Wintreath Regional Community

The Amalyan Quarter - Fun Things We Do => The Lost Village - Werewolf/Mafia Games => Topic started by: Ruguo on January 24, 2022, 04:13:10 AM

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 24, 2022, 04:13:10 AM
The moon from the evening sky shined a dim light down upon the unusual forest clearing, where many equally unusual looking folks began appearing out of nowhere. Some of these folks were fierce looking, some fearful, and others unfazed by what had just happened as they eyed their surroundings.

“Greetings to all of you, and welcome to the beginning of everything.” A voice called out as the group turned towards the source, which seemed to be nothing at first. Within mere seconds, more figures appeared from the shadows: A sleazy looking businessman named Mr. Winter, a strange object that looked like large mechanical eye with a rainbow iris named the Game Core, the intimidatingly large Grim Reaper, a strange and goofy looking man known as Nigel Thornberry, a somehow sentient error screen named Directly, and another sleazy looking businessman named Alexander Wolfgang stepped made themselves seen.

“Yes, yes, welcome, welcome, and all that jazz.” The voice continued, obviously not belonging to any of the pointlessly named 6 previous folks, as the group continued to look for the source, only to see two more oddly familiar faces step out of the shadows.

“I do hope you all enjoyed the trips down memory lane on your way here.” Stated the familiar looking Michi, whom the characters had all known somehow even though they’d never seen him in person. Alongside him was the also familiar Ruguo, who was secretly reveling in everything that was going on at this moment.

“Damn it Pengu, I thought this theme was about revisiting old titles, not something you’d put a self insert into!” Shouted the familiar voice of Laurentus from outside of the game’s depths, much to the surprise of the unwilling group that was brought there.

“Are...are we in Hell? This is Hell, isn’t it?” asked one of the folks, as another shook their head in response. “This can’t be Hell, it’s too boring. Although considering the lack of fashion sense here, it very well could be.” they said with a judging tone.

“No, this isn’t Hell, this is something much worse.” Ruguo stated as everyone turned back to them. “My friend Ruguo here is correct, this is definitely not Hell. Instead, what you’re experiencing is the World of Werewolf slowly imploding on itself due to the lack of games happening.” Michi added as the group looked confused, scratching their heads.

“Oh my god, just get to the point so we can start playing.” Laurentus added from the distance, as Michi cleared his throat. “Right. Anyways, you all are just fictional beings that exist in the games we play...or host. Like Fantasia from Neverending Story can only exist while people read books, the World of Werewolf can only exist so long as there are folks around here that play the games. And since we haven’t had a proper game since February, the world has slowly started to unravel and fall apart. And you lot, as the apples of society from your respective games, have been chosen to help fix this anomaly through the classic method of accusing the hell out of each other and bringing some death to the door.” Michi added to both confusion and gasps.

“Now wait a minute, “there hasn’t been a proper game since February”, but what about Lil’ Wolf and Botwolf?” Ruguo asked, as Michi quickly interjected. “Non numbered games don’t count. You remember Kingdom Hearts? Sure, people played all the side games between Kingdom Hearts 2 and 3, but 3 was the only one that folks were anticipating since its announcement, to the point where people were like “Oh my god it’s the first sequel in almost a decade!” Despite there being multiple titles released within that time frame. This is the same sit--”

“Just get on with it!” Cried the players from outside of the established world.

“Right, sorry. So anyways, you all need to fight, and some of you may die, but you do so in the glorious sacrifice knowing that your death will help bring back the World of Werewolf to life...probably. It’s really anyone’s guess really, and quite frankly we just like putting you all through death for our amusement. Who exactly needs to die is really up to Ruguo, since I’m just here to add to the story since yes, I’ll be chronicling this whole thing for people to read and possibly cringe at when they remember just how ridiculous this whole thing was.” Michi continued, pacing as other folks turned and continued watching this unusual person.

“During this time of fighting, things may happen. The world may change around you and you may be like “Hot dang, I remember this place, this is my world!” And good for you, have a cookie and then go sit in the corner. But just keep in mind that this is just the obviously established anomaly acting up that I’ve established does exist and isn’t just some hokey story element.” Michi continued, as he turned to face the crowd again. “Again, just remember to focus on killing the right folks whom I’ve—Well Ruguo really, since they’re running the show--marked as “Lynchable” in this handy notebook I carry, and you’re good. Oh, sidenote, you’re all marked as such, but there’s checkmarks as to who the right choices are.

“What if we just killed you instead?” Asked one of the group who politely raised their hand, as to which others in the group nodded in agreement. “Absolutely, you definitely could do that. And funny story actually, because I’m sure one of you over there remembers when that actually was the right option since I actually did a self-insert in that game too. But see that won’t work in this game, because you see--” Before finishing that sentence, Michi pressed a button and disappeared.

The folks in the group looked at each other, now eyeing each other suspiciously, then turning their gaze over to Ruguo, who had conveniently pressed their paw on a box shaped button and also disappeared, as did the others who arrived with them outside of Directly, who in fact decided to stay there and bake a pie instead.

“So like...what was the point of Michi introducing all of those characters?” asked player Red Mones from outside of the game. “Knowing him, we’ll probably see those characters pop up in later story bits.” Replied player Vroendal. “You mean if he posts it in time.” Replied Red Mones with a slight chuckle. “Since we all know he sometimes comes in a bit late. '' he added, as Vroendal nodded. “Right.”

“Isn’t it a little odd that his name popped up more even though Ruguo is the one hosting?” player Cozmikrae asked, as Laurentus just shrugged. “That’s just Michi.” He replied simply.

1) The first Day Phase will be 72 hours.  Each Day Phase afterward will be 48 hours, with each night phase being 24 hours.  Phases will start and end in Cental Standard Time. At the end of each Day Phase, the night phase will immediately start when the results from the Day Phase are posted, the same goes for the Night Phase.

2) When lynched or killed, players will be invited to a PM to spectate the events of the game and talk amongst themselves.  Players are to go directly to dead chat, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

3) ANY host communication with you is considered privileged information. Any attempt to share it here, or to circumvent any rules to share outside information with anyone, will be met with swift decapitation and possible banning from future games. (Ruguo reserves the right to handle misconduct on a case by case basis)

4) You will have one chance to vote "No Lynch" in the game.  A vote for yourself counts as a vote for “No Lynch”.

5) To vote during each day phase, please bold your choice for the host to see, an example being Vote: Ruguo.
Bonus points may be awarded for making votes a different colour from the text as well.

6) During each phase you have an active action, submit said action to the game host via PM. Discord is also acceptable.

7 ) Editing your posts will result in disapproving head shaking. Continuing to edit posts may result in more severe penalties.

8 ) You can claim as much as you want, but you may not post screenshots of your PM or use any other method (Including copy and pasting your role PM) to prove your roles. This extends to off forum discussion. Please limit any paraphrasing you may be thinking of doing. Paraphrasing that is too close to the original will be considered rulebreaking. See rule 3.

9) While there is no post cap, all players must post at least twice per day phase or otherwise contact the host to show they are still around.

10) Absolutley NO outside communication is allowed with other players. Ever.

11) Night talk is enabled.
This is a list of all publicly triggerable mechanics in the game. I will not explain how to use all of them, that is part of the game to figure them out. All mechanics can be tripped by saying certain things in thread.

Time warp (Again?): When activated, the flavor setting will instantly change to a different game.

“Safe” mode: When activated, the game enters safe mode for the rest of the phase. During this time, action will proceed as normal but at the end of the phase an option will appear to recover all deleted data. If a majority vote within two hours of the option appearing says yes, all players killed the phase activated will instantly revive in a corrupted state.

Corrupted state
One ability is randomly removed. Any contact with other players is revoked. If multiple players are revived, one of them will be revived in a different alignment.

Quiet mode: If any player complains about how hard it is to keep up with the thread, the game enters quiet mode for the following night. During this time, only the player who complained about it being too busy and any designated as immune to quiet mode can post.
Mute Mode
In the event multiple players complain about activity level, the game will be put on “mute mode” where on top of all quiet mode effects, a post cap of 50 is enforced for the remainder of the phase activated.

Bonus info for reading all the way down here: All roles in previous mafia games are considered fair game. Flavour may or may not be intentionally misleading.

Day 1 will begin Tomorrow, January 24th at Noon (12:00) CST, or 1pm EST and run until Noon CST on Thursday, January 27th.

This thread will be locked until that time.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 24, 2022, 06:02:52 PM
Thread's open. Let the chaos begin!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 24, 2022, 06:06:13 PM
Alright, how is everyone? Does anyone feel like a wolf? Don’t worry, I won’t tell
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 24, 2022, 06:59:13 PM
let's do thisss
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 24, 2022, 07:03:05 PM
"Quiet mode: If any player complains about how hard it is to keep up with the thread, the game enters quiet mode for the following night. During this time, only the player who complained about it being too busy and any designated as immune to quiet mode can post."

lmfaooo what
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 24, 2022, 07:10:38 PM
oh!! I see 
it's so they don't have an excuse to not catch up, smart
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 24, 2022, 07:28:48 PM
Im conflicted. Part of me wants to activate quiet mode right now just for the lulz. 

Another part wants to sit back and mostly do nothing while assessing the players I don't know. 

A third part wants to just accuse TGN of being a wolf for being willing to harbor wolves in secret because somebody associated this game and chaos. 

And finally part of me just really wants some ice cream. What's everybody's favorite flavors? I think I'll vote whomever likes the worst kind. Also because chaos. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Red Mones on January 24, 2022, 07:37:13 PM
“So like...what was the point of Michi introducing all of those characters?” asked player Red Mones from outside of the game. “Knowing him, we’ll probably see those characters pop up in later story bits.” Replied player Vroendal. “You mean if he posts it in time.” Replied Red Mones with a slight chuckle. “Since we all know he sometimes comes in a bit late. '' he added, as Vroendal nodded. “Right.”
Gold. :))
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 24, 2022, 07:40:18 PM

I'll just be over here not being the queen of chaos
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 24, 2022, 07:41:09 PM
Anyone activating quiet mode is going to be way sus to me tbh

and also I love night chat please dont take this away
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on January 24, 2022, 07:42:11 PM
Man, six months since the last game has been too long. Good to be back with everyone!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 24, 2022, 07:43:20 PM
Quiet mode makes sense if you're behind on the game. Frankly I'm worried I might need to use it today if post counts pick up because irl I'm trying to fix my car and so I'm not going to be paying attention as much as usual
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 24, 2022, 07:44:53 PM

My car irl right now
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 24, 2022, 07:47:02 PM
Quiet mode makes sense if you're behind on the game. Frankly I'm worried I might need to use it today if post counts pick up because irl I'm trying to fix my car and so I'm not going to be paying attention as much as usual
But night chat good though :(
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 24, 2022, 08:01:11 PM
Sure but I'd much rather catch up than read thru 17 pages that continue to have content added to them
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 24, 2022, 08:50:39 PM
And finally part of me just really wants some ice cream. What's everybody's favorite flavors? I think I'll vote whomever likes the worst kind. Also because chaos.

My favorites are mint chocolate chip and pistachio almond, not necessarily in that order. 

Personally, I'd be suspicious of anyone who triggers quiet mode. Seems like a sneaky way to prevent the town from continuing their discussions if we start looking in the right direction near EoD.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 24, 2022, 09:11:26 PM
You randed Wolf, didn't you, Abigail? That's sad.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 24, 2022, 09:15:58 PM
Hey Laurentus, this is our chance to 1000 post
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 24, 2022, 09:19:14 PM
Hey Laurentus, this is our chance to 1000 post
You must also have randed Wolf. :o
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 24, 2022, 09:21:34 PM
Hey Laurentus, this is our chance to 1000 post
You must also have randed Wolf. :o
uh, i mean

All the way to Dolby (4)!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 24, 2022, 09:25:02 PM
Hey Laurentus, this is our chance to 1000 post
You must also have randed Wolf. :o
uh, i mean

All the way to Dolby (4)!
Too late, lol

[color=dark blue]Vote: Dolby
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 24, 2022, 09:25:34 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 24, 2022, 09:32:39 PM
Hey Laurentus, this is our chance to 1000 post
You must also have randed Wolf. :o
uh, i mean

All the way to Dolby (4)!
Too late, lol

[color=dark blue]Vote: Dolby
So we're thunderdoming?

Vote: Laurentus
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 24, 2022, 09:34:00 PM
Ah, yeh, it's gonna be great.@Vroendal, join the dome! 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 24, 2022, 09:34:39 PM
Wait are people able to talk during nights here?
can't remember
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 24, 2022, 09:34:44 PM
@Vroendal you have to replace Wiml here
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 24, 2022, 09:35:12 PM
Wait are people able to talk during nights here?
can't remember

As long as no one claims about activity levels


Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 24, 2022, 09:35:23 PM
claims = complains ugh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 24, 2022, 09:37:34 PM
*complains about activity*
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 24, 2022, 09:39:01 PM
*complains about activity*
Vote: ExLight
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 24, 2022, 09:47:29 PM
c'mon it was clearly not serious

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 24, 2022, 09:47:52 PM
both of my votes are not serious ftr
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 24, 2022, 10:14:34 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 24, 2022, 11:10:26 PM
You randed Wolf, didn't you, Abigail? That's sad.

But no
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 24, 2022, 11:11:08 PM
Assuming I know what that means
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 24, 2022, 11:19:02 PM

Ok so I accuse TGŃ of being wolf, they are clearly a imposter

Jokes aside, I’m not ready to die 

Also Hapi, how do you put gifs into posts?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 24, 2022, 11:20:12 PM
Ah, yeh, it's gonna be great.@Vroendal, join the dome!

@Vroendal you have to replace Wiml here
That means we're both wolves! Wow Dolby, a confession already while outing your teammate, how are we supposed to win like this?

My favorite ice cream flavor is also mint chocolate chip, because it is the best ice cream flavor.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Red Mones on January 24, 2022, 11:27:00 PM
Wow, we already know two of the wolves! Let's vote them out, town! :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 24, 2022, 11:28:27 PM

Ok so I accuse TGŃ of being wolf, they are clearly a imposter

Jokes aside, I’m not ready to die

Also Hapi, how do you put gifs into posts?
Magic ^.^ I can't give up all my secrets


It's my unique thing.

But you just hit the attach image button and place the gif link in the http field but don't take my thing :p

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 24, 2022, 11:29:38 PM
Wow, we already know two of the wolves! Let's vote them out, town! :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 24, 2022, 11:32:10 PM

And finally part of me just really wants some ice cream. What's everybody's favorite flavors? I think I'll vote whomever likes the worst kind. Also because chaos.
Pralines and cream. Or any flavor that's all vanilla with a big ribbon of caramel in it. I also think ice cream in a cone is superior to any other method of ice cream consumption. If you think otherwise, you're scum.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 24, 2022, 11:41:58 PM
Oh right ice cream I like mint chocolate 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 25, 2022, 12:00:37 AM
Oh right ice cream I like mint chocolate
Vote: Neon Abigail

been a while, how you been? uwu
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 25, 2022, 12:03:12 AM
Ain't this great, how we met each other on this wild and crazy carousel of life?

Ain't it cool how it changed the paths of our lives?

Now we begin on a new adventure.

@ NoName: Harlequin.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 25, 2022, 12:15:03 AM
Sorry :-\
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 12:27:18 AM
Oh right ice cream I like mint chocolate
Vote: Neon Abigail

been a while, how you been? uwu
Rudeeeee. Nice to see you again though much love <3
I'm doing much better hope you're well
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 25, 2022, 01:18:26 AM
Well today's been productive already. Here's a rainbow list: 





Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 01:25:25 AM
Very Rainbow very pretty ^^
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 25, 2022, 01:42:42 AM
You obviously know Ex and I.

Superficially of course.

Unless you're my waifu in which case hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Red Mones on January 25, 2022, 01:47:36 AM
Well today's been productive already. Here's a rainbow list:





Nothing about me? I feel so left out :'(
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 25, 2022, 01:50:59 AM
Maybe you'll make the second draft provided you talk about ice cream or something. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 02:03:16 AM
Should I make a post about killing the hosts again?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 25, 2022, 02:12:11 AM
Should I make a post about killing the hosts again?
Already got you covered on that one.

“What if we just killed you instead?” Asked one of the group who politely raised their hand, as to which others in the group nodded in agreement. “Absolutely, you definitely could do that. And funny story actually, because I’m sure one of you over there remembers when that actually was the right option since I actually did a self-insert in that game too. But see that won’t work in this game, because you see--” Before finishing that sentence, Michi pressed a button and disappeared.

The folks in the group looked at each other, now eyeing each other suspiciously, then turning their gaze over to Ruguo, who had conveniently pressed their paw on a box shaped button and also disappeared, as did the others who arrived with them outside of Directly, who in fact decided to stay there and bake a pie instead.

Since Ruguo and I both actively disappeared from the field, we can't be killed.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 02:13:55 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 02:14:38 AM
Can I kill the pie then?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 25, 2022, 02:26:34 AM
Oh right ice cream I like mint chocolate
Vote: Neon Abigail

been a while, how you been? uwu
You’re disrespecting Choclaye Chip Mint?
Vote: Exlight
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 02:41:52 AM
Vote: Eat Pie 

It's the only logical choice I'm hungry.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 25, 2022, 03:49:25 AM
Well, you're not my waifu. Oh well.

Complete stranger it is.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 04:12:17 AM
Assuming I know what that means
Not sure if anyone else explained this, or if you were just trolling us, but when someone says you ‘randed wolf’ it means that the random role selection assigned you the role of a wolf team member.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 04:17:07 AM
Okie dokie I did know what that means. Context clues are useful.

I would never troll
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 06:07:16 AM
Well today's been productive already. Here's a rainbow list:





Expand on literally all of your reads here. Also, who are you an alt of, lol? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 06:11:04 AM
Meh. Abigail doesn't feel right, yet. Her chaos felt way more pointed in LotRWolf. 

What are your reads, Abigail? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 25, 2022, 06:47:12 AM
“Oh my god, just get to the point so we can start playing.” Laurentus added from the distance
I was going to say that I don't really think Lau is the 'Oh my god' sort, but I did a search of his Discord posts and apparently he does say it from time to time. I just think if he sprinkled them in a bit more at key points he'd sound a lot more melodramatic...if that's a look that he wants to go far.

I have no other impressions at this time, and it seems to have been wrong. However, Ruguo suggested that I also say hi. :wave:

And finally part of me just really wants some ice cream. What's everybody's favorite flavors?
Vanilla or french vanilla. ^-^
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 06:57:56 AM
Meh. Abigail doesn't feel right, yet. Her chaos felt way more pointed in LotRWolf.

What are your reads, Abigail?
Still feeling things out. Getting my feet wet you know? This isn't what I'm used to,  been a while you know? Been a relaxing life these past 6 months and now suddenly I'm here in the chaos in the thick of it. Got to get my bearings before I jump in. 

I don't think enough has happened yet, so many people who are so very very quiet. I never trust that. But I'm reserving judgment for now. I would love to sit down with a tea in my neighborhood and maybe chat a while. 

For now all I really feel is that there's something weird going on with these hosts I don't trust anything and I want to eat that pie I'm very hungry. Maybe I'll ask that thing that made it if I could have some.

"Hey robot thing? Directly I think is your name? Maybe? Can I have some pie I'm very hungry."
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 25, 2022, 07:26:45 AM
Ha ha ha, Directly.

I'd be surprised if the pie didn't kill you.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 25, 2022, 08:25:19 AM
Ha ha ha, Directly.

I'd be surprised if the pie didn't kill you.
Technically any pie can kill you if you eat too much of it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 25, 2022, 08:52:23 AM
You obviously know Ex and I.

Superficially of course.

Unless you're my waifu in which case hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
would JD put you at the bottom of a readslist lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 25, 2022, 03:42:53 PM

Quote from: Laurentus
Expand on literally all of your reads here. Also, who are you an alt of, lol?

Hapi - Very solid ice cream flavor pick
Cozmikrae - Also a solid pick in the ribbon but the stance on cones reads definite town. 

Aersoldorf - I feel like they pick ice cream based on tones so I notched them down a little despite selecting at least one good flavor.
Vroendal - Also selected a good flavor but their assertiveness got them notched down as well. 
Wintermoot - Their picks are too boring to be scum. 

Dolby - Active but not talking about ice cream. I don't hate their quiet mode stance. 
TGN - Also wasn't talking about ice cream. Post list voted Ex for disliking a good flavor but still hasn't submit one of their own. 

Laurentus - Very actively not talking about ice cream.

KoD - Their pick is just a cop out answer. Obv scum. 
Ex - Ew'd a good pick. Hasn't picked themselves. Also dislike the start of game quiet mode talk leading into asking if night chat was allowed. 

Also I am but a wandering soul who has no name. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 25, 2022, 03:48:14 PM
Oh right, the ice cream question
Well I hate, absolutely despise Sherbert and Superman. Ew! While I live moose tracks, cookie dough, and of course mint chocolate chip.  
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 25, 2022, 04:08:44 PM
It's happened from time to time, Ex.

Also I rate this "What Does Your Ice Cream Flavor Say About You?!" quiz as a weak 4/10. I'd take a BuzzFeed quiz over it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 25, 2022, 05:02:11 PM
oh!! I see
it's so they don't have an excuse to not catch up, smart
Or in case people start posting 20 pages in a day.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 25, 2022, 05:19:40 PM
I like salted caramel, cookies and cream or Oreo flavored ice cream.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 05:25:43 PM
I like salted caramel, cookies and cream or Oreo flavored ice cream.
Nice avatar, did I ever tell you I've got a puppet called Turtle Eating Gourmands? :D
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 05:44:03 PM
Ha ha ha, Directly.

I'd be surprised if the pie didn't kill you.
Technically any pie can kill you if you eat too much of it.
So as long as I only eat a little?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 05:57:04 PM
Ha ha ha, Directly.

I'd be surprised if the pie didn't kill you.
Technically any pie can kill you if you eat too much of it.
So as long as I only eat a little?
What if it’s a cow pie?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on January 25, 2022, 05:57:45 PM
I like ice creams that are particularly cheesy (like with goat cheese or ricotta) and mixed in things like honey, Pecans, blueberry jam, or the like. Also, gonna get a vote in

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh

because why not. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 06:10:46 PM

Expand on literally all of your reads here. Also, who are you an alt of, lol?

Hapi - Very solid ice cream flavor pick
Cozmikrae - Also a solid pick in the ribbon but the stance on cones reads definite town.

Aersoldorf - I feel like they pick ice cream based on tones so I notched them down a little despite selecting at least one good flavor.
Vroendal - Also selected a good flavor but their assertiveness got them notched down as well.
Wintermoot - Their picks are too boring to be scum.

Dolby - Active but not talking about ice cream. I don't hate their quiet mode stance.
TGN - Also wasn't talking about ice cream. Post list voted Ex for disliking a good flavor but still hasn't submit one of their own.

Laurentus - Very actively not talking about ice cream.

KoD - Their pick is just a cop out answer. Obv scum.
Ex - Ew'd a good pick. Hasn't picked themselves. Also dislike the start of game quiet mode talk leading into asking if night chat was allowed.

Also I am but a wandering soul who has no name.
I kinda unironically townlean the sheer audacity to make a colored reads list and then have it revealed to be 80% based ice cream picks 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 06:14:22 PM
You randed Wolf, didn't you, Abigail? That's sad.
Is Neon polarized Laurentus?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 06:21:15 PM
Well today's been productive already. Here's a rainbow list:





Expand on literally all of your reads here. Also, who are you an alt of, lol?
Honestly Lau I think this is one of those games where we're going to have to trust that we're town if we're nullreading each other so I'm just gonna do that
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 06:23:07 PM
I like fruit flavored and chocolate ice creams. The stronger the chocolate the better
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 06:33:05 PM
I like ice creams that are particularly cheesy (like with goat cheese or ricotta) and mixed in things like honey, Pecans, blueberry jam, or the like. Also, gonna get a vote in

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh

because why not.
Have they even posted yet?

alright I'm post spamming to much I'll just consolidate the rest of what I want to say into one post

Honestly outside some of what Lau's said and quiet mode discussions I don't think that there's anything that's actually AI or game advancing. And even then the quiet mode discussions aren't really helping me tbh

I firmly believe that quiet mode bad and they've made the mute mode cap small enough that I may actually hit it on a day :(

Neon and Exlight have both made posts that haven't moved the needle. I actually think that I prefer Exlight's since their's seems more mech connected tbh. Also Neon's feels more pockety but I'm not sure that isn't the intention and they're more like an "I'm fun and positive!" person in this game thread

I loosely remember reading games with Aer and KoD in them but eh

The fact that I'm not townreading Vro yet probably means he's town after he snowed me in the last real game I played with him like 8 months ago

Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 06:42:43 PM
“Safe” mode: When activated, the game enters safe mode for the rest of the phase. During this time, action will proceed as normal but at the end of the phase an option will appear to recover all deleted data. If a majority vote within two hours of the option appearing says yes, all players killed will instantly revive in a corrupted state.

Corrupted state
One ability is randomly removed. Any contact with other players is revoked. If multiple players are revived, one of them will be revived in a different alignment.

We should revive/not revive at following

1 player: depends on alignment

2 players: if v/v, no, if v/w maybe, if w/w no

3 players: in no scenario

4 players:

Actually I'm gonna stop this right here because I'm realizing that there's either no mafia, mafia are uninformed of their teammates, mafia are secretly ineligible to be factionswapped, or the hosts did a boo boo for this to be balanced, because there's nothing stopping the flipped mafia from saying "yeah these are my teammates, I'm town now guys". or the mafia could flip to being serial killer but they do kinda have to out their teammates then still or accept that they're gonna die. So yeah this is probs town flips to mafia

So realistically this is just gonna be town flipped to mafia everytime it's used

In which case, I'm assuimg that the normal ratio is 3 town for every 1 mafia, and we should be reviving in the event that dead town minus 1 divided by dead mafia plus 1 is greater than 3 as a rule (assuming no overpowered anti town third party flips). There are scenarios where we revive where the ratio is less than that, but that ratio should always be beneficial based on my knowledge of how games normally work and how many town should exist per mafia
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 06:42:53 PM
You randed Wolf, didn't you, Abigail? That's sad.
Is Neon polarized Laurentus?
I have never seen her Wolf. :))

Half-joking as my stance here was, she was fine with the general activity level of two previous games hosted here based on Attack on Titan and Lord of the Rings, though, so I was weirded out by her pre-emptive defensiveness about the activity level. And she just rubs my gut wrong for reasons I can't quite pin down.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 06:44:30 PM

Expand on literally all of your reads here. Also, who are you an alt of, lol?

Hapi - Very solid ice cream flavor pick
Cozmikrae - Also a solid pick in the ribbon but the stance on cones reads definite town.

Aersoldorf - I feel like they pick ice cream based on tones so I notched them down a little despite selecting at least one good flavor.
Vroendal - Also selected a good flavor but their assertiveness got them notched down as well.
Wintermoot - Their picks are too boring to be scum.

Dolby - Active but not talking about ice cream. I don't hate their quiet mode stance.
TGN - Also wasn't talking about ice cream. Post list voted Ex for disliking a good flavor but still hasn't submit one of their own.

Laurentus - Very actively not talking about ice cream.

KoD - Their pick is just a cop out answer. Obv scum.
Ex - Ew'd a good pick. Hasn't picked themselves. Also dislike the start of game quiet mode talk leading into asking if night chat was allowed.

Also I am but a wandering soul who has no name.
I kinda unironically townlean the sheer audacity to make a colored reads list and then have it revealed to be 80% based ice cream picks
Thoroughly agree, and I have a hunch this is Mel's alt, lmao. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 06:46:51 PM
Well today's been productive already. Here's a rainbow list:





Expand on literally all of your reads here. Also, who are you an alt of, lol?
Honestly Lau I think this is one of those games where we're going to have to trust that we're town if we're nullreading each other so I'm just gonna do that
But why, tho? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 06:49:14 PM
Well today's been productive already. Here's a rainbow list:





Expand on literally all of your reads here. Also, who are you an alt of, lol?
Honestly Lau I think this is one of those games where we're going to have to trust that we're town if we're nullreading each other so I'm just gonna do that
But why, tho?
I don't think I'm getting a reliable read on people here until a scum flips and I'd rather just not worry about the other guy driving content atm bc I either have to take you out today (tbh I don't think I've done anything that leads to my death if you and vro are v/v) or just accept that you're v for town to have a better shot later in the game

honestly what i wrote read incredibly arrogant
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 06:50:28 PM
I like ice creams that are particularly cheesy (like with goat cheese or ricotta) and mixed in things like honey, Pecans, blueberry jam, or the like. Also, gonna get a vote in

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh

because why not.
Have they even posted yet?

alright I'm post spamming to much I'll just consolidate the rest of what I want to say into one post

Honestly outside some of what Lau's said and quiet mode discussions I don't think that there's anything that's actually AI or game advancing. And even then the quiet mode discussions aren't really helping me tbh

I firmly believe that quiet mode bad and they've made the mute mode cap small enough that I may actually hit it on a day :(

Neon and Exlight have both made posts that haven't moved the needle. I actually think that I prefer Exlight's since their's seems more mech connected tbh. Also Neon's feels more pockety but I'm not sure that isn't the intention and they're more like an "I'm fun and positive!" person in this game thread

I loosely remember reading games with Aer and KoD in them but eh

The fact that I'm not townreading Vro yet probably means he's town after he snowed me in the last real game I played with him like 8 months ago

Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
I don't get your read on Vro here at all. I think he's made like one post, and I also don't get why not TRing him yet makes him Town, or the relevance of including the information about the last time you played with him and his alignment back then. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 06:53:12 PM
Well today's been productive already. Here's a rainbow list:





Expand on literally all of your reads here. Also, who are you an alt of, lol?
Honestly Lau I think this is one of those games where we're going to have to trust that we're town if we're nullreading each other so I'm just gonna do that
But why, tho?
I don't think I'm getting a reliable read on people here until a scum flips and I'd rather just not worry about the other guy driving content atm bc I either have to take you out today (tbh I don't think I've done anything that leads to my death if you and vro are v/v) or just accept that you're v for town to have a better shot later in the game

honestly what i wrote read incredibly arrogant
I mean, I haven't really even driven the content to the same extent as I usually do, so your stance doesn't make sense. 

Outside of having a day vig, I am also literally never going to be the D1 yeet here, either, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 06:54:08 PM
I like ice creams that are particularly cheesy (like with goat cheese or ricotta) and mixed in things like honey, Pecans, blueberry jam, or the like. Also, gonna get a vote in

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh

because why not.
Have they even posted yet?

alright I'm post spamming to much I'll just consolidate the rest of what I want to say into one post

Honestly outside some of what Lau's said and quiet mode discussions I don't think that there's anything that's actually AI or game advancing. And even then the quiet mode discussions aren't really helping me tbh

I firmly believe that quiet mode bad and they've made the mute mode cap small enough that I may actually hit it on a day :(

Neon and Exlight have both made posts that haven't moved the needle. I actually think that I prefer Exlight's since their's seems more mech connected tbh. Also Neon's feels more pockety but I'm not sure that isn't the intention and they're more like an "I'm fun and positive!" person in this game thread

I loosely remember reading games with Aer and KoD in them but eh

The fact that I'm not townreading Vro yet probably means he's town after he snowed me in the last real game I played with him like 8 months ago

Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
I don't get your read on Vro here at all. I think he's made like one post, and I also don't get why not TRing him yet makes him Town, or the relevance of including the information about the last time you played with him and his alignment back then.
I basically townread him from the first post in this game where he was scum until the gamestate forced it to be him and I kinda felt that he was tryharding for the sake of after Tims died he was realisitically the only one who could win until the csargo fake peak

it was the org game

I think you were in it
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 06:55:48 PM
Well today's been productive already. Here's a rainbow list:





Expand on literally all of your reads here. Also, who are you an alt of, lol?
Honestly Lau I think this is one of those games where we're going to have to trust that we're town if we're nullreading each other so I'm just gonna do that
But why, tho?
I don't think I'm getting a reliable read on people here until a scum flips and I'd rather just not worry about the other guy driving content atm bc I either have to take you out today (tbh I don't think I've done anything that leads to my death if you and vro are v/v) or just accept that you're v for town to have a better shot later in the game

honestly what i wrote read incredibly arrogant
I mean, I haven't really even driven the content to the same extent as I usually do, so your stance doesn't make sense.

Outside of having a day vig, I am also literally never going to be the D1 yeet here, either, lol.
yeah but i know you're gonna drive content and I'm not sure yet if anyone else is
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 06:56:32 PM
“Safe” mode: When activated, the game enters safe mode for the rest of the phase. During this time, action will proceed as normal but at the end of the phase an option will appear to recover all deleted data. If a majority vote within two hours of the option appearing says yes, all players killed will instantly revive in a corrupted state.

Corrupted state
One ability is randomly removed. Any contact with other players is revoked. If multiple players are revived, one of them will be revived in a different alignment.

We should revive/not revive at following

1 player: depends on alignment

2 players: if v/v, no, if v/w maybe, if w/w no

3 players: in no scenario

4 players:

Actually I'm gonna stop this right here because I'm realizing that there's either no mafia, mafia are uninformed of their teammates, mafia are secretly ineligible to be factionswapped, or the hosts did a boo boo for this to be balanced, because there's nothing stopping the flipped mafia from saying "yeah these are my teammates, I'm town now guys". or the mafia could flip to being serial killer but they do kinda have to out their teammates then still or accept that they're gonna die. So yeah this is probs town flips to mafia

So realistically this is just gonna be town flipped to mafia everytime it's used

In which case, I'm assuimg that the normal ratio is 3 town for every 1 mafia, and we should be reviving in the event that dead town minus 1 divided by dead mafia plus 1 is greater than 3 as a rule (assuming no overpowered anti town third party flips). There are scenarios where we revive where the ratio is less than that, but that ratio should always be beneficial based on my knowledge of how games normally work and how many town should exist per mafia
I feel like this is a decently Townie perspective. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 07:00:50 PM
Hey Lau, since you're here, how do I ISO and change ppp here
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:01:42 PM
I don't think Dolby would TMI me as Town this bad if he were Wolf, tbh. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 07:01:51 PM

I loosely remember reading games with Aer and KoD in them but eh

Out of curiosity, was it WW2 here? One of the games in XKI? Or possibly the MU championships during one of the last 2 seasons?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 07:02:30 PM

I loosely remember reading games with Aer and KoD in them but eh

Out of curiosity, was it WW2 here? One of the games in XKI? Or possibly the MU championships during one of the last 2 seasons?
MU champs for both
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 07:04:07 PM
Aer do you have any takes, hot or otherwise?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:05:49 PM
Hey Lau, since you're here, how do I ISO and change ppp here
Oh, lol, ISOing is kinda an interesting process on this forum. Gerrick discovered the easiest trick to do it. You click on more, then print, and then it will allow you to view the topic as one massive wall instead of individual pages, at which point you control+f and type "post by:" without the quotation marks and type the person's name you wanna ISO.

As for changing the pfp, I'll get back to you, it's been ages since I've changed mine. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 07:06:48 PM
Hey Lau, since you're here, how do I ISO and change ppp here
Oh, lol, ISOing is kinda an interesting process on this forum. Gerrick discovered the easiest trick to do it. You click on more, then print, and then it will allow you to view the topic as one massive wall instead of individual pages, at which point you control+f and type "post by:" without the quotation marks and type the person's name you wanna ISO.

As for changing the pfp, I'll get back to you, it's been ages since I've changed mine.
I meant posts per page
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:08:17 PM
Alright, PFPs can be changed by clicking on menu at the top right of the page, then going to edit profile, then putting in the URL of the image you wanna use. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:09:11 PM
Hey Lau, since you're here, how do I ISO and change ppp here
Oh, lol, ISOing is kinda an interesting process on this forum. Gerrick discovered the easiest trick to do it. You click on more, then print, and then it will allow you to view the topic as one massive wall instead of individual pages, at which point you control+f and type "post by:" without the quotation marks and type the person's name you wanna ISO.

As for changing the pfp, I'll get back to you, it's been ages since I've changed mine.
I meant posts per page
Oh, yeah, there's no easy way to check individual user activity. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 07:10:15 PM
Aer do you have any takes, hot or otherwise?
I'm just trying to keep my reading current while at work. Taking some notes. Don't really think I've played with any of you before so I don't have any known tells to look for. Basically going to be flying on gut reads for the first day or three unless someone really does something foolish. Will try to post my reads list when I get home in a few hours and have more time to focus. 

Oh, and my MU game 2 seasons ago was much better than my performance last season. Cancer drugs were really messing with me and I played all kinds of wrong.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:11:25 PM
Like, this forum is designed decently for its main purpose of discussing NS-related things, but is in need of a major overhaul for hosting mafia games. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 25, 2022, 07:11:59 PM
Posts per page can be changed by going to the top right, selecting old user cp, going to modify profile on the top left, scrolling down to look and layout in the menu, then scrolling to the near bottom where you can change messages per page.

Another way to ISO, which I find handy as not too many people both play werewolf and do other forum things at the same time is to click on their name, go into their profile, and click show posts on the right which will then pull up all of their forum posts in one spot. It can be a little annoying if they're actively playing spam games too, but most people aren't doing that.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:12:24 PM
Aer do you have any takes, hot or otherwise?
I'm just trying to keep my reading current while at work. Taking some notes. Don't really think I've played with any of you before so I don't have any known tells to look for. Basically going to be flying on gut reads for the first day or three unless someone really does something foolish. Will try to post my reads list when I get home in a few hours and have more time to focus.

Oh, and my MU game 2 seasons ago was much better than my performance last season. Cancer drugs were really messing with me and I played all kinds of wrong.
This is not correct, by the way, you played with at least me and Vro over at XKI, and we were part of the wolf team, in fact. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:15:18 PM
Posts per page can be changed by going to the top right, selecting old user cp, going to modify profile on the top left, scrolling down to look and layout in the menu, then scrolling to the near bottom where you can change messages per page.

Another way to ISO, which I find handy as not too many people both play werewolf and do other forum things at the same time is to click on their name, go into their profile, and click show posts on the right which will then pull up all of their forum posts in one spot. It can be a little annoying if they're actively playing spam games too, but most people aren't doing that.
Okay, yeah, I'm being dense. Luckily Silv set you straight, Dolby. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:15:52 PM
Aer do you have any takes, hot or otherwise?
I'm just trying to keep my reading current while at work. Taking some notes. Don't really think I've played with any of you before so I don't have any known tells to look for. Basically going to be flying on gut reads for the first day or three unless someone really does something foolish. Will try to post my reads list when I get home in a few hours and have more time to focus.

Oh, and my MU game 2 seasons ago was much better than my performance last season. Cancer drugs were really messing with me and I played all kinds of wrong.
This is not correct, by the way, you played with at least me and Vro over at XKI, and we were part of the wolf team, in fact.
Wintermoot also played and was Town. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:19:11 PM
Alright, how is everyone? Does anyone feel like a wolf? Don’t worry, I won’t tell
Unless TGN has improved his wolf-game a fuck ton, I think he's Town just from this, lmao. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 07:21:49 PM
Alright, how is everyone? Does anyone feel like a wolf? Don’t worry, I won’t tell
Unless TGN has improved his wolf-game a fuck ton, I think he's Town just from this, lmao.
is he utterly incapable of making small early game talk as wolf? I think it's an easy thing to make
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:23:13 PM
Both Ex and KoD are being way friendlier than I recall them being. In KoD's case that might be a good thing, honestly? I think I recall him being some variation of scum from Botwolf but tbh my memory for that game is hazy and I mainly recall the bot going out of its way to make my life a living nightmare. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 25, 2022, 07:23:19 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 07:24:22 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.

who are the wolves?
who are the town?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:26:55 PM
Alright, how is everyone? Does anyone feel like a wolf? Don’t worry, I won’t tell
Unless TGN has improved his wolf-game a fuck ton, I think he's Town just from this, lmao.
is he utterly incapable of making small early game talk as wolf? I think it's an easy thing to make
He just didn't have a clear idea of how to post anything without it sounding super awkward. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 25, 2022, 07:27:02 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.

who are the wolves?
who are the town?
Um. I'm Town. Beyond that, I'm not sure. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 25, 2022, 07:29:12 PM
Regarding safe mode:

Just use it if Ex dies and then lynch him immediately after. I guarantee that he'll flip mafia since that's what he does every time.

Maybe try bargaining with him to get names, then lynch him anyway.

@ Laur:

I both existed and didn't exist in Botwolf. The greatest thing to come out of that game was Directly.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:30:15 PM
Im conflicted. Part of me wants to activate quiet mode right now just for the lulz.

Another part wants to sit back and mostly do nothing while assessing the players I don't know.

A third part wants to just accuse TGN of being a wolf for being willing to harbor wolves in secret because somebody associated this game and chaos.

And finally part of me just really wants some ice cream. What's everybody's favorite flavors? I think I'll vote whomever likes the worst kind. Also because chaos.
Uh, never mind, I don't think this is Mel. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:33:14 PM
@No Name, who have you played with before? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 07:34:14 PM
Aer do you have any takes, hot or otherwise?
I'm just trying to keep my reading current while at work. Taking some notes. Don't really think I've played with any of you before so I don't have any known tells to look for. Basically going to be flying on gut reads for the first day or three unless someone really does something foolish. Will try to post my reads list when I get home in a few hours and have more time to focus.

Oh, and my MU game 2 seasons ago was much better than my performance last season. Cancer drugs were really messing with me and I played all kinds of wrong.
This is not correct, by the way, you played with at least me and Vro over at XKI, and we were part of the wolf team, in fact.
I stand corrected then. Apologies for forgetting but my cancer treatments last year caused me to forget a lot of stuff. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 07:35:41 PM
Aer do you have any takes, hot or otherwise?
I'm just trying to keep my reading current while at work. Taking some notes. Don't really think I've played with any of you before so I don't have any known tells to look for. Basically going to be flying on gut reads for the first day or three unless someone really does something foolish. Will try to post my reads list when I get home in a few hours and have more time to focus.

Oh, and my MU game 2 seasons ago was much better than my performance last season. Cancer drugs were really messing with me and I played all kinds of wrong.
This is not correct, by the way, you played with at least me and Vro over at XKI, and we were part of the wolf team, in fact.
Wintermoot also played and was Town.
I overlooked the fact that they are playing in this one. I remember killing him in WW2 here when I was a wolf.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:36:06 PM
Aer do you have any takes, hot or otherwise?
I'm just trying to keep my reading current while at work. Taking some notes. Don't really think I've played with any of you before so I don't have any known tells to look for. Basically going to be flying on gut reads for the first day or three unless someone really does something foolish. Will try to post my reads list when I get home in a few hours and have more time to focus.

Oh, and my MU game 2 seasons ago was much better than my performance last season. Cancer drugs were really messing with me and I played all kinds of wrong.
This is not correct, by the way, you played with at least me and Vro over at XKI, and we were part of the wolf team, in fact.
I stand corrected then. Apologies for forgetting but my cancer treatments last year caused me to forget a lot of stuff.
S'all good, man. I hope that situation has drastically improved for you. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 07:39:28 PM
Aer do you have any takes, hot or otherwise?
I'm just trying to keep my reading current while at work. Taking some notes. Don't really think I've played with any of you before so I don't have any known tells to look for. Basically going to be flying on gut reads for the first day or three unless someone really does something foolish. Will try to post my reads list when I get home in a few hours and have more time to focus.

Oh, and my MU game 2 seasons ago was much better than my performance last season. Cancer drugs were really messing with me and I played all kinds of wrong.
This is not correct, by the way, you played with at least me and Vro over at XKI, and we were part of the wolf team, in fact.
I stand corrected then. Apologies for forgetting but my cancer treatments last year caused me to forget a lot of stuff.
S'all good, man. I hope that situation has drastically improved for you.
Find out next month if they got it all with the treatments.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:43:44 PM
History suggests I am not going to gain a read on Gerrick one way or another on D1, but I will fight his lynch anyway. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 07:48:11 PM
Wow, we already know two of the wolves! Let's vote them out, town! :P
Oy, Red, what are your reads? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 25, 2022, 07:51:40 PM
I like ice creams that are particularly cheesy (like with goat cheese or ricotta) and mixed in things like honey, Pecans, blueberry jam, or the like. Also, gonna get a vote in

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh

because why not.
Oh, so you made a poster out of it😂
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 25, 2022, 07:55:22 PM
I have zero idea on ice cream flavors, specially the combined ones. All we have here is orange, chocolate, vanilla, and maybe strawberry and butterscotch occasionally. My personal favorite is butterscotch.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 25, 2022, 07:57:26 PM
Can @Ruguo please make this a peaceful ice cream talk show instead of turbulent wolf prey stuff?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:00:05 PM
“Oh my god, just get to the point so we can start playing.” Laurentus added from the distance
I was going to say that I don't really think Lau is the 'Oh my god' sort, but I did a search of his Discord posts and apparently he does say it from time to time. I just think if he sprinkled them in a bit more at key points he'd sound a lot more melodramatic...if that's a look that he wants to go far.

I have no other impressions at this time, and it seems to have been wrong. However, Ruguo suggested that I also say hi. :wave:

And finally part of me just really wants some ice cream. What's everybody's favorite flavors?
Vanilla or french vanilla. ^-^
What do you mean "it seems to have been wrong?" 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:03:22 PM
Abigail is softing that she's some anime character or another. Probably from Yu-Gi-Oh, then? Only game we've hosted here with an anime theme, and I think this game's thing is that it's an amalgamation of all the Werewolf games we've had here. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:13:23 PM
I like ice creams that are particularly cheesy (like with goat cheese or ricotta) and mixed in things like honey, Pecans, blueberry jam, or the like. Also, gonna get a vote in

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh

because why not.
Have they even posted yet?

alright I'm post spamming to much I'll just consolidate the rest of what I want to say into one post

Honestly outside some of what Lau's said and quiet mode discussions I don't think that there's anything that's actually AI or game advancing. And even then the quiet mode discussions aren't really helping me tbh

I firmly believe that quiet mode bad and they've made the mute mode cap small enough that I may actually hit it on a day :(

Neon and Exlight have both made posts that haven't moved the needle. I actually think that I prefer Exlight's since their's seems more mech connected tbh. Also Neon's feels more pockety but I'm not sure that isn't the intention and they're more like an "I'm fun and positive!" person in this game thread

I loosely remember reading games with Aer and KoD in them but eh

The fact that I'm not townreading Vro yet probably means he's town after he snowed me in the last real game I played with him like 8 months ago

Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
I don't get your read on Vro here at all. I think he's made like one post, and I also don't get why not TRing him yet makes him Town, or the relevance of including the information about the last time you played with him and his alignment back then.
I basically townread him from the first post in this game where he was scum until the gamestate forced it to be him and I kinda felt that he was tryharding for the sake of after Tims died he was realisitically the only one who could win until the csargo fake peak

it was the org game

I think you were in it
Uh, no? I think your memory here is completely wrong. Vro ended up being taken out by Argon, after I did my stupid derp clear and placed Vro in the town core. After I did that, I think p much Argon was the only one who SRed Vro, tbh. 

It kinda feels like you're trying to justify a Vro townread on an agenda here. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:14:18 PM
Abigail is softing that she's some anime character or another. Probably from Yu-Gi-Oh, then? Only game we've hosted here with an anime theme, and I think this game's thing is that it's an amalgamation of all the Werewolf games we've had here.
I'm dumb, I literally hosted one with an anime theme with Attack on Titan, lmao. Still, though. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 25, 2022, 08:16:36 PM
Alright I’m back
1. Yes I have improved a lot since last game. I think :P (no one take that as a confession)
2. I love the quote chains 😂 
3. Unvote: who ever i voted
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 08:19:33 PM
I like ice creams that are particularly cheesy (like with goat cheese or ricotta) and mixed in things like honey, Pecans, blueberry jam, or the like. Also, gonna get a vote in

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh

because why not.
Have they even posted yet?

alright I'm post spamming to much I'll just consolidate the rest of what I want to say into one post

Honestly outside some of what Lau's said and quiet mode discussions I don't think that there's anything that's actually AI or game advancing. And even then the quiet mode discussions aren't really helping me tbh

I firmly believe that quiet mode bad and they've made the mute mode cap small enough that I may actually hit it on a day :(

Neon and Exlight have both made posts that haven't moved the needle. I actually think that I prefer Exlight's since their's seems more mech connected tbh. Also Neon's feels more pockety but I'm not sure that isn't the intention and they're more like an "I'm fun and positive!" person in this game thread

I loosely remember reading games with Aer and KoD in them but eh

The fact that I'm not townreading Vro yet probably means he's town after he snowed me in the last real game I played with him like 8 months ago

Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
I don't get your read on Vro here at all. I think he's made like one post, and I also don't get why not TRing him yet makes him Town, or the relevance of including the information about the last time you played with him and his alignment back then.
I basically townread him from the first post in this game where he was scum until the gamestate forced it to be him and I kinda felt that he was tryharding for the sake of after Tims died he was realisitically the only one who could win until the csargo fake peak

it was the org game

I think you were in it
Uh, no? I think your memory here is completely wrong. Vro ended up being taken out by Argon, after I did my stupid derp clear and placed Vro in the town core. After I did that, I think p much Argon was the only one who SRed Vro, tbh.

It kinda feels like you're trying to justify a Vro townread on an agenda here.
eh I remember townreading him myself from mid D1, and then only began scumreading him literally after IK dying forced him to be a mafia but didn't get a chance to express it since he died
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:21:19 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Actually, wait, how'd you know this is Mr Turtle, Vro? Only place I recall ENE going by that name is MU, and your memory for past games tends to be kinda shit, no offence, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:22:31 PM
EBWOP: meant Dolby, not Vro, in my last post. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:24:46 PM
ENE and Dolby could be W/W from that, honestly. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 08:24:53 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Actually, wait, how'd you know this is Mr Turtle, Vro? Only place I recall ENE going by that name is MU, and your memory for past games tends to be kinda shit, no offence, lol.
he has the same avatar he had on discord
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 08:29:47 PM
vro (who I'm also w/w with) also told me

he didn't
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:30:12 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Actually, wait, how'd you know this is Mr Turtle, Vro? Only place I recall ENE going by that name is MU, and your memory for past games tends to be kinda shit, no offence, lol.
he has the same avatar he had on discord
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:51:01 PM
I'm looking for top town and having a brutally hard time of it. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 25, 2022, 08:53:17 PM
Can @Ruguo please make this a peaceful ice cream talk show instead of turbulent wolf prey stuff?
Considering that would ruin the lore I've carefully crafted for this game, your request for peaceful ice cream talk has been denied and replaced instead with violent pie pelting.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 08:54:53 PM
Nobody is going to let me eat this pie are they. 

Also multi quote is pissing me off so I'm just going to do this the old fashioned way. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 08:55:16 PM
I'm looking for top town and having a brutally hard time of it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:55:29 PM
@cozmikrae, @Anubhav Ghosh, what are your reads? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 08:56:03 PM
I must be doing something wrong, my image didn't appear. Take two....

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 25, 2022, 08:56:31 PM
Are you aiming to read me based on an analysis of my WIM, Dolby? Bad take maybe. Though if you think you can accurately read me based off 1 game in a different community with a different playerlist, then be my guest and more power to you.

Hey guys I'm top town, trust. See? Easy.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:56:57 PM
I must be doing something wrong, my image didn't appear. Take two....

Heh, it'd be pretty cool if I've learned open-wolfing, tbh. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 08:58:36 PM
Are you aiming to read me based on an analysis of my WIM, Dolby? Bad take maybe. Though if you think you can accurately read me based off 1 game in a different community with a different playerlist, then be my guest and more power to you.

Hey guys I'm top town, trust. See? Easy.
Oh my god you are trying to be the WIML substitute in this game, aren't you

Vote: Vroendal 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 08:58:40 PM
You randed Wolf, didn't you, Abigail? That's sad.
Is Neon polarized Laurentus?
I have never seen her Wolf. :))

Half-joking as my stance here was, she was fine with the general activity level of two previous games hosted here based on Attack on Titan and Lord of the Rings, though, so I was weirded out by her pre-emptive defensiveness about the activity level. And she just rubs my gut wrong for reasons I can't quite pin down.

I mean it was actually straight up for the reason I posted about. I think the mechanic itself is good in some way.  I mean I was gone for 2 hours and missed 4 pages so people who haven't even read a single page yet need to read thru what 10 pages and we've had problems with people straight up giving up because they can't catch up. 

With that said I didn't miss as much as I was worried about because activity yesterday was pretty ded. And if everyone hates this mechanic so much it's suicide to even use it anyways. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 08:58:50 PM
Are you aiming to read me based on an analysis of my WIM, Dolby? Bad take maybe. Though if you think you can accurately read me based off 1 game in a different community with a different playerlist, then be my guest and more power to you.

Hey guys I'm top town, trust. See? Easy.
we've got maybe 150 posts im trying to get something!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 25, 2022, 08:59:50 PM
Are you aiming to read me based on an analysis of my WIM, Dolby? Bad take maybe. Though if you think you can accurately read me based off 1 game in a different community with a different playerlist, then be my guest and more power to you.

Hey guys I'm top town, trust. See? Easy.
Oh my god you are trying to be the WIML substitute in this game, aren't you

Vote: Vroendal
I am or I am not, there is no try.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 09:00:42 PM
I must be doing something wrong, my image didn't appear. Take two....

Heh, it'd be pretty cool if I've learned open-wolfing, tbh.
I just thought it was funny. It's a great video and she's also excellent in The Resistance video that Geek & Sundry put out.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 09:02:00 PM
Abigail is softing that she's some anime character or another. Probably from Yu-Gi-Oh, then? Only game we've hosted here with an anime theme, and I think this game's thing is that it's an amalgamation of all the Werewolf games we've had here.
I think you are reading too much into my gifs general theme based solely on LotR Wolf which I mean that's my fault. There's other things that were much more important than the fact that all my gifs are anime based. That's just a me thing. I like anime. I have a lot of gifs. 

This doesn't mean the gifs don't have info though just that I'm not anime adjacent 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 09:02:18 PM
Leaving work, will jump back on from home in an hour or so, maybe sooner.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 09:03:44 PM
Are you aiming to read me based on an analysis of my WIM, Dolby? Bad take maybe. Though if you think you can accurately read me based off 1 game in a different community with a different playerlist, then be my guest and more power to you.

Hey guys I'm top town, trust. See? Easy.
Oh my god you are trying to be the WIML substitute in this game, aren't you

Vote: Vroendal
I am or I am not, there is no try.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 25, 2022, 09:07:23 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Actually, wait, how'd you know this is Mr Turtle, Vro? Only place I recall ENE going by that name is MU, and your memory for past games tends to be kinda shit, no offence, lol.
I've been in a game with Dolby on CFC sub-forum on MU so eh.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 09:08:32 PM
Oh my god you are trying to be the WIML substitute in this game, aren't you

Vote: Vroendal
What do these words mean?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 25, 2022, 09:10:34 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Actually, wait, how'd you know this is Mr Turtle, Vro? Only place I recall ENE going by that name is MU, and your memory for past games tends to be kinda shit, no offence, lol.
I've been in a game with Dolby on CFC sub-forum on MU so eh.
Oh, I didn't see the Dolby having bad memory part. Never mind then.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 25, 2022, 09:10:43 PM
Oh my god you are trying to be the WIML substitute in this game, aren't you

Vote: Vroendal
What do these words mean?
Remember Legacy of Smiles from AoT? He goes by Wiml elsewhere, one of his popular quotes is "good turtle, trust".
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 09:11:29 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Actually, wait, how'd you know this is Mr Turtle, Vro? Only place I recall ENE going by that name is MU, and your memory for past games tends to be kinda shit, no offence, lol.
I've been in a game with Dolby on CFC sub-forum on MU so eh.
Yeah, I know. I think it was Mario Mafia 2, hosted by Top Secret. 

And my point is that Dolby's memory tends to drop off significantly for games older than, like, 3 months, lol. But I'm satisfied with the Discord avi explanation. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 25, 2022, 09:13:55 PM
Oh my god you are trying to be the WIML substitute in this game, aren't you

Vote: Vroendal
What do these words mean?
Remember Legacy of Smiles from AoT? He goes by Wiml elsewhere, one of his popular quotes is "good turtle, trust".
<3 thanks
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 09:15:30 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Actually, wait, how'd you know this is Mr Turtle, Vro? Only place I recall ENE going by that name is MU, and your memory for past games tends to be kinda shit, no offence, lol.
I've been in a game with Dolby on CFC sub-forum on MU so eh.
Yeah, I know. I think it was Mario Mafia 2, hosted by Top Secret.

And my point is that Dolby's memory tends to drop off significantly for games older than, like, 3 months, lol. But I'm satisfied with the Discord avi explanation.
I am still not convinced that I am wrong about how I read Vro in that game on the org
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 09:20:34 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Actually, wait, how'd you know this is Mr Turtle, Vro? Only place I recall ENE going by that name is MU, and your memory for past games tends to be kinda shit, no offence, lol.
I've been in a game with Dolby on CFC sub-forum on MU so eh.
Yeah, I know. I think it was Mario Mafia 2, hosted by Top Secret.

And my point is that Dolby's memory tends to drop off significantly for games older than, like, 3 months, lol. But I'm satisfied with the Discord avi explanation.
I am still not convinced that I am wrong about how I read Vro in that game on the org
I'll go have a look-see. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 25, 2022, 09:22:22 PM
Some things are better left forgotten!!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 09:27:36 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Actually, wait, how'd you know this is Mr Turtle, Vro? Only place I recall ENE going by that name is MU, and your memory for past games tends to be kinda shit, no offence, lol.
I've been in a game with Dolby on CFC sub-forum on MU so eh.
Yeah, I know. I think it was Mario Mafia 2, hosted by Top Secret.

And my point is that Dolby's memory tends to drop off significantly for games older than, like, 3 months, lol. But I'm satisfied with the Discord avi explanation.
I am still not convinced that I am wrong about how I read Vro in that game on the org
Lmao, yeah, Dolby, trying repeating your stance with a straight face here, again.

"Vroe how confident are you in Laurentus town?
I still think he's town but want the take of someone who knows him better"

That reads like you're SRing him, definitely. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 09:32:07 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Actually, wait, how'd you know this is Mr Turtle, Vro? Only place I recall ENE going by that name is MU, and your memory for past games tends to be kinda shit, no offence, lol.
I've been in a game with Dolby on CFC sub-forum on MU so eh.
Yeah, I know. I think it was Mario Mafia 2, hosted by Top Secret.

And my point is that Dolby's memory tends to drop off significantly for games older than, like, 3 months, lol. But I'm satisfied with the Discord avi explanation.
I am still not convinced that I am wrong about how I read Vro in that game on the org
Lmao, yeah, Dolby, trying repeating your stance with a straight face here, again.

"Vroe how confident are you in Laurentus town?
I still think he's town but want the take of someone who knows him better"

That reads like you're SRing him, definitely.
I mean, I did say "after the IK flip"
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 09:35:23 PM

"I'm not considering Winston

Vroe possible at this gamestate but he's been towny individually ugh"


Okay, not bad. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 09:36:22 PM
Saw Mr. Turtle post and got nothing :(
- said everyone ever.
Actually, wait, how'd you know this is Mr Turtle, Vro? Only place I recall ENE going by that name is MU, and your memory for past games tends to be kinda shit, no offence, lol.
I've been in a game with Dolby on CFC sub-forum on MU so eh.
Yeah, I know. I think it was Mario Mafia 2, hosted by Top Secret.

And my point is that Dolby's memory tends to drop off significantly for games older than, like, 3 months, lol. But I'm satisfied with the Discord avi explanation.
I am still not convinced that I am wrong about how I read Vro in that game on the org
Lmao, yeah, Dolby, trying repeating your stance with a straight face here, again.

"Vroe how confident are you in Laurentus town?
I still think he's town but want the take of someone who knows him better"

That reads like you're SRing him, definitely.
I mean, I did say "after the IK flip"
That was after the IK flip. Literally directly after. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 09:59:28 PM
I must be doing something wrong, my image didn't appear. Take two....

Heh, it'd be pretty cool if I've learned open-wolfing, tbh.
Also unsure why you consider this open-wolfing considering that she was part of the town in the video...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 10:02:27 PM
I must be doing something wrong, my image didn't appear. Take two....

Heh, it'd be pretty cool if I've learned open-wolfing, tbh.
Also unsure why you consider this open-wolfing considering that she was part of the town in the video...
I don't know the reference, I just inferred an SR from the picture. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 25, 2022, 10:20:53 PM
Inherent paranoia for Dolby aside, he's been pretty Townie, tbh. I'm going to bed. I'd like to see more from everyone when I wake up. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 25, 2022, 10:51:47 PM
@cozmikrae, @Anubhav Ghosh, what are your reads?
Hmmm... I'm liking Dolby as a town lean. Not a lot of posts that are generally helpful yet. But Dolby's discussion of the mechanics is a good start.
Neon Abigail... Something's going on here.... what's up with asking Directly for pie?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 25, 2022, 10:54:52 PM
I must be doing something wrong, my image didn't appear. Take two....

Heh, it'd be pretty cool if I've learned open-wolfing, tbh.
Also unsure why you consider this open-wolfing considering that she was part of the town in the video...
I don't know the reference, I just inferred an SR from the picture.
My bad then for assuming that pretty much all serious werewolves players had seen the video. Please allow me to expand your horizons with what is probably the best werewolves video ever made. Only around 5 1/2 minutes but definitely worth the watch. And at the end you'll understand the context of why I posted that picture when you asked who was the towniest...

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 25, 2022, 11:42:39 PM
I'm down to watch a video since most of this discussion is inane as far as I am concerned.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 25, 2022, 11:49:34 PM
That was a neat video.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 11:53:16 PM
@cozmikrae, @Anubhav Ghosh, what are your reads?
Hmmm... I'm liking Dolby as a town lean. Not a lot of posts that are generally helpful yet. But Dolby's discussion of the mechanics is a good start.
Neon Abigail... Something's going on here.... what's up with asking Directly for pie?
Aren't these literally Laurentus's reads minus NoName? I'm assuming that something going on there is trying to express an SR

Do you have a take on him?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 25, 2022, 11:54:33 PM
I think that the reason given to townread me is good but the way that the Neon read is expressed gives me some level concern that the aim of the post is to just pocket Laurentus
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 12:00:11 AM
eh maybe i need a sanity check bc I think multiple people have expressed they feel that Neon is weird
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 12:02:56 AM
@cozmikrae, @Anubhav Ghosh, what are your reads?
Hmmm... I'm liking Dolby as a town lean. Not a lot of posts that are generally helpful yet. But Dolby's discussion of the mechanics is a good start.
Neon Abigail... Something's going on here.... what's up with asking Directly for pie?
I like pie. Also does nobody else find it intresting that the flavor made a point of how everyone disappeared EXCEPT Directly? 

I just want to eat the pie though that's it there's no hidden meaning. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 12:03:20 AM
I don't feel like Neon is weird. She, along with most everyone save NoName, are just here talking about stuff.

Doesn't strike me as weird or anything.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 12:04:09 AM
Hey, let me let you in on something.

Don't bother Directly. Or, if you do, keep at it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 12:04:47 AM
@cozmikrae, @Anubhav Ghosh, what are your reads?
Hmmm... I'm liking Dolby as a town lean. Not a lot of posts that are generally helpful yet. But Dolby's discussion of the mechanics is a good start.
Neon Abigail... Something's going on here.... what's up with asking Directly for pie?
I like pie. Also does nobody else find it intresting that the flavor made a point of how everyone disappeared EXCEPT Directly?

I just want to eat the pie though that's it there's no hidden meaning.
If the players in this game were each baked into a separate pie, which players would taste the best?

Let's also say that the tasty players are town
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 12:05:50 AM
eh maybe i need a sanity check bc I think multiple people have expressed they feel that Neon is weird
I do find this amusing because most people who've played with me should be able to vouch that this is just my normal playstyle and not all that weird. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 12:06:19 AM
You could just ask for a read list that isn't shrouded in pie. Because this take is completely different from the ice cream one.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 12:07:48 AM
@cozmikrae, @Anubhav Ghosh, what are your reads?
Hmmm... I'm liking Dolby as a town lean. Not a lot of posts that are generally helpful yet. But Dolby's discussion of the mechanics is a good start.
Neon Abigail... Something's going on here.... what's up with asking Directly for pie?
I like pie. Also does nobody else find it intresting that the flavor made a point of how everyone disappeared EXCEPT Directly?

I just want to eat the pie though that's it there's no hidden meaning.
If the players in this game were each baked into a separate pie, which players would taste the best?

Let's also say that the tasty players are town
I feel like Vro might be pretty tasty.

Don't think I'd like the taste of Lau much.

Oh actually I might like a taste of ExLight? Who knows?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 26, 2022, 12:08:04 AM
@cozmikrae, @Anubhav Ghosh, what are your reads?
Hmmm... I'm liking Dolby as a town lean. Not a lot of posts that are generally helpful yet. But Dolby's discussion of the mechanics is a good start.
Neon Abigail... Something's going on here.... what's up with asking Directly for pie?
Aren't these literally Laurentus's reads minus NoName? I'm assuming that something going on there is trying to express an SR

Do you have a take on him?
Take on who? Lau or NoName? In either case, no, it's D1, I don't have a lot of reads atm. Unless we want to keep judging people on ice cream flavors.
From what I understand Neon is often weird. I think I've only played 1 game with her, however, so I'm not necessarily a good judge on normal weird vs. weird weird.
What is "pocket?"
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 12:09:53 AM
@cozmikrae, @Anubhav Ghosh, what are your reads?
Hmmm... I'm liking Dolby as a town lean. Not a lot of posts that are generally helpful yet. But Dolby's discussion of the mechanics is a good start.
Neon Abigail... Something's going on here.... what's up with asking Directly for pie?
Aren't these literally Laurentus's reads minus NoName? I'm assuming that something going on there is trying to express an SR

Do you have a take on him?
Take on who? Lau or NoName? In either case, no, it's D1, I don't have a lot of reads atm. Unless we want to keep judging people on ice cream flavors.
From what I understand Neon is often weird. I think I've only played 1 game with her, however, so I'm not necessarily a good judge on normal weird vs. weird weird.
What is "pocket?"
I wanted a take on Lau but eh

Pocketing is basically acting in a way intentionally to be townread by someone
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 12:10:11 AM
I mean I spent the whole LotR Wolf posting gifs with hidden meanings and making Lau paranoid and crazy so? 

Also I like chaos.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 12:10:45 AM
@cozmikrae, @Anubhav Ghosh, what are your reads?
Hmmm... I'm liking Dolby as a town lean. Not a lot of posts that are generally helpful yet. But Dolby's discussion of the mechanics is a good start.
Neon Abigail... Something's going on here.... what's up with asking Directly for pie?
I like pie. Also does nobody else find it intresting that the flavor made a point of how everyone disappeared EXCEPT Directly?

I just want to eat the pie though that's it there's no hidden meaning.
If the players in this game were each baked into a separate pie, which players would taste the best?

Let's also say that the tasty players are town
I feel like Vro might be pretty tasty.

Don't think I'd like the taste of Lau much.

Oh actually I might like a taste of ExLight? Who knows?
Why do you like Vro?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 26, 2022, 12:12:29 AM
@No Name, who have you played with before?
That question is boring. Also as a nameless wanderer clearly I have no experience with any of you. Except the 6 of you that I have. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 12:12:43 AM
@cozmikrae, @Anubhav Ghosh, what are your reads?
Hmmm... I'm liking Dolby as a town lean. Not a lot of posts that are generally helpful yet. But Dolby's discussion of the mechanics is a good start.
Neon Abigail... Something's going on here.... what's up with asking Directly for pie?
I like pie. Also does nobody else find it intresting that the flavor made a point of how everyone disappeared EXCEPT Directly?

I just want to eat the pie though that's it there's no hidden meaning.
If the players in this game were each baked into a separate pie, which players would taste the best?

Let's also say that the tasty players are town
I feel like Vro might be pretty tasty.

Don't think I'd like the taste of Lau much.

Oh actually I might like a taste of ExLight? Who knows?
Why do you like Vro?
Just they seen nice. Think they would taste pretty sweet. 

Lau would probably taste like salt.

Oh wait you wanted a reads list from this didn't you?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 12:13:41 AM
@No Name, who have you played with before?
That question is boring. Also as a nameless wanderer clearly I have no experience with any of you. Except the 6 of you that I have.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 12:13:46 AM
lol yeah i did
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 12:17:33 AM
Whoops. Honestly I don't have any reads. I've never been good at the day 1 look into what everyone is saying and psychologically profile them based on previous games or look for weird things day 1 when everyone is just kinda talking with no info type thing

If I found anything suspicious right now it would be No Name or Vro 

Even Ex a little. 

But mostly I just want the silent ones to talk.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 12:18:32 AM
Like 2 or 3 people have said nothing at all. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 26, 2022, 12:25:59 AM
You could just ask for a read list that isn't shrouded in pie. Because this take is completely different from the ice cream one.

So touchy about your ice cream pick. But there's no denying that harlequin isn't an ice cream flavor but three mashed together in a single container to appease as many eaters as possible. If you can't see how that translates to a scum read you aren't thinking critically enough. 

Or perhaps you're miffed because you've already been grouped with Ex despite the game just having started. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 12:27:43 AM
You could just ask for a read list that isn't shrouded in pie. Because this take is completely different from the ice cream one.

So touchy about your ice cream pick. But there's no denying that harlequin isn't an ice cream flavor but three mashed together in a single container to appease as many eaters as possible. If you can't see how that translates to a scum read you aren't thinking critically enough.

Or perhaps you're miffed because you've already been grouped with Ex despite the game just having started.
One of the most iconic cases that I've seen over the years included the quote "BUT NEAPOLITIAN IS A THREE FLAVORED ICE CREAM" and I'm kinda sad that I came so close yet so far from seeing it in the wild again
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 12:49:07 AM
On the contrary NoName.

I'm well aware that Neapolitan is a mashup of three different flavors though, typically, it's the original three from what I've always seen. That said, you never bothered to follow-up with my answer given that you know it's a combination of three flavors.

Frankly, I'm rather hurt that you didn't want to talk to me further.

Also I don't mind being grouped with Ex. Once our paths crossed, we were fated to remain until the day it is nevermore.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 12:52:56 AM
I should further add that my comment about the pie one not being like the ice cream one isn't for what you've stated.

It's because you preemptively asked everyone for flavors with no context. People either responded or they didn't.

From there you crafted a read list that, while subjective, still has the observation that some people didn't respond at all and opted to ignore it which is something in and of itself. That's drastically different from Neon being asked about if people were pies rate them on how tasty they are. Only one person asked, and obviously they're looking for a read list.

Thus my comment.

If anything, your ice cream thing was great for gauging responses initially to see how people are. I don't fault you at all for jumping to the, understandable, conclusion of my own choice for Harlequin ice cream.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 26, 2022, 01:02:22 AM
Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 01:05:51 AM
I am convinced that Mel is NoName, and I am beginning to suspect some sort of personal mention in her role PM that makes the ice cream thing somehow relevant to her win-con, or at least in Mel's ever-unknowable ways, a reaction test. 

Anyway, I'm not privy to whatever Mel is referencing, but if I absolutely must choose an ice cream, I'd go for a death-by-chocolate Cornetto.

Lemme try and sleep again, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 01:16:33 AM
Actually, no, assuming No Name is telling the truth, definitely not Mel, if they've only played with 6 of us before. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 26, 2022, 01:28:35 AM
I should further add that my comment about the pie one not being like the ice cream one isn't for what you've stated.

It's because you preemptively asked everyone for flavors with no context. People either responded or they didn't.

From there you crafted a read list that, while subjective, still has the observation that some people didn't respond at all and opted to ignore it which is something in and of itself. That's drastically different from Neon being asked about if people were pies rate them on how tasty they are. Only one person asked, and obviously they're looking for a read list.

Thus my comment.

If anything, your ice cream thing was great for gauging responses initially to see how people are. I don't fault you at all for jumping to the, understandable, conclusion of my own choice for Harlequin ice cream.
If that was the only dig you made at the ice cream you'd have a point. But it's not. Which is indicative of a greater issue than just pie vs ice cream. 

Also I followed up on nobody's response. So I don't see why you would expect a different reaction even if you chose one specifically trying to illicit one. 

@Laurentus, as far as I'm aware that's an accurate number. I won't guarantee it in case I'm just unaware of aliases though. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 01:35:27 AM
You know originally I thought the ice cream thing was just day 1 shit posting but now I'm just cornfused. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 01:37:32 AM
Ok, time for some actual thoughts. First I will point out that I am not a huge fan of publicly giving town core and town lean reads. Those of you who have read either of my WC games at MU will note that I've made the same argument in both seasons that I played there. If we all, or a majority of us, say that we think X and Y are the most townie in our opinions it just paints a great big bullseye on their backs. I realize that it's easy to get a feel for how some people view others, but still think it's a bad idea to just come right out and say that I find someone lock town. At least early in the game. That can definitely change in the latter stages when there's a lot more to go on than we have in the first few days. That being said, I won't be giving a list breaking down my thoughts on everyone. My win condition, as town, is to identify and eliminate the entire scum team. Personally I find it easier to look for scum than to try town reading enough people to passively find the scum, if that makes sense. Basically what I'm getting at is that for the first few days at least I'm only likely to point out things that I find scummy, or that hit me wrong for whatever reason. It's a strategy that has served me well over the years and I don't see any reason to abandon it at this point.

I didn't really sleep well last night, and got less than 3 hours total, so I'm pretty wiped out and apologize if this rambles or isn't as clear as I would like it to be. I'm also too tired to try and figure out the multi-quote mechanics here so I won't be quoting a bunch of different posts in order to make my case tonight. I'll try to figure that bit out when I'm better rested.

Before I say anything about any particular players, I'd like to take a minute and talk about the modes that can be triggered:

Quiet mode and mute mode - I've already touched on this, as have a few others. I don't see a world in which either of these modes are beneficial to the town. I'd be very suspicious of anyone who triggers either of them. Continuing discussions during the night phase can allow us to plan ahead for the next day and can also allow us to hear the final thoughts of whoever ends up being the NK. Imagine we get near the end of the game and our seer, or someone who has some type of scanning ability, is able to identify the final scum member, but they are unable to relay that information to the rest of us because the quiet mode gets triggered, and that person ends up getting killed at night and takes the identity of the scum to the grave with them. Only bad things can happen when we're silenced, so please, let's not go there.

Time warp - appears to only change the flavor theme, but I'm not 100% sure what that means. Doesn't say that it will change anyone's role or alignment, so probably not a terrible thing to trigger - albeit we aren't told what that trigger is.

Safe mode - this is the only trigger-able mechanic that I think we should at least try to figure out how to trigger, in case we need it. Someone (sorry, don't remember who and don't feel like searching for it) laid out their ideas for when we should and should not try to use it. I generally agreed with the logic that they used. If there's only 1 person killed during a phase then it's beneficial to us to use the mode if possible and revive them (provided that they're town). Here's where my uncertainty kicks in though - the rules state that if it gets triggered then AT THE END OF THE PHASE an option will appear and we all get to vote on whether or not to enact the mode. The rules also state that the mode will last until the end of the phase. Does that mean if it gets triggered during the day that at EoD the vote option will appear and that if we vote yes then safe mode would last through the night? Bit confusing the way it's worded. If we trigger during the day but don't get to vote yes/no until the end of the phase then what's the point of entering the mode only to have the phase end at that point. And as for the vote, would we be told the role/alignment of the dead person(people) before we vote or not? The rules aren't clear on that point. If there are multiple deaths then I do agree that the alignment flip would pretty much 100% have to be from town to scum, because flipping a scum to town basically hoses the rest of the scum team - an outcome that I'm sure the hosts would have though of and decided against. 

This is the first time I've ever played in a game where all of the included roles weren't made public knowledge. It's also the first game that I've played in which the number of scum team members isn't disclosed at the start of the game. Those two factors together seem to me to favor the scum team - they can make almost any claim that they want and we don't have a really good way to disprove what they say without lynching them and hoping that the person claiming a role is scum lying and not town telling the truth to try and save themselves. Don't really see any way around this, merely pointing it out so that anyone who may not have thought of it is now aware. Someone posted earlier and suggested that a 3v to 1s ratio is generally accepted as normal, so with 17 players I'm going to guess that there are either 4 or 5 members of the scum team, with 4 being more likely. But we don't really have a way of knowing if that's correct or not until the game is over.

Now to address some of the scum leans I have. It's only D1 and so the list isn't really long.

In my experience, the scum team, or at least a good chunk of it, can usually be found in the most active posters and in the least active posters. Occasionally you'll find one in the middle, but the top and bottom are the first places that I like to look.

Don't really have a good way to see how many posts everyone has made thus far, so I'm just going to guess based on memory and if I get something wrong don't hesitate to point it out. I might leave someone off of one of these lists.

The more frequent posters that have really made an impression on me are Lau, Dolby, Abigail and Ex. There may be some others in this tier, but those are the ones I remember seeing most often and I feel pretty confident in saying that at least 1 if not 2 scum members are in this group. None of them really stands out to me more than the others, with the exception of Abigail. She claimed early that she wouldn't be very active in the beginning because of car troubles, and she's still one of the top posters - which goes directly against what she said. Not a super hot take, but scum slips are often difficult to spot and often very minor contradictory statements. Is this one of those cases? Dunno. Just putting it out there to keep an eye on. Also found it odd that Ex voted for Abigail for saying that she favored mint chocolate chip ice cream. She's only one of many of us who named that flavor, but he only called her out for it. Why? Scum buddies trying to distance from one another or simply a case where they know each other pretty good and this type of back and forth is normal for them. I don't know either of them so can't judge it myself, perhaps someone who has more experience playing with both of them can weigh in on that angle.

Then we have the low tier posters. Moon, Gerrick and Captan Lunch are the bottom 3 posters I believe. And if I'm not mistaken, Captan Lunch hasn't made the first post yet. I did scroll through all the pages earlier to verify that and didn't see anything they had posted so I'm pretty sure that's accurate. If I were looking for scum laying low then that's the first vote I would go with. I'd have to go back to the signup thread to see if Captan is a Wintreath native or an exalted guest. If they're from another region then it's conceivable that they don't know the game started but if they're a native then I'd be much more likely to vote for them. (note to self: check that out tomorrow and vote for Captan if he's a native). 

The only other person that I have uneasy feelings about at the moment is NoName. Here we have a player who is obviously trying to keep their true identity a secret. They said that they have played in the past with 6 of us, but refuse to tell us who they really are. Strikes me as someone with a meta that they aren't comfortable trying to counter. If they have obvious tells as a townie then why hide who they really are? Makes me think they randed scum and are worried that their play in previous games as a wolf would make it painfully obvious that they've drawn that role again. If Captan Lunch turns out to be a visitor rather than a native then NoName is probably going to get my vote today just because I don't trust someone who openly admits that they're hiding something from the rest of us. Town roles don't have any reason to hide information from each other, that's something that only the wolves need to concern themselves with. Also, if Lunch is a visitor then I'd have to look again at Moon and Gerrick to evaluate which of them I think is more likely to be a low laying scum.

That's pretty much all of my thoughts at the moment. Feel free to point out anything you think I got wrong. I like to think I'm decent at spotting wolves, but I'm certainly not infallible. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 01:48:33 AM
@ No Name:

I didn't specifically name that choice to elicit anything out of you. I named that choice because, contrary to your perspective of it, Neapolitan is my favorite. It's just unfortunate, and telling in its own way, that you'd label me for my choice in such a way without further inquiring. But hey, I get it. As you said, you didn't follow up with anyone so why follow up with me. Point taken.

That said, no, my choice in ice cream and how you interpreted that are strictly separate from my comment to whoever it was (Dolby I think) concerning just asking for a read list as opposed to shrouding it as a pie taste question for a singular player (Neon).

The approach is strictly inferior for reasons I already stated when compared to your use of ice cream. That's the only point I was making. Again, separate from my choice of ice cream and your use of it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 01:53:47 AM
Ok, time for some actual thoughts. First I will point out that I am not a huge fan of publicly giving town core and town lean reads. Those of you who have read either of my WC games at MU will note that I've made the same argument in both seasons that I played there. If we all, or a majority of us, say that we think X and Y are the most townie in our opinions it just paints a great big bullseye on their backs. I realize that it's easy to get a feel for how some people view others, but still think it's a bad idea to just come right out and say that I find someone lock town. At least early in the game. That can definitely change in the latter stages when there's a lot more to go on than we have in the first few days. That being said, I won't be giving a list breaking down my thoughts on everyone. My win condition, as town, is to identify and eliminate the entire scum team. Personally I find it easier to look for scum than to try town reading enough people to passively find the scum, if that makes sense. Basically what I'm getting at is that for the first few days at least I'm only likely to point out things that I find scummy, or that hit me wrong for whatever reason. It's a strategy that has served me well over the years and I don't see any reason to abandon it at this point.

I didn't really sleep well last night, and got less than 3 hours total, so I'm pretty wiped out and apologize if this rambles or isn't as clear as I would like it to be. I'm also too tired to try and figure out the multi-quote mechanics here so I won't be quoting a bunch of different posts in order to make my case tonight. I'll try to figure that bit out when I'm better rested.

Before I say anything about any particular players, I'd like to take a minute and talk about the modes that can be triggered:

Quiet mode and mute mode - I've already touched on this, as have a few others. I don't see a world in which either of these modes are beneficial to the town. I'd be very suspicious of anyone who triggers either of them. Continuing discussions during the night phase can allow us to plan ahead for the next day and can also allow us to hear the final thoughts of whoever ends up being the NK. Imagine we get near the end of the game and our seer, or someone who has some type of scanning ability, is able to identify the final scum member, but they are unable to relay that information to the rest of us because the quiet mode gets triggered, and that person ends up getting killed at night and takes the identity of the scum to the grave with them. Only bad things can happen when we're silenced, so please, let's not go there.

Time warp - appears to only change the flavor theme, but I'm not 100% sure what that means. Doesn't say that it will change anyone's role or alignment, so probably not a terrible thing to trigger - albeit we aren't told what that trigger is.

Safe mode - this is the only trigger-able mechanic that I think we should at least try to figure out how to trigger, in case we need it. Someone (sorry, don't remember who and don't feel like searching for it) laid out their ideas for when we should and should not try to use it. I generally agreed with the logic that they used. If there's only 1 person killed during a phase then it's beneficial to us to use the mode if possible and revive them (provided that they're town). Here's where my uncertainty kicks in though - the rules state that if it gets triggered then AT THE END OF THE PHASE an option will appear and we all get to vote on whether or not to enact the mode. The rules also state that the mode will last until the end of the phase. Does that mean if it gets triggered during the day that at EoD the vote option will appear and that if we vote yes then safe mode would last through the night? Bit confusing the way it's worded. If we trigger during the day but don't get to vote yes/no until the end of the phase then what's the point of entering the mode only to have the phase end at that point. And as for the vote, would we be told the role/alignment of the dead person(people) before we vote or not? The rules aren't clear on that point. If there are multiple deaths then I do agree that the alignment flip would pretty much 100% have to be from town to scum, because flipping a scum to town basically hoses the rest of the scum team - an outcome that I'm sure the hosts would have though of and decided against.

This is the first time I've ever played in a game where all of the included roles weren't made public knowledge. It's also the first game that I've played in which the number of scum team members isn't disclosed at the start of the game. Those two factors together seem to me to favor the scum team - they can make almost any claim that they want and we don't have a really good way to disprove what they say without lynching them and hoping that the person claiming a role is scum lying and not town telling the truth to try and save themselves. Don't really see any way around this, merely pointing it out so that anyone who may not have thought of it is now aware. Someone posted earlier and suggested that a 3v to 1s ratio is generally accepted as normal, so with 17 players I'm going to guess that there are either 4 or 5 members of the scum team, with 4 being more likely. But we don't really have a way of knowing if that's correct or not until the game is over.

Now to address some of the scum leans I have. It's only D1 and so the list isn't really long.

In my experience, the scum team, or at least a good chunk of it, can usually be found in the most active posters and in the least active posters. Occasionally you'll find one in the middle, but the top and bottom are the first places that I like to look.

Don't really have a good way to see how many posts everyone has made thus far, so I'm just going to guess based on memory and if I get something wrong don't hesitate to point it out. I might leave someone off of one of these lists.

The more frequent posters that have really made an impression on me are Lau, Dolby, Abigail and Ex. There may be some others in this tier, but those are the ones I remember seeing most often and I feel pretty confident in saying that at least 1 if not 2 scum members are in this group. None of them really stands out to me more than the others, with the exception of Abigail. She claimed early that she wouldn't be very active in the beginning because of car troubles, and she's still one of the top posters - which goes directly against what she said. Not a super hot take, but scum slips are often difficult to spot and often very minor contradictory statements. Is this one of those cases? Dunno. Just putting it out there to keep an eye on. Also found it odd that Ex voted for Abigail for saying that she favored mint chocolate chip ice cream. She's only one of many of us who named that flavor, but he only called her out for it. Why? Scum buddies trying to distance from one another or simply a case where they know each other pretty good and this type of back and forth is normal for them. I don't know either of them so can't judge it myself, perhaps someone who has more experience playing with both of them can weigh in on that angle.

Then we have the low tier posters. Moon, Gerrick and Captan Lunch are the bottom 3 posters I believe. And if I'm not mistaken, Captan Lunch hasn't made the first post yet. I did scroll through all the pages earlier to verify that and didn't see anything they had posted so I'm pretty sure that's accurate. If I were looking for scum laying low then that's the first vote I would go with. I'd have to go back to the signup thread to see if Captan is a Wintreath native or an exalted guest. If they're from another region then it's conceivable that they don't know the game started but if they're a native then I'd be much more likely to vote for them. (note to self: check that out tomorrow and vote for Captan if he's a native).

The only other person that I have uneasy feelings about at the moment is NoName. Here we have a player who is obviously trying to keep their true identity a secret. They said that they have played in the past with 6 of us, but refuse to tell us who they really are. Strikes me as someone with a meta that they aren't comfortable trying to counter. If they have obvious tells as a townie then why hide who they really are? Makes me think they randed scum and are worried that their play in previous games as a wolf would make it painfully obvious that they've drawn that role again. If Captan Lunch turns out to be a visitor rather than a native then NoName is probably going to get my vote today just because I don't trust someone who openly admits that they're hiding something from the rest of us. Town roles don't have any reason to hide information from each other, that's something that only the wolves need to concern themselves with. Also, if Lunch is a visitor then I'd have to look again at Moon and Gerrick to evaluate which of them I think is more likely to be a low laying scum.

That's pretty much all of my thoughts at the moment. Feel free to point out anything you think I got wrong. I like to think I'm decent at spotting wolves, but I'm certainly not infallible.

Some things to note. I am pretty active but during the car thing I was not paying much. Day 1 was dead in general and I have posted much more today. With that said I'll also note the car fix was actually rather faster than I originally expected it to be. About 4 hours I thought it might take the whole day honestly. But I'd rather focus on the game itself not real life. 

Your points on the quiet mode thing makes sense. I've already said why I think it exists and why it is beneficial here in Wintreath but I do want to point out it specifically notes that there are people who can avoid the no talk lock. I don't know the roles that have the ability to talk even if the mode is triggered but wouldn't a Seer be the most likely? I digress I've laid out my reasoning for why I like the option itself but as noted at this point it would be suicide. 

Me and Ex know each other and I took that vote as more of a jokey thing as someone who's played with him before and had pretty extensive conversations in one game in particular lol. In fact my knowledge from playing with Ex before is part of why I'm mildly concerned with his play but I've defs not made a decision either way. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:02:17 AM
@ No Name:

I didn't specifically name that choice to elicit anything out of you. I named that choice because, contrary to your perspective of it, Neapolitan is my favorite. It's just unfortunate, and telling in its own way, that you'd label me for my choice in such a way without further inquiring. But hey, I get it. As you said, you didn't follow up with anyone so why follow up with me. Point taken.

That said, no, my choice in ice cream and how you interpreted that are strictly separate from my comment to whoever it was (Dolby I think) concerning just asking for a read list as opposed to shrouding it as a pie taste question for a singular player (Neon).

The approach is strictly inferior for reasons I already stated when compared to your use of ice cream. That's the only point I was making. Again, separate from my choice of ice cream and your use of it.
Totally don’t read you either way because of your answer, but I’m of the opinion that Neapolitan isn’t a flavor, it’s a combination of 3 flavors. Not saying that you don’t or shouldn’t enjoy it, I just disagree with saying it’s a flavor.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 02:02:56 AM
CL hails from my neck of the woods. He's not a native of Wintreath.

That said, don't let that dissuade you from looking at him. He's usually worth a handful of posts, but the only time I've ever seen him not be active, honestly, is when he was scum and got lynched over his activity.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:03:11 AM
Ok, time for some actual thoughts. First I will point out that I am not a huge fan of publicly giving town core and town lean reads. Those of you who have read either of my WC games at MU will note that I've made the same argument in both seasons that I played there. If we all, or a majority of us, say that we think X and Y are the most townie in our opinions it just paints a great big bullseye on their backs. I realize that it's easy to get a feel for how some people view others, but still think it's a bad idea to just come right out and say that I find someone lock town. At least early in the game. That can definitely change in the latter stages when there's a lot more to go on than we have in the first few days. That being said, I won't be giving a list breaking down my thoughts on everyone. My win condition, as town, is to identify and eliminate the entire scum team. Personally I find it easier to look for scum than to try town reading enough people to passively find the scum, if that makes sense. Basically what I'm getting at is that for the first few days at least I'm only likely to point out things that I find scummy, or that hit me wrong for whatever reason. It's a strategy that has served me well over the years and I don't see any reason to abandon it at this point.

I didn't really sleep well last night, and got less than 3 hours total, so I'm pretty wiped out and apologize if this rambles or isn't as clear as I would like it to be. I'm also too tired to try and figure out the multi-quote mechanics here so I won't be quoting a bunch of different posts in order to make my case tonight. I'll try to figure that bit out when I'm better rested.

Before I say anything about any particular players, I'd like to take a minute and talk about the modes that can be triggered:

Quiet mode and mute mode - I've already touched on this, as have a few others. I don't see a world in which either of these modes are beneficial to the town. I'd be very suspicious of anyone who triggers either of them. Continuing discussions during the night phase can allow us to plan ahead for the next day and can also allow us to hear the final thoughts of whoever ends up being the NK. Imagine we get near the end of the game and our seer, or someone who has some type of scanning ability, is able to identify the final scum member, but they are unable to relay that information to the rest of us because the quiet mode gets triggered, and that person ends up getting killed at night and takes the identity of the scum to the grave with them. Only bad things can happen when we're silenced, so please, let's not go there.

Time warp - appears to only change the flavor theme, but I'm not 100% sure what that means. Doesn't say that it will change anyone's role or alignment, so probably not a terrible thing to trigger - albeit we aren't told what that trigger is.

Safe mode - this is the only trigger-able mechanic that I think we should at least try to figure out how to trigger, in case we need it. Someone (sorry, don't remember who and don't feel like searching for it) laid out their ideas for when we should and should not try to use it. I generally agreed with the logic that they used. If there's only 1 person killed during a phase then it's beneficial to us to use the mode if possible and revive them (provided that they're town). Here's where my uncertainty kicks in though - the rules state that if it gets triggered then AT THE END OF THE PHASE an option will appear and we all get to vote on whether or not to enact the mode. The rules also state that the mode will last until the end of the phase. Does that mean if it gets triggered during the day that at EoD the vote option will appear and that if we vote yes then safe mode would last through the night? Bit confusing the way it's worded. If we trigger during the day but don't get to vote yes/no until the end of the phase then what's the point of entering the mode only to have the phase end at that point. And as for the vote, would we be told the role/alignment of the dead person(people) before we vote or not? The rules aren't clear on that point. If there are multiple deaths then I do agree that the alignment flip would pretty much 100% have to be from town to scum, because flipping a scum to town basically hoses the rest of the scum team - an outcome that I'm sure the hosts would have though of and decided against.

This is the first time I've ever played in a game where all of the included roles weren't made public knowledge. It's also the first game that I've played in which the number of scum team members isn't disclosed at the start of the game. Those two factors together seem to me to favor the scum team - they can make almost any claim that they want and we don't have a really good way to disprove what they say without lynching them and hoping that the person claiming a role is scum lying and not town telling the truth to try and save themselves. Don't really see any way around this, merely pointing it out so that anyone who may not have thought of it is now aware. Someone posted earlier and suggested that a 3v to 1s ratio is generally accepted as normal, so with 17 players I'm going to guess that there are either 4 or 5 members of the scum team, with 4 being more likely. But we don't really have a way of knowing if that's correct or not until the game is over.

Now to address some of the scum leans I have. It's only D1 and so the list isn't really long.

In my experience, the scum team, or at least a good chunk of it, can usually be found in the most active posters and in the least active posters. Occasionally you'll find one in the middle, but the top and bottom are the first places that I like to look.

Don't really have a good way to see how many posts everyone has made thus far, so I'm just going to guess based on memory and if I get something wrong don't hesitate to point it out. I might leave someone off of one of these lists.

The more frequent posters that have really made an impression on me are Lau, Dolby, Abigail and Ex. There may be some others in this tier, but those are the ones I remember seeing most often and I feel pretty confident in saying that at least 1 if not 2 scum members are in this group. None of them really stands out to me more than the others, with the exception of Abigail. She claimed early that she wouldn't be very active in the beginning because of car troubles, and she's still one of the top posters - which goes directly against what she said. Not a super hot take, but scum slips are often difficult to spot and often very minor contradictory statements. Is this one of those cases? Dunno. Just putting it out there to keep an eye on. Also found it odd that Ex voted for Abigail for saying that she favored mint chocolate chip ice cream. She's only one of many of us who named that flavor, but he only called her out for it. Why? Scum buddies trying to distance from one another or simply a case where they know each other pretty good and this type of back and forth is normal for them. I don't know either of them so can't judge it myself, perhaps someone who has more experience playing with both of them can weigh in on that angle.

Then we have the low tier posters. Moon, Gerrick and Captan Lunch are the bottom 3 posters I believe. And if I'm not mistaken, Captan Lunch hasn't made the first post yet. I did scroll through all the pages earlier to verify that and didn't see anything they had posted so I'm pretty sure that's accurate. If I were looking for scum laying low then that's the first vote I would go with. I'd have to go back to the signup thread to see if Captan is a Wintreath native or an exalted guest. If they're from another region then it's conceivable that they don't know the game started but if they're a native then I'd be much more likely to vote for them. (note to self: check that out tomorrow and vote for Captan if he's a native).

The only other person that I have uneasy feelings about at the moment is NoName. Here we have a player who is obviously trying to keep their true identity a secret. They said that they have played in the past with 6 of us, but refuse to tell us who they really are. Strikes me as someone with a meta that they aren't comfortable trying to counter. If they have obvious tells as a townie then why hide who they really are? Makes me think they randed scum and are worried that their play in previous games as a wolf would make it painfully obvious that they've drawn that role again. If Captan Lunch turns out to be a visitor rather than a native then NoName is probably going to get my vote today just because I don't trust someone who openly admits that they're hiding something from the rest of us. Town roles don't have any reason to hide information from each other, that's something that only the wolves need to concern themselves with. Also, if Lunch is a visitor then I'd have to look again at Moon and Gerrick to evaluate which of them I think is more likely to be a low laying scum.

That's pretty much all of my thoughts at the moment. Feel free to point out anything you think I got wrong. I like to think I'm decent at spotting wolves, but I'm certainly not infallible.

Some things to note. I am pretty active but during the car thing I was not paying much. Day 1 was dead in general and I have posted much more today. With that said I'll also note the car fix was actually rather faster than I originally expected it to be. About 4 hours I thought it might take the whole day honestly. But I'd rather focus on the game itself not real life.

Your points on the quiet mode thing makes sense. I've already said why I think it exists and why it is beneficial here in Wintreath but I do want to point out it specifically notes that there are people who can avoid the no talk lock. I don't know the roles that have the ability to talk even if the mode is triggered but wouldn't a Seer be the most likely? I digress I've laid out my reasoning for why I like the option itself but as noted at this point it would be suicide.

Me and Ex know each other and I took that vote as more of a jokey thing as someone who's played with him before and had pretty extensive conversations in one game in particular lol. In fact my knowledge from playing with Ex before is part of why I'm mildly concerned with his play but I've defs not made a decision either way.
Thank you for your clarification 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 02:03:36 AM
I hate playing like this I'm going back to drinking coffee and hanging out with my friends. It's a shame nobody wants to talk about books or movies here. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:03:56 AM
CL hails from my neck of the woods. He's not a native of Wintreath.

That said, don't let that dissuade you from looking at him. He's usually worth a handful of posts, but the only time I've ever seen him not be active, honestly, is when he was scum and got lynched over his activity.
Good to know, thanks for the insight 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 02:04:51 AM
Thank you for your clarification

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 02:05:18 AM
You're entitled to your opinion Aer even if it is wrong. I wont' fault you for it like I don't fault No Name.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:05:27 AM
I hate playing like this I'm going back to drinking coffee and hanging out with my friends. It's a shame nobody wants to talk about books or movies here.

Not really a fan of most movies but I’ve read close to 20k books in my life so if you want to discuss literature I’m game.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 02:07:04 AM
I hate playing like this I'm going back to drinking coffee and hanging out with my friends. It's a shame nobody wants to talk about books or movies here.

Not really a fan of most movies but I’ve read close to 20k books in my life so if you want to discuss literature I’m game.
Oooo maybe I'll invite you over for some tea at my house. My apple fritters are to die for.

What is your favorite book ever?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 02:08:07 AM
For the record, I'm pretty sure I know who No Name is.

And no, Aer, I'm not going to say who it is as they should be judged on their content rather than their name.

That said, most of you don't know them either.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:10:22 AM
I hate playing like this I'm going back to drinking coffee and hanging out with my friends. It's a shame nobody wants to talk about books or movies here.

Not really a fan of most movies but I’ve read close to 20k books in my life so if you want to discuss literature I’m game.
Oooo maybe I'll invite you over for some tea at my house. My apple fritters are to die for.

What is your favorite book ever?
Probably Anathem by Neal Stephenson for a single title. If I were to pick a series then I’d either go with the H2G2 books or the GoT series. I also loathe coffee and absolutely love tea, iced or hot.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 26, 2022, 02:13:40 AM
@Aersoldorf, seems contradictory for you to say you like to play by holding your town leans close to the chest and then finding me suspicious for withholding information from town. 

@KoD, the feriority of the two paths is based on the aim. You claim the ice cream rainbow is inferior because it doesn't convey a seriousness and objectivity of a pie rainbow yet what I stated in the original post was that it was my intention to vote for the flavor I like the least simply for the chaos of it. If you projected higher expectations onto it than that, that's on you. 

@Neo Abi, what are you reading? What's the last thing you watched? I may or may not translate that into tells as well. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 02:14:19 AM
Tea is delicious I would certainly enjoy making some tea. What's your favorite?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:19:02 AM
@Aersoldorf, seems contradictory for you to say you like to play by holding your town leans close to the chest and then finding me suspicious for withholding information from town.

Keeping my town leans to myself makes sense, at least to me. I don't mind sharing things I find scummy. The difference between us, as I see it, is that I favor keeping some information semi-private (my town leans), which helps the town in my opinion, whereas you are attempting to hide your real identity - which only helps you. On the face of it that seems more scummy to me than it does town. We can agree to disagree on this, I was merely sharing my thoughts.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 02:20:42 AM
I don't know how you got that I though the ice cream approach was inferior.

I thought I was pretty clear when I said I preferred your approach compared to the pie one simply because the pie one was strictly inferior. Neon was asked for ranking people based on if they were pies and how'd they taste. The intent behind the question was obvious and could be accounted for. On top of that it wasn't a question aimed broadly at everyone. It was only aimed at Neon. Strictly inferior.

Yours, though, was broad. It was a simple question aimed at everyone to either answer or not. The only thing about the content is that ***I*** think you were subjective in your approach to the flavors; however, you made it a point to rattle off on those who dodged/ignored your question and kept that in mind when making your read least. That's good since the intent behind your question wasn't obvious and set the base for building up off of the reactions/responses of everyone.

So, again, I don't know how you got that I was looking negatively upon the ice cream method. If anything, I loved its execution.

It's the pie one that I'm ragging on and claim to be strictly inferior to the ice cream method.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 02:21:12 AM
@Aersoldorf, seems contradictory for you to say you like to play by holding your town leans close to the chest and then finding me suspicious for withholding information from town.

@KoD, the feriority of the two paths is based on the aim. You claim the ice cream rainbow is inferior because it doesn't convey a seriousness and objectivity of a pie rainbow yet what I stated in the original post was that it was my intention to vote for the flavor I like the least simply for the chaos of it. If you projected higher expectations onto it than that, that's on you.

@Neo Abi, what are you reading? What's the last thing you watched? I may or may not translate that into tells as well.
Currently I'm not reading anything I'm writing actually. Which is good because I had horrible writers block for a long time. Last thing I read though was Dragon Teeth though. Pretty intresting book.

Last thing I watched and finished was Loki currently I'm bingeing Clone Wars in its entirety again. Ahsoka is best girl don't tell me otherwise. 

Read that as you will <3
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:23:04 AM
Tea is delicious I would certainly enjoy making some tea. What's your favorite?
I like Russian tea, Teavana's White Chocolate Peppermint, and Twining's Chai Ultra Spice blend. Also enjoy green tea and we grow catnip, spearmint, peppermint and chamomile at home to make our own.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 02:23:21 AM
@Aersoldorf, seems contradictory for you to say you like to play by holding your town leans close to the chest and then finding me suspicious for withholding information from town.

Keeping my town leans to myself makes sense, at least to me. I don't mind sharing things I find scummy. The difference between us, as I see it, is that I favor keeping some information semi-private (my town leans), which helps the town in my opinion, whereas you are attempting to hide your real identity - which only helps you. On the face of it that seems more scummy to me than it does town. We can agree to disagree on this, I was merely sharing my thoughts.
I agree with this at least in that I very rarely if ever make reads list or think that publicly expressing my overall thoughts is beneficial for numerous reasons.
I prefer to blend in, kinda be the everywoman and keep to myself
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 02:25:23 AM
Tea is delicious I would certainly enjoy making some tea. What's your favorite?
I like Russian tea, Teavana's White Chocolate Peppermint, and Twining's Chai Ultra Spice blend. Also enjoy green tea and we grow catnip, spearmint, peppermint and chamomile at home to make our own.
Ooo maybe you could make me some homemade tea while we talk xD I'm a huge fan of White Chocolate Peppermint. But the sleepy/calming tea types are a personal favorite to me just because I struggle with sleep in general she they at least make it a little easier honestly. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 02:27:23 AM
Since we are agreeing to disagree, I strictly disagree with keeping town leans close to the chest.

The entire point of town is putting information out there (PRs exempt until the appropriate time w/e it is) so that it gets assessed and looked back upon once flips start happening. By keeping town leans to yourself for your stated reasons, you allow yourself wiggle room for when flips start happening. That's why lists are helpful.

I'm going to opt not to refer to other games. Instead, I'm going to point out that it is more suspicious of a person to keep information in the game hidden than someone that is hiding their identity hidden being suspicious. After all, it's not like by entering into this game it was decided, "Hey! This person is keeping their identity hidden! Better make them scum because that's a sus thing to do."

No. No Name opting to join the game with a different name to remain unknown doesn't directly translate into being suspicious in terms of alignment. If, and this is an if, meta were a concern, then you should be able to pick up on how they are playing by virtue of having experience with them as opposed to having no experience and therefore no need to know who they are because you wont' have any meta to draw upon anyway.

Suffice it to say, that's pretty sus of you, Aer to push on No Name's identity when you're the one openly opting to conceal information that town could use when assessing people. Because, again, drawing connections off of what people say is a big part of town's tool kit.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:42:35 AM
Since we are agreeing to disagree, I strictly disagree with keeping town leans close to the chest.

The entire point of town is putting information out there (PRs exempt until the appropriate time w/e it is) so that it gets assessed and looked back upon once flips start happening. By keeping town leans to yourself for your stated reasons, you allow yourself wiggle room for when flips start happening. That's why lists are helpful.

I'm going to opt not to refer to other games. Instead, I'm going to point out that it is more suspicious of a person to keep information in the game hidden than someone that is hiding their identity hidden being suspicious. After all, it's not like by entering into this game it was decided, "Hey! This person is keeping their identity hidden! Better make them scum because that's a sus thing to do."

No. No Name opting to join the game with a different name to remain unknown doesn't directly translate into being suspicious in terms of alignment. If, and this is an if, meta were a concern, then you should be able to pick up on how they are playing by virtue of having experience with them as opposed to having no experience and therefore no need to know who they are because you wont' have any meta to draw upon anyway.

Suffice it to say, that's pretty sus of you, Aer to push on No Name's identity when you're the one openly opting to conceal information that town could use when assessing people. Because, again, drawing connections off of what people say is a big part of town's tool kit.
But meta for one person isn't necessarily the same meta for another person - hence the reason I find it sus to hide their true identity. It's not possible to check their playstyle in this game vs previous games if we don't know who they really are. To use a different example, let's say you are a poker player on some big circuit and you are good at identifying the tells of others. Player X likes to rub their elbow when they think they have a winning hand. Player Y has a tell wherein they rub their elbow when they're bluffing. If one of them was playing against you, but wearing a mask to conceal their identity, then you wouldn't be able to read the tell with certainty because the different players do the same thing in different circumstances. Does that explain it a bit better? 

As for me keeping town reads to myself, I'm used to having this argument, already did it in Champs twice. And it's not like I'm keeping it entirely secret. There are 16 other players in this game. If I publicly put forward doubts about 5 or 6 players, then it stands to reason that I either town lean or null read the remaining players. The only secret is just how townie I find them. And I don't see that as hurtful to the town at all. Let's say that 7 or 8 of us all say that we find Vro to be lock town, Vro quickly becomes a prime target for a NK. And if the scum does manage to kill him off, then we've just lost the person that a large number of people wouldn't have voted to lynch - which keeps the chaos level high and benefits the scum team because we'd be back to square 1 trying to form a core of people we trust. I think you're making more of my stance than is really warranted. It's not terribly difficult to deduce who I don't find scummy - it's the people that I don't post doubts about and that I don't cast votes for. Seems simple to me, not sure why it throws everyone else for a loop.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:46:56 AM
I'm crashing for the night. I'll read and respond to anything in the morning.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:54:06 AM
I'm going to opt not to refer to other games. 
Perhaps not for NoName, but you didn't mind telling me that CL has a meta of laying low when scum. So which is it? Using meta to judge CL is fine but saying that hiding meta isn't sus for NoName? That's rather contradictory if you ask me.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 03:01:41 AM
16 pages

anyone caring to give a tl;dr of the last ten pages for me pls
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 03:02:11 AM
That doesn't explain it better because that example is pitted irl. Your point is that without knowing who they are, meta can't be used against them.

To that I ask so what?

Because, again, it's not like they are strictly scum because they have a hidden name. They had signed up for the game as such. To assert that No Name is suspicious because they won't reveal who they are is brazen on your part and off track on what we should be doing. Will knowing who they are tell you their alignment? It will not just like knowing everyone else in this game will not tell you their alignment. In a similar vein, not knowing who No Name is ***does not*** translate into them having to be scum.

What should matter here is actions within the game. No Name concealing themself before stepping into the game is strictly NOT AI; however, that is in stark contrast to openly saying you won't give nuanced reads on every player as that leaves wiggle room to not lock oneself into and prevents drawing conclusions.

As for the argument in itself for your reads, it's strictly not in favor of town to not have detailed reads the further you go in. D1 obviously there isn't much of anything concrete. Outside of that, as the game progresses, and you opt to not tier reads on players to communicate how strongly you feel about some over others does nothing for assessing you personally. All it does is give you room to be like, "I thought they were town to me," without communicating how much townier over another.

But hey, we're agreeing to disagree so we'll see how it pans out.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 03:04:42 AM
Regarding safe mode:

Just use it if Ex dies and then lynch him immediately after. I guarantee that he'll flip mafia since that's what he does every time.

