Wintreath Regional Community

A Link to the Past - Archives => The Registry of Things Past - Historic Archive => Tomb of Elections Past => Topic started by: tatte on November 23, 2016, 12:11:16 PM

Title: Candidates, enter for free candy
Post by: tatte on November 23, 2016, 12:11:16 PM
You open your eyes, light is scarce but you can tell the ceiling has changed. You hear someone take a gruff breath. Something is wrong, you're not at home. You turn your head, slowly, the room appears empty. You're tied down. Window above your head portrays dark'n'mellow sky of a clear night. What's going on?

You're finally awake, harshly deep voice begins. Good, we must begin. You feel the vibrations in the air as he speaks. Your heart rate starts to climb. Unbeknownst to you, the public has been polled and their collective preferences compiled. Your task is simple, give the right answers and walk out. You only get one shot per question.

First question, worth two fingers and one toe. For ages Wintreans have glazed at a godless sky, wondering, cursing their misfortunes. Some have searched for the answers alone, found their false comforts from sacks of potatoes or faithful servitude to fellow men.

Should Wintreath consider embracing official faith or faiths? Perhaps it's the opposite that should be enforced?

Second question, worth six toes and a thumb. When times are tough and crops drop dead like an icicle that shatters after falling to your head, it is hard to count your wealth, even harder to determine how envious you ought to be to your neighbor. Misery needs to be redesigned.

Should Wintreath establish an official currency? How could it be integrated to the daily ongoings? Why?

Third question, worth an ear and an eye. Wintreath has seen all kinds of skrifas, some good and some so poor they had to be wiped from our records. They demand more, they demand better.

What makes a good skrifa, what makes you think you would be a good fit for such a position?

Fourth question, worth a tongue. Mobs don't discuss, they mob. When they gather, archives are burn, lives lost and stockpiles of vodka consumed. They are not productive, so you must foresee such public bursts of rage and prevent them.

Point out an unresolved issue that either divides the people or completely disbenefits the public. Why hasn't it been solved? How will you solve it?

Good, now the fun part begins. You knew the stakes, you know what's waiting for you.

You feel your bed shift as a tall man slides from under it. He stands up and lifts the side his heavy trench coat to grab something from underneath, it's a wet bag, stinks like blood. Not a knife, a confused relief stings you. He opens the bag and empties it on your stomach, it contained less than fresh body parts from what you assume was once an ape. Even the fingers are unbelievably hairy.

It's dinner time.
Title: Candidates, enter for free candy
Post by: Chanku on November 23, 2016, 05:35:14 PM
Should Wintreath consider embracing official faith or faiths? Perhaps it's the opposite that should be enforced?

Should Wintreath establish an official currency? How could it be integrated to the daily ongoings? Why?
Yes. I have given ideas for potential integration points, such as getting an amount per X amount of posts and having things like certain areas cost currency as a meaningful sink. Things like the adult area. However the exact implementation should be up to the Administration.

What makes a good skrifa, what makes you think you would be a good fit for such a position?
I know our laws inside and out, for the most part. I helped write a good portion of them or gave advice on those laws. I've served many sessions in the Underhusen.

Point out an unresolved issue that either divides the people or completely disbenefits the public. Why hasn't it been solved? How will you solve it?
The current Judicial setup. Let me explain, our current judicial setup doesn't allow the complainant to actually argue their cases in front of the Judges, they must instead be called as a Witness. Further the Defendant can't actually call Witness, it is up to the Court Officers (the Judges). This leads to cases where the Defense may want to call someone as a Witness, but the Court Officers refuse to call them as such. Meaning said person can not actually be asked any questions. Further it prevents the Defense from actually posing any questions to the Witness as well. This can lead to cases where either the Defense is unable to make their point as well as they could have, and undermine their defense, or make the Complainant unable to actually prove their case, aside from their evidence should they never be called as Witness. This disbenefits the public by making it legally possible to have trials that are a bit one-sided, BUT are legally considered 'fair'. There are also numerous oddities with our current procedure and legal system.

As to why it hasn't been solved, it's partially because of a lack of work and communication on a solution and partially because certain people believe that our current system needs a test, as it changed since our last (and only) trial. However this isn't the case as the only thing that really changed in that trial is the judge selection and the appeal procedure, nothing else of substance has changed. This makes it, rather objectively, the same in the issues that I described and makes the necessity of a test trial needless.

