I ended up looking up the names mentioned in the post to possibly get some background because otherwise I am not sure what kind of setting I am seeing in the image. (It looks like some kind of mixture of a Medieval and Renaissance European port city with dragons, castle, and some big ships.)
Name: Alexander Rusable
Age: 19
Appearance: A short, thin, and elderly looking but muscular child with long hair and a pale appearance. Generally seen wearing as many layers of clothing as he can find and fit.
Hometown: Evik, an urban center found in the Ruakine province of Nopald.
Bio: Born to a family of peasants who specialized in hunting in the coldest part of the land of Nopald; at the age of 16, Alexander ran away after a hostile lord killed his family while they were hunting. He successfully lived off of the land as he migrated westward to some seas he heard about. After two years of wandering, he was found by a band of traveling brigands who knew how to reach the sea and after he proved to be a good hunter and able to fend for himself well despite his appearance; they agreed to take him to a town where they were not wanted that was also on the sea. The band was not far away from this city when they started to guide Alexander towards it and so it only took 2 months to reach the city. Now he has been in the city for 10 months and has become a successful hunter who is known for venturing into the nearby mountains and returning with numerous hides and carcasses ready to be sold to merchants. Alexander lives on the streets where the market stalls are set up.
The last name and location names are all taken from the letters of Kiev, Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus. I find Eastern Europe (especially the Slavic areas) interesting. :P
Name:Ireland Direlin
Appearance:A young looking woman standing at 5' 01", who is average build. She has long messy brown hair, violet eyes, and white porcelain skin and She wears a yellow tonic and a purple skirt. She has brown boots. She carried a small basket full of flowers from time to time when she's selling flowers, and may wear a hat made out of hey when working on the gardens.
Hometown:She lives in Maplefalls, a town covered in maple trees by the sanguine waterfall. The town's man export is flowers.
Bio:She was born into a normal family, who made average income. When she was 6, she learned to care for flowers and would often help out in the flowerfields, and when she was 12 she would go with her mom to the capital to sell flowers every Sunday. She went to a college to Become a scholar and learn some new info and pick up a new skill at the age of 19. She is currently 24 and is still studying the worlds wonders, while working on flowers and selling them every Sunday to fund her studies.
I think the last name may be off, and maybe I could cut some content off the backstory or explain some elements. But I think it's fine.
Name:Ireland Direlin
Appearance:A young looking woman standing at 5' 01", who is average build. She has long messy brown hair, violet eyes, and white porcelain skin and She wears a yellow tonic and a purple skirt. She has brown boots. She carried a small basket full of flowers from time to time when she's selling flowers, and may wear a hat made out of hey when working on the gardens.
Hometown:She lives in Maplefalls, a town covered in maple trees by the sanguine waterfall. The town's man export is flowers.
Bio:She was born into a normal family, who made average income, she Originally wanted to be rich and famous. When she was 6, she learned to care for flowers and would often help out in the flowerfields which made a newfound passion to love plants and to one day know more about them, and when she was 12 she would go with her mom to the capital to sell flowers every Sunday, studying the lack of information on plants. She went to a college to Become a scholar and learn some new info to help her learn how to research the plants and pick up a new skill at the age of 19. After college at 22 , she decided to find herself a study idea. She bought herself a farm in maplefalls and decided to study plants since her Passions are around flowers. She decided to study all the plants in many ways, her main focus is around flowers and crossbreeding. But she is also focusing on certain goals, making plants be able to be grown in the cold, make them survive droughts, try and make natural pesticides on the plants that don't harm Bee's but keep bugs at Bay, and try and make plants loot prettier and/or have better quality. A long list of goals, but these goals could revolutionized the plant Industry and help farms out. Her main passion besides naturally evolving plants to fit these goals, is to research how to make flowers survive longer so people can be able to have them longer, and try and research medicine and food with wild plants. She commonly is seen out on the field, or her farm at maplefalls doing research or taking care of flowers. She plans to revolutionize the plant and farming industry, and make plants more well known in facts. She still sells flowers every Sunday, but now has her new Passions and research goals to help plants become better. Living at her research site near the forest and waterfall of maplefalls her farm.
I might have made it to long or ruined the backstory entirely, aw well.
Name: Alexander Rusable
Age: 19
Appearance: Stands at about 5' 4" and weighs 140 pounds. Muscular, hairy, and pale, with the appearance of someone who has been through more than most people of their age. Prefers wearing multiple layers of pelts while carrying most of his possessions in small bundles that can be easily hidden and stored for later use. Hidden underneath the pelts are knives and small clubs made from some of the dragons he killed while he often will have a slingshot and a pack of stones in a convenient but visible location among his pelts. When he is hunting, he often has a bow and quiver on his back.