Maybe try bargaining with him to get names, then lynch him anyway.

@ Laur:

I both existed and didn't exist in Botwolf. The greatest thing to come out of that game was Directly.
lmao not wanting me to revive in your scum ass team and bring you down from inside again huh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 03:06:25 AM
You're not grasping the details then, Aer.

Judging CL on meta alone is fine because he's already in the game not posting which, for me, is odd in and of itself. And I likened that back to a previous time I saw this from him and connected it to him being mafia.

No Name being unknown coming into this game and playing is all there is. They're not lurking like CL. They're posting and communicating. And despite that, you're hard stuck on not knowing who they are and how sus it is even though their identity doesn't correlate to their assigned alignment in this game.

Do you see the difference there now? That CL not posting and my correlating that to a previous time when he was scum is drastically different than No Name entering this game with a hidden identity and how that doesn't correlate to their alignment and therefore cannot be sus?

If you can't, then oh well.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 26, 2022, 03:07:05 AM
@Aersoldorf, people generally see it as bad because it's half information. Even if you say you not mentioning people shows you're null-town leaning them it doesn't say why. Go back to your initial example on me. If you assert I've hidden myself because I have a strong town tell and randed wolf and wanted to hide that fact (which as KoD pointed out is impossible because I'd have to chose to hide myself before I knew my role) the very presence of a strong town tell creates a good reason for you to point out such a tell to allow others to judge it for themselves. Simply saying, "they aren't on my scum list" doesn't convey that same information. 

Conversely my hiding my identity draws extra attention onto myself. I am forcing myself under the microscope more so than if I simply told you who I was. That's hardly optimal scum play. 

@KoD, probably distracted reading. You know how it be sometimes. 

@Ex, lots of people picked ice creams. That's all that really matters. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 03:07:50 AM
Oh my god you are trying to be the WIML substitute in this game, aren't you

Vote: Vroendal
What do these words mean?
Remember Legacy of Smiles from AoT? He goes by Wiml elsewhere, one of his popular quotes is "good turtle, trust".
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 03:10:01 AM
Ex, you'd be in my team nonetheless and able to say your piece anyway. Doesn't seem very plus ultra of me in that respect.

Besides, don't forget your intent to betray town and getting killed before that could happen.

As for a summary:

- No Name knows six people here and did an ice cream question and ranked people based on responses (or lack thereof).
- You already know about the small amount of discussion around the game mechanics.
- Recently there has been more conversation: From Laur you have a barrage of different topics and questions directed at people, you've got me talking to No Name about their ice cream question and what it means, and Aer has started off on talking about how he approaches the game.

In truth you really haven't missed much so feel free to jump in.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 03:10:27 AM
Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.
how were my posts chaotic smh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 03:13:44 AM
16 pages

anyone caring to give a tl;dr of the last ten pages for me pls
I got you. People are arguing about ice cream and it's usefulness as a reason to read town/scum.

I'm being me

Lau wants people to do better or something post more? I dunno. 

And people are arguing about semantics 

I mainly just want to invite people over for some tea to have a private chat yanno? It's a little hard to talk with all the yelling back and forth
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 03:20:11 AM
Ok, time for some actual thoughts. First I will point out that I am not a huge fan of publicly giving town core and town lean reads. Those of you who have read either of my WC games at MU will note that I've made the same argument in both seasons that I played there. If we all, or a majority of us, say that we think X and Y are the most townie in our opinions it just paints a great big bullseye on their backs. I realize that it's easy to get a feel for how some people view others, but still think it's a bad idea to just come right out and say that I find someone lock town. At least early in the game. That can definitely change in the latter stages when there's a lot more to go on than we have in the first few days. That being said, I won't be giving a list breaking down my thoughts on everyone. My win condition, as town, is to identify and eliminate the entire scum team. Personally I find it easier to look for scum than to try town reading enough people to passively find the scum, if that makes sense. Basically what I'm getting at is that for the first few days at least I'm only likely to point out things that I find scummy, or that hit me wrong for whatever reason. It's a strategy that has served me well over the years and I don't see any reason to abandon it at this point.

I didn't really sleep well last night, and got less than 3 hours total, so I'm pretty wiped out and apologize if this rambles or isn't as clear as I would like it to be. I'm also too tired to try and figure out the multi-quote mechanics here so I won't be quoting a bunch of different posts in order to make my case tonight. I'll try to figure that bit out when I'm better rested.

Before I say anything about any particular players, I'd like to take a minute and talk about the modes that can be triggered:

Quiet mode and mute mode - I've already touched on this, as have a few others. I don't see a world in which either of these modes are beneficial to the town. I'd be very suspicious of anyone who triggers either of them. Continuing discussions during the night phase can allow us to plan ahead for the next day and can also allow us to hear the final thoughts of whoever ends up being the NK. Imagine we get near the end of the game and our seer, or someone who has some type of scanning ability, is able to identify the final scum member, but they are unable to relay that information to the rest of us because the quiet mode gets triggered, and that person ends up getting killed at night and takes the identity of the scum to the grave with them. Only bad things can happen when we're silenced, so please, let's not go there.

Time warp - appears to only change the flavor theme, but I'm not 100% sure what that means. Doesn't say that it will change anyone's role or alignment, so probably not a terrible thing to trigger - albeit we aren't told what that trigger is.

Safe mode - this is the only trigger-able mechanic that I think we should at least try to figure out how to trigger, in case we need it. Someone (sorry, don't remember who and don't feel like searching for it) laid out their ideas for when we should and should not try to use it. I generally agreed with the logic that they used. If there's only 1 person killed during a phase then it's beneficial to us to use the mode if possible and revive them (provided that they're town). Here's where my uncertainty kicks in though - the rules state that if it gets triggered then AT THE END OF THE PHASE an option will appear and we all get to vote on whether or not to enact the mode. The rules also state that the mode will last until the end of the phase. Does that mean if it gets triggered during the day that at EoD the vote option will appear and that if we vote yes then safe mode would last through the night? Bit confusing the way it's worded. If we trigger during the day but don't get to vote yes/no until the end of the phase then what's the point of entering the mode only to have the phase end at that point. And as for the vote, would we be told the role/alignment of the dead person(people) before we vote or not? The rules aren't clear on that point. If there are multiple deaths then I do agree that the alignment flip would pretty much 100% have to be from town to scum, because flipping a scum to town basically hoses the rest of the scum team - an outcome that I'm sure the hosts would have though of and decided against.

This is the first time I've ever played in a game where all of the included roles weren't made public knowledge. It's also the first game that I've played in which the number of scum team members isn't disclosed at the start of the game. Those two factors together seem to me to favor the scum team - they can make almost any claim that they want and we don't have a really good way to disprove what they say without lynching them and hoping that the person claiming a role is scum lying and not town telling the truth to try and save themselves. Don't really see any way around this, merely pointing it out so that anyone who may not have thought of it is now aware. Someone posted earlier and suggested that a 3v to 1s ratio is generally accepted as normal, so with 17 players I'm going to guess that there are either 4 or 5 members of the scum team, with 4 being more likely. But we don't really have a way of knowing if that's correct or not until the game is over.

Now to address some of the scum leans I have. It's only D1 and so the list isn't really long.

In my experience, the scum team, or at least a good chunk of it, can usually be found in the most active posters and in the least active posters. Occasionally you'll find one in the middle, but the top and bottom are the first places that I like to look.

Don't really have a good way to see how many posts everyone has made thus far, so I'm just going to guess based on memory and if I get something wrong don't hesitate to point it out. I might leave someone off of one of these lists.

The more frequent posters that have really made an impression on me are Lau, Dolby, Abigail and Ex. There may be some others in this tier, but those are the ones I remember seeing most often and I feel pretty confident in saying that at least 1 if not 2 scum members are in this group. None of them really stands out to me more than the others, with the exception of Abigail. She claimed early that she wouldn't be very active in the beginning because of car troubles, and she's still one of the top posters - which goes directly against what she said. Not a super hot take, but scum slips are often difficult to spot and often very minor contradictory statements. Is this one of those cases? Dunno. Just putting it out there to keep an eye on. Also found it odd that Ex voted for Abigail for saying that she favored mint chocolate chip ice cream. She's only one of many of us who named that flavor, but he only called her out for it. Why? Scum buddies trying to distance from one another or simply a case where they know each other pretty good and this type of back and forth is normal for them. I don't know either of them so can't judge it myself, perhaps someone who has more experience playing with both of them can weigh in on that angle.

Then we have the low tier posters. Moon, Gerrick and Captan Lunch are the bottom 3 posters I believe. And if I'm not mistaken, Captan Lunch hasn't made the first post yet. I did scroll through all the pages earlier to verify that and didn't see anything they had posted so I'm pretty sure that's accurate. If I were looking for scum laying low then that's the first vote I would go with. I'd have to go back to the signup thread to see if Captan is a Wintreath native or an exalted guest. If they're from another region then it's conceivable that they don't know the game started but if they're a native then I'd be much more likely to vote for them. (note to self: check that out tomorrow and vote for Captan if he's a native).

The only other person that I have uneasy feelings about at the moment is NoName. Here we have a player who is obviously trying to keep their true identity a secret. They said that they have played in the past with 6 of us, but refuse to tell us who they really are. Strikes me as someone with a meta that they aren't comfortable trying to counter. If they have obvious tells as a townie then why hide who they really are? Makes me think they randed scum and are worried that their play in previous games as a wolf would make it painfully obvious that they've drawn that role again. If Captan Lunch turns out to be a visitor rather than a native then NoName is probably going to get my vote today just because I don't trust someone who openly admits that they're hiding something from the rest of us. Town roles don't have any reason to hide information from each other, that's something that only the wolves need to concern themselves with. Also, if Lunch is a visitor then I'd have to look again at Moon and Gerrick to evaluate which of them I think is more likely to be a low laying scum.

That's pretty much all of my thoughts at the moment. Feel free to point out anything you think I got wrong. I like to think I'm decent at spotting wolves, but I'm certainly not infallible.
is this "impression" you mean a town core
also why the hell would I make an impression I made like half a dozen posts that didnt add anything to the discussion

and talk about overthinking, I just RVS voted Neon because I don't like mint chocolate ice cream
how would it even be related to a discussion that came after my vote?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 03:21:05 AM
For the record, I'm pretty sure I know who No Name is.

And no, Aer, I'm not going to say who it is as they should be judged on their content rather than their name.

That said, most of you don't know them either.
Is it someone from NGA?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 26, 2022, 03:23:24 AM
Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.
how were my posts chaotic smh
No info. Random votes. Chaos.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 03:23:44 AM
Ice cream discussion seems pointless if not downright damaging to Town if people are using it as a poor attempt to soft their roles

not sure if the tea stuff is also something like that because my role do be related to drinks flavorwise
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 03:24:41 AM
Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.
how were my posts chaotic smh
No info. Random votes. Chaos.
more like what's expected at the beginning where we have no information and need to random vote to prompt discussion lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 03:26:35 AM
You know Ex, the ice cream stuff did prompt discussion. Way to be on point.

Neon, I advise you avoid inviting Ex over for tea least you want to deal with a human meltdown. It never ends well. I know.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 26, 2022, 03:28:40 AM
Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.
how were my posts chaotic smh
No info. Random votes. Chaos.
more like what's expected at the beginning where we have no information and need to random vote to prompt discussion lol
Fair enough. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 03:30:14 AM
You know Ex, the ice cream stuff did prompt discussion. Way to be on point.

Neon, I advise you avoid inviting Ex over for tea least you want to deal with a human meltdown. It never ends well. I know.
yea "discussion"
a lot of pointless fluff 
wouldnt be surprised if there were a ton of people breadcrumbing stuff like vanilla which is pretty convenient for scum
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 03:31:11 AM
You know Ex, the ice cream stuff did prompt discussion. Way to be on point.

Neon, I advise you avoid inviting Ex over for tea least you want to deal with a human meltdown. It never ends well. I know.

But I like quiet discussions with Ex. Yanno that's like all I did when I was a friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Might be now is the perfect time for tea 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 03:40:27 AM
You know for someone that missed out on 10 pages you sure are quick to be dismissive of any of what was discussed even if you view it as fluff.

Perhaps you'd like to go back and read the 10 pages yourself and actually tell us what *you* think isn't fluff and what matters to you.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 03:48:17 AM
You know for someone that missed out on 10 pages you sure are quick to be dismissive of any of what was discussed even if you view it as fluff.

Perhaps you'd like to go back and read the 10 pages yourself and actually tell us what *you* think isn't fluff and what matters to you.
well I'm sleepy and skimmed it on my phone so I'll admit I didn't give it much thought but yea it did feel like fluff to me
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Red Mones on January 26, 2022, 04:46:40 AM
Me: *Has a busy day* *comes home to 12 more pages* *briefly reads through them all* *not nearly enough time to go and reread and make posts* *Still has more important stuff to do tonight*

You're not gonna get anything out of me from me for a bit lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 26, 2022, 04:48:55 AM
You know Ex, the ice cream stuff did prompt discussion. Way to be on point.

Neon, I advise you avoid inviting Ex over for tea least you want to deal with a human meltdown. It never ends well. I know.

But I like quiet discussions with Ex. Yanno that's like all I did when I was a friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Might be now is the perfect time for tea
Yes I'm sure that's all you did with your cosmic powers. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 26, 2022, 04:52:34 AM
Alas I apparently didn't steal your gimmick right so just imagine a tea sipping frog at the bottom of that post. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 04:52:50 AM
You know Ex, the ice cream stuff did prompt discussion. Way to be on point.

Neon, I advise you avoid inviting Ex over for tea least you want to deal with a human meltdown. It never ends well. I know.

But I like quiet discussions with Ex. Yanno that's like all I did when I was a friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Might be now is the perfect time for tea
Yes I'm sure that's all you did with your cosmic powers.

Ohai. I mean I blew those powers. Sad times. 


Boy did I fuck up that game, just kinda hid and watched Silv do all the work. Faded to the background as I am wont to do really.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 04:54:25 AM
Alas I apparently didn't steal your gimmick right so just imagine a tea sipping frog at the bottom of that post.

Nobody can steal my gimmick it's mine. I've hacked the image posting.

BUT I do really like frogs, specifically the tea sipping variety 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 26, 2022, 04:55:02 AM
Alright, I’m way to lazy to find the posts to quote.
How am I “normal town play”
Also Exlight, the catch you up in my way of saying it: yes
Hope that helped. I’m going to hibernate
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 26, 2022, 04:55:22 AM
EBWOP; how do you like my pfp?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 04:56:53 AM

I presume we are both talking about this frog ;)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 26, 2022, 04:57:34 AM
We all stumbled that game. It was a fun ride though. 

And that is the one. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 05:00:55 AM
Boy did we. One of the best games I've ever been a part of. Maybe a bit long but that game pounded. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 26, 2022, 05:16:36 AM
@cozmikrae, @Anubhav Ghosh, what are your reads?
Nothing as of now, I have spend around 20 mins on 3 days of posts, I need to read better
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 05:49:00 AM
So this is how we meet again.

Nice to see you once again.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 26, 2022, 06:05:55 AM
I have no idea what is going on here. That's online class's fault.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 06:06:49 AM
I believe that Aer believes the "don't give tier lists" thing, but think that finding someone sus for using an alt is putting the wagon before the horse. Whoever this person is decided to hide their identity before the game even randed, so it's entirely NAI, and just on a general note, I would have hidden my identity this game as well if this particular forum easily allowed for it. I fully endorse the viewpoint that we should read an alt on its own merits in a single game. 

I'm not going to waste time getting into a largely theoretical discussion, either, but providing tier lists is not as detrimental as you think, Aer. Doc dodges exist largely because of them, in fact. A person who many are reading as obvtown who also doesn't die and lives well into late-game can also be a solid indicator that they're a Wolf who's gone deep.

Anyway, KoD and Ex, I would like your reads, as well. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 06:09:14 AM
The person who is using an alt has also made plentyyyyyy of hints to their identity
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 26, 2022, 06:09:39 AM
Tea is delicious I would certainly enjoy making some tea. What's your favorite?
I like Russian tea, Teavana's White Chocolate Peppermint, and Twining's Chai Ultra Spice blend. Also enjoy green tea and we grow catnip, spearmint, peppermint and chamomile at home to make our own.
Can I get to stay at your place, even a cupboard would do, if you're going to provide me with some tea🤤
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 26, 2022, 06:11:03 AM
The person who is using an alt has also made plentyyyyyy of hints to their identity
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 06:12:36 AM
Tea is delicious I would certainly enjoy making some tea. What's your favorite?
I like Russian tea, Teavana's White Chocolate Peppermint, and Twining's Chai Ultra Spice blend. Also enjoy green tea and we grow catnip, spearmint, peppermint and chamomile at home to make our own.
Can I get to stay at your place, even a cupboard would do, if you're going to provide me with some tea🤤
Always a possibility right now I'm thinking I should invite the one with ice cream first if only because we share a love of actually good ice cream flavor. But I'm always looking for new friends ^^ part of my charm.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 06:13:52 AM
The person who is using an alt has also made plentyyyyyy of hints to their identity
NoName people want to know who they are because they've clearly played with some of us but have seemingly intentionally hid their identity.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 26, 2022, 06:22:24 AM
Alternate identities might be something with the role NoName has. Also, I have understood nothing over the whole pie vs ice cream stuff. Was that even something when we started off! I wouldn't be surprised to see wolf buddies keeping on with ice cream and pie after the initial breakout to throw town off track.

Lastly, I go paranoid on anyone who posts GIF, alot of them. From Mario Mafia 2 experience, I saw a player who only spoke in Kon GIFs, and then when he spoke, well that really got me shrinking. He turned out to be a scum by the end of the game. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 06:28:19 AM
Alternate identities might be something with the role NoName has. Also, I have understood nothing over the whole pie vs ice cream stuff. Was that even something when we started off! I wouldn't be surprised to see wolf buddies keeping on with ice cream and pie after the initial breakout to throw town off track.

Lastly, I go paranoid on anyone who posts GIF, alot of them. From Mario Mafia 2 experience, I saw a player who only spoke in Kon GIFs, and then when he spoke, well that really got me shrinking. He turned out to be a scum by the end of the game.
Trust me I'm not evil look at this face


This isn't the face of evil.

I don't think it's role based. They signed up under this account. I do think there's a reason though. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 26, 2022, 06:46:22 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 06:47:27 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 26, 2022, 06:56:47 AM
I have a problen with all developments on D1, might look like an early excuse , but truth be told, I get ice cream like 3-4 times a year, after lockdown that has gone even lower(to a point called zero), and mostly the ice cream I get are at wedding receptions. As for pie, I know that its a dessert, but that's that. Idk if pie is anything in this part of the world, I haven't seen anything that even resembles a pie.

Conclusion: Pls don't read me on icecream or pie, and I wish that we get to some more direct methods, before I get lactose intolerance kicking in, or get lynched for
being dumb:'(
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 26, 2022, 07:08:15 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 07:09:28 AM
@ Laur:

I don't have any reads save I liked No Name's ice cream reading of players, and dislike Aer's perspective of not giving developed reads of town players.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 07:26:21 AM
Alright I'm going to bed I work tomorrow so my activity will dissipate at least somewhat I will check in when I can <3
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 26, 2022, 07:32:42 AM
I think Aerso scum-reading NoName for using an alt could be a cultural thing. In 10KI no-one has ever played with alts during our entire WW history.

That being said, NoName being an alt isn't scummy. People like getting away from their meta - also as town - just to try something new. And of course to avoid being read exclusively on meta if that was a previous issue.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 10:30:08 AM
I was kinda amazed that Silv added this, but I have one day cop shot. Might as well use it today, so I used it on Gerrick, since he's typically really hard to read. 

Gerrick is scum.

Come lolcat, @Gerrick.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 26, 2022, 12:08:10 PM
The person who is using an alt has also made plentyyyyyy of hints to their identity

I probably wouldn't say plenty, but I have narrowed the field down to about 15 players though.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 26, 2022, 12:18:24 PM
So, Gerrick's fate is sealed ?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 26, 2022, 12:27:15 PM
I would also like some help, how to get a dropdown list of all the WW games that has been played here?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 01:02:30 PM
So, Gerrick's fate is sealed ?
It's about as clear as it can be to me, yeah, although this is a closed setup, so there are things that can throw off my results, they just aren't very likely.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 01:04:03 PM
Anyway, KoD and Ex, I would like your reads, as well.
I don't have many.

Hapi and you seem fairly townie.
Red Mones liked posts that said opposing things about the ice cream and I'm not sure how to feel about it.

And that's about it for now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 01:05:10 PM
I would also like some help, how to get a dropdown list of all the WW games that has been played here?
You just need to go into the Werewolf/Mafia subforum. You'll see it at the top of the page. It will look like "Wintreath >> The Lost Village - Werewolf/Mafia Games
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 01:05:43 PM
I thought alts were forbidden in Wintreath's Werewolves games

Not sure how to feel about NoName
If they felt like using an Alt maybe they're tired of being associated to their meta, who'd fit this?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 01:08:33 PM
I thought alts were forbidden in Wintreath's Werewolves games

Not sure how to feel about NoName
If they felt like using an Alt maybe they're tired of being associated to their meta, who'd fit this?
From the way they've posted, I don't think they're a Wintreath native. It sounds like they play with you guys over at Bulba/Zelda, or wherever KoD is from. Still not sure if they've played with me, either, lol. So I expect this is their only account here, which they definitely created to hide their identity, though.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 01:58:34 PM
I thought alts were forbidden in Wintreath's Werewolves games

Not sure how to feel about NoName
If they felt like using an Alt maybe they're tired of being associated to their meta, who'd fit this?
From the way they've posted, I don't think they're a Wintreath native. It sounds like they play with you guys over at Bulba/Zelda, or wherever KoD is from. Still not sure if they've played with me, either, lol. So I expect this is their only account here, which they definitely created to hide their identity, though.
definitely not from bulba nor zd
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:08:09 PM
Feeling refreshed this morning, really needed another hour or two of sleep to fully catch up but didn't have that option. Would like to clear a few things up so that they don't continue to be a point of contention and distract us from the goal of finding the scum.

First, I did point out that I was operating on less than 3 hours of sleep yesterday, and so it didn't really register with my brain that NoName would have had to make the decision to use an alt before the game started. So upon further reflection, I do agree that it's probably NAI. I understand the thinking that maybe they chose to use an alt for the lols or to experience the game without their previous meta influencing our perceptions of them this time around. But I still stand by my belief that it's still somewhat scummy to do that, even if the decision was made before they were assigned a role. If a player's meta as scum has caused them to get outed in one or more past games, that could provide incentive to try this move of playing anonymously to try and avoid being easily pegged as scum based on meta. If my meta as scum had led me to the decision to try playing incognito just in case I randed wolf, and then I drew a town role I'd probably go ahead and reveal my true identity. But since nobody else finds their actions to be as sus as I do, I'll just leave it alone for the time being. As KoD pointed out yesterday, CL has been busted in the past for laying low as scum and to the best of my knowledge they still haven't made a single post here. Being from another region could explain this, but surely someone (hosts?) have reached out to let them know that we've started and it's been almost 48 hours already. Might be worth following up later, but I'm most interested in Lau's statement that he used a daytime cop power on Gerrick and that Gerrick is scum. Is that an accurate representation of the facts Lau?

Secondly, I want to clear up my stance on keeping town reads to myself since that seems to be a sore point with some of you. I never said that I would NEVER give a town read list, what I said was that I don't like to do it EARLY in games. I did say that as the game progressed that it's not as bad an idea as I think it is on D1 or D2. Someone, don't remember who, made a post pointing out that it wasn't as unsafe as I made it out to be because the doc could potentially save a high value target, but the problem with that is that we can't be 100% sure that we even have a doc in this setup. We don't know anything, other than Lau's claim to have been given cop powers during the day. Can someone who's played here more often than I have verify if a daytime cop has ever been a thing? Assuming from the original writeup that all of the roles being used in this game were copied from roles used in previous games.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:11:54 PM
I thought alts were forbidden in Wintreath's Werewolves games

Not sure how to feel about NoName
If they felt like using an Alt maybe they're tired of being associated to their meta, who'd fit this?
This sort of goes along with why I felt that playing under an alt was scummy to a degree - there's no reason to get tired of a meta that reveals you as town, if you're town then you most definitely want to be viewed as such. It's only if you have been outed as scum because of your scum play meta that you might make such a decision to go alt. Still understand that the decision was made before getting a role, it's the mindset behind it that more worried me. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 02:21:33 PM
Feeling refreshed this morning, really needed another hour or two of sleep to fully catch up but didn't have that option. Would like to clear a few things up so that they don't continue to be a point of contention and distract us from the goal of finding the scum.

First, I did point out that I was operating on less than 3 hours of sleep yesterday, and so it didn't really register with my brain that NoName would have had to make the decision to use an alt before the game started. So upon further reflection, I do agree that it's probably NAI. I understand the thinking that maybe they chose to use an alt for the lols or to experience the game without their previous meta influencing our perceptions of them this time around. But I still stand by my belief that it's still somewhat scummy to do that, even if the decision was made before they were assigned a role. If a player's meta as scum has caused them to get outed in one or more past games, that could provide incentive to try this move of playing anonymously to try and avoid being easily pegged as scum based on meta. If my meta as scum had led me to the decision to try playing incognito just in case I randed wolf, and then I drew a town role I'd probably go ahead and reveal my true identity. But since nobody else finds their actions to be as sus as I do, I'll just leave it alone for the time being. As KoD pointed out yesterday, CL has been busted in the past for laying low as scum and to the best of my knowledge they still haven't made a single post here. Being from another region could explain this, but surely someone (hosts?) have reached out to let them know that we've started and it's been almost 48 hours already. Might be worth following up later, but I'm most interested in Lau's statement that he used a daytime cop power on Gerrick and that Gerrick is scum. Is that an accurate representation of the facts Lau?

Secondly, I want to clear up my stance on keeping town reads to myself since that seems to be a sore point with some of you. I never said that I would NEVER give a town read list, what I said was that I don't like to do it EARLY in games. I did say that as the game progressed that it's not as bad an idea as I think it is on D1 or D2. Someone, don't remember who, made a post pointing out that it wasn't as unsafe as I made it out to be because the doc could potentially save a high value target, but the problem with that is that we can't be 100% sure that we even have a doc in this setup. We don't know anything, other than Lau's claim to have been given cop powers during the day. Can someone who's played here more often than I have verify if a daytime cop has ever been a thing? Assuming from the original writeup that all of the roles being used in this game were copied from roles used in previous games.
Correct, I have one day cop shot, and I used it on Gerrick, which returned a red-check.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 02:34:22 PM
Also, I can't recall a single game where we didn't have some sort of doc here. In fact, the law of the land is usually that there are at least two. I would be incredibly surprised if we don't have a doc, closed setup or not.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:45:09 PM
Also, I can't recall a single game where we didn't have some sort of doc here. In fact, the law of the land is usually that there are at least two. I would be incredibly surprised if we don't have a doc, closed setup or not.
Agree in principle, and you're probably right - I was merely playing Devil's advocate because, as they say, assumption is the mother of all foul ups.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 02:46:34 PM
And based on the information from Lau...

Vote: lynch Gerrick
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 02:50:13 PM
Early red check, nice
I don't remember if Gerrick posted but if they did I'll skim the thread looking for possible connections

Vote: Gerrick

do we know if roles flip upon death?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 02:54:05 PM
I thought alts were forbidden in Wintreath's Werewolves games

Not sure how to feel about NoName
If they felt like using an Alt maybe they're tired of being associated to their meta, who'd fit this?
This sort of goes along with why I felt that playing under an alt was scummy to a degree - there's no reason to get tired of a meta that reveals you as town, if you're town then you most definitely want to be viewed as such. It's only if you have been outed as scum because of your scum play meta that you might make such a decision to go alt. Still understand that the decision was made before getting a role, it's the mindset behind it that more worried me.
they signed up with the alt before the roles were randed, it's NAI
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 26, 2022, 03:01:58 PM
Why is exlight and the other person voting gerrik 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 03:02:51 PM
I thought alts were forbidden in Wintreath's Werewolves games

Not sure how to feel about NoName
If they felt like using an Alt maybe they're tired of being associated to their meta, who'd fit this?
This sort of goes along with why I felt that playing under an alt was scummy to a degree - there's no reason to get tired of a meta that reveals you as town, if you're town then you most definitely want to be viewed as such. It's only if you have been outed as scum because of your scum play meta that you might make such a decision to go alt. Still understand that the decision was made before getting a role, it's the mindset behind it that more worried me.
they signed up with the alt before the roles were randed, it's NAI
Already agreed it was NAI in a previous post this morning :)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 03:03:27 PM
Why is exlight and the other person voting gerrik
Lau claims to have used a cop shot on Gerrick and got a red return
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 03:04:16 PM
do we know if roles flip upon death?
We don't know anything at all for certain 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 26, 2022, 03:40:48 PM
Only now do I realise that cop and vigilante are not the same stuff..  Probably the shot part got me. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 26, 2022, 03:43:10 PM
Aer, would you like to keep your scumreads out on the table ?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 04:09:03 PM
Aer, would you like to keep your scumreads out on the table ?
I gave them yesterday and they haven't changed a lot since then.

I still think at least 1 scum is trying to hide in plain sight by being a frequent poster. Yesterday I listed Lau, Dolby, Abigail and Ex as potential scum based on that supposition. Lau having claimed cop would remove him from this list if true (and I believe that it is true). Of the remaining 3 I don't feel more strongly about any one of them over the others.

From the perspective of scum laying low, I posted Moon, Gerrick and CL as potential candidates. Lau has done us the favor of identifying Gerrick as scum so it appears I was correct on that guess. CL not showing up at all is still worrisome and might warrant a further look after we flip Gerrick.

I've softened my stance on NoName. Was really tired last night and didn't consider the fact that the choice to play using an alt had to be made before the game started, so it's more NAI than scummy. Still not a fan of the move, but won't hate on them for it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 04:12:18 PM
I know someone already posted how to do it but I can't find it at the moment. Can you tell me how to change the number of posts per page being displayed again? Thank you in advance.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 04:29:06 PM
Why is exlight and the other person voting gerrik
Laurentus (now Satan) says to have a result saying Gerrick is mafia
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 26, 2022, 04:46:24 PM
Vote: Gerrick
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 04:58:32 PM
Well, it's gotten pretty slow so here's a poem I wrote about Werewolves games. The acrostic it contains was to ask if anyone wanted to get a game going...

Will I live to see sunrise?

Ev'ry night I ponder deep,
Rising daily, friends to find,
Eaten, mangled, in their sleep.
Who among us could it be?
Once dear neighbor, causing pain,
Let's strike back before we die,
Vengeful justice for the slain.
Ev'ry time the mob is wrong,
Sends an innocent to die,
Are we monsters worse than they?
Needing death more time to buy?
Yes, it's time, I think, my friends,
One more jump into the fray,
Need a host to start things off,
Ev'ryone, I hope, will play.

I think I posted it in the MU game 2 seasons ago so apologies to those who've already read it :D 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 26, 2022, 05:17:30 PM
Just caught up. I'll need to reread to make a proper scum list. For now my vote is going on Neon Abagail 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 05:22:32 PM
Just caught up. I'll need to reread to make a proper scum list. For now my vote is going on Neon Abagail

how far up have you read?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 05:24:35 PM
Just caught up. I'll need to reread to make a proper scum list. For now my vote is going on Neon Abagail

how far up have you read?
Far enough to try saving Gerrick it would seem... :D
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 26, 2022, 05:30:01 PM
Just caught up. I'll need to reread to make a proper scum list. For now my vote is going on Neon Abagail

how far up have you read?
I read through once forwards now I'm reading ot backwards
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 26, 2022, 05:33:15 PM
Well, it's gotten pretty slow so here's a poem I wrote about Werewolves games. The acrostic it contains was to ask if anyone wanted to get a game going...

Will I live to see sunrise?

Ev'ry night I ponder deep,
Rising daily, friends to find,
Eaten, mangled, in their sleep.
Who among us could it be?
Once dear neighbor, causing pain,
Let's strike back before we die,
Vengeful justice for the slain.
Ev'ry time the mob is wrong,
Sends an innocent to die,
Are we monsters worse than they?
Needing death more time to buy?
Yes, it's time, I think, my friends,
One more jump into the fray,
Need a host to start things off,
Ev'ryone, I hope, will play.

I think I posted it in the MU game 2 seasons ago so apologies to those who've already read it :D
The last time I saw a poem on werewolf, it was penned down by a cop.

He didn't see light the next day🙂
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 26, 2022, 05:35:59 PM
I am yet to see a scum-Dolby post, I have no reads as of now. I am connecting everyone else's leads
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 26, 2022, 05:38:25 PM
What is this KoD starting shit with me. Very sus, He didn't paint a very fair picture of me at all. Just mentioning that one time I got lynched for lurking as scum. We played so many games.  
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 05:40:40 PM
I am yet to see a scum-Dolby post, I have no reads as of now. I am connecting everyone else's leads
is this a townlean on me :) ? You saw me scum in the CFC game about 10 months ago
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 05:42:55 PM
Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.
Can you elaborate on how Neon feels to you? Did they switch from scum to town in your opinion or what? how do you get here on them?

rest fine

honestly probably a good thing that Gerrick is bottom of nulls
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 26, 2022, 05:44:23 PM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 05:48:07 PM
Why is exlight and the other person voting gerrik
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 05:49:35 PM
Why is Lau literally satan
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 05:50:47 PM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


why is basically anyone who isn't Gerrick, CL, and Lau where they are?

Why isn't Lau higher?

wintermoot isn't playing as well
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 05:52:42 PM
I like ice creams that are particularly cheesy (like with goat cheese or ricotta) and mixed in things like honey, Pecans, blueberry jam, or the like. Also, gonna get a vote in

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh

because why not.
I think I'm gonna call him not w/w with Panda (aka the person who he's voting here)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 26, 2022, 05:54:36 PM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


why is basically anyone who isn't Gerrick, CL, and Lau where they are?

Why isn't Lau higher?

wintermoot isn't playing as well
Lau is a good player who can fake Cop. I don't think he has faked his check, hence why I put him as town. But the possibility is there. And I also don't have a tonal read on him, so my entire read is based on the check, pretty much.

Wintermoot is in the list of players.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 26, 2022, 05:57:04 PM
It looks like there is enough votes to warrant a count. I'll do that when I get home in about three hours. You can also try harassing Michi if you need and official one sooner.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 05:58:40 PM
I don't understand your townreads Turtle tbh

up until shortly after the cop check the only one of your townreads I'd put up is maybe KoD, then after the check def Aers

I think that Lau faking a cop check on anyone mid d1 unless he's gonna say this is a reaction test is bad and always gets him yeeted eventually as scum. I think he's locking himself out of endgame if doing so

theoritically he still has time to go "but this is a reaction test" but he claimed the traditional a bit over 24 hours before and if he revoked sometime that isn't like within the next 12 hours I'd be pretty sus of it

He never makes it to endgame bussing bc he's going to have to contend with "why isn't he dead"

He never makes it to endgame lying unless Gerrick is somehow a miller bc, well, yeah
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 05:59:57 PM
What is this KoD starting shit with me. Very sus, He didn't paint a very fair picture of me at all. Just mentioning that one time I got lynched for lurking as scum. We played so many games. 
who would you say is mafia in this thread besides KoD?

Thoughts on who's towniest?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 26, 2022, 06:03:18 PM
I don't understand your townreads Turtle tbh

up until shortly after the cop check the only one of your townreads I'd put up is maybe KoD, then after the check def Aers

I think that Lau faking a cop check on anyone mid d1 unless he's gonna say this is a reaction test is bad and always gets him yeeted eventually as scum. I think he's locking himself out of endgame if doing so

theoritically he still has time to go "but this is a reaction test" but he claimed the traditional a bit over 24 hours before and if he revoked sometime that isn't like within the next 12 hours I'd be pretty sus of it

He never makes it to endgame bussing bc he's going to have to contend with "why isn't he dead"

He never makes it to endgame lying unless Gerrick is somehow a miller bc, well, yeah
We don't know whether there are flips or whether flips are to be trusted. This game could very well be bastard as far as I'm aware. Again, I'm not saying that Lau is faking. I'm just saying it's within his range of competence and I am careful of good or active players.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 26, 2022, 06:07:38 PM
TGN has been relaxed in a way I don't believe to be fakable for them. I liked Cozmikrae's reads list (although I admit I was perhaps a bit generous on that read). Moondrop has that town-y inactivity about them and Neon is doing their usual thing. Which I see as a good thing, for now at least.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 06:15:25 PM
Well, it's gotten pretty slow so here's a poem I wrote about Werewolves games. The acrostic it contains was to ask if anyone wanted to get a game going...

Will I live to see sunrise?

Ev'ry night I ponder deep,
Rising daily, friends to find,
Eaten, mangled, in their sleep.
Who among us could it be?
Once dear neighbor, causing pain,
Let's strike back before we die,
Vengeful justice for the slain.
Ev'ry time the mob is wrong,
Sends an innocent to die,
Are we monsters worse than they?
Needing death more time to buy?
Yes, it's time, I think, my friends,
One more jump into the fray,
Need a host to start things off,
Ev'ryone, I hope, will play.

I think I posted it in the MU game 2 seasons ago so apologies to those who've already read it :D
The last time I saw a poem on werewolf, it was penned down by a cop.

He didn't see light the next day🙂
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 06:17:16 PM
I feel that I have to dedicate a full post to Aers bc I have some mixed feelings about him but outside of his NoName read and not giving townreads (this one I def understand more than noname but still town should strive to not be functionally dishonest, especially early game imo), I feel that he's been towny, in particular in his reaction to the copcheck and how he's interacted with people after it.

Outside of those two things which I like are just him being idiosyncratic the only thing that I can say that I dislike is lumping myself, Lau, Neon, and Ex together in a reads list. I feel that myself and Lau in particular had noticiably readable content at this point in time and were distinct in that sense from the other two. I also feel that Neon and Ex are kinda just easy light scumreads for people at that mentioned point in the game, so glad that Gerrick got inved tbh. I don't like that there isn't a real justification to say that there are "at least one, if not two scum members in this group" and I'm struggling to see anything like actually sus about this group besides Neon and Ex probably having high fluff to content ratios.

"She claimed early that she wouldn't be very active in the beginning because of car troubles, and she's still one of the top posters - which goes directly against what she said. Not a super hot take, but scum slips are often difficult to spot and often very minor contradictory statements."

Like this isn't a scum slip, it's been 36 hours. People and fix stuff and do stuff in the meantime

Then again, uh, I think that the losing track of the fact that the direction of time makes his NoName sus invalid probably makes anything in the post that is questionable for me less questionable and honestly he's been posting well after this and I feel that if scum he's spewed himself not w/w with people more than most others, particualrly if Gerrick is a wolf, so yeah.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 06:17:26 PM
Alright, I’m way to lazy to find the posts to quote.
How am I “normal town play”
Also Exlight, the catch you up in my way of saying it: yes
Hope that helped. I’m going to hibernate
towny post
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 06:20:21 PM
Aer, would you like to keep your scumreads out on the table ?
I gave them yesterday and they haven't changed a lot since then.

I still think at least 1 scum is trying to hide in plain sight by being a frequent poster. Yesterday I listed Lau, Dolby, Abigail and Ex as potential scum based on that supposition. Lau having claimed cop would remove him from this list if true (and I believe that it is true). Of the remaining 3 I don't feel more strongly about any one of them over the others.

From the perspective of scum laying low, I posted Moon, Gerrick and CL as potential candidates. Lau has done us the favor of identifying Gerrick as scum so it appears I was correct on that guess. CL not showing up at all is still worrisome and might warrant a further look after we flip Gerrick.

I've softened my stance on NoName. Was really tired last night and didn't consider the fact that the choice to play using an alt had to be made before the game started, so it's more NAI than scummy. Still not a fan of the move, but won't hate on them for it.
I firmly believe that you can read us on our posting rather than just saying "one of them is scum because they're a frequent poster" lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 06:21:53 PM
Well, it's gotten pretty slow so here's a poem I wrote about Werewolves games. The acrostic it contains was to ask if anyone wanted to get a game going...

Will I live to see sunrise?

Ev'ry night I ponder deep,
Rising daily, friends to find,
Eaten, mangled, in their sleep.
Who among us could it be?
Once dear neighbor, causing pain,
Let's strike back before we die,
Vengeful justice for the slain.
Ev'ry time the mob is wrong,
Sends an innocent to die,
Are we monsters worse than they?
Needing death more time to buy?
Yes, it's time, I think, my friends,
One more jump into the fray,
Need a host to start things off,
Ev'ryone, I hope, will play.

I think I posted it in the MU game 2 seasons ago so apologies to those who've already read it :D
The last time I saw a poem on werewolf, it was penned down by a cop.

He didn't see light the next day🙂
Hi Ex

anyone you think is Gerrick's teammate?
Anyone you think is not his teammate?

Vote Gerrick
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 06:32:09 PM
I thought alts were forbidden in Wintreath's Werewolves games

Not sure how to feel about NoName
If they felt like using an Alt maybe they're tired of being associated to their meta, who'd fit this?
From the way they've posted, I don't think they're a Wintreath native. It sounds like they play with you guys over at Bulba/Zelda, or wherever KoD is from. Still not sure if they've played with me, either, lol. So I expect this is their only account here, which they definitely created to hide their identity, though.
definitely not from bulba nor zd
They've openly admitted they've at least played SMM3 with us on ZD or are privy to the knowledge 

I have a few ideas but I'd rather not share them, yet.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 06:33:25 PM
Just caught up. I'll need to reread to make a proper scum list. For now my vote is going on Neon Abagail


I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman or something why don't you trust me?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 06:36:03 PM
Neon I'm ngl I have no idea who you think is town/mafia can you enlighten me
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 06:48:00 PM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


why is basically anyone who isn't Gerrick, CL, and Lau where they are?

Why isn't Lau higher?

wintermoot isn't playing as well
Lau is a good player who can fake Cop. I don't think he has faked his check, hence why I put him as town. But the possibility is there. And I also don't have a tonal read on him, so my entire read is based on the check, pretty much.

Wintermoot is in the list of players.
Seems kinda odd to believe the claim if you don't already have pretty townie feelings about me, tbh. This line of reasoning is actually applicable to Aerso, too, tbh. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 26, 2022, 06:58:13 PM
I am yet to see a scum-Dolby post, I have no reads as of now. I am connecting everyone else's leads
is this a townlean on me :) ? You saw me scum in the CFC game about 10 months ago
I am yet to get some solid ground on my reads, and I don't have much in way of reading either. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 06:58:57 PM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


why is basically anyone who isn't Gerrick, CL, and Lau where they are?

Why isn't Lau higher?

wintermoot isn't playing as well
Lau is a good player who can fake Cop. I don't think he has faked his check, hence why I put him as town. But the possibility is there. And I also don't have a tonal read on him, so my entire read is based on the check, pretty much.

Wintermoot is in the list of players.
Seems kinda odd to believe the claim if you don't already have pretty townie feelings about me, tbh. This line of reasoning is actually applicable to Aerso, too, tbh.
Well, to be perfectly honest we don't have a lot of fake claims in XKI, except in the case of wolves on the chopping block who are trying to save themselves, so I generally believe most claims that are made early and under no duress. In my Champs game last year there was a guy who faked a claim with his very first post and when it became known that he lied I tunneled on him especially hard and ended up getting lynched myself over it. I just don't understand the though process for why a town member would fake something like that and it's especially dumb for a scum to do it, hence the reason I believe your claim. I even asked you a second time if my assessment of your claim was accurate and you doubled down in the affirmative. So are you now saying that you lied? Because that would really mess up my though processes if so.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 07:09:28 PM
@ Laur:

Why wouldn't we believe the claim?

Vote: Gerrick

@ CL:

I'm not starting anything yet. All I did was make the observation that you did flip scum in a game you practically ghosted yet were still in. If you post and add content like you are kinda-sorta doing right now, then you'll just go out into left field like you normally do until a dumpster fire erupts somewhere.

@ Dolby:

Hello there.

@ No Name:

Care to bounce ideas off the wall with me over placing people in a list? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Pinky promise.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Red Mones on January 26, 2022, 07:32:11 PM
The experienced players: *argues over Lau's claim*

Me, obviously still a noob: "Why are we even arguing let's just lynch him and move forward based on the flip" (Sorry Gerrick I know we're supposed to be family) :P

I should have some more time today, I'll see if I can churn something out. I don't want this to turn out like the hydra game I spectacularly failed at :))
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 07:34:28 PM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


why is basically anyone who isn't Gerrick, CL, and Lau where they are?

Why isn't Lau higher?

wintermoot isn't playing as well
Lau is a good player who can fake Cop. I don't think he has faked his check, hence why I put him as town. But the possibility is there. And I also don't have a tonal read on him, so my entire read is based on the check, pretty much.

Wintermoot is in the list of players.
Seems kinda odd to believe the claim if you don't already have pretty townie feelings about me, tbh. This line of reasoning is actually applicable to Aerso, too, tbh.
Well, to be perfectly honest we don't have a lot of fake claims in XKI, except in the case of wolves on the chopping block who are trying to save themselves, so I generally believe most claims that are made early and under no duress. In my Champs game last year there was a guy who faked a claim with his very first post and when it became known that he lied I tunneled on him especially hard and ended up getting lynched myself over it. I just don't understand the though process for why a town member would fake something like that and it's especially dumb for a scum to do it, hence the reason I believe your claim. I even asked you a second time if my assessment of your claim was accurate and you doubled down in the affirmative. So are you now saying that you lied? Because that would really mess up my though processes if so.
No, my claim is real, but that doesn't mean I can't look at people's reactions to it. Bussing would be a very attractive option for the scum team, so it would be kinda pointless not to monitor people's reasoning on the back of the claim, either.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 26, 2022, 07:35:51 PM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


I haven’t even done anything, how am I at the top

also do we have like 3 wolves or something like what did Gerrik even do? All I was told is he was a “devil”
also my multiquotes didn’t work so why do we have a neighborhood spider man? You know who I’m talking about 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 07:36:51 PM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


I haven’t even done anything, how am I at the top

also do we have like 3 wolves or something like what did Gerrik even do? All I was told is he was a “devil”
also my multiquotes didn’t work so why do we have a neighborhood spider man? You know who I’m talking about
Gerrick got day red checked by Laurentsu
My multiquotes also aren't working, sad
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 26, 2022, 07:37:41 PM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


why is basically anyone who isn't Gerrick, CL, and Lau where they are?

Why isn't Lau higher?

wintermoot isn't playing as well
Lau is a good player who can fake Cop. I don't think he has faked his check, hence why I put him as town. But the possibility is there. And I also don't have a tonal read on him, so my entire read is based on the check, pretty much.

Wintermoot is in the list of players.
Seems kinda odd to believe the claim if you don't already have pretty townie feelings about me, tbh. This line of reasoning is actually applicable to Aerso, too, tbh.
No? I probably would've trusted a scum-read if they claimed Cop so early on in the game. I don't think me believing a claim has to correlate with how I feel about the person tonally. I can be wrong on day 1 with a tonal read. Following the flip of Gerrick I can always re-assess how I feel about it and come to a second conclusion.

Overwhelmingly, the claim seems genuine. I simply acknowledged why I didn't feel the need to town-lock you at this moment.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 07:40:49 PM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


I haven’t even done anything, how am I at the top

also do we have like 3 wolves or something like what did Gerrik even do? All I was told is he was a “devil”
also my multiquotes didn’t work so why do we have a neighborhood spider man? You know who I’m talking about
Hey, TGN, Lau, here. Also known as the devil. Gerrick isn't scum because he behaved scummy and we're cold-reading him, he's scum because I have one that I may use during any given day phase, and I used it on him and the result was that he's scum.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 07:41:47 PM
EBWOP: One *cop check* that I may use...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 07:42:18 PM
Good to know I'm not the only person who has been having trouble using multiquote.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 07:45:31 PM
I haven’t even done anything, how am I at the top

also do we have like 3 wolves or something like what did Gerrik even do? All I was told is he was a “devil”
Do you have specific knowledge that there are 3 wolves? We weren't told their number and I and someone else were thinking that 4 or possibly 5 would be correct based on the number of players we have.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 07:51:18 PM
Also, just to allay people's fears, because I've seen it brought up a few times: we will more than likely at least have alignment reveals post-flip. This is not our first closed setup here, and in the past when we've had them, that much was at least always revealed.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 08:11:23 PM
Anyway, it's getting late, I was hoping Gerrick would respond by this point, but the reactions from other players will have to do. Letting this fester while I sleep is just a bit too dangerous.

I rescind my cop claim. I do not have a day cop ability. Dolby was right on the money with the reaction test theory.

I specifically chose Gerrick and not someone I also struggle to cold-read like Vro, or someone I'm paranoid about like Dolby, because Gerrick hasn't seen me play in a while, and Vro and Dolby know me well enough that if I faked a red check on them, they'd see it for the reaction test it was, as either alignment.

I found Aerso, Anubhav and TGN's the most believable, and tbh my gut likes ENE's reaction, as well, as it seems to be largely a cultural thing in XKI. Ex and KoD didn't really have any sort of thought process exposed, so whether Gerrick is scum or not, their reaction isn't readable as one alignment or the other. Perhaps the sheer length of time they remained inert about the claim might be telling if Gerrick ever flips scum, though.

Dolby did some analysis of the claim, but my problem with reading it is that I believe he can see through the bullshit as either alignment, even if Gerrick is scum and he's a pack mate.

Changing my name was also a subtle hint that I was being full of shit, lol, since Satan is sometimes known as "The Father of Lies."
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 08:13:34 PM
Red's reaction also struck my gut as Townie.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 26, 2022, 08:15:31 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 26, 2022, 08:19:31 PM
I haven’t even done anything, how am I at the top

also do we have like 3 wolves or something like what did Gerrik even do? All I was told is he was a “devil”
Do you have specific knowledge that there are 3 wolves? We weren't told their number and I and someone else were thinking that 4 or possibly 5 would be correct based on the number of players we have.
That is was a joke because D1 spam
anyways, discord down lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 26, 2022, 08:20:50 PM
Noooo Lau, you should have waited a bit longer!!

Well, now that it's revealed I can say that I could tell from the beginning. Lau does this kind of stuff all the time. I chose not to respond to it because I didn't believe it, my reaction would have been scewed.

I haven't had the time in the past 12 hours to analyze reactions yet, but I'll come out with my own list when I can.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Red Mones on January 26, 2022, 08:24:33 PM
Lau truly is Satan
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Red Mones on January 26, 2022, 08:25:00 PM
Also yes discord is indeed down. It's terrifying.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 08:27:02 PM
I haven’t even done anything, how am I at the top

also do we have like 3 wolves or something like what did Gerrik even do? All I was told is he was a “devil”
Do you have specific knowledge that there are 3 wolves? We weren't told their number and I and someone else were thinking that 4 or possibly 5 would be correct based on the number of players we have.
That is was a joke because D1 spam
anyways, discord down lol
Not really sure what the punchline was if it's a joke. Also not sure what discord has to do with anything relevant here? Unless that's where you're having your scum chat?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 08:28:15 PM
Anyway, it's getting late, I was hoping Gerrick would respond by this point, but the reactions from other players will have to do. Letting this fester while I sleep is just a bit too dangerous.

I rescind my cop claim. I do not have a day cop ability. Dolby was right on the money with the reaction test theory.

I specifically chose Gerrick and not someone I also struggle to cold-read like Vro, or someone I'm paranoid about like Dolby, because Gerrick hasn't seen me play in a while, and Vro and Dolby know me well enough that if I faked a red check on them, they'd see it for the reaction test it was, as either alignment.

I found Aerso, Anubhav and TGN's the most believable, and tbh my gut likes ENE's reaction, as well, as it seems to be largely a cultural thing in XKI. Ex and KoD didn't really have any sort of thought process exposed, so whether Gerrick is scum or not, their reaction isn't readable as one alignment or the other. Perhaps the sheer length of time they remained inert about the claim might be telling if Gerrick ever flips scum, though.

Dolby did some analysis of the claim, but my problem with reading it is that I believe he can see through the bullshit as either alignment, even if Gerrick is scum and he's a pack mate.

Changing my name was also a subtle hint that I was being full of shit, lol, since Satan is sometimes known as "The Father of Lies."
Well, crud. Back to the drawing board I guess. Still don't fully understand the logic but not going to argue about it.

Unvote Gerrick
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 26, 2022, 08:32:53 PM
Holy shit. What did I miss? I’ll be back once my puppy decides to take a nap. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 08:35:03 PM
Noooo Lau, you should have waited a bit longer!!

Well, now that it's revealed I can say that I could tell from the beginning. Lau does this kind of stuff all the time. I chose not to respond to it because I didn't believe it, my reaction would have been scewed.

I haven't had the time in the past 12 hours to analyze reactions yet, but I'll come out with my own list when I can.
You using two exclamation marks is scummy, change my mind.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 26, 2022, 08:36:56 PM
Holy shit. What did I miss? I’ll be back once my puppy decides to take a nap.
Puppies > Werewolf, tbh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Red Mones on January 26, 2022, 08:44:22 PM
Vro is Satan's right hand man for not telling us.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 08:54:06 PM
Neon I'm ngl I have no idea who you think is town/mafia can you enlighten me
I mean this is probably just because I don't trust any of you at all. It's a big scary world out here outside of my house and my regular routine. I mean one minute I'm sipping tea the next minute nobody will let me eat the pie and everyone is demanding I talk about my reads. I mean I do quite love my reads, jurassic park, great gatsby that sort of thing.  Reading people though. Seems odd.

Funny thing that. I don't trust anyone but Lau seems town ish and he's pointed the finger directly at someone. Quite a risk if it's not Gerrick no? Would he murder a wolf to hide as a wolf? Pretty sure he's openly admitted to doing that before, but no I don't think that's the play here so I guess that's where we should start

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 08:57:16 PM
And on that note I suppose

Unvote: Pie

Vote: Gerrick 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 08:57:47 PM
Neon I'm ngl I have no idea who you think is town/mafia can you enlighten me
I mean this is probably just because I don't trust any of you at all. It's a big scary world out here outside of my house and my regular routine. I mean one minute I'm sipping tea the next minute nobody will let me eat the pie and everyone is demanding I talk about my reads. I mean I do quite love my reads, jurassic park, great gatsby that sort of thing.  Reading people though. Seems odd.

Funny thing that. I don't trust anyone but Lau seems town ish and he's pointed the finger directly at someone. Quite a risk if it's not Gerrick no? Would he murder a wolf to hide as a wolf? Pretty sure he's openly admitted to doing that before, but no I don't think that's the play here so I guess that's where we should start
Loved Crichton's Jurassic Park, but his State of Fear is much better.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 08:58:26 PM
And on that note I suppose

Unvote: Pie

Vote: Gerrick
You overlook Lau saying he lied now?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 09:00:24 PM
State of Fear is a fun read even if I fundamentally disagree with its purpose. Truly my favorite Crichton book is Airframe. A case of need is quite good too.
Think the great train robbery movie is the best adaptation of one of his books as well
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 09:01:39 PM
And on that note I suppose

Unvote: Pie

Vote: Gerrick
You overlook Lau saying he lied now?
Did I miss something? I've been at work I may have lol. I'm confused. This is why I want to just sit back and wait.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 26, 2022, 09:04:09 PM
And on that note I suppose

Unvote: Pie

Vote: Gerrick
You overlook Lau saying he lied now?
Logically it doesn't even matter. Gerrick could still be scum. Lolz
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 09:06:15 PM
Guess I did miss something 😕 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 09:06:39 PM
Rereading since I'm on break
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 09:13:40 PM
Oh lol I missed an entire page...Jesus I'm tired.

Unvote: Gerrick

It would be funny if he didn't respond because he was actually a wolf and thought he was caught eh.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 09:15:27 PM

Just disregard everything I've said for like the last 5 posts. Everyone the part about books and such.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 09:35:18 PM
Oh lol I missed an entire page...Jesus I'm tired.

Unvote: Gerrick

It would be funny if he didn't respond because he was actually a wolf and thought he was caught eh.
That’s actually a good point. I just checked to see when he was last online and it said 7 minutes ago. So I don’t know if he didn’t respond because he wasn’t online until after Lau admitted lying or not. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on January 26, 2022, 09:36:58 PM
Wow that was quite a read, but too bad I missed the commotion.

At first I thought Laurentus was scum because why would a town knowingly lie that I was scum from an alignment scan (and as scum he would just be revealed as scum when lynched the next day since I'd flip town). Then I thought perhaps somebody (most likely scum) had another day ability that would alter any abilities on a target and targeted Laurentus. But I ended up coming to the conclusion that Laurentus was just doing a reaction test (turns out I was right). I was going to play along, but guess I took too long in catching up.

That doesn't mean he isn't scum since he's bold enough to try that even as scum, but I'm not about to try to lynch him yet.

Neon reads towny to me from the late reaction since I'm sure the scum chat would've let them all know about Laurentus' revelation. 

Scum reading CL for completely ignoring Laurentus' accusation, and I'm sure at least one of the people who voted me is scum. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 09:38:01 PM
State of Fear is a fun read even if I fundamentally disagree with its purpose. 
Definitely don’t want to start a debate over whether or not global warming is real or not, but I did read a few of the scientific papers in his footnotes and they supported his assertion.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 09:44:45 PM
Just got home from work and I’m going to take a nap before church tonight. Will catch up when I get up or after church. Honestly have no idea how I’m going to vote at this point.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 26, 2022, 09:48:05 PM
Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.
Can you elaborate on how Neon feels to you? Did they switch from scum to town in your opinion or what? how do you get here on them?

rest fine

honestly probably a good thing that Gerrick is bottom of nulls
I've played 1 (maybe 2?) games with Neon. She's always hard for me to read, and whenever I sus her, she flips town. This feels no different. Honestly, the amount of off topic and out of the loop posts just reads like busy IRL townie to me. If she was wolf, she'd be paying more attention. A very good wolf could maybe fake that, but I suspect that's not the case here. 

I feel like TGN is the same. 1/2 the time he's out of the loop, or just townie as hell.

The reaction that confused me the most during Lau's cop claim, was @Captan_lunch. Instead of jumping on the (rather logical) bandwagon on Gerrick, you voted for Neon. Can you explain why that is?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 09:53:57 PM
State of Fear is a fun read even if I fundamentally disagree with its purpose.
Definitely don’t want to start a debate over whether or not global warming is real or not, but I did read a few of the scientific papers in his footnotes and they supported his assertion.
I read them too all good reads in and of themselves. I don't think our views differ as much as one might think but this is neither the time nor the place for politics. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 09:56:12 PM
Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.
Can you elaborate on how Neon feels to you? Did they switch from scum to town in your opinion or what? how do you get here on them?

rest fine

honestly probably a good thing that Gerrick is bottom of nulls
I've played 1 (maybe 2?) games with Neon. She's always hard for me to read, and whenever I sus her, she flips town. This feels no different. Honestly, the amount of off topic and out of the loop posts just reads like busy IRL townie to me. If she was wolf, she'd be paying more attention. A very good wolf could maybe fake that, but I suspect that's not the case here.

I feel like TGN is the same. 1/2 the time he's out of the loop, or just townie as hell.

The reaction that confused me the most during Lau's cop claim, was @Captan_lunch. Instead of jumping on the (rather logical) bandwagon on Gerrick, you voted for Neon. Can you explain why that is?
I mean not being able to read me is part of the fun no? 🙃 I'm all pomp and no circumstance.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 26, 2022, 09:58:12 PM
Wintermoot - Their picks are too boring to be scum.
What's wrong with a simple, subtle flavour? Not everything has to be an explosion in your mouth to be good. :P

I like salted caramel, cookies and cream or Oreo flavored ice cream.
Ooo, I like salted caramel in general. I've just never tried it as an ice cream flavour.

1. Yes I have improved a lot since last game. I think :P (no one take that as a confession)
TGN has improved a lot in general since the last game. We're very proud of him. :D

Considering that would ruin the lore I've carefully crafted for this game, your request for peaceful ice cream talk has been denied and replaced instead with violent pie pelting.
Have we done an icebreaker on ice cream flavours though? Might be a good idea.

Ok, time for some actual thoughts. First I will point out that I am not a huge fan of publicly giving town core and town lean reads. Those of you who have read either of my WC games at MU will note that I've made the same argument in both seasons that I played there. If we all, or a majority of us, say that we think X and Y are the most townie in our opinions it just paints a great big bullseye on their backs. I realize that it's easy to get a feel for how some people view others, but still think it's a bad idea to just come right out and say that I find someone lock town. At least early in the game. That can definitely change in the latter stages when there's a lot more to go on than we have in the first few days. That being said, I won't be giving a list breaking down my thoughts on everyone. My win condition, as town, is to identify and eliminate the entire scum team. Personally I find it easier to look for scum than to try town reading enough people to passively find the scum, if that makes sense. Basically what I'm getting at is that for the first few days at least I'm only likely to point out things that I find scummy, or that hit me wrong for whatever reason. It's a strategy that has served me well over the years and I don't see any reason to abandon it at this point.

I didn't really sleep well last night, and got less than 3 hours total, so I'm pretty wiped out and apologize if this rambles or isn't as clear as I would like it to be. I'm also too tired to try and figure out the multi-quote mechanics here so I won't be quoting a bunch of different posts in order to make my case tonight. I'll try to figure that bit out when I'm better rested.
Please get more sleep...I read about your health struggles, and beyond getting treatment the best thing you can do to have the best outcome is good diet, exercise, reduce stress, and SLEEP!!

Yes, I can be a bit of a mother hen. :P

I identify with what you're saying though about read lists, especially on the first day. I don't understand how anyone can really tell if someone is town or wolf on the first day without grasping at straws anyways, which is probably why usually nobody was voted off the first day in Wintreath's early games. And there's just so much casual stuff to sort through (my post isn't helping with this I know) the days go on we can at least hope that there'll be more of substance to go on.

Otherwise I think your post is the most insightful so far (though I still have like 15 pages to read through), so thank you for that. :)

I think Aerso scum-reading NoName for using an alt could be a cultural thing. In 10KI no-one has ever played with alts during our entire WW history.

That being said, NoName being an alt isn't scummy. People like getting away from their meta - also as town - just to try something new. And of course to avoid being read exclusively on meta if that was a previous issue.
Other than one time when the host was also a player, it's the first time it's happened in Wintreath as well. I think alts in general are just looked down upon in NationStates communities because of the possibility of spies, people looking to subvert the government, or people trying to get around bans. However, I've talked with Laurentus about the issue and I can understand why using alts would be beneficial in Werewolf, especially for players who tend to get typecasted and scanned or voted off first thing in the game.

Good to know I'm not the only person who has been having trouble using multiquote.
I've noticed a few people having problems with multiquote. Could you guys elaborate? I'll look into it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 10:01:47 PM
@Wintermoot at least for me it used to be when you'd collect them all and hit reply it would place them all in there for you but now it only places the first quote you add to multi-quote 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 26, 2022, 10:02:00 PM
As for the game itself, as usual with these huge active games I feel so lost. So much is being said, but it's not clear how much of it is of substance...I mean, is a wolf going to say anything to make themselves seem suspect on the first day? Beyond feeling like Aersoldorf has gone out of his way to be helpful in the game, I don't really have any impressions at the moment. I'll probably cast a vote of some kind tonight though just to make sure I don't accidentally use my one no vote out of inactivity.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 26, 2022, 10:06:47 PM
@Wintermoot at least for me it used to be when you'd collect them all and hit reply it would place them all in there for you but now it only places the first quote you add to multi-quote
That’s what happened when I tried it too
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 26, 2022, 10:10:40 PM
Unvote: Gerrick

Not cool Laur.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 10:25:44 PM
why would anyone lie a result
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 26, 2022, 10:25:56 PM
@Wintermoot at least for me it used to be when you'd collect them all and hit reply it would place them all in there for you but now it only places the first quote you add to multi-quote
@Wintermoot at least for me it used to be when you'd collect them all and hit reply it would place them all in there for you but now it only places the first quote you add to multi-quote
That’s what happened when I tried it too
Based on initial testing, it seems to be an issue with Chrome and Chrome-based browsers. Multiquote seems to work fine in Firefox, but in Chrome and brave it only posts one quote.

Chances are that an update to Chrome impacted some sort of functionality multiquote relies on, but it will take time to figure out what exactly is going on.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 26, 2022, 10:30:48 PM
Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.
Can you elaborate on how Neon feels to you? Did they switch from scum to town in your opinion or what? how do you get here on them?

rest fine

honestly probably a good thing that Gerrick is bottom of nulls
I've played 1 (maybe 2?) games with Neon. She's always hard for me to read, and whenever I sus her, she flips town. This feels no different. Honestly, the amount of off topic and out of the loop posts just reads like busy IRL townie to me. If she was wolf, she'd be paying more attention. A very good wolf could maybe fake that, but I suspect that's not the case here.

I feel like TGN is the same. 1/2 the time he's out of the loop, or just townie as hell.

The reaction that confused me the most during Lau's cop claim, was @Captan_lunch. Instead of jumping on the (rather logical) bandwagon on Gerrick, you voted for Neon. Can you explain why that is?
I guess I didn't read the thread that good. When I read through for the first time I didn't see the cop claim and I didn't I see a vote count. My vote was just based on my first impression. I stand by it. I see no reason to unvote her either.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 26, 2022, 10:35:42 PM
why would anyone lie a result
also why take back the fake result before Gerrick appeared in thread? isnt it the most important reaction?

if they were mafia they'd prolly come here claiming miller or something, which would prolly increase exponentially the odds of him being mafia had him fallen for the bluff

not a fan of that play Lau, what did we even get from that
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 26, 2022, 10:39:25 PM
If town is going to unvote garrick, who are we going to vote? The play is not making a whole lot of sense yet. How is Literally Satan, Laurentus, going get his reads without the flip?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 26, 2022, 11:28:17 PM
If town is going to unvote garrick, who are we going to vote? The play is not making a whole lot of sense yet. How is Literally Satan, Laurentus, going get his reads without the flip?
See I don't like this. Why are you looking for wagon to jump onto?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 11:32:35 PM
Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.
Can you elaborate on how Neon feels to you? Did they switch from scum to town in your opinion or what? how do you get here on them?

rest fine

honestly probably a good thing that Gerrick is bottom of nulls
I've played 1 (maybe 2?) games with Neon. She's always hard for me to read, and whenever I sus her, she flips town. This feels no different. Honestly, the amount of off topic and out of the loop posts just reads like busy IRL townie to me. If she was wolf, she'd be paying more attention. A very good wolf could maybe fake that, but I suspect that's not the case here.

I feel like TGN is the same. 1/2 the time he's out of the loop, or just townie as hell.

The reaction that confused me the most during Lau's cop claim, was @Captan_lunch. Instead of jumping on the (rather logical) bandwagon on Gerrick, you voted for Neon. Can you explain why that is?
I guess I didn't read the thread that good. When I read through for the first time I didn't see the cop claim and I didn't I see a vote count. My vote was just based on my first impression. I stand by it. I see no reason to unvote her either.
Oof. Your going to make a cosmic mistake. Or you would if anyone voted with you but most people are used to my play style by now 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 26, 2022, 11:33:08 PM
@Wintermoot at least for me it used to be when you'd collect them all and hit reply it would place them all in there for you but now it only places the first quote you add to multi-quote
@Wintermoot at least for me it used to be when you'd collect them all and hit reply it would place them all in there for you but now it only places the first quote you add to multi-quote
That’s what happened when I tried it too
Based on initial testing, it seems to be an issue with Chrome and Chrome-based browsers. Multiquote seems to work fine in Firefox, but in Chrome and brave it only posts one quote.

Chances are that an update to Chrome impacted some sort of functionality multiquote relies on, but it will take time to figure out what exactly is going on.
This sucks because I only post from my phone and it only has chrome
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 26, 2022, 11:35:38 PM
Noooo Lau, you should have waited a bit longer!!

Well, now that it's revealed I can say that I could tell from the beginning. Lau does this kind of stuff all the time. I chose not to respond to it because I didn't believe it, my reaction would have been scewed.

I haven't had the time in the past 12 hours to analyze reactions yet, but I'll come out with my own list when I can.
You using two exclamation marks is scummy, change my mind.
I firmly disagree. Using three exclamation marks is scummy because it's melodramatic. Using two exclamations points confers emphasis, which was my intention. Two exclamation points really feel great to write too, try it!!

The real answer is that I've been permanently influenced by Arapocalypse and I can't help it...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 26, 2022, 11:53:49 PM
@ No Name:

Care to bounce ideas off the wall with me over placing people in a list? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Pinky promise.
I already showed you my list, but I'm down to actually discuss the non-ice cream reasons I placed people where I did. I think the only major change is gerrick is going to be basement level now. I don't really care for his last post. 

On the alt talk, I use them frequently although I hardly consider this an alt since it's the only nom de plume I have on this site. I do not use them to conceal my identity even if I'm not immediately forthright with it, and those in this game that know me well probably have already figured out who I am. At least one knew immediately. I chose my visage for this game based on the promise of chaos and entertaining lore only, with a nameless wanderer fitting right into that motif. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 01:00:53 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 01:03:22 AM
Everyone wants to steal chaos from Abbi. It's truly disappointing. Chaos is my thing. 


Maybe my new thing will just be posting cute selfies of me and completely ignoring what's going on in the game at all ;)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 01:20:04 AM
If town is going to unvote garrick, who are we going to vote? The play is not making a whole lot of sense yet. How is Literally Satan, Laurentus, going get his reads without the flip?
See I don't like this. Why are you looking for wagon to jump onto?
What do mean. I just got here and tomarrow is deadline. You guys are going to pressure garrick then back off at the last minute and be completely fucking aimless? Cause that's what it looks like.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 01:26:04 AM
I mean we "pressured" Gerrick on a flat out lie which was admitted to as a flat out lie. I have quite a few theories on what happened there but I also think lynching someone on a lie is silly.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 27, 2022, 01:32:49 AM
I mean we "pressured" Gerrick on a flat out lie which was admitted to as a flat out lie. I have quite a few theories on what happened there but I also think lynching someone on a lie is silly.
I think it’s hilarious
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 01:38:49 AM
I mean we "pressured" Gerrick on a flat out lie which was admitted to as a flat out lie. I have quite a few theories on what happened there but I also think lynching someone on a lie is silly.
I think it’s hilarious

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 02:02:17 AM
I mean we "pressured" Gerrick on a flat out lie which was admitted to as a flat out lie. I have quite a few theories on what happened there but I also think lynching someone on a lie is silly.
I think it’s hilarious
Yeah it would be pretty funny to lynch him when he wants to sus me for not voting him.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 02:49:00 AM
Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways 

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 02:51:18 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 02:53:20 AM
Not being able to edit posts is annoying because I'm on mobile and auto correct hates me.  I need to learn to read before posting
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 27, 2022, 02:56:37 AM
I believe that I've fixed the issue with multiquote. Unfortunately, the issue was a fix I made last year to correct another problem with the new text editor where when you hit "Insert Quote" on the post page it would end up at the bottom of the post instead of where your cursor is. When I posted the fix I specifically said:

This sort of advanced text editing is beyond my abilities, which is why I went with a mod, so I can't guarantee my fix for this won't cause some other kind of problem...but if it has I haven't found it yet. :P

And now we've found out what other kind of problem it caused. Mentioning @taulover on this since he reported the initial issue (and the editor will return to that behaviour).
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: taulover on January 27, 2022, 03:13:15 AM
I believe that I've fixed the issue with multiquote. Unfortunately, the issue was a fix I made last year to correct another problem with the new text editor where when you hit "Insert Quote" on the post page it would end up at the bottom of the post instead of where your cursor is. When I posted the fix I specifically said:

This sort of advanced text editing is beyond my abilities, which is why I went with a mod, so I can't guarantee my fix for this won't cause some other kind of problem...but if it has I haven't found it yet. :P

And now we've found out what other kind of problem it caused. Mentioning @taulover on this since he reported the initial issue (and the editor will return to that behaviour).
very extremely big rip, especially since this issue with multiquote is Chrome specific

I'm still getting the old behavior but I'm assuming it's only a matter of time before the new behavior overwrites my cache
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 03:20:03 AM
I'm going to sleep on things and try to figure out who I want to vote for tomorrow.

My sus list at the moment, in no particular order:

Lau - never been a fan of fake claims, creates more confusion than clarity, which I don't think benefits the town at all; did see same thing in champs last year and it was a townie who did it, so probably the least sus on this list but that doesn't mean I trust him one bit

Gerrick - didn't like his eventual response to having been painted red by Lau (not sure if this precludes them being w/w together)

TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about

CL - agree with Abigail that he came to the party late, voted for her over Gerrick, then his responses since then have been more aggressive than explanatory, still wants to push the Gerrick vote so don't see them being w/w together 

Beginning to feel better about Abigail and Dolby; Moon still seems pretty quiet; KoD seems to just want to argue with everyone and defend NoName; I'm also feeling better about NoName as the game progresses - especially liked their post stating that they use alts all the time - that felt genuine and informative; can't get a read on Ex or Winter; find Coz just weird; Red and Anub don't stand out either way to me; ENE I feel has made some solid posts and I like their thinking, but that could be bias based on coming from the same region.

Happy? There's some town reads for those who are upset that I didn't want to give them. And with that, I'm crashing for the night. The book that I mentioned to Abigail earlier, Anathem, has a line in it to the effect that we do some of our hardest work while sleeping and I'm hoping that during the night my subconscious will be able to paint a better picture of the muddled mess that we find ourselves in at the moment thanks to Lau's trickery.

Oh, I forgot Vro in my list. I guess the fact that he slipped my mind means I should put him in the null category with Red and Anub, Winter and Ex. I think that's everyone but I'm sure someone will point it out if I missed anybody.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 27, 2022, 04:11:07 AM
very extremely big rip, especially since this issue with multiquote is Chrome specific

I'm still getting the old behavior but I'm assuming it's only a matter of time before the new behavior overwrites my cache
Actually, my post may have been premature. I think I may have fixed the issue without entirely reverting the change. The entire issue seems to revolve around two lines of code in the javascript that inserts text into the text editor (which both the Insert Quote link and multiquote use), where text is the quote that you want to add to the editor:

Code: [Select]
var current_value = bClear ? text : this.getSourceEditorValue(false) + text;
You can see why it always added new quotes to the bottom...the code literally appends the quotes to the end of whatever is in the editor box. My initial fix was to comment out those lines and add in the way it was handled before we adopted the new text editor:

Code: [Select]

//var current_value = bClear ? text : this.getSourceEditorValue(false) + text;
I was thinking about this though...there's only one line that actually does anything, setSourceEditorValue, so I just did something that's...kinda in the middle:

Code: [Select]
After it inserts the text like in the old editor, it then sets the editors value to...the editors value. I'm not entirely sure why this works, perhaps the function resets or clears something that allows Chrome to proceed with the other quotes. Either way, it seems necessary to have the function in there for Chrome, and this seems to both allow quotes to appear at the cursor and keep multiquote from breaking. :D

Actually, the entire multiquote system is fascinating, and I started tracing it right from the beginning when you hit the multiquote button to try to find the problem...but I doubt anyone here wants a lesson in how the multiquote system works. :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 04:13:10 AM
Anyway, it's getting late, I was hoping Gerrick would respond by this point, but the reactions from other players will have to do. Letting this fester while I sleep is just a bit too dangerous.

I rescind my cop claim. I do not have a day cop ability. Dolby was right on the money with the reaction test theory.

I specifically chose Gerrick and not someone I also struggle to cold-read like Vro, or someone I'm paranoid about like Dolby, because Gerrick hasn't seen me play in a while, and Vro and Dolby know me well enough that if I faked a red check on them, they'd see it for the reaction test it was, as either alignment.

I found Aerso, Anubhav and TGN's the most believable, and tbh my gut likes ENE's reaction, as well, as it seems to be largely a cultural thing in XKI. Ex and KoD didn't really have any sort of thought process exposed, so whether Gerrick is scum or not, their reaction isn't readable as one alignment or the other. Perhaps the sheer length of time they remained inert about the claim might be telling if Gerrick ever flips scum, though.

Dolby did some analysis of the claim, but my problem with reading it is that I believe he can see through the bullshit as either alignment, even if Gerrick is scum and he's a pack mate.

Changing my name was also a subtle hint that I was being full of shit, lol, since Satan is sometimes known as "The Father of Lies."
You definitely need to put this before, it was 1.43 am here!!!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 27, 2022, 04:20:41 AM
TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about
I can answer that
the 3 wolves thing was a comment because everyone was voting Gerrik (and no I won’t spell their name right) so I was being bad at humor (again)
as for the discord is down comment: that’s it. nothing more than me announcing information everyone knew
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 04:32:23 AM
Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared
Your just omgusing me. Thats all this is. You contradict yourself. You say, "Voting for me on first impression? I could see that." Ok, but then later say" But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me." I said it was a "first impression", which you said you could see. Then you turn around phrase it as a "gut feeling" which you are not ok with?  Not only is that a bit contradictory, but your twisting my words.

About the Garrick lynch, which concerns you even more than what concerns you most.

Yes, I am willing to jump on the Garrick lynch, you say I never been willing to jump on, but it wasn't a matter of being willing, I wasn't here. But, If I was voting for him, I'd say it was premature for town to back off based on one post of Laurentus saying he lied. We'd still need to push for more information, it does not automatically mean either of them is town. 

And about KoD's information, he likes to stir up trouble. What he said is not accurate, and he knows I'd be the one few able to catch him in his lies. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 04:36:14 AM
Anyway, it's getting late, I was hoping Gerrick would respond by this point, but the reactions from other players will have to do. Letting this fester while I sleep is just a bit too dangerous.

I rescind my cop claim. I do not have a day cop ability. Dolby was right on the money with the reaction test theory.

I specifically chose Gerrick and not someone I also struggle to cold-read like Vro, or someone I'm paranoid about like Dolby, because Gerrick hasn't seen me play in a while, and Vro and Dolby know me well enough that if I faked a red check on them, they'd see it for the reaction test it was, as either alignment.

I found Aerso, Anubhav and TGN's the most believable, and tbh my gut likes ENE's reaction, as well, as it seems to be largely a cultural thing in XKI. Ex and KoD didn't really have any sort of thought process exposed, so whether Gerrick is scum or not, their reaction isn't readable as one alignment or the other. Perhaps the sheer length of time they remained inert about the claim might be telling if Gerrick ever flips scum, though.

Dolby did some analysis of the claim, but my problem with reading it is that I believe he can see through the bullshit as either alignment, even if Gerrick is scum and he's a pack mate.

Changing my name was also a subtle hint that I was being full of shit, lol, since Satan is sometimes known as "The Father of Lies."
@Literally Satan @Dolby I don't get this part. If Dolby was right about what would happen, this would suggest he knew it beforehand. However townies cannot discuss the game outside of the game, but from the looks of it, it seems Dolby knew it all previously. The only way two players can connect, is by being in the wolf team which can talk to each other, unless there is some other method you can use, possible loopholes. Can you clarify please?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 04:40:25 AM

Vote: No lynch

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 04:41:34 AM
@Gerrick Also , I wanted to ask you if you would be mostly inactive for a few days down the calendar. Like 1-2 small post level active, not the one who makes large posts of analysis.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: taulover on January 27, 2022, 05:36:04 AM
very extremely big rip, especially since this issue with multiquote is Chrome specific

I'm still getting the old behavior but I'm assuming it's only a matter of time before the new behavior overwrites my cache
Actually, my post may have been premature. I think I may have fixed the issue without entirely reverting the change. The entire issue seems to revolve around two lines of code in the javascript that inserts text into the text editor (which both the Insert Quote link and multiquote use), where text is the quote that you want to add to the editor:

Code: [Select]
var current_value = bClear ? text : this.getSourceEditorValue(false) + text;
You can see why it always added new quotes to the bottom...the code literally appends the quotes to the end of whatever is in the editor box. My initial fix was to comment out those lines and add in the way it was handled before we adopted the new text editor:

Code: [Select]

//var current_value = bClear ? text : this.getSourceEditorValue(false) + text;
I was thinking about this though...there's only one line that actually does anything, setSourceEditorValue, so I just did something that's...kinda in the middle:

Code: [Select]
After it inserts the text like in the old editor, it then sets the editors value to...the editors value. I'm not entirely sure why this works, perhaps the function resets or clears something that allows Chrome to proceed with the other quotes. Either way, it seems necessary to have the function in there for Chrome, and this seems to both allow quotes to appear at the cursor and keep multiquote from breaking. :D

Actually, the entire multiquote system is fascinating, and I started tracing it right from the beginning when you hit the multiquote button to try to find the problem...but I doubt anyone here wants a lesson in how the multiquote system works. :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:45:19 AM
Wow that was quite a read, but too bad I missed the commotion.

At first I thought Laurentus was scum because why would a town knowingly lie that I was scum from an alignment scan (and as scum he would just be revealed as scum when lynched the next day since I'd flip town). Then I thought perhaps somebody (most likely scum) had another day ability that would alter any abilities on a target and targeted Laurentus. But I ended up coming to the conclusion that Laurentus was just doing a reaction test (turns out I was right). I was going to play along, but guess I took too long in catching up.

That doesn't mean he isn't scum since he's bold enough to try that even as scum, but I'm not about to try to lynch him yet.

Neon reads towny to me from the late reaction since I'm sure the scum chat would've let them all know about Laurentus' revelation.

Scum reading CL for completely ignoring Laurentus' accusation, and I'm sure at least one of the people who voted me is scum.
To be clear, you were online when I pinged you with the accusation, and yet you only responded once I retracted. Why? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:51:05 AM
Unvote: Gerrick

Not cool Laur.
It delivered quite a few readabld reactions, so whatever. And is my not being cool AI? Your posting has not had the same bite or hunger for finding scum as last game in general, except for your interactions with Aerso. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 05:52:36 AM
Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared
Your just omgusing me. Thats all this is. You contradict yourself. You say, "Voting for me on first impression? I could see that." Ok, but then later say" But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me." I said it was a "first impression", which you said you could see. Then you turn around phrase it as a "gut feeling" which you are not ok with?  Not only is that a bit contradictory, but your twisting my words.

About the Garrick lynch, which concerns you even more than what concerns you most.

Yes, I am willing to jump on the Garrick lynch, you say I never been willing to jump on, but it wasn't a matter of being willing, I wasn't here. But, If I was voting for him, I'd say it was premature for town to back off based on one post of Laurentus saying he lied. We'd still need to push for more information, it does not automatically mean either of them is town.

And about KoD's information, he likes to stir up trouble. What he said is not accurate, and he knows I'd be the one few able to catch him in his lies.

Oh this is hardly an OMGUS trust. I'm the first to admit when I'm doing that go ask anyone I've played WW here with 


I might care a bit more ever since I played a mafia game on ZD and started to better understand the game and had numbers tell me i was a good player or something like that because that fucking meant the world to me as someone who always doubted myself in this game. But I'm still 100% Abbi and that means I'm still hiding messages in my posts and being slightly too talkative and way to honest for my own good. And that means I'd still just say it if I was voting you because you voted me. 

I believe you've entirely missed what I'm saying weather on purpose or not. You've failed to address anything I've said and instead have focused on what? Focusing on my ability to fuck up words when posting things I cant edit? Sorry i said most and than more after mistakes never happen. Or on semantics about the difference between the words first impression and gut feeling?  Sorry those feel the same to me either way so let me reword it. 

"Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do so it's a bit concerning to me that aside from the first impression you've had of me you'd still completely ignore anything else that's happening or give anymore insight into why you sus me and instead just double down on the impression that I'm scum despite people whose played with me more repeatedly noting that this is just how I play."

You say you weren't here? You've been here you've argued for the lynch so do it. Vote him. And post that reads list you promised hours ago, still waiting no? Been long enough I think. Give some more insight into...I dunno anything at all. This response has just made you more suspect to me.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:53:47 AM
why would anyone lie a result
also why take back the fake result before Gerrick appeared in thread? isnt it the most important reaction?

if they were mafia they'd prolly come here claiming miller or something, which would prolly increase exponentially the odds of him being mafia had him fallen for the bluff

not a fan of that play Lau, what did we even get from that
Yeah, I agree, getting Gerrick's response was the ultimate goal, but leaving a chaos bomb out there while I'm asleep could go wrong in a multitude of unpredictable ways. At least while I'm awake, I can mitigate the risk. Why aren't you analysing any of the reactions from other people on it, though? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 05:59:09 AM
Oh mods who I love and adore can we get a vote count? Pwetty pwease?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:00:31 AM
If town is going to unvote garrick, who are we going to vote? The play is not making a whole lot of sense yet. How is Literally Satan, Laurentus, going get his reads without the flip?
This question doesn't make sense. I got plenty of reads just from others' reactions to the claim. Also, why did you not vote for Gerrick when for all intents and purposes, he was a red check, but now you express annoyance at the unvote when I retracted? If he flips Town at any point, it could be a bad look for you, since it seems almost TMI-ish that you'd have wanted to avoid being on his wagon. I can't discount that you're a scumbud of his trying a distancing play here, either. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:01:14 AM
If town is going to unvote garrick, who are we going to vote? The play is not making a whole lot of sense yet. How is Literally Satan, Laurentus, going get his reads without the flip?
See I don't like this. Why are you looking for wagon to jump onto?
Coz can be Town. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:05:20 AM
I mean we "pressured" Gerrick on a flat out lie which was admitted to as a flat out lie. I have quite a few theories on what happened there but I also think lynching someone on a lie is silly.
I think it’s hilarious
Yeah it would be pretty funny to lynch him when he wants to sus me for not voting him.
Refer to my post on TMI for why that might be sus. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 06:05:42 AM
If town is going to unvote garrick, who are we going to vote? The play is not making a whole lot of sense yet. How is Literally Satan, Laurentus, going get his reads without the flip?
This question doesn't make sense. I got plenty of reads just from others' reactions to the claim. Also, why did you not vote for Gerrick when for all intents and purposes, he was a red check, but now you express annoyance at the unvote when I retracted? If he flips Town at any point, it could be a bad look for you, since it seems almost TMI-ish that you'd have wanted to avoid being on his wagon. I can't discount that you're a scumbud of his trying a distancing play here, either.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:07:28 AM
Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared
Agree with this take and don't think it's OMGUS at all. Abigail Town. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 27, 2022, 06:12:45 AM
If town is going to unvote garrick, who are we going to vote? The play is not making a whole lot of sense yet. How is Literally Satan, Laurentus, going get his reads without the flip?
See I don't like this. Why are you looking for wagon to jump onto?
What do mean. I just got here and tomarrow is deadline. You guys are going to pressure garrick then back off at the last minute and be completely fucking aimless? Cause that's what it looks like.
Nobody's pressuring Gerrick. We were given info, voted on the info, discovered it was false and most people have retracted. Honestly, you're my top scum read at the moment.

Vote: Captan Lunch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:13:07 AM
I'm going to sleep on things and try to figure out who I want to vote for tomorrow.

My sus list at the moment, in no particular order:

Lau - never been a fan of fake claims, creates more confusion than clarity, which I don't think benefits the town at all; did see same thing in champs last year and it was a townie who did it, so probably the least sus on this list but that doesn't mean I trust him one bit

Gerrick - didn't like his eventual response to having been painted red by Lau (not sure if this precludes them being w/w together)

TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about

CL - agree with Abigail that he came to the party late, voted for her over Gerrick, then his responses since then have been more aggressive than explanatory, still wants to push the Gerrick vote so don't see them being w/w together

Beginning to feel better about Abigail and Dolby; Moon still seems pretty quiet; KoD seems to just want to argue with everyone and defend NoName; I'm also feeling better about NoName as the game progresses - especially liked their post stating that they use alts all the time - that felt genuine and informative; can't get a read on Ex or Winter; find Coz just weird; Red and Anub don't stand out either way to me; ENE I feel has made some solid posts and I like their thinking, but that could be bias based on coming from the same region.

Happy? There's some town reads for those who are upset that I didn't want to give them. And with that, I'm crashing for the night. The book that I mentioned to Abigail earlier, Anathem, has a line in it to the effect that we do some of our hardest work while sleeping and I'm hoping that during the night my subconscious will be able to paint a better picture of the muddled mess that we find ourselves in at the moment thanks to Lau's trickery.

Oh, I forgot Vro in my list. I guess the fact that he slipped my mind means I should put him in the null category with Red and Anub, Winter and Ex. I think that's everyone but I'm sure someone will point it out if I missed anybody.
Aersoldorf continues to be townie, I believe he's the type of player who wouldn't be happy about FPSing (for the uninitiated, FPS stands for Fancy Play Syndrome), the only thing that rubs me wrong here is caving to pressure and providing Town reads. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:17:53 AM
TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about
I can answer that
the 3 wolves thing was a comment because everyone was voting Gerrik (and no I won’t spell their name right) so I was being bad at humor (again)
as for the discord is down comment: that’s it. nothing more than me announcing information everyone knew
A joke about what, though? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:24:58 AM
Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared
Your just omgusing me. Thats all this is. You contradict yourself. You say, "Voting for me on first impression? I could see that." Ok, but then later say" But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me." I said it was a "first impression", which you said you could see. Then you turn around phrase it as a "gut feeling" which you are not ok with?  Not only is that a bit contradictory, but your twisting my words.

About the Garrick lynch, which concerns you even more than what concerns you most.

Yes, I am willing to jump on the Garrick lynch, you say I never been willing to jump on, but it wasn't a matter of being willing, I wasn't here. But, If I was voting for him, I'd say it was premature for town to back off based on one post of Laurentus saying he lied. We'd still need to push for more information, it does not automatically mean either of them is town.

And about KoD's information, he likes to stir up trouble. What he said is not accurate, and he knows I'd be the one few able to catch him in his lies.

You realise that you can see why someone might want to vote for you as a concept (example being how I wouldn't have been surprised if Aerso immediately voted for me on the back of the fake claim) and still find their execution of doing so to be quite sus. I don't think it's a contradiction at all.

Also, you WERE here for the fake claim. You just didn't jump on it.

The only perspective I understand here is that it doesn't mean we automatically have to unvote Gerrick now. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:28:48 AM
Anyway, it's getting late, I was hoping Gerrick would respond by this point, but the reactions from other players will have to do. Letting this fester while I sleep is just a bit too dangerous.

I rescind my cop claim. I do not have a day cop ability. Dolby was right on the money with the reaction test theory.

I specifically chose Gerrick and not someone I also struggle to cold-read like Vro, or someone I'm paranoid about like Dolby, because Gerrick hasn't seen me play in a while, and Vro and Dolby know me well enough that if I faked a red check on them, they'd see it for the reaction test it was, as either alignment.

I found Aerso, Anubhav and TGN's the most believable, and tbh my gut likes ENE's reaction, as well, as it seems to be largely a cultural thing in XKI. Ex and KoD didn't really have any sort of thought process exposed, so whether Gerrick is scum or not, their reaction isn't readable as one alignment or the other. Perhaps the sheer length of time they remained inert about the claim might be telling if Gerrick ever flips scum, though.

Dolby did some analysis of the claim, but my problem with reading it is that I believe he can see through the bullshit as either alignment, even if Gerrick is scum and he's a pack mate.

Changing my name was also a subtle hint that I was being full of shit, lol, since Satan is sometimes known as "The Father of Lies."
@Literally Satan @Dolby I don't get this part. If Dolby was right about what would happen, this would suggest he knew it beforehand. However townies cannot discuss the game outside of the game, but from the looks of it, it seems Dolby knew it all previously. The only way two players can connect, is by being in the wolf team which can talk to each other, unless there is some other method you can use, possible loopholes. Can you clarify please?
Anu, Dolby and Vro both know my recent meta very well, where I am known to use fake claims to get information or benefit Town in some way. Vro and Dolby both saw me fake claim serial killer in a game last year in April for the reads, and Dolby and I were hydra-ing together recently, where I also fake claimed to provide cover for a jailkeeper, and get the jailkeeper to protect us. I'm commenting on that meta. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:32:49 AM
Kinda weirded out by Dolby's immediate unvote when I retracted, but no follow-up analysis of anything that happened afterwards. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:46:57 AM
TGN - Town
Vroendal - Null
Eastern New England - Town
Anubhav Ghosh - Town
Red Mones - Townie
Dolby - Townie
Neon Abigail - Town
Cozmikrae - Town
Aersoldorf - Town
KingofDominaria - Null
Gerrick - Null
Wintermoot - Null
NoName - Townie
Captan_lunch - Scummy
Moondrop - Null
ExLight - Null

For all intents and purposes, if you're null or below, you're PoE. Start becoming readable. Do things. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 07:07:18 AM
In a rather surprising turn of events, Abigail has become my top town. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 07:11:42 AM
In a rather surprising turn of events, Abigail has become my top town.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 07:55:43 AM
@Vroendal, we are way overdue for your reads. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 08:27:38 AM
Meh, a team of Ex and KoD would be more inspiring than what I'm seeing here, I think.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 27, 2022, 08:29:15 AM
Kinda weirded out by Dolby's immediate unvote when I retracted, but no follow-up analysis of anything that happened afterwards.
eh i was kinda just busy
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 27, 2022, 08:32:37 AM
TGN - Town
Vroendal - Null
Eastern New England - Town
Anubhav Ghosh - Town
Red Mones - Townie
Dolby - Townie
Neon Abigail - Town
Cozmikrae - Town
Aersoldorf - Town
KingofDominaria - Null
Gerrick - Null
Wintermoot - Null
NoName - Townie
Captan_lunch - Scummy
Moondrop - Null
ExLight - Null

For all intents and purposes, if you're null or below, you're PoE. Start becoming readable. Do things.
Lau can you talk to me about Turtle, Red, NoName, CL, and maybe Aers as well but that's mainly bc I still feel mixed about Aers
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 08:40:43 AM
TGN - Town
Vroendal - Null
Eastern New England - Town
Anubhav Ghosh - Town
Red Mones - Townie
Dolby - Townie
Neon Abigail - Town
Cozmikrae - Town
Aersoldorf - Town
KingofDominaria - Null
Gerrick - Null
Wintermoot - Null
NoName - Townie
Captan_lunch - Scummy
Moondrop - Null
ExLight - Null

For all intents and purposes, if you're null or below, you're PoE. Start becoming readable. Do things.
Lau can you talk to me about Turtle, Red, NoName, CL, and maybe Aers as well but that's mainly bc I still feel mixed about Aers
I don't particularly like this style of questioning from you, tbh. I have explained my reads on Turtle in connection to the fake-claim and analysis, same with Red, No Name is residual good vibes from the ice cream thing, I've explained my scumlean on Captan, and I have also commented on Aer frequently. This feels like the type of stuff you pulled to fill silence and look like you're solving back in SH. If you want more, dissect the posts where I have done so, tell me what you make of them, not this "talk to me about so and so" business. I have in fact talked way less about my good feelings for Anu than some of the others you mentioned here. I want that Dolby solve.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 27, 2022, 09:19:00 AM
hoo boy, 30 pages of sifting to tally up the totals so far.  Here's the current votes:

Laurentus: Vote Dolby – Change to Vroendal
Dolby: Vote Laurentus – Change to ExLight –Change to Gerrick –Unvote
Exlight: Vote Neon Abigail –Change to Gerrick
TGN: Vote ExLight – Unvote
Neon Abigail: Vote Eat Pie – Change to Gerrick –Change to Captan Lunch (Voted in pink)
Gerrick: Vote Anubhav Ghosh (Voted in red)
Aersoldorf: Vote Gerrick –Unvote
Anubhav Ghosh: Vote Gerrick (voted in red) –Change to No Lynch
Eastern New England: Vote Gerrick (Voted in green and black)
Captan Lunch: Vote Neon Abigail
KingofDominaria: Vote Gerrick (Voted in pink)–Unvote
Cozmikrae: Vote Captan Lunch

Vroendal: 1
Gerrick: 2
Captan Lunch: 2
Anubhav Ghosh: 1
Neon Abigail: 1
No lynch: 1
Rescinded votes: 4 ( Dolby, TGN, Aersoldorf, KingofDominaria)

Hasn’t voted yet: Wintermoot, Red Mones, NoName, Moondrop, Vroendal

If I missed any, let me know.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 27, 2022, 09:19:35 AM
We aren't no lynching. We're saving that for potential MYLO

Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.

Something that I liked on read through is the lack of consistency in the Neon read. Like, Coz went from mentioning Neon in a sus light to putting her maybe second top town here. think scum would want consistency and more justificaiton than "feels honest" if changing up the read.

Still at uh Aers slinging out 4 names maybe not good but even with Laurentus lying he was really townie. If what he's said is accurate about himself, I'll make a read on what i expect from him as mafia here and that's for him to semi-freeze and not accuse CL of being Gerrick's partner and giving every indications of beleiving Laurentus's claim

Neon has an absurdly high fluff to content ratio

KoD is a sleeper for stuff that isn't game related tbh

Tbh TGN being so clueless I might just derpclear this seems like the type of environment that somebody might think to do this but idk the man was so blind to it that I kinda think that it's to over the top to be fake and he's had some townie posts anyway

Just caught up. I'll need to reread to make a proper scum list. For now my vote is going on Neon Abagail


I guess this can be a hit but Idk I don't feel that this is super AI outside that him just not acknowleding the inspect is weird. Probably didn't fully realize what was going on as either alignment

Just caught up. I'll need to reread to make a proper scum list. For now my vote is going on Neon Abagail

how far up have you read?
Far enough to try saving Gerrick it would seem... :D

This is pretty town, what I referenced earlier. Like, just don't see the archetype that I feel Aers falls into doing this as w

Noooo Lau, you should have waited a bit longer!!

Well, now that it's revealed I can say that I could tell from the beginning. Lau does this kind of stuff all the time. I chose not to respond to it because I didn't believe it, my reaction would have been scewed.

I haven't had the time in the past 12 hours to analyze reactions yet, but I'll come out with my own list when I can.


And on that note I suppose

Unvote: Pie

Vote: Gerrick
You overlook Lau saying he lied now?
Logically it doesn't even matter. Gerrick could still be scum. Lolz

CL going after Gerrick after the red check is revealed to be fake is super lolworthy. Also that a Gerrick v/ CL w world makes sense and he was worried about following a fake cop maybe

If town is going to unvote garrick, who are we going to vote? The play is not making a whole lot of sense yet. How is Literally Satan, Laurentus, going get his reads without the flip?
See I don't like this. Why are you looking for wagon to jump onto?
What do mean. I just got here and tomarrow is deadline. You guys are going to pressure garrick then back off at the last minute and be completely fucking aimless? Cause that's what it looks like.

tbh this isn't the worst reaction

Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared

This is just an incredibly townie post and I feel that neon believes in it. Also feels like Neon has been fighting the urge to OMGUS and just went for it in a believiable way

I think that's a really weird PoV, like, if you're voting him it changes your behavior when in either case it's the same information you have. And you're just going to keep pushing on him? Like yeah, neither is confirmed town but, just, no reason to not push elsewhere if you feel like it
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 27, 2022, 09:22:34 AM
I'm not voting Laurentus today though frankly I think most of what he's done is fakeable

TGN, Neon, Cov, Aers, all towny enough that I feel a highish degree of confidence
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 09:28:41 AM
I'm not voting Laurentus today though frankly I think most of what he's done is fakeable

TGN, Neon, Cov, Aers, all towny enough that I feel a highish degree of confidence
I love how absolutely everyone in this game is like "would Lau do this as scum? Yeah, probably." I'm surprised to see it from you, though, as I tend to be way less big on this type of stuff in the games you've seen me scum in.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 09:29:25 AM
We aren't no lynching. We're saving that for potential MYLO

Ok went back over the whole thread to see if I could pull a better read list. These are mostly gut reactions.

Dolby - town
Neon - feels honest
Lau - pinging people for answers. Seems normal for Lau?
TGN - feels like normal town play from TGN to me.
Vro - townleaning for no good reason, just gut reaction.
Red - nothing at all
ENE - nothing at all, completely neutral.
Gerrick - also a lot of no feelings.
Ex - being chaotic, then disappeared.
NoName - sussy, but also weird mystery thing going on. Probably nothing or maybe something?
KOD - idk... gut level sus. Possibly just biased from last game.

Something that I liked on read through is the lack of consistency in the Neon read. Like, Coz went from mentioning Neon in a sus light to putting her maybe second top town here. think scum would want consistency and more justificaiton than "feels honest" if changing up the read.

Still at uh Aers slinging out 4 names maybe not good but even with Laurentus lying he was really townie. If what he's said is accurate about himself, I'll make a read on what i expect from him as mafia here and that's for him to semi-freeze and not accuse CL of being Gerrick's partner and giving every indications of beleiving Laurentus's claim

Neon has an absurdly high fluff to content ratio

KoD is a sleeper for stuff that isn't game related tbh

Tbh TGN being so clueless I might just derpclear this seems like the type of environment that somebody might think to do this but idk the man was so blind to it that I kinda think that it's to over the top to be fake and he's had some townie posts anyway

Just caught up. I'll need to reread to make a proper scum list. For now my vote is going on Neon Abagail


I guess this can be a hit but Idk I don't feel that this is super AI outside that him just not acknowleding the inspect is weird. Probably didn't fully realize what was going on as either alignment

Just caught up. I'll need to reread to make a proper scum list. For now my vote is going on Neon Abagail

how far up have you read?
Far enough to try saving Gerrick it would seem... :D

This is pretty town, what I referenced earlier. Like, just don't see the archetype that I feel Aers falls into doing this as w

Noooo Lau, you should have waited a bit longer!!

Well, now that it's revealed I can say that I could tell from the beginning. Lau does this kind of stuff all the time. I chose not to respond to it because I didn't believe it, my reaction would have been scewed.

I haven't had the time in the past 12 hours to analyze reactions yet, but I'll come out with my own list when I can.


And on that note I suppose

Unvote: Pie

Vote: Gerrick
You overlook Lau saying he lied now?
Logically it doesn't even matter. Gerrick could still be scum. Lolz

CL going after Gerrick after the red check is revealed to be fake is super lolworthy. Also that a Gerrick v/ CL w world makes sense and he was worried about following a fake cop maybe

If town is going to unvote garrick, who are we going to vote? The play is not making a whole lot of sense yet. How is Literally Satan, Laurentus, going get his reads without the flip?
See I don't like this. Why are you looking for wagon to jump onto?
What do mean. I just got here and tomarrow is deadline. You guys are going to pressure garrick then back off at the last minute and be completely fucking aimless? Cause that's what it looks like.

tbh this isn't the worst reaction

Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared

This is just an incredibly townie post and I feel that neon believes in it. Also feels like Neon has been fighting the urge to OMGUS and just went for it in a believiable way

I think that's a really weird PoV, like, if you're voting him it changes your behavior when in either case it's the same information you have. And you're just going to keep pushing on him? Like yeah, neither is confirmed town but, just, no reason to not push elsewhere if you feel like it
What happened here at the bottom? It looks like you're referencing something that got cut off.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 27, 2022, 09:31:39 AM
I tried to cite part of a quote from CL but it didn't work for some reason
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 09:33:11 AM
Also, Dolby, define the things I've done that don't look fakeable. Clearly you have a few of those if you're saying "most" of what I've done is fakeable.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 09:33:58 AM
I tried to cite part of a quote from CL but it didn't work for some reason
Okay, well, try again.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 27, 2022, 09:34:05 AM
I'm not voting Laurentus today though frankly I think most of what he's done is fakeable

TGN, Neon, Cov, Aers, all towny enough that I feel a highish degree of confidence
I love how absolutely everyone in this game is like "would Lau do this as scum? Yeah, probably." I'm surprised to see it from you, though, as I tend to be way less big on this type of stuff in the games you've seen me scum in.
Tbh thinking back to the hydra game (game 5, the one where I had the really "Lau can't be scum" read), MM2, your champs game you kinda have a certain style that I don't think matches up to here

Though it's mainly that you probably aren't bussing a teammate, though yeah I feel that I've only seen you fakeclaiming as town thinking about it
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 27, 2022, 09:34:46 AM
I tried to cite part of a quote from CL but it didn't work for some reason
Did you try turning on your surround sound settings?

I'm surprised it took me this long to make that joke.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 27, 2022, 09:36:14 AM
Also, Dolby, define the things I've done that don't look fakeable. Clearly you have a few of those if you're saying "most" of what I've done is fakeable.
Actually reading the org game and some of the discussion about how me, Vro, and Panda knew your meta felt to one the nose and conscious that it made me think that you'd psyche yourself out of a fake claim
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 27, 2022, 09:38:00 AM
Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared
Your just omgusing me. Thats all this is. You contradict yourself. You say, "Voting for me on first impression? I could see that." Ok, but then later say" But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me." I said it was a "first impression", which you said you could see. Then you turn around phrase it as a "gut feeling" which you are not ok with?  Not only is that a bit contradictory, but your twisting my words.

About the Garrick lynch, which concerns you even more than what concerns you most.

Yes, I am willing to jump on the Garrick lynch, you say I never been willing to jump on, but it wasn't a matter of being willing, I wasn't here. But, If I was voting for him, I'd say it was premature for town to back off based on one post of Laurentus saying he lied. We'd still need to push for more information, it does not automatically mean either of them is town.

And about KoD's information, he likes to stir up trouble. What he said is not accurate, and he knows I'd be the one few able to catch him in his lies.

Bolded part of this. Like, why would your vote at the time be the determining factor and if you did feel that way why aren't you pushing in Lau/Gerrick now? And the entire reason to vote Gerrick unless you have an independent sus on him is removed. It's a weird take and a weird way to play and it's just ??? to me
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 09:40:54 AM
Also, Dolby, define the things I've done that don't look fakeable. Clearly you have a few of those if you're saying "most" of what I've done is fakeable.
Actually reading the org game and some of the discussion about how me, Vro, and Panda knew your meta felt to one the nose and conscious that it made me think that you'd psyche yourself out of a fake claim
I'm not understanding your point here, tbh. Are you saying this is one thing you think I wouldn't easily fake?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 27, 2022, 09:46:28 AM
Also, Dolby, define the things I've done that don't look fakeable. Clearly you have a few of those if you're saying "most" of what I've done is fakeable.
Actually reading the org game and some of the discussion about how me, Vro, and Panda knew your meta felt to one the nose and conscious that it made me think that you'd psyche yourself out of a fake claim
I'm not understanding your point here, tbh. Are you saying this is one thing you think I wouldn't easily fake?
Nah two separate things

idk I kinda think that you wouldn't want to actually read the game if you were wolf and I liked that you actually opened the thread and also thought that your thought line in talking about me/vro/Panda's meta on you was good and seemed organic and I felt that the meta knowledge could psyche you out of fake claiming but also you didn't display any caught for the wrong reasons feelings
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 27, 2022, 09:52:46 AM
I'm gonna 

Vote Captan Lunch

and sleep
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 10:02:21 AM
Also, Dolby, define the things I've done that don't look fakeable. Clearly you have a few of those if you're saying "most" of what I've done is fakeable.
Actually reading the org game and some of the discussion about how me, Vro, and Panda knew your meta felt to one the nose and conscious that it made me think that you'd psyche yourself out of a fake claim
I'm not understanding your point here, tbh. Are you saying this is one thing you think I wouldn't easily fake?
Nah two separate things

idk I kinda think that you wouldn't want to actually read the game if you were wolf and I liked that you actually opened the thread and also thought that your thought line in talking about me/vro/Panda's meta on you was good and seemed organic and I felt that the meta knowledge could psyche you out of fake claiming but also you didn't display any caught for the wrong reasons feelings
Hmm, I like the thought process here. If you're scum you're probably just banking on NKing me damn fast at this point, lol, but this is the towniest thought process I've seen from you so far.

