Wintreath Regional Community
A Link to the Past - Archives => The Registry of Things Past - Historic Archive => Tomb of Elections Past => Topic started by: libertarin on November 07, 2016, 01:32:08 AM
We are just day's away from The Underhusen Special Election, and the People of Wintreath will probably want to know what these candidates (including myself) stand for before voting for them. And that is why I created this forum to let the people of wintreath ask questions to the candidates and to show why we want to be the next Underhusen.
The Rules Are: Citizens of Wintreath can ask questions to the candidates, and of course candidates can ask questions to there opponents.
Here's a invite to the candidates who are running for Underhusen @Pengu @North @Chanku @trader @libertarin (you guys may participate if you want and ask questions to your opponents) and good luck on November 8th :)
@Chanku, why should you be elected to Underhousen? In IRC you've made comments which lead me to believe that you would see fit to introduce systems which would remove power from our wonderful Monarch @Wintermoot.
@Chanku, why should you be elected to Underhousen? In IRC you've made comments which lead me to believe that you would see fit to introduce systems which would remove power from our wonderful Monarch
To be fair I have no plans of limiting the power that the monarch has now. I may oppose any large expansions of power, but otherwise I have no issue with the Monarchy's powers at this time.
@North what is your platform you weren't exactly being specific on it ? Can you explain
@Chanku You have a great experience with Wintreath but my question is can you name one accomplishment you made during your time in Wintreath
I have no specific platform. Other than passing meaningful citizenship reform.
@Chanku You have a great experience with Wintreath but my question is can you name one accomplishment you made during your time in Wintreath
Wrote part of the constitution, helped write a good portion of our laws, and I am mentioned by name in the Code of Criminal Laws for my help in laying the act's foundations.
I have to ask, @libertarin , what exactly have you done since our last election?
Well @Chanku first off thank you for responding to my question and answering :), and let me answer your question by saying I've been getting to know Wintreath more better everyone here and I also check more in Wintreath laws so yeah
@Pengu what would you do if you become Underhusen, what are your plans?
Well @Chanku first off thank you for responding to my question and answering :), and let me answer your question by saying I've been getting to know Wintreath more better everyone here and I also check more in Wintreath laws so yeah
I would like to extend Chanku's question. I noticed that you've posted in the forums only once between the end of the last election and the beginning of this one. In what way are you getting to know us better?
Of course, this would also apply to trader, except I'm fairly certain he's an IRC regular.
No taulover I have posted more here but thank you for the question
I just want to thank @trader, @Chanku, @North @libertarin for participating in this forum, you have shown why you will be fit to be our new Underhusen and let me just because we have over 70 views on this topic have been seen right now, I think we did a good job and I think I will do this forum for the next upcoming election. But as you read this Remember to vote for Underhusen on November 8th :)
No taulover I have posted more here but thank you for the question
No, you haven't. This ( is the only post you made to the forums between the end of the last election and the beginning of this one. Your post history is easily viewable:;area=showposts;u=1593
Well let me say this I have posted stuff during the election, but I have also either posted or viewed stuff here at Wintreath before this special election happen, yes I know people can look at what I sent and I get that, and I also get that people still think that I need to be well known in this community but when people do get to know me better here in Wintreath they will see a caring, fun, relatable person.
But at @taulover for the past two elections you have attacked my campaign, I have always been a positive campaign I wouldn't attack my opponents, I have always respected the laws here at Wintreath and have taking these elections very seriously, but for some reason I always think every time you attacked me with something I feel like I have been treated like a criminal but for what ever reason why you have done this I really could care less because we all have opinions and we all assume things without knowing what are the facts but I hope you have a great day. :wave:
Well let me say this I have posted stuff during the election, but I have also either posted or viewed stuff here at Wintreath before this special election happen, yes I know people can look at what I sent and I get that, and I also get that people still think that I need to be well known in this community but when people do get to know me better here in Wintreath they will see a caring, fun, relatable person.
You don't have to be a well-known member of the community to get elected. Our current Speaker HannahB was elected to the Underhusen ( barely a week after becoming citizen, and a more recent example would be beautifulthing. I, on the other hand, lost that very same election, while also being a relative newcomer (though I had been playing Wintreath Werewolf and Minecraft for a bit at that point). Your campaign is what ultimately determines the election results, not your level of establishment within the community.
But at @taulover for the past two elections you have attacked my campaign, I have always been a positive campaign I wouldn't attack my opponents, I have always respected the laws here at Wintreath and have taking these elections very seriously, but for some reason I always think every time you attacked me with something I feel like I have been treated like a criminal but for what ever reason why you have done this I really could care less because we all have opinions and we all assume things without knowing what are the facts but I hope you have a great day. :wave:
Whoa there, calm down man. I was just asking you a question (which you have now answered). I seriously don't understand how you see this as an attack on you.
