33
- Probability of wrong first time and right in final three = .67 x .50 = .33
- Probability of wrong both times = .67 x .50 = .33
If nobody claims at all today, that implies a power role is not threatened (because a town power role about to be voted out mechanically must claim), so it'd still be one mafia among three options -- .33 chance today, and if wrong (.67) followed by .50 in final three when everyone claims.
If one power role claims under threat of elimination, four non-claims remain (so 1 in 4 or .25, but the second power role may then also claim if threatened, returning us to .33).
So it is the same? I am not sure I am doing this correctly. It's 2:00 AM lol.
If there is an advantage to mass claiming, it'd be that it alleviates a danger of prematurely hammering a power role before they claim or having a last minute panic vote on a power role at EOD. I think.
I very much welcome criticism if any of this logic is bad. I'm tired.
So it's 1v4 with 2 PRs and 2 citizens right?
if we claim today the goon has to claim citizen as otherwise we just execute both claims. We execute a citizen today and tomorrow. One third chance based on random odds today, one half tomorrow as one PR dies and one confirmed PR remains. 66% chance there.
If we don't claim, the odds are a much less forgiving 50/50. We should always claim here
More on that, I'd argue it's better not to kill exlight here? They weren't suspected before today other than my deepwolf whims and while their logic for a self-vote isn't sound I think mafia in a situation like this would avoid so much attention, although I'm not familiar with exlight's meta
If we're decided we should begin as soon as possible.
I think this part of the game may be the most revealing for serif. For the entire game up to this point, they had been only scarcely involved, quiet, not ruffling feathers, and staying out of others' attention for the most part. They expressed on multiple occasions that they were confused, demotivated, or otherwise unable to get into the game.
Then, as soon as the game got close again in the previous day phase, it was like serif turned on all the lights. Their approach completely changed yesterday, and I think it's because they started to believe that they could win the game as the last wolf. They were heavily involved in the discussion of mechanics, their tone changed from unsure to highly assertive, and their posts became much thicker.
When town is most motivated, serif is least motivated. When town is least motivated, serif is most motivated. That's a visible trend in their posts.
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
I feel slightly better knowing my last readslist had the correct PoE
Ok so the lynch today has to be between me, JJJ, or Serif
Has JJJ claimed? If not, I wouldn't be so hasty as it is technically possible the wolf claimed PR
I think having airtight mech here is very important.
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Actually no nevermind. I misremembered the variant of bodyguard for a moment. Sorry about that
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Scum wouldn't claim a Power Role here if they can get counterclaimed, so they always claim vanilla.
Since both Power Roles claimed, then JJJ is stuck with a vanilla claim, regardless of it being true or not.
Knowing that the current PoE is JJJ, you, and me, what are your current reads on these slots?
I know you mentioned that you're townleaning my slot a bit due to me self-voting, so that means JJJ is your remaining PoE slot, right?
I'd still like if you ISO'ed him, if possible. I think seeing your points on him as well as your arguments will help us gather a more solid read.
Yeah, as I said in the post after that one
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Actually no nevermind. I misremembered the variant of bodyguard for a moment. Sorry about that
I don't really know how you expect me to ISO, there's no ISO function right?
JJJ, however, was not stuck with a vanilla claim, whether it was the correct play or not. People aren't rational. You cannot rely on something happening because it's the right thing to do
I've done things similar to this approach before but never with such a level of detail. I take problem with it because it falls apart when A: players lack familiarity with one another and B: players are not equally as capable
One of those has to be true to come to a conclusion. If players are equally as capable, they are comparable directly. With familiarity, you can normalize that even if they aren't equal and then compare. I've not met any of you before this game and I doubt we have equal capability here, I'm very much an IRL player so this backreading has never been my forte. It falls apart here. Comparing such different players with no point of reference will probably just waste time
With my background, I'm much more inclined towards more compact methods. Endgame casing tends to dilute the alignment of the player through boilerplate and makes it more about what player has the better presentation when ideally you should be analyzing what the player says for information about the player rather than their case target, which can be made more difficult by more content. It's almost paradoxical but keeping it to a player's fundamental ideas on another player is more useful. Anyone can go searching for reasons that someone is wolf. It is harder on the wolf to give the brief most important things because what's most important to the wolf will vary from what's most important from the town.
Sorry for posting my manifesto in response to this, I just don't agree with the concept presented here
There's a lot to discuss here. First of all, serif really gave ExLight a lot of grief for suggesting the last wolf would be forced to claim vanilla. That was a perfectly reasonable expectation from ExLight (because it was true that a wolf not claiming vanilla would be game-losing), but serif turned it into a platform to eventually end up voting them. That shade doesn't add up.
This, right here, is my issue with the proposed method. I'll explain in a moment, I'm getting a coffee
God sorry I'm here now. Let me continue from where I was
I disagree that it comes down to presentation.
I agree that usually the player seen as the one putting more effort usually plays a major role, but it's by resurfacing the posts throughout the game and discussing them that people can reach on a good game-winning conclusion.
I'm more often than not a mess in endgames, and it shows. With pressure my logic starts getting a bit all over the place, I get paranoid, my grammar worsens tenfold, etc - The point is my presentation becomes shit. Yet for some reason my late game town winrate is extremely high, with me almost never being the mislynch (I've been mislynched only twice out of D1).
Unrelated point -- You are doing none of these things right now. In an endgame. Supposedly as town.
I don't know exactly why, but I'd assume it's because of being able to bring resonating points, provide engagement with other players, and show effort - which is what a game, specially on -Lo needs. And this is mostly NAI? (It's usually a bit more towny cuz scum hesitates due to being afraid of accidentally framing themselves)
What you mention here is presentation.
You have two people you need to look into. Even if you don't know how to ISO (which could be done by checking our forum posts since I doubt any of the players has been engaging with the rest of the forums), skimming the thread for their posts shouldn't be too hard. Earlier you mentioned finding something about my tone off, yet you never tried finding the root of it. Why?
