Since the topic hasn't been updated and voting hasn't started, is it too late to run? :oYes, Legally the elections would have started on the first however given that only 5 candidates stood, those 5 automatically got the seats.
On the other hand, I like elections, so...Yes Wintermoot, but the laws are very clear on this.
On the other hand, I like elections, so...Yes Wintermoot, but the laws are very clear on this.
On the other hand, I like elections, so...Yes Wintermoot, but the laws are very clear on this.
But as we've learned with UH procedures from time to time, laws are not always followed.
2. The Underhusen shall be comprised of no less than four and no more than seven Skrifa elected by the Citizens of Wintreath. The exact number of Skrifa shall be determined by the Underhusen prior to Underhusen elections opening. Should the number of candidates not exceed the determined number of Skrifa, all candidates shall be considered elected by default.The law is clear-cut on this issue. Just because some law isn't followed, doesn't mean that other law doesn't apply. While I would enjoy an election, one can not happen because of the Fundamental Laws. Unless you are suggesting we violate the constitution, in which case why should we pretend to even have one anymore? Why not just dissolve everything and give the power to Wintermoot entirely?
3. Underhusen elections shall begin on the first day of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December. Skrifa shall be elected by plurality vote. In the event of a tie between two or more candidates, a run-off vote shall be conducted to resolve the tie vote. If a vacancy occurs in the Underhusen, a special election to fill the vacancy shall be held within seven days of the vacancy being created unless there are fewer than twenty-one days remaining in the Underhusen's term.
As you wish, your majesty. Your word is law, after all. I shall never attempt to ever question when you bend a law, because clearly your word is absolute, and you can do no wrong.Okay really? You're resorting to petty attacks against me? C'mon man, you can do better than this.
1. Elections must occur during the first week of a set of months (Currently it's the first week of August). Therefore it leads that the first day of a month starts the elections.
2. If the number of candidates are equal to the amount of seats then no election shall occur.
Given that the second statement can only trigger at the start of an election, it must mean that the first statement has already occurred. The election should have begun on August 1st. However when it became August 1st, there were only five candidates (as there are five seats open). Because of that, all of the candidates were immediately elected because of Article I, Section 2.
I stand. Again.
Because I want an election, and we need at least 6 people so...
Oh and this saves me resigning my seat so Pengu can hold it. Honestly I don't deserve another term, I've done literally nothing.
I'll tag @BraveSirRobin again since I don't want him to miss putting in his re-interest. :DHe hasn't been online since before Wintermoot mentioned him the first time.
I'll tag @BraveSirRobin again since I don't want him to miss putting in his re-interest. :DHe hasn't been online since before Wintermoot mentioned him the first time.