Also, like, don't be dumb, people, if I die early, that's just par for the course and you shouldn't use that in your witch hunts.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 10:06:14 AM
Meh, a team of Ex and KoD would be more inspiring than what I'm seeing here, I think.
I'd be bussing him and vice versa lmfao
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 10:09:45 AM
why would anyone lie a result
also why take back the fake result before Gerrick appeared in thread? isnt it the most important reaction?

if they were mafia they'd prolly come here claiming miller or something, which would prolly increase exponentially the odds of him being mafia had him fallen for the bluff

not a fan of that play Lau, what did we even get from that
please address this @Laurentus
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 10:12:16 AM
why would anyone lie a result
also why take back the fake result before Gerrick appeared in thread? isnt it the most important reaction?

if they were mafia they'd prolly come here claiming miller or something, which would prolly increase exponentially the odds of him being mafia had him fallen for the bluff

not a fan of that play Lau, what did we even get from that
please address this @Laurentus
Bruh, I did.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 10:13:11 AM
why would anyone lie a result
also why take back the fake result before Gerrick appeared in thread? isnt it the most important reaction?

if they were mafia they'd prolly come here claiming miller or something, which would prolly increase exponentially the odds of him being mafia had him fallen for the bluff

not a fan of that play Lau, what did we even get from that
Yeah, I agree, getting Gerrick's response was the ultimate goal, but leaving a chaos bomb out there while I'm asleep could go wrong in a multitude of unpredictable ways. At least while I'm awake, I can mitigate the risk. Why aren't you analysing any of the reactions from other people on it, though?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 10:49:37 AM
I looked for it like three times and somehow missed it, my bad
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 10:52:07 AM
why would anyone lie a result
also why take back the fake result before Gerrick appeared in thread? isnt it the most important reaction?

if they were mafia they'd prolly come here claiming miller or something, which would prolly increase exponentially the odds of him being mafia had him fallen for the bluff

not a fan of that play Lau, what did we even get from that
Yeah, I agree, getting Gerrick's response was the ultimate goal, but leaving a chaos bomb out there while I'm asleep could go wrong in a multitude of unpredictable ways. At least while I'm awake, I can mitigate the risk. Why aren't you analysing any of the reactions from other people on it, though?
because if you're scum trying to mess with us their reactions just end up being ultimately being pointless as they would just be misleading

first we solve your slot by having you flip or get copped first then we'll talk about the fruits of this "benevolent" chaos you caused
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 11:05:11 AM
why would anyone lie a result
also why take back the fake result before Gerrick appeared in thread? isnt it the most important reaction?

if they were mafia they'd prolly come here claiming miller or something, which would prolly increase exponentially the odds of him being mafia had him fallen for the bluff

not a fan of that play Lau, what did we even get from that
Yeah, I agree, getting Gerrick's response was the ultimate goal, but leaving a chaos bomb out there while I'm asleep could go wrong in a multitude of unpredictable ways. At least while I'm awake, I can mitigate the risk. Why aren't you analysing any of the reactions from other people on it, though?
because if you're scum trying to mess with us their reactions just end up being ultimately being pointless as they would just be misleading

first we solve your slot by having you flip or get copped first then we'll talk about the fruits of this "benevolent" chaos you caused
Lynch me, I dare you. :wave:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 11:07:52 AM
Also, you're being insanely lazy, Ex. You can analyse people's reactions from the perspective of me being both alignments. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 11:49:11 AM
Also, you're being insanely lazy, Ex. You can analyse people's reactions from the perspective of me being both alignments.
unfortunately for you being lazy isn't AI

I haven't played in months and overlooking 31 pages of chaos isn't really how I want to come back lmfao
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 27, 2022, 11:49:30 AM
TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about
I can answer that
the 3 wolves thing was a comment because everyone was voting Gerrik (and no I won’t spell their name right) so I was being bad at humor (again)
as for the discord is down comment: that’s it. nothing more than me announcing information everyone knew
A joke about what, though?
There being 3 wolves because 3 people had voted Gerrik and I will don’t know why other than “he’s the literal devil” when clearly Manny from Diary of a Wimpy Kid is the devil
also what is a derpclear and why am I that according to 1 person where the quote wouldn’t load
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 11:51:17 AM
last time I put effort here I ended up lynching like three town power roles in a row so it's not like I'm too eager to attempt to townlead again anyway lmfao

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 11:52:19 AM
Also, you're being insanely lazy, Ex. You can analyse people's reactions from the perspective of me being both alignments.
unfortunately for you being lazy isn't AI

I haven't played in months and overlooking 31 pages of chaos isn't really how I want to come back lmfao
I wasn't commenting on your alignment, it's most interesting that you get so defensive. If you're Town and lazy, that's just anti-town. And being lazy is actually heavily against your meta. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 11:52:34 AM
last time I put effort here I ended up lynching like three town power roles in a row so it's not like I'm too eager to attempt to townlead again anyway lmfao

What a sad excuse.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 11:53:24 AM
TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about
I can answer that
the 3 wolves thing was a comment because everyone was voting Gerrik (and no I won’t spell their name right) so I was being bad at humor (again)
as for the discord is down comment: that’s it. nothing more than me announcing information everyone knew
A joke about what, though?
There being 3 wolves because 3 people had voted Gerrik and I will don’t know why other than “he’s the literal devil” when clearly Manny from Diary of a Wimpy Kid is the devil
also what is a derpclear and why am I that according to 1 person where the quote wouldn’t load
TGN, at this point this is too derpy for me to believe. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 27, 2022, 11:54:13 AM
Meh, most reactions from that probably will just be pointless follow the leader regardless of alignment. The only real analysis that needs to be done are the outlier responses (CL, Dolby for respective reasons are the only two off the top of my head), Laurentus (because you always analyze the executor), and Gerrick (as the target of said ploy). You start with Lau and work forward from your conclusion there. No need to double work or wait for a flip. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 11:57:41 AM
Also, you're being insanely lazy, Ex. You can analyse people's reactions from the perspective of me being both alignments.
unfortunately for you being lazy isn't AI

I haven't played in months and overlooking 31 pages of chaos isn't really how I want to come back lmfao
I wasn't commenting on your alignment, it's most interesting that you get so defensive. If you're Town and lazy, that's just anti-town. And being lazy is actually heavily against your meta.
it really isn't, specially on D1 lmao

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 12:06:04 PM
Meh, most reactions from that probably will just be pointless follow the leader regardless of alignment. The only real analysis that needs to be done are the outlier responses (CL, Dolby for respective reasons are the only two off the top of my head), Laurentus (because you always analyze the executor), and Gerrick (as the target of said ploy). You start with Lau and work forward from your conclusion there. No need to double work or wait for a flip.
What stood out for you about Dolby's, specifically?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 27, 2022, 12:16:52 PM
@Laurentus, I included Dolby because of their call out as possible reaction test. Even if their vote followed along, calling it out before Gerrick has had a say taints the field for further responses. This warrants a further look than just a basic message received and vote response. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 12:19:27 PM
@Laurentus, I included Dolby because of their call out as possible reaction test. Even if their vote followed along, calling it out before Gerrick has had a say taints the field for further responses. This warrants a further look than just a basic message received and vote response.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 12:31:53 PM
Anyway, @TGN, a derp clear ( would be a town-read we assign to you because you repeatedly overlook that the votes happened as I fake-claimed Seer and pretended to scan Gerrick, and in this fake scan, said he was scum. Gerrick also wasn't the one people were calling the devil. I named myself Literally Satan just before I accused Gerrick, and changed my name back to Laurentus when I dropped the claim. I was the one people were calling the devil.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 27, 2022, 01:20:38 PM
I am insulted 
Anyways I have school
Bye bye
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 01:24:32 PM
Anyway, @TGN, a derp clear ( would be a town-read we assign to you because you repeatedly overlook that the votes happened as I fake-claimed Seer and pretended to scan Gerrick, and in this fake scan, said he was scum. Gerrick also wasn't the one people were calling the devil. I named myself Literally Satan just before I accused Gerrick, and changed my name back to Laurentus when I dropped the claim. I was the one people were calling the devil.
was the renaming related to the game?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 01:26:48 PM
cant say I've grown too fond of offtopic shenanigans like these, specially ones that could cause confusion lol

damn Lau why you playing like noob me with all these tricks have you grown bored of traditional methods
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 01:27:17 PM
Anyway, @TGN, a derp clear ( would be a town-read we assign to you because you repeatedly overlook that the votes happened as I fake-claimed Seer and pretended to scan Gerrick, and in this fake scan, said he was scum. Gerrick also wasn't the one people were calling the devil. I named myself Literally Satan just before I accused Gerrick, and changed my name back to Laurentus when I dropped the claim. I was the one people were calling the devil.
was the renaming related to the game?
Are you actually reading anything in this game? How can you know I retracted my claim yet not literally at the bottom of the same post see my mention of why I changed my name? Were you updated on the retract through maf chat?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 01:35:02 PM
cant say I've grown too fond of offtopic shenanigans like these, specially ones that could cause confusion lol

damn Lau why you playing like noob me with all these tricks have you grown bored of traditional methods
To an extent, lol. I have been playing mafia non-stop for 4 months now over at MU, and I began experimenting with FPSing back in April last year.

Someone made this cool diagram in a recent game I partook in:

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 01:38:02 PM
I also desperately don't want to be the one to go to champs this year, but wanna prepare the next Wintrean who ends up going to deal with chaotic shenaniganry like my fake-claim.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 01:59:57 PM
Anyway, @TGN, a derp clear ( would be a town-read we assign to you because you repeatedly overlook that the votes happened as I fake-claimed Seer and pretended to scan Gerrick, and in this fake scan, said he was scum. Gerrick also wasn't the one people were calling the devil. I named myself Literally Satan just before I accused Gerrick, and changed my name back to Laurentus when I dropped the claim. I was the one people were calling the devil.
was the renaming related to the game?
Are you actually reading anything in this game? How can you know I retracted my claim yet not literally at the bottom of the same post see my mention of why I changed my name? Were you updated on the retract through maf chat?
Took me a while to realize that you had changed your name. I thought someone had subbed out and that Satan was a new player for a while. Then I noticed that the signature was still the same and had to facepalm myself.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 02:25:44 PM
cant say I've grown too fond of offtopic shenanigans like these, specially ones that could cause confusion lol

damn Lau why you playing like noob me with all these tricks have you grown bored of traditional methods
To an extent, lol. I have been playing mafia non-stop for 4 months now over at MU, and I began experimenting with FPSing back in April last year.

Someone made this cool diagram in a recent game I partook in:

this is cute lol what even is FPS though :notlikeduck:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 02:28:21 PM
cant say I've grown too fond of offtopic shenanigans like these, specially ones that could cause confusion lol

damn Lau why you playing like noob me with all these tricks have you grown bored of traditional methods
To an extent, lol. I have been playing mafia non-stop for 4 months now over at MU, and I began experimenting with FPSing back in April last year.

Someone made this cool diagram in a recent game I partook in:

this is cute lol what even is FPS though :notlikeduck:
Lau was right earlier, you don't really read the thread do you?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 02:29:04 PM
Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared
Your just omgusing me. Thats all this is. You contradict yourself. You say, "Voting for me on first impression? I could see that." Ok, but then later say" But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me." I said it was a "first impression", which you said you could see. Then you turn around phrase it as a "gut feeling" which you are not ok with?  Not only is that a bit contradictory, but your twisting my words.

About the Garrick lynch, which concerns you even more than what concerns you most.

Yes, I am willing to jump on the Garrick lynch, you say I never been willing to jump on, but it wasn't a matter of being willing, I wasn't here. But, If I was voting for him, I'd say it was premature for town to back off based on one post of Laurentus saying he lied. We'd still need to push for more information, it does not automatically mean either of them is town.

And about KoD's information, he likes to stir up trouble. What he said is not accurate, and he knows I'd be the one few able to catch him in his lies.

Bolded part of this. Like, why would your vote at the time be the determining factor and if you did feel that way why aren't you pushing in Lau/Gerrick now? And the entire reason to vote Gerrick unless you have an independent sus on him is removed. It's a weird take and a weird way to play and it's just ??? to me
I am pushing for Lau/Gerrick now. I just didn't bother moving my vote last night. You don't think it's suspicious how he didnt address Laurentus's claim all day. When he does appear he susses me for not voting him, instead of going after Laurentus. Don't you think that's a weird play to make?

Unvote Vote: Gerrick
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 02:34:45 PM
Anyway, @TGN, a derp clear ( would be a town-read we assign to you because you repeatedly overlook that the votes happened as I fake-claimed Seer and pretended to scan Gerrick, and in this fake scan, said he was scum. Gerrick also wasn't the one people were calling the devil. I named myself Literally Satan just before I accused Gerrick, and changed my name back to Laurentus when I dropped the claim. I was the one people were calling the devil.
was the renaming related to the game?
Are you actually reading anything in this game? How can you know I retracted my claim yet not literally at the bottom of the same post see my mention of why I changed my name? Were you updated on the retract through maf chat?
Took me a while to realize that you had changed your name. I thought someone had subbed out and that Satan was a new player for a while. Then I noticed that the signature was still the same and had to facepalm myself.
That's fine and fair, but that was not Ex's problem here.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 02:36:42 PM
Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared
Your just omgusing me. Thats all this is. You contradict yourself. You say, "Voting for me on first impression? I could see that." Ok, but then later say" But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me." I said it was a "first impression", which you said you could see. Then you turn around phrase it as a "gut feeling" which you are not ok with?  Not only is that a bit contradictory, but your twisting my words.

About the Garrick lynch, which concerns you even more than what concerns you most.

Yes, I am willing to jump on the Garrick lynch, you say I never been willing to jump on, but it wasn't a matter of being willing, I wasn't here. But, If I was voting for him, I'd say it was premature for town to back off based on one post of Laurentus saying he lied. We'd still need to push for more information, it does not automatically mean either of them is town.

And about KoD's information, he likes to stir up trouble. What he said is not accurate, and he knows I'd be the one few able to catch him in his lies.

Bolded part of this. Like, why would your vote at the time be the determining factor and if you did feel that way why aren't you pushing in Lau/Gerrick now? And the entire reason to vote Gerrick unless you have an independent sus on him is removed. It's a weird take and a weird way to play and it's just ??? to me
I am pushing for Lau/Gerrick now. I just didn't bother moving my vote last night. You don't think it's suspicious how he didnt address Laurentus's claim all day. When he does appear he susses me for not voting him, instead of going after Laurentus. Don't you think that's a weird play to make?

Unvote Vote: Gerrick
That's actually not a bad point to make, lol. Wolves, especially ones who know me, are not fond of pushing me, it is usually Townies who are very concerned and paranoid about me who have the guts to do that.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 02:38:42 PM
I want to point out even though I'm voting Garrick right now. I will vote Neon Abagail or Laurentus. So there's not confusion on who I'm pushing.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 02:40:24 PM
I'm going to sleep on things and try to figure out who I want to vote for tomorrow.

My sus list at the moment, in no particular order:

Lau - never been a fan of fake claims, creates more confusion than clarity, which I don't think benefits the town at all; did see same thing in champs last year and it was a townie who did it, so probably the least sus on this list but that doesn't mean I trust him one bit

Gerrick - didn't like his eventual response to having been painted red by Lau (not sure if this precludes them being w/w together)

TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about

CL - agree with Abigail that he came to the party late, voted for her over Gerrick, then his responses since then have been more aggressive than explanatory, still wants to push the Gerrick vote so don't see them being w/w together

Beginning to feel better about Abigail and Dolby; Moon still seems pretty quiet; KoD seems to just want to argue with everyone and defend NoName; I'm also feeling better about NoName as the game progresses - especially liked their post stating that they use alts all the time - that felt genuine and informative; can't get a read on Ex or Winter; find Coz just weird; Red and Anub don't stand out either way to me; ENE I feel has made some solid posts and I like their thinking, but that could be bias based on coming from the same region.

Happy? There's some town reads for those who are upset that I didn't want to give them. And with that, I'm crashing for the night. The book that I mentioned to Abigail earlier, Anathem, has a line in it to the effect that we do some of our hardest work while sleeping and I'm hoping that during the night my subconscious will be able to paint a better picture of the muddled mess that we find ourselves in at the moment thanks to Lau's trickery.

Oh, I forgot Vro in my list. I guess the fact that he slipped my mind means I should put him in the null category with Red and Anub, Winter and Ex. I think that's everyone but I'm sure someone will point it out if I missed anybody.
Aersoldorf continues to be townie, I believe he's the type of player who wouldn't be happy about FPSing (for the uninitiated, FPS stands for Fancy Play Syndrome), the only thing that rubs me wrong here is caving to pressure and providing Town reads.
smh, @ExLight, smh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 02:41:07 PM
I want to point out even though I'm voting Garrick right now. I will vote Neon Abagail or Laurentus. So there's not confusion on who I'm pushing.
Why tho? Abigail is townie af.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 02:43:29 PM
Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared
Your just omgusing me. Thats all this is. You contradict yourself. You say, "Voting for me on first impression? I could see that." Ok, but then later say" But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me." I said it was a "first impression", which you said you could see. Then you turn around phrase it as a "gut feeling" which you are not ok with?  Not only is that a bit contradictory, but your twisting my words.

About the Garrick lynch, which concerns you even more than what concerns you most.

Yes, I am willing to jump on the Garrick lynch, you say I never been willing to jump on, but it wasn't a matter of being willing, I wasn't here. But, If I was voting for him, I'd say it was premature for town to back off based on one post of Laurentus saying he lied. We'd still need to push for more information, it does not automatically mean either of them is town.

And about KoD's information, he likes to stir up trouble. What he said is not accurate, and he knows I'd be the one few able to catch him in his lies.

Bolded part of this. Like, why would your vote at the time be the determining factor and if you did feel that way why aren't you pushing in Lau/Gerrick now? And the entire reason to vote Gerrick unless you have an independent sus on him is removed. It's a weird take and a weird way to play and it's just ??? to me
I am pushing for Lau/Gerrick now. I just didn't bother moving my vote last night. You don't think it's suspicious how he didnt address Laurentus's claim all day. When he does appear he susses me for not voting him, instead of going after Laurentus. Don't you think that's a weird play to make?

Unvote Vote: Gerrick
Totally agree with your logic here and may follow suit later on. I generally don't like changing my vote around a lot, I vote for whom I find the most sus and stick with it. Lau's retraction made me think we'd really messed up, but after sleeping on it I still don't like the fact that he didn't address the issue until after the fact, and even then his response was meh.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 02:44:45 PM
I'm going to sleep on things and try to figure out who I want to vote for tomorrow.

My sus list at the moment, in no particular order:

Lau - never been a fan of fake claims, creates more confusion than clarity, which I don't think benefits the town at all; did see same thing in champs last year and it was a townie who did it, so probably the least sus on this list but that doesn't mean I trust him one bit

Gerrick - didn't like his eventual response to having been painted red by Lau (not sure if this precludes them being w/w together)

TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about

CL - agree with Abigail that he came to the party late, voted for her over Gerrick, then his responses since then have been more aggressive than explanatory, still wants to push the Gerrick vote so don't see them being w/w together

Beginning to feel better about Abigail and Dolby; Moon still seems pretty quiet; KoD seems to just want to argue with everyone and defend NoName; I'm also feeling better about NoName as the game progresses - especially liked their post stating that they use alts all the time - that felt genuine and informative; can't get a read on Ex or Winter; find Coz just weird; Red and Anub don't stand out either way to me; ENE I feel has made some solid posts and I like their thinking, but that could be bias based on coming from the same region.

Happy? There's some town reads for those who are upset that I didn't want to give them. And with that, I'm crashing for the night. The book that I mentioned to Abigail earlier, Anathem, has a line in it to the effect that we do some of our hardest work while sleeping and I'm hoping that during the night my subconscious will be able to paint a better picture of the muddled mess that we find ourselves in at the moment thanks to Lau's trickery.

Oh, I forgot Vro in my list. I guess the fact that he slipped my mind means I should put him in the null category with Red and Anub, Winter and Ex. I think that's everyone but I'm sure someone will point it out if I missed anybody.
Aersoldorf continues to be townie, I believe he's the type of player who wouldn't be happy about FPSing (for the uninitiated, FPS stands for Fancy Play Syndrome), the only thing that rubs me wrong here is caving to pressure and providing Town reads.
smh, @ExLight, smh
Not sure I understand this post...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 02:47:13 PM
I'm going to sleep on things and try to figure out who I want to vote for tomorrow.

My sus list at the moment, in no particular order:

Lau - never been a fan of fake claims, creates more confusion than clarity, which I don't think benefits the town at all; did see same thing in champs last year and it was a townie who did it, so probably the least sus on this list but that doesn't mean I trust him one bit

Gerrick - didn't like his eventual response to having been painted red by Lau (not sure if this precludes them being w/w together)

TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about

CL - agree with Abigail that he came to the party late, voted for her over Gerrick, then his responses since then have been more aggressive than explanatory, still wants to push the Gerrick vote so don't see them being w/w together

Beginning to feel better about Abigail and Dolby; Moon still seems pretty quiet; KoD seems to just want to argue with everyone and defend NoName; I'm also feeling better about NoName as the game progresses - especially liked their post stating that they use alts all the time - that felt genuine and informative; can't get a read on Ex or Winter; find Coz just weird; Red and Anub don't stand out either way to me; ENE I feel has made some solid posts and I like their thinking, but that could be bias based on coming from the same region.

Happy? There's some town reads for those who are upset that I didn't want to give them. And with that, I'm crashing for the night. The book that I mentioned to Abigail earlier, Anathem, has a line in it to the effect that we do some of our hardest work while sleeping and I'm hoping that during the night my subconscious will be able to paint a better picture of the muddled mess that we find ourselves in at the moment thanks to Lau's trickery.

Oh, I forgot Vro in my list. I guess the fact that he slipped my mind means I should put him in the null category with Red and Anub, Winter and Ex. I think that's everyone but I'm sure someone will point it out if I missed anybody.
Aersoldorf continues to be townie, I believe he's the type of player who wouldn't be happy about FPSing (for the uninitiated, FPS stands for Fancy Play Syndrome), the only thing that rubs me wrong here is caving to pressure and providing Town reads.
smh, @ExLight, smh
Not sure I understand this post...
I'm (s)haking (m)y (h)ead at the fact that he's once more demonstrating how he's not reading anything in the game and at the same time showing him where I explained what FPSing means.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 02:48:48 PM
Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared
Your just omgusing me. Thats all this is. You contradict yourself. You say, "Voting for me on first impression? I could see that." Ok, but then later say" But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me." I said it was a "first impression", which you said you could see. Then you turn around phrase it as a "gut feeling" which you are not ok with?  Not only is that a bit contradictory, but your twisting my words.

About the Garrick lynch, which concerns you even more than what concerns you most.

Yes, I am willing to jump on the Garrick lynch, you say I never been willing to jump on, but it wasn't a matter of being willing, I wasn't here. But, If I was voting for him, I'd say it was premature for town to back off based on one post of Laurentus saying he lied. We'd still need to push for more information, it does not automatically mean either of them is town.

And about KoD's information, he likes to stir up trouble. What he said is not accurate, and he knows I'd be the one few able to catch him in his lies.

Bolded part of this. Like, why would your vote at the time be the determining factor and if you did feel that way why aren't you pushing in Lau/Gerrick now? And the entire reason to vote Gerrick unless you have an independent sus on him is removed. It's a weird take and a weird way to play and it's just ??? to me
I am pushing for Lau/Gerrick now. I just didn't bother moving my vote last night. You don't think it's suspicious how he didnt address Laurentus's claim all day. When he does appear he susses me for not voting him, instead of going after Laurentus. Don't you think that's a weird play to make?

Unvote Vote: Gerrick
Totally agree with your logic here and may follow suit later on. I generally don't like changing my vote around a lot, I vote for whom I find the most sus and stick with it. Lau's retraction made me think we'd really messed up, but after sleeping on it I still don't like the fact that he didn't address the issue until after the fact, and even then his response was meh.
His logic is not great though because in the very next post he says he wants to push me or Abigail again. For very ??? reasons.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 02:59:11 PM
I'm going to sleep on things and try to figure out who I want to vote for tomorrow.

My sus list at the moment, in no particular order:

Lau - never been a fan of fake claims, creates more confusion than clarity, which I don't think benefits the town at all; did see same thing in champs last year and it was a townie who did it, so probably the least sus on this list but that doesn't mean I trust him one bit

Gerrick - didn't like his eventual response to having been painted red by Lau (not sure if this precludes them being w/w together)

TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about

CL - agree with Abigail that he came to the party late, voted for her over Gerrick, then his responses since then have been more aggressive than explanatory, still wants to push the Gerrick vote so don't see them being w/w together

Beginning to feel better about Abigail and Dolby; Moon still seems pretty quiet; KoD seems to just want to argue with everyone and defend NoName; I'm also feeling better about NoName as the game progresses - especially liked their post stating that they use alts all the time - that felt genuine and informative; can't get a read on Ex or Winter; find Coz just weird; Red and Anub don't stand out either way to me; ENE I feel has made some solid posts and I like their thinking, but that could be bias based on coming from the same region.

Happy? There's some town reads for those who are upset that I didn't want to give them. And with that, I'm crashing for the night. The book that I mentioned to Abigail earlier, Anathem, has a line in it to the effect that we do some of our hardest work while sleeping and I'm hoping that during the night my subconscious will be able to paint a better picture of the muddled mess that we find ourselves in at the moment thanks to Lau's trickery.

Oh, I forgot Vro in my list. I guess the fact that he slipped my mind means I should put him in the null category with Red and Anub, Winter and Ex. I think that's everyone but I'm sure someone will point it out if I missed anybody.
Aersoldorf continues to be townie, I believe he's the type of player who wouldn't be happy about FPSing (for the uninitiated, FPS stands for Fancy Play Syndrome), the only thing that rubs me wrong here is caving to pressure and providing Town reads.
smh, @ExLight, smh
Not sure I understand this post...
I'm (s)haking (m)y (h)ead at the fact that he's once more demonstrating how he's not reading anything in the game and at the same time showing him where I explained what FPSing means.
Ah, so you just quoted the wrong post of mine?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 02:59:45 PM
Fuck it thread is dead and I've done enough lying low is posting way to much but mostly just gifs and subtle things that might or might not matter lying low? I guess not but anyways

Vote: Captan Lunch

I don't trust. Now I do have a history of voting tit for tat on day 1 anyways,  and maybe that is part of it, but what concerns me mainly do I say this? Voting for me on first impression? I could see that. I think ignoring what everyone has noted about my play style and relying solely on your interpretation of how I play versus your feeling of what Werewolf is might be a bit shortsighted especially since at most we played together one time I think. You don't even know me or how I play the game or why I do what I do. But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me. And what concerns me more is that inspite of your attempts to blame town for pulling the brakes on a Gerrick lynch they you yourself have never even been willing to jump on yourself and further pushing the issue while never moving off me or giving any reads list or reasons for why. Pulling the brakes on a lynch based on false information seems totally logical but slamming the foot on the gas to lynch someone because someone made a false claim about them when they were never on anyone's radar prior seems pretty fucking sus.

And lastly I don't think we should disregard the information about you lurking as scum previously in games considering how long it took you to contribute and your aggressive approach with little to no reasoning since you appeared
Your just omgusing me. Thats all this is. You contradict yourself. You say, "Voting for me on first impression? I could see that." Ok, but then later say" But what concerns me the most is the absolute lack of any reasoning other than it being a "gut" feeling about me." I said it was a "first impression", which you said you could see. Then you turn around phrase it as a "gut feeling" which you are not ok with?  Not only is that a bit contradictory, but your twisting my words.

About the Garrick lynch, which concerns you even more than what concerns you most.

Yes, I am willing to jump on the Garrick lynch, you say I never been willing to jump on, but it wasn't a matter of being willing, I wasn't here. But, If I was voting for him, I'd say it was premature for town to back off based on one post of Laurentus saying he lied. We'd still need to push for more information, it does not automatically mean either of them is town.

And about KoD's information, he likes to stir up trouble. What he said is not accurate, and he knows I'd be the one few able to catch him in his lies.

Bolded part of this. Like, why would your vote at the time be the determining factor and if you did feel that way why aren't you pushing in Lau/Gerrick now? And the entire reason to vote Gerrick unless you have an independent sus on him is removed. It's a weird take and a weird way to play and it's just ??? to me
I am pushing for Lau/Gerrick now. I just didn't bother moving my vote last night. You don't think it's suspicious how he didnt address Laurentus's claim all day. When he does appear he susses me for not voting him, instead of going after Laurentus. Don't you think that's a weird play to make?

Unvote Vote: Gerrick
Totally agree with your logic here and may follow suit later on. I generally don't like changing my vote around a lot, I vote for whom I find the most sus and stick with it. Lau's retraction made me think we'd really messed up, but after sleeping on it I still don't like the fact that he didn't address the issue until after the fact, and even then his response was meh.
His logic is not great though because in the very next post he says he wants to push me or Abigail again. For very ??? reasons.
I was only referring to the logic regarding Gerrick...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 03:01:47 PM
I'm going to sleep on things and try to figure out who I want to vote for tomorrow.

My sus list at the moment, in no particular order:

Lau - never been a fan of fake claims, creates more confusion than clarity, which I don't think benefits the town at all; did see same thing in champs last year and it was a townie who did it, so probably the least sus on this list but that doesn't mean I trust him one bit

Gerrick - didn't like his eventual response to having been painted red by Lau (not sure if this precludes them being w/w together)

TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about

CL - agree with Abigail that he came to the party late, voted for her over Gerrick, then his responses since then have been more aggressive than explanatory, still wants to push the Gerrick vote so don't see them being w/w together

Beginning to feel better about Abigail and Dolby; Moon still seems pretty quiet; KoD seems to just want to argue with everyone and defend NoName; I'm also feeling better about NoName as the game progresses - especially liked their post stating that they use alts all the time - that felt genuine and informative; can't get a read on Ex or Winter; find Coz just weird; Red and Anub don't stand out either way to me; ENE I feel has made some solid posts and I like their thinking, but that could be bias based on coming from the same region.

Happy? There's some town reads for those who are upset that I didn't want to give them. And with that, I'm crashing for the night. The book that I mentioned to Abigail earlier, Anathem, has a line in it to the effect that we do some of our hardest work while sleeping and I'm hoping that during the night my subconscious will be able to paint a better picture of the muddled mess that we find ourselves in at the moment thanks to Lau's trickery.

Oh, I forgot Vro in my list. I guess the fact that he slipped my mind means I should put him in the null category with Red and Anub, Winter and Ex. I think that's everyone but I'm sure someone will point it out if I missed anybody.
Aersoldorf continues to be townie, I believe he's the type of player who wouldn't be happy about FPSing (for the uninitiated, FPS stands for Fancy Play Syndrome), the only thing that rubs me wrong here is caving to pressure and providing Town reads.
smh, @ExLight, smh
Not sure I understand this post...
I'm (s)haking (m)y (h)ead at the fact that he's once more demonstrating how he's not reading anything in the game and at the same time showing him where I explained what FPSing means.
Ah, so you just quoted the wrong post of mine?
No, my original response to your wall also had me defining FPSing.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 03:02:59 PM
I want to point out even though I'm voting Garrick right now. I will vote Neon Abagail or Laurentus. So there's not confusion on who I'm pushing.
Why tho? Abigail is townie af.
What's so townie about her? Fluff posts don't get you town points where i come from
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 03:04:34 PM
cant say I've grown too fond of offtopic shenanigans like these, specially ones that could cause confusion lol

damn Lau why you playing like noob me with all these tricks have you grown bored of traditional methods
To an extent, lol. I have been playing mafia non-stop for 4 months now over at MU, and I began experimenting with FPSing back in April last year.

Someone made this cool diagram in a recent game I partook in:

this is cute lol what even is FPS though :notlikeduck:
Lau was right earlier, you don't really read the thread do you?
@Laurentus this is the one I imagined that you had meant to quote, but I do see that you defined it in the other one as well.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 03:08:05 PM
I want to point out even though I'm voting Garrick right now. I will vote Neon Abagail or Laurentus. So there's not confusion on who I'm pushing.
Why tho? Abigail is townie af.
What's so townie about her? Fluff posts don't get you town points where i come from
Fluff posting is entirely NAI for her (in fact I've seen her do it exclusively as Town, lol, but uh, I've only seen her as Town), and her case on you was Townie af. You can see that's where she started becoming serious about this game.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 03:09:22 PM
I'm going to go ahead and vote just in case I'm tied up at work near EoD. I plan to stick with it unless something world shattering happens between now and then.

Vote: Lynch Gerrick
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 03:10:25 PM
Are CFDs common here at EoD?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 03:13:03 PM
very extremely big rip, especially since this issue with multiquote is Chrome specific

I'm still getting the old behavior but I'm assuming it's only a matter of time before the new behavior overwrites my cache
Actually, my post may have been premature. I think I may have fixed the issue without entirely reverting the change. The entire issue seems to revolve around two lines of code in the javascript that inserts text into the text editor (which both the Insert Quote link and multiquote use), where text is the quote that you want to add to the editor:

Code: [Select]
var current_value = bClear ? text : this.getSourceEditorValue(false) + text;
You can see why it always added new quotes to the bottom...the code literally appends the quotes to the end of whatever is in the editor box. My initial fix was to comment out those lines and add in the way it was handled before we adopted the new text editor:

Code: [Select]

//var current_value = bClear ? text : this.getSourceEditorValue(false) + text;
I was thinking about this though...there's only one line that actually does anything, setSourceEditorValue, so I just did something that's...kinda in the middle:

Code: [Select]
After it inserts the text like in the old editor, it then sets the editors value to...the editors value. I'm not entirely sure why this works, perhaps the function resets or clears something that allows Chrome to proceed with the other quotes. Either way, it seems necessary to have the function in there for Chrome, and this seems to both allow quotes to appear at the cursor and keep multiquote from breaking. :D

Actually, the entire multiquote system is fascinating, and I started tracing it right from the beginning when you hit the multiquote button to try to find the problem...but I doubt anyone here wants a lesson in how the multiquote system works. :P
The problem isn't fixed. I'm posting from my desktop at work, using Chrome, and the multiquote still only inserted one quote for me.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 03:13:29 PM
Are CFDs common here at EoD?
Not really. Usually happens mostly when there is significant influence from outside-Wintrean forces.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 03:14:37 PM
Are CFDs common here at EoD?
Not really. Usually happens mostly when there is significant influence from outside-Wintrean forces.
Good, really hate those
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 27, 2022, 03:27:33 PM
The problem isn't fixed. I'm posting from my desktop at work, using Chrome, and the multiquote still only inserted one quote for me.
You may need to force-update your browser cache. Try hitting Ctrl+F5 on the topic page and then hit reply.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 03:34:12 PM
Are CFDs common here at EoD?
Not really. Usually happens mostly when there is significant influence from outside-Wintrean forces.
Good, really hate those
They can be pretty fun, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 03:41:12 PM
I want to point out even though I'm voting Garrick right now. I will vote Neon Abagail or Laurentus. So there's not confusion on who I'm pushing.
Why tho? Abigail is townie af.
What's so townie about her? Fluff posts don't get you town points where i come from
Fluff posting is entirely NAI for her (in fact I've seen her do it exclusively as Town, lol, but uh, I've only seen her as Town), and her case on you was Townie af. You can see that's where she started becoming serious about this game.
I mean still going to "fluff" post though lol. Even my fluff has reasons.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 03:43:36 PM
Just caught up. I'll need to reread to make a proper scum list. For now my vote is going on Neon Abagail

So you gonna make this read list or? Just going to ignore this because you yourself have admitted to rereading the thread now. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 03:46:28 PM
Yeah I lied about rereading the thread in any serious capacity. Anyway, there's like an hour an a half left to this day.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 03:48:37 PM
Oh, in that case

Vote: Captan_Lunch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 04:00:05 PM
Yeah I lied about rereading the thread in any serious capacity. Anyway, there's like an hour an a half left to this day.
You also lied about when you first got here 


See I'm paranoid about lurkers being scum so I was keeping track of moondrop and your activity. Moondrop feels like a player who didn't know what they were getting into and is now overwhelmed by 30x pages of content to read through. 

But you? I know you've played mafia before and the only reason your here is for mafia that much is certain. So when you were active on the site long before you claimed to have first been here I found that pretty hard to believe considering that there is no other reason for you to have been on the site no?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 04:01:54 PM
Yeah I lied about rereading the thread in any serious capacity. Anyway, there's like an hour an a half left to this day.
You also lied about when you first got here


See I'm paranoid about lurkers being scum so I was keeping track of moondrop and your activity. Moondrop feels like a player who didn't know what they were getting into and is now overwhelmed by 30x pages of content to read through.

But you? I know you've played mafia before and the only reason your here is for mafia that much is certain. So when you were active on the site long before you claimed to have first been here I found that pretty hard to believe considering that there is no other reason for you to have been on the site no?
There's no goddamned way this isn't Town. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 04:03:13 PM
I need to sleep before work so I won't be on again before EoD but at this point I'm not changing my vote anyways 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 04:03:31 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 27, 2022, 04:07:17 PM
Yeah I lied about rereading the thread in any serious capacity. Anyway, there's like an hour an a half left to this day.
Vote: Captan_lunch

I don't have any impressions, but at least I tried rereading...even if it makes my eyes glaze over. At least when Lau lied it had some plausible game purpose, so. v_v
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 27, 2022, 04:13:07 PM
Here's the current votes so far:

Laurentus: Vote Dolby – Change to Vroendal-- Change to Captan Lunch (1) (voted in blue)
Dolby: Vote Laurentus – Change to ExLight –Change to Gerrick –Change to Captan Lunch (2)
Exlight: Vote Neon Abigail –Change to Gerrick (1)
TGN: Vote ExLight – Vote: Wintermoot (1)
Neon Abigail: Vote Eat Pie – Change to Gerrick –Change to Captan Lunch (3) (Voted in pink)
Gerrick: Vote Anubhav Ghosh (1) (Voted in red)
Aersoldorf: Vote Gerrick –Vote Gerrick (2)
Anubhav Ghosh: Vote Gerrick (voted in red) –Change to No Lynch (1)
Eastern New England: Vote Gerrick (3) (Voted in green and black)
Captan Lunch: Vote Neon Abigail --Changed to Gerrick (4)
KingofDominaria: Vote Gerrick (Voted in pink)–Unvote
Cozmikrae: Vote Captan Lunch (4)
Wintermoot: Vote Captan Lunch (5) (Voted in pink)

Gerrick: 4 (Exlight, Aersoldorf, Eastern New England, Captan Lunch)
Captan Lunch: 5 (Cozmikrae, Laurentus, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot)
Anubhav Ghosh: 1 (Gerrick)
Wintermoot: 1 (TGN)
No lynch: 1 (Anubhav Ghosh)

No vote/unvoted: Red Mones, NoName, Moondrop, Vroendal, TGN, KingofDominaria

Let me know again if I missed anything.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 27, 2022, 04:14:43 PM
Vote: Wintermoot
Why? Well idk either I just need to save a no vote for a important moment I guess. Sorry moot :/
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 27, 2022, 04:16:33 PM
Added TGN's vote to the above vote count, but please remember to bold your votes in the future TGN so that I/Ruguo don't accidentally miss you (which will be really easy in a game this active).
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 04:19:37 PM
Yeah I lied about rereading the thread in any serious capacity. Anyway, there's like an hour an a half left to this day.
You also lied about when you first got here


See I'm paranoid about lurkers being scum so I was keeping track of moondrop and your activity. Moondrop feels like a player who didn't know what they were getting into and is now overwhelmed by 30x pages of content to read through.

But you? I know you've played mafia before and the only reason your here is for mafia that much is certain. So when you were active on the site long before you claimed to have first been here I found that pretty hard to believe considering that there is no other reason for you to have been on the site no?
There's no goddamned way this isn't Town.
I had the site up on my phone so I wouldnt forgot the game or the website url. Doesn't mean I was absorbing any information. So much for your detective work.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 27, 2022, 04:26:38 PM
Abigail came across a bit over-defensive a couple pages ago in response to CL voting them. Is this normal for them?

It's not really something I'm remembering them having done previously, but I haven't played here in a long time.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on January 27, 2022, 04:35:09 PM
Wow that was quite a read, but too bad I missed the commotion.

At first I thought Laurentus was scum because why would a town knowingly lie that I was scum from an alignment scan (and as scum he would just be revealed as scum when lynched the next day since I'd flip town). Then I thought perhaps somebody (most likely scum) had another day ability that would alter any abilities on a target and targeted Laurentus. But I ended up coming to the conclusion that Laurentus was just doing a reaction test (turns out I was right). I was going to play along, but guess I took too long in catching up.

That doesn't mean he isn't scum since he's bold enough to try that even as scum, but I'm not about to try to lynch him yet.

Neon reads towny to me from the late reaction since I'm sure the scum chat would've let them all know about Laurentus' revelation.

Scum reading CL for completely ignoring Laurentus' accusation, and I'm sure at least one of the people who voted me is scum.
To be clear, you were online when I pinged you with the accusation, and yet you only responded once I retracted. Why?
I was offline when you posted (430am) then was reading a couple times throughout the day through the backlog of pages I had since I last posted and then finally was able to post when I was all caught up - wasn't gonna post without reading everything. I currently drive for work so can't read much during the day except on breaks. Currently writing this while driving lol

Quote from: Anubhav Ghosh 1/26/2022, 10:41:34 PM
@Gerrick Also , I wanted to ask you if you would be mostly inactive for a few days down the calendar. Like 1-2 small post level active, not the one who makes large posts of analysis.
As I said above, weekdays (tue-Fri) are a bit difficult, but I should be able to get in a post a day at least. 

Want to mention that I'm starting to scum lean TGN. Think he's overselling the derpiness. He won as scum one time by playing it up on his first game if I remember correctly. 

Well since CL hasn't dissuaded me of his scumminess, and he's the only other wagon than me right now

Vote: Captain Lunch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 04:35:47 PM
Vote: Laurentus
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 04:36:36 PM
I have an investigative role. I'm a cop.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 04:38:50 PM
Vote: Laurentus
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 04:39:17 PM
I have an investigative role. I'm a cop.
How very convenient to out now. Would anyone like to counterclaim? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 27, 2022, 04:39:23 PM
Here's the current votes so far:

Laurentus: Vote Dolby – Change to Vroendal-- Change to Captan Lunch (1) (voted in blue)
Dolby: Vote Laurentus – Change to ExLight –Change to Gerrick –Change to Captan Lunch (2)
Exlight: Vote Neon Abigail –Change to Gerrick (1)
TGN: Vote ExLight – Vote: Wintermoot (1)
Neon Abigail: Vote Eat Pie – Change to Gerrick –Change to Captan Lunch (3) (Voted in pink)
Gerrick: Vote Anubhav Ghosh (1) (Voted in red)
Aersoldorf: Vote Gerrick –Vote Gerrick (2)
Anubhav Ghosh: Vote Gerrick (voted in red) –Change to No Lynch (1)
Eastern New England: Vote Gerrick (3) (Voted in green and black)
Captan Lunch: Vote Neon Abigail --Changed to Gerrick (4)
KingofDominaria: Vote Gerrick (Voted in pink)–Unvote
Cozmikrae: Vote Captan Lunch (4)
Wintermoot: Vote Captan Lunch (5) (Voted in pink)

Gerrick: 4 (Exlight, Aersoldorf, Eastern New England, Captan Lunch)
Captan Lunch: 5 (Cozmikrae, Laurentus, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot)
Anubhav Ghosh: 1 (Gerrick)
Wintermoot: 1 (TGN)
No lynch: 1 (Anubhav Ghosh)

No vote/unvoted: Red Mones, NoName, Moondrop, Vroendal, TGN, KingofDominaria

Let me know again if I missed anything.
Updating vote count assuming Michi's previous count of who voted was correct. There will be a triple check when EoD rolls around. Reminder, EoD is in about an hour and twenty minutes. Also a reminder that Maj is at 9.

Gerrick: 2 (Aersoldorf, Eastern New England, Captan Lunch)
Captan Lunch: 7 (Cozmikrae, Laurentus, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot, Gerrick)
Wintermoot: 1 (TGN)
Laurentus: 1 (ExLight)
No lynch: 1 (Anubhav Ghosh)

No vote/unvoted: Red Mones, NoName, Moondrop, Vroendal, KingofDominaria
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 04:41:48 PM
Wait, we have maj on D1? 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 27, 2022, 04:42:58 PM
TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about
I can answer that
the 3 wolves thing was a comment because everyone was voting Gerrik (and no I won’t spell their name right) so I was being bad at humor (again)
as for the discord is down comment: that’s it. nothing more than me announcing information everyone knew
A joke about what, though?
There being 3 wolves because 3 people had voted Gerrik and I will don’t know why other than “he’s the literal devil” when clearly Manny from Diary of a Wimpy Kid is the devil
also what is a derpclear and why am I that according to 1 person where the quote wouldn’t load
TGN, at this point this is too derpy for me to believe.
I agree to this.

In the beginning thought TGN was genuinely derping, but now I'm getting doubts. Every single post they have made has sounded over the top. As if trying to see how much innocence and cluelessness you can manage to stuff into one post.

It's not solely the questions, it's more the tone of them. Phrasing such as "according to 1 person where the quote wouldn't load". You're telling me you couldn't check this player's username, but you managed to keep count that 3 people were voting Gerrick? I'm not sure. The 3 wolves comment could very well be TMI.

However, I vaguely remember TGN being derp-y last time I played with them (though not this derp-y). Maybe it's playstyle? I don't remember what alignment they were that game.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 04:44:09 PM
Im voting with exlight on Laurentus.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 04:44:34 PM
TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about
I can answer that
the 3 wolves thing was a comment because everyone was voting Gerrik (and no I won’t spell their name right) so I was being bad at humor (again)
as for the discord is down comment: that’s it. nothing more than me announcing information everyone knew
A joke about what, though?
There being 3 wolves because 3 people had voted Gerrik and I will don’t know why other than “he’s the literal devil” when clearly Manny from Diary of a Wimpy Kid is the devil
also what is a derpclear and why am I that according to 1 person where the quote wouldn’t load
TGN, at this point this is too derpy for me to believe.
I agree to this.

In the beginning thought TGN was genuinely derping, but now I'm getting doubts. Every single post they have made has sounded over the top. As if trying to see how much innocence and cluelessness you can manage to stuff into one post.

It's not solely the questions, it's more the tone of them. Phrasing such as "according to 1 person where the quote wouldn't load". You're telling me you couldn't check this player's username, but you managed to keep count that 3 people were voting Gerrick? I'm not sure. The 3 wolves comment could very well be TMI.

However, I vaguely remember TGN being derp-y last time I played with them (though not this derp-y). Maybe it's playstyle? I don't remember what alignment they were that game.
Lol, bruh, you were literally scum with him in LotRWolf. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 04:44:50 PM
Im voting with exlight on Laurentus.

Again, why? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 27, 2022, 04:45:28 PM
Vote: TGN
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 04:46:04 PM
So many vanity wagons. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 04:47:19 PM
Im voting with exlight on Laurentus.

Again, why?
I was only voting gerrick since his wagon was bigger.

Now that in had to claim I can swing the lynch, and you deserve lynched more than he does over the fake cop result.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 04:47:52 PM
@Eastern New England
@Anubhav Ghosh
@Red Mones
@Neon Abigail

Captan Lunch has claimed cop/Seer. Would anyone like to counterclaim? Treating it as confirmed if not. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 27, 2022, 04:48:04 PM
TGN - just rubbed me wrong with his 'joke' about there being 3 wolves, also didn't really understand the 'discord is down' comment unless he's involved in some group chat that we don't know about
I can answer that
the 3 wolves thing was a comment because everyone was voting Gerrik (and no I won’t spell their name right) so I was being bad at humor (again)
as for the discord is down comment: that’s it. nothing more than me announcing information everyone knew
A joke about what, though?
There being 3 wolves because 3 people had voted Gerrik and I will don’t know why other than “he’s the literal devil” when clearly Manny from Diary of a Wimpy Kid is the devil
also what is a derpclear and why am I that according to 1 person where the quote wouldn’t load
TGN, at this point this is too derpy for me to believe.
I agree to this.

In the beginning thought TGN was genuinely derping, but now I'm getting doubts. Every single post they have made has sounded over the top. As if trying to see how much innocence and cluelessness you can manage to stuff into one post.

It's not solely the questions, it's more the tone of them. Phrasing such as "according to 1 person where the quote wouldn't load". You're telling me you couldn't check this player's username, but you managed to keep count that 3 people were voting Gerrick? I'm not sure. The 3 wolves comment could very well be TMI.

However, I vaguely remember TGN being derp-y last time I played with them (though not this derp-y). Maybe it's playstyle? I don't remember what alignment they were that game.
Lol, bruh, you were literally scum with him in LotRWolf.
Now I feel dumb. I didn't know my memory was bad. Really? TGN played that game? I should maybe skim-read the ISO and wolf chat, then.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 27, 2022, 04:49:38 PM
@Eastern New England
@Anubhav Ghosh
@Red Mones
@Neon Abigail

Captan Lunch has claimed cop/Seer. Would anyone like to counterclaim? Treating it as confirmed if not.
Don't we think there could be multiple seeing roles? It's a big game afterall.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 04:49:56 PM
Im voting with exlight on Laurentus.

Again, why?
I was only voting gerrick since his wagon was bigger.

Now that in had to claim I can swing the lynch, and you deserve lynched more than he does over the fake cop result.
God fucking help us if you're really the Seer. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 04:50:51 PM
@Eastern New England
@Anubhav Ghosh
@Red Mones
@Neon Abigail

Captan Lunch has claimed cop/Seer. Would anyone like to counterclaim? Treating it as confirmed if not.
Don't we think there could be multiple seeing roles? It's a big game afterall.
Only time I've seen it is in LotRWolf, but that game was a travesty of townsidedness and I don't think it would happen again. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 27, 2022, 04:57:51 PM
Well, I have a seeing role. So, I guess I'll counter-claim. Still think there could be multiple, but whatever.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 04:59:53 PM
Well, then my vote is staying right where it is.

Vote: Captan_Lunch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:01:00 PM
To be specific, are you an alignment cop? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 05:02:54 PM
Don't even say anything New England. You didn't have to counter claim to see me lynched
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 27, 2022, 05:03:34 PM
Vote: Captan_Lunch

There's no reason to back down because of his claim. He's a self admitted liar and would have nothing to lose going into a lynch as the leading wagon. Plus ENE is apparently throwing a counter of sorts. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:04:26 PM
Don't even say anything New England. You didn't have to counter claim to see me lynched
If he's, like, a tracker, then I'm unvoting. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:09:01 PM
Vote: Captan_Lunch

There's no reason to back down because of his claim. He's a self admitted liar and would have nothing to lose going into a lynch as the leading wagon. Plus ENE is apparently throwing a counter of sorts.
Have a feeling you've played with him, yeah? Is his usual MO to claim cop at EoD? If not, and this is his first time, I'm betting that someone on his team told him to do it who knows good Werewolf theory. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:10:42 PM
To expand, is it usual for him to claim cop at EoD before he goes over as scum?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 05:12:13 PM
Nope. In those cases I claim doc
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:14:17 PM
@Eastern New England, please answer. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 05:15:31 PM
It doesn't matter. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 27, 2022, 05:17:46 PM
Actually never mind.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:17:56 PM
Ugh, I really hope we're not sleepwalking into a cop lynch here.

What is your legacy, Captan? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 27, 2022, 05:18:31 PM
I... misunderstood my role. Anyways, I'll gladly bait the night-kill now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:19:22 PM
I... misunderstood my role. Anyways, I'll gladly bait the night-kill now.
But what does this mean? :(
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 27, 2022, 05:20:40 PM
To expand, is it usual for him to claim cop at EoD before he goes over as scum?
Cop specifically, no. But he doesn't play by convention either so it wouldn't surprise me if he claimed cop as town even if he wasn't just to swing the lynch anywhere else. If he was a strong town asset (in terms of ability to hunt sans role) I might say that it would be forgivable but that isn't the case.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 27, 2022, 05:21:38 PM
I... misunderstood my role. Anyways, I'll gladly bait the night-kill now.
But what does this mean? :(
It means he's going to leave it vague to WIFOM the nk. Could be cop. Could not be cop. Very town play. I approve. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:25:02 PM
I... misunderstood my role. Anyways, I'll gladly bait the night-kill now.
But what does this mean? :(
It means he's going to leave it vague to WIFOM the nk. Could be cop. Could not be cop. Very town play. I approve.
His towniness isn't in question, to counterclaim as Wolf here would be incredibly dumb. I just don't like the idea that we could be about to lynch a cop. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 27, 2022, 05:28:37 PM
It should be in question given he said he misunderstood his role. A genuine misunderstanding could lead to a wolf cop notion in which case countering the town cop would be fine as long as you could back your own claim. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:32:00 PM
It should be in question given he said he misunderstood his role. A genuine misunderstanding could lead to a wolf cop notion in which case countering the town cop would be fine as long as you could back your own claim.
It would be dumb for one simple reason alone: you will keep not dying if you're scum and therefore just out. And your logic is incredibly shaky. Literally any wolf can claim cop and give believable results from it, since they actually know everyone's alignment. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 05:34:15 PM
Vote: Wintermoot
Why? Well idk either I just need to save a no vote for a important moment I guess. Sorry moot :/
As much as I hate switching my votes I'm extremely tempted to do so after reading this post.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:43:40 PM
I have a sinking feeling about this whole situation. Wtf is scum thinking placing their vote on a vanity wagon like me when Gerrick exists as a possible hail-Mary play here. And if they're W/W, I expect the wagons as they are would involve a fuck load of them trying to bus each other. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 05:47:44 PM
I have a sinking feeling about this whole situation. Wtf is scum thinking placing their vote on a vanity wagon like me when Gerrick exists as a possible hail-Mary play here. And if they're W/W, I expect the wagons as they are would involve a fuck load of them trying to bus each other.
To be clear, my vote on Gerrick isn't some Hail Mary attempt. I really find his actions thus far to be pretty suspect.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:51:39 PM
I have a sinking feeling about this whole situation. Wtf is scum thinking placing their vote on a vanity wagon like me when Gerrick exists as a possible hail-Mary play here. And if they're W/W, I expect the wagons as they are would involve a fuck load of them trying to bus each other.
To be clear, my vote on Gerrick isn't some Hail Mary attempt. I really find his actions thus far to be pretty suspect.
Yeah, my hail-Mary statement is aimed at Captan alone. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 27, 2022, 05:52:21 PM
It should be in question given he said he misunderstood his role. A genuine misunderstanding could lead to a wolf cop notion in which case countering the town cop would be fine as long as you could back your own claim.
It would be dumb for one simple reason alone: you will keep not dying if you're scum and therefore just out. And your logic is incredibly shaky. Literally any wolf can claim cop and give believable results from it, since they actually know everyone's alignment.
I'm not saying it would be a good play, just a possible play. This is especially true when you consider ENE believed there to be multiple cops, which suggests that they thought they had a watered down variant that might not end up being a high priority kill. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 27, 2022, 05:52:58 PM
I... misunderstood my role. Anyways, I'll gladly bait the night-kill now.
But what does this mean? :(
I don't want to get into the semantics of it, but I've retracted my counter-claim. CL is as likely to be Cop as they were prior to my counter-claim. In my opinion at least.

Take that as you will.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:54:32 PM
I should just go back to not caring, that was more fun. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 05:54:51 PM
Im here. I will vote Gerrick. It would make a lot more sense than what we're doing right now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:56:24 PM
How much time is left? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 27, 2022, 05:57:59 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 05:58:52 PM
Vote: Gerrick
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Captan_lunch on January 27, 2022, 05:59:38 PM
Unvote Vote: Gerrick 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:02:30 PM
It's just incredibly poor play to vote off a claimed cop when no proper cc exists. I will gladly CFD TGN or Gerrick over it. And so should we all. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:08:46 PM
I... misunderstood my role. Anyways, I'll gladly bait the night-kill now.
But what does this mean? :(
I don't want to get into the semantics of it, but I've retracted my counter-claim. CL is as likely to be Cop as they were prior to my counter-claim. In my opinion at least.

Take that as you will.
Er. ENE, I hope to get you understand the reference, but does Gondor call for aid? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:13:00 PM
Let me put it slightly more plainly: am I being stupid? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 27, 2022, 06:16:04 PM
Day is over. Consider this time Twilight. Give me a bit to get home and I'll get EoD results up. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:17:57 PM
Well, RIP. Please be scum, Captan. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 27, 2022, 06:19:28 PM
While you wait, we will provide you with some smooth Jazz.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 06:23:40 PM
Is night talking allowed? I mean quiet mode was to get night talking to stop, was it not ?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 06:29:05 PM
Assuming this means we didn't trip any of the other modes either?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 06:29:40 PM
Is night talking allowed? I mean quiet mode was to get night talking to stop, was it not ?
Correct on both counts. I think.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 06:30:29 PM
Well, RIP. Please be scum, Captan.
Wait, we didn't get Gerrick? I kinda lost count of the votes. Work is pretty hectic the last hour or so.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:31:17 PM
Well, RIP. Please be scum, Captan.
Wait, we didn't get Gerrick? I kinda lost count of the votes. Work is pretty hectic the last hour or so.
I think he was on 4 votes. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:33:05 PM
Here's the current votes so far:

Laurentus: Vote Dolby – Change to Vroendal-- Change to Captan Lunch (1) (voted in blue)
Dolby: Vote Laurentus – Change to ExLight –Change to Gerrick –Change to Captan Lunch (2)
Exlight: Vote Neon Abigail –Change to Gerrick (1)
TGN: Vote ExLight – Vote: Wintermoot (1)
Neon Abigail: Vote Eat Pie – Change to Gerrick –Change to Captan Lunch (3) (Voted in pink)
Gerrick: Vote Anubhav Ghosh (1) (Voted in red)
Aersoldorf: Vote Gerrick –Vote Gerrick (2)
Anubhav Ghosh: Vote Gerrick (voted in red) –Change to No Lynch (1)
Eastern New England: Vote Gerrick (3) (Voted in green and black)
Captan Lunch: Vote Neon Abigail --Changed to Gerrick (4)
KingofDominaria: Vote Gerrick (Voted in pink)–Unvote
Cozmikrae: Vote Captan Lunch (4)
Wintermoot: Vote Captan Lunch (5) (Voted in pink)

Gerrick: 4 (Exlight, Aersoldorf, Eastern New England, Captan Lunch)
Captan Lunch: 5 (Cozmikrae, Laurentus, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot)
Anubhav Ghosh: 1 (Gerrick)
Wintermoot: 1 (TGN)
No lynch: 1 (Anubhav Ghosh)

No vote/unvoted: Red Mones, NoName, Moondrop, Vroendal, TGN, KingofDominaria

Let me know again if I missed anything.
Updating vote count assuming Michi's previous count of who voted was correct. There will be a triple check when EoD rolls around. Reminder, EoD is in about an hour and twenty minutes. Also a reminder that Maj is at 9.

Gerrick: 2 (Aersoldorf, Eastern New England, Captan Lunch)
Captan Lunch: 7 (Cozmikrae, Laurentus, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot, Gerrick)
Wintermoot: 1 (TGN)
Laurentus: 1 (ExLight)
No lynch: 1 (Anubhav Ghosh)

No vote/unvoted: Red Mones, NoName, Moondrop, Vroendal, KingofDominaria
Okay, yeah, I'm confused. The vote count here says 2, but there are 4 voters listed. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:34:04 PM
Regardless, I'm p sure that Captan is the lynch. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:36:46 PM
Captan, this could be your last shot to post a legacy. Same to you Gerrick. Suggest you avail yourself of the opportunity. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:38:27 PM
Here's the current votes so far:

Laurentus: Vote Dolby – Change to Vroendal-- Change to Captan Lunch (1) (voted in blue)
Dolby: Vote Laurentus – Change to ExLight –Change to Gerrick –Change to Captan Lunch (2)
Exlight: Vote Neon Abigail –Change to Gerrick (1)
TGN: Vote ExLight – Vote: Wintermoot (1)
Neon Abigail: Vote Eat Pie – Change to Gerrick –Change to Captan Lunch (3) (Voted in pink)
Gerrick: Vote Anubhav Ghosh (1) (Voted in red)
Aersoldorf: Vote Gerrick –Vote Gerrick (2)
Anubhav Ghosh: Vote Gerrick (voted in red) –Change to No Lynch (1)
Eastern New England: Vote Gerrick (3) (Voted in green and black)
Captan Lunch: Vote Neon Abigail --Changed to Gerrick (4)
KingofDominaria: Vote Gerrick (Voted in pink)–Unvote
Cozmikrae: Vote Captan Lunch (4)
Wintermoot: Vote Captan Lunch (5) (Voted in pink)

Gerrick: 4 (Exlight, Aersoldorf, Eastern New England, Captan Lunch)
Captan Lunch: 5 (Cozmikrae, Laurentus, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot)
Anubhav Ghosh: 1 (Gerrick)
Wintermoot: 1 (TGN)
No lynch: 1 (Anubhav Ghosh)

No vote/unvoted: Red Mones, NoName, Moondrop, Vroendal, TGN, KingofDominaria

Let me know again if I missed anything.
Updating vote count assuming Michi's previous count of who voted was correct. There will be a triple check when EoD rolls around. Reminder, EoD is in about an hour and twenty minutes. Also a reminder that Maj is at 9.

Gerrick: 2 (Aersoldorf, Eastern New England, Captan Lunch)
Captan Lunch: 7 (Cozmikrae, Laurentus, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot, Gerrick)
Wintermoot: 1 (TGN)
Laurentus: 1 (ExLight)
No lynch: 1 (Anubhav Ghosh)

No vote/unvoted: Red Mones, NoName, Moondrop, Vroendal, KingofDominaria
Okay, yeah, I'm confused. The vote count here says 2, but there are 4 voters listed.
Scratch that, 3 voters listed. One of whom was Captan, so there wasn't really even movement there. Yeah I think Captan was the lynch. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 06:48:09 PM
Something looks way too off for Laurentus-Dolby episodes. Laurentus fakeclaimed, to which Dolby supposedly had said something to Lau, and he was 'right on money' on that part. Later on, we see that Laurentus' fake claim seems to bring Dolby to a statement where he says that most of what Lau did was fake, and it didn't seem a comfortable tone either. Some posts later that comes to a close, Dolby and Laurentus going back to a mutual feeling of comfort. There has also been a post from me, asking Dolby and Lau whether they had options to be connected, since it seemed that Dolby had previously known about his fake cop shot. That seemed to get totally ignored, I guess that could have led to some sort of soft, but it doesn't seem right in the present scenario. Dolby has also made some vague-looking comments, which I will get back to later on, because the multiquote isn't working. This looks scum Dolby. Also Laurentus has used distancing in a game where I saw him as scum. The Dolby episode did look like one.

Aer and Neon looks good(anyone who speaks Tea is good) TGN feels odd, Ex might take this mix of prior guilt during lynch and laziness as a way to shield his alignment. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:49:11 PM
Something looks way too off for Laurentus-Dolby episodes. Laurentus fakeclaimed, to which Dolby supposedly had said something to Lau, and he was 'right on money' on that part. Later on, we see that Laurentus' fake claim seems to bring Dolby to a statement where he says that most of what Lau did was fake, and it didn't seem a comfortable tone either. Some posts later that comes to a close, Dolby and Laurentus going back to a mutual feeling of comfort. There has also been a post from me, asking Dolby and Lau whether they had options to be connected, since it seemed that Dolby had previously known about his fake cop shot. That seemed to get totally ignored, I guess that could have led to some sort of soft, but it doesn't seem right in the present scenario. Dolby has also made some vague-looking comments, which I will get back to later on, because the multiquote isn't working. This looks scum Dolby. Also Laurentus has used distancing in a game where I saw him as scum. The Dolby episode did look like one.

Aer and Neon looks good(anyone who speaks Tea is good) TGN feels odd, Ex might take this mix of prior guilt during lynch and laziness as a way to shield his alignment.
Oh my god, am I literally the only person reading this fucking game? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:50:38 PM
Anyway, it's getting late, I was hoping Gerrick would respond by this point, but the reactions from other players will have to do. Letting this fester while I sleep is just a bit too dangerous.

I rescind my cop claim. I do not have a day cop ability. Dolby was right on the money with the reaction test theory.

I specifically chose Gerrick and not someone I also struggle to cold-read like Vro, or someone I'm paranoid about like Dolby, because Gerrick hasn't seen me play in a while, and Vro and Dolby know me well enough that if I faked a red check on them, they'd see it for the reaction test it was, as either alignment.

I found Aerso, Anubhav and TGN's the most believable, and tbh my gut likes ENE's reaction, as well, as it seems to be largely a cultural thing in XKI. Ex and KoD didn't really have any sort of thought process exposed, so whether Gerrick is scum or not, their reaction isn't readable as one alignment or the other. Perhaps the sheer length of time they remained inert about the claim might be telling if Gerrick ever flips scum, though.

Dolby did some analysis of the claim, but my problem with reading it is that I believe he can see through the bullshit as either alignment, even if Gerrick is scum and he's a pack mate.

Changing my name was also a subtle hint that I was being full of shit, lol, since Satan is sometimes known as "The Father of Lies."
@Literally Satan @Dolby I don't get this part. If Dolby was right about what would happen, this would suggest he knew it beforehand. However townies cannot discuss the game outside of the game, but from the looks of it, it seems Dolby knew it all previously. The only way two players can connect, is by being in the wolf team which can talk to each other, unless there is some other method you can use, possible loopholes. Can you clarify please?
Anu, Dolby and Vro both know my recent meta very well, where I am known to use fake claims to get information or benefit Town in some way. Vro and Dolby both saw me fake claim serial killer in a game last year in April for the reads, and Dolby and I were hydra-ing together recently, where I also fake claimed to provide cover for a jailkeeper, and get the jailkeeper to protect us. I'm commenting on that meta.
@Anubhav Ghosh, I replied to you right here. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 06:51:07 PM
Something looks way too off for Laurentus-Dolby episodes. Laurentus fakeclaimed, to which Dolby supposedly had said something to Lau, and he was 'right on money' on that part. Later on, we see that Laurentus' fake claim seems to bring Dolby to a statement where he says that most of what Lau did was fake, and it didn't seem a comfortable tone either. Some posts later that comes to a close, Dolby and Laurentus going back to a mutual feeling of comfort. There has also been a post from me, asking Dolby and Lau whether they had options to be connected, since it seemed that Dolby had previously known about his fake cop shot. That seemed to get totally ignored, I guess that could have led to some sort of soft, but it doesn't seem right in the present scenario. Dolby has also made some vague-looking comments, which I will get back to later on, because the multiquote isn't working. This looks scum Dolby. Also Laurentus has used distancing in a game where I saw him as scum. The Dolby episode did look like one.

Aer and Neon looks good(anyone who speaks Tea is good) TGN feels odd, Ex might take this mix of prior guilt during lynch and laziness as a way to shield his alignment.
Oh my god, am I literally the only person reading this fucking game?
I don't mind if I get to know if I was wrong about the whole thing. I am always ready to correct myself if ir seems so
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 06:52:15 PM
Anyway, it's getting late, I was hoping Gerrick would respond by this point, but the reactions from other players will have to do. Letting this fester while I sleep is just a bit too dangerous.

I rescind my cop claim. I do not have a day cop ability. Dolby was right on the money with the reaction test theory.

I specifically chose Gerrick and not someone I also struggle to cold-read like Vro, or someone I'm paranoid about like Dolby, because Gerrick hasn't seen me play in a while, and Vro and Dolby know me well enough that if I faked a red check on them, they'd see it for the reaction test it was, as either alignment.

I found Aerso, Anubhav and TGN's the most believable, and tbh my gut likes ENE's reaction, as well, as it seems to be largely a cultural thing in XKI. Ex and KoD didn't really have any sort of thought process exposed, so whether Gerrick is scum or not, their reaction isn't readable as one alignment or the other. Perhaps the sheer length of time they remained inert about the claim might be telling if Gerrick ever flips scum, though.

Dolby did some analysis of the claim, but my problem with reading it is that I believe he can see through the bullshit as either alignment, even if Gerrick is scum and he's a pack mate.

Changing my name was also a subtle hint that I was being full of shit, lol, since Satan is sometimes known as "The Father of Lies."
@Literally Satan @Dolby I don't get this part. If Dolby was right about what would happen, this would suggest he knew it beforehand. However townies cannot discuss the game outside of the game, but from the looks of it, it seems Dolby knew it all previously. The only way two players can connect, is by being in the wolf team which can talk to each other, unless there is some other method you can use, possible loopholes. Can you clarify please?
Anu, Dolby and Vro both know my recent meta very well, where I am known to use fake claims to get information or benefit Town in some way. Vro and Dolby both saw me fake claim serial killer in a game last year in April for the reads, and Dolby and I were hydra-ing together recently, where I also fake claimed to provide cover for a jailkeeper, and get the jailkeeper to protect us. I'm commenting on that meta.
@Anubhav Ghosh, I replied to you right here.
Oh, so Dolby wasn't aware previously and he saw your in-game fake and commented on i in-game?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:52:41 PM
And Dolby didn't say that my posts were definitely fake, he said that he believes the majority of them could be faked if I am scum. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:54:32 PM
Anyway, it's getting late, I was hoping Gerrick would respond by this point, but the reactions from other players will have to do. Letting this fester while I sleep is just a bit too dangerous.

I rescind my cop claim. I do not have a day cop ability. Dolby was right on the money with the reaction test theory.

I specifically chose Gerrick and not someone I also struggle to cold-read like Vro, or someone I'm paranoid about like Dolby, because Gerrick hasn't seen me play in a while, and Vro and Dolby know me well enough that if I faked a red check on them, they'd see it for the reaction test it was, as either alignment.

I found Aerso, Anubhav and TGN's the most believable, and tbh my gut likes ENE's reaction, as well, as it seems to be largely a cultural thing in XKI. Ex and KoD didn't really have any sort of thought process exposed, so whether Gerrick is scum or not, their reaction isn't readable as one alignment or the other. Perhaps the sheer length of time they remained inert about the claim might be telling if Gerrick ever flips scum, though.

Dolby did some analysis of the claim, but my problem with reading it is that I believe he can see through the bullshit as either alignment, even if Gerrick is scum and he's a pack mate.

Changing my name was also a subtle hint that I was being full of shit, lol, since Satan is sometimes known as "The Father of Lies."
@Literally Satan @Dolby I don't get this part. If Dolby was right about what would happen, this would suggest he knew it beforehand. However townies cannot discuss the game outside of the game, but from the looks of it, it seems Dolby knew it all previously. The only way two players can connect, is by being in the wolf team which can talk to each other, unless there is some other method you can use, possible loopholes. Can you clarify please?
Anu, Dolby and Vro both know my recent meta very well, where I am known to use fake claims to get information or benefit Town in some way. Vro and Dolby both saw me fake claim serial killer in a game last year in April for the reads, and Dolby and I were hydra-ing together recently, where I also fake claimed to provide cover for a jailkeeper, and get the jailkeeper to protect us. I'm commenting on that meta.
@Anubhav Ghosh, I replied to you right here.
Oh, so Dolby wasn't aware previously and he saw your in-game fake and commented on i in-game?
I don't understand your question. I'm saying that both Vro and Dolby know my meta well and would be able to spot me fake-claiming. For the record, Vro straight up admitted after I retracted that he, too, knew my claim was fake. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 06:54:45 PM
And Dolby didn't say that my posts were definitely fake, he said that he believes the majority of them could be faked if I am scum. 
Oh, I thought that somehow you two were related characters, which is why I thought Dolby knew it all beforehand. The stand definitely changes if that isn't the case, and everything was in-game
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 06:55:40 PM
Something looks way too off for Laurentus-Dolby episodes. Laurentus fakeclaimed, to which Dolby supposedly had said something to Lau, and he was 'right on money' on that part. Later on, we see that Laurentus' fake claim seems to bring Dolby to a statement where he says that most of what Lau did was fake, and it didn't seem a comfortable tone either. Some posts later that comes to a close, Dolby and Laurentus going back to a mutual feeling of comfort. There has also been a post from me, asking Dolby and Lau whether they had options to be connected, since it seemed that Dolby had previously known about his fake cop shot. That seemed to get totally ignored, I guess that could have led to some sort of soft, but it doesn't seem right in the present scenario. Dolby has also made some vague-looking comments, which I will get back to later on, because the multiquote isn't working. This looks scum Dolby. Also Laurentus has used distancing in a game where I saw him as scum. The Dolby episode did look like one.

Aer and Neon looks good(anyone who speaks Tea is good) TGN feels odd, Ex might take this mix of prior guilt during lynch and laziness as a way to shield his alignment.
Oh my god, am I literally the only person reading this fucking game?
I read it, not saying I fully understand every nuance, but I do read every word...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 06:55:48 PM
Anyway, it's getting late, I was hoping Gerrick would respond by this point, but the reactions from other players will have to do. Letting this fester while I sleep is just a bit too dangerous.

I rescind my cop claim. I do not have a day cop ability. Dolby was right on the money with the reaction test theory.

I specifically chose Gerrick and not someone I also struggle to cold-read like Vro, or someone I'm paranoid about like Dolby, because Gerrick hasn't seen me play in a while, and Vro and Dolby know me well enough that if I faked a red check on them, they'd see it for the reaction test it was, as either alignment.

I found Aerso, Anubhav and TGN's the most believable, and tbh my gut likes ENE's reaction, as well, as it seems to be largely a cultural thing in XKI. Ex and KoD didn't really have any sort of thought process exposed, so whether Gerrick is scum or not, their reaction isn't readable as one alignment or the other. Perhaps the sheer length of time they remained inert about the claim might be telling if Gerrick ever flips scum, though.

Dolby did some analysis of the claim, but my problem with reading it is that I believe he can see through the bullshit as either alignment, even if Gerrick is scum and he's a pack mate.

Changing my name was also a subtle hint that I was being full of shit, lol, since Satan is sometimes known as "The Father of Lies."
@Literally Satan @Dolby I don't get this part. If Dolby was right about what would happen, this would suggest he knew it beforehand. However townies cannot discuss the game outside of the game, but from the looks of it, it seems Dolby knew it all previously. The only way two players can connect, is by being in the wolf team which can talk to each other, unless there is some other method you can use, possible loopholes. Can you clarify please?
Anu, Dolby and Vro both know my recent meta very well, where I am known to use fake claims to get information or benefit Town in some way. Vro and Dolby both saw me fake claim serial killer in a game last year in April for the reads, and Dolby and I were hydra-ing together recently, where I also fake claimed to provide cover for a jailkeeper, and get the jailkeeper to protect us. I'm commenting on that meta.
@Anubhav Ghosh, I replied to you right here.
Oh, so Dolby wasn't aware previously and he saw your in-game fake and commented on i in-game?
I don't understand your question. I'm saying that both Vro and Dolby know my meta well and would be able to spot me fake-claiming. For the record, Vro straight up admitted after I retracted that he, too, knew my claim was fake.
Oh I get it. I took a complete wrong turn because of some mistaken outlook
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 27, 2022, 06:56:55 PM
Everyone decided to take a breather while Directly made the all but impossible pie flavored cake flavored pie.  Much like the name, people didn’t know how to comprehend this flavor that was somehow both delicious but had a tinge of disappointment as well as giving folks the urge to want to do mathematics for some strange reason.

Dracula and Van Helsing shared a piece and began to reminisce about their rivalry as they skipped across the clearing.  This pleased Pennywise as he joined in the fun, bringing a balloon with him and skipping alongside them.  Severus Snape also joined in the fun as the four of them skipped across merrily and singing about the yellow brick road until the Wicked Witch flew in and took Dracula’s puppy away, popping Pennywise’s balloon before she flew away cackling (as Pennywise cried uncontrollably).

Hearing the crying, a group of rugged looking lumberjacks appeared out of nowhere as they broke out in Riverdance, much to the surprise of the Hobbits who were somehow offended by this and challenged them to a dance off.  But the real winner of this contest was Commander Shepherd, who impressed everyone with their salsa and tango moves that they did with Cersei Lannister, who had begun to fall for the intergalactic hero before Shepherd dropped her and made it clear that they were in love with Directly.

Watching this with intensity was Petyr Balish, who stood there wondering just who he could start rubbing shoulders with while Varys, insulted at the fact that Petyr had turned down his invitation of planting flowers, sent a horde of literal birds after Petyr…though they suddenly turned into cards as Pegasus and Yugi Moto called forth their millenium items before challenging each other to a duel, in which they somehow lost to Pacman who wasn’t even playing.

During this time, Michi and Ruguo pressed a button as the cheery atmosphere changed, and the group began arguing about useless things such as walnuts and how Geico is superior to Progressive despite Flo being the better mascot.  Within minutes, Petyr Balish was surrounded by the group after claiming that the General was the superior auto insurance, as they were opinioned to death by the angry mob.  The other players were visibly confused at what was even happening at this moment, and they began to regret stepping into the game, wondering just what they had gotten themselves into.

Final Vote Count:
Gerrick: 2 (Aersoldorf, Captan Lunch, Laurentus)
Captan Lunch: 7 (Cozmikrae, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot, Gerrick, NoName)
Wintermoot: 1 (TGN)
Laurentus: 1 (ExLight)
TGN: 1 (Eastern New England)
No lynch: 1 (Anubhav Ghosh)

No vote/unvoted: Red Mones, Moondrop, Vroendal, KingofDominaria

Captan_Lunch was killed. They were Petyr Baelish of Werewolf 14, which was the most harmless 3p role in the history of werewolf for all of you who don’t want to go check out that game’s lore yourself. I’m personally sad the role was taken out so fast.

Night 1 begins NOW and will run until 1pm CST tomorrow, which is give or take 24 hours from now. Please send me actions via PM or Discord.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:57:17 PM
Sorry I snapped at you, Anu. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 06:59:04 PM
Everyone decided to take a breather while Directly made the all but impossible pie flavored cake flavored pie.  Much like the name, people didn’t know how to comprehend this flavor that was somehow both delicious but had a tinge of disappointment as well as giving folks the urge to want to do mathematics for some strange reason.

Dracula and Van Helsing shared a piece and began to reminisce about their rivalry as they skipped across the clearing.  This pleased Pennywise as he joined in the fun, bringing a balloon with him and skipping alongside them.  Severus Snape also joined in the fun as the four of them skipped across merrily and singing about the yellow brick road until the Wicked Witch flew in and took Dracula’s puppy away, popping Pennywise’s balloon before she flew away cackling (as Pennywise cried uncontrollably).

Hearing the crying, a group of rugged looking lumberjacks appeared out of nowhere as they broke out in Riverdance, much to the surprise of the Hobbits who were somehow offended by this and challenged them to a dance off.  But the real winner of this contest was Commander Shepherd, who impressed everyone with their salsa and tango moves that they did with Cersei Lannister, who had begun to fall for the intergalactic hero before Shepherd dropped her and made it clear that they were in love with Directly.

Watching this with intensity was Petyr Balish, who stood there wondering just who he could start rubbing shoulders with while Varys, insulted at the fact that Petyr had turned down his invitation of planting flowers, sent a horde of literal birds after Petyr…though they suddenly turned into cards as Pegasus and Yugi Moto called forth their millenium items before challenging each other to a duel, in which they somehow lost to Pacman who wasn’t even playing.

During this time, Michi and Ruguo pressed a button as the cheery atmosphere changed, and the group began arguing about useless things such as walnuts and how Geico is superior to Progressive despite Flo being the better mascot.  Within minutes, Petyr Balish was surrounded by the group after claiming that the General was the superior auto insurance, as they were opinioned to death by the angry mob.  The other players were visibly confused at what was even happening at this moment, and they began to regret stepping into the game, wondering just what they had gotten themselves into.

Final Vote Count:
Gerrick: 2 (Aersoldorf, Captan Lunch, Laurentus)
Captan Lunch: 7 (Cozmikrae, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot, Gerrick, NoName)
Wintermoot: 1 (TGN)
Laurentus: 1 (ExLight)
TGN: 1 (Eastern New England)
No lynch: 1 (Anubhav Ghosh)

No vote/unvoted: Red Mones, Moondrop, Vroendal, KingofDominaria

Captan_Lunch was killed. They were Petyr Baelish of Werewolf 14, which was the most harmless 3p role in the history of werewolf for all of you who don’t want to go check out that game’s lore yourself. I’m personally sad the role was taken out so fast.

Night 1 begins NOW and will run until 1pm CST tomorrow, which is give or take 24 hours from now. Please send me actions via PM or Discord.
This is fucking hilarious, well done Michi and Ruguo.

And thank God it was a 3p.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 07:15:51 PM
Back in MU, people used to celebrate 3p lynching like Nazis.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 07:19:45 PM
I don't mind looking stupid if I learn something in the process. Does 3p mean vanilla town?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 07:27:14 PM
Never mind, I looked up WW XIV myself. Guess it's not the end of the world. We lose potential scan info, but he could also have chosen to join the wolves if I understand the role correctly.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 07:39:33 PM
TGN ( - That vote on Moot is actually not that bad, what I find much stranger is how it seems like he's reaching for a derp clear. On the other hand, there are definite Townie moments. Null. 
Vroendal ( - Did nothing all day. Null. 
Eastern New England ( - ENE is not dumb enough to cc there at EoD as scum. Town. 
Anubhav Ghosh ( - Anubhav is just Town. I have yet to see him Wolf, sure, but his paranoia about me and Dolby is well-founded, and his thought process just exudes towniness. 
Red Mones ( - Null. You can't do literally nothing the whole day and get away with one post that hits my gut as Townie, lol. 
Dolby ( - His paranoia of me felt real, he didn't express it like this in SH when he was scum, in fact he only expressed it a lot when it was damnably inconvenient to have me as a Town-read at late game. Knows I'm not an easy push when I'm Town, so his quick reconsideration of my slot as having fakeable content into having a tone and approach quite different to my scum games he's seen reads as genuine. He is insanely good as scum, though, so watch out. 
Neon Abigail ( - idgaf, this slot is Town and anyone tinfoiling it is scum. 
cozmikrae ( - Townie. Have not had a weird reaction to anything she's said today, and the process looks natural. 
Aersoldorf ( - This bro is just Town in the same way that Abigail is just Town. 
KingofDominaria ( - Has done p much nothing all day except at one point when he argued with Aer about the validity of reads lists and No Name's alignment. Null. 
Gerrick ( - Eh, don't know how much I buy his reasoning for only responding to my claim after I'd retracted. Was willing to CFD him if it came right down to it. His analysis looks about like what I'd expect from Town!him, though, and I do like that he used the chaos of the fake claim to gain reads, even if there were just two of them, instead of just coming to defend himself. Scummy side of null, maybe. 
Wintermoot ( - Null. Good luck figuring this slot out. He is legitimately very busy. 
NoName ( - Townie but not as strong as it was. Ice cream thing was cool. Would be kinda a bold move for scum to stick to their guns when a claimed cop is about to go over, and the reasoning for doing so wasn't terrible. Still, some scum really are that bold. 
Moondrop ( - My dude, come play. @Moondrop. Null. 
ExLight ( - idgaf what he says, laziness is not something I expect from Ex, ever. And I am heavily weirded out how he knows I retracted my claim, but didn't know I changed my name for game-related reasons. I literally said it in the same post. This dude probably just heard about the whole thing in scum chat. Scummy. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 07:40:07 PM
I don't mind looking stupid if I learn something in the process. Does 3p mean vanilla town?
It means 3rd party. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 07:41:13 PM
Never mind, I looked up WW XIV myself. Guess it's not the end of the world. We lose potential scan info, but he could also have chosen to join the wolves if I understand the role correctly.
Yup, this is the problem with 3Ps in general, and is also why MU isn't particularly fond of them, @Anubhav Ghosh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 07:49:52 PM
I messed on thing up in my Dolby read. Meant to say his quick turn away from reading me with paranoia to giving me a solid Town-read could be a bad sign, since he knows I'm not an easy push, but that I find his progression overall quite townie. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 08:03:38 PM
TGN ( - That vote on Moot is actually not that bad, what I find much stranger is how it seems like he's reaching for a derp clear. On the other hand, there are definite Townie moments. Null.
Vroendal ( - Did nothing all day. Null.
Eastern New England ( - ENE is not dumb enough to cc there at EoD as scum. Town.
Anubhav Ghosh ( - Anubhav is just Town. I have yet to see him Wolf, sure, but his paranoia about me and Dolby is well-founded, and his thought process just exudes towniness.
Red Mones ( - Null. You can't do literally nothing the whole day and get away with one post that hits my gut as Townie, lol.
Dolby ( - His paranoia of me felt real, he didn't express it like this in SH when he was scum, in fact he only expressed it a lot when it was damnably inconvenient to have me as a Town-read at late game. Knows I'm not an easy push when I'm Town, so his quick reconsideration of my slot as having fakeable content into having a tone and approach quite different to my scum games he's seen reads as genuine. He is insanely good as scum, though, so watch out.
Neon Abigail ( - idgaf, this slot is Town and anyone tinfoiling it is scum.
cozmikrae ( - Townie. Have not had a weird reaction to anything she's said today, and the process looks natural.
Aersoldorf ( - This bro is just Town in the same way that Abigail is just Town.
KingofDominaria ( - Has done p much nothing all day except at one point when he argued with Aer about the validity of reads lists and No Name's alignment. Null.
Gerrick ( - Eh, don't know how much I buy his reasoning for only responding to my claim after I'd retracted. Was willing to CFD him if it came right down to it. His analysis looks about like what I'd expect from Town!him, though, and I do like that he used the chaos of the fake claim to gain reads, even if there were just two of them, instead of just coming to defend himself. Scummy side of null, maybe.
Wintermoot ( - Null. Good luck figuring this slot out. He is legitimately very busy.
NoName ( - Townie but not as strong as it was. Ice cream thing was cool. Would be kinda a bold move for scum to stick to their guns when a claimed cop is about to go over, and the reasoning for doing so wasn't terrible. Still, some scum really are that bold.
Moondrop ( - My dude, come play. @Moondrop. Null.
ExLight ( - idgaf what he says, laziness is not something I expect from Ex, ever. And I am heavily weirded out how he knows I retracted my claim, but didn't know I changed my name for game-related reasons. I literally said it in the same post. This dude probably just heard about the whole thing in scum chat. Scummy.

I think this is the most you've ever trusted me in a game. I'm touched. Might even do a reads list just for you when I get on break <3

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 08:04:49 PM
TGN ( - That vote on Moot is actually not that bad, what I find much stranger is how it seems like he's reaching for a derp clear. On the other hand, there are definite Townie moments. Null.
Vroendal ( - Did nothing all day. Null.
Eastern New England ( - ENE is not dumb enough to cc there at EoD as scum. Town.
Anubhav Ghosh ( - Anubhav is just Town. I have yet to see him Wolf, sure, but his paranoia about me and Dolby is well-founded, and his thought process just exudes towniness.
Red Mones ( - Null. You can't do literally nothing the whole day and get away with one post that hits my gut as Townie, lol.
Dolby ( - His paranoia of me felt real, he didn't express it like this in SH when he was scum, in fact he only expressed it a lot when it was damnably inconvenient to have me as a Town-read at late game. Knows I'm not an easy push when I'm Town, so his quick reconsideration of my slot as having fakeable content into having a tone and approach quite different to my scum games he's seen reads as genuine. He is insanely good as scum, though, so watch out.
Neon Abigail ( - idgaf, this slot is Town and anyone tinfoiling it is scum.
cozmikrae ( - Townie. Have not had a weird reaction to anything she's said today, and the process looks natural.
Aersoldorf ( - This bro is just Town in the same way that Abigail is just Town.
KingofDominaria ( - Has done p much nothing all day except at one point when he argued with Aer about the validity of reads lists and No Name's alignment. Null.
Gerrick ( - Eh, don't know how much I buy his reasoning for only responding to my claim after I'd retracted. Was willing to CFD him if it came right down to it. His analysis looks about like what I'd expect from Town!him, though, and I do like that he used the chaos of the fake claim to gain reads, even if there were just two of them, instead of just coming to defend himself. Scummy side of null, maybe.
Wintermoot ( - Null. Good luck figuring this slot out. He is legitimately very busy.
NoName ( - Townie but not as strong as it was. Ice cream thing was cool. Would be kinda a bold move for scum to stick to their guns when a claimed cop is about to go over, and the reasoning for doing so wasn't terrible. Still, some scum really are that bold.
Moondrop ( - My dude, come play. @Moondrop. Null.
ExLight ( - idgaf what he says, laziness is not something I expect from Ex, ever. And I am heavily weirded out how he knows I retracted my claim, but didn't know I changed my name for game-related reasons. I literally said it in the same post. This dude probably just heard about the whole thing in scum chat. Scummy.

I think this is the most you've ever trusted me in a game. I'm touched. Might even do a reads list just for you when I get on break <3

My time on the distant battlefields of MU has made me appreciate chaotic styles a lot more, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 27, 2022, 08:20:38 PM
TGN ( - That vote on Moot is actually not that bad, what I find much stranger is how it seems like he's reaching for a derp clear. On the other hand, there are definite Townie moments. Null.
Vroendal ( - Did nothing all day. Null.
Eastern New England ( - ENE is not dumb enough to cc there at EoD as scum. Town.
Anubhav Ghosh ( - Anubhav is just Town. I have yet to see him Wolf, sure, but his paranoia about me and Dolby is well-founded, and his thought process just exudes towniness.
Red Mones ( - Null. You can't do literally nothing the whole day and get away with one post that hits my gut as Townie, lol.
Dolby ( - His paranoia of me felt real, he didn't express it like this in SH when he was scum, in fact he only expressed it a lot when it was damnably inconvenient to have me as a Town-read at late game. Knows I'm not an easy push when I'm Town, so his quick reconsideration of my slot as having fakeable content into having a tone and approach quite different to my scum games he's seen reads as genuine. He is insanely good as scum, though, so watch out.
Neon Abigail ( - idgaf, this slot is Town and anyone tinfoiling it is scum.
cozmikrae ( - Townie. Have not had a weird reaction to anything she's said today, and the process looks natural.
Aersoldorf ( - This bro is just Town in the same way that Abigail is just Town.
KingofDominaria ( - Has done p much nothing all day except at one point when he argued with Aer about the validity of reads lists and No Name's alignment. Null.
Gerrick ( - Eh, don't know how much I buy his reasoning for only responding to my claim after I'd retracted. Was willing to CFD him if it came right down to it. His analysis looks about like what I'd expect from Town!him, though, and I do like that he used the chaos of the fake claim to gain reads, even if there were just two of them, instead of just coming to defend himself. Scummy side of null, maybe.
Wintermoot ( - Null. Good luck figuring this slot out. He is legitimately very busy.
NoName ( - Townie but not as strong as it was. Ice cream thing was cool. Would be kinda a bold move for scum to stick to their guns when a claimed cop is about to go over, and the reasoning for doing so wasn't terrible. Still, some scum really are that bold.
Moondrop ( - My dude, come play. @Moondrop. Null.
ExLight ( - idgaf what he says, laziness is not something I expect from Ex, ever. And I am heavily weirded out how he knows I retracted my claim, but didn't know I changed my name for game-related reasons. I literally said it in the same post. This dude probably just heard about the whole thing in scum chat. Scummy.

Exlight has been emphasising the fact that he was somehow the cause of three mislynch in his last game, and is somehow embedding that guilt within his laziness. I get it that he might try to keep it low risk, but this seems bizarre for an established player to shy away from provided any insight.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 27, 2022, 08:53:24 PM
TGN ( - That vote on Moot is actually not that bad, what I find much stranger is how it seems like he's reaching for a derp clear. On the other hand, there are definite Townie moments. Null.
Vroendal ( - Did nothing all day. Null.
Eastern New England ( - ENE is not dumb enough to cc there at EoD as scum. Town.
Anubhav Ghosh ( - Anubhav is just Town. I have yet to see him Wolf, sure, but his paranoia about me and Dolby is well-founded, and his thought process just exudes towniness.
Red Mones ( - Null. You can't do literally nothing the whole day and get away with one post that hits my gut as Townie, lol.
Dolby ( - His paranoia of me felt real, he didn't express it like this in SH when he was scum, in fact he only expressed it a lot when it was damnably inconvenient to have me as a Town-read at late game. Knows I'm not an easy push when I'm Town, so his quick reconsideration of my slot as having fakeable content into having a tone and approach quite different to my scum games he's seen reads as genuine. He is insanely good as scum, though, so watch out.
Neon Abigail ( - idgaf, this slot is Town and anyone tinfoiling it is scum.
cozmikrae ( - Townie. Have not had a weird reaction to anything she's said today, and the process looks natural.
Aersoldorf ( - This bro is just Town in the same way that Abigail is just Town.
KingofDominaria ( - Has done p much nothing all day except at one point when he argued with Aer about the validity of reads lists and No Name's alignment. Null.
Gerrick ( - Eh, don't know how much I buy his reasoning for only responding to my claim after I'd retracted. Was willing to CFD him if it came right down to it. His analysis looks about like what I'd expect from Town!him, though, and I do like that he used the chaos of the fake claim to gain reads, even if there were just two of them, instead of just coming to defend himself. Scummy side of null, maybe.
Wintermoot ( - Null. Good luck figuring this slot out. He is legitimately very busy.
NoName ( - Townie but not as strong as it was. Ice cream thing was cool. Would be kinda a bold move for scum to stick to their guns when a claimed cop is about to go over, and the reasoning for doing so wasn't terrible. Still, some scum really are that bold.
Moondrop ( - My dude, come play. @Moondrop. Null.
ExLight ( - idgaf what he says, laziness is not something I expect from Ex, ever. And I am heavily weirded out how he knows I retracted my claim, but didn't know I changed my name for game-related reasons. I literally said it in the same post. This dude probably just heard about the whole thing in scum chat. Scummy.

Exlight has been emphasising the fact that he was somehow the cause of three mislynch in his last game, and is somehow embedding that guilt within his laziness. I get it that he might try to keep it low risk, but this seems bizarre for an established player to shy away from provided any insight.
I don't get his perspective there at all, anyway. This is mafia. Shit happens and people die. I'm 100% sure he'd be able to pick himself up, dust himself off, and get back on the horse. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 09:15:20 PM
TGN - Scum leaning: I think it was Doc who once said that TGN was a better player now than the one who was playing dumb, and that playing dumb reads scummy because of his knowledge of what TGN can do. I'm to lazy to scan through games but I'm almost positive that's right. I don't really understand the Moot vote I'm not against it but feels weird when there were two pretty solid options that you'd just pop in vote for a 3rd option as a one off vote and leave again. I guess I can understand it, but also is a very easy way not to stick your neck out as wolf.

Vroendal - I'm pretty suspicious because I know Vro can keep up with a game this pace and I know they are capable of playing on a high level and yet they've done nothing. Promised a reads list after the fake play by Lau but we never got it. Doesn't hold up to me. Leaning Scum.

Eastern New England - I don't know enough about them or their play so null. 

Anubhav Ghosh - I think town. Good reactions overall doesn't seem to be keeping as much attention on the game but that's okay.

Red Mones - Null. Just hasn't done a thing. 

Dolby - Null. I don't know enough yet, seems like the reactions and paranoia I'd expect from Town but another player I'm not familiar enough with to say one way or the other. 

Lau - Town leaning. This is pretty much what I expect from Lau and the aggressive approach he's displayed sits exactly where I'd expect from Lau. Mildly suspect on that fake claim but fatiguing reactions off it was extremely helpful so seems like a good play even if I don't like it, he did pull back with enough time to let us make our decisions not based off the fake claim alone and didn't let us fester on the claim when he wasn't around and I do like that from a Town perspective.

cozmikrae - Town. Her fear of lynching me and me flipping Town is with historical precedent. Her initial sus on me seems accurate of how I'm playing and how she usually reads that lol. Her reactions to everything feel normal

Aersoldorf - I trust anyone who want to hang out with me :p but dude is town. 

KingofDominaria - Null nothing doing. 

Gerrick - Gerrick feels weird to me I stand by what I said about him going silent because he thought he'd been found out his reasoning doesn't feel right but as of right now I'm not sure overall so null leaning slightly towards scum though. 

Wintermoot - Null. 

NoName - Null but leaning Town a bit. All the ice cream does is makes me think of kpop

Moondrop - just seems overwhelmed. Null.

ExLight - Scum. I have played with Ex enough to know that he's always active and aggressive this quiet play and the reasons for them don't feel right at all he's never played like this in all my games with him as Town I don't trust it at all
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 10:09:29 PM

ExLight ( - idgaf what he says, laziness is not something I expect from Ex, ever. And I am heavily weirded out how he knows I retracted my claim, but didn't know I changed my name for game-related reasons. I literally said it in the same post. This dude probably just heard about the whole thing in scum chat. Scummy.

lol there were plenty of posts mentioning how you faked your claim, including tl;dr catch up in thread ones which is from where I learned from your shenanigan play. I'm not sure why you think I had to read your post specifically explaining it to become aware that you were lying


nice attempt of shade though very aggressive as always

Also give me a break lmfao how is you faking claiming cop and a red check on someone remotely townie, "I wanted reactions" is the easiest excuse of all time lmfao, and what did it even do in the end? Generated discussion my ass, caused pointless confusion, that's what. If a cop had half assed read it and counterclaimed it then what would've you done? just said oopsie? all this drama regarding lunch fake claiming cop when you did something far worse because it had no objective purpose despite the risk of town power roles either counterclaiming or using their stuff on you

I don't care if it's fun for you, I do not appreciate this sorta reckless play, it's a wifom that only hurts town and is scummy as fuck and as I said I won't trust a thing that comes out of your mouth until your alignment is solved :uwudance:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 27, 2022, 10:09:43 PM
hopefully this also explains why I voted you
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 27, 2022, 10:50:30 PM
Vote: TGN
Why u?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 27, 2022, 11:27:59 PM
You guys are cool adding 13 pages. Or 14.

Shotgun responses:

@ Laur:

Yeah, not being cool should be AI of you. As I gather from what various persons have said, you will fake claim a cop shot as either alignment, ja? Ok, then the purpose of your fake claim was to glean reactions from people going with your claim. What did you glean other than people going with your claim or necessarily not?

Two: I wouldn't call my calling CL out on his lack of posting and contrasting it to what he's done in the past previously as "not doing anything"; however, if your intent is to say that I'm not doing as much as you or not making a stir as much as you, then I'll agree to that. Otherwise, hard disagree.

Three: I see you, Neon, mimicking Laur's PoV on me.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 11:39:32 PM
I don't mimic anyone 


Two people can in fact have similar feelings about someone but this is why I never post reads lists y'all read way too much into someone's feelings. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 11:41:11 PM

ExLight ( - idgaf what he says, laziness is not something I expect from Ex, ever. And I am heavily weirded out how he knows I retracted my claim, but didn't know I changed my name for game-related reasons. I literally said it in the same post. This dude probably just heard about the whole thing in scum chat. Scummy.

lol there were plenty of posts mentioning how you faked your claim, including tl;dr catch up in thread ones which is from where I learned from your shenanigan play. I'm not sure why you think I had to read your post specifically explaining it to become aware that you were lying


nice attempt of shade though very aggressive as always

Also give me a break lmfao how is you faking claiming cop and a red check on someone remotely townie, "I wanted reactions" is the easiest excuse of all time lmfao, and what did it even do in the end? Generated discussion my ass, caused pointless confusion, that's what. If a cop had half assed read it and counterclaimed it then what would've you done? just said oopsie? all this drama regarding lunch fake claiming cop when you did something far worse because it had no objective purpose despite the risk of town power roles either counterclaiming or using their stuff on you

I don't care if it's fun for you, I do not appreciate this sorta reckless play, it's a wifom that only hurts town and is scummy as fuck and as I said I won't trust a thing that comes out of your mouth until your alignment is solved :uwudance:

Come on Ex. There was fair reasons to vote for Lunch BEFORE he claimed cop and nothing he did after was very helpful.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 11:43:14 PM
Anyways someone should come get some tea and hang out with me 


I think I'm going to have a hard time figuring out what kind of tea I should make for people tonight. So many choices...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 27, 2022, 11:43:54 PM
Hard disagree.

You're mimicking by virtue of the same wording minus anything else unlike Laur who added more to his "doing nothing" PoV.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 27, 2022, 11:47:39 PM
You voted Gerrick based on a lie

Unvoted him based on the reveal of that lie 

And than...disappeared and voted for nobody?

Seems like nothing to me sorry not sorry. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 27, 2022, 11:51:42 PM
@ Laur:

This is more inline with the comment about Ex and I (and more a response towards Ex given what he said).

Strictly, and generally, speaking we could be on a team together just as anyone else more or less could. I'm sure given how much time has passed things wouldn't blow up between us, but I won't pinky promise to that.

So if that strikes your fancy, I'd say dig into it.

As for you, Ex, we both know who would die first.

Preview Edit:

What's that? I'm sorry, Neon, that I don't have such a high amount of useless, fluff posts. Perhaps you missed my commentary about CL? I wouldn't be surprised given how preoccupied you are with all that stuffing in your face.

Suffice it to say, you keep doing your thing. I'll keep doing mine as time permits.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 27, 2022, 11:58:30 PM
Anyways someone should come get some tea and hang out with me


I think I'm going to have a hard time figuring out what kind of tea I should make for people tonight. So many choices...
Shake your boo-tea? It's an actual brand.  Sold here:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 12:03:37 AM
Also, you're being insanely lazy, Ex. You can analyse people's reactions from the perspective of me being both alignments.

Just want to take a moment to say I actually agree with Ex here insomuch as I'm not seeing the fruits of your reaction gathering.

At best CL fell into the odd position of being around, not voting based on your lie about Gerrick, and proceeded to double down on the position that the fake claim doesn't mean much if you don't see it through to the end which isn't necessarily a bad hot take from him as a 3p.

The unpopularity of his perspective, it seems, netted him various votes which got him lynched; however, as Ex gripes about, there is still the issue of you sitting there faking a claim and claiming it gathered readable reactions.

Being that was D1 with no clear connections established from previous reads or flips, all you did was get most people to, rightly, vote in line with your lie. Then, expectedly, unvote when you revealed said lie. How exactly how that given ***readable*** reactions?

You've got some players like, say, Dolby and Gerrick who claimed to have seen the likelihood of the lie and either didn't buy too much into it with their reactions or not at all (mostly in Gerrick's case). Then you got a majority of people who, like me, voted and unvoted accordingly. Where's the big payoff aside from evaluating those you are most familiar with in, maybe, an accurate way?

The big standouts from that whole reaction, as far as I saw, were CL, Gerrick, and Dolby (them, and I personally got caught up in Anubhav with a few posts). CL for his focus on Neon despite being around at the time of the claim happening and how he viewed it. Gerrick for his response only after you admitted to it being a lie. And Dolby for notably, as I recall, saying something to the effect of thinking it was a fake claim (or knowing that Laur was capable of such). That's it. Lots of readable reactions there as opposed to most being generic vote/unvote, aye?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 12:06:13 AM
One more thing wrt to Ex:

The way he's acting by not putting so much effort out means he's likely alone. Why?

Because the last time I saw him put in so much effort was when he was actively working with baddies as town. Granted that was ooooo, probably a good 9 months ago, but still. Besides, I'd expect him to be much more obtuse as scum.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 12:07:33 AM
One more thing wrt to Ex:

The way he's acting by not putting so much effort out means he's likely alone. Why?

Because the last time I saw him put in so much effort was when he was actively working with baddies as town. Granted that was ooooo, probably a good 9 months ago, but still. Besides, I'd expect him to be much more obtuse as scum.
wait what
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 12:07:54 AM
Meh, most reactions from that probably will just be pointless follow the leader regardless of alignment. The only real analysis that needs to be done are the outlier responses (CL, Dolby for respective reasons are the only two off the top of my head), Laurentus (because you always analyze the executor), and Gerrick (as the target of said ploy). You start with Lau and work forward from your conclusion there. No need to double work or wait for a flip.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 28, 2022, 01:12:39 AM
Meh, most reactions from that probably will just be pointless follow the leader regardless of alignment. The only real analysis that needs to be done are the outlier responses (CL, Dolby for respective reasons are the only two off the top of my head), Laurentus (because you always analyze the executor), and Gerrick (as the target of said ploy). You start with Lau and work forward from your conclusion there. No need to double work or wait for a flip.

Only slightly. As I pointed out you can get good analysis out of at least four people. Day 1 reaction checks usually don't net much more than that. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 01:14:13 AM
Only slightly? I named each of them, minus Laur, but have actively been addressing Laur which fits with what you said.

I'd say that's 4 for 4. Perfection.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 28, 2022, 01:42:50 AM
That's not hard considering I posted hours before you did. But I say only slightly because you can analyze everybody that reacted or didn't react. I'm just asserting it would be a waste of effort to. You take your major reads and move on. You've agreed with Ex that you don't see fruits from Lau's labor though, which means at a base level we aren't mind melding. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 02:29:38 AM
Na, definite mind meld. You just don't want to admit it (and I'm insulted that you think I read ahead, saw what you said, and parroted it). The nerve.

But yes, those were the major reads out of that at a glance that anyone (and people did) could react to.

Incidentally, I'm getting PK vibes from Laur wrt to CL claiming cop, being counter claimed by ENE prior to being rescinded, and Laur pushing onto Gerrick (which is hilarious given that the lie was admitted to to prevent pushing Gerrick over in the first place over the lie -- only to end right back up at pushing him).

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 02:31:04 AM
And it looks like I'm caught up.

I'm surprised Laur has Anub higher than Coz in his list. Honestly perplexing.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 28, 2022, 03:34:33 AM
Anyways someone should come get some tea and hang out with me


I think I'm going to have a hard time figuring out what kind of tea I should make for people tonight. So many choices...
Shake your boo-tea? It's an actual brand.  Sold here:
Oh looks delicious I think I'll make some of that for my guests.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 28, 2022, 03:42:46 AM
@ Laur:

This is more inline with the comment about Ex and I (and more a response towards Ex given what he said).

Strictly, and generally, speaking we could be on a team together just as anyone else more or less could. I'm sure given how much time has passed things wouldn't blow up between us, but I won't pinky promise to that.

So if that strikes your fancy, I'd say dig into it.

As for you, Ex, we both know who would die first.

Preview Edit:

What's that? I'm sorry, Neon, that I don't have such a high amount of useless, fluff posts. Perhaps you missed my commentary about CL? I wouldn't be surprised given how preoccupied you are with all that stuffing in your face.

Suffice it to say, you keep doing your thing. I'll keep doing mine as time permits.
What you view as fluff, isn't fluff. Well some of it is but that has a purpose too. Just because YOU don't understand what I'm doing doesn't mean it's nothing 


Though a nice midnight snack with some tea does sound rather nice. I guess I could cause some crazy again. Kinda feeling like a time warp would be fun.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 03:56:48 AM
Until proven otherwise, it's fluff.

Perspective matters.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 03:58:23 AM
Besides, if all you can do is offer hidden messages and still communicate in much the same way as you have, then you're not offering a lot of insight beyond normal interactions for perspectives. Course, with how you're posting, that's a thing in and of itself as opposed to straightforward.

But hey, you do you.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 28, 2022, 04:11:01 AM
Hey everyone!

While you're waiting and before I forget, let's congratulate our first recipients of getting bonus points from the last round.  Congrats to you guys!

Bonus Points total:
Laurentus: 1
Neon Abigail: 1
Gerrick: 1
Eastern New England: 1
Wintermoot: 1
NoName: 1

Players scored bonus points this round for putting their votes in a bold color different from the rest of the text.  So if you bold voted in boring default black, you didn't get the point.  Also, if you rescinded your vote, your bonus point was also rescinded.

Next day phase, you'll get a bonus point for saying a specific word.  I won't say what word it is, but you'll know it if you got the point!  And please, Keep doing the bold color votes since it makes it easy for Ruguo and I to spot. This isn't required, but it does help find votes in a sea of basic black text in a currently over 40 page game.

Have a great night phase!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 28, 2022, 05:41:09 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 28, 2022, 05:43:05 AM
Until proven otherwise, it's fluff.

Perspective matters.