First of all -- for me, it is. I am not good at that as I explained in my post. I am an IRL player first and that makes my backreading very weak.
Second of all, it will always differ from player to play how strong their backreading is. You are able to find or manipulate posts on any player to come to the conclusion that they are wolf. If you're going into it with the bias that they are wolf, as presented in the method, It will almost certainly lead to nothing a majority of the time and cause the players to go in circles.
This is the sort of behavior that makes your slot look worse than JJJ, not his verbiage and overanalytical posts. How can we compare who has the better points if one of the people refuses to?
That's my exact point here! You can't. And I'm making sure you can't, because this is how we lose games. Avoiding talking to each other directly does nothing here. In my prior posts I mention asking smaller questions and having player's talk about their most distinct reads because those are harder to fake.
Also JJJ was always stuck with vanilla claim unless he decided to throw game.
If he had claimed Bodyguard we could've lynched him and Leesbra. If he had claimed cop we could've lynched him and Sugar Moon. The only claim that allows scum to gain tempo and potentially last longer is if they claim vanilla.
This doesn't disagree with what I said, which was in fact responding to this exact point. A bad play doesn't ever mean an impossible one. Players are irrational.
I talked about every single thing you said here. We are going in circles because I've decided to be detailed in my reasoning and this is without backreading. A big issue here is we need a neutral observer (the confirmed PRs) to mediate, and they are currently absent, but the bigger issue is the format itself. I've put my comments in red.
I'll still be busy today, but I think I already made contributed as much as I could. I'd prefer Serif toDay due to the almost no progression that slot had in the game, even as we now are down to 2 players. I also had previously mentioned the lesser points that bothered me about JJJ's slot, and is more of a mixed read. If anyone wants to try discussing them with me I'll be open to it, but I'm not sure I'll be able to give a timely reply.
If people are willing to trust me and townlock me I would recommend Serif first. It's a bit of another WIFOM argument in defense of my slot but if I were scum it would be suicidal to go into final 3 against JJJ instead of Serif, and I hope people realize that.
Can everyone start voting?
The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first.
Also, in the first quote, there's an awkward extension made into townlocking. While I don't like how it's gone for overconfident for wolf as I mentioned earlier to townlocking, it would be quite silly to WIFOM their own play. Not sure how I feel about that.
You’re not obligated to be on board with the strategy that Sugar Moon proposed. There are many ways to approach any situation. Still, if not that: then what?
The only process absolutely guaranteed to result in no correct answer is the absence of a process. As we stand, I’d vote you first on that basis. I don’t quite see how you are managing the situation (or know where you stand) even if on your own terms.
I talk about that and brought it up earlier in this post. We should be conversing directly like this much more, anyways
"The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first."
I'm... I'm literally the only person voting...
That vote isn't real. It comes from an idea you supposedly abandoned, have shown no interest in to the point of trying to get yourself locktowned for the vote, and from the start was not mechanically sound as town.
"The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first."
I'm... I'm literally the only person voting...
Your vote is still on yourself. I was under the impression you had declined to continue with the whole self-vote mechanics strategy you opened the day with. Am I mistaken?
No, I'll stay on myself. If people decide to townlock me then they can simply not vote me, but if people still have doubts about my slot then me making into -Lo is too dangerous and should be dealt with here
It's things like these that is why JJJ could've claimed PR. Your play here could result in the only person you supposedly know as town, you, to die. You do not want that. It is in every citizen's best interest here to survive.
Your vote was placed to prevent a PR exec, correct? Then what's the point of it now?
Vote: ExLight
I think it's quite strange you don't fit your endgame selfmeta. You are, for the most part, confident, straightforward, and quite sure of yourself.
I talk about that and brought it up earlier in this post. We should be conversing directly like this much more, anyways
Direct communication is great. It might be difficult since I am at work, but I can at least respond sporadically. My concern is that it's very unclear today, as of Day 4, where you stand. Your most recent post seems to imply suspicion of ExLight, but it's not stated concretely. So first, could you confirm or deny that interpretation? Is ExLight your biggest suspect at present? And regardless of ExLight, what is your impression of me?
That is correct. Your motivation seems to have good intent but I do not have much on you
I think this is a revealing progression too. serif didn't want to partake in Sugar Moon's strategy yesterday. That can be fine for town, but there are clearly reasons for wolves to do that. And these posts describe serif's reasons. They had decided they wanted to go after ExLight, and they didn't deviate for a moment from doing that. Sugar Moon suggested they make a case against me, and they instead completely ignored my existence. That's not a town mindset. There was no paranoia about me or even any thought about me from serif yesterday. When I asked in the last post, their reply was essentially nothing. Perhaps they didn't feel like they'd be able to make a good case against me, and they decided to put all of their energy into voting out ExLight instead.
And that is the kind of survivalism that serif accused me of today.
Now, I want to conclude this large post by saying the following. I have no desire to be mean to serif. That seems to have been an impression today, and that is not the intent. I quite like serif in this game! Even as a wolf, they've done a lot of good things and played respectfully. This isn't personal at all. They're just a wolf, and it's my responsibility to try the best I can to show that.
I know that's a huge post, @Leesbra, and it might be difficult to absorb. Please feel free to ask questions, and take your time.
I will also provide a case to defend myself as soon as I am able. Hell, even if you don't trust me, you can trust the dead town before me. Icet absolutely nailed this game. MVP.
I know that's a huge post, @Leesbra, and it might be difficult to absorb. Please feel free to ask questions, and take your time.
I will also provide a case to defend myself as soon as I am able. Hell, even if you don't trust me, you can trust the dead town before me. Icet absolutely nailed this game. MVP.
Well, you certainly did put a lot of proof against Serif. And some of these points… make a lot of sense. The fact that they just outright said (if I read it right) that they didn’t want to read previous chat to get evidence?
…But I feel we need proof from both ends at the least, so i’ll wait for Serif to come along so I can see some evidence counterclaiming.
