Wintreath Regional Community

A Link to the Past - Archives => The Registry of Things Past - Historic Archive => Tomb of Elections Past => Topic started by: BraveSirRobin on January 30, 2017, 05:00:50 PM

Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: BraveSirRobin on January 30, 2017, 05:00:50 PM
The Third Robin Steak Fry

With the success of the first couple of Steak Frys, and with the Underhusen needing a little bit of a spurt of energy, and because I may feel guilty that I don't have enough time to run for election and be a member of the Underhusen myself, I have decided to host the 3rd Robin Steak Fry!  As always, candidates, feel free to come discuss your vision for the future of Wintreath, visit with your future constituents, and more—all over some pretty great steak if I do say so myself!

ood evening candidates, citizens and welcome to the 3rd Harkin Robin Steak Fry!  Today we have assembled a plethora of candidates from throughout Wintreath to discuss with you, the citizenry, their view of Wintreath as it stands today, what they want to go forward with in the 20th Underhusen, and what they hope to see Wintreath become in the future.  The questions are as follows:

1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I want to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen?  What should the main goals of the 20th legislature be? 

2. As we all know, for an civilisation to remain successful and prosperous, it must find ways to expand.  What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath in NationStates and beyond?  Are there strategies other regions employ that you believe we could adopt to increase our growth? 

3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?

4. Who is your favourite politician from history and why?

5. What is your favourite form of government?  Why?

6. The next question is definitely not brought up because of the current state of politics globally.  What do you think makes a democracy stable and successful?  How can we ensure demagogues do not infiltrate our own community?

7. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer?  As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate (but preferably productive discussion) with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community!  :)

8. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Michi on February 02, 2017, 05:27:46 AM

1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I want to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen?  What should the main goals of the 20th legislature be? 

The main thing is making headway on the Krone.  We've had topics discussing ways to implement it, and we've really made some progress.  Now I want to see that progress take off further until we reach a definite conclusion.  Whether that leads into a system that works that we can agree on, or it being mutual agreement that it's not desired at this point in time...I just think it's time we either implement it or lay it to rest.

2. As we all know, for an civilization to remain successful and prosperous, it must find ways to expand.  What do you believe is the best way to catalyze growth and the expansion of Wintreath in NationStates and beyond?  Are there strategies other regions employ that you believe we could adopt to increase our growth?

Making changes to follow the interests of the region is the best way to help expansion.  Right now we're in a weird area to where we know what we want, but we're losing idea of what we are since we haven't completely established everything we want to implement.  I think we're making progress, however, and we just need to continue to really stay on top of getting ideas set in stone...and really being on top of keeping with the work it takes to make and maintain those ideas into reality.

3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?
The same thing that's always plagued us: Inactivity and lack of participation/motivation in getting things really going.  I think we're making progress on the latter, however, and we just need to keep on finding ways to get people interested in wanting to take the reigns on creating activities/content.  As for the former, I think the more we work on the latter, the more the former will solve itself.

4. Who is your favourite politician from history and why?
This is going to seem lazy, but since my views haven't changed since when I first answered answers are going to be C&Ped from the last steak fry that I was in.

I've never been the biggest into politics, so I don't have a particular favorite at the top of my head whose career I know well enough to make such an established decision.  If they were a politician that was for equality in all forms of the word, then chances are I liked them since first and foremost, that's my biggest thing I want from a politician.

I will say that Bernie Sanders has fit the criteria in certain ways for recent politicians, but my answer for "in all of history" remains the same.

5. What is your favourite form of government?  Why?

Well, it's not a "favorite" since again, that goes into #5.  However, I lean more towards being a Democratic Socialist on the political spectrum.  For those who are going to inevitably confuse that and Communism, I'll explain in better detail:

I believe in a system that, while it pushes people to earn for's not a complete capitalist approach.  Certain necessities such as College/University/overall Education, Healthcare, and whatnot I believe should be free, or at least paid for in the taxes that we pay...rather than having to be saddled with outrageous debt that most outside of the wealthy class will inevitably be paying for many years to come, if not the rest of their lives (aka college loans).

I also believe that if you do your best and are fired for something that isn't misconduct (you weren't fast enough for the job, they didn't have the hours), it shouldn't haunt you and put you on the street.  The Welfare system in the US is a nightmare because of those who abuse it, and Unemployment in the US is a nightmare because a company can claim misconduct and you'll be denied unemployment benefits.

These things are unacceptable, and I believe there needs to be some type of safety net that keeps people off the streets and able to work, but also insures that people can't milk the system and take advantage of it.