Still contributed more than you

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 28, 2022, 05:58:28 AM

ExLight ( - idgaf what he says, laziness is not something I expect from Ex, ever. And I am heavily weirded out how he knows I retracted my claim, but didn't know I changed my name for game-related reasons. I literally said it in the same post. This dude probably just heard about the whole thing in scum chat. Scummy.

lol there were plenty of posts mentioning how you faked your claim, including tl;dr catch up in thread ones which is from where I learned from your shenanigan play. I'm not sure why you think I had to read your post specifically explaining it to become aware that you were lying


nice attempt of shade though very aggressive as always

Also give me a break lmfao how is you faking claiming cop and a red check on someone remotely townie, "I wanted reactions" is the easiest excuse of all time lmfao, and what did it even do in the end? Generated discussion my ass, caused pointless confusion, that's what. If a cop had half assed read it and counterclaimed it then what would've you done? just said oopsie? all this drama regarding lunch fake claiming cop when you did something far worse because it had no objective purpose despite the risk of town power roles either counterclaiming or using their stuff on you

I don't care if it's fun for you, I do not appreciate this sorta reckless play, it's a wifom that only hurts town and is scummy as fuck and as I said I won't trust a thing that comes out of your mouth until your alignment is solved :uwudance:

I mean Lau said that HE HAS BEEN GIVEN A DAY COP SHOT, nothing that would bring counterclaim, since he didn't indicate that he was a cop from the very beginning. However, I will keep this in mind.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 05:58:58 AM
Definitely on the fluff beyond all shadow of doubt and in regards to a reads list.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 28, 2022, 06:00:35 AM
Anyways someone should come get some tea and hang out with me


I think I'm going to have a hard time figuring out what kind of tea I should make for people tonight. So many choices...
I like Téa🤤🤤
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 28, 2022, 06:05:59 AM
Until proven otherwise, it's fluff.

Perspective matters.
If a game is designed by Silv, and you are expecting no indicative fluff, its really sad that you're not getting the same enjoyment as the one who might get behind those fluffs. Cake and pie literally appeared in the lynch writeup as well.

Btw @Neon Abigail , are you responsible for flavour changes?😝

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 06:08:22 AM
I'll take note of your pity.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 06:11:34 AM

ExLight ( - idgaf what he says, laziness is not something I expect from Ex, ever. And I am heavily weirded out how he knows I retracted my claim, but didn't know I changed my name for game-related reasons. I literally said it in the same post. This dude probably just heard about the whole thing in scum chat. Scummy.

lol there were plenty of posts mentioning how you faked your claim, including tl;dr catch up in thread ones which is from where I learned from your shenanigan play. I'm not sure why you think I had to read your post specifically explaining it to become aware that you were lying


nice attempt of shade though very aggressive as always

Also give me a break lmfao how is you faking claiming cop and a red check on someone remotely townie, "I wanted reactions" is the easiest excuse of all time lmfao, and what did it even do in the end? Generated discussion my ass, caused pointless confusion, that's what. If a cop had half assed read it and counterclaimed it then what would've you done? just said oopsie? all this drama regarding lunch fake claiming cop when you did something far worse because it had no objective purpose despite the risk of town power roles either counterclaiming or using their stuff on you

I don't care if it's fun for you, I do not appreciate this sorta reckless play, it's a wifom that only hurts town and is scummy as fuck and as I said I won't trust a thing that comes out of your mouth until your alignment is solved :uwudance:

Yeah, see, here's the thing. A lot of your statements here are not supported by facts. For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it. It helped me gain a better read on ENE, TGN and Anubhav, for example, and seeing as all three tend to be less active and overwhelmed, I call that a win every day of the week. So to say it didn't net any reactions is a bold-faced lie.

Also, your statement about seeing I lied merely through people's comments in-thread is absolutely nonsensical, because I actually went back and checked, and all anyone summarising the events said was that I lied, they didn't say I lied to get reactions. That is something that could only have been found in my post where I retracted. So either you DID read my post and are lying about it (scummy) or you didn't read it and only got updated on that part through scum chat (again, scummy).

Yes, the inherent risk of such a play is always that a town can respond negatively to it and a PR could stupidly expose themselves. I took every step I could to mitigate that risk, by for example saying I only had one chance to use it, generating the impression I could be a Jack-of-all-trades type role, which wouldn't be directly in contention with any more standard investigative roles actually in the game. The nonsensical nature of a day cop was another safeguard and I'm surprised so many people went with it. And that's also why I retracted right before going to bed, despite not having yet achieved my goal of getting Gerrick to react. Despite all that, yes, it does remain a risky play. But it's only anti-town in a Town that plays badly to begin with and would expose themselves in a situation like that.

If you are Town, you also haven't considered what benefit Wolf!Me gains in this situation. In that worst case scenario where a Town PR does expose themselves, I'm automatically dead. Even in a best case scenario, the play is so chaotic that I bring myself down in the PoE order for a lot of people on principle, and practically invite a Seer to scan me on top of that. So it would be way more anti-wolf than anti-town. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 06:17:38 AM
"For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it."

It's more accurate to say that CL continually posting just dug himself into a hole which was a greater part of why so many actually voted him in the first place vs him actually *not* reacting to the fake claim/lie. The lie was the catalyst more so than anything.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 28, 2022, 06:21:09 AM
Until proven otherwise, it's fluff.

Perspective matters.
If a game is designed by Silv, and you are expecting no indicative fluff, its really sad that you're not getting the same enjoyment as the one who might get behind those fluffs. Cake and pie literally appeared in the lynch writeup as well.

Btw @Neon Abigail , are you responsible for flavour changes?😝
No I just exist. I flew through my life as an invisible person but now here I am in a world with so many tea loving strangers I just want to have some tea I have nothing to do with these... weird people who keep appearing 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 06:24:08 AM
You guys are cool adding 13 pages. Or 14.

Shotgun responses:

@ Laur:

Yeah, not being cool should be AI of you. As I gather from what various persons have said, you will fake claim a cop shot as either alignment, ja? Ok, then the purpose of your fake claim was to glean reactions from people going with your claim. What did you glean other than people going with your claim or necessarily not?

Two: I wouldn't call my calling CL out on his lack of posting and contrasting it to what he's done in the past previously as "not doing anything"; however, if your intent is to say that I'm not doing as much as you or not making a stir as much as you, then I'll agree to that. Otherwise, hard disagree.

Three: I see you, Neon, mimicking Laur's PoV on me.
Show me the exact quote where someone said I will do this as both alignments. The closest thing to that was Gerrick saying he believes I'm bold enough to do it, but I have not once actually done it as scum.

Frankly, if your contention is that I didn't gain reactions, then you clearly aren't paying attention to how many reads I managed to get out of the claim and aftermath.

Yup, fair enough, I forgot you called CL out at one point. And the rest of the time you've still been an absolute nothing slot. Your approach has had no bite, and considering Silv billed you as "Lau on steroids" before Botwolf, a claim that kinda held up while you were in botwolf, I'm experiencing some serious cognitive dissonance what I'm seeing here. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 06:33:49 AM
"For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it."

It's more accurate to say that CL continually posting just dug himself into a hole which was a greater part of why so many actually voted him in the first place vs him actually *not* reacting to the fake claim/lie. The lie was the catalyst more so than anything.
Not reacting is a reaction, and acting as a catalyst is part of the fun of chaos plays. You don't know what will happen, how people will react, but something usually happens, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 06:41:06 AM
Being bold enough to do so as the alignment is all that needs to be said regarding the potential to do so. You've certainly got the attitude, that's for sure.

Aside from those I mentioned, yeah, you really didn't. Out of everyone here you got 7 nulls (and you err'ed on the side of caution with CL's claim which shows a misread there). But hey, I suppose we're not scoring for perfection here. Suffice it to say if you think the reads you got out of it were good enough for you, then more power to you. They certainly don't translate the same to everyone else when it boils down to a lie about someone that gets retracted.

Be a lot different if it were, ya know, not D1.

I don't think you've got the right word there. Cognitive dissonance. What you're looking for is failed expectations I'd expect seeing as how there is nothing cognitively dissonant about my game play.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 06:41:54 AM
Special emphasis on not.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:07:25 AM
Being bold enough to do so as the alignment is all that needs to be said regarding the potential to do so. You've certainly got the attitude, that's for sure.

Aside from those I mentioned, yeah, you really didn't. Out of everyone here you got 7 nulls (and you err'ed on the side of caution with CL's claim which shows a misread there). But hey, I suppose we're not scoring for perfection here. Suffice it to say if you think the reads you got out of it were good enough for you, then more power to you. They certainly don't translate the same to everyone else when it boils down to a lie about someone that gets retracted.

Be a lot different if it were, ya know, not D1.

I don't think you've got the right word there. Cognitive dissonance. What you're looking for is failed expectations I'd expect seeing as how there is nothing cognitively dissonant about my game play.
If I ever do decide to do it as scum, it won't be a D1 play on a day where I could easily have cruised by and scored an easy mislynch. It will be a day where the chips are seriously down for my team and a good injection of chaos is just the shot in the arm we need to stand a chance. As it is, I will take the compliment that people think I have the balls for it and welcome the inevitable seer scan.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:09:42 AM
And it looks like I'm caught up.

I'm surprised Laur has Anub higher than Coz in his list. Honestly perplexing.
It's not a tier list. It's literally the order in the player list on page 1. If you're going to shade, do a better job of it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:10:34 AM
I don't mimic anyone


Two people can in fact have similar feelings about someone but this is why I never post reads lists y'all read way too much into someone's feelings.
It's a nonsensical accusation to begin with, our reads differ in significant ways.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 28, 2022, 07:12:15 AM
Glad to see folks are back. Apologies for the sudden erroring of the topic for a bit, if you couldn't tell from the top of the thread, Wintermoot was tweaking the thread to make it more awesome to where we now have a Phase Clock, so thanks for that Moot!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:13:00 AM
@ Laur:

This is more inline with the comment about Ex and I (and more a response towards Ex given what he said).

Strictly, and generally, speaking we could be on a team together just as anyone else more or less could. I'm sure given how much time has passed things wouldn't blow up between us, but I won't pinky promise to that.

So if that strikes your fancy, I'd say dig into it.

As for you, Ex, we both know who would die first.

Preview Edit:

What's that? I'm sorry, Neon, that I don't have such a high amount of useless, fluff posts. Perhaps you missed my commentary about CL? I wouldn't be surprised given how preoccupied you are with all that stuffing in your face.

Suffice it to say, you keep doing your thing. I'll keep doing mine as time permits.
My comment was made as a "surely Ex and KoD on the same team would result in a more inspiring display than what I'm seeing here" read.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:15:40 AM
Also, you're being insanely lazy, Ex. You can analyse people's reactions from the perspective of me being both alignments.

Just want to take a moment to say I actually agree with Ex here insomuch as I'm not seeing the fruits of your reaction gathering.

At best CL fell into the odd position of being around, not voting based on your lie about Gerrick, and proceeded to double down on the position that the fake claim doesn't mean much if you don't see it through to the end which isn't necessarily a bad hot take from him as a 3p.

The unpopularity of his perspective, it seems, netted him various votes which got him lynched; however, as Ex gripes about, there is still the issue of you sitting there faking a claim and claiming it gathered readable reactions.

Being that was D1 with no clear connections established from previous reads or flips, all you did was get most people to, rightly, vote in line with your lie. Then, expectedly, unvote when you revealed said lie. How exactly how that given ***readable*** reactions?

You've got some players like, say, Dolby and Gerrick who claimed to have seen the likelihood of the lie and either didn't buy too much into it with their reactions or not at all (mostly in Gerrick's case). Then you got a majority of people who, like me, voted and unvoted accordingly. Where's the big payoff aside from evaluating those you are most familiar with in, maybe, an accurate way?

The big standouts from that whole reaction, as far as I saw, were CL, Gerrick, and Dolby (them, and I personally got caught up in Anubhav with a few posts). CL for his focus on Neon despite being around at the time of the claim happening and how he viewed it. Gerrick for his response only after you admitted to it being a lie. And Dolby for notably, as I recall, saying something to the effect of thinking it was a fake claim (or knowing that Laur was capable of such). That's it. Lots of readable reactions there as opposed to most being generic vote/unvote, aye?
You ask how it gave readable reactions and then proceed to read the reactions. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:17:11 AM
One more thing wrt to Ex:

The way he's acting by not putting so much effort out means he's likely alone. Why?

Because the last time I saw him put in so much effort was when he was actively working with baddies as town. Granted that was ooooo, probably a good 9 months ago, but still. Besides, I'd expect him to be much more obtuse as scum.
You clearly have a very different view of Ex's meta than I do.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:18:56 AM
Only slightly? I named each of them, minus Laur, but have actively been addressing Laur which fits with what you said.

I'd say that's 4 for 4. Perfection.
You're literally accusing Abigail of sheeping and then doing the same damn thing while making a grand show of it. I've been sold a false bill of goods if you're meant to be me on steroids.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:20:06 AM
Na, definite mind meld. You just don't want to admit it (and I'm insulted that you think I read ahead, saw what you said, and parroted it). The nerve.

But yes, those were the major reads out of that at a glance that anyone (and people did) could react to.

Incidentally, I'm getting PK vibes from Laur wrt to CL claiming cop, being counter claimed by ENE prior to being rescinded, and Laur pushing onto Gerrick (which is hilarious given that the lie was admitted to to prevent pushing Gerrick over in the first place over the lie -- only to end right back up at pushing him).
What is a PK?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:22:22 AM
And I never once said that I retracted to prevent people from not pushing Gerrick. People made that choice for themselves, and I encouraged people when they did keep the pressure up there. So you're still misreading this game, or, as I'm starting to suspect, intentionally twisting the facts.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:24:30 AM
Besides, if all you can do is offer hidden messages and still communicate in much the same way as you have, then you're not offering a lot of insight beyond normal interactions for perspectives. Course, with how you're posting, that's a thing in and of itself as opposed to straightforward.

But hey, you do you.
How did this statement help to advance the game? This is the definition of fluff.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:36:16 AM
Also, if I do die this night, and the seer scanned me, well then. Please focus your attention on those tin-foiling me right now. Textbook example of how to take out a threat and waste a seer scan at the same time.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:37:33 AM
And it looks like I'm caught up.

I'm surprised Laur has Anub higher than Coz in his list. Honestly perplexing.
Circling back to this statement, this literally proves you didn't even read the list. You're just looking for shit to shade me with, you aren't interested in solving.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:55:09 AM
I don't mimic anyone


Two people can in fact have similar feelings about someone but this is why I never post reads lists y'all read way too much into someone's feelings.
It's a nonsensical accusation to begin with, our reads differ in significant ways.
Also ironic is not calling Abigail out for literally following the exact same order as you perceived mine to be following. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:21:20 AM
kinda just vibing rn tbh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:22:46 AM
last time I put effort here I ended up lynching like three town power roles in a row so it's not like I'm too eager to attempt to townlead again anyway lmfao

What a sad excuse.
I hate to say this but towny frustration
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:31:24 AM

Meh, most reactions from that probably will just be pointless follow the leader regardless of alignment. The only real analysis that needs to be done are the outlier responses (CL, Dolby for respective reasons are the only two off the top of my head), Laurentus (because you always analyze the executor), and Gerrick (as the target of said ploy). You start with Lau and work forward from your conclusion there. No need to double work or wait for a flip.

Idk I feel that there's a number of people that apply to this trope this game but this is kinda "we should do this analysis" posts that don't actually analyze, and I don't like them bc they aren't actually doing that AND they arent transparent about it. Like, there's nothing to analyze from Gerrick, he posted after Laurentus retracted his claim

@Laurentus, I included Dolby because of their call out as possible reaction test. Even if their vote followed along, calling it out before Gerrick has had a say taints the field for further responses. This warrants a further look than just a basic message received and vote response.

Pretty alright push towards me tbh. I will say that I reacted that way bc I wanted Lau to know that I wasn't blindly following his claim, particularly after our hydra game.

I think that Wintermoot has more tech related content than game related content lmao

Abigail came across a bit over-defensive a couple pages ago in response to CL voting them. Is this normal for them?

It's not really something I'm remembering them having done previously, but I haven't played here in a long time.

Tbh I like that this is take is lowkey going against what everyone but CL is saying at this point in time about Neon's post so... I think this post is towny

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:32:04 AM
Ghosh has been stuck on me/Laurentus for like 48 irl hours lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:34:30 AM
ENE, Lau, TGN, Coz, Neon, Aers all likely town.

If I have to order them

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:37:51 AM
Hey everyone!

While you're waiting and before I forget, let's congratulate our first recipients of getting bonus points from the last round.  Congrats to you guys!

Bonus Points total:
Laurentus: 1
Neon Abigail: 1
Gerrick: 1
Eastern New England: 1
Wintermoot: 1
NoName: 1

Players scored bonus points this round for putting their votes in a bold color different from the rest of the text.  So if you bold voted in boring default black, you didn't get the point.  Also, if you rescinded your vote, your bonus point was also rescinded.

Next day phase, you'll get a bonus point for saying a specific word.  I won't say what word it is, but you'll know it if you got the point!  And please, Keep doing the bold color votes since it makes it easy for Ruguo and I to spot. This isn't required, but it does help find votes in a sea of basic black text in a currently over 40 page game.

Have a great night phase!
This isn't the worst set of people to get bonus points tbh if they're game related
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 08:46:03 AM
Ghosh has been stuck on me/Laurentus for like 48 irl hours lol
You remember Cute_Panda from Mario Mafia 2? That's Anu. I'd say his paranoia is very well founded.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:48:00 AM
Ghosh has been stuck on me/Laurentus for like 48 irl hours lol
You remember Cute_Panda from Mario Mafia 2? That's Anu. I'd say his paranoia is very well founded.
Yeah I know it's him

also pretty funny that he's focusing on us two and I replaced into your scum slot that game lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 08:51:44 AM
Ghosh has been stuck on me/Laurentus for like 48 irl hours lol
You remember Cute_Panda from Mario Mafia 2? That's Anu. I'd say his paranoia is very well founded.
Yeah I know it's him

also pretty funny that he's focusing on us two and I replaced into your scum slot that game lol
That's probably where The Fear comes from for him, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:54:10 AM
Meh, most reactions from that probably will just be pointless follow the leader regardless of alignment. The only real analysis that needs to be done are the outlier responses (CL, Dolby for respective reasons are the only two off the top of my head), Laurentus (because you always analyze the executor), and Gerrick (as the target of said ploy). You start with Lau and work forward from your conclusion there. No need to double work or wait for a flip.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:54:47 AM
it fucking ate my post I'm done
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 08:57:06 AM
it fucking ate my post I'm done

Lol, multiquote error?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:57:26 AM
honestly it was mostly a bunch of "these people need to participate more" and saying that you shouldn't call it a mindmeld when neither of you have identifiable reads on the people who you say left important and readable reactions, and both people should out those reads if they have them
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:58:06 AM
it fucking ate my post I'm done

Lol, multiquote error?
yeah, I had a big post and it had a few quotes in it but honestly nothing expressed in it was that important
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:00:21 AM
ENE, Lau, TGN, Coz, Neon, Aers all likely town.

If I have to order them

Actually, can you explain your TGN read? His derpiness came across as forced at one point.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:02:30 AM
ENE, Lau, TGN, Coz, Neon, Aers all likely town.

If I have to order them

Actually, can you explain your TGN read? His derpiness came across as forced at one point.
This was actually something in the big post, that I was worried that I was clinging to hard to TGN derping

I'm paranoid of you and there are moments from Aers that I don't actually dislike despite thinking that he handled your claim appropriately, and in a suboptimal way if w unless Gerrick is w, and I think that I've talked about them in the past
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:05:45 AM
ENE, Lau, TGN, Coz, Neon, Aers all likely town.

If I have to order them

Actually, can you explain your TGN read? His derpiness came across as forced at one point.
This was actually something in the big post, that I was worried that I was clinging to hard to TGN derping

I'm paranoid of you and there are moments from Aers that I don't actually dislike despite thinking that he handled your claim appropriately, and in a suboptimal way if w unless Gerrick is w, and I think that I've talked about them in the past
I hope you're not just reading me with paranoia because of great a way it is to pocket me.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:07:13 AM
Lau convince me that NoName is town por favor
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:09:32 AM
Lau convince me that NoName is town por favor
I would first have to convince myself. Biggest things pointing in that direction for me right now would be the sheer audacity to wanna lynch a claimed cop, and the good feelings I had about the ice cream thing. But like, as I said in my reads list, some Wolves are that audacious.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:12:18 AM
if the list of 6 names that I listed are pure then the game will likely go alright

if not then it's going to be sad times fam tbh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:14:09 AM
if the list of 6 names that I listed are pure then the game will likely go alright

if not then it's going to be sad times fam tbh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:19:08 AM
if the list of 6 names that I listed are pure then the game will likely go alright

if not then it's going to be sad times fam tbh
I do not have confidence that about 6 people will post themselves out of null territory, or into readable territory soon, or that they're particularly significantly >rand scum. This leaves boxing out the most effective method and if the 6 names listed are pure, then we've got a good start at least
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:25:03 AM
if the list of 6 names that I listed are pure then the game will likely go alright

if not then it's going to be sad times fam tbh
I do not have confidence that about 6 people will post themselves out of null territory, or into readable territory soon, or that they're particularly significantly >rand scum. This leaves boxing out the most effective method and if the 6 names listed are pure, then we've got a good start at least
Okay, then it's time for a reads list.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:27:33 AM
if the list of 6 names that I listed are pure then the game will likely go alright

if not then it's going to be sad times fam tbh
I do not have confidence that about 6 people will post themselves out of null territory, or into readable territory soon, or that they're particularly significantly >rand scum. This leaves boxing out the most effective method and if the 6 names listed are pure, then we've got a good start at least
Okay, then it's time for a reads list.
tbh I think my reads are kinda inferred but w/e

mostly nulls, agree with you on KoD specifically being wolfy, for pretty much the same reasons, loosely ExLight as well

hot take that I have is Vro not high efforting might be town indicative

don't really have a take on anyone not mentioned
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:29:29 AM
To be clear, this actually pings me as Dolby pre-shading his Town core with the expectation that things are gonna go badly. And if that is the case, I think TGN would probably be a red herring and his likeliest scumbud in my opinion would be Coz. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:31:28 AM
To be clear, this actually pings me as Dolby pre-shading his Town core with the expectation that things are gonna go badly. And if that is the case, I think TGN would probably be a red herring and his likeliest scumbud in my opinion would be Coz.
Lau look at how I interacted with Coz

/in before you tell me I specifically faked it for this exact moment
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:33:40 AM
To be clear, this actually pings me as Dolby pre-shading his Town core with the expectation that things are gonna go badly. And if that is the case, I think TGN would probably be a red herring and his likeliest scumbud in my opinion would be Coz.
Lau look at how I interacted with Coz

/in before you tell me I specifically faked it for this exact moment
well, more how Coz reacted to me saying that their takes were pretty much your takes and feeling the need to make a list from live react but still
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:36:00 AM
Lau, do you feel that I pre-shaded anyone at any point in the SH game?

It isn't actually somethign that I go for unless theres' an benefit the next day phase specifically but idk I think you're more familar with my play that game than I am
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:36:14 AM
To be clear, this actually pings me as Dolby pre-shading his Town core with the expectation that things are gonna go badly. And if that is the case, I think TGN would probably be a red herring and his likeliest scumbud in my opinion would be Coz.
Lau look at how I interacted with Coz

/in before you tell me I specifically faked it for this exact moment
I don't need to look at your interaction with her. She's displayed very little paranoia about you, as far as I can recall, and has had you as a very high town from very early on. That said, I don't particularly care to discuss this further, I think Anu has shown the type of thought process that should easily place him in your towncore, not merely nulls, and that he would replace TGN for a town core that looks very similar to yours, even if it's not the same order. I will just note this moment for future reference.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:40:33 AM
Lau, do you feel that I pre-shaded anyone at any point in the SH game?

It isn't actually somethign that I go for unless theres' an benefit the next day phase specifically but idk I think you're more familar with my play that game than I am
Yes, when WIML got three reds. You immediately began shading me really hard when that happened, before the logical thing to do and wait to see how the next presidency went could occur. And sure, the time frame doesn't quite match up here, but this is mafia, not SH, so you do kinda have to have a more aggressive timeline if you're scum and you've backed yourself into a corner by having TRs on inconvenient people again.

As I just said, though, I think this conversation is wholly unproductive at this very moment. 

Oh, and you would take my place, is another difference in our town cores.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:41:10 AM
Something looks way too off for Laurentus-Dolby episodes. Laurentus fakeclaimed, to which Dolby supposedly had said something to Lau, and he was 'right on money' on that part. Later on, we see that Laurentus' fake claim seems to bring Dolby to a statement where he says that most of what Lau did was fake, and it didn't seem a comfortable tone either. Some posts later that comes to a close, Dolby and Laurentus going back to a mutual feeling of comfort. There has also been a post from me, asking Dolby and Lau whether they had options to be connected, since it seemed that Dolby had previously known about his fake cop shot. That seemed to get totally ignored, I guess that could have led to some sort of soft, but it doesn't seem right in the present scenario. Dolby has also made some vague-looking comments, which I will get back to later on, because the multiquote isn't working. This looks scum Dolby. Also Laurentus has used distancing in a game where I saw him as scum. The Dolby episode did look like one.

Aer and Neon looks good(anyone who speaks Tea is good) TGN feels odd, Ex might take this mix of prior guilt during lynch and laziness as a way to shield his alignment.
Yeah here's the thing Lau

I think all of this is fakeable and I also didn't like AG's reaction to your claim.

I think that you're townreading this specifically because AG is expressing a read that we have behinds the scenes talk but frankly in this case I just don't think that it is strong, and I think it that the point that AG holds us higher really doesn't work that much. I think this is the type of thing that a scum could notice and attempt to hold over a townie. I feel say that you two aren't w/w but yeah

"So Gerrick's fate is sealed" is also totally w/v wording
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:46:25 AM
also unless you want me to stay I'm probs just crashing in 15 minutes
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:56:43 AM
Something looks way too off for Laurentus-Dolby episodes. Laurentus fakeclaimed, to which Dolby supposedly had said something to Lau, and he was 'right on money' on that part. Later on, we see that Laurentus' fake claim seems to bring Dolby to a statement where he says that most of what Lau did was fake, and it didn't seem a comfortable tone either. Some posts later that comes to a close, Dolby and Laurentus going back to a mutual feeling of comfort. There has also been a post from me, asking Dolby and Lau whether they had options to be connected, since it seemed that Dolby had previously known about his fake cop shot. That seemed to get totally ignored, I guess that could have led to some sort of soft, but it doesn't seem right in the present scenario. Dolby has also made some vague-looking comments, which I will get back to later on, because the multiquote isn't working. This looks scum Dolby. Also Laurentus has used distancing in a game where I saw him as scum. The Dolby episode did look like one.

Aer and Neon looks good(anyone who speaks Tea is good) TGN feels odd, Ex might take this mix of prior guilt during lynch and laziness as a way to shield his alignment.
Yeah here's the thing Lau

I think all of this is fakeable and I also didn't like AG's reaction to your claim.

I think that you're townreading this specifically because AG is expressing a read that we have behinds the scenes talk but frankly in this case I just don't think that it is strong, and I think it that the point that AG holds us higher really doesn't work that much. I think this is the type of thing that a scum could notice and attempt to hold over a townie. I feel say that you two aren't w/w but yeah

"So Gerrick's fate is sealed" is also totally w/v wording
I haven't seen Anu Wolf yet, so I can't make any meta comparisons there, but what I'm seeing here matches up exactly with the expectation I have of Anu where he tries to make a hero read that goes against the community grain when he's Town. We are in Wintreath. Throwing shade at me, no matter what I'm doing, unless it is the grossest open-wolfing imaginable, is not going to get him very far. It feels like he absolutely believes his case.

And I'm kinda surprised you don't consider the possibility everything between me and Anu could be theater. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 10:00:22 AM
I’d be pretty surprised if you were w/w bc if wolf Ghosh’s reaction to your claim is SUCH a “why is town Laurentus fake red checking a townie” reaction
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:02:23 AM
I’d be pretty surprised if you were w/w bc if wolf Ghosh’s reaction to your claim is SUCH a “why is town Laurentus fake red checking a townie” reaction
I mean, you've said it yourself, you are paranoid about me. Why would it then preclude us being W/W?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:03:44 AM
And I don't particularly see where he thougth I was town? He's been displaying his paranoia "for 48 irl hours" as you put it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 10:06:03 AM
I’d be pretty surprised if you were w/w bc if wolf Ghosh’s reaction to your claim is SUCH a “why is town Laurentus fake red checking a townie” reaction
I mean, you've said it yourself, you are paranoid about me. Why would it then preclude us being W/W?
Bc the unteammedness is coming from his end and not yours?

and if you’re going to go the “why aren’t I directing him” route I don’t believe you tell him to react in a way that makes it seem like he doesn’t believe your claim to begin with. I guess it makes you look not w/w but it makes him look bad, even though I seem to be the only one seeing this

I don’t get how you aren’t seeing that his reaction was bad tbh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 10:06:57 AM
And I don't particularly see where he thougth I was town? He's been displaying his paranoia "for 48 irl hours" as you put it.
If he is wolf he knows you are tiwn

 or 3 p but just 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:08:20 AM
Anyway, you don't have to stay up on my account. I am not particularly worried about everything I just said, I just also am not going to leave it unsaid in case I die. So, again, people, if I do die, take my words in the context they're being used in. Outside of this tinfoil, I am getting pretty townie feelings from Dolby.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 10:09:45 AM
Ok good, got what I needed, we’re safe to submit the factional on Lau now
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:10:39 AM
I’d be pretty surprised if you were w/w bc if wolf Ghosh’s reaction to your claim is SUCH a “why is town Laurentus fake red checking a townie” reaction
I mean, you've said it yourself, you are paranoid about me. Why would it then preclude us being W/W?
Bc the unteammedness is coming from his end and not yours?

and if you’re going to go the “why aren’t I directing him” route I don’t believe you tell him to react in a way that makes it seem like he doesn’t believe your claim to begin with. I guess it makes you look not w/w but it makes him look bad, even though I seem to be the only one seeing this

I don’t get how you aren’t seeing that his reaction was bad tbh
Would it not then have achieved its goal?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:11:03 AM
Ok good, got what I needed, we’re safe to submit the factional on Lau now
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 10:29:36 AM
Those who are running the development skin will see that there's some new Werewolf-related things.

There's a round/phase clock, which can be updated by the game hosts (who are also listed in the topic now).

There's also something else, but it is not ready for prime time...the data it uses is what I manually put in the database to test the display, and there's no current way for players to record. I will work on finishing this as soon as possible, and will make a more detailed announcement when it's ready. In the meantime, if you see it and want to give feedback, I'd love to hear it. :)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 28, 2022, 11:10:52 AM
@Eastern New England
@Anubhav Ghosh
@Red Mones
@Neon Abigail

This is just a friendly general announcement for you.

Don't want to show up on the Who's Online bit on the area below the forums? Well, thankfully there's a fix for that!  Just follow these friendly steps:

1. Click the drop down menu at the top with your username.
2. Click "Old User CP"
3. Click the box "Show Others my Online Status" to uncheck it (right in the same area as your email)
4. Scroll to the bottom and click "Change Profile"

Congrats! Now you're invisible online to everyone except the Administrator, you sneaky little devils you. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 28, 2022, 12:06:36 PM

Meh, most reactions from that probably will just be pointless follow the leader regardless of alignment. The only real analysis that needs to be done are the outlier responses (CL, Dolby for respective reasons are the only two off the top of my head), Laurentus (because you always analyze the executor), and Gerrick (as the target of said ploy). You start with Lau and work forward from your conclusion there. No need to double work or wait for a flip.

Idk I feel that there's a number of people that apply to this trope this game but this is kinda "we should do this analysis" posts that don't actually analyze, and I don't like them bc they aren't actually doing that AND they arent transparent about it. Like, there's nothing to analyze from Gerrick, he posted after Laurentus retracted his claim

@Laurentus, I included Dolby because of their call out as possible reaction test. Even if their vote followed along, calling it out before Gerrick has had a say taints the field for further responses. This warrants a further look than just a basic message received and vote response.

Pretty alright push towards me tbh. I will say that I reacted that way bc I wanted Lau to know that I wasn't blindly following his claim, particularly after our hydra game.
I like how you're trying to shade me for not analyzing and then call the one sample of analyzing I've shown from the reaction section of today pretty alright in the same post. At best you can say I haven't been transparent but what about me has screamed ultra transparent to you so far this game? I won't argue on KoD's part though. There's a reason I balked at the idea we were mind melding as well. I'm pretty sure Lau is picking up in the same vibe as well. His play has been off for awhile. I feel like he's forcing himself into the old him although he doesn't have the energy for it. But this get feels extra. Could be a scum team egging his activity. Could be something else. I haven't decided yet. But he does seem to want me to heavily favor his side. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 12:12:44 PM
last time I put effort here I ended up lynching like three town power roles in a row so it's not like I'm too eager to attempt to townlead again anyway lmfao

What a sad excuse.
I hate to say this but towny frustration
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 12:13:58 PM
Ghosh has been stuck on me/Laurentus for like 48 irl hours lol
You remember Cute_Panda from Mario Mafia 2? That's Anu. I'd say his paranoia is very well founded.
wait but didn't they say Attack on Titan was their first game when we played it? :notlikeduck:

did they lie to us back then
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 12:28:16 PM
Ghosh has been stuck on me/Laurentus for like 48 irl hours lol
You remember Cute_Panda from Mario Mafia 2? That's Anu. I'd say his paranoia is very well founded.
wait but didn't they say Attack on Titan was their first game when we played it? :notlikeduck:

did they lie to us back then
No, AoT was his first. Mario Mafia was on the CFC subforum at MU, and it was after AoT. Not that any of this is relevant to this game.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 01:20:34 PM
Yeah, see, here's the thing. A lot of your statements here are not supported by facts. For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it. It helped me gain a better read on ENE, TGN and Anubhav, for example, and seeing as all three tend to be less active and overwhelmed, I call that a win every day of the week. So to say it didn't net any reactions is a bold-faced lie.

Also, your statement about seeing I lied merely through people's comments in-thread is absolutely nonsensical, because I actually went back and checked, and all anyone summarising the events said was that I lied, they didn't say I lied to get reactions. That is something that could only have been found in my post where I retracted. So either you DID read my post and are lying about it (scummy) or you didn't read it and only got updated on that part through scum chat (again, scummy).

Yes, the inherent risk of such a play is always that a town can respond negatively to it and a PR could stupidly expose themselves. I took every step I could to mitigate that risk, by for example saying I only had one chance to use it, generating the impression I could be a Jack-of-all-trades type role, which wouldn't be directly in contention with any more standard investigative roles actually in the game. The nonsensical nature of a day cop was another safeguard and I'm surprised so many people went with it. And that's also why I retracted right before going to bed, despite not having yet achieved my goal of getting Gerrick to react. Despite all that, yes, it does remain a risky play. But it's only anti-town in a Town that plays badly to begin with and would expose themselves in a situation like that.

If you are Town, you also haven't considered what benefit Wolf!Me gains in this situation. In that worst case scenario where a Town PR does expose themselves, I'm automatically dead. Even in a best case scenario, the play is so chaotic that I bring myself down in the PoE order for a lot of people on principle, and practically invite a Seer to scan me on top of that. So it would be way more anti-wolf than anti-town.
A better read, lmfao. It's D1 and you're there acting like any reaction to your pseudo-trick means anything.
Also mitigate the risk lmfao, how about, like, not causing such a risk in the first place over subjective information? Is it really worth it to risk PRs to expose themselves for you to have a weak lean over people? Are you going to stick to these reads until the end of the game or something? Why ya treating it like they're a holy scripture lmfao they're very likely to change completely by D2 or D3, or as mechanical information comes out so no definitely weird reason to pull something like this
:crab: this is scummy as heck :crab:

Lying to get reactions is the expected, anyone with basic logic can figure you'd go for that excuse, why else would someone lie and backpedal on the same day :nottoday:
And you did mention that you did it for that reason a couple times, not in just a single post, when skimming I saw it here and there. And I think you're having some trouble realizing that you didn't repeat every single thing in every single post you made. Hell even if you did mention only in the one and the same post as the name change doesnt mean me skimming paid the same amount of attention to every sentence? I don't know why you're obsessing with assuming that me skimming means I either assimilated everything or nothing, it doesn't even make sense?? Skimming is inconsistent and results in just bits of information being understood, that's, like, common sense meaning in the very word right :notlikeduck:

Also, yes I have. Wolf you can always use the "it makes no sense for a wolf to expose themselves this early" sort of rhetoric, which we both know is bull lmao. Mafia usually knows what they have and what they might expect from stuff, as far as I know your scummates could have something like a deflector or tailor, or you be a godfather. Not to mention that it's a decent way to kinda coordinate reactions from scumbuds for them to look townie since it's not like they would ever fall for it if such bluff came from one of their teammates, right? There's literally no risk in the reactions for mafia and it only results in town looking bad.

"For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it."

It's more accurate to say that CL continually posting just dug himself into a hole which was a greater part of why so many actually voted him in the first place vs him actually *not* reacting to the fake claim/lie. The lie was the catalyst more so than anything.
This. Oh god am I agreeing with you I hate this
Lunch flipflopping and random tunnelings were what really caused him to die, it was largely unrelated to your fake claiming shenanigan.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 01:22:48 PM
One more thing wrt to Ex:

The way he's acting by not putting so much effort out means he's likely alone. Why?

Because the last time I saw him put in so much effort was when he was actively working with baddies as town. Granted that was ooooo, probably a good 9 months ago, but still. Besides, I'd expect him to be much more obtuse as scum.
You clearly have a very different view of Ex's meta than I do.
to be fair he did play more games with me than you
but honestly I feel like you two are off on what my scum meta is lmfao
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 01:26:11 PM
And I don't particularly see where he thougth I was town? He's been displaying his paranoia "for 48 irl hours" as you put it.
If he is wolf he knows you are tiwn

 or 3 p but just

how does them possibly being 3p even matter here
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 01:27:01 PM
Hey everyone!

While you're waiting and before I forget, let's congratulate our first recipients of getting bonus points from the last round.  Congrats to you guys!

Bonus Points total:
Laurentus: 1
Neon Abigail: 1
Gerrick: 1
Eastern New England: 1
Wintermoot: 1
NoName: 1

Players scored bonus points this round for putting their votes in a bold color different from the rest of the text.  So if you bold voted in boring default black, you didn't get the point.  Also, if you rescinded your vote, your bonus point was also rescinded.

Next day phase, you'll get a bonus point for saying a specific word.  I won't say what word it is, but you'll know it if you got the point!  And please, Keep doing the bold color votes since it makes it easy for Ruguo and I to spot. This isn't required, but it does help find votes in a sea of basic black text in a currently over 40 page game.

Have a great night phase!
fudge I thought of doing it but I thought it was just a quirky joke not a real mechanic :nottoday:
I want bonus points too
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 01:29:33 PM
Ghosh has been stuck on me/Laurentus for like 48 irl hours lol
You remember Cute_Panda from Mario Mafia 2? That's Anu. I'd say his paranoia is very well founded.
wait but didn't they say Attack on Titan was their first game when we played it? :notlikeduck:

did they lie to us back then
No, AoT was his first. Mario Mafia was on the CFC subforum at MU, and it was after AoT. Not that any of this is relevant to this game.
ooh ok
thanks for the clarification 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 01:52:45 PM
Yeah, see, here's the thing. A lot of your statements here are not supported by facts. For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it. It helped me gain a better read on ENE, TGN and Anubhav, for example, and seeing as all three tend to be less active and overwhelmed, I call that a win every day of the week. So to say it didn't net any reactions is a bold-faced lie.

Also, your statement about seeing I lied merely through people's comments in-thread is absolutely nonsensical, because I actually went back and checked, and all anyone summarising the events said was that I lied, they didn't say I lied to get reactions. That is something that could only have been found in my post where I retracted. So either you DID read my post and are lying about it (scummy) or you didn't read it and only got updated on that part through scum chat (again, scummy).

Yes, the inherent risk of such a play is always that a town can respond negatively to it and a PR could stupidly expose themselves. I took every step I could to mitigate that risk, by for example saying I only had one chance to use it, generating the impression I could be a Jack-of-all-trades type role, which wouldn't be directly in contention with any more standard investigative roles actually in the game. The nonsensical nature of a day cop was another safeguard and I'm surprised so many people went with it. And that's also why I retracted right before going to bed, despite not having yet achieved my goal of getting Gerrick to react. Despite all that, yes, it does remain a risky play. But it's only anti-town in a Town that plays badly to begin with and would expose themselves in a situation like that.

If you are Town, you also haven't considered what benefit Wolf!Me gains in this situation. In that worst case scenario where a Town PR does expose themselves, I'm automatically dead. Even in a best case scenario, the play is so chaotic that I bring myself down in the PoE order for a lot of people on principle, and practically invite a Seer to scan me on top of that. So it would be way more anti-wolf than anti-town.
A better read, lmfao. It's D1 and you're there acting like any reaction to your pseudo-trick means anything.
Also mitigate the risk lmfao, how about, like, not causing such a risk in the first place over subjective information? Is it really worth it to risk PRs to expose themselves for you to have a weak lean over people? Are you going to stick to these reads until the end of the game or something? Why ya treating it like they're a holy scripture lmfao they're very likely to change completely by D2 or D3, or as mechanical information comes out so no definitely weird reason to pull something like this
:crab: this is scummy as heck :crab:

Lying to get reactions is the expected, anyone with basic logic can figure you'd go for that excuse, why else would someone lie and backpedal on the same day :nottoday:
And you did mention that you did it for that reason a couple times, not in just a single post, when skimming I saw it here and there. And I think you're having some trouble realizing that you didn't repeat every single thing in every single post you made. Hell even if you did mention only in the one and the same post as the name change doesnt mean me skimming paid the same amount of attention to every sentence? I don't know why you're obsessing with assuming that me skimming means I either assimilated everything or nothing, it doesn't even make sense?? Skimming is inconsistent and results in just bits of information being understood, that's, like, common sense meaning in the very word right :notlikeduck:

Also, yes I have. Wolf you can always use the "it makes no sense for a wolf to expose themselves this early" sort of rhetoric, which we both know is bull lmao. Mafia usually knows what they have and what they might expect from stuff, as far as I know your scummates could have something like a deflector or tailor, or you be a godfather. Not to mention that it's a decent way to kinda coordinate reactions from scumbuds for them to look townie since it's not like they would ever fall for it if such bluff came from one of their teammates, right? There's literally no risk in the reactions for mafia and it only results in town looking bad.

"For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it."

It's more accurate to say that CL continually posting just dug himself into a hole which was a greater part of why so many actually voted him in the first place vs him actually *not* reacting to the fake claim/lie. The lie was the catalyst more so than anything.
This. Oh god am I agreeing with you I hate this
Lunch flipflopping and random tunnelings were what really caused him to die, it was largely unrelated to your fake claiming shenanigan.
Where have I been treating my reads as gospel? I first thought TGN's reaction to my claim was Towny, and revised that opinion to say it's actually coming across as too derpy to be real. And I push myself to get a lot of reads on D1 because I typically don't survive very long, and I like the personal challenge of seeing how close my PoE can get to the scum team. Also, your stance here that my reads are too set in stone is wholly contradictory to your previous stance that it didn't provide reads at all. Tbh, tunneling is part of your Town meta, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised if this is Town you, but the contradictions are just insanely hard for me to square with.

The whole middle part just comes across as being caught in the lie and flailing now.

And yeah, you know what, fair perspective for the last paragraph. It's incredibly wrong and misguided, but it at least makes sense. 

Assuming you're correct and I'm scum, who's my team? Vro asked you this question when you got tunneled on him, too, and you never bothered to think it out. So if you're Town, do better. Especially if you're truly so hung up on mislynching so badly last game.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 01:54:15 PM
One more thing wrt to Ex:

The way he's acting by not putting so much effort out means he's likely alone. Why?

Because the last time I saw him put in so much effort was when he was actively working with baddies as town. Granted that was ooooo, probably a good 9 months ago, but still. Besides, I'd expect him to be much more obtuse as scum.
You clearly have a very different view of Ex's meta than I do.
to be fair he did play more games with me than you
but honestly I feel like you two are off on what my scum meta is lmfao
Clearly, I have never seen you play scum, though.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 02:02:02 PM
you're a meanie
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 02:08:23 PM
you're a meanie

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 02:09:24 PM
Minus the "I don't have to pretend to like people when I don't" part, though, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 28, 2022, 02:30:28 PM
Heya folks! Michi here interrupting your game with another friendly announcement:

So I neglected to remember to mention this part to where you were probably really confused when I mentioned new game features.

To see these features, do the following steps:

1) Click on your name at the top-right of the page and click OLD User CP on the list.
2) hover over Modify Profile (or tap it if you're on mobile) and then select "Look and Layout"
3) At the top you'll see the current theme,  followed by Default/Winter.  Click "Change" right next to it.
4) Scroll to Winter-Dev and hit "Use this Theme"
5) scroll to the bottom and hit "Change profile"

You should now be able to see the features I was talking about earlier, such as the phase clock.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 02:55:03 PM
fuck yesss

@Anubhav Gosh, @KingofDominaria
I noticed you both abstained from voting, any reason for that? who would you have voted last phase if you had to?

@Eastern New England
Do you remember what TGN's age is?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 02:55:38 PM
@Anubhav Ghosh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 02:57:54 PM
fuck yesss

@Anubhav Gosh, @KingofDominaria
I noticed you both abstained from voting, any reason for that? who would you have voted last phase if you had to?

@Eastern New England
Do you remember what TGN's age is?
Are you specifically asking ENE for TGN's age, or can I answer?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 03:15:19 PM
@No Name, are you the player archetype who likes to sit quietly, watch the mosh pit unfold, and keep the resulting conclusions close to your chest?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 03:15:57 PM
@NoName, sorry
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 03:29:25 PM
fuck yesss

@Anubhav Gosh, @KingofDominaria
I noticed you both abstained from voting, any reason for that? who would you have voted last phase if you had to?

@Eastern New England
Do you remember what TGN's age is?
Are you specifically asking ENE for TGN's age, or can I answer?
specifically him, I know their age
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 28, 2022, 04:12:47 PM
fuck yesss

@Anubhav Gosh, @KingofDominaria
I noticed you both abstained from voting, any reason for that? who would you have voted last phase if you had to?

@Eastern New England
Do you remember what TGN's age is?

ENE, Lau, TGN, Coz, Neon, Aers all likely town.

If I have to order them

Actually, can you explain your TGN read? His derpiness came across as forced at one point.
Yeah, see, here's the thing. A lot of your statements here are not supported by facts. For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it. It helped me gain a better read on ENE, TGN and Anubhav, for example, and seeing as all three tend to be less active and overwhelmed, I call that a win every day of the week. So to say it didn't net any reactions is a bold-faced lie.

Also, your statement about seeing I lied merely through people's comments in-thread is absolutely nonsensical, because I actually went back and checked, and all anyone summarising the events said was that I lied, they didn't say I lied to get reactions. That is something that could only have been found in my post where I retracted. So either you DID read my post and are lying about it (scummy) or you didn't read it and only got updated on that part through scum chat (again, scummy).

Yes, the inherent risk of such a play is always that a town can respond negatively to it and a PR could stupidly expose themselves. I took every step I could to mitigate that risk, by for example saying I only had one chance to use it, generating the impression I could be a Jack-of-all-trades type role, which wouldn't be directly in contention with any more standard investigative roles actually in the game. The nonsensical nature of a day cop was another safeguard and I'm surprised so many people went with it. And that's also why I retracted right before going to bed, despite not having yet achieved my goal of getting Gerrick to react. Despite all that, yes, it does remain a risky play. But it's only anti-town in a Town that plays badly to begin with and would expose themselves in a situation like that.

If you are Town, you also haven't considered what benefit Wolf!Me gains in this situation. In that worst case scenario where a Town PR does expose themselves, I'm automatically dead. Even in a best case scenario, the play is so chaotic that I bring myself down in the PoE order for a lot of people on principle, and practically invite a Seer to scan me on top of that. So it would be way more anti-wolf than anti-town.
A better read, lmfao. It's D1 and you're there acting like any reaction to your pseudo-trick means anything.
Also mitigate the risk lmfao, how about, like, not causing such a risk in the first place over subjective information? Is it really worth it to risk PRs to expose themselves for you to have a weak lean over people? Are you going to stick to these reads until the end of the game or something? Why ya treating it like they're a holy scripture lmfao they're very likely to change completely by D2 or D3, or as mechanical information comes out so no definitely weird reason to pull something like this
:crab: this is scummy as heck :crab:

Lying to get reactions is the expected, anyone with basic logic can figure you'd go for that excuse, why else would someone lie and backpedal on the same day :nottoday:
And you did mention that you did it for that reason a couple times, not in just a single post, when skimming I saw it here and there. And I think you're having some trouble realizing that you didn't repeat every single thing in every single post you made. Hell even if you did mention only in the one and the same post as the name change doesnt mean me skimming paid the same amount of attention to every sentence? I don't know why you're obsessing with assuming that me skimming means I either assimilated everything or nothing, it doesn't even make sense?? Skimming is inconsistent and results in just bits of information being understood, that's, like, common sense meaning in the very word right :notlikeduck:

Also, yes I have. Wolf you can always use the "it makes no sense for a wolf to expose themselves this early" sort of rhetoric, which we both know is bull lmao. Mafia usually knows what they have and what they might expect from stuff, as far as I know your scummates could have something like a deflector or tailor, or you be a godfather. Not to mention that it's a decent way to kinda coordinate reactions from scumbuds for them to look townie since it's not like they would ever fall for it if such bluff came from one of their teammates, right? There's literally no risk in the reactions for mafia and it only results in town looking bad.

"For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it."

It's more accurate to say that CL continually posting just dug himself into a hole which was a greater part of why so many actually voted him in the first place vs him actually *not* reacting to the fake claim/lie. The lie was the catalyst more so than anything.
This. Oh god am I agreeing with you I hate this
Lunch flipflopping and random tunnelings were what really caused him to die, it was largely unrelated to your fake claiming shenanigan.
Where have I been treating my reads as gospel? I first thought TGN's reaction to my claim was Towny, and revised that opinion to say it's actually coming across as too derpy to be real. And I push myself to get a lot of reads on D1 because I typically don't survive very long, and I like the personal challenge of seeing how close my PoE can get to the scum team. Also, your stance here that my reads are too set in stone is wholly contradictory to your previous stance that it didn't provide reads at all. Tbh, tunneling is part of your Town meta, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised if this is Town you, but the contradictions are just insanely hard for me to square with.

The whole middle part just comes across as being caught in the lie and flailing now.

And yeah, you know what, fair perspective for the last paragraph. It's incredibly wrong and misguided, but it at least makes sense.

Assuming you're correct and I'm scum, who's my team? Vro asked you this question when you got tunneled on him, too, and you never bothered to think it out. So if you're Town, do better. Especially if you're truly so hung up on mislynching so badly last game.
To be clear, this actually pings me as Dolby pre-shading his Town core with the expectation that things are gonna go badly. And if that is the case, I think TGN would probably be a red herring and his likeliest scumbud in my opinion would be Coz.
well I’m 14, 15 this June 
and I don’t think I’ve done anything derpy… can someone quote it to me?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 04:20:53 PM
fuck yesss

@Anubhav Gosh, @KingofDominaria
I noticed you both abstained from voting, any reason for that? who would you have voted last phase if you had to?

@Eastern New England
Do you remember what TGN's age is?

ENE, Lau, TGN, Coz, Neon, Aers all likely town.

If I have to order them

Actually, can you explain your TGN read? His derpiness came across as forced at one point.
Yeah, see, here's the thing. A lot of your statements here are not supported by facts. For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it. It helped me gain a better read on ENE, TGN and Anubhav, for example, and seeing as all three tend to be less active and overwhelmed, I call that a win every day of the week. So to say it didn't net any reactions is a bold-faced lie.

Also, your statement about seeing I lied merely through people's comments in-thread is absolutely nonsensical, because I actually went back and checked, and all anyone summarising the events said was that I lied, they didn't say I lied to get reactions. That is something that could only have been found in my post where I retracted. So either you DID read my post and are lying about it (scummy) or you didn't read it and only got updated on that part through scum chat (again, scummy).

Yes, the inherent risk of such a play is always that a town can respond negatively to it and a PR could stupidly expose themselves. I took every step I could to mitigate that risk, by for example saying I only had one chance to use it, generating the impression I could be a Jack-of-all-trades type role, which wouldn't be directly in contention with any more standard investigative roles actually in the game. The nonsensical nature of a day cop was another safeguard and I'm surprised so many people went with it. And that's also why I retracted right before going to bed, despite not having yet achieved my goal of getting Gerrick to react. Despite all that, yes, it does remain a risky play. But it's only anti-town in a Town that plays badly to begin with and would expose themselves in a situation like that.

If you are Town, you also haven't considered what benefit Wolf!Me gains in this situation. In that worst case scenario where a Town PR does expose themselves, I'm automatically dead. Even in a best case scenario, the play is so chaotic that I bring myself down in the PoE order for a lot of people on principle, and practically invite a Seer to scan me on top of that. So it would be way more anti-wolf than anti-town.
A better read, lmfao. It's D1 and you're there acting like any reaction to your pseudo-trick means anything.
Also mitigate the risk lmfao, how about, like, not causing such a risk in the first place over subjective information? Is it really worth it to risk PRs to expose themselves for you to have a weak lean over people? Are you going to stick to these reads until the end of the game or something? Why ya treating it like they're a holy scripture lmfao they're very likely to change completely by D2 or D3, or as mechanical information comes out so no definitely weird reason to pull something like this
:crab: this is scummy as heck :crab:

Lying to get reactions is the expected, anyone with basic logic can figure you'd go for that excuse, why else would someone lie and backpedal on the same day :nottoday:
And you did mention that you did it for that reason a couple times, not in just a single post, when skimming I saw it here and there. And I think you're having some trouble realizing that you didn't repeat every single thing in every single post you made. Hell even if you did mention only in the one and the same post as the name change doesnt mean me skimming paid the same amount of attention to every sentence? I don't know why you're obsessing with assuming that me skimming means I either assimilated everything or nothing, it doesn't even make sense?? Skimming is inconsistent and results in just bits of information being understood, that's, like, common sense meaning in the very word right :notlikeduck:

Also, yes I have. Wolf you can always use the "it makes no sense for a wolf to expose themselves this early" sort of rhetoric, which we both know is bull lmao. Mafia usually knows what they have and what they might expect from stuff, as far as I know your scummates could have something like a deflector or tailor, or you be a godfather. Not to mention that it's a decent way to kinda coordinate reactions from scumbuds for them to look townie since it's not like they would ever fall for it if such bluff came from one of their teammates, right? There's literally no risk in the reactions for mafia and it only results in town looking bad.

"For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it."

It's more accurate to say that CL continually posting just dug himself into a hole which was a greater part of why so many actually voted him in the first place vs him actually *not* reacting to the fake claim/lie. The lie was the catalyst more so than anything.
This. Oh god am I agreeing with you I hate this
Lunch flipflopping and random tunnelings were what really caused him to die, it was largely unrelated to your fake claiming shenanigan.
Where have I been treating my reads as gospel? I first thought TGN's reaction to my claim was Towny, and revised that opinion to say it's actually coming across as too derpy to be real. And I push myself to get a lot of reads on D1 because I typically don't survive very long, and I like the personal challenge of seeing how close my PoE can get to the scum team. Also, your stance here that my reads are too set in stone is wholly contradictory to your previous stance that it didn't provide reads at all. Tbh, tunneling is part of your Town meta, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised if this is Town you, but the contradictions are just insanely hard for me to square with.

The whole middle part just comes across as being caught in the lie and flailing now.

And yeah, you know what, fair perspective for the last paragraph. It's incredibly wrong and misguided, but it at least makes sense.

Assuming you're correct and I'm scum, who's my team? Vro asked you this question when you got tunneled on him, too, and you never bothered to think it out. So if you're Town, do better. Especially if you're truly so hung up on mislynching so badly last game.
To be clear, this actually pings me as Dolby pre-shading his Town core with the expectation that things are gonna go badly. And if that is the case, I think TGN would probably be a red herring and his likeliest scumbud in my opinion would be Coz.
well I’m 14, 15 this June
and I don’t think I’ve done anything derpy… can someone quote it to me?
You're literally derping right now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 28, 2022, 04:36:43 PM
ok so that’s one
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 04:38:17 PM

anyway the point is that they're fairly young, so it's expected for them to derp at some degree
I don't think it's AI and I'm curious how much ENE truly believed in his case that the derpiness at one was fake/malicious, and if they considered TGN's age in his analysis
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 05:33:58 PM
My hot take is that we may as well treat Moot as Town, I don't think he shirks his scum team like this. I think he'd probably feel more comfortable putting on his developer hat on to this extent if he's Town. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 28, 2022, 05:38:11 PM
@No Name, are you the player archetype who likes to sit quietly, watch the mosh pit unfold, and keep the resulting conclusions close to your chest?
Normally I'd create the moshpit, poke it to keep the embers going until I was satisfied with said pit, then keep my conclusions to my chest until it was relevant to share them. Generally I'll speak on anything people ask me about though. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 28, 2022, 06:15:06 PM
Heya folks! Michi here interrupting your game with another friendly announcement:

So I neglected to remember to mention this part to where you were probably really confused when I mentioned new game features.

To see these features, do the following steps:

1) Click on your name at the top-right of the page and click OLD User CP on the list.
2) hover over Modify Profile (or tap it if you're on mobile) and then select "Look and Layout"
3) At the top you'll see the current theme,  followed by Default/Winter.  Click "Change" right next to it.
4) Scroll to Winter-Dev and hit "Use this Theme"
5) scroll to the bottom and hit "Change profile"

You should now be able to see the features I was talking about earlier, such as the phase clock.
It shows that I made the change to Winter-Dev but I'm not seeing the clock or any other new features. Is this another case where Chrome is the problem?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 28, 2022, 06:16:53 PM
Work has been absolutely nuts today, so I'm trying to catch up on all the posts from when I went to bed last night.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 28, 2022, 06:49:40 PM
Well, I've read them all. Still digesting and processing. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 28, 2022, 06:50:25 PM
Heya folks! Michi here interrupting your game with another friendly announcement:

So I neglected to remember to mention this part to where you were probably really confused when I mentioned new game features.

To see these features, do the following steps:

1) Click on your name at the top-right of the page and click OLD User CP on the list.
2) hover over Modify Profile (or tap it if you're on mobile) and then select "Look and Layout"
3) At the top you'll see the current theme,  followed by Default/Winter.  Click "Change" right next to it.
4) Scroll to Winter-Dev and hit "Use this Theme"
5) scroll to the bottom and hit "Change profile"

You should now be able to see the features I was talking about earlier, such as the phase clock.
It shows that I made the change to Winter-Dev but I'm not seeing the clock or any other new features. Is this another case where Chrome is the problem?
Disregard, I found out how to access them.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 28, 2022, 07:04:21 PM
Due to the weewoo bus actually making me do things, I'm unable to finish compiling night actions in time. If you forgot to send in your night actions, send them now or forever hold your peace. I'll get the next day up as soon as I have access to a computer.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 28, 2022, 07:13:04 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 07:32:52 PM
If i die blame Lau :p
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 07:36:40 PM
If i die blame Lau :p
I didn't know who else to night kill, I'm sorry. :(
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 07:57:05 PM
I am going to be making a series of test posts. Please disregard them.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 07:58:49 PM
Another post test.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 07:59:37 PM
A second test post.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:00:02 PM
Unvote code test 1

Vote: TGN
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:02:00 PM
Testing vote name matching 1

Vote: TGN
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:03:16 PM
Testing vote name matching 2

Vote: TGN
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 08:03:43 PM
Testing vote name matching 1

Vote: TGN

It's happening, we're getting auto-votes. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 28, 2022, 08:05:22 PM
Testing vote name matching 1

Vote: TGN

It's happening, we're getting auto-votes.
If we get auto votes I vote for Ferrari 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:07:18 PM
Testing vote name matching 3

Vote: TGN
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 08:07:36 PM
Testing vote name matching 1

Vote: TGN

It's happening, we're getting auto-votes.
If we get auto votes I vote for Ferrari
How very un-British. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 08:08:22 PM
Also, clearly Moot is hinting that he scanned TGN and that TGN is scum. Come lolcat, TGN. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 28, 2022, 08:09:18 PM
Testing vote name matching 1

Vote: TGN

It's happening, we're getting auto-votes.
If we get auto votes I vote for Ferrari
How very un-British.
Well, I'm not British, so I guess it's apropos...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:09:43 PM
Bug 1 Fixed

Retest Vote Name Matching 4

Vote: TGN
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 28, 2022, 08:10:10 PM
While we wait, I asked before but got no response from anyone. How can I change the number of posts per page that I see?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:11:10 PM
Test Vote Name Matching 5

Vote: Laurentus
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:12:00 PM
While we wait, I asked before but got no response from anyone. How can I change the number of posts per page that I see?
old user CP -> Modify Profile -> Look at Layout, and the option to change messages per page is towards the bottom
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:12:53 PM
Bug 2 fixed.

Retest vote name matching 6.

Vote: Laurentus
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:13:59 PM
Bug 3 fixed.

Retest vote name matching 7.

Vote: Laurentus
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 28, 2022, 08:16:27 PM
Bug 3 fixed.

That's a lot of sterile bugs, didn't even know they could be neutered...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 28, 2022, 08:17:34 PM
While we wait, I asked before but got no response from anyone. How can I change the number of posts per page that I see?
old user CP -> Modify Profile -> Look at Layout, and the option to change messages per page is towards the bottom
Thank you
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 08:17:52 PM
Bug 2 fixed.

Retest vote name matching 6.

Vote: Laurentus

Cleric: [reading] And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths, and carp and anchovies, and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit-bats and large chu... 
Brother Maynard: Skip a bit, Brother...
Cleric: And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 28, 2022, 08:19:15 PM
fuck yesss

@Anubhav Gosh, @KingofDominaria
I noticed you both abstained from voting, any reason for that? who would you have voted last phase if you had to?

@Eastern New England
Do you remember what TGN's age is?
I'd expect them to be like 13.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 28, 2022, 08:20:26 PM
That sounded mean. I meant I was aware that they were about 13 when I played with them last.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 28, 2022, 08:20:49 PM
Bug 2 fixed.

Retest vote name matching 6.

Vote: Laurentus

Cleric: [reading] And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths, and carp and anchovies, and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit-bats and large chu...
Brother Maynard: Skip a bit, Brother...
Cleric: And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
Love that movie
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 28, 2022, 08:21:53 PM
That sounded mean. I meant I was aware that they were about 13 when I played with them last.
From sounding mean to sounding pervish... :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 28, 2022, 08:23:49 PM
Testing vote name matching 3

Vote: TGN
Wow what did I do 😂 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 28, 2022, 08:28:11 PM
While the players in the outside world made their choices and things happened, the forest clearing was back to its cheery self, though the players were growing increasingly disappointed that nothing actually happened to warrant these characters all being in such a setting.

Realizing this, Michi rewrote the story as the forest clearing scene began to shift almost violently, as it shifted through various scenes including one where apparently a rock was hurling through the air and pelted Lancelot in the face as he screamed out about how he was being oppressed.

The scene cut to what seemed to be a daycare or kindergarten classroom or kid’s party or something…it wasn’t quite clear.  But what was clear was that it was a strange group of werewolf children, which frightened some of the group, although Joffrey decided to play with a nearby dollhouse and Don Michael Corleone hired all the wolf children to be his informants.

The scene suddenly shifted again just as Joffrey was about to have the boy doll executed for not following his orders.  Now they were in a village that looked just as remarkably dull as the forest clearing, although some of the folks such as Knightman and Everyman felt instant recognition upon seeing the village…apart from what looked to be a Macys in the center square in which Mai Valentine and Ruby Red immediately ran toward, dragging the reluctant Princess Leia and lady Galadriel with them.  Lindsey Lohan and Hannah Montana followed close behind, darting over to the makeup counter.

“Uhhh, was Hannah Montana even in one of our games?” Asked player Red Mones, as Eastern New England chimed in.  “I think Michi’s getting confused since she was in one of the games that he hosted over in our region.” They replied as Laurentus facepalmed, while Wintermoot simply gave a friendly chuckle at Michi’s obvious moment of being scatterbrained.

Batman watched from afar as Joker and Two Face shared cat videos with each other near the village fountain, while the Scarecrow went crazy and threw toxin bombs everywhere in a fit of boredom, throwing the crowd into a state of mass hysteria. Folks such as Pennywise started screaming about seeing rainbows and turtles…two of his worst fears, as others screamed about anything from dental hygienists to the skyrocketing prices of fast food at McWendleking…which ironically wasn’t something they were seeing as an effect of the toxin since they miraculously weren’t near it.  Everyone seemed to get over the effects pretty quickly, though one in particular seemed to remain in that state of confusion…mistaking up from down, blue from green, and good from bad.

The villagers all sang and danced even as a bloodthirsty wolf not in sheep’s clothing tore through the village and killed them.  Erwin Smith was horrified by the villagers’ seemingly complacent behavior in this, while the village elder assured them that it was something that happened all the time…which made Erwin question why.  Jackie Chan attempted to fight back, though the large werewolf seemed to ignore him the entire time.

“Okay, now I know we didn’t have a game with Jackie Chan.” player Red Mones pointed out, as Wintreath member Barnes popped in.  “Maybe Michi is just being creative because I was going to host an Around the World in 80 Days game?” he suggested, as player Gerrick sighed.  “He could have at least taken from the good version of that story if he was going to do that.”

All actions are processed. There was no death last night. I am still in the process of sending back results to people who need them but wanted to get the day started.

Day 2 begins now and will end on Sunday, the 30th at 3pm CST.

"You'd show town"

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:29:11 PM
Day 1 begins now and will end on Sunday, the 30th at 3pm CST.
Are we replaying day 1? :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 28, 2022, 08:29:35 PM
That sounded mean. I meant I was aware that they were about 13 when I played with them last.
From sounding mean to sounding pervish... :P
I just can't win today.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:30:25 PM
Name matching and formatting working.

Testing unvote.

Vote: Unvote
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:31:35 PM
Testing no lynch vote.

Vote: No Lynch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 08:32:17 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 08:33:35 PM
While the players in the outside world made their choices and things happened, the forest clearing was back to its cheery self, though the players were growing increasingly disappointed that nothing actually happened to warrant these characters all being in such a setting.

Realizing this, Michi rewrote the story as the forest clearing scene began to shift almost violently, as it shifted through various scenes including one where apparently a rock was hurling through the air and pelted Lancelot in the face as he screamed out about how he was being oppressed.

The scene cut to what seemed to be a daycare or kindergarten classroom or kid’s party or something…it wasn’t quite clear.  But what was clear was that it was a strange group of werewolf children, which frightened some of the group, although Joffrey decided to play with a nearby dollhouse and Don Michael Corleone hired all the wolf children to be his informants.

The scene suddenly shifted again just as Joffrey was about to have the boy doll executed for not following his orders.  Now they were in a village that looked just as remarkably dull as the forest clearing, although some of the folks such as Knightman and Everyman felt instant recognition upon seeing the village…apart from what looked to be a Macys in the center square in which Mai Valentine and Ruby Red immediately ran toward, dragging the reluctant Princess Leia and lady Galadriel with them.  Lindsey Lohan and Hannah Montana followed close behind, darting over to the makeup counter.

“Uhhh, was Hannah Montana even in one of our games?” Asked player Red Mones, as Eastern New England chimed in.  “I think Michi’s getting confused since she was in one of the games that he hosted over in our region.” They replied as Laurentus facepalmed, while Wintermoot simply gave a friendly chuckle at Michi’s obvious moment of being scatterbrained.

Batman watched from afar as Joker and Two Face shared cat videos with each other near the village fountain, while the Scarecrow went crazy and threw toxin bombs everywhere in a fit of boredom, throwing the crowd into a state of mass hysteria. Folks such as Pennywise started screaming about seeing rainbows and turtles…two of his worst fears, as others screamed about anything from dental hygienists to the skyrocketing prices of fast food at McWendleking…which ironically wasn’t something they were seeing as an effect of the toxin since they miraculously weren’t near it.  Everyone seemed to get over the effects pretty quickly, though one in particular seemed to remain in that state of confusion…mistaking up from down, blue from green, and good from bad.

The villagers all sang and danced even as a bloodthirsty wolf not in sheep’s clothing tore through the village and killed them.  Erwin Smith was horrified by the villagers’ seemingly complacent behavior in this, while the village elder assured them that it was something that happened all the time…which made Erwin question why.  Jackie Chan attempted to fight back, though the large werewolf seemed to ignore him the entire time.

“Okay, now I know we didn’t have a game with Jackie Chan.” player Red Mones pointed out, as Wintreath member Barnes popped in.  “Maybe Michi is just being creative because I was going to host an Around the World in 80 Days game?” he suggested, as player Gerrick sighed.  “He could have at least taken from the good version of that story if he was going to do that.”

All actions are processed. There was no death last night. I am still in the process of sending back results to people who need them but wanted to get the day started.

Day 1 begins now and will end on Sunday, the 30th at 3pm CST.

"You'd show town"
Fucking yes. @Eastern New England, come enlighten us. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 08:37:09 PM
Defenders/doctors, stfu for now. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 28, 2022, 08:39:42 PM

I broke it. Can you fix it? Apparently I need to refresh the page after hitting the button and uh... I pushed it too many times.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:48:21 PM
Testing to ensure daytime voting is still enabled.

Vote: Laurentus
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:49:24 PM
Finally, testing to make sure non-players can't be voted for.

Vote: Ruguo

A note, when voting for non-players the BBCode will still show up but the vote should not be registered by the system. So be sure to check!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:50:55 PM

I broke it. Can you fix it? Apparently I need to refresh the page after hitting the button and uh... I pushed it too many times.
No worries, I've set it back to day 2. :)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 08:52:29 PM
Test votes have been removed, testing complete, announcement will be made asap.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 08:53:48 PM
Finally, testing to make sure non-players can't be voted for.

Vote: Ruguo

A note, when voting for non-players the BBCode will still show up but the vote should not be registered by the system. So be sure to check!
Okay, so we need to make absolutely sure there aren't typos and shit in the names, right?

And would No Lynch/Sleep count as a choice? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 08:55:21 PM
Christ, I sympathise if you've randed flavour cop, ENE. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:01:16 PM
ENE if you don't have actionable results and don't want to go into it/what exactly your role is, that's fine, just say that you don't lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 09:04:28 PM
Okay, so we need to make absolutely sure there aren't typos and shit in the names, right?

And would No Lynch/Sleep count as a choice?
Yes. The best way to make sure your vote has been registered is to check the vote screen afterwards. If it doesn't appear there's a reason (or a bug). Votes on the screen are in order from earliest post to latest post, so a new vote should be at the bottom.

Unvote and No Lynch are both valid choices (and in those two cases, case doesn't matter...Unvote, UNVOTE, and unvote will all work, for example). To the system currently they're both essentially the same, indicating that the player has made an active choice not to vote. However, they use different codes in the system in case we need to code some sort of different behaviour between them in the future.

I've never heard of Sleep before in Werewolf, so I'm not sure what that would be.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:09:41 PM
Wintermoot can i ask you what your reads are lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 09:10:43 PM

good job doctor
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 09:11:48 PM
wait is moot playing I thought they were just doing some fancy maintenance stuff lmfao
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:13:10 PM
What are the odds that ENE got roleblocked, this is one of the sites where there's just no results instead of a roleblock notification, and he's just constantly refreshing for a result lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:18:12 PM
Okay, so we need to make absolutely sure there aren't typos and shit in the names, right?

And would No Lynch/Sleep count as a choice?
Yes. The best way to make sure your vote has been registered is to check the vote screen afterwards. If it doesn't appear there's a reason (or a bug). Votes on the screen are in order from earliest post to latest post, so a new vote should be at the bottom.

Unvote and No Lynch are both valid choices (and in those two cases, case doesn't matter...Unvote, UNVOTE, and unvote will all work, for example). To the system currently they're both essentially the same, indicating that the player has made an active choice not to vote. However, they use different codes in the system in case we need to code some sort of different behaviour between them in the future.

I've never heard of Sleep before in Werewolf, so I'm not sure what that would be.
Sleep is basically what they call no lynch at MU. I think it refers to just not lynching someone, but going to sleep instead, in a Werewolf context. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:26:03 PM
What are the odds that ENE got roleblocked, this is one of the sites where there's just no results instead of a roleblock notification, and he's just constantly refreshing for a result lol
The host basically communicates the results of all actions to the players manually here. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 09:28:18 PM
Sorry, one more vote test.

Vote: TGN
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 28, 2022, 09:31:14 PM
I'm very confused right now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:33:24 PM
I'm very confused right now.
Ugh. Flavour cop, ain't it? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 28, 2022, 09:36:15 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:38:50 PM
Okay, so I was the flavour cop in Portal Werewolf 2. If yours is like mine was, then you've been given a clue to whoever you scanned, and you need to decipher it, correct? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 28, 2022, 09:43:00 PM
No, I think I've got it.

I was given the name of the role, so maybe not flavor Cop.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 28, 2022, 09:45:35 PM
I've made everyone some tea while I wait to hear back from my new neighbor 


Feel free to take some while we all sit around and discuss whatever it is that's happening here
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:53:50 PM
I've made everyone some tea while I wait to hear back from my new neighbor


Feel free to take some while we all sit around and discuss whatever it is that's happening here
Lmao, who'd you neighbour with? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:54:34 PM
No, I think I've got it.

I was given the name of the role, so maybe not flavor Cop.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 09:55:26 PM
No, I think I've got it.

I was given the name of the role, so maybe not flavor Cop.
ah, role cop

Also, I'm becoming more confident that the list of 6 names I made last night are all town
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 28, 2022, 09:56:32 PM
Well, the character of the player.

I did some digging and I think the role I saw is scum? But I'm not entirely sure.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 09:57:18 PM
Well, the character of the player.

I did some digging and I think the role I saw is scum? But I'm not entirely sure.
You might as well out. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 28, 2022, 10:00:40 PM
I've made everyone some tea while I wait to hear back from my new neighbor


Feel free to take some while we all sit around and discuss whatever it is that's happening here
Lmao, who'd you neighbour with?
Just an old acquaintance I'll allow them to reveal more of they so choose 


It's sad though I've built such a nice neighborhood and it's been every so quiet. One of my neighbors is a very useful asset but they hardly even give me the time of day you know. I knock and I knock. Bring them pie and tea but they just don't seem to want to join me for dinner
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:03:22 PM
I stg if you're cult leader, Abigail. :-\
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 28, 2022, 10:03:41 PM
Well, the character of the player.

I did some digging and I think the role I saw is scum? But I'm not entirely sure.
You might as well out.
I saw Scarecrow from the Batman game? It looks like a scum role, but as far as I understood the roles were reversed that game, which meant that the evils started out by outnumbering the heroes.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:05:56 PM
Well, the character of the player.

I did some digging and I think the role I saw is scum? But I'm not entirely sure.
You might as well out.
I saw Scarecrow from the Batman game? It looks like a scum role, but as far as I understood the roles were reversed that game, which meant that the evils started out by outnumbering the heroes.
That's a tough one, because yes, the monsters were the townies, if I recall correctly. I think I was Batman in that one, lmao, and I'm p sure I was scum. No idea if that logic would carry over. Who'd you target? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 10:07:20 PM
Neon neighbored with No Name.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 10:08:10 PM
Neon neighbored with No Name.
lol were the two of you neighbored at game start
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 10:09:28 PM
No. Why would you ask that?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 28, 2022, 10:10:47 PM
then how would you know?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 10:11:31 PM
No, I think I've got it.

I was given the name of the role, so maybe not flavor Cop.
that's definitely flavor cop considering the current roles are unrelated to the original ones other than just their name

well least mine is :notlikeduck:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 28, 2022, 10:12:34 PM
Well, the character of the player.

I did some digging and I think the role I saw is scum? But I'm not entirely sure.
You might as well out.
I saw Scarecrow from the Batman game? It looks like a scum role, but as far as I understood the roles were reversed that game, which meant that the evils started out by outnumbering the heroes.
That's a tough one, because yes, the monsters were the townies, if I recall correctly. I think I was Batman in that one, lmao, and I'm p sure I was scum. No idea if that logic would carry over. Who'd you target?
Is it a good idea to out them? My check isn't 100% reliable either, only about 80%.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 10:12:40 PM
rolecop would tell what the role does so definitely flavor cop
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 10:13:33 PM
It's not that I know. I'm asserting that Neon neighbored with No Name.

That's strictly because of how the two interacted after the mention of a previous game. I have no doubt in my mind that Neon decided to neighbor with No Name once Neon either knew or had a good idea as to who No Name was.

That's hardly a revelation though.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:13:52 PM
While the players in the outside world made their choices and things happened, the forest clearing was back to its cheery self, though the players were growing increasingly disappointed that nothing actually happened to warrant these characters all being in such a setting.

Realizing this, Michi rewrote the story as the forest clearing scene began to shift almost violently, as it shifted through various scenes including one where apparently a rock was hurling through the air and pelted Lancelot in the face as he screamed out about how he was being oppressed.

The scene cut to what seemed to be a daycare or kindergarten classroom or kid’s party or something…it wasn’t quite clear.  But what was clear was that it was a strange group of werewolf children, which frightened some of the group, although Joffrey decided to play with a nearby dollhouse and Don Michael Corleone hired all the wolf children to be his informants.

The scene suddenly shifted again just as Joffrey was about to have the boy doll executed for not following his orders.  Now they were in a village that looked just as remarkably dull as the forest clearing, although some of the folks such as Knightman and Everyman felt instant recognition upon seeing the village…apart from what looked to be a Macys in the center square in which Mai Valentine and Ruby Red immediately ran toward, dragging the reluctant Princess Leia and lady Galadriel with them.  Lindsey Lohan and Hannah Montana followed close behind, darting over to the makeup counter.

“Uhhh, was Hannah Montana even in one of our games?” Asked player Red Mones, as Eastern New England chimed in.  “I think Michi’s getting confused since she was in one of the games that he hosted over in our region.” They replied as Laurentus facepalmed, while Wintermoot simply gave a friendly chuckle at Michi’s obvious moment of being scatterbrained.

Batman watched from afar as Joker and Two Face shared cat videos with each other near the village fountain, while the Scarecrow went crazy and threw toxin bombs everywhere in a fit of boredom, throwing the crowd into a state of mass hysteria. Folks such as Pennywise started screaming about seeing rainbows and turtles…two of his worst fears, as others screamed about anything from dental hygienists to the skyrocketing prices of fast food at McWendleking…which ironically wasn’t something they were seeing as an effect of the toxin since they miraculously weren’t near it.  Everyone seemed to get over the effects pretty quickly, though one in particular seemed to remain in that state of confusion…mistaking up from down, blue from green, and good from bad.

The villagers all sang and danced even as a bloodthirsty wolf not in sheep’s clothing tore through the village and killed them.  Erwin Smith was horrified by the villagers’ seemingly complacent behavior in this, while the village elder assured them that it was something that happened all the time…which made Erwin question why.  Jackie Chan attempted to fight back, though the large werewolf seemed to ignore him the entire time.

“Okay, now I know we didn’t have a game with Jackie Chan.” player Red Mones pointed out, as Wintreath member Barnes popped in.  “Maybe Michi is just being creative because I was going to host an Around the World in 80 Days game?” he suggested, as player Gerrick sighed.  “He could have at least taken from the good version of that story if he was going to do that.”

All actions are processed. There was no death last night. I am still in the process of sending back results to people who need them but wanted to get the day started.

Day 2 begins now and will end on Sunday, the 30th at 3pm CST.

"You'd show town"
Okay it's specifically said here that Scarecrow, Joker and a few others from the Batman game are in the game. They can't all be Wolves. I think you have a town result. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:15:29 PM
Well, the character of the player.

I did some digging and I think the role I saw is scum? But I'm not entirely sure.
You might as well out.
I saw Scarecrow from the Batman game? It looks like a scum role, but as far as I understood the roles were reversed that game, which meant that the evils started out by outnumbering the heroes.
That's a tough one, because yes, the monsters were the townies, if I recall correctly. I think I was Batman in that one, lmao, and I'm p sure I was scum. No idea if that logic would carry over. Who'd you target?
Is it a good idea to out them? My check isn't 100% reliable either, only about 80%.
80% is far better than rand. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 10:16:04 PM
 @ Laur:

Is Ruby Red, Hanah Montana, Lindsay Lohan, and Jackie Chan in the game too?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 10:16:41 PM
who's the scarecrow tho
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:17:51 PM
@ Laur:

Is Ruby Red, Hanah Montana, Lindsay Lohan, and Jackie Chan in the game too?
No fucking idea. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 10:19:01 PM
the most ambitious crossover of all time
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 10:19:34 PM
They should be since you jumped to the conclusion that Batman and Two Face must also be in the game.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:22:16 PM
They should be since you jumped to the conclusion that Batman and Two Face must also be in the game.
They're specifically stated as the outliers, so if they are, I'm guessing they'd be scum. Joker and Scarecrow are not mentioned as being out of place. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:27:14 PM
Huh. Lemme actually sit down and count all the roles mentioned here. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 28, 2022, 10:31:25 PM
flavor might be intentionally misleading according to the OP

I don't think it's a reasonable line of deduction :nottoday:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 10:32:28 PM
Given that this particular game is a mashup of all previous werewolf games here on Wintreath, I'd imagine that roles are drawn across all games. So unless you guys had a disproportionate amount of Batman themed mafia games, then I'd imagine that not all those Batman characters mentioned are in this game.

But hey, maybe the design and hosts are crazy and did it that way too. Either way, we know the Scarecrow role is in for certain based on ENE's claim. Anything else is extrapolation off of bare bones.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 28, 2022, 10:40:36 PM
An announcement about the new Werewolf system we have here!

It has an overview of the system, so if you want a better understanding of the screens or how to vote going forward, it may be helpful.

I will take off my developer hat and post as a player as soon as I can...hopefully tonight or tomorrow. :)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:43:00 PM
While the players in the outside world made their choices and things happened, the forest clearing was back to its cheery self, though the players were growing increasingly disappointed that nothing actually happened to warrant these characters all being in such a setting.

Realizing this, Michi rewrote the story as the forest clearing scene began to shift almost violently, as it shifted through various scenes including one where apparently a rock was hurling through the air and pelted Lancelot in the face as he screamed out about how he was being oppressed.

The scene cut to what seemed to be a daycare or kindergarten classroom or kid’s party or something…it wasn’t quite clear.  But what was clear was that it was a strange group of werewolf children, which frightened some of the group, although Joffrey decided to play with a nearby dollhouse and Don Michael Corleone hired all the wolf children to be his informants.

The scene suddenly shifted again just as Joffrey was about to have the boy doll executed for not following his orders.  Now they were in a village that looked just as remarkably dull as the forest clearing, although some of the folks such as Knightman and Everyman felt instant recognition upon seeing the village…apart from what looked to be a Macys in the center square in which Mai Valentine and Ruby Red immediately ran toward, dragging the reluctant Princess Leia and lady Galadriel with them.  Lindsey Lohan and Hannah Montana followed close behind, darting over to the makeup counter.

“Uhhh, was Hannah Montana even in one of our games?” Asked player Red Mones, as Eastern New England chimed in.  “I think Michi’s getting confused since she was in one of the games that he hosted over in our region.” They replied as Laurentus facepalmed, while Wintermoot simply gave a friendly chuckle at Michi’s obvious moment of being scatterbrained.

Batman watched from afar as Joker and Two Face shared cat videos with each other near the village fountain, while the Scarecrow went crazy and threw toxin bombs everywhere in a fit of boredom, throwing the crowd into a state of mass hysteria. Folks such as Pennywise started screaming about seeing rainbows and turtles…two of his worst fears, as others screamed about anything from dental hygienists to the skyrocketing prices of fast food at McWendleking…which ironically wasn’t something they were seeing as an effect of the toxin since they miraculously weren’t near it.  Everyone seemed to get over the effects pretty quickly, though one in particular seemed to remain in that state of confusion…mistaking up from down, blue from green, and good from bad.

The villagers all sang and danced even as a bloodthirsty wolf not in sheep’s clothing tore through the village and killed them.  Erwin Smith was horrified by the villagers’ seemingly complacent behavior in this, while the village elder assured them that it was something that happened all the time…which made Erwin question why.  Jackie Chan attempted to fight back, though the large werewolf seemed to ignore him the entire time.

“Okay, now I know we didn’t have a game with Jackie Chan.” player Red Mones pointed out, as Wintreath member Barnes popped in.  “Maybe Michi is just being creative because I was going to host an Around the World in 80 Days game?” he suggested, as player Gerrick sighed.  “He could have at least taken from the good version of that story if he was going to do that.”

All actions are processed. There was no death last night. I am still in the process of sending back results to people who need them but wanted to get the day started.

Day 2 begins now and will end on Sunday, the 30th at 3pm CST.

"You'd show town"
Okay it's specifically said here that Scarecrow, Joker and a few others from the Batman game are in the game. They can't all be Wolves. I think you have a town result.
1. Lancelot (Ye Olde Arthurian Legend)
2. Joffrey (GoTWolf) 
3. Michael Corleone (GodfatherWolf)
4. Knightman
5. Everyman (I think both of these are from the very first game? Wasn't here for it and it's been a while since I read it) 
6. Mai Valentine 
7. Ruby Red
8. Princess Leia
9. Galadriel
10. Lindsay Lohan
11. Hannah Montana (Outlier?) 
12. Batman
13. Joker
14. Two Face
15. Pennywise
16. Erwin Smith
17. Jackie Chan (Outlier?)

Not sure if I missed any. We started with 17 players, yet 17 were also listed here. I can't recall which roles were listed in the EoD1 flavour. But there's definitely something strange going on.

Also strange is that my exact role hasn't been mentioned once, that I can recall. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 10:50:43 PM
At this point, I have no idea what Scarecrow's alignment would be, but you may as well share who you scanned, ENE. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 10:54:07 PM
Ex, I know you asked me a question earlier when I was on break reading. It was in regards to why I didn't vote near end of day yesterday IIRC and who would I have voted had I did so.

As to the why: I missed it. Simple as that. Due to the high amount of fluff posts, I'm looking at you Neon, I never saw one of the update posts (or post from Silver if it was just the one, but even then I tend to look at the thread prior to sleeping).

As to who: I honestly don't think I would have voted anyone necessarily. Outside of pointing at CL concerning his lack of posting early, Laur was probably the only one that would have been worth prodding over dropped/switching from CL to someone else entirely despite his own reaction testing. Course, as I did read, ENE was a factor in that given his counterclaim prior to rescinding that claim.

In Laur's case, that may have resulted in too much flip-flopping had he voted CL due to the cc, then unvoted due to the rescind from ENE.

Course, at that particular time, I didn't feel that strongly about Laur flipping to CL because he was treating CL at face value over the claim. I'd have had to have taken time to engage Laur over the chain of events before I'd have worked myself up to feeling like Laur deserved my vote in that case.

Ultimately, me missing out with my vote is a better representation of how I felt at that time as opposed to what I'm saying now as I've been reading up on what's been said.

Currently, with ENE, I'm not feeling that great about him simply because of his claim. A flavor cop, a variation of the investigation role, seems more like the tool of a scum team as opposed to town. I say that strictly because of where I come from where that is very much the case, but also because of how ENE approached the cc then and how he touts his result now.

You're a town "PR" (in the sense that your role can gather info to help find scum maybe). Someone else claims to be a cop, and you have the option to counterclaim them (as I recall, you called for anyone that wanted to counterclaim right Laur?). Unless you're sure of your claim to the role, I don't see why you'd out yourself right away. Especially with no investigations under your belt (unless you got a D1 check which is rare in most games from my own experience). ENE did cc, but also was hesitant with said claim up to the point of rescinding. Like, you're not a straight cop. You get a role (or role name or something). Not an alignment. Automatic variation of a cop which opens up the door to the thought, "Hey, there *may* be more than one cop given my own role." Factor in, then, that with his result ENE is now going, "Should I or should I not," leaving it up to everyone else. Why? You've already outed yourself. Why leave it up to us when you know, if you're being honest, that everyone knows who you are. This is more akin to a scum tactic of getting in deep with the town. More so, given the claim, if ENE is said role as scum and can hunt for potential PRs based on role name (and we know that roles come from across various games -- ie. Scarecrow and the 3p role that CL was).

That's my particular take on ENE at this moment.

I have yet to deep dive into the ending Vote Count of D1, but I'm sure I'll get to it at some point.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:00:30 PM
Ex, I know you asked me a question earlier when I was on break reading. It was in regards to why I didn't vote near end of day yesterday IIRC and who would I have voted had I did so.

As to the why: I missed it. Simple as that. Due to the high amount of fluff posts, I'm looking at you Neon, I never saw one of the update posts (or post from Silver if it was just the one, but even then I tend to look at the thread prior to sleeping).

As to who: I honestly don't think I would have voted anyone necessarily. Outside of pointing at CL concerning his lack of posting early, Laur was probably the only one that would have been worth prodding over dropped/switching from CL to someone else entirely despite his own reaction testing. Course, as I did read, ENE was a factor in that given his counterclaim prior to rescinding that claim.

In Laur's case, that may have resulted in too much flip-flopping had he voted CL due to the cc, then unvoted due to the rescind from ENE.

Course, at that particular time, I didn't feel that strongly about Laur flipping to CL because he was treating CL at face value over the claim. I'd have had to have taken time to engage Laur over the chain of events before I'd have worked myself up to feeling like Laur deserved my vote in that case.

Ultimately, me missing out with my vote is a better representation of how I felt at that time as opposed to what I'm saying now as I've been reading up on what's been said.

Currently, with ENE, I'm not feeling that great about him simply because of his claim. A flavor cop, a variation of the investigation role, seems more like the tool of a scum team as opposed to town. I say that strictly because of where I come from where that is very much the case, but also because of how ENE approached the cc then and how he touts his result now.

You're a town "PR" (in the sense that your role can gather info to help find scum maybe). Someone else claims to be a cop, and you have the option to counterclaim them (as I recall, you called for anyone that wanted to counterclaim right Laur?). Unless you're sure of your claim to the role, I don't see why you'd out yourself right away. Especially with no investigations under your belt (unless you got a D1 check which is rare in most games from my own experience). ENE did cc, but also was hesitant with said claim up to the point of rescinding. Like, you're not a straight cop. You get a role (or role name or something). Not an alignment. Automatic variation of a cop which opens up the door to the thought, "Hey, there *may* be more than one cop given my own role." Factor in, then, that with his result ENE is now going, "Should I or should I not," leaving it up to everyone else. Why? You've already outed yourself. Why leave it up to us when you know, if you're being honest, that everyone knows who you are. This is more akin to a scum tactic of getting in deep with the town. More so, given the claim, if ENE is said role as scum and can hunt for potential PRs based on role name (and we know that roles come from across various games -- ie. Scarecrow and the 3p role that CL was).

That's my particular take on ENE at this moment.

I have yet to deep dive into the ending Vote Count of D1, but I'm sure I'll get to it at some point.
Correct, I pinged everyone and said I was treating CL as confirmed if there was no counter claim. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 11:01:42 PM
Until I actually get around to creating a listing of the players, ENE is in my bottom of the null pile borderline scum.

I do not have a particular person that I hard view as scum at this moment.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:04:36 PM
You're going to have to get over the hurdle of scum CCing in that thread state inevitably doing themselves in by not dying. ENE ain't stupid. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 11:06:07 PM
That's a hurdle to encounter down the road.

Also, who said ENE was stupid?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:08:21 PM
That's a hurdle to encounter down the road.

Also, who said ENE was stupid?
It's implicit in your treatment of him. You're specifically saying that you place him in nulls bordering on scummy. Only stupid scum would CC there. Ergo, ENE bordering on scummy also means you implicitly think he might be that stupid. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 11:11:56 PM
I'm sorry that you think that it is implied he's stupid.

Despite that, my evaluation and placement of him is fair as, again, he's openly revealed himself and locked in a doc on him consistently (which can be done as a scum role cop). That hurdle you mentioned earlier? If he's still alive because of the doc protecting him, then why question him still being around up until the doc gets got?

Either way, my assessment of him remains, and if you think I think he's stupid, that's sad.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:13:44 PM
I'm sorry that you think that it is implied he's stupid.

Despite that, my evaluation and placement of him is fair as, again, he's openly revealed himself and locked in a doc on him consistently (which can be done as a scum role cop). That hurdle you mentioned earlier? If he's still alive because of the doc protecting him, then why question him still being around up until the doc gets got?

Either way, my assessment of him remains, and if you think I think he's stupid, that's sad.
I literally said *you* implicitly think he's stupid.
And did we or did we not have an NK-less night phase? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 11:15:33 PM
I read what you said. I assume you read what I said.

And yes, we did have a NK-less night phase. Are you telling me he was doc protected and that mafia attempted a NK on him beyond all shadow of doubt? Or are you assuming that due to the absence of a night kill?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:16:48 PM
Oh, no, wait, I missed your "I" in "if you think *I* think," I apologise. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:17:51 PM
I read what you said. I assume you read what I said.

And yes, we did have a NK-less night phase. Are you telling me he was doc protected and that mafia attempted a NK on him beyond all shadow of doubt? Or are you assuming that due to the absence of a night kill?
It's literally the most logical assumption to make. Dude claims invest, no one dies. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:23:57 PM
Anyway, it's way past my usual bedtime. @Dolby, hold the fort, will ya? And please see if you can get anything out of Vro. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 11:25:52 PM
That'd be a yes then.

See that's interesting to me because yes, he did claim invest.

What's interesting is that you would think the scum team would be stupid enough to aim strictly for ENE due to the claim. We're assuming the existence of a doctor, yes? Then, unless you think the scum team wouldn't think the same, why would the scum team gof or him knowing a doc would potentially protect the only claimed  -- correction -- the once claimed invest that was confused and ended up rescinding his claim only to claim more clearly on D2?

You're more than welcome to your own perspective. I just don't buy into your perspective as readily as I buy into my own. After all, why would I trust you over me?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:28:52 PM
That'd be a yes then.

See that's interesting to me because yes, he did claim invest.

What's interesting is that you would think the scum team would be stupid enough to aim strictly for ENE due to the claim. We're assuming the existence of a doctor, yes? Then, unless you think the scum team wouldn't think the same, why would the scum team gof or him knowing a doc would potentially protect the only claimed  -- correction -- the once claimed invest that was confused and ended up rescinding his claim only to claim more clearly on D2?

You're more than welcome to your own perspective. I just don't buy into your perspective as readily as I buy into my own. After all, why would I trust you over me?
This is pure WIFOM. The most optimal thing for mafia to do is always to take the shot there. Ergo, the most optimal thing for the doc to do is always to protect there. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 11:30:06 PM
That is the epitome of stagnant, and questionable, gameplay right there.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:31:13 PM
That is the epitome of stagnant, and questionable, gameplay right there.
Frankly, claim scum harder, at this point. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 11:31:58 PM
Why? Because it'll soothe your dislike of my perspective? No thanks.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:33:31 PM
Why? Because it'll soothe your dislike of my perspective? No thanks.
Because the way you've approached this whole thing is a textbook example of how to get a doctor to reveal themselves. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 11:35:53 PM
At what point did I talk about the doctor strictly?

My topic has been how I viewed ENE. You dislike how I view him, and you're reaching for a connection to someone I haven't even spoken of.

Perhaps you should reevaluate what you're reading as you've shown the occasional mistake in interpreting what is being said.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:39:10 PM
I read what you said. I assume you read what I said.

And yes, we did have a NK-less night phase. Are you telling me he was doc protected and that mafia attempted a NK on him beyond all shadow of doubt? Or are you assuming that due to the absence of a night kill?
That's literally the definition of doctor baiting, right there. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 28, 2022, 11:43:02 PM
That's literally a question that was aimed at you.

You act like it's entirely impossible that, for example, mafia no hitting couldn't have resulted in a NK-less night. Or, as another example, that a poisoner effect or arsonist effect wasn't used which would produce the same result.

But hey, if you want to twist my words there to portray me as trying to doctor bait, then by all means. It's totally believable that I most definitely said that with the intent of having everyone chime in so that whoever the doctor is would go, "Oh hey yeah, I'm the doc and protected ENE."

Especially since, you know, I'm most definitely pushing ENE to be lynched as opposed to giving my perspective of what I've seen from his thus far with his claim.

Most definitely.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 28, 2022, 11:47:41 PM
This is torturous and I'll deal with it when I wake up again. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 12:16:40 AM
I stg if you're cult leader, Abigail. :-\
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 12:20:42 AM
But hey, maybe the design and hosts are crazy 
The answer is yes


If I know one thing is that this game is hosted by crazy people 


Don't trust anything, there is undoubtedly hidden meaning somewhere. Their posts their actions, the game itself. There's something somewhere. Fuck maybe nobody is evil at all 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 01:04:21 AM
While the players in the outside world made their choices and things happened, the forest clearing was back to its cheery self, though the players were growing increasingly disappointed that nothing actually happened to warrant these characters all being in such a setting.

Realizing this, Michi rewrote the story as the forest clearing scene began to shift almost violently, as it shifted through various scenes including one where apparently a rock was hurling through the air and pelted Lancelot in the face as he screamed out about how he was being oppressed.

The scene cut to what seemed to be a daycare or kindergarten classroom or kid’s party or something…it wasn’t quite clear.  But what was clear was that it was a strange group of werewolf children, which frightened some of the group, although Joffrey decided to play with a nearby dollhouse and Don Michael Corleone hired all the wolf children to be his informants.

The scene suddenly shifted again just as Joffrey was about to have the boy doll executed for not following his orders.  Now they were in a village that looked just as remarkably dull as the forest clearing, although some of the folks such as Knightman and Everyman felt instant recognition upon seeing the village…apart from what looked to be a Macys in the center square in which Mai Valentine and Ruby Red immediately ran toward, dragging the reluctant Princess Leia and lady Galadriel with them.  Lindsey Lohan and Hannah Montana followed close behind, darting over to the makeup counter.

“Uhhh, was Hannah Montana even in one of our games?” Asked player Red Mones, as Eastern New England chimed in.  “I think Michi’s getting confused since she was in one of the games that he hosted over in our region.” They replied as Laurentus facepalmed, while Wintermoot simply gave a friendly chuckle at Michi’s obvious moment of being scatterbrained.

Batman watched from afar as Joker and Two Face shared cat videos with each other near the village fountain, while the Scarecrow went crazy and threw toxin bombs everywhere in a fit of boredom, throwing the crowd into a state of mass hysteria. Folks such as Pennywise started screaming about seeing rainbows and turtles…two of his worst fears, as others screamed about anything from dental hygienists to the skyrocketing prices of fast food at McWendleking…which ironically wasn’t something they were seeing as an effect of the toxin since they miraculously weren’t near it.  Everyone seemed to get over the effects pretty quickly, though one in particular seemed to remain in that state of confusion…mistaking up from down, blue from green, and good from bad.

The villagers all sang and danced even as a bloodthirsty wolf not in sheep’s clothing tore through the village and killed them.  Erwin Smith was horrified by the villagers’ seemingly complacent behavior in this, while the village elder assured them that it was something that happened all the time…which made Erwin question why.  Jackie Chan attempted to fight back, though the large werewolf seemed to ignore him the entire time.

“Okay, now I know we didn’t have a game with Jackie Chan.” player Red Mones pointed out, as Wintreath member Barnes popped in.  “Maybe Michi is just being creative because I was going to host an Around the World in 80 Days game?” he suggested, as player Gerrick sighed.  “He could have at least taken from the good version of that story if he was going to do that.”

All actions are processed. There was no death last night. I am still in the process of sending back results to people who need them but wanted to get the day started.

Day 2 begins now and will end on Sunday, the 30th at 3pm CST.

"You'd show town"
Okay it's specifically said here that Scarecrow, Joker and a few others from the Batman game are in the game. They can't all be Wolves. I think you have a town result.
have you considered that maybe most of these characters aren't even roles in the current setup
we have characters from 24+ different mafia games, if they were evenly distributed that would be less than one character of each game

but you think the game has at least 3-4 from the batman game?
Please stop obsessing with flavor, it mean literally nothing because a) as I said the characters in these game have nothing to do with the characters from their original games, this meaning not only role but maybe alignment are unrelated; b) flavor has already been said to possibly be misleading in the very OP, meaning it shouldn't ever be seen as a reliable source of analysis or information

ENE's role is vastly useless if it's just a flavor cop and its only utility is verifying character claims which by itself is a bit useless (see point a.)

Please stop caring about flavor, it's a waste of time
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 01:05:21 AM
also my character does not show up in the 17. role list you made Lau, I think that settles up that flavor is pointless here
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 01:29:34 AM
Ex. If I know one thing about games that Silv does its that the flavor ALWAYS matters.  And also I know for a FACT that the characters in this flavor are in the game
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 29, 2022, 01:42:22 AM
This is torturous and I'll deal with it when I wake up again.

Torturous in trying to twist the situation so that you can force feed your perspective down my throat?

Because there's a vast, nay, a ***grand canyon*** of difference between me talking about my perspective of ENE, which included assessing how he conducted himself in cc-ing CL and how he has acted wrt to his scan and telling everyone, and you saying I'm trying to bait the doc.

Like, I don't know if you think the doc is going to just jump right out simply to prove me wrong in this entire conversation because, if that were the case, it would seem you're implying the doc is stupid to do so (which I would agree because, again, it's not like I'm pushing ENE to be lynched). At least at this particular time.

There's still the EoD VC to assess on top how people react to what is going on on D2.

But here you are forcefully pushing the notion that I'm trying to bait the doc. You're forcefully trying to assert some aspects of the flavor as fact (ie. numerous roles being from the Batman game), and all to accomplish what? Like, what do you gain by pushing the notion of numerous Batman roles wrt to ENE's scan? What do you gain by pushing the notion that I'm baiting the doc?

Because nothing about any of that screams townie to me. Were I to place you coming out of D1, you'd have been borderline town/high null to me (the whole reaction test in and of itself is completely null to me given how some view you, how you view yourself, and overall how you act which makes you perfectly able, as far as I am concerned, to lie via reaction test as scum); however, your insistence here over my own stated perspective, and how vehement you are over painting as actively trying to bait out the doc, strictly sticks out scummy.

So let me give you some advice: Don't bother trying to convince me about my own perspective. You won't gaslight me into agreeing with you. You're much better off convincing others of your dubious take on my outlook than making me believe what you're spinning.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 01:42:53 AM
Ex. If I know one thing about games that Silv does its that the flavor ALWAYS matters.  And also I know for a FACT that the characters in this flavor are in the game
Well at least some of them
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 29, 2022, 01:46:02 AM
@ Neon:

Hard disagree with you, Neon.

That list that Laur gave? My "role" doesn't appear on there despite what he seems to think. Much like what Ex has stated, Laur's outlook that, for example, all the named Batman people have to be in the game (in terms of role as this came from ENE saying he role copped Scarecrow) is wrong.

Course, if you're strictly talking about flavor and not in the context of the discussion generated around the topic at hand, then that's an entirely different conversation that I have no interest in. Especially when you turn around and go, "Well at least some of them".
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 01:47:59 AM
Vote: Vroendal 

Come on @Vroendal we both know you're better than this
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 01:50:48 AM
@ Neon:

Hard disagree with you, Neon.

That list that Laur gave? My "role" doesn't appear on there despite what he seems to think. Much like what Ex has stated, Laur's outlook that, for example, all the named Batman people have to be in the game (in terms of role as this came from ENE saying he role copped Scarecrow) is wrong.

Course, if you're strictly talking about flavor and not in the context of the discussion generated around the topic at hand, then that's an entirely different conversation that I have no interest in. Especially when you turn around and go, "Well at least some of them".
Just because you're character hasn't appeared yet doesn't mean they won't, nor does it negate the fact that again I know for a fact that some of the characters used in the flavor matter and I know enough about how these games usually go to know that it's actually quite common for the flavor to contain clues and hidden messages. 

You can ignore that I don't really care but you'd be doing that as a detriment to the town because there is a heavy precedent that the flavor is important in these games
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 01:53:25 AM
I think that sometimes you're not listening to the facts that those of us who have taken part of the games in Wintreath are telling you and I'm not sure why you would do that when this is a game in Wintreath hosted by people we've played games from before.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 29, 2022, 02:07:32 AM
Oh it's not that I'm not listening. I have read what you've said.

I just don't agree with you.

Now, while I haven't actually gone to look at the OP to verify what Ex said, he did state that the OP says to take the flavor with a grain of salt, ja? But what you're trying to assert is that the flavor matters (generally which I'll come back to in a moment).

Which is it?

If you heed what the host/s have put forth, then there is merit in not taking flavor at face value.

If it is the latter, then how? Saying it matters is one thing. Actually showcasing how is another thing entirely. For example, does flavor matter in terms of good/bad characters? How do you reconcile that with the flavor of games that flip the script (ie. the Batman mafia game where the villains were the town and vice versa for the heroes)?

You can sit there and assert all day that flavor matters, but until you actually explain how the flavor matters, then you'll receive pushback because, lo and behold, one thing someone is trying to assert about the flavor is, verifiably, incorrect. I'm talking about the whole taking all the characters and saying they are in the game.

I don't mind waiting to see how the flavor turns out, but whether or not that actually translates into mechanics that we players interact with (as opposed to it translating directly into the players themselves) is something I'll maintain a negative judgment about ***despite*** what you say and fail to back up.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 29, 2022, 02:12:24 AM
"Bonus info for reading all the way down here: All roles in previous mafia games are considered fair game. Flavour may or may not be intentionally misleading."

Ha ha ha. It's like watching small people play with fire.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 02:23:01 AM
ngl I don't really care for solving the game on flavor and am just gonna ignore the discussion related to that or any discussion relating to solving based on it
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 02:51:27 AM
"Bonus info for reading all the way down here: All roles in previous mafia games are considered fair game. Flavour may or MAY NOT be intentionally misleading." (Emphasis mine)

You do you


I'm going to continue to actually do shit that matters.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 02:57:05 AM
Fun fact the flavor that I'm in actively makes references to my role but yanno none of it matters
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 03:01:55 AM
Because I'm stupid and don't know how to read 

Vote:  Vroendal
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 29, 2022, 03:08:15 AM
Because I'm stupid and don't know how to read

Vote:  Vroendal
Your vote wasn't counted because you put spaces between the tags and the name. I think I fixed that so spaces aren't an issue anymore, but you'll need to vote again.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 03:09:11 AM
Fuck me

Vote: Vroendal
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 29, 2022, 03:09:43 AM
I was just about to pop in and post this when I figured it out, but Moot beat me to it. :))
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 03:10:11 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 29, 2022, 03:11:05 AM
Huh, seems we're in need of some testing...

Vote: Vroendal
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 29, 2022, 03:12:19 AM
@Neon Abigail: Oh, I see now...this time you capitalized Vote in your first tag. Try all lowercase. :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 03:13:18 AM

Vote: Vroendal
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 03:13:46 AM
Okay lol now that I've wasted an entire page trying to properly vote xD
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 29, 2022, 03:14:08 AM

Vote: Vroendal
There you go! Glad we got to the bottom of that. :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 03:16:21 AM
Thank you <3

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 03:17:02 AM
Back to the game lol

Vro give me a reason not to vote for you
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 03:21:03 AM
Vote: Vroendal

Come on @Vroendal we both know you're better than this
I have been reading along in between work etc, but tbqh a lot of the recent discussions have been unhelpful, personally. I don't expect to be in a place where I'll be easily identified as town until I have the time and energy to participate, because right now I'm lost as to who the wolves might be and I'm trying to stay away from repeating points that have already been brought up. If you had the inclination to neighborize me I could probably allay your fears, but my thoughts currently are a chaotical mess and aren't suited for this format right now.

I haven't forgotten about the game, and I intend on winning, preferably without being chopped.

Reason to not vote me: we're ice cream buddies. How can you vote for an ice cream buddy? I'm shocked and appalled, frankly!!
If you have questions for me tonight I will attempt to answer them as I see them but don't expect big posts until tomorrow at least.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 03:30:10 AM
Honestly I'd be a lot less cautious about who I invite over for tea and ice cream if I knew that my friend would actually come out and play... they are so very very amazing and I'm pretty much useless but together.... oh together 

It's like I'm a sandwich but there's nothing in the middle there you know? How can I trust anyone when I can't even get my neighbor to answer their door. I built such a lovely place... for all of us... together...