You never needed to vote anyone. You could've left it to the two confirmed towns that just shown up. There is no rule disallowing novoting and novoting was the correct play from town.
Avoid plain accusatory remarks like in the last sentence here. They're inflammatory and aim to derail the conversation from moving forward, so unless you want that please stick to call and response.
The notion that I should just not place at vote at all in a final five situation is very silly. Of course I am going to vote. I am going to allow myself to have a voice in the final decision.
It was anti town. It impeded progress. If you didn't vote we could be in a much better situation than today.
There's not much else to say there.
I think the best evidence that my hammer vote was not motivated by survival is that my survival wasn't really even threatened. I was one of the "vanilla three", but I think there was more pressure on both ExLight and serif. I probably didn't need to hammer to "survive". I just placed the vote that I thought was best at the last possible moment that I could wait to place it, and unfortunately here we are.
Yes, I said exactly this. It was for a better position today. I noted that you were not at risk and that's one of the reasons your vote is bad. If not scared for your own life I don't understand why town would ever make that vote
Large posts in below spoiler:
The case against serif:
Sorry for my extended absence haha. I'm ready to start playing, I think I understand how the forum works now. Probably.
Sorry for my extended absence haha. I'm ready to start playing, I think I understand how the forum works now. Probably.
heya, have you caught up yet? EoD in 3 hours
There's around ~250 posts right? I should be able to do that. Instead of reading up on the thread I've been trying to figure out how this software works, I have the tech skills of a grandma :P
To be completely honest I'm having a bit of trouble getting anything useful from this read up. Its early days and I don't know any of you very well yet so I can't really distinguish what is in character or not. I'll pay attention to some specifics for now that aren't as reliant on those factors and I'll let everyone know as things come up. Sorry about that
This was their introductory material, and they were very slow out of the gate. That happens sometimes, but it's very typical for wolves to have this kind of trepidation. Sometimes the hardest part of being a wolf is literally having any clue what to say. I have experienced that many times.
I'd prefer it if you didn't use my replacing in as a weapon. Replacing is hard. I was dropped into a gamestate knowing nothing. It was going to be slow out of the gate.
Why is it bad that I asked Ex why they suddenly showed up? They weren't there. They get accused and they IMMEDIATELY pop up. This, in my eyes, could mean 2 sus things;
- Ex was lurking
- Ex is mafia and their teammate attended them of being accused
So imo asking Ex why they suddenly showed up is a completely normal question. Popping up right away after being accused is either a coincidence, or pretty sus
Posts like this read to me as pretty townie. It's an overextension, I don't really agree with what's being said (wolfy pop-ins are real it's just I don't see this here) but I think a wolf would avoid making such an accusation if it didn't come from genuine emotion? I'd at least leave this slot alone today
This single post is the standout exception in serif's early play, where they provided a concrete read. It's a soft read with numerous caveats (to leave wiggle room to change it up later) -- I highlighted the caveats in orange. This was probably about pocketing Caitlin, and it may have been successful. Caitlin is a very vibes-oriented player, and serif might have hit the right note to capture Caitlin's vibe falsely.
I.. don't know how Caitlin plays. Or remember, at least. I've met her before but it has been a very, very long time.
You make these posts suggesting familiarity with the players around me that I simply do not have. I am a stranger here.
I last checked the topic 20 minutes ago and around 100 posts have been made, jeez. I'll be here for EoD, let me just read up.
I last checked the topic 20 minutes ago and around 100 posts have been made, jeez. I'll be here for EoD, let me just read up.
You have ten minutes I am afraid.
I thought I could read all the posts in that time. At the rate they are being generated? I am.. less certain. I'll skim and then join you all in realtime.
I don't really like Ex's reaction rn but I also liked their posts before
Bob if you're super confident on Ex I'll vote with you
I don't like this. Ex has been very productive from what I've seen and killing them this early based on eod whims seems like the risk reward really isnt there. Also the language of this post is very hedgy. Not good.
Vote: IcetFeelsPain
This is the only place I'm comfortable today.
This is mostly serif's posts around EOD1. They arrived at the last minute and voted for Icet. It's not visible here, but this came after Icet had already cast suspicion on serif (see below):
personally I disagree with TRing Serif atm, pretty sure my POE points to them
I haven't finished backreading everything yet but again JJJ / Calla are town for me due to the reasons stated.
I haven't really made a read on ExLight / Numbers but I do remember really liking their posts and Bob's towncore sounds good enough for me to sheep it, which also leans Bob as town to me
I remember liking Cait posting but don't remember why
This is ordered FYI
Town Lean
(ExLight and Numbers aren't ordered)
Town Null
Scum Read
POE = Leesbra / Serif
I can be convinced to vote Jamie I think? I remember really liking their 1 post
So serif's vote for Icet was disguised "omgus" really. They accused Icet of something, but it was a nothingburger about them "hedging", which is the easiest accusation in the world for wolves to throw around. Town players are allowed to question themselves or lack confidence.
They spent essentially all of Day 1 avoiding the spotlight and not doing anything that would ruffle feathers or attract questions. Credit to Icet who seemed to have caught on well before the rest of us (really an all-around GOAT game by Icet).
I really thought you were town D1 off the ATE. I also thought Jamie was town, but atp I liked them more than you so I was really only going to pivot to you if Bob was super confident.
After reevaling at night the ATE... I guess got weaker?
ATM I have Cait and Luka as locked Town. I'm willing to sheep Luka on Leesbra since they would stake their life on it.
Leaves me Serif / JJJ / Calla / Numbers / Ex
I said D1 how I think JJJ and Calla was town, and it hasn't changed for me. My POE is left with Serif / Ex / Numbers, and while I can see either Serif / Ex being town, Numbers is locked Mafia in every world.
Pretty sure GF is just ex / serif here
Cait is confirmed town unless RBer went on GF
Good lord, Icet was like three days ahead of all of us.
God, sorry, I'm here. Let me have a look.
