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A Link to the Past - Archives => The Registry of Things Past - Historic Archive => Tomb of Elections Past => Topic started by: taulover on October 01, 2017, 10:29:56 PM

Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: taulover on October 01, 2017, 10:29:56 PM
VOTE TAULOVER FOR UNDERHUSEN   as usual, don't if you don't want to
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I am taulover, and I approve this message.

taulover's Underhusen campaign template v1.2.0 | What's this? ( | Changelog ( | Feedback (;sa=send;u=1145)
Yeah I know, it's my third time using this format in a row, but again, I had to completely retype this from scratch since those posts got locked ok? (I should probably copy the bbcode from here and archive it somewhere else...)
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: Red Mones on October 02, 2017, 04:32:59 AM
  • That's about it I think
Yeah, definitely voting for you.
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: Aethelia on October 02, 2017, 11:19:40 AM
Hard to argue with all of those colors, I'm voting for you.
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: Wintermoot on October 02, 2017, 05:55:17 PM
Do you know Chinese or did you use a translation service to get the words above the gifs?
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: taulover on October 02, 2017, 07:54:01 PM
Do you know Chinese or did you use a translation service to get the words above the gifs?
A bit of both. I can speak Chinese, and can write some basic words, but I forgot how to say "penguin." So not direct machine translation, but they did help.
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: Wintermoot on October 02, 2017, 07:57:23 PM
A bit of both. I can speak Chinese, and can write some basic words, but I forgot how to say "penguin." So not direct machine translation, but they did help.
I've heard that Chinese is one of the hardest languages to learn for native English it something you grew up with, or something you learned later on?
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: taulover on October 02, 2017, 08:08:06 PM
A bit of both. I can speak Chinese, and can write some basic words, but I forgot how to say "penguin." So not direct machine translation, but they did help.
I've heard that Chinese is one of the hardest languages to learn for native English it something you grew up with, or something you learned later on?
I grew up speaking both Mandarin Chinese and English. Naturally my Chinese skills have deteriorated while my English skills have improved.

But Chinese grammar is actually one of the simplest among common languages; the difficult part is getting  tones (easy for native speakers), understanding the massive number of homophones based on context, and learning all the characters (I'm mostly illiterate, but I've heard that it's actually easier than it sounds once you learn the basic ones, as the characters are roughly syllabic, with radicals helping to determine meaning).
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: Wintermoot on October 02, 2017, 08:14:05 PM
I grew up speaking both Mandarin Chinese and English. Naturally my Chinese skills have deteriorated while my English skills have improved.

But Chinese grammar is actually one of the simplest among common languages; the difficult part is getting  tones (easy for native speakers), understanding the massive number of homophones based on context, and learning all the characters (I'm mostly illiterate, but I've heard that it's actually easier than it sounds once you learn the basic ones, as the characters are roughly syllabic, with radicals helping to determine meaning).
That's fascinating, and impressive that you can at least speak it...thanks for sharing with us. :)
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: Laurentus on October 02, 2017, 08:15:16 PM
I know only a few Chinese words, laoshi being one of them. I probably mess up the spelling there. Speaking of which, do you know Pinyin?
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: taulover on October 02, 2017, 08:24:16 PM
I know only a few Chinese words, laoshi being one of them. I probably mess up the spelling there. Speaking of which, do you know Pinyin?
The spelling is right (in Pinyin). And yeah, I know Pinyin, I went to Chinese school on Saturdays during elementary school and they teach it largely as a pronunciation guide. (But I speak with a Southern Chinese accent [albeit heavily foreign-sounding due to lack of practice] and as a result have trouble differentiating letters such as z/zh, s/sh, and c/ch [we generally ignore the "h" when pronouncing things].)
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: Aethelia on October 03, 2017, 07:26:35 PM
I'm jealous of your language learning ability but will still vote for you.
Chinese... that's like next to Arabic in languages that almost seem like they were made to be as not like English as possible. Which might not be bad because English has a lot of problems, but still, not a relatively easy to learn language alongside English, like Spanish.
Question: If you win, will everything be made bi-lingual?
Also, Question: If you win, will you occasionally throw in Japanese or Korean just to see who is paying attention?
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: taulover on October 03, 2017, 07:50:32 PM
I'm jealous of your language learning ability but will still vote for you.
I didn't really learn it, just picked it up as a native speaker.
Question: If you win, will everything be made bi-lingual?
No, because I'm not fluently bilingual.
Also, Question: If you win, will you occasionally throw in Japanese or Korean just to see who is paying attention?
No, because I don't speak Japanese or Korean.
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: Doc on October 03, 2017, 10:34:01 PM
I mean, I don't speak Korean or Japanese either, but I could throw in an anyong-haseyo or an omae wa mou shindeiru ( every so often.

And - in what context did you learn Mandarin? Just around the house? Because in my case I'm definitely a lot better at reading it than in speaking or listening to it (a fact I'm painfully aware of due to my roommates all being from China and largely communicating in Mandarin), because in school the focus in exams was almost entirely on writing, and so I could get away with an abominably poor level of conversational Mandarin with an adequate if highly stilted ability to write it.
Title: taulover for Underhusen v1.2
Post by: taulover on October 03, 2017, 11:30:56 PM
I mean, I don't speak Korean or Japanese either, but I could throw in an anyong-haseyo or an omae wa mou shindeiru ( every so often.
yeah but that's memes
And - in what context did you learn Mandarin? Just around the house?