Robin for Delegate!
"If you try to be all things to all people, you're nothing to anybody." —Sen. Harkin
Buongiorno friends! Welcome to the Robin campaign for the Delegacy of Wintreath! You have my word as a citizen and person active in this region that I'll come to the Delegacy with an open mind and a willingness to ask the members of our really cool NationStates region what the heck we should do with our WA puppets in the World Assembly. As you probably know, I've been in the Underhusen before, and have now been speaker of the Underhusen twice, and in my tenure we have done some pretty cool things, generally at the suggestion of various members of the citizenry.
I'm also traditionally a very open Skrifa, and my historical willingness to take citizen concerns or ideas into account will follow me into the position of the Delegacy, should I be elected. I love talking to people! Even just extraneous comments or hellos are great! :D
As always, feel free to bombard me with questions below!! :)
In the event you don't have a question, feel free to just stop by and say hello!
In the event that the apocalypse is going to occur shortly, comment below to tell me about that, too! Always want to be prepared for these things... :P
Very Sincerely,
Speaker of the Underhusen
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