Wintreath Regional Community
A Link to the Past - Archives => Summersend Festivals => The Registry of Things Past - Historic Archive => 2018: Summersend: Isle of Erdemeh => Topic started by: Arenado on August 17, 2018, 12:48:15 AM
Good thing you're here, detectives. We've got a strange one today. There's been a Murder on Mystery Street and it's up to you to solve the case.
We've scoured the area, there's not much physical evidence. The only real lead we have are the witnesses. They are the one way to solve the case. I hope you're not rusty on interrogations, detectives.....
Welcome to Murder on Mystery Street! The game is simple and so are the rules. There are 7 Suspects and 1 Victim. You need to piece together the different witness statements and the available evidence to get to the Truth.
All Suspects will be played by me. You will all be playing as the detectives trying the solve the case by asking questions of the different suspects. At the end of the game you will need to accuse someone. Whomever makes the right choice and accuses the Killer will win the game!
But take note, all of the Suspects have Secrets...All of the Suspects are hiding things from you and, as such, not everything they say will be the Truth. It's up to you to sift through the lies and the half-truths to get the answers you need.
When you want to ask a qustion of one of the suspects, simply Mention me (@North), state the name of the person you are asking the question of and finally the question. (For example, @ North, Mr. Example, please demonstrate for us?) PMing each other is allowed for this game.
So step forward, detectives, we have a Murder to solve.....
Special Thanks to Gerrick and Elbbsas without which this would not have been possible :]
Signups will be until the 20th.
/me signs up :D
Do does Syraj, without the fancy red writing.
Damn. Count me in.
Eh what the heck I will sign up.
Sounds fun! Count me in!
If signups are still open count me in! :D
Just in time, Robin.
Since I'm not a player, but wanted to comment, I'll say it here -
It obviously Sonia Mattar, since, her being the next stop, she'd have had the most opportunity of anyone...
(for those who are scratching their heads wondering what the fuck I'm on, all of the surnames are MRT stations in Singapore)
(now that i'm thinking of it...
MacPherson is Downtown/Circle Line
Yew Tee is NS Line
Outram is EW/NE Line
Mountbatten is Circle Line
Farrer is Circle Line
Rochor is Downtown Line
Woodlands is NS Line
Mattar is Downtown Line
The obvious thing that stands out is thus Outram, as the only other interchange, and with two lines otherwise unrepresented in the list running through it - although Yew Tee and Woodlands only don't because the other exists.
Of course, what I'm really assuming is that these names were just pulled from a hat, but looking for patterns in the stupidest places is the most fun way to approach things)
Since I'm not a player, but wanted to comment, I'll say it here -
It obviously Sonia Mattar, since, her being the next stop, she'd have had the most opportunity of anyone...
(for those who are scratching their heads wondering what the fuck I'm on, all of the surnames are MRT stations in Singapore)
(now that i'm thinking of it...
MacPherson is Downtown/Circle Line
Yew Tee is NS Line
Outram is EW/NE Line
Mountbatten is Circle Line
Farrer is Circle Line
Rochor is Downtown Line
Woodlands is NS Line
Mattar is Downtown Line
The obvious thing that stands out is thus Outram, as the only other interchange, and with two lines otherwise unrepresented in the list running through it - although Yew Tee and Woodlands only don't because the other exists.
Of course, what I'm really assuming is that these names were just pulled from a hat, but looking for patterns in the stupidest places is the most fun way to approach things)
Hahahaha, I was wondering if anyone was going to catch that. Though, for the record, Farrer was in reference to Farrer Park, not Farrer Road. And if you want to play the game, Doc, why dont you join? The more the merrier and I technically havent closed sign ups yet.
Oh, shit, then count me in.
Very well, and with that, I shall close Sign ups. Good luck, Detectives!