6. The next question is definitely not brought up because of the current state of politics globally.  What do you think makes a democracy stable and successful?  How can we ensure demagogues do not infiltrate our own community?

When it's an actual democracy.  When there's too much bureaucratic red tape involved (see: US democracy and elections), then that's when political divide hits its high points to where are at right now with the US just because of elections (and who we chose to represent us).  As for the latter's difficult.  As long as people willfully deny to be properly educated about politics and the candidates involved in the process (as well as the laws in their entirety that they either challenge or want to enact), there's always a high risk of weak candidates or terrible laws happening.  If your first thoughts are "What can this candidate do for ME?" versus "What can this candidate do for US?" then that's a problem right there.  You have to think about what works best for everyone around you, not just you in your little bubble.

7. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer?  As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate (but preferably productive discussion) with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community!  :)
Any question someone is wanting to ask should be asked unless it is requested reasonably by a candidate not to be (for reasons such as wanting to not have a heated debate in their campaigns).  There's no such thing as a stupid question, and most questions are encouraged to be asked.

8. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?
Medium Rare/well please.
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: BraveSirRobin on February 02, 2017, 07:36:20 PM
Well @Pengu it would appear that you get all the steak so far.... :P
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Crushita on February 02, 2017, 11:10:48 PM
1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I want to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen?  What should the main goals of the 20th legislature be? 
I ran for the Underhusen because, well, its become something of a tradition for me! For some reason you people keep electing me :P I feel that the main goals of the 20th Legislature should be to address the idea's and issue of the implementation of the Krone, as well as pass some of the judicial reform Chanku proposed last session.

2. As we all know, for an civilisation to remain successful and prosperous, it must find ways to expand.  What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath in NationStates and beyond?  Are there strategies other regions employ that you believe we could adopt to increase our growth? 
Honestly, we're actually doing quite well compared to most regions I've seen! However we do seem to have some problems on the side that we can effect the most, retention of new citizens. Getting new citizens to come is a random at best process, but I've noticed quite a few of those we've gotten to sign up on the forums haven't really joined the community and I think we need to work to rectify this situation.

3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?
Stagnation. We really need to make sure we're getting new blood and new idea's into the region. Eventually the major pillars of government, even Wintermoot himself, will tire of running this region for so long and want a break. We must make sure we have people who can take their place.
4. Who is your favourite politician from history and why?
Personally? I'm a lover of Emperor Pedro II! A great politician and statesman who worked tirelessly to improve the conditions of his people, abolish slavery and bring Brazil into the modern era.
5. What is your favourite form of government?  Why?
Social Democracy with a constitutional Monarchy. Social democracy is a rather obvious stance, the governments job is to protect its citizens, and giving its citizens access to things that can improve their lives such as healthcare and education should be part of ones basic rights. However I am also a fan of Constitutional Monarchy, some people see it as a waste of money but I've always viewed a monarchy as a national symbol unlike any other. Its living, breathing and done right, changes with the times. Its an enduring tradition that can act as a stabilizer in times of crisis, providing a clear point of authority if something were to happen to its elected representatives.
6. The next question is definitely not brought up because of the current state of politics globally.  What do you think makes a democracy stable and successful?  How can we ensure demagogues do not infiltrate our own community?
Information. That is the key. Ignorance and self-deception are the things demagogues love the most. If people believe what they are saying because they don't know better, then they will keep saying it. I don't think we need to ensure demagogues do not infiltrate our own community, you guys all seem to be rather well informed of the reality of politics in Wintreath, which are far simpler then that of say, an actual country :P
7. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer?  As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate (but preferably productive discussion) with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community!  :)
Do you worship the holy potato?
8. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?

Medium rare!

Edit:Bolded the questions to make it more readable.
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Doc on February 02, 2017, 11:28:38 PM
1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I want to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen?  What should the main goals of the 20th legislature be?
Well, obviously, the big thing is China, and Russia, and Mexico, and all the Muslims. They're a problem. Each. So they're like, four problems. Except Russia is run by Putin, which, he's a great guy, he know how to take people and 'Putin' 'em to the right place, know what I mean? He's a great guy. And great guys solve problems. I'm a great guy. I solve problems.
So that's three problems. And I'm going to solve them. We're gonna renegotiate, and we're gonna build a wall, and we're gonna just not let any Muslims in. And then kick all the Muslims here out. Because they're, they're dangerous, they're rapists, and they're criminals, and I mean, probably some are good people, but that's not all good. That's a lot of why Wintreath isn't great anymore. We gotta make Wintreath great again. And so we have to get rid of all the not great things, and put in the great things. Like me. I'm great. And I know great people, just the best. I love great people.

*Still not a candidate; still committed to the bit.

