Robin For Underhusen!
"If you try to be all things to all people, you're nothing to anybody." —Sen. Harkin
Hello friends and welcome to the Robin Campaign for the 23rd Underhusen! In the event that you gave me the privilege of serving you in the Underhusen, I promise that I would be a rational, patient, and open-minded member of the legislature. You also have my word that I would field comments, concerns, recommendations and questions from all of my constituents in the event I was elected as well. For nothing irks me more than representatives who consider themselves above—or worse, justified in ignoring—those who elected them.
As far as ideas go for this Underhusen, I plan on considering all proposals that come before the storied body, as well as consider taking a more active role in NationStates in general, in order to ensure the safety, security, and continued existence of our wonderful society.
Seriously! I'm a very open Skrifa, and I am always willing to take citizen concerns or suggestions and introduce them in the Underhusen. Even just comments are great! I like talking to people! :D
Well, as always, feel free to bombard me with questions below!! :)
And in the event you don't have a question, feel free to just stop by and say hello!