As to what I will do to solve it, I have already proposed a solution to this, the Judicial Procedure Act ( This Act even has, or at least had, the support of Weissreich, the initial author of the Judicial Offices Act, our current law over court procedure. While I will admit there are some potential issues with the act, it is better than what we have now. Further I have not received much communication over any grammatical flaws of the act, as I do tend to read over such flaws due to me writing it. This act has been available to be voted on since September 14, 2016. However I have gone through and made some changes recently in hopes that we can get this change done.
Title: Candidates, enter for free candy
Post by: taulover on November 23, 2016, 08:08:02 PM
You open your eyes, light is scarce but you can tell the ceiling has changed. You hear someone take a gruff breath. Something is wrong, you're not at home. You turn your head, slowly, the room appears empty. You're tied down. Window above your head portrays dark'n'mellow sky of a clear night. What's going on?
You're finally awake, harshly deep voice begins. Good, we must begin. You feel the vibrations in the air as he speaks. Your heart rate starts to climb. Unbeknownst to you, the public has been polled and their collective preferences compiled. Your task is simple, give the right answers and walk out. You only get one shot per question.
First question, worth two fingers and one toe. For ages Wintreans have glazed at a godless sky, wondering, cursing their misfortunes. Some have searched for the answers alone, found their false comforts from sacks of potatoes or faithful servitude to fellow men.

Should Wintreath consider embracing official faith or faiths? Perhaps it's the opposite that should be enforced?
I support the establishment of the Holy Potatoe as an official faith. Secularism should also be enforced, however (any recognition should be more cultural/symbolic than anything else).
Now feast your eyes on this beautiful Potatoe Penguin
Second question, worth six toes and a thumb. When times are tough and crops drop dead like an icicle that shatters after falling to your head, it is hard to count your wealth, even harder to determine how envious you ought to be to your neighbor. Misery needs to be redesigned.

Should Wintreath establish an official currency? How could it be integrated to the daily ongoings? Why?
I don't see the point, but if anyone with a currency plan gives a compelling reason to do so, I would definitely support it. However, I will oppose any currency plans that seem to have no actual use, or actively harm the forum community (eg: pay-to-play style currencies).
Third question, worth an ear and an eye. Wintreath has seen all kinds of skrifas, some good and some so poor they had to be wiped from our records. They demand more, they demand better.

What makes a good skrifa, what makes you think you would be a good fit for such a position?
Anyone, new or old, has the potential to become a great Skrifa. The Underhusen represents the people, and as such we need a diverse set of people to have a good Underhusen.

As for myself, the last year and a half I've been in Wintreath has given me a general familiarity with our laws. Further, I've served on the Underhusen twice (I am of course an incumbent Skrifa); while I generally hold a distaste for regional politics, I feel like Wintreath is apolitical enough for me to actually enjoy serving in our elected government. I'm also an Imperial Councillor and Senator in our vassal New Hyperion.  Most recently, I helped Wintermoot revise his draft of the New Hyperion-Wintreath treaty, which established New Hyperion as our vassal. If you want more details, a full résumé is a available in my sig.
Fourth question, worth a tongue. Mobs don't discuss, they mob. When they gather, archives are burn, lives lost and stockpiles of vodka consumed. They are not productive, so you must foresee such public bursts of rage and prevent them.

Point out an unresolved issue that either divides the people or completely disbenefits the public. Why hasn't it been solved? How will you solve it?
IMO, there aren't many problems with Wintreath at the current time, but one thing that's on the current Underhusen's agenda that we haven't gotten around to yet is another amendment of the Procedural Rules regarding the editing of Underhusen proposals.
Good, now the fun part begins. You knew the stakes, you know what's waiting for you.

You feel your bed shift as a tall man slides from under it. He stands up and lifts the side his heavy trench coat to grab something from underneath, it's a wet bag, stinks like blood. Not a knife, a confused relief stings you. He opens the bag and empties it on your stomach, it contained less than fresh body parts from what you assume was once an ape. Even the fingers are unbelievably hairy.

It's dinner time.
Please don't hurt me, I have a family, I have so much to live for, please, please....
Title: Candidates, enter for free candy
Post by: Michi on November 24, 2016, 06:35:31 AM

Should Wintreath consider embracing official faith or faiths? Perhaps it's the opposite that should be enforced?

Sure, why not?  I think it makes the forum more interesting if we have different faiths appearing.  We've already got the whole Holy Potato thing, why not embrace more?

Should Wintreath establish an official currency? How could it be integrated to the daily ongoings? Why?

I think, like Tau said, it should be established if established effectively.  I think as a team we'd have to figure out what that means, though as you know I am completely against anything that is (as again Tau said it) pay-to-play....IE having to pay a fee to see a forum.