In any case, best of luck in the election. :)
@taulover my apologize I just had a rough day yesterday, but everything okay now :)
First off I do want to apologize for my relative lack of response here (I planned to respond yesterday, however I decided to take some time for myself, which I will be doing again today. So I may to respond to questions quickly.)
Now as for the the whole, not needing to be apart of the community for a long time. That is true, however there is also something else IRC activity. A good portion of our citizens use it, so those that do generally use IRC have a better chance of being elected (as both HannahB and Hugsim did, newcomers that got elected to the UH rather soon after joining and were some of the best members that we have had in there. ) Were rather active on IRC. Libertarin you haven't really gotten involved with any aspect of the community as far as I can tell. You haven't really gotten on IRC, and you haven't even really been posting here. In fact your statement after the last election, "...after this election I will get to know the people of Wintreath better." seems to have fallen flat. Further last election you only made vague claims and statements, but have since failed to even expound on them. I mean you really haven't given me any reason to vote for you, other than just being here.
So I guess I have to ask you, WHY should I vote for you?
EDIT: Added a word
EDIT 2: Fixed Spelling Mistake
@Chanku I have to say good question look I try to be active here everyday, as you know in the last election I campaign really hard, and the reason why I campaign is to show people I can take these election serious and I hope if elected Underhusen I can take it seriously. I know this might not convince you to vote for me but later after the election I will post here more on Wintreath
And I can keep that promise :wave:
@Chanku I have to say good question look I try to be active here everyday, as you know in the last election I campaign really hard, and the reason why I campaign is to show people I can take these election serious and I hope if elected Underhusen I can take it seriously. I know this might not convince you to vote for me but later after the election I will post here more on Wintreath
And I can keep that promise :wave:
Again more vague and empty statements really. You've just said the same things you said last time. Further why wait until AFTER the election? Why not start now? What you have promised does not require a seat within the Storting. So again why not start engaging now? Wintreath is not a political region, so if you want to be elected, it would be best to start engaging with the community.
@Chanku I have posted I have started to engage with the community I don't know what you are talking about if you look at my posts I have engage in this community
9/57 posts are non-election posts that actually try to interact with the community. That is 15.9% of your posts. This is counting your citizenship post and the 5 topics you made. Of those only 55.6% of those posts were made outside of an election (8.8% of your total posts) were made outside of the election, counting your citizenship application and the three other topics prior to you stating you will run for office. Discounting those four posts, which were semi-required, only one post has not been during an election (1.8% of your total posts, or 20% of your non-election posts). Of that one, it was concerning Wintreath Politics. I also haven't seen you (or heard of you) actually being on the IRC either. So as far as I see it, you aren't really interacting with the community. In fact one of your five required posts was you jumping right into politics without even looking else or trying to get involved with the community, outside of those required posts.
I will give you the fact that you have started a little, yes, however not as much as you should have and should be doing. You say you will interact more with the community and yet you continue to focus your attention on politics here, near exclusively. You have not posted on IRC, nor have you even offered a reason for not being on it. Now if you have gotten on IRC while I was not around, and talked and stuff then I will concede and give you that. You seem to not understand Wintreath's community and it's values either. You have continued to fail to actually present many reasons to actually vote for you, other than somewhat nonsensical ramblings and being a candidate. You claim to be active daily within the community, yet your posts indicate otherwise and you are rarely on IRC. I will admit a lot of my posts involve the Storting and the Underhusen, and I am the most active during my times in the Underhusen. However it's not the only thing I've done, or do, and I am also active on IRC. As I said before Wintreath IS NOT a political region, and I am honestly unsure if you fully and actually understand what that means.
EDIT: Spelling
@Chanku I never said Wintreath is a political region but the fact you keep mentioning that I find that offensive hike I would never say anything about how you post. But I get it I need to engage more in the community (In which I have) but I will do it more often.
@Wintermoot By any chance do you know when will the election the election begin
@Chanku I never said Wintreath is a political region but the fact you keep mentioning that I find that offensive hike I would never say anything about how you post. But I get it I need to engage more in the community (In which I have) but I will do it more often.
You never said it, but you keep acting like it is. Actions speak louder than words Libertarin, keep that in mind. You can speak all you want, but if your actions don't reflect that you can certainly expect to be called out on it. Your somewhat nonsensical (and sometimes non sequitur) rhetoric for the questions you have been asked, when you lack a definite answer, honestly reflects this.
