Wintreath Regional Community

The Frozen Village of Fourneshore - Chats and Discussions => Howling Wind Tavern - General Discussion => Topic started by: Michi on October 22, 2022, 06:15:33 AM

Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Michi on October 22, 2022, 06:15:33 AM
So I've been wanting to create a type of writing club for a while to also help kick off getting more groups in Wintreath, and have finally come up with some ideas in the fashion of making it a club where we can share works or ideas and bounce support of of each other.  What are some characters you've wanted to introduce into your story but are having a hard time making them feel authentic?  What are some places you want your characters to visit, but are having trouble making feel real? Are you trying to flesh out your literary worlds but are lacking ideas on some of the more grounded lore such as religion, backstory, and other factors?

This would be a club of like-minded writers who love the craft or who may want to jump into it for the first time, and may from time to time need help as many of us do when we hit that frustrating writer's block.

Likewise, this would be a club where we actively take part in events such as National Novel Writing Month to give ourselves that push to get past that block...using each other as pillars of support when we struggle (because we all will at points) and being a positive force for each other while also offering constructive critique when warranted.

As a club requires at least 5 citizens that sign the petition to be recognized officially, I'd like to open this up to folks who may be interested in such an idea.  From there, we can move this to the Landsraad and make it official!

So for now, please feel free to share your interest if this sounds like something you'd want to be a part of!  And this club will accept new aspiring writers who are curious of the craft as well...anyone is welcome!

Current Club name ideas:
*Ordenes Trollmenn (The Wizards of Words in Norwegian)
*Writers of Wintreath
*Berättelse Skapare (Story Creators in Swedish)
*Icy Writers
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Kiddian on October 22, 2022, 02:57:06 PM
Writing is something I definitely want to do more, so I’m in!
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Aces All The Way on October 22, 2022, 04:50:55 PM
I'm all for it! Would love to see what others are writing and I do need a push to finish writing some stories for this game I'm working on haha
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Waggleton on October 22, 2022, 05:43:40 PM
Saw writing club, I'm in
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Kiddian on October 22, 2022, 06:16:33 PM
I'm all for it! Would love to see what others are writing and I do need a push to finish writing some stories for this game I'm working on haha
If you want help, I am more than happy to give you ideas
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Stigya2113 on October 22, 2022, 06:36:22 PM
Obviously I’ll join!
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Kiddian on October 22, 2022, 06:50:39 PM
I would love to have different games that we could do, like for example, writing a short story based on randomly generated details
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: TGN on October 22, 2022, 07:32:21 PM
I’m quite interested.

Also NaNoWriMo is coming up soon
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Michi on October 22, 2022, 08:12:31 PM
Awesome, and that's 5 (well 6 including me)!

And now we get to come up with some name ideas.

Some I had in mind are:
Wintreath Word Warriors
Writers of Wintreath

I'd love to hear other suggestions for a name, and then we can open it up to a vote before moving to make things official.

And natually people can still express interest in joining, both citizens and non.  ^-^

Edit: Going with the vibe of Nordic names like TGN chose with his Swedish entry, I have to replace one of my suggestions  Instead of Wintreath Word Warriors, I'm going to instead suggest the name Ordenes Trollmenn which translates to The Wizards of Words in Norwegian.
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Michi on October 22, 2022, 08:16:04 PM
I’m quite interested.

Also NaNoWriMo is coming up soon

Yep! And one of our first orders of business after the naming and charter can be bouncing off ideas for it this year if any of us are taking part...which I definitely will be.
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: TGN on October 22, 2022, 08:56:31 PM
Name idea: Berättelse Skapare

Literally just Swedish for Story Creators :P
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Joslisonoria on October 23, 2022, 03:11:11 AM
Name Idea: Icy Writers

Just a thought, and also I'll join
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Michi on October 23, 2022, 05:22:08 AM
Excellent name suggestions so far!

And while others submit their own name suggestions, I do have a question for you all as I write up the charter draft:

Since this is a support group type of club, how would you prefer the leadership aspect?:

A) Elections every 6 months (since 3 for this kind of group will definitely not be enough for bigger projects) and they appoint a VP type of role that they can delegate duties to and would act as the club head in the current head's absence.

B) Elections for the first head of the club, and they maintain that role until they leave or are challenged.  They'd appoint a VP role that they can delegate duties to and would be the acting head upon the club head's absence.  At any point if a member feels the club head is not performing their duties, they can challenge the role in which elections between the two would immediately take place...and if a majority of the club members vote for the challenger, the challenger would become the new club head.

or C) Something else (describe your idea).
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Mateo406 on October 23, 2022, 05:44:52 AM
I'd be interested in joining 
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Aces All The Way on October 24, 2022, 07:10:51 PM
I'm in favor of option B! I feel that it would be better for this kind of club right now.  
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: TGN on October 24, 2022, 08:32:08 PM
C: Michi Dictatorship!