Oh, nevermind, it looks like wayyy too much happened in my absence for any analysis to be worth anything! That's fun. And entirely my fault. I'll go over the recent occurrences.
I can't lie this entire redcheck thing has been kind of demotivating, I think it's because I didn't really get what was going on until it was sorted.
I'm here, but from the looks of it the game is over and I don't have much to add if it isn't. Sorry about that.
I think it's best just to go forward from here.
Vote: Numbers
This is the initial Day 2 progression for serif. The last post is certainly on-the-nose for a wolf, but that's what happened lol. I mean, at face value, confirming a member of the wolf team should not be demotivating. That is what put us in a strong position in the first place. That's where additional analysis is most valuable.
Hello all good afternoon. Sorry, I've been very busy but I'm here now.
While I quite like Serif's vibe and would definitely play with them again, I also have to consider that they haven't... given a read. On anyone. At least I don't remember one. I'd verify with an ISO, but I can't be digging around the thread at work.
I've given some reads but it's been quite awkward for me overall. I replaced in day 2, shown up in day 3 for there to be a redcheck, and well, now its day 4. or day 3? My entire mental clock has been thrown off.
I think my only reads, being on icet and Caitlin, have been less than ideal, first game reads and all.
Nice to meet you Sugar Moon.
Does anyone have a list of why the consensus town are consensus? I get the feeling I've fallen behind so it'd be much help.
serif continues to just barely engage the game from the perspective of looking for solutions. Even that last question could theoretically be a good one, but only if there is follow up and some kind of effort to figure out the game with it. I answered them myself to give serif a platform to try to get involved, and they didn't do anything with that ever again as far as I can see.
They also seem to have forgotten some of their own reads (like their defense of ExLight on Day 1), which is understandable when the reads aren't real in the first place.
Hey everyone. EOD right?
I can't point to any singular post but Luka hasn't come across well to me once this game. Between myself and the person Luka is voting, I'd much rather vote Luka.
Vote: Luka
I'll hang around for now, hopefully until EoD but I might have to leave before then.
Anyone else here?
Oh good afternoon ExLight
Hi, good afternoon!
Unfortunately I feel like you're at the bottom of my readslists, care to bounce some ideas off with me?
Sorry, I really don't have much
I don't see anything redeemable from Luka, but if it isn't Luka I'm stumped.
If there's a deepwolf I'd currently say it's you, your high placement is backed from Numbers' spew but something just irks me about your slot. I couldn't say what
Based on the material that came before these posts, I have no idea why serif suspected Luka. This came out of nowhere. ExLight pointed this out too, and it's a good point. Indeed, serif was another person receiving votes if I recall correctly, so this was just self-preservation. Saying "this is a self-preservation vote" is the town approach. Making up a reason to suspect someone when you place the self-preservation vote is the wolf approach.
Hey everyone. EOD right?
I can't point to any singular post but Luka hasn't come across well to me once this game. Between myself and the person Luka is voting, I'd much rather vote Luka.
Vote: Luka
I'll hang around for now, hopefully until EoD but I might have to leave before then.
Anyone else here?
Im incapable of explaining why but I dont like this slot
Luka eventually saw the light too.
Actually that was pointless, because I want to say one more thing.
My analyzing the Bob kill should not be confused with my overall reads. That ranked list I provided (Sugar Moon > Leesbra > ExLight > serif) refers solely to a single slice of the evidence pie (Bob being killed). My broader POE had led me to the opposite end with serif as the top suspect, so there's some turbulence here for me. This is not an easy choice. I will think it over for now.
I would like to hear your thoughts on the merits of having the PRs claim today.
My impression had been that it doesn't provide a mathematical advantage. My brain is not kind to math this evening, so I haven't double-checked. Let me see if I can:
4 vs. 1 today
- If two power roles claim, they are virtually cleared and the mafia is forced to claim vanilla.
- Essentially this becomes 2 + [2 vs. 1], so the chance of a randomized correct answer is .33
- If the answer is wrong (.67 probability), the chance is .50 in final three (2 vs 1 with one clear).
I think this calls for a conjunctive probability:
- Probability of right first time = .33
- Probability of wrong first time and right in final three = .67 x .50 = .33
- Probability of wrong both times = .67 x .50 = .33
If nobody claims at all today, that implies a power role is not threatened (because a town power role about to be voted out mechanically must claim), so it'd still be one mafia among three options -- .33 chance today, and if wrong (.67) followed by .50 in final three when everyone claims.
If one power role claims under threat of elimination, four non-claims remain (so 1 in 4 or .25, but the second power role may then also claim if threatened, returning us to .33).
So it is the same? I am not sure I am doing this correctly. It's 2:00 AM lol.
If there is an advantage to mass claiming, it'd be that it alleviates a danger of prematurely hammering a power role before they claim or having a last minute panic vote on a power role at EOD. I think.
I very much welcome criticism if any of this logic is bad. I'm tired.
So it's 1v4 with 2 PRs and 2 citizens right?
if we claim today the goon has to claim citizen as otherwise we just execute both claims. We execute a citizen today and tomorrow. One third chance based on random odds today, one half tomorrow as one PR dies and one confirmed PR remains. 66% chance there.
If we don't claim, the odds are a much less forgiving 50/50. We should always claim here
More on that, I'd argue it's better not to kill exlight here? They weren't suspected before today other than my deepwolf whims and while their logic for a self-vote isn't sound I think mafia in a situation like this would avoid so much attention, although I'm not familiar with exlight's meta
If we're decided we should begin as soon as possible.
I think this part of the game may be the most revealing for serif. For the entire game up to this point, they had been only scarcely involved, quiet, not ruffling feathers, and staying out of others' attention for the most part. They expressed on multiple occasions that they were confused, demotivated, or otherwise unable to get into the game.
Then, as soon as the game got close again in the previous day phase, it was like serif turned on all the lights. Their approach completely changed yesterday, and I think it's because they started to believe that they could win the game as the last wolf. They were heavily involved in the discussion of mechanics, their tone changed from unsure to highly assertive, and their posts became much thicker.