2. As we all know, for an civilisation to remain successful and prosperous, it must find ways to expand.  What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath in NationStates and beyond?  Are there strategies other regions employ that you believe we could adopt to increase our growth? 
No, other regions, they're not great. Well, okay, China, China's never had a Mexican problem, and they have a wall. A GREAT wall. Coincidence? No! So we can take that idea. That's a great idea. But they're still a problem, so we gotta rebrand, gotta change the name. The Great Drump Wall. I love it. It's incredible.

3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?
Definitely China. There's billions of them. But they're okay, I guess. I love China, I love the Chinese, I make a lot of things in China, but then also in America, so they say made in America on them, except the parts where they're made in China. So we gotta deal with the Mexicans. There's, you know, they're sending over just these terrible people. Like, like Marco, he sounds Mexican. Look at him. Low. Energy. That's not a good person, that's not even an okay person, he's, he's a mess. I know these people are low energy, I hired some, and they were, just, so low energy, so of course I didn't pay them. Just not good at the work. Terrible.

4. Who is your favourite politician from history and why?
Well, I'm a politician, so, y'know, definitely me. I'm a, I'm a great guy, I love all these people, but y'gotta love yourself first.
So me. I'm the favorite, because I'm the best. Ask anybody, they'll all tell you, me, I'm a great guy, I'm the best.

5. What is your favourite form of government?  Why?
Definitely a democracy. I mean, people are gonna vote for me, because I'm incredible. I love the uneducated.
And then I'm gonna, y'know, take away their freedoms and rights and transition this into an autocratic theocracy. God-Emperor (, baby. Full Catholic Space Nazis ( Except we'll be protestant, the Pope is awful, he's just terrible, terrible ideas. They touch little boys, y'know, that's terrible. And Nazis, wow, that Hitler. He knew what was up, he made Germany great again, and wow, what great hair. And space. Everyone loves space. And the uneducated. I love the uneducated.
So that's my real favorite form of government. Protestant Space Nazis ( Can't go wrong.

6. The next question is definitely not brought up because of the current state of politics globally.  What do you think makes a democracy stable and successful?  How can we ensure demagogues do not infiltrate our own community?
Step 1: Wall. 20% tax on Mexico to pay for it. Look at all those Mexicans coming in illegally and demagoguing. They're illegals! They can't say these things, we'll just deport them.
Step 2: Two words: Muslim registry. Because two other words: Radical Islam ( And then don't let any more Muslims in. And then also kick out all the Muslims we registered, they're living on welfare and stealing our jobs.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: I'm a businessman, I'm an investor, I'm a billionaire, I make a lot of money, you think I don't know how to profit? Step 4 is profits is what I'm saying.

7. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer?  As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate (but preferably productive discussion) with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community!
Uh, where is the birth certificate? We need to know. Where is the birth certificate? WHERE WERE YOU BORN, WINTER HUSSEIN MOOT, WAS IT KENYA!? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FROM THE WINTREAN PEOPLE!?

8. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?
Well done, because, I mean, my whole job is well done, but I'm also an incredible, I mean just a great, just, wow, what a cook. And you know what they say, I, everything I do, well done. But I'll do it. I'll take it rare. Rare things are expensive, and I mean, I'm a billionaire, I can afford it, I'm worth a lot of money. So I'll buy rare, but make it well done, because it's just so rare that things are done well, y'know, but luckily I know a lot of good people. We'll get it done. We'll make this steak great.
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Hydra on February 02, 2017, 11:37:06 PM
I know there's a lot at steak, so why don't I go ahead and answer this!

1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I want to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen?  What should the main goals of the 20th legislature be? 

I decided to run for the Underhusen to try and expand my horizons. For the 20th legislature, I want to see the region become more active, either with adding incentives to recruitment (could be tied in with the implementation of the Krone) or introducing more ideas to the community.

2. As we all know, for an civilisation to remain successful and prosperous, it must find ways to expand.  What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath in NationStates and beyond?  Are there strategies other regions employ that you believe we could adopt to increase our growth? 

As stated previously, I'd like to get people active in recruitment again to help expand this region. We've definitely made progress in expanding beyond just NationStates, with people taking advantage of the five post requirement, but I'd like to see more ideas help expand our region.

3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?

At this point (and for the past few months), the biggest problem facing Wintreath is inactivity. As many people agree, the Underhusen has fallen rather inactive, RPing has dwindled from its glory, and even forum games and spam posts, which drew me into the region, are not as prevalent.

4. Who is your favourite politician from history and why?

If I had to choose one who I respect, it would be FDR. He was able to revive the United States economy and was able to help out many Americans who were suffering during the Great Depression by offering jobs and support.

