Wintreath Regional Community

The Amalyan Quarter - Fun Things We Do => The Lost Village - Werewolf/Mafia Games => Topic started by: Laurentus on April 05, 2020, 11:39:46 AM

Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Laurentus on April 05, 2020, 11:39:46 AM
Good day, Werewolf players! It is once more time for the Mafia Championships over at Mafia Universe!

To refresh your memory, we have taken part on two occasions in the past, and the goal is to select a champion who will represent our community against many other online communities.

Fair warning, having participated myself, these games are insanely active, and you will be exposed to a whole new way of analysing a Werewolf game. It is a blast, though.

I am placing @Lissa's invitation here in spoilers!


Ahoy there! :)

I’m very excited to invite your community to participate in Season 7 of the Mafia Championship.

The Mafia Championship is an annual forum-based tournament series that pits representatives from various online Mafia (aka Werewolf) communities against one another as they compete to determine the Internet’s greatest forum Mafia player. Each participating community democratically elects one person to represent them and be their “Champion”.

The tournament first started back in 2013. Since then, 320+ different communities and 50+ different nationalities have been represented.

It’s a super fun event that has created many new friendships and close bonds between communities. I hope that you would be interested in taking part :)


If your community wishes to participate, please confirm your participation to Lissa as soon as you can to ensure yourselves a spot. Currently, the plan is to accommodate 150 communities this season. If there is further interest, additional communities may sign up as substitutes; generally there are some replacements needed both before and during games.

If your community agrees to participate, the deadline for selecting your representative is April 27, but the sooner the better.

The games will take place on Mafia Universe. If it’s okay, I can link directly to the general discussion thread regarding this topic on Mafia Universe.

Important notes

  • You may decide yourselves how you want to elect your representative, but we highly recommend some sort of democratic process (public nominations followed by a poll usually works out well).
  • In addition to electing a representative, you should also name an alternate who will be asked to step in if the first choice needs to back out.
  • Your representative should be prepared for having to read upwards of 500-600 posts per 24 hours during the early stages of the game. Additionally, there’s a requirement that each player must make at least 10 posts per Game Day. Only active players should apply/participate. I repeat: Your chosen player needs to be able to promise a good amount of activity on a daily basis.

The tournament structure

  • 150 communities will participate, each sending one representative.
  • QUALIFIERS: 10 Qualifier Games will be played, consisting of 15 players each. I.e. every representative plays in one Qualifier Game. The players themselves vote post-game to determine who is deserving of advancement. 1st and 2nd place will advance to the Semifinal Games.
  • SEMIFINALS: A Jury consisting of finalists from Season 6 will select 25 additional players to advance to the three Semifinal Games. From each game, five players will advance to the Finale Game based on a post-game player vote, just like in the qualifying phase.
  • THE FINALE: The Finale Game is played. Once it has completed, the players vote to determine who shall receive the title of Season 7 Champion and a winner’s certificate signed by Dmitry Davidoff, the creator of mafia.
This year’s setup: JOAT^2

The setup is called JOAT^2 and features 15 players.

The setup consists of the following:

3x Mafia Goon

2x Town Jack Of All Trades (9x Doctor, 9x Motion Detector, 9x Tracker)

10x Vanilla Townie

Note that the Jacks Of All Trades must use all three actions before repeating an action, i.e. they are rotating. This does not mean they must use the actions in the same order every time.

Relevant mechanics info

- Day start.

- Majority lynch is enabled Day 2+, but majority is not required at any point in order to lynch.

- Tied votes will result in a player being lynched at random from among the tied players.

- No outside communication. I.e. you may not contact the other players outside of the thread (unless you are Mafia and wish to speak with your teammates).

- Phase Lengths and Deadlines will be up to the players themselves (I’ll organize your representative into a game with deadlines that suit their preferences).

- Thread is locked during Night Phases.

- Votes are automatically locked in at LYLO.

- Mafia factional kills are assigned. They can be tracked, watched, roleblocked, etc. (In this setup, that means they display as an action to the Tracker and the Motion Detector actions.)

- Mafia share a factional Night Kill, which is a single standard shot for their faction. The mafia faction kill is mandatory.

- Mafia may communicate at any time.

- Each individual player may make a maximum of 150 posts per day phase (this restriction is lifted 2 hours before day end).

- The game will have a host to oversee everything and make sure everyone’s following the code of conduct, but otherwise the game is completely automated (automatic votecounts, thread locks and reveals roles automatically, the bot receives and processes actions, etc.).


There will be 10 Qualifier Games, and your representative plays in just one of these. They will have start dates ranging from late April to mid-June. So in other words, as long as your representative can play sometime during that period, they should be good and I’ll make sure they get scheduled into a game that suits their schedule well. I.e. if your rep is busy until June, that isn’t a problem.

The Semifinal Games will be played in July, and the Finale Game sometime in August/September (whenever we can work out something that suits everyone).

If you want to get in contact with me ASAP, you can find me on Discord (Lissa#8083).

Kind regards,

Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Laurentus on April 05, 2020, 12:04:10 PM
Alright, so the first thing we need to do is nominate a few people. You are also free to stand for us.