When town is most motivated, serif is least motivated. When town is least motivated, serif is most motivated. That's a visible trend in their posts.
This is just me getting comfortable. I have had to meet so many new people for this game and we're somewhere where I strive there. Mech like that is where I am best.
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
I feel slightly better knowing my last readslist had the correct PoE
Ok so the lynch today has to be between me, JJJ, or Serif
Has JJJ claimed? If not, I wouldn't be so hasty as it is technically possible the wolf claimed PR
I think having airtight mech here is very important.
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Actually no nevermind. I misremembered the variant of bodyguard for a moment. Sorry about that
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Scum wouldn't claim a Power Role here if they can get counterclaimed, so they always claim vanilla.
Since both Power Roles claimed, then JJJ is stuck with a vanilla claim, regardless of it being true or not.
Knowing that the current PoE is JJJ, you, and me, what are your current reads on these slots?
I know you mentioned that you're townleaning my slot a bit due to me self-voting, so that means JJJ is your remaining PoE slot, right?
I'd still like if you ISO'ed him, if possible. I think seeing your points on him as well as your arguments will help us gather a more solid read.
Yeah, as I said in the post after that one
...the PRs shouldnt have claimed roles unless there was more than two PR claims. We made an error.
Actually no nevermind. I misremembered the variant of bodyguard for a moment. Sorry about that
I don't really know how you expect me to ISO, there's no ISO function right?
JJJ, however, was not stuck with a vanilla claim, whether it was the correct play or not. People aren't rational. You cannot rely on something happening because it's the right thing to do
I've done things similar to this approach before but never with such a level of detail. I take problem with it because it falls apart when A: players lack familiarity with one another and B: players are not equally as capable
One of those has to be true to come to a conclusion. If players are equally as capable, they are comparable directly. With familiarity, you can normalize that even if they aren't equal and then compare. I've not met any of you before this game and I doubt we have equal capability here, I'm very much an IRL player so this backreading has never been my forte. It falls apart here. Comparing such different players with no point of reference will probably just waste time
With my background, I'm much more inclined towards more compact methods. Endgame casing tends to dilute the alignment of the player through boilerplate and makes it more about what player has the better presentation when ideally you should be analyzing what the player says for information about the player rather than their case target, which can be made more difficult by more content. It's almost paradoxical but keeping it to a player's fundamental ideas on another player is more useful. Anyone can go searching for reasons that someone is wolf. It is harder on the wolf to give the brief most important things because what's most important to the wolf will vary from what's most important from the town.
Sorry for posting my manifesto in response to this, I just don't agree with the concept presented here
There's a lot to discuss here. First of all, serif really gave ExLight a lot of grief for suggesting the last wolf would be forced to claim vanilla. That was a perfectly reasonable expectation from ExLight (because it was true that a wolf not claiming vanilla would be game-losing), but serif turned it into a platform to eventually end up voting them. That shade doesn't add up.
I voted them because their approach didn't make sense as town. My goal there was to get ExLight to stop selfvoting but I did not like their slot on a whole. I never said the last wolf shouldn't claim vanilla. I said that sometimes players make irrational decisions. In retrospect, ExLight's selfvote was one of those irrational decisions.
I said, with emphasis on this. I feel much more comfortable when everything is "airtight" as I put it. It was a safety thing and ExLight didn't care about safety and it irked me.
This, right here, is my issue with the proposed method. I'll explain in a moment, I'm getting a coffee
God sorry I'm here now. Let me continue from where I was
I disagree that it comes down to presentation.
I agree that usually the player seen as the one putting more effort usually plays a major role, but it's by resurfacing the posts throughout the game and discussing them that people can reach on a good game-winning conclusion.
I'm more often than not a mess in endgames, and it shows. With pressure my logic starts getting a bit all over the place, I get paranoid, my grammar worsens tenfold, etc - The point is my presentation becomes shit. Yet for some reason my late game town winrate is extremely high, with me almost never being the mislynch (I've been mislynched only twice out of D1).
Unrelated point -- You are doing none of these things right now. In an endgame. Supposedly as town.
I don't know exactly why, but I'd assume it's because of being able to bring resonating points, provide engagement with other players, and show effort - which is what a game, specially on -Lo needs. And this is mostly NAI? (It's usually a bit more towny cuz scum hesitates due to being afraid of accidentally framing themselves)
What you mention here is presentation.
You have two people you need to look into. Even if you don't know how to ISO (which could be done by checking our forum posts since I doubt any of the players has been engaging with the rest of the forums), skimming the thread for their posts shouldn't be too hard. Earlier you mentioned finding something about my tone off, yet you never tried finding the root of it. Why?
First of all -- for me, it is. I am not good at that as I explained in my post. I am an IRL player first and that makes my backreading very weak.
Second of all, it will always differ from player to play how strong their backreading is. You are able to find or manipulate posts on any player to come to the conclusion that they are wolf. If you're going into it with the bias that they are wolf, as presented in the method, It will almost certainly lead to nothing a majority of the time and cause the players to go in circles.
This is the sort of behavior that makes your slot look worse than JJJ, not his verbiage and overanalytical posts. How can we compare who has the better points if one of the people refuses to?
That's my exact point here! You can't. And I'm making sure you can't, because this is how we lose games. Avoiding talking to each other directly does nothing here. In my prior posts I mention asking smaller questions and having player's talk about their most distinct reads because those are harder to fake.
Also JJJ was always stuck with vanilla claim unless he decided to throw game.
If he had claimed Bodyguard we could've lynched him and Leesbra. If he had claimed cop we could've lynched him and Sugar Moon. The only claim that allows scum to gain tempo and potentially last longer is if they claim vanilla.
This doesn't disagree with what I said, which was in fact responding to this exact point. A bad play doesn't ever mean an impossible one. Players are irrational.
