Wintreath Regional Community
A Link to the Past - Archives => The Registry of Things Past - Historic Archive => Tomb of Elections Past => Topic started by: tatte on November 24, 2016, 01:11:22 PM
While this subject has been discussed in varying lengths in earlier threads, it may once again provide us a good platform to storm ideas and clash opinions.
Elections come and go, Skrifas are elected and all opposition disbanded. Underhusens fall silent and beards grow mold. I say this needs to change. I say Underhusen has to stay sharp to stay in power! I say, empower the opposition!
We need to formalize and bureaucratize the Underhusen agenda. We need to challenge that agenda, see it followed through!
But how?
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! Nor the Underhunish Opposition!
What if there was a system in place, a system where the Underhusen could be presented with an ultimatum, with its disbandment on the line?
Make them discuss and vote on their official stances on current regional matters, whenever requested to do so! Not everything needs to be a law, but our leaders should show they keep track on the hardships of common men!
Dust off the records and let the people see them! Everyone should have a public record to show how they have served the people! Let's see who rolled up their sleeves and helped an elder to plow his land, and who forgot to cast their vote most often!
Inactivity? Disbandment!
Indecisiviness? Disbandment!
Public trust lost? Disbandment!
This was a lot of yelling, I admit. Take it how you will. I hope we can get a good debate going. This should be relevant to all candidates, and basically everyone who is interested in our apolitics.
TL;DR: Should the Underhusen be hold to higher standards, and should the power to call out Underhusen's inadequacy as a whole be given to those who lost the last elections?
I like the idea of this, but I can see it being abused or just starting arguments. Why would the unelected not choose to disband the UH so they can get into power? And what if they in turn don't do anything?
If we did this, we'd need to set a higher standard on who could be elected to prevent a bunch of ne'er-do-wells from running, losing, disbanding, then taking power.
...which is why we need a new system of legislature...
There are already recalls available for when individual members are inactive or lost the public trust, but the region has only used it once.
There are already recalls available for when individual members are inactive or lost the public trust, but the region has only used it once.
And as it has been determined previously, the threshold for such recalls is high when it's often the whole Underhusen that's idle, undermining the whole point. Recalling individual Skrifas is only useful for...well, exactly that, individual recalls.
I believe our candidates and other involved citizens can find room to improve and expand on this. :D