Wintreath Regional Community
A Link to the Past - Archives => Summersend Festivals => The Registry of Things Past - Historic Archive => 2017: Festival Beach Cove! - Summersend Festival => Topic started by: Michi on August 18, 2017, 05:18:11 PM
So in this game, you can say anything you want about the person above and below as well as you, for example:
^ Likes dancing to "Barbie Girl" by Aqua.
< Enjoys singing to "Barbie Girl" by Aqua.
V Believes the song "Barbie Girl" was written about them.
Granted, the material doesn't have to be repeated for each person, it can be as random as:
^ Likes coconuts
< Thinks robots are sexy
V Is secretly Meryl Streep.
Sound good? Let's play!
< Thinks rainbows are overrated
V Likes to do the hula to the song "Smells like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana.
^ Has a literal skeleton in their closet.
< Has a barrel of soft toys in their closet.
v Has an empty closet. They should put something in there, else the spiders will annex it.
^ Is upside-down
< Is asleep
v Is awake
^Is an undead
<is a redead
V is secretly King Dedede
^ Is Ganondorf.
< Is Zelda.
> Is Link.
V Is Link.
^Is strangely peculiar
< is peculiarly odd
V is oddly unusual
^ Always tells the truth
< Always lies
V Always guesses
^guesses that's correct
<guesses he shouls start working
V Guesses this person enjoys edm.
↑ Rock
← Scissors
↓ Paper
↑ Is a smegging genius for bringing up alternative arrows.
← Blatantly copy-pasted.
↓ Might continue the trend.
↑ Started meta-posting
← Actually did continue the trend
↓ Will post on this thread
^ Is annoying at spam points
< Can't continue the trend right now
v will make a prediction
┴ Will make a pizza
┤ will make a prediction
┬ Will make a... sand castle?
▲ Will go to a festival
◄ Will go to bid summer farewell
▼ Will go to a beach cove
^('_')^ likes potatoes
<('_'<) eats potatoes
V('_')V is a potato.
^ Is actually a penguin secret agent
< Fully embraces our new penguin overlords
V Eats penguin's for breakfast
♤ Probably wants to push penguin potatoes onto people.
◇ Is sprinting splendidly towards spring.
♡ Is the terrific terror of trouble.
^really relishes resplendently radient radishes.
<Meticulously mentions Mr. Montezuma's mysteriously monsterous malady.
V Takes turns triumphantly talking to terrifyingly tall trees to take to Tazmania.
Λ Thinks the Star Wars prequels weren't that bad.
< Thinks the Eclipse isn't that special.
V Thinks pineapple belongs on pizza.
▲ Probably wasn't in the path of totality, and so didn't see a total solar eclipse (aka the only important part (
◄ Was sad that he couldn't travel to the path of totality
▼ Thinks a hot dog is a sandwich
^didn't see totality
<did see totality (it was awesome)
v probably didn't see totality
▲ Is one lucky bastard
◄ Wants to travel to Argentina in July 2019 for the next total solar eclipse
▼ Sleeps at night
^Is salty because he didn't see totality
< is salty because he didn't see the weird "shadow snakes" during the Eclipse
v is salty because they spilled salt on themselves
♤ Holy-- how did you know that!?
◇ Just spilt her lunch. There are now peanuts around the bench.
♡ Probably is in a different time zone.
^ Lives in upside-down land
< Lives in the Most Glorious Republic of Texas
v Lives in a lesser place
^ Could have been a Mexican.
< Just learnt about the Texan Republic in US History.
v Is now thinking of a sombrero.
^ Liked Bill as President
< Wanted Hillary to be President
V Wants Chelsea to run for President
Λ Posted before this post
< Posting this post
V Posting after this post
^Is historically accurate
<is historically abstract
V is historically an aardvark.
^Is going to lose the post count contest
<is going to win the post count contest
v is going to lose the post count contest
Λ Is not going to win the post count contest
< Already lost the post count contest
V Is making my loss even worse
^You're welcome
<Is welcome
V Is only welcome on Tuesdays.
^ suddenly disappeared
< won't do that
v may never respond to this post
^Was proven wrong
< was proven unusual
V Was proven to be half potato.
↑ Worships Potatoes
← Is half potatoe
↓ Likes to eat potatoe
^Eats tomatoes
< Eats potatoes
V Eats Sloppy Joes