Also I only brought up how you post, because it was directly relevant to the topic at hand. You acted, or at least were, completely oblivious to the fact that you haven't engaged with the community (despite a month and several weeks of being able too). In fact, after the previous election, and prior to this election, you only posted one other time, and then started to get involved only after you were called out on it. Literally minutes afterwards, and in fact the only recent posts are, again, after you were called out on it. In fact within a few minutes after you responded to my post telling you that you need to engage in the community you tagged me in another post (which seems to have been an attempt to try and convince me you were interacting with the community, albeit a poor one). In fact this leads itself to a trend that I've noticed in your posts, but isn't exactly relevant here.
I'm not trying to be too aggressive here, and have actively tried to be less so than I may tend to me, as I tend to be rather abrasive at times. However one thing you can be assured that I will do is fact-check people. Especially during elections.
@Chanku It's very good your doing fact-checking you got to get the facts, but here are the in me (and tell if I'm wrong this is an open forum I created) I have posted in this community (and not only elections, you should know that because you have seen my posts) I have engage in this community more than I did the last time, and I don't think that wintreath is a political region (but you keep complying that)
And When I became a Wintreath Citizen, the first thing I did was to intreact with community so I can get to know them better you look it for yourself
@Chanku It's very good your doing fact-checking you got to get the facts, but here are the in me (and tell if I'm wrong this is an open forum I created) I have posted in this community (and not only elections, you should know that because you have seen my posts) I have engage in this community more than I did the last time, and I don't think that wintreath is a political region (but you keep complying that)
If you had read everything I said, I said that I did admit that one of your posts was made outside of an election period, and that not all of them (although a large majority of them) are not for politics.
Also you haven't really engaged or interacted with us much. (I would argue you haven't really done either as the definition of engage is "participate or become involved in." and interact is "act in such a way as to have an effect on another." You haven't gotten involved in the region outside of elections, and as we are a non-political region very few people consider actually running for office a valid way to interact or engage the community).
The reason I keep telling you that, is because your actions have shown that you truly don't understand Wintreath's culture, or it's community. You don't understand what I mean when I say Wintreath is a non-political community. I mean that traditional politics, especially traditional politicking (which is what you have been doing) doesn't work here. At all. Your engagement and interaction with the community is poor, and barely existent. If you call that engaging I would have to say, I would hate to see what you call law or leadership.
And When I became a Wintreath Citizen, the first thing I did was to intreact with community so I can get to know them better you look it for yourself
Because you literally had too. You haven't even responded in any of the threads you did start at first, even your AMA thread, in which you were asked a question. In fact in all of the threads you have started that were non-political, you have only responded or posted a second time in one.
@Pengu what would you do if you become Underhusen, what are your plans?
Well, there are two things that I'd really love to see passed, ideally in my time here: Some implementation of the Krone that we can agree on, and an Extended Citizenship bill that opens our doors a bit more.
The first is because it's something it's been discussed so much that I'm actually a bit disappointed that it hasn't been discussed further and become an actual reality. The Krone is something we have been talking about for well over a year now, and something the cabinet has continuously discussed on implementing...but there's been zero effort to discuss ideas as to how to utilize it. Last term, ideas trickled a bit in the form of a banking and upcoming commerce bill, but the first was utilized far too early for something that didn't exist, and the latter never happened.
I think the time for discussing the idea of it is over, and we need to focus on making it an actual thing if we want it. Or we need to discuss as a messageboard whether we even want a regional currency in the first place...or if it's just something that sounds nice, but we don't really want.
The second idea is because as I see it, we're slowly moving away from being a Nationstates-centric messageboard. Therefore, the requirement to have an active nation in order to be a citizen is becoming obsolete. As you know, I also don't support the bill that gives restricted citizenship to those who don't play Nationstates. I think if you put the effort into the forums, you deserve to be a full citizen unless that status is revoked due to non-posting/activity or it's been revoked by the Underhusen/Overhusen or monarch for violations against Wintreath or its members.
I completely support Wintermoot's proposal that extends citizenship to those who are active in Nationstates OR in the forum itself. It's something that recognizes the changing tides and embraces it. The fact that it's Wintermoot himself that is making this proposal says a lot, and if the founder and monarch himself is making an expansion bill, I think it should be supported.
That's why I would push for people to discuss and vote on both of these topics, and hopefully see both of them become a reality if I'm elected into the UH.
In other news, can this go back to being a general debate thread? Chanku, you've more than made your point, and it's beating a dead horse at this point trying to push further. There's more candidates in this election than just the two of you, so let's go back to asking other candidates their questions, please.
@Pengu thank you I think @Chanku has made his point also.
Remember chanku ask questions to the other candidates I'm not the only candidate who is running for Underhusen
That last statement was encompassing for everyone, not just Chanku. There's 5 candidates, each capable (myself included) of asking questions galore concerning the seat. Let me pull up @BraveSirRobin's past steak fry questions as an example:
1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I wanted to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen? What do you think the main goal of the current Underhusen should be?