But seriously, A
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Kiddian on October 24, 2022, 11:04:02 PM
Direct Democracy?

I’m down for anything, though
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Mateo406 on October 25, 2022, 12:42:26 AM
Why does there need to be leadership at all? Just set rules and act as mods as needed
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Michi on October 25, 2022, 02:13:08 AM
Why does there need to be leadership at all? Just set rules and act as mods as needed
That's usually my mindset, just run it myself and appoint when needed.  But since it's technically a club and I have to write up a charter, it's best to get input on what the other members want as well rather than making it the Michi Show.

Edit: Actually, re reading that it sounds like more you're advocating basically everyone have equal power.  There's a few problems with that versus having a clear and definite person running of the most obvious being since this gets its own forum, someone very clearly has to have permissions to pin/lock threads and whatnot for that forum.
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Wintermoot on October 25, 2022, 04:37:55 PM
To add to what Michi said, the Regional Clubs Act ( explicitly calls for the charter to include an explanation of the structure of the club, any positions, and the process of how a decision is made. I know clubs are informal, but at the very least there needs to be somebody responsible for making sure the club is in compliance with the Act (maintaining membership records and contributing an activity to the community every season).

Otherwise, best of luck with the writing club! It's exciting to see another club take off like this. :)
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Michi on October 26, 2022, 07:24:28 PM
A poll regarding the club name has been posted and will last for 3 days!

@A Kindle Of Kittens
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Joslisonoria on October 28, 2022, 12:24:01 AM
I think B would BE better. Hehe.
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Michi on November 01, 2022, 06:41:11 AM
Alright, it looks like Ordenes Trollmenn is our winning name!

As for the leadership type, it looks like it's pretty divided between A and I'm going to go with my original plan for now, and we can always change it up if need be!  So I'll be drawing up the charter and getting that up ASAP.  ^-^
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Michi on November 01, 2022, 07:06:05 AM
Alright, here's the charter so far.  Let me know if there's anything that should be changed, edited to flow better, or anything of the like (and yes, I used the Howling Bells charter as a template.  ^-^)

1) This Act is to be titled as the Ordenes Trollmenn Act

2) Ordenes Trollmenn shall be recognized as an official club of Wintreath under the aegis of the Regional Clubs Act and guided by the charter document below.

Charter of Ordenes Trollmenn

1) Ordenes Trollmenn is a space for writers of all walks of life, new and old, to come together to share and support each other’s ideas and overall help each other in creating exceptional works.  It encourages folks who may be interested to dive into the craft knowing they’ll have a support system when they need it, and acts a safe non judgmental haven for folks who may be afraid to be vulnerable in sharing their artistic side with others.

2) Ordenes Trollmenn will be open to any and all forum and Discord members who are interested in the craft and are seeking a friendly support group to assist them along their literary endeavors.

3) Members who have been banned from Wintreath or have likewise not contributed in the region in at least 3 months may be ejected from the club.

4) Members who willingly attempt to plagiarize and pass off another’s work as their own will be ejected from the club immediately upon discovery.

5) The Scribe will be an elected member who will be responsible for maintaining the club in accordance to the upkeep requirements in the Regional Club Act in which duties include, but are not limited to: maintaining an up to date list of current and former members, setting up discussions or events to generate activity, approving/ejecting member applications, and other duties not listed in this charter.
a) The Scribe will maintain their position until their departure from the club or region.  The first Scribe will be chosen via elections which will occur immediately upon the club’s creation.
6) The Editor will be appointed by the Scribe, and will carry out any delegated duties as well as take on the role of Acting Scribe in the Scribe’s absence.
a) The Editor will be appointed by the Scribe within one week of the Scribe taking office.

The Challenge System
7) A member including the Editor may at any point challenge the Scribe if it is felt that the Scribe is not doing their duties to the best of their abilities.
a) The challenging member must put forth their case in the form of a campaign as to why they’re the better choice for the position.  Likewise, the Scribe must also put forth their case in the same form as to why they deserve to stay in the position.
b) Both members will have one (1) week to put their cases forward, and failure to do so may lead to an automatic challenge withdrawal in favor of the campaigning party.
c) If the criteria is met by both sides, elections will immediately take place after, and the winner with the most votes will be elected.

Revisions to the Charter
8 ) This charter may be revised with the support of at least 65% of the Club, as shown by a petition signed by the required number of members, and upon any further approvals required by the Regional Clubs Act.

@A Kindle Of Kittens
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Aces All The Way on November 02, 2022, 04:44:00 AM
Seems to be all good to go!
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Kiddian on November 02, 2022, 07:12:45 PM
I would love to do different writing games periodically. I’d think it would be good practice and a lot of fun
Title: Interest in a Wintreath Writer's Group?
Post by: Mateo406 on November 15, 2022, 11:14:03 PM
i agree 100%