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 03:32:45 AM
The wine dark sea, it calls to me.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 29, 2022, 03:36:03 AM

Vote: Vroendal
Just testing something else.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 03:37:05 AM
I'm bored my neighborhood is so quiet 

A little more active now but still so quiet.


I want a new plaything.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 29, 2022, 03:38:07 AM
As I look at this vote count it looks, to me, like there is at least one mafia member among those voting for CL. Why? Because CL was 3p, and Laur had accomplished the singular task of fake copping someone, lying about it, and creating a situation where CL made himself an easy target to vote. The rub with voting CL, though, comes in the form of CL's claim which is best exemplified by Laur. That is, exercising caution and going elsewhere with a vote.

We have 7 voting for CL:
Captan Lunch: 7 (Cozmikrae, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot, Gerrick, NoName)

And I would expect at least one to be mafia.

Notably, the only other wagon close to CL's staggering 7 votes is Gerrick at 3 which isn't saying a lot.

Gerrick: 2 (Aersoldorf, Captan Lunch, Laurentus)

Or 2 I suppose if there are shenanigans going on with the votes. Excluding CL, that leaves only Aer and Laur as the ones on Gerrick. I see Aer more on the townie side of things if only because I haven't disliked his posting. He hasn't struck me with anything scummy in terms of content, but I am interested in why he went with Gerrick here as opposed to CL. Laur's position is already known regarding why he voted Gerrick. His interactions with people are varied and idk how I'd place him as scum wrt to potential teammates (for example my take on ENE and then having to assess Laur/ENE as being on a team which calls for a look at how they've interacted -- I don't see it necessarily unless Laur is power wolfing and ENE is playing ballsy with claiming which makes for an odd combination in and of itself for D1 which I find hard to convince myself of even if I were biased).

Going back to the 7, I'd choose Wintermoot every single time. Gerrick voted the only other wagon than himself which is understandable. Dolby hasn't struck me negatively or oddly to date, and No Name has appeared townie to me with their content (most notably how they've responded to others). I'm ignoring Neon here for now because of her high fluff content and constant talk about neighbors and tea. I mean, only talking about that and posting a large amount of fluff and gifs doesn't do it. It took jumping in on CL, which was easy for anyone, to get some reaction from her, and I don't feel strongly about it. Like, hard null kind of feeling. Cozmik moves on by as not a stand out person to me.

Outside of Wintermoot, from that large group, I am looking at Anubhav with the vote on No Lynch. There's something to be said about someone who doesn't get drawn in by how CL reacted to everything. Like, not even going after CL, Anubhav opted not to go for, say, Gerrick much like Laur in an attempt to treat CL's claim seriously. Might be a time thing though. Might.

What else is there? TGN and ENE's votes? Eh.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 29, 2022, 03:39:32 AM

Vote: Vroendal
And testing again
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 29, 2022, 03:44:05 AM

Vote: Vroendal
And hopefully one last time...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 29, 2022, 03:49:12 AM
What else is there? TGN and ENE's votes? Eh.
What about them? Oh perhaps I should vote
Vote: Eastern New England because of his posts calling me scummy (yes I am that petty) unless it was someone else, then I’m sorry 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 29, 2022, 03:55:02 AM
Hey TGN, just so you remember we have a new vote mechanic now.  So instead of doing the bold votes, you can just go
Code: [Select]
[vote]Michi[/vote]Replacing my name with your chosen person, and it'll both bold for you as well as add them to our vote total.  Just be sure not to add any spaces between the tags and player's name.  Also remember to keep the names exact (using the player list tab on the Werewolf Information at the top)...which if you're not seeing that, I gave a tutorial how to make it visible earlier:

To see these features, do the following steps:

1) Click on your name at the top-right of the page and click OLD User CP on the list.
2) hover over Modify Profile (or tap it if you're on mobile) and then select "Look and Layout"
3) At the top you'll see the current theme,  followed by Default/Winter.  Click "Change" right next to it.
4) Scroll to Winter-Dev and hit "Use this Theme"
5) scroll to the bottom and hit "Change profile"

This goes for anyone who hasn't voted yet.  This makes a 100% accurate vote count without us having to search and compile a manual list, so definitely take advantage of using it, and let us know if there's any bugs.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 03:57:54 AM
Oh right @TGN 

I am way too lazy to go back thru the 100+ pages of AotS Wolf but I am very very sure that during that game you were doing this derp thing too and Doc pointed out that you were a better player than that and he knew it and you switched gears.

And now I'm starting to get concerned because I've seen you play the game smart and iirc you were being led to purposely seem derpy as a wolf by Doc which is why he went in on you for doing it again the next game

So what I'm saying is I think you are a much better player than you are putting on here and it's making it very hard for me to see you as anything less than sus.

ExLight has recently become more assertive and I feel like that's more what I expect to see though I still find the fear of voting based on past mislynches odd because I've always seen an Ex who was aggressive and who never let mistakes bother the end goal. Maybe let Zinger get in the head but you know even than the aggression and lack of worry about the mistakes we made on our way to our goal was there at least that's how I recall it. 

Anyways I got Vro to answer and... I'm going to allow that to sit for a minute.

But this I'm not

Vote: TGN

You'll never be my neighbor

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 03:59:09 AM
Hey TGN, just so you remember we have a new vote mechanic now.  So instead of doing the bold votes, you can just go
Code: [Select]
[Vote]Michi[/vote]And it'll both bold for you as well as add them to our vote total.  Just be sure not to add any spaces between the tags and player's name.

This goes for anyone who hasn't voted yet.  This makes a 100% accurate vote count without us having to search and compile a manual list, so definitely take advantage of using it, and let us know if there's any bugs.
But also all of the [things in the brackets] need to be lower case or it doesn't work
So is [vote
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 29, 2022, 04:02:55 AM
Thanks for pointing that out.  It was supposed to be lowercase for both, but my phone auto capitalized the first letter (but it's been fixed).

But yes, [vote] and its counterpart end tag needs to be all lowercase.  The person's name in the center should be exactly as shown in the player list, though, capitals and all.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 29, 2022, 04:06:07 AM
Vote: [member=2967]Eastern New England[/member]
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 29, 2022, 04:07:12 AM
Vote: [member=2967]Eastern New England[/member]
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 29, 2022, 04:08:39 AM
Don't do @ because it grabs their member tag and all that.

Code: [Select]
Exactly like that.  Just using their name rather than mine.  Don't copy and paste from the player list since it takes more than just the name.  Just type it as exact that you see.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 29, 2022, 04:13:02 AM
Odd post from Vro.

Hi TGN. ENE did do a Nader style vote against you, huh?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 29, 2022, 04:15:49 AM
Odd post from Vro.

Hi TGN. ENE did do a Nader style vote against you, huh?
I guess so 🙃
let’s try this again Vote: Eastern New England
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 04:29:54 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 04:48:25 AM
So your just going to ignore that and be even more derpy? Kay well looks like I can take the rest of the day off.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 29, 2022, 04:50:57 AM
You mean the thing above me? I thought that was a statement
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 04:56:46 AM
While the players in the outside world made their choices and things happened, the forest clearing was back to its cheery self, though the players were growing increasingly disappointed that nothing actually happened to warrant these characters all being in such a setting.

Realizing this, Michi rewrote the story as the forest clearing scene began to shift almost violently, as it shifted through various scenes including one where apparently a rock was hurling through the air and pelted Lancelot in the face as he screamed out about how he was being oppressed.

The scene cut to what seemed to be a daycare or kindergarten classroom or kid’s party or something…it wasn’t quite clear.  But what was clear was that it was a strange group of werewolf children, which frightened some of the group, although Joffrey decided to play with a nearby dollhouse and Don Michael Corleone hired all the wolf children to be his informants.

The scene suddenly shifted again just as Joffrey was about to have the boy doll executed for not following his orders.  Now they were in a village that looked just as remarkably dull as the forest clearing, although some of the folks such as Knightman and Everyman felt instant recognition upon seeing the village…apart from what looked to be a Macys in the center square in which Mai Valentine and Ruby Red immediately ran toward, dragging the reluctant Princess Leia and lady Galadriel with them.  Lindsey Lohan and Hannah Montana followed close behind, darting over to the makeup counter.

“Uhhh, was Hannah Montana even in one of our games?” Asked player Red Mones, as Eastern New England chimed in.  “I think Michi’s getting confused since she was in one of the games that he hosted over in our region.” They replied as Laurentus facepalmed, while Wintermoot simply gave a friendly chuckle at Michi’s obvious moment of being scatterbrained.

Batman watched from afar as Joker and Two Face shared cat videos with each other near the village fountain, while the Scarecrow went crazy and threw toxin bombs everywhere in a fit of boredom, throwing the crowd into a state of mass hysteria. Folks such as Pennywise started screaming about seeing rainbows and turtles…two of his worst fears, as others screamed about anything from dental hygienists to the skyrocketing prices of fast food at McWendleking…which ironically wasn’t something they were seeing as an effect of the toxin since they miraculously weren’t near it.  Everyone seemed to get over the effects pretty quickly, though one in particular seemed to remain in that state of confusion…mistaking up from down, blue from green, and good from bad.

The villagers all sang and danced even as a bloodthirsty wolf not in sheep’s clothing tore through the village and killed them.  Erwin Smith was horrified by the villagers’ seemingly complacent behavior in this, while the village elder assured them that it was something that happened all the time…which made Erwin question why.  Jackie Chan attempted to fight back, though the large werewolf seemed to ignore him the entire time.

“Okay, now I know we didn’t have a game with Jackie Chan.” player Red Mones pointed out, as Wintreath member Barnes popped in.  “Maybe Michi is just being creative because I was going to host an Around the World in 80 Days game?” he suggested, as player Gerrick sighed.  “He could have at least taken from the good version of that story if he was going to do that.”

All actions are processed. There was no death last night. I am still in the process of sending back results to people who need them but wanted to get the day started.

Day 2 begins now and will end on Sunday, the 30th at 3pm CST.

"You'd show town"
Okay it's specifically said here that Scarecrow, Joker and a few others from the Batman game are in the game. They can't all be Wolves. I think you have a town result.
have you considered that maybe most of these characters aren't even roles in the current setup
we have characters from 24+ different mafia games, if they were evenly distributed that would be less than one character of each game

but you think the game has at least 3-4 from the batman game?
Please stop obsessing with flavor, it mean literally nothing because a) as I said the characters in these game have nothing to do with the characters from their original games, this meaning not only role but maybe alignment are unrelated; b) flavor has already been said to possibly be misleading in the very OP, meaning it shouldn't ever be seen as a reliable source of analysis or information

ENE's role is vastly useless if it's just a flavor cop and its only utility is verifying character claims which by itself is a bit useless (see point a.)

Please stop caring about flavor, it's a waste of time
I ended up agreeing it's a waste of time for me specifically, if you actually bothered to understand my next post, because having 17 roles mentioned when one person died already, as well as the person dying already having had their own role mentioned in the previous day, proved that there were more roles being mentioned than exist in the game. And my own role not once appearing yet (which I again mentioned in the next post) is what sealed the deal for me. So your interpretation of my viewpoint here is largely wrong.

Where I fundamentally disagree with you is that a flavour cop is not useless, I was that myself in Portal Mafia 2. As frustrating as it was to have to decipher my results, it resulted in the whole mafia team getting lynched on consecutive days starting from D2. I have no reason to assume that it won't be the case here. But I think pretty much only time will allow ENE to gather more info to put the various roles in context and decide alignment from them. A common theme can also start to emerge once more flips happen. 

So TL/DR, flavour will mean very little to the average player, at least right now, and probably only the flavour cop is well equipped to make sense of it with time. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:12:38 AM
This is torturous and I'll deal with it when I wake up again.

Torturous in trying to twist the situation so that you can force feed your perspective down my throat?

Because there's a vast, nay, a ***grand canyon*** of difference between me talking about my perspective of ENE, which included assessing how he conducted himself in cc-ing CL and how he has acted wrt to his scan and telling everyone, and you saying I'm trying to bait the doc.

Like, I don't know if you think the doc is going to just jump right out simply to prove me wrong in this entire conversation because, if that were the case, it would seem you're implying the doc is stupid to do so (which I would agree because, again, it's not like I'm pushing ENE to be lynched). At least at this particular time.

There's still the EoD VC to assess on top how people react to what is going on on D2.

But here you are forcefully pushing the notion that I'm trying to bait the doc. You're forcefully trying to assert some aspects of the flavor as fact (ie. numerous roles being from the Batman game), and all to accomplish what? Like, what do you gain by pushing the notion of numerous Batman roles wrt to ENE's scan? What do you gain by pushing the notion that I'm baiting the doc?

Because nothing about any of that screams townie to me. Were I to place you coming out of D1, you'd have been borderline town/high null to me (the whole reaction test in and of itself is completely null to me given how some view you, how you view yourself, and overall how you act which makes you perfectly able, as far as I am concerned, to lie via reaction test as scum); however, your insistence here over my own stated perspective, and how vehement you are over painting as actively trying to bait out the doc, strictly sticks out scummy.

So let me give you some advice: Don't bother trying to convince me about my own perspective. You won't gaslight me into agreeing with you. You're much better off convincing others of your dubious take on my outlook than making me believe what you're spinning.
This just, again, proves you're not trying to parse my position at all, you're just trying to shade. I haven't stated anything as fact from the flavour, in fact I have done literally the opposite in my post where I analysed how many roles appeared, said something strange was going on since there were seventeen of them (the implication being there were 2 too many since one person has already died and flipped a completely separate role), and literally saying that my own role had not even yet been mentioned. You're portraying it as if I made a statement of fact when I've clearly been theorising about them. So don't come with this gaslighting bull shit. You've bene doing that to me, demonstrably, from as far back as that reads list you didn't even read.

My sleep has made me view the ENE situation differently, though. You're probably right that I don't like your position on the slot and misinterpreted your intent in pushing it, right at that particular moment.

And how do I view myself with the reaction test thing? Enlighten me. Because I specifically said I have never done it as scum, and will never do it unless it's in a very particular set of circumstances where my team is thoroughly in the shit without it. Every single time I've fake-claimed, I have been town.

And that very same "advice" you're giving me there is what I would quote back at you. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:15:17 AM
@ Neon:

Hard disagree with you, Neon.

That list that Laur gave? My "role" doesn't appear on there despite what he seems to think. Much like what Ex has stated, Laur's outlook that, for example, all the named Batman people have to be in the game (in terms of role as this came from ENE saying he role copped Scarecrow) is wrong.

Course, if you're strictly talking about flavor and not in the context of the discussion generated around the topic at hand, then that's an entirely different conversation that I have no interest in. Especially when you turn around and go, "Well at least some of them".
Once more you are proving that you cherry-pick my posts and comments and bend them into an existing narrative you've constructed in your mind. I literally said my role doesn't appear, either, which was the reason for my eventual conclusion that ENE might as well say who he scanned as scarecrow but that I wouldn't be sure about the alignment as a result. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:18:39 AM
I'm bored my neighborhood is so quiet

A little more active now but still so quiet.


I want a new plaything.
Honestly, just add me. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:20:50 AM
Oh right @TGN

I am way too lazy to go back thru the 100+ pages of AotS Wolf but I am very very sure that during that game you were doing this derp thing too and Doc pointed out that you were a better player than that and he knew it and you switched gears.

And now I'm starting to get concerned because I've seen you play the game smart and iirc you were being led to purposely seem derpy as a wolf by Doc which is why he went in on you for doing it again the next game

So what I'm saying is I think you are a much better player than you are putting on here and it's making it very hard for me to see you as anything less than sus.

ExLight has recently become more assertive and I feel like that's more what I expect to see though I still find the fear of voting based on past mislynches odd because I've always seen an Ex who was aggressive and who never let mistakes bother the end goal. Maybe let Zinger get in the head but you know even than the aggression and lack of worry about the mistakes we made on our way to our goal was there at least that's how I recall it.

Anyways I got Vro to answer and... I'm going to allow that to sit for a minute.

But this I'm not

Vote: TGN

You'll never be my neighbor

To be honest, I think Ex is probably right and being derpy in and of itself is wholly NAI for TGN. Sure, Doc said all that about TGN, and then TGN was actually town that game. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 05:23:00 AM
Yes but TGN also stopped derping that game. I'm probably just going to keep my vote there until I have a reason to move it. And wait for new friends to play with. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:27:02 AM
@cozmikrae, you are quiet. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:29:43 AM
Same with @Aersoldorf, @NoName, @Anubhav Ghosh, @Red Mones, @Gerrick
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:40:06 AM
The wine dark sea, it calls to me.
Is this a reference to WIFOM? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 05:41:03 AM
The wine dark sea, it calls to me.
Is this a reference to WIFOM?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:41:58 AM
Vote: Vroendal

Come on @Vroendal we both know you're better than this
I have been reading along in between work etc, but tbqh a lot of the recent discussions have been unhelpful, personally. I don't expect to be in a place where I'll be easily identified as town until I have the time and energy to participate, because right now I'm lost as to who the wolves might be and I'm trying to stay away from repeating points that have already been brought up. If you had the inclination to neighborize me I could probably allay your fears, but my thoughts currently are a chaotical mess and aren't suited for this format right now.

I haven't forgotten about the game, and I intend on winning, preferably without being chopped.

Reason to not vote me: we're ice cream buddies. How can you vote for an ice cream buddy? I'm shocked and appalled, frankly!!
If you have questions for me tonight I will attempt to answer them as I see them but don't expect big posts until tomorrow at least.
You're lynchbait, aren't you? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:42:19 AM
The wine dark sea, it calls to me.
Is this a reference to WIFOM?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 05:46:02 AM
The wine dark sea, it calls to me.
Is this a reference to WIFOM?
It means I'm not lynchbait.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 05:47:33 AM
I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 05:48:11 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 05:48:25 AM
I'm just gonna vibe for a bit sorry Lau
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 05:51:47 AM
I will say that I don't like votes on ENE tbh. His claim was honestly kinda not needed for CL to be voted out yesterday, and it was just handled so awkwardly that I want to say that it comes from town rather than mafia that did it impulsively then went "oh shit" on D1. I think that he's a more careful guy wrt to claims 

Anyway he should claim the flavor result and person he inspected imo.

Also I don't really buy fully into ENE being the night kill/protect tbh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 05:52:25 AM
Vro lets make this simple 

Am I town ::)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 05:53:50 AM
Wintermoot can i ask you what your reads are lol
@Wintermoot (Senpai) did not in fact notice me
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 05:54:40 AM
Vro lets make this simple

Am I town ::)
Trigger-finger Wolby

Am I town
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 05:55:06 AM
Vro lets make this simple

Am I town ::)
Trigger-finger Wolby

Am I town
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:55:23 AM
I will say that I don't like votes on ENE tbh. His claim was honestly kinda not needed for CL to be voted out yesterday, and it was just handled so awkwardly that I want to say that it comes from town rather than mafia that did it impulsively then went "oh shit" on D1. I think that he's a more careful guy wrt to claims

Anyway he should claim the flavor result and person he inspected imo.

Also I don't really buy fully into ENE being the night kill/protect tbh
Dolby, have you figured out how to use the ISO feature? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:56:36 AM
Vro, while I do have you here, tbh you know the way I think the best out of everyone here. What alignment am I? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 29, 2022, 05:57:39 AM
@cozmikrae, you are quiet.
I'm just observing. In terms of info, we're not a lot better off than we were yesterday. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:58:25 AM
Ugh. I'm being tempted to do something dumb here. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 05:58:42 AM
I will say that I don't like votes on ENE tbh. His claim was honestly kinda not needed for CL to be voted out yesterday, and it was just handled so awkwardly that I want to say that it comes from town rather than mafia that did it impulsively then went "oh shit" on D1. I think that he's a more careful guy wrt to claims

Anyway he should claim the flavor result and person he inspected imo.

Also I don't really buy fully into ENE being the night kill/protect tbh
Dolby, have you figured out how to use the ISO feature?
I've just been going to people's profiles and reading their most recent posts
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 05:59:51 AM
Vro, while I do have you here, tbh you know the way I think the best out of everyone here. What alignment am I?
Bad question from you and you know why.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:00:35 AM
Vro, while I do have you here, tbh you know the way I think the best out of everyone here. What alignment am I?
Bad question from you and you know why.
I actually don't. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:02:14 AM
Fuck it. I'm frustrated enough with this game that I'm willing to be dumb. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:02:59 AM
Lau don't do a dumb
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:06:03 AM
Lau don't do a dumb
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 06:06:26 AM
Vro, while I do have you here, tbh you know the way I think the best out of everyone here. What alignment am I?
Bad question from you and you know why.
I actually don't.
Well, there are three reasons. Firstly, you should know me well enough that you can already guess my answer.
Secondly, you asking me questions is a jinx for both of us tbh.
Thirdly, your games tend to go a certain way many times and I would prefer that not to happen this time.

Also don't do a dumb. Unless it's a smart.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:07:55 AM
Vro, while I do have you here, tbh you know the way I think the best out of everyone here. What alignment am I?
Bad question from you and you know why.
I actually don't.
Well, there are three reasons. Firstly, you should know me well enough that you can already guess my answer.
Secondly, you asking me questions is a jinx for both of us tbh.
Thirdly, your games tend to go a certain way many times and I would prefer that not to happen this time.

Also don't do a dumb. Unless it's a smart.
I think I have my answer. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:08:47 AM
It's ok Lau you'll always be my top town in my heart
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:12:29 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:15:00 AM
Neon let me in the neighborhood :'(O:-)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 06:16:48 AM
Neon do not let Dolby in the neighborhood. :p
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:18:44 AM
Neon do not let Dolby in the neighborhood. :p
That's right, pick me. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:19:07 AM
I can't believe Vro randed wolf

I also can't believe that I don't know a thing he thinks about the game
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:19:59 AM
Neon do not let Dolby in the neighborhood. :p
That's right, pick me.
I'd retract that top townread but I actually believe in it now so you get a glare instead >:(
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:21:42 AM
Neon do not let Dolby in the neighborhood. :p
That's right, pick me.
I'd retract that top townread but I actually believe in it now so you get a glare instead >:(
Should friends not want their friends to be happy? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:22:34 AM
I can't believe Vro randed wolf

I also can't believe that I don't know a thing he thinks about the game
He's pocketing me super hard right now if he did rand wolf. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 06:22:48 AM
I can't believe Vro randed wolf

I also can't believe that I don't know a thing he thinks about the game
I can't believe you forgot I was your wolf buddy.

Sometimes it's more valuable to look in the empty corners. What were you expecting anyway?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:26:45 AM
Anyway, I guess I'll let Dolby and Vro be my voice of reason here and tell me when it's time to open up my can of whoopass, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:29:50 AM
Anyway, I guess I'll let Dolby and Vro be my voice of reason here and tell me when it's time to open up my can of whoopass, lol.
can't believe we all randed wolf
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:33:35 AM
What is this wholesomeness in a mafia game? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:34:11 AM
As I look at this vote count it looks, to me, like there is at least one mafia member among those voting for CL. Why? Because CL was 3p, and Laur had accomplished the singular task of fake copping someone, lying about it, and creating a situation where CL made himself an easy target to vote. The rub with voting CL, though, comes in the form of CL's claim which is best exemplified by Laur. That is, exercising caution and going elsewhere with a vote.

We have 7 voting for CL:
Captan Lunch: 7 (Cozmikrae, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot, Gerrick, NoName)

And I would expect at least one to be mafia.

Notably, the only other wagon close to CL's staggering 7 votes is Gerrick at 3 which isn't saying a lot.

Gerrick: 2 (Aersoldorf, Captan Lunch, Laurentus)

Or 2 I suppose if there are shenanigans going on with the votes. Excluding CL, that leaves only Aer and Laur as the ones on Gerrick. I see Aer more on the townie side of things if only because I haven't disliked his posting. He hasn't struck me with anything scummy in terms of content, but I am interested in why he went with Gerrick here as opposed to CL. Laur's position is already known regarding why he voted Gerrick. His interactions with people are varied and idk how I'd place him as scum wrt to potential teammates (for example my take on ENE and then having to assess Laur/ENE as being on a team which calls for a look at how they've interacted -- I don't see it necessarily unless Laur is power wolfing and ENE is playing ballsy with claiming which makes for an odd combination in and of itself for D1 which I find hard to convince myself of even if I were biased).

Going back to the 7, I'd choose Wintermoot every single time. Gerrick voted the only other wagon than himself which is understandable. Dolby hasn't struck me negatively or oddly to date, and No Name has appeared townie to me with their content (most notably how they've responded to others). I'm ignoring Neon here for now because of her high fluff content and constant talk about neighbors and tea. I mean, only talking about that and posting a large amount of fluff and gifs doesn't do it. It took jumping in on CL, which was easy for anyone, to get some reaction from her, and I don't feel strongly about it. Like, hard null kind of feeling. Cozmik moves on by as not a stand out person to me.

Outside of Wintermoot, from that large group, I am looking at Anubhav with the vote on No Lynch. There's something to be said about someone who doesn't get drawn in by how CL reacted to everything. Like, not even going after CL, Anubhav opted not to go for, say, Gerrick much like Laur in an attempt to treat CL's claim seriously. Might be a time thing though. Might.

What else is there? TGN and ENE's votes? Eh.
How do you get to Wintermoot here? Like, what functionally makes Wintermoot different from Neon specifically outside Neon having claimed neighbor. Both have a high degree of not game related posts, the difference is that Neon's are undisguised fluff and Wintermoot's are undisguised posts just testing the forums tech. i guess it could be said that neon gave takes fwiw. Idk maybe I need to trawl your ISO

I can't say that I dislike the conclusion that is came to here, including on Anubhav's vote.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:34:50 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:36:04 AM
What else is there? TGN and ENE's votes? Eh.
What about them? Oh perhaps I should vote
Vote: Eastern New England because of his posts calling me scummy (yes I am that petty) unless it was someone else, then I’m sorry

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:37:02 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:37:50 AM
I feel so lost I'm just going to go to my neighborhood and cry myself to sleep cause nobody will pay attention to me and I just want friends
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:38:35 AM
KoD, talk to me about how you're getting to Wintermoot sus, and how he stands apart from Coz and Neon

Vote: Vote: Wintermoot

I don't think that Wintermoot has done a single game related thing besides creating the vote system and that's NAI
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:39:08 AM
Vote: Wintermoot
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:39:40 AM
I feel so lost I'm just going to go to my neighborhood and cry myself to sleep cause nobody will pay attention to me and I just want friends
It's ok, will you be my neighbor?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:43:52 AM
Anyway, I guess I'll let Dolby and Vro be my voice of reason here and tell me when it's time to open up my can of whoopass, lol.
Lau, since I know that you want to and I think he has wolf potential I'm fine with you voting KoD

Even though I pretty much am voting his top scumspect lol. I am pretty fine if he goes over tbh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:45:25 AM
Vro if you are still here can I get gth takes on any player you can think of? That isn't me lol

Neon, let's talk! How confident are you in TGN being maf?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:46:37 AM
Anyway, I guess I'll let Dolby and Vro be my voice of reason here and tell me when it's time to open up my can of whoopass, lol.
Lau, since I know that you want to and I think he has wolf potential I'm fine with you voting KoD

Even though I pretty much am voting his top scumspect lol. I am pretty fine if he goes over tbh

Vote: KingofDominaria
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 06:50:11 AM
Vro if you are still here can I get gth takes on any player you can think of? That isn't me lol

Neon, let's talk! How confident are you in TGN being maf?
Oh sure, I always have gth takes.

TGN - Town
ENE - Town
Anubhav - Town
Red Mones - Town
Neon - Town
cozmik - Town
Aersol - Town
KoD - Wolf
Gerrick - Wolf
Wintermoot - Town
NoName - Town
Moondrop - Town
ExLight - Wolf
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 29, 2022, 06:54:39 AM
At this point, I have no idea what Scarecrow's alignment would be, but you may as well share who you scanned, ENE.
I scanned Vro.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:55:24 AM
Vro if you are still here can I get gth takes on any player you can think of? That isn't me lol

Neon, let's talk! How confident are you in TGN being maf?
Oh sure, I always have gth takes.

TGN - Town
ENE - Town
Anubhav - Town
Red Mones - Town
Neon - Town
cozmik - Town
Aersol - Town
KoD - Wolf
Gerrick - Wolf
Wintermoot - Town
NoName - Town
Moondrop - Town
ExLight - Wolf
Talk to me about Red Mones specfiically

maybe ExLight as well

Also are you backing Lau in saying that Anubhav is obv town? Or is this just a gth take? Mainly bc if it isn't I make drop my pressure in that direction
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:56:45 AM
Vro if you are still here can I get gth takes on any player you can think of? That isn't me lol

Neon, let's talk! How confident are you in TGN being maf?
I'm... not? I dunno I was trying to try this game but now I know why I don't 


I suck at this. I do like making friends though. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:57:04 AM
At this point, I have no idea what Scarecrow's alignment would be, but you may as well share who you scanned, ENE.
I scanned Vro.

Did you scan Vro bc you scumread him or nullread him?

Takes on other people?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:57:33 AM
I don't know what any of these words mean lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:58:33 AM
At this point, I have no idea what Scarecrow's alignment would be, but you may as well share who you scanned, ENE.
I scanned Vro.
Alright, awesome.

Now we can start building. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:59:05 AM
Neon you're doing fine 

scan means inspect/inspection. In ENE's case he inspected Vroendal to find his flavor name

gth means gun to head, it basically means if you are absolutely forced to declare a person to be an alignment confidently which alignment you would go with
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:00:36 AM
Fuck it

Vote: KingofDominaria

I'm just doing this cause I don't think I'd ever wanna play with you. 


I only invite special people for tea
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:01:56 AM
I do think TGN is playing weird but *shrugs* maybe he really is just gonna derp every game

I don't like it but I'm usually wrong
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:03:46 AM
Oh since I am pretty sure that I've given up anyways

Moondrop started as my first friend and if we take what they told me at face value they are a weird version of a tracker.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:04:22 AM
And I'm like 99% certain that's true so
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 07:04:31 AM
At this point, I have no idea what Scarecrow's alignment would be, but you may as well share who you scanned, ENE.
I scanned Vro.
I confirm. Despite the role's origins (which appears to be the godfather I think), I am not scum. I did use an ability last night as is indicated by the flavor, I shall not say what it did yet.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 07:05:34 AM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


I think that ENE is still town but wanted to read the ISO and figured it would be worth figuring out potential teammates.

Think Vro is somewhat low for the time to be a teammate, particularly since I think that if ENE knows that lau is going to retract, and CL isn't that set if Lau retracts on Gerrick for a vote on Vro to not be forced. And there's space to just raise Vro at this time tbh.

Think TGN being put all the way at the top is pretty audacious even with the derp stuff going around.

Would put Moondrop (ESPECIALLY) and Coz as the most likely scum motivated teammate elevations

Actually think this being made sorta unprompted at this time is probs a good thing that I don't see scum him making it at this time in the game with the check and I really don't have a reason for it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:06:02 AM
And further I guess I'm essentially useless my power is nothing. Come kill my friends wolfies lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 07:06:43 AM
Oh since I am pretty sure that I've given up anyways

Moondrop started as my first friend and if we take what they told me at face value they are a weird version of a tracker.
why did you out this

i mean I guess it makes me want to TR Moondrop but still

Don't answer this
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:08:13 AM
Because it doesn't matter I don't think they are going to actively do much *shrugs*

The last message they sent essentially confirmed to me they do not care about this at all
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:08:48 AM
Or all of this is a lie 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 07:09:09 AM
Lau I think we're dead back to back by D5 :salute:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:09:51 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:10:10 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:10:32 AM
Okay I'm drunk and I should've been in bed hours ago so night 🌙 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:11:19 AM
I suck at this game
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 07:12:34 AM
Vro if you are still here can I get gth takes on any player you can think of? That isn't me lol

Neon, let's talk! How confident are you in TGN being maf?
Oh sure, I always have gth takes.

TGN - Town
ENE - Town
Anubhav - Town
Red Mones - Town
Neon - Town
cozmik - Town
Aersol - Town
KoD - Wolf
Gerrick - Wolf
Wintermoot - Town
NoName - Town
Moondrop - Town
ExLight - Wolf
Talk to me about Red Mones specfiically

maybe ExLight as well

Also are you backing Lau in saying that Anubhav is obv town? Or is this just a gth take? Mainly bc if it isn't I make drop my pressure in that direction
I've towned with Red Mones many times and wolfed with him in his most recent wolf game.
Besides feeling like I would be pretty good at noting his behavior, which I feel is justified in my strong-town read on him in our recent AoT game which turned out to be correct, his distance from the game currently is also indicating that he's town. He lacks the WIM I expect him to have to support his wolf team, his statements haven't felt agendad, and he never even voted yesterday. The only other time I remember him not voting is when he was either town or 3p in one of the last games I played with him when he was town. There's a lack of analytical content to otherwise read him from, but I think that usually indicates that he's town.

Ex is just giving me weird vibes and I really can't explain it but I don't like it and I've never seen him play this way before.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 07:17:59 AM
Feel free to AMA Vro, same to Neon if she comes back

Also ENE I want to talk to you
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 07:19:06 AM
At this point, I have no idea what Scarecrow's alignment would be, but you may as well share who you scanned, ENE.
I scanned Vro.
I confirm. Despite the role's origins (which appears to be the godfather I think), I am not scum. I did use an ability last night as is indicated by the flavor, I shall not say what it did yet.
Oh, I misread a quote from Colby of villainous laughter as meaning The Scarecrow was bad, I think The Scarecrow was town or 3p. Idk, idc, I'm town. now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 07:21:04 AM
At this point, I have no idea what Scarecrow's alignment would be, but you may as well share who you scanned, ENE.
I scanned Vro.
I confirm. Despite the role's origins (which appears to be the godfather I think), I am not scum. I did use an ability last night as is indicated by the flavor, I shall not say what it did yet.
I'm pretty sure Batman was godfather that game. I recall something about Colby, Sapph and Aragonn having to kill my whole team first before they could kill me. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 07:22:01 AM
Feel free to AMA Vro, same to Neon if she comes back

Also ENE I want to talk to you
Thoughts on ExLight, please?
Also current thoughts on Anubhav?

Do you see a wolf-team potential yet for anyone?
What has been the most valuable insight from the game so far?
Why can't I ever feel confident reading you?
What's your favorite color?
Can you guess what I mean by the wine dark sea?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:22:46 AM
I'm here. I'm drunk but I'm here. Probably won't be much help anyways. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 07:23:15 AM
At this point, I have no idea what Scarecrow's alignment would be, but you may as well share who you scanned, ENE.
I scanned Vro.
I confirm. Despite the role's origins (which appears to be the godfather I think), I am not scum. I did use an ability last night as is indicated by the flavor, I shall not say what it did yet.
I'm pretty sure Batman was godfather that game. I recall something about Colby, Sapph and Aragonn having to kill my whole team first before they could kill me.
The role-reveals in those days always confused me...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 07:26:23 AM
Lau I think we're dead back to back by D5 :salute:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:27:35 AM
Feel free to AMA Vro, same to Neon if she comes back

Also ENE I want to talk to you
Do you want to play with me?

How bad am I at this game honestly?

Can I have a hug... for real?

What's your favorite car?

Do you like cats?

How old am I?

Ohh the game. Umm.

Can we kill anyone in this game who was mean to me and didn't want to play and especially if they don't like tea?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 07:29:55 AM
Vro if you are still here can I get gth takes on any player you can think of? That isn't me lol

Neon, let's talk! How confident are you in TGN being maf?
Oh sure, I always have gth takes.

TGN - Town
ENE - Town
Anubhav - Town
Red Mones - Town
Neon - Town
cozmik - Town
Aersol - Town
KoD - Wolf
Gerrick - Wolf
Wintermoot - Town
NoName - Town
Moondrop - Town
ExLight - Wolf
Talk to me about Red Mones specfiically

maybe ExLight as well

Also are you backing Lau in saying that Anubhav is obv town? Or is this just a gth take? Mainly bc if it isn't I make drop my pressure in that direction
I've towned with Red Mones many times and wolfed with him in his most recent wolf game.
Besides feeling like I would be pretty good at noting his behavior, which I feel is justified in my strong-town read on him in our recent AoT game which turned out to be correct, his distance from the game currently is also indicating that he's town. He lacks the WIM I expect him to have to support his wolf team, his statements haven't felt agendad, and he never even voted yesterday. The only other time I remember him not voting is when he was either town or 3p in one of the last games I played with him when he was town. There's a lack of analytical content to otherwise read him from, but I think that usually indicates that he's town.

Ex is just giving me weird vibes and I really can't explain it but I don't like it and I've never seen him play this way before.
Actually, you have seen Ex Wolf, you were his scumbud in a game I ended up not playing, even though I was "playing", lol. What was he like? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 07:31:22 AM
Feel free to AMA Vro, same to Neon if she comes back

Also ENE I want to talk to you
Thoughts on ExLight, please?
Also current thoughts on Anubhav?

Do you see a wolf-team potential yet for anyone?
What has been the most valuable insight from the game so far?
Why can't I ever feel confident reading you?
What's your favorite color?
Can you guess what I mean by the wine dark sea?

I'm having difficulty this game outside of establishing townreads on like half a dozen people. I think he's ok and reading back I think his reads are alright for accuracy probably

Anubhav had a bad reaction to Lau's claim. I get that there may have been confusion between cop and vig, but that post has no convinction in Gerrick's scuminess, and really without that REALLY reads like a wolf commenting on town Gerrick dying. I'm not a fan of his activity either. I didn't like him bringing up me/Lau a second time, and the only thing I liked from him was basically him saying he hasn't seen a scum me post early game

Nah, but I have some anti-aligns that I'm not gonna list
I really don't know. Maybe something said in Lau/KoD but I'm ngl my brain keeps wanting to purge itself of some of that interaction for some reason. I actually liked KoD breaking up the CL wagon even though I felt that he tossed aside half the people for not good enough reasons. Still, with activity levels being heavily skewed towards 6 people out of 16, i can't say it's unjustified
I'm to powerful
You're wifoming
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 07:31:42 AM
Vro if you are still here can I get gth takes on any player you can think of? That isn't me lol

Neon, let's talk! How confident are you in TGN being maf?
Oh sure, I always have gth takes.

TGN - Town
ENE - Town
Anubhav - Town
Red Mones - Town
Neon - Town
cozmik - Town
Aersol - Town
KoD - Wolf
Gerrick - Wolf
Wintermoot - Town
NoName - Town
Moondrop - Town
ExLight - Wolf
Talk to me about Red Mones specfiically

maybe ExLight as well

Also are you backing Lau in saying that Anubhav is obv town? Or is this just a gth take? Mainly bc if it isn't I make drop my pressure in that direction
I've towned with Red Mones many times and wolfed with him in his most recent wolf game.
Besides feeling like I would be pretty good at noting his behavior, which I feel is justified in my strong-town read on him in our recent AoT game which turned out to be correct, his distance from the game currently is also indicating that he's town. He lacks the WIM I expect him to have to support his wolf team, his statements haven't felt agendad, and he never even voted yesterday. The only other time I remember him not voting is when he was either town or 3p in one of the last games I played with him when he was town. There's a lack of analytical content to otherwise read him from, but I think that usually indicates that he's town.

Ex is just giving me weird vibes and I really can't explain it but I don't like it and I've never seen him play this way before.
Actually, you have seen Ex Wolf, you were his scumbud in a game I ended up not playing, even though I was "playing", lol. What was he like?
No I haven't??
I only recall playing three games with him. The first Portal game where I don't think we interacted before he died (or maybe I subbed in afterwards), the Bulba game where I wolfed against town him but he was chopped D1, and the AoT game which you remember.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 07:32:54 AM
Vro if you are still here can I get gth takes on any player you can think of? That isn't me lol

Neon, let's talk! How confident are you in TGN being maf?
Oh sure, I always have gth takes.

TGN - Town
ENE - Town
Anubhav - Town
Red Mones - Town
Neon - Town
cozmik - Town
Aersol - Town
KoD - Wolf
Gerrick - Wolf
Wintermoot - Town
NoName - Town
Moondrop - Town
ExLight - Wolf
Talk to me about Red Mones specfiically

maybe ExLight as well

Also are you backing Lau in saying that Anubhav is obv town? Or is this just a gth take? Mainly bc if it isn't I make drop my pressure in that direction
I've towned with Red Mones many times and wolfed with him in his most recent wolf game.
Besides feeling like I would be pretty good at noting his behavior, which I feel is justified in my strong-town read on him in our recent AoT game which turned out to be correct, his distance from the game currently is also indicating that he's town. He lacks the WIM I expect him to have to support his wolf team, his statements haven't felt agendad, and he never even voted yesterday. The only other time I remember him not voting is when he was either town or 3p in one of the last games I played with him when he was town. There's a lack of analytical content to otherwise read him from, but I think that usually indicates that he's town.

Ex is just giving me weird vibes and I really can't explain it but I don't like it and I've never seen him play this way before.
Actually, you have seen Ex Wolf, you were his scumbud in a game I ended up not playing, even though I was "playing", lol. What was he like?
No I haven't??
I only recall playing three games with him. The first Portal game where I don't think we interacted before he died (or maybe I subbed in afterwards), the Bulba game where I wolfed against town him but he was chopped D1, and the AoT game which you remember.
I vaguely recall something in Funnier's Discord about you and Ex fooling Minish? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 07:34:28 AM
Feel free to AMA Vro, same to Neon if she comes back

Also ENE I want to talk to you
Do you want to play with me?

How bad am I at this game honestly?

Can I have a hug... for real?

What's your favorite car?

Do you like cats?

How old am I?

Ohh the game. Umm.

Can we kill anyone in this game who was mean to me and didn't want to play and especially if they don't like tea?

You've been fine though I think it would've been better if you didn't say anything about Moondrop, or you said "Moondrop claimed to me and I think that the claim and/or situation of the claim are towny/scummy/null"


The vroom vroom kind


You are however old you are

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 07:34:40 AM
Vro if you are still here can I get gth takes on any player you can think of? That isn't me lol

Neon, let's talk! How confident are you in TGN being maf?
Oh sure, I always have gth takes.

TGN - Town
ENE - Town
Anubhav - Town
Red Mones - Town
Neon - Town
cozmik - Town
Aersol - Town
KoD - Wolf
Gerrick - Wolf
Wintermoot - Town
NoName - Town
Moondrop - Town
ExLight - Wolf
Talk to me about Red Mones specfiically

maybe ExLight as well

Also are you backing Lau in saying that Anubhav is obv town? Or is this just a gth take? Mainly bc if it isn't I make drop my pressure in that direction
I've towned with Red Mones many times and wolfed with him in his most recent wolf game.
Besides feeling like I would be pretty good at noting his behavior, which I feel is justified in my strong-town read on him in our recent AoT game which turned out to be correct, his distance from the game currently is also indicating that he's town. He lacks the WIM I expect him to have to support his wolf team, his statements haven't felt agendad, and he never even voted yesterday. The only other time I remember him not voting is when he was either town or 3p in one of the last games I played with him when he was town. There's a lack of analytical content to otherwise read him from, but I think that usually indicates that he's town.

Ex is just giving me weird vibes and I really can't explain it but I don't like it and I've never seen him play this way before.
Actually, you have seen Ex Wolf, you were his scumbud in a game I ended up not playing, even though I was "playing", lol. What was he like?
No I haven't??
I only recall playing three games with him. The first Portal game where I don't think we interacted before he died (or maybe I subbed in afterwards), the Bulba game where I wolfed against town him but he was chopped D1, and the AoT game which you remember.
I vaguely recall something in Funnier's Discord about you and Ex fooling Minish?
Maybe I'm just being super duper forgetful but I have no idea what you're talking about, it might have been unrelated to werewolf?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:36:22 AM
Feel free to AMA Vro, same to Neon if she comes back

Also ENE I want to talk to you
Do you want to play with me?

How bad am I at this game honestly?

Can I have a hug... for real?

What's your favorite car?

Do you like cats?

How old am I?

Ohh the game. Umm.

Can we kill anyone in this game who was mean to me and didn't want to play and especially if they don't like tea?

You've been fine though I think it would've been better if you didn't say anything about Moondrop, or you said "Moondrop claimed to me and I think that the claim and/or situation of the claim are towny/scummy/null"


The vroom vroom kind


You are however old you are

Sad I like killing people who don't like tea. Especially mean ones. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 07:38:02 AM
Neon how about we make this easier and make this about finding town than finding scum. Given how this game is going it's probably easier to go about it like this

Who in your eyes are town?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 07:39:24 AM
I think I'm going to shut up now, as much as this past conversation has been helpful to me, I think a large part of the reason that many less active members haven't talked for a while is that the thread is currently overwhelming for them. When I forget myself I can really start to spam and I want to stay away from that this game. This number of pages is hard for a lot of Wintreans.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 29, 2022, 07:39:43 AM
Feel free to AMA Vro, same to Neon if she comes back

Also ENE I want to talk to you
I'm here. About what?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 29, 2022, 07:40:44 AM
At this point, I have no idea what Scarecrow's alignment would be, but you may as well share who you scanned, ENE.
I scanned Vro.

Did you scan Vro bc you scumread him or nullread him?

Takes on other people?
I scum-leaned them and I saw others were having issues reading them, so I thought it would be best.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 07:40:53 AM
Feel free to AMA Vro, same to Neon if she comes back

Also ENE I want to talk to you
I'm here. About what?
how have your reads changed since yesterday

that's literally it nothing else
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 07:42:06 AM
Nah, @Vroendal, it seems my memory is just shit. 

"Lol, nah, if you made it past people like Ex, Lil G and Minish, I'm sure you must've had one hell of a game."
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 29, 2022, 07:46:52 AM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


Quoted the above post to show my progressions.




Neon Abigail
Anubhav Ghosh

Red Mones



Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 07:49:07 AM
I'm gonna REALLY need you to talk about why Moondrop is your third biggest TL

Also why TGN is your biggest sus
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:54:05 AM
Neon how about we make this easier and make this about finding town than finding scum. Given how this game is going it's probably easier to go about it like this

Who in your eyes are town?
In no particular order and people I feel confident in probably


In order


I guess
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 29, 2022, 07:55:44 AM
I'm gonna REALLY need you to talk about why Moondrop is your third biggest TL

Also why TGN is your biggest sus
Not caring is towny. I saw their one post and them not coming back to the thread. Now Neon has also stated that they don't seem to care in the neighbor chat.

As a wolf, you generally have this sort of obligation to help your team. You're a minority and just being idle the game is pretty bad form, plus you'll be prodded by multiple members of wolf chat to at least post once in a while.

As a town it's much easier to get lost and just... not post. You don't have the same "obligation", since town starts out in the lead. I know when I started out I posted more as a wolf because I felt like you owe it to your team in a way?

As for TGN, I'm bad at doing scum-reads, but I really didn't like their over-derpiness nor their lack of re-assessment and their OMGUS. They could be lost town? But I just think the faked derpiness is scummy.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 07:55:56 AM
Do we know if Moondrop is a new player? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:56:48 AM
I had a plan originally but it went to shit and now I feel like I messed up especially by outing Moondrop but I've been frustrated by them and I'm drunk and I think I just kind of said things in my frustration. 

And I'm upset at myself for doing that.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:57:06 AM
Do we know if Moondrop is a new player?
I'm almost positive
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:58:14 AM
Like 99% 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 07:59:00 AM
Then I think they're Town. 

A new player doesn't bullshit their way into a Tracker claim. And scumbuds helping said new player out when they find out they're in a neighbourhood don't tell their bud to claim tracker. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 29, 2022, 07:59:19 AM
Do we know if Moondrop is a new player?
I don't know, but I'd assume so based on their posting.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 08:00:45 AM
I mean it's ... weird

Which honestly makes me believe the claim more because there were details they told me about it that almost makes me positive it isn't a fake claim
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 08:01:11 AM
And I'm being vague here to not fuck up again...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 08:01:58 AM
I had a plan originally but it went to shit and now I feel like I messed up especially by outing Moondrop but I've been frustrated by them and I'm drunk and I think I just kind of said things in my frustration.

And I'm upset at myself for doing that.
This kind of stuff is what moves things forward. In my experience, I feel that I will never have a perfect game, but the point is that we keep learning and we keep trying to improve in each game going forward, taking our past experiences with us. And anyway, what you may feel to be bad may actually be very helpful to someone else and vice versa, we all think differently.
If it would help you to drink tea, then do that.

Also WUT it's 1am for me idk where the time went...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 08:03:13 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 08:04:34 AM
Alright my boyfriend called me to calm me down and to help me sleep so I'm actually going to do that. I expect to wake up to 20 new pages make it fun for hungover me okay. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 08:08:02 AM
yeah moondrop is probably just town, it's just third from top seemed to me to me tbh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 08:41:19 AM
At this point, I'm convinced KoD is scum trying his damndest to cast doubt on ENE because he backed himself into a corner during the night phase with his back-and-forth with me and was terrified that ENE could out a town result on me. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 08:45:42 AM
Something looks way too off for Laurentus-Dolby episodes. Laurentus fakeclaimed, to which Dolby supposedly had said something to Lau, and he was 'right on money' on that part. Later on, we see that Laurentus' fake claim seems to bring Dolby to a statement where he says that most of what Lau did was fake, and it didn't seem a comfortable tone either. Some posts later that comes to a close, Dolby and Laurentus going back to a mutual feeling of comfort. There has also been a post from me, asking Dolby and Lau whether they had options to be connected, since it seemed that Dolby had previously known about his fake cop shot. That seemed to get totally ignored, I guess that could have led to some sort of soft, but it doesn't seem right in the present scenario. Dolby has also made some vague-looking comments, which I will get back to later on, because the multiquote isn't working. This looks scum Dolby. Also Laurentus has used distancing in a game where I saw him as scum. The Dolby episode did look like one.

Aer and Neon looks good(anyone who speaks Tea is good) TGN feels odd, Ex might take this mix of prior guilt during lynch and laziness as a way to shield his alignment.
Yeah here's the thing Lau

I think all of this is fakeable and I also didn't like AG's reaction to your claim.

I think that you're townreading this specifically because AG is expressing a read that we have behinds the scenes talk but frankly in this case I just don't think that it is strong, and I think it that the point that AG holds us higher really doesn't work that much. I think this is the type of thing that a scum could notice and attempt to hold over a townie. I feel say that you two aren't w/w but yeah

"So Gerrick's fate is sealed" is also totally w/v word
I was confused ovee cop shot and vigilante, I mentioned that earlier. Also I didn't really understand the Lau's statement of you being right about how the fake will play out. I thought you knew it all beforehand and you predicted how individuals will react, later on I understood it was about the fake you seemed to be predicting. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 08:50:42 AM
fuck yesss

@Anubhav Gosh, @KingofDominaria
I noticed you both abstained from voting, any reason for that? who would you have voted last phase if you had to?

@Eastern New England
Do you remember what TGN's age is?
It would have been you or Lunch. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 08:58:23 AM
At this point, I have no idea what Scarecrow's alignment would be, but you may as well share who you scanned, ENE.
Pennywise seemed afraid or irritated by turtles
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 09:08:28 AM
As I look at this vote count it looks, to me, like there is at least one mafia member among those voting for CL. Why? Because CL was 3p, and Laur had accomplished the singular task of fake copping someone, lying about it, and creating a situation where CL made himself an easy target to vote. The rub with voting CL, though, comes in the form of CL's claim which is best exemplified by Laur. That is, exercising caution and going elsewhere with a vote.

We have 7 voting for CL:
Captan Lunch: 7 (Cozmikrae, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot, Gerrick, NoName)

And I would expect at least one to be mafia.

Notably, the only other wagon close to CL's staggering 7 votes is Gerrick at 3 which isn't saying a lot.

Gerrick: 2 (Aersoldorf, Captan Lunch, Laurentus)

Or 2 I suppose if there are shenanigans going on with the votes. Excluding CL, that leaves only Aer and Laur as the ones on Gerrick. I see Aer more on the townie side of things if only because I haven't disliked his posting. He hasn't struck me with anything scummy in terms of content, but I am interested in why he went with Gerrick here as opposed to CL. Laur's position is already known regarding why he voted Gerrick. His interactions with people are varied and idk how I'd place him as scum wrt to potential teammates (for example my take on ENE and then having to assess Laur/ENE as being on a team which calls for a look at how they've interacted -- I don't see it necessarily unless Laur is power wolfing and ENE is playing ballsy with claiming which makes for an odd combination in and of itself for D1 which I find hard to convince myself of even if I were biased).

Going back to the 7, I'd choose Wintermoot every single time. Gerrick voted the only other wagon than himself which is understandable. Dolby hasn't struck me negatively or oddly to date, and No Name has appeared townie to me with their content (most notably how they've responded to others). I'm ignoring Neon here for now because of her high fluff content and constant talk about neighbors and tea. I mean, only talking about that and posting a large amount of fluff and gifs doesn't do it. It took jumping in on CL, which was easy for anyone, to get some reaction from her, and I don't feel strongly about it. Like, hard null kind of feeling. Cozmik moves on by as not a stand out person to me.

Outside of Wintermoot, from that large group, I am looking at Anubhav with the vote on No Lynch. There's something to be said about someone who doesn't get drawn in by how CL reacted to everything. Like, not even going after CL, Anubhav opted not to go for, say, Gerrick much like Laur in an attempt to treat CL's claim seriously. Might be a time thing though. Might.

What else is there? TGN and ENE's votes? Eh.
It was 1.43 am when Lau spoke of faking, and by the time I got on this forum the next day, it was night time. I was late by 5-10 minutes:)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 09:17:53 AM
Fuck it

Vote: KingofDominaria

I'm just doing this cause I don't think I'd ever wanna play with you.


I only invite special people for tea
Hey, do you want a pet joey(its a baby kangaroo)?That's an alive plaything
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 09:35:49 AM
I am quite sus about Ex and KoD. Dolby is no scum, he would have started talking abstract stuff by now, seasoning every post analysis with adjectives. That's the only scummy behaviour I ever saw from Dolby.

Ex's mix of guilt and laziness is still not explained.

KoD has been paranoid on many since the start, and since I have played like 3-4 mafia games now, this looks much like how I behaved in almost all games. But the same on KoD, looks odd.

Aers posts look good, Neon has been indicating endlessly on a loop, and I wouldn't mind saying that I have some concept of what she is referring to, but I might well be way too wrong. 

I am not good at spotting derps, and overderps. Nothing on TGN for that reason.

However @KingofDominaria can I have a read list, because I don't understand who appears scum and who appears town to you
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 09:36:51 AM
Pinky promise isn't banned in here or is it ? @ExLight
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 10:47:18 AM
Pinky promise isn't banned in here or is it ? @ExLight

No, it isn't, per se, but it's a definite trust tell as per MU's rules. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 10:53:51 AM
Ex. If I know one thing about games that Silv does its that the flavor ALWAYS matters.  And also I know for a FACT that the characters in this flavor are in the game
it doesn't this time, and I'm 100% sure of it
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 11:01:01 AM
While the players in the outside world made their choices and things happened, the forest clearing was back to its cheery self, though the players were growing increasingly disappointed that nothing actually happened to warrant these characters all being in such a setting.

Realizing this, Michi rewrote the story as the forest clearing scene began to shift almost violently, as it shifted through various scenes including one where apparently a rock was hurling through the air and pelted Lancelot in the face as he screamed out about how he was being oppressed.

The scene cut to what seemed to be a daycare or kindergarten classroom or kid’s party or something…it wasn’t quite clear.  But what was clear was that it was a strange group of werewolf children, which frightened some of the group, although Joffrey decided to play with a nearby dollhouse and Don Michael Corleone hired all the wolf children to be his informants.

The scene suddenly shifted again just as Joffrey was about to have the boy doll executed for not following his orders.  Now they were in a village that looked just as remarkably dull as the forest clearing, although some of the folks such as Knightman and Everyman felt instant recognition upon seeing the village…apart from what looked to be a Macys in the center square in which Mai Valentine and Ruby Red immediately ran toward, dragging the reluctant Princess Leia and lady Galadriel with them.  Lindsey Lohan and Hannah Montana followed close behind, darting over to the makeup counter.

“Uhhh, was Hannah Montana even in one of our games?” Asked player Red Mones, as Eastern New England chimed in.  “I think Michi’s getting confused since she was in one of the games that he hosted over in our region.” They replied as Laurentus facepalmed, while Wintermoot simply gave a friendly chuckle at Michi’s obvious moment of being scatterbrained.

Batman watched from afar as Joker and Two Face shared cat videos with each other near the village fountain, while the Scarecrow went crazy and threw toxin bombs everywhere in a fit of boredom, throwing the crowd into a state of mass hysteria. Folks such as Pennywise started screaming about seeing rainbows and turtles…two of his worst fears, as others screamed about anything from dental hygienists to the skyrocketing prices of fast food at McWendleking…which ironically wasn’t something they were seeing as an effect of the toxin since they miraculously weren’t near it.  Everyone seemed to get over the effects pretty quickly, though one in particular seemed to remain in that state of confusion…mistaking up from down, blue from green, and good from bad.

The villagers all sang and danced even as a bloodthirsty wolf not in sheep’s clothing tore through the village and killed them.  Erwin Smith was horrified by the villagers’ seemingly complacent behavior in this, while the village elder assured them that it was something that happened all the time…which made Erwin question why.  Jackie Chan attempted to fight back, though the large werewolf seemed to ignore him the entire time.

“Okay, now I know we didn’t have a game with Jackie Chan.” player Red Mones pointed out, as Wintreath member Barnes popped in.  “Maybe Michi is just being creative because I was going to host an Around the World in 80 Days game?” he suggested, as player Gerrick sighed.  “He could have at least taken from the good version of that story if he was going to do that.”

All actions are processed. There was no death last night. I am still in the process of sending back results to people who need them but wanted to get the day started.

Day 2 begins now and will end on Sunday, the 30th at 3pm CST.

"You'd show town"
Okay it's specifically said here that Scarecrow, Joker and a few others from the Batman game are in the game. They can't all be Wolves. I think you have a town result.
have you considered that maybe most of these characters aren't even roles in the current setup
we have characters from 24+ different mafia games, if they were evenly distributed that would be less than one character of each game

but you think the game has at least 3-4 from the batman game?
Please stop obsessing with flavor, it mean literally nothing because a) as I said the characters in these game have nothing to do with the characters from their original games, this meaning not only role but maybe alignment are unrelated; b) flavor has already been said to possibly be misleading in the very OP, meaning it shouldn't ever be seen as a reliable source of analysis or information

ENE's role is vastly useless if it's just a flavor cop and its only utility is verifying character claims which by itself is a bit useless (see point a.)

Please stop caring about flavor, it's a waste of time
I ended up agreeing it's a waste of time for me specifically, if you actually bothered to understand my next post, because having 17 roles mentioned when one person died already, as well as the person dying already having had their own role mentioned in the previous day, proved that there were more roles being mentioned than exist in the game. And my own role not once appearing yet (which I again mentioned in the next post) is what sealed the deal for me. So your interpretation of my viewpoint here is largely wrong.

Where I fundamentally disagree with you is that a flavour cop is not useless, I was that myself in Portal Mafia 2. As frustrating as it was to have to decipher my results, it resulted in the whole mafia team getting lynched on consecutive days starting from D2. I have no reason to assume that it won't be the case here. But I think pretty much only time will allow ENE to gather more info to put the various roles in context and decide alignment from them. A common theme can also start to emerge once more flips happen.

So TL/DR, flavour will mean very little to the average player, at least right now, and probably only the flavour cop is well equipped to make sense of it with time.
In portal mafia the characters were related to their alignments, right? I don't think that's the case here, Lunch was just a coincidence of being 3p in both cases, as small of a chance as that is
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 11:04:35 AM
Ugh. I'm being tempted to do something dumb here.
not again :rinsad:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 11:09:12 AM
Feel free to AMA Vro, same to Neon if she comes back

Also ENE I want to talk to you
Thoughts on ExLight, please?
Also current thoughts on Anubhav?

Do you see a wolf-team potential yet for anyone?
What has been the most valuable insight from the game so far?
Why can't I ever feel confident reading you?
What's your favorite color?
Can you guess what I mean by the wine dark sea?

I'm having difficulty this game outside of establishing townreads on like half a dozen people. I think he's ok and reading back I think his reads are alright for accuracy probably

Anubhav had a bad reaction to Lau's claim. I get that there may have been confusion between cop and vig, but that post has no convinction in Gerrick's scuminess, and really without that REALLY reads like a wolf commenting on town Gerrick dying. I'm not a fan of his activity either. I didn't like him bringing up me/Lau a second time, and the only thing I liked from him was basically him saying he hasn't seen a scum me post early game

Nah, but I have some anti-aligns that I'm not gonna list
I really don't know. Maybe something said in Lau/KoD but I'm ngl my brain keeps wanting to purge itself of some of that interaction for some reason. I actually liked KoD breaking up the CL wagon even though I felt that he tossed aside half the people for not good enough reasons. Still, with activity levels being heavily skewed towards 6 people out of 16, i can't say it's unjustified
I'm to powerful
You're wifoming
I barely showed any reads other than my discontent towards Laurentus' play though? What about them did you find "alright"?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 11:12:48 AM
Pinky promise isn't banned in here or is it ? @ExLight
Probably not, but I'm not going to use it unless I feel like it's extremely necessary lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 11:14:16 AM
page 69 is all mine so far babe hell yes

@Neon Abgail
hey I can potentially be a neighborizer too! so that's fun!

maybe we could get in the same chat and add twice as many people uwuwuwu
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 11:15:07 AM
@Neon Abigail

frigging i

also sorry about the post spam multiquoting is hard
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on January 29, 2022, 11:49:38 AM
I suck at this game
Welcome to the club pal
Quote from: Neon Abigail ( 1/28/2022, 11:47:33 PM
I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone

Anyways: I scum lean Neon
Because they said they were drunk I found it as a way for them to do stupid shi- and face almost no consequences. Or maybe they are drunk idk. But I’m watching you 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 01:08:16 PM
While the players in the outside world made their choices and things happened, the forest clearing was back to its cheery self, though the players were growing increasingly disappointed that nothing actually happened to warrant these characters all being in such a setting.

Realizing this, Michi rewrote the story as the forest clearing scene began to shift almost violently, as it shifted through various scenes including one where apparently a rock was hurling through the air and pelted Lancelot in the face as he screamed out about how he was being oppressed.

The scene cut to what seemed to be a daycare or kindergarten classroom or kid’s party or something…it wasn’t quite clear.  But what was clear was that it was a strange group of werewolf children, which frightened some of the group, although Joffrey decided to play with a nearby dollhouse and Don Michael Corleone hired all the wolf children to be his informants.

The scene suddenly shifted again just as Joffrey was about to have the boy doll executed for not following his orders.  Now they were in a village that looked just as remarkably dull as the forest clearing, although some of the folks such as Knightman and Everyman felt instant recognition upon seeing the village…apart from what looked to be a Macys in the center square in which Mai Valentine and Ruby Red immediately ran toward, dragging the reluctant Princess Leia and lady Galadriel with them.  Lindsey Lohan and Hannah Montana followed close behind, darting over to the makeup counter.

“Uhhh, was Hannah Montana even in one of our games?” Asked player Red Mones, as Eastern New England chimed in.  “I think Michi’s getting confused since she was in one of the games that he hosted over in our region.” They replied as Laurentus facepalmed, while Wintermoot simply gave a friendly chuckle at Michi’s obvious moment of being scatterbrained.

Batman watched from afar as Joker and Two Face shared cat videos with each other near the village fountain, while the Scarecrow went crazy and threw toxin bombs everywhere in a fit of boredom, throwing the crowd into a state of mass hysteria. Folks such as Pennywise started screaming about seeing rainbows and turtles…two of his worst fears, as others screamed about anything from dental hygienists to the skyrocketing prices of fast food at McWendleking…which ironically wasn’t something they were seeing as an effect of the toxin since they miraculously weren’t near it.  Everyone seemed to get over the effects pretty quickly, though one in particular seemed to remain in that state of confusion…mistaking up from down, blue from green, and good from bad.

The villagers all sang and danced even as a bloodthirsty wolf not in sheep’s clothing tore through the village and killed them.  Erwin Smith was horrified by the villagers’ seemingly complacent behavior in this, while the village elder assured them that it was something that happened all the time…which made Erwin question why.  Jackie Chan attempted to fight back, though the large werewolf seemed to ignore him the entire time.

“Okay, now I know we didn’t have a game with Jackie Chan.” player Red Mones pointed out, as Wintreath member Barnes popped in.  “Maybe Michi is just being creative because I was going to host an Around the World in 80 Days game?” he suggested, as player Gerrick sighed.  “He could have at least taken from the good version of that story if he was going to do that.”

All actions are processed. There was no death last night. I am still in the process of sending back results to people who need them but wanted to get the day started.

Day 2 begins now and will end on Sunday, the 30th at 3pm CST.

"You'd show town"
Okay it's specifically said here that Scarecrow, Joker and a few others from the Batman game are in the game. They can't all be Wolves. I think you have a town result.
have you considered that maybe most of these characters aren't even roles in the current setup
we have characters from 24+ different mafia games, if they were evenly distributed that would be less than one character of each game

but you think the game has at least 3-4 from the batman game?
Please stop obsessing with flavor, it mean literally nothing because a) as I said the characters in these game have nothing to do with the characters from their original games, this meaning not only role but maybe alignment are unrelated; b) flavor has already been said to possibly be misleading in the very OP, meaning it shouldn't ever be seen as a reliable source of analysis or information

ENE's role is vastly useless if it's just a flavor cop and its only utility is verifying character claims which by itself is a bit useless (see point a.)

Please stop caring about flavor, it's a waste of time
I ended up agreeing it's a waste of time for me specifically, if you actually bothered to understand my next post, because having 17 roles mentioned when one person died already, as well as the person dying already having had their own role mentioned in the previous day, proved that there were more roles being mentioned than exist in the game. And my own role not once appearing yet (which I again mentioned in the next post) is what sealed the deal for me. So your interpretation of my viewpoint here is largely wrong.

Where I fundamentally disagree with you is that a flavour cop is not useless, I was that myself in Portal Mafia 2. As frustrating as it was to have to decipher my results, it resulted in the whole mafia team getting lynched on consecutive days starting from D2. I have no reason to assume that it won't be the case here. But I think pretty much only time will allow ENE to gather more info to put the various roles in context and decide alignment from them. A common theme can also start to emerge once more flips happen.

So TL/DR, flavour will mean very little to the average player, at least right now, and probably only the flavour cop is well equipped to make sense of it with time.
In portal mafia the characters were related to their alignments, right? I don't think that's the case here, Lunch was just a coincidence of being 3p in both cases, as small of a chance as that is
My version of flavour cop differed significantly from ENE's, that's for sure. I was given strange clues like: "As you follow Batma n, you only see the bright purple light of his eye before he vanishes." I fucking wish that it was as unambiguous as ENE's clues, so there probably is some pattern to decipher here, as well. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 01:13:50 PM
page 69 is all mine so far babe hell yes
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 01:21:13 PM
Pinky promise isn't banned in here or is it ? @ExLight

No, it isn't, per se, but it's a definite trust tell as per MU's rules.
Its such a powerful weapon, and also its basically you either say the truth and agree on something, and if you lie, you don't get the trust in a trust tell anymore. ExLight used it once, and if allowed, I don't see a reason for not using it again. Will you use the pinkie promise and secure yourself as town? @ExLight
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 01:23:54 PM
I suck at this game
Welcome to the club pal
Quote from: Neon Abigail ( 1/28/2022, 11:47:33 PM
I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone

Anyways: I scum lean Neon
Because they said they were drunk I found it as a way for them to do stupid shi- and face almost no consequences. Or maybe they are drunk idk. But I’m watching you
What else do you expect on a weekend. I guess Abigail is not younger than either of us, and definitely not sneaking alcohol or something. 
This is clear OMGUS stuff, and this comes way scummy , way too scummy. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 01:24:44 PM

Vote: TGN
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 01:26:32 PM
I suck at this game
Welcome to the club pal
Quote from: Neon Abigail ( 1/28/2022, 11:47:33 PM
I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone

Anyways: I scum lean Neon
Because they said they were drunk I found it as a way for them to do stupid shi- and face almost no consequences. Or maybe they are drunk idk. But I’m watching you
@Laurentus Is this the holy act of derping?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 29, 2022, 01:29:33 PM
Vote: KingofDominaria

I'm going to be running and gunning while I'm at work so I won't quote stuff here, but I'll come back on it this afternoon. Essentially I agree that KoD is cherry picking to throw shade. There's no reason to disregard denizens that tell you historically flavor has had game impact even with the OP statement. From a design standpoint that's clearly a "you might end up chasing your tail on the wrong flavor and that's not on us" statement. Lau being wrong earlier is evidence of that but isn't evidence that flavor is completely irrelevant. Also KoD knows nobody but CL made CL an easy target. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 01:31:28 PM
I suck at this game
Welcome to the club pal
Quote from: Neon Abigail ( 1/28/2022, 11:47:33 PM
I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone

Anyways: I scum lean Neon
Because they said they were drunk I found it as a way for them to do stupid shi- and face almost no consequences. Or maybe they are drunk idk. But I’m watching you
@Laurentus Is this the holy act of derping?
No, derping is a total lack of awareness of things Wolves would be very unlikely to be aware of. This is just a bad case. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 01:37:42 PM
I suck at this game
Welcome to the club pal
Quote from: Neon Abigail ( 1/28/2022, 11:47:33 PM
I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone

Anyways: I scum lean Neon
Because they said they were drunk I found it as a way for them to do stupid shi- and face almost no consequences. Or maybe they are drunk idk. But I’m watching you
@Laurentus Is this the holy act of derping?
No, derping is a total lack of awareness of things Wolves would be very unlikely to be *unaware* of. This is just a bad case.
Ebwop for the bolded. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 01:43:19 PM
Pinky promise isn't banned in here or is it ? @ExLight

No, it isn't, per se, but it's a definite trust tell as per MU's rules.
Its such a powerful weapon, and also its basically you either say the truth and agree on something, and if you lie, you don't get the trust in a trust tell anymore. ExLight used it once, and if allowed, I don't see a reason for not using it again. Will you use the pinkie promise and secure yourself as town? @ExLight
Because it's a trust tell I will ignore it on principle even if he does use it, lmao. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 01:59:29 PM
Pinky promise isn't banned in here or is it ? @ExLight

No, it isn't, per se, but it's a definite trust tell as per MU's rules.
Its such a powerful weapon, and also its basically you either say the truth and agree on something, and if you lie, you don't get the trust in a trust tell anymore. ExLight used it once, and if allowed, I don't see a reason for not using it again. Will you use the pinkie promise and secure yourself as town? @ExLight
Because it's a trust tell I will ignore it on principle even if he does use it, lmao.
He can use it only in the right way, its a one way ticket. You use it fair, or you don't get to use it again, not with the usual good things that come with a trust tell. If ExLight is town, he must and should use trust tell, just because he used it once earlier and it did seem to shorten the list of suspects in AoT, and I was left running after LoS. I did give away my life stupidly, but the trust tell did help me keep focus, coz I didn't like ExLight's approach that game. It was the first time lmao and I don't hold grudge or similar uneasiness now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 02:02:29 PM
Also can we have some reactions on TGN's case on Neon, he spoke about hangover being an excuse to hide her scummy behavior. The way he said it, and that also on a Saturday/Sunday, which are basically days when people hit the bar, his statement looks horrendous. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 02:03:34 PM
The game breaking nature of a trust tell is why it's bad, Anu. Having one surefire promise that is guaranteed to prove your town alignment goes against the core of what the game is: that anyone can be mafia and must be solved either via mechanics or social deduction. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 02:04:57 PM
Also can we have some reactions on TGN's case on Neon, he spoke about hangover being an excuse to hide her scummy behavior. The way he said it, and that also on a Saturday/Sunday, which are basically days when people hit the bar, his statement looks horrendous.
I already said the case is bad. I also just have no interest in flipping anyone other than KoD today. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 02:10:33 PM
The game breaking nature of a trust tell is why it's bad, Anu. Having one surefire promise that is guaranteed to prove your town alignment goes against the core of what the game is: that anyone can be mafia and must be solved either via mechanics or social deduction.
Well, I want to hear something from Ex about this. I have him on my plausible scum candidate list
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 29, 2022, 02:15:45 PM
The game breaking nature of a trust tell is why it's bad, Anu. Having one surefire promise that is guaranteed to prove your town alignment goes against the core of what the game is: that anyone can be mafia and must be solved either via mechanics or social deduction.
Game breaking stuff that goes against the core of the game is usually something I'm not okay with, and my first thought on this is that something that leans that direction, in this case "trust tells" shouldn't be allowed in this game.

However, I'm going to defer to @Ruguo on this one, since this is the first I've ever even heard of such a concept in a game, so I wouldn't feel right putting a foot down on it without not knowing how it is.

However, in the meantime, let's ease up on leaning too far into using it as a mechanic until we hear back from Ruguo on the ruling of using it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 29, 2022, 03:20:26 PM
Sorry for the inactivity of late. Work was absolutely brutal yesterday and then I went out to eat with my parents last night. Think I got some bad oysters or scallops because I've not been able to stay out of the restroom since then. Read everything up to this point but probably going to have to read it again because it was a lot to try and absorb in a single sitting.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 04:23:33 PM
Pinky promise isn't banned in here or is it ? @ExLight

No, it isn't, per se, but it's a definite trust tell as per MU's rules.
Its such a powerful weapon, and also its basically you either say the truth and agree on something, and if you lie, you don't get the trust in a trust tell anymore. ExLight used it once, and if allowed, I don't see a reason for not using it again. Will you use the pinkie promise and secure yourself as town? @ExLight
The issue is more of a long term issue. Trust tells and similars are usually frowned upon to such a degree that is a reason for bans in communities, so it's not something that should be used loosely.

I do not feel comfortable using it in every game, regardless of my alignment, and I feel like it can cause toxic community behavior if multiple players also start using it because of me.

I'd prefer to save it for using it in a game scenario where I'm subbing in and don't want unfamiliarity with players to get in the way of proper discussion time (which was the main reason I used it in the Attack on Titan mafia); or a game where I'm a strong power role in a painfully bad situation like being framed; or a situation where it can literally expose the scum team via PoE. And even so I'd still not do a pinkie promise for sure because I do trust my abilities enough in the game. 

So no, don't expect pinkie promises this game or in any future ones. The very fact you even brought them up shows how bad of a mentality it causes and why it shouldn't be frequently used.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 05:05:44 PM
Fuck it

Vote: KingofDominaria

I'm just doing this cause I don't think I'd ever wanna play with you.


I only invite special people for tea
Hey, do you want a pet joey(its a baby kangaroo)?That's an alive plaything
Yes. Give it to meeeee!!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 29, 2022, 05:06:00 PM
The game breaking nature of a trust tell is why it's bad, Anu. Having one surefire promise that is guaranteed to prove your town alignment goes against the core of what the game is: that anyone can be mafia and must be solved either via mechanics or social deduction.
Game breaking stuff that goes against the core of the game is usually something I'm not okay with, and my first thought on this is that something that leans that direction, in this case "trust tells" shouldn't be allowed in this game.

However, I'm going to defer to @Ruguo on this one, since this is the first I've ever even heard of such a concept in a game, so I wouldn't feel right putting a foot down on it without not knowing how it is.

However, in the meantime, let's ease up on leaning too far into using it as a mechanic until we hear back from Ruguo on the ruling of using it.
Coming in to share my two cents.

MU has banned such things under a whole bunch of odd terms Im not going to go look up again. For the hydra game, I did have to read through all of it. I think the best thing to do is take a similar approach and ban the use of both trust tells and out if game information. This does not include general meta, but will extend to any further "well you did this thing as a wolf in xyz games and here's the link to it" type of stuff. As always, "I've played with Abc before and they don't usually do this thing" is allowed.

Essentially, there is a fine line here and I'm still trying to define it. I'm considering this an experiment and will want your feedback as to what you feel is fair/ isn't fair.

Shirt firm is, just be careful to not to be attacking people solely based on other games and we shouldn't have a problem.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 05:08:50 PM
I suck at this game
Welcome to the club pal
Quote from: Neon Abigail ( 1/28/2022, 11:47:33 PM
I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone

Anyways: I scum lean Neon
Because they said they were drunk I found it as a way for them to do stupid shi- and face almost no consequences. Or maybe they are drunk idk. But I’m watching you
Damn you got me


Pack it up guys he's figured it out
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 05:09:54 PM
page 69 is all mine so far babe hell yes

@Neon Abgail
hey I can potentially be a neighborizer too! so that's fun!

maybe we could get in the same chat and add twice as many people uwuwuwu
Just like old times huh?

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 05:12:05 PM
Ex. If I know one thing about games that Silv does its that the flavor ALWAYS matters.  And also I know for a FACT that the characters in this flavor are in the game
it doesn't this time, and I'm 100% sure of it
Actually interested. Care to explain?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 05:15:12 PM
Ex. If I know one thing about games that Silv does its that the flavor ALWAYS matters.  And also I know for a FACT that the characters in this flavor are in the game
it doesn't this time, and I'm 100% sure of it
Actually interested. Care to explain?

it just is :nottoday:
the flavor makes no sense
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 05:17:18 PM
The flavor never makes sense and yet hidden within it is always clues. And like look I think that it'd pretty obvious what my role is and I am in this lore and unless I'm stupid it very directly relates to my role.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:43:04 PM
I'm slowly moving Ex up in my townie bucket just on a gut level here. Something might be wrong with my PoE after all. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:44:20 PM
@NoName, what is your take on Ex? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 05:48:44 PM
I've become more trusting of Ex as the game has moved onwards myself. Feels more like the Ex I EXpected. Ha good pun.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 05:49:49 PM
Might even invite Ex to come play... maybe not though. Tough to decide on new toys.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 05:52:07 PM
Might even invite Ex to come play... maybe not though. Tough to decide on new toys.

I continue to be paranoid that you're a cult leader. Your gif reply to that accusation kinda reminded me of how someone said you left clues to the fact that you're scum from the Summersend game, lmao. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:00:07 PM
Anyway, KoD and Ex, I would like your reads, as well.
I don't have many.

Hapi and you seem fairly townie.
Red Mones liked posts that said opposing things about the ice cream and I'm not sure how to feel about it.

And that's about it for now.
Ex, this post specifically 
not really reasoned but I loosely think there isn’t scum elevation so it’s fine
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:00:58 PM
Might even invite Ex to come play... maybe not though. Tough to decide on new toys.

I continue to be paranoid that you're a cult leader. Your gif reply to that accusation kinda reminded me of how someone said you left clues to the fact that you're scum from the Summersend game, lmao.
Is cult leader
claims neighborizer d2

continuously baits you
come on Lau this is probs a townie
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:02:21 PM
Might even invite Ex to come play... maybe not though. Tough to decide on new toys.

I continue to be paranoid that you're a cult leader. Your gif reply to that accusation kinda reminded me of how someone said you left clues to the fact that you're scum from the Summersend game, lmao.
Is cult leader
claims neighborizer d2

continuously baits you
come on Lau this is probs a townie
You don't know Abigail, man, and I bet she's laughing her ass off that she has this impact on me, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:03:41 PM
I’m dropping my TL on TGN tbh

Disappointed that senpai (Wintermoot) continues to not notice me
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:03:58 PM
Might even invite Ex to come play... maybe not though. Tough to decide on new toys.

I continue to be paranoid that you're a cult leader. Your gif reply to that accusation kinda reminded me of how someone said you left clues to the fact that you're scum from the Summersend game, lmao.
That is my meta 


But come on I'm just a cute girl looking for new toys. Trust your friend Dolby 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:05:31 PM
Might even invite Ex to come play... maybe not though. Tough to decide on new toys.

I continue to be paranoid that you're a cult leader. Your gif reply to that accusation kinda reminded me of how someone said you left clues to the fact that you're scum from the Summersend game, lmao.
That is my meta


But come on I'm just a cute girl looking for new toys. Trust your friend Dolby

Fucking see, @Dolby.:'(
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:05:50 PM
Might even invite Ex to come play... maybe not though. Tough to decide on new toys.

I continue to be paranoid that you're a cult leader. Your gif reply to that accusation kinda reminded me of how someone said you left clues to the fact that you're scum from the Summersend game, lmao.
That is my meta


But come on I'm just a cute girl looking for new toys. Trust your friend Dolby

Steps in front

You aren’t hurting Lau
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:06:58 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:09:59 PM
Historical precedent says I'm Town and if you lynch me you'll regret it. Willing to take that bet? Want to play a game? 


It's better to focus your attention elsewhere. I'm never the bad guy. 

Except in that one game where I was and I hid hints in everything I posted
But come on a cult leader? I've only made tea I don't even think I have kool-aid 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:11:22 PM
Trust me @Laurentus

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 06:12:08 PM
Historical precedent says I'm Town and if you lynch me you'll regret it. Willing to take that bet? Want to play a game?


It's better to focus your attention elsewhere. I'm never the bad guy.

Except in that one game where I was and I hid hints in everything I posted

But come on a cult leader? I've only made tea I don't even think I have kool-aid
One easy search later:

Exposed, vote her out tbh.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:12:57 PM
Trust me @Laurentus

My, why not. I've never joined a cult before and I'm here for new experiences!

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:13:08 PM
Mmmm tea
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:13:47 PM
Historical precedent says I'm Town and if you lynch me you'll regret it. Willing to take that bet? Want to play a game?


It's better to focus your attention elsewhere. I'm never the bad guy.

Except in that one game where I was and I hid hints in everything I posted

But come on a cult leader? I've only made tea I don't even think I have kool-aid
One easy search later:

Exposed, vote her out tbh.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:14:33 PM
I actually had a cult once. We weren't evil. Just a cult of Hapi-ness. It's okay my toys won't hurt anyone I promise. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:18:30 PM
Gives Lau permission to vote KoD

koD gets 3 votes

Just saying I’d he’s wolf I want my share of the pelt
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:20:26 PM
Unsure if @Moondrop should claim their tracker result. My intuition leans yes but it should be judged on if Moondrop thinks the result gives positive utility. No need for the person to claim necessarily
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:21:05 PM
Gives Lau permission to vote KoD

koD gets 3 votes

Just saying I’d he’s wolf I want my share of the pelt
I mean I was ready to jump on that train at any point in time. Because I'm petty as fuck. 


Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:21:47 PM
Unsure if @Moondrop should claim their tracker result. My intuition leans yes but it should be judged on if Moondrop thinks the result gives positive utility. No need for the person to claim necessarily
Just saying I don't think that's going to happen
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 06:22:14 PM
I should note that I agree with Lau's points and my vote is on KoD in spirit, but I'm not as confident and I would prefer to see a response first.

I agree with Dolby wrt Moondrop's potential result.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:23:08 PM
Well, Wiml is up for sub, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 06:26:09 PM
Well, Wiml is up for sub, lol.
Debates whether it would be more helpful to only read the posts from the previous player...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:26:46 PM
Well, Wiml is up for sub, lol.
Debates whether it would be more helpful to only read the posts from the previous player...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:26:49 PM
Well, Wiml is up for sub, lol.
Lau after I remind him of the time Wiml subbed in for Niv/Thunal in the SH game

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 06:27:35 PM
Well, Wiml is up for sub, lol.
Debates whether it would be more helpful to only read the posts from the previous player...
I mean, I kinda think that Moondrop is town regardless? Like, Neon, how long did it take to get Moondrop to claim
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:28:16 PM
Well, Wiml is up for sub, lol.
Lau after I remind him of the time Wiml subbed in for Niv/Thunal in the SH game

Fuck you, Dolby. :(:'(:-\
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 06:29:35 PM
Well, Wiml is up for sub, lol.
Debates whether it would be more helpful to only read the posts from the previous player...
I mean, I kinda think that Moondrop is town regardless? Like, Neon, how long did it take to get Moondrop to claim
It depends which slot he subs into. Is it only Moondrop up for sub?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:30:10 PM
Well, Wiml is up for sub, lol.
Debates whether it would be more helpful to only read the posts from the previous player...
I mean, I kinda think that Moondrop is town regardless? Like, Neon, how long did it take to get Moondrop to claim
It depends which slot he subs into. Is it only Moondrop up for sub?
Think so, yeah. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:31:15 PM
Also, hi, Wiml, I know you're reading this. We're saying mostly nice things about you. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 29, 2022, 06:31:28 PM
Well, Wiml is up for sub, lol.
Debates whether it would be more helpful to only read the posts from the previous player...
I mean, I kinda think that Moondrop is town regardless? Like, Neon, how long did it take to get Moondrop to claim
It depends which slot he subs into. Is it only Moondrop up for sub?
Think so, yeah.
Red Mones, Wintermoot?
I'm not sure whether Moot's hit 2 posts from a player standpoint or whether his mod posts count...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:32:42 PM
Well, Wiml is up for sub, lol.
Debates whether it would be more helpful to only read the posts from the previous player...
I mean, I kinda think that Moondrop is town regardless? Like, Neon, how long did it take to get Moondrop to claim
It depends which slot he subs into. Is it only Moondrop up for sub?
Think so, yeah.
Red Mones, Wintermoot?
I'm not sure whether Moot's hit 2 posts from a player standpoint or whether his mod posts count...
Er. Good point. @Red Mones, @Wintermoot, come post! 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 06:33:00 PM
Oh I'm going to get a new toy?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 06:37:03 PM
is wiml the turtle
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 06:39:10 PM
is wiml the turtle
He's the demon tortoise who subbed into Attack on Titan and wrecked your collective shit, yup. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 29, 2022, 06:47:27 PM
@NoName, what is your take on Ex?
My take on Ex is tainted by KoD. I feel like the dynamic between to the two is off from it's norm. My experience with Ex is only like four/five games deep? On his own I don't feel he's particularly scummy but I've only seen his scum game once and I didn't particularly pay attention to it as I was a 3p lover with scum!KoD at the time. I'd be inclined to say that being scum together wouldn't necessarily effect their dynamic but that doesn't take into account who else may be on their team and doesn't account for the possibility that they may have drawn a lover bond themselves (which would be hilarious). 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 29, 2022, 06:52:43 PM
is wiml the turtle
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 29, 2022, 06:54:27 PM
Could someone sum up the arguments for KoD's lynch, please? I'll go reread their posts in the meanwhile.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 06:56:55 PM
is wiml the turtle
He's the demon tortoise who subbed into Attack on Titan and wrecked your collective shit, yup.
*war flashbacks*
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 06:57:48 PM
@NoName, what is your take on Ex?
My take on Ex is tainted by KoD. I feel like the dynamic between to the two is off from it's norm. My experience with Ex is only like four/five games deep? On his own I don't feel he's particularly scummy but I've only seen his scum game once and I didn't particularly pay attention to it as I was a 3p lover with scum!KoD at the time. I'd be inclined to say that being scum together wouldn't necessarily effect their dynamic but that doesn't take into account who else may be on their team and doesn't account for the possibility that they may have drawn a lover bond themselves (which would be hilarious).
oh god it's JD after all
weren't you also in tevish's end of the world mafia? I was scum there too
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 06:58:41 PM
as much as I'd personally like to see KoD's head on a stick I don't think they've been particularly scummy?
if anything I find myself agreeing with them this game more than I'd like 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 29, 2022, 07:07:37 PM
Hey Ex can I force you to give read on everyone real quick or nah
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 07:08:57 PM
Could someone sum up the arguments for KoD's lynch, please? I'll go reread their posts in the meanwhile.
Mine is that he hasn't been trying to solve me, has cherry-picked my comments, and has actively tried to shade me for things I didn't even express, in some cases literally expressing the opposite of what he's accused me of. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 29, 2022, 07:13:36 PM
Currently, with ENE, I'm not feeling that great about him simply because of his claim. A flavor cop, a variation of the investigation role, seems more like the tool of a scum team as opposed to town. I say that strictly because of where I come from where that is very much the case, but also because of how ENE approached the cc then and how he touts his result now.

You're a town "PR" (in the sense that your role can gather info to help find scum maybe). Someone else claims to be a cop, and you have the option to counterclaim them (as I recall, you called for anyone that wanted to counterclaim right Laur?). Unless you're sure of your claim to the role, I don't see why you'd out yourself right away. Especially with no investigations under your belt (unless you got a D1 check which is rare in most games from my own experience). ENE did cc, but also was hesitant with said claim up to the point of rescinding. Like, you're not a straight cop. You get a role (or role name or something). Not an alignment. Automatic variation of a cop which opens up the door to the thought, "Hey, there *may* be more than one cop given my own role." Factor in, then, that with his result ENE is now going, "Should I or should I not," leaving it up to everyone else. Why? You've already outed yourself. Why leave it up to us when you know, if you're being honest, that everyone knows who you are. This is more akin to a scum tactic of getting in deep with the town. More so, given the claim, if ENE is said role as scum and can hunt for potential PRs based on role name (and we know that roles come from across various games -- ie. Scarecrow and the 3p role that CL was).

That's my particular take on ENE at this moment.
I'll be honest, I don't really understand the bolded section. Perhaps you could rephrase it?

What I get from this is that you didn't like my hesitancy with regards to sharing my results and that since I had outed, I should've shared it my info immediately.

My hesitancy stemmed from two main points:
- Not understanding the Scarecrow role and not knowing whether it was a good idea to out a possible town PR role
- Not wanting to out Vro in case he was town and didn't want to be outed

Additionally, you said that if I was scum with this role, I'd use it to PR hunt. In that case I don't get why I would share my result with the entire thread? I don't really see how this values the scum team.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 29, 2022, 07:15:08 PM
@NoName, what is your take on Ex?
My take on Ex is tainted by KoD. I feel like the dynamic between to the two is off from it's norm. My experience with Ex is only like four/five games deep? On his own I don't feel he's particularly scummy but I've only seen his scum game once and I didn't particularly pay attention to it as I was a 3p lover with scum!KoD at the time. I'd be inclined to say that being scum together wouldn't necessarily effect their dynamic but that doesn't take into account who else may be on their team and doesn't account for the possibility that they may have drawn a lover bond themselves (which would be hilarious).
oh god it's JD after all
weren't you also in tevish's end of the world mafia? I was scum there too
You say that like you're not happy to see me. 
Also that was the one you refused to hit me at the end of the game wasn't it? I'll have to review both and see if I grab different feels then. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 07:15:27 PM
Hey Ex can I force you to give read on everyone real quick or nah
you can try lol
the lack of a kill and the fact a 3p was lynched D1 are kinda lame information-wise
so honestly I don't have much new opinions, I'll prolly try rechecking the votes from D1 to see if I notice anything that raises a red flag
and I need to see some other stuff I skimmed last time I guess

the only differences from my last quickie are that the people that claimed are not people I want to see lynched for now since they all seem fairly townie
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 07:17:15 PM
@NoName, what is your take on Ex?
My take on Ex is tainted by KoD. I feel like the dynamic between to the two is off from it's norm. My experience with Ex is only like four/five games deep? On his own I don't feel he's particularly scummy but I've only seen his scum game once and I didn't particularly pay attention to it as I was a 3p lover with scum!KoD at the time. I'd be inclined to say that being scum together wouldn't necessarily effect their dynamic but that doesn't take into account who else may be on their team and doesn't account for the possibility that they may have drawn a lover bond themselves (which would be hilarious).
oh god it's JD after all
weren't you also in tevish's end of the world mafia? I was scum there too
You say that like you're not happy to see me.
Also that was the one you refused to hit me at the end of the game wasn't it? I'll have to review both and see if I grab different feels then.
they're both definitely different vibes but that also comes from the games being extremely different setups ig
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:19:26 PM
Could someone sum up the arguments for KoD's lynch, please? I'll go reread their posts in the meanwhile.
Mine is that he hasn't been trying to solve me, has cherry-picked my comments, and has actively tried to shade me for things I didn't even express, in some cases literally expressing the opposite of what he's accused me of.
Mine is that he was mean to me

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 07:24:21 PM
I'm gonna call it an early night. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 29, 2022, 07:29:19 PM
Could someone sum up the arguments for KoD's lynch, please? I'll go reread their posts in the meanwhile.
Mine is that he hasn't been trying to solve me, has cherry-picked my comments, and has actively tried to shade me for things I didn't even express, in some cases literally expressing the opposite of what he's accused me of.
Mine is that he was mean to me

Could someone sum up the arguments for KoD's lynch, please? I'll go reread their posts in the meanwhile.
Mine is that he hasn't been trying to solve me, has cherry-picked my comments, and has actively tried to shade me for things I didn't even express, in some cases literally expressing the opposite of what he's accused me of.
I can't help but suspecting that what you consider mean or shading is possibly just their playstyle? I have never played with them, but it just feels like a bit of a stretch to say it's wolf-y to play "meanly".

Can someone explain to me how multi-quoting works? Every time I multi-quote (as seen above), there is no space between the two multi-quoted posts. I am unable to create a paragraph between the two quotes and it's just a bit annoying only being able to write underneath the quotes. How do I insert an empty paragraph in between the quotes? Is there an advanced editor where I can check the BBCode?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 29, 2022, 07:35:55 PM
Could someone sum up the arguments for KoD's lynch, please? I'll go reread their posts in the meanwhile.
Mine is that he hasn't been trying to solve me, has cherry-picked my comments, and has actively tried to shade me for things I didn't even express, in some cases literally expressing the opposite of what he's accused me of.
Mine is that he was mean to me

Could someone sum up the arguments for KoD's lynch, please? I'll go reread their posts in the meanwhile.
Mine is that he hasn't been trying to solve me, has cherry-picked my comments, and has actively tried to shade me for things I didn't even express, in some cases literally expressing the opposite of what he's accused me of.
I can't help but suspecting that what you consider mean or shading is possibly just their playstyle? I have never played with them, but it just feels like a bit of a stretch to say it's wolf-y to play "meanly".

Can someone explain to me how multi-quoting works? Every time I multi-quote (as seen above), there is no space between the two multi-quoted posts. I am unable to create a paragraph between the two quotes and it's just a bit annoying only being able to write underneath the quotes. How do I insert an empty paragraph in between the quotes? Is there an advanced editor where I can check the BBCode?
My case has nothing to do with playstyle or perceived levels of mean-ness. I'd frankly be weirded out if he didn't have a very biting tone, just from reputation alone. I will never be here for people actively misrepresenting my words and views, though. That's what I find Wolfy. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 07:39:32 PM
I realize that's how the game is played and I'm not actually taking it personally. I'm just a pretty player. Overall I do find everything they've added to be far from helpful. But also I am a child and I don't like meanies 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 08:01:42 PM
is wiml the turtle
He's the demon tortoise who subbed into Attack on Titan and wrecked your collective shit, yup.
He was torture. I was so happy that you took him down and gave a gloat during MM2. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 29, 2022, 08:05:41 PM
I like how Ex approached the trust tell thing, feels towny to me. 

Also, kill tortoise if any
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 29, 2022, 08:39:03 PM

Also, kill tortoise if any
B-But they're endangered! :(
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 08:58:52 PM
Don't kill the tortoise they are my friends!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 09:39:58 PM
I'm boooored
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 29, 2022, 09:52:22 PM
I'm boooored
Come help me shovel snow, I've been trying to clear the driveway and sidewalk for over 4 hours now and I'm tired and sore.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 09:55:54 PM
I'm boooored
Come help me shovel snow, I've been trying to clear the driveway and sidewalk for over 4 hours now and I'm tired and sore.
I have to do that enough myself but at this point maybe lol 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 29, 2022, 10:06:50 PM
We didn't get a lot, but our driveway is about 200 feet long.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 10:51:09 PM
Eek that's awful
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 29, 2022, 10:51:51 PM
Used to have a drive like that but we just plowed with a tractor
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 29, 2022, 11:13:48 PM
Am I blind and somehow misread that there were 54 pages instead of the 70ish that exist?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on January 29, 2022, 11:20:04 PM
Fiinally caught up. Want to get something in quick while I can. 

Vote: TGN
I still think he's hiding behind a derp mask. 
ExLight's reaction to Anubhav's request for a pinky promise rubbed me the wrong way. 
KoD's reasoning in his back and forth with Laurentus didn't seem as suspect to me as others seem to think.
Think ENE is more likely than not a town scanner role, but not convinced they're town. Same for Abigail and their neighborhood role but more likely.
Several players I'm not familiar with have sorta morphed together after so many posts...
Suspicious of the Dolby/Laurentus/Vroendal thing going on - someone pocketing another? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 29, 2022, 11:40:32 PM
I like how Ex approached the trust tell thing, feels towny to me.

Also, kill tortoise if any
it's NAI really
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 01:52:39 AM
@ Laur:

Position or words? Because I've been addressing your words as they've come tumbling off your keyboard into these posts. You took what ENE had mentioned about the Scarecrow role and said something to the effect of, "These guys were mentioned in the post so they must be in the game which makes Scarecrow likely town," even though, per my response in questioning, we've had a plethora of others mentioned that may not be in the game. So how about you do me a favor and try being clear, hm? In talking about the subject of people that appeared in the flavor (which you even went back to count out) are you, or are you not of the mindset that they are in the game? Because if your thinking has changed on the subject, that's fine; however, what isn't fine is sitting there playing the victim because I talked negatively about your perspective on the matter at hand.


Throwback to the whole you being confusing with all the posting you've been doing with respect to pulling at various areas with your "theorizing". Quite literally it has been made known by Ex followed by myself that taking the flavor at face value is not the best approach (more or less -- *Looks at Neon.*). But hey, if you've recognized the error of your ways, then props to you there. As for me gaslighting you on this front -- hardly. After all, again, you were the one taking your straws from the flavor and stretching to make the erroneous assumption that Scarecrow is likely town despite not having anything to actually go on for sure. The exception I'll grant here is that if you take that Batman game as face value and assume the villain is town despite that not necessarily translating the same for other villain roles in this particular game, but eh.

As for you, idk how you view yourself. How I view you I have said. Just because you *haven't* fake claimed as scum yet doesn't mean you are incapable of doing so. Surely you don't expect me to take your word at face value concerning your alignment. Do you?

Also, my advice doesn't apply to me. It applies strictly to you because all I did was give my perspective. You took my perspective, actively assessed it, then turned and threw it back in my face as something entirely different (with intent behind it) to translate it into something it was not. At best the closest I would have done is ***maybe*** misrepresent you over the flavor even though the focus was on how you addressed Scarecrow (which was accurate in and of itself). That hardly equates to what you did by putting ill intent behind my perspective (especially since the stance on flavor is just that -- a stance. Just look at Neon waiting to get burned when a bastard game rears up and bites).

Let me squint my eyes a moment. Uh huh. Yeah, I'm not seeing any cherry-picking. What I'm seeing is that I accurately described your perspective wrt to the Batman characters. Last I had checked you hadn't walked back that perspective. Sure, you may have looked and gone, "Huh this doesn't look right," with the entire list you constructed, but that's not the same as going, "Ok, maybe I'm wrong about my assumption with the Batman toons all being in this." If anything, that reads as you actively recognizing you were wrong, but rather than openly going with that, you just run with the victim angle and claim wrong doing against you even though the comments are accurate.

Like you don't have to give me a break on that, but lol. I can still even.

But hey, let me go look at your post again just so I'm doing my part to at least be fair to you.

Yeah, it's just as I read it the first go round. You mention the Batman toons and how all can't be wolves (ergo Scarecrow likely town). You look at all the people mentioned and explicitly say something is strange (as you said, you mentioned your own role not being mentioned). You don't specifically say that your original "theory" is wrong (that not all the Batman toons are in the game), but you do explicitly state that you don't know Scarecrow's alignment (though whether that is a retraction of your original Scarecrow is likely town is debatable and something you can clear up as you obviously shouldn't know unless you know more than you're letting on and slipped).

In any event, I've done my due diligence and do not see in any way how I've done anything equitable when compared to your own reaction towards me. So yeah. I'm going to rest on that. You get a solid null-scum lean from me for your over defensiveness of yourself and trying to characterize yourself as a victim while also reacting with ill intent towards me (doctor baiting accusation).

Not trying to solve indeed. You act like the game should be solved D1 (which I guess explains your numerous responses concerning the reaction test that obviously did wonders for solving).


@ Dolby:

We can agree to disagree over ENE's handling of his claim D1. For me, a good part of it stems from ENE still claiming because "cop", yet walking it back despite: knowing he's a cop variant (flavor) and knowing he's outing himself to cc in the first place. Nothing about the approach seems careful.

Concerning your question about how I got to Wintermoot -

When compared to Neon, Neon's high fluff and constant talk is too attention-getty. Wintermoot is straightforward in terms of his game posts. I don't count his tech stuff or mod stuff or w/e as fluff or anything because that's business. His posts with CL? Short and to the point without much else to glance at or delve into. He runs with the pack. Not out in front. Not in the back. That's why I look at him over Neon every single time.

Regarding Anubhav -

Normally when I talk about a Nader vote it usually deals with wagons that are competing or are close. CL's wagon wasn't exactly close to Gerrick's though so it is hard to talk about a Nader vote (like TGN on ENE or whichever of them voted the other). Anubhav's is notable though strictly because it was for No Lynch despite the events of CL and cop claims and whatever that directed most of the votes. It'd actually be worth looking back at that particular post when Anubhav decided to No Lynch though any input from Anubhav would be great too if only for more context from the source.

Back to Wintermoot -

Ah, you want a comparison with Coz as well. Coz has actually been putting out thoughts from what little I have seen (best example is the read list Coz gave). Just offering reads so people see how others are falling in your headspace helps if not much else beyond that. That's one thing Wintermoot lacks in as far as I am aware. I actually believe I said a small snipet over Coz not pulling the spotlight onto them. That is, they're not loud like some here, but they still offer content (more than Wintermoot).


Does Laur think I am scum? Oh well for him.


Now actually your vote, Neon, is interesting if it's strictly as you are saying.

It's one thing to be rubbed the wrong way like with Laur, but simply because you'd rather not play again with me? Ha ha ha ha ha ha

To date we've got me hard disagreeing with you over the flavor, and that's enough to get a vote out of you. That's rather unimpressive.


"At this point, I'm convinced KoD is scum trying his damndest to cast doubt on ENE because he backed himself into a corner during the night phase with his back-and-forth with me and was terrified that ENE could out a town result on me. "

Honestly if someone were to clear you with a peek that'd be to your benefit given how scummy you've been coming off.

That was directed at Laur in case there is any confusion.



No Name



The ones in the middle are nulls with those closer to the borders being leans. Where Gerrick is at is more of a neutral point for my nulls. RedM and Moon have not made an impression on me (I don't even know if Moon has posted at all). Vro, given him being the Scarecrow as he confirmed based off ENE saying as much, can move him down or up in the list. Probably up a spot as his posting isn't pinging me over what he's saying even if he's not at wordy as Laur or even myself.

You, Anubhav, would've been right on the border of the null/scum area for me if it hadn't been for the most recent postings from Laur towards me. Looking at how people voted is one thing, but interacting and seeing how a person reacts to oneself is enlightening in its own way. Actually, let me adjust ENE and Neon. Neon's voting and carelessness over it (playing pitifully and acting all woe is me) is way more scummy then my perceived outlook over how ENE approached the claiming.

Time to post and continue.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 01:59:25 AM
@ Anubhav:

That isn't OMGUS from TGN. Neon is literally playing in a headshaking way, and Neon shouldn't be given a pass for making such moves and trying to act all innocent or, as I characterized it, "woe is me".

I mean, would you like it if you had someone running around throwing votes with horrible logic behind them and letting them walk away without issue? Or would you be fine if, for example, you got voted because your name starts with A and A is the first letter in the alphabet? I trust the duplicity of such reasoning isn't lost on you.

But since we're on the topic of TGN,

@ TGN:

What was the deal with someone saying you were being derpy and hating on you for it?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 02:04:58 AM
@ No Name:


Also, yeah, I know CL made himself a target. That's what I was saying to that guy that was all like, "My reaction test brings CL to the yard."

Anyway, that whole statement in the OP is what you would get from any standard bastard game in our area. The argument with Neon hasn't born fruit in Neon's favor yet because, as the general argument went, Neon asserted flavor mattered and I disagreed given the manner in which the flavor was being used (ie. Laur's statement regarding the Batman characters).

If you dislike that I disagreed with the natives over how they run their business, well, that's how I do. You know that's how we do.

Until such time as the flavor becomes impactful in a verifiable way, I'm standing by my flavor doesn't matter stance as that is the least likely to lead to a mistake.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 02:10:47 AM
"I mean I was ready to jump on that train at any point in time. Because I'm petty as fuck. " - Neon

That's been obvious since the first few responses. It certainly falls right into the category of not actually solving (especially when you're so vocal about it in that manner).
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 02:16:58 AM
@No Name again:

I'm not paired with Ex in any way, unless Ex is town.

Which is kind of hilarious in its own way because after the 9 months or so (maybe longer Ex as it could have been 2020) of our last game it's interesting that both Ex and I are actually pleasant with each other as much as we can be anyway.

I mean, what happened in the past will always be there, but that hasn't stopped either of us from playing in games together nor has it soured the interactions either (I mean if I can put up with having my teeth shoved down my ears, I'd say I can get along just fine with him).

That said, I stand by my outlook of Ex this game as he's not pinging me with any of the shenanigans that I would normally be calling him out on and trying to lynch him over.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 02:25:53 AM
Damn I'm impressed you figured me out so well


I mean your wrong but you won't listen anyways. 

Really don't care if I play with you again though. Join us as many times as you want your just so cute.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 02:29:10 AM
And while you're at it since you think TGN's clearly misplaced read on me is somehow a good read? 
And that I'm clearly just playing innocent why not hit me with that vote 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 02:30:09 AM
It would perhaps be beneficial to drop this particular line of conversation for thread health, as least for now. Let it sit for a bit.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 30, 2022, 02:30:23 AM
Quick update from my perspective.

My scum leans towards Gerrick and TGN have not changed much today, although I don't see them both being wolves. 

Neon outing Moon's role was not a good play, but don't see a wolf doing that, what's the point? Could be that Neon is another 3p? She's voted for 3 different people today so I'm not sure if she suspects all 3 or is just going for reactions.

Trying to wrap my head around the whole KoD/Lau/Ex/Dolby thing. Don't know enough about any of them to have a meta viewpoint so I'm basically stuck with what others are saying about each of them.

If Neon was being truthful, then I guess Moon is likely town, albeit a very quiet one.

Knowing now that TGN is only 14 may explain some of the weird stuff they've said, but at the same time I'm not ready to give him a pass just yet. His vote from yesterday still strikes me as odd.

I've pretty much decided that I was entirely wrong about NoName on D1 and I just chalk that up to exhaustion.

If I had to vote right now I'd probably vote TGN, with Gerrick being the 2nd option. My PoE is a field of two at the moment.

I'll try reading bits of the thread again tomorrow morning and should be able to vote near EoD. Our church service was moved to 2 PM because of the snow here, so I'll be free in the morning which I'm normally not on Sundays.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 02:32:20 AM
@ ENE:

First, the "case" against me is seemingly just Laur's perspective while others want to vote me for other "reasons". As Laur put it, he feels I'm cherry-picking statements, shading him, and saying he's doing things he's not (more or less). I've already said my piece to him on that in an earlier post. Neon, being one of the others that is voting me, has strictly said it is because they "don't want to play with me." Other votes come in the form of support, more or less, for Laur. That pretty much sums it up.


When I say, "Unless you are sure of your claim to the role," I'm talking about counterclaiming the cop because you are the cop. Think in general. Someone claims the cop, but you know you are the cop so they must be lying. Bam. Counterclaim. As I talked about much earlier when I gave my perspective of you, you came out with your counterclaim, but then went, "Oh, wait, nvm. I rescind my counterclaim." That looks like the mark of a person who isn't sure of their claim to the role. CL claimed to be a cop (no specifics given), and you opted to counterclaim because you were(?) a cop as well; however, you obviously didn't feel so strong about that given your functionality (just the flavor) which made you a variant of a traditional cop role. Effectively you outed yourself and cast doubt on CL's claim in varying degrees (in Laur's case not really, but for others they may have took you at face value).

My dislike doesn't come from you not sharing your results. It's independent of your results. My focus is on the approach.

Looking back to the above, you obviously outed yourself, but as a (possible - confirmed) variant of a cop. Who's to say that, as scum, this wasn't intentional? By openly counterclaiming the claimed cop as a role that could be scum aligned, and then walking said claim back, you are out there to be assessed solely on that.