I talked about every single thing you said here. We are going in circles because I've decided to be detailed in my reasoning and this is without backreading. A big issue here is we need a neutral observer (the confirmed PRs) to mediate, and they are currently absent, but the bigger issue is the format itself. I've put my comments in red.
I'll still be busy today, but I think I already made contributed as much as I could. I'd prefer Serif toDay due to the almost no progression that slot had in the game, even as we now are down to 2 players. I also had previously mentioned the lesser points that bothered me about JJJ's slot, and is more of a mixed read. If anyone wants to try discussing them with me I'll be open to it, but I'm not sure I'll be able to give a timely reply.
If people are willing to trust me and townlock me I would recommend Serif first. It's a bit of another WIFOM argument in defense of my slot but if I were scum it would be suicidal to go into final 3 against JJJ instead of Serif, and I hope people realize that.
Can everyone start voting?
The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first.
Also, in the first quote, there's an awkward extension made into townlocking. While I don't like how it's gone for overconfident for wolf as I mentioned earlier to townlocking, it would be quite silly to WIFOM their own play. Not sure how I feel about that.
You’re not obligated to be on board with the strategy that Sugar Moon proposed. There are many ways to approach any situation. Still, if not that: then what?
The only process absolutely guaranteed to result in no correct answer is the absence of a process. As we stand, I’d vote you first on that basis. I don’t quite see how you are managing the situation (or know where you stand) even if on your own terms.
I talk about that and brought it up earlier in this post. We should be conversing directly like this much more, anyways
"The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first."
I'm... I'm literally the only person voting...
That vote isn't real. It comes from an idea you supposedly abandoned, have shown no interest in to the point of trying to get yourself locktowned for the vote, and from the start was not mechanically sound as town.
"The amount of confidence ExLight wants to exert on me falls off when they try to talk to anyone else. You seem quite sure on what you want to do, yet you aren't asking if you can start, you want everyone else to start first."
I'm... I'm literally the only person voting...
Your vote is still on yourself. I was under the impression you had declined to continue with the whole self-vote mechanics strategy you opened the day with. Am I mistaken?
No, I'll stay on myself. If people decide to townlock me then they can simply not vote me, but if people still have doubts about my slot then me making into -Lo is too dangerous and should be dealt with here
It's things like these that is why JJJ could've claimed PR. Your play here could result in the only person you supposedly know as town, you, to die. You do not want that. It is in every citizen's best interest here to survive.
Your vote was placed to prevent a PR exec, correct? Then what's the point of it now?
Vote: ExLight
I think it's quite strange you don't fit your endgame selfmeta. You are, for the most part, confident, straightforward, and quite sure of yourself.
I talk about that and brought it up earlier in this post. We should be conversing directly like this much more, anyways
Direct communication is great. It might be difficult since I am at work, but I can at least respond sporadically. My concern is that it's very unclear today, as of Day 4, where you stand. Your most recent post seems to imply suspicion of ExLight, but it's not stated concretely. So first, could you confirm or deny that interpretation? Is ExLight your biggest suspect at present? And regardless of ExLight, what is your impression of me?
That is correct. Your motivation seems to have good intent but I do not have much on you
I think this is a revealing progression too. serif didn't want to partake in Sugar Moon's strategy yesterday. That can be fine for town, but there are clearly reasons for wolves to do that. And these posts describe serif's reasons. They had decided they wanted to go after ExLight, and they didn't deviate for a moment from doing that. Sugar Moon suggested they make a case against me, and they instead completely ignored my existence. That's not a town mindset. There was no paranoia about me or even any thought about me from serif yesterday. When I asked in the last post, their reply was essentially nothing. Perhaps they didn't feel like they'd be able to make a good case against me, and they decided to put all of their energy into voting out ExLight instead.
And that is the kind of survivalism that serif accused me of today.
I was honest. I didn't have anything on you. I continued to not see anything on you. I was fully sure of myself on ExLight so I continued on that path. That was a mistake but it explains my tunnel vision. Of course I wouldn't have a good case on you. I had nothing on you until that hammer.
Now, I want to conclude this large post by saying the following. I have no desire to be mean to serif. That seems to have been an impression today, and that is not the intent. I quite like serif in this game! Even as a wolf, they've done a lot of good things and played respectfully. This isn't personal at all. They're just a wolf, and it's my responsibility to try the best I can to show that.
Responses in red.
An issue a lot of people don't talk about in f3s like these is that both JJJ and I have the same win condition here. We both wish to survive and kill the other. This issue was around to a lesser extent in f5.
I fundamentally disagree with wallposting like this in final situations. At all even. They're unwieldly, to interact with them is to put all your energy into them, and they dilute any actual thoughts down with every single post you can find.
But they give the impression that you know what you're doing. A player cannot properly digest all that information so they will take it at face value. If you shoot enough bullets at a small target one of them is going to hit.
These points are nothing points. They don't add anything or they just state something and attach a meaning to it without any explanation as to why. It is wolfy to not say much. It is wolfy to say too much. It is wolfy to be tunnelled. None of these things are true in vacuum and you do nothing to actually back them up in the post.
This, right here, is the issue with Sugar Moon's method. As I stated would happen the player making the points was never analysed, only the player that was having points made against. It becomes a presentation game. [/font][/size][/color]
I know that's a huge post, @Leesbra, and it might be difficult to absorb. Please feel free to ask questions, and take your time.
I will also provide a case to defend myself as soon as I am able. Hell, even if you don't trust me, you can trust the dead town before me. Icet absolutely nailed this game. MVP.
Well, you certainly did put a lot of proof against Serif. And some of these points… make a lot of sense. The fact that they just outright said (if I read it right) that they didn’t want to read previous chat to get evidence?
…But I feel we need proof from both ends at the least, so i’ll wait for Serif to come along so I can see some evidence counterclaiming.
You seem to have interpreted it as me being lazy. I refused to take part in Sugar Moon's method because I believe it harms town more than helps them. I am, as I said then, an IRL player at heart.