Hometown: Technically not from a town as his family lived miles away from any towns (they were in a forest) with the city of Evik in the Ruakine province of Nopald being the closest one and being controlled by the lord who killed his family.
Original Bio
Bio: Born to a family of peasants who specialized in hunting in the coldest part of the land of Nopald; at the age of 16, Alexander ran away after a hostile lord killed his family while they were hunting. He successfully lived off of the land as he migrated westward to some seas he heard about. After two years of wandering, he was found by a band of traveling brigands who knew how to reach the sea and after he proved to be a good hunter and able to fend for himself well despite his appearance; they agreed to take him to a town where they were not wanted that was also on the sea. The band was not far away from this city when they started to guide Alexander towards it and so it only took 2 months to reach the city. Now he has been in the city for 10 months and has become a successful hunter who is known for venturing into the nearby mountains and returning with numerous hides and carcasses ready to be sold to merchants. Alexander lives on the streets where the market stalls are set up.
Altered Bio: Alexander was being taught how to hunt elderly dragons when his family was killed. Luckily he had already learned how to hunt other animals by the time of the lord's attack. He knew how to move pretty much silently in both snow and forest although he had not figured out how to hide well just yet. He also knew how to take advantage of water and wood for forming traps and making fires to cook with. He was taught to hunt with bolas and slingshots. Eventually, he had progressed to becoming proficient at hitting deer that were walking with a bow but not moving targets or small targets. He also learned how to fight well with daggers and clubs and also got a little sword fighting practice. He could hunt and trap deer, hares, rats, and even birds (only if he got the jump on them). He was able to improve his hunting skills on the run and then with the bandits along with his weapon and stealth skills. By the time he found the city, he could fight with swords, knives, bows, shields, and even the hammers used to forge weapons; he could also at last hide in plain sight depending on which wearable pelts he had with him and what the terrain was like. He never could learn how to stone or drug people or animals though (unless he had the drug on a weapon). His earliest hunting lesson was how to snap a deer's neck with only some rope or rocks and then with just his bare hands. After moving to the city, he found out about other creatures he could hunt and quickly made it his goal to teach himself how to hunt dragons. He already knew how to find dragons and had actually seen the telltale signs of their presence not long before the brigands took him to the city. He would kill his first elderly dragon in the mountains by attacking while it was asleep; he trapped its mouth, wings, and legs with bolas and then managed to kill it with his clubs, slingshots, and knives (despite the knives breaking on the scales). He then ran into a problem, he didn't know how to skin a dragon. Eventually he would return to the city and find some hunters in the city who were experienced with dragons and managed to convince them to teach him. These hunters also knew who would buy dragon parts and seeing how he actually had killed a dragon, offered to teach him more about hunting. He accepted the lessons but continued living on the streets. Eventually he would be taught who would secretly buy dragon parts (dragon hunting is frowned on and Alexander has suspected that may have been why the lord killed his family) and better ways to kill dragons and even how to trap them with what he had. He also learned how to disguise dragon parts as other things and how to hide them within hides and carcasses. With the assistance of these hunters, Alexander would become the newest hunting expert. He is still learning new dragon hunting techniques and they are his favorite targets; his hunting abilities have made him known among the butchers and some clothing workers because everytime he goes to the market to sell goods, he has enough deer and wolf pelts and carcasses to keep them busy for the next few months. He has learned to spread his selling of goods to various merchants so that people are less likely to be suspicious of his products. Generally, he is not in dire need of food when he shops but he often runs short on metal (useful for bolas), weapons, and he will look for new pelts and skins that could be used to make better disguises or keep him warmer.
His best hunt after moving to the city lasted a week: he brought back 2 dragons, a dragon eggs, 10 wolves, 25 deer, a family of 6 bears, and 30 assorted rabbits, birds, and mice. How there are so many animals in the mountains and forests he has no idea but the merchants and his fellow hunters are not complaining. His favorite killing methods when hunting are stoning, punching, wrestling, and clubbing but he will use arrows, knives, and even a sword every now and then if necessary.
She would look up at all her progress, each plant was different each unique, she had worked hard on her crossbreed plants. She carefully dug them up, and put them in a pot to research more information about them like always. She would water her plants with water mixed with fertiliser, then carefully pull the weeds. She looked at her progress then would start writing her notes for awhile studying the new plants.
I feel like this is not my greatest post I have ever made