5. What is your favourite form of government?  Why?

My favorite form of government would probably be a mix of a meritocracy and a republic. This way, it almost guaranteed that the people in charge know what they are doing and best represent the will of the citizens.

6. The next question is definitely not brought up because of the current state of politics globally.  What do you think makes a democracy stable and successful?  How can we ensure demagogues do not infiltrate our own community?

I believe that a democracy is made stable and successful when it accurately represents the people. There are inherent flaws in the way that the United States electoral college works, and I believe that it could be reformed to a version of range voting to accurately portray the will of the people. To ensure that demagogues don't infiltrate our community, I believe that we need to be educated on what the candidate can and will do vs what they say. I feel that our community has a pretty good grasp on weeding out the demagogues, so I believe it won't be too much of a problem for us.

7. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer?  As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate (but preferably productive discussion) with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community!  :)

What are your thoughts on eating potatoes with steak? :P

8. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?

Medium :P

Do you worship the holy potato?

I'll worship it when I see its power :P
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Arenado on February 03, 2017, 09:15:40 AM
I apologize for my late arrival, I was busy doing the nightshift lately, I would never miss a Steak fry!

1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I want to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen?  What should the main goals of the 20th legislature be? 

Honestly, I wanted to sit it out this cycle. However, at the time of my announcement, I did not see enough candidates that I absolutely was certain would be active throughout the term. However, with the announcement of pretty much everyone I voted for I'm more confident of the next UH.

2. As we all know, for an civilisation to remain successful and prosperous, it must find ways to expand.  What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath in NationStates and beyond?  Are there strategies other regions employ that you believe we could adopt to increase our growth? 

I said it before, I'll say it again. More Roleplay.

3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?

Inactivity. But that's a problem with no easy solution.

4. Who is your favourite politician from history and why?

I have several, FDR, Eugene McCarthy, LKY, etc etc.

5. What is your favourite form of government?  Why?

Socialist Parliamentarian Democracy.

6. The next question is definitely not brought up because of the current state of politics globally.  What do you think makes a democracy stable and successful?  How can we ensure demagogues do not infiltrate our own community?

Honestly, the fact that demagogues can infiltrate communities shows the strength of Democracy. Can you imagine an infiltrator in a dictatorship? Short of a military coup?

7. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer?  As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate (but preferably productive discussion) with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community!  :)

Currently? Not really.

8. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?

Medium rare, please :]

Do you worship the holy potato?

I would eat it, does that count? Thank god for Mesoamerica!
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: taulover on February 03, 2017, 10:06:38 AM
Thank god for Mesoamerica!
Potatoes are not from Mesoamerica...
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Finrod Felagund on February 03, 2017, 11:59:00 AM
1.What made you decide to run for the Underhusen?  What should the main goals of the 20th legislature be? 

As I have stated  in "Questions for the Candidates", I plan to increase forum activity as well as the number of people on the forum.

2. As we all know, for an civilisation to remain successful and prosperous, it must find ways to expand.  What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath in NationStates and beyond?  Are there strategies other regions employ that you believe we could adopt to increase our growth? 

I believe we should work on making the site more entertaining and make it easier for people to join it and enjoy it. I also believe we should try to get more data from people tp decide what strategies we should use for recruitment.

3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?

Inactivity and difficulty in joining the forums. It's always tough talking to people you don't know and I think we can really help there.

4. Who is your favourite politician from history and why?

Favourite to read and learn about; Adolf Hitler. I think it's very interesting to see demagogy and understand the mechanics behind it, to be able to recognise it in modern politics and be able to see the difference between actual politics and scaremongering to serve one's own interests.

Favourite in terms of learning from, there are a fair few, ranging from Kemal Ataturk to Boris Yeltsin. They rebuilt a country, swallowed their pride and went to work making their countries what they needed to be. They had their faults, but they did a lot of things well.

5. What is your favourite form of government?  Why?

A democracy, preferably with compulsory voting and without a first past the post system. I really like coalition governments, as they tend to be about compromise on positions and working together rather than against one another.

6. The next question is definitely not brought up because of the current state of politics globally.  What do you think makes a democracy stable and successful?  How can we ensure demagogues do not infiltrate our own community?

Compulsory voting, good education and as far as possible, remaining far from two-party systems and political dynasties is a useful tool in most nations. Here, we need to maintain freedom of speech, make sure people don't polarise and never censure people , but rather give our own, well-thought-out, polite responses.

7. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer?  As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate (but preferably productive discussion) with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community!  :)

Not at the moment.

8. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?