You have heard pretty much all I have to say about JJJ. I said it at the start of the day because I had already summarised all my thoughts. I stick to the big things.
Now I've wallposted and I am exhausted. Please see my posts earlier today.
Thanks for playing with me, all
Also, JJJs championing of Sugar Moon's method past their death is kind of LAMIST. Felt like that needed said
The problem here is that the argument you've given is largely strategic and not really about town or mafia. "Sugar Moon's approach was a problem" or "wall posting in final three is a problem" or, if we reach back a day, "hammering is a problem" or "ExLight self-voting is a problem". The case you provided isn't about players' motivation, but it's about whether those decisions were "correct" or "anti-town" in your eyes -- all while acknowledging that people aren't always those things anyway. Indeed, your case against me today is much like your case against ExLight yesterday. It's opportunism more than it's proper analysis. You've also suggested that I was trying to "survive" yesterday and then gone back and said "it was suspicious because I didn't need to survive" -- it's all pretzel logic.
I've already explained my vote yesterday, and I don't know that posting a wall in final three needs to be explained. But I will: total clarity in communication is critical, and every player is going to have unique ways of achieving that. For me, it tends to be large posts. They really allow me to break down my arguments fully and make sure I am understood. That's what I do best, and I will continue doing it. Not everyone has to play that way.
Also, JJJs championing of Sugar Moon's method past their death is kind of LAMIST. Felt like that needed said
There is a deep philosophy of mine that may not be super relevant right now (at least not in this specific conflict between you and I), but I can expand after the game. The game of Mafia/WW has so many instances of telling players what they did wrong, or what they did that hurt the team, or why their play is lacking. Often that's just mafia berating town, but town also does it to themselves. It doesn't have to be that way, and towns literally play better when that's not the mindset. We need to give more effort to commending people when they do good things, and I make a point of doing that. Sugar Moon encouraged teamwork, and that's what makes the dream work. I always want to ensure that is recognized, post-mortem or not.
I pledged to Leesbra that I would post a broader defense of myself too, so I will. I think it's better to avoid a big post-by-post version of that, because I have too many posts and that would become too much. So here's a general breakdown:
- I have maintained a consistent level of engagement with this game, at least relative to its overall activity level, since it began. When we started and had no clue yet, when Numbers was outed by Icet, and in the days that followed as the game got gradually tighter -- I have tried my best to get town to the finish line. I haven't been successful yet, but we're right there. I have done this despite not really knowing the vast majority of people here. I have kept myself engaged to the best of my ability.
- I have displayed a willingness to think critically and carefully. Even when callahan (Sugar Moon) and I got into that Day 1 conflict, we both found a way to resolve it amicably and even work together in the end. I have had similar dealings with most players -- considered both what makes them town and what might not, at least within reason. I was torn on players like Luka and ExLight and really tried to sort them with the time I had, and it's visible in my posts. This all shows that I was not informed about this game and in the same boat as every other town.
- I shared a little bit of ExLight's mechanical confusion yesterday. It is often much easier for town to get lost in the mechanical weeds than mafia, because mafia have a vested interest in paying close attention to that all game long. Of course we both found our way, but I tend to only experience that confusion or "mechanical headache" when I am town -- especially vanilla town.
- I have put myself out there by making high-leverage votes (like Jamie on Day 1 or ExLight yesterday) to try to propel the game in a positive direction while never hiding from the spotlight. Those votes haven't always been good ones, and I acknowledge my responsibility for that, but I am not alone in that. Sometimes the game of Mafia is hard, but we're still on the cusp of winning.
- At least I think my posts should seem genuine and reasonable. This is subjective, and I obviously have a bias. Some have felt that I am "too wordy" or "too formal", perhaps, but that's just who I am as a person. At all stages of the game, I have laid my whole hand of cards out face up so everyone can see exactly where my mindset is and how I am trying to solve. I have been an open book, so to speak.
Sometimes self-defense like this is wrought with bias, and it rarely lands for other people the way it seems like it should to oneself. That's just the nature of the game. So I remain an open book if there are questions or concerns.
Regardless of what happens, it's been a pleasure playing with both of you and with everyone else. It's been a good vibes game, and that's the only kind of game I wish to play.
But.. it is about town or mafia. Sugar Moons approach was bad for town because it gave mafia the opportunity you are taking advantage of. The stuff about exlight is defending myself and the stuff about wallposting in final three is also defending myself because I dislike doing that. Many of your points are just "sometimes mafia does this. town sometimes does it do. mafia?". There isn't anything to go off of on me and its known. I pointed it out myself. The wallpost had no purpose other than to look good. You gave as much content to me not being around as you did my actual real posts yesterday that are now only important, according to you, in retrospect. You did not care about them then. I don't remember you taking a side until you hammered even.
I voiced concerns about you at multiple stages of the game and could pull the quotes to show that. This isn’t sudden on my part. Now, I have raised new points today, because you’re mechanically locked mafia and it’s my job to show that.
Also, that assessment of my wallpost is just not accurate. I had much more to say than “serif hasn’t been around”, and I was pretty clear about why certain things are mafia-indicative. Reducing the whole thing to presentation is disingenuous. I mean I’ve been doing big wall posts all game. It’s how I play.
I think enough has been said here for me to come to a vote:
(The below spoiler is just flavor text btw)
November 15th. That was the day I had a choice that changed the world around us. The days leading up to this point were filled with chaotic teamwork attempts, but it wasn’t until yesterday that we managed to truly connect. I had seen many dead bodies in the previous 4 days: Jamie, Numbers, Caitlin… all were dead by the time we got here. Except for 3 of us: Serif, Jimmy Jay, and me. My good friend Sugar Moon had been shot dead in their home the night before, and I knew it was going to be on my hands to choose who would be killed next.