With regard to the PR hunting as that role (as scum), you'd share your results openly because why not? You've put yourself out in the open (favorably) as a potential town PR that survived the first night (as scum that'd be simple to accomplish by no hitting that night if that's truly the gambit), and you can keep up the charade by putting your results out (correctly as you wouldn't have to lie) while the scum team could assess whether or not to hit based on flavor (and a connection to the role if the roles are drawn *almost* exactly from their prior game).


"I will never be here for people actively misrepresenting my words and views, though. That's what I find Wolfy." - Laur

I've got a lovely pot and kettle I'd like you to see.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 02:32:43 AM
It would perhaps be beneficial to drop this particular line of conversation for thread health, as least for now. Let it sit for a bit.

Just playing the game
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 02:33:45 AM
@ Neon:

Are you talking about my vote?

Why would I vote you when I've given a clear list?

I know how to keep my head and be petty with style.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 02:36:44 AM
This is style?


Clearly I've misunderstood the whole definition of that word.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 02:38:44 AM
But I'll bite my tongue for thread health as they say. 

You guys go have fun playing now I'm going to go make some kool-aid 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 02:44:22 AM
It's certainly not all fluff and acting cute, that's for sure.

Besides, the level of depth from you is surface at best with the obvious point, against you, being exactly what Laur said about me wrt to him. That is, you're not doing any solving. You're just there.

At best, if I'm wrong about you, your completely unfocused and just doing whatever without more thought to your actions.

At worst, if I'm correct about you, you're intentionally obfuscating yourself with all the fluff and acts while making "subpar" moves as scum. Truly though the cover isn't that great when all you do, for a vote, is essentially OMGUS.

Like, you even try to bait me into voting you despite how you appear to me relative to some others. What are you doing (because it's certainly not beneficial -- unless the benefit is truly to just get rid of me in which case lol)?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 02:46:49 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 02:48:19 AM
In my "less wordy" opinion for what it's worth, the way Neon is responding is not indicative of her being a wolf.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 02:49:29 AM
Voting someone simply because you don't want to play with them again is scummy, Vro.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 02:49:57 AM
Nor is it conductive to actually solving, unless you'd care to argue the point.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 02:50:02 AM
Your right silly me I did just lynch CL because omgus and made absolutely no case against him at all

And I did vote for Vro because omgus? Apparently and not at all to actually get a reaction out of them which almost certainly didn't work at all

And I did only vote for TGN because omgus? And not because I've repeatedly pointed out information about why I don't trust what TGN is doing at all 

And I never pointed out my logic on why I was concerned about how Ex was playing. 

I've attempted to solve nothing just been sitting here going through the motions
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 02:51:02 AM
Voting someone simply because you don't want to play with them again is scummy, Vro.
You really really don't like to read do you lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 02:51:10 AM
Voting someone simply because you don't want to play with them again is scummy, Vro.

As a reason given perhaps, but then again I also think it's just human.

I don't see this going anywhere helpful.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 02:54:52 AM
I don't know how many times I can possibly say I don't care if you play here or how many times and I will happily play with you again. And if your mean to me and the opportunity arises I'll get in a bus and run you over with it in that game too.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 02:55:26 AM
Mean of course being subjective and mostly in this case a joke but I digress
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 03:10:41 AM
Anyways that's within the game outside of the game none of this matters at all. You could sit here and say whatever you want about my gameplay and within the game I'll play how I play but as long as you don't take that outside of the game I truly don't care,  and the next game is just a clean board for me I don't try to look back at past games like everyone else seems to. Not do I have the time to hold a grudge or want to not play with someone. 

I play this game because

A. I like playing games

B. It's fun

C. I actually genuinely like the flavor and the stories and I want to be part of them. 

D. The above ties into this point I like to roleplay and fuck around

I learned a while ago not to give a damn about what anyone says about me in this game or about how they want to act about my style.

So anyways there's like 5 people I could see being scum and you are actually one of them so voting for you is not solely because I'm petty. I mean I am,  but if I actually thought you weren't possibly scum I would just vote TGN. Just kinda rate you and him about the same on my list.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 03:11:53 AM
Vro, why would it be helpful? Or rather, helpful in what way?

As it stands, that's pretty much what Neon has stated twice for a reasoning for voting.

It's "helpful" in pointing out how scummy Neon is acting (and contrast that with TGN commenting about how Neon is acting to avoid consequence haha).

It's not "helpful" for advancing discussion in the vein of solving. That much I'll agree with (as far as Neon's action goes should that keep on carrying on into the game).


What's that Neon? Is this a case of Schrodinger's Scum?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 03:19:47 AM
So you want me to solve...

I do actually agree that I feel Wintermoot could indeed be scum but I'm not sold on that so much because Moot is also genuinely busy with a lot of things and I have seen Moot sign up for wolf before and than essentially cease to exist within it and usually that happens as town and not wolf but I still agree to that extent. 

I've repeated this numerous times but I don't trust TGN at all. He's played into his age and the fact that everyone will overlook his play by using that as a shield for his play. He's been called out on it before and his play changed after. TGN is capable of playing better.

I am not,  I fucking suck at this game and I will never be good at it so I play "fluff" fuck with Lau and try to lynch the hosts. I don't trust when TGN does it because I know he's capable of being more than I am. 

Next I'm actually kind of concerned that one of the three of Dolby, Lau and Vro is playing the other 2 and is actually a wolf but I'm not entirely sold on that so mainly I've been waiting for more on that

I actually do find ENE's flip flopping on to cop or not to cop concerning.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 03:27:25 AM
You have a serious lack of progression that doesn't jive with what you're saying, Neon.


TGN - Scum leaning: I think it was Doc who once said that TGN was a better player now than the one who was playing dumb, and that playing dumb reads scummy because of his knowledge of what TGN can do. I'm to lazy to scan through games but I'm almost positive that's right. I don't really understand the Moot vote I'm not against it but feels weird when there were two pretty solid options that you'd just pop in vote for a 3rd option as a one off vote and leave again. I guess I can understand it, but also is a very easy way not to stick your neck out as wolf.

Vroendal - I'm pretty suspicious because I know Vro can keep up with a game this pace and I know they are capable of playing on a high level and yet they've done nothing. Promised a reads list after the fake play by Lau but we never got it. Doesn't hold up to me. Leaning Scum.

Eastern New England - I don't know enough about them or their play so null.

Anubhav Ghosh - I think town. Good reactions overall doesn't seem to be keeping as much attention on the game but that's okay.

Red Mones - Null. Just hasn't done a thing.

Dolby - Null. I don't know enough yet, seems like the reactions and paranoia I'd expect from Town but another player I'm not familiar enough with to say one way or the other.

Lau - Town leaning. This is pretty much what I expect from Lau and the aggressive approach he's displayed sits exactly where I'd expect from Lau. Mildly suspect on that fake claim but fatiguing reactions off it was extremely helpful so seems like a good play even if I don't like it, he did pull back with enough time to let us make our decisions not based off the fake claim alone and didn't let us fester on the claim when he wasn't around and I do like that from a Town perspective.

cozmikrae - Town. Her fear of lynching me and me flipping Town is with historical precedent. Her initial sus on me seems accurate of how I'm playing and how she usually reads that lol. Her reactions to everything feel normal

Aersoldorf - I trust anyone who want to hang out with me :p but dude is town.

KingofDominaria - Null nothing doing.

Gerrick - Gerrick feels weird to me I stand by what I said about him going silent because he thought he'd been found out his reasoning doesn't feel right but as of right now I'm not sure overall so null leaning slightly towards scum though.

Wintermoot - Null.

NoName - Null but leaning Town a bit. All the ice cream does is makes me think of kpop

Moondrop - just seems overwhelmed. Null.

ExLight - Scum. I have played with Ex enough to know that he's always active and aggressive this quiet play and the reasons for them don't feel right at all he's never played like this in all my games with him as Town I don't trust it at all

Context for comparison with what you're saying.

To date your first locked in vote was against CL for very much reasons that fall into the OMGUS territory. That, and CL definitely made it easy to vote for him.

Coming out of that though, you only keep lines, similar to what you're talking about, on Ex and TGN that jive with what you're saying, savvy?

Yet, wrt to me, your progression is seriously lacking. In the spam of 30 pages, you went from "null nothing" to "one of five" for being scum. And that progression was in the form of, what? You disliking me or me disagreeing with you?

I'd say TGN hit the mark concerning you. You're certainly of no benefit that much I can measure given how you're choosing to approach me (and as can been seen by your progression). Whether or not you're crafting this from a scum perspective or because you're knee-jerk reacting to how negatively I'm looking upon you is up in the air for me though. It's certainly scummy in nature. Intent though? Hard to tell though it seems opportunistic.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 03:28:38 AM
Ewwwwww. That actually reads like trying to defuse.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 03:33:08 AM
Hardly the first person to say I am of no value definitely won't be the last. Was a player here once who wanted me dead day 1 every game because "I was a detriment even as a townie" actually kinda how I got my reputation really. Same player is the one I've used for my fear of TGN. Was a good player.

I really don't want to do this Neon only voted for CL cause OMGUS thing when I actually laid out my case and asked for the reads list promised to which we got "I actually didn't read the thread again" so yanno I was pushing that for actual reasons that were actually true and than CL made it the easiest Day 1 vote of all time.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 03:33:33 AM
Vro, why would it be helpful? Or rather, helpful in what way?

As it stands, that's pretty much what Neon has stated twice for a reasoning for voting.

It's "helpful" in pointing out how scummy Neon is acting (and contrast that with TGN commenting about how Neon is acting to avoid consequence haha).

It's not "helpful" for advancing discussion in the vein of solving. That much I'll agree with (as far as Neon's action goes should that keep on carrying on into the game).


What's that Neon? Is this a case of Schrodinger's Scum?
I don't think it would be helpful for you, for Neon, for the low-posters who don't want to read massive walls in a game they're already struggling in, for myself, who thinks Neon is obvtown but am still split on you, or for advancing the game right now. I appreciate your passion and desire to win that are clearly emphasized in your posts, but I don't see much more than pointless arguing over different approaches right now.

If you're saying that you're continuing on a line of conversation which you admit is only helpful in pointing out that to you, Neon's style and actions have been scummy. I think she's likely town.

I must confess that I haven't processed everything you've said yet, I'm not smart enough to even understand everything you're saying tbh, but I shall attempt to do to the best of my ability. Continuing the KoD v Neon drama-piece that's being acted out here doesn't seem very fun to me though.

I don't know who I'll vote, it all feels wrong.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 03:35:40 AM
I'm actually going to adjust my list to put you side by side with Laur.

Next question is are you and Laur scum together? I'm going to say no. Interaction-wise, for most of the thread, you two have been like most everyone else with being conversational and friendly; however, focusing on how you've talked about me, it is curious that you'd follow suit with Laur's open desire and subsequent vote of me to go in on me as well. I mean, Laur is certainly more vocal than you, and he's got more to talk about than you do. You've been limited in your topics (for whatever reason) while Laur has had more to draw upon in conversation. Thus the vote from you feels like you're following on Laur's coattails.

I need some calibration:

No Name, Ex, and Laur -- how do you feel about Vro's post regarding voting for someone strictly because you don't want to play with them being scummy in and of itself but it's also human?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 03:37:52 AM
Vro, why would it be helpful? Or rather, helpful in what way?

As it stands, that's pretty much what Neon has stated twice for a reasoning for voting.

It's "helpful" in pointing out how scummy Neon is acting (and contrast that with TGN commenting about how Neon is acting to avoid consequence haha).

It's not "helpful" for advancing discussion in the vein of solving. That much I'll agree with (as far as Neon's action goes should that keep on carrying on into the game).


What's that Neon? Is this a case of Schrodinger's Scum?
I don't think it would be helpful for you, for Neon, for the low-posters who don't want to read massive walls in a game they're already struggling in, for myself, who thinks Neon is obvtown but am still split on you, or for advancing the game right now. I appreciate your passion and desire to win that are clearly emphasized in your posts, but I don't see much more than pointless arguing over different approaches right now.

If you're saying that you're continuing on a line of conversation which you admit is only helpful in pointing out that to you, Neon's style and actions have been scummy. I think she's likely town.

I must confess that I haven't processed everything you've said yet, I'm not smart enough to even understand everything you're saying tbh, but I shall attempt to do to the best of my ability. Continuing the KoD v Neon drama-piece that's being acted out here doesn't seem very fun to me though.

I don't know who I'll vote, it all feels wrong.
Sorry...I'll back off and go to my neighborhood and y'all can try to get the train back on the tracks 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 03:38:00 AM
I'm sorry Vro, but the only way I stop is when I'm dead.

And even then that's not always a guarantee.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 03:39:08 AM
I would like to point out that I never actually voted for you, KoD, because though I agreed with Lau's perspective I wanted to hear both sides of the story. I do intend to make my vote for my own reasons...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 03:39:28 AM
Also not sure exactly how the unvote command works like at all
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 03:39:53 AM
So just like tell me how to do that oh lovely game mods
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 03:44:39 AM
I would also like to point out that beyond being the perfect townie there are other more subtle reasons that I am very clearly obviously not a wolf...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 03:46:46 AM
First, I know you never physically voted me for (yet) Vro. I'm pretty sure I made it a point to say Laur had support in that respect (with his desire to vote me). So, thanks? For the info I guess.

Second, we're in a, as I understand it, rather large game. Players are going to have to contend with a lot of content (myself included since I can't always be here). Just because some exist that *may* have issue keeping up should not and will not, as far as I am concerned, curb discussion about something that should be talked about.

Third, this whole Neon/KoD thing boils down, simply, to Neon making a simple vote with an extremely simple reason. As I've continued to discuss the topic at hand, I'm pointing out the issues Neon has. I don't see how that is unhelpful. If anything, curbing discussion is unhelpful as far as town should be concerned (because the more content there is to sift there, the more town has to assess which helps to continue building reads).

Next, concerning you, Neon, you would take an opportunity to exit from the discussion, eh? Tell you what. I'll do my due diligence just like I did with Laur and review your posts concerning CL; however, and let me be ***extremely*** clear that that topic there is separate from what you've done here regarding me -- as if saying someone is mean and that's why you voted them is a just a joke in the end (ala Schrodinger's Scum -- doing something scummy and waiting to see how people react to decide if it is a joke or not).

Finally, Vro, are you this humble naturally? Because it's interesting to see one person putting themself down during conversation with no hint of sarcasm evident. Not smart, eh? Hmph.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 03:49:31 AM
Yes, beyond all other qualities I am incredibly humble.
But actually I'm reading the words you've posted and I actually don't follow at all they're just phasing through my mind, but asking you to restate them will be pointless because I think it's just your posting style but my mental energy and motivation is low right now and this conversation has brought it even lower.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 03:51:13 AM
I'm sure I could paraphrase in such a way that it'll make whatever point I have not confusing to you.

So, why don't you, idk, give me something tangible to work with?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 03:54:16 AM
I'm sure I could paraphrase in such a way that it'll make whatever point I have not confusing to you.

So, why don't you, idk, give me something tangible to work with?
That would be helpful.
Why is Neon scummy in three sentences or less?
Why is Lau's case against you wrong in three sentences or less?
Why am I now as sus as Lau to you in three sentences or less?

I did get your statement to ENE.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 03:56:23 AM
I exited the discussion because the last time I was involved with something like this with someone from outside Wintreath and people started to say it wasn't fun anymore the game broke down and eventually got canceled and had to be restarted and as I see it trending in that direction and I have massive respect for the game hosts and the story they are telling because I'm a massive fan of story writing in general I would prefer to just not let that happen again. 

I'm more than comfortable defending myself but frankly I don't like that I'm making anyone feel unhappy with the game when the fact is that happiness and fun is the main reason I play the game myself
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 03:58:44 AM
Neon may you please consider me for neighborization? I promise I'm actually good here and I have so many things I want to say but can't or shouldn't and hydra games have spoiled me, I actually don't feel like I am capable of thinking clearly while posting in regards to... all this right now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 04:00:06 AM
I don't want to play my cards out of turn but you are on the list of toys I'd like to add to my collection.

You gotta bring tea though okay.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 04:00:57 AM
Or kool-aid
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 04:01:41 AM
Deal, I only like sweeter teas though.

I have a rose tea that's really good.

Oh yeah??
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 04:02:40 AM
Deal, I only like sweeter teas though.

I have a rose tea that's really good.

Oh yeah??
I like roses 

But I need to see my other offers

What other teas will my potential friends offer to the tea goddess?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 04:04:32 AM
Deal, I only like sweeter teas though.

I have a rose tea that's really good.

Oh yeah??
I like roses

But I need to see my other offers

What other teas will my potential friends offer to the tea goddess?
It won't even matter this rose tea is that good.

I also have two different kinds of those herbal tea sampler boxes so I have a lot of fruit and sleepy teas if that's more your thing.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 30, 2022, 04:04:48 AM
I'm actually going to adjust my list to put you side by side with Laur.

Next question is are you and Laur scum together? I'm going to say no. Interaction-wise, for most of the thread, you two have been like most everyone else with being conversational and friendly; however, focusing on how you've talked about me, it is curious that you'd follow suit with Laur's open desire and subsequent vote of me to go in on me as well. I mean, Laur is certainly more vocal than you, and he's got more to talk about than you do. You've been limited in your topics (for whatever reason) while Laur has had more to draw upon in conversation. Thus the vote from you feels like you're following on Laur's coattails.

I need some calibration:

No Name, Ex, and Laur -- how do you feel about Vro's post regarding voting for someone strictly because you don't want to play with them being scummy in and of itself but it's also human?
voting someone out because you don't want to play with them because they're too good -> scummy
voting someone out because you don't want to play with them because they're too bad -> assholey but towny
voting someone out because you don't want to play with someone because they're unpleasant -> NAI
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 30, 2022, 04:05:27 AM
not sure if that's what you asked me for but im too tired now to think properly
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 04:14:42 AM
Second, we're in a, as I understand it, rather large game. Players are going to have to contend with a lot of content (myself included since I can't always be here). Just because some exist that *may* have issue keeping up should not and will not, as far as I am concerned, curb discussion about something that should be talked about.

Third, this whole Neon/KoD thing boils down, simply, to Neon making a simple vote with an extremely simple reason. As I've continued to discuss the topic at hand, I'm pointing out the issues Neon has. I don't see how that is unhelpful. If anything, curbing discussion is unhelpful as far as town should be concerned (because the more content there is to sift there, the more town has to assess which helps to continue building reads).
We're doing to have to agree to disagree on this count. In the long run, I think losing players to lack of motivation from the activity is significantly worse because it shuts down all communication from everyone else. You fully hash it out with Neon, Lau, and me, and then what? Half the playerbase now wants to sub out because they can't keep up and the others are sick of it all.
Making your points aren't unhelpful until they incur on the abilities of others to process what you've said.
This is already shaping up to be the most active game we've had, in all time. Most people just want to have fun and not have to slog through 40 pages since they last read.
I'm shutting up now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 04:22:00 AM
Next, concerning you, Neon, you would take an opportunity to exit from the discussion, eh? Tell you what. I'll do my due diligence just like I did with Laur and review your posts concerning CL; however, and let me be ***extremely*** clear that that topic there is separate from what you've done here regarding me -- as if saying someone is mean and that's why you voted them is a just a joke in the end (ala Schrodinger's Scum -- doing something scummy and waiting to see how people react to decide if it is a joke or not).
I'm going to attempt to make this more civil and less combative in order to keep the enjoyment in the game and I'm trying this exactly 1 time. 

I voted for you because I play characters when I play Werewolf and playfully in character you've said stuff about stuffing my face and such that would upset my character. It was a joke in that I am voting for you on the pettiness of a fictional character that I'm playing and their interpretation of something as an insult.

I play these games in character because that is how I derive my fun from these games especially since I am not capable of doing all this psychological analyzing of every post and it's supposed hidden meaning or thru comparing past metas to current play. 

In fact this game has been a disaster to me personally because I've played in a way that I'm highly uncomfortable and in doing that I've betrayed myself and I'm mad at myself. I don't want to play like you or Lau or even Vro this isn't a slight at how you all play your very passionate and I engage in these games partially because I like watching that in action but that isn't me

I play the way I play the way that people have described. I'm the person who roleplayed a lumberjack in summersend wolf when I literally was a lumberjack and that was the evil faction. I'm the person who posted quotes from my character almost exclusively in LotR Wolf. That's me that's how I have fun. 

In this game I've found myself doing some weird mix of actually wanting to try to play the game like the good players and therefore trying to do reads lists and psycho analyze everything while also trying to play like me and so my roleplay shit that gives me enjoyment in this game

I'm not capable of what I've been attempting to be because that actually isn't me and the least fun I've had is in these arguments with you and Lunch. I've been much happier when I'm posting about tea and cake and playing. And from this point forward I'm going to play my game. 

And weather or not you want to read this all as scum splaining or something else you can. But this right now is actually from the heart and anyone here who has ever experienced me prior to this game will almost assuredly tell you that I'm not lying when I say this. 

And yanno what if I go back to being the day 1 lynch every game because I'm fundamentally a detriment to town when I play my style I'm okay with that too but all this has proven to me is I'm not cut out to play the game that way

Much respect to you all and I hope you honestly play the way that makes you happy and you all get to have fun to because that's what this should be about. And whilst I play my style I will watch and truly honestly admire players like Lau and numbers and Dolby and Vro and yes even you KoD because I admire what your able to do and what I never will.

I'm sorry that I played outside of myself truthfully. Read this as you will and let's go back to just playing the game. I'm going to exclusively play the way I like now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 04:24:28 AM
@ Ex:

That is what I asked. Thank you.

@ Vro:

I'm certainly fine with agreeing to disagree. Bear in mind that there is an ingame mechanic for people to use if they truly feel the need to "keep up". But at some point the player needs to bear responsibility in playing. 

That's neither here nor there though as that is veering away from the topic at hand.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 04:29:00 AM
Deal, I only like sweeter teas though.

I have a rose tea that's really good.

Oh yeah??
I like roses

But I need to see my other offers

What other teas will my potential friends offer to the tea goddess?
It won't even matter this rose tea is that good.

I also have two different kinds of those herbal tea sampler boxes so I have a lot of fruit and sleepy teas if that's more your thing.
But there's so many other people who talk about tea so much and I just want to see what they will offer me yanno 
Surely you can understand that yeah?

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 04:32:00 AM
@ Neon:

I've read your post.

What I'm gathering is that:

- You role play.
- You don't play seriously.

You're more than welcome to do what you want to do.

Just as I'm more than welcomed to focus in on what comes off as scummy to me. If you feel the need to break character because you want to try something different or w/e, that's you. My focus will always be on playing the game, and right now that means assessing you as I have been doing. I will not begin to debate the ups or downs of rping the way you want to since that is entirely not conductive to me continuing to play. Suffice it to say, you chose to do an action that comes off as scummy, and you do not have good reasons to back it up. End of discussion.

I sure hope that in trying to explain yourself out of character was not done solely as an attempt to avoid aggro because that's eh.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 04:38:30 AM
Do you like tea KoD? I've been working on a new blend.


I hope you might enjoy. I even picked a tea set just for you 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 04:40:03 AM
@ Vro:

"Why is Neon scummy in three sentences or less?"

No progression on my slot (refer to previous quote with Neon's list). Votes me out of "dislike". Claims I'm one of five people that are sus (verifiably false given Neon's progression).

"Why is Lau's case against you wrong in three sentences or less?"

Demonstrated that his accusation of cherry-picking comments is not true. His focus is me trying to twist his words when that hasn't, as shown, been the case. Compare with his doctor baiting accusation for a sign of intent.

"Why am I now as sus as Lau to you in three sentences or less?"

You're below Laur in terms of level of sus, unless you're talking about my comments about you over this Neon's vote topic and how you view it.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 30, 2022, 04:42:13 AM
@ No Name:


Also, yeah, I know CL made himself a target. That's what I was saying to that guy that was all like, "My reaction test brings CL to the yard."

Anyway, that whole statement in the OP is what you would get from any standard bastard game in our area. The argument with Neon hasn't born fruit in Neon's favor yet because, as the general argument went, Neon asserted flavor mattered and I disagreed given the manner in which the flavor was being used (ie. Laur's statement regarding the Batman characters).

If you dislike that I disagreed with the natives over how they run their business, well, that's how I do. You know that's how we do.

Until such time as the flavor becomes impactful in a verifiable way, I'm standing by my flavor doesn't matter stance as that is the least likely to lead to a mistake.
The difference between our bastard games and the games here is that our games haven't utilized flavor as a viable game mechanic since before Px2 was a thing. However flavor being clues to decipher is a classic werewolf theme so ignoring players who are telling you that their forum does indeed utilize that in their games is just bone headed. It is not how we do. We challenge playstyles, we don't challenge game designs. If you disagree with Lau's assessment of the flavor, that's fine. That's part of the discourse surrounding decoding flavor clues. That doesn't mean flavor is going to be irrelevant and if you immediately dismiss anybody trying to decode possible flavor clues you will never find an impact and you certainly won't ever verify it. The only reason to do so is to try to shut down a game solving avenue. 

This behavior from you is exactly why I agreed with Lau that you were cherry picking. A better phrase might be that you're reaching for whatever low hanging fruit is in quickest reach and trying to blow that up into the scummiest things in the game. That's a very classic wolf tactic, allowing you to look game solvey without you having to dig too hard into actually game solving. 

The final tipping of the scales for me, and quite possibly only me, is your continual attempts to pocket me. The continual nice nice. The placing me as top town read despite my stances being fairly parallel to those towards the bottom of your list. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 04:47:00 AM
I'm actually going to adjust my list to put you side by side with Laur.

Next question is are you and Laur scum together? I'm going to say no. Interaction-wise, for most of the thread, you two have been like most everyone else with being conversational and friendly; however, focusing on how you've talked about me, it is curious that you'd follow suit with Laur's open desire and subsequent vote of me to go in on me as well. I mean, Laur is certainly more vocal than you, and he's got more to talk about than you do. You've been limited in your topics (for whatever reason) while Laur has had more to draw upon in conversation. Thus the vote from you feels like you're following on Laur's coattails.

I need some calibration:

No Name, Ex, and Laur -- how do you feel about Vro's post regarding voting for someone strictly because you don't want to play with them being scummy in and of itself but it's also human?
I think I confused myself and thought you were referring to me all the way in this through because you used my name in the last part of your post. Hence my later statement explaining that I never voted you. Sorry, just misread.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 05:01:08 AM
So far nothing about the flavor has been front and center in terms of solving. Laur is the only one who brought the flavor up in a way to theorize about it, wrongly, which prompted my own stance against it. My stance, in general, was furthered in conversation by Neon being adamant that the flavor was important always (which prompted the opposite from me and rightly so until such time as the flavor is used to solve).

I am aware of the classic use of the flavor in werewolf due to a game you hosted for us. That is not lost on me; however, it's been quite clear on two fronts that the flavor isn't used that way (at least in this game): nothing in the rules made it known that that would be a method for solving the game, and the players themselves that are native to Wintreath are not going out of their way to solve using the flavor in a way similar to the classical approach. So I do not see myself in error here by asserting that the flavor doesn't matter (until such time that it does when it is utilized in a fashion that is noticeable).

Laur's whole cherry-picking thing is literally him being upset that, when arguing with Neon, I kept portraying Laur as the one speaking as a matter of fact that all the characters were in the flavor despite him having made a post where he acknowledged that something is strange (and in my due diligence in addressing that cherry-picking, I showcased ***exactly*** how I am not since he asserted that the Batman characters had to be in the game and, by extension, reasoned that they can't all be scum and Scarecrow is likely town -- which he later retracted in that assessment post of his as far as knowing Scarecrow's alignment and that in and of itself wasn't a direct recall of his stance that the Batman characters were in the game). In arguing the point, I simply asserted that Laur believed characters mentioned in the flavor had to be roles, and that was strictly true given his statement on the Batman characters. His outlook that I was cherry-picking was simply born out of disliking that, to him, asserting he had that stance, due to his own words, was not accurate and constituted me trying to pick out comments to spin something. That, frankly, was never the case due to his own words and lack of retraction concerning the Batman characters.

I'd hardly say I'm blowing that up into the scummiest thing in the game more so than refuting that point against me. Are you talking about why I am null-scum leaning on Laur instead? Because if that's the case you'd have to focus more so on his comment about doctor baiting which I've addressed in detail. Seeing as how that wasn't brought up on your part, care to offer some of your insight into that particular topic? Was I doctor baiting by hashing out my perspective of ENE with the way I viewed his claim in an attempt to get the doctor to claim?

Continual attempts to be nice to you being the two instances of me saying hhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, and putting you as my top town read? Curious. You know full well that I practically always look at you positively. Ex can more or less back that up much to his chagrin. What I want to know is why you view me doing that is AI to you rather than NAI given how many times we've danced? I mean, I clearly see you saying that it is an attempt on my part to pocket you; however, given the various games where I've flat out made statements like you're always town to me no matter what etc etc as any alignment strikes me oddly for the straight pocket perspective as opposed to the that's my thing concerning you. Huh.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 05:02:45 AM
Would anyone like cake while you discuss the untimely pending doom of our fellow strangers? 


I hear cake makes everyone happy and I'm just trying to make a happy place for all my happy friends 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 05:03:13 AM
@ Vro:

Huh. Alright.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 30, 2022, 05:07:08 AM
Deal, I only like sweeter teas though.

I have a rose tea that's really good.

Oh yeah??
I like roses

But I need to see my other offers

What other teas will my potential friends offer to the tea goddess?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 05:09:59 AM
So far nothing about the flavor has been front and center in terms of solving. Laur is the only one who brought the flavor up in a way to theorize about it, wrongly, which prompted my own stance against it. My stance, in general, was furthered in conversation by Neon being adamant that the flavor was important always (which prompted the opposite from me and rightly so until such time as the flavor is used to solve).

I am aware of the classic use of the flavor in werewolf due to a game you hosted for us. That is not lost on me; however, it's been quite clear on two fronts that the flavor isn't used that way (at least in this game): nothing in the rules made it known that that would be a method for solving the game, and the players themselves that are native to Wintreath are not going out of their way to solve using the flavor in a way similar to the classical approach. So I do not see myself in error here by asserting that the flavor doesn't matter (until such time that it does when it is utilized in a fashion that is noticeable).

Laur's whole cherry-picking thing is literally him being upset that, when arguing with Neon, I kept portraying Laur as the one speaking as a matter of fact that all the characters were in the flavor despite him having made a post where he acknowledged that something is strange (and in my due diligence in addressing that cherry-picking, I showcased ***exactly*** how I am not since he asserted that the Batman characters had to be in the game and, by extension, reasoned that they can't all be scum and Scarecrow is likely town -- which he later retracted in that assessment post of his as far as knowing Scarecrow's alignment and that in and of itself wasn't a direct recall of his stance that the Batman characters were in the game). In arguing the point, I simply asserted that Laur believed characters mentioned in the flavor had to be roles, and that was strictly true given his statement on the Batman characters. His outlook that I was cherry-picking was simply born out of disliking that, to him, asserting he had that stance, due to his own words, was not accurate and constituted me trying to pick out comments to spin something. That, frankly, was never the case due to his own words and lack of retraction concerning the Batman characters.

I'd hardly say I'm blowing that up into the scummiest thing in the game more so than refuting that point against me. Are you talking about why I am null-scum leaning on Laur instead? Because if that's the case you'd have to focus more so on his comment about doctor baiting which I've addressed in detail. Seeing as how that wasn't brought up on your part, care to offer some of your insight into that particular topic? Was I doctor baiting by hashing out my perspective of ENE with the way I viewed his claim in an attempt to get the doctor to claim?

Continual attempts to be nice to you being the two instances of me saying hhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, and putting you as my top town read? Curious. You know full well that I practically always look at you positively. Ex can more or less back that up much to his chagrin. What I want to know is why you view me doing that is AI to you rather than NAI given how many times we've danced? I mean, I clearly see you saying that it is an attempt on my part to pocket you; however, given the various games where I've flat out made statements like you're always town to me no matter what etc etc as any alignment strikes me oddly for the straight pocket perspective as opposed to the that's my thing concerning you. Huh.
Well now see part of why I'm convinced the lore matters is that you know this village we are in now... it looks awfully familiar to me. You know what I'm saying?


And it feels like the space time continuum is kinda falling in on itself here. Maybe we should beat up the pie baking robot thing until it gives us answers? Who's with me?

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 30, 2022, 05:11:19 AM
I've gained nearly no info from the pages and pages of convos between Lau and KOD. Trying to analyze a single conversation is not giving me much in the way of fun, so I'm not bothering much to do it. The only change in my reads list is that KOD has moved higher up my list into being more of a null/town lean. We've heard next to nothing from the other players so I'm really not sure who I should be voting for this phase. In the meantime, unless someone makes a really succinct argument in the next few hours in favor of one player or another, I'm voting Vote: no lynch this phase.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 05:11:29 AM
Deal, I only like sweeter teas though.

I have a rose tea that's really good.

Oh yeah??
I like roses

But I need to see my other offers

What other teas will my potential friends offer to the tea goddess?
Simple, I'll have to calculate that

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 05:12:21 AM
I've gained nearly no info from the pages and pages of convos between Lau and KOD. Trying to analyze a single conversation is not giving me much in the way of fun, so I'm not bothering much to do it. The only change in my reads list is that KOD has moved higher up my list into being more of a null/town lean. We've heard next to nothing from the other players so I'm really not sure who I should be voting for this phase. In the meantime, unless someone makes a really succinct argument in the next few hours in favor of one player or another, I'm voting Vote: no lynch this phase.
Do you like tea?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 05:18:43 AM
Simple argument:

Wintermoot should be lynched for being middle of the pack and unimpactful.

That's where I stand.

Vote: Wintermoot
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 05:20:54 AM
Vote: Wintermoot
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 05:22:12 AM
Vote: Wintermoot
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 05:23:17 AM
Simple argument:

Wintermoot should be lynched for being middle of the pack and unimpactful.

That's where I stand.

Vote: Wintermoot
We can put tags now, I forgot myself.
/vote surrounded by brackets
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 30, 2022, 06:19:03 AM
I've gained nearly no info from the pages and pages of convos between Lau and KOD. Trying to analyze a single conversation is not giving me much in the way of fun, so I'm not bothering much to do it. The only change in my reads list is that KOD has moved higher up my list into being more of a null/town lean. We've heard next to nothing from the other players so I'm really not sure who I should be voting for this phase. In the meantime, unless someone makes a really succinct argument in the next few hours in favor of one player or another, I'm voting Vote: no lynch this phase.
Do you like tea?

Yes, I'll drink just about any form of tea. Unless it has cinnamon in it. I hate cinnamon in tea.

Simple argument:

Wintermoot should be lynched for being middle of the pack and unimpactful.

That's where I stand.

Vote: Wintermoot
I feel like he's almost definitely not scum. Eliminating town is bad for town, regardless of direct in-game helpfulness. We put ourselves in the position to be outnumbered. If he flips town, we've learned nothing and next day phase will be as useless as this one.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 06:22:17 AM
I will make you some tea would you like to come play with me I have lots of friends.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 30, 2022, 06:25:01 AM
I'll join the tea party. :D
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 30, 2022, 06:25:41 AM
Code: [Select]
to be precise.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 06:38:22 AM
I'll join the tea party. :D
Yayyyy!! Being tea!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 06:39:14 AM
@Vroendal, I'm doing the dumb in exactly 1 hour unless you pull your head out of your ass. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 06:42:01 AM
Vote: No Lynch


@Laurentus I need you to recognize that I don't know what I want right now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 30, 2022, 06:43:43 AM
Several players I'm not familiar with have sorta morphed together after so many posts...
This...this so much. So much of this game feels like noise and unproductive bickering more than anything's torture to read through, and after taking a few hours to go through it all I don't feel I've gotten much of anything out of it.

As I look at this vote count it looks, to me, like there is at least one mafia member among those voting for CL. Why? Because CL was 3p, and Laur had accomplished the singular task of fake copping someone, lying about it, and creating a situation where CL made himself an easy target to vote. The rub with voting CL, though, comes in the form of CL's claim which is best exemplified by Laur. That is, exercising caution and going elsewhere with a vote.

We have 7 voting for CL:
Captan Lunch: 7 (Cozmikrae, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot, Gerrick, NoName)

And I would expect at least one to be mafia.

Notably, the only other wagon close to CL's staggering 7 votes is Gerrick at 3 which isn't saying a lot.

Gerrick: 2 (Aersoldorf, Captan Lunch, Laurentus)

Or 2 I suppose if there are shenanigans going on with the votes. Excluding CL, that leaves only Aer and Laur as the ones on Gerrick. I see Aer more on the townie side of things if only because I haven't disliked his posting. He hasn't struck me with anything scummy in terms of content, but I am interested in why he went with Gerrick here as opposed to CL. Laur's position is already known regarding why he voted Gerrick. His interactions with people are varied and idk how I'd place him as scum wrt to potential teammates (for example my take on ENE and then having to assess Laur/ENE as being on a team which calls for a look at how they've interacted -- I don't see it necessarily unless Laur is power wolfing and ENE is playing ballsy with claiming which makes for an odd combination in and of itself for D1 which I find hard to convince myself of even if I were biased).

Going back to the 7, I'd choose Wintermoot every single time. Gerrick voted the only other wagon than himself which is understandable. Dolby hasn't struck me negatively or oddly to date, and No Name has appeared townie to me with their content (most notably how they've responded to others). I'm ignoring Neon here for now because of her high fluff content and constant talk about neighbors and tea. I mean, only talking about that and posting a large amount of fluff and gifs doesn't do it. It took jumping in on CL, which was easy for anyone, to get some reaction from her, and I don't feel strongly about it. Like, hard null kind of feeling. Cozmik moves on by as not a stand out person to me.

Outside of Wintermoot, from that large group, I am looking at Anubhav with the vote on No Lynch. There's something to be said about someone who doesn't get drawn in by how CL reacted to everything. Like, not even going after CL, Anubhav opted not to go for, say, Gerrick much like Laur in an attempt to treat CL's claim seriously. Might be a time thing though. Might.

What else is there? TGN and ENE's votes? Eh.
I don't agree with your reasoning...why would wolves jump on the one obvious wagon and make themselves suspect? It would be much easier to vote elsewhere and claim (not wrongly) that there's no good way of knowing when you're voting on D1.

My hot take is that we may as well treat Moot as Town, I don't think he shirks his scum team like this. I think he'd probably feel more comfortable putting on his developer hat on to this extent if he's Town.
I appreciate the vote of confidence. :P However, the fact is that none of the work I did required me to have access to information a player shouldn't have, so I would be just as comfortable putting a vote system together regardless of my own role. The wisdom of doing so during a game that I was already going to have trouble being active in is debatable either way, too.

I do actually agree that I feel Wintermoot could indeed be scum but I'm not sold on that so much because Moot is also genuinely busy with a lot of things and I have seen Moot sign up for wolf before and than essentially cease to exist within it and usually that happens as town and not wolf but I still agree to that extent.
I always feel like I need to sign up for these things to support Wintreath and the people who put the games together, because I know what it's like to try to get things going and not have much interest, I think more players make games more fun, and because Werewolf specifically attracts so many players from outside our own community...but then we get in these situations where there's hundreds of posts a day and a lot of cross-talk between people I don't know and can't get a read on either way, and I end up not contributing at all. It's not something I find fun and I feel like I end up doing it out of a sense of duty.

It's probably time to admit that in super-active games like this I can better contribute as a developer or host/designer than as a player. The post about me not being impactful is fair, and I'm not sure what I can contribute to this game when the more I read the more lost I feel.

Going forward I'll probably only sign up for more casual, slower-paced games.

Wintermoot can i ask you what your reads are lol
I read your repeated posts about not getting my attention, and for that I'm sorry...this is literally the first time I've gone through the thread today as a player. I wish for such a wait I could be more helpful...

I started by looking at the votes from day 1, with the assumption that wolves would not want to pile on the only wagon in the game. My feeling is that it'd just be too obvious, unless you think it's one of those things where it's like "it's too obvious, but knowing that they know that, we'll do it because they won't expect it". So I looked at people who voted elsewhere or didn't vote:

TGN voted for me with the reasoning that he needed to vote for someone, and I thought that was fair because it's the main reason I voted for Captan_lunch. There's been a lot of talk of his derpyness, too...on one hand, he hasn't felt out-of-character to me, but on the other he's shown an ability in past games to fly under the radar. Suspicion of him is probably warranted for that reason, but not enough to make me actually vote for him.

Eastern New England voted for TGN because of the forementioned derpyness, and there was a lot of discussion about his role to the point that it seems pretty settled that he's probably town. Nothing seems suspicious there to me, either.

Aersoldorf voted for Gerrick because he didn't like Gerrick's response to Lau's claims. I don't necessarily agree, but it's D1 and it's hard to say the reasoning is entirely invalid. Again, I feel that Aersoldorf was particuarly helpful in his posts on D1, to the point that I want him to be town, but it'd also be a great persona to take on as a wolf. I feel like he would be capable of being a "helpful" wolf as well, but I don't know him well enough to have a strong conviction.

Laurentus voted for Gerrick as well, and actually shifted from voting for Captan_lunch to do so, which could be seen as trying to avoid the suspicion of being part of that wagon at the end. There was a lot of discussion about his fake claim in D1, and I thought ExLight made some excellent points questioning the productivity of the move, which KingofDominaria also elaborated on. I also question the productivity of the eliminated some time and discussion that people spent voting for Gerrick because they thought he was the man and the phase was essentially over. I also believe Lau would have the balls to pull to do it whether he was town or wolf, especially since he seems to be taking more of a YOLO attitude toward Werewolf these days. Still, I would hesitate to actually vote for him at this point, if only because I always seem to find him suspicious in Werewolf games.

Lau and Neon seem to be pretty much in lockstep with each other this round as well, which makes me think the likelihood that they're both wolves is low...again, I feel like at this point in the game wolves would not want to openly associate with each other in case one gets voted off and revealed. I don't have any particular feelings about Neon, though.

ExLight voted for Lau and seems to have maintained suspicion at least through the night phase. I don't have any particular feelings about him otherwise, but noticed that he and KingofDominaria seem to also be mostly in lockstep with each other this round, so again I would think the odds of them both being wolves are low.

KingofDominaria didn't vote at all, claiming both that he missed the vote because he was sleeping and that he wouldn't have voted for anyone regardless. It seems true enough, given that his last post in Day 1 was unvoting Gerrick. I am, of course, dismayed that he is voting for me this round, but he's not wrong in questioning my impact on the game, if you believe we should be voting people off based on their impact alone.

If I had to vote for one of the wagons that's forming up, it would be KingofDominaria...not really because he voted for me, but because I feel his assumptions are faulty (that those who voted for Captan_lunch are the most suspicious and that we should be voting off unimpactful players regardless of alignment). I don't think there's enough substance to vote for TGN at this point, and I'm certainly not going to vote for myself. But I don't have a strong feeling about him either way, and I may just end up using my no lynch vote this round.

In fact I'll do that now in case I don't have a chance to vote before end of day.

Vote: No Lynch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 06:45:26 AM
Vote: no lynch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 06:49:36 AM
This is a temporary vote. I just feel drained and I'm going to look thru again after I've had a nap with my teddy bears. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 30, 2022, 06:50:01 AM
It seems my vote didn't register.

Vote: No Lynch

Trying again...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 06:50:57 AM
@Wintermoot where is the phase timer supposed to be in the dev skin?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 06:54:27 AM
No, fuck it, I can't. 

You remember that defender you were trying to bait, KoD? Well, that's me. I defended ENE and there was no NK.

Want my trail of breadcrumbs to verify? In LotRWolf, I used the phrase "Does Gondor call for aid?" when I figured out Abigail was my co-defender to signal to her that we were homies. ENE was in that game too. So I used literally the exact same phrase to signal to ENE that I'm the defender at EoD in this game.

I'm basically at a point where the urge to argue with you over your bad-faith, cherry-picking bullshit is at an all-time low, because as much as I derive enjoyment from our sparring, it's degenerating thread health to the point where various people have already expressed that it was hard for them to read through our interactions.

Literally everyone you're casting doubt on is just so fucking obvtown in my mind. You're playing this game exactly like what I'd expect from scum who got caught unexpectedly but knows how to powerwolf their way out of the shit.

So please, for the love of God, people, just lynch KoD. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 06:58:16 AM
That was a dumb.
You were already obvtown and you didn't need to prove that to KoD or the thread.
I'm going to sleep now (hopefully), the past 5 hours have been bleh.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 06:59:17 AM
That was a dumb.
You were already obvtown and you didn't need to prove that to KoD or the thread.
I'm going to sleep now (hopefully), the past 5 hours have been bleh.
My dumb was in response to the dumb of my town core. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 06:59:28 AM
At this point your sticking your neck out but I can also verify that as truth. I'm still going to go back to my neighborhood and sleep with my friends and revisit this but... I'm inclined to vote with you here and see what shakes out. I want to clear my head first though. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 07:04:29 AM
That was a dumb.
You were already obvtown and you didn't need to prove that to KoD or the thread.
I'm going to sleep now (hopefully), the past 5 hours have been bleh.
My dumb was in response to the dumb of my town core.
I can only blame myself for attempting to read the game.
Vote: Kingof[/b][b]Dominaria
Good night good luck and push me to post tonight.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 07:05:37 AM
That was a dumb.
You were already obvtown and you didn't need to prove that to KoD or the thread.
I'm going to sleep now (hopefully), the past 5 hours have been bleh.
My dumb was in response to the dumb of my town core.
I can only blame myself for attempting to read the game.
Vote: Kingof[/b][b]Dominaria
Good night good luck and push me to post tonight.
You didn't vote correctly. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 07:07:16 AM
Every new post I die a little more inside.
Vote: KingofDominaria
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 07:10:01 AM
But if you die we can't have tea.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 07:10:51 AM
But if you die we can't have tea.
Sacrifices had to be made. :(
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 07:12:00 AM
No dying until I say you can die! That's the law of the tea goddess!

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 07:12:26 AM
Anyway, y'all are scattered and wasting the no lynch vote and I'm just here like 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on January 30, 2022, 07:13:46 AM
@Wintermoot where is the phase timer supposed to be in the dev skin?
Above the topic posts.

As of yesterday the dev skin was pushed over the the production skin, so everyone should be seeing the same thing at this point.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 07:14:05 AM
Let a girl sleep Lau I'll decide later. Children are up past their bedtime!

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 07:16:08 AM
Also, NoName never W/W with KoD. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: KingofDominaria on January 30, 2022, 07:38:32 AM
I'm not even going to bother asking the most obvious question since you've mostly summed up how to describe yourself when talking to Vro.

I took time to thoroughly point out how what I was doing was ***NOT*** doctor baiting nor was I even pushing for a doctor to reveal themself or anything that you keep pushing. What you've done, in arguing with me, is convince yourself that what you think you're seeing is true and took it as fact despite the many times past the first that I've iterated the stance to make it clear that you are just plain ***WRONG*** about your perspective.

But blindly you decided to create a self fulfilling prophecy to come full circle to a point you've been trying to ram into me from the start of my ENE perspective. Apparently you're not able to keep up with the developing reads so let me clue you in on something. Despite my perspective of ENE, he didn't close in on the border of who I would view as scum which keeps him out of who I would push for a lynch. How that translates into me trying to get the doc to reveal themself is honestly baffling in every sense of the word since, you know, I made it explicitly, numerous times, clear that my perspective on ENE ***NEVER*** had the intent of pushing for the doc to reveal themself. Yet somehow you took it upon yourself to make that the point and unilaterally did it all on your own without me having to do that. You know why?

Because here is another fun fact. The major thing I had against you was exactly that: The accusation of doc baiting which I had addressed the first time. Something that ***YOU*** took a moment, while reading, to be like, "Oh, maybe I should have slowed down and read and processed a little more before continuing." Don't know what I'm talking about?


This just, again, proves you're not trying to parse my position at all, you're just trying to shade. I haven't stated anything as fact from the flavour, in fact I have done literally the opposite in my post where I analysed how many roles appeared, said something strange was going on since there were seventeen of them (the implication being there were 2 too many since one person has already died and flipped a completely separate role), and literally saying that my own role had not even yet been mentioned. You're portraying it as if I made a statement of fact when I've clearly been theorising about them. So don't come with this gaslighting bull shit. You've bene doing that to me, demonstrably, from as far back as that reads list you didn't even read.

My sleep has made me view the ENE situation differently, though. You're probably right that I don't like your position on the slot and misinterpreted your intent in pushing it, right at that particular moment.

And how do I view myself with the reaction test thing? Enlighten me. Because I specifically said I have never done it as scum, and will never do it unless it's in a very particular set of circumstances where my team is thoroughly in the shit without it. Every single time I've fake-claimed, I have been town.

And that very same "advice" you're giving me there is what I would quote back at you.

Bolded for emphasis. Somewhere along the line you got yourself to a point where, apparently, you felt the need to go after me and I don't get why? Maybe you just absolutely dislike my content or something. Don't know. Don't care. What matters now is that you've, essentially, done a complete 180, volunteered yourself out, and all because you convinced yourself that I am scum even though I wasn't even pushing you (which is just cherry on top).

Apparently with how Neon decided to progress themself to a point where of the two of you I'd err on Neon being scum compared to you AND pushing for Wintermoot you somehow felt -- what? threatened? -- something to where you convinced yourself to out yourself, attempt to nuke me, and then maybe survive getting targeted?

Truly I'm, well, baffled is probably the best word to describe it. I think this goes under Ex wanting to betray town as town for my experience.

Anyway, bold, if questionable, move. Let's see how it plays out.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 30, 2022, 07:43:09 AM
I don't think anyone seems to be answering Eastern New England's question. And who are we lynching?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 07:52:44 AM
I'm not even going to bother asking the most obvious question since you've mostly summed up how to describe yourself when talking to Vro.

I took time to thoroughly point out how what I was doing was ***NOT*** doctor baiting nor was I even pushing for a doctor to reveal themself or anything that you keep pushing. What you've done, in arguing with me, is convince yourself that what you think you're seeing is true and took it as fact despite the many times past the first that I've iterated the stance to make it clear that you are just plain ***WRONG*** about your perspective.

But blindly you decided to create a self fulfilling prophecy to come full circle to a point you've been trying to ram into me from the start of my ENE perspective. Apparently you're not able to keep up with the developing reads so let me clue you in on something. Despite my perspective of ENE, he didn't close in on the border of who I would view as scum which keeps him out of who I would push for a lynch. How that translates into me trying to get the doc to reveal themself is honestly baffling in every sense of the word since, you know, I made it explicitly, numerous times, clear that my perspective on ENE ***NEVER*** had the intent of pushing for the doc to reveal themself. Yet somehow you took it upon yourself to make that the point and unilaterally did it all on your own without me having to do that. You know why?

Because here is another fun fact. The major thing I had against you was exactly that: The accusation of doc baiting which I had addressed the first time. Something that ***YOU*** took a moment, while reading, to be like, "Oh, maybe I should have slowed down and read and processed a little more before continuing." Don't know what I'm talking about?


This just, again, proves you're not trying to parse my position at all, you're just trying to shade. I haven't stated anything as fact from the flavour, in fact I have done literally the opposite in my post where I analysed how many roles appeared, said something strange was going on since there were seventeen of them (the implication being there were 2 too many since one person has already died and flipped a completely separate role), and literally saying that my own role had not even yet been mentioned. You're portraying it as if I made a statement of fact when I've clearly been theorising about them. So don't come with this gaslighting bull shit. You've bene doing that to me, demonstrably, from as far back as that reads list you didn't even read.

My sleep has made me view the ENE situation differently, though. You're probably right that I don't like your position on the slot and misinterpreted your intent in pushing it, right at that particular moment.

And how do I view myself with the reaction test thing? Enlighten me. Because I specifically said I have never done it as scum, and will never do it unless it's in a very particular set of circumstances where my team is thoroughly in the shit without it. Every single time I've fake-claimed, I have been town.

And that very same "advice" you're giving me there is what I would quote back at you.

Bolded for emphasis. Somewhere along the line you got yourself to a point where, apparently, you felt the need to go after me and I don't get why? Maybe you just absolutely dislike my content or something. Don't know. Don't care. What matters now is that you've, essentially, done a complete 180, volunteered yourself out, and all because you convinced yourself that I am scum even though I wasn't even pushing you (which is just cherry on top).

Apparently with how Neon decided to progress themself to a point where of the two of you I'd err on Neon being scum compared to you AND pushing for Wintermoot you somehow felt -- what? threatened? -- something to where you convinced yourself to out yourself, attempt to nuke me, and then maybe survive getting targeted?

Truly I'm, well, baffled is probably the best word to describe it. I think this goes under Ex wanting to betray town as town for my experience.

Anyway, bold, if questionable, move. Let's see how it plays out.
I mean, let's start with the reads list you never actually read. That was probably my first big clue that you weren't interested in understanding my perspective at all. You said it was weird to you that i had Coz as lower in my reads list than Anu, and shaded Abigail for sheeping my read on you. If you'd actually bothered to read it, you would have seen it wasn't a tier list, and also very amusingly, if it was your perspective that it was a tier list, then you should have called Abigail out for following the exact same order I was following.

And the next order on the agenda is how you seem to play dumb to what is very clearly expressed. Basic logic suggests that if I say the roles in the flavour are weird, actually show why by counting them, and then end off by saying my role hasn't appeared yet, and THEN go on to say that we probably can't draw conclusions about Scarecrow's alignment, a third-grader should be able to extrapolate that I don't believe all the roles from BatWolf are in the game. So to harp on about how I didn't explicitly refute my earlier point is just asinine. And also proves to begin with that you weren't trying to understand my perspective or, worse yet, even read my posts, at all, because you shaded me for presenting my opinion as fact AFTER I'd already made the implication clear that there was something wrong with my previous view. So your little attempt at revisionist history was absolutely hilarious.

So unless you have a talent for getting tunneled that far outweighs even Ex's, you're just scum. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 07:54:58 AM
I don't think anyone seems to be answering Eastern New England's question. And who are we lynching?
That's a debate that you can follow in real time.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:07:29 AM
And not pushing me explicitly for the lynch today does nothing for my estimation of you. Of course you can't vote out the obvtown leader without first showing how you're "solving" other slots without them proving fruitful post-flip. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:16:37 AM
Also, your WIM (for the uninitiated, Wants It More, or the energy you have when playing the game) is only being used right now to defend yourself. That's scummy af. You've just received the revelation that a large part of your reads have been fundamentally broken, and instead of trying to readjust, figure out how that changes your perspective for the other slots in the game, which would be the most productive townie mindset, you just... sit back and say you'll see what shakes out now. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:21:40 AM
Also, your WIM (for the uninitiated, Wants It More, or the energy you have when playing the game) is only being used right now to defend yourself. That's scummy af. You've just received the revelation that a large part of your reads have been fundamentally broken, and instead of trying to readjust, figure out how that changes your perspective for the other slots in the game, which would be the most productive townie mindset, *and instead of doing that you just... sit back and say you'll see what shakes out now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:22:53 AM
Actually, never mind, my first post was correct and I broke it with the EBWOP. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:39:16 AM
Assuming that I'm the only defender in the game, Gerrick, Vro and Abigail being in LotRWolf and seeing my clear bread-crumbing, yet murdering me, could point to them being good. I'm most confident about Vro and Abigail here, though, because they have me as obvtown, whereas if Gerrick remembered that, he should have had me as obvtown too. Assuming I'm the only defender, that's a list of 4 names you can cross from your PoE for a good long while:


You're welcome, now start solving. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:40:24 AM
Ebwop: Yet *not* murdering me. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:46:19 AM
Also, everyone else who was in LotRWolf seem to be heavily overwhelmed by this game, so I can't actually guarantee they paid attention to every post I made in this game and this method of solving probably won't be applicable. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:48:24 AM
Would re-evaluate if I'm not dead come D3, obviously, lol. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:59:25 AM
@Dolby, remember our hydra. I'll let you figure it out from there. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on January 30, 2022, 10:55:21 AM
Regarding KoD's view of my claim

When I say, "Unless you are sure of your claim to the role," I'm talking about counterclaiming the cop because you are the cop. Think in general. Someone claims the cop, but you know you are the cop so they must be lying. Bam. Counterclaim. As I talked about much earlier when I gave my perspective of you, you came out with your counterclaim, but then went, "Oh, wait, nvm. I rescind my counterclaim." That looks like the mark of a person who isn't sure of their claim to the role. CL claimed to be a cop (no specifics given), and you opted to counterclaim because you were(?) a cop as well; however, you obviously didn't feel so strong about that given your functionality (just the flavor) which made you a variant of a traditional cop role. Effectively you outed yourself and cast doubt on CL's claim in varying degrees (in Laur's case not really, but for others they may have took you at face value).

My dislike doesn't come from you not sharing your results. It's independent of your results. My focus is on the approach.

Looking back to the above, you obviously outed yourself, but as a (possible - confirmed) variant of a cop. Who's to say that, as scum, this wasn't intentional? By openly counterclaiming the claimed cop as a role that could be scum aligned, and then walking said claim back, you are out there to be assessed solely on that.

With regard to the PR hunting as that role (as scum), you'd share your results openly because why not? You've put yourself out in the open (favorably) as a potential town PR that survived the first night (as scum that'd be simple to accomplish by no hitting that night if that's truly the gambit), and you can keep up the charade by putting your results out (correctly as you wouldn't have to lie) while the scum team could assess whether or not to hit based on flavor (and a connection to the role if the roles are drawn *almost* exactly from their prior game).
I still have a hard time following what you're saying, but I do agree that my claim could have been construed as questionable or messy.

I'll try to explain my thought process surrounding the claim tangibly:
Firstly, I thought I was a regular seer, so I overcame my initial hesitancy around outing my role and counter-claimed Captan Lunch. When I went to recheck my role, however, I noticed that I would only receive character names, not the character's alignment nor their concrete action. At that point I was concerned that Captan Lunch was actually the seer, so I rescinded my claim and tried to WIFOM what I had just done (which, in my defense, turned out quite successfully considering Laurentus' claim).

So yes, you could say I wasn't sure about my claim to my role, because I had misunderstood my ability. That as well as my general hesitancy to out as a power role.

To be completely honest, I wouldn't have outed my role if I hadn't misunderstood my ability. I genuinely thought I was a traditional seer and that led the ensuing chaos.

Laurentus' claim
No, fuck it, I can't.

You remember that defender you were trying to bait, KoD? Well, that's me. I defended ENE and there was no NK.

Want my trail of breadcrumbs to verify? In LotRWolf, I used the phrase "Does Gondor call for aid?" when I figured out Abigail was my co-defender to signal to her that we were homies. ENE was in that game too. So I used literally the exact same phrase to signal to ENE that I'm the defender at EoD in this game.

I'm basically at a point where the urge to argue with you over your bad-faith, cherry-picking bullshit is at an all-time low, because as much as I derive enjoyment from our sparring, it's degenerating thread health to the point where various people have already expressed that it was hard for them to read through our interactions.

Literally everyone you're casting doubt on is just so fucking obvtown in my mind. You're playing this game exactly like what I'd expect from scum who got caught unexpectedly but knows how to powerwolf their way out of the shit.

So please, for the love of God, people, just lynch KoD.

I knew you were trying to signal something, Lau, but I'm notoriously bad at picking up on hints. I knew you were trying to communicate something regarding LotR - I even watched the scene with that exact phrase and I still didn't get it. Looking back on it I probably should've just ISO'd you in the LotR game, but the thought of checking the game didn't cross my mind. It makes so much sense now, though.

I don't think anyone seems to be answering Eastern New England's question.
This post seems out of the blue. What question are you referring to?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 30, 2022, 12:34:05 PM
did you pull that shenanigan d1 while having a power role...? madlad

also did a post get deleted? pretty sure my last two posts were on thr same page yesterday
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 12:35:44 PM
did you pull that shenanigan d1 while having a power role...? madlad

also did a post get deleted? pretty sure my last two posts were on thr same page yesterday
I am fucking insane, yes. Criminally so. :))
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 30, 2022, 12:41:09 PM
did you pull that shenanigan d1 while having a power role...? madlad

also did a post get deleted? pretty sure my last two posts were on thr same page yesterday
They shouldn't have been, no.  We don't touch posts in games unless they're like super problematic, so maybe you just imagined they were on the same page? :-\
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on January 30, 2022, 01:59:57 PM
@KoD, I don't feel like you were trying to bait a defender out but that doesn't mean I have to view Lau being paranoid of defender talk as scummy either. He immediately jumped in thread telling defenders to shut up, preemptively trying to shut down defender talk. That's pro town. You then immediately start talking about the defender. I find it natural that he's going to take exception to the line of discussion given his comment. While he did read more into what you're putting down I don't feel like it's out of flow, especially given his most recent claim. All in all it's not a scummy situation but you're blowing it up to be, hence the low hanging fruit. 

As for the pocketing, you forgot to mention the multiple uses of pinky promise. For those outside the know, our collective meta (NGA) is built on basically lies and backstabbery so we just straight don't have the luxury of trust tells. Further I developed a game built on the notion of pinky promises and the subsequent breaking of them. So when KoD used them earlier he wasn't invoking a trust tell, but trying to craft some inside jokery. It's further instance of him trying to play nice and buddy up. Where I see this different than our normal MO is that our back and forth is usually a playful rapport. That's not the case here. From the onset I ignored your initial hi removing confirmation of my identity yet you still pushed the notion of my townness hard, after I dropped you bottom of my scum list. Take the ice cream for example. At best you can call it a reaction Guage. That's not pinnacle of townliness. This isn't a new stance for me, you've seen me argue countless times reaction baiting isn't a strictly town move. More realistically the ice cream schtick should be labeled as RVS spammery. NAI. Yet without confirmation of me being me you use it to crutch me as a town read for you. 

I think I've spoken on this enough now. People should have a clear idea of my stance and why I'm leaning that way. I have no interest in filibusting the thread on this matter. 

@ExLight, I'm pretty sure the display shifts as more posts are added. I've noticed similar incidents but it's usually with the fresh page displaying posts that end up pushed back to the previous page as the fresh page fills up. At least that's what I've seen on my mobile browser. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anthony on January 30, 2022, 03:13:26 PM
Hey Guys and Gals! I'm ready to rock and roll!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 30, 2022, 03:21:03 PM
did you pull that shenanigan d1 while having a power role...? madlad

also did a post get deleted? pretty sure my last two posts were on thr same page yesterday
They shouldn't have been, no.  We don't touch posts in games unless they're like super problematic, so maybe you just imagined they were on the same page? :-\
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 30, 2022, 03:24:20 PM
Hey Guys and Gals! I'm ready to rock and roll!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 03:29:56 PM
Hey Guys and Gals! I'm ready to rock and roll!
Anthony, please don't post in a game you're not participating in.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 30, 2022, 03:35:03 PM
Hey Guys and Gals! I'm ready to rock and roll!
Anthony, please don't post in a game you're not participating in.
He didn't know better, I let him know in DM.  :)

Please resume your normally scheduled bloodshed.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 30, 2022, 03:41:15 PM
Deal, I only like sweeter teas though.

I have a rose tea that's really good.

Oh yeah??
I like roses

But I need to see my other offers

What other teas will my potential friends offer to the tea goddess?
My humble bribe offering to the tea goddess is Heng Wen Xi Xiu, commonly referred to in the Western hemisphere as Fine Beauty. Blatant attempt to appeal to your petty side :D 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 03:49:18 PM
Vote: KingofDominaria
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 04:37:02 PM
@Dolby, hit us with a wagon analysis?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 04:43:06 PM
Okay, kinda weird that there isn't much movement with the wagons right now. If KoD's scum, scum could be giving up on him.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 04:50:16 PM
Echo, echo...

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 04:53:30 PM
Minor panic setting in at this point.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 04:55:55 PM
Oh, wait, day started later...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 05:06:56 PM
Deal, I only like sweeter teas though.

I have a rose tea that's really good.

Oh yeah??
I like roses

But I need to see my other offers

What other teas will my potential friends offer to the tea goddess?
My humble bribe offering to the tea goddess is Heng Wen Xi Xiu, commonly referred to in the Western hemisphere as Fine Beauty. Blatant attempt to appeal to your petty side :D
Oh fuck now that's just really good. The Goddess truly approves this one. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 05:09:55 PM
Your all missing just a beautiful breakfast I've made for all my friends. I hope I can have new friends soon. There's a clear frontrunner right now though

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 30, 2022, 05:39:24 PM
I'm not sold on KoD being scum. Aggressive and confrontational, yes. But I don't know that that makes him sus, just a serious try hard in my opinion. But I don't want to give him an easy out by voting for TGN and letting him follow suit to tie it up. So I think I'm going to stick with my vote from yesterday and go with Gerrick again. I know someone, can't remember who, said that they didn't like my analysis of that slot, but I really didn't like his eventual response to Lau's fake claim on D1. I know if Lau had targeted me with that claim that I'd have gone crazy defending myself, instead of his laid back approach and eventual 'I didn't say anything because I knew it was just to get a reaction read from others'. He was online and saw the accusation and did nothing until after the fake claim was retracted. Strikes me as more likely to be scum who knew he had been caught and so didn't say anything that might tip us off to who his buds are.

I really need to figure out how to vote in color so I can get a bonus point, but that will have to wait for later.

Vote: Gerrick
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 06:03:35 PM
I don't think color matters anymore now that it auto tracks votes
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 06:04:17 PM
I would be fine with either a Gerrick or KoD flip, tbh.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 30, 2022, 06:10:26 PM
I don't think anyone seems to be answering Eastern New England's question. And who are we lynching?
You appear all of a sudden asking this?🙄
We are not decided upon lynch, you get to choose your vote. It's not like we in here
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 30, 2022, 06:11:58 PM
Actually, never mind, my first post was correct and I broke it with the EBWOP.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 30, 2022, 06:17:49 PM
If KoD flips scum, @Laurentus , what will you infer from that. And how will you explain your mislynch if he flips town
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 30, 2022, 06:19:34 PM
The last part did seem a harsh-toned, but I messed up trying to put a two liner post, after a sleepless night, football and 4hr long quiz in the evening🙂
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on January 30, 2022, 06:20:57 PM
I don't think color matters anymore now that it auto tracks votes
 Also, color votes don't get bonus points anymore.  This round it's saying a specifically chosen word that is secret.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 06:24:38 PM
If KoD flips scum, @Laurentus , what will you infer from that. And how will you explain your mislynch if he flips town
A PoE exists regardless of the flip, tbh. KoD has potentially hard-unaligned himself with a few players if he's scum, so I guess I'd first look for who he's NOT teamed with if he flips scum. If he flips Town, then I'll just prod some people in the PoE and maybe re-evaluate my core. It's Werewolf and shit happens.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 06:27:38 PM
I don't think anyone seems to be answering Eastern New England's question. And who are we lynching?
You appear all of a sudden asking this?🙄
We are not decided upon lynch, you get to choose your vote. It's not like we in here
She's new be nice to my friends or face my wrath!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 06:30:13 PM
Gerrick's last response was actually pretty milquetoast. He usually plays his cards to close to his chest, but eh.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 30, 2022, 06:33:21 PM
I don't think anyone seems to be answering Eastern New England's question. And who are we lynching?
You appear all of a sudden asking this?🙄
We are not decided upon lynch, you get to choose your vote. It's not like we in here
She's new be nice to my friends or face my wrath!
I am coming to rob you off your tea!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on January 30, 2022, 06:34:06 PM
I'm off to church, probably won't get back before the day ends
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 06:39:41 PM
I don't think anyone seems to be answering Eastern New England's question. And who are we lynching?
You appear all of a sudden asking this?🙄
We are not decided upon lynch, you get to choose your vote. It's not like we in here
She's new be nice to my friends or face my wrath!
I am coming to rob you off your tea!
Vote: Anubhav Ghosh

Anyone who would willfully rob tea from a Goddess is evil
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 07:47:04 PM
We probably need a feature that shows a count-down timer to the phases. I have no idea how much time is left.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 08:00:26 PM
3 pm cst so 1 hour @Laurentus 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 30, 2022, 08:15:12 PM
According to ZD's forum today is KoD's birthday so him getting lynched would be quite the gift lmfao
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:22:53 PM
According to ZD's forum today is KoD's birthday so him getting lynched would be quite the gift lmfao

Well, happy birthday, KoD. Despite everything, I truly mean what I said, sparring with you is fun. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:24:08 PM
I'd recommend getting a legacy up. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 30, 2022, 08:27:22 PM
Fiinally caught up. Want to get something in quick while I can.

Vote: TGN
I still think he's hiding behind a derp mask.
ExLight's reaction to Anubhav's request for a pinky promise rubbed me the wrong way.
KoD's reasoning in his back and forth with Laurentus didn't seem as suspect to me as others seem to think.
Think ENE is more likely than not a town scanner role, but not convinced they're town. Same for Abigail and their neighborhood role but more likely.
Several players I'm not familiar with have sorta morphed together after so many posts...
Suspicious of the Dolby/Laurentus/Vroendal thing going on - someone pocketing another?
I really don't like this post

Are you considering TGN's age in your reasoning?

Why would me refusing to normalize something that can be toxic rub you the wrong way? As I said to Anub, this is NAI and it's more about standards and wanting to preserve a somewhat healthy attitude towards the game, more focused on skill rather than blind trust.

While I do kinda agree with this, KoD is the leading wagon at the moment, so this could look bad no matter the result. If KoD flips mafia this could be seen as an attempt to steam off some pressure outta him when the wagon was gaining speed, and if he flips town this could also be seen as a "see, I told yall he was Town" to somewhat guilt trip town into feeling you're towny who warned people were on the wrong track. It just feels like a really random passive sort of post to just casually throw.

Very strange shade at ENE, if you think he's town then why would you just drop a "but maybe not"? Why would he counterclaim Lunch's cop claim if he was scum faking such a role? or if they were scum rolecop? It makes literally no sense.
I want your updated reads though. Because based on the previous point you seem to put Lau as a bit of a villain, but with his current doctor (defender) claim, I think it's unreasonable to still push this narrative. Lau claimed to have defended ENE, which if he was the scum target last night should somewhat clear both of them on the spot, which kinda goes full circle at you throwing shade at both.

And who's pocketing you in that trio you mentioned?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 30, 2022, 08:27:43 PM
According to ZD's forum today is KoD's birthday so him getting lynched would be quite the gift lmfao

Well, happy birthday, KoD. Despite everything, I truly mean what I said, sparring with you is fun.
oh don't worry it's prolly not really his bday
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 30, 2022, 08:28:09 PM
*And who's pocketing who in that trio you mentioned?

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:38:48 PM
@cozmikrae, @Wintermoot, @Eastern New England, @Red Mones, @KingofDominaria, @@Moondrop, @ExLight, it is time to vote. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:40:49 PM
@TGN, @Anubhav Ghosh, Dolby, @Neon Abigail, while you are voting, I would prefer it if you consolidate on Gerrick or KoD. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:41:03 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 30, 2022, 08:44:03 PM
are ties randomized or no lynch? lemme check that first

if it's randomized I'll go with gerrick, if it's no lynch I'll settle down for KoD to prevent people from tying it
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:46:12 PM
are ties randomized or no lynch? lemme check that first

if it's randomized I'll go with gerrick, if it's no lynch I'll settle down for KoD to prevent people from tying it
Usually it gets randomised here, but I don't see anything in the rules explicitly saying how it gets resolved. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 08:46:40 PM
My tea was threatened I am a very angry girl


Nobody threatens my tea
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on January 30, 2022, 08:46:48 PM
it doesn't say in the OP :notlikeduck:
or at least I couldn't find it

Vote: KingofDominaria

just to prevent possible ties resulting in No Lynch
but my heart is really on Gerrick, if we manage to do a CFD I'll gladly vote there instead
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 08:49:05 PM
it doesn't say in the OP :notlikeduck:
or at least I couldn't find it

Vote: KingofDominaria

just to prevent possible ties resulting in No Lynch
but my heart is really on Gerrick, if we manage to do a CFD I'll gladly vote there instead
KoD's response largely being nothing is kinda making me stick to my guns there. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on January 30, 2022, 08:58:39 PM
I’m not super convinced about any of the wagons. But I’ll take your word for it. 

Vote: KingofDominaria
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 09:00:29 PM
And that's time. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 09:00:38 PM
I think. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on January 30, 2022, 09:01:25 PM
That felt a little anti-climatic...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 09:04:09 PM
Well, it kinda is what it is now. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on January 30, 2022, 09:06:15 PM
I'm not sold on KoD being scum. Aggressive and confrontational, yes. But I don't know that that makes him sus, just a serious try hard in my opinion. But I don't want to give him an easy out by voting for TGN and letting him follow suit to tie it up. So I think I'm going to stick with my vote from yesterday and go with Gerrick again. I know someone, can't remember who, said that they didn't like my analysis of that slot, but I really didn't like his eventual response to Lau's fake claim on D1. I know if Lau had targeted me with that claim that I'd have gone crazy defending myself, instead of his laid back approach and eventual 'I didn't say anything because I knew it was just to get a reaction read from others'. He was online and saw the accusation and did nothing until after the fake claim was retracted. Strikes me as more likely to be scum who knew he had been caught and so didn't say anything that might tip us off to who his buds are.

I really need to figure out how to vote in color so I can get a bonus point, but that will have to wait for later.

Vote: Gerrick
That's not what happened if you reread my post. I didn't know that Laurentus had accused me (just that he had pinged me) until I got that far in the thread as I was catching up. When I did see that he accused me, I wasn't going to post until I read the rest of the thread, which was continuing to grow throughout the day as I was trying to catch up during breaks at work. By the time I was caught up, he had already announced that it wasn't true. His retracting that early is on him, not me, so don't know what to tell ya.

Also just because Laurentus claims to have defended ENE last night when nobody died does not mean that the wolves targeted ENE and failed in killing him, so neither is cleared yet in my eyes. I do think it's more likely than not that that was the case (meaning they lean Town for me), but I'm not sure they're quite obvtown.

Fiinally caught up. Want to get something in quick while I can.

Vote: TGN
I still think he's hiding behind a derp mask.
ExLight's reaction to Anubhav's request for a pinky promise rubbed me the wrong way.
KoD's reasoning in his back and forth with Laurentus didn't seem as suspect to me as others seem to think.
Think ENE is more likely than not a town scanner role, but not convinced they're town. Same for Abigail and their neighborhood role but more likely.
Several players I'm not familiar with have sorta morphed together after so many posts...
Suspicious of the Dolby/Laurentus/Vroendal thing going on - someone pocketing another?
I really don't like this post

Are you considering TGN's age in your reasoning?

Why would me refusing to normalize something that can be toxic rub you the wrong way? As I said to Anub, this is NAI and it's more about standards and wanting to preserve a somewhat healthy attitude towards the game, more focused on skill rather than blind trust.

While I do kinda agree with this, KoD is the leading wagon at the moment, so this could look bad no matter the result. If KoD flips mafia this could be seen as an attempt to steam off some pressure outta him when the wagon was gaining speed, and if he flips town this could also be seen as a "see, I told yall he was Town" to somewhat guilt trip town into feeling you're towny who warned people were on the wrong track. It just feels like a really random passive sort of post to just casually throw.

Very strange shade at ENE, if you think he's town then why would you just drop a "but maybe not"? Why would he counterclaim Lunch's cop claim if he was scum faking such a role? or if they were scum rolecop? It makes literally no sense.
I want your updated reads though. Because based on the previous point you seem to put Lau as a bit of a villain, but with his current doctor (defender) claim, I think it's unreasonable to still push this narrative. Lau claimed to have defended ENE, which if he was the scum target last night should somewhat clear both of them on the spot, which kinda goes full circle at you throwing shade at both.

And who's pocketing you in that trio you mentioned?

Yes I am, but as others have pointed out, TGN is capable of more than he's doing this game. Just don't quite buy it. And of the people who have votes, I think he's the most likely to be scum. 

Also don't buy this from you as if you really believed in trust tells being against the spirit of the game, you wouldn't have done it last time regardless of you subbing in midgame. So the fact that you argued against using it on principle doesn't make sense to me this game. 

Fair enough on KoD, just giving my thoughts on the current conversation that's been going on the longest.

ENE's initial claim then retraction was just very weird, and I would've expected something more from someone more experienced at the game. Don't think Laurentus is a villain (as said above I think he's more likely town and I'm treating him as such), but neither is cleared for me. Not going after them either, so idk why it's being brought up to such a degree.

And I don't think anyone was pocketing me, rather that maybe one was pocketing the others. Most likely Dolby of the three of them. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 09:09:32 PM
Not that it matters anymore, but Ex, when KoD gets caught, does he go into anti-spew? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on January 30, 2022, 09:29:54 PM
As soon as I know what the flip was, I may or may not entertain y'all with another trick, lmao. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on January 30, 2022, 10:04:52 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on January 30, 2022, 10:24:48 PM
The Macys shopping spree was short-lived as Lindsey Lohan started to burn it to the ground as everyone ran out screaming.  However, as it burned to ash, 10 more stores like it seemed to pop up in its place, which made Wintreath member Doc twitch slightly at the irony of it all.

Mourning the disappearance of Directly, who had run off with a can of tuna, Commander Shepherd was still fighting off the advances of Cersei Lannister, who declared their love for them and continually spouted sonnets like some terrible Shakespearean poetry to the dismay of her brother Jamie.  However, Jamie at least found happiness when he met and fell for Nigel Thornberry, whose wacky nature he found quite refreshing in this atmosphere of dullness.  Nigel, oblivious to the idea of romance and love, accepted Jamie’s advances as pure friendly gestures, such as the friendly petting of the hair and the friendly complimenting of each other’s features.  Last that Nigel spoke, Jamie and he went on a friendly romantic cruise across the waters surrounding the forest surrounding the village, followed by a friendly romantic dinner.

Meanwhile, Fry and Leela were also having their own time away from the Professor and Amy as they had a nice candlelit picnic in the cemetary near the village.  As they were about to share a Lady and the Tramp moment with their spaghetti, however, they were interrupted by Mario and Luigi who were for some reason offended at the sight of their spaghetti, with Mario going on some tangent about the meatballs.

During this time, the Space Core was out scouting around for the plot device, as a group of girl scouts swarmed and surrounded them asking about cookies.  Not wanting to buy any, Space Core tried to leave, but the girl scouts didn’t take no for an answer.  They closed in on Space Core and demanded a fair trade of payment for cookies, until Space Core finally caved and poured out their life savings, much to their chagrin.

Seeing this, the group of out-of-place characters put there for plot device reasons began to grow wary of this place, as they begged Michi from afar to please take this story to somewhere more inviting.  But little did they know that the next place would have them fighting for their lives…literally, since the next place was a talent competition where if you were voted off, you basically died.  Like, that’s not even a joke, that’s how it was treated in that game when it was going on.

Final Votes: 
Eastern New England: 1 (TGN)
KingofDominaria: 5 (Vroendal, Laurentus, cozmikrae, NoName, ExLight)
TGN: 2 (Anubhav Ghosh, Gerrick)
Wintermoot: 1 (Dolby, KoD)
Anubhav Ghosh: 1 (Neon Abigail)
Gerrick: 1 (Aersoldorf)

No Vote (Withdrew Vote / No Lynch): 2 (Wintermoot)
No Vote (Never Voted): Eastern New England, Red Mones, Moondrop

KingofDominaria was killed. They were the Space Core, one of my personal favourite townie roles. But fear not! My dear space core will yet return in a future game.

It is now Night 2. Send actions and all that jazz. Night will end at 4pm CST tomorrow the 31st.

Quiet Mode has been activated. Do not post if you are not designated as immune.
There have been a few complaints and people need time to catch up. Needing time to catch up is not alignment indicative and players should use the mechanic as they need. It is here for a reason. Please use it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 03:17:04 AM
Guess what

I'm immune
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 03:17:56 AM
There's something that I've noticed but I'm not gonna comment on. I will not be answering questions fielded about this. Might mention in when I designate it appropriate
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 31, 2022, 04:56:51 AM
Sad, it's not just you
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 31, 2022, 05:12:01 AM
@Dolby what do u think of Lau/Gerrick w/w?

Lau claims a day cop shot in which Gerrick appears red
Votes piled on Gerrick
Gerrick responds inadequately, later explains that he missed much parts. This I see is not a lie
Lau rescinds
Votes get pulled off from Gerrick, put up on CL
CL dies.

If the CL wagon was mostly a shift due to wolves piling(not all, but some) apart from some townie votes, that seems to indicate that it was a method to save Gerrick and also probably the whole Gerrick thing will keep much discussions on other options down until the final moments, hence increasing the chances of jumping on a wagon. 

Idk, if ENE's flavor cop is no use, it might be a role Lau asked him to take up lol. I mean I am starting to take everything with a grain of salt, as long as it is role stuff. For the first time in this game, I am questioning the utility of flavour, other than making it a fluff discussion stuff.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 31, 2022, 05:16:03 AM
EBWOP: I meant to strikethrough the ENE statement part. Sad it switched back
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 05:21:11 AM
@Dolby what do u think of Lau/Gerrick w/w?

Lau claims a day cop shot in which Gerrick appears red
Votes piled on Gerrick
Gerrick responds inadequately, later explains that he missed much parts. This I see is not a lie
Lau rescinds
Votes get pulled off from Gerrick, put up on CL
CL dies.

If the CL wagon was mostly a shift due to wolves piling(not all, but some) apart from some townie votes, that seems to indicate that it was a method to save Gerrick and also probably the whole Gerrick thing will keep much discussions on other options down until the final moments, hence increasing the chances of jumping on a wagon.

Idk, if ENE's flavor cop is no use, it might be a role Lau asked him to take up lol. I mean I am starting to take everything with a grain of salt, as long as it is role stuff. For the first time in this game, I am questioning the utility of flavour, other than making it a fluff discussion stuff.
Gerrick would have responded adaquately and would have not basically waited until after the controversy was over

Lau would assure it

no dice on that theory, like, Lau wuold have simply not done that w/o his teammates forknowledge and permission and this simply isn't it
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 31, 2022, 05:55:36 AM
We don't know if Gerrick knew or not... But I will avoid going into this for time being. I am more interested in seeing TGN spliting the community with his 'age'
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 31, 2022, 05:57:20 AM
We don't know if Gerrick knew or not, Gerrick could have faked not knowing and if they have a scum chat, then they can discuss about how it was going to play out*... But I will avoid going into this for time being. I am more interested in seeing TGN spliting the community with his 'age'
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 06:06:37 AM
We don't know if Gerrick knew or not, Gerrick could have faked not knowing and if they have a scum chat, then they can discuss about how it was going to play out*... But I will avoid going into this for time being. I am more interested in seeing TGN spliting the community with his 'age'
Lau would literally tell him to post bc Gerrick not posting makes him sus as fuck individually. Also I personally think that Lau would do a fake claim against a townie as scum, if at all

Also Lau... kinda directed the CFD towards Gerrick pre ENE claim

And ENE fakeclaiming to save scum Gerrick at Lau's orders is just not a world
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 06:07:21 AM
Lau why are you liking and unliking my post so much are you trying to do Morse code lmao
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 06:10:21 AM
AG ngl I haven't read like the last 24 hours of this game where's your head at and you can't answer Lau/ENE/Gerrick bc tbh I'm vetoing the Lau/Gerrick connection

I'm not gonna veto ENE/Gerrick but I wouldn't follow it personally

most controversial TLs and SLs?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 06:11:26 AM
Lau wolfclaimed in morse code fyi

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 06:15:04 AM
I'll probs post something bigish in the next 90 minutes after I refind my place
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 07:55:06 AM
Moondrop (idk maybe giving Neon to much weight but just... yeah)

If I die tonight do not touch any of these people

Fiinally caught up. Want to get something in quick while I can.

Vote: TGN
I still think he's hiding behind a derp mask.
ExLight's reaction to Anubhav's request for a pinky promise rubbed me the wrong way.
KoD's reasoning in his back and forth with Laurentus didn't seem as suspect to me as others seem to think.
Think ENE is more likely than not a town scanner role, but not convinced they're town. Same for Abigail and their neighborhood role but more likely.
Several players I'm not familiar with have sorta morphed together after so many posts...
Suspicious of the Dolby/Laurentus/Vroendal thing going on - someone pocketing another?
Tbh this can die, not a priority but like... I can't think of a reason it can't. I guess the KoD line is fair but also the "Dolby/Laurentus/Vro" thing is basically a invented line and there's no reason to think of that really. I guess you could say Vro is pocketing me but I'm literally reading him on not wanting to play the game at points. Also if any one of us is playing the otehrs it is Vro and Vro only rn. Trust

I personally think that NoName and Gnosh are to townread but w/e, like in general, random thing. I feel like I HAVE to sheep Ghosh townreads but idk the logic lines I'm simply not following at points and I'm not liking the directiosn he's pushing at points. NoName is getting townread to easily based on not enough participation

I've gained nearly no info from the pages and pages of convos between Lau and KOD. Trying to analyze a single conversation is not giving me much in the way of fun, so I'm not bothering much to do it. The only change in my reads list is that KOD has moved higher up my list into being more of a null/town lean. We've heard next to nothing from the other players so I'm really not sure who I should be voting for this phase. In the meantime, unless someone makes a really succinct argument in the next few hours in favor of one player or another, I'm voting Vote: no lynch this phase.

This is incredibly town and I honestly want to thank you for being bastion of light. That said please don't vote no lynch

I'm not gonna explain why tonight, if I die that's on Lau

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 07:55:48 AM
Lau please protect me :wave:

Neon, don't neighorborize anyone who is able to talk tonight (myself, AG, idk who else)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 08:01:03 AM
Trying to make reads this game is so exhausting 

Lau and ENE (doc, also really proud since I've toptowned Lau since SoD2)
Neon and Moondrop (neighborhood towniness)

That leaves: TGN, Vro, Anubhav Ghosh, Red Mones (pretty sure he didn't speak today lol), Coz, Aers, Gerrick, Wintermoot, NoName, Exlight

Coz is the ray of towny goodness in that list, imo
Aers has had bad moments imo but honestly I think that he was good in certain places so I'll let it slide. Definetely the most likley wolf of the high efforters though

Tbh I might just sheep people on Anubhav for the sole reason to shrink this list down

TGN, Vro, Red Mones, Gerrick, Wintermoot, NoName, Exlight

I've got nothing really on the first four names tbh that isn't honestly pretty weak

Last 3 have stuff and I'll read them + Aers in the morning
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 08:01:24 AM
Lau please protect me :wave:

Neon, don't neighorborize anyone who is able to talk tonight (myself, AG, idk who else)
@Neon Abigail
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 08:13:11 AM
like, idk, I guess TGN has derps and Vro has been... alright outside my WIM read? but simply isn't enough
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on January 31, 2022, 08:32:01 AM
We don't know if Gerrick knew or not, Gerrick could have faked not knowing and if they have a scum chat, then they can discuss about how it was going to play out*... But I will avoid going into this for time being. I am more interested in seeing TGN spliting the community with his 'age'
Lau would literally tell him to post bc Gerrick not posting makes him sus as fuck individually. Also I personally think that Lau would do a fake claim against a townie as scum, if at all

Also Lau... kinda directed the CFD towards Gerrick pre ENE claim

And ENE fakeclaiming to save scum Gerrick at Lau's orders is just not a world
What is CFD? I don't recall finding this term in the terminology post pinned
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 08:35:34 AM
We don't know if Gerrick knew or not, Gerrick could have faked not knowing and if they have a scum chat, then they can discuss about how it was going to play out*... But I will avoid going into this for time being. I am more interested in seeing TGN spliting the community with his 'age'
Lau would literally tell him to post bc Gerrick not posting makes him sus as fuck individually. Also I personally think that Lau would do a fake claim against a townie as scum, if at all

Also Lau... kinda directed the CFD towards Gerrick pre ENE claim

And ENE fakeclaiming to save scum Gerrick at Lau's orders is just not a world
What is CFD? I don't recall finding this term in the terminology post pinned
basically what I mean is that he tried to organize a vote out on Gerrick with not a vote of time left

it stands for something fire drill
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 08:37:36 AM
Lau is continueing to like and unlike my posts.

If he is trying to signal me with morse code, rather than just joking around, it won't work. Don't think I get exact like and unlike time stamps
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 08:52:46 AM
there goes lau doing it again lol ;) ;) ;)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 08:54:45 AM
Vro joining in the morse code party

Lau I get what you're indicating and it may be worth pursuing further from your end but right now I'm wiped
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 09:00:31 AM
Yes Lau we understand what we're saying

or you're just messing around with me and it means nothing but I think we're on the same wavelength here

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 09:05:27 AM
It's 1 am I'm gonna sleep now 

should look into aers, Anubhav, wintermoot, others ugh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 31, 2022, 09:05:47 AM
Hey Guys and Gals! I'm ready to rock and roll!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 09:06:44 AM
oh someone else can speak at night lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 09:09:44 AM
Moon, got any reads?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 31, 2022, 09:18:50 AM
Hmmm..... Checked my neighborhood, nope
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 09:19:54 AM
Hmmm..... Checked my neighborhood, nope
do you think Neon is town?

anything? anything at all? on anyone? even me? :'(
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 31, 2022, 09:21:22 AM
I trust her. I'll just give you info when I get some.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 31, 2022, 09:25:07 AM
There's also a bunch of people I kinda trust but unsure... Like you.
Hmmm..... Checked my neighborhood, nope
do you think Neon is town?

anything? anything at all? on anyone? even me? :'(
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 09:26:00 AM
There's also a bunch of people I kinda trust but unsure... Like you.
Hmmm..... Checked my neighborhood, nope
do you think Neon is town?

anything? anything at all? on anyone? even me? :'(
willing to make a list of those people?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 31, 2022, 09:28:32 AM
Anubhav Ghosh, NoName, you.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 09:30:33 AM
Anubhav Ghosh, NoName, you.

any particular moments that stood out for them?

any scumleans?

Anubhav and NoName same to be TRs of everyone but me at this point lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on January 31, 2022, 09:40:49 AM
Dunno bout them scums tho.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on January 31, 2022, 09:57:27 PM
bye Gerrick :p
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 01, 2022, 12:40:07 AM
bye Gerrick :p
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 01, 2022, 05:06:31 AM
Well, I'm gonna assume that's you softing vigilante (that's the one where you can night kill people, yes?). If so, I can't really blame you for pulling the trigger on me because I just have a rather suspicious playstyle (usually places me pretty low on the wolves' target list, though). So on the plus side my death will at least clear you as town as long as the wolves also get their kill. But if I'm the only one to die, that might mean you're a wolf that's just lying your claim (although that would be quite a bold move, so I'd probably have you lean Town anyway).

Either way, I'm sticking with TGN and ExLight on the top of my scum list in case I die. o7
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on February 01, 2022, 05:25:09 AM
..... Kay
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 01, 2022, 01:03:57 PM
Well, I'm gonna assume that's you softing vigilante (that's the one where you can night kill people, yes?). If so, I can't really blame you for pulling the trigger on me because I just have a rather suspicious playstyle (usually places me pretty low on the wolves' target list, though). So on the plus side my death will at least clear you as town as long as the wolves also get their kill. But if I'm the only one to die, that might mean you're a wolf that's just lying your claim (although that would be quite a bold move, so I'd probably have you lean Town anyway).

Either way, I'm sticking with TGN and ExLight on the top of my scum list in case I die. o7
So you're immune, apart from Dolby, Moon and me. Without others talking, this is the best time for you to get out of scum reads. You seem way too relaxed with people taking you for scum.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 01, 2022, 07:23:37 PM
I mean, if people have labeled me scum for what I think are poor reasons (my reaction to Laurentus' fake claim was apparently not good enough, I'm not active enough, and whatever else), there's not much I can do about that at this point, especially if I've already been targeted for a night kill this phase. I think my night power can be pretty useful for town, but if they have to kill me to finally move on to actual scum, so be it. My tune will obviously be a little different should I not die tonight as I want to live and win as town. But as of now, I believe I'm already dead, so no point in arguing.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 01, 2022, 10:53:58 PM
"Night will end at 4pm CST tomorrow the 31st."

so that was a lie

something something the night that never ends

bet that there's something like a beloved princess that dies and we have to go through night again lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 02, 2022, 02:57:25 AM
Once more the scene suddenly and violently shifted as the group was torn away from the village.  This time, it shifted for a moment to an unusual looking place with a sign that said “Welcome to Boneville.” on it.  Bane let out a high-pitched scream as a buffalo with an apple cart proceeded to charge at him, as the scene violently shifted once more, though he did happen to catch one of the apples from the cart and proceeded to eat it…though the apple had no taste since it also disappeared when the scene changed.

Now they were in what looked to be a present-day theater, though more specifically they were backstage as they were being told that the show would be starting soon.  Nigel Thornberry was delighted to be back where he belonged, as he took Jamie’s hand and walked on stage to introduce the show known as Wintreath’s Got Talent to the crowd, introducing his new super best friend and new co-host Jamie Lannister…much to Jamie’s disappointment as he had blossomed romantic feelings for this refreshingly goofy character.

Severus Snape, upon seeing he was back for this show, proceeded to attempt to use the Cruciatus Curse on himself, though he was stopped by Helga Pataki once she was done spouting off another sonnet to her love Arnold…who just happened to be backstage as one of the new contestants, only to promptly turn and run when he overheard Helga’s sonnet to him and noticed her heart locket with his picture.  Seeing this, Helga decided to have Snape teach her how to use the curse as well, so that she could use it on Arnold for rejecting her feelings.

Admiral Anderson was not amused by the sights he was seeing, insisting that they move along to somewhere where they could finally rid themselves of the Geth, only for the Armored Titan to catch him off guard as it walked by and then proceeded to change back into a little girl named Suzy.  Mistaking it as someone who cared, he then decided to have a thorough conversation with the Anger Core, who tuned him out while it vented its frustrations about anything it could think of.

Meanwhile outside of the game, players began to wonder if the story would ever actually relate to what was happening in the game, like if the night story would actually suggest anything happening during the night in the game.  Unfortunately for them, they would be disappointed to know that Michi was writing these just on a whim, and that everything that happened in this story would have nothing to do with what was happening in the game, aside from him casually throwing in the currently lynched choice into some equally nonsensical scenario to explain their death or suggestion of death, such as someone dishing out their life’s savings for girl scout cookies.  Maybe, possibly.  It really depended on how Michi was feeling.

There was once again no death last night.

Day three will end whenever Silver gets their crap together. Hopefully everyone received their night action results. I'm doing my best here.

Quite the funny situation, actually. As a dark shadow snuck out to find a strange man, the strange man snuck out to pay a little visit to the dark shadow's home. As their paths crossed, a single question was shared between them:

But have you tried Unexpected Cheddar

Meanwhile, a rather large dogman with a turtle shell intercepted a transmission bound for this section of the flavour, and now no one gets to read it. Or do they? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 03:24:03 AM
alright now that nights over I can explain myself

I was attempting to lay vig cover. I thought that if there was a town vig shot last night it was most likely to have been directed at Gerrick. I was probably not roleblocked?

that said the long night probably did generate some (unintended) value in Gerrick's reaction
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 03:27:35 AM
*yawns* I am quite tired. Might've overslept last night. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 03:34:30 AM
Hi Neon, any hot takes for the thread
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 02, 2022, 03:42:00 AM
All of a sudden, the corpse of a Space Marine is hurdled into the middle of town, apparently on fire. It almost looks like he jumped from his spaceship without remembering a parachute... or heat resistant armor.

But wait! An arm and a leg wearing medieval armor also come crashing down from the sky, in no better a state than the dead body. They appear to belong to the Black Knight, but the rest of the man is nowhere to be found.

While the town may never know how the Black Knight got into space to have what must have been an epic battle with the Space Marine, it is quite obvious that one of their defenders is dead. How terrible.

Laurentus is dead. He was Space Marine. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 03:43:08 AM
you've gotta be kidding me
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 02, 2022, 03:44:51 AM
what the fuck
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 02, 2022, 03:47:08 AM
And I don't think anyone was pocketing me, rather that maybe one was pocketing the others. Most likely Dolby of the three of them.
I corrected myself a couple messages after it. Can you elaborate on this?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 02, 2022, 03:47:51 AM
Well, I'm gonna assume that's you softing vigilante (that's the one where you can night kill people, yes?). If so, I can't really blame you for pulling the trigger on me because I just have a rather suspicious playstyle (usually places me pretty low on the wolves' target list, though). So on the plus side my death will at least clear you as town as long as the wolves also get their kill. But if I'm the only one to die, that might mean you're a wolf that's just lying your claim (although that would be quite a bold move, so I'd probably have you lean Town anyway).

Either way, I'm sticking with TGN and ExLight on the top of my scum list in case I die. o7
lol @ trying to out a power role claim and redirect a kill onto me while I couldn't even say anything to defend myself
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on February 02, 2022, 04:34:04 AM
Batman scum attempted to kill someone, it seems. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 04:45:04 AM

No not Lau...I never even gave him tea.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 04:45:51 AM
Oh also this 

Vote: Gerrick
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 02, 2022, 05:16:27 AM
Batman scum attempted to kill someone, it seems.
ugh I kinda want to agree but I stand that flavor isn't likely to be important
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 05:20:48 AM
I'd trust her on this 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 02, 2022, 10:15:44 AM
Huh, well good news and bad news. So wait, was Laurentus' death a result of a night kill, or did it happen during Day 3?

And I don't think anyone was pocketing me, rather that maybe one was pocketing the others. Most likely Dolby of the three of them.
I corrected myself a couple messages after it. Can you elaborate on this?
At one point, the three of them were acting as if they were all town when I didn't see how they came to that conclusion. Of the three, Dolby seemed the most likely to be scum trying to get in good with the other two.

Well, I'm gonna assume that's you softing vigilante (that's the one where you can night kill people, yes?). If so, I can't really blame you for pulling the trigger on me because I just have a rather suspicious playstyle (usually places me pretty low on the wolves' target list, though). So on the plus side my death will at least clear you as town as long as the wolves also get their kill. But if I'm the only one to die, that might mean you're a wolf that's just lying your claim (although that would be quite a bold move, so I'd probably have you lean Town anyway).

Either way, I'm sticking with TGN and ExLight on the top of my scum list in case I die. o7
lol @ trying to out a power role claim and redirect a kill onto me while I couldn't even say anything to defend myself
I mean, he's the one who fake claimed, so... And it's standard procedure to say who you're sussing before you think you'll die at night. 

@Neon Abigail, may I ask who you added to your neighborhood last night? If you're town, it'd be good to clear another person so that we don't accidentally lynch them. Or perhaps wait until they're being voted if you think that's better. So I guess, rather the question is did you add another person to your neighborhood last night? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 02, 2022, 11:53:03 AM
I'm going to go with day 3 since we were specifically told there were no deaths over night. 

Also people aren't cleared just because they've been neighborized. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 02, 2022, 12:05:34 PM
Interesting, ok. And I guess I misunderstood what the neighborhood thing is - thought it was essentially a seer army.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 02, 2022, 02:44:04 PM
Interesting, ok. And I guess I misunderstood what the neighborhood thing is - thought it was essentially a seer army.
I swear to god your cop variant is completely absurd sdonmfsdlg
I'll never get over yall saying your cop adds town to a neighborhood because that's 
b u s t e d
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 02, 2022, 02:44:52 PM
Also Lau getting killed D3 is weird
does anyone want to claim that? it seems busted for a scum role

I wonder if they tried to kill him last night but got blocked too?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 02, 2022, 04:10:41 PM
guys where yall ):
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 02, 2022, 04:14:46 PM
Also Lau getting killed D3 is weird
does anyone want to claim that? it seems busted for a scum role

I wonder if they tried to kill him last night but got blocked too?
I was kicking around the notion of a delayed kill, like a poisoner, that just triggers at the start of the second day instead of the following night. That would also account some for lack of night kills. 

Seems bone headed for a Vig to off Laurentus so hastily after day start, not even giving them a chance to speak. But I guess worse plays have happened. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 04:31:31 PM
Batman scum attempted to kill someone, it seems.

I may have overlooked something, but don't recall seeing Batman mentioned in the post giving us the night results?  Or is this something that you were able to come by using your powers? If that's the case then who is Batman? (sorry, been really busy with work lately and haven't read as closely as I would have liked to be able to for the past few days)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 04:40:57 PM
Interesting, ok. And I guess I misunderstood what the neighborhood thing is - thought it was essentially a seer army.
I swear to god your cop variant is completely absurd sdonmfsdlg
I'll never get over yall saying your cop adds town to a neighborhood because that's
b u s t e d
Could just be a semantics thing? Although we do call it a seer's army in XKI as well. If Gerrick is scum that could be an excuse to explain away the poor wording, much as he used a (bad, in my opinion) excuse to explain his (lack of) response to Lau's D1 claim against him. Hate to beat a dead horse, much less a living horse that nobody else seems to want to beat on, but I might stick with my vote in this slot again today. Unless someone has new information or a better argument elsewhere. Also willing to vote TGN if that wagon forms.

Do we have a general feeling as to whether Neon is a town role with neighborhood powers, or a 3p cult leader adding to her following? I've never played with either role that I remember so not really sure how to feel about that role. I do know that I'm not the one she added last night.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 04:42:55 PM
One thought that I haven't seen anyone else bring up - what are the chances that the only people who were immune to the quiet mode were all town? Seems like that would be a bit of a giveaway, so I'm thinking that at least 1 person who was able to speak during the night is a member of the scum team.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 04:43:57 PM
And as for the quote at the end of the night flavor post - what the heck is unexpected cheddar?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 04:45:43 PM
Also Lau getting killed D3 is weird
does anyone want to claim that? it seems busted for a scum role

I wonder if they tried to kill him last night but got blocked too?
What do you mean by 'busted for a scum role'? Not sure I follow what you mean here.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 04:50:08 PM
Also Lau getting killed D3 is weird
does anyone want to claim that? it seems busted for a scum role

I wonder if they tried to kill him last night but got blocked too?
I was kicking around the notion of a delayed kill, like a poisoner, that just triggers at the start of the second day instead of the following night. That would also account some for lack of night kills.

Seems bone headed for a Vig to off Laurentus so hastily after day start, not even giving them a chance to speak. But I guess worse plays have happened.
I agree with half of this. Lau may have been the result of a delayed kill like you suggested - it would be bad form for a vig to just waste him at that point, especially given his defender claim. That makes me think that it was more than likely a member of the scum team, or possibly a 3p with a weird win con (although I don't know if y'all have ever had one of those roles and don't feel like scrolling through all the old games looking). I don't think the lack of night kills thus far has anything to do with a delayed kill though, more likely the defenders did a great job or that the scum got role blocked in some way.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 06:14:03 PM
One thought that I haven't seen anyone else bring up - what are the chances that the only people who were immune to the quiet mode were all town? Seems like that would be a bit of a giveaway, so I'm thinking that at least 1 person who was able to speak during the night is a member of the scum team.
fwiw scum could have just chosen to not speak and honestly I'm not confident that every town immune spoke anyway
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 06:15:31 PM
There was once again no death last night.

Ok yeah that was a day shot or something
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 06:29:43 PM
One thought that I haven't seen anyone else bring up - what are the chances that the only people who were immune to the quiet mode were all town? Seems like that would be a bit of a giveaway, so I'm thinking that at least 1 person who was able to speak during the night is a member of the scum team.
fwiw scum could have just chosen to not speak and honestly I'm not confident that every town immune spoke anyway
I agree with you regarding scum choosing not to talk I guess, but didn't really consider that a town role would choose silence if they were immune.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 06:32:01 PM
One thought that I haven't seen anyone else bring up - what are the chances that the only people who were immune to the quiet mode were all town? Seems like that would be a bit of a giveaway, so I'm thinking that at least 1 person who was able to speak during the night is a member of the scum team.
fwiw scum could have just chosen to not speak and honestly I'm not confident that every town immune spoke anyway
I agree with you regarding scum choosing not to talk I guess, but didn't really consider that a town role would choose silence if they were immune.
K, how do you feel about Gerrick in that case
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 06:32:47 PM
Interesting, ok. And I guess I misunderstood what the neighborhood thing is - thought it was essentially a seer army.
I swear to god your cop variant is completely absurd sdonmfsdlg
I'll never get over yall saying your cop adds town to a neighborhood because that's
b u s t e d
Could just be a semantics thing? Although we do call it a seer's army in XKI as well. If Gerrick is scum that could be an excuse to explain away the poor wording, much as he used a (bad, in my opinion) excuse to explain his (lack of) response to Lau's D1 claim against him. Hate to beat a dead horse, much less a living horse that nobody else seems to want to beat on, but I might stick with my vote in this slot again today. Unless someone has new information or a better argument elsewhere. Also willing to vote TGN if that wagon forms.

Do we have a general feeling as to whether Neon is a town role with neighborhood powers, or a 3p cult leader adding to her following? I've never played with either role that I remember so not really sure how to feel about that role. I do know that I'm not the one she added last night.
I'm just a little girl with no power hanging out in a neighborhood with my friends. I built it just for this,  lots of tea and lots of really pretty houses for everyone. None of this silly murder stuff. It's quite the place you might even call it a good place if you wanted. 