What makes a good skrifa, what makes you think you would be a good fit for such a position?

A Skrifa is someone that is elected by the people to be the voice of the people.  A good Skrifa is someone that is elected by the people, who listens to what the people want so that they can by a true, effective voice of the people.  Anyone who knows me knows that I make decisions based on what I see that the people on here want.  I supported an Open Assembly when it sounded like that was the direction people wanted, I supported and promised to help push along the Citizenship Expansion act because it was something most of the people were wanting (though that one pushed itself with little help from me), and I support a currency because I know it's something that people are wanting.

Resume wise, I was appointed to the Overhusen less than a month after joining the region, was chosen as the Chairman, and served for 3 consecutive terms.   I was appointed as the Acting Jarl of Culture in between my third term, and was given the position outright 3 months later.  Along with Laurentus, I'm one of the only members that has been chosen multiple times for Wintreath's award that recognizes contributions to the region.  I was also made a count back in March for 2015 for that same reason.  I'm ambassador to 5 regions: Mordor, 10K Islands, The North Pacific, The Allied States/Republic, and Osiris.  I was also on multiple terms of the UH, and was around for some of our big events such as our first successful Revocation.  I believe I'm far more than qualified to be a good Skrifa to the people for another term.

Point out an unresolved issue that either divides the people or completely disbenefits the public. Why hasn't it been solved? How will you solve it?
That still falls on the OA versus changes to the UH/OH system.  It hasn't been solved because there's really no proper way to actually "solve" it aside from showing the good parts from either side.  Though it's less divided the people these days as it's just something that's become a bit sour of a topic for some...but it's still something I'd like to see resolved in the realm of an OA that at least most people can actually agree on and go with...rather than this "We want but we don't know..." type of flip-floppery that's been the main grip.
Title: Candidates, enter for free candy
Post by: Arenado on November 24, 2016, 10:38:02 PM
Should Wintreath consider embracing official faith or faiths? Perhaps it's the opposite that should be enforced?

Hahaha, no. This isnt the UK and Wintermoot isnt an old lady with a netflix series about her.

Should Wintreath establish an official currency? How could it be integrated to the daily ongoings? Why?

No, I dont think so. It would be a tremendous hassle for very little reward, as far as I can tell.

What makes a good skrifa, what makes you think you would be a good fit for such a position?

Well, experience for one. Dedication. I think I have shown both qualities here.

Point out an unresolved issue that either divides the people or completely disbenefits the public. Why hasn't it been solved? How will you solve it?

Underhusen reform. And that one is a hard one to answer. As far as I can tell, everyone has an opinion on the issue but few actually speak their mind until it comes to a vote, so trying to pass any form of underhusen reform is basically a crapshoot unless we can get people more engaged.
Title: Candidates, enter for free candy
Post by: Hydra on November 24, 2016, 11:53:53 PM
Should Wintreath consider embracing official faith or faiths? Perhaps it's the opposite that should be enforced?

I mean sure, official faiths should be interesting to play with. (except for radical Potatoeists who want to dominate the world :P)

Should Wintreath establish an official currency? How could it be integrated to the daily ongoings? Why?

I don't see a point for establishing an official currency as I think that it would discourage people from participating if it were required for specific forums. Wintreath has always been an open community, and locking parts behind an exclusive behind an exclusive membership would probably change that.

What makes a good skrifa, what makes you think you would be a good fit for such a position?

I believe that a good Skrifa is someone who is willing and committed to work with others and help the region become a better place. In the past year or so that I've been here, Wintreath has become a sort of home for me, so I am able and willing to give back to all the wonderful people here. Also, I think a fresh set of eyes won't hurt. :P

Point out an unresolved issue that either divides the people or completely disbenefits the public. Why hasn't it been solved? How will you solve it?

I don't believe that there aren't many unresolved issues, but I have realized that over the course of my time here, I never took a leap into politics and the laws. As shown in the Citizens Platform, there are usually only a select few that constantly voice their opinions on bills, laws, and debates, while there are quite a few like me who just stay in the shadows. I know that if people don't want to be a part of the political aspect, we shouldn't force them to, but having more people voice their opinions will definitely help the region become a better representation of the people's will.
Title: Candidates, enter for free candy
Post by: Mathyland on November 25, 2016, 04:18:23 AM
That first post was very odd...
I'm just going to skip all the weird stuff...