2. As we all know, for an organism to remain successful and prosperous, it must expand. What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath within NationStates? Are there strategies of other regions that you believe could be adopted by us to increase the success of our recruitment efforts?
3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?
4. Who is your favourite politician from history?
5. What is your favourite form of government?
6. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer? As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate, or productive discussion, with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community! :)
7. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?
Many of those I think still should be asked an answered by all candidates. I'll even start.
1. I'm running in this special election because there are some necessary changes I want to see happen, two of which are mentioned in my above post. Since the UH has been somewhat quiet this term, I'm hoping to shake that up some more a bit. I think the main goal needs to be coming to a decision on which Citizenship law we want to pass to expand citizenship requirements.
2. I think the current course we're taking is fine. We've got puzzles and games that we send out to continue interest from other regions, and we've got games and contests that we have here to continue building interest in both friends and new citizens wanting to be here and potentially stay. If we keep on this course, we should be fine. The more people see us as open, welcoming/inviting, and friendly, the more we'll have people wanting to be a part.
3. Indecisiveness. One of the biggest things we've been discussing is overhauling the UH/OH, and it's been met with massive indecisiveness because there hasn't been a spot that people can generally agree on. We want reform, yet we don't want it. We want a different, better system...yet we don't. People have urged for things to change, yet they vote against that change. It's hit in instances like that, in instances with our regional currency as well as other matters, and it's a massive problem that needs to change if we expect to really expand and grow into a better place than we are now. In the first of this event I stated that we lacked direction, and that goes hand in hand with this problem.
4. I'll quote what I said in the first debate that BraveSirRobin made, since it stands true even now:
I've never been the biggest into politics (I mean real-life politics), so I don't have a particular favorite at the top of my head whose career I know well enough to make such an established decision. If they were a politician that was for equality in all forms of the word, then chances are I liked them since first and foremost, that's my biggest thing I want from a politician.
5. Since I'm more of a Democratic socialist that believes in ideologies from both areas...a government that fits that is one I can agree with.
6. I think any questions asked, if they're within reasonable grounds, should be answered by candidates.
7. Medium well. I don't care too much for the "pink" in my steak, although I won't go crazy if there's some.
1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I wanted to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen? What do you think the main goal of the current Underhusen should be?
Fixing the issues that we have with our current system
2. As we all know, for an organism to remain successful and prosperous, it must expand. What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath within NationStates? Are there strategies of other regions that you believe could be adopted by us to increase the success of our recruitment efforts?
More recruitment and increasing our NS presense. However we must remain within NS
3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?
The loss of our NS identify
4. Who is your favourite politician from history?
5. What is your favourite form of government?
Restricted Constitutional Autocracy.
7. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?
My favorite politician is Hillary Clinton, and the reason why is she went to work for the Children Defense Fund going door to door on behalf of children with disabilities who were denied the chance to go to school, She went to South Carolina to investigate the plight of 12 and 13 year old boys imprisoned alongside grown men who had committed serious felonies, In Alabama She helped expose the racism of segregated academies, In Arkansas she ran a legal aid clinic that provided repersentations for poor families and prison inmates who could not afford it.
And her Mother Dorothy Rodham, made sure Hillary learned the words from her Methodist Faith: "Do all the good you can for all the good you can for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as ever you can."
You've only answered one of the questions. What about your stance on the other 5 (the steak one is optional)?
Opps sorry @Pengu
1: The reason I'm running is because I want to be a voice for Wintreath Together we can Unlock potential that we never thought we could reach, My main goal is if I am Underhusen is to, Change the Recall and Referendums act
2: I think we must expand it and I think me and Chanku are on the same page that recuritment is the best option
3: A divide region, we must show more Love and Kindness to each other
4:I think Trader and North should this question what are there plans if the become our next Underhusen
I think that all the questions I answered but if I am wrong @Pengu plz tell me :)
I think that all the questions I answered but if I am wrong @Pengu plz tell me :)
You missed these two. :) Of course, the second isn't very serious is totally the most vital determining factor for this election :P.
5. What is your favourite form of government?
7. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?
5: My favorite form of government is a federal government
6: Pengu said this one was optional so I am not going to answer it
Thank you for participating in this forum and asking questions to our Underhusen Candidates, thanks to you we are about to reach 300 Views in this forum :D.
This forum is to expand People of Wintreath knowledge and to show with More Voices there are More Choices.
So I encourage you (even if you voted or you have made up your mind on who you are voting for) ask questions to the candidates to see what they will do to help Wintreath.
Underhusen Candidates in about a day or two voting will end and we will have a new Underhusen!
So what is your final pitch to the people of Wintreath on why you should be Underhusen
@Pengu @trader @North @Chanku @libertarin You have a chance to respond to this and good luck on the election :D