Goddess of tea and happiness
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 06:38:49 PM
I think that Neon not only claiming being a neighborizer but also one of her targets as a neighborizer target is such a suboptimal move as a cult leader that I'm not willing to consider it. This of course assumes that there is a mafia this game and this isn't some twisted town v cult game, but at the same time I gotta think Lau HAS to have been a day vig shot from mafia. But basically, if Neon is a cult leader and claiming her neighbors, and they're confirming the neighborize, that's going to be such a bad move because eventually the mafia WILL kill them, and then it's going to be like "why is Neon's neighbor culted", we yeet Neon, she flips cult leader, then yeet her neighbors

I also kinda doubt that she has a neighborize and cult action, separately. Just to many big private chats for one person
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 06:39:04 PM
basically, she probs town
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 06:45:54 PM
I'm not going to guarentee that mafia or cult don't have a neighborize tbh, just seems unlikely and also the way she broke down mid d2 felt really town
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 06:46:38 PM
I think that Neon not only claiming being a neighborizer but also one of her targets as a neighborizer target is such a suboptimal move as a cult leader that I'm not willing to consider it. This of course assumes that there is a mafia this game and this isn't some twisted town v cult game, but at the same time I gotta think Lau HAS to have been a day vig shot from mafia. But basically, if Neon is a cult leader and claiming her neighbors, and they're confirming the neighborize, that's going to be such a bad move because eventually the mafia WILL kill them, and then it's going to be like "why is Neon's neighbor culted", we yeet Neon, she flips cult leader, then yeet her neighbors

I also kinda doubt that she has a neighborize and cult action, separately. Just to many big private chats for one person
Wasn't really familiar with the differences between a 'neighborizer' and cult leader, so thanks for the clarification. I'm not convinced that Lau had to be a vig shot by scum, still could have been a 3p with a weird win con? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 06:48:06 PM
I'm not going to guarentee that mafia or cult don't have a neighborize tbh, just seems unlikely and also the way she broke down mid d2 felt really town
I wasn't implying that she's scum, was merely trying to decide if she's town or a 3p.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 06:51:00 PM
I think that Neon not only claiming being a neighborizer but also one of her targets as a neighborizer target is such a suboptimal move as a cult leader that I'm not willing to consider it. This of course assumes that there is a mafia this game and this isn't some twisted town v cult game, but at the same time I gotta think Lau HAS to have been a day vig shot from mafia. But basically, if Neon is a cult leader and claiming her neighbors, and they're confirming the neighborize, that's going to be such a bad move because eventually the mafia WILL kill them, and then it's going to be like "why is Neon's neighbor culted", we yeet Neon, she flips cult leader, then yeet her neighbors

I also kinda doubt that she has a neighborize and cult action, separately. Just to many big private chats for one person
Wasn't really familiar with the differences between a 'neighborizer' and cult leader, so thanks for the clarification. I'm not convinced that Lau had to be a vig shot by scum, still could have been a 3p with a weird win con?
yeah that is possible re:Lau

honestly I think though that we're really off track in the world that Lau was the N2 and a mafia day vig shot (imo this is most likely, if the day vig was mafia you always use it on your previous night kill target if they're alive) because he's kinda a reputation/effort kill rather than an accuracy kill. I think that the worlds where we aren't off track are if Lau blocked the N2 on either Neon or ENE bc they're PR claims
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 06:51:20 PM
One thought that I haven't seen anyone else bring up - what are the chances that the only people who were immune to the quiet mode were all town? Seems like that would be a bit of a giveaway, so I'm thinking that at least 1 person who was able to speak during the night is a member of the scum team.
fwiw scum could have just chosen to not speak and honestly I'm not confident that every town immune spoke anyway
I agree with you regarding scum choosing not to talk I guess, but didn't really consider that a town role would choose silence if they were immune.
K, how do you feel about Gerrick in that case
I've already stated today that I'm probably going to stick with Gerrick as my vote, unless a TGN wagon seems more likely or anyone else comes up with a more plausible target. If any/all scum who could have talked chose not to, then I guess that would clear Gerrick - but we have no way of knowing that. It still leaves TGN as a viable option though, so maybe I'll vote that way instead.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 06:53:47 PM
I think that Neon not only claiming being a neighborizer but also one of her targets as a neighborizer target is such a suboptimal move as a cult leader that I'm not willing to consider it. This of course assumes that there is a mafia this game and this isn't some twisted town v cult game, but at the same time I gotta think Lau HAS to have been a day vig shot from mafia. But basically, if Neon is a cult leader and claiming her neighbors, and they're confirming the neighborize, that's going to be such a bad move because eventually the mafia WILL kill them, and then it's going to be like "why is Neon's neighbor culted", we yeet Neon, she flips cult leader, then yeet her neighbors

I also kinda doubt that she has a neighborize and cult action, separately. Just to many big private chats for one person
Wasn't really familiar with the differences between a 'neighborizer' and cult leader, so thanks for the clarification. I'm not convinced that Lau had to be a vig shot by scum, still could have been a 3p with a weird win con?
yeah that is possible re:Lau

honestly I think though that we're really off track in the world that Lau was the N2 and a mafia day vig shot (imo this is most likely, if the day vig was mafia you always use it on your previous night kill target if they're alive) because he's kinda a reputation/effort kill rather than an accuracy kill. I think that the worlds where we aren't off track are if Lau blocked the N2 on either Neon or ENE bc they're PR claims
Just thought of another possibility, there are some roles that don't block others abilities, they redirect them - either specifically or randomly. I think it's possible that if it was a vig shot that killed Lau that they may have had their shot tampered with. Thoughts?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 06:56:18 PM
I think that Neon not only claiming being a neighborizer but also one of her targets as a neighborizer target is such a suboptimal move as a cult leader that I'm not willing to consider it. This of course assumes that there is a mafia this game and this isn't some twisted town v cult game, but at the same time I gotta think Lau HAS to have been a day vig shot from mafia. But basically, if Neon is a cult leader and claiming her neighbors, and they're confirming the neighborize, that's going to be such a bad move because eventually the mafia WILL kill them, and then it's going to be like "why is Neon's neighbor culted", we yeet Neon, she flips cult leader, then yeet her neighbors

I also kinda doubt that she has a neighborize and cult action, separately. Just to many big private chats for one person
Wasn't really familiar with the differences between a 'neighborizer' and cult leader, so thanks for the clarification. I'm not convinced that Lau had to be a vig shot by scum, still could have been a 3p with a weird win con?
yeah that is possible re:Lau

honestly I think though that we're really off track in the world that Lau was the N2 and a mafia day vig shot (imo this is most likely, if the day vig was mafia you always use it on your previous night kill target if they're alive) because he's kinda a reputation/effort kill rather than an accuracy kill. I think that the worlds where we aren't off track are if Lau blocked the N2 on either Neon or ENE bc they're PR claims
Just thought of another possibility, there are some roles that don't block others abilities, they redirect them - either specifically or randomly. I think it's possible that if it was a vig shot that killed Lau that they may have had their shot tampered with. Thoughts?
such a shot would have had to be SPECFICALLY delayed to day if we're going with the "Lau was a day shot bc of teh 'no deaths last night'" wording

I kinda think that that role as mafia is pointless in a sense? Like, why not make it a roleblocker because unless it's a roleblocker, that's effectively what it does (I'm assuming there's a lack of day actions this game)... outside of vig shots
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 06:56:53 PM
Basically, I think given his doc status, Lau was very much an intentional kill, likely by mafia specifically
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 06:59:56 PM
Honestly it's entirely possible that Lau was killed specifically to decrease the thread's post count
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 07:17:02 PM

I kinda think that that role as mafia is pointless in a sense? Like, why not make it a roleblocker because unless it's a roleblocker, that's effectively what it does (I'm assuming there's a lack of day actions this game)... outside of vig shots
I'm not suggesting that Lau was a day shot because there were no night kills, and I agree that he made himself an even more obvious target when he claimed defender. As for whether the deflector role is pointless or not is beside the point - the role does exist, recently played a game where it was used, which is why I thought of it. And I didn't imply that the deflector would be from the scum team, I simply meant that it's possible that someone with deflector power chose to use their action and used it on the vig, which altered the vig's shot. And I know that there are other day actions out there because I've noticed one being used during both of the first two days. In short, you're probably right that Lau was killed by the scum team with some sort of day action, or possibly a delayed kill if they poisoned him or something. I'm just thinking out loud about other possibilities given that we don't know all of the different roles/powers that are in play this game.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 07:17:52 PM
Honestly it's entirely possible that Lau was killed specifically to decrease the thread's post count
If this is true, are you implying that it was done by someone with a low post count or who has complained about having to read too much to keep up?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 07:18:17 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 07:19:20 PM
Aers I'm just gonna call you pretty likely town from your last post and move on bc I think that we can both agree that the kill is scum motivated and that's the most important part about it

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 07:21:00 PM
Honestly it's entirely possible that Lau was killed specifically to decrease the thread's post count
If this is true, are you implying that it was done by someone with a low post count or who has complained about having to read too much to keep up?
I was trying to be funny to Lau bc we recently played a game where we kinda went wild with the post count.

I think that he was killed for being a doc claim and kinda pretty towny besides
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 07:23:31 PM
Random potentially stupid question. 

Is it not possible that Lau just bodyguarded someone last night and because this is a game of lies and deceit the lovely hosts just decided to flavorize his death later after day start. 

Probably just me being dumb but.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 07:27:59 PM
Random potentially stupid question.

Is it not possible that Lau just bodyguarded someone last night and because this is a game of lies and deceit the lovely hosts just decided to flavorize his death later after day start.

Probably just me being dumb but.
I guess but like

There were no deaths last night is pretty explicit imo, and I'd hope that there'd be clarificaiton that Lau was a night kill in that case
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 07:32:14 PM
Random potentially stupid question.

Is it not possible that Lau just bodyguarded someone last night and because this is a game of lies and deceit the lovely hosts just decided to flavorize his death later after day start.

Probably just me being dumb but.
Don't think so, they specifically stated that there were no night deaths.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 02, 2022, 07:32:22 PM
Sorry for being inactive, and I will be somewhat less active in coming days, I agree on delayed kill theory with Laurentus. The quiet mode was probably turned on to keep the citizens at bay from discussing his death, and I think whoever made the kill is immune to quiet mode. The only people who spoke during the night in quiet mode were Gerrick, Dolby, Moondrop and me. Correct me if I am wrong.

Also, did Moondrop mix Black knight for Dark knight and got into the batman theory? His statement on Lau's death makes me think that he might know more than the rest, but he isn't speaking up. Should we be sus?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 07:32:43 PM
Got ninja'd :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 07:33:04 PM
Maybe just because of the games I've played but I never trust the hosts. Given the option I choose to lynch them,  and than Lau kills me for that 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 07:33:43 PM
Sorry for being inactive, and I will be somewhat less active in coming days, I agree on delayed kill theory with Laurentus. The quiet mode was probably turned on to keep the citizens at bay from discussing his death, and I think whoever made the kill is immune to quiet mode. The only people who spoke during the night in quiet mode were Gerrick, Dolby, Moondrop and me. Correct me if I am wrong.

Also, did Moondrop mix Black knight for Dark knight and got into the batman theory? His statement on Lau's death makes me think that he might know more than the rest, but he isn't speaking up. Should we be sus?
I thought Neon had pretty much cleared Moon?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 07:35:15 PM
I will say this
I'm almost 100% sure that quiet mode was explicitly enabled by the hosts to try to let people catch up without us assuming they were scum for using it
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 02, 2022, 07:36:58 PM
Sorry for being inactive, and I will be somewhat less active in coming days, I agree on delayed kill theory with Laurentus. The quiet mode was probably turned on to keep the citizens at bay from discussing his death, and I think whoever made the kill is immune to quiet mode. The only people who spoke during the night in quiet mode were Gerrick, Dolby, Moondrop and me. Correct me if I am wrong.

Also, did Moondrop mix Black knight for Dark knight and got into the batman theory? His statement on Lau's death makes me think that he might know more than the rest, but he isn't speaking up. Should we be sus?
I thought Neon had pretty much cleared Moon?
i wouldn't call it clear, more like she's good socially
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 07:38:12 PM
I will say this
I'm almost 100% sure that quiet mode was explicitly enabled by the hosts to try to let people catch up without us assuming they were scum for using it
The OP states that it would be enacted if anyone complained about their ability to keep up with the thread, and at least one person did that during D2 (Gerrick). There may have been others, but I think I specifically remember him saying something about the volume of posts.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 07:39:13 PM
Sorry for being inactive, and I will be somewhat less active in coming days, I agree on delayed kill theory with Laurentus. The quiet mode was probably turned on to keep the citizens at bay from discussing his death, and I think whoever made the kill is immune to quiet mode. The only people who spoke during the night in quiet mode were Gerrick, Dolby, Moondrop and me. Correct me if I am wrong.

Also, did Moondrop mix Black knight for Dark knight and got into the batman theory? His statement on Lau's death makes me think that he might know more than the rest, but he isn't speaking up. Should we be sus?
I thought Neon had pretty much cleared Moon?
i wouldn't call it clear, more like she's good socially
Ah, I thought she said that Moon had given her info to back up their role claim that led her to believe that Moon wasn't lying. I'll have to go back and reread that bit.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 07:40:20 PM
I will say this
I'm almost 100% sure that quiet mode was explicitly enabled by the hosts to try to let people catch up without us assuming they were scum for using it
The OP states that it would be enacted if anyone complained about their ability to keep up with the thread, and at least one person did that during D2 (Gerrick). There may have been others, but I think I specifically remember him saying something about the volume of posts.
It was a discussion in discord. One triggered by Lau suggesting the hosts enable it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 02, 2022, 07:41:12 PM
I will say this
I'm almost 100% sure that quiet mode was explicitly enabled by the hosts to try to let people catch up without us assuming they were scum for using it
At this point, I am looking to shorten the list probably. I think that one person among the 'immune to quiet mode' characters are part of scum team. Also Silv mentioned a Black Knight that died, we never got to know about that. I think there might be someone else who died along with Laurentus
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 07:41:25 PM
And one that needed to be triggered by the hosts because D1 everyone essentially said that if quiet mode was engaged they'd instantly assume scum
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 07:42:15 PM
Sorry for being inactive, and I will be somewhat less active in coming days, I agree on delayed kill theory with Laurentus. The quiet mode was probably turned on to keep the citizens at bay from discussing his death, and I think whoever made the kill is immune to quiet mode. The only people who spoke during the night in quiet mode were Gerrick, Dolby, Moondrop and me. Correct me if I am wrong.

Also, did Moondrop mix Black knight for Dark knight and got into the batman theory? His statement on Lau's death makes me think that he might know more than the rest, but he isn't speaking up. Should we be sus?
I thought Neon had pretty much cleared Moon?
i wouldn't call it clear, more like she's good socially
Ah, I thought she said that Moon had given her info to back up their role claim that led her to believe that Moon wasn't lying. I'll have to go back and reread that bit.
Moon is an overwhelmed townie and she won't even drink my tea.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 07:45:43 PM
I will say this
I'm almost 100% sure that quiet mode was explicitly enabled by the hosts to try to let people catch up without us assuming they were scum for using it
The OP states that it would be enacted if anyone complained about their ability to keep up with the thread, and at least one person did that during D2 (Gerrick). There may have been others, but I think I specifically remember him saying something about the volume of posts.
It was a discussion in discord. One triggered by Lau suggesting the hosts enable it.
Discussion in Discord? Assuming you mean your neighborhood chat? And I must have missed Lau suggesting that they trigger it, I was simply going by what the OP stated:

Quiet mode: If any player complains about how hard it is to keep up with the thread, the game enters quiet mode for the following night. During this time, only the player who complained about it being too busy and any designated as immune to quiet mode can post.

Given how that's worded, someone who wasn't immune to quiet mode could still talk at night if they were the one that caused it to get tripped (ie Gerrick)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 07:46:56 PM
I will say this
I'm almost 100% sure that quiet mode was explicitly enabled by the hosts to try to let people catch up without us assuming they were scum for using it
The OP states that it would be enacted if anyone complained about their ability to keep up with the thread, and at least one person did that during D2 (Gerrick). There may have been others, but I think I specifically remember him saying something about the volume of posts.
It was a discussion in discord. One triggered by Lau suggesting the hosts enable it.
Discussion in Discord? Assuming you mean your neighborhood chat? And I must have missed Lau suggesting that they trigger it, I was simply going by what the OP stated:

Quiet mode: If any player complains about how hard it is to keep up with the thread, the game enters quiet mode for the following night. During this time, only the player who complained about it being too busy and any designated as immune to quiet mode can post.

Given how that's worded, someone who wasn't immune to quiet mode could still talk at night if they were the one that caused it to get tripped (ie Gerrick)
No I mean discord. I mean straight up the rules do not apply this was triggered without anyone triggering it. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 07:48:59 PM
I will say this
I'm almost 100% sure that quiet mode was explicitly enabled by the hosts to try to let people catch up without us assuming they were scum for using it
The OP states that it would be enacted if anyone complained about their ability to keep up with the thread, and at least one person did that during D2 (Gerrick). There may have been others, but I think I specifically remember him saying something about the volume of posts.
It was a discussion in discord. One triggered by Lau suggesting the hosts enable it.
Discussion in Discord? Assuming you mean your neighborhood chat? And I must have missed Lau suggesting that they trigger it, I was simply going by what the OP stated:

Quiet mode: If any player complains about how hard it is to keep up with the thread, the game enters quiet mode for the following night. During this time, only the player who complained about it being too busy and any designated as immune to quiet mode can post.

Given how that's worded, someone who wasn't immune to quiet mode could still talk at night if they were the one that caused it to get tripped (ie Gerrick)
No I mean discord. I mean straight up the rules do not apply this was triggered without anyone triggering it.
Did I miss a post stating that? Did the hosts say that they had chosen to trigger it themselves? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 07:51:05 PM (
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 07:53:00 PM
I think you're all focusing too much on the hosts I for one don't trust them. Especially that Michi fellow. Seems sus.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 02, 2022, 07:57:28 PM
Honestly it's entirely possible that Lau was killed specifically to decrease the thread's post count
If this is true, are you implying that it was done by someone with a low post count or who has complained about having to read too much to keep up?
Conversely to keeping up as a motive, some players choose to off active town in order to simply hamper discussion. When town is left with just lower post count individuals, scum can control the thread narrative easier. 

As for day vs night kill, it really depends on any roles wording. I said kicking around ideas because it's really too early to determine a pattern and thus make any sort of fair assumption. They are simply things to keep in mind as we progress and gain more information. 

On black knight, I took that as more holy grail reference. Tis but a scratch. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 02, 2022, 08:14:42 PM
Also Lau getting killed D3 is weird
does anyone want to claim that? it seems busted for a scum role

I wonder if they tried to kill him last night but got blocked too?
I would be surprised if they didn't go for Lau - a Defender will generally be unprotected and thus a good hit.

I'm leaning that it was a scum day-vig, however I'm open to the possibility of a solo like SK.

Also in hindsight the KoD wagon yesterday was too stagnant, hopefully there'll be a bit more vote movement today.

I did some digging, and it's also interesting that your role showed up as a wolf role. Now I know not to trust the flavor too much and I know that my checks aren't 100% accurate, but it makes you think...

Vote: ExLight

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 08:15:16 PM (
Went to the Wintreath Discord and didn't find this quote in the Wintreath channel, so assuming it came from a private chat that you and he and the hosts were part of?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 08:15:40 PM
I think you're all focusing too much on the hosts I for one don't trust them. Especially that Michi fellow. Seems sus.
You're the one focused on the hosts?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 08:17:58 PM

I did some digging, and it's also interesting that your role showed up as a wolf role. Now I know not to trust the flavor too much and I know that my checks aren't 100% accurate, but it makes you think...

Vote: ExLight

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
 Could you explain this bit a little more? Are you saying that you used role cop power on Ex and then compared that finding with previous games? If so, what role did you determine that he has?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 08:19:07 PM (
Went to the Wintreath Discord and didn't find this quote in the Wintreath channel, so assuming it came from a private chat that you and he and the hosts were part of?
It's in the Werewolf channel which I believe is an optable role. 
And no I'm the one saying that just because there's a rule and the hosts didn't word something a specific way does not mean that things are exactly as they appear.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 08:19:57 PM
But I'm going to attempt to entice my friends to help me make some sense of this all maybe over some tea and cookies. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 02, 2022, 08:20:35 PM
It is now Night 2. Send actions and all that jazz. Night will end at 4pm CST tomorrow the 31st.

Quiet Mode has been activated. Do not post if you are not designated as immune.
There have been a few complaints and people need time to catch up. Needing time to catch up is not alignment indicative and players should use the mechanic as they need. It is here for a reason. Please use it.
@Aersoldorf - this makes it sound like a host decision. But regardless, I also do agree with Ruguo here, catching up is not alignment-indicative. I'd rather have all players caught up and able to enjoy themselves as opposed to only top posters getting that privilege.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 08:21:18 PM
*coughs* I've been making that argument since D1 *cough*
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 02, 2022, 08:24:33 PM

I did some digging, and it's also interesting that your role showed up as a wolf role. Now I know not to trust the flavor too much and I know that my checks aren't 100% accurate, but it makes you think...

Vote: ExLight

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
Could you explain this bit a little more? Are you saying that you used role cop power on Ex and then compared that finding with previous games? If so, what role did you determine that he has?
Yes, he showed up as Perry Tealeaf. And used the search function to determine that it was a role used in the game titled Wintreath's Got Talent!, where one of the Saboteurs (Wolves) that game had that role.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 08:26:24 PM
It is now Night 2. Send actions and all that jazz. Night will end at 4pm CST tomorrow the 31st.

Quiet Mode has been activated. Do not post if you are not designated as immune.
There have been a few complaints and people need time to catch up. Needing time to catch up is not alignment indicative and players should use the mechanic as they need. It is here for a reason. Please use it.
@Aersoldorf - this makes it sound like a host decision. But regardless, I also do agree with Ruguo here, catching up is not alignment-indicative. I'd rather have all players caught up and able to enjoy themselves as opposed to only top posters getting that privilege.
Immediately after the 'quiet mode has been activated. do not post if you are not designated as immune' bit, they point out that 'THERE HAVE BEEN A FEW COMPLAINTS' which was the required action to trigger the mode - hence why I thought it was player triggered instead of a host decision. I'm also not suggesting that catching up is AI, but it is more beneficial to a scum player who needs to be more careful what they say to be able to keep up with the thread than it is for a town to be able to keep up because they don't have to worry about a TMI slip.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 08:32:28 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 08:34:29 PM
Sorry if I make you want to bang your head on your desk. I have an unusual mind and don't always think like others do.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 08:38:00 PM

I did some digging, and it's also interesting that your role showed up as a wolf role. Now I know not to trust the flavor too much and I know that my checks aren't 100% accurate, but it makes you think...

Vote: ExLight

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
Could you explain this bit a little more? Are you saying that you used role cop power on Ex and then compared that finding with previous games? If so, what role did you determine that he has?
Yes, he showed up as Perry Tealeaf. And used the search function to determine that it was a role used in the game titled Wintreath's Got Talent!, where one of the Saboteurs (Wolves) that game had that role.
That is pretty interesting and it got me to wondering about my role. I looked around a bit and managed to find it. I don't know what it means concerning your theory here, but I can say with certainty that my powers this game do NOT match those of the role by the same name in the game from which it was taken. They're a bit similar, but there are a couple of huge differences and that makes me want to think a bit more before simply jumping on this wagon with you.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 08:49:53 PM
Sorry if I make you want to bang your head on your desk. I have an unusual mind and don't always think like others do.
You don't I'm just legitimately 99.9% sure this was mod triggered and this is wasting time. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 08:51:20 PM
Also, @eastern_new_england - when you say that your checks aren't 100% accurate, could you be a bit more specific? Are you saying that they may give you a false role result? Like they might tell you that someone who is really King Arthur is Sir Lancelot or something along those lines? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 02, 2022, 08:51:51 PM
Sorry if I make you want to bang your head on your desk. I have an unusual mind and don't always think like others do.
You don't I'm just legitimately 99.9% sure this was mod triggered and this is wasting time.
I'll drop it then
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 02, 2022, 08:53:31 PM
Nothing is 100% accurate this game is a lie. 

*whispers to game mods*

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 12:10:57 AM
Anybody? Anybody? Buehler?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 12:15:22 AM
Anybody? Anybody? Buehler?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 12:15:40 AM
ngl I'm probs just gonna laze today and coast on my townreads
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 12:22:19 AM
also I'm gonna stop being as paranoid about ENE bc I like him making an accusation
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 12:34:13 AM
I want Lau back
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 12:35:28 AM
Also Lau getting killed D3 is weird
does anyone want to claim that? it seems busted for a scum role

I wonder if they tried to kill him last night but got blocked too?
What do you mean by 'busted for a scum role'? Not sure I follow what you mean here.
how does scum being able to kill during the day sound remotely fair to you?
it has literally no way for us to possibly see them or protect against, not to mention it can also be used for vote manipulation if it happens during EoD AND is an extra kill

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 12:42:36 AM
Also Lau getting killed D3 is weird
does anyone want to claim that? it seems busted for a scum role

I wonder if they tried to kill him last night but got blocked too?
I would be surprised if they didn't go for Lau - a Defender will generally be unprotected and thus a good hit.

I'm leaning that it was a scum day-vig, however I'm open to the possibility of a solo like SK.

Also in hindsight the KoD wagon yesterday was too stagnant, hopefully there'll be a bit more vote movement today.

I did some digging, and it's also interesting that your role showed up as a wolf role. Now I know not to trust the flavor too much and I know that my checks aren't 100% accurate, but it makes you think...

Vote: ExLight

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
Not sure what you want to know, I've been trying to explain to yall that the past character alignment isn't related to the current one
Anyone would realize I'd have a reason for that, like, y'know, my own role? Lol.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 12:44:04 AM
also your vote didn't work

Code: [Select]
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 12:50:19 AM
I mean yes you're right alignment isn't necessarily the same neither is power
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 03, 2022, 12:59:49 AM
Tagging people who haven't been around in the main thread this day yet as far as I remember:

@Red Mones

You've been poked.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 03, 2022, 01:37:59 AM
Also Lau getting killed D3 is weird
does anyone want to claim that? it seems busted for a scum role

I wonder if they tried to kill him last night but got blocked too?
What do you mean by 'busted for a scum role'? Not sure I follow what you mean here.
how does scum being able to kill during the day sound remotely fair to you?
it has literally no way for us to possibly see them or protect against, not to mention it can also be used for vote manipulation if it happens during EoD AND is an extra kill

Ah, I thought you meant that the mechanics are essentially broken if someone from the scum team had the ability to kill during the day. I can see the logic there, but given how we're flying blind in this game I'm not sure that anything conventional can be held to be true. I guess I'll have to think about this some more.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 02:26:10 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on February 03, 2022, 02:32:56 AM
I'm around. There's not too much to comment on just yet. How's the tea?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 03, 2022, 02:42:16 AM
With the break last night, I actually did have a chance to look closely at votes (and do a lot of other Wintreath things).

cozmikrae and NoName are the only two people to have voted for Captan_lunch on Day 1 and KingofDominaria on Day 2. Conversely, TGN, ENE, Aersoldorf, and Anubhav didn't vote for either of them (although Anubhav and ENE accomplished this by not voting at least once). Red Mones and Moondrop did not vote on either day.

Both nights, TGN has been the only vote for the people he's voted for. On Day 1, he voted for me saying pretty much that he had to vote for somebody. On Day 2, he voted for ENE because he called him scummy, although ENE was far from the only person to voice suspicion last round. Not having much of a reason was fine on Day 1, but I'm a bit more suspicious now that it's happened again on Day 2. It seems like a lot of trying to fly under the radar and not get nailed as part of a wagon.

I'm perplexed by Neon's vote for Anubhav with the reasoning involving his quip about robbing tea from a goddess. Unless I missed something, Anubhav wasn't really discussed and didn't really discuss much himself, so I'm curious how he came under suspicion.

As for the untimely death of Laurentus, I tend to agree that it would be overpowered for wolves to have a day-kill power as well, but could it be a 3rd party player who has aligned with the wolves? We know they're in the game from Captan_lunch's role reveal. Removing Lau from the game does slow the game down and removes a game leader who isn't afraid to drive discussion and...well, do just about anything else. On the other hand, the push on KoD was a definite misfire, so one wonders who would feel threatened by Lau continuing on in the game?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 03:27:52 AM
I'm around. There's not too much to comment on just yet. How's the tea?
Delicious as always would you like some?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 03:30:34 AM
With the break last night, I actually did have a chance to look closely at votes (and do a lot of other Wintreath things).

cozmikrae and NoName are the only two people to have voted for Captan_lunch on Day 1 and KingofDominaria on Day 2. Conversely, TGN, ENE, Aersoldorf, and Anubhav didn't vote for either of them (although Anubhav and ENE accomplished this by not voting at least once). Red Mones and Moondrop did not vote on either day.

Both nights, TGN has been the only vote for the people he's voted for. On Day 1, he voted for me saying pretty much that he had to vote for somebody. On Day 2, he voted for ENE because he called him scummy, although ENE was far from the only person to voice suspicion last round. Not having much of a reason was fine on Day 1, but I'm a bit more suspicious now that it's happened again on Day 2. It seems like a lot of trying to fly under the radar and not get nailed as part of a wagon.

I'm perplexed by Neon's vote for Anubhav with the reasoning involving his quip about robbing tea from a goddess. Unless I missed something, Anubhav wasn't really discussed and didn't really discuss much himself, so I'm curious how he came under suspicion.

As for the untimely death of Laurentus, I tend to agree that it would be overpowered for wolves to have a day-kill power as well, but could it be a 3rd party player who has aligned with the wolves? We know they're in the game from Captan_lunch's role reveal. Removing Lau from the game does slow the game down and removes a game leader who isn't afraid to drive discussion and...well, do just about anything else. On the other hand, the push on KoD was a definite misfire, so one wonders who would feel threatened by Lau continuing on in the game?
My tea was threatened. I'm a simple girl, take my tea without permission? Face my eternal wrath.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 03, 2022, 04:24:53 AM
My tea was threatened. I'm a simple girl, take my tea without permission? Face my eternal wrath.
If not Anubhav, who do you think is most likely a wolf at this point and why?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on February 03, 2022, 05:09:36 AM
Thanks to something I just read, I no longer trust Anubhav.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 05:10:12 AM
My tea was threatened. I'm a simple girl, take my tea without permission? Face my eternal wrath.
If not Anubhav, who do you think is most likely a wolf at this point and why?

TGN doesn't seem like they like tea very much. Very wolfy. Don't much trust Gerrick either as that's where my vote is hasn't even asked for tea.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 05:10:22 AM
Thanks to something I just read, I no longer trust Anubhav.
Care to share? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on February 03, 2022, 05:13:24 AM

Thanks to something I just read, I no longer trust Anubhav.
Care to share?
Your tea.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 05:14:35 AM

Thanks to something I just read, I no longer trust Anubhav.
Care to share?
Your tea.
Always ^^

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 03, 2022, 05:17:26 AM
Don't much trust Gerrick either as that's where my vote is hasn't even asked for tea.
Might you have any English breakfast tea? Ooh or peach sweet tea? O:-)

But yeah anyway, I'm gonna stick with my gut and vote.

Vote: TGN

Also don't like how quiet Red has been the whole game.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 03, 2022, 05:19:07 AM
Huh vote command didn't work. Trying again...

Vote: TGN
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 05:20:18 AM
I think we should hold off on this for a minute I am conferring with some voices in my head right now. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 05:20:39 AM
Don't much trust Gerrick either as that's where my vote is hasn't even asked for tea.
Might you have any English breakfast tea? Ooh or peach sweet tea? O:-)

But yeah anyway, I'm gonna stick with my gut and vote.

Vote: TGN

Also don't like how quiet Red has been the whole game.
Oh believe me I have all of the teas
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on February 03, 2022, 05:26:53 AM
Who are "Batman" and "Bowser"?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 05:27:48 AM
We don't know but keep talking in my head I think i might know
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on February 03, 2022, 05:33:02 AM
- sigh -
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 05:34:39 AM
- sigh -
Trust me please
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 05:44:41 AM
Alright I need you all to trust me I've covered with the sages of the tea and the powers of the voices in my head which are also mainly tea. And you know people I've invited to my friendly abode.


@Eastern New England 
@Anubhav Ghosh 
@Red Mones

Do any of you trust me?

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 05:45:28 AM

Also I dunno why the ping on Anu doesn't work
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 05:55:42 AM
We've talked about tea and books and everyone wants tea right? I have tons of tea so many teas. I just need you all to trust me okay. You've known I've been town since Day 1. I'm doing this for us I mean we've made some terrible mistakes right? Only good people are dead.

I am nothing but a tea loving anime child but there's one other thing I am, someone who has spent a long time reading thru this thread forwards and back looking for clues for information. And...I think I've discovered something. 

Follow my lead please. And if something bad happens here than you can kill me okay but if I'm right than you'll know that I'm most certainly town.

Feel like there's a bug in this system yanno? A big Ole virus. Kinda destroying the world we are living in yanno? Think we may need to scrub the Ole system and delete some Corrupted files

*restart computer in SAFE MODE*

And please people please trust me on this vote yes at the upcoming poll at the end of the phase PLEASEEEEE

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:04:47 AM
*slams F8 repeatedly*

*kicks computer*

I hate this stupid thing. 


Stupid viruses

I just wanna be safe again in my little neighborhood being safe let me be safe.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 03, 2022, 06:06:57 AM
If I've read the OP correctly, wouldn't doing that result in a player likely returning as a wolf?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:07:45 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:08:07 AM
If I've read the OP correctly, wouldn't doing that result in a player likely returning as a wolf?
Nopeity nope trusttttttt me
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 03, 2022, 06:08:40 AM
Safe Mode has been triggered.

Computer is shutting down...

Shutting down...


Please wait...

Reboot will complete in 21 hours

Please stand by...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:09:00 AM
Yay I did it
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:09:15 AM
Please trust me. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:10:26 AM
Maybe also No Lynch today but if you need more proof I'm not stupid I could give you a name
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:10:56 AM
Vote: no lynch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on February 03, 2022, 06:12:27 AM
Safe Mode has been triggered.

Computer is shutting down...

Shutting down...


Please wait...

Reboot will complete in 21 hours

Please stand by...
Ugh, and I was in the middle of a match too!

*kicks computer*
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 03, 2022, 06:12:46 AM
If I've read the OP correctly, wouldn't doing that result in a player likely returning as a wolf?
Nopeity nope trusttttttt me
"If multiple players are revived, one of them will be revived in a different alignment."

Thus far we've lost two town players and one third-party player. Maybe we'd be lucky and the third-party player would return as town, but it seems more likely that one of the revived players would be a wolf.

Have I misunderstood the mechanic?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:14:38 AM
Yes. But if you want to play Russian roulette I can kill a bad guy today and throw them into the pool.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 03, 2022, 06:15:08 AM
If I've read the OP correctly, wouldn't doing that result in a player likely returning as a wolf?
Nopeity nope trusttttttt me
"If multiple players are revived, one of them will be revived in a different alignment."

Thus far we've lost two town players and one third-party player. Maybe we'd be lucky and the third-party player would return as town, but it seems more likely that one of the revived players would be a wolf.

Have I misunderstood the mechanic?
You know, you bring up a lapse in my wording I didn't anticipate. Safe mode only affects all players killed the phase it was activated, not all game.

Edit because I can: Can you imagine the chaos if all dead players could just keep coming back and reshuffling like that? I mean, interesting mechanic for a smaller game maybe... but that would be horrifying here.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on February 03, 2022, 06:17:48 AM
If I've read the OP correctly, wouldn't doing that result in a player likely returning as a wolf?
Nopeity nope trusttttttt me
"If multiple players are revived, one of them will be revived in a different alignment."

Thus far we've lost two town players and one third-party player. Maybe we'd be lucky and the third-party player would return as town, but it seems more likely that one of the revived players would be a wolf.

Have I misunderstood the mechanic?
You know, you bring up a lapse in my wording I didn't anticipate. Safe mode only affects all players killed the phase it was activated, not all game.
Now THAT would be true chaos.  Imagine getting to the final showdown, and Safety Mode was activated in that case.  :))
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 03, 2022, 06:18:48 AM
You know, you bring up a lapse in my wording I didn't anticipate. Safe mode only affects all players killed the phase it was activated, not all game.

Edit because I can: Can you imagine the chaos if all dead players could just keep coming back and reshuffling like that? I mean, interesting mechanic for a smaller game maybe... but that would be horrifying here.
Hardly anything would surprise me when it comes to Werewolf these days. :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 03, 2022, 06:21:22 AM
It would be like 17776, where people spend thousands of years playing the same football games.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:21:40 AM
You know, you bring up a lapse in my wording I didn't anticipate. Safe mode only affects all players killed the phase it was activated, not all game.

Edit because I can: Can you imagine the chaos if all dead players could just keep coming back and reshuffling like that? I mean, interesting mechanic for a smaller game maybe... but that would be horrifying here.
Hardly anything would surprise me when it comes to Werewolf these days. :P

So we get Lau back and since he's the only dead person this phase he's still good
We could play Russian roulette if you want though because I know of at least one evil person
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 03, 2022, 06:22:40 AM
You really have a thing for Lau this game, don't you? :P

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:23:22 AM
Pwetty pwease I miss Lau I like torturing him and being all scary like


^actual footage of Abbi and Lau
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:24:48 AM
And before the night I'll even give you the name of someone evil and when the wolves inevitably kill me tonight because I'm a little fucking genius you'll be able to murder one of them
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 03, 2022, 06:26:21 AM
Pwetty pwease I miss Lau I like torturing him and being all scary like
O_O I never knew Lau was such a masochist. :P

Oh, very well. Assuming I'm even on during the window, I will support the idea.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:27:07 AM
Yes I'm holding information hostage so you'll do what I want because I am a brat and I get what I want 😌 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on February 03, 2022, 06:28:04 AM
I forgot to mention who got the bonus points from last round.

Nobody got the bonus points.  The secret word was "Friction"

To get the points this round, you must say your favorite type of cookie.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:29:34 AM
I forgot to mention who got the bonus points from last round.

Nobody got the bonus points.  The secret word was "Friction"

To get the points this round, you must say your favorite type of cookie.
I'm a child still

Chocolate Chip
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 03, 2022, 06:30:25 AM
I forgot to mention who got the bonus points from last round.

Nobody got the bonus points.  The secret word was "Friction"

To get the points this round, you must say your favorite type of cookie.
Are you aware that that word has only been said 20 times on the forums in over 8 years? And one of them is your posts? v_v
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 03, 2022, 06:30:35 AM
Also, @eastern_new_england - when you say that your checks aren't 100% accurate, could you be a bit more specific? Are you saying that they may give you a false role result? Like they might tell you that someone who is really King Arthur is Sir Lancelot or something along those lines?
Yeah, it's 80% that it's correct. If not, it's a role that isn't in the game.

Regarding your other post, however, I'm not as concerned about role ability. I'm more concerned about the alignment. I, for one, know that my ability is a bit different from my character, but I share the same alignment with them - town.

Now I do realize that there may be exceptions to the rule, such as Vro being the Scarecrow in a game where the Scarecrow was technically a wolf - but the wolves that game were town. But don't you think it to be more likely that a wolf role will continue to be a wolf role generally?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 06:43:02 AM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 06:44:29 AM
If I've read the OP correctly, wouldn't doing that result in a player likely returning as a wolf?
Nopeity nope trusttttttt me
"If multiple players are revived, one of them will be revived in a different alignment."

Thus far we've lost two town players and one third-party player. Maybe we'd be lucky and the third-party player would return as town, but it seems more likely that one of the revived players would be a wolf.

Have I misunderstood the mechanic?
You know, you bring up a lapse in my wording I didn't anticipate. Safe mode only affects all players killed the phase it was activated, not all game.

Edit because I can: Can you imagine the chaos if all dead players could just keep coming back and reshuffling like that? I mean, interesting mechanic for a smaller game maybe... but that would be horrifying here.
Is Lau considered to have been killed D3, or N2?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 06:44:52 AM
I forgot to mention who got the bonus points from last round.

Nobody got the bonus points.  The secret word was "Friction"

To get the points this round, you must say your favorite type of cookie.
my favorite type of cookie is chocolate chip
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 03, 2022, 06:45:38 AM
If I've read the OP correctly, wouldn't doing that result in a player likely returning as a wolf?
Nopeity nope trusttttttt me
"If multiple players are revived, one of them will be revived in a different alignment."

Thus far we've lost two town players and one third-party player. Maybe we'd be lucky and the third-party player would return as town, but it seems more likely that one of the revived players would be a wolf.

Have I misunderstood the mechanic?
You know, you bring up a lapse in my wording I didn't anticipate. Safe mode only affects all players killed the phase it was activated, not all game.

Edit because I can: Can you imagine the chaos if all dead players could just keep coming back and reshuffling like that? I mean, interesting mechanic for a smaller game maybe... but that would be horrifying here.
Is Lau considered to have been killed D3, or N2?
D3. As noted in the player list at the top of your screen. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:47:08 AM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
How so?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:48:26 AM
Because the ways I see it this gives us a guaranteed town back and maybe fixes the clearly broken game as it exists. Like yanno the fictional game world that is clearly broken.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 03, 2022, 06:48:41 AM
Also Lau getting killed D3 is weird
does anyone want to claim that? it seems busted for a scum role

I wonder if they tried to kill him last night but got blocked too?
I would be surprised if they didn't go for Lau - a Defender will generally be unprotected and thus a good hit.

I'm leaning that it was a scum day-vig, however I'm open to the possibility of a solo like SK.

Also in hindsight the KoD wagon yesterday was too stagnant, hopefully there'll be a bit more vote movement today.

I did some digging, and it's also interesting that your role showed up as a wolf role. Now I know not to trust the flavor too much and I know that my checks aren't 100% accurate, but it makes you think...

Vote: ExLight

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
Not sure what you want to know, I've been trying to explain to yall that the past character alignment isn't related to the current one
Anyone would realize I'd have a reason for that, like, y'know, my own role? Lol.
The issue is that as a wolf it's super easy to say "I've been telling you all game! Flavor doesn't matter - I'm an exception." I dunno, it just feels a bit cheap. Also didn't really like your D1 which is why I checked you to begin with. I may end up ISOing you before the end of the day-phase and see whether I come to a different conclusion.

also your vote didn't work

Code: [Select]
I could've sworn I did that.

Vote: ExLight

I forgot to mention who got the bonus points from last round.

Nobody got the bonus points.  The secret word was "Friction"

To get the points this round, you must say your favorite type of cookie.
That wad an obscure one! My favorite cookie is oatmeal raisin.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:49:37 AM
Oh also flavor does matter and I can prove that too lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:51:40 AM
You are all so afraid of game mechanics BUT let me ask you why would a mechanic requiring a majority vote be in a game UNLESS it is a beneficial mechanism for town? Otherwise it would never be voted upon and the game creator wasted quite a bit of time designing something useless right?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 06:52:08 AM
ok with new information this honestly doesn't change my opinion on it. I was considering safe mode to have been, as discussed earlier, reviving all killed players (lol) but yeah this is objectively THE worst phase so far to activate safe mode. We have Lau, a dead town, and tbh it'd be really fucked up if we yeeted a mafia for them to be the one to flip alignments and out all of their teammates (assuming they didn't flip 3p, jester specifically). 

If we yeet a town we just have to turbo through at least one if not BOTH of Lau and whoever we yeet again today to. That's a waste of two if not THREE days. If we yeet a mafia, when they revive it's possible that said mafia flips town but frankly that's so screwy and unfair to the mafia faction that I'm dismissing that possibility entirely out of hand bc it's an instawin for us for bad reasons, and there's probably some sort of thing like mafia get to choose who's factionswapped.

if the option comes up I STRONGLY encourage everyone to vote no. 

Bet Lau is sad that I'm screwing him out of a wolf faction swap but yeah

Also assuming phase specifically refers to D3 kills and not D3 and N3 kills (phase vs cycle)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:53:11 AM
The only downside is if we lynch but we have a no Lynch and that will revive Lau as town because he was the only dead player this phase abs frankly I trust Lau he be smort
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:54:03 AM
ok with new information this honestly doesn't change my opinion on it. I was considering safe mode to have been, as discussed earlier, reviving all killed players (lol) but yeah this is objectively THE worst phase so far to activate safe mode. We have Lau, a dead town, and tbh it'd be really fucked up if we yeeted a mafia for them to be the one to flip alignments and out all of their teammates (assuming they didn't flip 3p, jester specifically).

If we yeet a town we just have to turbo through at least one if not BOTH of Lau and whoever we yeet again today to. That's a waste of two if not THREE days. If we yeet a mafia, when they revive it's possible that said mafia flips town but frankly that's so screwy and unfair to the mafia faction that I'm dismissing that possibility entirely out of hand bc it's an instawin for us for bad reasons, and there's probably some sort of thing like mafia get to choose who's factionswapped.

if the option comes up I STRONGLY encourage everyone to vote no.

Bet Lau is sad that I'm screwing him out of a wolf faction swap but yeah

Also assuming phase specifically refers to D3 kills and not D3 and N3 kills (phase vs cycle)
I think you fail to actually see my plan
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 06:54:05 AM
You are all so afraid of game mechanics BUT let me ask you why would a mechanic requiring a majority vote be in a game UNLESS it is a beneficial mechanism for town? Otherwise it would never be voted upon and the game creator wasted quite a bit of time designing something useless right?
such a thing is always going to be ambiguous on the surface or possibly changing as balance changes bc if it's beneficial it's always voted, and if not it's never voted

my logic assumes that there's a traditional mafia and honestly there might not be but still not in support of this
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 06:54:53 AM
The only downside is if we lynch but we have a no Lynch and that will revive Lau as town because he was the only dead player this phase abs frankly I trust Lau he be smort
this will LITERALLY not revive Lau as town if we no lynch. If we no lynch, he'll be the only dead player this phase and will be forced to be factionswapped
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:55:20 AM
1. No Lynch

2. Vote for Safe Mode

3. Lau is back and he will STILL be town

4. Me and Lau give you a guaranteed scum kill tomorrow
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:55:42 AM
The only downside is if we lynch but we have a no Lynch and that will revive Lau as town because he was the only dead player this phase abs frankly I trust Lau he be smort
this will LITERALLY not revive Lau as town if we no lynch. If we no lynch, he'll be the only dead player this phase and will be forced to be factionswapped
Reread please
The swap only occurs if multiple people are dead
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:56:01 AM
A single dead person retains their alignment
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 06:58:51 AM
oh lol

I kinda forgot about since I thought it was irrelevant bc I forgot it was only this phase

yeah let's bring back Lau

Vote: No Lynch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 06:59:16 AM
kinda just forgot about that detail

yeah I endorse this
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 03, 2022, 06:59:54 AM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 07:00:04 AM
I am very very VERY stupid and make horrible choices in Werewolf a LOT but the things I've never been bad at are accurately understanding mechanics in games hosted by Silv.

Like yanno Portal Wolf where I died for suggesting we kill the host BUT that was actually a play you could make and it would've been beneficial
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 07:00:19 AM

you know what to do before coming back, grab info any way and where you can ;)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 07:01:18 AM
So trust in me BELIEVEEEEE in the Abbi. I will set you free. And than we can kill someone I'm currently holding hostage in my basement.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 07:03:47 AM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
I forgot that safe mode didn't alignment flip with a single person dead, so I actually think it's a good decision

Still, the right move here is we no lynch and do safe mode, and if we can't get support for no lynching, we lynch and don't activate safe mode.

I'd like to bring Lau back, and honestly, I think a no yeet day would do good for people and help chill the game down and put less pressure to perform for the next 72 hours, and would probably make me feel less of a need to post

Neon, if there's anything you need to say during night, direct Moondrop to say it through your neighborhood btw, assuming quiet mode or w/e happens
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 07:04:40 AM
Vote: No Lynch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 07:05:38 AM

you know what to do before coming back, grab info any way and where you can ;)
@I'm Dead, Okay
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 07:06:52 AM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
I forgot that safe mode didn't alignment flip with a single person dead, so I actually think it's a good decision

Still, the right move here is we no lynch and do safe mode, and if we can't get support for no lynching, we lynch and don't activate safe mode.

I'd like to bring Lau back, and honestly, I think a no yeet day would do good for people and help chill the game down and put less pressure to perform for the next 72 hours, and would probably make me feel less of a need to post

Neon, if there's anything you need to say during night, direct Moondrop to say it through your neighborhood btw, assuming quiet mode or w/e happens
I think I should have time to drop my parcel of information before EoD but it'll get out somewhere
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 07:08:00 AM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
I know that I'm kinda forcing you to keep talking when you don't want to. But like, it's yeet ExLight or revive Lau. Which would you prefer to do?

Personally I'm also kinda at "I don't care about flavor" though tbh Exlight is on my yeet list
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 07:08:29 AM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
I forgot that safe mode didn't alignment flip with a single person dead, so I actually think it's a good decision

Still, the right move here is we no lynch and do safe mode, and if we can't get support for no lynching, we lynch and don't activate safe mode.

I'd like to bring Lau back, and honestly, I think a no yeet day would do good for people and help chill the game down and put less pressure to perform for the next 72 hours, and would probably make me feel less of a need to post

Neon, if there's anything you need to say during night, direct Moondrop to say it through your neighborhood btw, assuming quiet mode or w/e happens
I think I should have time to drop my parcel of information before EoD but it'll get out somewhere
how many wolves do you have and how confident a read?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 07:09:56 AM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
I forgot that safe mode didn't alignment flip with a single person dead, so I actually think it's a good decision

Still, the right move here is we no lynch and do safe mode, and if we can't get support for no lynching, we lynch and don't activate safe mode.

I'd like to bring Lau back, and honestly, I think a no yeet day would do good for people and help chill the game down and put less pressure to perform for the next 72 hours, and would probably make me feel less of a need to post

Neon, if there's anything you need to say during night, direct Moondrop to say it through your neighborhood btw, assuming quiet mode or w/e happens
I think I should have time to drop my parcel of information before EoD but it'll get out somewhere
how many wolves do you have and how confident a read?
I can guarantee one. Like guarantee it. And I have ways to get the others. Just need time. I'm probably going to die though. I've played my hand here they won't want me alive.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 03, 2022, 09:17:34 AM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
I know that I'm kinda forcing you to keep talking when you don't want to. But like, it's yeet ExLight or revive Lau. Which would you prefer to do?

Personally I'm also kinda at "I don't care about flavor" though tbh Exlight is on my yeet list
My bad, I thought you were saying quiet mode was a bad decision!

I wholeheartedly agree with Neon here and I'd also go for the no-lynch. I trust that she knows what she's doing.

Vote: No Lynch

I'd still like to keep an eye out for ExLight, though.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 10:07:01 AM
Also Lau getting killed D3 is weird
does anyone want to claim that? it seems busted for a scum role

I wonder if they tried to kill him last night but got blocked too?
I would be surprised if they didn't go for Lau - a Defender will generally be unprotected and thus a good hit.

I'm leaning that it was a scum day-vig, however I'm open to the possibility of a solo like SK.

Also in hindsight the KoD wagon yesterday was too stagnant, hopefully there'll be a bit more vote movement today.

I did some digging, and it's also interesting that your role showed up as a wolf role. Now I know not to trust the flavor too much and I know that my checks aren't 100% accurate, but it makes you think...

Vote: ExLight

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
Not sure what you want to know, I've been trying to explain to yall that the past character alignment isn't related to the current one
Anyone would realize I'd have a reason for that, like, y'know, my own role? Lol.
The issue is that as a wolf it's super easy to say "I've been telling you all game! Flavor doesn't matter - I'm an exception." I dunno, it just feels a bit cheap. Also didn't really like your D1 which is why I checked you to begin with. I may end up ISOing you before the end of the day-phase and see whether I come to a different conclusion.

also your vote didn't work

Code: [Select]
I could've sworn I did that.

Vote: ExLight

I forgot to mention who got the bonus points from last round.

Nobody got the bonus points.  The secret word was "Friction"

To get the points this round, you must say your favorite type of cookie.
That wad an obscure one! My favorite cookie is oatmeal raisin.
I don't know what else to tell you, lol, it's the truth. Your accusation ends up just as cheap...

Did Laurentus come back?? :bulbasip: where's him??
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on February 03, 2022, 11:44:09 AM
Vote: no lynch because no one has done anything sus I’ve said the forbidden word imo 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on February 03, 2022, 11:44:49 AM
EBWOP: yes I did read all the posts
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 12:54:35 PM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
I know that I'm kinda forcing you to keep talking when you don't want to. But like, it's yeet ExLight or revive Lau. Which would you prefer to do?

Personally I'm also kinda at "I don't care about flavor" though tbh Exlight is on my yeet list
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 12:57:39 PM
I doubt we ever want to lynch scum here because it's 100% game broken for them to revive as town, considering they could just tell everyone who the remaining team is

So killing a scum would just revive another one, which makes it for a waste of phase

Safe Mode is literally the best option here unless we're afraid of a second kill somehow happening today before lynch, or time travel shenanigans.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 01:05:22 PM
EBWOP: yes I did read all the posts
if you read all posts then why are you justifying your No Lynch with "because noone is sus" rather than the actually reason other people are going for it?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 01:07:25 PM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
I know that I'm kinda forcing you to keep talking when you don't want to. But like, it's yeet ExLight or revive Lau. Which would you prefer to do?

Personally I'm also kinda at "I don't care about flavor" though tbh Exlight is on my yeet list
My bad, I thought you were saying quiet mode was a bad decision!

I wholeheartedly agree with Neon here and I'd also go for the no-lynch. I trust that she knows what she's doing.

Vote: No Lynch

I'd still like to keep an eye out for ExLight, though.
I can literally use my role to clear myself as town at one point so that would just be a waste of time lol

also your votes are still not working
make sure you're not capitalizing the stuff inside brackets
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 01:29:16 PM
what are we exactly accomplishing here if we do trigger the safe mode restore though?

Lau is likely going to get killed again, Hapi adds more people to their neighborhood and increases exponentially the odds of scum infiltrating it, and ENE gets another flavor cop shot which is really not useful lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 01:35:56 PM
I've noticed a much better role around for us to use safe mode on, actually, since scum would have a harder time getting rid of it.

I'm not sure if I can claim which one but it seems to be vote related, and I think the person I'm talking about knows what it is. It's really strong in late game since it can kinda force the wolves plays. I can elaborate on this further if the people in it want, but that would mean outing the role which would reduce its efficiency though.

If we lynch someone today, we can still vote no for safe mode for now and just use it later, right? We can always trigger it at night as a form of guaranteed doc shot and guarantee a green check on someone reducing PoE too even if we don't 4D chess our way here.

I think getting rid of scum and not using the safe mode rezz is actual the best play here. Lau is just going to get killed again otherwise...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 01:41:10 PM
Also a reminder that Time Warp is indeed a mechanic, which could backfire hard with Safe mode later on if we had a phase called D3 (or whenever we use it) happen again
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 03, 2022, 01:54:14 PM
I have concerns like Ex but completely different to Ex. I think we need to take a beat before we solidify using our one no lynch today to recognize that Ex is right in that whoever killed Lau can just easily do it again providing they aren't town (and it wasn't one shot). Also there's only a 2 hour window to get a majority yes on safe mode so we need a hard deadline in place and a majority commitment before we get to that point for accountability. Otherwise we run the risk of setting this vote off only to not even have a majority of players active during the vote. 

As you can probably see, my concerns lie chiefly in wasting our no lynch pointlessly. I actually have no problem bring back Lau only to die again because that's one more instance of Lau actively shielding remaining town and that's what defenders do. But we shouldn't hinder ourselves to do it. 

Also, and possibly unpopularly, oatmeal raisin. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 03, 2022, 02:00:32 PM
I don't know that I will be around for EoD today because I'm taking my youngest daughter to see The Beach Boys tonight and likely won't get back until the phase is over.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 02:02:28 PM
the majority thing is a really good point, since we have a fairly large amount of players alive that would require a whooping 7 players to be here for the small 2h gap at a somewhat late hour, and if the hosts manage to get it on the scheduled time, which makes it even less predictable 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 03, 2022, 02:35:42 PM
forgot the cookie bit

I'm not a huge fan of cookies, but I suppose my favorite is a Christmas sandwich creme. Peanut butter cookies and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies are also pretty tasty.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 03, 2022, 02:38:51 PM
Oof, I forgot cheese cookies. Those things are amazing.

My mom makes the Christmas sandwich cremes and cheese cookies every year for our Christmas party. And if we're really lucky she also makes wedding cookies too. 

So maybe I like cookies more than I originally thought.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 02:40:12 PM

macarons are cookies right
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 03, 2022, 02:44:16 PM
I'm gonna trust Abigail on this. 

Vote: No lynch

Also I'm gonna stick with traditional chocolate chip cookies. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 03:01:37 PM
I'm gonna trust Abigail on this.

Vote: No lynch

Also I'm gonna stick with traditional chocolate chip cookies.
no comments on what me and NoName just said?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 03, 2022, 03:40:56 PM

macarons are cookies right
Technically 'macaroons' but close enough
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 03, 2022, 04:16:19 PM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
I know that I'm kinda forcing you to keep talking when you don't want to. But like, it's yeet ExLight or revive Lau. Which would you prefer to do?

Personally I'm also kinda at "I don't care about flavor" though tbh Exlight is on my yeet list
My bad, I thought you were saying quiet mode was a bad decision!

I wholeheartedly agree with Neon here and I'd also go for the no-lynch. I trust that she knows what she's doing.

Vote: No Lynch

I'd still like to keep an eye out for ExLight, though.
You voted wrong somehow, it didn't register.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 03, 2022, 04:41:19 PM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
I forgot that safe mode didn't alignment flip with a single person dead, so I actually think it's a good decision

Still, the right move here is we no lynch and do safe mode, and if we can't get support for no lynching, we lynch and don't activate safe mode.

I'd like to bring Lau back, and honestly, I think a no yeet day would do good for people and help chill the game down and put less pressure to perform for the next 72 hours, and would probably make me feel less of a need to post

Neon, if there's anything you need to say during night, direct Moondrop to say it through your neighborhood btw, assuming quiet mode or w/e happens
I think I should have time to drop my parcel of information before EoD but it'll get out somewhere
how many wolves do you have and how confident a read?
I can guarantee one. Like guarantee it. And I have ways to get the others. Just need time. I'm probably going to die though. I've played my hand here they won't want me alive.
Given that if we revive Lau, he'll lose his power (no more defending) means that we need to decide whether it's better to sit still today, and gain back what will essentially be a vanilla townie, or go ahead and take out one of the scum. I'm a bit busy with work atm so don't have time to run the numbers and see which is more beneficial to the town though.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 03, 2022, 05:29:59 PM

Are we on a more standard 48 hours deadline (so roughly 9.5 hours from now) per the day break post. Or is deadline still some kind of undefined indefinite but surprise it's here type of ending that "when silver gets his crap together" implies?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 03, 2022, 05:45:27 PM
Safe mode is a 95% bad decision wtf
Yes, from a strict "game-winning" standpoint.

But Wintreans are more casual Werewolf players than MUers and I think that not all of them are enjoying 100 pages of posts, probably. I'm not sure if discussing this further will help, though, so I'll stop now.
I forgot that safe mode didn't alignment flip with a single person dead, so I actually think it's a good decision

Still, the right move here is we no lynch and do safe mode, and if we can't get support for no lynching, we lynch and don't activate safe mode.

I'd like to bring Lau back, and honestly, I think a no yeet day would do good for people and help chill the game down and put less pressure to perform for the next 72 hours, and would probably make me feel less of a need to post

Neon, if there's anything you need to say during night, direct Moondrop to say it through your neighborhood btw, assuming quiet mode or w/e happens
I think I should have time to drop my parcel of information before EoD but it'll get out somewhere
how many wolves do you have and how confident a read?
I can guarantee one. Like guarantee it. And I have ways to get the others. Just need time. I'm probably going to die though. I've played my hand here they won't want me alive.
Given that if we revive Lau, he'll lose his power (no more defending) means that we need to decide whether it's better to sit still today, and gain back what will essentially be a vanilla townie, or go ahead and take out one of the scum. I'm a bit busy with work atm so don't have time to run the numbers and see which is more beneficial to the town though.
Actually, upon further thought, if we do kill scum today we're essentially going to revive 2 players at EoP and they'll both be scum.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 03, 2022, 05:47:32 PM

Are we on a more standard 48 hours deadline (so roughly 9.5 hours from now) per the day break post. Or is deadline still some kind of undefined indefinite but surprise it's here type of ending that "when silver gets his crap together" implies?
I am attempting a 48 hour deadline. So roughly 9pm cst tonight. Barring any old ladies passing out or my brain being a jerk again.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 06:53:55 PM
what are we exactly accomplishing here if we do trigger the safe mode restore though?

Lau is likely going to get killed again, Hapi adds more people to their neighborhood and increases exponentially the odds of scum infiltrating it, and ENE gets another flavor cop shot which is really not useful lol
Okay here me out. Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town so yanno you actually want that. 

B. Lau will bring news from the dead a benefit to us

C. If they just kill him again that still kind of benefits us, I doubt they will though. They have knowledge.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 03, 2022, 07:08:22 PM
what are we exactly accomplishing here if we do trigger the safe mode restore though?

Lau is likely going to get killed again, Hapi adds more people to their neighborhood and increases exponentially the odds of scum infiltrating it, and ENE gets another flavor cop shot which is really not useful lol
Okay here me out. Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town so yanno you actually want that.

B. Lau will bring news from the dead a benefit to us

C. If they just kill him again that still kind of benefits us, I doubt they will though. They have knowledge.
It's actually not. The benefit of a network/neighborhood is that it provides town a covered place to freely discuss things. Adding a wolf there takes out that benefit. There is no benefit from adding a hidden wolf to the neighborhood. 

B is also an assumption predicated on the dead being able to talk amongst themselves. This isn't always the case in games that feature revivals. 

C's only benefit is that they expend a resource rekilling Lau. That's not worth expending a resource of our own to do it. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 03, 2022, 07:13:48 PM
what are we exactly accomplishing here if we do trigger the safe mode restore though?

Lau is likely going to get killed again, Hapi adds more people to their neighborhood and increases exponentially the odds of scum infiltrating it, and ENE gets another flavor cop shot which is really not useful lol
Okay here me out. Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town so yanno you actually want that.

B. Lau will bring news from the dead a benefit to us

C. If they just kill him again that still kind of benefits us, I doubt they will though. They have knowledge.
Not saying that I agree with Ex, but your response brings up more questions.

A - how is scum in your neighborhood beneficial?
B - I really don’t think that the hosts would release anything substantial in the dead chat since they knew there’s a possibility of someone being revived, so the only information he’s likely seen in that chat is what Captan and KoD said.
C - what kind of knowledge do you think that the scum team has that would prevent them from killing him again, especially knowing that he’s going to lose his defensive power?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 03, 2022, 07:14:34 PM
what are we exactly accomplishing here if we do trigger the safe mode restore though?

Lau is likely going to get killed again, Hapi adds more people to their neighborhood and increases exponentially the odds of scum infiltrating it, and ENE gets another flavor cop shot which is really not useful lol
Okay here me out. Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town so yanno you actually want that.

B. Lau will bring news from the dead a benefit to us

C. If they just kill him again that still kind of benefits us, I doubt they will though. They have knowledge.
It's actually not. The benefit of a network/neighborhood is that it provides town a covered place to freely discuss things. Adding a wolf there takes out that benefit. There is no benefit from adding a hidden wolf to the neighborhood.

B is also an assumption predicated on the dead being able to talk amongst themselves. This isn't always the case in games that feature revivals.

C's only benefit is that they expend a resource rekilling Lau. That's not worth expending a resource of our own to do it.
Pretty much ninja’d my thoughts exactly:D
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 08:09:02 PM
what are we exactly accomplishing here if we do trigger the safe mode restore though?

Lau is likely going to get killed again, Hapi adds more people to their neighborhood and increases exponentially the odds of scum infiltrating it, and ENE gets another flavor cop shot which is really not useful lol
Okay here me out. Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town so yanno you actually want that.

B. Lau will bring news from the dead a benefit to us

C. If they just kill him again that still kind of benefits us, I doubt they will though. They have knowledge.
I'm not sure how scum in the neighborhood is beneficial??

Lau coming from the dead doesn't mean much since they have pretty much information as we do, and that would be valid for literally any person, lol. The only thing that we might benefit from this is learning the specifics of roles of town players that died, but if that's the plan is it not better to revive it later on when we have more players to get info from and potentially get scum redhanded if they fakeclaim? Right now we'd learn only KoD's role, if we rezzed someone when we had, like, 5 or 6 town players dead then it would be a LOT more information to be gathered from them.

On a second thought I don't think they'd even bother to kill him, lol. I had originally missed this but he's likely going to resurrect as vanilla right? Since the corrupted state gets rid of a random ability and Lau only really claimed to be a defender. He'd act like a towncleared person and that's it. While this does throw a wrench at my idea of rezzing the vote based role I was thinking off (assuming they only have that ability), I'd still rather attempt to use it in someone with a multi use role like a JOAT at the very least.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 08:27:45 PM
We have no guarentee that day kills are going to happen more than this time and a day kill on a town is really the only situation where I'd be happy to use safe mode tbh, so like, why not use it now

Also Neon, idk the specifics of your role but if you're worried about compromising your neighborhood just don't recruit
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 08:29:31 PM
also the primary motivation for bringing back Lau is the guarenteed extra number tbh, and I'm fine with that and no yeeting bc it essentially means that even if scum get their kill going through we get an extra night of night action data for the cost of 2 pr roles (Lau becoming probably a VT and the person who dies no night) with no cost in numbers. With 15 players alive and probably 11 town I'd honestly take that everytime
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 08:47:16 PM
We have no guarentee that day kills are going to happen more than this time and a day kill on a town is really the only situation where I'd be happy to use safe mode tbh, so like, why not use it now

Also Neon, idk the specifics of your role but if you're worried about compromising your neighborhood just don't recruit
As I mentioned before if that was a mafia role, and it's a recurring one, then it would be stupidly busted.

And it doesn't have to be activated on the Day, right? We can use it at night to deny a mafia kill if they even have one.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 08:49:33 PM
bringing someone back for extra numbers right now is probably the most least effective moment to do it for reasons I already mentioned before

the only benefit in it is that he's a fairly experienced played and his reads could be useful, but I'd still prefer to bring back someone that might be able to use most of their role afterwards or at a more necessary moment like a bit before -Lo so we manage to get up to two extra phases with a stupid good PoE
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 08:54:22 PM
We have no guarentee that day kills are going to happen more than this time and a day kill on a town is really the only situation where I'd be happy to use safe mode tbh, so like, why not use it now

Also Neon, idk the specifics of your role but if you're worried about compromising your neighborhood just don't recruit
As I mentioned before if that was a mafia role, and it's a recurring one, then it would be stupidly busted.

And it doesn't have to be activated on the Day, right? We can use it at night to deny a mafia kill if they even have one.
problems with night activation

something something quiet mode/mute mode and Abigail is not immune

not sure if the mafia night kill is mandatory on this site tbh, and they'd know if the activation worked or not
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 09:16:12 PM
what are we exactly accomplishing here if we do trigger the safe mode restore though?

Lau is likely going to get killed again, Hapi adds more people to their neighborhood and increases exponentially the odds of scum infiltrating it, and ENE gets another flavor cop shot which is really not useful lol
Okay here me out. Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town so yanno you actually want that.

B. Lau will bring news from the dead a benefit to us

C. If they just kill him again that still kind of benefits us, I doubt they will though. They have knowledge.
It's actually not. The benefit of a network/neighborhood is that it provides town a covered place to freely discuss things. Adding a wolf there takes out that benefit. There is no benefit from adding a hidden wolf to the neighborhood.

B is also an assumption predicated on the dead being able to talk amongst themselves. This isn't always the case in games that feature revivals.

C's only benefit is that they expend a resource rekilling Lau. That's not worth expending a resource of our own to do it.

Please listen to me I'm the one who is running the neighborhood and trust me I'm well aware of how it works. There is no way for me to say what I mean without making obvious wolf targets that hurt my chances of doing what I need to do to win the game for town. I'm not lying.
I was not lying when I said I suck at this game. Or that I just like to roleplay and cause chaos. But this is the ONLY time that I have ever known what I'm doing in a game of Werewolf and I just need you to trust me.

The point of this neighborhood is NOT what you think it is. 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on February 03, 2022, 09:20:11 PM
1. No Lynch

2. Vote for Safe Mode

3. Lau is back and he will STILL be town

4. Me and Lau give you a guaranteed scum kill tomorrow
Ok... I trust you (I think) but I have questions. So... assuming we do this, and Lau comes back, is there any guarantee either of you won't be killed immediately? Why the bargain? Why not tell us who the scum is so we know before either you or Lau gets taken out? Also you said something about a basement? Is that literal, like you have a wolf in your basement? Also if your plan doesn't work and we fail to all vote in time, which seems likely, shouldn't you still tell us who it is? So we're on good footing tomorrow to make a good decision.

You are all so afraid of game mechanics BUT let me ask you why would a mechanic requiring a majority vote be in a game UNLESS it is a beneficial mechanism for town? Otherwise it would never be voted upon and the game creator wasted quite a bit of time designing something useless right?
This makes sense... I believe this.

Yes. But if you want to play Russian roulette I can kill a bad guy today and throw them into the pool.
You can personally kill them? Or we all can vote them out?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 09:21:35 PM
what are we exactly accomplishing here if we do trigger the safe mode restore though?

Lau is likely going to get killed again, Hapi adds more people to their neighborhood and increases exponentially the odds of scum infiltrating it, and ENE gets another flavor cop shot which is really not useful lol
Okay here me out. Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town so yanno you actually want that.

B. Lau will bring news from the dead a benefit to us

C. If they just kill him again that still kind of benefits us, I doubt they will though. They have knowledge.
Not saying that I agree with Ex, but your response brings up more questions.

A - how is scum in your neighborhood beneficial?
B - I really don’t think that the hosts would release anything substantial in the dead chat since they knew there’s a possibility of someone being revived, so the only information he’s likely seen in that chat is what Captan and KoD said.
C - what kind of knowledge do you think that the scum team has that would prevent them from killing him again, especially knowing that he’s going to lose his defensive power?
A. If I say we lose

B. I get the feeling Lau knows more than you think. Just call it a spider sense

C. Well they certainly have other targets. Me. Moondrop. But at this point the only info we have to go on is mine and I'm doing this for a reason. And maybe my neighbors are going to go over my head because they know who the wolf is that I know but if they do that we are ruining a very valuable opportunity and I really just want trust because you know I'm town
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 09:26:31 PM
1. No Lynch

2. Vote for Safe Mode

3. Lau is back and he will STILL be town

4. Me and Lau give you a guaranteed scum kill tomorrow
Ok... I trust you (I think) but I have questions. So... assuming we do this, and Lau comes back, is there any guarantee either of you won't be killed immediately? Why the bargain? Why not tell us who the scum is so we know before either you or Lau gets taken out? Also you said something about a basement? Is that literal, like you have a wolf in your basement? Also if your plan doesn't work and we fail to all vote in time, which seems likely, shouldn't you still tell us who it is? So we're on good footing tomorrow to make a good decision.

You are all so afraid of game mechanics BUT let me ask you why would a mechanic requiring a majority vote be in a game UNLESS it is a beneficial mechanism for town? Otherwise it would never be voted upon and the game creator wasted quite a bit of time designing something useless right?
This makes sense... I believe this.

Yes. But if you want to play Russian roulette I can kill a bad guy today and throw them into the pool.
You can personally kill them? Or we all can vote them out?
Fine I'll lay down the knowledge
Vroendal is scum. Scum that can win with town using my neighborhood but I don't really care about that I don't trust Vro period. 
Getting Vro in my neighborhood gave me a lot of information and other things I can't say safely.
I'm almost certainly the number one target for the wolves.
Vro is playing both sides but they did refuse to reveal their wolfy friends to me.

There you have your options
1. Kill Vro today vote no on the reset leave Lau dead and hurt my feelings and my chances of doing what I need
2. No Lynch Bring back Lau and Lynch Vro tomorrow and give me a chance to do what I need to do
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 09:28:16 PM
Oh also the secrets are hidden from everyone including my neighbors 

Play is yours now. But you should really trust me.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 09:49:05 PM
I think I'll indeed trust you then lol

Vote: No Lynch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on February 03, 2022, 09:52:43 PM
Ok, I believe you.

Vote: No lynch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 03, 2022, 10:07:58 PM
Vote: no lynch

Leaving for the concert now. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:10:51 PM
The sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might:
He did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright -
And this was odd because it was
The middle of the night.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 10:11:25 PM
oh god not fucking poems again
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:17:48 PM
The moon was shining sulkily,
Because she thought the sun
Had got no business to be there
After the day was done -
"It's very rude of him," she said,
"To come and spoil the fun."
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:19:42 PM
The sea was wet as wet could be,
The sands were dry as dry.
You could not see a cloud, because
No cloud was in the sky:
No birds were flying overhead -
There were no birds to fly.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:21:42 PM
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Were walking close at hand;
They wept like anything to see
Such quantities of sand:
"If this were only cleared away,"
They said "it would be grand!"
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:23:29 PM
"If seven maids with seven mops
Swept it for half a year,
Do you suppose," the Walrus said,
"That they could get it clear?"
"I doubt it..." said the Carpenter,
And shed a bitter tear.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:24:58 PM
"O Oysters, come and walk with us!"
The Walrus did beseech.
"A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk,
Along the briny beach:
We cannot do with more than four,
To give a hand to each."
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:26:11 PM
The eldest Oyster looked at him,
But never a word he said:
The eldest Oyster winked his eye,
And shook his heavy head -
Meaning to say he did not choose
To leave the oyster-bed.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:27:21 PM
But four young Oysters hurried up,
All eager for the treat:
Their coats were brushed, their faces washed,
Their shoes were clean and neat -
And this was odd, because, you know,
They hadn't any feet.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:28:28 PM
Four other Oysters followed them,
And yet another four,
And thick and fast they came at last,
And more, and more, and more -
All hopping through the frothy waves,
And scrambling to the shore.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:29:36 PM
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Walked on a mile or so,
And then they rested on a rock
Conveniently low:
And all the little Oysters stood
And waited in a row.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 10:30:09 PM

Thank you friends
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:31:03 PM
"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes - and ships - and sealing-wax -
Of cabbages - and kings -
And why the sea is boiling hot -
And whether pigs have wings."
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:32:22 PM
"But wait a bit," the Oysters cried,
"Before we have our chat;
For some of us are out of breath,
And all of us are fat!"
"No hurry!" said the Carpenter,
They thanked him much for that.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:33:51 PM
"A loaf of bread," the Walrus said,
"Is chiefly what we need:
Pepper and vinegar besides
Are very good indeed -
Now if you're ready, Oysters dear,
We can begin to feed."
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:35:10 PM
"But not on us!" the Oysters cried,
Turning a little blue.
"After such kindness, that would be
A dismal thing to do!"
"The night is fine," the Walrus said.
"Do you admire the view?"
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:36:15 PM
"It was so kind of you to come!
And you are very nice!"
The Carpenter said nothing but
"Cut us another slice:
I wish you were not quite so deaf,
I've had to ask you twice!"
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:37:27 PM
"It seems a shame," the Walrus said,
"To play them such a trick,
After we've brought them out so far,
And made them walk so quick!"
The Carpenter said nothing but
"The butter's spread too thick!"
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:38:47 PM
"I weep for you," the Walrus said:
"I deeply sympathize."
With sobs and tears he sorted out
Those of the largest size,
Holding his pocket-handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:40:13 PM
"O Oysters," said the Carpenter,
"You've had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?"
But answer came there none -
And this was scarcely odd, because,
They'd eaten every one.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:40:46 PM
Good night, dear Oysters.

Vote: No Lynch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 10:41:56 PM
Ode to chocolate milk:

Bovine in its inception
Caresseed by sweet cacao
I'll give my best reception
To this fine milk of cow

written by your friend rubik
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 03, 2022, 10:43:08 PM
Vote: No Lynch
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 03, 2022, 10:43:23 PM
lol at the no lynch failing
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 03, 2022, 10:44:08 PM
Majority has been reached. Day has ended.

“Now, we’re assuming this actually happened since it obviously didn’t in the last two phases, and if it did then boy howdy is this a surprise.  Since you all seem so eager to kill each other on the first two days, I’m frankly amazed if you chose to not lynch anyone on Day 3.  Either this is a joke, or I stepped into the Twilight Zone suddenly.” Michi explained to the players as he thought to himself.  “Or it means the game has gone on a spiral of activity and people just didn’t vote, in which case shame on you!” He added accusingly as he stopped hijacking the story and let it continue.

Professor Wernstrom, Severus Snape (who was quickly subbed out for Stewie Griffin when he crucioed himself to an almost vegetable-like state because the performance by Gollum of juggling fish and biting the heads off sent him over the edge) and Directly (now under the guise of the mysterious Judge Core to avoid paying sales tax on a lovely new hat that it purchased) were the judges for the next performance being put on.

The performance was by a heavy-metal/swing fusion band called Harry and the Potters…which had King Kong on the drums, Willy Wonka on the piano, Walmart employee Steve on the bass, Steve from Minecraft on the guitar, Bastian Balthasar Bux on the saxophone and Dorothy Gale doing the main vocals, along with the Barney the Dinosaur, Big Bird, and Mr. Rogers for the backup vocals.

Players were baffled at some of these character inclusions since they were under the impression that this was a game that only referenced games that ran on Wintreath (minus the inclusion of a character from one of Michi’s 10000 Islands ran games).  They turned to Michi with their looks of bewilderment as Michi simply stood there watching the story with a devilish grin on his face.  Not knowing how to take that grin, players began speculating what that even meant.  Did that mean that these characters were going to pop up in the out-of-story flavor somehow?  Were these just random cutaway jokes like Family Guy pointlessly cutting to Conway Twitty in the old days?  Was there really any method to Michi’s apparently chaotic madness?

Unfortunately to the players, much like those old Tootsie pop commercials: the world may never know.

Going back to making the scene somehow relevant, the judges loved the performance, but were disturbed by the odd blocky character Steve.  They each hit their Xs as a hole in the floor opened underneath Minecraft Steve and sent him into the abyss of complete irrelevance, along with the remains of characters from Fortnite and Call of Duty…much to the increased confusion of the players outside of the story, and much to the anger and fury of the younger folks who disliked seeing their icons used as a literal throw-away joke.

The group of characters was starting to get worried about having to continuously compete for their lives as they once again begged Michi to move them elsewhere.  This was protested by a portion of the players, who knew what scene would be next since it was clear Michi was going in chronological game order.  But, respecting the wishes of the characters, Michi pressed the button and cackled madly as the players began bracing themselves for the real horror that was about to surface: bad puns and constant references to the Yu Gi Oh Abridged series.

Final Votes:
No Lynch: TGN, Dolby, Neon Abigail, cozmikrae, Aersoldorf, Gerrick, Vroendal, ExLight
No Vote (Never Voted):  Eastern New England, Anubhav Ghosh, Red Mones, Wintermoot, NoName, Moondrop

No one was killed.

Initializing startup...

Reboot in Safe Mode?


Timer expires in two hours from now.

Please make your selection carefully.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 03, 2022, 10:53:06 PM
I have no idea how to vote for this tbh. Like, as in, I'm def voting yes but I'm unsure how voting takes place lol

Vote: Y

for safe mode
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 10:58:38 PM
Vote: Y
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 10:58:55 PM
Thanks friends
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 03, 2022, 11:09:39 PM

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 03, 2022, 11:53:58 PM

@TGN (
@Vroendal (
@Eastern New England (
@Anubhav Ghosh (
@Red Mones (
@cozmikrae (
@Aersoldorf (
@Gerrick (
@Wintermoot (
@Moondrop (
@ExLight (

Please vote Y
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 04, 2022, 12:04:27 AM
Vote: Y for Safe Mode
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 04, 2022, 12:51:13 AM
Wow almost missed it.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 04, 2022, 01:05:28 AM
Incomplete data set (6/8 )

Safe mode aborted.

Continuing restart...

Resuming saved game....

Thirty seconds remain....

Game loaded. Proceed as before.

Night 3 Officially begins now and will end at 7pm CST tomorrow the 4th.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 04, 2022, 01:19:56 AM
I tried Lau I tried with every fibre of my being. I'm sorry. Wish me luck. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on February 04, 2022, 01:54:06 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 04, 2022, 01:55:08 AM
Too late buddy
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 04, 2022, 03:58:21 AM
wait what what happened

I thought the voting time would be around now?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 04, 2022, 04:08:05 AM
wait what what happened

I thought the voting time would be around now?
The no lynchers pushed a majority through creating a surprise deadline. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 04, 2022, 04:29:40 AM
ah fuck
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 04, 2022, 04:30:14 AM
sorry I should've stayed around more in-thread, didn't even realize it was a possibility 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 04, 2022, 04:46:34 AM
Is okay shit happens we move forward 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 04, 2022, 05:50:31 AM
Ugh. Just got home from the concert. Really bad news for us but I don’t think it’s insurmountable. I’m going to bed now and will read over the thread again from work later today.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 04, 2022, 05:50:57 AM
The concert was really good too 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 04, 2022, 06:13:29 AM
There are just too many posts, I can't match this madness...

Who just posts 18 verses of a beloved children's poem consecutively?! Each verse is so masterful it will take me at least an hour to understand each one, it's too hard to keep up with the thread!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 04, 2022, 06:28:56 AM
This is very disappointing. Not only did the attempt to revive Lau fail, but nobody was voted off and a lot of people used their No Lynch vote in the process. I thorough disaster for town. =/

Looking back, I'm a bit confused about the day phase end. Is it standard practice for a majority vote to immediately end the phase? I can't find anything in the rules about it.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 04, 2022, 06:45:17 AM
yea majority usually ends a phase

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 04, 2022, 06:46:26 AM

I think there was some discussion earlier D1 where Lau pointed out that maj was mentioned in a votecount so it's been public knowledge for a while now
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 04, 2022, 06:50:25 AM
I wasn't aware of that...disappointing, but c'est la vie.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 04, 2022, 09:10:20 AM
what are we exactly accomplishing here if we do trigger the safe mode restore though?

Lau is likely going to get killed again, Hapi adds more people to their neighborhood and increases exponentially the odds of scum infiltrating it, and ENE gets another flavor cop shot which is really not useful lol
Okay here me out. Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town so yanno you actually want that.

B. Lau will bring news from the dead a benefit to us

C. If they just kill him again that still kind of benefits us, I doubt they will though. They have knowledge.
If they don't within 1-2 nights, we lynch Lau assuming he's scum
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 04, 2022, 09:14:04 AM
I was down last day due to college, I guess I have missed quite vital portions. Sorry town😔
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 04, 2022, 12:33:12 PM
what are we exactly accomplishing here if we do trigger the safe mode restore though?

Lau is likely going to get killed again, Hapi adds more people to their neighborhood and increases exponentially the odds of scum infiltrating it, and ENE gets another flavor cop shot which is really not useful lol
Okay here me out. Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town so yanno you actually want that.

B. Lau will bring news from the dead a benefit to us

C. If they just kill him again that still kind of benefits us, I doubt they will though. They have knowledge.
If they don't within 1-2 nights, we lynch Lau assuming he's scum
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 04, 2022, 01:40:55 PM
Pretty sure he missed the fact that the revival attempt failed
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 04, 2022, 03:32:49 PM
Although on further thought, it still didn't make any sense. If Lau was the only one who died then there was 0% chance he'd revive as scum.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 04, 2022, 07:18:01 PM
Did y'all enact quiet mode again and forget to tell me? :P 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 04, 2022, 08:15:47 PM
The woes of not really having new information for an entire phase I suppose. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 04, 2022, 09:20:22 PM
I mean we have a guaranteed lynch tmrw and I'm always seeking information
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 05, 2022, 01:00:09 AM
“Attention duelists, my hair has told me to welcome you to Domino city!” a pointy haired guard with sunglasses called out, as the players who protested in the previous day groaned disappointingly.  From that very first line, they knew they were in for a nightmare of terrible references such as that, as they braced themselves for the worst.

The group appeared in Domino city, as the players who played the Yu Gi Oh Werewolf game were confused since the entire setting for it was on the Kaiba Corp Blimp, as they explained that to the newer players.  “But the setting so far has always been areas where the games took place, and now it’s not?” Player Dolby asked.  “Isn’t that–”  “Don’t say it!” player Vrodendal interrupted, to no avail.  “--against the rules?” Player Dolby added, as the Wintreath players groaned.  “Screw the rules, I have references!” Michi shouted with a wide grin on his face.  “Yep…it’s official, this really is hell.” Dead player Laurentus said while he facepalmed, realizing just how cringy this was about to get.

Being back in their home territory, Yugi challenged Joffrey to a duel, while Yami Marik somehow summoned former Wintreath Member Govindia and challenged him to a Shadow duel.  During the match between Yugi and Joffrey, Joffrey sneakingly grabbed some monster cards and summoned them all to the field during Yugi’s turn.  “Wait a minute, did you just summon a bunch of monsters during my turn?” He asked, confused at what just happened.  “Yeah, so?” Joffrey replied snarkingly.  “But that’s against the rules!” Yugi explained.  “Screw the rules, I am King!” Joffrey replied as he called for the guards to have Yugi executed for questioning the king. “You already used that reference once Michi, smh” said player Aersoldorf while Neon Abigail just sat there sipping her tea.

Meanwhile, Govindia had somehow won the match against Yami Marik by continuously distracting him with pictures of his cat and calling Yami Marik out on his passive aggressiveness.  Marik, angered that he had lost to such tactics, sent Govindia to the Shadow Realm anyways…though was surprised when Govindia somehow came back since the folks in the Shadow Realm couldn’t take it.  As a joke to get back at Mai Valentine for rejecting his advances and promises to take her soul so that they could be together forever, Yami Marik trapped Govindia in Mai’s hand mirror that she used to admire herself constantly.  Mai, confused and terrified by this and Govindia’s constant remarks that she was ignoring him and not being direct, threw the mirror to the bottom of the Domino City river, hoping it would never be found again.

“Huh.  That was somehow less reference heavy than I was expecting.” Said player Red Mones.  “Charmander!” cried out Mokuba randomly.  “Ah, there we go.  That’s the level of cringe I was waiting for.” Red Mones added.

And still, no one is dead. Either someone is doing a really good job or someone is failing. One of the two.

Day 4 begins now and will go until Sunday the 6th at 7pm CST.

Some clanking sounds and general thudding could be heard from the corner as a figure mumbled to himself, and perhaps someone offscreen.
he could claim def or tracker or something and claim that the flavor was wrong

Though he received no reply, the figure kept mumbling, and mumbling, until eventually the thudding stopped and only clanking remained. Then the clanking faded into the distance.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 05, 2022, 01:00:52 AM
yo uh

what if the quotes are coming from maf chat
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 05, 2022, 01:05:15 AM
Sorry man :(

Vote: Vroendal

I was looking so forward to playing with Vrondal and Lurentus on Wintreth

now they're both gonn be ded
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 05, 2022, 01:05:57 AM
oh the vc hasn't been moved to d4

I'll revote later
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 05, 2022, 01:11:04 AM
oh the vc hasn't been moved to d4

I'll revote later
I knew I forgot something... fixed it.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 05, 2022, 01:13:21 AM

Vote: Vroendal
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 05, 2022, 01:14:34 AM
lol the flavor text
also lmfao at the message

Vote: Vroendal

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 05, 2022, 01:16:08 AM
do we care about majjing today or nah?

I don't really care just as long as quiet mode/mute mode is not activated
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 05, 2022, 01:22:46 AM
do we care about majjing today or nah?

I don't really care just as long as quiet mode/mute mode is not activated
honestly at this point of the game we're solving stuff mechanically so eh just share the results asap and move on

there's not much to discuss with Vro outed like that and the sooner we stop him from posting 8000 poem verses the better imo lmfao
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 05, 2022, 01:22:58 AM
"And still, no one is dead. Either someone is doing a really good job or someone is failing. One of the two."

Yeah this just isn't a cult game and is mafia and Laurentus wasn't a weird dayvig hero shot from town

Also if this was that would make Neon a cultist given the Vro mafia claim and I kinda feel that I vibed with her for a bit and she'd consider recruiting me
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 05, 2022, 01:23:27 AM
do we care about majjing today or nah?

I don't really care just as long as quiet mode/mute mode is not activated
honestly at this point of the game we're solving stuff mechanically so eh just share the results asap and move on

there's not much to discuss with Vro outed like that and the sooner we stop him from posting 8000 poem verses the better imo lmfao
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 05, 2022, 01:30:27 AM
The rabble, they fear me because they do not understand me.

Oh Ruby Red, oh Lapis blue, how I wish I had found you.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 05, 2022, 01:32:11 AM
Vro, want to take the opportunity to hardclaim with night actions?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 05, 2022, 01:33:58 AM
do we care about majjing today or nah?

I don't really care just as long as quiet mode/mute mode is not activated
I'd say nah unless somebody comes in wanting time to discuss something specific. Maybe let a little time pass so everybody has a chance to do so.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 05, 2022, 02:20:44 AM
Vote: Vroendal

Sorry Batsy
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 05, 2022, 02:22:40 AM
Wanna just end this day really fast...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 05, 2022, 02:25:41 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on February 05, 2022, 02:28:54 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on February 05, 2022, 02:29:14 AM
Vote: Vroendal
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 05, 2022, 03:02:32 AM
Guess we're on autopilot for this phase

Vote: Vroendal

Did enjoy the Carroll poem though, albeit would have been easier if all in the same post :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 05, 2022, 03:03:03 AM
back to the Minecraft server, see how many more times I can die tonight
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 05, 2022, 03:41:00 AM
I don't get behind the reasons for Vro lynch, other than the fact that he posted verse walls. It's no use to vote for someone else either, nothing will change. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 05, 2022, 03:41:31 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 05, 2022, 03:41:55 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 05, 2022, 03:42:25 AM
Vote: Vroendal
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 05, 2022, 03:43:34 AM
Also, who were the people who didn't vote for the safe mode, I mean like missed it. Wouldn't be surprised if we lay hands on a wolf from the non-voters for safe mode, however the time limit was less
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 05, 2022, 03:45:33 AM
So why is it you don't get behind lynching an outted wolf Anu? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 05, 2022, 04:29:47 AM
Vro has openly admitted to being a wolf in the neighborhood. Also other information. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Dolby on February 05, 2022, 06:30:00 AM
in before vro is jester
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 05, 2022, 04:10:22 PM
Why would Vro openly admit to being a wolf?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 05, 2022, 04:52:34 PM
Why would Vro openly admit to being a wolf?
Vro had their reasons 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 05, 2022, 05:15:53 PM
Vote: Vroendal

Even if Vro is jester, that doesn't mean the game is over, right? I mean we'd still be killing a wolf. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 05, 2022, 06:19:26 PM
Vote: Vroendal

GG I was jester.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 05, 2022, 06:20:54 PM
lmfao if you were game ending jester I'll be legit pissed
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 05, 2022, 06:22:40 PM
Vote: Vroendal
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 05, 2022, 06:25:44 PM
I'm cursed. Pretend that it registered. :p
When I voted I got a weird screen, the vote didn't register, and my post isn't showing up as most recent on the forum board despite being the most recent.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 05, 2022, 07:08:01 PM
I mean dying to jester would be fun

But unless I'm being lied to Vro has attempted a NK the last two nights
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 05, 2022, 08:35:03 PM
Vote: Vroendal

Theoretically I have your voting back? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 06, 2022, 01:53:28 AM
We have majority right?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 06, 2022, 02:50:50 AM
That should be majority assuming no shenanigans. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 06, 2022, 03:41:40 AM
There is majority, the job just didn't allow me to do anything about it until now.

The final tournament on the Kaiba Corp Airship had begun, and the matches had been decided.  Joey Wheeler against Princess Daisy, the Stranger from Until Dawn versus the Gassy Core, King Arthur against the L Block from Tetris, Neon Abigail against the entire trove of her anime GIF references, Gandalf versus Dumbledore, and Crushita making a cameo appearance to take on a horde of Tomatoist supporters.  Overall, the matchups were already proving to be exciting, to say the least.

The first match was Gandalf versus Dumbledore, as both elderly wizards readied their magic before they were quickly stopped and informed that this was a tournament involving children’s cards.  Dumbledore took his deck and summoned the Chosen One, as a confused Harry Potter materialized on the field.  Gandalf, as a counter, also summoned the Chosen One, as a confused Frodo Baggins appeared on the field.  Dumbledore in turn summoned The Chosen Companion, as Ron Weasley, also confused, appeared on the field.  Also countering, Gandalf used the same card, summoning Samwise Gamgee on the field.  Angry, Dumbledore summoned The Mischievous Duo, as the smug looking Weasley Twins of Fred and George appeared on the field.  Gandalf, naturally, used the exact same card, summoning Merry and Pippin to the field.  Dumbledore, however, sabotaged himself accidentally by summoning The Chosen One’s Lover, as it summoned both Ginny Weasley and Cho Chang to the field as they immediately got into a cat-fight at the expense of Dumbledore’s life points.

Next was Neon Abigail who realized all of her references were her opponents, leaving her nothing to summon.  This didn’t stop her from getting into her competitive side, tossing down countless Kuriboh cards and somehow managing to trip up her army of opponents.  They ended up forfeiting the match to Neon Abigail due to being immensely confused at what was even happening as their own summoned cards continually decided to sit down and have tea and ice cream with the Kuribohs rather than fight each other.

The last match was even quicker work than the previous one, as Crushita made their way up to the dueling arena, accused the Tomatoists of being heretics, and summoned Burning Steak cards as well as guard cards to grab the heretics and have them executed for their crimes.  The Tomatoists, unsure of how to handle what was happening, ended up being taken by the somehow tangible guards summoned from cards as they were executed for their crimes and their lifepoints, and actual lives, went down to 0.

The players were now getting desperate to get out of this situation.  While they were glad the references had not been as top heavy as they were thinking, it was still a situation that they weren’t happy with.  Dead player Laurentus was especially pushing for a scene change, knowing full well that they’d finally be taking a short respite away from Michi’s odd games and moving towards his hosting debut game set in the fictional Monty Python’s Holy Grail universe.  And truly, when the scene began to shift, that was definitely, maybe, possibly where they could be heading next.

Vroendal has been killed. He was Batman. Or was he Scarecrow? The only thing certain is that he wasn't entirely scum, though he sure wan't helpful to the majority of town either.

Final votes:
Vroendal: 9 (TGN, Anubhav Ghosh, Dolby, Neon Abigail, Aersoldorf, Gerrick, NoName, Vroendal, ExLight)

No Vote (Never Voted): Eastern New England, Red Mones, cozmikrae, Wintermoot, Moondrop

This human is still working tomorrow, so uh... submit your night actions and I will start D5 sometime around this time tomorrow. Sound good? If you have problems with this timeline, just let me know.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 06, 2022, 03:45:46 AM
I am the best character
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on February 06, 2022, 04:04:02 AM
During this night, please enjoy your stay at the fabulous Camelot Casino.  Remember: What happens in Camelot stays in Camelot.

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 06, 2022, 09:08:44 AM
A new update to the Werewolf system has been pushed out, including bug fixes as well as new host and player features. Check out more details about it here (!
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 06, 2022, 11:31:03 AM
Sorry that I haven't been here the past couple of days, I kind of lost my WIM.

The rabble, they fear me because they do not understand me.

Oh Ruby Red, oh Lapis blue, how I wish I had found you.
Now this is an interesting quote, since I managed to check a Ruby Red on night 3.

Could this be hinting something? Maybe scum needs to rid themselves of Ruby Red to win or maybe Ruby Red was part of Vroendal's win condition? I notice how the "Red" here is capitalized as opposed to "blue". It doesn't seem like a coincidence.

Vroendal as Scarecrow
Vroendal has been killed. He was Batman. Or was he Scarecrow? The only thing certain is that he wasn't entirely scum, though he sure wan't helpful to the majority of town either.

Fine I'll lay down the knowledge
Vroendal is scum. Scum that can win with town using my neighborhood but I don't really care about that I don't trust Vro period.
Getting Vro in my neighborhood gave me a lot of information and other things I can't say safely.
I'm almost certainly the number one target for the wolves.
Vro is playing both sides but they did refuse to reveal their wolfy friends to me.

There you have your options
1. Kill Vro today vote no on the reset leave Lau dead and hurt my feelings and my chances of doing what I need
2. No Lynch Bring back Lau and Lynch Vro tomorrow and give me a chance to do what I need to do
It seems like my role ability is actually relevant and flavor does matter here.

I can literally use my role to clear myself as town at one point so that would just be a waste of time lol
I'm waiting.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 06, 2022, 11:36:45 AM
Let's try a reads list. This never ends up going well.





Neon Abigail

Red Mones

Anubhav Ghosh


Captan Lunch


Quoted the above post to show my progressions.




Neon Abigail
Anubhav Ghosh

Red Mones




Neon Abigail


Anubhav Ghosh

Red Mones



Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 06, 2022, 11:56:23 AM
To expand, I think that flavor matters in this game for a plethora of reasons:

- Firstly, multiple native Wintreans have said that flavor is and has been used in multiple games. As far as I remember, Neon Abigail was the one who said that specifically in games hosted by Ruguo flavor has significance. Laurentus also pointed out the importance in flavor before he flipped. These are two essentially confirmed townies with experience on this forum saying that flavor does matter.

- Secondly, no Seer has flipped yet nor has a Seer outed themselves to share information. If there was another Seer, I'd find it highly likely that they would have outed with their info by this point. Therefore, I'm probably the only Seer here and I'd find it weird if the hosts would give town a Seer who doesn't get any useful info. I do think I can trust my checks.

At this point I have not found any reason to distrust my ability or my checks. Yes, role abilities may vary from past games; yes, my result isn't guaranteed to be correct. But it's more useful than social or meta reads, or just straight up guessing. The alignment of a previous role generally won't do a 180 and completely change just because it's used in this game. Take my role for example - I located it in a previous game on this forum and it's the same alignment. Sure, the actual role ability has been tweaked, but town is town. Vro's role as well (in this case two roles) - while Scarecrow was a "scum" role and Batman was a "good" role, the alignments that game were reversed. It makes sense that Scarecrow was marked in green as town and Batman marked in red as scum.

Frankly, I think saying "flavor doesn't matter" as a defense and pushing that narrative is scummy when - obviously - flavor does matter in this game. Do you need to use flavor to solve the game? No. Do you need to throw any social reads out the window this game? No. But you should still acknowledge that roles that rely on flavor such as my own probably are more right than wrong, especially in a game like this where flavor from 20+ games are mixed.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 06, 2022, 02:27:26 PM
I wouldn't get too ahead of yourself. Flavor matters, sure. That doesn't mean flavor is consistently absolute. I say this from a design standpoint and not a player standpoint. When making a game you don't want it to be breakable by a day 1 mass rolename claim. Vro's role was consistent, sure, but he also had built in protection from your role and a name claim. That isn't going to follow suit for everybody else because they aren't going to have Vro's dual identity functionality. So there very likely are players in this game who don't conform, probably of both alignments. And knowing that they don't conform they are going to down play witch hunting based solely on roles previous alignments. This isn't scummy. Will scum use it as a shield? Absolutely. But the town players that would point it out would do so as a part of their duty to make sure town doesn't just go down a rabbit hole that could lead to their slaughter. The argument will never be anything more than NAI without that consistency confirmation. 

As for your argument about your information having to be alignment indicative because lack of other claimed information sources, here's something fun to mull over. Vro didn't talk in the neighborhood until after we pieced enough information together to know that he was Batman and that he tried to kill me the night before. 

There are multiple information sources in this game and they all need to come together to ascertain the full picture. Each seems weak alone because each is just a piece of the puzzle. The great thing about this for town is that even if a piece is lost, we can still put together a fairly coherent picture. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 06, 2022, 04:54:02 PM
Sorry that I haven't been here the past couple of days, I kind of lost my WIM.

The rabble, they fear me because they do not understand me.

Oh Ruby Red, oh Lapis blue, how I wish I had found you.
Now this is an interesting quote, since I managed to check a Ruby Red on night 3.

Could this be hinting something? Maybe scum needs to rid themselves of Ruby Red to win or maybe Ruby Red was part of Vroendal's win condition? I notice how the "Red" here is capitalized as opposed to "blue". It doesn't seem like a coincidence.

Vroendal as Scarecrow
Vroendal has been killed. He was Batman. Or was he Scarecrow? The only thing certain is that he wasn't entirely scum, though he sure wan't helpful to the majority of town either.

Fine I'll lay down the knowledge
Vroendal is scum. Scum that can win with town using my neighborhood but I don't really care about that I don't trust Vro period.
Getting Vro in my neighborhood gave me a lot of information and other things I can't say safely.
I'm almost certainly the number one target for the wolves.
Vro is playing both sides but they did refuse to reveal their wolfy friends to me.

There you have your options
1. Kill Vro today vote no on the reset leave Lau dead and hurt my feelings and my chances of doing what I need
2. No Lynch Bring back Lau and Lynch Vro tomorrow and give me a chance to do what I need to do
It seems like my role ability is actually relevant and flavor does matter here.

I can literally use my role to clear myself as town at one point so that would just be a waste of time lol
I'm waiting.
So it was hinting at something. I'm not going to necessarily reveal that though lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 06, 2022, 05:04:57 PM
I wouldn't get too ahead of yourself. Flavor matters, sure. That doesn't mean flavor is consistently absolute. I say this from a design standpoint and not a player standpoint. When making a game you don't want it to be breakable by a day 1 mass rolename claim. Vro's role was consistent, sure, but he also had built in protection from your role and a name claim. That isn't going to follow suit for everybody else because they aren't going to have Vro's dual identity functionality. So there very likely are players in this game who don't conform, probably of both alignments. And knowing that they don't conform they are going to down play witch hunting based solely on roles previous alignments. This isn't scummy. Will scum use it as a shield? Absolutely. But the town players that would point it out would do so as a part of their duty to make sure town doesn't just go down a rabbit hole that could lead to their slaughter. The argument will never be anything more than NAI without that consistency confirmation.

As for your argument about your information having to be alignment indicative because lack of other claimed information sources, here's something fun to mull over. Vro didn't talk in the neighborhood until after we pieced enough information together to know that he was Batman and that he tried to kill me the night before.

There are multiple information sources in this game and they all need to come together to ascertain the full picture. Each seems weak alone because each is just a piece of the puzzle. The great thing about this for town is that even if a piece is lost, we can still put together a fairly coherent picture.
I resonate with a lot of what you say. Some parts of my post were specifically targeted towards ExLight, albeit I didn't specifically mention it. If I came off too strong it's mostly just because I'm a bit frustrated.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 06, 2022, 05:13:14 PM
I can literally use my role to clear myself as town at one point so that would just be a waste of time lol
I'm waiting.
Yea I'll use it tonight. I should be pretty cleared by the host by the time the Day starts tomorrow assuming my action goes through.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 06, 2022, 09:55:06 PM
I'm boooooored
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 07, 2022, 04:05:53 AM
“There it is my friends, Camelot!” King Arthur called out as the scene shifted to the youtube video that Michi had provided earlier in the night with the dancing girls, slot machines, and Sara Ramirez belting it out with her solo parts.  Confused, King Arthur broke the fourth wall to look at the host, not remembering the scene being like that in his movie.  Michi quickly reminded him about the even better Broadway musical where his character was played by Tim Curry, which Arthur nodded in appreciation and allowed the scene to play out.

As they made their way through the kingdom, they passed a hill where a lion and his cub were sitting.  “Look, Simba.  Everything you see that the light touches is our Kingdom.  One day lad, this will all be yours”  The large lion explained, as the confused and possibly out of it cub turned towards him.  “What, the curtains?”  The cub asked, as Mufasa seemed confused by this before noticing that the tree they were staring at had curtains on them.  “No, not the curtains. All that you can see, stretched out over the hills and valleys of this land.” Mufasa responded with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.  “But mother–” Simba started as Mufasa interrupted with “Father.” with his annoyance slowly growing.  “But father, I don’t want any of that.  I just want to…” Simba started to say as out of nowhere music began to build up.  “No! No no, we’re not having that.  Come Simba, I’ll teach you how to hunt.” Mufasa stated as he quickly left with Simba following lazily behind.

As the group walked, the light began to shift around them as heavenly music started to play.  The group looked up to see the heavenly face of GlaDOS looking down at them.  “Oh, it’s you. It’s been a long time…how have you been?” GlaDOS asked as Wheatley appeared from out of nowhere and took over, switching GlaDOS over to a potato, much to her chagrin.  The heavenly music shifted to more sinister music as the sky turned to an eerie crimson color as Wheatly summoned the Knights who say Ni, the evil rabbit, and the French guards who were also guarding the grail to surround the group with bad puns and literal violence as the rabbit tore apart Calander Man in one hop.

“Run away, run away!” The group called out before Chell used her portal gun and sent the bad references and evil rabbit to the Moon, along with Wheatley.  Knocking the now unoccupied robotic husk away, the sky shifted back as the figure of a crudely drawn God appeared in the sky.  “Cor, this is what I get for trying to take a nap, all of these interruptions!” He shouted as he looked down at the crowd.  “Oh…you’re still here? Go on a quest or something before I smite the lot of you with my foot!” He yelled out as the heavenly music went away, the sky returning to normal.

Moondrop has been killed. They were Temir Ikakov, a mere child. How could such a tragedy be allowed to happen?

Red Mones has also been found dead. He was North Pole. He seems to have withered away...

After shuffling off into the distance, the clanking noise suddenly resumes. A childlike scream can be heard before being replaced by whimpering and whispers of "Not again... please, not again..."

There is sounds of bones breaking and a grown man taunting the child "Hold still!

I don’t mind doing it, but I leave a very telling bit of evidence if I do"

As the sounds of the scuffle fade and some very heavy thumps are heard, neighbours awaken to find the body of Temir surrounded by the limbs of a grown man, apparently having been wearing chainmail. The scene seems all too familiar, and there is talk about lizardfolk hiding among group of misfits.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 04:19:48 AM
aaand I got roleblocked

Something about me being too scared to go outside
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 04:24:44 AM
guess mafia really doesn't want me clearing myself? 
it's kinda expected, at least now we know Vro wasn't likely a roleblocker if he was mafia

If anyone said they'd roleblock me in the neighborhood I'd keep an eye on them. There's literally no reason to do it other than to try making me look bad since if I failed to prove it without any disruptions I'd just be lynched here today.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 04:36:39 AM
aaand I got roleblocked

Something about me being too scared to go outside
Yep yep that's the normal role block 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 04:45:40 AM
aaand I got roleblocked

Something about me being too scared to go outside
Yep yep that's the normal role block
how'd you know?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 05:00:01 AM
I know a lot of things
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 05:02:51 AM
Like that Moondrop had been targeted at least two days straight. But I digress.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 05:06:22 AM
Now tbf I was unaware that it was Moondrop specifically until today but I do know that


Vote: [color=#000000][size=2][font=Tahoma, Droid Sans MS, sans-serif]Eastern New England[/font][/size][/color]
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 05:06:42 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 05:07:20 AM
I did not put all that in there I just used the vote code lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 07, 2022, 05:27:47 AM
Now tbf I was unaware that it was Moondrop specifically until today but I do know that


Vote: [color=#000000][size=2][font=Tahoma, Droid Sans MS, sans-serif]Eastern New England[/font][/size][/color]
the funny thing is it shows up fine in the news feed but oddly messed up in the thread. Also doesn't seem to have autocounted.

@Wintermoot new bug?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on February 07, 2022, 06:17:11 AM
I'm going to assume it's a side effect of the new feature:

Player Features
  • Players can now select their vote from the vote dropdown, which is the last button on the list of BB buttons (beside the spoiler button). Selecting a player name will automatically place the vote, complete with player's name, in the editor. This was a pain in the ass to get working, btw. v_v

It's possible when implementing it, something broke...especially since he said it was pain to get working, so I imagine there were a lot of hurdles to jump and it's possible one was missed by accident.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 06:23:23 AM
Vote: Eastern New England
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 06:23:49 AM
Okay so it only works from that drop down and not if you input it manually
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 06:24:17 AM
Also the logo is a YouTube logo lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 07, 2022, 07:41:28 AM
Vote: Eastern New England
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on February 07, 2022, 07:41:54 AM
Just as a heads up, here's a breakdown of the bonus points from Day 3 (Day 4 didn't have a bonus due to it going so quick):

Bonus points total:
Neon Abigail: 2 (Day 1 and 3 bonus)
Eastern New England: 1 (Day 1 bonus, +1 for cookie, -1 for oatmeal raisin)
Dolby: 1 (Day 3 bonus)
Aersoldorf: 1 (Day 3 bonus)
NoName: 1 (Day 1 bonus, +1 for cookie, -1 for oatmeal raisin)
ExLight: 1 (Day 3 bonus)
Gerrick: 2 (Day 1 and 3 bonus)

Wintermoot: 1 (Day 1 Bonus)

This next bonus is worth +3 points, and it will only be given to the first person.  For this bonus, you must trigger the Time Warp mechanic.  Just remember to keep it classy, folks.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 07:44:29 AM
*sings rocky horror* let's do the time warp againnnn

It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Madness takes it's toll
But listen closely

Not for very much longer
I've got to keep control
I remember doing the time warp
Drinking those moments when

The blackness would hit me
And the void would be calling
Let's do the time warp again
Let's do the time warp again

It's just a jump to the left
An then a step to the right
With your hands on your hip
You bring your knees in tight

But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane
Let's do the time warp again
Let's do the time warp again

It's so dreamy, oh fantasy free me
So you can't see me, no, not at all
In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention
Well secluded, I see all

With a bit of a mind flip
You're into the time slip
And nothing can ever be the same
You're spaced out on sensation

Like you're under sedation
Let's do the time warp again
Let's do the time warp again
Well I was walking down the street just a-having a think

When a snake of a guy give me an evil wink
He shook-a me up, he took me by surprise
He had a pickup truck, and the devil's eyes
He starred at me and I felt a change

Time meant nothing, never would again
Let's do the time warp again
Let's do the time warp again

It's just a jump to the left
And then a step to the right
With your hands on your hip
You bring your knees in tight

But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane
Let's do the time warp again
Let's do the time warp again
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 07:45:06 AM
Vote: Eastern New England
*insert anime sipping emoji here*
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 07, 2022, 07:47:24 AM
Vote: Eastern New England
*insert anime sipping emoji here*
I only visited you in your best interest.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 07:56:43 AM
Oh so you visited me last night?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 07:58:16 AM
In my best interest *sips*
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 07:59:41 AM

Vote: Eastern New England
*insert anime sipping emoji here*
I only visited you in your best interest.
Tell me oh turtley Detective man what did you learn?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on February 07, 2022, 08:11:50 AM
As the group was about to cross paths with the Knights who say Ni with shrubbery in hand, the scene suddenly shifted violently all around them, as they could hear the faintest echoes of folks from Rocky Horror Picture Show singing about the Time Warp.  Spiraling steadily across the Werewolf Multiverse that surrounded the World of Werewolf, few couldn’t help themselves from throwing up as this seemed to be much more of a rough experience versus the original traveling method.