Should Wintreath consider embracing official faith or faiths? Perhaps it's the opposite that should be enforced?
Yeah, and I feel that fun fake religions could be fun, such as Crushita's potato thing. (I should be the math god. Anyone with that religion?  :P Tau could be my assistant)

Should Wintreath establish an official currency? How could it be integrated to the daily ongoings? Why?
I do think there should be a Wintrean official currency. I've heard lots of great ideas, and I think I've figured out what I want to do with it: I think currency should be given out for participating in games such as werewolf and for posting. I'm still not sure what it will be spent on, but one idea I like is for buying art or writing by other members of the community. I feel that this should be implemented in the forums because it would add a fun, cool layer to the forum.

What makes a good skrifa, what makes you think you would be a good fit for such a position?
A good skrifa is someone who knows the community well and can easily interact with it. A good skrifa understands how Wintreath works and enough to do their duties as skrifa. I think I would be a good skrifa because I have gotten to know the community and I have been active in the forums and IRC chat. I've made over 350 posts in my short time here. I also have credentials as stated in my signature:


Hogwarts NS:

Co-WA Delegate: June 13, 2016-present
Hufflepuff student: April 9, 2016-present
House points earned: 7 (Also, 40 points were a group effort, so I earned part of that as well)
Host of Death Eaters II


Citizen: September 6, 2016-present


NationStates nation: March 11, 2016-present
Founder of Pokemon GO Forum (

Also, as stated in my campaign thread, I would give pi(e) to everyone!

Point out an unresolved issue that either divides the people or completely disbenefits the public. Why hasn't it been solved? How will you solve it?
I can't really think of many large issues that have had much discussion, other than maybe what to do for the currency implementation. And I would solve this as stated above. The only other issue I could think of is the double like issue, but that doesn't really affect the region as a whole.

In case you don't want to read through all that boring stuff, here's a recap:
Mo' religions, such as Mathyism (where Mathy is god).

Pie! (or pizza works)

Currency 'n' stuff.


I would be a good skrifa because I've interacted with the community and I've promised
pi(e) to everyone!

No huge issues other than what to do for currency.

Did I mention pie?
Unless anyone has any questions, I'll take that candy now. (And not the fingers, toes, or other body parts :P)
Title: Candidates, enter for free candy
Post by: taulover on November 25, 2016, 04:24:15 AM
Yeah, and I feel that fun fake religions could be fun, such as Crushita's potato thing. (I should be the math god. Anyone with that religion?  :P Tau could be my assistant)
You dare call the Holy Spud fake‽ Burn him at the stake! :D
Title: Candidates, enter for free candy
Post by: Mathyland on November 25, 2016, 04:26:58 AM
Yeah, and I feel that fun fake religions could be fun, such as Crushita's potato thing. (I should be the math god. Anyone with that religion?  :P Tau could be my assistant)
You dare call the Holy Spud fake‽ Burn him at the stake! :D
I'll give you two pies of you don't :P
Title: Candidates, enter for free candy
Post by: Rasdanation on November 26, 2016, 12:56:06 PM
Yeah, and I feel that fun fake religions could be fun, such as Crushita's potato thing. (I should be the math god. Anyone with that religion?  :P Tau could be my assistant)
You dare call the Holy Spud fake‽ Burn him at the stake! :D
I'll give you two pies of you don't :P
So what Mathy is basically saying is "Join the anti-potatoes, we have pie." :P
Title: Candidates, enter for free candy
Post by: Crushita on November 27, 2016, 04:56:19 PM

Should Wintreath consider embracing official faith or faiths? Perhaps it's the opposite that should be enforced?
Of course, the Potato is the One and Only God, it is my duty as the Potato Pope to show the light of the Holy Starch Above to the masses, and it is our duty as a holy and righteous government to help!

Should Wintreath establish an official currency? How could it be integrated to the daily ongoings? Why?
I don't feel like it would be worth it. It doesn't feel like it would help the community, it just seems like a gimmick

What makes a good skrifa, what makes you think you would be a good fit for such a position?
A good skifra is a person who can and knows how to strike debate and negotiate with people. One who is willing to change their position but can hold to their values. I've had plenty of experience with this when I was in Ainur, though I don't feel like writing a giant rambling post, so I will spare you the details, but to say the least, being King is hard work :P

Point out an unresolved issue that either divides the people or completely disbenefits the public. Why hasn't it been solved? How will you solve it?

Clearly the most pressing issue is the lack of faith in government! How can we run a government if not guided by the Holy Potato? If elected, I do promise to establish the Church of The Holy Potato as the One True Faith of the region.