When day broke we three woke knowing that it was no longer a game of suspicion hunting, but rather a game of convincing. I knew this well, and I wanted to keep a clear mind as the day went on, even if Jimmy Jay and Serif both immediately pointed fingers at each other “Alright, you two. This is our final chance to take down the remaining mafia scum, so if you have proof against your fellow townmen… spill it.” Soon after both Serif and Jimmy Jay both got to arguing about who was the remaining mafia, knowing if they wanted to survive they had to speak out well.
In the final hours of all 3 of us being together, I heard very important points from both sides, but Jimmy Jay in particular had written an essay of arguments, providing quotes of what Serif had said and pieced together the strings. After reading through this essay, and after hearing a bit more arguing, with a heavy breath I proceeded to pick up the gun on the table. It was only until we had a majority of votes that we could use it. Ironic that the last man of the mafia might go the way of their partner “You two have spoken enough… it’s time for me to take action.” Once the other two had become quiet, I held up the gun, and pointed it to both of them, trying to decide on who to kill.
A life dying for the greater good is better than a life dying in shame, they say… but I haven’t seen a potentially better case than myself right here, right now. After a moment of debating and trying to keep myself from throwing away the gun, I come to a decision.
…I held the gun up to Serif’s head… and pulled the trigger. They proceeded to fall silent, unable to survive the fatal shot. As we both process that this happened, I walk over to the side of the table where Serif had been killed, and I saluted. Even if I was the one to determine his death, I wanted to be respectful to him in the afterlife. Hopefully he forgives… “…Forgive me, friend.”
Now, the deed had been done. As I lay down to sleep in my own bed, only time will tell if I made the right choice, or if I shall see him in the afterlife with the blood of an innocent man on my hands.
Vote: serif;
Been a good game, yall.
Host Announcement
The game is over Serif has been killed and she is
... vanilla town
Mafia has over run the town Numbers and JJJ have won the game
Good game everyone thanks for playing
Good game, everyone. Sorry for putting you in that impossible position, Leesbra. Well fought, serif. I'm glad the game could have an exciting finish.
Bye all, good game
Good game, everyone. Sorry for putting you in that impossible position, Leesbra. Well fought, serif. I'm glad the game could have an exciting finish.
I mean, to be fair you had the chance to win and you took it. Only seems right…
Clearly my strategy of dying early and making the town over confident and complacent paid off. >_>
Yeah. <_<
Thanks for hosting, Abigail. Wintreath Mafia has officially happened. 👌
Congratulations on your victory, @JaggedJimmyJay. Obviously posting in my conversation topic gave you good luck. :D
I promised (https://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=8115.msg173140) a game to the surviving members of the winning team, and that seems to be you. So if you'd like a game on the list, just PM me which game you want and I'll send you the key or gift link.
Congrats to @Numbers as well, even though they're dead. ;-;
And thanks to everyone who played, as well as our host @☆ Princess Abigail ☆, who I know has put a lot into this game (and the Wintreath Werewolf/Mafia scene). I'm glad to see that it was successful and that everyone had fun. :)
I appreciate that, Wintermoot! For me though, the glory of victory is plenty prize enough.
Y'all have a nice space here. As long as you wish for Mafia to thrive, keep pushing for it. There are still many players out there who would play. Indeed, this might be a nice starting point for players from different platforms who would be overwhelmed by the bells and whistles of the bigger Mafia-only forums. Get those chat players in here for a taste of what a forum game has to offer.
I appreciate that, Wintermoot! For me though, the glory of victory is plenty prize enough.
Y'all have a nice space here. As long as you wish for Mafia to thrive, keep pushing for it. There are still many players out there who would play. Indeed, this might be a nice starting point for players from different platforms who would be overwhelmed by the bells and whistles of the bigger Mafia-only forums. Get those chat players in here for a taste of what a forum game has to offer.
Classy. In that case, I'll offer the chance to @Leesbra for being the last townie. :P
If it were just up to me, I don't think I could keep Mafia going here, cause I'm already involved in so many Wintreath things, but we're very very very fortunate to have someone is who is willing to push for it, and I'm happy to support her however I can. We've recently got a batch of new, active members from NationStates, and I'm broaching the idea of a small vanilla game for some of them to learn how to play.
In the meantime, it was nice meeting you! If you get bored, don't hesitate to pay us a visit, even if there isn't a game going on. :)
I appreciate that, Wintermoot! For me though, the glory of victory is plenty prize enough.
Y'all have a nice space here. As long as you wish for Mafia to thrive, keep pushing for it. There are still many players out there who would play. Indeed, this might be a nice starting point for players from different platforms who would be overwhelmed by the bells and whistles of the bigger Mafia-only forums. Get those chat players in here for a taste of what a forum game has to offer.
Classy. In that case, I'll offer the chance to @Leesbra for being the last townie. :P
If it were just up to me, I don't think I could keep Mafia going here, cause I'm already involved in so many Wintreath things, but we're very very very fortunate to have someone is who is willing to push for it, and I'm happy to support her however I can. We've recently got a batch of new, active members from NationStates, and I'm broaching the idea of a small vanilla game for some of them to learn how to play.
In the meantime, it was nice meeting you! If you get bored, don't hesitate to pay us a visit, even if there isn't a game going on. :)
Well-earned congratulations to the wolf team!
Thanks for the game everyone! You were all very fun to play with, and I would love to do so again!
Would you like a game from the Gamebag?
Would you like a game from the Gamebag?
Sure, I guess. Didn’t expect to be able to since the mafia won.
Sure, I guess. Didn’t expect to be able to since the mafia won.
JJJ declined the prize, and you're the last survivor behind him.
Take a look at the list (https://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=6855.0) and let me know what you want.
Sure, I guess. Didn’t expect to be able to since the mafia won.
JJJ declined the prize, and you're the last survivor behind him.
Take a look at the list (https://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=6855.0) and let me know what you want.
Well i’m not sure why JJJ would want to decline, there’s a lot of good games here.
But from the list, Bad End Theater seems to be the one i’m looking to get.
JJJ, you played well. Don’t forget that!