I nominate:
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Laurentus on April 05, 2020, 03:52:04 PM
I also nominate @Mathyland.
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Wintermoot on April 05, 2020, 05:37:46 PM
I can barely keep up with our slow-paced games...I'd be mentally obliterated trying to participate in theirs. :P
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Red Mones on April 05, 2020, 06:04:25 PM
While he might not have the time, I’m actually curious to see how @taulover would fare. :P :P :P I second his nomination.
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: taulover on April 06, 2020, 12:49:36 AM
he might not have the time
^yep yep

also it's way too intense for me, the way I play I'd die instantly
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Gerrick on April 06, 2020, 01:22:29 AM
Same here. Ain't nobody got time for that. At least not while I'm working. Now, if I have to quarantine myself...
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Laurentus on April 06, 2020, 01:36:10 AM
Yeah, I was kinda hoping that the quarantine would give people more time for something like this.
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Ruguo on April 06, 2020, 01:40:21 AM
I won't say no, but I will say I'm probably not the best choice. Last time I played a mid-paced game off forums it was tough to keep up. 500-600 posts a day is a bit extreme. But with my paranoid lurking tendencies, I could probably pull it off. So I'll accept if there is no better option.

I really would like to see Hydra play though. I'll second that nomination. And Doc's.
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Red Mones on April 06, 2020, 02:18:36 AM
500-600 posts a day
Holy shit, WHAT?????
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Laurentus on April 06, 2020, 03:38:17 AM
Yeah, that's what you can expect, especially day 1 and 2. I nearly drowned when I played the first day. You get used to it, though, and the site is designed well to allow you to isolate people's posts. It is without doubt the best forum I have ever seen.
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Hydra on April 06, 2020, 03:52:43 AM
Thanks for the nomination, but I'm not sure if I can keep up (500-600 posts a day!!  :o) especially with the personal goals I have set for myself this summer.
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Elbbsas on April 06, 2020, 03:56:50 AM
I wasn't able to keep up when I was just spectating last time, so I deeply doubt I'd manage to be a player.

Thoughts on yourself being nominated, Laurentus?
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Laurentus on April 06, 2020, 04:03:10 AM
I can never say no to it, and I did thoroughly enjoy it last time, but at the same time, I don't think I'm our best player. For one, I've never won as a Wolf.  :D
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Michi on April 06, 2020, 08:16:51 AM
I'd be game for giving it a shot this time around.
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Laurentus on April 10, 2020, 02:52:54 PM
Alright, I'm going to attach a poll so we can vote for our preferred champion.
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Laurentus on April 16, 2020, 02:35:38 AM
And with that, Pengu is our champion! Congratulations, @Pengu!

You now have to follow the sign up procedure and select a second.
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Michi on April 16, 2020, 05:28:21 AM
That's an easy one, I'll select last year's representative, Laurentus for that honor.  Considering you have the knowledge of how that area works as well as prior experience playing through the championships, and also since Ruguo will be busy pretty quickly with hosting his game, I think you're the best choice.
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Wintermoot on April 16, 2020, 03:21:22 PM
Congratulations, @Pengu! Or my condolences on the impending loss of your or the other. :P
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Michi on April 16, 2020, 10:37:56 PM
Congratulations, @Pengu! Or my condolences on the impending loss of your or the other. :P

Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Lissa on April 17, 2020, 09:53:32 AM

I've sent Pengu the information for reps :)
Title: Mafia Championships Season 7
Post by: Thingyman on May 09, 2020, 05:05:36 PM
Hi guys

Laurentus’ Championship game has been scheduled :)

GAME 10 (JUNE 8, 48/24, 9 PM EDT EOD)
-Rosen (Sufficient Velocity)
BeautifulShy (Nintendo World Report)
Dragomir (Thriller Bark)
Echks (Hypixel)
Fransisc0 (Forums of Loathing)
genny (Student Doctor Network)
Hyde (Werewolf Online)
Kaves (Mafia Mystery)
onjit (Everybody Edits)
OrangeP47 (W3D Hub)
Laurentus (Wintreath)
RBHeadge PE (Engineer Boards)
Schiavetto (Pokemon Showdown)
TheGoldenTyranno (DuelistGroundz)
Timsup2nothin (CivFanatics)

Do you wish to spectate and/or talk with players from other communities?
We have a big server on Discord (1,000+ members) for those that want to spectate and talk about these games. The representatives will be added to this channel too after they die. Or if you just want to chat with people from other communities, we have a general chat too that is unrelated to the Mafia Championship.


2) Upon joining the server, please inform us of who you are and which community you are from. We will then give you the necessary permissions to see the spectator channel. This is necessary to avoid the wrong people (the representatives and their backups) joining the channel.

You don't need to have Discord installed in order to join the channel, as there is a web version.

Do you want to have your own private community spectator chat?
This is definitely both allowed and encouraged. However, I ask that you please do everything possible to make this chat private and inaccessible to your representative, backup and your representative's opponents. It's important that your thoughts and comments don't influence the game. In other words, please don't post about the game in public threads -- this is very important.

Mafia Championship Podcast
For the first time ever, there will be a Mafia Championship podcast.

The first episode goes live on Twitch at Sunday 4 PM Eastern - i.e. tomorrow. It will feature 4 former winners. There will also be podcasts on the following Sundays.

It will go live here, if you are interested:

Where do I get more info?
Refer to this thread:

This thread will tell you all the details about this season. It also includes a list of the 165 participating communities and their representatives.


If you need to get in contact with me, my Discord is Thingyman#6075