Medium well, please with a side order of rice and seasoned with lemon.
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Arenado on February 03, 2017, 12:32:20 PM
Thank god for Mesoamerica!
Potatoes are not from Mesoamerica...

Ah yes, my geography and potato knowledge got a bit fuddled there
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Gerrick on February 03, 2017, 03:02:21 PM
Thank god for Mesoamerica!
Potatoes are not from Mesoamerica...

Ah yes, my geography and potato knowledge got a bit fuddled there
Think you meant the Andes region. Not too far off, though.
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: taulover on February 03, 2017, 04:50:18 PM
Thank god for Mesoamerica!
Potatoes are not from Mesoamerica...

Ah yes, my geography and potato knowledge got a bit fuddled there
Think you meant the Andes region. Not too far off, though.
Not too far off? NOT TOO FAR OFF?! Mate, it's like saying, "I love Morocco because of their fish and chips." They're from two completely different environments, with two different climates and cultures. Hell, they're even on two different continents.

Bloody heretics.
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Gerrick on February 03, 2017, 04:52:32 PM
Think you meant the Andes region. Not too far off, though.
Not too far off? NOT TOO FAR OFF?! Mate, it's like saying, "I love Morocco because of their fish and chips." They're from two completely different environments, with two different climates and cultures. Hell, they're even on two different continents.

Bloody heretics.
If it's south of the US, it's Mexico. PERIOD.
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: taulover on February 03, 2017, 05:03:29 PM
Think you meant the Andes region. Not too far off, though.
Not too far off? NOT TOO FAR OFF?! Mate, it's like saying, "I love Morocco because of their fish and chips." They're from two completely different environments, with two different climates and cultures. Hell, they're even on two different continents.

Bloody heretics.
If it's south of the US, it's Mexico. PERIOD.
You dare defile the Holy Land with your heathen tongue? The Potato Inquisition will not stand for this!

Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Crushita on February 03, 2017, 05:29:49 PM
Think you meant the Andes region. Not too far off, though.
Not too far off? NOT TOO FAR OFF?! Mate, it's like saying, "I love Morocco because of their fish and chips." They're from two completely different environments, with two different climates and cultures. Hell, they're even on two different continents.

Bloody heretics.
If it's south of the US, it's Mexico. PERIOD.
You dare defile the Holy Land with your heathen tongue? The Potato Inquisition will not stand for this!

This stake burning is officially approved by the church!
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Finrod Felagund on February 03, 2017, 05:34:50 PM

Surely, given your current surroundings, you'd be burning him at the Steak?...

*plays cricket sounds over bluetooth speaker*

Why do I even have that mp3?
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Crushita on February 04, 2017, 02:41:48 PM

Surely, given your current surroundings, you'd be burning him at the Steak?...

*plays cricket sounds over bluetooth speaker*

Why do I even have that mp3?

This steak burning is officially approved by the church!

*Burns Finrod at the steak, a convoluted stake fashioned of steaks.*
Title: The Third Robin Steak Fry
Post by: Chanku on February 04, 2017, 09:32:24 PM
1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I want to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen?  What should the main goals of the 20th legislature be? 
Being active and doing it's job.

2. As we all know, for an civilisation to remain successful and prosperous, it must find ways to expand.  What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath in NationStates and beyond?  Are there strategies other regions employ that you believe we could adopt to increase our growth? 
To be fair if we want to grow beyond NationStates, then we gotta stop investing so much into time and effort into NS as a whole and move away from it. If we want to become a more generalized community, especially a generalized gaming community, we need to make headways into other communities, so we need to just stop looking at NationStates and the regions here. We need to look at the communities for the games that we want to include under our banner. We should also maybe get some other game-servers and events up. At the time we are still basically an NS region that wants to act like it isn't really just an NS region.

3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?
Leaving our roots as an NS region. If we want to generalize ourselves, that's fine, but we can't just do it half-assed. Doing it that way will lead to failure.

4. Who is your favourite politician from history and why?
Don't really have one...

5. What is your favourite form of government?  Why?
To be fair a Constitutional Limited Autocracy if I'm at the top, otherwise probably something along the lines of a Constitutional Republic.

6. The next question is definitely not brought up because of the current state of politics globally.  What do you think makes a democracy stable and successful?  How can we ensure demagogues do not infiltrate our own community?
Because we aren't a democracy, and definitely not a republic. 2/3rds of our Government is appointed, demagogues also don't seem to do very well here. They would have to engage with the community enough to win.

7. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer?  As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate (but preferably productive discussion) with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community!  :)
I don't think it would be fair considering that I've been absent most of this election cycle.

8. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?
Medium please.