    The stumbling across the Multiverse finally stopped, though something felt wrong when they were face to face with a giant portrait of Nigel Thornberry as Bowser as the Mona Lisa holding the hand of Jamie Lannister dressed as George Washington.  This place they were in now felt like a conglomeration of things at once, which made folks uneasy.  They were now in Dracula’s Castle, but they were also in the Misty Mountains…but they were also in Space, and somehow also in the Death Star.  The crumbling of the timelines was becoming much more apparent now as all of these locations were colliding into one.

    Even some of the characters were looking off, with Donkey Kong suddenly becoming green and Yoshi-like in appearance, Dracula looking as if he was related to one of the Care Bears, Directly actually making sense and speaking logically, it was becoming everyone’s worst nightmare.  But there was still hope, still time to fix the World of Werewolf as well as the slowly imploding Werewolf Multiverse, still time to get everything back to the way it should have been.

Time Warp Mode has been activated.  You've arrived in Dracula's Castle, only to see it has collided with other timelines as a result of damage to the Werewolf Multiverse.

Please continue on as normal.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 07, 2022, 08:50:54 AM

Vote: Eastern New England
*insert anime sipping emoji here*
I only visited you in your best interest.
Tell me oh turtley Detective man what did you learn?
I was there to protect you, not to learn anything.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 08:57:00 AM

Vote: Eastern New England
*insert anime sipping emoji here*
I only visited you in your best interest.
Tell me oh turtley Detective man what did you learn?
I was there to protect you, not to learn anything.
*anime sip*
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 09:00:29 AM
I'm actually inclined to believe that. In fact...

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 09:03:18 AM
Vote: NoName

I'm starting to get concerned I might have another rat in my neighborhood and it can really only be one person. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 09:07:13 AM
Through my omnipotent and omniscient powers. Aka talking to my now dead tracker before their death I've come across a confusing set of inaccuracies I've been compiling the data and looking through it over and over and I feel like I've found the rat.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 11:21:05 AM
I know a lot of things
well whoever did it would skyrocket in my scum list because it clearly had the sole purpose of making me look bad
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 11:28:04 AM
Sure I do wonder if scum has a roleblock that seems kind of OP though tbf I got blocked last night too.

But I do know things, and I'm very very concerned about NoName. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 11:31:28 AM
Because I'm pretty positive NoName is lying about their role power, and I'm also pretty positive that they had at least something to do with Moondrop dying and if I'm wrong here I'm willing to die for it but right now I want to protect my town
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 11:55:39 AM
Sure I do wonder if scum has a roleblock that seems kind of OP though tbf I got blocked last night too.

But I do know things, and I'm very very concerned about NoName.
the usual scumset in a game is often rolecop + roleblocker + kill modifier + cop messer (framer or godfather) so I wouldn't be surprised

if you're telling us that you got blocked then that means we either have two roleblockers, one town and one mafia; or someone that can block multiple people at once, likely mafia
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 07, 2022, 01:45:07 PM
Because I'm pretty positive NoName is lying about their role power, and I'm also pretty positive that they had at least something to do with Moondrop dying and if I'm wrong here I'm willing to die for it but right now I want to protect my town
You're wrong in so much that I had anything to do with Moondrop dying directly. I did make a comment to Ruguo last night about expecting moondrop to be NK'd because my other two targets met their fates pretty quickly as well. But given Lau was a day kill, Vro was a lynch, and Moon was a NK, I think it's pretty obvious to say its not ability related on my end. Right now I'm chalking it up to coincidence given how everything unfolded (Lau claimed defender and Vro was outted as wolf the day after I targeted them). If my last target dies it will be decidedly collusion.  
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 03:53:12 PM
and who was your last target?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 07, 2022, 06:07:45 PM
I'm not really sure it's of any benefit to say. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 07:01:52 PM
can you claim what your role supposedly does if not kill then?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 07, 2022, 07:05:19 PM
I'll be honest, with the lack of information in the thread has received I'm very confused about what is going on right now. I trust Abigail, though, and I'll trust what she's doing in the neighborhood.

On another note I checked someone as an Admiral, but I haven't found the role in the past game, so it's quite inconclusive.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 07, 2022, 07:27:44 PM
can you claim what your role supposedly does if not kill then?
If I amass three living targets my vote count doubles. This, unfortunately for me, isn't confirmable for another couple of days and says nothing about my alignment one way or the other anyway. The ability Neon thinks I'm lying about is a one shot I have that I have no intention of speaking further about publicly. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 08:03:17 PM

did you use the vote thing at any point?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 08:03:50 PM
oh wait nevermind

I *think* I see how it works now
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 08:07:08 PM
I'm not really sure how to feel about this claim because I noticed someone else has a vote type of role already? wouldn't it be busted for two town to be able to stop a full mafia team (assuming they're three or four members)?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 07, 2022, 08:18:41 PM
Depends on the powers of the Mafia, how the other role in question functions, and the ability to keep five specific players from dying at some point (my three targets, me, other voter). Frankly I see mine as less likely to see utility but a classic red herring for trackers and the like. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 08:41:39 PM
I think I see where you getting at
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 08:49:27 PM
can you claim what your role supposedly does if not kill then?
If I amass three living targets my vote count doubles. This, unfortunately for me, isn't confirmable for another couple of days and says nothing about my alignment one way or the other anyway. The ability Neon thinks I'm lying about is a one shot I have that I have no intention of speaking further about publicly.
How are you amassing living targets stranger. Because what I know is this. At night you destroy the houses of people and than go live with someone else. Now I'm not sure exactly what those words mean but they don't sound good do they? 

I do wonder if your other targets only didn't die at night because your ability takes two nights and we were simply killing them first. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't like what I'm seeing.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 07, 2022, 09:19:54 PM
Oh alright then. I'm not a wolf. But I ain't town either. I've been priming houses to burn because I'm an arsonist. Nothing I've said so far has been a lie. Only a half truth. Come lynch me if you can. ::Insert better looking devil smiley here::
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 09:24:19 PM
Vote: NoName

guess we found our hostile third party
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 09:25:58 PM
Well that was easy. If I'm not like top town at this point lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 07, 2022, 09:28:40 PM
Oh alright then. I'm not a wolf. But I ain't town either. I've been priming houses to burn because I'm an arsonist. Nothing I've said so far has been a lie. Only a half truth. Come lynch me if you can. ::Insert better looking devil smiley here::
I did assume the half truths thing, really well played it was honestly really believable I was blind to the information I had received a while back. Kinda big sad at this point though. I liked having tea and my town is becoming increasingly devoid of friends. And without my tracker I've essentially become a vanilla player now. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 07, 2022, 10:09:23 PM
Hostile is such a harsh term Ex. I've killed nobody so far this game. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 10:42:10 PM
Hostile is such a harsh term Ex. I've killed nobody so far this game.
what's your wincon?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 07, 2022, 11:00:47 PM
Oh I'm going to kill you all. I just haven't killed anybody yet. So maybe like person of impending hostility? That seems less harsh. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on February 07, 2022, 11:05:23 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Moondrop on February 07, 2022, 11:06:17 PM
How do you vote again?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 07, 2022, 11:07:06 PM
you're dead moondrop
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 08, 2022, 12:28:26 AM
Goddamn, good work people.

Vote: NoName
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 01:15:31 AM
Not that I don’t agree with the current wagon, but doesn’t it strike anyone else as being a bit suspicious that NoName claimed a 3p role that pretty much ensures that he’ll be lynched when there was only a single vote against him at the time?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 01:16:45 AM
A fairly popular band back in the late 80’s/early 90’s. Check out Losing My Religion 😂
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 08, 2022, 02:09:51 AM
Not that I don’t agree with the current wagon, but doesn’t it strike anyone else as being a bit suspicious that NoName claimed a 3p role that pretty much ensures that he’ll be lynched when there was only a single vote against him at the time?
Honestly, better safe than sorry.

And him being an Arsonist makes more sense, assuming he's the traditional kind. He was against resurrecting Lau; probably not because Lau was a Defender, since arsonist bypasses that, but because that would add another target on his list plus would consume our No Lynch, which is something an arsonist would probably want to keep until a more opportune moment with less players (i.e. during MyLo to force a surprise end of the game).

Out of all scenarios, regardless, we know that this slot isn't Town, and thus is a safe lynch. If he's a Jester, good for him. If he's an Arsonist, great for us.

The only thing bothering me is that there's a faint chance that lynching him might set the fire up, and that would explain the abrupt claim. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 08, 2022, 02:43:35 AM
Vote: NoName

forgot we have the vote command now lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 08, 2022, 03:04:57 AM
Lau and Vro were posturing. Although Vro was limited to the neighborhood. As I said already Lau was my first target so not only would their coming back boost my vote, they were already primed so I wouldn't have to expend any energy to burn them when I was ready. The lynching alternative was Vro, who I also had primed so not lynching them wasn't a big deal either. 

In the neighborhood I pressed Vro excessively to give up the entire Mafia team or die. This wasn't because I wanted them to, but rather to create a stand offish atmosphere so they wouldn't. 

I'm telling you all this now because the time for posturing is over. It's all open wolfing from here, so to speak. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 08, 2022, 03:29:16 AM
Not that I don’t agree with the current wagon, but doesn’t it strike anyone else as being a bit suspicious that NoName claimed a 3p role that pretty much ensures that he’ll be lynched when there was only a single vote against him at the time?
Not really they are pretty aware that I know a lot of things lol. What would be the bonus to them of agreeing with my claim if they were lying?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 08, 2022, 03:31:33 AM
And again there is a reason why adding people who aren't good to my neighborhood benefits town. Just in this case it took me to long to realize it and also with Moondrop being dead now my power is limited
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 03:57:32 AM
I was thinking about the jester role as a possibility for him but I don’t know how or if it’s ever been used here. Google searches gave a few different descriptions, sometimes they get a solo win if lynched and sometimes they share the win with whichever side wins. I guess I’ll go with the vocal majority and pray that it doesn’t backfire.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 03:58:20 AM
No idea why it didn’t include the quote from Neon in my post 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 03:59:28 AM
I’ll have to vote in the morning, can’t find the vote option from my phone 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 08, 2022, 05:32:44 AM
Now tbf I was unaware that it was Moondrop specifically until today but I do know that


Vote: [color=#000000][size=2][font=Tahoma, Droid Sans MS, sans-serif]Eastern New England[/font][/size][/color]
Did you copy and paste ENE's name into the post? I've noticed when you copy and paste in the WYSIWYG editor it'll copy the formatting too, and the vote tag isn't really set up to handle other tags in it.

The vote dropdown just inserts the vote tag and the player name within it, it's really no different from typing it in.

I'll be honest, with the lack of information in the thread has received I'm very confused about what is going on right now. I trust Abigail, though, and I'll trust what she's doing in the neighborhood.

This is how I feel lol. I feel like the real game is going on in Abbi's neighborhood and we're just watching the results of whatever happens there. She certainly seems the most invested in the outcome of this game, so I'll also go along with her. If she's a wolf, then it was a wolf well-played.

Vote: NoName
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 08, 2022, 05:33:26 AM
@Neon Abigail: Oops, I guess I typed my response in your quote. v_v
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 08, 2022, 05:37:31 AM
I was thinking about the jester role as a possibility for him but I don’t know how or if it’s ever been used here. Google searches gave a few different descriptions, sometimes they get a solo win if lynched and sometimes they share the win with whichever side wins. I guess I’ll go with the vocal majority and pray that it doesn’t backfire.
If their a jester they are a very weird jester since I know they were going to people's houses and destroying them. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 08, 2022, 05:38:44 AM
I mean my neighborhood is just as dead as the thread I just have more info available to me from people who weren't always active here
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 08, 2022, 07:18:31 AM
Vote: NoName

I am in the mood of a jump, and the Arsonist theory seems reasonable.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 12:45:15 PM
Where is the vote button? I don't even see it from my computer...

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 08, 2022, 12:50:57 PM
I don't think there's one, you just manually type 

Code: [Select]
[vote](player name[/vote]
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 12:53:42 PM
I'm going to assume it's a side effect of the new feature:

Player Features
  • Players can now select their vote from the vote dropdown, which is the last button on the list of BB buttons (beside the spoiler button). Selecting a player name will automatically place the vote, complete with player's name, in the editor. This was a pain in the ass to get working, btw. v_v

It's possible when implementing it, something broke...especially since he said it was pain to get working, so I imagine there were a lot of hurdles to jump and it's possible one was missed by accident.
@ExLight this post seems to indicate that there is a new way to submit votes?

Vote: Noname
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 12:54:47 PM
It didn't count my vote so there's something I'm doing wrong
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 12:56:32 PM
Trying again

Vote: noname
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 12:58:47 PM
Vote: NoName
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 08, 2022, 01:17:35 PM
what did the time warp do, Neon?

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 01:35:27 PM
what did the time warp do, Neon?

Just changes the flavor I think? 

From the OP:  Time warp (Again?): When activated, the flavor setting will instantly change to a different game
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on February 08, 2022, 01:52:08 PM
Time to hop on the train
Vote: NoName
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 08, 2022, 02:52:59 PM
Majority has been reached. Day has ended.

Merin Noel and Anakin Skywalker teamed up with Master Tau as they took off in the Millenium Penguin and began attacking the alien menace known as the Van Gethians, which were basically a cross between Koopa Troopas, Goombas, and the Geth.  The Van Geth were piloting their own circular starships known as Ringwraiths, which let out a distinct screeching howl as they soared.

Watching from the Death Trapezoid was Emperor Mona Thornberry of the Koopatonians, who was also outed recently as the infamous Sith Lord known as Darth Insidious.  Accompanying him was his partner Jamie Washington (also known as Darth Lannister), sporting his powdered wig which was all the rage for the fashionable sith lord (in his opinion anyway).  As they watched the battle, they were interrupted by intruders who had somehow made it past the Koopa Stormtroopas…one being Jamie’s nemesis known as Master Jon Luigi Snow.  Accompanying him was Snow’s apprentice, young Arya Peach, dual-wielding her trademark umbrella and tennis racket lightsabers.  The 4 of them fought relentlessly, with Arya using her force powers to conjure and throw vegetables with faces as well as using her force butt smack, while Master Luigi used his lightsaber vacuum and amazing force jump, eventually beating the two sith lords.

Care Bear Alucard sat in Dracula’s bouncy castle basement as he played video games.  Care Bear Johnathan Harker joined in as the two played together, before they were interrupted by G.I Pennywise, who, accompanied by Freddy Cougar, started a pillow fight between the 4 of them.  None of them won, however, because Shepherd Shepard came in, pointed his krook towards the pillow battlers, and made them all fall asleep as a horde of sheep ran in and started hopping one by one.

Finally at the Mystic Mountains, Queen Jacopo Sadoleto of the fairies was negotiating a deal to trade with the human king, The Stranger.  While Jacopo was offering gems and the secrets to long life, however, The Stranger was content offering wool and goat cheese…two of the things that Jacopo had mentioned the fairies were allergic to.  Angry at the king’s refusal to change their items of choice, Jacopo and the fairies decided to trap The Stranger in a crystal ball attempting to force them to line dance in a country music dance-off that would go on for all eternity. However, what was transported to the crystal ball was a mere shade of the man, who simply stood and laughed at Jacopo before shattering the crystal ball and walking away.

Everyone (mostly) seemed to live their new lives blissfully unaware of where they had come from previously, which fit in perfectly to Michi’s plans as he leaned back with a grin on his face for what was to come now that the different timelines were beginning to converge into each other.  This was only the beginning, and everything was going exactly as he had hoped it would.

Final votes:
NoName: 8 (TGN, Anubhav Ghosh, Neon Abigail, Aersoldorf, Gerrick, Wintermoot, ExLight)

No Vote (Never Voted): Eastern New England, Dolby, cozmikrae, NoName

You cannot lynch what cannot be found. NoName lives to see another sunrise.

I can't end night 24 hours from now, so enjoy your elongated night that will end at roughly 4pm CST tomorrow.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 03:19:34 PM
Lovely, just lovely.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 08, 2022, 03:46:46 PM
Like I said, I'm going to open wolf from here on out as I kill you all. Luckily for both sides I have to keep things balanced until I'm set, so there's still a chance to beat me in a foot race. Better get on that. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 08, 2022, 04:12:32 PM
Well that's fun
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 08, 2022, 05:02:34 PM

whoever the roleblockers are they, regardless of their alignment, should stop the arsonist, since they can ignite everyone at once if not continuously disrupted

in the meanwhile do we have any ideas on how to stop them?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 08, 2022, 05:45:51 PM
I have an idea. It might just be the craziest idea I've ever had and I'm not sure you'll go for it but, if you all die I'll have nobody left to kill and be forced to stop. I know. I know it's a bit unorthodox, but it's crazy enough that it just might work. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 06:17:52 PM

whoever the roleblockers are they, regardless of their alignment, should stop the arsonist, since they can ignite everyone at once if not continuously disrupted

in the meanwhile do we have any ideas on how to stop them?
Googled the arsonist role and got several different results from different sites. Most sites are in agreement that there are 2 phases to the arsonist attack - the dousing phase, and the ignition phase. The dousing is unstoppable by a defender on most sites, ie the defender couldn't protect someone from being doused; but the arsonist can be roleblocked. Given that we may have 2 roleblockers, it would be nice if we could figure out a way to coordinate their efforts and have them alternate nights blocking him.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 08, 2022, 06:39:45 PM
The problem with your plan, Aers, is that if there's two roleblockers one is decidedly scum. Wolves would have to sacrifice one of their own for a chance at delaying me. And that's if they are lucky enough to not both be primed already. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 08, 2022, 07:14:32 PM
The problem with your plan, Aers, is that if there's two roleblockers one is decidedly scum. Wolves would have to sacrifice one of their own for a chance at delaying me. And that's if they are lucky enough to not both be primed already.
I mean the wolves also have an interest in you not dousing them, so it's not like they wouldn't want to do that to you either
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 08, 2022, 07:21:04 PM
I'm order to coordinate they have to out themselves though. Which was my point. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 07:55:13 PM
There's a way to attempt it that doesn't require anyone to out themselves, but it's not 100% guaranteed to work. By my count we have 11 players alive, minus one since NoName obviously doesn't factor into this. If I put them alphabetically I get:

1 - Aerso
2 - Anub
3 - Coz
4 - Dolby
5 - ENE
6 - Ex
7 - Gerrick
8 - Neon
9 - TGN
10 - Wintermoot

So tonight, if you have roleblock and an even number, block NoName. Tomorrow night odd numbers block him. Gives us a 50/50 chance of stopping him in his tracks. Thoughts?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 08, 2022, 08:17:02 PM
There's a way to attempt it that doesn't require anyone to out themselves, but it's not 100% guaranteed to work. By my count we have 11 players alive, minus one since NoName obviously doesn't factor into this. If I put them alphabetically I get:

1 - Aerso
2 - Anub
3 - Coz
4 - Dolby
5 - ENE
6 - Ex
7 - Gerrick
8 - Neon
9 - TGN
10 - Wintermoot

So tonight, if you have roleblock and an even number, block NoName. Tomorrow night odd numbers block him. Gives us a 50/50 chance of stopping him in his tracks. Thoughts?
It's an alright plan, but I'm afraid 50/50 isn't good enough, we need him to be stopped every night otherwise he'll still get opportunities to douse and ignite. While this guarantees at least 50% of disruption, I think it would be better if both roleblockers, assuming there are two, targeted NoName everynight until we figured out a way to stop him. We also even have to hope they can be roleblocked, lol.

@Neon Abigail
Do you have any idea who the Roleblocker(s) might be? If they're in your neighborhood please make NoName gets disrupted. If both are in the neighborhood it's even better, since you can coordinate one into him and still attempt to use the other one to stop mafia actions.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 08, 2022, 08:18:34 PM
I was assuming that roleblock worked kind of like a defender - can't target the same person 2 nights in a row. If that's not the case then problem solved. Just hammer away at him.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 08, 2022, 08:33:37 PM
I was assuming that roleblock worked kind of like a defender - can't target the same person 2 nights in a row. If that's not the case then problem solved. Just hammer away at him.
oh I see
that's a fair point, I'm not sure how roleblockers work here but that would make sense

if they can't target the same player twice in a row I think this is a great plan then, yes
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 08, 2022, 08:34:34 PM
There's a way to attempt it that doesn't require anyone to out themselves, but it's not 100% guaranteed to work. By my count we have 11 players alive, minus one since NoName obviously doesn't factor into this. If I put them alphabetically I get:

1 - Aerso
2 - Anub
3 - Coz
4 - Dolby
5 - ENE
6 - Ex
7 - Gerrick
8 - Neon
9 - TGN
10 - Wintermoot

So tonight, if you have roleblock and an even number, block NoName. Tomorrow night odd numbers block him. Gives us a 50/50 chance of stopping him in his tracks. Thoughts?
It's an alright plan, but I'm afraid 50/50 isn't good enough, we need him to be stopped every night otherwise he'll still get opportunities to douse and ignite. While this guarantees at least 50% of disruption, I think it would be better if both roleblockers, assuming there are two, targeted NoName everynight until we figured out a way to stop him. We also even have to hope they can be roleblocked, lol.

@Neon Abigail
Do you have any idea who the Roleblocker(s) might be? If they're in your neighborhood please make NoName gets disrupted. If both are in the neighborhood it's even better, since you can coordinate one into him and still attempt to use the other one to stop mafia actions.
I make no promises
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 08, 2022, 08:35:40 PM
I was assuming that roleblock worked kind of like a defender - can't target the same person 2 nights in a row. If that's not the case then problem solved. Just hammer away at him.
I think this is untrue Vro was being blocked every night and I'm almost positive that's why their were no NKs for a bit there
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 08, 2022, 08:38:49 PM
I was assuming that roleblock worked kind of like a defender - can't target the same person 2 nights in a row. If that's not the case then problem solved. Just hammer away at him.
I think this is untrue Vro was being blocked every night and I'm almost positive that's why their were no NKs for a bit there

that's a nice theory, might be funny if mafia doesn't have control on who does the night kill if they didn't change it from being vro
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 08, 2022, 08:44:30 PM
I don't think it's coincidence that Vro died and there was a NK and u know Vro tried killing
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 08, 2022, 10:11:52 PM
well I don't know anything, you told me yall caught vro in 4k and I'm just trusting you lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 08, 2022, 11:21:39 PM
I was assuming that roleblock worked kind of like a defender - can't target the same person 2 nights in a row. If that's not the case then problem solved. Just hammer away at him.
oh I see
that's a fair point, I'm not sure how roleblockers work here but that would make sense

if they can't target the same player twice in a row I think this is a great plan then, yes
Actually on second thought this still falls on the issue if both roleblockers are even/odd.

I think the ideal is one of them claiming tonight and coordinating in-thread, unless both are in the neighborhood.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 09, 2022, 12:35:18 AM
Ex you keep bringing up the neighborhood like I'm not already in there. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 09, 2022, 12:46:19 AM
I was assuming that roleblock worked kind of like a defender - can't target the same person 2 nights in a row. If that's not the case then problem solved. Just hammer away at him.
oh I see
that's a fair point, I'm not sure how roleblockers work here but that would make sense

if they can't target the same player twice in a row I think this is a great plan then, yes
Actually on second thought this still falls on the issue if both roleblockers are even/odd.

Hence the reason I said it was a 50/50 proposition...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 09, 2022, 02:08:49 AM
Ex you keep bringing up the neighborhood like I'm not already in there.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 09, 2022, 03:53:39 AM
Ex you keep bringing up the neighborhood like I'm not already in there.
what does that have to do with anything lmao

the point is maximizing the usage of roleblockers, you knowing who will block you doesn't make a difference 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 09, 2022, 04:18:34 AM
also ENE should prolly check on NoName because any hints on what we need to do is important
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 09, 2022, 04:24:26 AM
Ex you keep bringing up the neighborhood like I'm not already in there.
what does that have to do with anything lmao

the point is maximizing the usage of roleblockers, you knowing who will block you doesn't make a difference
Probably that there's no point in coordinating in private if it's not private. Even if both are in there, nothing said there is going to remain hidden so there's no point in not doing it in the main thread anyway. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 09, 2022, 05:17:46 AM
Yeah NoName has been having some tea with me since N1. Nothing is secret, I feel almost like we are great buds
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 09, 2022, 01:28:22 PM
Ex you keep bringing up the neighborhood like I'm not already in there.
what does that have to do with anything lmao

the point is maximizing the usage of roleblockers, you knowing who will block you doesn't make a difference
Probably that there's no point in coordinating in private if it's not private. Even if both are in there, nothing said there is going to remain hidden so there's no point in not doing it in the main thread anyway.
I mean there are odds that both roleblockers are town and that no scum is in her chat, right? even if it's a small possibility keeping it in private is the optimal move
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 09, 2022, 02:40:31 PM
Ex you keep bringing up the neighborhood like I'm not already in there.
what does that have to do with anything lmao

the point is maximizing the usage of roleblockers, you knowing who will block you doesn't make a difference
Probably that there's no point in coordinating in private if it's not private. Even if both are in there, nothing said there is going to remain hidden so there's no point in not doing it in the main thread anyway.
I mean there are odds that both roleblockers are town and that no scum is in her chat, right? even if it's a small possibility keeping it in private is the optimal move
If both roleblockers are town then I have a hard time understanding why Neon would have been blocked last night. So I think it's likely that one of them is possibly scum, or even NoName, although if the arsonist also has roleblock power that would be seriously op in my opinion. Third option is that they're both town but one of them is suspicious of Neon - maybe worried she's a cult leader or something, going for an individual win con, or at least a win con that doesn't jive with the town win con?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 09, 2022, 02:55:52 PM
Ex you keep bringing up the neighborhood like I'm not already in there.
what does that have to do with anything lmao

the point is maximizing the usage of roleblockers, you knowing who will block you doesn't make a difference
Probably that there's no point in coordinating in private if it's not private. Even if both are in there, nothing said there is going to remain hidden so there's no point in not doing it in the main thread anyway.
I mean there are odds that both roleblockers are town and that no scum is in her chat, right? even if it's a small possibility keeping it in private is the optimal move
If both roleblockers are town then I have a hard time understanding why Neon would have been blocked last night. So I think it's likely that one of them is possibly scum, or even NoName, although if the arsonist also has roleblock power that would be seriously op in my opinion. Third option is that they're both town but one of them is suspicious of Neon - maybe worried she's a cult leader or something, going for an individual win con, or at least a win con that doesn't jive with the town win con?
ugh or blocking me since I was going to use my role to prove I'm town

noone of the roleblocks last night seem townie now that I think about it and that's a bit concerning
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 09, 2022, 03:11:41 PM
Where in the world is Dolby? Hasn't posted since D4...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 09, 2022, 03:54:21 PM
@ExLight, I think you're missing the obvious implication that if they are both in the neighborhood and neither is foreseeably scum there's nothing to keep me from putting them on blast in the main thread, eradicating any perceived privacy. 

Neon was obviously blocked by town last night, it's plain as day. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 09, 2022, 04:23:23 PM
@ExLight, I think you're missing the obvious implication that if they are both in the neighborhood and neither is foreseeably scum there's nothing to keep me from putting them on blast in the main thread, eradicating any perceived privacy.

Neon was obviously blocked by town last night, it's plain as day.
And why would town block Neon unless it's someone who fears she's a cult leader?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 09, 2022, 05:35:44 PM
I'll tell you tomorrow. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 09, 2022, 07:46:53 PM
*sip* tell me now ;)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 09, 2022, 08:14:04 PM
@ExLight, I think you're missing the obvious implication that if they are both in the neighborhood and neither is foreseeably scum there's nothing to keep me from putting them on blast in the main thread, eradicating any perceived privacy.

Neon was obviously blocked by town last night, it's plain as day.
why by town?
both roleblocks that happened seem fairly scummy, but if I were to guess one towny and one scummy I'd guess town blocking me rather than Neon since admittedly me asking to not get blocked could come off as weird
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 09, 2022, 08:25:26 PM
I'll still tell you tomorrow. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 09, 2022, 10:31:55 PM
The dead speak!

This was the message that Wario Skywalker had gotten on his comms as he was flying his Wah fighter to the Imperial planet of Aperture Gotham.  As he hopped off his ship, it disappeared suddenly as Wario Skywalker had suddenly changed into Wario Cobblepot, also known as The Penguwah…one of Aperture Gotham’s most affluent citizens as well as most notorious criminals.  Joining him was the questionably clothed Norman Ivy, who had a knack for speaking with and controlling plants of all types.

As the two of them battled it out with known vigilante Gabriel Belmont-Wayne who was also known as the Batman, suddenly they were in a heated sword battle as the Hero of Time Dracula in his green garb was fighting Wariodorf with the help of the sage of Fire, the goron known as Normania.  Wariodorf was getting the upper hand, having trapped Princess Leia of Alderule in crystal (after being discovered when she revealed that the Ghosta known as Ghostface that was helping Dracula was in fact her in disguise).  Wariodorf had stolen Leia’s Force of Wisdom, as he used his new power to disappear with Leia in tow and disguise himself as an elderly Alderian wizard known as Brahmgahnim.

Elsewhere, King Bender, also known as the God of All Cosmos, had sent his young son Prince Hermes to roll up countless objects to turn into stars after he accidentally created a black hole after using a power shot in his tennis match against Nega King Anderson.  Prince Hermes was sent down to the planet of Poatoe, which was inhabited by gangsters, pirates, religious fanatics, and where its main businesses were cruise ships and “legitimate businesses and not fronts for nothin’ ya dirty rats.”  He rolled up many items including broken robots, island totems, and an entire continent that was co-owned by brothers Business Cat and Posh Cat.

Without a moment’s notice, suddenly everyone was a toy in a warehouse, being picked up and moved around by mysterious gloved hands as they were forced to fight for the hands’ amusement in various wild environments of their design.  And then suddenly they were all ducks swimming along the pond while watching past versions of themselves fighting through an opening in the warehouse wall.  Finally everyone was now a puppet, dancing for the amusement of Michi and Ruguo while they both pulled the strings from behind the scenes.  Was this how the Multiverse was going to play out? Where everyone was just puppets for the hosts’ amusement?

The answer of course, was yes.

Easter New England has perished. They were Princess Peach.
Besieged by sadness, TGN has also died. He was Ruby Red.

Do not panic if you haven't gotten your night results yet. I just wanted to get day started.

As a figure crept through the darkness, blood on their hands, they met up with another figure.

"You know what?
YOU can kill ENE tonight, I'll roleblock NoName
I've quite had my share of the murders."

The two figures then exchanged something vaguely sword shaped, and went their separate ways, the moonlight reflecting their cheshire grins.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 09, 2022, 10:41:45 PM
Well i was wrong about TGN lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 09, 2022, 10:43:51 PM
wtf I guess this proves scum has a roleblocker

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 09, 2022, 10:46:39 PM
we need to try roleblock+shooting at NoName at any point
from what we know apparently both teams can do this if the extra kill isn't NoName individually igniting his previous targets
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 12:19:09 AM
where are yall :nottoday:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 02:32:27 AM
*sip* pretty sure ENE had a role block
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 02:32:41 AM
Bye bye town
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 10, 2022, 02:47:03 AM
Yikes... Does anyone want to try to analyze who might've said the quote on the night results? Like who it could sound like with the punctuation and inflection and everything? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 03:03:57 AM
Vote: Wintermoot

I've decided that the silent must die
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 03:37:38 AM
I'll post my thoughts in the morning, too tired to think straight right now and I've become quite addicted to your Minecraft server :P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 03:39:11 AM
Bye bye town
cult claim...?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 03:39:35 AM
I REFUSE to believe we had a cult and an arsonist in the same game
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 03:42:29 AM
and lol I'm not letting you lynch moot
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 10, 2022, 03:44:29 AM
Me too. About the cult and arsonist thing.

But also if we are gonna vote the silent we should still vote better silent. 

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 03:48:54 AM
Who's in your neighborhood Neon?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 03:53:07 AM
Vote: Anubhav Ghosh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 03:53:17 AM
Me too. About the cult and arsonist thing.

But also if we are gonna vote the silent we should still vote better silent.

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh
Works for me
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 03:53:40 AM
Who's in your neighborhood Neon?
They get to decide if you get to know
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 04:30:11 AM
and lol I'm not letting you lynch moot
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 04:31:22 AM
I REFUSE to believe we had a cult and an arsonist in the same game
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 10, 2022, 05:25:49 AM
Why does the wagon on me looks like a desperate move to cut more down
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 10, 2022, 05:27:19 AM
Also I won't mind getting lynched, since I have exams starting off, and I will probably not even be able to put the same amount of effort that I did earlier, when Lau was alive
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 10, 2022, 05:27:31 AM
Is Dolby dead ?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 07:19:35 AM
The silent return from the silence when death is on the line
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 10, 2022, 11:03:53 AM
Is Dolby dead ?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 12:43:52 PM
and lol I'm not letting you lynch moot
because he's a pretty important role for late game town

Vote: Neon Abigail

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 12:47:29 PM
Also I won't mind getting lynched, since I have exams starting off, and I will probably not even be able to put the same amount of effort that I did earlier, when Lau was alive
Please stop the defeatist mindset, if you're gonna be busy ask to be subbed out rather than bringing down your whole team with you.

This might be the last day if we have another double kill tonight. We need to start weeding out the known threats. If NoName is unlynchable for now we should aim for the head of the second known one, Neon.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 02:56:34 PM

Okay here me out. Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town so yanno you actually want that.

Please listen to me I'm the one who is running the neighborhood and trust me I'm well aware of how it works. There is no way for me to say what I mean without making obvious wolf targets that hurt my chances of doing what I need to do to win the game for town. I'm not lying.
I was not lying when I said I suck at this game. Or that I just like to roleplay and cause chaos. But this is the ONLY time that I have ever known what I'm doing in a game of Werewolf and I just need you to trust me.

The point of this neighborhood is NOT what you think it is.
I've been thinking about Neon claiming to be blocked and had initially just assumed that someone on the scum team has blocking power. But after doing a bit of investigating to try and figure out how to kill NoName before he burns the village to the ground I found some interesting tidbits in previous games. There was a game here, I believe it was WW7, that had a role called The Stranger. I've seen that name mentioned at least once in the flavor posts by the hosts, and possibly more often. The Stranger in that game had some interesting powers. They carried a machete and a Flamethrower, plus could use a roleblock on 3 different nights. The Stranger was actually part of the town that game, so not everything from the role has carried forward to this one, which isn't surprising since a lot of people have said that their roles/powers don't exactly match with the same role from previous games. So instead of being town aligned, we have an arsonist who is a 3p this game and wants to kill us all, but he's immune to lynch right now. That last bit wasn't part of The Stranger's role in the previous game, but there was a different character in the same game who DID have some form of invincibility - The Wendigo. The Wendigo was scum aligned and couldn't be killed by anything until all of the scum were dead first. I believe that our arsonist may have a combination of abilities/powers from both of those roles. He's a 3p who can douse anyone unless he gets blocked, he can block others (not sure if that's every night or just a one time thing, maybe 3 times like the original role). Abi did say that she knew Vro got blocked every night, and since NoName was her N1 neighbor selection it makes sense that she knew that he was blocking Vro, especially after Moon scanned Vro and told Abi that he was scum. I think it's possible that NoName is the one who blocked Abi the other night. Which begs the question of why? I think he figured out that she's a cult leader with her own victory condition and that she's getting very close to that win con and so he did what he had to do in order to keep her from adding to her following. In a lot of games that have a cult leader, if that leader gets killed then all of their followers also die. I think that's why NoName didn't come right out and vote for her after he discovered her true nature - it's quite possibly the easiest way for us to kill him. Just read the words she's said, and that I quoted above:

Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town - this is patently ridiculous, but makes sense if we view her in light of being a cult leader with her own agenda instead of a town aligned neighborizer. Adding scum to her team gives her power over that member, remember that she said that Vro openly admitted to being a wolf in her chat, why in the world would he do that unless she had some sort of power to control his future. He didn't choose to reveal who his teammates were so she decided to get rid of him via lynch - a lesson for others in her cult?

There is no way for me to say what I mean without making obvious wolf targets that hurt my chances of doing what I need to do to win the game - yes I removed the final 2 words ("for town") because I think those were the lie tacked onto a truthful statement. She wouldn't divulge information that she knew because it would paint targets on some of the wolves and 'hurt her chances of doing' what she needed to do to win.

The point of this neighborhood is NOT what you think it is - and finally, the most bold and open statement of all. She told us herself that our views of what her group was (an innocent collection of neighbors trying to further the chances of town winning) was WRONG. She didn't lie. She has her own victory condition and that makes her as dangerous to the town as the scum team and NoName. We're having to fight 3 opposing teams instead of the normal 1 this time. I'm not sure that we can ferret them all out before they overwhelm us, but I do know for certain that we can take a step in the right direction by chopping off the head of the beast, and pray that her death also takes out NoName and any scum that she's recruited.

Vote: Neon Abigail
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 02:57:34 PM

Vote: Neon Abigail

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 03:09:25 PM
too much flavor speculation we just should kill her because she's a cultist open wolfing and saying she's going to play against town 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 10, 2022, 03:29:27 PM
Its pretty obvious Abi isn't cult. I mean you have two dead neighbors already verifying she doesn't change alignments. If anything she's reverse cult. She admitted to being able to chameleon abilities of the players in the neighborhood so she can likely chameleon win cons. Playing towards town was the obvious go to at the start, but town has taken a whipping the last few days. Add in unkillable yours truly and it doesn't behoove her to stay on towns side. She's a bad focus if you're worried about turning the tide back to town's favor. Further more, what she said about Vro is off from what he said in the neighborhood. I'll get into that later when I'm not at work. 

What you can take to the bank right now is that I'm hunting wolves. You know this because I have to keep a balance until I'm ready to make my move.  With only five possible douses on my part, it's clear I can't do that tonight, so you know I'll be looking to balance today. Let's realistically talk scum hunting. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 04:38:55 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 10, 2022, 04:58:54 PM
Wait, if Abigail is a cult leader and she has town members in her neighborhood and killing her would kill all of the people in her neighborhood, then you're saying you're OK with killing them all just to kill her who you're fairly certain is not scum? We don't have enough townspeople left to afford killing several of them just because you have a hunch that Abigail has an additional way to win.

Anyway, after ISOing people, I think the most likely people to match the most recent scum chat exposure in the night results are ExLight or Dolby. Both have used all caps on individual words in sentences to provide emphasis, and the tone also sounds like it could match either one of them. Another previous scum chat peek was written in all lower case letters, which also matches how ExLight has written before and more than anyone else. This along with my suspicions of him at the beginning with the feigning low confidence in his skill and the refusal to give a trust tell make me believe he's scum. Also I'll add that ENE consistently had him at the top of their scumspect list. And he's said several times he thinks scum have a roleblock ability, and when he just recently said he'd be cleared over the night but just so happened to have been roleblocked. I think Dolby has been captured by a scum jailor or something, which is why he isn't talking.

I encourage everyone to go back and read the night results to see the quotes from scumchat at the end for yourself. Also gonna guess that Wintermoot wrote the quote on "unexpected cheddar" and Aersoldorf wrote the quote on "leaving a telling bit of evidence" as it sounds like them. ExLight just this day phase tried to protect Wintermoot because he has an "ability that will be good for town late game", and Aersoldorf grouped both Wintermoot and ExLight together in his first reads list as having nothing reads on them. Think they're 3 wolves, although I have the most confidence in ExLight. 

I apologize for not having any direct quotes or links as I'm typing on my phone. 

Vote: ExLight
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 10, 2022, 05:00:02 PM
How is it not better if she copies mine? Then she has to balance too which means active wolf hunting, putting town in a position to become top dog again at which point she switches back to town because town and Mafia both have the advantage of ending the game long before I can if they play their cards right. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 10, 2022, 05:38:28 PM
Damn Gerrick why not just come out yelling I'm cult. SMH
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 06:06:06 PM
Wait, if Abigail is a cult leader and she has town members in her neighborhood and killing her would kill all of the people in her neighborhood, then you're saying you're OK with killing them all just to kill her who you're fairly certain is not scum? We don't have enough townspeople left to afford killing several of them just because you have a hunch that Abigail has an additional way to win.

Anyway, after ISOing people, I think the most likely people to match the most recent scum chat exposure in the night results are ExLight or Dolby. Both have used all caps on individual words in sentences to provide emphasis, and the tone also sounds like it could match either one of them. Another previous scum chat peek was written in all lower case letters, which also matches how ExLight has written before and more than anyone else. This along with my suspicions of him at the beginning with the feigning low confidence in his skill and the refusal to give a trust tell make me believe he's scum. Also I'll add that ENE consistently had him at the top of their scumspect list. And he's said several times he thinks scum have a roleblock ability, and when he just recently said he'd be cleared over the night but just so happened to have been roleblocked. I think Dolby has been captured by a scum jailor or something, which is why he isn't talking.

I encourage everyone to go back and read the night results to see the quotes from scumchat at the end for yourself. Also gonna guess that Wintermoot wrote the quote on "unexpected cheddar" and Aersoldorf wrote the quote on "leaving a telling bit of evidence" as it sounds like them. ExLight just this day phase tried to protect Wintermoot because he has an "ability that will be good for town late game", and Aersoldorf grouped both Wintermoot and ExLight together in his first reads list as having nothing reads on them. Think they're 3 wolves, although I have the most confidence in ExLight.

I apologize for not having any direct quotes or links as I'm typing on my phone.

Vote: ExLight
what are you even talking about do you even know how cults work
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 06:19:21 PM
Wait, if Abigail is a cult leader and she has town members in her neighborhood and killing her would kill all of the people in her neighborhood, then you're saying you're OK with killing them all just to kill her who you're fairly certain is not scum? We don't have enough townspeople left to afford killing several of them just because you have a hunch that Abigail has an additional way to win.
If Neon is really a cult leader, then the people that were shoved into her neighborhood likely aren't town or mafia anymore, at least while she's alive. Cultists are their own alignment and win when their Cult Leader has the majority of the players in the game converted into cultists. It's often a hostile win condition, which causes all the other players that she didn't pick to lose. The only one that might've still maintained their wincon are the 3p characters, in this case NoName.

Some variants of Cult members allow the recruited ones to carry on in recruiting. This is the one we have to always assume since it's the worst case scenario. In this case we have to kill all the members in it as soon as possible if we don't want to lose FAST. Some allow only the Cult Leader, which in this case is Neon. Regardless, it's always the best to go for the Leader first in an attempt to stop it from spreading.

Some variants do die when the leader dies, but most of the ones I've played with don't. I think it's REALLY safe to assume this one isn't the one that causes the members to die because not only we have an Arsonist, who can literally kill every player in the game in a snap of fingers, but also we been having Day kills and extra night kills. Having a Cult leader that just takes literally half of the game with them when they die is pretty absurd and if they ever say that they're fearmongering the neighborized players into helping them.

Also, why would you even assume her neighborhood is full of town members? As far as I know it might contain the entire mafia team there; this isn't that nonsensical cop variant you all have here where it's a mason chat, it can and likely contains scum, as we can clearly see by the fact both Vro and NoName were in it. Speaking of Noname, we know she has at least one hostile 3p that we don't know how to kill, and if you think killing Neon will kill the people in it then why aren't you supporting it as a way of killing two birds with one stone? 

This absurd attempt of defense of a Cult Leader is honestly upsetting and makes me wonder if you're not part of her neighborhood already.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 06:20:41 PM
How is it not better if she copies mine? Then she has to balance too which means active wolf hunting, putting town in a position to become top dog again at which point she switches back to town because town and Mafia both have the advantage of ending the game long before I can if they play their cards right.
I'd honestly be surprised if town or mafia could win while not only one but two hostile indeps are still active
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 06:21:07 PM
Wait, if Abigail is a cult leader and she has town members in her neighborhood and killing her would kill all of the people in her neighborhood, then you're saying you're OK with killing them all just to kill her who you're fairly certain is not scum? We don't have enough townspeople left to afford killing several of them just because you have a hunch that Abigail has an additional way to win.

Anyway, after ISOing people, I think the most likely people to match the most recent scum chat exposure in the night results are ExLight or Dolby. Both have used all caps on individual words in sentences to provide emphasis, and the tone also sounds like it could match either one of them. Another previous scum chat peek was written in all lower case letters, which also matches how ExLight has written before and more than anyone else. This along with my suspicions of him at the beginning with the feigning low confidence in his skill and the refusal to give a trust tell make me believe he's scum. Also I'll add that ENE consistently had him at the top of their scumspect list. And he's said several times he thinks scum have a roleblock ability, and when he just recently said he'd be cleared over the night but just so happened to have been roleblocked. I think Dolby has been captured by a scum jailor or something, which is why he isn't talking.

I encourage everyone to go back and read the night results to see the quotes from scumchat at the end for yourself. Also gonna guess that Wintermoot wrote the quote on "unexpected cheddar" and Aersoldorf wrote the quote on "leaving a telling bit of evidence" as it sounds like them. ExLight just this day phase tried to protect Wintermoot because he has an "ability that will be good for town late game", and Aersoldorf grouped both Wintermoot and ExLight together in his first reads list as having nothing reads on them. Think they're 3 wolves, although I have the most confidence in ExLight.

I apologize for not having any direct quotes or links as I'm typing on my phone.

Vote: ExLight
1 - I said that she's not scum but she's not town either, she's 3p with her own victory condition which doesn't match the town victory condition. As for the potential of killing everyone in her cult, we've had 5 nights and she claimed to have been blocked once, so that means she could have recruited a total of 4 people thus far. One of those is NoName. She also said that she had recruited Vro and Moon, who are already dead. By my calculations that means she could only have 1 other person in her cult besides NoName, and your quite vocal arguments against lynching her pretty much let us know that you've been recruited. Losing 1 town, if that's the case, is risky, I admit it. But taking out 2 non-town players is actually a good trade. We have 9 living players, 2 of which are confirmed 3p. We don't have any idea of how many members of the scum team there are left, but I would guess 2 or 3. If we go with the worst case of 3, then we have 4 town, 3 scum and 2 3p. Losing both 3p in one shot, even if we lose 1 town in the process that leaves 3 town and 3 scum, very bad for town unless the remaining defender gets lucky tonight, or one of the role blockers. It could also leave us at 4 town vs 2 scum if there are only 2 scum remaining. And those numbers don't take into count the possibility that those who have been doused by NoName could get burned alive when he dies - I'm unsure of the mechanics of that role, whether his death ignites everyone or whether he has to purposely do it himself as a night action. I believe it's probably the latter of those 2 options based on looking at how the role is used elsewhere. So whether we end up 3-3 or 4-2 after lynching Neon (and that doesn't even include the possibility that she has recruited another scum, which would leave us at 4-2 or 5-1 - much better for town), I still think that it's better for the town to risk it than to give both Neon and NoName another chance to recruit and douse tonight. The odds that we win are grim, but I believe that the numbers speak for themselves - our best chance to swing the odds in our favor is to take her out today.

2 - I have no idea what in the world you're talking about when you say that "leaving a telling bit of evidence" sounds like something I would say. Need you to explain that one a bit further. I don't believe I've ever uttered those words in my life. Also not sure why you're confident that each of the quotes in the EoN flavor comes from the scum chat - what if they come from Abi's neighborhood? Or the dead thread? Or an as of yet unknown chat between players? Seems that only someone involved in the scum chat could know with certainty that all of those quotes were taken from it and not elsewhere.

3 - Unexpected cheddar is a delicious cheese sold at Trader Joe's, so perhaps you could also explain why you think it was Wintermoot who said that one?

4 - I'm also very interested in protecting Wintermoot because he does have a useful ability for town, especially in the late game. It's rather obvious, I was able to figure it out at the end of day 2. I knew it existed on day 1, but didn't know who it was for sure until EoD2. And given that his power can really hurt the scum team, he'd have been one of the prime targets for me if I were on the scum team. But according to Abi, we know that Moon was targeted multiple times before actually being killed. 

In short, I believe that your attacks against Ex and I are based more on self preservation than any actual logic that benefits the town. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 06:27:14 PM
EBWOP - forgot to add Wintermoot to the list of people you're attacking
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 06:28:08 PM
EBWOP again - In short, I believe that your attacks against Ex and I are based more on self preservation as a member of her cult than any actual logic that benefits the town. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 06:39:23 PM
EBWOP again - In short, I believe that your attacks against Ex and I are based more on self preservation as a member of her cult than any actual logic that benefits the town.
I completely agree with gerrick likely just being a cultified member acting against town's best interests
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 10, 2022, 06:53:57 PM
Neon isn't cult so Gerrick isn't cult, but he's definitely flying off into self preservation mode. Guess you got him worried that regardless if Abi died he would too. Might be something worth looking into for any scanners out there.

Also Aers, your numbers are off because Neon got to start the game pulling a neighbor. Moon was first, I was second. Vro was third. Coz was fourth. You would have been fifth if ENE hadn't jailkept her to protect her. Gerrick just bounced in today. So if you wanna continue to argue that cult got to come in pre recruiting with members having their alignment hidden on the flip, I don't suppose I'll stop you but frankly you'll have to throw logic and reason out the window to do it. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 07:08:41 PM
Neon isn't cult so Gerrick isn't cult, but he's definitely flying off into self preservation mode. Guess you got him worried that regardless if Abi died he would too. Might be something worth looking into for any scanners out there.

Also Aers, your numbers are off because Neon got to start the game pulling a neighbor. Moon was first, I was second. Vro was third. Coz was fourth. You would have been fifth if ENE hadn't jailkept her to protect her. Gerrick just bounced in today. So if you wanna continue to argue that cult got to come in pre recruiting with members having their alignment hidden on the flip, I don't suppose I'll stop you but frankly you'll have to throw logic and reason out the window to do it.
Not sure what that last sentence means, but I didn't realize that she was able to start the game with a neighbor. That certainly changes the math somewhat so I'll have to rethink things with that in mind. Bit busy at work right now so it will have to wait until I get home this afternoon, or possibly tomorrow.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 07:25:08 PM
Neon isn't cult so Gerrick isn't cult, but he's definitely flying off into self preservation mode. Guess you got him worried that regardless if Abi died he would too. Might be something worth looking into for any scanners out there.

Also Aers, your numbers are off because Neon got to start the game pulling a neighbor. Moon was first, I was second. Vro was third. Coz was fourth. You would have been fifth if ENE hadn't jailkept her to protect her. Gerrick just bounced in today. So if you wanna continue to argue that cult got to come in pre recruiting with members having their alignment hidden on the flip, I don't suppose I'll stop you but frankly you'll have to throw logic and reason out the window to do it.
Not sure what that last sentence means, but I didn't realize that she was able to start the game with a neighbor. That certainly changes the math somewhat so I'll have to rethink things with that in mind. Bit busy at work right now so it will have to wait until I get home this afternoon, or possibly tomorrow.
To be fair I started with a neighbor because our abilities relied heavily on each other. And I guess the cats entirely out of the bag now. 

So if you're worried about me changing wincons please look at my dead neighbors. Vro was mafia Batman exactly as I told you,  with a town Scarecrow of they found Ruby Red which honestly my town was an easy way to do. My fault really shouldn't of killed Vro.

Vro open wolfed in my town because they knew I could help and they were already outted by Moondrop anyways there was no reason to hide it. 

Moondrop is dead they were still town. I think you need to readjust your ideas on how I win. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 07:25:41 PM
and lol I'm not letting you lynch moot
because he's a pretty important role for late game town

Vote: Neon Abigail

Mind telling me what role Moot has? Cause I certainly don't know it
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 07:59:59 PM
I certainly don't have any idea what his role is, but I can tell you for a fact that he can steal a vote from someone and place it on the person that he votes for. I noticed a discrepancy in the vote totals listed at EoD1 compared with the number of names listed beside each recipient, but chalked it up to human error in the counting/posting of the results. At EoD2 it was more obvious, since we had the vote feature by that time and so the discrepancy could no longer be attributed to a mistake made by one of the hosts. At first I thought that he might just have 2 votes himself, but then I noticed that wagons that he didn't vote for were missing a vote on each of the first 2 days - that's how I came to the conclusion that he's stealing or redirecting votes rather than having multiple votes himself. That can be of massive benefit to the town at the end of the game.

And I don't care how you win, I simply know that your win condition does not benefit the town, it benefits you. Which means that you need to go. The fact that Vro 'openwolfed in your town because he knew you could help' is an argument FOR lynching you. If a confirmed scum was willing to work with you then that definitely proves that your interests and the town's interests are not the same.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 08:29:07 PM
This explains a lot from another thread actually lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 08:30:22 PM
I certainly don't have any idea what his role is, but I can tell you for a fact that he can steal a vote from someone and place it on the person that he votes for. I noticed a discrepancy in the vote totals listed at EoD1 compared with the number of names listed beside each recipient, but chalked it up to human error in the counting/posting of the results. At EoD2 it was more obvious, since we had the vote feature by that time and so the discrepancy could no longer be attributed to a mistake made by one of the hosts. At first I thought that he might just have 2 votes himself, but then I noticed that wagons that he didn't vote for were missing a vote on each of the first 2 days - that's how I came to the conclusion that he's stealing or redirecting votes rather than having multiple votes himself. That can be of massive benefit to the town at the end of the game.

And I don't care how you win, I simply know that your win condition does not benefit the town, it benefits you. Which means that you need to go. The fact that Vro 'openwolfed in your town because he knew you could help' is an argument FOR lynching you. If a confirmed scum was willing to work with you then that definitely proves that your interests and the town's interests are not the same.
A scum who was not scum but yanno kill me, I've clearly worked with town. In fact at this point I think it's the wolves who are most scared of me because I can out them pretty easily yeah?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 08:41:41 PM
I have given you a wolf. I've given you the Arso it's not my fault they are unkillable. Vro open wolfed because they knew my town was the way they flipped town and they were right because my tracker had the info they would've needed.

But frankly I've been screwed since D1 and if you think that killing me benefits you that's the biggest mistake you will EVER make this game. And frankly I'd think hard about the odds you win the moment I die because fun fact my townies don't die when I do. And I'm still the one who knew what they were. What have any of you done for town?

So far the only dead wolf was me.  The dead 3P day 1 was me. Your knowledge of who the Arso is that was me too. I'm the only person who has given this town anything. Which should tell you everything you need to know about me.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 09:00:59 PM
I have given you a wolf. I've given you the Arso it's not my fault they are unkillable. Vro open wolfed because they knew my town was the way they flipped town and they were right because my tracker had the info they would've needed.

But frankly I've been screwed since D1 and if you think that killing me benefits you that's the biggest mistake you will EVER make this game. And frankly I'd think hard about the odds you win the moment I die because fun fact my townies don't die when I do. And I'm still the one who knew what they were. What have any of you done for town?

So far the only dead wolf was me.  The dead 3P day 1 was me. Your knowledge of who the Arso is that was me too. I'm the only person who has given this town anything. Which should tell you everything you need to know about me.
You gave us a wolf who wouldn't help you by outing his team. And the 3p on D1 was the most harmless 3p ever according to the flavor at EoD - I haven't even bothered trying to find what that role actually was that game because there's a lot of difference between previous roles and their counterparts this game. And claiming that you gave us the Arsonist also hasn't really helped us because we don't know how to kill him.

It only makes sense that you and Gerrick and NoName would all say that the cult members don't die when you do. Maybe that's true, and maybe it's not - you'd all say the same thing either way. Coz hasn't come forward with her input yet but I would expect her to toe the line with the rest of your mutants. Beat your chest all you want, the only thing you gave the town was Vro, who refused to help you by outing his team. I'm not concerned with helping your cult win, I'm trying to give the town a win. Those are clearly two different goals.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 09:02:08 PM
And I'm no longer interested in joining your tea parties.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 09:03:57 PM
A scum who was not scum but yanno kill me, I've clearly worked with town. In fact at this point I think it's the wolves who are most scared of me because I can out them pretty easily yeah?
Then out them and let's move forward. Keeping their identities to yourself only further proves that you don't have the town's best interests at heart.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 09:21:22 PM
A scum who was not scum but yanno kill me, I've clearly worked with town. In fact at this point I think it's the wolves who are most scared of me because I can out them pretty easily yeah?
Then out them and let's move forward. Keeping their identities to yourself only further proves that you don't have the town's best interests at heart.
Sometimes it feels like nobody listens. I learn the role of anyone in my town. In other words scum hunting = me. I am the hunter. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 09:23:45 PM
I have given you a wolf. I've given you the Arso it's not my fault they are unkillable. Vro open wolfed because they knew my town was the way they flipped town and they were right because my tracker had the info they would've needed.

But frankly I've been screwed since D1 and if you think that killing me benefits you that's the biggest mistake you will EVER make this game. And frankly I'd think hard about the odds you win the moment I die because fun fact my townies don't die when I do. And I'm still the one who knew what they were. What have any of you done for town?

So far the only dead wolf was me.  The dead 3P day 1 was me. Your knowledge of who the Arso is that was me too. I'm the only person who has given this town anything. Which should tell you everything you need to know about me.
You gave us a wolf who wouldn't help you by outing his team. And the 3p on D1 was the most harmless 3p ever according to the flavor at EoD - I haven't even bothered trying to find what that role actually was that game because there's a lot of difference between previous roles and their counterparts this game. And claiming that you gave us the Arsonist also hasn't really helped us because we don't know how to kill him.

It only makes sense that you and Gerrick and NoName would all say that the cult members don't die when you do. Maybe that's true, and maybe it's not - you'd all say the same thing either way. Coz hasn't come forward with her input yet but I would expect her to toe the line with the rest of your mutants. Beat your chest all you want, the only thing you gave the town was Vro, who refused to help you by outing his team. I'm not concerned with helping your cult win, I'm trying to give the town a win. Those are clearly two different goals.
Oh no I never asked Vro for their scum buddies I just listened to what they had to say. I have you scum because I was invested in town. Still am but at this point you're turning on me even though I've clearly told you every single time I got info on a bad guy.

Kill me. Die on this hill. If your town and your voting me you lose. If you're scum and your voting me,  well yeah I've shown I can kill you. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 09:25:40 PM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 09:28:25 PM
if neon isn't cult then what the hell is going on today

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 09:29:59 PM
Vote: Unvote
[unvote]Neon Abigail[/unvote]

one of these gotta work right
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 10, 2022, 09:32:01 PM
I certainly don't have any idea what his role is, but I can tell you for a fact that he can steal a vote from someone and place it on the person that he votes for. I noticed a discrepancy in the vote totals listed at EoD1 compared with the number of names listed beside each recipient, but chalked it up to human error in the counting/posting of the results. At EoD2 it was more obvious, since we had the vote feature by that time and so the discrepancy could no longer be attributed to a mistake made by one of the hosts. At first I thought that he might just have 2 votes himself, but then I noticed that wagons that he didn't vote for were missing a vote on each of the first 2 days - that's how I came to the conclusion that he's stealing or redirecting votes rather than having multiple votes himself. That can be of massive benefit to the town at the end of the game.

And I don't care how you win, I simply know that your win condition does not benefit the town, it benefits you. Which means that you need to go. The fact that Vro 'openwolfed in your town because he knew you could help' is an argument FOR lynching you. If a confirmed scum was willing to work with you then that definitely proves that your interests and the town's interests are not the same.
I like how you just up and decide this super shady move is pro town with no basis what so ever. 

As for the last sentence in my last post, it's basic. There is no logical nor reasonable basis for your assertion that Neon is cult. It's strictly fear mongering. Meanwhile I've been providing multiple counter points in the form of her headstart and dead neighbors not flipping cult. If you took five minutes to think on it you'd probably see how bjorked a cult would be in such a situation. This is likely why Ex has quelled. But I think your Wolfy blood lust is getting the best of you here and it's likely going to be the death of you. 

@ExLight, Neon is towing my line because I made it clear that I was dousing her last night. Survivor 3ps are easy to take control of when you're an unstoppable killing force. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 09:35:01 PM
and lol I'm not letting you lynch moot
because he's a pretty important role for late game town

Vote: Neon Abigail

Mind telling me what role Moot has? Cause I certainly don't know it
I mean it's not like I know it, I'm speculating it based on stuff he said and other things that happened in-thread. You can go ahead and try figuring it by yourself too maybe

or neighborize him
or neighborize me 

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 09:36:47 PM
I certainly don't have any idea what his role is, but I can tell you for a fact that he can steal a vote from someone and place it on the person that he votes for. I noticed a discrepancy in the vote totals listed at EoD1 compared with the number of names listed beside each recipient, but chalked it up to human error in the counting/posting of the results. At EoD2 it was more obvious, since we had the vote feature by that time and so the discrepancy could no longer be attributed to a mistake made by one of the hosts. At first I thought that he might just have 2 votes himself, but then I noticed that wagons that he didn't vote for were missing a vote on each of the first 2 days - that's how I came to the conclusion that he's stealing or redirecting votes rather than having multiple votes himself. That can be of massive benefit to the town at the end of the game.

And I don't care how you win, I simply know that your win condition does not benefit the town, it benefits you. Which means that you need to go. The fact that Vro 'openwolfed in your town because he knew you could help' is an argument FOR lynching you. If a confirmed scum was willing to work with you then that definitely proves that your interests and the town's interests are not the same.
why'd you just out someone's role like this to a possible anti-town

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 09:39:29 PM
Still not anti town. Defs gonna get lit on fire though 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 09:40:31 PM
In what world would anti town give you other anti town players on a silver platter. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 09:42:08 PM
In what world would anti town give you other anti town players on a silver platter.
any hostile third party like cultist/serial killer/arsonist has to kill other 3ps and mafia to win lmfao doesn't matter it doesn't also trample town in the process
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 09:45:59 PM
*doesn't mean it also doesn't (...)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 09:49:10 PM
I certainly don't have any idea what his role is, but I can tell you for a fact that he can steal a vote from someone and place it on the person that he votes for. I noticed a discrepancy in the vote totals listed at EoD1 compared with the number of names listed beside each recipient, but chalked it up to human error in the counting/posting of the results. At EoD2 it was more obvious, since we had the vote feature by that time and so the discrepancy could no longer be attributed to a mistake made by one of the hosts. At first I thought that he might just have 2 votes himself, but then I noticed that wagons that he didn't vote for were missing a vote on each of the first 2 days - that's how I came to the conclusion that he's stealing or redirecting votes rather than having multiple votes himself. That can be of massive benefit to the town at the end of the game.

And I don't care how you win, I simply know that your win condition does not benefit the town, it benefits you. Which means that you need to go. The fact that Vro 'openwolfed in your town because he knew you could help' is an argument FOR lynching you. If a confirmed scum was willing to work with you then that definitely proves that your interests and the town's interests are not the same.
I like how you just up and decide this super shady move is pro town with no basis what so ever.

As for the last sentence in my last post, it's basic. There is no logical nor reasonable basis for your assertion that Neon is cult. It's strictly fear mongering. Meanwhile I've been providing multiple counter points in the form of her headstart and dead neighbors not flipping cult. If you took five minutes to think on it you'd probably see how bjorked a cult would be in such a situation. This is likely why Ex has quelled. But I think your Wolfy blood lust is getting the best of you here and it's likely going to be the death of you.

@ExLight, Neon is towing my line because I made it clear that I was dousing her last night. Survivor 3ps are easy to take control of when you're an unstoppable killing force.
There's nothing shady at all about it. The evidence was given to every single player in this game who bothered to read the vote results. I can't believe that I (and possibly Ex) are the only ones who have figured it out yet.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 09:53:10 PM
was her getting blocked related to you dousing her?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 09:53:15 PM
I haven't figured it out because I don't look at vote counts lol but just because Moot has an extra vote doesn't make him town now does it?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 09:53:32 PM
was her getting blocked related to you dousing her?
I can confirm undoubtedly that it was not
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 09:54:45 PM
I haven't figured it out because I don't look at vote counts lol but just because Moot has an extra vote doesn't make him town now does it?
I mean it's a really really busted role for scum but considering we have an unkillable arsonist I'm starting to second guess myself
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 09:55:32 PM
was her getting blocked related to you dousing her?
I can confirm undoubtedly that it was not
I don't understand these roleblockers moves conspiracy shhdjfjgmf

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 09:56:45 PM
was her getting blocked related to you dousing her?
I can confirm undoubtedly that it was not
I don't understand these roleblockers moves conspiracy shhdjfjgmf

I am 89% sure scum has a blocker and 65% sure ENE blocked me for "my safety"

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 09:57:12 PM
@Anubhav Ghosh
since you don't seem to even care about getting lynched or letting your team lose can you at least claim your role and targets?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 09:57:31 PM
I thought ENE was a flavor cop??
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 10, 2022, 10:13:44 PM
Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town - this is patently ridiculous, but makes sense if we view her in light of being a cult leader with her own agenda instead of a town aligned neighborizer. Adding scum to her team gives her power over that member, remember that she said that Vro openly admitted to being a wolf in her chat, why in the world would he do that unless she had some sort of power to control his future. He didn't choose to reveal who his teammates were so she decided to get rid of him via lynch - a lesson for others in her cult?
I don't think I've ever seen a Werewolf role described so make her sound like she's leading the Borg, assimilating players into her personal collective and compelling them wholesale. :P

Which is what it seems to come down this point it's clear that Abbi is not town, though of course there's some debate on whether her continued presence in the game benefits town or not. But regardless, she's going to continue assimilating players unless roleblocked, is she not? So I would think if this isn't considered to be a good thing, it would be best to vote her off sooner rather than later. Have I missed something in my logic there?

I can also confirm that I've never heard of unexpected cheddar until just now when I read the thread. We don't have a Trader Joe's in my own area, so I wouldn't have known.

As for my role, unless I've embarrassingly misunderstood my role, I don't have the power to steal someone else's vote.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 10:14:47 PM
I thought ENE was a flavor cop??
He sure as shit didn't provide flavor when he "visited me for my own good" right?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 10, 2022, 10:15:38 PM

a very good point :notlikeduck:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 10:17:12 PM
Scum being in my neighborhood is a good thing for town - this is patently ridiculous, but makes sense if we view her in light of being a cult leader with her own agenda instead of a town aligned neighborizer. Adding scum to her team gives her power over that member, remember that she said that Vro openly admitted to being a wolf in her chat, why in the world would he do that unless she had some sort of power to control his future. He didn't choose to reveal who his teammates were so she decided to get rid of him via lynch - a lesson for others in her cult?
I don't think I've ever seen a Werewolf role described so make her sound like she's leading the Borg, assimilating players into her personal collective and compelling them wholesale. :P

Which is what it seems to come down this point it's clear that Abbi is not town, though of course there's some debate on whether her continued presence in the game benefits town or not. But regardless, she's going to continue assimilating players unless roleblocked, is she not? So I would think if this isn't considered to be a good thing, it would be best to vote her off sooner rather than later. Have I missed something in my logic there?

I can also confirm that I've never heard of unexpected cheddar until just now when I read the thread. We don't have a Trader Joe's in my own area, so I wouldn't have known.

As for my role, unless I've embarrassingly misunderstood my role, I don't have the power to steal someone else's vote.
It's really quite a jump from I'm assimilating players to I'm anti town. For all you know maybe I'm not even a cult, maybe I'm something better,  something more advanced
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 10, 2022, 10:18:40 PM
@Neon Abigail: In fairness, I said if it's not considered a good thing.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 10:18:55 PM
was her getting blocked related to you dousing her?
I can confirm undoubtedly that it was not
I don't understand these roleblockers moves conspiracy shhdjfjgmf

I am 89% sure scum has a blocker and 65% sure ENE blocked me for "my safety"
So you're saying that ENE blocked you for your safety? That implies that you're 89% sure that scum blocked Ex then? Or am I misunderstanding something. Because you earlier said that you found Ex scummy and now you're saying that someone on his own team blocked him? Got any bridges for sale?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 10:22:30 PM
was her getting blocked related to you dousing her?
I can confirm undoubtedly that it was not
I don't understand these roleblockers moves conspiracy shhdjfjgmf

I am 89% sure scum has a blocker and 65% sure ENE blocked me for "my safety"
So you're saying that ENE blocked you for your safety? That implies that you're 89% sure that scum blocked Ex then? Or am I misunderstanding something. Because you earlier said that you found Ex scummy and now you're saying that someone on his own team blocked him? Got any bridges for sale?
Yes found Ex scummy multiple days ago before he claimed he could out his role and than got supposedly Roleblocked 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 10:24:15 PM
Also the working theory is that ENE was a jailkeeper role and that he took me to jail to protect me from dying. Also would explain his confusion on his role.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 10, 2022, 10:45:44 PM
@Neon Abigail: In fairness, I said if it's not considered a good thing.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 10:49:38 PM

Yes found Ex scummy multiple days ago before he claimed he could out his role and than got supposedly Roleblocked
Supposedly? When he made the post stating that he had been blocked, he included wording something to the effect that he was too scared to go out at night - and you confirmed that as being roleblock language. So are you now saying that you don't find him scummy? Or are we still trying to figure out why a scum roleblocker would block a teammate? The things you're saying don't really follow a logical pattern when I put your various posts together.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 10, 2022, 10:54:04 PM
I certainly don't have any idea what his role is, but I can tell you for a fact that he can steal a vote from someone and place it on the person that he votes for. I noticed a discrepancy in the vote totals listed at EoD1 compared with the number of names listed beside each recipient, but chalked it up to human error in the counting/posting of the results. At EoD2 it was more obvious, since we had the vote feature by that time and so the discrepancy could no longer be attributed to a mistake made by one of the hosts. At first I thought that he might just have 2 votes himself, but then I noticed that wagons that he didn't vote for were missing a vote on each of the first 2 days - that's how I came to the conclusion that he's stealing or redirecting votes rather than having multiple votes himself. That can be of massive benefit to the town at the end of the game.

And I don't care how you win, I simply know that your win condition does not benefit the town, it benefits you. Which means that you need to go. The fact that Vro 'openwolfed in your town because he knew you could help' is an argument FOR lynching you. If a confirmed scum was willing to work with you then that definitely proves that your interests and the town's interests are not the same.
I like how you just up and decide this super shady move is pro town with no basis what so ever.

As for the last sentence in my last post, it's basic. There is no logical nor reasonable basis for your assertion that Neon is cult. It's strictly fear mongering. Meanwhile I've been providing multiple counter points in the form of her headstart and dead neighbors not flipping cult. If you took five minutes to think on it you'd probably see how bjorked a cult would be in such a situation. This is likely why Ex has quelled. But I think your Wolfy blood lust is getting the best of you here and it's likely going to be the death of you.

@ExLight, Neon is towing my line because I made it clear that I was dousing her last night. Survivor 3ps are easy to take control of when you're an unstoppable killing force.
There's nothing shady at all about it. The evidence was given to every single player in this game who bothered to read the vote results. I can't believe that I (and possibly Ex) are the only ones who have figured it out yet.
You're definitely a wolf. Trying to argue that a role you believe covertly steals votes has no shade to it at all because there's evidence in thread? Let me put it to you differently then see if you feel the same. The scum NK is evidenced in thread. Every player has access to that information. It must be a town ability. I mean it's very hard to argue against this logic, right? :Rolleyes:

@ExLight, it's not that busted if you balance it right. Have it shut off in LyLo, it essentially balances the potential betrayal in numbers from Vro. Makes enough sense as possible scum role. Also I've been blocking you because I find it hilarious. 

@Wintermoot, do you mind putting down a claim since you apparently have two players asserting that is your move contrary to your word? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 10, 2022, 10:59:59 PM
I certainly don't have any idea what his role is, but I can tell you for a fact that he can steal a vote from someone and place it on the person that he votes for. I noticed a discrepancy in the vote totals listed at EoD1 compared with the number of names listed beside each recipient, but chalked it up to human error in the counting/posting of the results. At EoD2 it was more obvious, since we had the vote feature by that time and so the discrepancy could no longer be attributed to a mistake made by one of the hosts. At first I thought that he might just have 2 votes himself, but then I noticed that wagons that he didn't vote for were missing a vote on each of the first 2 days - that's how I came to the conclusion that he's stealing or redirecting votes rather than having multiple votes himself. That can be of massive benefit to the town at the end of the game.

And I don't care how you win, I simply know that your win condition does not benefit the town, it benefits you. Which means that you need to go. The fact that Vro 'openwolfed in your town because he knew you could help' is an argument FOR lynching you. If a confirmed scum was willing to work with you then that definitely proves that your interests and the town's interests are not the same.
I like how you just up and decide this super shady move is pro town with no basis what so ever.

As for the last sentence in my last post, it's basic. There is no logical nor reasonable basis for your assertion that Neon is cult. It's strictly fear mongering. Meanwhile I've been providing multiple counter points in the form of her headstart and dead neighbors not flipping cult. If you took five minutes to think on it you'd probably see how bjorked a cult would be in such a situation. This is likely why Ex has quelled. But I think your Wolfy blood lust is getting the best of you here and it's likely going to be the death of you.

@ExLight, Neon is towing my line because I made it clear that I was dousing her last night. Survivor 3ps are easy to take control of when you're an unstoppable killing force.
There's nothing shady at all about it. The evidence was given to every single player in this game who bothered to read the vote results. I can't believe that I (and possibly Ex) are the only ones who have figured it out yet.
You're definitely a wolf. Trying to argue that a role you believe covertly steals votes has no shade to it at all because there's evidence in thread? Let me put it to you differently then see if you feel the same. The scum NK is evidenced in thread. Every player has access to that information. It must be a town ability. I mean it's very hard to argue against this logic, right? :Rolleyes:

@ExLight, it's not that busted if you balance it right. Have it shut off in LyLo, it essentially balances the potential betrayal in numbers from Vro. Makes enough sense as possible scum role. Also I've been blocking you because I find it hilarious.

@Wintermoot, do you mind putting down a claim since you apparently have two players asserting that is your move contrary to your word?
I'm sorry, but where I normally play we use something called vote analysis. We look at who voted for whom, and when. You can't possibly tell me that I'm the only player (or possibly one of two) who has noticed these discrepancies. And it's a bit disingenuous of you and Ex to throw all of the shade on me for saying what I did when Ex has been claiming for more than one day that he knew that Moot had a power ability. I'm simply the first one to point it out. I may have gotten the specifics of the role wrong with my guess, but something has to account for the fact that votes aren't being counted for the players they've been placed on, and have instead been applied to the wagon that he chose to vote for. It's so blatantly obvious that I simply figured everyone else knew it as well unless they were just not paying attention or trying to find the wolves by looking at who voted for whom and using deductive reasoning.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 10, 2022, 11:11:41 PM
Im not shading you for throwing it out there. I'm shading you for the position of holding it to obv town standards when it's clearly a shady role. When I saw it's covert I mean that literally. It's not openly announced. The players whose vote seems to be modified aren't aware of it. For all intents and purposes it just seems to be an error on the mods part. It's clearly intended to be a buried function. And that is shady. And you openly defending it with little or no reason makes you shady by association. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 11, 2022, 12:11:18 AM
Im not shading you for throwing it out there. I'm shading you for the position of holding it to obv town standards when it's clearly a shady role. When I saw it's covert I mean that literally. It's not openly announced. The players whose vote seems to be modified aren't aware of it. For all intents and purposes it just seems to be an error on the mods part. It's clearly intended to be a buried function. And that is shady. And you openly defending it with little or no reason makes you shady by association.
Well that may be a misconception on my part then. I'm just looking at the odds. We started this game with at least 3 3p players (no idea what Captan's win con or abilities were), an unknown number of wolves, someone or multiple someones with extra night kills, at least one day kill, a possible (?) scum with role block powers (not sure on that one just yet). That's a lot of obstacles for the town to overcome. So yeah, maybe I'm just hoping that the person who gets extra votes or can change votes or whatever the exact mechanics are turns out to be a member of the town to try and balance things out. I could very well be wrong about that. As for any defensive tone I may have today, it's probably because for the past few weeks I've had enormous pressure on me at work - we got bought out recently and the new owners may decide to simply close our company and a lot of the employees I manage have been doing some ridiculously stupid things lately and it's driving me crazy. I'm fighting multiple battles, one to save my job irl when everyone around me seems to be determined to force us into bankruptcy, and one here, trying to save the town against seemingly insurmountable odds. I'm also growing more anxious as the days go forward because I will find out in 6 days whether my cancer treatments were successful or not. The chemo and radiation have played havoc with my body and my mind and for someone who is accustomed to being the smartest person in almost any room he finds himself in it's very depressing to suddenly have chemicals coursing through my body that affect my memory and thinking. So I apologize if I come across as gruff, it's not who I normally am. I'm just about to go crazy with everything I'm currently dealing with.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 11, 2022, 12:15:14 AM
Also, I earlier said I found it odd that Gerrick knew with certainty that the quotes in EoN flavor were all from scum chat - but I hadn't really read all of those because I took the view that the flavor didn't really matter - I simply looked to see who, if anyone, had died during the night. So I took the time to go back and find all 5 of the quotes, and I've changed my mind on that front. 4 of the 5 definitely appear to come from the scum chat so it stands to reason that the cheese bit did as well. I still disagree with his assertion that I made one of those statements, and Moot himself has said that he's never had/heard of that particular type of cheese. So I still find it strange that Gerrick feels confident in claiming that the two of us made those two particular statements.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 11, 2022, 12:31:32 AM
I've been saying for fucking ever that flavor matters. I've been proven right time and again.

I really don't know why your either not listening or don't care what I say but I promise you I am a benefit to town and I've never not been. Scum in my chat being a good thing was good for TOWN. You don't even know my alignment or my win con you just assume what it is. I don't win by culting half the town. 

You assume things based on standards of the game that are CLEARLY not applied here. This isn't a typical game these roles aren't typical roles. Nothing plays to standards here you don't know what I am doing. You don't even know who I am you assume I'm a cult leader based on what people have said and of course what I've said but my role is nothing you think it is. NoName probably is closest to actually getting my role right and they have repeatedly given you info. And it beehoves them to kill scum so we are actively scum hunting. 

I am a benefit to all of town. And killing me gives a scum team that is already winning one less target. Scum hates me they want me dead if your town you do not. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 11, 2022, 12:35:39 AM

Yes found Ex scummy multiple days ago before he claimed he could out his role and than got supposedly Roleblocked
Supposedly? When he made the post stating that he had been blocked, he included wording something to the effect that he was too scared to go out at night - and you confirmed that as being roleblock language. So are you now saying that you don't find him scummy? Or are we still trying to figure out why a scum roleblocker would block a teammate? The things you're saying don't really follow a logical pattern when I put your various posts together.
Sure did but it's not as though he wouldn't know if he were admitted with the role blocker right? Ala if he's scum and they have a role blocker. NoName claiming to roleblock him is weird because I know that it wasn't NoName. Unless I was lied to which I guess is possible. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 11, 2022, 12:50:45 AM
We are wasting too much time on me and not enough on hunting actual threats to town
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 11, 2022, 01:46:31 AM
A boys gotta keep some mystery to keep interest alive. =P
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 11, 2022, 01:54:07 AM

Yes found Ex scummy multiple days ago before he claimed he could out his role and than got supposedly Roleblocked
Supposedly? When he made the post stating that he had been blocked, he included wording something to the effect that he was too scared to go out at night - and you confirmed that as being roleblock language. So are you now saying that you don't find him scummy? Or are we still trying to figure out why a scum roleblocker would block a teammate? The things you're saying don't really follow a logical pattern when I put your various posts together.
Sure did but it's not as though he wouldn't know if he were admitted with the role blocker right? Ala if he's scum and they have a role blocker. NoName claiming to roleblock him is weird because I know that it wasn't NoName. Unless I was lied to which I guess is possible.
Wait, NoName claimed to have roleblocked Ex? I don't recall that post, can you quote it? Or I can try to ISO him and see if I can find it myself.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 11, 2022, 01:56:50 AM
. I'm shading you for the position of holding it to obv town standards when it's clearly a shady role.  It's clearly intended to be a buried function. And that is shady. And you openly defending it with little or no reason makes you shady by association.
Again, it may just be a difference of styles in my home community. We've played with Mayors who either have 2 votes or can at least break ties with a 2nd vote, and we've also had roles that could convert someone else's vote to whomever they voted for, and it was always a town position, not scum, so that is another reason that I was leaning towards it being a townie ability.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 11, 2022, 02:02:01 AM
Listen, my dudes, I didn't know that unexpected cheddar was an actual cheese from Trader Joe's. I thought it was some kind of joke going on in scum chat, and so the joke seemed like it could possibly have been uttered by Wintermoot (just the quirkiness of it) if coupled with the other pieces of what looked like evidence against him. And it's pretty obvious those little quotes at the end are from scum chat (as somebody else surmised awhile ago) because why else would they be there?

But no I don't know that any of you said those things, but when trying to match them up with the player list, that's what I came up with. Those quotes are potentially definitive evidence of who the scum are, and so I'm trying to use them to hunt the scum. I encourage you to do the same. 

Also I don't know how cults or neighborhoods or whatever work. Don't remember ever playing a game with one except seer armies. This is all new to me, so try to give me a break.

But yeah NoName claiming to have role blocked Ex definitely throws a curveball at my thoughts on him...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 11, 2022, 02:07:27 AM
I certainly don't have any idea what his role is, but I can tell you for a fact that he can steal a vote from someone and place it on the person that he votes for. I noticed a discrepancy in the vote totals listed at EoD1 compared with the number of names listed beside each recipient, but chalked it up to human error in the counting/posting of the results. At EoD2 it was more obvious, since we had the vote feature by that time and so the discrepancy could no longer be attributed to a mistake made by one of the hosts. At first I thought that he might just have 2 votes himself, but then I noticed that wagons that he didn't vote for were missing a vote on each of the first 2 days - that's how I came to the conclusion that he's stealing or redirecting votes rather than having multiple votes himself. That can be of massive benefit to the town at the end of the game.

And I don't care how you win, I simply know that your win condition does not benefit the town, it benefits you. Which means that you need to go. The fact that Vro 'openwolfed in your town because he knew you could help' is an argument FOR lynching you. If a confirmed scum was willing to work with you then that definitely proves that your interests and the town's interests are not the same.
I like how you just up and decide this super shady move is pro town with no basis what so ever.

As for the last sentence in my last post, it's basic. There is no logical nor reasonable basis for your assertion that Neon is cult. It's strictly fear mongering. Meanwhile I've been providing multiple counter points in the form of her headstart and dead neighbors not flipping cult. If you took five minutes to think on it you'd probably see how bjorked a cult would be in such a situation. This is likely why Ex has quelled. But I think your Wolfy blood lust is getting the best of you here and it's likely going to be the death of you.

@ExLight, Neon is towing my line because I made it clear that I was dousing her last night. Survivor 3ps are easy to take control of when you're an unstoppable killing force.
There's nothing shady at all about it. The evidence was given to every single player in this game who bothered to read the vote results. I can't believe that I (and possibly Ex) are the only ones who have figured it out yet.
You're definitely a wolf. Trying to argue that a role you believe covertly steals votes has no shade to it at all because there's evidence in thread? Let me put it to you differently then see if you feel the same. The scum NK is evidenced in thread. Every player has access to that information. It must be a town ability. I mean it's very hard to argue against this logic, right? :Rolleyes:

@ExLight, it's not that busted if you balance it right. Have it shut off in LyLo, it essentially balances the potential betrayal in numbers from Vro. Makes enough sense as possible scum role. Also I've been blocking you because I find it hilarious.

@Wintermoot, do you mind putting down a claim since you apparently have two players asserting that is your move contrary to your word?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 11, 2022, 02:08:51 AM
It's a lie js now can we vote for an actual threat to town?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 11, 2022, 02:24:01 AM
I think that I may need to spend a few hours and read back over all of the previous games to see what abilities/powers each particular role had. Abi is now claiming to be the hunter, which I'm familiar with. I agree that it is a town role, but usually the only special power it has is the ability to target a player to kill when they themselves are killed. The ability to recruit members to a group is unknown to me outside of a cultist; and gaining knowledge of people's roles upon recruiting them seems more like a seer, albeit a seer would never want a wolf in their group. On the other hand, reading past games might just be a waste of time because of the vast differences in roles this time around compared with previous uses of the same role. I'm going to go soak in scalding hot water and try to forget today and hopefully after a night's sleep I'll be able to think more clearly. Trying to digest a ton of new roles, learn to read new people and play my first game in which we are given virtually no information is a bit much to become comfortable with in one go, but I'm trying.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 11, 2022, 03:45:28 AM
I think that I may need to spend a few hours and read back over all of the previous games to see what abilities/powers each particular role had. Abi is now claiming to be the hunter, which I'm familiar with. I agree that it is a town role, but usually the only special power it has is the ability to target a player to kill when they themselves are killed. The ability to recruit members to a group is unknown to me outside of a cultist; and gaining knowledge of people's roles upon recruiting them seems more like a seer, albeit a seer would never want a wolf in their group. On the other hand, reading past games might just be a waste of time because of the vast differences in roles this time around compared with previous uses of the same role. I'm going to go soak in scalding hot water and try to forget today and hopefully after a night's sleep I'll be able to think more clearly. Trying to digest a ton of new roles, learn to read new people and play my first game in which we are given virtually no information is a bit much to become comfortable with in one go, but I'm trying.
She's not claiming "The Hunter" as a role. She is a networker/neighborizor though if you need some absorbtion direction. Typically town. Can be scum. Wintreath uses a modified seer/networker role in a few of their games so the notion of a networker being able to pull extra info isn't outside the realm of this meta. Add to that the fact that the twist on the role is that it's a 3p survivor variant and you got a pretty good snapshot of Neon's slot. Focusing there is a big waste of time today. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 11, 2022, 03:56:38 AM

('s tea time
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 11, 2022, 07:16:57 AM

Our at least like come here and talk and vote damn
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 11, 2022, 07:57:45 AM
@ExLight I am immune to quiet mode
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 11, 2022, 08:00:38 AM
Die Another Day is my fav James Bond movie, and here I am softing my role with a lie.

My favourite James Bond movie is definitely No Time to Die @ExLight
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 11, 2022, 11:20:44 AM
Die Another Day is my fav James Bond movie, and here I am softing my role with a lie.

My favourite James Bond movie is definitely No Time to Die @ExLight
are you the reason we can't kill NoName you think?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 11, 2022, 11:23:26 AM
stop blocking me  ):
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 11, 2022, 12:01:59 PM

Also who do you think is actually a wolf Ex? There's three left so it should be easy to pick at least one. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 11, 2022, 12:06:45 PM
Vote: Aersoldorf

Also imma just leave this here for now. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 11, 2022, 12:23:30 PM

Also who do you think is actually a wolf Ex? There's three left so it should be easy to pick at least one.
what was the no directed at
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 11, 2022, 12:27:17 PM
Considering we seem to have a fest of hostile indepts I'd assume maybe a three wolf team counting Vro, with the remaining wolves being a combo of either Gerrick and Arso/Dolby with other players not being excluded from the PoE

I'm honesty panicking and more worried about stopping you first though
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 11, 2022, 12:54:42 PM
The stop blocking me comment. 

Also 3 wolves is a hard number. Vro wouldn't name names but that doesn't mean he didn't spill information to try and get us on his side. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 11, 2022, 01:04:43 PM
I mean unless yall had a way to verify the info that's just wifom to potentially throw people off right lmao
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 11, 2022, 01:06:51 PM
I'm also considering an anub lynch since he either just softed or pointed flavor that might be relevant to get rid of you and I think this is priority right now

depending on how Hapi plays tonight we can pretty much nullify the threat of the entire mafia team during the day easily

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 11, 2022, 01:07:41 PM
if anyone wants to swap it to gerrick I wouldn't mind though he's been pinging me hard ever since D1
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 11, 2022, 02:04:43 PM
Nah. Every other bit of information he provided is confirmed. That means it's a hard number and puts town in a position of losing to Mafia tonight with a mislynch today. Hence why you guys are out for blood. Can't believe you guys let two 3p and a panicky townie push you guys into giving up the entire Mafia team. GG EZ. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 11, 2022, 02:22:40 PM
mafia doesn't win if you're a hostile indept like arsonist, funny enough it would buy you even more time since we'd have to lynch mafia before going for you
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 11, 2022, 02:57:52 PM
Ex I had no idea you were so keyed in to what exactly the Mafia win con entails this game. It's almost like you're Mafia or something. :Rolleyes:

Simply put though, I know I don't stop Mafia from winning. Mafia likely know that too. But arguing Mafia can't win while I'm alive so you don't have to wolf hunt until I'm dead is a pretty nice hide behind. Just like the supposed roleblock that's preventing you from proving you're town. Problem is we confirmed Vro was the scum roleblocker before his death. Which means there is no scum roleblocking you. I lied about doing it so you'd let your guard down and lo and behold, you confirmed Aers and Winter are your partners for us. 

@everyone else that isn't these wolves, I've already doused Ex and Winter so their lynches today are moot. Let's jump on Aers, I'll burn the other two tonight and then it'll be mono e mono. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 11, 2022, 05:37:20 PM
My only conviction in this round is that Aersoldorf is not a wolf. He's done so much research into these roles and past Wintreath games to come up with some kind of logic to it all, he's explained his mindset both in-game and offline...he's kinda put himself out there, and I just don't think it'd be necessary for him to put all that time, effort, and energy if he's a wolf. Maybe he's town making a mistake, or maybe he's right on target, but I don't believe he's a wolf.

Whatever Abbi's force is, I also believe this may be the last opportunity to try to put a stop to it by day-time voting, given how many people seem to be part of it at this point. And regardless of what happens, it seems the game will be at an end shortly anyways. And I worry that the opportunity for a town victory has passed seems more likely that either the wolves or one of the third parties are going to win at this point, all debate on how pro-town Abbi's force is aside.

Therefore, I'm going to back Aersoldorf and Vote: Neon Abigail.

@Wintermoot, do you mind putting down a claim since you apparently have two players asserting that is your move contrary to your word?
I'm hesitant to do so, since I've never done so before and I don't want to do it in a way that breaks the rules. I will say that in addition to having a vote power of 2 as has already been figured out, I have an additional one-use abilities concerning votes that I haven't used yet.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 11, 2022, 06:09:32 PM
And I worry that the opportunity for a town victory has passed seems more likely that either the wolves or one of the third parties are going to win at this point, all debate on how pro-town Abbi's force is aside.

Therefore, I'm going to back Aersoldorf and Vote: Neon Abigail.
Wait Wintermoot, you're saying between the wolves winning and a third party who could potentially be pro-town winning, you'd rather the wolves win?

My guess before of the three of you being wolves wasn't based on a whole lot of hard evidence, but I'm believing it more and more. And because Aersoldorf is the one with an extra vote on him, 
Vote: Aersoldorf
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 11, 2022, 06:16:11 PM
Moot going all in on defending Aers there certainly feels like a wolf realizing their about to lose another scum buddy. 

Vote: Aersoldorf
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 11, 2022, 06:27:22 PM
Pro-town? That's a silly thought...perhaps appearing pro-town is useful to you. I mean, are you going to post here that you're pro-wolf? But ultimately you're pro-selves, and these vote changes prove it.

Wait Wintermoot, you're saying between the wolves winning and a third party who could potentially be pro-town winning, you'd rather the wolves win?
You assume that your faction winning is better than the wolves winning, as if we could put an asterisk and say (this was really a town victory). That's not the Aersoldorf correctly pointed out, either is a real town loss. Therefore, I'm saying that between the wolves winning and a third party winning, both outcomes are equally bad for town, and it's time we stopped kidding ourselves otherwise.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 11, 2022, 07:02:50 PM
You still don't know my role and you still act as if you do. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 11, 2022, 07:03:22 PM
It's silly really. You have no idea what I'm here for. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 11, 2022, 07:32:39 PM
This post is to let you know a maj has been reached but I'm still tied up and can't do anything about it. Please stand by for EoD.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 12, 2022, 12:18:16 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 12:32:55 AM
majority? :psyduck:
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 12, 2022, 12:36:15 AM

majority? :psyduck:
98% sure moot used that one shot vote power to kill me which was ultimately a stupid decision if I'm right
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 12:37:47 AM
oh damn 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 12, 2022, 12:55:13 AM
Just remember this when you lose
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 12, 2022, 03:36:28 AM
“I’m King of the World!” shouted Alucard Dewitt Bukater as he was held up by the love of his life, Zapp Dawson.  In the distance, the young boy Kif drew them both like some girls he met in France as Alucard’s jealous arranged fiance Van Hawkley arranged for his manservant Jon Snow to get rid of the vagrant.

As Jon pulled out his revolver, he was pulled into a random Irish jig by the Baggins family, who had won their tickets via a lucky game of poker that Frodo had cheated at against known Italian gangsters Smeagol Lucino and Donald Duckino.  During the random jig, Frodo was stabbed countlessly as Smeagol had snuck on board, but he danced it off as if it was nothing…and nobody else seemed to notice even long after he had died.

Donald Duckino had also snuck on board, though he was far too busy chatting it up with Miss Directly who seemed to be checked out mentally.  Rather than realizing she had someone talking to her, Miss Directly’s gaze seemed more fixated on not even the handsome cabin boy close by, but on the delicious looking pie that said cabin boy was delivering to one of the other guests.  She was staring at it intently, wondering if there was cake in it and whether or not she’d be able to make something that looked that delicious.

Nobody seemed to notice the iceberg that was approaching.  The iceberg didn’t notice either, as it was turned away and was wearing headphones at the time…though one of the other icebergs nearby kept shouting and waving its ice arms to get it to notice.  The ship came rather close to hitting the unattentive iceberg, but it was able to move away in time unknowingly because Mario and Luigi Winchester had asked writer Chell Shirley to intervene, and so Chell wrote them out of danger as it came true.  However, Everyman wasn’t so lucky as Chell wrote about how they were tossed into the water as collatoral, as they were eaten by sharks that were passing by on a tornado.

As all of this was going on, from the distance Doctor Severus Strange watched as the strings of the Multiverse continued unraveling, as variants from other universes that hadn’t even existed yet continued pouring in, and in the distance he could swear he saw purple electro-matter tentacles starting to push through the breach in the sky.

Final Vote:
Anubhav Ghosh: 2 (Neon Abigail, ExLight)
Neon Abigail: 6 (Aersoldorf, Wintermoot, Sparatus, Tevos, Valern)
ExLight: 1 (Gerrick)
Aersoldorf: 1 (NoName)

No Vote (Never Voted): Anubhav Ghosh, Dolby, cozmikrae

Neon Abigail was killed. She was Everyman, the first townie and the manifestation of every villager ever. Maybe a little zombified, but how else can one expect to live so long?

Expect night 6 to end around this time tomorrow. Sorry about the crazy schedule.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 03:46:06 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 03:46:42 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 03:48:57 AM
is anyone in the neighborhood also zombified
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 03:51:17 AM
is the neighborhood still up

I'm assuming yall zombified considering Gerrick was fearmongering us saying how "oh so many townies would die!!!" if abigail died but oh well

considering she flipped green I'm going to assume yall might at least have kept your wincons??
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 12, 2022, 04:04:40 AM
Silver posted some cryptic thing in there so everybody was in the same boat as you Ex. But then he told her to go be dead when Abi posted a zombie gif. So my take away is that the chat is standing but since we weren't anything other than a chat to start with nothing changes for anybody but Neon. 

Now if you'll excuse me I have some people to burn.  
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 12, 2022, 04:07:54 AM
eesh, I have no words. Terribly sorry Neon, I truly thought you were a cult leader. I'm going to have to re-read the entire thread now and try to sort through this.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 12, 2022, 04:08:50 AM
Silver posted some cryptic thing in there so everybody was in the same boat as you Ex. But then he told her to go be dead when Abi posted a zombie gif. So my take away is that the chat is standing but since we weren't anything other than a chat to start with nothing changes for anybody but Neon.

Now if you'll excuse me I have some people to burn. 
Someone, anyone, please block NoName
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 12, 2022, 04:09:58 AM
If only that were possible. Pro tip, it's not. Don't waste your time. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 04:19:15 AM
wait if one roleblocker was ENE and NoName is the other one

then what was that chat thing in the thread about? was that from the neighborhood?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 04:19:39 AM
when the day started I mean

that means there's a third one right
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 12, 2022, 04:25:45 AM
The roleblockers were ENE and Vro, keep up Ex. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 05:23:49 AM
The roleblockers were ENE and Vro, keep up Ex.
ah i guess the chat message could be an older one if they were talking to vro
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 05:24:41 AM
didnt you say you were blocking me? 

we know for sure there's another one because I got blocked the same night as neon
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 12, 2022, 06:56:05 AM
Whoops. v_v
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 12, 2022, 11:12:39 AM
didnt you say you were blocking me?

we know for sure there's another one because I got blocked the same night as neon
So you're saying you weren't blocked last night but still failed to prove you're town? 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 01:17:30 PM
didnt you say you were blocking me?

we know for sure there's another one because I got blocked the same night as neon
So you're saying you weren't blocked last night but still failed to prove you're town?
oh my role has a cooldown time even if blocked, I wasn't able to use it last night

hopefully you wasted another block on me, I wouldn't know lmfao
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 12, 2022, 01:51:36 PM
didnt you say you were blocking me?

we know for sure there's another one because I got blocked the same night as neon
So you're saying you weren't blocked last night but still failed to prove you're town?
oh my role has a cooldown time even if blocked, I wasn't able to use it last night

hopefully you wasted another block on me, I wouldn't know lmfao
Nah. As I said yesterday you and Winter are already doused. Which means I didn't actually douse Neon last night. Now you're both dead. =]
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Gerrick on February 12, 2022, 01:55:32 PM
Way to go, guys! Really showed that 3p team...
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 03:04:57 PM
didnt you say you were blocking me?

we know for sure there's another one because I got blocked the same night as neon
So you're saying you weren't blocked last night but still failed to prove you're town?
oh my role has a cooldown time even if blocked, I wasn't able to use it last night

hopefully you wasted another block on me, I wouldn't know lmfao
Nah. As I said yesterday you and Winter are already doused. Which means I didn't actually douse Neon last night. Now you're both dead. =]
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 12, 2022, 03:05:31 PM
ignite me tonight then I dare you
I double dog dare you
(please don't)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 12, 2022, 03:30:13 PM
Die Another Day is my fav James Bond movie, and here I am softing my role with a lie.

My favourite James Bond movie is definitely No Time to Die @ExLight
are you the reason we can't kill NoName you think?
I assume not
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 12, 2022, 04:12:48 PM
ignite me tonight then I dare you
I double dog dare you
(please don't)
I am Jay Noname Black Diagonal Dragon Numbers Cereal Killer Kryst Queenie Vict Dreven. You killed my neighbor. Prepare to die. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 12, 2022, 05:27:10 PM
they run out of ink trying to get all that on the birth certificate?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 12, 2022, 06:15:46 PM
They wrote it in the blood of my enemies. No short supply. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on February 12, 2022, 07:15:25 PM
Something to sum up this game so far:

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 14, 2022, 03:44:05 AM
The tentacles came out in full force from the sky breach, as the scene was immediately censored by the media despite it not being anything inappropriate.  However, this didn’t stop concerned parents from calling in and complaining about how filth like that was ruining their childrens’ minds before switching the channel so their kids could watch more family friendly violence.

Up next was the new Guardians of the Galaxy, which started when Joker Racoon grabbed his guns and began shooting at a giant tentacle monster alien as he laughed maniacally.  Meanwhile, the tiny Pinhead Groot danced along to some retro song from the 80s as he usually did while Galadriel Gamorah attempted to get his help as he simply just waved to her like an innocent child.

As Max Barrison the Destroyer burst out of the giant monster covered in yellow blood, the complaining parents changed the channel again, this time to the dramatic take on the Hulk starring Renly Banana.  Angry at being smacked around by the jealous scheming lover played by Josh Washington, Renly’s Hulk tossed him out of the house and into the air as parents immediately changed the channel to something else.

Confused as to what was happening, players continued to watch the events unravel as they wondered if anything was ever going to be coherent again.  As if to respond to this thought, the universe continued to unravel more as even the worlds themselves began to fracture, breaking apart as the shifting between scenes seemed to stop…but now the characters were stuck on this floating island of colliding references, now semi aware of who they were before the universe began imploding and unraveling…kinda similar to how the folks in Wandavision had brief moments of clarity in the chaos.  And yes, just like those folks, the folks in this in those moments of clarity were begging Michi to stop and to let them go.

Only they wouldn’t get that luxury, and would be forced to endure even more moments of torture as properties such as Spongebob would continue flipping their lives around…complete with Laurentus as Plankton since now even the former and current players were being tossed into the cooking pot of flavor beyond the fourth wall jokes.

Gerrick was killed - twice. First a titan came along and squashed him flat, then some crazy man in a suit of armor came around and stabbed him repeatedly. He was Jigsaw.
Dobly also died. They appear to have withered away. They were Levi Ackerman.
Wintermoot was discovered burned to death. He was Admiral Anderson.

Someone decided the game couldn't end here, but it will in fact end this day phase, one way or another. So get to murdering. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 14, 2022, 03:52:34 AM
well that was something

it's either 2T-2M-1I or 1T-3M-1I
In any case 3 town deaths messes town hard, as this causes us to pretty much lose here no matter who we lynch. We're basically playing kingmaker to decide who wins, indept or mafia.

Vote: Anubhav Ghosh
honestly then, I'd prefer Noname to lose so as many people as possible are able to win, and getting rid of you seems to be the key for that.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 14, 2022, 03:56:33 AM
also nice attempting setting me on fire lmao
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 14, 2022, 04:03:49 AM
Vote: anubhav ghosh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 14, 2022, 04:04:53 AM
Vote: Anubhav Ghosh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 14, 2022, 04:06:21 AM
Vote: Anubhav Ghosh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 14, 2022, 04:06:52 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on February 14, 2022, 04:15:14 AM
Vote: Anubhav Ghosh
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 14, 2022, 04:20:09 AM
ah dammit
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 14, 2022, 04:23:04 AM
Anubhav Ghosh is dead. He was Marik Ishtar.

But wait! He's not dead! He comes back to life immediately! No matter, there is still no town left in this game. And as scum aren't known for murdering themselves, that leaves NoName to pick them off one... by one... by one. Until everyone... well, I'll just let you read for yourself.

Everything was on fire, whether it be the trees, the buildings, water, and people.  The Stranger just stood there with a defiantly confident expression as he continued torching anything, everything, and everyone.  This was exactly the outcome that Michi was hoping for, as the scene suddenly changed and now the stranger was just a puppet on a stage with its strings being pulled by the mischievous Michi from up above.

“Burn, burn, burn!” Michi cackled madly in a play-acting voice for the stranger as some of the other remaining characters, who were all puppets having their strings pulled by Ruguo, moved around wildly as if they were on fire.  “Oh no, the big bad Stranger has set us on fire!” Ruguo cried out in their own play-acting voice as one of the characters, as they shifted between the other characters crying out.

Ruguo then dropped the puppets and hopped down as they grabbed a basketball.  “But wait, now a meteor is hitting, oh no!” They cried out as they threw the basketball at the puppets as they and Michi laughed like kids.  “But suddenly, pineapples!” Cried out Michi as he threw out bunches of pineapples at the characters.

Back in the World of Werewolf, the Stranger was confused as a meteor hurled towards him, followed by what appeared to be a rain shower of pineapples.  Both of them hit as the stranger was knocked unconscious, and awoke only to a white emptiness surrounding him.  The other characters who were all killed were also brought back to this empty void, as Michi’s voice rang throughout.

“Ruguo and I are so proud of you for not only listening to the suggestion to kill each other, but took it to such a grand level by letting the Arsonist actually kill all of you.” Michi started out, as the characters looked at each other.  “Because of this, you’ve more than just saved the World of Werewolf (not that it was ever in danger, psych!), but you’ve completely revitalized and restored the entire Werewolf Multiverse, bringing balance back.  So take pride in knowing that your temporary deaths have saved your existence.” Michi continued, as a light began surrounding each of the characters.  “Now all of you are free to return to the worlds you came from.  I mean, you might not go back to your world that you came from, you’re just returning to one of those worlds.  So if you’re the Wendigo somehow surprised to now be a judge on Wintreath’s Got Talent, or you’re king Bowser who is now suddenly the Don of the mafia…well, have fun in your new lives.  Okay byyyyye.”  Michi finished as each of the characters disappeared.

He then turned to Ruguo.  “You want to get some ice cream?” He asked as both of them left to celebrate with ice cream, content in knowing that the World of Werewolf was saved…even if the characters may/may not be in their original games.  As if to answer that very question as to whether or not the characters did return to their rightful worlds, the scene of the story shifted to Mushroom Kingdom as Princess Leia Toadstool was once again kidnapped by King Sheev Koopa as brothers Mario and Luigi Skywalker flew their cloud jets to Koopa’s castle to fight his 7 Sith children, including Koopa’s favorite son, Sheev Jr.

For those of you confused, and I know some will be, NoName, The Stranger, who was an Arsonist, has won the game by making it so that everyone burns to a crisp, including himself. Who knew that hiding behind ExLight would be so fruitful?

Thank you for playing, please come again, and goodnight.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 14, 2022, 04:25:16 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 14, 2022, 04:26:53 AM
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Numbers on February 14, 2022, 04:34:28 AM
They called me a madman. But they had only seen the tip of the madness within. Still I wonder how it would have played out if Silv hadn't called game. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 14, 2022, 04:36:19 AM
you woulda prolly won anyway because we would never go after me first lol
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Michi on February 14, 2022, 04:37:25 AM
For anyone who wants the full story including the phase results that could have been, Here's the link to the story (

Included are results for both lynch and non lynch versions for each of the day results minus EoG.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Ruguo on February 14, 2022, 04:41:18 AM
All Roles in the game (
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Aersoldorf on February 14, 2022, 05:04:25 AM
They called me a madman. But they had only seen the tip of the madness within. Still I wonder how it would have played out if Silv hadn't called game.
I thought we could have gotten it to a coin flip but no worries, well played 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Laurentus on February 14, 2022, 05:15:38 AM
G fucking G, NoName. That was hilarious. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 14, 2022, 05:17:45 AM
Congratulations to the lone winner (though if one burned themselves to a crisp, is that really winning? :P)!

Also, I do believe this is the most active Werewolf topic in Wintreath Werewolf history, beating out Attack on Titan by around 100 posts, so congrats to everyone on their Werewolf fluff and spam too. :P

Finally, everyone who played should have received a survey by forum PM. We're really interested in knowing what you guys liked and didn't like about the game, so I'd appreciate it if you replied. It should only take a few minutes. :)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Vroendal on February 14, 2022, 05:18:01 AM

Very well played NoName, congrats on your win!!

And it was I who asked about Unexpected Cheddar!!! Mwahahaha!!! I do very highly recommend it though, it's a Trader Joe's white cheddar with a hint of parmesan and it's the best cheese I've ever had.

I had a lot of fun this game, a huge thank you to Silv and Michi for hosting! Their creativity always exceeds expectations.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 14, 2022, 05:24:05 AM

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to find some tea.

PS I told you it was stupid to kill me
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: cozmikrae on February 14, 2022, 06:33:52 AM
Brooooo…. GG that was a crazy win NoName. 
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Eastern New England on February 14, 2022, 06:42:36 AM
Well played everyone! Thank you Silv and Michi for hosting, it was a great game as always. Can't wait for the next one already.
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 14, 2022, 05:02:03 PM
I can't wait either *tea sipping*
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ExLight on February 14, 2022, 11:17:57 PM
*drowns in a pool of tea*
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 15, 2022, 05:49:14 AM
I don't know what happened, why happened, all I want is some tea... GG. Can I join u Neon?
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Anubhav Ghosh on February 15, 2022, 05:49:51 AM
Well, I guess Heaven has tea , since I am roasted ishtar now
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ on February 15, 2022, 07:17:21 PM
I don't know what happened, why happened, all I want is some tea... GG. Can I join u Neon?
Always have a seat I'll get you some

Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: Wintermoot on February 15, 2022, 10:44:46 PM
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who filled out the PM survey. I've read and compiled every reply I've got so far. :)

I'm hoping to get a few more responses before I share the findings with Michi and Ruguo though, so if you'd like to reply and haven't yet the window is still open. :)
Title: Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Post by: TGN on February 15, 2022, 11:45:56 PM